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As Jean (and presumably, Daniel) would enter the next room, a sudden rotten smell would assault their nostrils. Multiple corpses that shared multiple wounds littered the ground, though one body was wearing a different outfit from the others. Perhaps that was the one Nathan had meant?

@york @Ryu Keiko


Using the tweezers, Sherlock would pull the creature out of the man's mouth.


It didn't move, appearing dead, though the tip of it seemed to be excreting the acidic green substance.



Over the radio, Alvin responded with, "That's the only way I know of. If there is another, I don't know about it. I'm sorry."

Traveling to the respiratory services room, the group would find Locus and Emily next to a pile of burned bodies. A large supply of oxygen tanks could be found here.

@ResistingTheEnlightened @Lizzy @Kaykay @Gummi Bunnies @Jeremi @The Man Without Fear @Arcadium @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Lissamel @Gibbons @OrlandoBloomers @Jerelin @CookieMonster @Saint Guillotine


Eventually, the creature's head was just a pile of much.

If Locus even noticed.

You'd find the group crowding around the room to check on the oxygen tanks soon after.

@C.T. @TheSpringwoodSlasher
Jean Kirstein
@Atomyk @Ryu Keiko

"H-He should have mentioned-... Nevermind..." Jean tried to maintain his seemingly calm composure as he decided to look around on the body with the different outfit for the wallet they were supposed to take, it looked like he wasn't too comfortable about this though...
The man only had one item on him, making figuring out what was the wallet pretty simple. Inside was a card with a picture of himself, his name, and other various details. Looks like you got what you needed!

But, did one one of those other dead bodies move?

@york @Ryu Keiko
As Jean (and presumably, Daniel) would enter the next room, a sudden rotten smell would assault their nostrils. Multiple corpses that shared multiple wounds littered the ground, though one body was wearing a different outfit from the others. Perhaps that was the one Nathan had meant?

@york @Ryu Keiko


Using the tweezers, Sherlock would pull the creature out of the man's mouth.


It didn't move, appearing dead, though the tip of it seemed to be excreting the acidic green substance.



Over the radio, Alvin responded with, "That's the only way I know of. If there is another, I don't know about it. I'm sorry."

Traveling to the respiratory services room, the group would find Locus and Emily next to a pile of burned bodies. A large supply of oxygen tanks could be found here.

@ResistingTheEnlightened @Lizzy @Kaykay @Gummi Bunnies @Jeremi @The Man Without Fear @Arcadium @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Lissamel @Gibbons @OrlandoBloomers @Jerelin @CookieMonster @Saint Guillotine


Eventually, the creature's head was just a pile of much.

If Locus even noticed.

You'd find the group crowding around the room to check on the oxygen tanks soon after.

@C.T. @TheSpringwoodSlasher

Sherlock looked at the... Thing in hand. He eyed it, somewhat disgusted and at the same time fascinated as he placed it on the table. "Shine the light here, if you may Alan." Alan nodded, flashing the light over the fuzzy thing. "Sherlock, do you know what is inside it?" Sherlock began pressing the tip of it, hoping to see if it would excrete anymore in order to dissect it. Sherlock stared at Alan, shaking his head. "I don't know, Alan. Hopefully Alvin would tell us." He nodded at Alan. Alan heard what was about to happen as he looked at Sherlock. "Stay here. I'll go help the others clear the debris."

Alan went with the others to help grab the oxygen tanks, seeing as they were grabbing them before placing two at the debris site. "Is that all that we need?"

Pressing on the tip of the parasite would cause it to secrete a burst of the liquid. The acidic substance began to burn a hole in the substance it was sitting on. Otherwise, it didn't move or react.

Presuming the question asked by Alan was directed at the radio as well, Alvin responded with, "Yeah, I guess there would be oxygen tanks there. If you have four... I guess you have enough. Good luck."


"I'm not a machine, I'm also not a soldier. I'm..I'm just a broken and tired man. One who's committed many crimes. Not just against you but so many others. I was a soldier at one point but I think that past self would be ashamed to see how long it took for me to fess up to what I've done. I'm not asking for forgiveness, wouldn't expect you to hand it out after what I've done to you. You asked for an explanation and I gave one."

@C.T. @Atomyk
She studied the masked visage of the mercenary for a good minute, just staring in utter silence at the other. There was no tell in his voice and facial cues were beyond her ability to check at the moment. She reminded herself that the man was an effective liar, his usually cold emotionless monotone suited to deception. She could borrow some of that right now.

"You must think I'm a fool if you honestly think I'm going to believe that bunch of crap. You spend years pretending to help us and secretly sticking knives in our backs when you can and then not even a single day with these zombies makes you regretful of your past actions? I'm a doctor and you know what? I'm allergic to bullshit. Just leave me alone." She exhaled, voice rising back up to her chipper self as she walked away...and then came to a halt.

"...Except for leading the way of course."

"Hey, baby, correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm getting some real negative vibes over here. Has it something I said? Was it the fact that I punched..." He still didn't know the damn detectives name. Damnit. If he was going to get back on top, he would have to think of a nice-ish nickname " The..Man...With...The.Abnormally...Nice....Coat? I'm really sorry about that, and I'm going to apologise to him if nessesairy..." He froze. Time to be sincere" it's just that he flicked a, not literally, I mean... He insulted my survival instinct. Look at me. I'm not the smartest of the lot, nor am I he smartest. I've lost everyone I ever knew a year before coming here and I lost me right hand; I can't even seal a letter properly" that's right, Ash, you idiot. Make her feel sorry for you. That'll make her respect you. Not. Go back to apologising "Listen. He was right. I was a bit hard on the kid, I just couldn't stand the negativity, not that that's an excuse but...." Damnit ash damnit "But he pinned me against a wall and his friend had a gun. I couldn't back down; I don't mean he'd hurt me, I didn't care if he'd hurt me, but I was afraid ... That he'd hurt you..." Ash charm, baby, Ash charm " and although we've only known each other for a few hours, I'd ratter die than let him do that "Ash Charm baby, Ash charm. Time to use his secret weapon. If speaking form "his heart" didn't work, the finisher always did. He grabbed her by her collar, span her around, before muttering the magic words
Hail to the king, baby
And kissing her.
Ash charm. The only product S-Mart can't stock.

Catherine--Whoo, boy--Catherine was completely dumbfounded. Okay, maybe Ash wasn't very good with words (any half-wit could tell you that this apology was more then insincere and clunky, in no way did she respect him and she certainly did not feel sorry for him in the slightest), but when he wanted to be forward, he could be forward. Catherine's lips locked with his and she felt her heart skip beats, she felt her own blood rush through her veins in a brilliant wave. For a moment she let ulterior motives, the slight desire to ditch him, and even that adorable little child that had agreed to follow them slip her mind. But not the overwhelming urge to shove this little needle right into his chest and draw his blood. She was dizzy. She swore that she could see hearts in front of her eyes. How red was her face? Very. It was probably very, very red. What a rush!

She was the first to pull away from the kiss, a silly little laugh slipping out. "My my my, I'd say I have very little to fear with you around!~" She replied, her cheeks still a vibrant red, her pulse still racing. She barely heard the helpful voice telling them that it would be unwise to stay in the medical room for much longer. Catherine let go of Ash, then proceeded to pick up a few more syringes off the ground and stick them in the pockets of her nurse's gown. She'd need all the equipment she could get...Though if she wanted to go to the living quarters, as the voice recommended, she wasn't positive. In a big place like this, she wanted to do a little exploring. It's like Gregory House from the point of view of those poor, poor human guests.

The nurse took Travis' hand--Precious little boy had agreed to follow them. And then she took Ash's...Hand? Stump? Weird affixation? It was hard to say. But holding these two things, she gave another wide smile. "Let's be on our way, then, dears." She said to the both of them, and still in sort of a strange almost lovelorn daze, she strolled out of the room, dragging the two behind her in her urge to see what this strange place had in store.


[ @The Man Without Fear @Arcadium @Anyone else really ]
The man only had one item on him, making figuring out what was the wallet pretty simple. Inside was a card with a picture of himself, his name, and other various details. Looks like you got what you needed!

But, did one one of those other dead bodies move?

@york @Ryu Keiko
Jean Kirstein
@Atomyk @Ryu Keiko

Jean frowned, about to get up after taking the wallet, but, he instantly turned to one of the other dead bodies upon seeing movement "... That better not have been real..." he muttered under his breath.​
Pressing on the tip of the parasite would cause it to secrete a burst of the liquid. The acidic substance began to burn a hole in the substance it was sitting on. Otherwise, it didn't move or react.

Presuming the question asked by Alan was directed at the radio as well, Alvin responded with, "Yeah, I guess there would be oxygen tanks there. If you have four... I guess you have enough. Good luck."

Sherlock would give a look of amazement as he thought of an idea. Ripping the cloth off of the dead man, he picked up the parasite, then began to walk over to the blocked off rubble, where he did notice the oxygen tanks. "Everybody, clear!" He yelled, before throwing the parasite at the tanks, possibly enough force and maybe enough acid could aid in the excavation.

As Alan let down the last bottle, he would take out his revolver, shuffling the bullets as he looked down at it thoughtfully. "Alright.. Here goe- Sherlock!" He does a dive straight to the side, thinking it was a bomb or something as Alan yelled at him. "Goddamn it Sherlock, are you crazy!? I could've gotten killed!"

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"About the reaction I expected. Follow along." Locus moved along to lead Emily without another word passed from him. He hadn't expected Emily to take in his reveal with open arms. Seems a lot more work would need to be done

Jean Kirstein
@Atomyk @Ryu Keiko

Jean frowned, about to get up after taking the wallet, but, he instantly turned to one of the other dead bodies upon seeing movement "... That better not have been real..." he muttered under his breath.​
Daniel followed the group quietly, unsure what to say or do honestly. He was nervous. By now he had punched himself about 50 times, hoping to wake up but he concluded... "This was no dream..." he mumbled as he looked around.

The creature splat against the tanks, the acidic substance bursting out of it. One of the tanks was eroded by the substance and a hole formed in it. Air could be heard escaping from the tank. It would seem that the substance did not emanate heat, considering the reaction. This was probably for the best, as the concentrated stream of oxygen would likely react to any sparks created by striking or firing on the metal debris.

The creature splat against the tanks, the acidic substance bursting out of it. One of the tanks was eroded by the substance and a hole formed in it. Air could be heard escaping from the tank. It would seem that the substance did not emanate heat, considering the reaction. This was probably for the best, as the concentrated stream of oxygen would likely react to any sparks created by striking or firing on the metal debris.


Well that was pointless and potentially a waste of oxygen tank. Well at least there was reserves. She'd walk up to Alan and rather firmly handed out her hand to him. "Alan, borrow me the revolver. Everybody else take cover because I don't want anyone getting hurt by and potential debris flying about."

"You don't have to tell me twice." Rhonda replied heading to seek shelter from the explosion.

Well that was pointless and potentially a waste of oxygen tank. Well at least there was reserves. She'd walk up to Alan and rather firmly handed out her hand to him. "Alan, borrow me the revolver. Everybody else take cover because I don't want anyone getting hurt by and potential debris flying about."

"You don't have to tell me twice." Rhonda replied heading to seek shelter from the explosion.

The creature splat against the tanks, the acidic substance bursting out of it. One of the tanks was eroded by the substance and a hole formed in it. Air could be heard escaping from the tank. It would seem that the substance did not emanate heat, considering the reaction. This was probably for the best, as the concentrated stream of oxygen would likely react to any sparks created by striking or firing on the metal debris.

"Too much safety taken away.. Sorry, but I won't." Alan said, shake from his head as he held his revolver firmly.. "i'll do my part. You do yours." Alan took out his revolver, getting a distance from the area.. "Clear the area!" He yells, shuffling the revolver a ammunition before pointing it at the oxygen tanks. "Firing!"


He yells before firing twice at the bleeding oxygen tank.

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"Better Safe Than Sorry"

As Alan fired on the collection of debris and oxygen tanks, sparks erupted from the impact, bursting in brilliance when caught in the stream of hissing oxygen. A great ball of flame flashed for only a second, but the heat was intense enough to compromise, setting off a chain reaction within the tanks. Compromised by the acidic substance and heat, the tanks exploded, catching the tail end of Alan's twin bullets and erupting into a brilliant flame that enveloped the hallway. A boom had rocked against your ears and the heat from the flames could be felt even from your positions further down the hall. A shrill alarm sounded in your ears for a few seconds before it died out.

As a result, the debris and door to the Living Quarters had been slammed outward, opening up the way. As the flames quickly dissipated, all that was left was a strong burning smell on your nostrils and smaller piles of melted debris lingering about. You were finally free to continue further into the facility, however--

Angry cries rose up from within the facility. Beyond the hallway door was a lobby that connected to the various sections of the Living Quarters. It was here that a horde of people came crashing in, all running straight for your group.



Nathan stepped into the unlocked hall with Jean and Daniel. He saw them eyeing one of the dead bodies and shook his head slightly. "Those ones are... are dead," he he tried to say dismissively, though he didn't sound as confident as he wanted. Stepping forward, he moved in to grab the wallet from Jean's hands without so much as a thanks. He then quickly doubled back to the previous room to input the man's details into the computer. Once the process was finalized, it seemed the bar code device in their possession was now good for level two clearance. With that, Nathan started to move toward the central transport, caring little if Jean or Daniel followed him.

At the doors, a loud boom could be heard from somewhere within the facility and a brief alarm sounded in turn. Nathan spun around and looked down the hall in search of the disturbance, but nothing seemed out of the ordinary. "Fuck! What the fuck--"

It was then that the dead bodies in the previous room walked out into the hallway. So much for them being dead. With no weapons to defend themselves which, Nathan quickly opened the door to the central transport and ushered Jean and Daniel inside. He looked almost like he had considered going in without them, but perhaps he recognized safety in numbers.

As the doors closed behind them, Nathan let out a shaky breath of relief. He scanned the device once again to head to the Comm Center, but it seemed the device didn't have the proper clearance. Nathan swore out loud, tapping on multiple places to see if they had permission to head to any of them. The labs seemed to work, but pressing that button produced only an ERROR. Annoyed, Nathan slammed his fist on the final button-- the Living Quarters-- and the elevator started to life.

"So fucking stupid..." Nathan muttered under his breath, loud enough for the two others with him to hear. Once the door opened, the three were staring down a hallway. The sounds of screaming and fighting could be heard in the distance, but a different sound was closer. Mad laughter could be heard in one of the rooms ahead.

"One of you go ahead," Nathan practically commanded.


In the vents, a sudden alarm sounded. It was unknown what had caused it for the moment, but it soon became apparent this wasn't what you had to worry about. The Doctor, Yuriko, and The Master would feel the vents turn into a vacuum, their bodies suddenly pulled and sucked in by a great gust of air. Being slammed and pushed around like a pinball, the three would end up flying through, being tossed out of the vent and into a strange room.


Without a bar code device, it seemed the only thing to do was explore more of the vents. Thankfully, the alarm and sudden air currents had gone. Of the ones that seemed passable, there was one on the left wall, the right wall, and above you.

@Atomyk as Nathan Prescott [Life is Strange]
@TheSpringwoodSlasher as Locus [Red vs Blue]
@Mighty Roman as Leo Elster [Humans] and The Doctor [Doctor Who]
@The Man Without Fear as Ash Williams [Evil Dead] and Johnny [The Room]
@C.T. as Doctor Emily Grey [Red vs Blue]
@Gibbons as Sendo Takeshi [Hajime no Ippo]
@The Silver Paladin as Yuriko Omega [Command and Conquer: Red Alert]
@OrlandoBloomers as Max Rockatansky [Mad Max]
@Kaykay as Huang Rong [Legend of the Condor Heroes]
@Klutzy Ninja Kitty as Carl Grimes [The Walking Dead]
@Jeremi as Rhonda Kerske [Dead Rising] and Roberta Mendez/Captain America [Marvel Comics]
@york as Jean Kirstein [Attack on Titan]
@Gummi Bunnies as William "Will" Owen Herondale [Infernal Devices]
@Lizzy as Shion and Nezumi "Rat" [No. 6]
@BarrenThin as Jean-Luc Picard [Star Trek]
@Gen. Gwazi Senpai as The Master [Doctor Who]
@Lissamel as Catherine [Gregory Horror Show]
@CookieMonster as Jenny [Doctor Who]
@Ryu Keiko as Daniel Angelle [Original Character]

@ResistingTheEnlightened as Alan Wake [Alan Wake] and Sherlock Holmes [Sherlock Holmes]
@Arcadium as Travis [Mother 4]
@Saint Guillotine as Emily Kaldwin [Dishonored]​
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"Too much safety taken away.. Sorry, but I won't." Alan said, shake from his head as he held his revolver firmly.. "i'll do my part. You do yours." Alan took out his revolver, getting a distance from the area.. "Clear the area!" He yells, shuffling the revolver a ammunition before pointing it at the oxygen tanks. "Firing!"


He yells before firing twice at the bleeding oxygen tank.


Cap didn't really appreciate the lack of trust.


"Implying I wouldn't have given it back to you as soon as I was done, but I get we're you're coming from."

As Alan got ready to fire she would've taken cover as well and waited for the inevitable explosion.


"Better Safe Than Sorry"

As Alan fired on the collection of debris and oxygen tanks, sparks erupted from the impact, bursting in brilliance when caught in the stream of hissing oxygen. A great ball of flame flashed for only a second, but the heat was intense enough to compromise, setting off a chain reaction within the tanks. Comrpimised by the acidic substance and heat, the tanks exploded, catching the tail end of Alan's twin bullets and erupting into a brilliant flame that enveloped the hallway. A boom had rocked against your ears and the heat from the flames could be felt even from your positions further down the hall. A shrill alarm sounded in your ears for a few seconds before it died out.

As a result, the debris and door to the Living Quarters had been slammed outward, opening up the way. As the flames quickly dissipated, all that was left was a strong burning smell on your nostrils and smaller piles of melted debris lingering about. You were finally free to continue further into the facility, however--

Angry cries rose up from within the facility. Beyond the hallway door was a lobby that connected to the various sections of the Living Quarters. It was here that a horde of people came crashing in, all running straight for your group.



Nathan stepped into the unlocked hall with Jean and Daniel. He saw them eyeing one of the dead bodies and shook his head slightly. "Those ones are... are dead," he he tried to say dismissively, though he didn't sound as confident as he wanted. Stepping forward, he moved in to grab the wallet from Jean's hands without so much as a thanks. He then quickly doubled back to the previous room to input the man's details into the computer. Once the process was finalized, it seemed the bar code device in their possession was now good for level two clearance. With that, Nathan started to move toward the central transport, caring little if Jean or Daniel followed him.

At the doors, a loud boom could be heard from somewhere within the facility and a brief alarm sounded in turn. Nathan spun around and looked down the hall in search of the disturbance, but nothing seemed out of the ordinary. "Fuck! What the fuck--"

It was then that the dead bodies in the previous room walked out into the hallway. So much for them being dead. With no weapons to defend themselves which, Nathan quickly opened the door to the central transport and ushered Jean and Daniel inside. He looked almost like he had considered going in without them, but perhaps he recognized safety in numbers.

As the doors closed behind them, Nathan let out a shaky breath of relief. He scanned the device once again to head to the Comm Center, but it seemed the device didn't have the proper clearance. Nathan swore out loud, tapping on multiple places to see if they had permission to head to any of them. The labs seemed to work, but pressing that button produced only an ERROR. Annoyed, Nathan slammed his fist on the final button-- the Living Quarters-- and the elevator started to life.

"So fucking stupid..." Nathan muttered under his breath, loud enough for the two others with him to hear. Once the door opened, the three were staring down a hallway. The sounds of screaming and fighting could be heard in the distance, but a different sound was closer. Mad laughter could be heard in one of the rooms ahead.

"One of you go ahead," Nathan practically commanded.


In the vents, a sudden alarm sounded. It was unknown what had caused it for the moment, but it soon became apparent this wasn't what you had to worry about. The Doctor, Yuriko, and The Master would feel the vents turn into a vacuum, their bodies suddenly pulled and sucked in by a great gust of air. Being slammed and pushed around like a pinball, the three would end up flying through, being tossed out of the vent and into a strange room.


Without a bar code device, it seemed the only thing to do was explore more of the vents. Thankfully, the alarm and sudden air currents had gone. Of the ones that seemed passable, there was one on the left wall, the right wall, and above you.

@Atomyk as Nathan Prescott [Life is Strange]
@TheSpringwoodSlasher as Locus [Red vs Blue]
@Mighty Roman as Leo Elster [Humans] and The Doctor [Doctor Who]
@Gummi Bunnies as Nezu Jirou/Rat [Tantei Opera Milky Holmes]
@The Man Without Fear as Ash Williams [Evil Dead] and Johnny [The Room]
@C.T. as Doctor Emily Grey [Red vs Blue]
@Gibbons as Sendo Takeshi [Hajime no Ippo]
@The Silver Paladin as Yuriko Omega [Command and Conquer: Red Alert]
@OrlandoBloomers as Max Rockatansky [Mad Max]
@Kaykay as Huang Rong [Legend of the Condor Heroes]
@Jerelin as Cersei Lannister [Game of Thrones]
@Klutzy Ninja Kitty as Carl Grimes [The Walking Dead]
@Jeremi as Rhonda Kerske [Dead Rising] and Roberta Mendez/Captain America [Marvel Comics]
@york as Jean Kirstein [Attack on Titan]
@Gummi Bunnies as William "Will" Owen Herondale [Infernal Devices]
@Lizzy as Shion and Nezumi "Rat" [No. 6]
@BarrenThin as Jean-Luc Picard [Star Trek]
@Gen. Gwazi Senpai as The Master [Doctor Who]
@Lissamel as Catherine [Gregory Horror Show]
@CookieMonster as Jenny [Doctor Who]
@Ryu Keiko as Daniel Angelle [Original Character]

@ResistingTheEnlightened as Alan Wake [Alan Wake] and Sherlock Holmes [Sherlock Holmes]
@Arcadium as Travis [Mother 4]
@Saint Guillotine as Emily Kaldwin [Dishonored]
@Thuro The Assassin Potato as Richard B. Riddick [Pitch Black]​

And the fun just came on coming. "Arm yourselves!" Cap shouted as a red shield of energy formed on her arm.


"I'll try to keep them occupied for the time being."

Leaping into the fray Cap would slam the closest zombie over the head with her shield and gave a swift kick to the stomach to another.

Rhonda meanwhile would try to find herself a close range weapon, because she wasn't going to use up fuel unless the situation was really dire.
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"Better Safe Than Sorry"

As Alan fired on the collection of debris and oxygen tanks, sparks erupted from the impact, bursting in brilliance when caught in the stream of hissing oxygen. A great ball of flame flashed for only a second, but the heat was intense enough to compromise, setting off a chain reaction within the tanks. Comrpimised by the acidic substance and heat, the tanks exploded, catching the tail end of Alan's twin bullets and erupting into a brilliant flame that enveloped the hallway. A boom had rocked against your ears and the heat from the flames could be felt even from your positions further down the hall. A shrill alarm sounded in your ears for a few seconds before it died out.

As a result, the debris and door to the Living Quarters had been slammed outward, opening up the way. As the flames quickly dissipated, all that was left was a strong burning smell on your nostrils and smaller piles of melted debris lingering about. You were finally free to continue further into the facility, however--

Angry cries rose up from within the facility. Beyond the hallway door was a lobby that connected to the various sections of the Living Quarters. It was here that a horde of people came crashing in, all running straight for your group.



Nathan stepped into the unlocked hall with Jean and Daniel. He saw them eyeing one of the dead bodies and shook his head slightly. "Those ones are... are dead," he he tried to say dismissively, though he didn't sound as confident as he wanted. Stepping forward, he moved in to grab the wallet from Jean's hands without so much as a thanks. He then quickly doubled back to the previous room to input the man's details into the computer. Once the process was finalized, it seemed the bar code device in their possession was now good for level two clearance. With that, Nathan started to move toward the central transport, caring little if Jean or Daniel followed him.

At the doors, a loud boom could be heard from somewhere within the facility and a brief alarm sounded in turn. Nathan spun around and looked down the hall in search of the disturbance, but nothing seemed out of the ordinary. "Fuck! What the fuck--"

It was then that the dead bodies in the previous room walked out into the hallway. So much for them being dead. With no weapons to defend themselves which, Nathan quickly opened the door to the central transport and ushered Jean and Daniel inside. He looked almost like he had considered going in without them, but perhaps he recognized safety in numbers.

As the doors closed behind them, Nathan let out a shaky breath of relief. He scanned the device once again to head to the Comm Center, but it seemed the device didn't have the proper clearance. Nathan swore out loud, tapping on multiple places to see if they had permission to head to any of them. The labs seemed to work, but pressing that button produced only an ERROR. Annoyed, Nathan slammed his fist on the final button-- the Living Quarters-- and the elevator started to life.

"So fucking stupid..." Nathan muttered under his breath, loud enough for the two others with him to hear. Once the door opened, the three were staring down a hallway. The sounds of screaming and fighting could be heard in the distance, but a different sound was closer. Mad laughter could be heard in one of the rooms ahead.

"One of you go ahead," Nathan practically commanded.


In the vents, a sudden alarm sounded. It was unknown what had caused it for the moment, but it soon became apparent this wasn't what you had to worry about. The Doctor, Yuriko, and The Master would feel the vents turn into a vacuum, their bodies suddenly pulled and sucked in by a great gust of air. Being slammed and pushed around like a pinball, the three would end up flying through, being tossed out of the vent and into a strange room.


Without a bar code device, it seemed the only thing to do was explore more of the vents. Thankfully, the alarm and sudden air currents had gone. Of the ones that seemed passable, there was one on the left wall, the right wall, and above you.

@Atomyk as Nathan Prescott [Life is Strange]
@TheSpringwoodSlasher as Locus [Red vs Blue]
@Mighty Roman as Leo Elster [Humans] and The Doctor [Doctor Who]
@Gummi Bunnies as Nezu Jirou/Rat [Tantei Opera Milky Holmes]
@The Man Without Fear as Ash Williams [Evil Dead] and Johnny [The Room]
@C.T. as Doctor Emily Grey [Red vs Blue]
@Gibbons as Sendo Takeshi [Hajime no Ippo]
@The Silver Paladin as Yuriko Omega [Command and Conquer: Red Alert]
@OrlandoBloomers as Max Rockatansky [Mad Max]
@Kaykay as Huang Rong [Legend of the Condor Heroes]
@Jerelin as Cersei Lannister [Game of Thrones]
@Klutzy Ninja Kitty as Carl Grimes [The Walking Dead]
@Jeremi as Rhonda Kerske [Dead Rising] and Roberta Mendez/Captain America [Marvel Comics]
@york as Jean Kirstein [Attack on Titan]
@Gummi Bunnies as William "Will" Owen Herondale [Infernal Devices]
@Lizzy as Shion and Nezumi "Rat" [No. 6]
@BarrenThin as Jean-Luc Picard [Star Trek]
@Gen. Gwazi Senpai as The Master [Doctor Who]
@Lissamel as Catherine [Gregory Horror Show]
@CookieMonster as Jenny [Doctor Who]
@Ryu Keiko as Daniel Angelle [Original Character]

@ResistingTheEnlightened as Alan Wake [Alan Wake] and Sherlock Holmes [Sherlock Holmes]
@Arcadium as Travis [Mother 4]
@Saint Guillotine as Emily Kaldwin [Dishonored]
@Thuro The Assassin Potato as Richard B. Riddick [Pitch Black]​
Daniel blinked for a second, then suddenly he felt himself being ushered through doors, along with Jean. "What the-" he said when he heard the loud sirens. "Where are we going?!" He asked Nathan, trying not to freak out over the dead person... Who wasn't so dead. He watched as Nathan slammed his hand on a button, and felt the elevator come to life. He stood in silence, trying to compose himself as the elevator moved, before coming to a stop on a specific floor, and the doors opened slowly. As they opened, he heard the screams, groans and other various noises that signaled 'HEY GO BACK THE OTHER WAY!' but sighed knowing that wouldn't happen.... One of you go ahead he heard Nathan say, and that caused him to flash the male a heated look. "Fine, since you don't seem to be willing to move." he mumbled as he took a step forward cautiously.

@Atomyk @york

The walk back to the main group was one of relative silence. Locus had said his piece and Grey had refused to believe the word of the man who had taken so many friends from her and not even shown a glimpse of remorse for it up to that point. But within Locus's thoughts, there was no silence.

"You mind telling me what that was back there? Because I may need to get my fucking eyes examined but that looked like a clear cut betrayal to me and for what? Someone who fucking despises you. She just pities you too much to say it aloud!"

On the outside Locus had resumed his quiet and withdrawn nature. But within his psyche, he saw no reason to let himself take the brunt of Felix's aggression.

"I did what I felt had to be done in that situation."

"Uh-uh, yeah. So that includes tackling your partner and beating them to death, right?"

"You may speak like Felix, you may insist that you're Felix. You even grate on my nerves like Felix. But you're not him. Besides, what would you have had me say?"

"Anything but the self imposed pity-party you tried to throw back there! Seriously, what was that? You thought she'd just drop everything because you admitted that you 'felt bad' about killing her friends?"

"It's better than the alternative."

"What's that? Of course if you don't mind letting me in on this craziness of yours?" There was that word again. Crazy, Locus continually insisted that he was anything but insane. But he couldn't afford his problems within the mind to escape out into the outside again.

"Tell her that the only reason I haven't disposed of her myself is because she's the only medic worth a damn. The others seem to have their talents, I suppose. But if any of them were to get injured she'd be the only one to patch them up and relieve the chance of any dead weight."

"...So, you think telling her that you've changed would be better?"

"You're the people person. Not me."


The hallucination faded away and Locus's mindscape was silent once more. He predicted that Grey wouldn't have believed his statement of changing even slightly. The truth was that he wasn't even sure if he believed it. "They should be right around here-Stop." He'd hold a hand out for Emily to halt as he listened to the noise. It sounded like a bunch of people running at once. Given that he hadn't heard any screams or crying out in pain, he could have only assumed that those were the creatures they'd dealt with. Making his way forward him and Grey would have finally settled onto the scene with Cap dishing out some damage to the horde as much as she could with her shield.

His armor had proved useful enough in close range encounters with these creatures. That and Cap seemed like a capable enough fighter, it would have been a shame to lose her among the horde of these beasts. Rushing into the depth of it, he'd seek to punch away at any undead that strayed too close while sticking close to Cap all the same.

@C.T. @Jeremi @Atomyk

  • Love
  • Nice Execution!
Reactions: Takumi and C.T.
"Better Safe Than Sorry"

As Alan fired on the collection of debris and oxygen tanks, sparks erupted from the impact, bursting in brilliance when caught in the stream of hissing oxygen. A great ball of flame flashed for only a second, but the heat was intense enough to compromise, setting off a chain reaction within the tanks. Comrpimised by the acidic substance and heat, the tanks exploded, catching the tail end of Alan's twin bullets and erupting into a brilliant flame that enveloped the hallway. A boom had rocked against your ears and the heat from the flames could be felt even from your positions further down the hall. A shrill alarm sounded in your ears for a few seconds before it died out.

As a result, the debris and door to the Living Quarters had been slammed outward, opening up the way. As the flames quickly dissipated, all that was left was a strong burning smell on your nostrils and smaller piles of melted debris lingering about. You were finally free to continue further into the facility, however--

Angry cries rose up from within the facility. Beyond the hallway door was a lobby that connected to the various sections of the Living Quarters. It was here that a horde of people came crashing in, all running straight for your group.



Nathan stepped into the unlocked hall with Jean and Daniel. He saw them eyeing one of the dead bodies and shook his head slightly. "Those ones are... are dead," he he tried to say dismissively, though he didn't sound as confident as he wanted. Stepping forward, he moved in to grab the wallet from Jean's hands without so much as a thanks. He then quickly doubled back to the previous room to input the man's details into the computer. Once the process was finalized, it seemed the bar code device in their possession was now good for level two clearance. With that, Nathan started to move toward the central transport, caring little if Jean or Daniel followed him.

At the doors, a loud boom could be heard from somewhere within the facility and a brief alarm sounded in turn. Nathan spun around and looked down the hall in search of the disturbance, but nothing seemed out of the ordinary. "Fuck! What the fuck--"

It was then that the dead bodies in the previous room walked out into the hallway. So much for them being dead. With no weapons to defend themselves which, Nathan quickly opened the door to the central transport and ushered Jean and Daniel inside. He looked almost like he had considered going in without them, but perhaps he recognized safety in numbers.

As the doors closed behind them, Nathan let out a shaky breath of relief. He scanned the device once again to head to the Comm Center, but it seemed the device didn't have the proper clearance. Nathan swore out loud, tapping on multiple places to see if they had permission to head to any of them. The labs seemed to work, but pressing that button produced only an ERROR. Annoyed, Nathan slammed his fist on the final button-- the Living Quarters-- and the elevator started to life.

"So fucking stupid..." Nathan muttered under his breath, loud enough for the two others with him to hear. Once the door opened, the three were staring down a hallway. The sounds of screaming and fighting could be heard in the distance, but a different sound was closer. Mad laughter could be heard in one of the rooms ahead.

"One of you go ahead," Nathan practically commanded.


In the vents, a sudden alarm sounded. It was unknown what had caused it for the moment, but it soon became apparent this wasn't what you had to worry about. The Doctor, Yuriko, and The Master would feel the vents turn into a vacuum, their bodies suddenly pulled and sucked in by a great gust of air. Being slammed and pushed around like a pinball, the three would end up flying through, being tossed out of the vent and into a strange room.


Without a bar code device, it seemed the only thing to do was explore more of the vents. Thankfully, the alarm and sudden air currents had gone. Of the ones that seemed passable, there was one on the left wall, the right wall, and above you.

@Atomyk as Nathan Prescott [Life is Strange]
@TheSpringwoodSlasher as Locus [Red vs Blue]
@Mighty Roman as Leo Elster [Humans] and The Doctor [Doctor Who]
@Gummi Bunnies as Nezu Jirou/Rat [Tantei Opera Milky Holmes]
@The Man Without Fear as Ash Williams [Evil Dead] and Johnny [The Room]
@C.T. as Doctor Emily Grey [Red vs Blue]
@Gibbons as Sendo Takeshi [Hajime no Ippo]
@The Silver Paladin as Yuriko Omega [Command and Conquer: Red Alert]
@OrlandoBloomers as Max Rockatansky [Mad Max]
@Kaykay as Huang Rong [Legend of the Condor Heroes]
@Jerelin as Cersei Lannister [Game of Thrones]
@Klutzy Ninja Kitty as Carl Grimes [The Walking Dead]
@Jeremi as Rhonda Kerske [Dead Rising] and Roberta Mendez/Captain America [Marvel Comics]
@york as Jean Kirstein [Attack on Titan]
@Gummi Bunnies as William "Will" Owen Herondale [Infernal Devices]
@Lizzy as Shion and Nezumi "Rat" [No. 6]
@BarrenThin as Jean-Luc Picard [Star Trek]
@Gen. Gwazi Senpai as The Master [Doctor Who]
@Lissamel as Catherine [Gregory Horror Show]
@CookieMonster as Jenny [Doctor Who]
@Ryu Keiko as Daniel Angelle [Original Character]

@ResistingTheEnlightened as Alan Wake [Alan Wake] and Sherlock Holmes [Sherlock Holmes]
@Arcadium as Travis [Mother 4]
@Saint Guillotine as Emily Kaldwin [Dishonored]
@Thuro The Assassin Potato as Richard B. Riddick [Pitch Black]​

"Fuck, Shion get behind me." Nezumi said before forcing the smaller male behind him before attempting to use five of the scalpels he picked up as projectiles against a few of the undead that got too close for comfort, aiming for their foreheads.

@Gummi Bunnies @Kaykay @Atomyk @ResistingTheEnlightened @C.T. @Gen. Gwazi Senpai @TheSpringwoodSlasher @Jeremi @The Silver Paladin @Mighty Roman @others
Something was off, and and it wasn't just some of the fish down at S-Marts seafood department. He glanced over to his "date", only to get a glare back, and in Ash's books, this usually meant he had stuffed everything up. He began to retrace his steps.....
She was fine when he gave her the needle....
And the armour....
And all the other times...
He did punch London's greatest detective in the nose....
From experience, people didn't like to see London's greatest detectives punched in the nose
I mean, Ash had done it to the real Sherlock Holmes, and you can imagine the outcry!
Bare in mind, he was possessed by the spirits of the undead.... But that was a different story...
Ash had to apologise. He want about to throw a whole nights worth of flirting away because he lost his temper; yes, there were many other fine specimines in this facility, Captain America included (he loved a woman in uniform), but flirting is hard work, and it would take him a real long time to get back in top. He began to chance after his "date"

"Hey, baby, correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm getting some real negative vibes over here. Has it something I said? Was it the fact that I punched..." He still didn't know the damn detectives name. Damnit. If he was going to get back on top, he would have to think of a nice-ish nickname " The..Man...With...The.Abnormally...Nice....Coat? I'm really sorry about that, and I'm going to apologise to him if nessesairy..." He froze. Time to be sincere" it's just that he flicked a, not literally, I mean... He insulted my survival instinct. Look at me. I'm not the smartest of the lot, nor am I he smartest. I've lost everyone I ever knew a year before coming here and I lost me right hand; I can't even seal a letter properly" that's right, Ash, you idiot. Make her feel sorry for you. That'll make her respect you. Not. Go back to apologising "Listen. He was right. I was a bit hard on the kid, I just couldn't stand the negativity, not that that's an excuse but...." Damnit ash damnit "But he pinned me against a wall and his friend had a gun. I couldn't back down; I don't mean he'd hurt me, I didn't care if he'd hurt me, but I was afraid ... That he'd hurt you..." Ash charm, baby, Ash charm " and although we've only known each other for a few hours, I'd ratter die than let him do that "Ash Charm baby, Ash charm. Time to use his secret weapon. If speaking form "his heart" didn't work, the finisher always did. He grabbed her by her collar, span her around, before muttering the magic words
Hail to the king, baby
And kissing her.
Ash charm. The only product S-Mart can't stock.
@ResistingTheEnlightened @Jeremi

Catherine--Whoo, boy--Catherine was completely dumbfounded. Okay, maybe Ash wasn't very good with words (any half-wit could tell you that this apology was more then insincere and clunky, in no way did she respect him and she certainly did not feel sorry for him in the slightest), but when he wanted to be forward, he could be forward. Catherine's lips locked with his and she felt her heart skip beats, she felt her own blood rush through her veins in a brilliant wave. For a moment she let ulterior motives, the slight desire to ditch him, and even that adorable little child that had agreed to follow them slip her mind. But not the overwhelming urge to shove this little needle right into his chest and draw his blood. She was dizzy. She swore that she could see hearts in front of her eyes. How red was her face? Very. It was probably very, very red. What a rush!

She was the first to pull away from the kiss, a silly little laugh slipping out. "My my my, I'd say I have very little to fear with you around!~" She replied, her cheeks still a vibrant red, her pulse still racing. She barely heard the helpful voice telling them that it would be unwise to stay in the medical room for much longer. Catherine let go of Ash, then proceeded to pick up a few more syringes off the ground and stick them in the pockets of her nurse's gown. She'd need all the equipment she could get...Though if she wanted to go to the living quarters, as the voice recommended, she wasn't positive. In a big place like this, she wanted to do a little exploring. It's like Gregory House from the point of view of those poor, poor human guests.

The nurse took Travis' hand--Precious little boy had agreed to follow them. And then she took Ash's...Hand? Stump? Weird affixation? It was hard to say. But holding these two things, she gave another wide smile. "Let's be on our way, then, dears." She said to the both of them, and still in sort of a strange almost lovelorn daze, she strolled out of the room, dragging the two behind her in her urge to see what this strange place had in store.


[ @The Man Without Fear @Arcadium @Anyone else really ]
Travis seemed to wait for Ash to apologize for his behavior earlier, which he was all for-- this environment probably did bring the worst out of people, after all. He's seen quite a few acts of violence break out the moment he woke up, some rational, and some no doubt with some reasoning to it. If there was anything he or his current team needed, it was some closure for any potential negative feelings. His blue eyes watched patiently as he seemed to (poorly) construct the right words to say sorry to Catherine, but as it went on, his smile.. dimmed into a somewhat wincing face. It was starting to get just a little bit painful, hearing him while bearing witness to the whole thing. It was beginning to get painful enough, in fact, that he was contemplating stepping in and politely asking to wrap it up. But then, all of a sudden, as soon as he decided to do so raising one hand and opening his mouth to say something..

..Oh, boy. Oh, geez.

He kissed her. He just went straight to kissing her. Travis's face just quickly showed his surprise, slowly dropping his hand down as the two adults, erm.. Came to an agreement. Is this how they would seal the deal with apologies, if they loved each other? If they loved each other, that is; Travis didn't know how long they knew each other since waking up here. He was just.. standing there. Just standing there, holding his plank in one hand next to him while they kissed, eventually making a goofy, somewhat awkward and wry grin until they finally broke up. Thank goodness; he didn't know what he would do if they stayed here for a minute longer, let alone what would happen. And, just like that, they were out, being dragged haphazardly by the nurse due to her state of infatuation. He probably would have dropped his weapon if he didn't have a tighter grip on it.

"Better Safe Than Sorry"

As Alan fired on the collection of debris and oxygen tanks, sparks erupted from the impact, bursting in brilliance when caught in the stream of hissing oxygen. A great ball of flame flashed for only a second, but the heat was intense enough to compromise, setting off a chain reaction within the tanks. Comrpimised by the acidic substance and heat, the tanks exploded, catching the tail end of Alan's twin bullets and erupting into a brilliant flame that enveloped the hallway. A boom had rocked against your ears and the heat from the flames could be felt even from your positions further down the hall. A shrill alarm sounded in your ears for a few seconds before it died out.

As a result, the debris and door to the Living Quarters had been slammed outward, opening up the way. As the flames quickly dissipated, all that was left was a strong burning smell on your nostrils and smaller piles of melted debris lingering about. You were finally free to continue further into the facility, however--

Angry cries rose up from within the facility. Beyond the hallway door was a lobby that connected to the various sections of the Living Quarters. It was here that a horde of people came crashing in, all running straight for your group.



Nathan stepped into the unlocked hall with Jean and Daniel. He saw them eyeing one of the dead bodies and shook his head slightly. "Those ones are... are dead," he he tried to say dismissively, though he didn't sound as confident as he wanted. Stepping forward, he moved in to grab the wallet from Jean's hands without so much as a thanks. He then quickly doubled back to the previous room to input the man's details into the computer. Once the process was finalized, it seemed the bar code device in their possession was now good for level two clearance. With that, Nathan started to move toward the central transport, caring little if Jean or Daniel followed him.

At the doors, a loud boom could be heard from somewhere within the facility and a brief alarm sounded in turn. Nathan spun around and looked down the hall in search of the disturbance, but nothing seemed out of the ordinary. "Fuck! What the fuck--"

It was then that the dead bodies in the previous room walked out into the hallway. So much for them being dead. With no weapons to defend themselves which, Nathan quickly opened the door to the central transport and ushered Jean and Daniel inside. He looked almost like he had considered going in without them, but perhaps he recognized safety in numbers.

As the doors closed behind them, Nathan let out a shaky breath of relief. He scanned the device once again to head to the Comm Center, but it seemed the device didn't have the proper clearance. Nathan swore out loud, tapping on multiple places to see if they had permission to head to any of them. The labs seemed to work, but pressing that button produced only an ERROR. Annoyed, Nathan slammed his fist on the final button-- the Living Quarters-- and the elevator started to life.

"So fucking stupid..." Nathan muttered under his breath, loud enough for the two others with him to hear. Once the door opened, the three were staring down a hallway. The sounds of screaming and fighting could be heard in the distance, but a different sound was closer. Mad laughter could be heard in one of the rooms ahead.

"One of you go ahead," Nathan practically commanded.


In the vents, a sudden alarm sounded. It was unknown what had caused it for the moment, but it soon became apparent this wasn't what you had to worry about. The Doctor, Yuriko, and The Master would feel the vents turn into a vacuum, their bodies suddenly pulled and sucked in by a great gust of air. Being slammed and pushed around like a pinball, the three would end up flying through, being tossed out of the vent and into a strange room.


Without a bar code device, it seemed the only thing to do was explore more of the vents. Thankfully, the alarm and sudden air currents had gone. Of the ones that seemed passable, there was one on the left wall, the right wall, and above you.

@Atomyk as Nathan Prescott [Life is Strange]
@TheSpringwoodSlasher as Locus [Red vs Blue]
@Mighty Roman as Leo Elster [Humans] and The Doctor [Doctor Who]
@Gummi Bunnies as Nezu Jirou/Rat [Tantei Opera Milky Holmes]
@The Man Without Fear as Ash Williams [Evil Dead] and Johnny [The Room]
@C.T. as Doctor Emily Grey [Red vs Blue]
@Gibbons as Sendo Takeshi [Hajime no Ippo]
@The Silver Paladin as Yuriko Omega [Command and Conquer: Red Alert]
@OrlandoBloomers as Max Rockatansky [Mad Max]
@Kaykay as Huang Rong [Legend of the Condor Heroes]
@Jerelin as Cersei Lannister [Game of Thrones]
@Klutzy Ninja Kitty as Carl Grimes [The Walking Dead]
@Jeremi as Rhonda Kerske [Dead Rising] and Roberta Mendez/Captain America [Marvel Comics]
@york as Jean Kirstein [Attack on Titan]
@Gummi Bunnies as William "Will" Owen Herondale [Infernal Devices]
@Lizzy as Shion and Nezumi "Rat" [No. 6]
@BarrenThin as Jean-Luc Picard [Star Trek]
@Gen. Gwazi Senpai as The Master [Doctor Who]
@Lissamel as Catherine [Gregory Horror Show]
@CookieMonster as Jenny [Doctor Who]
@Ryu Keiko as Daniel Angelle [Original Character]

@ResistingTheEnlightened as Alan Wake [Alan Wake] and Sherlock Holmes [Sherlock Holmes]
@Arcadium as Travis [Mother 4]
@Saint Guillotine as Emily Kaldwin [Dishonored]
@Thuro The Assassin Potato as Richard B. Riddick [Pitch Black]​
"..Wait, where exactly are we headed?" Travis asked quickly, having to pick up his feet so that he wouldn't literally be dragged along with Catherine on their journey. If they were going to the Living Quarters, then they really should pick up the pace. He doesn't know the consequences for looking literally anywhere else, but.. Honestly, he really wouldn't like to linger around to find out.

Suddenly, elsewhere, he heard a resounding explosion, one that made him look back from where it came from. The place seemed to be quiet-- keyword, seemed-- until that particular noise came up. They were running elsewhere, but even so, it caught his attention. He began to wonder if the others were alright. "What.. What the heck was that?!"

@Lissamel @The Man Without Fear @Others
  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: 1 person
Nezumi's scalpels would slide cleanly into the skulls of the infected, killing them instantly. It thinned the numbers slightly, but still more infected poured in. Many wore lab coats, as if the majority of the staff had become this horde.

The infected weren't the most intelligent of beings, doing little to dodge the blows from Cap and Locus. However, a pair of infected managed to slam into Locus and push at him. It seemed his armor and strength made it impossible for them to do much damage to him... until it seemed apparent that the acidic green substance was leaking from their mouths as well. The liquid splashed on to Locus' armor, creating a sizzling noise as it burned into the armor.

@ResistingTheEnlightened @Lizzy @Kaykay @Gummi Bunnies @Jeremi @The Man Without Fear @Arcadium @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Lissamel @Gibbons @OrlandoBloomers @Jerelin @CookieMonster @Saint Guillotine @C.T. @TheSpringwoodSlasher @Mighty Roman


Nathan didn't respond to Daniel, looking off to the side. The sounds of fighting continued in the distance, but it seemed too far away at the moment to matter. To the side of the hall were rooms that contained what appeared to be small living spaces. Like dorms, four beds existed in each. The laughter stopped for the moment, but there seemed to be an opportunity to explore the room on the right and the room on the left.

@york @Ryu Keiko

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