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  1. Sytal-1.jpg

    Welcome to Wyrdwood University

    By now, I'm sure you've realized that this is no normal school. We call it a school for the "Gifted" on the flyers. In reality, this is a school for people with supernatural abilities. Some of you may already know that you are not a regular human, and some of you are just now finding out that magic exists. Here, you will be taught how to control whatever powers you happen to have. Most of your time here will be spent in either training, sparring, and free time. Don't expect to learn any of the boring, regular subjects, you won't need them. Now, we hope everyone will be on time for the orientation.
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James gave an irritated sigh. This kid was one of those types. The people who went from kissing his ass when they first saw him to bitching about his 'impropriety' once they met him. What was the point of being so powerful and important if he had so many rules to follow? Always expected to walk a certain way, talk a certain way. Constantly expected to stand with his arms clasped behind him and look down at people, to turn his nose up at mortal desires. He wouldn't

"Yeah, listen, I don't need life advice from some hippie kid with leaves on his head, alright? Go plant a tree and hug it," he said, dismissing the kid with a rude gesture as he turned back to the other people at his table with a heavy, exasperated sigh.

"Yeah, Son of Gaia. What, did you peg me as the daughter?" he asked with a wide, troublesome grin. He knew that Warren had been looking for a different answer, but he always liked getting people to ask him in detail. People always got so flustered when they were required to ask something like "how did your father have sex with the planet" and it was always funny.

James caught the girl's look of hate, and could practically feel the malicious intent rolling off of her, "You know, if you mix some vinegar with water, you can wash Gatorade out of pretty much anything," he said, pretending not to notice. He ran a hand through his hair to get it out of his face. He pondered his need for a haircut briefly, before coming back down to earth to continue his conversation.
Alex sat, continuing to eat, and to read quite thick book, it was named "Bio-Molecular Theory Of Shape-Shifting".
-Hm... Never knew magic is so progressive...-
He muttered, taking sip of water.

He felt something strange, as he took on his vintage-looking glass, checking cafeteria.
Glasses were not simple - they shown image of room, showing magical fields, and vectors.
He checked people, as he saw powerful magical field, coming from some boy.
-... Son of Gaia?-

He thought, looking, interested in young man.
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Luciana had held her schedule walking through to find one of the sets of stairways. Her internal compass was feeling a bit off. "Room 3-08, time to go to the 3rd floor then" the young one walked up the closest set of stairs she could find, her silks falling back behind her ears slightly. Her white hair followed with it, flowing as the girl ascended the stairs to her dorm. It only took a few moments but she made it to the third floor and found the right direction towards her room. Finding the room was quite easy when she got towards the numbers sooner or later.

Then she noticed the room, it was a room for two people. "Who's bunking with me again" Luciana wondered aloud as she read her schedule once more. "Rachel Morgan...Dwarf...and she specifies in earth magic, huh? She sounds interesting, I just hope shes not as loud as dwarves can cut out be" Luciana had hoped.
Well this was certainly getting a little tense, wasn't it? Evelyn watched Warren narrow his eyes at James; clearly not appreciating how the kid purposefully avoided a real answer. All of Arya's work to get the guy comfortable was unraveling thanks to this "prince of the earth". He knew what the kid wanted him to ask and it wasn't going to happen. There was no way he'd just casually ask the boy how exactly a roll in the dirt would result in the planet conceiving and birthing the little crud that sat across from him and his friend now. Except that James did kind of open himself up for such a question. Curse his curiosity, it had to be said. So, arching a neat brow, Warren sassed:

"You just told that student to 'plant a tree and hug it'," he opted to use the same air quotes James used earlier. "Is that what your old man did? Hug a tree and out popped you a few months later?"

Evelyn, severly caught off guard by Warren, choked on the first bite of her plate of crappy school pasta. It was kind of an upward heave of her body that resulted in her covering her mouth and shooting a hard glare over to the smug illusion beside her.

"Imagery, Warren! Horrible use of imagery," she emphasized her embarrassment, rubbing her cheeks with her palms before dismissing his eyebrow bounce with a wave of a hand. He was awful, that was clear, so she'd just go back to her crummy pasta and ignore what else he said. Except, now, she noticed the lack of the cat beside her. There was a girl that animorphed into someone named Quinn, apparently.

"Oh, well hey there," Evelyn offered the seemingly uncomfortable cat-turned-human girl a smile and a hand. "I'm Evelyn and... this is a table-"

"Full of misfits, apparently," Warren finished, disengaging from his conversation with James for just a moment. He was a smidgen amused by the shapeshifter losing her cool; as if that could never happen to him.
"Hm." Arya was rather unsatisfied by James' suggestion. In fact, the boy didn't have much going for him. His surname, his mother, and now his clear avoidance of what she really wanted to know- whether he was going to admit to performing the prank or not- was much through Arya's mind. Unfortunately, it seemed her hard work had also gone to waste. Just as she was getting Warren to like her, "James" decided to make him lose his cool.

I think I can use this to my advantage. Warren sassed James, and she decided they'd have a common interest. "Must have been pretty desperate to hug a tree instead of a person..." she added, a small, sly glint in her eyes, watching James for a reaction. She had to admit that sassiness was not her strong suit; she'd much rather cause other people to hurt her enemies than do it outrightly herself.

She then looked at "Quinn" and a kind smile appeared on her face and her sour voice had been replaced by a comforting one. "Hello, Quinn, I'm Arya." And, rather strangely, I would be Arya Darius if I was raised by my father. I'll have to keep an eye on this James. He could be more of a threat than originally suspected.

"Talking of your father, what's his name?" Arya asked James. She couldn't smell demonic blood, but she had to settle her nerves. This boy was not a servant of Darius. And if he was, that'd cause Arya to cry to mummy to get her home.
James laughed, though in truth he was a bit disappointed that the other kid didn't press further. Still, he liked his underclassman's attitude. "A tree, I know I haven't shaved in a while, but I don't look like an Ent, do I? Nah, my old man stuck his diddly in a volcano, supposedly. I don't really like to think about it, because, you know: It's my parents boning. Apparently though, it was a loving, consensual relationship while it lasted. Gaia's only awake for 10 years out of every thousand, but according to my dad they were very happy together," he answered. He didn't want things to get too tense. Sure, the blonde seemed a bit tightly wound, but he probably had reason to be if he was hiding his real face behind an illusion.

"Yeah, son of Gaia. You caught the speech from a few seconds ago, right? I don't have to give it again?" He asked the kid who'd walked by, the one with science textbook.

Turning to the emo girl, he replied, "Magnus. My dad's name is Magnus Nathan Darius. He's a big-shot enchanter, real Captain Kirk type, wears a lot of enchanted jewelry," he replied. His dad had really tried to get his act together for Gaia, and he respected the man. Admittedly, he wasn't the best at the single-parenting deal after his mother went back to sleep, but he tried his best, and when he realized his best wasn't good enough, he made sure that James got better. Not only this, but James's dad had made a mission out of being there in the long run for both him and his mother, and was currently on a quest seeking immortality.

While James wasn't immortal, he was immune to death by natural causes. He didn't get sick from non-magical diseases, he couldn't be poisoned without the use of mystical toxins, and he wouldn't age a day past 25. He could still be killed, if one possessed the power and dedication to do it, but it would be extremely difficult to do without taking James off the ground.

And that was no easy feat, because James was afraid of heights.
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-It's just... Strange that school's headmaster allowed a being with such unstable bio-magical field to attend school... It seems a bit of unprecedented-
Nerd said, taking colorful glasses off.
-Anyways, my name is Alex, Alex Navitas. It's a pleasure to see balanced human, and high level energetic being hybrid in this school-
He said, smiling peacefully.
Alfbern walked back to his seat. He paused for a moment at the Son of Gaia's comment, but he decided not to further the conflict. He sat back at his seat and began to eat some of his food. His siblings had left the cafeteria, and Alfbern just stared bitterly at nothing, lost in thought.
"What was that all about?" Raziela asked.
"He is royalty, the son Gaia, who is the Queen and ancestor of all nature spirits. Sadly, he is also disrespectful to the ways of my people," Alfbern answered as he quickly forced himself to regain his composure.
"Was all of that really necessary?" Raziela continued.
"No, it was not strictly necessary, but Gaia goes into hibernation for hundreds of years at a time, so the nature spirits split into four courts. The Earthen Court, the one to which bear spirits belong, developed a specific system of traditions with which to behave ourselves when Gaia is in her slumber. All agreed at its conception and it is still practiced today, not because it is required, but because we choose to. At least, most of us do," Alfbern explained as he shot an angry glance at the Son of Gaia.
-Anyways, goodbye!-
He said to son of Gaia, walking to his table. Something switched in his head, and he decided to make friends. He looked over a nearest table, where a male nature spirit and a female sat. He walked over, books automatically levitating after him.
-Excuse me, is this seat free?-
He asked, smiling peacefully.
Chayse couldn't believe how contrasting spiritual views were, though he had to admit, it was fairly fustrating to be ignored, not only once, but twice. The first was when Raziela asked Alfbern exactly what Chayse had answered prior, though perhaps not in enough detail for Raziela to understand. The second was when a book-flying boy asked the other two if he could sit with them. He looked down at his hands for a moment, aware that his mother would occasionally become invisible against her will, but he was still there. "I believe it is." He mentally counted bear spirits.
Raziela whispered to Chayse, "Sorry, I know you already explained all that, but I kinda sensed Alfbern needed to talk or he'd bottle it all up until it exploded, it's happened to me far too many times so I can see the signs."
"Yes! Of course it is, my good sir. Please tell us your name," Alfbern replied to kid who had sat down with them.
-Oh thank you!-
He sat, his books momentally landing on left side. He took out another book, you could see big orange letters telling it's name:


-My name is Alex, Alex Navitas-
The boy said, opening book at selected chapter.
With James' explanation, Warren narrowed his eyes with his mouth slightly agape. He was trying to think of something to say but obviously the comment was escaping him - it was probably the use of 'diddly' in the context of their conversation. The word wasn't wasted on Evelyn. Looking down at her tray of cooling pasta, he'd earned another snort out of the girl.

"So you're really a-- what? A deity?" Despite her comrades tenseness, she was more focused; honestly trying to wrap her head around all of this. "I really don't mean to offend or anythin' but, where I'm from, the only 'Princes of the Earth' are fictional. This... all of this-- it's hard to process."

She was emphasizing more than just James and his newly discovered heritage. Hell, she was sitting next to a shape shifter! And a boy literally just passed through with books levitating behind him. There was a possy of bears and a nature spirit just a few tables away; all of this was new and awesome but so, so incredibly foreign.

"All the experience of weird that I have is him," Evelyn added, jerking a thumb at Warren. "And all he does is 'entertain', scare the neighbor children, and track mud everywhere."

Warren bristled a little but what else was new? He had a bad habit of terrifying the weaker mortal minds when he lurked outside. The few cases that he'd been spotted around Evelyn were times when he needed to be seen; most encounters were with bullies or vaguely threatening folk that he figured were wastes of Evelyn's time.
Chayse sighed in relief when Raziela explained herself. "That makes sense." He'd worried that they didn't care too much for his opinion. He looked out of the window momentarily, considering when night would come and he'd be able to use his powers. Alex Navitas.

Arya nodded. "More like a demigod. His father isn't a God. Still a nice title though- Prince of Earth." She hummed quietly to herself, satisfied that James was in no way connected to her father. A mere coincidence was all. "Though you'll be practically immortal, correct?" she asked him. Shame, because you'd be a great puppet of mine... but I'd need you dead for that.

((OoC Sorry it's pretty short.))
Luciana had set her bags in the proper place hopefully, what seemed like her bed, as it was already made and the other bed at the other side of the room seemed made a little differently than her bed. "Well, let's head down to the cafeteria and see who all might be there" she spoke. Walking back down the way she came she looked for the directory and found that the cafeteria was just a bit farther from the stairway she had to go up. "I wonder who's here" Luciana sighed, not really wanting to meet anyone at the current moment in time, but it was necessary. So she walked towards the cafeteria, It didn't take long before she was entering in, seeing all the students already inside of it. "This is going to be rough" Luciana told herself. The young neko was shy right now, not wanting to even get close to people either, but she had to as she walked to find a seat.
"On paper, sort of. Emo kid's got it right though, I'm essentially a demigod. My mom's basically a goddess in everything but name. She's actually a Prime Elemental alongside the other three for Fire, Water, and Air, and has basically limitless power over the earth and anything that's derived from it, such as metal, magma, gems, or most plants and animals," he explained. James waved his hands a lot as he spoke, making various motions that served to emphasize his point, "I can't really say I can empathize with you on that last one though. I've been pretty non-fiction for as long as I can remember," he said with a cocky grin, "I know there are plenty of kids here who've got similar experiences though," he continued, "I can catch you up to speed on most of the important stuff as far as magic goes, if you want," he offered, eating some more macaroni before continuing, "Going back to my heritage, I'm put together pretty tough, but I'm not immortal. At least, I don't think I am. I haven't exactly tested it," he finished.
"Well, all of this is just weird," Evelyn paraphrased with a wave of a hand. Pointing at her upperclassman, however, she agreed; "any help on understanding all of this would be very much appreciated, James, thank you. Magic does not come as second nature to me, obviously."

While she took a moment to shovel some pasta in her mouth, Warren took the moment to probe a little more. "So you're immortal due to your blood - heritage - correct? Nothing you've encountered naturally has hindered your health?" His eyes shifted over to Arya and he lightly nodded his head to her. "And what about you? Do you have any secret bloodlines that brought you to the school? Since you're here, I figure there must be something putting some power behind your destructive streak."
"I'm a cambion. Emo kid is untrue. I'm not depressing or into the music." She otherwise dismissed the nickname. Quickly, she looked around for any other dark forces. Her mother mentioned to nor utter her father's name with any other demons around. "My father is Lucifer's right hand, Darius. My mother is a dark elf. But, technically, I don't exist in demonic records." Arya remembered the frightening story of what her mother said happened to unwanted cambions. All because her father didn't mention her mother to the big guy. But then, she smiled, remembering that he wasn't as human as she had assumed. "But what are you, Warren? Evelyn here seemed to only get into magic when she met you."
Luciana was quite unsure of where to sit, she was searching for a seat but could not find an empty one available. Getting nervous she was about to freak if she couldn't find a seat. It was odd being in a new place. She was almost always cooped up inside her parents home so much that she never really got out to experience new things. This was one of those times. The amount of students also made it difficult, so she began biting her nails, her tail began to swirl anxiously, she couldn't control herself, and she was definitely freaking out.
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Well this certainly was an intimate lunch period. The number of kids Evelyn managed to meet with interesting heritage - up to this point - has been a handful. Those mostly consisted of kids coming off some far off island or some sort of famous grandparent. The heir of the earth and a cambion who happened to be the daughter of the devil's right hand man were a little more interesting than a grandfather who helped find a cure for the chicken pox. They were certainly more interesting than Evelyn and even Warren's ancestry.

Both gulping, the pair looked to each other then to the table.

"I... used to be human," Warren answered, meeting Arya's eyes with a level expression. "Normal family that tended a farm, nothing too special, but I had a talent for casting spells so I worked as a freelance wizard."

Evelyn watched his shoulders sink as he floundered for words. He probably didn't want people to know that he was a monster but his illusion was going to fail sooner than latter.

"That was about six, maybe eight, hundred years ago," Warren explained, pressing his lips into a thin smile. "I'm a good example of why you shouldn't run your mouth around a very powerful witch. Actually, she probably would have made really good friends with either of you kids' parents.

Anyway, I make one bad, false, accusation and now here I am; trapped in an immortal body and bound to Evelyn."

The blonde nudged the girl beside him with an elbow. At least he admitted that he was old and, judging by his voice, exhausted by his continued existence. They'll see his mucky form soon but, for now, he was clinging to his false humanity.
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