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She totally could!! I just wanted to make sure that you knew there was no armor plate to hide under! But when he does get armor, I'm going to make it a point that his shoulder plate is large enough for her to curl up in. :P
Oh how cute cx

Fixed it, now she's just curled up on his neck.
Her tail is a little long and pointed at the end kind of like a scorpions, and her scales are pretty tough, so while Cojack is protecting her from monsters, she can protect his neck :p not that he looks like he'll be needing any protection any time soon but... Anythin to make Kyo feel better about her current situation lol
Oh my gosh guys! I'm so sorry for my absence- there have been a lot of bad things happening in my life recently, and I had to focus on school and other things for a while in order to keep myself from going under. ^^' I'm going to try and continue with Svana, but if things don't start easing up after winter break I may have to excuse myself from the RP. Hopefully that won't happen though, and I'll be posting somewhat regularly for the next month-and-a-half, at least. SO sorry, and glad to be back!!
That's fine, life always comes first. If it does come down to it we can have Svana thrown into a form of punishment our characters can do nothing about, then should you com back we can launch a rescue mission! Would be fun and still keep the opportunity for you.
Haha! Well I'm glad that the big muscle man gets himself a cute little dragoon neck! And that we're finally getting Cojack to carry little Kyo!! PX

@Squee I have to say that is an awesome idea. I know I can't say yes or no on the behalf of @girlabot but I just wanted to say that's an awesome idea. :P
That could work out if things do take a turn for the worse. Thank you all for being so understanding-I'm writing up a post now!
That'll be 4 posts in a day.... O.o Is that a new record??? Has our slow paced little rp started to press on the gas pedal???
Well the GM came back from an unexpected PC death, so this is just anticipation for the RP to move again methinks xD
Yeah, but it moved really slowly even before then! It's moving along a lot faster than it normally did!
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Gah x.x Lol I forgot to check my alert and missed a whole bunch of posts.

*waves a fist randomly*


Right. I shall stop procrastinating and see to finishing Meg's history. Uhm @Squee , how is her magic looking? Is that limited enough? Or can it actually go higher? Or maybe it can grow further in the rp?
Fix the colour to what? :o
Just finished summarizing my art for 2015, improved somewhat, self esteem points +3 :D

If I keep it up maybe I'll get my self esteem points back into the positives before I retire :D

Will try to post on weekend :D
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Well according to me, your self esteem points should be sky high!

My friend btw LOVED the pic X3
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Glad to hear that your friend likes it :P

My self esteem points are low from birth...it's like a genetic condition.
Name: Meg

Age: 30

Race: Human

Gender: Female

Diamond Color: Jasper brown


She is around 5'3 and weighs around 130 lbs.Her eyes are a grape green. She has a couple of vertical scars on her left cheek, and more scars on her stomach from various injuries.She wears dark green pants that reach about knee height and doesn't really wear anything on her feet.

Weapon(s): Meg has her trusty wooden boomerang, something she's had since her teenage years. She also has with her a sling shot, her ammo various sized rocks and pebbles.

Personality: Meg's personality is rather varied. For the most part, she's a calm and collected sort, friendly though on the wary side, perhaps even paranoid. She won't automatically think the worst of someone, but she won't put it past anyone to be rather grey on the morality scale. Sometimes she may be blunt and to the point, other times she may sugar coat things. She has a soft spot for those who are less fortunate, and may even be a bit of a mother hen at times.

She may be somewhat of a tomboy, using whatever she can in a fight, be it rocks, sand to the eyes, yanking someone's mustache... a dirty fighter, all in all. Yet she still seems to have a girly side to her, admiring the prettier things in life, occasionally cooing over cute things, old people holding hands, believing she will one day find the (not so) perfect man!... that sort of thing.

All in all, her personality
wholly depends on who she's around and what mood she may be in at the time.

Magic: Meg can somewhat manipulate the earth. She can cause rocks, sand and dirt to rise and attack or even cause a mini sandstorm to confuse enemies as she runs away.

She can cause the earth to tremor as well as split, but this does take quite a bit of energy from her, depending on the size of the quake and splitting of the earth.

Skills: Meg is actually quite good at navigating through the city, seeing she has lived on the streets her whole life. She is sneaky enough to keep out of important people's eyes, and is something of an eavesdropper as well. She is quite good with children, teaching them and taking care of them as well.


Meg's birth was nothing too epic. Her father was a guard on the wall who would often visit a tavern before going to home to rest. Her mother was a bar maid at that particular tavern. Now, it wasn't like the relationship was a one night's stand; Meg's parents did in fact love each other. However, in a world like theirs, it wasn't a suprise that her father died during a monster attack one day. Meg was still to be born at that time. Having fallen into depression, her mother was rather sickly by the time Meg was born, and she only lived about a year after giving birth.

The tavern owner had no time to take care of a baby, he had his own troubles, so one night, he simply left her in an alley away from his establishment, sneaking off before anyone could catch him. The little baby was found by a couple of street rats who decided to 'raise her' the best they could. It was a little like having a living and breathing doll for them. She was old enough to eat, not having much of a choice, so the trio survived on pieces of bread, old fruit, stolen milk and water.

As such, Meg grew up in rather dingy streets, living off what she found, and eventually becoming a pickpocket as well as stealing from unattended houses and shops. As a child, she didn't really see what was wrong with it. She was hungry, there was food, no one was eating it, why couldn't she have any? It made complete sense to her.

Teenager Meg was was a little more morally inclined, having learned the hard way that people didn't realy like when you stole from them. She would now only go after those who seemed rich and pompous. It was during this time when she learned to use a slingshot, as well as finding her boomerang. She also tended to help out other street rats like herself.

As she grew older, the thievery seemed to have dwindled to only occasionally, as Meg started doing odd jobs, making enough money to feed herself an anyone she was currently taking care of. Now older and more mature, she was looking at the world with much different eyes than she used to as a child or even a teenager. It also made her think of change. She was used to living as she was. It was something she doubted she could change now. But what about others?

She had no particular grudge dislike against Roth himself, since he kept them safe from the monsters. However, she could see injustice happening, people having to suffer, and it didn't suit well with her. Her past wasn't something she cared about; she hardly knew her pparents or the tavern owner who dumped her, and it didn't make a difference either. However, a niggling thought kept crawling in her mind. She wanted to see some change.

Some days before the more recent monster attack, as she was making her way back 'home', Meg heard someone asking a particular question. She was suspicious at first, of course. But it was... pretty. The colour of the diamond made her think of sweets... as well as how much she could make by selling it. Although, when she took it, she felt something. It was as if the diamond would help her achieve her goal in changing... something at least.

I have read the rules and understand them
Oh, I see now...The site is having trouble formatting your post and is coloring it black...
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