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Here we are with the age topic again, well I guess I am the only one with this problem as a big thing since I don't have a shiny red star beside my username yet. I don't know if I'm being too self assured but I don't really think that I'm a "shitter" or generally teenager-ish annoying compared to...others, but I will never try to get into those RPs with 18+ rules, trying to explain myself probably will make me look bad.
I strongly disagree with the 18+ rule outside the libertine rp forum. If someone is a so called "shitter", give them the boot from the rp. simple as that. Otherwise, so long as no rules that can get the ban hammer brought down are being broken, who cares? Also, you're a fantastic person to rp with.
Sadly, the more you try to explain something most won't understand to people who have preemptively decided they don't want to understand, the more they'll use it to "prove" their point. Age isn't just a number, but it also isn't always a defining trait. You do have hyper-intelligent 12 year olds that go to college. They're not the rule, they're the exception. But they do exist. One can be rather mature for their age. I don't pay much attention to the stars here. In fact, I forget they're there most of the time. (It also helps that I don't post much, I only really lurk.)

Your posts both in the OOC thread and the IC thread have struck me as well written, well thought out, and well spoken. No, this isn't something that I normally attribute to people below the age of eighteen. But then again...

Wouldn't that make you the exception, and not the rule?

EDIT: In case I'm not clear, let me shitpost for a moment.

Nigga, you below eighteen but your posts ain't be shit. You'se a pretty cool cat; not a shitter. Don't worry about it.
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I'll be pushing out a post tomorrow.
  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: Greenie
Looking forward to seeing what you come up with.
Nothing. Why? Because someone just up and quit today and guess who was the only one willing to cover the shift? I went from a 6 hour shift to a 13 hour shift. I'm pretty upset about it, but alas, work comes first. Thursday seems to be the only upcoming day for apost so I have no choice.
I went from a 6 hour shift to a 13 hour shift.
Bloody hell, that sounds terrible x.x Take your time, we can wait. Hope tomorrow's better.
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There's 33 group RPs that have 81+post and active in the last week.

Actually that's about the number expected.
Yeaaah Rothendust! :D
All my hair is standing up. Stupid thunderstorm.
It didn't storm here today, thankfully. It seems like this part of Canada's forgotten it's summer. XD
Well, the storms kept me up till now...it's 1:20 AM. Storms expected to end at 2:30. I have a long way to go.
11:30 here... totally pooped am I. ^_^' Hope you get to sleep soon!
Still looking forward to the next ic post.
Yeah sorry for the delay. Basically anytime somebody quits like that it pretty much all falls on me and 1 other guy to pick it all back up since we schedule 2 weeks ahead each time. That coupled with a festival coming in town we've been working extra hard, but I should be able to get something out sooner rather than later.
  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: Greenie
Yeah sorry for the delay. Basically anytime somebody quits like that it pretty much all falls on me and 1 other guy to pick it all back up since we schedule 2 weeks ahead each time. That coupled with a festival coming in town we've been working extra hard, but I should be able to get something out sooner rather than later.
Oh it sounds like your work has just been lovely! :P Hope it all clears up for you! I've been rather busy myself, but I'm planning on getting something written for Cojack tomorrow night! Try to get this RP back up and moving!
Wazzup everyone!
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