The Wilborough Helpers Association [OOC] [Potterverse]

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Well, the idea is the historian is his parent(s), who due to work I guess was absent a lot, and instead "raised" him by renting nannies and buying him stuff. So.

Thinking the only reason his parents would sign him up for a program like this, would be for the public attention with minimal effort other than translating runes (or so they think).
Sorry I started working on a post then developed a headache that won't go awayyyyy. I'm not sure when I'll be able to finish it.
Kythera, make sure to drink lots of water and stay away from computer screens for a bit!

IPDS that's a lovely idea - they'd be so shocked and confused with Dorothy's mothering attitude, maybe it's some good character development along the line. And it would be fair to make the assumption if the parents didn't perform any extensive background check on the association, because they've done some pretty dangerous stuff in the past.
Dearest Mrs. Wilborough,

A thousand thanks for accepting my letter of interest in joining your organization. I believe my membership in the Wilborough Helpers will be of the greatest interest for both you and your people, as well as my family.

Just so we are all aware, my name is Nathaniel Hobsworth, whose last name probably has a familiar ring to it. Indeed, you may already have heard of my parents, Martha and Gustav Hobsworth, and despite not being a surprise, I'm glad you do. Perhaps our introduction won't be as troublesome or stalled if you already know somewhat about us.

Allow me to clarify a few things about myself nonetheless. I am a 26 year old male, who as you already may have guessed on the nature of this letter, would seek a new position on your admirable team. I have been previously noted to be somewhat short, at a 5'3", though that hasn't hindered me in getting a rather lean, fit shape. My attire of choice would be my blue shirt under a v-neck sweater, beige corduroy pants, and black Oxfords. Perhaps the phrase I hear the most concerning my person, is "clean-cut".

Unfortunately, despite my family line being one of wizards and witches, ours has an unusually weak magical affinity. However, one will quickly notice we make up for this in our expansive knowledge. No rune will stand untranslated, no historic monument unexplained, and no tomb unrespected with a Hobsworth nearby. My vision is to provide these traits and any related ones to your team, of which the rune translating stands most notable.

As for my behaviour, have I been raised in the best manner available for money. I dine properly and finely, I do my chores exactly and on time, and keep my living space neat and tidy whenever I can. I will, without exception, keep my tone formal and polite, as that is the only proper manner to speak. Despite my fine behaviour, I do catch the occasional mean glare and rolling eyes from servants. I do suppose I fling one and another possibly hurtful comment, but one cannot possibly adjust to everyone having skin thinner than paper. House... 5? I just might happen to be a bit more concerned about my own matters than others' as well.

Now, while the Hobsworth family has built up a bit of story, I figured I would refrain from sending you a large stack of sheets to read through. Perhaps starting with my parents will suffice.

My mother, Martha, was born and raised here in London, and got quickly known for her sharp mind, much like I would be later on. Despite difficulties finding proper education, being a woman and all, she managed to gain quite the degree in both muggle and wizarding history. Though, the muggle world interested her more, and on a studying trip to the Scandinavian countries in a search for knowledge on that area's ancient civilizations, she stumbled upon the fellow historical scientist Gustav, my father. Despite the fact that he came from a German university, and therefore spoke another language than her, they found love as well as remains of viking civilizations on that trip.

Afterwards, Gustav was easily persuaded to follow Martha back to London, in which they settled. Some time later, they published their first work on ancient muggle civilizations, Scandinavia and its People's whereabouts, which went viral in both muggle and wizard communities. OOC 9 They quickly earned revenue from selling their book, and in rapid succession made more, independent trips to the area, which fueled the creation of more popular works.

Sometime before the peak of their fame, I was born. The fortune they had collected, plus the little they inherited from previous Hobsworths, all laid the foundation of a protected, educating, and preparing upbringing of mine. I do especially remember my first sports trainer, dedicated to teaching me soccer, despite the repetitive mistakes of the then young me. Instead, my father wanted to push the weight and attention on my education. Courses and tutors in history, German, etiquette and social anthropology were hired and paid for, and rather recently in fact, they decided I had learnt enough. As I was enrolled in a great private school, my tutors were thanked for service and sent out the doors. Since I have lived a scheduled life mostly within walls, having more than enough things to do on our property to be bored during the trips my parents still often take.

Aside from historical knowledge, my skills are plenty. I play just about every senseful sport found in England, though I am most fond of a good match of tennis, at which I am close to undefeated. Aside from history, I also have gained quite the repertoire in matters of social studies and diplomacy. Surprisingly more a strength than weakness, I am obsessed with keeping my whereabouts as clean as possible. Cleanliness falls me as natural, and as an obvious result of this, I rarely ever fall ill. Some of my company might make that spread off to you others, too.

As for weaknesses, can especially one thing be mentioned. Following my protected and sheltered upbringing, I am not too fond of the unknown, and can be thought of as somewhat timid. Along with that, I might have grown dependent of my various servants. For example do I under no circumstance cook, or clean gardens. Mission 2 If I am to live very closely to someone, I prefer to know them thoroughly beforehand. I am inexperienced with befriending strangers, especially ones brought up in a different economic class than myself. I have quite the serious allergy towards the pollen of certain flowers, and would at all times prefer to be kept away from such. Lastly, possibly as a result of my tidy and clean preference, I am easily disgusted by things like filth, grime, improper handling of disease, and wild animals.

On me, I always carry the equipment necessary to write a letter, a quantity of napkins for whichever purpose necessary, a rune book or two in case I forget a word, and enough currency to purchase anything else I might be missing.

I am thoroughly delighted to be given this offer, and would absolutely adore if I may be given a chance with your group.

Sincerely, Nathaniel Hobsworth.

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Your character seems awesome, like really awesome. Would he be the type to be unconsciously attracted to the veela allure due to his sheltered upbringing?
Your character seems awesome, like really awesome. Would he be the type to be unconsciously attracted to the veela allure due to his sheltered upbringing?
Hope you don't mind if I ask, but what is the veela allure?
I imagine Mishy and Nathaniel having tea and talking about posh stuff. I also imagine Mishy trying to get to know him but she can't because she's always covered in pollen from the garden xD
Hope you don't mind if I ask, but what is the veela allure?
Oh no, I don't mind at all. *hem-hem*

Let's have a little crash course. Veela is a magical creature that is humanoid in form but turns into a harpy-like creature when angered that have natural capabilities to conjure fire (mostly in the form of fireballs). They are considered to be very, very, very beautiful and are able to attract men/women using their natural allure or what they call the Veela Attraction. Now, the Veela Attraction can be thrown off, but only by those with really strong will; ex: Harry Potter, Bill Weasley, etc.

For more info, the link I gave you gives great insight. :)

Now, my character is half-veela (born from the rare male veela and a witch). So her, Veela Attraction (I call it allure) is pretty strong and is only barely manageable because she drinks a potion every morning to basically suppress that allure. To a weak-willed man, he'll still attempt to do stupid and weird things to get her attention; ie, stutter in her presence or have the urge to just stare at her or grab a potted plant to gain her favour. A strong-willed man, they'll feel her attraction, but can throw it off to her just being really pretty. Without her suppressors, it causes men to fall into some sort of rut. But don't worry, Ama takes the suppressors the moment she wakes up and with @Ythania's permission, they could ward everyroom from magical creature influence to avoid any...accidents.

But that aside, does that help?
I imagine Mishy and Nathaniel having tea and talking about posh stuff. I also imagine Mishy trying to get to know him but she can't because she's always covered in pollen from the garden xD
Can Ama join? XD
Can Ama join? XD

as long as she won't make Mishy feel uncomfortable. The poor girl's intimidated by Ama's beauty that Mishy tends to feel like she's a rag xD
as long as she won't make Mishy feel uncomfortable. The poor girl's intimidated by Ama's beauty that Mishy tends to feel like she's a rag xD
Mishy's not a rag. XU I'm sure Mishy will get over Ama's veela-ness with much exposure. SO MUCH exposure. XD
Sad thing is, I might have to drop out before even starting. Just talked about the whole RPing thing with my mom, and she urged me to write alone, and with a lighter theme.

'Twas nice to elaborate an archetype with you.
It's a shame that you're unable to join, IPDS. I was looking forward to it!

Is everything going well for everyone though? I haven't seen any new posts in a while. Busy?
It's a shame that you're unable to join, IPDS. I was looking forward to it!

Is everything going well for everyone though? I haven't seen any new posts in a while. Busy?
Really busy, but don't worry. I'll get something up for Ama soon.
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Shit hit the fan late Sunday night. Everything's good now so I'll get a post up. Sorry for the wait
Only waiting on @Mippu now!
Syl was written in Ama's post so he's present at the Broomsticks. I don't know what more to add for now since we're not yet sure what's happening to Gerald and Madame Dotty has no further instructions yet.
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