The Walking Dead - Among the Ruined [March to Death]

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John - Morgantown Community - Nathan, Scarlett, Tyler

The French Canadian had a bit of a non-trustful guise, his eyes pierced the veil beyond the group he had to be situated with. He looked upon the two of them at the table, then began to whisper. "We're still not safe.. No matter how many hours we're placed in here, I know something is up. A ruse. A disguise. I just know it, I can feel it... But I don't know what." As he saw Nathan coming toward them, almost as suddenly as he ended it, he leaned more toward Scarlett in an attempt to diffuse the small situation, and possibly even show his more arrogant sign. "So, Scarlett, do you know what tu es très belle, translates to? It's simple.. You're beautiful." He smiled, an once Nathan came just upon asking his question, John smiled and looked at Nathan. "Oh, Nathan, yes please! Water is indeed a fine substitute as a weapon." John smiled, then took the bottle of water. "Do you have anything to eat?"​
Joselina - Outskirts of Morgantown Community - Mel & Riley

Unlike the two rebels, the young, deranged adult walked upon the concrete, choosing not to find some alternative method of transportation. Her physical stature and walking stance gave this impression of strength, albeit barbaric, cruel strength. Rotten crimson splashed against the tanned canvas of her nearly emaciated body, the savage maniac barely able to find proper supplies of food and water. As to be expected in any apocalyptic scenario, the concept of being a killer didn't bode well for survival in the long-term, a truth that Joselina was beginning to become afflicted by. Huskily breathing through her muzzle, as if she wore it as if it were her curse, the mighty yet skeletal figure kept pace with the two outsiders, knowing what risks could lie before her.

Like some puppy, however, she kept her distance, occasionally tilting her head or gazing her fierce, hazel eyes at the two with a mixture of emotions. Panting and wheezing, having to run from the undead, Joselina began to tighten her fist. Despite being mostly a mute, the Hispanic was far from an imbecilic idiot. Yes, outside of fits of unhealthy barbaric rage and maddening insanity there was a fine underlining of basic intelligence. A basic intelligence that, shockingly enough, allowed for the psychopath to easily detect when she was clearly being talked about.

However, to even Joselina's own surprise, she did not act violently towards it. As far as she was concerned, this punk reject and bullied victim could very well be the last humans among the earth anymore. Exaggerating a little bit, Joselina knew the value of life in such dark and recessed times. Everything had been stripped away from her to the bone, bounded and gagged to serve pleasurably to already dead humans. If there was one wish Joselina could have, one ambition what remnants of humanity should could cling upon- it would be helping others.

Knowing her time was ticking, Joselina approached the two, not saying anything obviously, just staring down at the two. Feeling her shoulders relax, a breath escape her lips, the psychopath's eyes began to widen. In a way, it gave at least the illusion of a cry for help, a chance of acceptance.

Perhaps she is a fool to dare to believe, but what else awaits her? What world is left?

@C.T @TheSpringwoodSlasher
Riley - Outskirts of Morgantown Community - Mel & Joselina

Riley paused and ran a hand through his hair at the question. He couldn't really say he had too many attachments to Morgantown as a whole. There were some people he supposed had a charm beyond simply being useful. Like Redhawk and Mel. But serving as a scout here allowed him an excuse to travel around and get supplies to keep other people alive. So that they too could be useful. But if they didn't accept Joselina despite how useful she clearly seemed to be after how she dealt with that shambler, Riley wasn't sure he wanted to stick around.

"Where would we go instead?"

@C.T. @Krieg
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Joselina - Outskirts of Morgantown Community - Mel & Riley

Unlike the two rebels, the young, deranged adult walked upon the concrete, choosing not to find some alternative method of transportation. Her physical stature and walking stance gave this impression of strength, albeit barbaric, cruel strength. Rotten crimson splashed against the tanned canvas of her nearly emaciated body, the savage maniac barely able to find proper supplies of food and water. As to be expected in any apocalyptic scenario, the concept of being a killer didn't bode well for survival in the long-term, a truth that Joselina was beginning to become afflicted by. Huskily breathing through her muzzle, as if she wore it as if it were her curse, the mighty yet skeletal figure kept pace with the two outsiders, knowing what risks could lie before her.

Like some puppy, however, she kept her distance, occasionally tilting her head or gazing her fierce, hazel eyes at the two with a mixture of emotions. Panting and wheezing, having to run from the undead, Joselina began to tighten her fist. Despite being mostly a mute, the Hispanic was far from an imbecilic idiot. Yes, outside of fits of unhealthy barbaric rage and maddening insanity there was a fine underlining of basic intelligence. A basic intelligence that, shockingly enough, allowed for the psychopath to easily detect when she was clearly being talked about.

However, to even Joselina's own surprise, she did not act violently towards it. As far as she was concerned, this punk reject and bullied victim could very well be the last humans among the earth anymore. Exaggerating a little bit, Joselina knew the value of life in such dark and recessed times. Everything had been stripped away from her to the bone, bounded and gagged to serve pleasurably to already dead humans. If there was one wish Joselina could have, one ambition what remnants of humanity should could cling upon- it would be helping others.

Knowing her time was ticking, Joselina approached the two, not saying anything obviously, just staring down at the two. Feeling her shoulders relax, a breath escape her lips, the psychopath's eyes began to widen. In a way, it gave at least the illusion of a cry for help, a chance of acceptance.

Perhaps she is a fool to dare to believe, but what else awaits her? What world is left?

@C.T @TheSpringwoodSlasher

"Well uh, lemme just get out my crazy survivalist translation handbook, I think they got the meaning for whatever the hell that was supposed to be." She remarked after a few moments before glancing back to Riley. "Go? Dude, I don't intend to go anywhere else when I got a community right here. Fucked up as the other two leaders can be, unless I get kicked out from the place, I'm not leaving. Moreover, it was a test. I don't goddamn care what Claiborne or Nathan think 'bout me. So o'course we're bringing this chick with us. They can chew me out all they want, I'd stand by that decision. Besides, the community at large should at least agree one way or another before we make snap judgements. At the fucking least, they oughta know she's around. So let's go."

@Krieg @TheSpringwoodSlasher
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Riley - Outskirts of Morgantown Community - Mel & Joselina

"..You know those might actually be a thing." He'd say helpfully at the first comment even if it was obviously intended to be sarcastic. "I imagine there'll be a bitch-out. But if you're sure about this then alright." Riley gave a enthusiastic thumbs-up before looking over his shoulder at Joselina again. "Besides, we all got our own baggage Whatever she's got shouldn't be any different. Would certainly help to have more people who can mutilate shamblers like her." The story of how she came to look the way she did with the muzzle was still a mystery however and one he doubted they'd be getting answers to anytime soon.

@C.T. @Krieg
Aubrey - Morgantown Plaza - Enrique/Hank and Co/Floyd and Co

Aubrey had given the man on the roof more than enough reason to believe that she had nothing but good intentions. She hadn't shot him thus far, so that should have been a good sign. At least she thought so.

"You may come down, but if you try anything, we will shoot."

The teenager lowered her bow even further and finally backed up onto the van. She wasn't bluffing when she said that she would shoot, but she didn't think that the others felt the same about these ordeals like she did. Seeing that the window was open, she decided to try and get Hank to get out of the vehicle and speak to the 'friendly' man. "Hey.... You wanna come out here? Maybe try to be that leader that you so badly wanted to be when you wanted to hold Joe captive?"


Samantha - Morgantown Plaza - Floyd and Co/Enrique/ Hank and Co

Sam had already had enough of being told to be quiet and stay put. The others were clearly outside, clearing the plaza. Why couldn't she just go out there? She followed after Floyd and made her way out the back alley, hearing Abram right behind her. He had made a frustrated sound that sounded like he was annoyed; but what was new? Ever since they had met, it was the same thing over and over again. She acted on impulse and he was there to clean up her mess.

"Floyd?" Her voice was barely above a whisper as she neared the man, looking closely at where he aimed his weapon. Now she saw why she couldn't just walk out through the front door. There was a man on the roof with a weapon, which she had assumed had been pointed at Aubrey or the others. He seemed to be backing up, maybe finding a way down from the roof. "We should go out to the van. Who knows what this man will do if he thinks Aubrey is either alone or with a few people."


Alannah - Morgantown Community - Tyler/Katie/Scarlett/Liam/John/Nathan

The young woman had slept through out the entire night, which was strange. It had been days since she had a good night's sleep. Naturally, she blamed it on the pregnancy and the amount of stress that had fallen on her the day prior.

Now that she was up and ready for the new day, she decided that she would try to put her best foot forward and show their guests that the people of the community could be trusted. That, and she had to go check up on the little girl with the broken ribs and her father who refused to have his leg looked at. Today she wouldn't take no for an answer. She saw the look on what must have been his wife's face. She was clearly worried so Anna knew that she would have her back.

After her daily morning routine, Anna found herself making her way over to the gym, smiling at those who passed. Nathan had already beaten her to it, which was expected. As she neared the group that Nathan had chosen to speak to, Anna noted their faces. She expected them to be exhausted, but instead, she found an array of emotions. Tyler seemed as if there were a million things bothering him, with a vein popping out at his temple. Scarlett seemed to have been taken by surprise by the way her eyes were wide open. Anna caught the look that she had given Tyler. It seemed to scream to him, but for unknown reasons. Then there was the new person. A man dressed in a uniform who seemed to radiate some sort of arrogance. Anna mentally shrugged. Sometimes arrogance was good. Maybe he was a leader and he took initiative. Who knew.

"Good morning." The woman spoke, getting them in her Spanish accent. "I hope you don't mind me interrupting, just a follow up." Alannah placed a hand on Nathan's shoulder before rubbing his back. "I brought some, what they call, Honey Buns. For the children." Anna proceeded to hand the food to Scarlett, hoping she agreed to give it to the boy Liam and Katie. Katie was shy but listened to Anna. The boy, on the other hand, was reluctant to even look her way. "I'll be treating wounds today, yours first. I know it's bothering you." Anna gave a pointed look towards Tyler, relaxing a bit when Scarlett agreed out loud. The entire time she spoke, the woman did not remove her hand from Nathan. He made her feel more comfortable and safe. Especially when there were so many unknown people around them.

@Akashi @Atomyk @Rithas @ResistingTheEnlightened @-QT- @HellHoundWoof
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Enrique - Morgantown Plaza - Aubrey/Hank and Co/Floyd and Co

"I'm not trying anything," Enrique said as he walked to the back of the roof and climbed down. He opened the door back into the Wendy's and saw a pair corpses moving slowly inside. He grumbled and turned his rifle so that he held it by the barrel. He saw the first one approach and stumble against an overturned chair. Enrique took a step to gather and swung, it's skull dented easily. He avoided the other corpse and walked outside, his rifle was now held across his stomach in a non threatening manner. But he made sure it was ready to fire if he was drawn on. He walked slowly and calmly into the center of the street. He looked at the girl, she had called for someone to come out and talk to him so he made sure not to seem menacing. He let his normally upright posture sort of sag and seem smaller.

"So who's the man in charge of the van?" Enrique said with a relaxed tone. He had high hopes it wasnt someone who knew him, or someone crazy.

'Dont let this be some crazy human butcher, I swear to god.' He thought to himself as he waited calmly in the street. He didnt want shit to get crazy, but crazy was not something with which he was unfamiliar.​
Tyler - Morgantown Gymnasium - Katie/John/Scarlett/Alannah/Nathan/Liam

"She's fine," Tyler said dismissively, staring down at Nathan from where he stood. He'd been happy to see the water bottles considering they had run out through the night. He had tried not to look too eager as he took one, to at least attempt to not look so reliant on the whims of these individuals. Now, he stood somewhat awkwardly, staring down at one of the leaders of this community. John's words-- "I know something is up"-- echoed inside Tyler's head, but he wasn't sure he trusted that guy either. No, Tyler would judge these people based on what he himself was able to observe.

"Why don't you sit down, Tyler?" Caleb asked, perhaps sensing the unease coming off him. "It'll be easier on your leg." He smiled at Tyler patiently, as if to say there was no negotiation on the matter. If Tyler hadn't been placed in the leadership position arbitrarily, he imagined Caleb would have been fine enough in the role. The guy had often deferred to Jace and Tina back in Baton Rouge, but it seemed to Tyler he was the most observant out of all of them. Surely he knew that Adam had been squandering their resources before, right?

Regardless, Tyler put those thoughts of his mind as he joined the others in sitting down. Catching the gist of what John had said to Scarlett, he found himself scowling in their direction. In fact, he was glaring so hard, he didn't notice the woman walk into the room until she had spoken, almost causing him to jump. He grunted to cover his surprise, rubbing a grubby hand across his face. What had she said her name was yesterday? Ally? By the way the woman was touching at Nathan, Tyler figured they had to be intimate.

"I don't need to be treated," he said in response to her. "Thanks for the supplies, but I want to know how long we're going to be in here. Did the horde pass by already? I didn't hear much of anything last night."

Straight and to the point.

@Lady Myst @ResistingTheEnlightened @Akashi @Wolverbells @Rithas


Jon - Walmart - Joe/Turisa/Imogen/Heather/Hank

Rubbing at the back of his neck, Jon shared a nervous glance with the group. He wasn't sure how they felt about Joe's pointed question, but he figured it would be best for them to talk about this anyway. Moving to sit next to Joe, Jon nodded his head. "I'm not sure I'd say that, exactly. The guy's been with us for about two months now. Things have been fine... we just haven't ran into any actual people until now." The man leaned back a bit, his body not in the best shape to be sitting cross-legged on the ground. After a moment of readjustment, he said, "Hank lost a good number of his people. I mean-- Man, fuck, it was probably worse than that. The guy who had him was a real bastard. Would have killed you on sight, I think. I mean..." Jon looked Joe up and down, not sure how to put what he meant into words.

"... Look, Hank's a tough guy, but I'm not sure how I feel about him leading anybody. Guess that's up in the air now that our group got scattered to the wind. Maybe it won't matter if we get to join your group. Just... know that we're just trying to survive like you guys, okay?"

With that, Jon grunted a bit as he stood up to his feet. "We'll head out in the morning, like Hank said. Sorry for all the trouble."


True to their word, after a night of fitful sleep inside the Walmart, the group had awoken in the early dawn and had proceeded to gather the supplies they had managed to obtain. Jon had stayed with Joe for the majority of the evening, wary of any potential problems that could have arisen. When they were putting the supplies into the back of the truck, Jon made sure to pull Joe aside.

"Here's the thing, if you are not one hundred percent positive that things won't go south, then you need to know we can't risk this. I didn't agree with what Hank wanted to do, but I don't want us walking into danger. Only if you're positive will we go ahead. Otherwise... I'll give you what I can and send you on your way, our groups will likely never see each other again."

@Josh M @Damo028
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Joe - Walmart - Jon/Turisa/Hank/Imogen/Heather

The night was a rough time for Joe. Jon's words echoed in his mind. Surviving. Hank was just trying to surviving. What did that word mean anymore? What is surviving? If you give up who you are, isn't that the same as dying?

In the morning, Jon pulled Joe aside. After hearing Jon's concerns, Joe would respond

"I think cooler heads will Prevail. The only issue I can see is Hank laying down is gun, even for a minute. I'll do most of the talking. I try to keep good relationships with everyone.

@Atomyk @-QT- @Damo028
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Jon - Morgantown Plaza - Matt/Abram/Floyd/Sam - Hank/Heather/Imogen/Jess/Aubrey/Turisa/Joe/Enrique

He let out a deep breath, his eyes moving from Joe to examine the others packing the vehicle. "Don't worry about Hank," he said, before nodding and placing a hand on Joe's shoulder. Jon could only hope that Joe knew what he was talking about. A hammer had already been taken to the group, and Jon didn't think they could survive another. "We're gonna let you drive the vehicle in on good faith, so let's just hope for the best." With that, Jon left to go assist the others.


Jon waited anxiously as Aubrey had gone ahead to clear out the undead and gather her ammo. His fingers tapped anxiously on the metal of the truck, waiting for what felt like way too long for the girl to return. The others in the truck seemed to feel the same, nervous sighs and harrumphs filling in the silence of the van. Alison looked across from her seat to look Jon in the eyes, a questioning look on her face. Jon could only shrug, before looking to Hank to see what the man was thinking. Unfortunately, he seemed to be lost entirely to the world. With a grunt, Jon himself decided to climb out of the vehicle and check on Aubrey.

Rifle slung around his shoulder, the man turned the corner around the vehicle and stopped quickly once he saw the scene before him. A man was pointing a gun down at Aubrey, exchanging a few tense words with the girl. Not wanting to escalate the situation, Jon held up his hands and stood off to the side. It was then that Aubrey turned to the vehicle, looking through to get a look at who Jon presumed was Hank. The man on the roof chose this time to come down, taking a small detour to deal with some of the dead. When he came near enough to talk, the man asked who was in charge of the van. A few awkward moments passed before Jon decided to bite the bullet.

"Don't worry about it," he said, stepping forward to be better seen. "I'm in charge for the moment. Aubrey is right, we don't mind you joining up with us. I don't know if this matters to you, but our group is not in the best of positions right now. If you just want a couple of reliable people watching your back, we can provide that."

@Wolverbells @-QT- @Rithas @Lady Myst @Damo028 @HellHoundWoof @Josh M


Stacey - Morgantown Front Gate - Mel/Riley/Joselina

The girl practically squealed as she saw Mel and Riley approaching the front gates. Clay and Nathan were cool and all, but Mel was just a damn fun person to be around. Stacey understood that the youngest of their three leaders didn't like hanging around here sometimes, but she couldn't help but plaster a grin on her face whenever the girl was around. She was so much better than Carley and her crew, in any case. She ran forward to clasp her hands around Mel's, ignoring the looks from the other guards on duty. With the horde having so recently passed through, it seemed scouting was not the priority this morning.

"Hey, guys," Stacey said, giving Riley a small wave. "You've been gone a bit. Don't tell me you two were..." Her words died on her throat as she looked behind the pair to spot another woman trailing behind them. She looked rather intense and a few years older than either Mel or Riley. Wow, so intimidating. "Oh, gee, uh..." She looked back to Mel, concern apparent on her face. "A new person? Mel... that might not go over too well. Nathan and Clay are still giving those new guys the business."

@C.T. @TheSpringwoodSlasher @Krieg


Elliot - Natchez - Rob

The sun shone brightly overhead, bathing the world briefly in its light before another grey cloud passed over it. It was a weird day, feeling cold at times and warm otherwise, everything hazy in the early Spring air. Elliot could feel it even inside, the house they were stuck inside compromised by half the roof gone missing at some point in time. There had been no time to seek out something more appropriate the night before, the group having run into a heavy group of biters the night before. Holly had wanted to leave Natchez immediately upon the discovery, but Damian had reasoned the horde had just been passing through. Natchez was apparently a small town without the population to sustain such a large number of the undead. It seemed that he had been right, this weird day being refreshingly clear of biters.

Danny hadn't been much of a help, and really hadn't been for a long time. Elliot had lots of faith in his friend's leadership ability, but Dan seemed intent on doubting himself. After his friend had died, Danny's self-esteem had plummeted. He'd been depressed, sometimes weirdly a bit manic in demeanour. Trey's death only a week ago was still fresh on their minds, another blow to bear. Losing so many people had been a great burden on all of them, but it felt to Elliot that Danny had simply given up. Who could really blame him, with not only his old life destroyed, but his life in Outpost destroyed as well? Elliot didn't feel himself in the exact same situation. He hadn't exactly felt at home in Outpost, and really only cared about a precious few from the community. He'd lost two of them, but Rudy was still by his side. Elliot felt that maybe Danny still managed to go on because of himself. A part of him felt good with that feeling, though he couldn't imagine what would happen if something were to happen to him.

Not that Elliot was planning to die any day soon.

A knock reverberated throughout the room, alerting Elliot to Damian's presence. The boy turned around to face him as he stood in the doorway, a dour look on his face. He hadn't taken to sign language like Holly had attempted, but he at least was patient enough to try and discern what Elliot was trying to convey at times. It was usually Danny who translated for him, but like usual, Danny was probably sleeping in late. "I'm heading out with Rob now that the walkers are clear," he said, speaking clearly so that Elliot would have no trouble reading his lips. "You can come with us or stay here. Holly's gonna stay." Clearly, there was no need to state what Danny would be doing.

"I'll go," Elliot signed, nodding. There was no need to say anything else, so Damian nodded in turn and led him back downstairs where Rob was waiting.
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Stacey - Morgantown Front Gate - Mel/Riley/Joselina

The girl practically squealed as she saw Mel and Riley approaching the front gates. Clay and Nathan were cool and all, but Mel was just a damn fun person to be around. Stacey understood that the youngest of their three leaders didn't like hanging around here sometimes, but she couldn't help but plaster a grin on her face whenever the girl was around. She was so much better than Carley and her crew, in any case. She ran forward to clasp her hands around Mel's, ignoring the looks from the other guards on duty. With the horde having so recently passed through, it seemed scouting was not the priority this morning.

"Hey, guys," Stacey said, giving Riley a small wave. "You've been gone a bit. Don't tell me you two were..." Her words died on her throat as she looked behind the pair to spot another woman trailing behind them. She looked rather intense and a few years older than either Mel or Riley. Wow, so intimidating. "Oh, gee, uh..." She looked back to Mel, concern apparent on her face. "A new person? Mel... that might not go over too well. Nathan and Clay are still giving those new guys the business."

@C.T. @TheSpringwoodSlasher @Krieg

"Oh yep. Here it comes." She just commented dryly as the loud squeal came across, the sound and sight of Stacey running and getting her hands clasped in a solid grip. She couldn't say she'd ever really get used to it but the enthusiasm at least drew a slight smile out of her as she looked back at Stacey. That a girl still could be so openly...enthusiastic and all, considering it was the post apocalypse world it was now. What she might have been like when civilization was still going strong everywhere, now that was a thought.


"Yo, Stace." She greeted in reply, pulling her hand back. "And yeah well, I'm not all that fond of either of them at the moment. Besides, this is a pretty special case. Figured the community at large could at least vote on it." She shrugged, declining to mention that since she and Riley had been alone, Mel was pretty concerned that if they turned this crazy chick away, she might have snapped. I don't got an interest in dying.

@Atomyk @TheSpringwoodSlasher @Krieg
Andrew Mercer - Across from the Morgantown Plaza


As Andrew drove down the street, his eyes surveyed the area around him. The area looked rather empty, save for a few biters every once in a while. Each one he passed, he watched with weary eyes. He wasn't scared of them, he just knew how annoying they could be. He presently pulled the car to a halt as he beheld the site before him. He sighed pushing the shifter into "P" and dropping his hands to his lap. He killed the ignition, reaching to the passenger seat and grabbing his axe, climbing from the front seat.

About twenty yards from the car was a large van that was parked in the middle of the road. It blocked the path forward, not allowing anywhere near enough space to pull the car through. Andrew looked back, seeing that the closest biter was far down the street and wasn't paying attention to him. He turned back to the van that blocked the road, running his hand across his stubbled chin. He swept a strand of his long hair behind his right ear to keep it from falling in his face.

Cautiously, he proceeded towards the van, axe in his grip. He'd left his pistol in the car because it was loud and he didn't have that many bullets. He tried to look through the front window, but the white van was filthy, only adding to the opacity of the already tinted windows. As he walked towards the van, he pulled up his grey hood, covering his ears. He stopped at the driver's door, squinting and looking the through.

He held his palm towards his lips and spit on his hand, rubbing the dirt from the glass. "Son of a - !" He exclaimed, jumping backwards as a biter smushed its gnarled face against the driver's window. He calmed his breathing, sighing and then swallowing. He shook his head, irritated. He reached to the door, grabbing the handle. He counted to three and then pulled the door open, ready to dodge the biter. Instead of lunging out after him, the thing was halted by the seatbelt; but it still swung hungrily at him.

Andrew maneuvered himself around the biter's arms clicking the seatbelt and jumping back at it tumbled on its back to the ground. Before it could get back up, Andrew swung his axe downward, splitting into the biter's skull. He grabbed the dead biter by the shirt and dragged it away from the van, onto the sidewalk. He went back to the van, looking into it. He didn't try starting it because he didn't want to make unnecessary noise. Rather, he reached over and pulled the gear to neutral. He shut the door and went to the back of the van. He sighed and then but his shoulder and torso against the back of the van. He grunted and heaved forward, feeling the vehicle move an inch or two. Still grimacing and wincing, he forced the large vehicle forward until there was enough room to get his car through.

He sighed, standing upwards and breathing hard. He felt a bit of sweat bead down his temple, but he wiped it away with his leather sleeve. He nodded, proud of himself, and walked back towards his car. He dropped his axe into the passenger seat and resume his drive.

A few miles later, his journey was halted again, but this time he wasn't annoyed or upset. He rounded the corner to see a gas station, which brought a smile to his face. He stopped the car in the back of the gas station. He didn't want to round the front because he didn't know what was up front. This stop, however, Andrew did bring his pistol. He slid it into the waistband of his jeans and hid it under his jacket in case he needed it. He grabbed his axe and climbed out of the car, marching towards the back door of the gas station.

To his relief, the back door was unlocked, but he was still cautious. He opened it and stepped inside a dim room. The only light in the place was from the store area in the front, which seeped through an open door on the opposite side of the floor. He crossed to the doorway, peeking out and seeing no immediate danger.

He stepped into the store area, seeing the that windows were boarded up. He swore under his breath as he looked on the empty shelves. He slowly rounded the corner, his axe ready to swing. His swing came just as fast as the biter behind the next shelf lunged at him. The blade slid through the thing's stomach - a poorly aimed blow - and hit the metal rack, rattling his hands. The biter lunged again, causing Andrew to stumble backwards and drop his axe.

He reached back for his pistol, pointing it at the biter's head. His first shot rang loud, but missed and sailed clean through the plywood covers on the window and shattering the glass with a loud crack. He pulled the hammer back and fired, put a round through the biter's skull and sending it whipping backwards. He scrambled to his feet just in time to see a second biter come around the shelf behind him. He didn't have enough time to raise his gun, and the new biter grabbed his jacket, snapping towards his neck.

"Gah!" He shouted as he stumbled back, falling against the plywood. The weak material snapped as he hit it hard, cracking and giving way for the glass to shatter as well. He fell through the window and he the ground, using his leather sleeves to guard his eyes from the falling glass. He looked up in time to see the biter coming towards the window. He aimed a second shot and got lucky, putting a bullet through it's brain. The once-human fell over the window sill and landed beside Andrew, it's limbs completely limp.

He swore again as he got to his feet, feeling a shard of glass in his hand. He grimaced as he tucked his gun into his armpit and pulled the glass from his palm. He turned and looked across the street, cursing for a third time as he saw something that didn't sit well with him - A group of people who were bound have heard everything that had just happened.
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Enrique - Morgantown Plaza - Matt/Abram/Floyd/Sam - Hank/Heather/Jess/Aubrey/Imogen/Turisa/Joe/Jon
Enrique saw a man step forward, he didnt have any arms drawn and spoke calmly. After he informed Enrique of the situation the group was in Enrique almost reconsidered. It didnt matter if these people were terminally ill with some crazy disease, or if they had a body in the back. He had been on his own for too long, he'd seen too much shit and not had anyone to talk to about it.

"I'm not looking for anything but," Enrique said in response. He smiled and walked towards the van, he made sure to stay calm and move at an even pace, "I'm Enrique Ortiz. So whos who?"

He looked around at them a bit, the girl with the bow and the man, a few people were in the van. They seemed decent. Doubtful they'd gun him down. It was then he heard a shot, his mind stopped thinking of anything but the scene. He dropped to a knee and raised his rifle in the direction of the gunshot. It sounded like it was from behind the van, Enrique flicked his eyes around checking roofs then stood and began walking towards the gunshot with his rifle raised. He heard the sounds people moving behind him and felt reassured that they were ready as well.​
Imogen/Turisa - Morgantown Plaza - Matt/Abram/Floyd/Sam - Hank/Heather/Jess/Aubrey/Enrique/Joe/Jon

A lot has happened, Way to much for anyone's taste, but that was the parks of the world as it is today, The once large group found itself on a long tiresome and on edge journey, vehicles running out of gas and walking for god knows how long with next to no supplies. The group was forced together out of necessary survival after what happened at Tremblay's compound in Baton Rouge, The man never got to see the coming storm being assassinated just prior to the attack. But that now seems like another life time ago. Imogen stayed true to her family that was led by Hank, despite all the shit she had given him and blaming him for everything, but when it came down to it when all hell broke lose she stuck with those she knew as family, even if they were not blood related, However the blonde was on edge with so many unknown people around and tensions were of course high.

The Chicago officer Turisa on the other hand came into this current situation from a different perspective, Along with Abram and many others from Tina's group returned to New Orleans only to return back to Baton Rouge and get stuck in the massive fight that ensued there but successfully rescued Jess and her baby boy Ben, They to got stuck together with others they didn't know in order to survive. The journey took them into the state of Mississippi to the city of Natchez, From there things just continued to spiral. They encountered another group which ended in not so great terms, Half the group left with Tyler which seem to distress a few but not others. However this man apparently called Hank pretty much decided he was the one to lead and make decisions, And boy weren't they bad ones, it ended up with them hijacking a truck with supplies and taking a guy hostage from the said group and then add to that a huge horde had followed them, this was where more got separated and some died despite the best efforts of others, the whole situation was shit to say the least but some how they made it.

Turisa got one with one particular member in Imogen, they found themselves fighting alongside one another and watching each others backs long enough to get people into the van they stole and ended up at a mall. They stayed there the night and putting up some stern defences to let the horde pass by, Imogen and Turisa ended up alternating patrols and ensuring the barricade stayed up, Both women seemed to prefer the fewer number and some alone time, they did chat a little but not massively, There seem to be an understanding between the two. During the early hours of the morning Imogen awaited for the horde to disperse enough so she could retrieve her arrows she lost in the fight. So much had happened some of the details of what happened did not register yet, Imogen surely remember that a guy from the other group came back to them to give them a warning that was to late, It was good intention but that didn't mean she liked or trusted the guy and so approved of Hank restraining him.

However when she returned the next morning, Imogen flipped into anger at the discovery of Joe being untied, She was not sure who did it but she clearly spoke her mind and even threatened to tie him back up, But once she cooled down a bit the blonde made it clear she was no big fan of Joe, Despite what was intended to be good intentions did not make her like him or trust him any at all after there encounter with the group he was from, She wanted him gone. And then there was this Jon, Who the hell did he think he is? Since when did some one put him in charge? The majority of the group seem to decide that it was best to go to the very group they had a stand of against, Steal there and truck and even have Joe as temporary hostage, Every time it came up Imogen spoke out and even looked to Hank, But he was gone, stone dead quiet, did he not give a shit any more? Was this how it was going to be? There was no way they were taking her stuff or would she let them do harm to those close to her. Turisa voiced her concerns of it not being a good idea but acknowledged Joe good intentions, The officer felt it was best to let him go with the truck and supplies they took and make it on there own.

Either way it seemed the group was destined to go to Morgan-town school, Turisa was sceptical and cautious about it while Imogen just flat out hated it, the group was loading up into the truck getting ready, it was last chance to decide weather to go or not and quite frankly Imogen was going to leave, Hank simply just shut down, once again he failed as a leader in the eyes of Imogen, she had gone to extreme lengths to survive and help his group, And what does they get? A man that shuts himself out after doing what he could to keep them alive, It was kinda sad to see after everything he had done to just simply to give up like that. of course everything was not plain sailing, a couple more people turned up while the group was clearing some walkers, Imogen was not one of them while Turisa was already in the truck, She had a leather wallet with her Police badge, I.D and the photo of her and her baby, She lost most of her pictures over the course of time but she managed to keep a couple on her person when her truck finally gave in a while back when it ran out of fuel, she missed that dam truck. The new faces made Imogen even more on edge however but that was when a shot had ran out moments after a glass smash, It immediately put Turi on alert as she out the wallet in her pocket and pulling a pistol as she climbed out the back of the truck. 'Great, Now we got have more incoming' She thought.

Imogen already had her crossbow loaded and ready when the shot rang out and she immediately cursed. " For god sake " She blurted out before sighing she know what was coming next. " I am so tempted to shoot something right now." was all she added as she moved round to the side of the fan Crossbow ready, Out of instinct she had to find out what the cause of it was and see how screwed they were about to be. After a few moments Imogen with Enrique and some one else that decided to go with them headed for the sound of the gunshot, She didn't trust Enrique so she was reassured that another of the group was with her while Turisa stayed back a little to survey and defend the van if necessary. Imogen could make out that it was a unknown person that had caused the noise that undoubted got the attention of walkers in the distance, these days a gunshot could echo quite far. It appear the person noticed he got their attention as he was looking at them as she and the other two steadily came towards him, her Crossbow raised at the man, upon doing a once over she noticed the guy had injured himself. Keeping focus on him she spoke up. " Hey idiot with the gun, I don't know what the hell you were thinking but how about you put your weapon on the ground and kick it over.. Slowly, Don't tempt me with another reason to pull the trigger." She spoke with confidence watching the guy carefully as she awaited to see if he would do as she asked, She was tired and on edge.
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Matt - MorganTown Plaza - Abram/Floyd/Sam - Hank/Heather/Jess/Aubrey/Imogen/Turisa/Joe/Jon/ Enrique

While silently watching the now seemingly bigger group at the van. Matt cursed under his breath, it was going to be perfect. Just slip in there. Seem like a spare hand, not dangerous. Go with the group, they knew each other. Or at least he hoped. But things were never that simple. He was tired, his mind and body wanted it just be simple. Jon was a realistic person to be there, he was from the carnage of that hell hole. And it wasn't like Jon was going to say anything about him. The two of them were in the same place.

But Enrique? What was he doing here? Especially, how has no one killed him yet? You think a nutjob like him would of been shot through the head already. Or be one of the shambling corpses. But yet somehow he was right there. Though he seemed like he was less likely to put an axe in Matt's head.

Really Matt was just waiting for anyone to go out there. A duo better then just him. But as Matt thought about it, he realised that in the space of five minutes for this group two people had just shown up out of nowhere. At this point, him appearing really wouldn't seem too shocking. That or they just point their guns at him till he left. But he wasn't going to wait for current party to do anything as he didn't want to miss this valuable moment.

Seeking his moment, Matt stepped out of the shadows. Making sure to roughly stay behind Enrique. Matt put up one hand in the air. "Oh, is that you Jon!? Wow, I didn't think I would see you around here. I was-" But then a gunshot rang out. And Matt could see a new person. Who had conveniently alerted the groups attention. Good someone new, now he wasn't the newest person. Though a voice in the back of his head did point out the fact of how many people have appeared in such a small amount of time. Well, this amount of people probably wouldn't like the other three then. Of course, the other three were also part of the large crowd that were walking through this parts before the Horde struck.

Sub-consciously keeping his rifle roughly pointed at Enrique. He subtly guided himself closer to the group. As most of the bunch were alerted to the sound, Matt glanced around to see exactly who was here.

The next thing Tyler would pop out behind him with the way this was going.
Claiborne Bonder - Morgantown - Nathan, Tyler, Scarlet, Others.

Without arousing notice, Claiborne made his way into the gymnasium to join Nathan - hoping to deal with their current scenario. Recalling the events of the night before, wariness continued to roam the air. There was a steady sign of fear and rage in the eyes of their migrated newcomers - each individual projecting their thoughts through facial expressions alone. Claiborne held a notepad in his hands as he made his way to stand beside Nathan. Two armed guards escorted their community leader for protection of their unknown guests.

"The horde is out of sight, there is nothing to worry about anymore," he started, raising his hands slightly above his waist to gesture calmness and security. Pulling a pen out of his coat's inner pocket, he prepared to start writing as he would answer the concerns of his audience.

"We are all aware of your desire to be removed from this gymnasium. Both Nathan and myself have heard your supplications and will address them accordingly. But before we are able to act, we need to obtain valuable information from every single one of you. The two of us will call upon one of you at a time. We will first have you checked by our medical team, then lead you to our registration room where we will need you to fill out some paperwork. This 'paperwork' consists of thangs such as your name, date of birth, where you lived prior to the outbreak and etc."

Claiborne then started to draw tally marks on his notepad, counting the individuals in the row right in front of him.

"You seven, do stand up and make a line for me on the wall just to your right. Starting with you," Claiborne stated, directing his order to Tyler specifically. He was inclined to know more about the leader of the large group first to get an idea of what to expect from the rest. There was no doubt that whoever lead would have a massive impact on his or her followers. In addition to that concept, Tyler did seem like the most calm and collective out of the many others. His eyes burned with integrity and obvious leadership capabilities. He didn't seem like the person to sway their eyes away from contact.

As they did as he asked - with the enforcement of the guards - Claiborne put his pen away. As he fixed his coat, he noticed a red stain on the edge of his collar. Sniffing, he raised his hand towards his nose and deviated it towards the stain - using his thumb in attempts to remove it. He then looked to his left towards Nathan.

"Apologies for my tardiness, I had early matters to attend to. We must speak in private after we get ourselves acquainted with everyone here. I say we split them equally among us in order to finish within a two hour window." The man then made his way closer to Nathan.

"Do not waste your time on the insects, just get what we need from the obvious bunch. Those that cannot help us will have to go."


Floyd/Hank - Morgantown Plaza - Enrique, Jon, Imogen, Sam, Others.

With eyes still shut, Hank continued to sit inside the confines of the van. The little baby started to rattle in Jess' arms as she attempted to shush his movements. He could hear the ongoing verbal exchange occurring outside the vehicle, but decided not to step in - feeling as though it didn't matter what he thought. It was not only that - Hank had this idea that everyone who went against him would sooner or later end up dead. He felt as though he knew more about survival than any of the others. Some would agree with him - the things he's seen and done far outweigh the deeds of many. But at this point in time, those around him disagreed with all of his past notions.

They were blind to the fact that this community they were heading to could be the downfall of everyone. They could easily be running into a trap, but all the others could think about is a bed to sleep in and a cup to drink water from. They were unable to determine the possible dangers that could arise from their arrival at Morgantown.

This no longer mattered though because the decision had been made. Joe - or so was his name - would take all of them to this community and easily have them join the district. Even with all the hostility shown against him, he was optimistic. Maybe he was right. It was just that Hank could no longer see how people could live with such a cheery and hopeful nature.

Anyhow, his thoughts wavered when a gunshot echoed down the road. As though he was being called into duty, he reached for his weapon and looked out the front window. What he saw was Jon, Aubrey, a stranger, and.........Matt?!

Squinting his eyes to lock on the persona before them, Hank quickly dashed out of the vehicle. His gun fixed itself back into its holster as he made his way towards the known friend.

"Matt?" he asked as though it wasn't him. Despite the obvious truth, he still doubted it was actually his old group member. His eyes felt watery despite his attempts to stop such emotions from building up inside him. Placing a hand on the man's shoulder, he looked at him dead in the eyes and simply nodded. Then suddenly, he heard his name called out.

Slowly he turned to his right to see non-other than Floyd, Sam and Abram heading his way. Fighting the urge to allow tears to run down his eyes, Hank started towards his friends with his hand at the bridge of his nose. Once the two men faced each other, they simultaneously raised their hands and had them clasp together. No words were spoken, sheer silence alone was enough for them to know each other's thoughts.

The gunshot seemed to become top priority for the newcomer who had started to run off towards it without a plan. Someone followed - seemingly Aubrey - but Hank would not run into danger so eagerly.

"Jon!" he first called out before making any further decisions. His entire persona changed after being reunited with his some of his most trusted family members.

"We need to move now, but not on foot. The gunshot may have attracted walkers. We'll catch up to Aubrey and that other guy, slowly" he decided. Opening the door to the passenger seat, Hank jumped in next to Joe and told him to start the vehicle. He looked at the man for a second to see if he would sink under the pressure, but he remained steady.

"New plan. Follow them for now and then we go home."
Floyd jumped into the back of the van and immediately had his eyes fixed on Ben and Jess. His blood began to boil when he realized they were unfazed and had been protected. The strange thing was that Jess' eyes didn't seem to have the same light they used to when they saw Floyd for the first time after so long. In fact, she didn't even look at him - instead, she was looking away in the opposite direction as though she wasn't happy to see him.

Noticing that Heather was giving him crazy eyes, Floyd didn't speak at all. He had become frozen for a bit, but managed to move and sit down on the cold base. The whole time he had been worried about her and desired to protect her and now she neglected him. He was very confused to say the least. At least Benjamin seemed happy to see him.​
Jon - Morgantown Plaza - Matt/Abram/Floyd/Sam - Hank/Heather/Imogen/Jess/Aubrey/Turisa/Joe/Enrique - Andrew

The guy before them seemed pretty calm with the situation. He was smiling, which made Jon honestly feel a bit disarmed. Either they were doing a great job of coming off as nonthreatening, or this guy was not the kind of person they wanted hanging around. Jon was about to give out his name, when someone decided to boldly step out of the plaza. "Ah, are you fucking..." Jon muttered under his breath, trying not to look too unimpressed at seeing Matt. Of all times to run into the guy, it had to be now? They may have both been working with Tremblay for a time, but Jon had never felt Matt had been one of them. He hadn't been with Tremblay from the beginning. There was no Matt when they were just a small starving group fighting their way out of New Orleans.

Jon wasn't sure why Matt was being so chummy. Perhaps he planned to get into the group by pretending to be friends with those who still remained from Baton Rouge. Like Jon cared what this guy did. He was working on a response in his head when a gunshot echoed from behind him, causing him to suddenly shove himself backward against the van. Sliding down, he dropped as low as possible and scanned the area around him. He could hear his blood pumping harshly against his ear drums, his body prone to such an intense reaction around gunshots ever since the war in Baton Rouge.

Shaking hands reached to pull his rifle into his grip, eyes turning to the man they had been negotiating with. His rifle was pointed behind the van, indicating to Jon where the threat was incoming. He moved then to peek out from behind the rear of the van, his eyes spotting Imogen aiming her crossbow across the street. "I don't see anything," he said to her, speaking low. He watched as she ran off to confront the stranger and moved to join her, but Hank's voice suddenly rang out across the parking lot, causing Jon to stop in place. He turned to find the man out and ushering everyone into the van. Jon had to imagine it was the gunshot that got him to move.

"If you're joining us, get in with the rest," Jon said to Enrique, before climbing into the van himself. He moved upward to speak to Joe, gesturing toward the road. "You heard the man."

Tyler - Morgantown Gymnasium - Claiborne/Nathan/Alannah - Aiden/John/Katie/Scarlett/Liam/Kerry

Without much warning or fanfare, another of the community's leaders entered the gymnasium. Tyler warily eyed the pair of armed guards flanking Claiborne. He knew they were necessary and would have put on the same show in their position, but he couldn't deny the creeping sensation of feeling trapped inside a room that was getting smaller every passing moment. You couldn't keep people locked up for long without someone going stir crazy. Tyler knew how that worked better than most had any desire to.

Jace had been quiet for the majority of the meeting, but once Claiborne explained what they wanted, he spoke up and asked, "Why is any of that needed? Names, age, okay, but I don't really care who did what before the outbreak." A few others backed up what Jace said, Adam in particular practically shaking as he decried the survey. The children of the group started to sense the oncoming unease, the majority of them becoming fussy as they crowded around KK. The woman patiently told them to be quiet, leaving an awkward silence in the gym that wasn't broken until Caleb stood up out of his chair.

"It's what the man wants," he said. Tyler nodded at this, staring at Claiborne a moment before moving toward the wall as instructed. He was stopped when Katie grabbed his hand and tried to pull him back, looking up at him like she just wasn't going to let go, but after some coaxing from George, Katie removed her grip soon enough. As he stepped next to the wall, Tyler found himself biting his lip as a fresh wave of pain shot up from his leg, apparently annoyed with him for doing so much standing up and sitting. It was still sore from the long walk they had taken to get here, but Tyler didn't want these people to know how dilapidated his wound made him, especially not when he was the focus of all these people's scrutiny. He supposed they'd learn enough after the medical examination, but Tyler just supposed it was the principle of the matter.

He was in Jace's camp when it came to the information they wanted to know, but like Caleb had inferred, they were not in a position to argue. At the very least, Tyler decided to ask, "Do you expect the children to answer these questions as well? The majority of them have lost their parents. They don't like talking to strangers."

Stacey - Morgantown - Mel/Riley/Joselina

"Man, there's no way..." Stacey tried not to look totally horrified at the idea. Any other time, it probably would have been fine, but come on, why was Natchez suddenly the most popular place in America? "I, uh... look, I just don't want Clay or Nathan thinking they can remove you or something. After yesterday, you know? I can say I found and that it's my idea, I guess." Stacey grinned at her own idea. With a flourish of her hips, she turned to the other guards at the gate and gestured inside. "I'm just gonna head inside with Mel, if you guys don't mind."

The pair of men shared a look, but got the guards behind the gate to open up quickly enough. Stacey had been accused of slacking off in the past, but she doubted anyone would want to make a fuss in front of Mel. Even after yesterday's nonsense, she still was one of their leaders.

Giving the trio behind her a thumbs up, Stacey stepped proudly into the gates of Morgantown, eventually heading inside the school building and toward the gymnasium. As expected, two more guards were waiting at the doors, though Stacey recognized them as her fellow scouts. "Hey," she said, her voice sounding small. This was big business, and Stacey didn't want to accidentally step on Clay's toes or whatever. "I just wanna head inside and tell Clay we got another newcomer. I'm sure one more would be fine in that crowd."

Sighing, the female of the pair, Jean, said, "Jesus, Stacey. Did you think grabbing Melanie would make that idea go over any better? You should have turned her away." The woman then cleared her throat, looking behind them to eye Joselina. "I'm sorry. It's just that things are hectic around here right now. I'm sure you understand?"

Stacey made a disgusted noise and rolled her eyes. She turned to Mel with a shrug. "I, um... you gonna say something, then?" They'd surely listen to Mel, but that was if the she still even wanted to go through with this.

Stacey - Morgantown - Mel/Riley/Joselina

"Man, there's no way..." Stacey tried not to look totally horrified at the idea. Any other time, it probably would have been fine, but come on, why was Natchez suddenly the most popular place in America? "I, uh... look, I just don't want Clay or Nathan thinking they can remove you or something. After yesterday, you know? I can say I found and that it's my idea, I guess." Stacey grinned at her own idea. With a flourish of her hips, she turned to the other guards at the gate and gestured inside. "I'm just gonna head inside with Mel, if you guys don't mind."

The pair of men shared a look, but got the guards behind the gate to open up quickly enough. Stacey had been accused of slacking off in the past, but she doubted anyone would want to make a fuss in front of Mel. Even after yesterday's nonsense, she still was one of their leaders.

Giving the trio behind her a thumbs up, Stacey stepped proudly into the gates of Morgantown, eventually heading inside the school building and toward the gymnasium. As expected, two more guards were waiting at the doors, though Stacey recognized them as her fellow scouts. "Hey," she said, her voice sounding small. This was big business, and Stacey didn't want to accidentally step on Clay's toes or whatever. "I just wanna head inside and tell Clay we got another newcomer. I'm sure one more would be fine in that crowd."

Sighing, the female of the pair, Jean, said, "Jesus, Stacey. Did you think grabbing Melanie would make that idea go over any better? You should have turned her away." The woman then cleared her throat, looking behind them to eye Joselina. "I'm sorry. It's just that things are hectic around here right now. I'm sure you understand?"

Stacey made a disgusted noise and rolled her eyes. She turned to Mel with a shrug. "I, um... you gonna say something, then?" They'd surely listen to Mel, but that was if the she still even wanted to go through with this.

Mel - Morgantown - Stacey/Riley/Joselina/Jean

"Good job guys, keeping us safe. I'd say drinks on me but no one really pays for that stuff anymore, so just keep up the good work." She patted one of the gate-guards on the shoulder. More than a little awkwardly but she tried to pass it off nonchalantly as she kept on heading in. Getting used to others was a little weird. Nothing reminded her of that more than the reception she got at the gym doors.

"Really now?" She questioned with a raised eyebrow, stepping closer a little aggressively to the pair of guards. "Okay." She started, head tilting to one side. "First of all..." She followed up, head tilted towards the other side now.


"Drop the Melanie bullshit. It's Mel. Not Melanie. Makes me sound like a fucking kid. Secondly, I'll tell you what I'm gonna tell Clay and Nathan. Saying no is not an option if it's to psycho nutjobs with scary weapons who'll kill people if refused. At least within our own we can keep an eye on her. If she was out there raising hell for us, it'd be worse than just a bunch of chompers stumbling around. Like the good man said, keep your friends close and your enemies closer. Whichever one she is remains to be seen. If people want to toss her out than by all means they can vote and agree on it. But for now, you mind stepping the hell outta the way so we can get in?"

@Atomyk @TheSpringwoodSlasher @Krieg
Morgantown Community
Claiborne, Tyler, Alannah, John, Others

There was not much for him to say. His questions had to be answered rather sooner than later. Not only were the strangers they brought yesterday in a tense situation, but so where the people of the community. Trouble was brewing inside and outside as well. Nathan simply nodded to Claiborne regarding his stain as he let him talk things out, or rather tell the new group what to do. Indeed, it was time to investigate, or rather question them, and find out what if they actually were a threat or not.

Even so, trust is hard to earn in their wretched world, and one cannot truly know if they would ever be a threat or not, but it was at least a step forward. "Sure thing.." He responded quite clearly, nodding to Claiborne. There was much to discuss between them. However, once Claiborne approached him even more and whispered into his ear, his expression became somewhat serious. He knew that some of them had to go. His eyes were still gazing at the bunch before him as he later on, stood up from his chair, placing his hand momentarily on Alannah's, giving her a smile.

Questions obviously purred from the people they were to question, but without any issue, they came to an understanding between them. "Well, I am glad you guys worked things out between you." Once they all lined up, his eyes glanced over at Katie, and then Tyler.

"If you dont mind.. Katie and the kids can go to a playroom we got here at school.. Spend time with the others. But of course, if you dont want to, she can stay here." A simple suggestion escaped his lips. It was perhaps easier for the kids to be among others such as them. Being out there without any "normalcy" in their life could be harsh, and Nathan sought to break that record, but had an idea about the answer he'd get from the rest.

To him, the tension felt lesser than before, even if it was only slightly. "Anyhow.. Tyler was it?.. Yes?.. Would you mind joining me?" Both Nathan and Claiborne were to split the strangers between them, to speed up the process. Turning around, he expected the man to follow him. Knocking on the door into the gymnasium, which was more like a signal to others outside, or more precisely, some from the medical team.

Both Nathan and Tyler eventually exited the gymnasium and stood right outside the door. "Alright then. Let them do their thing and we'll head on to the registration room." A few minutes passed and they were on their way. Arriving at the registration room, he collected a few papers and a pen, placing it on a table in the room. "You know what to do.."

@-QT- @Atomyk @Wolverbells @ResistingTheEnlightened
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Joe - Morgantown Plaza - Hank/Heather / Jon/ Matt/ others

Turning the van in, Joe would nod at Hank. Joe could help but noticed Hank said "we" head home. Was that a sign of good faith? Maybe. It was too soon to tell. Joe wasn't one to freeze up when the pressure was on. He learnt that you couldn't do that. Pulling out, Joe would respond.

"You got it, Hank.'
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