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Yes. Everything on the website I've done is from Mobile. And not Iwaku's acting like a bitch and I'm pissed off.

I'm sorry. I don't mean to sound moody or bitchy-It's just I've never been frustrated in my entirely life. I've gotta go vent before I continue or I might hurt myself.
Oh no its fine, I would be furious if I had to use mobile.
Take a break for now Mirai-chii. To be honest I haven't made any progress in the RP today. Breaks are important too. :D And this isn't a job that we have to work our sweat and tears for.
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It's 3 in the morning here. Hibernation mode = ACTIVATE.
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Wait...so is Kizugawa just a hive of scum and villainy? And is the government there basically just a whole bunch of assholes? And are guns and shit easy to get? And are humans there generally all cynical, heartless retards?

Now that I've actually gone and read Mirai's CS, it looks like the nation is way darker than I thought? Can I get some confirmation in regards to how far the quality of life in Japan has plummeted in this universe?
I wouldn't say its all of Japan. Its likely like Ikaburu in Durarara, crazy shit happens just there. Plus until a banner is given the bio technically isn't approved so changes could be asked. Now mind you I'm no offical in this rp, thats just how I am treating it. Though with a task force being sent, which was mentioned on Page 4 maybe something happened to Japan or its near abroad to cause a rampant crime wave, otherwise they wouldn't have a task force to regain control.

As to why even in a normal setting this could be allowed. Well lets look at current events, I would love to see you Explain the slums of Brazil, the US City of Detriot, or its infastructure in general, plus in gun controlled France we've had back to back terrorism cases with anything from handguns to AK's and RPG's. In short the people in power for the most part are incompetent or assholes. The "trash" is pushed into one area, or someone is making a profit somehow for these situations to continue.

I would like clarification as well, though from what I talked with OP in private Guns aren't all that common. You also have to remember the time and all the back log our GM has, the bio hasn't likely even been read fully.
Wait...so is Kizugawa just a hive of scum and villainy? And is the government there basically just a whole bunch of assholes? And are guns and shit easy to get? And are humans there generally all cynical, heartless retards?

Now that I've actually gone and read Mirai's CS, it looks like the nation is way darker than I thought? Can I get some confirmation in regards to how far the quality of life in Japan has plummeted in this universe?
Nooooo it was supposed to be a surprise goddammit!

*Sigh* Oh well. I should've seen it coming. So what did you think? o.o
あおい みゆき
Aoi Miyuki

"I hope you can back up all that Smack Talk Bullshit, Because I SURE AS HELL CAN!"

"Welcome One and All. I hope you stay for a while okay. Unless you want to Piss me off."
Full Name:
Miyuki "Yuki" Aoi (Kyouka)
Nickname and origin of nickname:
Miyu-Chan/Miyu | A Nickname Miyuki loathes more than society itself. The names was given to her by her classmate and friend Miki Chinatsu, who suffered the same fate as Miyuki. However, she died where Miyuki lived. As a result from trauma and anger, whenever Miyuki hears that nickname will cause her to breakdown and/or go Berserk.
Moriko | A Japanese Name that means "Forest Child". She received this name by an unnamed older woman who saw her come out of Aokigahara (Which means Suicide Forest).
Yuki | Japanese name that means "Snow". The Name was given to her by Roman "Diablo" Aoi- the gang leader of the gang Rouge Knights. When Miyuki joined the 'The Strays', she kept the the name and adopted Roman's Surname as her own. Roman also liked the name better than 'Miyuki' since 'Miyuki' was a 'formal name'.
Blue Snow | Another Nickname given to her that combines the 'Yuki' part of her name and her last name 'Aoi'. The name was given to her a unnamed thug before she shot him. On the day the nickname was given to her, she was wearing a Spaghetti Strap Blue Dress that landed at her knees on a cold snowy day.
Bullseye Blue Snow | This tends to go hand and hand with 'Blue Snow'. The 'Bullseye' part of the name came from her accurate sharpshooting skills from any gun-a ability Roman had taught her.
The Unlucky One/The Unfavorite | Given to her by her older sisters Amaterasu, Hiromi, Kamiko, and Keiko-all of which were more favorited by their parents than her. Also note that her four older siblings bullied her a lot.
Crybaby | Another nickname Given to her by her older sister-this time with help of the classmates that bullied her. Due to being prone to tears, she cried a lot. And bullying only made things worse. Then Miki Chinatsu Came along...
Moe Blob | a nickname given to her by some of the gang members of 'The Strays'. Due to her small physique and voice, it's hard to often take her seriously. Her Tsundere attitude also makes it worse-much to Miyuki's frustration.

Do they like the nickname given to them?:
Miyu-Chan/Miyu = "GOD NO. *Pulls out Pistol and starts shooting* Die Die Die Die Die!"
Moriko = "Call me that and your dead."
Yuki = "....Yes. Since...it reminds me of Papa.."
Blue Snow = "It's a cool name. It makes me sound like a badass!"
Bullseye Blue Snow = "*Blushes* Ehehe...Stop your making me blush."
The Unlucky One/The Unfavorite/ Crybaby = "*Monotone Voice* What did you say? Do you have a death wish?"
Moe Blob = "S-Shut up! Don't you start too!"
April 13th
Ethnic Background:
Japanese | Chinese (Birth Family)

English-Russian (Roman "Diablo" Aoi-Adoptive Father)

Character Speech Color/Code:
Light Blue
"Look. I like Light Blue. And there's nothing wrong with that. Got it?"
Physical Appearance

"Goddammit Wind. Now it's gonna get all fucking tangled."
Hair Color:
Eye Color:
157 lbs
In spite of her past, Miyuki is a short, youthful, and bright-looking girl. She has black hair that she always keeps in two pony-tails, kept together with white bands at the height of her ears, Braided Pigtails, or has it down that feathers shoulder blades. The ponytails fall over her shoulders. She often has a few strands of hair springing from her head. She has sapphire-blue eyes and is often seen with a gentle smile and a slight blush. She also has a mole on her left side of her neck, the same as her Chinese mother. She also has a few cigarette burns located at the top of her left shoulder and two located on her right thigh-albeit they have gotten better. Her back is seen to be covered in whip scars thanks to the Homicide Yankees gang, how used her as a dummy to take their frustration out on.

"I believe I can fly~. PFFT."
Fashion Style:
As seen above, Miyuki's fashion style consists of whatever she feels comfortable in. She usually is seen wearing school uniforms (preferably Seifuku's) with a hooded Violet jacket over it (That was given to her by her Adoptive Father). Usually completed with socks (either knees socks or thigh highs). It is shown by her wardrobe that she has a liking towards cute clothes-although hates to admit it.

It shows that Miyuki hates dressing up Formally, and shows to resent it deeply. Why? Dressing up formally reminds her to much of her Birth Family, the family that neglected her and treated her like a "smudge" on the family's name rather than a person. But if she has no choice, she sucks it up and beautiful dresses, her hair down and completed with tights and short heels.

Health condition:
Shown to be Physically Fit (Most Recently) but suffers from Trauma due to being Abducted, Raped, and Losing her Closest and Only friend Mentally.

Three burns-all of which are Cigarette Burns. One is located on her left shoulder while two are located on her right thigh. They have gotten better though. And then there are the scar whips on her back..

Combat abilities:
Compared to what Miyuki was when she was child, she has grown a backbone and learned to defend herself. With the training from Aoi and his toughest of men, she has grown into a much stronger person than she was before. Albeit however she cannot defeat the most recent gang she joined leaders. Her use of speed and dodging to strike a opponent is her most frequent way of starting her attacks. Her use of Hand-to-Hand Combat and her Flexibility in Acrobatics are also proficient in battles. Sometimes Miyuki tends to use her guns in battles to, using a round off and shooting her opponents. Using them to protect herself or smashing them over one's head are also other ways that

One of her most prominent combat abilities however is her use of Qinna. Qinna (擒拿) is the set of joint lock techniques used in the Chinese martial arts to control or lock an opponent's joints or muscles/tendons so he cannot move, thus neutralizing the opponent's fighting ability. She had picked up on the technique thanks to Fan Mei, Aoi's medic who had learned the technique from her grandmother. When using Qinna, Miyuki uses her speed and hand-to-hand combat and speed before pinpointing her opponent's joint and jabbing it quickly, causing her opponent's joint to lock up. She uses this technique quickly and quietly until her opponent is completely immobilized. She then either leaves them as such, or kills them with her guns.​
Fall of a Deep Snow (Trigger Warning!)


(For Miyuki's past, I decided to add some "Music" for something that happened to Miyuki or what fits the situation she is in. To get the full experience, please listen to each song while reading. Thank you ^^)

"Let me paint you a Story. A story of a broken girl."

Miyuki "Yuki" Aoi–Better known as Bullseye Blue Snow is a member of the gang 'The Strays'. Yuki is known as the small (more like smol) Gungslinging Almighty Janitor-who goes after those who are after the gang with a slasher smile and cleans up the mess-or makes it look like an accident of course. However she-much like the rest of the gang-didn't start off this way of course. In reality, she is Miyuki Kyouka, the fifth and youngest daughter of the Kyouka Clan-who has been missing and wanted for the past nine years.

The Kyouka Clan is one of the most prestigious and elite groups that is located in Toyohashi of the Aichi Prefecture. The group was formed following the marriage of Liling Huan and Akihiko Kyouka-and resided in the Groom's Home City. The group is known for being absolutely perfect. Even their children are considered perfect. Born on the day they are due, born at a perfect time where neither parent is busy, born to have both traits of their parents. The meanings of the names for the children even showed how perfect they were. However, a "smudge" soon grew on the family's name. That smudge..is known as "Miyuki Kyouka".

Miyuki was born at a time when the Kyouka clan was in crisis. The family was going through a tough financial spot and having a newborn child at the moment was the last thing the parents needed to deal with. Miyuki was also born two months before she was even due, supposedly during the middle of June. Instead, she was born in April-April 13th. She was also born in the Kyouka mansion-having been delivered by two much older and loyal maids rather than being delivered at a hospital like her sisters. It also showed she inherited more physical traits from her mother, rather than having an even amount like her sisters. Her father was so angry he nearly stabbed her with a pair of scissors he held in his hand shortly after her birth, but the maids pushed him away. Instead of the mother, the two maids named the new child, naming her Miyuki. Why? Well, as one of the maids put it:

"Miyuki is such a beautiful name for a beautiful girl."

Grade School and Childhood
If Miyuki had told you her childhood was anything but great she would be more than right. Because she was the "Stain" on the Kyouka Reputation, she was treated with disdain and neglect, her parents not even looking her in the eye not bother to remember her own name. Her older sisters bullied her with their parents consent-since she was a "stain". They called her a Crybaby, the Unfavorite One, and the Unlucky One-All of which were true. And yet, while her family treated her as if she was trash, the maids and butlers treated her warmly and like a member of their own family in a way. One of the most prominent ones was that of Natsumi Amaya-a young teenager who was taken in by the Kyouka clan when she was only a infant. Although she was young, she is treated like a maid for the girls and is the youngest maid. Natsumi shows to be the most protective of Miyuki, shutting down her elder sister's bullying when she is around.

Her time in grade school was also not very great either. Her classmates bullied her, but for a different reason than her older sisters had. They bullied her for being beautiful, being apart of the Kyouka Clan, and-much like her sisters-being a crybaby. The bullying only got worse, even going so far and to hold her down and cut her long hair. That was...until a tall girl showed up.

Her name was Miki Chinatsu, a girl who was also picked on because of her height. But unlike Miyuki, she held her own and stood up to her bullies. The day she came, the fellow bullies scattered and left Miyuki on the floor in a crying, scattered with black hair heap. She was miserable. Miki helped her up and dried her tears, hugging her tightly and asking if she was okay. When Miyuki center to her about her hair, all she said was-

"But you look a lot prettier with short hair."

The comment made Miyuki blush, and Miki took her hand. She said they would talk more at recess and left her in the hallway, surrounded by her own hair. Miyuki gave a small smile, feeling this was the beginning of a beautiful friendship.

A Friend Indeed

And what a friendship it was. From that day forward, Miki started spending much more time with Miyuki, hanging out with her before and after school. Unlike the rest of the students, Miki wasn't bothered by Miyuki's position of being part of the Kyouka Clan-Far from it actually. She helped Miyuki grow a backbone and stand up to her bullies for the first time, and it even free to her own parents. Granted, it did get her slapped or hit, but it was relishing to stand up to them.

And the more Miyuki spent time with Miki, the more she learned about her. Same went for Miki, who leaned about the neglect the Kyouka's were doing to her. She offered Miyuki to run away and live with her, but Miyuki declined. Miki also helped Miyuki come out of her shell, seeing the black haired girl become more outgoing each day. Miyuki even went as far to stay over at Miki's place sometimes-since her parents obviously didn't care. And for that time Miyuki was happy, she had a friend and -somewhat- of a family that loved her.

But happiness can't last forever now can it? No, it can't. Two year later Miki felt bold enough to encourage Miyuki to come with her to a store without their parents on the bad part of Toyohashi, the side were gangs and Yankees lived. Although Miyuki was scared, Miki encouraged her that everything was going to be fine and they were going to be okay.

Boy how wrong she was...

Homicide Yankees-殺人ヤンキース

After visiting the store, the two young seven year olds decided it was a "magnificently" good idea to take a shortcut down a dark alley where they met two young men no older than their early twenties. The two men halted them and asked where their parents were. When they both didn't answer, the two men gave a sickeningly grin as the looked at each other, before looking back at the two girls.
"Why don't you come with us? Will take you somewhere to contact your parents." One of them said that made Miyuki both scared and suspicious. When she pulled at Miki's hand, insisting they leave quickly, Miki gave her a reassuring smile and told her everything was fine. But it wasn't.

The two men took them to an abandoned warehouse where they slammed the two girls down hard onto the floor and pinned them, other men circling around them and grinning evilly. The questioned on what to do with them, and revealed they were the infamous Homicide Yankee Gang. Miyuki learned about this gang before from one of the maids in her home. The gang was known for their attacks against woman and young children-preferably girls. And their hideout definitely showed it-with blood splattered on the walls and corpses everywhere. The man pinning Miyuki yanked Miyuki up by her hair and venomously told her that if she wanted to live, then she would do as they say or die right then and there-just like the rest of their victims.

Miyuki looked over at Miki and saw her violently get away from the thugs' grasp, running towards the exit. Miyuki screamed for her not to leave her but it was too late. One of the thugs chased her and stabbed her in her leg and chest, killing her instantly. Miyuki watched in absolute horror as her friend's corpse lied limply on the ground, blood seeping out onto the floor. The other men circled around her as two stayed behind Miyuki, one of them implying something about making Miki dinner, which further traumatized Miyuki. "You see? That's what happens when you try to run away from gangs. They kill you. What are you gonna do about it? Huh Bitch? Your ours now. So unless if you–" The man holding spat, his grip tightening and his teeth gritting until Miyuki spoke up and cried to stop, crying she'll do whatever they want to her just as long as they leave Miki's body alone.

The two men looked at each other and grinned before letting go of Miyuki, stroking her short hair.

"Good Girl.."

Zetsubō (Despair)
The days with the Homicide Yankees Gang were dark and horrible. They stripped her of the clothes and gave her only a very flimsy white shirt that had the word "BITCH" on it. Although it seemed fitting given that was Miyuki's role apparently. As promised, Miyuki was given Miki's corpse as a sort of stuffed animal, cuddling it and brushing her hair as If she was alive, laughing and making jokes with the corpse. However they had to get rid of it once Miki's corpse started decomposing.

The things the group did to poor Miyuki were...unspeakable. They treated her like a sex slave, forcing her into several sexual acts and Raping her constantly. Before they disposed of Miki's body in the ocean, they decided to have fun with the corpse and Miyuki-which was one giant fucked up orgy including Maggots, Necrophilia, and Disgusting Forced Young Girl on a Girls Corpse. It by far was the most disgusting moment of Miyuki's young life. And it was only about to get worse.

She spent a year as the Homicide Yankee Sex Slave and Bitch, being forced into humiliating or Depraved Situations. Not to mention being used to burn out their cigarette and being used as a dummy to whip or take out their frustrations on. She was then dumped a year and three months after her eighth birthday far away from her home to a place where suicidal people died. Although it seemed at this point to be fitting, since Miyuki was growing sick of living anyways.

Moriko-"Forest Child"
[MMD PV] Aokigahara
On a very humid day in July, Miyuki woke up on a very muddy ground, her face towards the bright sun. She sat up slowly and looked around, seeing a sea of trees before her and no sound. But the more notable of the scenery was the corpses. Some were hanging, others were scattered about, decomposing and crawling with maggots and other bugs. Miyuki's eyes went soulless when she realized where she was.

Aokigahara-The Sea of trees where Suicidal people came to die.

Although..it seemed fitting really. For the past few months she had been begging to be put out of her misery and killed, or wishing quietly to be given something,anything, to kill herself. A gun, a knife, hell even trying to drown herself, and yet the gang members wouldn't allow it. They let her live to see her suffer like the sadistic assholes they were, and Miyuki hated it. Although, it seemed they finally granted her desire and took her up to Aokigahara while she was sleeping one night-a month or so after her birthday, leaving her on the ground with nothing to kill herself with.

She looked down at her clothes, seeing the white flimsy see through shirt was replaced with a brown long shirt with short sleeves. The texture of the shirt was soft and silky however, as if it was a heartwarming parting gift from the gang who used her for a year and six months. And compared to her messy physique, it was a bonus. Her clack hair was long, messy, and disheveled, her eyes were soulless and full of despair, her body was extremely skinny, even more so than any regular eight-year-old girl, and completely covered in bruises, mud, bloody scars and cigarette burns.

Although it seemed the shirt wasn't the only thing they left her with. When she tried to stand up, she felt something against her leg. It was a corpse. A corpse of a woman who was in her twenties who was decomposing slowly and disgustingly. Apparently the men tied her left wrist to the right wrist of the corpse with a flimsy string. In other words, it was like leaving her a disgusting meal. And given the fact she was forced into eating the remains and drinking the blood of the gang's victims, it was not a thrilling gift.

And yet she was so hungry, that the poor young girl decided to eat inside the corpse anyways, eating parts that weren't infected by Maggots, Bugs, or Dung. When she was full, she untied the flimsy string and stood up again. She had learned to untie the most toughest of knots from being tied to metal poles in the Homicide Yankees hideout. Whenever they went out for something, they left Miyuki behind and tied her up to prevent her from running away and trying to kill herself. And while it worked at first, it didn't for long. She learned how to untie herself and get through the toughest of knots, managing to run away but always getting caught and being brought back "home" by her hair as the eight year old screamed and cried for death.

She spent a day and a half trying to look for the exit of Aokigahara, stopping by and eating corpses whenever she got hungry. When she finally made it through the exit, she made it down the trail up to the forest while limping, almost looking like a zombie. She walked to a nearby village where an elderly woman shrieked upon seeing her, seeing she came out of Aokigahara and called her Moriko-Which was a name that meant 'Forest Child'.

A New Home
Lost Boy - Ruth B ( with lyrics ) ; Nightcore
Miyuki spent the rest of the year in the Minamitsuru District of the Yamanashi Prefecture. She resided living in alleyways, living in a small moving box that Miyuki considered her temporary "home". She resorted to stealing from restaurants and store sat this point, being called "Moriko" and becoming a wanted criminal for being a thief. Nearing New Years, she got on a bus meant for homeless people and rode out of the district while the police were looking for her. At this point, it was no longer safe for her to live there. Before leaving however, she stole cat food for some stray cats that accompanied her at her "home"- feeding them before parting ways with them.

She continued to ride the buses. Getting on different buses with food and water she either stole or bought with money she gathered up from taking on disgusting tasks like prostitution. She rode them until reaching the destination of the Kizugawa Ward, which was a part of the Kyoto Prefecture.

One night on a very snowy February, she walked down a long dark road before resting-leaning against a door of a warehouse. She slid down against the door and sat down-hugging her knees close to her chest and looked up at the beaming blue moon. She contemplated how she ended up in this situation. Having no home, nowhere to go, nobody to save her. The worst about this is was it was all her fault. If she had told Miki no in the first place, than she and Miki wouldn't have gone to the bad part of Toyohashi and gotten abducted. On top of that, Miki would still be alive.

She felt tears come into her eyes as the black haired girl rested her forehead on her knees and started to sob, wishing someone would come save her, help her, love her. And then...

"Excuse me. Are you okay?"

A man asked, a much older man as well. When Miyuki looked up, she saw a no older than his middle thirties and is s a light-skinned man with long blonde hair which is set in a ponytail, a very thin moustache and a thin amount of hair on his chin. He also has blue eyes but wears a black eyepatch over his left eye which was burned out when he was younger. He has a thin amount of body hair and a tribal tattoo on his back, just underneath his neck, and was wearing a black suit.

Apparently, Miyuki was sitting against the door of the Rouge Knights Headquarters, one of the best gangs that fought against the states government. When Miyuki learned of this she stood up and apologized quickly, intending to run away and prevent becoming another slave. But when she did this the man laughed and rubbed her shoulder.

"Why don't you come inside for a while? It's too cold to leave a poor girl like yourself out here alone in the cold." He offered gently, making Miyuki flinch. She remembered what happened last time when she agreed to follow someone, it was hell. And yet it seems she still hadn't learned. She took the older man's hand gently and bit her lip, knowing through and through what was about to happen next.
But apparently she didn't. It turns out the Rouge Knights we're like any other gang. They went after the government and the higher ups that lives comfortably while people like them live in the streets and are treated with disdain and abuse. They only went after gangs and thugs that provoked them, but God forbid-as one of the members put it, a Chinese woman in her mid-twenties-hurting a young child. That was apparently Roman Aoi's biggest rule-never hurt or bring Minors into this.

And who was Roman Aoi you might ask? The gang's leader of course. Yes the gang's Japanese and Half-English-Russian leader that came to Japan when he was only a teenager and was treated with disrespect and "fresh meat" for the gang's and delinquents. He was also the man that she met outside. Once she was fixed up and cleaned by the gang-at Roman's request-she asked what they were going to do to her-still untrusting after what the Homicide Yankees put her through-to which Roman laughed and pulled her up onto his lap. He reassured her that they weren't like other gang's. He reassured her that she was safe with him and can stay as long as she wanted-which meant joining the group in the process.

He then asked her for her name, which-surprisingly-she remembered. He decided to dub her the name Yuki rather calling her by her given name. Why?

"Miyuki's such a formal name. Yuki's much more prettier for a young girl like you."

The words sunk into Miyuki's mind when she stayed the night, intending to leave at dawn. But something stopped her, these people-even if they were a group of thugs and outcasts-treated her kindly. Something she hadn't received in the past few years. It was wonderful. And when dawn finally came and she was about to head out, the same man that took her in spoke.

"So you're leaving huh? Hm, well fine. Although I don't hate ya for it. You obviously have dealt with a gang before huh? And your to scared to trust any other gangs huh? Well that's fine. But just note something. We're not like other gangs around here. We treat each other like family, and look after those around this Ward-children and women specifically. If you still wanna leave, that's fine by me. But keep in mind the Kizugawa Ward is much worse than any other Ward in Japan. You will die here if you're out on the streets."

His words burned into her mind as the fingers on the handle of door slid off and her arm fell towards her side. She turned around, her eyes becoming glassy like as tears started to form.

"So? Are you really leaving?"

He asked, Miyuki trying to hold back tears before breaking into a son and ran into the older man's arms, sobbing and saying she doesn't want to go. Roman smiled and pulled the sobbing Miyuki into a hug, stroking her long hair.

"Good Girl."

Leaving the Nest
Fighter-Christina Aguilera with lyrics
Miyuki spent the eight years with the Rouge Knights as their youngest and newest member. She wasn't qualified-both in age and combat-to go on missions or take down thugs yet. But this was taken care of three years later when Miyuki was eleven years old. When Miyuki was eleven, Roman began training her in combat with some of his strongest men, and his one female medic. The medic had taught her a Chinese Martial technique called Qinna-which was the ability to lock muscle or joints and make them immobilized. Also around this time Roman taught her how to use a gun and knife in battle, along with teaching her how to enhance her movements.

As for their relationship? Well, they treated each other like family-Miyuki even at one point started calling her 'Papa'-. Granted, he was still rough with her from time to time, but Miyuki knew Roman still loved her. And he continued to love her like his own daughter for the next Five Years.

Five years later when Miyuki was sixteen, she was more of a active member of the Rouge Knights, participating in missions and taking down thugs who threatened the group. Around this time however, she felt it was time to leave the group and go out on her own-since she was more than capable of protecting herself now. When she told Roman of her desire, he simply laughed and told her she was far from ready to "leave the nest". But Miyuki insisted, stating she wasn't a vulnerable child anymore and was more than capable of protecting herself now. This somehow pissed Roman off and he attacked her, telling her she isn't aware of what she's about to do. She is about to walk through the streets of Kizugawa Ward Alone-and her leaving behind the group she considered her family was insensitive. However, he made a deal with her, stating if she really felt she was ready, then she would have to prove herself. And how was she supposed to do that? By taking down the Rouge Knights as a whole.

Miyuki couldn't believe what she was hearing. If she wanted to leave, she would have to kill the group she considered family for the past eight years. How can she do that? They've been so kind to her, they trained her and looked after her. They even went so far as to celebrate her birthday, giving her two twin pistols as a present when she was Thirteen. And now the man she considered her "Father" was telling him to kill what she considered her "flesh and blood".

She told him she didn't want this. It didn't have to end in a bloody fight, and Roman simply sneered at her, stating If she was that determined to leave she would've taken up the offer immediately. Miyuki blinked and lowered her head, biting her lip and contemplated what to do next. Was she really about to do this? Was she really about to take down her own "Family"? Was she that heartless?

Standing up, she took up Roman's offer and shot him-albeit it didn't kill him. The battle began. A bloody battle between a young sixteen year old girl and a group of highly trained gangsters. And yet in the end, it was the young girl who one surprisingly. The only person left was Roman, who was on the ground bleeding out after he went up against her himself upon seeing her kill Fan Mei-The groups medic and the one that taught her Qinna.

Walking up to him, she stood before him and pointed her gun at him, intending to shoot him in the face. And yet, she hesitated. She hesitated because this was the same man who took her in. The same man that trained her and made her the independent young woman she was. The who loved her and treated her like the daughter he never had. However he smiled, pointing the gun at his throat and looked up at his "Child"

"Do it. I've lived long enough anyways. And with the military coming after me what's the point of living."

"D-Don't say that! Your stronger than that. Come on, let's stop this. We'll run away together. Just–"

"No Yuki. Listen, I'm sorry..about all of this. But you're right. You need to leave. I can't bring you down with me any longer."


"I love you Yuki. Be strong. Keep living."


Miyuki grit her teeth and looked down and feeling tears stream down her face and drip down onto Roman's smiling face. Gripping the pistol tightly with quivering hands, her finger pressed on the trigger.

"Thank you..Papa. I love you so much."


She moved a few inches back and dropped the gun, falling to her knees and covered her face with her hands, breaking out into a sob. The damage was done. And the father she loved was gone. The family she knew and loved was gone. Everything was gone.

She stayed sobbing for a few more minutes before wiping her tears and grabbed her pistol, re-hiding it under her skirt. She gathered her things in a large duffle bag and came back to the corpse of her dead father. She looked down, her hands balling into fists as Miyuki tried to resist crying again. Leaned down and kissed her father goodbye for the final time, grabbing his hunting knife from inside of his dress shirt and placed it in her duffle bag. She then got up and decided to dispose of the corpses the only way she knew how-by setting them on fire.

She then left the headquarters of the once great Rouge Knights-leaving behind a blaze of fire that consumed the hideout and broken tears.

Owl City - Here's Hope (Lyric Video)
The Kizugawa Ward wasn't as bad as Roman had told her it was. Granted, it still had it's thugs, gangs, con-artists, and rapists, but Miyuki could handle it. She didn't out on the streets like she used to. No instead, she she got a short time job working for a surprisingly nice older woman and her food stand outside of a market. The woman even went so far as to let Miyuki stay at her place while Miyuki thought about what to do next.

With the money the woman has given her, she used it to buy clothes and weapons. She even got a dark Violet hooded cloak that landed at her ankles. She did like it, but nothing would come close to her love of her Violet hoodie Roman gave her on her last birthday. The same one she washed in a nearby stream trying to get the blood of her family out.

She also earned money by participating in Warehouse Brawls. These brawls were usually held in a abandoned warehouse where anyone was welcomed. One day, while leaving work early, she came across the brawls and decided to participate. She kicked the asses of seven thugs in under thirty minutes. And she was only Sixteen Years Old.

She turned into quite the champion of these Brawls, earning much more money than physically possible. But then they came. A group of thugs that lost to Miyuki prior. Who wanted revenge. The kidnapped her and took her down a dark alleyway, emptying her pockets of money and pressing her up against the gross sea-green wall, knocking her onto her knees. They were going to Rape her.

But then someone came. Some much taller and older-around his late teens. Showed up and saved her, kicking the group's ass. When the group took their leave, running for their lives as if they saw a ghost, Miyuki turned around to see her hero. His name was Hirosaki Tomoyagi-who was the Co-leader of the gang 'The Strays'. The two got to talking for a short while, Miyuki trying to be as reclusive as possible, but then he asked her.

"Hey. Would you like to join?"


"Join our gang."

"H-Huh?! Well..Um.."

"You don't have to if you don't want to."


"N-No. I'll join."

Miyuki agreed to joining Hirosaki, the young man extending his hand to which Miyuki grabbed. He helped her up and Miyuki dusted off her skirt as the man spoke again.

"Ah. Sorry I forgot. What's your name?"

"My name? Um.."

She looked down, her hand still holding his as her grip tighten. Then she came up with an answer.

"Y...Yuki. Miyuki Aoi. You can call me Yuki if you want."

She looked up at him and let go of his hand, letting her arm fall to her side as her hand balled into a first. He gave a smile and the two made their way to what Miyuki will call her newest home. A few months after she had proven herself to be quiet the threat against opponents when taking down a group of thugs, one of them babbling in fear and called her blue snow. It seemed fitting, since her first name meant "Deep Snow" and her Surname meant "Blue". That, and she killed them in the snow while wearing a light blue dress.

Now in present time, Miyuki has come to accept her fate with open arms and couldn't be more happier. She was no longer Miyuki Kyouka, but was instead known as Yuki Aoi, the 'The Strays' gang's "Almighty Janitor", and was the infamous Bullseye Blue Snow.​
Personality/Daily Life

[+] Free-Spirited | Loves to Joke | Cool Big Sis | Kind | Friend to all Children/Animals | Independent | Looks to the Bright side of Things | Helpful
[-] Short-Tempered | Violent | Insensitive | No Mercy | Blood Knight | Psychotic | Rebellious | Stubborn | Very Tsundere (XD)
"Whatever anyone says about me is a lie. I'm a sweet girl I promise!"
Usually I, Miyuki's Creator when describing my characters start with positives then lead into negatives of their personality. But since you have just learned of what had happened to Miyuki up to this point, I'll switch things up a bit. I'll start with Negatives then lead into Positives-since Miyuki had much more prominent Negative traits rather than Positive Traits before joining 'The Strays'.

For Starters that it should be noted that behind her free-spirited, kind and cool nature, comes a very not merciful, violent, and short-tempered young woman. Her insensitivity and psychotic nature also manages to scare the crap out of the toughest of men. Granted, most of the traits were picked up over the years from her friend's death to her parents not bothering to look for her after her abduction. She is shown to be a Tsundere as well. Tsundere's are usually described as cold and violent on the outside, but still have their sweet moments. She is shown to be the most Tsundere (although not extremely violent) when someone compliments her. She is also shown to rather stubborn-holding her opinions and not listening to others-especially if their the bad guys. She doesn't believe in second chances, and thinks it's their way of saying they'll change just to let someone's guard down. One of her most prominent traits however is her being a "Blood Knight". Blood Knights (is a Tv Trope) that means those who relishes in a good fight. This trait is especially prominent when going up against guys who are much bigger than she is, knowing that the bigger they are, the easier they are to fall.

However with her negatives come her positives. Positives that took some time to come into effect. For the most part, she is seen and kind and free-spirited, which definitely shines through her helpfulness and her friend to all children and animals. For the former, she is shown to get along fairly well with other outcasts, helping them in their time of need. And for the latter, she often plays and gets along fairly well with children who are runaways or come from broken homes. The same can be said for strays-giving them some food or water to keep them alive and well (...somewhat). It definitely shines through her Cool Big Sis trait. Cool Big Sis (again, Tv Tropes) are described as someone who is nice, hot, and cool. Her time after being left in Aokigahara and living on the streets before returning to the streets after leaving Aoi's gang definitely shows she is more than capable of taking care of herself-albeit she still has her vulnerable moments. She also shows that she loves to joke, always cracking a few jokes or bad puns to make someone laugh. Hell, she even jokes around with her opponents..although...those are more black comedy-esque ones.

"It's a very rainy day today huh? It's actually really beautiful."
♥︎ Rain
♥︎ Cute things
♥︎ Stuffed Animals
♥︎ Graffiti
♥︎ Melted Ice Cream Shakes
♥︎ Trapeze
♥︎ Fighting
♥︎ Candy (Any Candy Really. She's's got a huge sweet tooth)
♥︎ Parkour
♥︎ Music-Preferably Rock/Metal/Pop
♥︎ Video Games
♥︎ Underground Bands

X Thunderstorms (Like, Really bad ones)
X Prostitution (See her Past for more info)
X Being Alone
X Living on the Streets
X Seeing Starving Children/Animals (Like Jesus Christ this girl would drop anything she was doing for these kids or animals like goddamn.)
X Decomposing Corpses (See her past for more info)
X Losing (Battles specifically)
X Her Birth Family

X Hylophobia- Fear of Forests (See her past for more info)
X Necrophobia- Fear of Corpses (Specifically Decomposing Ones)
X Monophobia- Fear of Being Alone
X Autophobia- Fear of Oneself (Let's be honest, Miyuki can get pretty scary..)
X Pisanthrophobia- The Fear of Trust (Read her Past to understand why)

♥︎ Parkour
♥︎ Street Fighting
♥︎ Helping others in need
♥︎ Coming up with Cruel & Unusual Deaths for Threats
♥︎ Drawing
♥︎ Collecting Cute Stuff (And her room shows it)
♥︎ Shooting empty cans with her guns
♥︎ Sparring (Usually with someone in the group)​

"Ahhh this part. Do I really have to say something? I might get upset."
Role in Gang:
She is referred to as the "Almighty Janitor Gungslinging Moe Blob". Someone who takes care of the thugs and mooks and cleans up the mess. Sometime she'll make it look like an accident if they truly pissed her off.

Her Family

Liling (Née Huan) & Akihiko Kyouka- Liling & Akihiko Kyouka are both the leading members of the Kyouka Clan that is located in Toyohashi, Japan. Originally the heir and heiress of their respective group, the two married when they were only twenty-two years old and stayed In Akihiko's town. The two had five children-all of which are girls. However, after the birth of Miyuki, they pretended like Miyuki didn't exist. They treated Miyuki horribly, treating her like a stain that was stuck to the Clan forever and even allowed their four Beautiful children to bully and harass. As expected, when Miyuki went missing, the two couldn't care less and felt they were free, much to the disgust of their maids and butlers. Since Miyuki's disappearance, her father was sentenced to Jail for his tyrannical nature and his later abuse (both physical and mental) on his wife and children. The mother now is in charge of the Clan and is filing for divorce. It's shown she might still be rather regretful of her actions against Miyuki.

Amaterasu, Kamiko, Hiromi , & Keiko Kyouka-
Amaterasu, Kamiko, Hiromi, and Keiko Kyouka at the older sisters of Miyuki. Back when they were younger, the were spoiled and pampered by their parents while Miyuki was neglected and treated with disdain. They took pleasure in bullying and harassing Miyuki, making her life hell. Once world got out of Miyuki's disappearance, only two of them showed signs of regret, believing she might have ran away-while the two others showed no sympathy and glad she was gone. Much like their mother, each of them were abused mentally and often physically. Now each of them have left the house to study abroad or enter the work force, each of them showing signs of regret and sadness over what happened to their little sister.

Natsumi Amaya-
The youngest maid of the Kyouka Clan Household who was taken in by Liling and Akihiko when she was only an infant. Left at their doorstep in a cardboard box with a warm blanket wrapped around her, the two took sympathy for the young child and raised her as their own. Once she was five however, they handed her over to the other maids and butlers to look after her with the arrival of the fourth daughter Keiko. She started her duties as a maid when she was only Thirteen, and was the girl's maid. She however looked after Miyuki the most, who was dealing with her parents crap against her. When Miyuki disappeared, she and the rest of the butlers and maids were terrified and looked for her all over town. When they informed Liling and Akihiko of her disappearance, the two simply showed the didn't care. Much to Natsumi's disgust. When Natsumi left the clan at Eighteen, she told off Liling and Akihiko for not caring about Miyuki and dubbed them 'Bad Parents' and stormed out. She now is a twenty-five year old woman who works as a Seiyuu for a upcoming Anime in the summer, and still wonders if Miyuki is okay to this day.

Roman "Diablo" Aoi-
Miyuki's adoptive father who raised her since she was Eight years old. Finding her sitting against the door of his gang's headquarters, he invited her in for a warm bath, a good meal, and a place to stay. When she agreed to stay after her night, he welcomed her with opened arms into the group. He treated Miyuki like the daughter he never had, looking after her well being and training her to become the badass she is today. However along the way while raising Miyuki he further pissed off the Military, becoming a wanted criminal. He was killed in a battle between Miyuki and His gang with two shots to his chest and swipe slit of his throat, before being killed with a shot to the neck. He is known by the nickname "Diablo"-which means "Devil" in Espanõl. The name originates on his ability to kill thugs in monstrous ways, dragging them into hell with a slasher smile.

Gang Members of 'The Strays'-TBD

Gang Members of Rouge Knights (ルージュナイツ)-
The Rouge Knights are a group that was created by Roman "Diablo" Aoi. The group mostly consists of thugs and leftovers of society that either didn't fit to society's rules or went against them. They don't go after anyone in the Ward per say, but instead go after the government and the part of society that treats Outcasts as "Leftovers". The only become a true threat in the Ward if someone picks a fight with them. When Miyuki joined the group, the were hesitant at first, but Miyuki soon grew on them and they treated the girl like a part of their own. Most of them helped train her alongside Roman, the most notable being Fan Mei-who taught her the technique Qinna. The group however came to a end when Miyuki turned against the group and slaughtered all of them-leaving their corpses to burn when she set their headquarters on fire.


Miki Chinatsu-
A rather talk girl for her age that made friends with Miyuki when they were in grade school. They first met when Miki saved her from a group of unnamed girls from her class that cut her hair. From their the two started to hang out more, Miki even helping Miyuki stand up for herself. However Miki wasn't as smart as Miyuki thought she was, and this was proven when Miki convinced her to come to the bad part of Toyohashi to go to a clothing store-which resulted in getting abducted by the Homicide Yankees. She was killed with a stab to the heart when she tried to run away and her corpse was treated like a doll for Miyuki. However they later dumped her body into the ocean once she started Decomposing-but not before having a little bit of fun with her and Miyuki.


Homicide Yankees (殺人ヤンキース)-
A group known for their murders agains Children and Woman that is located in the dark side of Toyohashi. The group entered Miyuki's life when Miyuki made the "Brilliant" decision to join Miki in walking to a state on the bad part of town without their parents. When they went down a dark alleyway, they met two members of the group that took Miki and Miyuki back to their hideout and threatened to kill them if they didn't do what they say. Miki however didn't listen, and nearly escaped, but was killed on the spot immediately. Traumatized and scared, Miyuki agreed to their orders as long as they leave Miki's body alone-which they were implying to eat her corpse. The then spent the next year and seven months torturing Miyuki, causing her to become suicidal. They left Miyuki in Aokigahara sometime in July after abducting her a year prior, leaving her with a new shirt and tied to a decomposing corpse. Whether the group is still alive is unknown.


Yakuza- TBD

Romantic Interests

Hirosaki Tomoyagi - The Co-Leader of the Gang 'The Strays'. Before joining the group, he had saved her prior when a group of thugs tried to assault her and take the money she had earned by participating in Street Brawls. Once he saved her, he offered her to join his gang-to which she hesitated at first, but agreed to firmly after. Her crush on Hirosaki is like a case of 'Because you were nice to me'-in a way. Her interest definitely shows when he's extremely close to her.​

Face Claim: Tamako Market-Tamako Kitashirakawa ft. Mio Akiyama-K-ON!
Voice: Risa Taneda- Kaori Miyazono (Your Lie in April)
Your lie in April (Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso) - Miyazono Kaori's letter
Theme Song: Kavka Shishido- Ashita o Narase (Fairy Tail Zero Opening)
Fairy Tail Zero OP Full - Ashita o Narase
Character Banner:

If you've read her past then you're probably wondering how was Miyuki educated in the past nine years. How? By Roman and His gang of course. Granted, Roman didn't know everything, and usually handed things over to the only member that went to school fully. Up until she was Sixteen, she was homeschooled-and show no means of being an idiot. Although, she's shown to be slightly more street smart (emphasis on the Street Part).
It's shown that when Miyuki gets Really ticked off, she starts speaking Russian. While she was under the care of the Rouge Knights, Roman had taught her how to speak both English and Russian-However she showed more interest in the latter.
Miyuki has a hard time opening up to others and suffers from Pisanthrophobia- The fear of trust. Given her past, it's somewhat understandable on why she's much more reclusive. This changes later on thanks to the members of 'The Strays'.
In spite of her age she has quite the sailor mouth, especially when she's angry.
She receives a electric guitar from the lease singers of her favorite band later on.​

Damn.. Just gonna make a laid back guy.. >.<
Sakamoto is cool, cooler, coolest. Definitely not a generic laidback lazybones harem MC with no future aspirations.
There's a difference between laidback, chill character and a spineless little bitch.... Sorry, I really fucking hate generic Harem MC's...
Well, Sakamoto is not your average cliche character. ;)
Got home from school. I shall start working on things again later on. Along with reading Mirai's screwed-up past that makes others' pasts look tame in comparison. xD

On an off-related topic, any of you read Fairy Tail manga's latest chapter? Quite the wham.
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