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Norota Kazuto ノろた 和人, Seireitei
Norota listened to his Captain detail what had happened which had caused his eyes to widen. "An attack? What sort of enemy could attack and wound a Captain? let alone a few...how the hell did they even get in?" Norota listened to the rest of what his Captain had to say before replying "Humanoid Hollow? And they're capable of fighting toe to toe with Captains?...What the hell are we dealing with here?" Norota took a deep breath then continued to speak "I'm sure any questions I have will be answered soon...I'll try keep any questions I have for now" Norota had many questions buzzing around in his head but he didn't want to pester his Captain with them...however he couldn't help but feel despair. An enemy capable of injuring a Captain...just what sort of chance would he stand against one of those things? yet he had one thing he had to ask "Captain...do we know roughly how many casualties the Gotei 13 suffered?" Norota had hoped that the Squad 11 barracks were simply destroyed by fighting and didn't involve any casualties...after all he knew a lot of the Shinigami in that Squad and despite it being his previous Squad he still held strong feelings for it. Although he was worried about the well-being of other Shinigami his thoughts were mostly on Squad 11...

Illea Sirani, La Tercera

Illea stood with her arms raised in her bath as her facciones helped her clean herself. Terribly afraid, they all wore what looked like chemical suits to make even the closest contact as they scrubbed her blood off of her. It looked more like cleaning a hazmat spill than a bath of a little girl.

"D-do you require anything else Lady Illea?"

"Don't call me 'lady', just Illea, okay?"

"Y-yes Illea."

Illea stepped unsteadily forward falling forward in a sudden coughing fit. More blood. Her facciones trembled between moving to catch her or not. In the end, she caught herself.

Looking down at her skin, which she could finally see, it was ghostly white, and the nodes were expanding at her joints. Illea could only shake her head, this was going to require more than just rest. Her stomach grumbled as if to confirm her suspicion.

"A blessing or a curse. Sounds like something Segunda would say."

Looking at her facciones, it was easy to see neither of them would be able to help her. There had been 3 until recently. Illea much prefered the company of her fellow Espada, they never were formal, and weren't afraid of her. Cautious, yes, but never afraid.

Another grumbled forced her to move forward. She might like to rest, but if she was going to recover quicker, she needed to eat.

"My L-l-, I mean Illea, do you require food?"

"Yeah... Hey, you two seen any of the Espada? Xenethis owes me some candy."

"I-I haven't seen him. Primera and Sexta are in El Trono de la Primera Espada though."

"Great. Can you two help me get there?"

The two Facciones glanced at each other nervously before moving forward.


Stumbling the final part of the journey herself, Illea arrived also at the Primera's castle, walking in as she heard Guerra asking if a cyclone was evil. Illea decided to put in her two cents as he finished, a cough announcing her presence.

"I don't know much about balancers, but I know they are enemies to Vaham, and Vaham's my friend. I know if the world was balanced, I wouldn't be here with friends. I probably wouldn't be sick all the time either, but I think its worth it."

Illea gave a small little smile, considering all the Espada her friends, though several of them probably disagreed. Her reasoning was simple, but hers and Belladona's both were, and they both had had the least hesitation about their mission to the Seireiti out of all the Espada. Her stomach growling gave away the reason for her visit though.

"Um.... could I ask for some help? I need to hunt before I can rest, but I'm a little weak to walk into Menos Forest by myself. I don't want to be mean to any hollows that can think and feel."

@Dakota K5

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Guerra-Interaction: Illea- mentioned: Alexander.
The Primera stood with a few last words to Alexander. "Think on what I said friend hopefully it will help your thoughts on the matter." He looked towards Illea while thinking on what she had said, he still felt sorry for her but more for the fact that he had no doubt in his mind that Vaham would sacrifice her and the other Espada if that meant he achieved his ultimate goal what ever that may be. "I'll help, the Menos forest you said? Let's get going then, best to get done before this meeting starts." He spoke as he began to leave the room assuming that Illea was behind him, he turned his head to talk over his shoulder to the smaller Espada. "So are we looking to get to the forest fast or do you want to take your time and just walk there?" He asked her as he walked.​
Illea Sirani

Illea gave continued to give a cheerful smile as Guerra said he'd help with her request. It was a bit too much for her to do by herself, at least until she had healed up a little bit, and they didn't have the time. Who knew when that might be? That, and she enjoyed nothing more than hanging out with the Espada. At the question of getting to the forest fast or not, Illea immediately jumped up on his shoulders. Their sheer difference in size made her look more like a doll than anything.

"Fast, Fast! I'm not too fast right now, and we want to be at the meeting on time, right? Also, I'm clean, no worry about blood. Thanks Guerra."

Illea's cheerful demeanor slipped for a minute as she then thought on a for minute about forces not being truly evil. What about the unfair things? If they were suppose to balance things, why did they do so badly at their job? It seemed to Illea only letting things run their course would really even start to have a balance.

"Hey, Guerra.... What do you think about the Espada? I know you said those balancers aren't evil to Alexander, and neither are we, but what does that make a bunch different people good and bad? Does that make the group good or bad? Afterall, we all listen to Vaham, right? And I'm about to go eat other souls just because I don't wanna die. Even if they are mindless and destructive, does that make me evil?"
-Guerra- interaction: Illea-
While Illea was many times smaller than Guerra her body suddenly on his shoulders did make him falter a bit, he readjusted with a small grunt. "Well no sickness for me then, it'll take a few sonido to get to the forest." He said as he walked with Illea on his shoulder's back out into the vast desert they all called home.
He heard how her tone dropped from it's usual cheeriness ask she asked him a similar question to what he had heard not to long ago at Las Noches.
"What makes someone evil is their intent, you are going to gain sustenance, something to keep you alive but I do not think you are going to do this because you are fond of taking life and making the mindless ones in the forest suffer your intent is merely to fulfill a physical need. Now other among our group may take enjoyment from the suffering of others and you could say they were evil though it's hard to see someone you look at as family as I do the other Espada and condemn them as evil even if they hate me. As for Vaham, well I do not know his intent or his goals so I am not able to speak for him. No group is evil only individuals after all the majority of the group is more then likely doing what they think is right, whether or not they are right is another matter entirely. The shinigami are the same, they are after an ultimate goal of ensuring any humans souls are safe and aloud to go to their final resting place but again it's comes down to the individual and why they do what they do." He got into some open space as he turned towards the forest. "Hold on now I don't want to loose ya." Guerra said as he made the first jump of their journey with his sonido.​
[fieldbox=No Juro, maroon]
Juro wasn't afraid of any of Kurono's threats, in fact...it was quite low of her to threaten someone who is so 'weak' compared to her. He rolled his eyes and finished off his apple, before rolling it on the ground towards one of the servants nearby to take care of it. "Well my dear Kurono. You are giving me such a tempting offer to peek, but you wouldn't catch me peeking if I do. You and Alicia haven't caught me in the past, and today won't be any different." Was he lying about peeking on them in the past, and seeing without them knowing? Perhaps he lied about it, to try and get Kurono angry to find out if he spoke truth.

Without missing a beat, he continued to speak to them. To keep himself occupied with the time, and to keep him from just going around the divider...which he should. Was Kurono going to try and fight him naked? Alicia would probably laugh and rhyme him to death, but Kurono didn't have that annoying quick wit to think of constant rhymes.

"Hey Kurono, if you want to get stronger I know a training regime you could do. I'm too lazy to do it myself, but it is one-hundred percent guaranteed to make you stronger than even the Primera." He spoke slowly, not because he was insulting Kurono's intelligence, but because after his sentences he let out a long yawn. "What you do Kurono, are you listening? Alright. What you do is this, every day. You do One Hundred sit ups, One Hundred Push-Ups, One Hundred Squats and run ten kilometers...all in the same day." Where did he get this training regime? Who knows...surely not a certain form of...literature. He wanted to laugh about telling her this, but was curious to see if she knew what he was talking about, or if she was tempted to try it instead.

"With that training, you will be able to kick things to death. With one kick! We could change your name from Kurono to 'One Kick Woman!" or something like that." He was changing the subject on how he may have possibly peeked on Alicia and Kurono in the past.

"What do you think, Alicia?" He didn't care that she had rejected him. All he asked for was a simple nap, but certain people aren't the napping type. He also wouldn't dignify her question of him using a servant instead, because that would be abusing ones position and surely the servants he forces into something they don't want, will eventually resent him and try to kill him in the future when he may be asleep, at his weakest, so on and so forth.
@RedArmyShogun @Detective Zero[/fieldbox]
Kayano was brought to an interrogation center in the 1st division. Akira acted as a stand in, donning a 1st division captain's haori and conducted the questioning personally with Kayano restrained. Every precaution was taken, ranging from sekisekki cuffs on the prisoner to placing her behind a see through barrier so direct contact couldn't be made. The questioning took the better part of the rest of the day with Akira going through a massive list of questions that included detailed reports on the happenings in Las Noches, an official report on the symptoms of the disease that the tercera espada had infected Seighardt with, questions about arrancars in general, and everything they could squeeze out about every active espada, including personality types and abilities. Kayano did her best to answer these questions completely, though she only knew so much about the other espada. Not all of them flaunted their resureccions on a daily basis in public so there were considerable gaps. This wasn't all too surprising given that there were captains like that too. The interrogation dragged on well into the night.

"You understand that despite all of this, the Gotei 13 does have a kill on sight policy for hollows and hollow-like creatures," Akira stated. It wasn't a question but rather a reminder of sorts. This arrancar had been exceedingly cooperative, almost too cooperative. It seemed somewhat possible given the fact that she'd effectively double crossed all of the other espada already but it was strange that she'd just sell out her old associates without a second thought. Yet everything she'd given them so far checked out with what they could cross reference.

"I know. But I have to do at least this much to have a chance to stay, don't I?" Kayano smiled sincerely. She knew perfectly well that she could be imprisoned or executed at any given time. It just ranked fairly low on her scale of importance. Akira wanted to gag in disgust at this twisted sense of loyalty. A complete lack of loyalty towards her own organization, throwing in her lot on a prayer to be with someone that she probably hadn't even properly met yet. There was a level of insanity there. Or stupidity. It was hard to tell whether she was dealing with a skilled soldier or a lovesick teenage girl with the ability to crush the average shinigami's skull with her bare hands.

"We will certainly take your contribution into consideration. If true, it can hardly be considered insignificant," Akira answered, though to the 46, she was sure that it meant nothing. It was very possible that the arrancar before her knew nothing at all about the government of Soul Society but if she did, she wouldn't be spilling all of this right away, so readily. By giving out everything right at the start, she was effectively making it an even simpler decision to erase her since the information had already been acquired. She had few to no bargaining chips after wantonly throwing them on the table. Perhaps it would be safer to just be rid of her once the interrogation was over.

"Last question," Akira went on, leaning forwards in her seat, "What is your ability? I want to know what it is, everything about it."

Kayano shrank back for the first time during the interrogation, hesitating before giving a reply.

"Its a little embarrassing..."


"We don't have a full damage report but the captain commander pulled back everyone below 3rd seat for the duration of the attack. There were likely some initial casualties before they cleared the area but I believe the deaths were kept to a minimum," Satori replied. It was very much like her lieutenant to be worried about the wellbeing of the others. He was a model shinigami in the sense. It was just a sentiment that ranked relatively lower on the scales to most. As the captain commander would put he, being a nice person doesn't make a good leader. A good leader cannot put the cart before the horse.

"They entered by garganta, a group of them. It was definitely a purposeful attack, aimed at us, not a meal like hollows in the living world. And yes, there were captain class fighters among them. Not a single attack. They simply have those that fight on a similar level. The rest I'll leave to the meeting that I'm sure will be coming. I'm sure the captain commander will have more to offer us than the bits I picked up."
Alexander Cirilo Las Noches

The Primera was correct in everything that he said. It was impossible to define either of the factions as righteous or evil. Here, there was Guerra and he, both extremely honorable in their acts, yet there was also Xenethis who sought pain and suffering and Alicia that simply didn't care. Those of the Shinigami, there were likely those maniacal and kind as well. He couldn't designate the Shinigami as evil, even if he wanted to, and all the same he couldn't justify the Espada's actions as righteous either. Sighing, Alexander rested his forehead in the palm of his hand, though then suddenly Illea appeared in the doorway chiming in with her own thoughts based on what she heard. The Sexta couldn't help but smile at this. It was a good way of looking at things, and a genuinely good reason to fight but—was Vaham really his friend?

"Yes... Thank you Guerra, and you as well Illea. Perhaps now I may clear my thoughts," Alexander said his gratitude as Guerra offered up his assistance. The Sexta himself wouldn't have minded helping the girl, but perhaps Guerra accepting her plea first would give him needed time to think.

Watching them go, Alexander once again sighed and stared into the space in front of him. Just what were they supposed to be fighting for in this situation?

@Dakota K5 @Ganryu

Natsuko Sunemizuki Seireitei

"They are most definitely a class of Hollow... That I am sure of. Though, they are different, I will admit that." Going by the reiatsu they gave off, there was no way they weren't some kind of advanced Hollow, much above the level of a Menos.

Sighing and shaking her head, Oka's excuses were rather horrible. Well, rather than horrible, they were just too honest and simple, much like a dog's. Criticizing the mummy's bags wouldn't help her situation either. She got those bags from always working, regardless of if others were slacking or if she just was trying to show worth. More often than recognize her exploits and effort, however, it seemed most took to making fun of it. Natsuko decided not to say anything on the matter. While it was true Oka didn't likely feel any remorse, like an animal, she too didn't mean for any harm.

Then there was the issue of Oka's "punishment". At first she seemed to want Natsuko to be willing to remove her garb, which would have remained a firm "no". However, the animal-eared Captain gave up on that pursuit without the need for an interjection on the noble's part. Oka did however seem to sprout a new scheme, to which she began to laugh maniacally, worrying not only the wrapped one but her children as well.

"...I am not picky for when in the hospitality of others... however..." Pausing at that, the blue-blood grabs at her two children and holds them close to her, all the while staring suspiciously at the mother. "...I fear for your children."


"Doubts..." A shadow uttered from the now empty throne room where the Sexta was. A moment later, after coming forth, Vaham made his appearance known. "Questions..." He continued, before he walked closer to the Espada, but on the other end of the long table. Staring towards the ceiling, he tilted his head slightly to the side, gazing at the one Arrancar still there.

Moments passed, as the silence echoed throughout the vast but dull room. Being a throne room or not, it was just an empty canvas if anything. "Did you find your answer? The path you feel is the right one for you?" The Jōkyaku inquired. Placing his hand on the chair next to him.

"What did you think of the Shinigami, Alexander?"

"How beautiful was Soul Society?"

"What is it that makes one human?"

"Why is our.. Nature so disgusting?"

"Why do we fight?"

"Alexander. Why did you become one of the Espada?"
  • Bucket of Rainbows
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Time Skip

The next day, a formal funeral was held at the 11th division. It wasn't standard procedure but there were a few bodies that hadn't been recovered in the rubble, possibly disintegrated by the gran rey cero so it only seemed fitting to hold the service there. Then the coffins could be buried where they usually would be afterwards. Though there wasn't likely to be a second attack, Renzo had made the presence of all captains mandatory, even the injured ones since they were stabilized enough to at least be present. He didn't want to leave the area vulnerable, nor did he wish to leave the injured captains alone and far away from any protection. There had been 37 confirmed deaths and 33 unaccounted for for a probably total of 70. It was a small, quiet ceremony despite the large number of people gathered there. There was no propaganda, no rousing military speech to make use of the incident. None of that was proper, nor needed.
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"Among men small and tall
I'll gain him some or cost it all.
Competition or demolition,
depending on how you use me.

What can make a man see red?
What can make him Green?

But over pointless things,
You would be wise to re-consider me."

Belladona heard Alicia's little riddle as she soaked in the bath water. It took a little bit but Bella caught what Alicia was getting at. Bella grabbed the he soup and added to the water causing it to bubble on contact. Bella wished Alicia would just come out and say what she meant. "What is considered pointless depends on who you ask. If one went around claiming the Septima was your superior would that bother you. All should know you are the stronger Arrancar right?" She responded.

Juro had followed Alicia and Kurono to maybe catch them bathing. He loved to tease the woman of the Espada well most of them. Kurono even started to rhyme and made a threat to Juro that made Belladona giggle. A man is useless without there head, Juro would be wise to take heed of Kurono's warning but doubted he would. He then said something that made Bella smile with excitement, No Juro never knew when to quit. This is why she like Juro's lazy ass because she found him funny. She heard him say he had peaked in the past and never bend caught. It made Belladona wonder if he was fibbing or if he was telling the truth...Was she a victim of Juro too? She couldn't care less if he had peaked at her, She would be flattered that he would go so far to see her like that. He then continued to act obnoxious and suggest a training regiment for Kurono which Juro would never do himself. "No Juro, Why aren't you bathing?" Bella was now feeling mischievous with Juro around. "I'm sure there's a free bath somewhere in here. You should undress and join us instead of standing outside and peaking." Bella hoped he would take the invention. She wanted to see how bold Juro truly was or stupid. The only one who might do something would be Kurono. If No Juro undressed then Kurono would have the shot at him, Just one well place kick. "Come on Juro! We're all friends here right, Fellow Espadas for Lord Vaham." Bella said sounding sweet trying to sound inviting as possible. She then grabbed a rag and started to clean herself starting with her right leg as she lifted it in the air.
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Illea Sirani, La Tercera

Illea gripped tighter as Guerra stepped forward into another Sonido, holding on with everything she had, yet she looked calm doing so. Illea wasn't that skilled physically, she wasn't going to complain that he was helping out so much with his attributes.

Illea thought for a minute as he answered her question.

"A family huh...."

What would that be like to have? Probably even better than just friends. Illea thought of the some of the worse Espada. Even with their quirks, they all needed something, or they wouldn't have joined. She couldn't imagine any of the Espada, herself included, being completely coerced into the group.

"Still, you talk about evil like you recognize it, and is something your worried about. If it helps, I think you're a good person. I don't know about myself, but at least I'm not alone. Sure, it might make me easy to be used, but I'm happy, I'll play the part. If I'm asked to become evil, at least I have friends. I didn't mind attacking the balancers, we all were asked, and I got to be useful. I wonder why did everyone else hesitate though? Even if they aren't evil, they are our enemy, whether we ask for it or not. We're both intelligent, but that's as much as we have in common.."

Sieg flashed her mind, and confused her. She still had this urge to fight him again, but why? It wasn't orders, and she didn't hate him, why did she want to fight? Why did she tell him about her powers? Wouldn't it have been beneficial to finish him off?

As they neared the forest, Illea closed her eyes, and sniffed the air. She could smell it, the smell of disease.

"2 km to the south, there's a Menos stricken with something. I like to go for the sick, I don't know why. Maybe works with my powers? Either way, as Alicia would probably put it, it's 'a blessing and a curse'. At least I can be useful if I make it stronger."
-Guerra- interaction: Illea-
"Evil exists in all of our hearts, it is a powerful tool but be mindful of it less it takes you and changes you into something you hate. I was told that once, from where or who I don't truly know but it was one of the first things I recall when I became more then just a mindless soul eating beast." He made another jump when he herd Illea say she smelled something sick to the south, a menos of some description.
He stopped on a dime and did a about face to head south with another sonido. It didn't take them that long to get to the menos, while Guerra didn't share Illea's power to "smell" sickness he really didn't need it to see that something was wrong with the menos in front of them. It had some sort of black viscus substance bleeding out of it's mask and it's movements seemed heavy and sluggish to the Primera, he took a knee to let Illea get off of his shoulders before he spoke to her. "There's your prey. Though if you were any other hollow I would be concerned by what ever the poor creature is infected with." He sat down in the sand with his leg's crossed waiting for Illea to attack her chosen target.​


Melaura was silent during the funeral, it was a bit out of character but this was something she hated death its one reason really why she accepted the offer to be in her division in the first place as being a medic meant she had some type of control to prevent death. She even already aided the research division to come up with some pills to combat the virus that the Espada Illea had infected Seighardt with, there was no guarantee that it completely nullified her technique unless they were exposed to it once again but at least Seig would be healthy again.

Melaura looked over seeing Zion deep in thought and even though he was still the most injured Captain he was still present and on his feet but he still shouldn't have been on his feet but she didn't even tell him that because he wouldn't have missed the funerals. She was standing next to Shizune and didn't even make any snide remarks to the busty woman. All she did was think about the shinigami that were lost and tears did escape her eyes. She could see Kurenji and Katai in spirit form by her side, she didn't cause them to manifest but they truly loved Melaura and knew they needed to be by her side. They knew death was especially difficult for her as she always thought of the actual Katai and Kurenji who gave their lives to protect her. As the funeral proceeded Melaura turned and walked away for a moment and cried thinking of how she could have done more.


Zion was standing and paying his respects, he blamed himself to an extent because he was a Captain and that was not a title bestowed to them because of their level of power. A captain was a captain because they could provide order and protection while helping the lower seated shinigami grow in power. A Captain was meant to be more of a shield then a sword which is why he had doubted his worthiness, but he was over the pity as he was told what happened after Heizo knocked him out. Heizo actually held his own against the Espada in his transformed state and Kairi had caused great damage utilizing shunko.

He felt great shame that Kairi utilized a technique that he had not mastered, as he was in the process of learning it before Saiga's death. He didn't like admitting it but Saiga's death kept real mental scars and it was like he was ripped away from another father. He could not bring himself to complete the training and since then he decided to fight without it. Now that he knew how useful it was, he would ask for Kairi's assistance in helping him complete his shunko training. Zion was all for doing what was best for soul society and didn't mind learning from his lieutenant, after the funeral proceedings Zion approached Heizo. "Captain Heizo, I ask for your help in my training... the attack had made me realize how I have not grown in power and also alerted me to many of my weaknesses. In terms of power you and I are close in ability and you faired better then I, so I ask that you train me" he said bowing his head to Heizo

Alicia Fullburn Las Noches

Whilst soaking and allowing Kurono to gather her own thoughts on the situation now playing out in the room Alicia ventures a sinister almost vile like smirk. Belladonna had apparently answered poorly. Gritting Teeth and reaching for her own tea, the Segunda laughs in her typical fashion. "Ohohoho, Pointless? The Answer is Nothing. Which is what the answer was. At the end of the day what is the most precious invincible of all things? I seek merely my amusement." Grinning with the woman's 2nd bit of bait there was little point in responding to it, Alicia cared little for those sorts of games.

Turning her attention to No Juro, he was fairly vague with his questioning at the end given all the things he had said up to this point. "What do I think? A great many things as you catch a wink. The Training was not about me, but I question it verily. The offer to a nap?" Smiling thinly still and glancing to the neighboring Royal she suppresses a giggle. "She may be more keen than me, Unless you can pay my fee." In a manner the option for him to take a nap was still up in the air purely to see his reaction..it was rather sad honestly, after all if he did get what he wanted. The same twisted smile takes a much narrower and lowered

With a more normal smile on her face, the Segunda lowers her body more into the water, and starts to close her eyes to enjoy the warmth of the water. "But I think you will just get a bad end. So let us not pretend... After all should you fail in this task, another part of me, for your life will it ask." Saying all of this in reply to No Juro, the Segunda chuckles simply, still curious on what interactions would play out between the trio or even herself.

Oka Ogasawara Soul Society

During the evening before things went fairly smoothly with the typical bickering or talks the two shared, with Sachi and Ayame in tow things went as often, normally with Oka waking up, her own fur tail being used as a blanket, and her two children almost like pillows by their house guest, who would mumble in her sleep words like Wolfels and Fluffels among other things. Then would deny them almost as quickly if the happenings were brought up...never mind the other snuggling the woman would do in her sleep, but the three didn't mind it, given to save space and money they didn't mind sharing a simple large sleeping mat.

The next day Oka planned to speak with the 12ths head, her mask needed reinforcement sooner than later, but first was this funeral. While she didn't expect the offer to be taken, she did have the largest base structure and planned to offer a portion of her own base of operations until his own structure could be repaired. But she would have to wait for a chance to speak with the Kenpachi of course. Interestingly both of her wolves were with her on this day, walking and sitting alongside her, neither attempted to cause any problems at all an short of in their appearance which was somewhat more fierce, they weren't unlike a well trained dog.

While she might have not been wearing her mask, the bandage wrapped around her forehead and nose likely didn't make her look anymore friendly than before in the public eye at least, there also was one small issue from this morning that she would have to speak with a troublesome painter about..

@Detective Zero @Artorias @Merlin @EmperorsChosen @ etc el...

(Not much but meh)
Heizo - Eleventh Division

As the sun seemingly stood still amid the azure sky, a large set of white clouds drifted before it, casting an equally large uneven shadow on the remnants of the Eleventh Division barracks. Symbolizing the mood of events currently taking place there, on the ground a crowd of people in black were assembled before seventy coffins aligned into rows of ten. To the sides of the wooden caskets stood the Gotei 13, adorned with their respective haori. Standing beside one another, some were joined by their lieutenants while others were not, but despite this all were in attendance as the Captain Commander began saying a few words in regards to those no longer here and those who were among the crowd. Simple yet respectful, his words lacked in self-interest yet came off brisk in their sharp presentation.

Easily and clearly heard by everyone present, the torn barracks of the Eleventh Division were completely silent except for the subtle and sporadic presence of a light breeze which pushed the clouds and their lingering shadow northward. Once finished, the tone had not changed from when the Commander had started. His words appearing to have no visible affect, he retired in order to allow any of the Captains present to say a few words in addition. With only few stepping forward to do so, the funeral proceeded as planned and the area's still silence soon vanished in the wake of the crowd dispersing among the wooden boxes.

Footsteps, murmurs, sniffling and sobbing filled the empty air as the people in the crowds proceeded to pay their respects and final farewells. Seemingly contained out of respect for those speaking previously, the pent up emotions and thoughts of those present rushed forward. Family, friends, classmates, and comrades were among those attending. Displayed an array of emotion some were on the verge of tears while others were far past that point. Many had stoic expressions, either through choice or having no emotional attachment and merely present to pay respect. Presumed to be the Kenpachi's men, many simply said words of farewell and placed a hand on the wooden frames of the coffins before them.

Coming in pairs, alone, or in groups. Each had their own specific way of paying their respects and farewells. Words, flowers, prayers, displays of anguish. While different in practice they shared similar meaning. They were all final gestures to those who were gone and would not be returning. Those who had risked life and limb to protect those still alive. It was difficult to stand and watch as some left while others closed their eyes only to realize the futility due to the sounds of mourning being more than enough to paint a mental picture.

Looking on with bandages covering his forearms and skin lightly stinging, Hezio stood with Sakoto by his side, taking notice of the good portion of students that were present. Pondering the affects their teacher's deaths would have on their impressionable minds, Heizo understood the unique position that teachers held to young souls and even old. They were someone everyone had at one point and who were looked up to and could be depended on for protection and guidance. With that position now empty and how effortlessly their teachers were killed before them, the students no doubt would face lingering shock. Which ultimately would leave a wound that if ever healed would result in a scar. Depending on their personalities they would either move on or be ever burdened by the sorrow.

Standing still, fixed to his position, Heizo silently empathized with the students. Hoping for their resilient recovery from this and that they wouldn't burden themselves more than necessary. Enduring the entirety of the funeral proceedings, it was his way of paying his respects. The act being no more than a mere inconvenience. He vowed to not simply leave it up to being mere inconvenience for the sake of those lost and everyone they knew. He would be sure to bring change to the Gotei 13 on their behalf, if only to bring awareness.

Waiting and watching as the crowd grew progressively smaller and the offerings on the coffins grew larger. It soon was just Heizo, Sakoto, a few mourners and those who'd stayed behind. Beginning to look over at the rows of boxes for what seemed the hundredth time Heizo was reminded of the group he had personally failed to save even with his best efforts. Thinking on it he half regretted forcing Sakoto to confirm what he already knew, but at the same time was content. Looking to his right, his lieutenant seemed to be sharing the same gaze. Considering breaking their long standing silence then and there, he decided against it before being approached by Zion.

Upon being asked to train him, Heizo was at a loss of words to respond. It was their first time speaking since during the battle. He hadn't known what to say during their time in the Fourth Division and didn't stick around for fear of being treated by Captain Melaura. Rubbing his head in uncertainty he looked as Zion stayed bowed without a word. Hoping the words would soon come to him, when they didn't he let out a sigh before speaking. "I... well... I don't know if I can haha." he managed to say. Removing his hand from atop his head as Zion stood up he continued. "It's not that I don't want to. It's just... my methods don't really suit you. And anyway, are you well enough to be training?"

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Alexander Cirilo Las Noches

Suddenly, Alexander heard a voice that shook him from his thoughts. His head shot up from where it was lightly lowered and staring at the table. Then another question came and Vaham allowed himself to be noticed. At this point, it was probably wise to assume that he was listening in and had heard everything. Then again, shouldn't they have expected this? Rather than eavesdropping, he had probably just been relaxing in the room when he came in to confide in Guerra. Still, Alexander, while not a novice, wasn't particularly skilled at detecting hidden spiritual pressure; if Vaham didn't want to be found, the Sexta wasn't likely to locate him.

There was a long pause after Vaham spoke twice, but once he ended it, questions were fired at him nonstop, and none of them easy. Sighing, the Sexta's head tilted down over the desk where his hands reached up to pull at his hair in frustration. It was obvious he didn't have any definite answers, and it would be difficult when he ever would. One fault of Alexander's was that he was never quite sure of himself; always worried and second-guessing his decisions and beliefs. His outer will resembled iron but the inner of his soul was rarely not in utter turmoil.

"I... I don't know..." Alexander answered with uncertainty.

"I don't know... Most were in a panic, the one to approach me was genuine; kind. Its beauty... Hard to say with the destruction we caused within." One by one Alexander began to attempt to answer the questions, though each one required more thought than the last. "I... don't know... Mortality?" Sighing, he shook his head at the question of humanity.

"...I... do not consider our nature disgusting. Of saddness; pain, yes. Well... Xenethis' perhaps..." Shaking his head once again, but this time at recollection of the Quatro, it was obvious Alexander didn't make an effort to hide his distaste. Then again, Xenethis didn't make much of an effort to hide any of what he was thinking.

Taking another pause, the Sexta hesitated towards the last two questions, both incredibly difficult. Illea's words rang in his mind as thought. That was an honorable reason to fight. Memories of his human life began to appear. He was powerless to that tyrant, they all were. If he had the power he does now, however, maybe he could've protected the people incarcerated in that arena with him. He has power now, though; he wouldn't have to let such events occur again. He wouldn't have to let any of those around him die.

"I wanted a family again... Somewhere I could belong aside from the endless lonely sands... and I will fight to protect..." Alexander murmured in reply as he came to a conclusion. "Lord Vaham, I did not feel it right to assault the Shinigami in such a way. However, should they or any other seek us harm, I will be first to stand as the defense and the last to fall to a knee." He seemed to have gained some conviction in his moments of silence. While he wasn't very giddy to attack the Shinigami for unknown reasons, it was evident that he would stop at nothing to protect his new "family".


Natsuko Sunemizuki

After leaving the wolves' den, per say, the mummy was seen at the funeral with a blank face as usual. Well, her face was covered as it often was, but the eyes didn't show any particular difference than they did every other day. Her bags had lessened slightly, likely due to Oka's demanding she sleep and her cubs' soft fur. She couldn't help it, they were like puppies. Even if Natsuko looked creepy at times, who didn't like puppies? Her cuddling with the cubs aside, rather than holding no interest in the funeral, it was likely more accurate to say that she was desensitized in regards to it.

The losses were sad, yes, and if Natsuko was able to save them she would do what she was able, but she knew none of the people who perished. That combined with the massacre of her own family all those centuries ago and, well, the remaining holder of blood of the Sunemizuki family was used to loss. Still, she would pay her respects, then return to working until there was some sort of meeting regarding this. It was doubtful that the Gotei 13 would just let itself get attacked out of no where then hold no discussion regarding it.
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[BCOLOR=#800000] Zuo Ci, Lt of Squad IV[/BCOLOR]
The old man seemed to stumble in place behind his captain at the funeral, only interrupted every few minutes by a swig of the flask on his side. After about the dozenth time doing this, he held it above his head, looking longingly at the dry flask.


Disappointed, he put the flask to his side....then pulled out another as the processions ended.

[BCOLOR=#800000]"Finally -hick-. Didn't think they'd ever end. Squad eleven... good times, good times. I'll, uh, miss you guys."[/BCOLOR]

Without a complete lack of sincerity at the last part, he started to wander off as several people left with the services ended, leaving friends and the captains there.... and Ci. Ci honestly didn't know why he was there, he'd forgotten after about the 5th sip. He didn't know why he was still there. Still stumbling forward, the man saw something infront of him, what to his eyes seemed to be an absolute masked beauty. Even with all those bandages he could see the figure beneath, lots of training in anatomy, and a high BAC made sure of that. Only question he had was why did she have a captains coat? Did he know her from somewhere?

[BCOLOR=#800000]"Why, hello there darling. With this funeral over, wanna, uh, go grab a bite to eat? I knew one of those guys, Tada...Tada...katsu? No Yoshitsune, that was it. Gooood guy... good guy. Yeah, treated, uh, lots a guy, Im a healer."[/BCOLOR]

Soul Society

The funeral went on quietly as all the Captains and their chain of officers were present, some in perfectly stable shape while others were still injured from the incursion the Espada had wrought. Among them, some people would think there was almost a second Natsuko but with blue hair as Kairi was present, bandages present in plenty places excluding the upper half of her face. Of course, her attire only showed such things around her hands and face but the extent of the stress on her body required some.. Special treatment to allow her to be there. As she stood through the ceremony, her hands gripped tightly as any who looked at her could tell she was tense and aggravated from it. With an uneasy exhale, the bluenette overhears her Captain and Heizo talk, before bringing her attention over to them and approaching them, "You could say the same for me considering what I did to make sure this one stayed alive.. But... If you two will allow me, Captain Heizo, Furenji.. I would like to take part in some sort of training as well. I want to be more able to be of use so I can also protect more lives. These... Espada... Each and every one of them are already likely much stronger than us Lieutenants, and some were clearly able to give some of our best Captains trouble. My fight with Guerra showed me just how big of a gap it might just be. While there are some things I must train for alone, I still seek the guidance that can be given by my superiors. I know I can be stronger as a whole..."



Captain Kurenai was rather silent through the proceedings as well among the Captains, setting aside her lab coat for her shihakusho and captain's haori out of respect. It wasn't often anyone would see her out of said lab coat but situations like this called for proper examples. Although most of her research is vital for progress and the good of the Soul Society, she wishes she was there to help during the whole invasion, in hopes that she may have been able to save lives unnecessarily lost. It all seemed to go by quite silently as the ceremony went on, at least on the Captains' side of things. Friends, family and generally good people have died today, whomever they had connections to. Something else was on her mind as well, aside from regret of not being there when she may have been needed. After things had settled down the day before the funeral, Shizune tasked herself and any other capable shinigami to get any reports on activity within the Seireitei during, before and after the invasion. While it wasn't her duty to do so, it was facts she wanted to know herself as well, seeking cooperation with the Captains that were supposed to be tasked with these things.

One event in particular unnerved her. After the dust had settled from all the fighting, it was found that the 11th Division barracks and wherever else Xenethis' Gran Rey Cero had landed wasn't the only places under turmoil among the fighting. Something particular had happened at the academy, and from what witnesses had spoke of, and the report Shizune had asked Sakoto, Heizo's lieutenant, to tell her about, the singular incident raised several questions. Only those who opposed the figure in black were attacked and the man seemed to have been after a single individual. But why? What was more disturbing was what happened when he found what he had sought. What was the purpose? Why? The fact that this figure allowed several witnesses - albeit traumatized and quite shaken, and relative collateral damage to a slight minimum... Was the invasion a ruse of some sort for some other bigger picture they did not see? Shizune shook her head, not wanting to jump the gun on speculation. If there were answers to be found, they'd have to dig hard for it. She of all the Captains of Gotei 13 would probably be the most busy in this case.

Getting ahead of herself, Captain Kurenai sighed drearily before her sight fell upon 'everyone's favorite' wolf Captain. It was probably about time to address Oka's issue now that they had what little time to do some things before everything gets more heated to come. "Captain Ogasawara? I believe it may be best we get around to your mask before I end up getting swarmed with more work... I have a strong feeling I will have much to do very soon with what's happened.."


Hueco Mundo

Kurono's eyes flashed green for a few moments as her reiatsu did spike a bit before returning to their icy blue color. Taking a sigh, if looks could kill, she was actually disappointed she did not know a particular cero technique. Rather than indulge in Juro's pointlessly dumb routine lecture, she ignored him as she rethinks on what Alicia had asked of her. Finding all the more reasons to get herself to relax and calm from the events they had endured, Kurono gets up in the bath and moves to sit next to Alicia, rather boldly as she looked to the Segunda, "I only had a fight with a single Captain of theirs, though she was far from 'human' compared to most.. She smelled of, and had characteristics of a wolf. A bushy tail, wolf ears atop her head.. She wore some trivial mask of sorts over her eyes, but in our fight I ended up breaking it against her face. She was strong and I could tell. I left my wounds upon her and she had caused this upon me. I keep it as a reminder, of both a test and.. I suppose in a way, honor. Even if I were to use my Ressurrección, I may have fallen to her flames. So I ended it before it could truly begin and took retreat..."

More or less trying to ignore Juro's presence, Kurono still looked off in a direction with a calm fixation before her icy-blue gaze fell upon Alicia once more, "I am no stranger to combat but I wanted to see what they were capable of first and foremost... As for Lord Vaham.. Well, you could say I question what the goal was for what we did there. If we truly were to invade them as it were, it would not have been so blindly as it was thrust upon us. We would be organized, there would be some sort of plan... Wouldn't you think?" Adjusting the way she was sitting, some may say it was daring what she had thought next, and in another sense it may have been some other test to Juro just for hearing it as she looked to get closer to the Segunda. "But.. Aside from that.. I will answer any other questions you have, Alicia, but will you answer one of mine? All in all, I'd find it a benefit to us both to take a few minutes, perhaps more..." What it may have been could be as suggestive as the next idea but Kurono allowed it to stay in the air, despite what her body language might have meant to Alicia.

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Guerra:Illea-collaboration post
Illea jumped off, trying to put on a childlike excitement before a coughing fit hit her.

"It's alright. The sicker I get, the stronger I get, and Lord Vaham wants strength, doesn't he? As long as he's happy. To be honest, my powers make me worse everyday, but I've never been happier. The first thing I remember when I became more than a mindless soul eating beast was wanting to play, and no one to play with.... for hundreds of- I mean, sorry, anyways, I'll do what I can for Lord Vaham. There's only one thing I'm scared of being. Was there something you were scared of?"

Illea had almost a taboo on her age. Infact, Primera was probably the only one older than her, but she was a kid, how could a kid be centuries old?

The Menos eyed them wearily, panting heavily like a cornered beast. Illea wasn't in much better condition herself. It was dying, but at least it was a source of Reishi, and a new sickness from the looks of things, for her.

The Hollow was sick, but not going to make things easy. In a sudden frenzied panic, it drew its arm back, and slammed it down at Guerra and Illea.
Guerra's arm shot up and stopped the Hollow's own arms, the Hollow struggled while Guerra looked as though he didn't even notice it had attacked them, he spoke to Illea without looking to her as he sat.
"Illea...beings like Vaham care not for those around them just for their own goals. One day he will cast you, me and all the other Espada aside like broken toys. He is not a leader or a king, no he is a dictator who is going to drag his people into a war he may not be able to win but I doubt he cares." He shot up to his feet bringing his fist into the midsection of the hollow in front of them sending it about ten feet away where it landed on it's back. "Illea, your loyalty and devotion is something that makes you a great friend but I fear you may be putting your loyalty into the wrong person." He looked to her with a smile. "You also asked me if I was scared of. I'm scared of loosing this family I've found among the Espada my friend. Now you might want to get after that Hollow while it's stunned." He said to the younger Espada as he sat back on the ground.
Illea was shocked into silence at Primera's statement. Vaham couldn't be... She was torn between her loyalty, and a small little thought popping up.

Why would someone who cares send us unprepared into enemy territory? If I had known about those balancers beforehand then...

A flash of Sieg cutting her down flashed through her mind. She hadn't known balancers could be that strong.... or have a 2nd release, a little information could have even give her an advantage.

"But Vaham's always been so kind to me! And if he wasn't here, then the Espada, we.... we wouldn't..."

Illea ignored the Menos as it worriedly got back up.

"I don't want to lose this family either, Vaham holds it together. He brought me into it. He even gave me the number 3."

She undid the bandages on her elbow over 3 as if to show it off. The Menos began to move, and launched a punch at the two of them. Illea held her doll infront them, and it's mouth opened larger than it was with a garganta.


The Garganta snapped shut on its arm pinning the hollow in place as it struggled against the small little doll.

"I don't know what I would do if I wasn't a sword, an Espada!? A sword needs an owner."
"Of course he's been kind, he wants us all to see him as a friend and leader so that he doesn't face any opposition to his goal. The Espada formed due to him yes but he is not the one who keeps us together, power begets power Illea this group would of formed either way with or without him just not as fast."

Guerra let his right arm slip free of his greatcoat showing where his own number was on his shoulder.
"These numbers are brands Illea, we are nothing more than cattle to him. He doesn't see us as his friends or comrades just beasts of burden to do his work and if something happens to one of us then that's just fine for him because he can find another, another Primera or Tercera."
He stopped speaking to look at the Hollow Illea had trapped while he thought on his next words.

"Illea when you were drained and unconscious in your fight against that shinigami, Sieg I think he was called. It wasn't Vaham who came to make sure the shinigami didn't try to kill or take you, no it was me. It was I who sat and waited to make sure you would be able to get off the battlefield. Who was it that with no hesitation agreed to help you find prey, it certainly wasn't Vaham who was more then likely off plotting. No, once again it was me, Illea a sword is only truly great when it's wielder takes care of it, someone who rather then discarding it when it gets damaged puts the time and effort into repairing it and makes sure the edge is just as sharp or sharper, someone who knows the sword they wield is more then just a tool, who sees that the sword is an extension of their own body, someone who is in tune with their sword."
He finished as he slipped his arm in the greatcoat again.
Illea could only step back, a look almost of horror to her face. The hollow struggled in the background trying to pull it's hand out still.

"Vaham is my friend! He has to be! If he wasn't.... what would hold the Espada together? there is no such thing as strength. He makes us all friends, if he didn't exist.... wouldn't Xenethis and Alexander fight? Wouldn't all of us fight? I would be lonely..... He holds us together, he has to be my friend!"

As if to vent her frustration, she bit her finger, and pointed it at the Menos. A look of fear came in its eyes, still bleeding a thick black fluid.

The blast was smaller than normal from Illea, though it felled the hollow just the same. She was still tired, and it was hard for her to move. Still, the menos was already dying.

"I-I... Thanks for helping me hunt, I'll make it back for the meeting."

Almost with sadness Illea turned away from Guerra, and walked slowly towards the felled Menos.
Guerra jumped to his feet as Illea towards the fallen Menos. "I will hold this group together if that's what it takes. If we Espada survive what ever his plan is then I, Guerra of the Espada swear to you Illea that I will hold this group together if it comes to it." As he spoke Guerra drew his blade before running his own hand along the edge drawing his own blood that began to run into the sand below.
"I swear this on my own blood Illea." The Primera said, Guerra would be damned if he let this group fall apart if the worst happened and Vaham left or betrayed them even if he had to use the power of his rage to do so.​
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