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John - Morgantown - Aiden

After he left the vehicle of Phillip, he was walking away somewhat stunned at the sight of somebody so young being murdered. As he bumped into Aiden speaking to him, he stared into the void while Aiden spoke to John before he snapped out of it and rubbed his eyes "Oui... Yes, uhm, everything is.. It's okay. I was just outside with Phillip and... Ryan. He didn't make it." John looked back to Phillip walking away as he looked at Aiden, John taking a slow moment to adjust the beret. "What uhm.. W-What is it that you needed?" He asked, crossing his arms in all seriousness.​
Fan- Apartments - Danny- Elliot- Hank -Enrique

What a way to start off a new relationship. The more Fan learned about Hank, the more she realized how different the two were. Hank's survival instincts would be useful, but was it safe to keep him here? Fan knew Hank thought she was weak. The words he used, the way he said them. It wouldn't take a rocket scientist to figure it out. The way he stormed off, it wasn't good news in Fan's eyes. Fan was a reasonable person. In her mind,, How could she, the leader, keep Aubrey, who was complicit with Kill Elliot's brother in the group? Things would have went bad fast. However, that was over. Walking herself over to where Danny, Elliot, and some others were, Fan would make an decision.

"We're keeping Enrique here. I have made my choice. Aubrey is gone, Enrique is staying. This over with. Done deal. We all clear? Good."

Walking away, he Doctor would make it to Hank and Enrique's Door. Knocking on. Fan would tell the men the news as she stood on the other side.

"Good news; Enrique stays. We weren't done talk, Hank. I'll meet you out side by the gate"

@Atomyk @SheriffLlama @HellHoundWoof @Rithas @-QT-
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Aiden - Morgantown - John

Sighing at the revelation of Ryan's death, Aiden patted John on the back. "Well, that's shit" He admitted. Deciding not to press on with the Issue as John was clearly not comfortable. "But hey! You're alive. At least that's something" He grinned. "I didn't need much, I just saw you looking so crestfallen and thought to ask what was wrong. We are friends after all" He smiled at John. "Have to look after eachother you know?" He chimed.

"Also-" He added, "I heard rumours of us going on a supply run soon. So, chin up. Can't have you looking so sad!"


Cricin - On the road - Ethan, Claire
The road was quiet, letting the people in the truck drive in peace. Cricin drove, concentrating on watching out for an sudden undead crawling out onto the road.

It would of possibly been quiet, if not for Ethan tapping his foot against the floor. He was spinning a coin on the dash shield. "It's a shame we can't bury them" Ethan finally announced. "I mean, we could for him. But we only have so much space. And then you think-" Ethan raised his hands. "What makes him so important. He betrayed us, what makes him so much better then the rest of us. How could you chose him over, persay..." Ethan stared out of the window. "That guy" He pointed at a half eaten corpse lying on the ground.

"We don't know his story. For all we know, he's a national hero. Saved millions of lives. But yet we bury Keane, a good-for-nothing fuckface coward with a snivelling shithead of a girlfriend? Tch," Ethan took out a blade, which was stained with Keane's blood.

"Worthless" He stated, before flicking the blade out of the car. It quickly bouncing out of sight. "That's why so many are forgotten. Thinking about themselves. They take and they take, and soon nothing is left. And they are left to starve on their own greed." Ethan spoke the final bit with real venom.

"Oh....Claire~" He announced, turning around in his seat. To the woman sitting in the back. "If more people were like you. Well, we wouldn't have to do what we have to do." He smiled with only his mouth. "We'll be arriving back soon, but be ready. As we're going out soon again. Whether you're coming or not is undecided" With that, Ethan turned to Cricin.

"Ready the rangers, I have a task for them."

"Uh-huh" Cricin grunted back, eyes still on the road. His heavy accent penetrating through the grunt.

Ethan closed his eyes, "We have a bright, prosperous future ahead of us."

@Jessie Horan
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Danny - Apartments/Front Gate - Elliot/Emma/Rob/Fan/Apartment Residents

Danny wanted to argue with Emma, wanted to tell her that no matter how many people she'd killed, it didn't make her any wiser. He recognised that saying something like that was a pretty shitty thing to say, but he still wanted to say it. She was making her point, telling him that kicking Enrique out would take them down a heavy path, but it fell flat against Danny's ears. He'd already gotten his best friend in the world killed, so if there was any way to get on that shit path, that would have been it. "I, uhh..." Danny let out a heavy sigh and turned to Elliot, who looked back at him. Judging by the expression on his face, Danny could tell what Emma had said had affected him to a degree. Danny tried not to flash his friend a dirty look.

Perhaps sensing Danny's feelings, Elliot signed, "Emma was the one who was kidnapped. If she's vouching for him... the guy went through the same shit we did. The girl who attacked Richard is one thing, but Enrique is a whole other matter. We don't really know what happened to Samantha."

Danny snorted, though it sounded more like a grunt. His hands cut through the air. "We know. And he will murder Myriah the second he sees her." He paused when he saw Aubrey leaving the apartment she and Enrique had went into minutes before. She stalked pass the group, ignoring them as she went. Judging by the look on her face, it seemed obvious to Danny she was nowhere near as apologetic as she'd attempted to be before. As she neared the exit out into the front entrance of the apartment block, she turned on her heel and practically beamed. She fired off a number of sarcastic statements, attempting to both make the group feel guilty and get under their skin in one fell swoop. Danny was long past feeling guilt for this woman, but her barbs stuck into him easily.

Danny's chest heaved, breathing deeply to process this new onset of rage. He followed Aubrey out toward the front gates without a word spoken, Elliot following behind him cautiously. He watched as the girl left - good riddance - his gaze following her as she checked the cars nearby. Those were locked and not intended for her. Danny was about to 'helpfully' call this out to her, but he held his tongue in surprise when Aubrey went and kicked the car in front of her, setting off the alarm. She then turned and gave the car sitting across from the first one a kick as well before running off down the street.

If Danny had a gun on him at that moment, he couldn't guarantee he wouldn't have taken a shot.

Hank was standing nearby and began yelling for the others to turn off the alarms. Those standing at the gate ran out with Elliot to do the deed. Thankfully, the biters in the area were thin and it wasn't likely many would be pulled by the sounds. Danny simply stood in place, looking down at the ground in front of him with a sullen expression. He knew he needed to calm the fuck down. Swearing usually helped, so when Fan decided to get up in his face about Enrique, Danny flipped the woman off as she walked away. "Maybe I'll just goddamn leave, Fan. How about that? Have fun paling around with a fucking murderer!" But by the time he finished what he had to say, Fan had already gone back inside.

Then, it was silent. Those who had been drawn by the commotion looked around awkwardly at the others, but Danny couldn't have given less of a shit. If they were confused about Aubrey's departure, let Fan deal with telling them. "Does anyone have a fucking problem? Huh?!"

Tyler - Morgantown - Kerry/Jake/Aiden/John/Becca/Caleb/Adam

He stopped in his tracks as he came upon Kerry, the other man sneering at him as if Tyler had gone and pissed in his cereal. Tyler realized he was hunched over, still amped up from his confrontation with Joselina. He let out an unsteady breath, looking away from Kerry for a moment to and rolling his eyes. "I've got enough people on my ass," he muttered, relaxing his body slightly. "Get in line." He began to step forward and brush past Kerry, but he he paused just behind the other man. "If you're still holding on to the hate Tremblay had for me, I suggest getting an opinion of your own. I'm going to do good by these people, so don't worry about it."

He then continued walking away, limping slightly with every step on his bad leg.
It was later that same day that Tyler pulled a group of carefully selected individuals into his office. He'd taken over Claiborne's now that the man was gone, finding the space compact and sparse to his liking. Of those gathered, there was Jake, a Morgantown resident from before Tyler had been around. Then there was John and Aiden, the pair having arrived around the same time Tyler had. Caleb, Becca, and Adam represented those that had arrived with Tyler. If there was anyone Tyler could say he trusted the most of those still with him, he'd have to put Caleb at the top of his list. Tyler nodded to him as he entered, before taking in the other five with a firm glance.

"Due to the... heavy increase in residents, I'll have to expand Morgantown's usual supply lines beyond what the scouts are used to. The task I'm going to be laying out for you guys is twofold-- you'll be picking up supplies where you can, but I also need you to scout and determine if the cities East of us are worth looking into." Tyler moved to stand, wincing as he put weight on his bad leg. It had gotten noticeably worst within the last two weeks, probably as a result of the long march he and the other Baton Rouge survivors had committed to a month before. He grabbed a map that was sitting on the desk behind him and placed it on the desk he'd been sitting at so everyone in the room could take a look. "I'd like to see how things are as far as Brookhaven, but as that city's on a major highway, chances are it's not going to be a safe place." He put his finger on the map and began to trace along the route the group would have to take. "You'll have to get on the 98 and travel up to... Bude, maybe? You're going to be hitting some real small towns, even smaller than Natchez, but you never know what could be found in these places."

With that, Tyler folded up the map and handed it to Adam, who took it greedily. He seemed to have calmed down recently, but it was obvious that he was still too twitchy for something not to be wrong with him. "Prepare tonight, and you guys will be able to head off tomorrow morning. I'm giving you some freedom with this, so you can be out there as long as you feel you have to. I've got enough scouts here to hold the fort while you guys are away."

Tyler offered the group a pleasant smile, probably surprising some of them that his face didn't crack while doing so. He nodded to Becca and Caleb and gestured for them to join him outside. "You're all free to do whatever you wish tonight. I just need a moment to talk to these two, then you can ask me some questions if you want." He then proceeded to follow the pair outside, moving down the hall just enough so their conversation wouldn't be heard by the others.

"If this is about Adam--" Caleb began, but Tyler held up a hand.

"I'm giving him a chance here," Tyler said quickly. "If he's not up for it, then he's not up for it. We've discussed this already, Caleb." He let that sit for a moment, waiting. With some hesitation, Caleb eventually nodded. Tyler then continued, "I also need you two looking out for Scarlett. Philip and John have no idea where she could have went after they split up with her, but... I know she's out there. I doubt she'd head in the direction of a major city, so the smaller towns on your route are all possibilities. Do you both got that?"

They both nodded. Becca even smiled. "Of course, Tyler. We really want her back with us, you know?"

If there was anyone who wanted Scarlett back as much as he did, it would be Becca. Tyler had been deliberate in choosing her to accompany the group. "Then it's settled," he said, rubbing his hands together. "Let's head back into the office."
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Hank - Apartments - Enrique/Fan/Emma

Raising an eyebrow at Enrique's change of heart, Hank felt alone yet again. With Aubrey gone, the idea was to stick together but Enrique seemed lost. Without haste - despite the sudden knock at the door - Hank decided it best to share with him some of his past encounters in attempt to bring him back to earth.

"I lost a lot of people before I met you or Aubrey. We were attacked by some nazi assholes who killed my best friend. We lost his wife after that. The rest of us were traded to a guy named Trembly. He said he wanted to save us, but we later found out that wasn't his plan. We ended up killing him..........because we had to. I killed the asshole that took DeSean's life during the fight, slashed his neck with my knife. I watched him bleed until he couldn't bleed anymore. People are not good. It doesn't matter how much you want them to be, they are not. They will wait for you to be at your weakest then take you down. What you're doing now.............this person your'e trying to be will not keep you alive," Hank shared, trying to make Enrique realize he couldn't be this person they wanted him to be.

"You have to kill. And you might have to kill them, i'm not sure yet." With that Hank gave this face of objection before walking to the door. Upon opening it he was met face to face with a little girl who thought herself sneaky. He looked down at her and starred deeply into her eyes. Then he just went on his way as though she had not even phased him.

Upon reaching the front gates, Hank once again met with Fan. It seemed like dejavu as they stood exactly where they stood about ten minutes ago. "The alarms most likely called out some walkers. I suggest we get some additional guards up to the gates. But I'm sure that's not what you wanted to talk to me about? What's on your mind Fan?" he asked her as though they were on first name notice.


Floyd - Woods - Scarlett

Lifting his fist, Floyd called for a halt as he crouched down and hid behind a tree. "Scarlett, down," he whispered to Scarlett, perceiving a loud buzzing sound nearby. To him the sound was very familiar, but was certain the female following him would not have a clue of the source. The uttering tone was created by numerous exhausts of high quality sport bikes, machines Floyd had the opportunity to work with before the world turned to ash. It seemed rare to have bikes of that caliber still working because the motors on those things were not long lasting. Then again if one specialized or maintained them well, they could endure the hardships of the environment for a couple of years. Still, hearing numerous engines rev together like that alarmed Floyd.

"C'mon, stay close," Floyd instructed as he started jogging through the woods towards the bikes. The idea was probably stupid, but he needed to know if Hank was with whomever was out there. Of course he'd stick to the trees and remain hidden throughout, but needed to have some reassurance. He quickly dashed, making sure Scarlett followed but as the two moved closer and closer to the upcoming road, the farther the sound seemed to be getting - they were getting away.

With the sawed off shotgun in his grasp, Floyd busted to the street knowing the bikes were no longer there. Sweat slipped his bangs and into his eyes which squinted as he watched a large group of bikers fade into the hot stream on the road - a mirage caused by the density of the air.

Floyd stood there trying to catch his breath as he exerted himself for no reason. He looked to his left to see Scarlett joining him on the street, her also breathing a tad bit heavily. He didn't say anything, just looked back down the street. At this point, there was nothing to track, the bikes being the only other moving thing they've seen since encountering Nathan. It was the sing of life they either needed to follow or get away from. The question was now what they're options were. He turned back to Scarlett for an answer, not even asking the question.
Scarlett - Woods/Road - Floyd

Scarlett had been getting pretty good at reading Floyd's body language and cues within the past couple of weeks, so it was easy to see when he had become intent on a certain sound rather than just focusing on his surroundings. She immediately crouched down near him when he had barely began to say her name.

The woman didn't exactly know what was going on for a good few seconds until the noise that sounded like a swarm of wasps got louder. 'Bikes?' She thought as she tried to squint and look through the shrubs. They were too quick though, and soon, Scarlett found herself following Floyd as quickly as she could, keeping herself low. It wasn't too difficult, being the rather small size that she was. Still, though, jogging at a crouch proved to be a much more difficult task than they had made it out to seem in the movies she used to watch.

"Floyd... are you su.." Scarlett didn't even get her full sentence out when the man had already sprinted out of the shrubbery and into the streets. Scarlett followed suit and slowed to a halt near him as she tried to take in as much oxygen into her lungs as possible. She had not eaten enough to help her out in case they ran that day, which was a dumb choice on her part, but she just hadn't been hungry lately. Her eyes followed his, as he looked towards where the bikes had gone, which gave Scarlett a sinking feeling in her stomach. When he turned to look at her, she already knew what he wanted to say. "You really wanna?" She asked, but already knew the answer. Sighing, the woman reached up and ran her hands through her hair before nodding after a moment of silence. "Okay, let's go."
Fan - Apartments- Hank

As Fan and Hank stood near the same spot as they did before the conflict with Aubrey's departure, Fan looked around the area.

"I'll cut the crap, Hank. I know you've been outside there for a long time. So was I for a while, luckily I found this place. Just like you have. I see the way you talk about surviving, and we agree more than you think. I'm a doctor, I took an oath to "do no harm". That's unrealistic now. It's killed or be killed. I've done things that have made me want to kill myself. You get over it. You make room for your pain , and move on. This group? That's what matters to me. They're my family. Do here's my question for you. Do you want to survive this world? Or do you want to rebuild it?

[BCOLOR=transparent]Abel / Audrey - Academy / Gas Station ((Collab Post)[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Abel looked at the girl with a quizzical stare. "You've really got a bad outlook on people, don't you?" He asked, shouldering his bag. "You need help. I have the means to help you out. Is it so hard to believe that I'm just a good guy?" He added, sliding the range finder into his back pocket.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]"Well, that's how people have been ever since this happened. At least they have been to me." Aubrey watched Abel intently as he put the small binocular looking thing back in his back pocket before she nodded at him. "Alright. How would we clear it out? I don't exactly have a reliable weapon." [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]After he clipped the straps of his bag together and tightened the slack, he extended the whistle towards her. "I'm thinking, since they're attracted to sound, that you could distract them while I come up behind them and take them out from the back, one-by-one." He presently drew his sword from its scabbard, spinning it once in circle.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Aubrey beamed at the idea, thinking that it might actually work out. "Okay," she responded as she walked over and took the whistle from him and putting her head through the string to keep it as a necklace just in case. "If you wanna, you can hide behind the vehicle while I break the glass?" Aubrey offered as she began to look around for something heavy enough to break the glass doors. [/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]He nodded as she spoke. He reached back into a small side-pocket of his rucksack, retrieving a knife, holstered a leather sheath. He handed it to her and fixed his bag, then said, "I can shoot the glass from back here." He said, his hand dropping to his revolver.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Aubrey smiled as she took the knife from Abel, feeling her sense of security returning to her in a way. It felt good to not be defenseless, and they both knew that a big shard of glass wasn't going to help anyone. "Alright, let's do it!" It was strange for the girl to feel either happy or any form of excitement ever since she had lost her friends after leaving her University, but for the first time since, she felt genuine joy. Even though it meant releasing several dead corpses and being bait from the get go. [/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]"Go." He said to her, and squatted down out of sight of the corpses.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]As Aubrey approached the doors, Abel instructed her to step back, enough for him to safely shoot out the doors. He crouched behind the hood of the car, drawing his revolver. He aimed and fired two shots into the glass, shattering it with a loud impact, taking two of the roamers from the get go.[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]Although the shots were loud, Aubrey tried her best from getting distracted by the ringing in her ears. She began blowing the whistle but kept them short to keep any other walkers around the area from being drawn in. At least she thought it would work that way. As she kept blowing, she waved at Abel that they were going to begin passing the car so that he could keep hidden, and then once more she gave a signal that the last one was walking out from the doors.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Abel moved silently, his boots making no sound. He came behind the small herd and stabbed his sword into the first one. He swung hard and lopped another one's head clean off. Five more and his swore was soaked in gore. He continued until the final two turned, their attention drawn from Aubrey. The closer one lunged at him, but he shoved it to the ground. With expert movement, he kicked the last one in the knee causing it to buckle and stumble, slicing through its skull as it fell. He sank his sword into the fallen roamer, then breathed a sigh. "Was that so hard?" He asked, wiping the blood from his sword.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Aubrey had watched Abel cut through the walkers as if this was just a hobby or another day at work for him. She wanted to help, to try and get herself used to facing these kinds of challenges, but the man didn't even wince. Even when the two had completely ignored her and gone after him. Smiling, the blonde rolled her eyes and took off the whistle to hand it back to Abel, "Teamwork makes the dream work. You think that was all of them, though?"[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]The young man shrugged, running a hand across the stubble on his chin. "Well, its fifteen less of them, that's for sure." He said. "Let's go in and clear the place before we get comfortable."[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]The young woman nodded, agreeing with him before beginning to walk over to the shattered glass doors. "Can I borrow this?" She asked quietly as she showed him the knife he had already let her borrow. Once he said yes, Aubrey gave him a quick thumbs up before focusing on what she had came for. "I need to get to the archery section. A bow and arrows is all I need," she whispered, fearing that now that they were in the entrance, they might be heard. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]"To the archery section, it is." He nodded, drawing his sword. He didn't have anything he was looking for since he'd only come to help her. In fact, he shouldn't have been there anyways. Thom was waiting for him in Natchez. Despite this, the young man followed his new companion into the store, guarding her six.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]As the two went deeper into the store, Aubrey could smell the decay of people who must have died here either recently or from the beginning of the outbreak, or both. Although she had faced many different things during her time with Magnus and Tremblay, the smell of rotting flesh always made her gag, but she didn't want to seem weak in front of Abel. He was still a stranger to her, and although he had helped her, he could easily just be pulling some sort of trick on her. So Aubrey simply sucked it up and got over her disgust of the stench, keeping her eyes open in case there were any more walkers on their way towards where the weapons were at. It had been a while since she was in an Academy, so she just went in the general direction of where the archery supplies were in the one back in her home town. "Do you think we should split up and check the area or stay together?" [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Abel thought for a moment. "We should stay in vicinity of each other. This place is big and there could be roamers wandering around here." He whispered.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Aubrey nodded, agreeing once more with Abel. With a sigh, she began in the farthest corner, which quickly turned into a bad decision as she came face to face with a walking corpse. Her first instinct was to scream, seeing as how it was incredibly close. The blonde backed up quickly, pushing against Abel and sending them both tumbling down while the walker lunged but missed. With a quick movement, and sheer luck, Aubrey lifted her knife-wielding hand and brought it down with as much force as she could muster, crushing the blade into its skull. "I'm, i'm so sorry," was all Aubrey could say as she got up and turned to help Abel up, feeling guilty for pretty much failing at her one job.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]As he stood, he fixed his belt back in place. "Don't worry, you handled it fine." He said, a bit of grace in his tone, though she hadn't. "Found your aisle." He said, nodding to a section that was marked by a sign that read, "Archery."[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]"We both know I didn't." She sighed, sounding a bit sarcastic. She didn't say anything else though, turning towards where Abel had mentioned and quickly walking down the aisle. It was dark but with just enough light from the entrance to see what was a bow and what wasn't. "There's no bows." Her soft whisper held a tinge of panic as she began to look more frantically. There were plenty of arrows, which she took without thinking twice, but bows there were none. "There! No.. It's a crossbow. I can't reach it." It was one of the displays that were mounted up on a wall near a shelf. Without asking, Aubrey quickly placed the arrows down on a glass casing next to the shelf and began to climb. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Abel waited as she got on top of the cabinet and reached for the crossbow. As he stood, he caught movement in his peripherals. He turned to spot nearly a dozen roamers across the floor, too far into the dark to see them immediately. His breath caught, and he reached up, pulling her down. He cupped his hand over her mouth to prevent her from screaming and quickly dragged her behind the shelf. "Roamers, shh." He said, removing his hand. "We have to leave it and get out, now." He said, peeking out and making sure they weren't compromised yet.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Even though things were seeming bleak since Aubrey couldn't find her recurve bow, she had settled for the one crossbow, but it seemed as if she couldn't even have that. In a blink of an eye, she had been pulled down from the shelf, and stood wide eyed as Abel tugged her along and explained what was happening. Aubrey wanted to pout and whine and scream and shout. It wasn't fair that she should leave, unarmed like she had come in the store. Still, she understood the situation at hand wasn't one that they should take lightly. Aubrey, once again, nodded in agreement to Abel's suggestion and waited for him to tell her when to run.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Abel crouched, leaning against the shelf, his hand against Aubrey's back. "Now." He whispered, giving her a nudge. He waited till she reached the other side of the store to break into a lightning fast sprint, the two of them dashing out of the door.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Once Abel had given the word, Aubrey tried her best to keep up with him, but quickly realized that she wouldn't be able to, even if she did try to push herself a little more than usual. Once they were out and well into the parking lot, the young woman quickly reached out to a nearby vehicle to hold herself upright and catch her breath. There was an overwhelming and crippling feeling of disappointment that washed over her as she realized that everything they did had been for nothing. Aubrey wanted to cry, pass out, and blow up the Academy all at once. She opted to keep her hands on the hood of the vehicle though, seeing as how every time she looked up, the world began to spin around. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Abel stepped to her side, nearly unphased by the sprint. "I'm sorry you couldn't get what you needed. We should get out of here before those roamers wise up and wander out here."[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Aubrey turned towards the Academy and frowned, wishing she could've been more patient back at the apartments in order to get her weapons back, but then once she remembered that moment, anger began to rise within her. "Okay. Wanna find some food with me, before I pass out?" Although her voice didn't portray it, her eyes held a bit of hope for him to say yes. It felt nice to have someone that was non-judgemental around. It was also nice to have something to deal with the walkers when she couldn't.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]After the two of them got onto his bike, Abel put distance between them and the Academy, getting himself a little bit closer to where he was to meet Thom. He stopped at a gas station, clearing the area quickly, and then taking inside. He informed her as to his plan, which was to have her wait there for him and Thom until they returned from the apartments.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]"Are you sure you'll be okay here until I get back?" The young man asked, shouldering his bag. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]"Yeah, go. I'll be good. We can go on a date when you get back." Aubrey responded. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Abel released a small laugh, and nodded. "Deal." He said, then turned to walk out. Despite the positive interaction with the girl, Abel had one thought in head as he rode into Natchez - He was late, and Thom was not going to be happy with him.[/BCOLOR]
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Emma - Apartments - Hank/Enrique

As Emma listened to Enrique and Hank, she realized that she might have been to harsh on Enrique. No, he wasn't a good guy - he was still a murderer - but he was changing. The Enrique she'd known two months ago would've killed everyone in the building, but he was different now. As she listened, she realized that they'd been played for fools. Enrique wasn't the one that needed to go - Hank was.

Her heart nearly stopped beating when the door flung open, knocking her down. She sprawled backwards and scooted against the opposite wall as Hank glared down at her. He then wordlessly walked away, leaving a pit of fear in her stomach. Emma wasn't scared of many things, but Hank was one of those.

She looked into the room as she met Enrique's gaze. She held it for a minute and then gave him a nod, the meaning behind the gesture clear - Thank you.


Abram - Home Depot - Dawn & Grace

Abram led the girls around the back and unlocked the door, as Dawn pointed out a walker near the end of the parking lot. "Don't worry about him. He's too far to do any harm." He said, opening the door and allowing the two sisters to walk inside the warehouse. "What do you say we meet the others?" He said as he locked the door behind them, leading them into the sales floor portion of the building.

He grabbed his radio from his belt and spoke into it, "Everyone meet me at the paint counter in the center of the store. We've got two more guests." He said. As they reached the counter, he saw Jessalyn and Ben, the mother playing with the baby and showing him different colors around the room. "Jess, this is Dawn and Grace." He said, then looked at the sisters. "This is Jessalyn, and the little guy is Ben."

@Lady Myst @Wolverbells @Rithas @Damo028 @Starrnico @Raven Haruka
Dawn and Grace - Home Depot -Abram and others

Dawn kept Grace close as they went inside the building. Fear made her shiver when he locked the door, they didn't know anything about him after all. Quietly the girls followed him to the paint counter. Both girls smiled at the mother and son they met there "Hello" Dawn said, relaxing a little at that sight.
Grace smiled and waved at the pair, happy to see a baby again. The young teen missed being around someone besides her sister.
Enrique-Apartments-Hank, Emma

Enrique listened to Hank, he knew he would kill again. But he didnt want what happened at Outpost to happen again, he knew if he needed to he could kill these people but he didnt want to go back to the place he was once in. He couldnt be that dog he was before, ordered to kill and happy to do so. He watched as Hank left the room and saw the young girl sitting on the floor. Enrique was surprised to see Emma had been listening in, almost angry. He went to the door and closed it, if she heard what he'd just said then he could be in potentially more trouble. Enrique went into the second room, now that he and Hank wouldnt be sharing, he lay on the bed and decided to take a nap.

"Fucks sake what a day," Enrique said before rubbing his eyes and closing them to get some idea of sleep.
Cutter-Apartments Rooftop-Danny, Fan, Hank, Elliot
Cutter had been watching the girl leave when she planted a strong kick into one of the cars.

"This bitch," He said watching through the binoculars as the girl ran off, ridiculous. He saw a small gathering of corpses approaching then saw a few of his own people moving to kill them off. He heard some shouting below and walked to the edge and looked down at Danny.

"Hey!" shouted Cutter, "Keep it the fuck down!"

He sat back in the lawn chair and propped his feet up on the edge of the roof. He was annoyed at the emotions everyone was having today. Shouting about murderers, setting off car alarms, new guy coming around. Stupid. He had some alcohol down in his room and was eager to get down there to start drinking.
Colton-Helena Outpost/On The Road-Damien, Scott, Aubrey, Abe, ETC
Colton nodded at Damien after his instructions. Any trouble radio it in, simple enough. He didnt think he'd have any problems. After the pickup was loaded Damien approached Colton and asked how he was doing.

"I'm good, just keeping on..." Colton replied.

They'd been driving for some time before anyone spoke, it was Hemsworth who spoke first.

"So, what the fuck was up with that?"

"What?" Christopher asked.

"That pit of biters, playing with the guy like that, torturing that poor..."

"Damien did exactly what he needed to do," Colton said cutting him off, "If you got scared because of it then good. You oughta be afraid of him. It's how he keeps us in line."

There was a moment of silence before Hemsworth spoke up again, "So you can talk?"

There was laughter in the backseat from Christopher. Colton hadnt spoke to these guys save for a few words. That was the first opinion they'd heard out of him ever. Colton was silent again now. Staring forward while Christopher chuckled in the back and Hemsworth smiled in the front. They were pulling up on the gas station and Colton saw a woman there, he grabbed the radio from the dash and pressed the talk button.

"There's some girl here, I'm gonna make sure she dont do nothing." Colton said into the radio before getting out of the car. He drew his pistol and aimed it at her centermass.

"Belly on the ground and arms out like an eagle!" Colton shouted as his companions piled out of the car, "Make a move and I swear I'll waste you."

"Chris get the zipties," Scott said climbing out of the car and aiming his rifle across the hood of the car at her, "Colton, grab your rifle from the back."

Colton kept his pistol trained on the girl before grabbing his own rifle from the backseat and tucked his pistol into it's holster. He moved closer to the woman, now within 20ft of her. He was angling himself behind her with his rifle still aimed at her chest.

"Do like I said or there will be an end to your story right here," He said this coldly and plainly, there was no joke or malice to his voice. He was ready to kill her, she didnt mean shit to him, but to Damien she could mean something.
[btn=#8f7f04]Damien Orwen - Helena Outpost - Verona, Colton (On the Radio)[/btn]
The man was standing on the rooftop of the abandoned CDC building, using binoculars to canvas the far sides of the area surrounding their outpost. There were a few dead corpses lingering about, but for the moment, they were not harmful. Verona was next to him, in prepping the sniper she had. "Why don't you take them out?" He casually added, looking in the very same direction the walkers were in. Not moving his attention away, he gave the binoculars to the woman. "Are there many?"

"Have a looksie yourself." He answered, though with a simple smile on his face. "Good thing we have a few suppressors, huh?" Verona smiled, before she started to aim at them, and making sure they'd stay dead this time.

Once a few of the dead were removed, he continued. "You're right.." Before he glanced down, as the car they were going to use was ready. "I think its time we head on out as well." He ordered, before giving her a simple pat on the shoulder and then moving past her, down the CDC building and eventually out. Making his way to the car, the radio buzzed. Colton's voice was on the other end, and unfortunately, they seemingly met someone who was actually alive.

Pulling the radio up, he gave a simple respond. "Then you know what to do, kid." It was the same old. Find out who it was. Was it a threat then it would be dealt with right away. Was it someone who may have something useful to say or give, then bringing her back was probably for the best, however it was also neccessary to check if there wasn't a trap laid out there. Obviously the last remaining thing was to see where she came from, and or, if there were others from wherever she came from.

"Don't forget the fuel!" That was also important. There was also the Academy he wanted Colton and the rest that were with him to check, but the latter knew that already. There was no reason to repeat something that was drilled into their minds, especially Scott's.

Verona came and heard the same thing on her end with her own radio. "Trouble, Damien?" She questioned. The boss did not respond right away. He sighed, gazing at the sky for a moment. "Not sure really.. I'll see how Colton and the guys handle this.."

"You want me to take a few of us and make sure nothing unusual happens?" Verona suggested, however Damien turned around, before responding. "Hopefully that won't be neccessary."

Matt - Home Depot - Abram/Dawn/Skyler/Jackson/Jess/Others

Raising his eyebrows inquistivly at the fact that Abram had returned with another two girls. They seemed to just be popping out of nowhere. Shouldering his weapon, He followed behind the newcomers. As they reached the area Jess and Ben were staying, Matt hung back. Knowing the attitude of this group, Matt reasoned that if the newcomers wanted to stay. They would probably stay. There wasn't much point in objecting.

He found it funny how they showed the baby like it was a rare breed of animal. Which, Matt supposed, was now an actual rare things. Babies would shit enough as it was back in the world before it went to hell. Now, well...there was a reason.

Now, He really was starting to wonder if they had peanut butter.

@Raven Haruka @Starrnico @Lady Myst @SheriffLlama @Wolverbells

Rob - Apartments - Myriah

The thought of smashing her head against a wall only seemed to come on stronger after Aubrey's recent actions. Flexing his hands, Rob walked off deciding to clear his head for a second. He walked into the bathroom, quickly stepping onto the numerous shards of glass. "For fuck....." Rob used his foot to push the bigger shards into a corner. He stared into the sink. This was stupid, Fan couldn't please everyone. Which she knew. But then why did she continue to try and please the new comers, which she knew were dangerous.

Heading back out, Rob caught the news of Enrique staying, stopping in his tracks. Rob swore before turning around.

Eventually reaching the room where Myriah was staying, Rob gently rapped on the door. "Uh, awake?" Not bothering to ask if she was even there since she hadn't left the room.

"It's me, Rob. Just wanted to let you know, Fan decided to let Enrique stay." He announced with a sympathising tone to Myriah. He leaned in closer to the door. "If you want to leave, which is perhaps your best option for your safety. Then I suggest you do it very soon. If you want help..." Rob smiled faintly, even if she couldn't see him. "I'm here"

On the road - Ethan and Claire​
She stares out the window, silently thinking to herself of how everywhere she went she found only the once living until she least expected them. Ethan, the stranger sitting in front of her, reminded her of someone she used to know in the slightest way. Tuning in and out of what he said, catching only the main parts. She stares at him, silently acknowledging his words. She does not yet know if she can trust these people, unsure as to let her guard down, or run although there is a calming sense to it. The way he talks, it oddly calms her. "Yes Sir" is all she says in response to everything he had said, and then she returns to silence.
John - Morgantown Community - Aiden, Tyler

John smiled somewhat out of forlorn before nodding, speaking silently before gaining a bit more composure as he patted Aiden in the back. He liked the older man, somewhat like a big brother to John, one that he never had. He nodded once more before speaking with more confidence "Alright.. Sure, right.. Uhm, I'll go. Right." But as he spoke with more confidence, Tyler had called upon them in a little sort of briefing, although John had moments where he would space out. His PTSD would be triggered after seeing Ryan get killed, a young man, the events of Afghanistan before the outbreak flickered in him momentarily, with the young Afghani boys death. But he forced himself to focus, shaking and throwing his head, getting back into his train of thought.

Nodding at Tyler, he patted Aidens back before getting a straight face. "Allons-y. Faster we get this done, faster we can get some rest." As he walked out with Aiden, he checked off all of his equipment before nodding. "Preferably would like a rifle, but a pistol will do. Onwards."​
Aubrey - Gas Station - Colton and co.

"Oh my god why?"

It was as if the universe was playing some type of sick and twisted joke on Aubrey. Abel had just left her, and in such good terms too, only to have another bunch of men come out of nowhere.

The blonde had seen the truck turn from a nearby street, and had little to no time for her to duck down under a counter. The truck had practically skidded to a stop in the gas station's entry way all the while, men were hopping out and aiming their guns at her while shouting commands. Rather than try to run or fight back, Aubrey for once chose the sensible option which was to comply.

"Okay! Alright, calm down," she spoke back, raising her hands out and up as she began to kneel down slowly before completely laying on her stomach. The girl wanted to throw up from the thought of being on the floor that a couple of walkers had just been taken out on. Holding in her urge to gag, Aubrey then spread her arms away from her torso and waited for further instructions.

"I don't have any weapons."

Even though that probably meant little to them, she still hoped for the best so that they wouldn't pat her down. Her large shard of glass was sitting on the counter so it wasn't like she could just pull it out. Still, someone had come over and zip-tied her hands together before giving her a more than proper pat down. "Watch your hands. I said I don't have anything." Her glare was ice cold as she looked the man dead in the eyes, not blinking.

"My weapons were recently taken from me, and I'm alone. Please do not hurt me." She had now turned her attention to the young man that had been shouting commands at her. The one with the eye patch. He seemed to be about her age which made her wonder what he had gotten himself into. She spoke to him in a more sympathetic voice, yet still her tone firmly and calmly. For many, the situation at hand would've been scary, but Aubrey had found herself on the opposite side before, so she tried to go about it in a more calm way.
Abel Dawson - Outside the Apartments - Thom and Alexandria Guards

As the young man rode down the street of Natchez on his dirt bike, he began to regret leaving Aubrey by herself. He would've taken her with him, but Thom would not have been happy about his tardiness if he'd shown up with a pretty girl at his side. He decided he'd head back for her when they were finished.

As he pulled onto the next street, he saw Thom and some of the other knights. "Sorry I'm late." He said, turning off his bike and kicking the stand out. "I got sidetracked." He said, swinging off the bike, his sword and revolver bouncing against his hips. He brushed the wrinkles form his shirt, then reached into his backpack, clipping his walkie-talkie to his belt. "Ready when you are, Thomy." He said, looking to the older man.

@Josh M
Jessalyn - Home Depot - Abram, Dawn, Grace

Jess looked up when she heard a male voice, thinking it might be Jackson coming back. She smiled once she saw Abram, but the smile faltered a bit turning more into curious uncertainty when two girls appeared behind him. They looked young and like they had been on their own for a while. Her mother's heart immediately went out to them, even though the older girl looked not much younger than herself.
Abram introduced them and she smiled once again, very warmly. "Hello. It is nice to meet friendly people. I'm glad you made it here," she bounced Ben a bit while she spoke. "Are you going to stay here with us?" She asked, making sure they knew they had a choice in the matter. They were nothing like Haywood or Morgantown had been. Their group did not force people to stay. But Jessalyn did not hide her emotions well so her face plainly showed she hoped they were staying. Two girls on their own in this hell? She prayed they had not gone through anything she had, hadn't met any men like Tyler or Bruce.

"Come sit with me," she invited after a moment. "Ben likes having people to play with, don't you big boy?" she said, nuzzling his face before bouncing him again. Laying him down on the blanket she tickled his belly, making him giggle. The sound of a baby laugh was one of the most beautiful things in the world. It could make anyone smile, no matter how heartless they were.

Reaching behind the counter, she pulled out some granola bars with chocolate on them that Abram had shared with her earlier. She offered them to the girls. "So how old are you?" Jess asked in a friendly manner. "I'm turned 21... I think it was five months ago..." she said, trying to remember.
Skyler - Home Depot - Matt / Jackson / Abram / Jess / Dawn / Others

Skyler thanked Matt as he welcomed her, smiling a bit at the courtesy. When Abram came back with two more girls, she simply stayed quiet, following the group inside. She listened to the advice of looking around for peanut butter, although she really just didn't have a clue where to even start.

Now, as for the fact that she got to actually see "Ben" in person, well that alone should be a cause of some hope. He's cute... The thought crossed her mind for a few minutes, as she watched the mother interact with the two other newcomers. Now, as for Skyler, she decided to also hang in the back where Matt was, poking his arm to try and get him to lean down so that the aqua-haired female could whisper in his ear.

"So, where would one find a jar of peanut butter in this place?" Honestly, she had her priorities, with peanut butter coming first, and baby second.

@Rithas @Wolverbells @SheriffLlama @Lady Myst @Starrnico
Dawn and Grace - Home Depot - Jess and others

Grace glanced to Grace before taking the offer and coming around to sit nearby. "I'm Grace, I just turned 13 a couple months ago." She said then focused on the baby "He's so cute" She said and wiggled her fingers at him playfully

"I'm 19" Dawn said then shrugged "I don't know if we are staying or not" She answered then looked to Grace, already more comfortable than she had seen the girl in a while. The only reason they would really have to not stay would be to try to find their parents, but even she doubted they were still alive after all this time. Of course without gas, that was not going to happen anyway. Jackson was still a fair distance from here. She accepted the bars then came around, setting her bow down on the counter then passing a bar to Grace, even if it was ignored for the novelty of the baby right now. "Thank you"
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