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Mentioned: Ruronosuke 'Ruro' Ikizo, Yui Unagi and Kisame Hokuda

The Primera sat quietly among the sands of the great desert meditating on his own rage, trying to turn it into a more active tool beyond what passive effects that his rage already provided him. He had gone far and fast before any of the others had awaken to meet the day, far enough that no one other then their grand leader would be able to feel him. A few red wisps surrounded him as he focused on something nagging at the back of his mind, one of the shinigami he had fought in the invasion Zion if he remembered right had been familiar though most would dismissed this as he had spared the young man before he was a captain and before Guerra was a Arrancar but it went deeper then that, something pulled at the Primera's mind about this particular shingami but he wasn't able to tell what it was that made this man so familiar to Guerra. "DAMN IT!" The Primera yelled as he opened his eye's slamming a fist into the sand near to him in anger, truthfully speaking the Primera's mind had been elsewhere yesterday besides during the meeting though he didn't let it show less he be scrutinized more so then he had already been. He stood to his full height satisfied that he had been able to manifest some of his rage without loosing any control until the thoughts of the shingami from the day prior had entered his mind, this would go to being able to both use his rage and to access the higher levels of his resurrección's power without loosing himself to the rage. He began to walk in the direction of the great fortress that he and the other Espada claimed as home.
It had been a few hours as the Primera took his time while walking home and he was finally able to see the superstructure of las noches when he began to notice something was off. He was able to feel the signatures of some of the others but he also felt new signatures unfamiliar to him, three as of now though their may of been others. His hand went to his nodachi at his side on reflex as he focused more on these new signatures, one seemed to be with the Octava while another was with the Decimo while still another waited outside of las noches. Guerra growled under his breath as these signatures were of other Arrancar, they seemed to be challenging for position among the Espada, his power began to leak from him but he shut it down then started to suppress his signature as best as he was able to. "Their are three of them, but is that it? Am I free to go and attempt to help my fellow Espada or am I going to be challenged as well?" Guerra thought to himself, he banished the thought though as while another Arrancar may challenge him in the coming minutes he would be ready.
He began to make his way to the signature outside of las noches but stayed far enough away to observe what was happening as he sat on a sand dune looking towards this challenger to see who they were going for rather while also keeping his eye out for someone after him, though if the opportunity presented itself then he would strike this newcomer down while they fought the one they challenged.
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Arrancar Ten

Rydia Hamlet happily skipped along the sands of Hueco Mundo after Illea. Her Jack-o-lantern basket swung around as she went and the face on the basket seemed to smile sinisterly. The small hollows in the area moved away from her, not eager to be any closer to her than they were to be near Illea. Not really being subtle in the slightest in her approach, she waved and called out to her in a cute and happy tone.

"Iiiiiiiiileaaaa!" she called out happily, making her way over, despite the fact that they knew each other just about not at all. In fact, Rydia only knew a bit here and there from what she'd heard. The stories of the diseases and the death didn't bother her in the slightest. All she saw was a happy group of friends and a little girl among a group the was predominantly stuffy, battle obsessed idiots. Most of them were stuffy older men too. And a bunch of hotheads that felt the compulsive need to measure themselves against each other. With her, there was simply a point of being good enough and that was fine.
Illea Sirani
Illea's eyebrows raised in confusion. In her 800 years as a hollow, she had never recieved a welcome like that. If Kenpachi had shown up just to say hi, she'd probably be less surprised. She'd always wanted friends, but having someone so willingly come up to her? The weirder was she knew her name, and Illea didn't know hers. Illea could deal with enemies in a heart beat. She could deal with the Espada who she knew well. Arrancar who feared her, sadly used to. A little arrancar happily swinging a basket and running up to her? Nope.

Illea shyly hid behind her doll, hugging it tightly. Her head poked out as she looked at the approaching Arrancar.


She didn't move away though. There was the hope that maybe this was an honest to goodness friend?

"Uh... I'm Illea. W-what's your name? Are you with Líder Vaham to, like me?"

Illea stood awkwardly awaiting the response.
Hueco Mundo- Kha Reau, Espada 8.

The Octava's eyes opened, narrowing into a glare as she studied the intruder that had dared to interrupt her time of peace. Apart from Lord Vaham himself, no one else had ever entered the Octava's space, much less bother her during her time of solitude. Needless to say, Kha Reau was infuriated. Kagame's offer of surrender only fueled her rage. Despite her anger, the 8th Espada managed to maintain a sense of composure as she rose to her feet. Remaining silent, Kha stepped around Kagame and headed towards the door."It is not my position to deny you your request." The Octava finally spoke. "If you truly are here to replace me..." The Octava paused, locking eyes with Kagame.

"Then meet me on the sands. We will have our battle there."

With that, the Octava vanished from the room, reappearing a couple hundred yards outside Las Noches. Standing motionless, she waited for her challenger to approach, a calm breeze dancing through her hair.

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"Alright, I got one!" A Shinigami said, with a smug on his face. Some of the people were running away, while some were trying to fend off of against the Hollows with a stick. As if that would help. More of these same creatures emerged, terrorizing the area and the people. However the Shinigami around the area where doing well against these enemies. But there was never any end to them, not so soon. "How the hell did they get so far inside the Soul Society?" One of the Shinigami had a puzzled expression on his face. He was confused as hell.

The creatures where becoming formidable. They were adapting to the Shinigami. What they did once did not help as much the second time, or the third. The Shinigami were able to gather that with time. These Hollows were not exactly as mindless as the ones who occasionally appeared at the outskirts of Rukongai. They where growing, adapting. The panic decreased ever so slightly within the district. The Shinigami, despite the enemy, where able to prevail.

But, as mentioned before, they just kept on coming. Where they solely focusing on the said district?" Around two to four Shinigami decided that perhaps more manpower was needed. It did, because this was just the beginning. The Hollows, growled, hurled debris at the people. Charged a cero here and there. They were creating chaos and fear. It was working. "I'm calling this shit in.. We have no idea what we're dealing with or where the hell the Hollows are coming from."

Having said that, they directly contacted the 12th Division, and relayed this information to them. Hopefully, with good and quick timing, more Shinigami could come and help out. The word had to get to Seireitei.
Belladona awoke in her bed with her head on the top of one of her Fraccion's chest. She looked up too see he was awake too and gave him a warm smile. She had forgotten this Fraccions name and didn't care to try to remember it. Bella raised from her bed and claimed on top of him. "You were great last night. I'm sure I was amazing as well wasn't I?" She asked as she caressed his chest. She agree with and tried to rise up but Belladona kept him in place. "Where not done here, Not yet." The Fraccion grinned and was ready to go again. "As you wish my beautiful Queen." Bella moved in and kissed him on his mouth. This is when he felt a blast of energy down his throat. This blast was a small and control Cero launched from Belladona's lips. The Fraccion flailed in terror and pain but soon laid there dead. She removed her lips from his and smoke slowly exited his mouth.

She got out from her bed and started to get dressed. She had treated her Fraccion's as if they were toy, tools to be use and discarded on whims alone. This is why some of her Fraccion would just up and vanished, She didn't want word getting around she was some little harlot or something. Imagine what Alicia would say, She would never hear the end to it. She was the Noveno and had a reputation to keep up. She had few Fraccion she really trusted and would have them clean up her 'mess'. Bella had now finished dressing and went to grab her golden brush. She sat down in front of her mirror and watch herself brush hair messy long black hair. The Fraccion she killed could be seen within the mirror.
Alexander Cirilo Hueco Mundo - Top of Pillar > Sands

Pausing from his exercises, Alexander looked to the horizon. Something was off; reiatsu of other arrancar, though that wasn't of issue, it was that most seemed agitated and around the areas of the other Espada, including one that wasn't, but flared up suddenly before dying down. Soon enough, an arrancar from that area began speeding from it in his direction, finally appearing on the same pillar as the Sexta himself, ruffled cloth and scuffed skin.

"S-Sir Sexta..." Spoke the arrancar in a kneeling position, huffing in exasperation; due to a mixture of both fear and fatigue. "You have a challenge..."

Looking to the man, Alexander's first inclination was to rush to the man's side. "What happened to you? What do you mean a challenge?" The Sexta inquired to the unranked arrancar, whom merely shook his head, still seemingly terrified.

"I have no idea... She... appeared, slaughtered the other... then told me to transmit the message. She didn't even give a damned reason! Just bloodlust!" The arrancar replied, hands constricting and trembling in the frustration of not having been able to do a thing in resisting the woman.

Looking at the arrancar, Alexander frowned. Out of bloodlust? Obviously it wasn't Xenethis or the Octava but—Well, there were many who shared their sentiment. Placing a hand on the man's shoulder, the Sexta stood. "Get yourself treated. I will deal with them." Saying nothing else, Alexander vanished from the pillar, appearing a farther ways away, closer to where the flux appeared momentarily. It was bad enough when Xenethis decided to do as he pleased and take life for granted, but now other arrancar were doing the same? And so close to Las Noches? That could not be ignored. Alexander didn't even tolerate the Cuatro when he decided to go off on his murder sprees, if this person thought that they would, they were drastically incorrect.

Appearing at the spike of origin, Alexander could see the craters in the sand in which the messenger was skipped like a rock by the challenger. He as well could the blood that had stained the sands from his fallen friend. Finally, he noted the only other being aside from him in the area; a pink-haired arrancar with a peculiarly-shaped blade. She had to be the one responsible, right?

"If you are this so-called challenger, I am giving you very little time explain yourself. Speak quickly." Obviously, the Sexta was more than aggravated. It was likely odd for one with such a mindset as hers; being pissed off over the death of a weaker-class arrancar, let alone one he didn't know?

@Detective Zero
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Collab Post, "Adventures of Bobu Rosu." pt1

Bobu Rossu, Oka Ogasawa, Natsuko Sunemizuki, Soul Society

It was a sunny afternoon in the Soul Society With clear skies overhead, a leisurely breeze made its way through windows, doors and hallways. Ruffling the perfectly round hair of a man carrying a packet of papers. Said man smiled gleefully as he made his way to the Captain Commander's office. With a spring in his step, this man, third seat of the ninth division was none other than the greatest artist in all of Soul Society. Bobu Rosu, the master of the art of PAINting and killing had urgent business.

There was an issue with his recent edition of the Seireitei News. One that prevented its publication and the enjoyment of its dear readers. This was something Bobu Rosu could not stand for. Merrily humming a tune he made his way down a lone hallway, before spotting two figures walking opposite of him. Noticing the two as being Captain Oka and Natsuko he waved to them as they grew closer. "It's a lovely day out Captain Ogasawara, Sunemizuki." Bowing to each lightly he continued. "If only the Captain Commander could be more understanding. I'd be painting on Sōkyoku Hill." looking longingly outside the window next to him. "What brings you two here?" he asked, taking his eyes off the scenery.

After yesterday's chaotic meeting, if it could be even classified as such, Natsuko was now being dragged out for barbecue by her junior, Oka. Not that that alone was too bad to deal with, but she still had not yet discovered what the animal's plot was—Oka rarely did what you could call "scheming", and it didn't exactly put her at ease knowing that it regarded the woman having a man in mind for her. Yes, she did ask, or rather demand she assist in this endeavour, however something about Oka's grin that day didn't feel right. To be honest, this little excursion to a restaurant wasn't solely the wishes of the animal-eared Captain; when she got distracted and began focusing too much on one thing, she tended to let things slip, which was good for the mummified of them.

On the way, however, the two ran into the seated artist along the way. "Third seat Rosu," She greeted in turn with a nod. Then pointing to her tailed companion, fifth division's Captain answered his inquiry with another quip at Oka's animal side. "I'm taking her out for food. If she doesn't get walked and fed, she gets wily."

"Mhmmhmhmm Tasty tast...Oh! Bobu! Ah Rossu-san! Good evening!" Humming to herself as if caught up in the idea of her meal, which in fairness she likely was, the sudden startled reaction seems to confirm as much. She always liked such outings, she could eat and drink as she pleased with Natsuko there to make sure she got home safely, though she would never admit such a thing. Paying attention now she guesses what he had been asking based on the Mummy s own reply.

"Ah, just going to eat, ehehe! And ehh...what brings you here, 3rd Seat, work?" Peering down at him through her masked visor, even if half of her face was hidden she seemed to be in a rather good mood. Her tail wagging tended to give such information away readily enough after all.

"Oh. A barbecue? That sounds delightful. And yes. It seems the Commander isn't happy with the latest Seireitei News." Looking down, Bobu lightly shows the front page of the packet in his hand with a glum frown.


"He didn't even say why. I was going to see him about it. But, since you're here, would you care to give it a look and tell me what you think?" Presenting the top half of the papers to where they were in full view, Bobu holds them out to either Captain with a curious and hopeful tone.

As the third seat unveils his art for the two to see, asking of their opinion, Natsuko studies and stares at it a few moments, before deadpanning. "...You drew the Inu..." She stated. The image just showed her fellow Captain crouched and howling. She even looked a bit cute, though that may full well just be Natsuko's inability to not see Oka as some kind of a pet. Still, there was nothing wrong with it that she could tell. "...I do not see any blaring issues with it. The Captain Commander had an issue with this artwork?"

"Eh...EH?! Why am I the front page!?" Staring at the image, she felt it didn't look proper, not proper at all. "Why in the hell am I on the front page!? And why do I look like...well that?.." Scratching her head, if this was in regards to earlier events, it seemed slightly out of place, more so with herself at the center of it all..was the paper being told what it couldn't put in? They would never do something like that though, or so she reasoned.

Sighing a bit she wondered what other images there were that weren't allowed. If there were any others. Upon Bobu's remark on the Captain Commander she wonders why he wasn't happy, or why it was so thin. "So why's the paper like this Rossu-San?" Her ears slightly perked the wagging of her tail had ceased. While it didn't seem she was angry, she was staring at the approved draft of the paper still, waiting to see the 3rd seats own answer to this situation.

"That's what the editors told me." Bobu said before answering Captain Oka. "I had to make you look nice, like a beautiful creature, otherwise no one would buy the paper, then I would be sad. I can't paint when I'm sad" he said shaking his head lightly. "Here." Pulling out a slip from the remaining papers in his hand, Bobu handed Captain Oka a page with a different artwork.


"I was gonna use this one, but the editors said I probably shouldn't. I don't know why it's a good painting." Below the image is yet another, but of a different angle. Featuring a feral Captain Oka with blood running from her mouth, fangs bared, and eyes piercing red. "The editors removed a lot cause of the Commander. See," Reaching for yet another paper from his hand, Bobu hands Oka a second artwork. This one of the Kenpachi, it shows the man lying face down in the dirt, bloody and scarred. "here's the Kenpachi lying face down like a sloth taking a nap. I erased the pain from his face, to make him seem more peaceful. It was suppose to be front page, but they didn't like it." Under the image the title of an article reads: Captains Growing Lazy? in bold lettering.

"Here's Lieutenant Zuo Ci waking him up." Adding yet another page to the revised draft. This one showed the Kenpachi with a sword sticking out of his gut and a very broad smile across his face. "I made him smiling cause he's happy to be alive." Under it too reads: Fourth Division negligence all time high!

Deadpanning at the next set of pictures—Now, these were a problem. Oka most of the time was a cute ditz but when she grew—"feral", it was rather unsettling to say the least for any onlookers. Then there was another picture in which she was depicted even more feral than the last. Then the next two switched subjects from Oka to Kenpachi however they were less than flattering. The title wasn't all too morale-raising either. Oh if Oda saw the picture of himself laying face-down in the dirt...

Regardless, if the pictures themselves weren't enough of an issue, there was the matter regarding the headlines. In times like these, the Captain Commander would probably prefer something more—"uplifting", something that plays off the events more positively. Now, Natsuko herself didn't consider what happened to be anything close to a "victory", however she could see why these covers of Rosu's were not approved.

"...I have no conceivable idea why these would be disapproved of..." Natsuko murmured in a blatantly sarcastic manner, blank-faced were her expression capable of becoming more deadpanned.

Looking at the collection of images. Snarling her lips back, showcasing her canines showing fully. "I'm not a monster! I should rip these images to shreds!" Pausing to stare at them a bit more it was much less insulting than the approved image however. Well minus the one that made her look like a snarling werebeast, the irony lost upon her with her current actions.

"...well they aren't badly drawn.." Eying the rest it was somewhat obvious even to her what some of the problems would have been. " Maybe the old fart just doesn't appreciate your artwork?...It's all rather well drawn yeah.." Pausing awkwardly Oka scratches the back of her head, momentarily regaining her composure. "Were there any other drawings you can show us?"

"Why would you do an awful thing like that!?" Bobu exclaimed at the very idea of his work being destroyed. Grabbing the top ends of the paper he was ready to snatch them back before Captain Oka complimented his work. "Isn't it? A few others I asked said so too. They took me awhile to complete. And... Oh, yes, here. If you liked those you'll die for these." Handing the rest of the papers over Bobu takes the ones they'd already seen and begins examining them.

Taking them to the nearby window he holds them out to see how they appeared in direct sunlight. "Hmm." Deep in thought and inspection he was oblivious to the reaction of the two at the first image he'd handed them. Being of Captain Natsuko, her entire top torso was bare, aside from her Shihakushō, and without a strand of bandage in sight. With her bust visible at an angle, Captain Oka stood beside her with a length of bandage in her hand and a smile. Underneath the image was the caption: Mystery of the Mummy revealed!?

"Shh... Calm yourself, Inu," Natsuko quickly hushed Oka paired with petting the top of her head. It typically calmed her down, especially if she got behind the ears. While the photos were less than flattering, tearing them up in a state of wild aggression wouldn't do well to improve the girl's image. It was unbecoming to let oneself lose control over mere portraits, no matter how insulting. Journalists needed a story and if the only good story was a negative one, they were going to lean towards that. There was no need to take their words so seriously as to become enraged.

Being handed the next set, however, Natsuko's own beliefs and previous thoughts on the matter of journalism flew out the window per say. Staring at it, frozen as if from shock, it was of her and, worse, it was her unbandaged. That alone was a cause for concern, let alone that there was some bust evident in the picture as well, albeit not much. Honestly, most people probably wouldn't have noticed it unless they nitpicked at such things like the blue-blood did.

Recovering from the shock, Natsuko's gaze, or death glare as it now was, shot over to Oka who was the only person alive to have seen her face. "Inu... What did you do...?" Her grip on the picture had tightened, crumpling the sides slightly and her arms began trembling. Zooming over to the third seat, she shoved the piece in his face with the same scowl inviting death that she had given her fellow Captain. "Explain this immediately... third seat..." By how she was slowing down her speech, it was obvious that the mummy was attempting to keep herself calm. Just exploding would be unbecoming of her, though she was getting there.

"Huh?! I Just uncovered your face!...though if they are shaped like that...yes Shiro...err eh.heh...ehh yes lets go to a Shinto temple after this.." With a half-assed diversion from her real words, it was better to leave the pair in their death stare as she picks up his now on the ground drawings. Looking at the other images it was a surprise that Bobu came out of the meeting with his head attached.

First was a painting of the small Arrancar that did so much damage, while rather well drawn there were scribbles on it such as; Give Orange Juice, Block off with Bears. Unsure what that meant Oka moves to the next image of the Meeting. Most of the Captains were drawn as they were, Oda with a "Fuck You" above his head walking out the door, the Captain Commander was replaced with a cardboard cutout..or that's what Oka assumed was the old fart. Above the meeting was a caption reading "And nothing was accomplished." Incidentally, Heizo seemed to have the most work in the form of papers laid out in front of him with a question mark under his person with the character for "Justice."

"...I..umm..." Sweating somewhat and highly unsure of what to say next there was still Natsuko she had to calm down. " this the Captain Commander? Why is he drawn like this?" Looking at the rest of the images, Bobu's thoughts on the rest of the Espada was clear, with most of them drawn sleeping, or lounging about, curiously the number one among them was drawn walking around the place in one photo with the other Shinigami that confronted him in servant garb. " might want to go on vacation for a few days.."

"Hmm?" was all Bobu managed to say before the wad of paper was forced into his face. Mumbling through it he patted at his covered face before finding Natsuko's hand. "Whhh daaah yuuuu eeean?" Trying to pry it off with the papers he was unsuccessful before Natsuko removed it herself. Catching the paper before it fell to the ground Bobu looked at it and said "Oh." before attempting to straighten out the wrinkles in it. "This was when Captain Ogasawara undid your bandages during the battle. It was my favorite piece to make." He said with a smile and glance up at Natsuko.

"Your hair is quite a beautiful shade of green, you must take good care of it." Turning toward Captain Oka, Bobu raised an eyebrow at her question before answering. "Yes. That's the Commander. Does it not look like him?" Walking to stand beside her, Bobu examined the Captain's meeting in her hand searching for his mistake. "Sometimes he can be so stiff that it's easier to just draw him like that." he explained. Watching as she cycled through the remaining pages and smiling at various ones. "Vacation? Hmm." Looking up to the ceiling he tried to recall the last time he had taken a vacation. Surprised to find that he hadn't, Bobu cheerily responded with. "That sounds like a great idea. I can take the time to paint or visit the woods and say hi to all of Kami-sama's little creatures. Maybe try out my new brushes too."

"So it was your fault!" Natsuko exclaimed, staring accusingly back at Oka. If she had never had touched her bandages, this picture would not be a thing. Sighing, the picture was good, however that wasn't the issue. It was bad enough the mutt saw, but apparently there were others who saw as well. Hell, there might be more than just the third seat who saw. The thought alone caused the mummy's head to slump forward into the palm of her left hand before raising it once again, an eye twitching in aggravation as she spoke to the third seat with a foot in the grave. "You will tell me how many other copies of this picture you have... On second thought, no... Just destroy them all. Discretely. No witnesses..." At this point, Natsuko didn't care about the other photos, just hers and keeping the number of people aware of her appearance to the minimal.

" will all be fine..I have a way to make up for it..really!" Feeling somewhat ashamed, well briefly at least it did seem Oka had some sort of plan in mind. What that plan was however was still the winning question. Luckily with the question of how many and who had seen her, Bobu would be off the hook with the forced marriage threat. Though given the man's actions it's unlikely Natsuko would have agreed to begin with even had he offered.

Her family habits were troublesome, what good noble houses and rules were to begin with was well past her and held in contempt. Short of platitudes and archaic words did they have any worth.. Shrugging it off the Wolf eared Captain was in agreement with the pictures, though how scary Natsuko was acting over this was concerning, she might actually would kill Bobu depending... given the course of action she would soon be attempting this could be worrisome. But that was for later. "Eh..heh..heh.." In her typical fake laugh the Captain rubs the back of her head, holding on to the paintings, this sort of situation was beyond her means of dealing with.

"Umm..yeah you might should do what Natsuko-san says.. Here are your drawings. I really need that drink now.." Handing them towards Bobu, she had half a mind to read what the bits that were approved said. Though maybe it would be best to not know.. Bowing lightly in form of parting Oka really wondered if this situation was okay...he couldn't get into more trouble in the woods...right?

"But why!?" Bobu questioned. Not understanding their reasons, he was confounded as to why they'd demand him to destroy his precious work. Taking back his papers he shuffled them till he found the image of Natsuko. Looking at it he asked "Is it that bad?" while searching for it's fault. "I could draw and paint it again. Make the bust bigger." he suggested, trying to pinpoint and reverse the mistake.

"YOU WILL DO NO SUCH THING!" Natsuko quickly jumped in, only realizing the volume of her outburst after it occurred and took a moment to calm. "The quality of the art is not the issue. It is the fact that my face is to bare! For what reason do you think I bind myself?!" Hand trembling in frustration, she reached an open palm forward. "You will relinquish that photo to me. I am confiscating it... and you will as well destroy any copies without any onlookers to remember it."

Looking up in surprise at the sudden shriek of words, Bobu was taken aback at how swiftly his suggestion was shot down. Though relieved it wasn't the art itself, he grew less concerned in replying. "That's no reason to destroy it. You just need to broaden your horizons, and reach out to others. Your bandages are keeping the canvas of life covered." "You will do as I say or I will bury your canvas of life six feet in the ground," Natsuko retorted firmly, not budging on the matter. It was obvious she would not be swayed or altered on this decision. "Ohhh, the dirt feels good when you're rolling all in it. I never tried painting with it though. Maybe I should try, you're welcome to join me." Bobu said with a smile.

"I..uhh.." At a loss of words given the current situation, Oka was fortunately used to playing peace maker, this situation needed to be laid to rest and quickly. "Bobu...err why not just let her keep the image as a gift..and you keep no copies.." Making the offer in a reasonable manner it was hard to tell what she may be thinking with the visor hiding her eyes and the upper half of her face. "And Natsuko can forget all of this and do what she wants with it?" Making the offer for the pair she tugs at Natsuko's sleeve as if begging her to leave the situation be. For whatever reason Bobu seemed ignorant or maybe he was knowingly provoking the situation.

"Hmm." Contemplating the suggestion, Bobu looked at his work before nodding his head once. "Okay. She can have it, but I won't let her destroy it." he said pulling out his Zanpakuto. Holding it in his open palm it released without his command and transformed into a wooden brush. Going across the bottom of the paper with it, Bobu signed his name in red before sealing his Zanpakuto and sheathing it. "There. Now it'll be safe." he said with a smile, handing the paper to Natsuko. "There's no copies. Only the printers do that sort of thing."

Now resembling Oka with her own growling at the third seat, Natsuko stared at him dangerously, only glancing to her tailed friend when she attempted to smooth over the situation. The tugging of her sleeve would do nothing, however. She wasn't going to leave without the picture.

Thankfully, Rosu agreed to relinquish it under some notion that it was a gift, but not before ensuring that it would never be destroyed, an act that greatly irked Natsuko. However, it was better than him being in possession of it. Taking the paper, she continued to hold a scowl towards the third seat, little by little being dragged away by Oka who seemed only intent on leaving the area without any bloodshed.

Sighing a bit Oka shakes her head in confusion and dismay at the situation. At least it was over for now. Pausing at the sensation that thought sent down her spine, Oka had a terrible feeling this would be but the start of the problems Bobu Rossu would cause for herself in the coming days. But for now the meeting was over and there was a meat and sake to be had.

Waving goodbye to the two without a word Bobu chuckled lightly to himself before turning his focus back to his work. Arranging the stack of papers back to their original form he looked outside once finished to see a small cloud drifting across the sky. Walking over to the window he rested on its sill and watched the cloud slowly pass, imagining what all he'd do for his vacation.

Alicia Fullburn Las Noches

Following the meeting and events of little note the Segunda was approched soon there after with an offer most interesting. However consulting her cards it was deemed most unwise, nevermind her own paranoia, too much vulnerability was asked in exchange to test it out. So it was a simple issue to laugh and decline. She had her own, if self somewhat troublesome way of gaining what she wanted in that case. Someone else could be the test dummy for it, but not her.

Though it seemed something most curious was going on. Conversing amongst her own she laughs lightly, pondering what to do or where to go. Maybe that trip wouldn't have been such a bad idea after all...not as she feared this situation, but as it was a pointless, stupid distraction from her greater purpose, this whole situation was becoming more troublesome than she had counted on. "When the Cat is away the mouse will play. This time it will be the peasant, not the Lord whom shall pay.. Peasants...always Peasants!" Alicia Growls out, there was always something in the way wasn't there.​
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"Rydia Hamlet of the arrancars over in the next castle over in Hueco Mundo," Rydia bounced happily, seemingly completely unconcerned about the fact that she was standing next to a walking plague. Reaching into her trick or treat basket, she pulled out a bar of chocolate, holding it out to Illea, "Rydia just wants to have more friends but everyone else says that the espada of Las Noches are special. They won't play with Rydia unless she proves that she's strong. That's not very nice!"

Her hand shook as she held the piece of chocolate out like she was hesitating about even doing this and was more ready to defend herself, her voice carry a slight undertone of desperation underneath the cutesy, cheeriness. Admittedly slightly suspicious, almost like the man in the van waving the candy but without the man, nor the van. Just a little girl taking things out of her trick or treat basket rather than putting them in the way it usually went.
A sandstorm had covered a small part of the desolate sands in Hueco Mundo. A woman with a thick chain wrapped around her arm emerged from it. It seemed like the chain was much longer, as it was pulling something heavy behind her. Her vacant hand covered her eyes from the sand, as it was kept just above the latter. "Come on, Arthur.. It's time we say hello to the big guy.." A smile crept around her face. All she could hear was someone murmuring behind her. As if Arthur was trying to say something, or make an attempt to squirm his way out of the chains that held his body tied up. He would like that, wouldn't he?

"Shut up.. You want this even more than I do.." Vera uttered, slightly gazing at the figure she was dragging with her. It did not take long before the Espada they were to have some fun with was in her sight. The woman did want to make a grand entrance, but with Arthur by her side, that was not the case. If anyone, the latter would have his grand entrance. A weird one, but true, nevertheless. "There he is. The Primera of the Espada." She smiled, as the sandstorm finally settled down behind them. There was nothing special about the woman. Her hair was a mix of black and violet. She had a scythe as her weapon, however, instead of a long hilt, it had a long chain, and at the end, there was the scythe itself.

Her grasp around the chain only tightened, as both Vera and Arthur was now behind the Espada they were seeking out. "Say hello.. to the Primera.." The woman laughed ever so slightly, before she swung the chain forward, as another figure emerged from behind, wrapped in her chains. Crashing into the deep sand in front of her, a small crater was made, as sandy smoke billowed. All she could hear was Arthur screaming while she hurled him around. As they both finally got the Primera's attention, and as the dust settled down, she spoke up.

"Nice to meet you, Guerra." She began, as her weapon retracted back into her hand. The long chain was now quite short in length, as her scythe was hanging down from just below her hand. "I am Vera Linus.. And that there.. Well, that's Arthur. He was dying to meet you."

"Oh, and, I just wanted to say.. We think its about time you disappeared.. What do you say? Oh, noble Guerra-chan.."

@Dakota K5 @Nevvy
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Interaction: Vera and Arthur
He stood with his back facing this new arrival who has made their way out of that sandstorm. "I guess it was wishful thinking to imagine I would not be challenged as well." The Primera said as he turned to face what seemed to be his opponent, Female with a chain bound individual as a weapon. Guerra looked this one up and down noting anything he was able to before heaving a sigh out of his lungs. "It seems know, forget the talking part of this farce." Guerra said as he pulled his large blade from his sheath and pointed it towards his opponent.

"Another one, another head for the belt and another meal for me though it seems almost a shame for this one to die after all she isn't that bad looking." Guerra thought but another thought entered his mind. "I wonder if this is a random attack by several Arrancar or is they are being directed by a higher power...?" The unsaid accusation floated in his mind, that Vaham was some how apart of this attack but Guerra was not quite ready to jump to that. He may of not fully trusted the man but he was in doubt that he was part of this for now though he wouldn't be surprised if Vaham used the fighting as a test of sorts.
He took off with speed at the woman in front of him, his blade positioned at his side and looking for a diagonal slash that would end this fight as fast as possible. He doubted it would hit but he needed to see how this one fought before he formulated any real strategy.
"S-say hello? You can't be serious?!" Arthur moaned like the world was going to end as he squirmed in his chains, getting half dragged along more than he actually walked. In anything, he was trying to walk in the opposite direction only to get dragged faster than he could do so. Skinny as a stick and squirming in nervousness, he seemed to have more than perfectly well good reason to be but that didn't make it look any less like a ridiculous Looney Toons cartoon with a bit of extra chains and a little more violence intended. He flinched, feeling Guerra take off, more than able to feel the reiatsu from where he was which only increased the vigor at which he was attempting and still failing escape.

"Can't we talk about this?! Maybe start out a little more gently? Checkers? Rock, paper, scissors? Life? Monopoly? Strip poker?" he yelled consecutively louder as Guerra approached them, listing off the first games that popped into his head that didn't involve a serious beating. Except chess. He never did get that one. As the locomotive of a primera closed in, he settled for one extremely feminine scream.
Illea Sirani, la Tercera
Illea still hid deeply behind her doll as her opponent explained herself.

Someone else.... wants friends? I never thought anyone else would feel that way. Yeah, it is rather dumb how my friends always want the strong.

Illea hesitantly moved the doll from infront of face, moving one arm to grab the candy bar, seemingly like an olive branch from whatever group of Arrancar she was from.

"I-I don't think strength's important. I think it's stupid, it doesn't even exist. Nobody's ever been strong, and nobody ever will. But, uh, i-it's nice to meet you Rydia. I didn't know there was a next castle over."

Illea peeled thet wrapper off the bar, before a sudden burst of Reiatsu shot through the area. Illea's eyes widened, and she nearly dropped the candy. Illea's pesquisa wasn't the best, but she knew Guerra's feel, it was hard not to. Guerra generally didn't get violent for no reason, and it wasn't too far. She could feel one other presence near him, active at least, though she couldn't make out who, it could be anyone.

"That's Guerra!"

Illea's greatest fear was him starting a fight with Vaham, or another Espada deciding he/she wanted his rank. Especially after that meeting.

I can't let the Espada fight! If someone else is fighting him, I'll have to stop both of them. I'm weak.... but people at least fear me.

"I have to go help a friend! Rydia, do you want to come help? I'll be your f-friend."

We might have an Espada opening if I don't hurry. No! I can't lose a friend.
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Soul Society

[fieldbox=Shizune Kurenai - 12th Captain, indigo]After what had happened in the meeting - if it could be called such, Captain Kurenai was down in her Division's HQ, alone in what could be called her 'office' as she sat behind several large screens. Her feet were propped up on the desk, a couple inches short of a few keys as she was reclined in her wheeled chair, a book in hand that had no distinct title written on it but a lone image of a sword and a womanly figure. While the Captain usually would be doing research on something or experimenting on another, it would be unusual to see her so lax, especially if they knew what the book was. Likely, Shizune would have been like this for a time longer if one of the screens among the giant computing workspace wasn't going off with a mildly irritating alert. Eyes shifting from the book and towards the screen, Shizune huffs before putting her legs down, shutting the book and seeing what was amiss along with wanting to shut the sound off.

"Not often these things go directly through here of all places... Alright, let's see what it's all about."

She took a moment to read through the report that went through, eyes coming to a stop as her brows tersed, "Hn?.." With a blink, she looked it over again before reaching a hand over to a sort of keyboard aside from the main one, fingers jotting in as the keys lit up, pulling up a map of the Soul Society, the Seireitei in the middle of it. "Increasing hollow activity down in the outskirts of the lower Rukongai districts... This isn't good-.. How did they get there unnoticed?...." With a few more presses, the map lit up with a few red dots, marking the active areas the report had detailed, "They're adapting?... Tsk.. Something doesn't feel right about this."

Shoving the chair away from the giant screens, Shizune rode along it halfway through the room before she got off seamlessly, walking over to grab her zanpakuto, that had been leaning idly by her desk of paperwork. "Kaiyuri.. Looks like we've got some things to check out, something has got my interest piqued... But first, we need to contact the other divisions.." Adjusting her blade to her attire, Shizune left her office and looked around, pulling aside a few members of her squad, "I need you three to send out requests to the other divisions necessary for reinforcements. We have growing hollow activity in the outskirts near the lower levels of the Rukongai that the current deployments won't be able to handle forever. I'm going down there myself to figure anything out. Also, please request that no other Captain or Lieutenant is dispatched there unless I say otherwise - or Old Man Renzo.. With haste you three, we need to get things under control before it gets worse."

With that, the shinigami she issued orders to had dispersed in different directions as Shizune herself left with shunp. One shinigami resolved to using a Tenteikura bakudo to pass along the message to others who will relay the information in other divisions, the others using similar methods with hell butterflies and word of mouth. Either way, the message sent was clear,

'To all divisions this involves, the 12th has received a concerning report of increasing hollow activity in the outskirts of the poorer districts of the rukongai. Reinforcements have been requested and is advised to act upon it swiftly. Captain Kurenai of the 12th Division has embarked on her own to oversee the situation first hand and has requested no other Captains and seated members above 4th seat look into this unless necessary or deemed so by Captain Commander Bayroad. Action is advised to be taken as soon as possible.'
Rydia softened up a little, breathing a sigh of relief. She had expected to have to fight Illea to prove herself. That was what everyone else had said over and over again. The espada were special. Las Noches was special. They had all the perks, the big castle, and they thought they were better than everyone else. Illea seemed to be a bit different. Her little black wings flapped eagerly as if to display her joyous mood. In the back of her mind, she knew that it was likely one of the others from her group attacking whoever it was and that helping Illea meant turning of them... She really didn't want to do it. She just wanted to play and be friends with everyone. If the espada were accepting like this, there was really no need to fight it out. But the ones who weren't... Well, Las Noches and actually all of Hueco Mundo had rules for that. If you had a problem, you just beat the other hollow into the ground till they couldn't do anything anymore or until they started seeing things your way. That was pretty typical.

"Rydia thinks she knows what is happening. All of us came here to prove our strength. Rydia is just happy that Illea understands. So we don't need to fight!" Rydia chirped happily, flapping her wings and hovering along after Illea. She could fight if she had to but she really only wanted to fight mean people, not her friends. Mean people were for killing. Friends were for playing with and eating candy with. Pulling a lollipop out of her basket, she stuck it in her mouth. She'd fight if she needed to but it was so awkward. What if one of Illea's friends was being mean? Should she fight them or not? She wanted to protect her friends but she didn't want to make Illea upset either.

"What will Illea do if Illea's friends are fighting Rydia's friends?" she asked somewhat hesitantly. Though at the same time, she somewhat knew what the likely results would be.

[fieldbox=No Juro, maroon]No Juro kept his eyes closed as he heard someone else speak in the baths with him. How tiresome already it was for Juro to be listening to some man, one who he had never seen before challenge him. Juro wasn't much of an active person, for any aspect but he liked to believe that when he did become active that nothing could stand in his way. Too bad he rarely becomes active, and when he does it is for the shortest amount of time possible. "Alright about you leave and just say that you lost? Hmmm? I rather not stand up, and I rather not fight another man naked because I'm not into that." Juro kept his eyes closed and let out a yawn.

Perhaps the man challenging Juro would leave him alone if Juro just showed zero interest in the fight. Juro didn't even have to act! The only thing Juro got motivated for was women and this man was no women, and fighting wasn't what motivated him on top of that. "Run along now, challenge someone else." Juro waved his hand before letting his body sink into the water, only head sticking out now.

[fieldbox=Kisame Hokuda | Arrancar Ten, olive]Kisame gave a slight smirk as Kha Reua decided not to fight in the room. Instead, the female Arrancar used Sonido to leave the room and head outside, far away from the Castle as to not cause damage. A damn shame because Kisame wanted to destroy something, and Kha just left him alone in her room. "Going out the door or an open window is to old fashioned." Kisame smirked once more before releasing a Cero inside of Kha's room, destroying a vast majority of it and blowing open a wide enough hole to exit from and use Sonido.

Kisame appeared on the sands, several feet away from Kha. "Whoops." Kisame shrugged his shoulders as he looked behind him to see the rising smoke filling the air from Kha's room. "It was an accident, I swear. You left me alone! I had to entertain myself somehow." Kisame began to go off on a tangent rather then get ready for the fight presented. He seemed to be easily distracted...or he is trying to enrage Kha. Perhaps she had something valuable in the room. Who knew.

"Enough about your room. We are out here to fight, even though it is futile and you should just surrender yourself. I might even let you live if you surrender, just strip you of your number and dignity."

[fieldbox=Odin Rathar | Arrancar Ten]Odin sat atop the castle of Los Noches itself, legs folded underneath him with burly arms crossed over his chest. His Zanpakuto, a large hammer, laid in front of him on the ground in a respective manner. Eyes closed as he felt the presences beneath him, feeling every movement they made, with his own pressure being tucked away and hidden for now. He had an Arrancar to kill, but her location was unknown at the moment, but she was here in Hueco Mundo. Alicia, the Segunda was the one he is meant to fight. One he looks forward to. To face someone with true mettle and power.


Odin would continue to wait until a better situation presented itself to him. One where he could distinguish Alicia from the rest of her peers and track her down. Slaughtering weak Fraccion to learn of her location was beneath him, and pointless. Releasing his own presence would just lead several moths to his flame, but would it catch the correct moth? Patience is key. More rambling.
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Hueco Mundo/ Outside Las Noches - Espada 8

Kha's eyes widened as she witnessed the eastern walls of Las Noches blown apart, destroying her room completely. For a moment, she was frozen with sheer rage. The one place she had, her home, had been desecrated by some mere Hollow scum. Ignoring Kisame's second offer of surrender, she sped past him towards the crater in the wall. Scurrying around, she sifted through the rubble, frantically searching for something. After a brief moment, she shoved her hand down into the debris and pulled out her floor mat, which was now only a few bamboo strips dangerously hanging onto some string. It was her only possession which she had always possessed, and which seemed to tie her to her old life before she was a Hollow. It was a mystery to her, and also a treasure. And now, it was destroyed beyond repair.

Mumbling to herself, the Octava struggled with the emotions coursing through her body, still clutching the broken mat in her hands. She couldn't understand the emptiness she felt forming inside her over such a trivial object. "Is this...loss?" she asked herself. "I don't...understand..." Looking over her shoulder back at Kisame, she dropped her only possession onto the ground, her eyes filled with hatred and cruelty. And just like that, the switch was flipped, and Kha's mind was lost to her true form.

Suddenly, Kha Reau began to cackle; her shoulders shaking violently. Her laugh started as a high pitched chuckle, which grew into a full fledged screaming cry of uncontrollable insanity that echoed throughout all of Hueco Mundo. If Kisame had wanted to fight the insane version of Kha Reau, he was about to get his wish.

"You come...! Into my space...And challenge me! Me!" The Octava screeched through shallow breaths at her challenger. "Then you take from me, that which is mine! It's wonderful!!" Kha shrieked. Initially, in an attempt to control her earlier convulsions, the crazed Espada had crossed her arms, digging her nails deep into her shoulders. Now, as she let go, blood had begun seeping from the open wounds. As the blood poured out of her and onto her palms, the Octava wiped it across her face, her head titled to one side in a crazed, maniacal fashion.

"I will have your eyes as trophies to wear around my neck, with your spine as the chain! The rest of you, will be dinner!"
In a flash, Kha Reau sped towards Kisame, intent on ripping him apart in the most painful way her demented mind could imagine. The hunger was back, and she couldn't wait to feast.


Soul Society

Captain Denzen was on his way to the 1st Division's barracks when the hell butterfly flew by, relaying the message of the apparent Hollow activity in the Rukongai.

"Hmm...interesting." Rai spoke aloud to himself. He had faith that the Captain Kurenai could handle whatever was going on on her own, but he was a bit curious, despite the relayed message requesting no one else get involved. However, he didn't want to breed turmoil between him and the 12th Division Captain, who he really didn't know all that well. He valued respect, and he knew it was important to show others the same respect he desired. And yet, his curiosity and slight paranoia got the better of him. Turning around, he headed towards the Rukongai District. He had no intention of getting in the way of the 12th Division. The 6th Division Captain would simply watch from afar, that way he could calm his nerves and make sure everything went off without a hitch. Plus, this way he could study Captain Kurenai's leadership in action.
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Illea Sirani

Illea gave a reassuring smile to Rydia, removing the doll from infront of her face.

"I'll stop them both. I'm weak, but people don't like to fight me. I don't like to fight either though... Hopefully they don't want to..."

With that, Illea hurried as fast as she could to Guerra, the smile dropping. Illea's speed was purely in bursts however. She didn't make it far without constantly having to stop to cough and regain herself. As soon as she was in range, she held her hand forward. She once again turned to Rydia, regaining her smile.

"Your friends want to prove their strength, right? I don't know who is where, but if a strong enough cero is fired between them, hopefully they'll back down? What if we fired a cero stronger definitely than any one else of the Arrancar could? I can't do that by myself, but I think you are strong, right? What if we combine a cero to fire? We'll fire high so we definitely miss them, but strong enough to scare them... Like a Halloween scare!"

Illea definitely noted her friend's attire for the last statement. At this point, Rydia hadn't tried attacking her, so she thought she could be trusted. Her main focus was on Guerra however. She couldn't let him get injured, and if Rydia's friends were in danger, she couldn't let them be in danger either.

Secretly, Illea had a backup plan though. If this wouldn't work, she'd just have to make everyone sick. If they were to sick, fighting would not cross their minds. She really hoped she wouldn't have to, Guerra would be angry.
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