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After a gruelling mess of an encounter, the infected were dead, leaving your group in silence. There seemed to be no need to head in any direction now but the dorms, as that was the original destination to begin with...

Alan, Sherlock, Locus, and Captain America would stop into the hallway as the others deliberated how to get into the Cafeteria. It was locked with a non-electronic lock, and the room key was likely in one of the rooms. There was also a vent beside the door that only a child could fit in.

In the room, Rhonda, Jean, and Daniel would find it in total disarray. Possible hiding places included under the bed and in the pillow case.

The radio in Cap's possession would turn on then. "Hey, uh, what's your guys' status?" Alvin asked, his voice echoing throughout the hall. "You all right?"

@Saint Guillotine @C.T. @york @Ryu Keiko @The Man Without Fear @ResistingTheEnlightened @Jeremi @TheSpringwoodSlasher


The girl would help everyone up into the spacious vent, allowing each of them to move past her while she grabbed the next person in line. It was still too dark to get a good look at her, but her hair was noticeably getting in everyone's face as they passed. Once everyone was up, the girl said, "Okay, so... this should lead to cafeteria and stuff. That's where all the other people are, I think."

After a short trip through the vents, everyone would soon drop into the cafeteria. It was a spacious room lined with tables and chairs. Blood splatter led a trail through the cafeteria and into the kitchen. Some food still sat on the tables, half-eaten and covered in hovering flies. The cafeteria was about as dim as rest of the facility under the red emergency lights, but it was light enough now to see the girl's features.


"Man, this place is gross."

@Mighty Roman @Gen. Gwazi Senpai @The Silver Paladin @Lizzy @Gummi Bunnies

Yuriko pulled her shirt over her mouth. "I've been in worse. You just have to not let it get to you, and just keep your clothes clean." Yuriko pulled her hair back into a single ponytail. She then brushed off her blouse.
"So have I," said the girl, answering Yuriko. "But that doesn't mean it's not gross. This place just seems downright nasty. Way weirder than the last place I ended up in." The girl stepped forward, looking idly around the cafeteria. This place seemed safe, but what about the kitchen? "So, before we keep going, I guess I should introduce myself if you don't already know me." Turning around, the girl placed her hands on her hips and beamed proudly. "Soon to be a multiverse star of epic proportions, it's..."


"Junko Enoshima! The Ultimate Fashionista! Not affiliated with a certain number of others with the same name and face."

But then, the girl paused. "Uh, you okay?" she asked, looking at Will.

@Mighty Roman @Gen. Gwazi Senpai @The Silver Paladin @Lizzy @Gummi Bunnies


Nathan didn't appear to be turning, though he was still keeping to himself and unwilling to look the others in the eyes. After Jenny's request to go somewhere safe, the boy seethed and said, "Is anywhere fucking safe?" His eyes glanced toward the lobby, as it seemed no more sounds of fighting were coming from that direction. "Just, don't fuss over me. I don't need your help."

@CookieMonster @york
Ah, but alas. Like a guest foolishly holding a cigarette in front of the hotel chef, Catherine's lovelorn daze did not last long.

"Was that--" She didn't have the time to finish her thought. Monsters. Oooh, her favorite. Ash was busy slaying one of them, and on impulse she reached out and grabbed onto Travis' arm. Best to let Ash take care of the fighting (as if he got infected by them, honestly, would Catherine mind that much in the long run?) for the time being. "Goodness, I don't think it's safe to stay here much longer..." And then, keeping her voice deliberately low, simply muttering to herself, "Though taking a blood sample from one of them might be a little bit...Thrilling." A more readily audible trill slipped from Catherine's throat at the idea. ... Though if they were anything like the dead bodies back at Gregory House, they wouldn't have any blood to drain, and her satisfaction would be limited at best.

Her grip on Travis relaxed as she straightened her posture, eyes going up and down the hallway. She could spot the openings to ventilation shafts--Hell, she could hear some noises coming from them--But there was no way she was crawling through there. But there was a variety of paths to choose from. Which way would have the least interference?

"...Of course you could save me from Candarian Demons!~ You could save me from anything, darling."

She said it just to buy her some time to analyze. And with her grip was still on Travis, she half-dragged, half-carried the boy down the hallway to the left in a rush.

"...Though hopefully," And this time her mutter was half-directed to Travis, "He'll both follow us and never make another apology speech again. Men..."

[ @Atomyk @Arcadium @The Man Without Fear ]
"Come on eveybody, after that decomposing primate! Ain't nobody allowed to attack a pal of he Hero Who Fell From The Sky and get away with it! Anyone who can, follow me!" Ash began to chase after the undead head-latcher, following it down only one corridor before running into a door with a mighty crash. Rubbing his head he clambered to his feet, reading the door's label as he rose. Cafeteria. Once he had regained his balance, he took a run up and tried to barge down the wooded barrier, only to fail once more. Locked. Damn. Without a key, there was no hope of Getting inside; maybe the key was in one of the other rooms? The cooks dorm, perhaps?
It was at that point that an idea struck Ash; how did the zombie get past the door? He didn't see it carrying a key of sorts? The door hadn't been struck down either...that left only two possibilities; either someone on the other side let him in, or he had found another way around the door. If there was another route, the S-Mart Employee would find it.

He began searching the area around the door for any alternate passages or dropped keys, before leaving for the dormitories

Jonny turned to Nathan. The banker had seen a few zombie movies in his time, courtesy of Mark, and had hated every last one of them. They were all so scary, gory and... Oh wait, he was now living in one. In one particularly terrifying movie, a boy had been bitten and swiftly been transformed into a monster; Jonny had his suspicions
"Awwar you hwawt? Deed it bieet you?"
Translated from Jonny-Are you hurt? Did it bite you?
"Hmm... We've go a vent... But it's too small for a man or woman to squeeze through...Looks like we are going to send something smaller" Ash was muttering to himself again. Just his luck; the one moment in which he can play the hero and get the attention of every girl in the compound and some monster skrewhead does what it does best and screws everything up. Groovy, just freaking groovy. "Hey, guys, check it out! I think the screw-head that attacked Nathan went down this shaft, but I'm too..." He paused trying to find the best way to describe his size "I'm too well built and muscular to fit" Yes. This way he would get both Catherine and the other bachelorettes' attention. Oh, wait, the shaft "We're going to need someone or something small to go follow the path and find out where it lets out. It probably just leads to the other side of the door, into the cafeteria, but I'm not too sure. We'll need someone around about the size of a child or animal or something."
He didn't expect it to get worse. He probably should have kept that in mind, in hindsight. It always tends to get worse when least expected.

Travis heard a couple of noises as they were running-- inhuman noises. Not unlike noises that he's heard before, either. Once again, he found himself being pulled by Catherine towards a hallway to the left of where they were, which instantly let him know that she had an idea of what they were dealing with.. and, at this point, running from. He could see a glimpse of one monster from the corner of his eye before it disappeared from view, heading into the next hallway as he looked ahead, once again picking up his feet.

It was then that Travis, even during a situation as this, began to wonder: what exactly were the monsters capable of? How durable were they? Could they be brought down easily? And if so, are there others that are more.. resilient? His thought process went deeper and deeper into this, even though a kid like him should put less of his thoughts into thinking about their skills and more into his legs. It can't be argued, though-- Thoughts like this in his head filled his brain with.. daydreams.

He didn't seem to catch Catherine's subtle jab at Ash's skills at apologizing until the very end, where he blinked and held his head a bit, finding himself in a new room during their dash; the exercise room, it seemed. It didn't seem like he realized it, but while his head was briefly stuck in the clouds.. His eyes were glowing. Sure, it was more of a dim light, but what other kid could do that? He stood up slightly as his head slowly stopped throbbing, looking around and seeing Carl, the one who passed by him while he was reeling from the sight of the dead bodies. As per usual with his daydreaming, he lost sight of what was happening for a moment, prompting him to gain his bearings. "..Huh? What was that? Something about blood?" He yammered, only picking up fragments of what he just heard while in his stupor. "Did you get hurt? How--"

He stopped talking. He finally realized where they were, looking behind himself and holding the plank in his hands.

"..We're safe for now, right? Sorry, I zoned out.. Won't happen again. Next time I'll be a bit more attentive." Travis looked towards Catherine, and then over at Carl briefly. "..Better safe than sorry, right? Mom always liked to tell me that.."

@Lissamel @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @The Man Without Fear @Anyone else
"So have I," said the girl, answering Yuriko. "But that doesn't mean it's not gross. This place just seems downright nasty. Way weirder than the last place I ended up in." The girl stepped forward, looking idly around the cafeteria. This place seemed safe, but what about the kitchen? "So, before we keep going, I guess I should introduce myself if you don't already know me." Turning around, the girl placed her hands on her hips and beamed proudly. "Soon to be a multiverse star of epic proportions, it's..."


"Junko Enoshima! The Ultimate Fashionista! Not affiliated with a certain number of others with the same name and face."

But then, the girl paused. "Uh, you okay?" she asked, looking at Will.

@Mighty Roman @Gen. Gwazi Senpai @The Silver Paladin @Lizzy @Gummi Bunnies


Nathan didn't appear to be turning, though he was still keeping to himself and unwilling to look the others in the eyes. After Jenny's request to go somewhere safe, the boy seethed and said, "Is anywhere fucking safe?" His eyes glanced toward the lobby, as it seemed no more sounds of fighting were coming from that direction. "Just, don't fuss over me. I don't need your help."

@CookieMonster @york

"Pleasure to meet you, Junko. I am Yuriko of the Omega project." Yuriko bowed honorably. She seemed to have become a bit more serious.
Once the group got in the cafeteria the Master instantly saw all the half-eaten food about. Suddenly he exclaimed as he had been starving this entire time:


And immediately after finishing he almost leaped at the food, devouring platefuls within seconds. Half eaten, half rotten, didn't matter.
Though if one were watching closely (for some reason) they'd notice he had a preference for the meat.


Yea, he was clearly too busy stuffing his face to hear any of the others right now.

@Mighty Roman @Atomyk @The Silver Paladin @Lizzy @Gummi Bunnies
"So have I," said the girl, answering Yuriko. "But that doesn't mean it's not gross. This place just seems downright nasty. Way weirder than the last place I ended up in." The girl stepped forward, looking idly around the cafeteria. This place seemed safe, but what about the kitchen? "So, before we keep going, I guess I should introduce myself if you don't already know me." Turning around, the girl placed her hands on her hips and beamed proudly. "Soon to be a multiverse star of epic proportions, it's..."


"Junko Enoshima! The Ultimate Fashionista! Not affiliated with a certain number of others with the same name and face."

But then, the girl paused. "Uh, you okay?" she asked, looking at Will.

@Mighty Roman @Gen. Gwazi Senpai @The Silver Paladin @Lizzy @Gummi Bunnies


Nathan didn't appear to be turning, though he was still keeping to himself and unwilling to look the others in the eyes. After Jenny's request to go somewhere safe, the boy seethed and said, "Is anywhere fucking safe?" His eyes glanced toward the lobby, as it seemed no more sounds of fighting were coming from that direction. "Just, don't fuss over me. I don't need your help."

@CookieMonster @york

"Multiverse?" Shion questioned, raising his head to look at Junko. Nezumi on the other hand shook Will's shoulder.

"This has become pretty routine by now. He should be fine." The gray eyed male informed.

Once the group got in the cafeteria the Master instantly saw all the half-eaten food about. Suddenly he exclaimed as he had been starving this entire time:

And immediately after finishing he almost leaped at the food, devouring platefuls within seconds. Half eaten, half rotten, didn't matter.
Though if one were watching closely (for some reason) they'd notice he had a preference for the meat.

Yea, he was clearly too busy stuffing his face to hear any of the others right now.

@Mighty Roman @Atomyk @The Silver Paladin @Lizzy @Gummi Bunnies

Shion cringed at the sight and nearly lost all of the contents in his stomach. Sure he's seen some gross things and even swam through the sewers at some point after his second meeting with Nezumi; but this was different then all those things combined. Nezumi just gave a light scowl and shook his head.

"Anyway...since this place seems safe besides possible disease by food. There's still the kitchen..." Nezumi spoke up.

@Mighty Roman @Gen. Gwazi Senpai @The Silver Paladin @Atomyk @Gummi Bunnies @Kaykay
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Junko stared at The Master with a look of bewilderment. "God, that food must be so gross now. What if it's, like, infected with a weird virus...? Whatever, dude." She turned to Yuriko and smiled. "Omega project sounds totally legit. Are you like a secret agent then? A scientist? Ooh, an experiment!"

Stepping forward, the girl took one plate of food and smashed it down on top of another. "Just so you know, that's what the multiverse is like. It's like all the universes smashed together!"

@Mighty Roman @Gen. Gwazi Senpai @The Silver Paladin @Lizzy @Gummi Bunnies
  • Like
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"So have I," said the girl, answering Yuriko. "But that doesn't mean it's not gross. This place just seems downright nasty. Way weirder than the last place I ended up in." The girl stepped forward, looking idly around the cafeteria. This place seemed safe, but what about the kitchen? "So, before we keep going, I guess I should introduce myself if you don't already know me." Turning around, the girl placed her hands on her hips and beamed proudly. "Soon to be a multiverse star of epic proportions, it's..."


"Junko Enoshima! The Ultimate Fashionista! Not affiliated with a certain number of others with the same name and face."

But then, the girl paused. "Uh, you okay?" she asked, looking at Will.

@Mighty Roman @Gen. Gwazi Senpai @The Silver Paladin @Lizzy @Gummi Bunnies


Nathan didn't appear to be turning, though he was still keeping to himself and unwilling to look the others in the eyes. After Jenny's request to go somewhere safe, the boy seethed and said, "Is anywhere fucking safe?" His eyes glanced toward the lobby, as it seemed no more sounds of fighting were coming from that direction. "Just, don't fuss over me. I don't need your help."

@CookieMonster @york
Jean Kirstein
@Atomyk @CookieMonster
Jean rubbed his forehead, deciding to search around for the key to the cafeteria, he figured that it would be optimal to get in there, incase there was any food left, or at least some supplies that they could potentially use sooner or later.​

Junko stared at The Master with a look of bewilderment. "God, that food must be so gross now. What if it's, like, infected with a weird virus...? Whatever, dude." She turned to Yuriko and smiled. "Omega project sounds totally legit. Are you like a secret agent then? A scientist? Ooh, an experiment!"

Stepping forward, the girl took one plate of food and smashed it down on top of another. "Just so you know, that's what the multiverse is like. It's like all the universes smashed together!"

@Mighty Roman @Gen. Gwazi Senpai @The Silver Paladin @Lizzy @Gummi Bunnies

"I uh...see..." Shion said as he looked away from The Master to glance at the blood trail on the floor. Nezumi noticed as well and glanced towards the kitchen.

@Mighty Roman @Gen. Gwazi Senpai @The Silver Paladin @Atomyk @Gummi Bunnies @Kaykay

Sherlock sighed as he saw the bloodshed around him, placing the gun (Whether it had remaining ammunition or not) inside his coat pocket, he ruffled his hair to the correct state of ruffley-ness, looking at Alan as he nodded. "Hope you're alright. I wished I had got to you much quicker... Thank those two." He pointed at Locus and Captain America, panting as he patted Alan's back. "Good job... Glad to see you alive." He said, as he then walked up to Locus, a hand extended toward him. "What is your name?" Sherlock asked, already beginning to analyze him.

Alan looked at the events that had unfolded, hands on his legs as he was panting. This sort of thing wasn't exactly what happened in Bright Falls, but it was equally frightening.. Yet it struck a nerve, this near death situation that could have ended Alan's life did happen, and it was nothing like the sting from the axes that were narrowly missed.


Alan looked focused on the scene, like if he was preparing to write the next page of his thriller before he was reminded he wasn't in The Dark Place. He was somewhere where everything was now out to kill the entirety of the group. And so he made his way to Captain America, slowly and hesitantly before shaking her hand. "Guhn.. Thanks. I guess."

@Atomyk @Jeremi @TheSpringwoodSlasher
After a gruelling mess of an encounter, the infected were dead, leaving your group in silence. There seemed to be no need to head in any direction now but the dorms, as that was the original destination to begin with...

Alan, Sherlock, Locus, and Captain America would stop into the hallway as the others deliberated how to get into the Cafeteria. It was locked with a non-electronic lock, and the room key was likely in one of the rooms. There was also a vent beside the door that only a child could fit in.

In the room, Rhonda, Jean, and Daniel would find it in total disarray. Possible hiding places included under the bed and in the pillow case.

The radio in Cap's possession would turn on then. "Hey, uh, what's your guys' status?" Alvin asked, his voice echoing throughout the hall. "You all right?"

@Saint Guillotine @C.T. @york @Ryu Keiko @The Man Without Fear @ResistingTheEnlightened @Jeremi @TheSpringwoodSlasher


The girl would help everyone up into the spacious vent, allowing each of them to move past her while she grabbed the next person in line. It was still too dark to get a good look at her, but her hair was noticeably getting in everyone's face as they passed. Once everyone was up, the girl said, "Okay, so... this should lead to cafeteria and stuff. That's where all the other people are, I think."

After a short trip through the vents, everyone would soon drop into the cafeteria. It was a spacious room lined with tables and chairs. Blood splatter led a trail through the cafeteria and into the kitchen. Some food still sat on the tables, half-eaten and covered in hovering flies. The cafeteria was about as dim as rest of the facility under the red emergency lights, but it was light enough now to see the girl's features.


"Man, this place is gross."

@Mighty Roman @Gen. Gwazi Senpai @The Silver Paladin @Lizzy @Gummi Bunnies
Daniel was glad he was able to help Jean before things got.... Messy, and followed along side him and the female that was with them. As they entered the room, he looked around, soaking in the mess that surrounded them. He was on edge. He didn't want another thing to just jump out at them again. "Are we sure... We are safe? Or as safe as can be?" he asked, already knowing the answer, but trying to break silence. He looked over at Nathan, wondering how he was holding up.

@Saint Guillotine @C.T. @york @Atomyk @The Man Without Fear @ResistingTheEnlightened @Jeremi @TheSpringwoodSlasher
The Doctor nodded in agreement. He had experienced numerous different Multiversal adventures. There had been that time in The Fuse Facility, and then again, with that incident with Dr Midas. And of course, his brief encounter with an arch-demon.

And of course, his horrifying voyage into the Divergent Universe with Charlie and C'rizz.

He briefly adjusted his cravat, pulling i. lower down his shirt.

Despite his nervousness with his new surroundings, he still warmly shook Junko's hands warmly, clasping her hands with both of his. He decided to ignore The Master's....'dietary choices
'Hello there, dear girl, Im The Doctor, and these are my friends, The Master and Yuriko. Its so, so nice to meet you. But if I may ask, how did you arrive in this part of the Multiverse. And what do you know about this facility?'

@Atomyk @Gen. Gwazi Senpai @The Silver Paladin @Lizzy

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Jean finds a journal on the desk, and what appears to be something shiny on the bed.

Most of the pages of the journal were ripped out, however, one page was legible--

fever gone but itchy.
Hungry and eat doggie food
itchy itchy Scott came.
ugly face so killed him



@Saint Guillotine @C.T. @york @Ryu Keiko @The Man Without Fear @ResistingTheEnlightened @Jeremi @TheSpringwoodSlasher


Junko shook the man's hand gladly. When she pulled her hand back, she gave him a small smile. "I arrived here... uh, somehow?" Junko tilted her head to the side, crossing her arms as she thought on this matter. "I just kind of jump around all over the place, you know? At first it was kind of weird, but I'm starting to get used to it. I'm starting to get used to a lot of things..." The girl looked morose for a moment, looking off to the side. After a moment, the girl cleared her throat and tried to put it out of her mind.


"I don't know anything about this place beyond that it's totally messed up. Considering the state of you guys, I guess you ended up here accidentally as well...?" Junko then clapped her hands together, looking at everyone in turn. "Well, it's not so bad! We'll get through this and then I'll sign some autographs."

@Mighty Roman @Gen. Gwazi Senpai @The Silver Paladin @Lizzy @Gummi Bunnies
Jean finds a journal on the desk, and what appears to be something shiny on the bed.

Most of the pages of the journal were ripped out, however, one page was legible--

fever gone but itchy.
Hungry and eat doggie food
itchy itchy Scott came.
ugly face so killed him



@Saint Guillotine @C.T. @york @Ryu Keiko @The Man Without Fear @ResistingTheEnlightened @Jeremi @TheSpringwoodSlasher


Junko shook the man's hand gladly. When she pulled her hand back, she gave him a small smile. "I arrived here... uh, somehow?" Junko tilted her head to the side, crossing her arms as she thought on this matter. "I just kind of jump around all over the place, you know? At first it was kind of weird, but I'm starting to get used to it. I'm starting to get used to a lot of things..." The girl looked morose for a moment, looking off to the side. After a moment, the girl cleared her throat and tried to put it out of her mind.


"I don't know anything about this place beyond that it's totally messed up. Considering the state of you guys, I guess you ended up here accidentally as well...?" Junko then clapped her hands together, looking at everyone in turn. "Well, it's not so bad! We'll get through this and then I'll sign some autographs."

@Mighty Roman @Gen. Gwazi Senpai @The Silver Paladin @Lizzy @Gummi Bunnies
Jean Kirstein
@Atomyk @Saint Guillotine @C.T. @Ryu Keiko @The Man Without Fear @ResistingTheEnlightened @Jeremi @TheSpringwoodSlasher @Others


Jean looked horrified reading the journal entry, rubbing his forehead "I don't know if these guys are titans... Or just freaks... But... We've gotta get out of here..." he muttered, putting down the journal as he leaned over to inspect the shiny object on the bed.
Carl would find he was one of the few to escape to the exercise room. For now, anyway. At the entrance were glass panels, which a few of the infected quickly took to slamming at. Cracks were already showing up on the glass, and you hadn't even got a good look at the place. At the front was a help desk, and beyond that were rows of basic equipment-- treadmills and various weight training devices. There were sections beyond here for a yoga center, a racquetball room, and what appeared to be a large swimming pool. Thankfully, this place looked clean and prime for a weapon much better than a metal pipe.
Catherine and Travis would find themselves walking into the exercise rooms. Another boy, Carl, was already here. At the front was a help desk, and beyond that were rows of basic equipment-- treadmills and various weight training devices. There were sections beyond here for a yoga center, a racquetball room, and what appeared to be a large swimming pool.
He didn't expect it to get worse. He probably should have kept that in mind, in hindsight. It always tends to get worse when least expected.

Travis heard a couple of noises as they were running-- inhuman noises. Not unlike noises that he's heard before, either. Once again, he found himself being pulled by Catherine towards a hallway to the left of where they were, which instantly let him know that she had an idea of what they were dealing with.. and, at this point, running from. He could see a glimpse of one monster from the corner of his eye before it disappeared from view, heading into the next hallway as he looked ahead, once again picking up his feet.

It was then that Travis, even during a situation as this, began to wonder: what exactly were the monsters capable of? How durable were they? Could they be brought down easily? And if so, are there others that are more.. resilient? His thought process went deeper and deeper into this, even though a kid like him should put less of his thoughts into thinking about their skills and more into his legs. It can't be argued, though-- Thoughts like this in his head filled his brain with.. daydreams.

He didn't seem to catch Catherine's subtle jab at Ash's skills at apologizing until the very end, where he blinked and held his head a bit, finding himself in a new room during their dash; the exercise room, it seemed. It didn't seem like he realized it, but while his head was briefly stuck in the clouds.. His eyes were glowing. Sure, it was more of a dim light, but what other kid could do that? He stood up slightly as his head slowly stopped throbbing, looking around and seeing Carl, the one who passed by him while he was reeling from the sight of the dead bodies. As per usual with his daydreaming, he lost sight of what was happening for a moment, prompting him to gain his bearings. "..Huh? What was that? Something about blood?" He yammered, only picking up fragments of what he just heard while in his stupor. "Did you get hurt? How--"

He stopped talking. He finally realized where they were, looking behind himself and holding the plank in his hands.

"..We're safe for now, right? Sorry, I zoned out.. Won't happen again. Next time I'll be a bit more attentive." Travis looked towards Catherine, and then over at Carl briefly. "..Better safe than sorry, right? Mom always liked to tell me that.."

@Lissamel @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @The Man Without Fear @Anyone else
When she was in the exercise room, Catherine let go of Travis. She straightened her gown, adjusting her cuffs, making sure all her needles had survived the journey. Luckily for her, they all did. She let out an audible exhale. "My my, I hope we don't have to meet up with any more of those brutes anytime soon..." She muttered to herself with a frown. Not that she was scared, we must reiterate, Catherine was never scared.

"Oh?" She stopped processing her surroundings (and physical well-being) to look down at Travis. "Don't worry about me. I'm not hurt. Do try and keep a little bit of focus." Catherine tutted under her breath, flicking out her tongue again and momentarily forgetting she wasn't a lizard at all. She kept her tone merely--She didn't know, motherly. Nothing too harsh, used to the hijinks of young children. James messed up her office almost daily. Talking of which, she let her own mind wander for a second, thinking about how Gregory House was functioning without her. Dead bodies were scary, yes, but letting children take her big syringes and playing with them like they were toys? There's the horror. "...Seems he hasn't followed us here...Oh, well..."

Let's be fair. She missed Ash a little. But only a little.

And most of that was because she was a lovelorn hopeless romantic who couldn't help but wonder how nice his blood must be.

Catherine's eyes moved to Carl, a new smile going on her face. "Wonderful, this place is far more populated then I thought it could ever be..." Keeping close to Travis, she took a step or two closer to Carl, clasping her hands in front of her chest. "I'm Catherine. It's nice to see you. And this is my lovely little companion..." The nurse gave a slightly prompting wave of the hand, hoping to assist the child in speaking for himself, so maybe then he wouldn't daze off again.

[ @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Arcadium ]
Jean finds a journal on the desk, and what appears to be something shiny on the bed.

Most of the pages of the journal were ripped out, however, one page was legible--

fever gone but itchy.
Hungry and eat doggie food
itchy itchy Scott came.
ugly face so killed him



@Saint Guillotine @C.T. @york @Ryu Keiko @The Man Without Fear @ResistingTheEnlightened @Jeremi @TheSpringwoodSlasher


Junko shook the man's hand gladly. When she pulled her hand back, she gave him a small smile. "I arrived here... uh, somehow?" Junko tilted her head to the side, crossing her arms as she thought on this matter. "I just kind of jump around all over the place, you know? At first it was kind of weird, but I'm starting to get used to it. I'm starting to get used to a lot of things..." The girl looked morose for a moment, looking off to the side. After a moment, the girl cleared her throat and tried to put it out of her mind.


"I don't know anything about this place beyond that it's totally messed up. Considering the state of you guys, I guess you ended up here accidentally as well...?" Junko then clapped her hands together, looking at everyone in turn. "Well, it's not so bad! We'll get through this and then I'll sign some autographs."

@Mighty Roman @Gen. Gwazi Senpai @The Silver Paladin @Lizzy @Gummi Bunnies
The Doctor looked down at his battered Edwardian Ensemble. He straightened his jacket. To be fair, he looked like an absolute mess anyway, but that was due to the stress of a Universe falling apart more than anything else. The Time War took it's toll on everyone in it's own way. And to think that his previous selves thought him one of the more well-dressed ones.

'Well, we can only hope so. That said, you seem remarkably sure of yourself, young lady. Well, for someone who's just been ripped from their home dimension, that is. Would you care to help me search for a way out of this place? Or at least, a way to stop the Murders and potentially reanimated corpses?'

@Atomyk @Gen. Gwazi Senpai @The Silver Paladin @Lizzy

Carl would find he was one of the few to escape to the exercise room. For now, anyway. At the entrance were glass panels, which a few of the infected quickly took to slamming at. Cracks were already showing up on the glass, and you hadn't even got a good look at the place. At the front was a help desk, and beyond that were rows of basic equipment-- treadmills and various weight training devices. There were sections beyond here for a yoga center, a racquetball room, and what appeared to be a large swimming pool. Thankfully, this place looked clean and prime for a weapon much better than a metal pipe.
Catherine and Travis would find themselves walking into the exercise rooms. Another boy, Carl, was already here. At the front was a help desk, and beyond that were rows of basic equipment-- treadmills and various weight training devices. There were sections beyond here for a yoga center, a racquetball room, and what appeared to be a large swimming pool.

@Lissamel @Arcadium @Klutzy Ninja Kitty
When she was in the exercise room, Catherine let go of Travis. She straightened her gown, adjusting her cuffs, making sure all her needles had survived the journey. Luckily for her, they all did. She let out an audible exhale. "My my, I hope we don't have to meet up with any more of those brutes anytime soon..." She muttered to herself with a frown. Not that she was scared, we must reiterate, Catherine was never scared.

"Oh?" She stopped processing her surroundings (and physical well-being) to look down at Travis. "Don't worry about me. I'm not hurt. Do try and keep a little bit of focus." Catherine tutted under her breath, flicking out her tongue again and momentarily forgetting she wasn't a lizard at all. She kept her tone merely--She didn't know, motherly. Nothing too harsh, used to the hijinks of young children. James messed up her office almost daily. Talking of which, she let her own mind wander for a second, thinking about how Gregory House was functioning without her. Dead bodies were scary, yes, but letting children take her big syringes and playing with them like they were toys? There's the horror. "...Seems he hasn't followed us here...Oh, well..."

Let's be fair. She missed Ash a little. But only a little.

And most of that was because she was a lovelorn hopeless romantic who couldn't help but wonder how nice his blood must be.

Catherine's eyes moved to Carl, a new smile going on her face. "Wonderful, this place is far more populated then I thought it could ever be..." Keeping close to Travis, she took a step or two closer to Carl, clasping her hands in front of her chest. "I'm Catherine. It's nice to see you. And this is my lovely little companion..." The nurse gave a slightly prompting wave of the hand, hoping to assist the child in speaking for himself, so maybe then he wouldn't daze off again.

[ @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Arcadium ]

Paying little mind to the new folks who had entered the room, Carl decided to walk over to the help desk and see if it contained anything of use. His attempt to avoid the others, however, quickly failed when the nurse addressed him. He looked up at her after a moment, almost unsure how to respond. He hadn't been intending to speak with anyone, so the interaction had caught him off guard. "I, uh." He went back to looking at the desk for a moment, waiting for an answer to come to him.

"Carl," he mumbled, rather stiff. He wasn't really interested in making new pals, but if he at least had allies who had weapons or new how to fight they might be assets in this dangerous place. "You two got weapons?" he asked. "If not, this might be a good place to look for them." He glanced down at the metal pipe in his hand. He could've used a better one himself.

@Arcadium @Lissamel @Atomyk
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Jean finds a journal on the desk, and what appears to be something shiny on the bed.

Most of the pages of the journal were ripped out, however, one page was legible--

fever gone but itchy.
Hungry and eat doggie food
itchy itchy Scott came.
ugly face so killed him



@Saint Guillotine @C.T. @york @Ryu Keiko @The Man Without Fear @ResistingTheEnlightened @Jeremi @TheSpringwoodSlasher


Junko shook the man's hand gladly. When she pulled her hand back, she gave him a small smile. "I arrived here... uh, somehow?" Junko tilted her head to the side, crossing her arms as she thought on this matter. "I just kind of jump around all over the place, you know? At first it was kind of weird, but I'm starting to get used to it. I'm starting to get used to a lot of things..." The girl looked morose for a moment, looking off to the side. After a moment, the girl cleared her throat and tried to put it out of her mind.


"I don't know anything about this place beyond that it's totally messed up. Considering the state of you guys, I guess you ended up here accidentally as well...?" Junko then clapped her hands together, looking at everyone in turn. "Well, it's not so bad! We'll get through this and then I'll sign some autographs."

@Mighty Roman @Gen. Gwazi Senpai @The Silver Paladin @Lizzy @Gummi Bunnies
Jean Kirstein
@Atomyk @Saint Guillotine @C.T. @Ryu Keiko @The Man Without Fear @ResistingTheEnlightened @Jeremi @TheSpringwoodSlasher @Others


Jean looked horrified reading the journal entry, rubbing his forehead "I don't know if these guys are titans... Or just freaks... But... We've gotta get out of here..." he muttered, putting down the journal as he leaned over to inspect the shiny object on the bed.
Daniel walked up behind Jean towards the shiny object. "Any idea what that may be?" Hey asked softly. He kept hearing Jean mutter things about Titans.... but had no idea what he was talking about.

@york @Atomyk @Anyone else
Jean Kirstein
@Atomyk @Saint Guillotine @C.T. @Ryu Keiko @The Man Without Fear @ResistingTheEnlightened @Jeremi @TheSpringwoodSlasher @Others


Jean looked horrified reading the journal entry, rubbing his forehead "I don't know if these guys are titans... Or just freaks... But... We've gotta get out of here..." he muttered, putting down the journal as he leaned over to inspect the shiny object on the bed.
Alan had thus focused on the look of the young man, the beam of his light flashing down the hallway once more as he took slow, reluctant steps away from the scene, looking at Jean and at the page as he read it with a careful eye, filled with curiousity. But upon reading it, his face was a mix of confused and understanding.


"These aren't test subjects it seems. Looks like they're actually the staff here. Guess Patient Zero came out and infected the rest of them. Good find... I think we know what we're up against."​
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