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[btn=#8f7813]Damien Orwen - Helena Outpost - Scott, Others[/btn]
Once the lying rat named Stewart was taken care of, Damien was by the fences around the abandoned CDC builiding that they were using as their base, which they had for some time. Expanding his community was one of the goals he had. Having a base here and there to gather supplies for the people he had responsibility for was all the more better, and even strategic. However there was always a twist somewhere along the way. "Boss, I found a map.." Scott, one of the men working under Damien approached the latter.

"Hmm?" Damien curiously turned to his side, giving Scott his attention. "And where'd you get it?" He inquired, asking for details. Scott on the other hand, smiled, and looked quite positive actually. Perhaps he did something that would please his boss. The man scratched the back of his head, unsure on how to start. Damien sighed. Was this man having such a hard time explaning something so simple as where the map came from? "I've got all day, Scott.."

Damien just did not have the luxury to stand and watch the man make a fool of himself. Was he making him nervous? "Oh yes.. Sorry about that boss!" Scott finally continued, before moving away, approaching the hood of a car they had close by the fences. Placing the map on the hood, he explained.

"I found this map in one of the bags Stewart had.. And this map.. Well, there are a few places or actually.. Many places left unchecked by us. The guy even marked a few places, that could come in handy." Scott was enthusiastic about the entire situation, glancing at Damien from time to time. The boss was standing next to him, gazing at the map, and the marked places. One of them had 'fuel' with a question mark next to it.

Scott pointed with his finger, right on that very same mark Damien was looking at. "I heard Verona and some of the others mentioning that we need fuel for our cars, and for back in Brookhaven. I bet the rat was going to make a run for this particular gas station."

Damien had a simple yet curious expression at all cost. Taking a look at the map himself. His mind was pondering something. They did need fuel and Scott was just begging to do something useful like going on a run for the fuel. "Well, looks like Stewart was helpful. Even in death." A simple smirk formed on the right side of his lips, before he looked over at Scott. "Yeah.. According to the map, this gas station further south. Down the road, towards Natchez." Scott eagerly explained, but that was something Damien himself had gathered already.

"Hmm.." Damien picked up the map, before folding it and placing it in his back pocket. "Bring Colton, Hemsworth and Christopher to me. You four can take one of the cars and the empty fuel cans. If you run into any trouble, radio it in."

"I'll let the others know as well." He added, before nodding over Scott's shoulder. "Well, what are you waiting for?" Scott was not quick to understand what the boss meant, but once he did, he nodded in return and ran off.

Sighing, Damien turned away, placing his hands on the hood of the car before him. 'Where did I find this guy again?'

Once Damien would let Colton, Hemsworth, Christopher and even Scott know about the fuel run, both he and Verona, and a few of the others would see if there are some other marked areas where they may find some supplies. At least the map was telling the truth Stewart never did. Perhaps Stewart did know about a place where he had some exceptional stash or whatever. Either way, he was going to die anyway.
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Hank - Apartments - Fan/Aubrey/Everyone Else

"Turn them off! Turn those cars off!" Hank shouted over the excessively loud alarm systems that Aubrey had set off prior to leaving the community. Hank could not even fathom her recent actions and was silenced by the surprise. He stood there with hands on his hips as he stared at Aubrey fade away - alarms being shut down in the background. He felt a fusion of anger and disappointment, a whirlwind of negative emotions hovering over his shoulders.

"At least you got what you wanted," Hank told Fan before he left her and moved back to his room, entering unannounced to meet Enrique. At first he did not speak, just looked at the soldier - sort of putting the blame on him that Aubrey left but realizing it hadn't been his fault.

"She's gone," he simply stated, no emotion behind his words.

"They wanted her to go, that's what Fan told me," he added as he sat down on the edge of the bed. He took a minute pause before speaking again.

"They also want you gone Enrique. Fan said she'll fight on your behalf, but I'm not sure she's strong enough to persuade the rest of them. Aubrey is gone now so numbers aren't on our side." Hank took the precaution to make sure the door was locked. He also peeked out the blinds to ensure no one was trying to listen - not that they could anyway.

"If they take it to vote we will lose. So were not going to let that happen. I don't know how this place runs, but these people.........all of them out there.......they have no idea what we can truly do. They're weak and fragile. And they'll break."

Hank knew the community could survive if they implemented his ideas. Fan seemed weak, wanting to always please her people. She had to quickly learn that in a world like this people needed a different type of leader. The rest of the residents seemed to be on the same boat, weak minded people who have not truly experienced the outside world.

"I need a couple of days. I'll persuade her to keep you around, but you need to lay low. No interactions. I was talking to her and she seemed to agree on giving us our weapons back. Once we do.........we'll do what is necessary."

Morgantown Entrance

The gun skidded

The threats uttered

A memory restored

Perception of reality is in the eye of the beholder, the young adult feeling herself peering into some unfathomable abyss. Before her, the world shifted, morphed, and expanded, becoming distorted and out of focus. A ringing pounded in Joselina's ears, that simple push provoking something dark, deep, and sinister within the psychopath's soul. Whispers danced around her, watching Tyler storm off silently, her body only moving to limply pick up her Mosin-Nagant. She could feel the gun rattle in her trembling hands, the six foot brunette's eyes widen in pure terror, recollections of the past conjuring into her mind.

She saw Tyler, she saw the fire, the blood, the filth, the grime, the others that had given up long ago. She felt the whip, the chains, the bindings, the cramp, cold floors. She heard the symphony of screams, the cries, the false laughter, the thunderous explosion. She smelled that miasma of death, rock, and horrors best left buried. She tasted steel, stale food, the pleasures of the flesh, and that final, deranged taste of freedom.

She remembered it all, all but him, but yet, Joselina felt only one primal instinct brewing in her bosom.


With frantic speed and agility, like that of wounded animal the brutish woman flung herself across the front yawn of Morgantown. For once, Joselina felt genuine fear, strapping her rifle over her shoulders as she bolted, panting underneath the confines of her mask. Weeks of diplomacy and human interaction crumbled for Joselina, not caring in the slightest that she was receding back into this primal state of existence, devoid of life and only concentrated on survival. But, her instincts and traumatic memory told her to run, to get away as far as she could from this man, until at least she could recover herself.

With disregard for her own body, Joselina slipped by the gates of Morgantown in a swift sprint, carrying only her rifle over her shoulders. With not an ounce of regret, the deranged woman kept running and running, her footsteps echoing against the empty husk of Natchez, having left Morgantown in such a speedy haste.

Somewhere down the line in retreat, Joselina felt the tears stream from her dark eyes, wondering if it was from the pain of sprinting for seemingly so long or the pain of her mind and heart.

@Atomyk @ResistingTheEnlightened @-QT- @Others
Enrique - Apartments - Hank, Fan, Danny, ETC.
Enrique was caught entirely off guard by Aubrey's hug. It was a weird feeling, very emotional and whatnot. He was a little uncomfortable but it was nice. He moved to hug back as she pulled away but pushed it from his mind as she went and prepared herself a weapon. He leaned on the door and listened in on the outside, no one there. She moved her way into the hallway and Enrique let her go, then he heard a car alarm. He sat in the room calmly, then Hank mentioned intimidation of this new community. Enrique thought immediately back to Tyler and Bex. He looked at Hank pondering if this was a good man, if he was really Hank.

"Whatever plan you have for breaking these people I'm no part of it," Enrique said crossing his arms, "I cant do the shit I did before. The reason I'm getting kicked out is because last time a community let me and a group in we took over, I killed people for the bastard that led us. Then I found out he wasnt really who he said he was. Hank I like you, you're a smart guy. But I'm not gonna be a tool again."

Enrique took a momentary pause, "I'll lay low, stick to my room mostly, come out only at night. But I can't do anymore killing unless I know why."​

Colton - Helena Outpost - Scott, Damien, Hemsworth, Christopher

Colton was sorting some of the scavenged ammo by caliber. He put them in their different bins and checked any magazines to see if they were empty. He found a few rounds of 5.56 and stuffed it into an M16 magazine before putting it in a gun. He walked back towards the door and nodded to the guards at the end of the hall before picking up his own rifle. He walked to the food stores and grabbed some canned goods, he knew they'd need to have some people go back to Brookhaven. He was loading the rucksack of canned goods and water onto one of the trucks before he heard Scott call him. Scott told Colton to report to Damien and he did so with the utmost haste, getting their shortly before the other three men.

"Sir," Colton said standing up straight and looking at Damien.​
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Matt - Home Depot - Skyler

Matt furrowed his brows, "Oh, yes, because I'm going to tie you up now. You do realise I can shoot you in the knee and drag you in. Not that I will. I'm just saying. Don't be stupid." Matt eyes flicked over her. "I reckon you don't have any food really, aside from a chocolate bar. And we both know what isn't going to last"

Taking a step back, Matt looked behind him. "Look, we have a mother and a baby here. We have food and supplies. We're not going to-" Matt used his air hand to do air quotas. "'Sell you to the highest bidder'."

Not here, anyway.

"You must be hungry. I'll put my weapon away if you do as well. It's pretty hard to tie someone up with their bare hands, eh?" He waited to see what her reaction would be. "Name's Matt, by the way" He added afterwards.

@Raven Haruka

Kerry - Morgantown - Tyler
"Three apples....four apples-"

Kerry twitched, "What the fuck are you doing?" He snapped. Watching the centre works of the community. Aiden looked up innocently, as if there was no possible way for Kerry to be annoyed at anything.

"Passing the time?" He answered. Kerry sighed, "Just stop, the last thing I want to listen to is you fucking about" Not bothering to see Aiden's reaction, Kerry got up and stretched. He peered out of the hallway. Looking one way, his face scrunched up in thought as he saw the scene between Tyler and Joseline.

Kerry probably should of felt concern with the muzzled woman holding a rifle to Tyler. But it didn't matter to Kerry whether he died or not. The man had been gifted leadership. Something Kerry would never want. Leadership was asking to be killed. But this man got it wherever he went. He radiated leadership. People followed him no matter what. Which usually meant to their deaths.

Funny really. Kerry had been there, when Tyler was seconds away from being executed by Trembly. Broken and beaten. And yet still, the crowd fought for him while he could not. Kerry could not say for certain if that what set off the end of Tremblay. He couldn't say much about it. That disaster was going to happen no matter what probably.

When the two calmed down, or at least hadn't killed eachother. They split, or rather, ran in one case. "Hmm" Kerry watched Tyler come up.

"She seemed terrified of you. And you just look petrified from guilt. I wonder what's that about, huh, Tyler?" He sneered. But not with any sense of genuine malice.

Dawn and Grace - outside Home Depot

Dawn brought the car to a stop, looking around at the parking lot. "This looks empty enough. We can try to get some gas from these vehicles then find a place to sleep tonight." She said then smiled at Dawn. After the younger girl gave her a return smile, she parked and got out, looking all around again to watch for biters. They hadn't seen living people after they had had to leave the cabin, but both hoped that some others had survived. Both girls were quiet as they started checking for a vehicle that had gas they could siphon for their car.
Aubrey - On the Road/Academy

It had been about a mile and a half when the blonde had slowed to a stop, her eyes widening when she saw a small herd of walkers heading her way.

"Fifteen? Eighteen? Fuck... too much."

Aubrey's heart pounded hard against her chest as she quickly ran into one of the near by alley's and ran to the back ways. She was sure the undead hadn't seen her, but to be sure, she had to stay put for a second and make sure the shard of glass was in her hand just in case. She was sure the herd's attention had been caught by the sound of the car's alarms that she had set off, which pleased her. Still, this wasn't the time to stop and do a victory dance. She had to keep going back to the Academy to try and see if there were any weapons left there.

Once the hissing and the growling of the walkers had come to pass, Aubrey began to make her way to the main street again. "Clear," she whispered to herself as she took off in a run, once again.

As she ran, something caught her eye. Through a glass door of a Walgreens, she saw what looked like a little girl standing on the inside. Aubrey had to do a double take to make sure she wasn't going crazy, but the second time she glanced at the doors, there was nothing there.

It wasn't until another mile had passed when the girl finally stopped her run/jog. Her legs felt like they were on fire and her lungs felt as if they were going to collapse, but it was all worth it. She know stood in the Academy parking lot, sizing up the store, and trying to come up with a plan.

"You ran nearly thirty minutes and still nothing," she spoke out loud, wishing she would of at least thought of one thing.

Shaking her head, the young woman walked over to a car near the sliding door entrance and picked up a small rock, tossing it in the air and catching it before throwing it at the glass. Since sound attracted the dead, then soon enough they'd have to come towards the glass doors, and sure enough within a few minutes, they began to pile up on the inside. She quickly began to count them and groaned when she passed ten. "There's too many," she whined as she went up to a car and sat on its hood. She'd either have to come up with a plan on how to just take out one at a time, or leave and find some random gun store, which seemed as if they'd all be cleaned out by now.


Jackson - Home Depot - Skyler/Matt

It had been some time since Abram had warned them about the herd outside, which meant they must have walked straight passed the store. Having put two and two together, Jackson went over to a window and peeked out from behind the black sheet. Nothing. Feeling a bit more confident, he raised the volume on the walkie talkies again and headed back to where Jess and the other women were at.

"Everyone alright? Where are the others?" He had made a head count and turned to look for someone that he hardly ever took notice in; Matt. The man tended to always stay to himself, and when he did decide to speak, it was usually something sarcastic but oddly made sense. "I'll be back," he muttered, catching a glimpse of light coming from one of the side doors and heading to it.

As he neared the door, he could hear voices which raised an alarm. The man quickly took out his gun and held it at the ready.

"Matt?" His voice was low, yet still firm as he neared the voices, and saw that Matt was the one speaking. Just outside the door was a young girl. "Oh." Jackson lowered his gun and walked up slowly to the two, nodding at Matt before asking what was going on. "Why haven't you let her in? You making her do a ritual or something? There's dead walking around and you're just keeping her there... Is she alone?"
Abram - The Home Depot - Matt/Skylar/Dawn & Grace

Abram came to the back of the store, just as Matt was speaking to the girl. He looked her over quickly, noticing her eccentric aqua hair. "Matt." He said, prompting the man to step to the side, allowing him to see the girl eye to eye. With a kind tone, he shouldered his sniper rifle (the one the girl had seen from far away), and nodded to her. "If it makes you feel better, we have a baby in here, so I promise we're not the slave-trading type." He said, which left an ironic feeling.

"My name's Abram, I see you've met Matt and Jackson." He said. "I guess you could say I'm the leader of sorts of our little group." He stepped back. He offered one of his dark-skinned hands to the girl. "You're welcome to come inside if you'd like. If not, we can send you off with some food." He said, noting the thinness of her frame. She looked like she'd barely eaten at all, which was even more evident by the thinness of her bare stomach.

He looked to JAckson, giving him a nod, confirming that it was alright to bring her inside. As the girl was brought inside, Abram stepped outside. He began walking the perimeter to make sure the girl hadn't brought any walkers with her. As he rounded the building to the front parking lot, he sighed as he saw two girls crouching at the abandoned cars, siphoning gas.

"Excuse, me ladies." He said, holding his hands up, away from his rifle. "My friends and I are in the home depot, I noticed you're looking for gas. Is there something we can do for you?"

@Wolverbells @Rithas @Raven Haruka @Starrnico


Emma - The Apartments - Hank/Enrique

Emma was walking the halls, heading towards Enrique's apartment to talk to him when Hank stomped past her, disappearing around the corner. When she reached the apartment, she stopped, hearing voices. She stepped careful towards the door and heard Hank and Enrique going back and forth. She was about to pull away, for fear of eavesdropping, but she heard hank drop to a serious tone, speaking of the rest of the group.

"Weak and fragile..." She heard the man say. She felt a pang of anger at his words. "We'll do what is necessary."

A chill dropped through her spine as she pieced together what he was talking about. He wanted to keep this place, and he was willing to get violent. He was wrong about them. At least, he was wrong about her. She wasn't weak and fragile. Sure, she wasn't the best fighter, and her aim wasn't top notch, but she'd survived more than Hank knew. She muttered a curse under her breath and continued listening.

@-QT- @HellHoundWoof
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Abram - The Home Depot - Matt/Skylar/Dawn & Grace

Abram came to the back of the store, just as Matt was speaking to the girl. He looked her over quickly, noticing her eccentric aqua hair. "Matt." He said, prompting the man to step to the side, allowing him to see the girl eye to eye. With a kind tone, he shouldered his sniper rifle (the one the girl had seen from far away), and nodded to her. "If it makes you feel better, we have a baby in here, so I promise we're not the slave-trading type." He said, which left an ironic feeling.

"My name's Abram, I see you've met Matt and Jackson." He said. "I guess you could say I'm the leader of sorts of our little group." He stepped back. He offered one of his dark-skinned hands to the girl. "You're welcome to come inside if you'd like. If not, we can send you off with some food." He said, noting the thinness of her frame. She looked like she'd barely eaten at all, which was even more evident by the thinness of her bare stomach.

He looked to JAckson, giving him a nod, confirming that it was alright to bring her inside. As the girl was brought inside, Abram stepped outside. He began walking the perimeter to make sure the girl hadn't brought any walkers with her. As he rounded the building to the front parking lot, he sighed as he saw two girls crouching at the abandoned cars, siphoning gas.

"Excuse, me ladies." He said, holding his hands up, away from his rifle. "My friends and I are in the home depot, I noticed you're looking for gas. Is there something we can do for you?"

@Wolverbells @Rithas @Raven Haruka @Starrnico
Dawn and Grace -outside Home Depot- Abram
Dawn stood, one hand holding her bow, though she didn't bring it to bear on him just then. "You're alive" She blurted, surprised to see him and hear someone else's voice for once. "Um, we just needed gas for our car. " She said and glanced to Grace who had moved nearly behind her, watching the stranger silently. Dawn looked back to Abram again "You stay here?"
Skyler - Home Depot - Matt/Jackson/Abram

Aw crabcakes. The young girl inwardly sighed as the man who introduced himself as Matt caught onto the fact that she was low on food. Well, that and the fact that he just stated he could shoot her at any time. How civil.

Indeed, it wasn't even five seconds after the mention of food that her stomach grumbled, apparently trying to urge the girl to go inside. "Why haven't you let her in? You making her do a ritual or something? There's dead walking around and you're just keeping her there... Is she alone?"
Another voice immediately made her freeze up, seeing the sight of yet another man walk up.


Geez, just how many guys are there in this place? Though looking a bit closer, Skyler recognized the new stranger as the guy with the long gun, which was now slung across his shoulder. Introducing himself as Abram, she now knew all three of these guys' names, therefore giving her the opportunity to tell them her own if she so pleased. Which, of course, wasn't that much of a problem. "I'm Sky, nice to meet you." Well, given the circumstances, that might not be completely true, but oh well, it's a habit.

"You're welcome to come inside if you'd like. If not, we can send you off with some food." Ah what the hell, after making this much of a scene, it would be a shame if she didn't get to go inside and...look around. Sighing outwardly this time, she nodded, lowering her paddle. They mentioned having a baby here somewhere, so who knows, maybe she'll get to see it?

But there was no way she was leaving her paddle with somebody else, that just isn't going to happen.

@Rithas @Wolverbells @SheriffLlama
[btn=#9c8113]Damien Orwen - Helena Outpost - Colton, Scott, Hemsworth, Cristopher[/btn]
Once Scott had gone to fetch the others, one of the other men around approached the boss. Whispering something in his ear as if it was something important. "Alright. Good job. Make sure this place is tight and secure when the rest of us leave." He ordered quite clearly, before the man agreed. All of the men who worked under Damien, and at the abandoned CDC builiding, which was their current base or rather, an outpost in Helena, had guns such as assault rifles and the likes. If anything, they were not short on weaponry. However, in this world, scavenging for anything was always a must. Thats why Brookhaven was reliant on all the outposts under Damien. Widening their horizon was the next thing on the boss' mind.

Patting the man on the shoulder with a pleased look, the latter left, leaving Damien to his own devices. Placing a hand above his eyes, to block the sun, he tilted his head up, looking at the skies. The world was a beautiful place. Scott had done what was asked of him, and they all came to the boss one by one. Christopher, Hemsworth, Scott and Colton. "Good, you're all here." He started, before running his finger through his dirty blonde hair.

"As you all know. Supplies are neccessary for us. Anything we can get our hands on. And as you can see, we have enough cars to go by, but not enough fuel." Damien glanced at each and one of them, but in particular at Colton. A young kid with heavy responsibility. He liked the look on the kids face. Age was not a factor in this world, not anymore.

Damien leaned against the car next to him, before looking inside the car through the window. His hand reached inside, taking the keys from the ignition. Turning away, his attention was back at his men. "Thanks to Stewart, Scott found a map in one of his bags. There are many locations unchecked by us, and marked by the lying rat.. Well, not so much lying now perhaps." He referred to Stewart, who may have had some truth in his lies.

A soft smile came across his face, before he pushed himself off of the car, throwing the car keys towards Colton, who immediately, with good enough reflexes, grabbed them. "Take this car.." He added, before pulling the map from his back pocket. "And this map.. And get to the gas station. See if what the map says holds some truth. Any trouble? Radio it in. Got it?" He stated, with a serious tone.

Once Christopher, Hemsworth and Scott began to prepare themselves. Placing about four empty fuel cans at the back of the pickup, Damien gave Scott the map, before approaching Colton. "How are you holding up, kid?" He asked, wondering more about the way he feels in regards on how Damien run things around here, and what he did to Stewart. Damien could see from the determination and the expression Colton was giving away that, that he had been through something rough in his past as well.

After some time, once he got his response, they were all prepped and ready to go. "Ah, also I forgot to mention. There is an academy right next to the gas station as well. Check that out as well if possible. It should be on the map."

"But remember. Fuel is the priority.. Now, dont let me down." He added, before the pickup drove away.

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Dawn and Grace -outside Home Depot- Abram

Dawn stood, one hand holding her bow, though she didn't bring it to bear on him just then. "You're alive" She blurted, surprised to see him and hear someone else's voice for once. "Um, we just needed gas for our car. " She said and glanced to Grace who had moved nearly behind her, watching the stranger silently. Dawn looked back to Abram again "You stay here?"
Abram - The Home Depot - Dawn & Grace

The man regarded the two girls for a moment. He felt the skin on his dark skin, putting a hand over his eyes to block the sun. He noted that the older of two held a bow. What is it with teenage girls and bows? He supposed all of them were using the apocalypse as their own chance to become that girl from the Hunger Games.

"Yes Ma'am, I do." He said, lowering his hand from his eyes. "My name's Abram, me and my friends are camped out in the home depot." He looked at all the cars scattered around the parking lot, breathing a sigh. "I'm afraid these cars are all empty, I've checked." He thought for a moment. "Would you two like to come inside for a bit?" He asked. "We don't have any gas to spare, but perhaps we can take you to a gas station about fifteen minutes from here."

"IT's your choice. You don't have to, but we'd be happy to help and both of you girls are welcome inside."

Dawn and Grace-home depot-Abram

Dawn glanced at Grace again and reached for her hand before nodding and looking at Abram again. "It'll be nice to talk to other people again. We haven't seen hardly anyone since everything started." She said then picked up the gas can to put it away quickly.
Abram - Home Depot - Dawn & Grace

The soldier nodded, hefting his rifle back onto his shoulder. He gave the smaller girl a kind smile, motioning for them to follow him. He noticed the younger one looked to be about the same age as Emma Crowe, and the older looked around Jessalyn's age.

"What's you young ladies' names?" He asked, glanced down at them.



Abel Dawson - On the Road - Aubrey

The wind caused Abel's eyes to water as he rode, his dirt bike weaving through a thick jam of abandoned cars. He gave his handlebar a rev as he passed the wrecks, speeding up. On his back was a black rucksack that was filled with necessary supplies. He'd just filled his bike and bag back in Alexandria before he'd left for his trip.

He came to a four way intersection on the roads, slow to the halt in the middle. He dropped his legs to the ground and turned off his bike for a moment. He chose to turn his handles to the right, slamming his foot against the kick-ignition. The bike hummed to life and Abel accelerated forward down the right-side.

About ten minutes later, he slowed to a halt as he saw a girl sitting against the hood of a car. When he was about fifteen yards away, he stopped, shutting off his bike. He swung off and deployed the kickstand, beginning to walk towards the girl. "Excuse me?" He called.

He swept his ginger hair back, scratching the buzzed sides of his hair. On his left hip was a leather scabbard, in which was a 3-foot sword with a white handle. On his right hip was a revolver with a brown handle and black frame. He brushed the wrinkles from his grey, long sleeve t-shirt, which fit snug against his defined torso and biceps. He wasn't model-material, but he was definitely a handsome guy, which he used to his advantage as a scout.

As he approached the girl he noticed that she wasn't bad either. He noticed the glass shard in her hand, and he dropped his hand to rest at his revolver. "Excuse me?" He said again, closer now. "You alright?"

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Dawn and Grace - Home Depot - Abram

"I am Dawn, this is my little sister, Grace." Dawn said as they followed him to the building.

Grace watched him then gave a small smile in return. She followed close to Dawn, glancing around as they walked to the building. "There's one" she mentioned and pointed to a walker coming around to the lot.
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Aubrey - Academy - Abel Dawson

Aubrey had been having some rather deep thoughts as she examined each other walkers inside of the Academy, sweat beads slowly forming on her forehead. It had been rather quiet up to the moment where a distant motor echoed in the distance. The blonde didn't care though. She just wanted to be inside of the store to be able to get her hands on another bow. It was the only thing she knew how to operate, besides a crossbow.

"Excuse me?"

Aubrey had turned to look at the man approaching her, wiping the sweat off of her forehead before looking at him up and down. Her eyes settled on his hand, which had reached one of his weapons. "I need to get inside the store," she finally spoke, looking back up to make eye contact. The young woman's hand remained on her glass shard but she remained to give off a nonthreatening vibe.

"Are you alright, though?" Aubrey's head tilted slightly as she asked, finally deciding to slide off of the hood and stand in front of the man. "It's not usual for people to just... approach others." Although it had dawned on Aubrey that this man in front of her could kill her, and that he might have others following him, she really didn't care at the moment. That and she had been in more difficult situations.
Abel - Academy - Aubrey

The young man looked her over quickly. She was average height, and her hair was long and blonde. She was pretty, but she looked tired, and kind of fed up with life. She only looked about three years younger than him, give or take. He nodded, relaxing his gun hand.

"Well, you could say I'm an outgoing person." He said. "My name's Abel Dawson." He said. He didn't think she was a hand-shaker, so he didn't bother. "If you need help clearing out the Academy, I can probably help you with that." He said. He dropped his rucksack to the ground, unzipping it and kneeling down. He rummaged through his essential supplies - water, spare food, duct tape, ammo - until he found a silver whistle with a black lanyard. He pulled it from the bag. Second, he pulled a range finder from the side pocket. He zipped his bag and stood back up.

Abel lifted the range finder to his eye, peering through the glass doors, where he spotted a group of roamers. "I count fifteen." He said, marking the distance across the parking lot at about sixty yards. "If you'll let my, I can help you get inside."

Matt - Home Depot - Skyler / Abram /Jackson

Matt turned his head towards Jackson, "I'm trying to get her in. You see?" Matt explained, before moving out of the way for Abram. Watching carefully as Abram talked to her. How friendly, which Matt supposed was easy for Abram. Because he could certainly swing to the opposite very fast. Such was the advantage of being rather large.

"Welcome Sky, for now at least" Matt commented, as the girl went in. "You'll have to look for peanut butter" He uttered under his breath. Taking a peak outside. "Perhaps I should wait for Abram to come back..." Matt looked back at Jackson. "Unless you want me to show her around"

@Wolverbells @Raven Haruka

Aiden - Morgantown - John

Deciding that his time was probably best spent somewhere else while Kerry continued to groan about life itself. You had to look on the brightside of things. Like the fact that Tyler was now a leader. Someone who he at least somewhat knew. And he could see that he was making an effort. A good leader led to harmony, perhaps, just for now. He could hope for a long-term home.

Walking through the halls, He spotted John. Immediately he felt concern, "Hey" He said as he went up to him. Aiden seemed puzzled. "Are you okay? You seem worried" He asked. His eyes flicking over to Joseline running past the gates. "Uh..." Aiden snapped back to John, deciding this to be more important for this second.

Aubrey - Academy - Abel Dawson

The young woman looked on with a bit of amusement. "Abel... Nice name. I'm Aubrey. Aubrey Diaz, although I guess now last names don't really matter." She continued to watch him as he began digging around, making her a bit more curious as to what's deal was. Were people really this nice?

"Um.. I guess if you'd like?"

She looked at him as he began looking through something small which she had never seen before. "What's that? Never mind... Yeah! If you could help me out, that'd be great.. but what do you want in return? I'm afraid I don't have much." Aubrey crossed her arms as she watched him, now a bit worried that he might take back his decision in helping her out, or that he might have something else in mind.
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