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"You said you didn't mind that I ate donuts because I only put on weight in areas where it didn't matter, remember? You clearly didn't care last night when you were grabbing me there and saying how beautiful I was," reminded Brielle with a smirk of her own. She wasn't planning on being flirtatious with him, but there was something so appealing about Elijah. He was beautiful, flawless really, and he was her type. He had tattoos across both his arms, and clearly Brielle enjoyed skin art herself. Sure, he was an asshole... but there was something satisfying in being able to get him to smirk at her like that. It was rewarding, really, to know that he hated her, but also couldn't stop himself shooting her a smirk. It felt like she had developed some strange sort of relationship with him that only they understood. They didn't like one another, but it wasn't total hatred, was it? She hated him, but it wasn't as pronounced as it had been. Maybe it was sexual tension, though she tried not focusing on that.

"I assume you told your brother. I told Oreo, so we all know. Yay. I just love it when my personal life is made public like this," she sarcastically grinned, while reaching to peck Orian's cheek. "Calm down, would you? We're just having fun. He's not being an asshole right now. He's kinda being complimentary, in his perverted sort of way."
"I was under the influence when I was grabbing on you and telling you those things....But I supposed some of the things I've said about you may be true, you have a rsther nice-"

"Okay! Shouldn't we get to business? I mean business is why we are here right? I wouldn't want to take up your entire day, Thomas, or you Elijah-"

"Oh Oliver, please call me Mr. Winter." Stated Elijah as he sipped on his wine.

Orian shot him another glare, before clearing his voice. "It's Orian. Not Oliver. And sure, no problem Mr. Winter."
Biting her bottom lip, it took everything in her power not to burst into bashful giggles. She had no idea when she had become this giggly girl, but there was something incredibly amusing in catching Elijah's eye as they flirted-- well, she was flirting. She had no idea what he was doing. Sure, flirting with him did make her feel disgusted with herself... but it couldn't be helped. It happened without her even thinking about it.

Thomas, though, wasn't as happy. In fact, he was downright furious. He may have poked fun at his brother, but he hadn't realised how serious Elijah had been. To see him not just smirk towards this girl but go as far as to flirtatiously compliment her? Of course it pissed him off. He balled his hands into tight fists, going as far as to feel blood running down his wrist because his fingernails had dug deep into his palms. He managed to subtly wipe that away, though, offering a strained smile to Orian-- though the look in his eyes was purely murderous. Clearly, things weren't going to end particularly well.
Orian flashed Thomas a smile, noticing the strange look in the older twin's eyes. He had never seen such an angry stare come from Thomas. Hell he's never seen anyone look as dangerously angry like that. It frightened him, and made him question just how much he knew about Thomas. He subtlety pinched his best friend to get her to focus, shooting her a look that screamed 'What the fuck are you doing?!' Because seriously, what was she doing? Flirting with Elijah? Flirting with the man who's DNA was found at the crime seen of not only a murder, but a cannibalistic murder. She had to be downright mental if she thought flirting with this man would turn out okay.

Elijah caught scent of his brother's blood, and peered over at him, realizing he made him angry. And just by realizing that, he decided nor to speak to her anymore today. He adored his older twin, and Thomas was all he had in this world. He couldn't afford to make him angry. Sipping back his wine, he let out a sigh. "Let's get to work,right Thomas? I don't want my entire day being taken up."
Breaking out of the angry stare, however hard it was, the man managed one of his usual charming smiles, his posture becoming more relaxed and natural, as though he hadn't just been furiously angry. He still was, but he knew how to cover it up for the time being. Pouring out more wine, given that helped him deal with the urge to tear out Brielle's throat, he coughed into his fist apologetically.

"Yes, I suppose we should. I was caught in my own thoughts, I do apologise," he laughed, setting out a few files and scooting closer to Orian. However, given how mad he was, he was struggling to see Orian as anything more than a walking bloodbag. He heard his heartbeat more clearly, could almost taste how sweet his blood would be. He didn't love Orian, far from it, and he did plan on killing him one day -he never kept any of his lovers alive- but he didn't think it was wise to hurt him this early on. There was something he didn't quite like about the friends, but he couldn't put his finger on what troubled him, and he wanted them alive to find out just what was making the wary gut feeling he had of them.

Swallowing hard with another smile, he casually eyed the two humans and eased back. His smile seemed natural and downright perfect, but it was a smile that indicated he had a plan-- and it didn't entirely spell out too well for the humans. Brielle was obnoxiously loud and Orian was a sap - he wouldn't miss them when they were gone, and he highly doubted anyone would miss them. He wanted to find out why he felt so unsettled, and after he found out, he planned on killing them. He'd gotten away with murder for years, he knew he could do it again.
Orian grinned when Thomas scooted closer to him, and easily he paid attention to the man with a few suggestions of his own. Elijah was quiet the most of the time, slowly sipping down his wine as he glanced at Arielle every now and then.
For the hour, Thomas acted... well, normal. He flirted casually with Orian, drank wine and laughed along with him, though still somehow managed to look through the papers and sort some things out that needed desperately sorting. However, it was an act. Something in his brain had switched, much like when he was a child and had killed his parents and hadn't bothered moving their bodies, sitting eating his morning cereal with the two slaughtered in front of him. Now, he was in that state of mind, which made itself evident the moment he calmly stood and smashed Brielle's head onto the glass table, smiling to himself at the satisfying sound of smashing. Granted, he would have to buy another table... but money was hardly a problem for him.

Swiftly turning to punch Orian to knock him out, he hissed at the pain caused to his knuckles, shaking his hand with a bitter grumble. "That kid has good bone structure, I swear. It's like punching concrete," he laughed, biting his lip to control himself the moment the humans' blood could be smelt, though his fangs had already made an appearance and his eyes had darkened considerably.

"Tie them up," he casually directed while leaning down to remove their wallets, thinking that if there would be any clues, he'd find them in there. "Put them in the spare bedroom. We'll kill them tonight. You can have Brielle, of course."
Elijah couldn't contain his fangs either. Licking his lips, he almost went to drain Brielle dry but decided against. Hurrying to get the rope, he began to tie up the two, licking the blood off Brielle's forehead. "...I thought we weren't killing assistants anymore. Isn't this going to get suspicious?" Asked Elijah as knotted the ropes tight.

"...I think we should lay low after killing them, I know you love the limelight Tommy, but I don't want them finding us out. Remember our Uncle? He was staked when humans found out about him."
"We? I didn't kill my last assistant, that was all you," he reminded beneath his breath, a tad preoccupied as he rifled through Brielle's wallet, rolling his eyes at the vouchers she had stored away to get her grocery shopping for a few dollars less. Given Thomas was rich, he really didn't have to worry about where the next meal was coming, and he never had to save money up and collect food vouchers. The fact Brielle did only made him snort under his breath. Now the two were unconscious, he didn't have to pity them and pretend to be nice. He could happily laugh at the fact the two struggled for cash-- though the smile was wiped off his face when he found her police badge in the bottom of her bag.

Grabbing the bag Orian arrived with, his frown deepened once finding his badge too. This was why he had such a distrust of them - they were undercover detectives, it all made sense. Brielle's excitement at seeing the blood finally made sense... and boy did it piss Thomas off. He liked to pride himself on his intelligence, but he hadn't anticipated this. This... This surprised him.

"They're cops," he muttered gruffly, exhaling hard as he began to pace anxiously. It was one thing killing assistants... but killing undercover cops who were investigating him and Elijah? That was practically giving the police all the evidence they needed.

"They must have found something at a crime scene that incriminated us, Eli. They... They think we're the-- well, we are the murderers," he laughed bitterly, dumping Orian's body in the spare bedroom and tightening the ropes harder than necessary, hoping to give the cop a few bruises to wake up to. "F-Fuck... Right, we... we'll sort this out, brother, I promise. I have your back, alright? We'll question them when they wake up."
"Under cover cops? They..." Elijah easily grew angry and threw Brielle on the bed, not caring very much if she landed comfortably or not. "This is just...Astounding...We should have done more of a background check, Thomas...We have to lay low...I don't want those cops after us. I...What if they hurt you?" He whispered, his eyes wide with fear.

His biggest, and only fear in life was loosing his twin. His twin was all he had. All he held dear to him. Loosing him would be like dying himself. "...I knew this fashion stuff was just going to get in the way. We never had cops after us when we were normal vampires living in the shadows."
"Elijah, stop," came Thomas' cooler, more calm voice, the leader of the two turning swiftly to take his brother's face in his hands, offering him a slow smile in an effort to get him to just relax. Once he was certain his twin wasn't going to rant any further, he let him go and turned his dark blue eyes on the two humans.

"We can kill them and risk the consequences of being chased and hunted like criminals. We can let them go, but then face those consequences when they inevitably tell their boss that I assaulted them. I... think we should just keep them here. They can make phone calls to their boss while we're here, so nobody gets suspicious of their absence. We can use them as personal blood banks, if that makes the idea more appealing? Blood fresh from the vein, each day... it's the least they deserve for deceiving us."
"...Alright...Alright that seems like a plan." Agreed Elijah as he calmed himself down. Thomas knew what he was doing, Thomas would protect them. Leaning his forehead on his twin's shoulder he calmed himself more, before glaring at the humans. "They're going to be a pain to keep alive. Feeding them and what not."
"Who said we had to feed them every day? As long as they don't die, we'll be fine. I'll feed them when I can be bothered," admitted the older of the twins, his eyes softening a little as he glanced at his brother at his side. He hated seeing his brother scared like he had been a second or two ago. He felt it was his job to protect him, and when Elijah was scared, Thomas felt like he was failing-- but he had no intentions of failing him. He knew how to deal with these humans, at least until he found a better plan.
Later that evening Orian's eyes blinked rapidly as he finally awoke. The moment he woke up, a migraine struck. Orian felt as though he was it's prisoner, quite helpless in his cage of pain. He was blinded with flashing colorful spots and craved darkness, quite and stillness. Letting out a groan of pain, he glanced around and began to panic. He was tied up, quite tightly.

Glancing to his side to see his best friend, he whimpered and tried to nudge her awake. "Brielle? Brielle?" He whispered
"I...I'm awake, Oreo, relax," came Brielle's nervous response, the girl having woken five or ten minutes prior to Orian... though she was still just as confused as he was. She hadn't seen the attack coming, so she didn't remember a single thing. One moment she was sharing a flirtatious grin with Elijah, and the next she heard glass smashing, pain exploding over her body and then saw blackness. And then she woke up here, tied up and with dried blood stuck over the left side of her face, having run from the head wound.

Grimacing as she tried to pull herself from the ropes, she groaned when it proved useless and rested her head back. She had been trained to relax in these situations, and not waste energy she might need later. She knew to keep a cool head-- but this was because she thought this was a kidnapping. She thought some burglars might have entered and kidnapped all four of them... even if the brothers weren't around--

And that was when it clicked. This was their apartment, that much was obvious. They were in the spare room, but she knew this was the apartment still, because she heard Thomas laughing from the next room, and the sound of champagne being popped open. If Thomas was happy and laughing, then clearly he wasn't in danger... and clearly he was at fault for this.

"...Are you okay, Oreo? Just... relax, alright? I... we'll get out of this."
"....What's going on?... Thomas...Thomas is laughing?" Whispered the man, calming down when realizing she was awake and okay....Sort of. "I...I...They really are behind the murders." Whispered Orian, once everything was clicking. "...Thomas he....No. I can't believe it....Thomas is a murderer?...A cannibal... This is insane."

Grimacing he wiggled as much as he could, trying to get loose, however he couldn't break free at all. Elijah, who was in the other room with his brother heard the humans wake up, smirking a bit. "...Tommy, some blood from the vein would do just splendid with this champagne. Let's go greet the sleepy heads and show them what we are." Purred the man as he stood up.
"Must we? I can't be bothered to listen to them whine and cry and yell at us, Elijah. Why can't we let them panic in the darkness for another hour or two?" Groaned the older twin, though he had already made his way towards the spare room in delight. Thomas... well, he adored the limelight; he liked power and attention and showing off. Of course, this was the ultimate way to show off. He knew the humans had worked out that they were the murderers-- they were hardly expecting the twins to reveal their other secret, though.

"...How are you, Orian? I didn't hurt you too badly, did I? I'm sure the bruise will heal. I didn't want to bruise you, you're too cute to wear around a permanent scar," sighed Thomas as he strolled into the bedroom and took a seat at the edge of the bed, smiling wide as though nothing was wrong. "Come and sit, Elijah. Maybe you'd like to tell our guests what's going on? They look awfully confused, poor lambs."
Easily extending his needle like fangs Elijah chuckled darkly. "Oh come now, don't give me that frightened look. We weren't the only ones with secrets. You two are cops. How awfully rude to hide something like that from your bosses." Tsked the man as he grabbed Brielle's wrist. "Mhm, I've been dying to taste you for a while now. You have such sweet smelling blood."

"You two are fr-freaks! Stop with this mind games, what do you honestly think we believe your some silly vampires! You're just fucking with us, or you're just sick in the damn head! Is that why you two are cannibals?!" Growled Orian bravely.
Unlike Elijah, Thomas hadn't made a grab for Orian, and nor had he let his fangs out. He liked the attention, but he also wanted to savour the moment, so while Brielle squirmed in fear (though still managed to scowl and glare at Eli), Thomas simply set his hands on his lap and continued to smile. At least until Orian spoke. Then the vampire tutted under his breath and grabbed the human's chin in his hand, his own head tilted to the side as though he was examining him over.

"...Believe what you want to believe. You lied to me, deceived me. I don't like being lied to, Orian. I had a boyfriend, about two decades ago. Someone I went to for sex, so a lover more than a boyfriend. He was married and didn't tell me he had a wife, that I was a side thing. I tore his intestines out of his body and drank him dry. That's what I do to liars, so how about shutting your mouth before I do the same to you?" The vampire remarked calmly, having let his facade down. Instead of being the charming, friendly man Orian knew, he was now himself - cold, remorseless and pretty damn heartless.

"My brother's thirsty, and your friend will scream, so I recommend you focus on me and ignore what's happening over there," he continued slowly, his eyes peering over to his brother in amusement. "My brother's always been a messy drinker. He gets blood all over the place. He's downright monstrous at times. If I wasn't so proud of him, I'd be scared."
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And on cue Elijah bit harshly into Brielle's wrist, drinking her sweet blood with a low growl rumbling from the back of his throat.

Orian watched wiggling and kicking to be free to help her. "St-Stop! No, d-don't! Pl-Please just hurt me in-instead not her!" Begged the man
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