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Mythy the Dragon-Wolf

Hopeless Romantic
Agents Temporalis: A genre-bending, full-dive VMMORPG where the players are part of a special group of soldier. The Agents Temporalis, a taskforce created to protect the timeline from the time-travelling Temporals, an alien race hoping to colonize Aurastia for themselves. The Temporals travel into the past to change history to weaken the Aurans in the war that is happening in the current time. And so the agents complete quests (in standard MMO fashion) that protect and put history right to keep the balance as it is.

The Players will be a small group of friends who play the game together, knowing each other in RL. Even though it is an MMO, each player or group has their own instance of each would, with the Nexus being the place to meet, group, and trade.


Bronze Age (Ancient Rome )
Feudal Age (Medieval Europe)
Powder Age (Colonial America)
Steam Age (Industrial Revolution)
Network Age (Modern Times)
Cyber Age (Cyberpunk [Matrix/Robocop Tech])
Ascension Age (Medium-tech Sci Fi)
Nexus (High-tech Sci Fi)

During all direct combat scenarios and actions against the enemy will have overall structure from me but the details will be up to the players (i.e. I'll write something like "you can kill three guys, or two and strike at the mini boss" or the such, and allow the player to improvise how he kills them). If players would like to take some sort of direct action not offered, simply run it by me in I'll give you the possible results of that action.

All enemies you must post strikes, bolded attack attempts for, rather than outright killing them unless stated otherwise. Your characters can also take wounds. Wounds will be emoted by me in combat posts, and will be bolded like strikes.

are high-risk, high-reward maneuvers that can turn the tide of battle if successful, or seriously hinder you is they don't work.

The players accept quests from the nexus to gain rewards and experience, as well as advance the story. Or, once level five is reached, the party can go into a specific time and area to do dungeon, grind for loot, etc. The party would be allowed 3 deaths a mission/hunting trip before being kicked out and penalised with the fourth.

Loot is in the form of crafting materials, which every character gets one copy when it is picked up, except for rare loot which will be distributed by the players. Weapon and armor upgrades will be crafted between missions and/or game sessions, made from loot and handled OOC.

Most types of weapons, including swords, axes, bows, guns, polearms, etc.
Armors From fastest to Strongest: Speed Armor, Flight Armor, Fight Armor, Tank Armor

The look of the equipment will be chosen by the player {For swords: [Feudal Style (European Longsword)" "Feudal Style (Asian Katana)" "Sci-Fi Style (Plasma Blade)" Etc.]} in order to personalize the character, the skin being the same no matter what time they go into. The weapon and armor stats would be influenced by which materials are used to create it.

Each player will have two 2 weapon sets and a secondary. However, you will be locked to 1 set for the first ten levels.

Each set has 2 hands. So for a ranged class with 2 sets, you can take a rapid-fire weapon and a precise weapon, or a close-ranged gun and dual pistols, or dual pistols and a explosive weapon, or a pistol and armshield, and a rapid fire weapon...

Also, depending on the subclass you choose (unlocked at level 10) you will begin to gain skills and such that will make certain types of weapons better choices.

Frontline (Causes most damage) [Fight Armor]
Tank (Can take most damage) [Tank Armor]
Ranged (Causes most precisely damage & best crit. hitter) [Flight Armor]
Supporter (Healing & Buffs) [Speed Armor]

And each class will branch in 2 talent trees.

Frontline into full-attack DPS (dual-wield or two-handed) or Cavalry (gets a battle-mount)
Tank into Mobile Fortress (1H weapon + Tower Shield; or Tower Shield two-handed) or Balanced (1H weapon + Shield)
Ranged into Gunner (Bow & Arrow, automatic weapons, etc.) or Destroyer (Crossbow, Missiles, Sniper Rifles, etc.)
Supporter into Bio-Engineer (heals ppl, also has poison stuff and stim-packs) or Robotics (set up automated turrets, other traps and use other technologies such as mobile stealth fields, shield generators, etc.)

How Leveling works-

When you Level (Generated purely by narrative) You gain 1 point. For the first 10 levels you only have the base class tree, unlocking the sub-class trees at Level 10.

You can spend your single point on any of the talents (Active Skills) or traits (Passive Bonuses) that I come up with. The trees will evolve based on your actions and skills, So, in theory, two characters will not get the same trees, even though they are both Ranged classes.

Also, the more you spend on a tree, the better the choices will be for that tree.

Skills will be given per character, at a choice of three picks per level, given in OOC. Cooldowns and effects will be handled by me.

About Rezzing:
Rez spell, or recovering the spirit stone out of battle, or reincarnating at the nearest portal

The spirit stone emerges out of a dead body, and can be interacted with after battle to rez without using items.

About Damage to bodies IRL and IG:

IG body Damage: The virtual body feels it, but no damage or pain gets transferred IRL
IG Severed limbs and such: What happens is the divegear locks down any waves going to that arm, and doesn't transfer them. Therfore, no moving a non-existant arm
IRL body Damage: The game comes up with a warning stating that your body is compromised, and gives you an emergency logout option, saving what loot you got from the mission and getting you out quick

Despite all the rules, this is not a serious RP. It is somewhat comedic, for fun, with ability to meta in the game, and plan stuff for the game in the RL scenes. Romance between characters is not forbidden. Please be able and willing to post at least once a week and be active in OOC.


IRL Character
Looks-Pic, Description, or Both are fine

In-Game Character
Looks-Pic, Description, or Both are fine
Equipment- Pic, Description, or Both are fine

Weapon Set 1
Weapon Set 2 (After level 10)
Secondary Weapon
Talents and Traits [Preferably in Spoiler]

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We have lots of fun in town and/or city, hanging at park and coffee shop. :D

The gimmicks I'm slightly hesitant about, but I'm pretty sure that it'll be fine. I would recommend he stay in whereverweare for a good while, since the RP will probably span a while. :3
We have lots of fun in town and/or city, hanging at park and coffee shop. :D

The gimmicks I'm slightly hesitant about, but I'm pretty sure that it'll be fine. I would recommend he stay in whereverweare for a good while, since the RP will probably span a while. :3

Yeah he's staying whereverwhere for a good, long while this time since he had just completed his Middle School Education and what's to come next will... take a while.
@Crow, it occurs to me that your character and my character are basically the same; feminine boys who play women IG. We're even both ranged.

Rather than trying to force anyone to change, I suggest we work with this. How would you feel about our characters developing a brotherly/sisterly bond because of their similarities?
@Crow, it occurs to me that your character and my character are basically the same; feminine boys who play women IG. We're even both ranged.

Rather than trying to force anyone to change, I suggest we work with this. How would you feel about our characters developing a brotherly/sisterly bond because of their similarities?

That sounds like a good plan.
@Quiet One @Crow @CyanDies @Esper

Hmm... okay guys, so I have a question! How much time would you like to spend developing our relationships and all that IRL before getting to the game?

I ask because, well one to get a feel for what you like, but two because at this moment I could jump straight into the game if you would prefer that.

Personally I think it would be fun to play around with some more IRL. What do you guys think?
@Quiet One @Crow @CyanDies @Esper

Hmm... okay guys, so I have a question! How much time would you like to spend developing our relationships and all that IRL before getting to the game?

I ask because, well one to get a feel for what you like, but two because at this moment I could jump straight into the game if you would prefer that.

Personally I think it would be fun to play around with some more IRL. What do you guys think?
@Quiet One @Crow @CyanDies @Esper

Hmm... okay guys, so I have a question! How much time would you like to spend developing our relationships and all that IRL before getting to the game?

I ask because, well one to get a feel for what you like, but two because at this moment I could jump straight into the game if you would prefer that.

Personally I think it would be fun to play around with some more IRL. What do you guys think?
Yea I would like that!
Had a quick post in mind saying hi to Cyan's and Esper's characters, so sure. When we get to the actual game, are we all hanging out together with the dive gear in the physical world, or do we just log in together IG?
Yea I would like that
Are you guys saying yes to doing some more IRL stuff? Something's not translating super well right now to me ><

When we get to the actual game, are we all hanging out together with the dive gear in the physical world, or do we just log in together IG?
Unless the others wanted to lug the divegear somewhere else, the plan is pretty much log in at your own place, and then meet up at the questboard. A few more details will come when they become relevent in the thread. :-)
Are you guys saying yes to doing some more IRL stuff? Something's not translating super well right now to me ><

Unless the others wanted to lug the divegear somewhere else, the plan is pretty much log in at your own place, and then meet up at the questboard. A few more details will come when they become relevent in the thread. :-)
Yes to IRL. And that sounds fine for meeting up. Thought that was what we were doing, just wanted to be sure.
-coughs at myself and chuckles- Wow, that was a longer post than I expected. As well am used to. Might be a little hyped for this :3
Just a quick update: once @Crow and @CyanDies respond, or in a few days, I'm most likely going to jump us ahead into the game. Which will probably be a decently long post. Anyway, I also have a quick question surrounding quests.

I was thinking the plan would be that as a group, we would decide OOC what quest we do, picking from the game questboard. So if we wanted to do a sneaky investigation in the Network Age, or an Extermination in the Steam age, we could pick.

However, I also see the merits in having a stricter questline like many (if not most) MMOs have. So I was hoping do get your opinions on it. @Quiet One @Esper @Crow @CyanDies
Kind of like the idea of having multiple different quests in different time periods. Like maps with certain levels of difficulty and objectives we have to achieve. This doesn't really feel like the sort of game with a linear story progression. Instead, we should be able to hop around to different worlds and quests whenever we feel like we're ready for them.

As for where to start...I guess it depends on which "level 1" has the most fun/easiest starter mission.

I accept that probably didn't answer anything. :/
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