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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
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Mythy the Dragon-Wolf

Hopeless Romantic
Original poster
Invitation Status
Posting Speed
  1. One post per day
  2. 1-3 posts per week
Writing Levels
  1. Beginner
  2. Elementary
  3. Intermediate
  4. Adept
  5. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female
  3. Primarily Prefer Male
Agents Temporalis: A genre-bending, full-dive VMMORPG where the players are part of a special group of soldier. The Agents Temporalis, a taskforce created to protect the timeline from the time-travelling Temporals, an alien race hoping to colonize Aurastia for themselves. The Temporals travel into the past to change history to weaken the Aurans in the war that is happening in the current time. And so the agents complete quests (in standard MMO fashion) that protect and put history right to keep the balance as it is.

The Players will be a small group of friends who play the game together, knowing each other in RL. Even though it is an MMO, each player or group has their own instance of each would, with the Nexus being the place to meet, group, and trade.


Bronze Age (Ancient Rome )
Feudal Age (Medieval Europe)
Powder Age (Colonial America)
Steam Age (Industrial Revolution)
Network Age (Modern Times)
Cyber Age (Cyberpunk [Matrix/Robocop Tech])
Ascension Age (Medium-tech Sci Fi)
Nexus (High-tech Sci Fi)

During all direct combat scenarios and actions against the enemy will have overall structure from me but the details will be up to the players (i.e. I'll write something like "you can kill three guys, or two and strike at the mini boss" or the such, and allow the player to improvise how he kills them). If players would like to take some sort of direct action not offered, simply run it by me in I'll give you the possible results of that action.

All enemies you must post strikes, bolded attack attempts for, rather than outright killing them unless stated otherwise. Your characters can also take wounds. Wounds will be emoted by me in combat posts, and will be bolded like strikes.

are high-risk, high-reward maneuvers that can turn the tide of battle if successful, or seriously hinder you is they don't work.

The players accept quests from the nexus to gain rewards and experience, as well as advance the story. Or, once level five is reached, the party can go into a specific time and area to do dungeon, grind for loot, etc. The party would be allowed 3 deaths a mission/hunting trip before being kicked out and penalised with the fourth.

Loot is in the form of crafting materials, which every character gets one copy when it is picked up, except for rare loot which will be distributed by the players. Weapon and armor upgrades will be crafted between missions and/or game sessions, made from loot and handled OOC.

Most types of weapons, including swords, axes, bows, guns, polearms, etc.
Armors From fastest to Strongest: Speed Armor, Flight Armor, Fight Armor, Tank Armor

The look of the equipment will be chosen by the player {For swords: [Feudal Style (European Longsword)" "Feudal Style (Asian Katana)" "Sci-Fi Style (Plasma Blade)" Etc.]} in order to personalize the character, the skin being the same no matter what time they go into. The weapon and armor stats would be influenced by which materials are used to create it.

Each player will have two 2 weapon sets and a secondary. However, you will be locked to 1 set for the first ten levels.

Each set has 2 hands. So for a ranged class with 2 sets, you can take a rapid-fire weapon and a precise weapon, or a close-ranged gun and dual pistols, or dual pistols and a explosive weapon, or a pistol and armshield, and a rapid fire weapon...

Also, depending on the subclass you choose (unlocked at level 10) you will begin to gain skills and such that will make certain types of weapons better choices.

Frontline (Causes most damage) [Fight Armor]
Tank (Can take most damage) [Tank Armor]
Ranged (Causes most precisely damage & best crit. hitter) [Flight Armor]
Supporter (Healing & Buffs) [Speed Armor]

And each class will branch in 2 talent trees.

Frontline into full-attack DPS (dual-wield or two-handed) or Cavalry (gets a battle-mount)
Tank into Mobile Fortress (1H weapon + Tower Shield; or Tower Shield two-handed) or Balanced (1H weapon + Shield)
Ranged into Gunner (Bow & Arrow, automatic weapons, etc.) or Destroyer (Crossbow, Missiles, Sniper Rifles, etc.)
Supporter into Bio-Engineer (heals ppl, also has poison stuff and stim-packs) or Robotics (set up automated turrets, other traps and use other technologies such as mobile stealth fields, shield generators, etc.)

How Leveling works-

When you Level (Generated purely by narrative) You gain 1 point. For the first 10 levels you only have the base class tree, unlocking the sub-class trees at Level 10.

You can spend your single point on any of the talents (Active Skills) or traits (Passive Bonuses) that I come up with. The trees will evolve based on your actions and skills, So, in theory, two characters will not get the same trees, even though they are both Ranged classes.

Also, the more you spend on a tree, the better the choices will be for that tree.

Skills will be given per character, at a choice of three picks per level, given in OOC. Cooldowns and effects will be handled by me.

About Rezzing:
Rez spell, or recovering the spirit stone out of battle, or reincarnating at the nearest portal

The spirit stone emerges out of a dead body, and can be interacted with after battle to rez without using items.

About Damage to bodies IRL and IG:

IG body Damage: The virtual body feels it, but no damage or pain gets transferred IRL
IG Severed limbs and such: What happens is the divegear locks down any waves going to that arm, and doesn't transfer them. Therfore, no moving a non-existant arm
IRL body Damage: The game comes up with a warning stating that your body is compromised, and gives you an emergency logout option, saving what loot you got from the mission and getting you out quick

Despite all the rules, this is not a serious RP. It is somewhat comedic, for fun, with ability to meta in the game, and plan stuff for the game in the RL scenes. Romance between characters is not forbidden. Please be able and willing to post at least once a week and be active in OOC.


IRL Character
Looks-Pic, Description, or Both are fine

In-Game Character
Looks-Pic, Description, or Both are fine
Equipment- Pic, Description, or Both are fine

Weapon Set 1
Weapon Set 2 (After level 10)
Secondary Weapon
Talents and Traits [Preferably in Spoiler]

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IRL Character

Travis Baker

Travis is rather happy go-lucky, kind, and excitable. He is a very avid gamer, and was one who did his best to convince his friends to join him for the beta of Agents Temporalis, and thus get the "Chrono-Trigger" title with the coming reset for launch.
Travis was born and raised in a mountainous area, which is part of why he loves exploring in his games - growing up surrounded by the natural word. However he has always been a fan of fantasy and sci-fi as well, and got into gaming at an early age. When the first dive game came out, he was right there to be in it.

But for now, he's going to college for an Animation degree, and has a small group of friends that he's gotten into gaming with, hanging out with, and just basically being friends with. And they are one of the reasons he is so excited for A.T.

In-Game Character

Salvis Amon
Late 20s

Armor as Above

Common Bastard Sword (See Above)
Common Tower Shield
Common Hand Crossbow

Shield Drum- Calls attention of all enemies around.
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IRL Character
Name - Coby Gates
Age - 21
Gender - Male

Personality - Shy and introverted around strangers, but when he's with his friends his quick wit and kinder side comes out. While he likes to keep a physical distance even then, he gets emotionally close to his friends very easily.
History - Coby moved about all over the place in his childhood. As a result, he struggled to connect with many people and make friends. That changed when he met Travis in college. He'd always been a casual player of video games because of money, but always wanted to play those deeper dive experiences and really get into gaming. Travis showed him how to get more involved and the two became...friends *blush*...while he learned to play. Now he's just as eager as their other friends to dive into A.T.

In-Game Character
Name - Madilynn Winchester
Age- Early 20s
Gender- Female

Minus the goggles and give her a bowler hat and a flirtatious wink.
Class- Ranged
Equipment -

Steampunk jetpack (ignore the dude). Able to get her up to the tops of most buildings. Requires a long time to refuel.
Primary - Whistler Steam Sniper Rifle: With replaceable parts, multiple magnifier slots, and an adjustable pressure gauge, this rifle has the potential for some beastly leveling up!

Secondary: A pair of gauntlets with thick elbow covers that jump down over her fists for melee combat.
Aimed Shot - 2x-5x Damage, Forgoes all other attacks that round (Cooldown - 3)​
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~IRL Character~
Name- Nathan Grant
Gender- Male

Personality- A 'Badass factor over effectiveness' kind of guy, Outgoing and cheery to almost everyone (He'll tone it down near the elderly). Friends see him as a much more quiet and affectionate person.
Nathan Grant had always been a cheerful and selfish kid, and he still kept most of his quirks growing up. He should have had many friends right? Well. Wrong, He had to move every half year at least, making any friendships he had break down when he had to move. He had finally moved out of his parents house to start college and that's where he had finally made friends. Travis and Coby are probably his closest friends, even if their group is pretty small. Travis helped him get situated into his dorm, and was being the one who introduced him to "Agent Temporalis". Although buying everything cut down on his funds harshly he's still exciting to get into A.T.
~In-Game Character~

Name- Brando Free
Age- 22
Class- Front Line
Armor -
Kevlar Trench Coat - Its a trench coat inlaid with Kevlar

Primary -

Common Revolver
Secondary -
Blade Gauntlet - A bar fixed to a blade that runs down the side of the arm
Punchshot- Slams the enemy with the barrel of the gun and fires toknock him back and deal extra damage. (Cooldown 3)
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Hello! And I suppose welcome to Iwaku!

Just three things - the pic for the blade gauntlet is broken. As well, I'm assuming your character is based on Network age tech?

The revolver is kinda skirting the line between frontliner and ranged given the general shorter range of revolvers. Ranged is fine, of course, but if I may ask, how are you hoping to progress your character? That would make the choice between the two. If that makes sense.
  • Useful
Reactions: CyanDies
@CyanDies, I thought Support was the healers. My character's a range - I'm far out from danger and I can still pick off baddies. Also, will have to wait for Mythy's reply, but was pretty sure he wanted classes to be rigid. Was hesitant when I asked him about equipping MC with healing bullets.

Yeah, like Quiet said, the classes are pretty rigid. Though there's some ability to be lax - @Quiet One sniper rifle being a bit more viable at closer ranged due to game stuff, she/he is still in the back

Though if you wanted to be a support, no reason why the equipment would have to change. You would just also get like a syringe gun and medipacks depending on abilities. Supports can actually fight, but they worry too about healing, and don't want to get enemy attention on them.

I hope that all made sense ><
  • Thank You
Reactions: CyanDies
@Quiet One I mean to regenerate my health, Since I don't have any reasonable explanation for a healer frontliner
Edit- Though I can change to front liner if it's a problem
In my personal opinion, kinda feels like what you want doesn't exactly fit any class. But, I am basing on personal experience, ans I have played some MMOs (most of which I have played, actually) healers can still deal burst damage, so supporter might be closest.

And yes, the gamer in me is pushing for a support because of a desire for a balanced party :-3

Though in any case, what's finally decided on is perfectly fine.
In my personal opinion, kinda feels like what you want doesn't exactly fit any class. But, I am basing on personal experience, ans I have played some MMOs (most of which I have played, actually) healers can still deal burst damage, so supporter might be closest.

And yes, the gamer in me is pushing for a support because of a desire for a balanced party :-3

Though in any case, what's finally decided on is perfectly fine.
I could do a support but I'm not really sure how I can do it. I'm sticking with frontline for now.
Hmm... Wonder if I should change to support and do a paladin/holy knight kinda deal. It's viable. Or I suppose it could still be a tank...

Just me thinking out loud. I'm off to work but if anyone has questions I'll answer when possible!

@CyanDies Welcome again! Hope you stay for the long haul.

@Esper @Crow Once I get your characters, I think we'll be good to go! :-)
Kind of with @CyanDies about the support thing. If he wants to stick with a modern character, there's potential for ranged, frontline, and even tank characters. But support...you take out magic AND crazy-advanced tech with a modern setting. What's left is REAL medicine - useless by videogame quick-heal standards. @Mythy the Dragon-Wolf, what was your plan for modern characters?
@Quiet One

This was my plan. Would work the same but is plausible in our time.

syringe gun and medipacks


As far as I can tell, no one else is planning on being a support. Which is fine, just makes me think about making a holy knight archetype to fill that role..
Just hope the other two guys show up with characters. I wanna play!
IRL Character
Name- Amalia Reid
Age- 20
Gender- Female

Personality- Amalia can be equal parts friendly and icy. This tends to be off putting for most and so she usually keeps to her bubbly side. It's hard to get an exact read on her mood, but to her friends she is unwavering in her loyalty and will go to great lengths to help them. If it involves strangers she might need a little convincing, but loot is usually enough of a reason. This combined with her tendency to be hyper can make for odd situations, giving one the idea she might be a little too eager for combat sometimes. That or maybe she really is the bubbly blonde with few thoughts going on in her head.

History- Amalia has managed to achieve what is an average life in a family that expects more than average from her. Her family is stable and loving if a little traditional in their ways and from time to time in her life this has weighed on her deeply. During those periods she would devote herself to a project or many depending on her passion in that moment. Her siblings have all gone on to achieve successful careers in their respective fields, but her she would rather follow her own path.

She goes to college online and usually breezes through the courses as they are mostly designed to be passed in business of all things. It's a generic degree, but at least it keeps her parents off her back while she explores the passions and to hopefully find a sponsor to earn money with.

In-Game Character
Name- Cyren Steelheart
Age- Early 20's
Gender- Female

Form Fitting Body Armor modified with active camouflage based on surroundings.
Cyberlimbs that appear to be regular looking limbs modified with:
Concealed Spiked Knuckles in fists
Stun (Electricity) modification in fists and legs
Talents and Traits
-Shock Punch (3 post cooldown): Shocks an opponent plus knocks them back.
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I'll post here so that I can get dem notifos.
@Esper Interesting! I really like the unarmed style with the spiked knuckles and stun modules. :D

Though, grenades are more of items or abilities. I really like the idea of the leg compartments, so perhaps we could make them more of a generic deployment option, if that makes sense?

@CyanDies sorry to bring this up again, but after sleeping on it I realized: whether Brando is a Ranged or Frontliner depends on how you see him using the weapon. I see the frontliner using a bit more up close acrobatics and martial art type things, firing at near point blank. Which sounds awesome. :D

@Crow Welcome to the OOC! I await your character. :D
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