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Ash could barely see what was in front of him, let alone see Dimaria in such a downer mood. She'd be the first woman to grab his balls in months! Granted, she damn near tore them off but it was the thought that counted. So, to see her down in the dumps was almost heart-wrenching. If they couldn't depend on their loudest and brass members to lead the charge against these evil assholes then who could they root for?

"Alright, alright. I'm not gonna pretend like I know jack or shit about what you're talking about. But 'God' isn't all it's cracked up to be. I don't know what the hell did us in and got us stuck here but it's certainly not strong enough to take on God and even if it is? Then we're still going to find a way to kick it's ass and send it crying home to Mama." Ash glanced around and squinted his eyes a little.

Nope, still couldn't make out shit.

"...Well, you guys will. I need to get my car back from the forces of darkness."

She yelled, throwing that worthless platitude right back in his face. It was more of frustration than outright anger, but no less fierce. "I...am the descendant of the ancient people of the city of Mildian. I am the chosen vessel of Chronos, the absolute god of time itself. I am renowned throughout the Alvarez Empire as "War Maiden" Dimaria Yesta. A title gained through my valor and skill on many battlefields. I am feared throughout the world I am from as one of the elite twelve guards of Alvarez, each one with the power to lay waste entire nations. I was harnessing every bit of power he could grant me. Time and everything it encompasses was at the tips of my fingers. All of that...and I still couldn't react fast enough to prevent this...this..." Dimaria faltered, bowing her head.


"It is humiliating. Actions speak louder than any words from pathetic, old perverted men ever could. And I bear the results of those actions with every bruise that aches. So spare me your bullshit speech." After that hissed out, she fell silent once more. Just dully listening to the faint chuckling.

@Chewy Rabbits @Kaykay



Ash cried as he swung his chainsaw and sparks were sent flying as the teeth of the saw scratched against Christine's passenger door. The aging demon hunter had narrowly avoided becoming roadkill but things weren't looking any easier. Freddy Krueger had shifted his car into some kind of demonically possessed monstrosity. Sooner or later, he'd run out of energy and he wouldn't be able to dodge anymore. Which is why Ash had another idea up his sleeve.

As Christine revved up it's wheels, it charged at Ash who aimed his boomstick and fired! The shots punctured one of Christine's tires as she skidded past Ash. The smoke that had been continuously ebbing out from Christine's grill finally came to a stop. The headlights flicked off and it seemed like Ash's strategy had won him the day. Keeping his boomstick at the ready, Ash slowly stepped over towards the car and nudged the passenger door with his gun.

The gun brushed up against the door without any trouble. Grinning at his perceived success, Ash sheathed the boomstick and pulled open the door. This still wasn't his car. But nothing a little sprucing up couldn't fix. Plus, they'd have a ride that didn't belong to any of these superpowered weirdos. As Ash pulled the door open however, he slipped his left arm in-chainsaw first.

At that very moment, the radio began to play once more.

"Here's my story, it's sad but true
It's about a girl that I once knew.
She took my love then ran around
With every single guy in town!"

The damn car had been playing possum to lure him in! But before Ash could pull his arm back, the door swung shut and closed right on Ash's wrist! Collapsing to a knee as he clawed desperately at the door to try and free his wrist, Ash noticed the smoke returning. Only this time it was there to be more than menacing. It was showing Ash exactly what he was dealing with!


The image the smoke had made didn't look like any deadite, Ash had ever encountered before. But that's what made this whole thing even scarier. What kind of beast had Krueger pulled from the pits of Hell to take over his car? More importantly, how did the sucker still have this much gas left in it!? Ash's face was contorted in agony as Christine raced around the place and dragged the hapless hero around like a ragdoll!

"I-I KNOW YOU'RE IN THERE SOMEWHERE, CAR! YOU CAN FIGHT OFF THIS DEMON SHITHEAD!" Ash yelped as the car briefly paused as if to consider this. Ash really didn't think his car had any kind of life to it before getting possessed by a demon. But hey if it stopped this thing from whipping him all over the goddamn place and getting him even further soaked in the blood of his enemies then sure, he'd take it.

...Until he revved up his chainsaw that is! The saw's teeth quickly tore into Christine's nice leather seats as the car's horn beeped. As if to indicate how angered the demon within the car's frame was by Ash's deceitful move! The car started once again and gave a sharp turn. Sending Ash flying while keeping the chainsaw within Christine.



But Ash's pleas fell on deaf ears as nobody came to his rescue upon hm soaring through the air. Then the abrupt crash as he hit the ground and skidded across the floor. With his chainsaw in Christine, this meant Ash was down a weapon and an impromptu limb. Shakily rising to his feet, Ash held up his hands-or rather hand and stump.

He might have still had his boomstick but as Christine had moved to throw him away, Ash noticed that the damage to her tire had cleared up. So he could have fired as many times as he'd like, he would have only been wasting ammo.


"Okay, I took your seats and your tire. In return, you took my sweet-ass chainsaw. I can safely say that I think we're even. Now, how about you not run me over and we can talk this out? Car-to-man, man-to-car. I'm sure we could figure something out!" Ash stated as sweat rolled down his brow. He had already seen dear old Daddy Williams get struck by a car and not make it through. He didn't want to be dragged under the same road!

But Christine was in anything but a listening mood! The car charged forward and our hero's fate seemed to be sealed! Was this really how Ashley J. Williams would go down?!


As it turns out it was! Ash flew over the front of the car as it crashed into him. Thankfully, unlike his dad however, Ash's grey matter was still right where it belonged. But his shotgun had been knocked away and he was in quite the amount of pain. Understandable coming from being struck by a demonic car but glancing over as Christine seemed to have stopped after the first hit, Ash cried out mockingly.

"WHAT? NOT GONNA FINISH THE JOB? I THINK YOU'VE ALREADY CRACKED MY DENTURES. C'MON, GO INTO REVERSE AND-" Ash was suddenly cut off as he felt something smash into his stomach. The demon killer's eyes widened before his head slumped against the ground. Ash had taken his fair share of low blows throughout this battle. But the worst had to have been losing his car to the demons.


Well, that and being knocked out by a walking zebra. Or whatever that'd been.

Waking up hadn't been the most pleasurable experience for Ash either. Waking up and seeing that his stump and other hand were shackled together by handcuffs made out of flesh, Ash couldn't help but think that maybe he'd have been better off getting crushed under Christine's wheels. Or well that's what Ash would have thought if Freddy hadn't popped up with his burnt mug.


Ash could barely see what was in front of him, let alone see Dimaria in such a downer mood. She'd be the first woman to grab his balls in months! Granted, she damn near tore them off but it was the thought that counted. So, to see her down in the dumps was almost heart-wrenching. If they couldn't depend on their loudest and brass members to lead the charge against these evil assholes then who could they root for?

"Alright, alright. I'm not gonna pretend like I know jack or shit about what you're talking about. But 'God' isn't all it's cracked up to be. I don't know what the hell did us in and got us stuck here but it's certainly not strong enough to take on God and even if it is? Then we're still going to find a way to kick it's ass and send it crying home to Mama." Ash glanced around and squinted his eyes a little.

Nope, still couldn't make out shit.

"...Well, you guys will. I need to get my car back from the forces of darkness."

@C.T. @Kaykay



That's all Jason could see on account of a certain dream demon gouging out his eyes. As Eleven had gone to work on the FredSpider, it fell back screaming in agony. Agony that Jason wished he could have been causing! But Jason's ears worked just fine and he could hear the screams turn into laughter. With his free hand clutching at his eyes to try and stem the flow of blood oozing down the front of the mask, Jason managed to make out a blurry image of what he assumed was Freddy in person!

The dream demon wasn't unfamiliar with the book, no sir. Kruger had his eyes on the Necronomicon for some time! The more time he spent with it, the stronger he got! Until he reached the the point where he could use his dream powers in the real world and use them he did! From bringing Ash's car to life to morphing into one of Bonesaw's spiders, this was just a taste of what the demon offered.


"TIme's up, Hockey Puck!" The Fred-Spider proclaimed as it's mangled body shifted into the Springwood Slasher himself. This time he'd make sure Jason never pestered him again! Raising his claw, Freddy prepared to strike only to pause as he looked over his shoulder and saw Dimaria and DIO falling like flies. Welp, guess the time for fun was over if she was here. Lowering his claw, Freddy picked up Jason's machete and looked it over.

"You know we've been through an awful lot, Voorhees. You ripped my arm off and stabbed me with it, sliced my head in two, punched a hole through me. So much to give, yet so little to take. Why don't we fix that? Right...Now!"

Driving the machete deep into Jason's sternum, Freddy paused as he felt the blade rip into Jason's heart. Blood spurted from Jason's mouth and down his already soaked shirt as Freddy grinned at his handiwork. The undead behemoth was now a mess of blood and wounds! Turning his back to Jason, Freddy waved his claws at him. "Nighty night, Jason!~ Hahahahah!"

In truth the eye-gouging and stabbing hadn't been enough to bring Jason down. Ripping the machete out of his chest and his heart, the zombie swung blindly at where he thought Freddy was. But as Siberian cracked him across the head, Jason crashed to the ground in a pile of blood. There was always someone stronger after all.

But as Jason finally came to however, his eyes still hadn't healed yet and more importantly, he heard new voices...


@Michale CS


Michael was quite confused as blood began pouring out of a fresh stab wound on his chest. Hadn't he stabbed this creature for sure? Stumbling back, the scalpel fell from Michael's hand as he clutched at the wound and pulled his hand up. He wasn't one to cry out in pain or even acknowledge it for the most part. How this came to be no one quite understood. It's part of why Michael was referred to as 'The Bogeeyman.'

But he wouldn't fall like this! Nobody could stop the Shape. Clenching his hand into a fist, Michael reared it back to try and strike Tyrant.

Just then Michael felt something slug him right in the stomach. Never had Michael faced someone as strong as him. Or in this case in a league beyond his! The blow had been so strong that it sent Michael stumbling back as he collapsed onto his back. He'd been shot, stabbed, set ablaze, shot into a mine.

Yet it was when he had encountered this group, he'd finally met his match. Was this a sign of things to come? Michael didn't quite know for sure and his blurring vision didn't make it any easier. As the killer's eyes finally closed, he'd wake up to find himself stuck within the dark. Figures, he supposed. He had escaped one confined area meant to contain him. But that's where this girl was confused...


No one could stop The Shape.




Taman hadn't wished to be a bother to anyone. Hell, he'd even tried helping by full-on taking an axe to the cranium. But even he had to deal with pain, which in his came in the form of decomposition. He had gone for so long without eating brains! How could he expected to sit back and relax while all this happened?! As he pulle his hands, Tarman noticed they were stuck together by some very grotesque looking handcuffs.

"Brains!" Biting into the cuffs, Tarman frowned as he pulled his teeth back.

"Eughhh....This tastes terrible.."

They may have enticed him like brains but it tasted like biting into another zombie. Disgusting and making Tarman wish he had a bottle of mouthwash. Maybe someone here would be nice enough to let him eat their brains. Like that person in the Halloween costume who used him as a shield. Shambling around, Tarman stopped once he appeared to bump into said person. They had the boots, the black robe. All he had to do now was dig in!

But a sharp elbow to the gut followed by a kick to the thigh shot the wind out of that plan. Tarman groaned as he fell onto his rear and scrambled away from Ghostface. Even after all he'd done for this person and they wouldn't even let him eat their brains. Well, he knew someone who would understand! His best friend, Jacket!

Having avoided falling into the same trap that Charlie had with Tarman not too long ago, Ghostface had removed their mask as it was simply getting to be a bit much. Wearing the mask for so long and having to smell all this rotting flesh? Wasn't exactly the most pleasurable of scents. But in doing so, those who could get a good look at Ghostface would have seen them for who they truly were:


It wasn't through peer pressure or anything of that nature that provoked Jill Roberts into adopting the Ghostface moniker. Having heard of the popularity her cousin Sidney got after dealing with the past Ghostface Killers, Jill wanted it all for herself! However, instead of winning fame and fortune, she ended up with a bunch of actual supernatural killers and some dick who thought he knew horror better than her.

"So, anyone got a plan for getting out of here? I'm all ears."

@york @The Wanderer


Charlie had been quiet since ending up with the others in this cell. His hand was still acting up and clenching when Charlie didn' want it to clench. Almost as if it had a mind of it's own or something but that'd be ridiculous even for this group's standards, right? Slumping up against a wall, Charlie combed his hands through his hair and immediately regretted it. The rancid smell of human flesh permeated his nostrils and the teen almost lost his lunch.

But before he could cough, he noticed blood from Kanade. The same girl who had made sure he didn't bite the big one when fighting the spiders or the deadites. Making his way over towards her, Charlie was in a panic. What was he supposed to do?! He didn't know the first thing about first aid!

"C'mon Angel! You're already dead, right?! You can't die again!"

Ripping off part of his pant leg which was surprisingly easy thanks to his 'other' hand, Charlie wrapped the fabric around Angel's wound. It wasn't anything fancy and he'd probably have to see about getting someone more experienced in this to look at it. But that's when Charlie heard someone approach from behind. Looking over his shoulder, Charlie's eyes widened.


"Are you the protector of this girl, boy? If so then stand aside. I wish to go ahead and take what is mine."

DIO proclaimed as Charlie stood his ground. What the hell was this guy talking about?! Annoyed by Charlie's seeming refusal to stand down, DIO gripped the boy by the collar of his shirt and lifted him off his feet.

"Have you seen the power that we face, boy? The power that's strong enough to bring down even I, DIO?? I along with the rest f you can feel myself growing weaker but I refuse to accept it! I heard from this girl that she was an angel! Who knows what I could gain from her blood? Perhaps, the power needed to bring down those who stand in my way! Now, stand aside!" DIO ordered but Charlie was adamant in his refusal! Drawing a cross, he held it out towards DIO who frowned at the gesture.

"Clever.." The vampire muttered sarcastically. DIO reached forward and the cross suddenly went ablaze in Charlie's hands. Gripping onto the cross, DIO snapped it in two before flinging the charred shards of wood aside as he dropped Charlie to the ground. Even in his weakened state, murdering this child would have been simple enough. But it'd likely mean he'd have to dispose of the others as well and with Dimaria, he'd prefer to do that one-on-one. So, for now he'd allow Charlie to keep living...For however long that lasted.

Charlie for his part was mortified at the idea of dealing with yet another vampire. Only this one brushed off Charlie's weapons as if they were nothing to him. But it was no matter. He may have been handcuffed and his hand may have been messed up. But he would protect Angel with his life!



"Depends if they're the ones to get us outta this deep shit..."

A new voice broke into the room as the figure cloaked in a duster spoke up. His voice sounded slightly demonic with a hint of a Southern twang to it as he rose up to his full height. Not as tall as Pumpkinhead but still taller than Michael and Jason. Course he'd been around longer than all three of them. As far back as biblical times a matter of fact. He had plenty of times since then but the one that stuck the most?

The Creeper.

Nobody knew where he came from or how he ended up in his current state. But one thing was for sure, he was as pissed off as the rest about it. He'd been captured before, strung up like some kind of morbid attraction. Now, he traded being hung on a wall to sharing a cell with a bunch of strangers. Though, suppose it could have been worse. He could have been decomposing like the handcuffs that bound him.

"What about you, Cap'n?" The Creeper asked the man who seemed to be veiled in shadows as he stood next to Yurick. This figure was none other than Captain Blake! An illustrious pirate who hailed from what would eventually become California but who had met his end due to the greed of others. Now, it was thanks to Bonesaw's interest in the Book of the Dead that his spirit had risen up and had found himself locked up with all the rest...


@Takumi @Crimson Spartan

Yurick had gotten to his feet by now, watching the rest cautiously from where he stood, silently sizing them up to the best of his ability due to the low lighting. For some reason The Creeper made Yurick a bit uncomfortable. Like, on the level if uncomfortable as bats made him. He ignored it though as he gave a small click of his tounge in distaste. Someone was chewing through their binds which would probably be a smart idea though Yurick really didn't want to test it out himself.

When the word Captain was brought up the male frowned ad it reminded him of his life before meeting Zael and the rest of their band of misfits and eventually this band of misfits. He thought of his parents and that worn journal sitting back home.

No time to reflect on those things at the moment. Turning his head once again to face the Pirate, Yurick wasn't put off by the other's silence. Though he may have been looking for something-a form of guidance, hell, something to stare at than their new cellmates-anything to get his mind off of what was his current train of thought.

Dimaria's outburst barely got a reaction from Yurick other than a glance over his shoulder. He had no words to help her and he really didn't feel the need to speak at the moment. He had nothing to say that would be useful, only snarky comments to strangers he did not know. And Mercury, who's smirk was slightly pissing the white haired young man off.

@Chewy Rabbits @Kaykay @Crimson Spartan @C.T.

Charlie had been quiet since ending up with the others in this cell. His hand was still acting up and clenching when Charlie didn' want it to clench. Almost as if it had a mind of it's own or something but that'd be ridiculous even for this group's standards, right? Slumping up against a wall, Charlie combed his hands through his hair and immediately regretted it. The rancid smell of human flesh permeated his nostrils and the teen almost lost his lunch.

But before he could cough, he noticed blood from Kanade. The same girl who had made sure he didn't bite the big one when fighting the spiders or the deadites. Making his way over towards her, Charlie was in a panic. What was he supposed to do?! He didn't know the first thing about first aid!

"C'mon Angel! You're already dead, right?! You can't die again!"

Ripping off part of his pant leg which was surprisingly easy thanks to his 'other' hand, Charlie wrapped the fabric around Angel's wound. It wasn't anything fancy and he'd probably have to see about getting someone more experienced in this to look at it. But that's when Charlie heard someone approach from behind. Looking over his shoulder, Charlie's eyes widened.


"Are you the protector of this girl, boy? If so then stand aside. I wish to go ahead and take what is mine."

DIO proclaimed as Charlie stood his ground. What the hell was this guy talking about?! Annoyed by Charlie's seeming refusal to stand down, DIO gripped the boy by the collar of his shirt and lifted him off his feet.

"Have you seen the power that we face, boy? The power that's strong enough to bring down even I, DIO?? I along with the rest f you can feel myself growing weaker but I refuse to accept it! I heard from this girl that she was an angel! Who knows what I could gain from her blood? Perhaps, the power needed to bring down those who stand in my way! Now, stand aside!" DIO ordered but Charlie was adamant in his refusal! Drawing a cross, he held it out towards DIO who frowned at the gesture.

"Clever.." The vampire muttered sarcastically. DIO reached forward and the cross suddenly went ablaze in Charlie's hands. Gripping onto the cross, DIO snapped it in two before flinging the charred shards of wood aside as he dropped Charlie to the ground. Even in his weakened state, murdering this child would have been simple enough. But it'd likely mean he'd have to dispose of the others as well and with Dimaria, he'd prefer to do that one-on-one. So, for now he'd allow Charlie to keep living...For however long that lasted.

Charlie for his part was mortified at the idea of dealing with yet another vampire. Only this one brushed off Charlie's weapons as if they were nothing to him. But it was no matter. He may have been handcuffed and his hand may have been messed up. But he would protect Angel with his life!


"Nnh..." When the girl was moved around by Charlie, Kanade felt the first stirrings of pain rousing her again. Even as careful as Charlie was being, having her wound touched did hurt enough, especially since their surroundings were growing noisier with the group's chatter (or arguing, as it were). She stirred just as he finished wrapping the makeshift bandage around her leg, eyes fluttering open a sliver, showing golden irises. Her vision was a bit blurry from just waking up, but as she looked more intently, she saw the back of the other teen.

Charlie? He was standing in front of her, crouched almost as if to block the way of something. And that something was large and in charge enough for her to see. That loud, blond man with the memorable laughter. The one she didn't plan on interacting with anytime soon. "Brewster-san...?"

Waking up more fully, she took in the sight of DIO standing over her and Charlie, advancing towards them threateningly. And Angel was still confused. Something had knocked her out earlier, but where were they now...? Her arms were bound with some sort of meat bonds, a nauseating smell wafting into her nose. Most pressing was of course this blond man who was looking at her in a way she didn't like.

Her leg still hurt, but glancing down, she saw that some torn cloth had been wrapped tightly around the wound to keep more blood from leaking out. It was still staining what had to be the torn part of Charlie's pant leg, and for a moment she was surprised to realize he had taken care of her - or tried to - while she was out cold... She leaned forward with ginger movements to kneel behind Charlie, placing one hand flat on the ground to try standing up.

"Whoever you are. Get away from us." Or else. Meeting DIO's eyes directly, Kanade was surprised to hear a note of hardness in her usually emotionless voice, her usually soft words sounding almost harsh. If she was unnerved at all with how he threatened her and Charlie, at least she wasn't showing any of it. As weak as she felt now, she wasn't going to back down either. Because Charlie had helped her out, she felt like she owed him that much. So returning his stare with a blank one of her own, a perfect poker face that betrayed nothing even from her eyes, Kanade didn't break eye contact as she put a hand on Charlie's back. They were going to go up against this together. Even if she didn't have much power now.

@Chewy Rabbits @Ringmaster @Michale CS @C.T. @Crimson Spartan @Takumi @Kaykay @york @uhh help us out guys?​
Last edited:

Unfortunately, the one branded Tyrant didn't even really seem to possess the intelligence required to process Eleven's command, the PA system making her mimicked voice resound throughout the building. Her powers blasted away the various lower level attackers rather effortlessly though, as well as succeeding at preventing any real attacks from landing on her.

David would be unable to find anything in the environment to use properly as a weapon, nor would he really see an opening to jump into the fray.

As Michael Myers moved forward to stab Tyrant, the abomination simply touched the hulking man as the knife sunk into him, unable to inflict any damage. Instead, a cut appeared on Michael's body, his efforts only serving to damage himself.

The others managed to blow away the various spiders and patchwork excuses for human beings, DIO and Dimaria's assault outright obliterating just about all of them, while Kanade's barrier prevented any sideliners from attacking the more vulnerable of the group. It seemed like the group would easily fend off Bonesaw's assault, despite the S-level threat that Alexandria had assigned to her. Her large forces were being quickly destroyed, and the weakening effect on powers was weakening.

However, their seeming victory was short-lived.

Straight through the building came a woman covered in black and white stripes, as if imitating a zebra. Her speed was such that even the likes of DIO and Dimaria couldn't react, allowing her to land a crippling blow to each of them. Her fists struck out, incapacitating the two time manipulators with strikes that cracked like thunder. With the combination of the weakening Tyrant exuded and the strange-looking woman's power, neither had the chance to strike back.


Without saying a word, she then set her sights on the rest of the party, slowing down as the ones who could potentially stop her were put out of commission.

"Oh, Siberian! You've come!" Bonesaw chattered excitedly, clapping her hands together as the strange woman finally slowed down enough for her to see her.

The Siberian wasted no time after Bonesaw's greeting, immediately rushing around the battlefield. Once again, she wasn't even a blur on the battlefield, her movements completely unable to be tracked. Lower powered strikes were doled out to the rest of the group, rendering them all unconscious but alive as a gas began to spread throughout the building.

In an instant, the tide had completely shifted in the opposition's favor, the combination of the Siberian and the potent gas shutting out just about everyone inside the building. A few heroes of the Protectorate managed to protect themselves from the gas with masks and the like, only for the Siberian to shove her hands into their chests, ripping them open as easily as one tore the stuffing out of dolls.

Even Alexandria wasn't capable of overcoming the Siberian. Though the gas failed to impact her in any way despite no obvious way to resist it, the Siberian took the fight to the hero, slamming her into the ground with such an impact that all others in the area were blown away, Tyrant and Bonesaw included. Alexandria retaliated with a strong uppercut of her own, though despite its mountain-moving power it hardly even phased the striped woman.

The two titans duked it out in an earth-shaking duel, but while the Siberian took all of the attention, Bonesaw quickly got to work. Picking up the unconscious group that the Protectorate had called in, she quickly ran off with them in tow using her remaining army of spiders.

"So long, heroes! Better luck next time~" With a taunting farewell, she quickly began her escape, the Protectorate unable to chase her down with the Siberian presenting such a ridiculously powerful immediate threat. It would have been suicide to ignore her, but without those whom they'd called, how would they ever find the Necronomicon? Those...strange beings were the key to it all, after all.

Thus, without the ability to resist, the group was taken elsewhere.

When they woke up, their hands would be handcuffed, their place of residence a rather dark and damp place that contained all of them in a single room. The handcuffs weren't made from metal, though. Chains and restraints made of meat that one could only hope wasn't human tied their hands together, the stench unmistakably that of a corpse. Worse still, they'd feel that their powers had pretty much completely disappeared, regardless of their origin. It was as if they'd all been reduced to the level of a normal human while in containment.

Whatever the source of this weakening was, the group would notice four others chained up with them as well.

There wasn't too much in the containment room, as one would likely expect from this kind of place. However, they could hear a disturbingly sweet voice humming a soft tune in the distance, even though the lighting was barely enough to allow them to see each other. Aside from their hands, they were also free enough to move about.

There was a dirty journal on the ground as well as what appeared to be a defunct radio. One could investigate these if they wished, or simply ignore them and plan an escape.

-Cast List-
@C.T. as Dimaria Yesta from Fairy Tail
Partner: DIO Brando
@Ringmaster as Chun Li from Street Fighter
Partner: Michael Myers
@Hana as Kanade Tachibana from Angel Beats!
Partner: Charlie
@Michale CS as Eleven from Stranger Things
Partner: Jason Voorhees
@Gummi Bunnies as Clarith from Evillious Chronicles
Partner: Sam
@york as David Hoover from The Crooked Man
Partner: Ghostface
@The Wanderer as Jacket from Hotline Miami
Partner: Tarman
@Crimson Spartan as Mercury from RWBY
Partner: The Creeper
@Takumi as Yurick from The Last Story
Partner: Captain Blake​



Taman hadn't wished to be a bother to anyone. Hell, he'd even tried helping by full-on taking an axe to the cranium. But even he had to deal with pain, which in his came in the form of decomposition. He had gone for so long without eating brains! How could he expected to sit back and relax while all this happened?! As he pulle his hands, Tarman noticed they were stuck together by some very grotesque looking handcuffs.

"Brains!" Biting into the cuffs, Tarman frowned as he pulled his teeth back.

"Eughhh....This tastes terrible.."

They may have enticed him like brains but it tasted like biting into another zombie. Disgusting and making Tarman wish he had a bottle of mouthwash. Maybe someone here would be nice enough to let him eat their brains. Like that person in the Halloween costume who used him as a shield. Shambling around, Tarman stopped once he appeared to bump into said person. They had the boots, the black robe. All he had to do now was dig in!

But a sharp elbow to the gut followed by a kick to the thigh shot the wind out of that plan. Tarman groaned as he fell onto his rear and scrambled away from Ghostface. Even after all he'd done for this person and they wouldn't even let him eat their brains. Well, he knew someone who would understand! His best friend, Jacket!

Having avoided falling into the same trap that Charlie had with Tarman not too long ago, Ghostface had removed their mask as it was simply getting to be a bit much. Wearing the mask for so long and having to smell all this rotting flesh? Wasn't exactly the most pleasurable of scents. But in doing so, those who could get a good look at Ghostface would have seen them for who they truly were:


It wasn't through peer pressure or anything of that nature that provoked Jill Roberts into adopting the Ghostface moniker. Having heard of the popularity her cousin Sidney got after dealing with the past Ghostface Killers, Jill wanted it all for herself! However, instead of winning fame and fortune, she ended up with a bunch of actual supernatural killers and some dick who thought he knew horror better than her.

"So, anyone got a plan for getting out of here? I'm all ears."

@york @The Wanderer
David Hoover

@Chewy Rabbits @The Wanderer

With the environment yielding him very little help, it was only a matter of time before he was captured along with the others... He was only human, and couldn't exactly compete with Siberian that well. From the looks of it, the others in the protectorate didn't fare much better, save for one, but by then, Bonesaw herself had taken the group somewhere... At some point, be must have lost consciousness, because everything had gone completely dark.

When he finally awoke, he realized that he was handcuffed with something... Meaty, rotting, and oh god that smell. If it weren't for his experiences with the Crooked man, and his reasonably strong stomach, he probably would have lost his lunch. Well, whatever was left of it anyways, when was the last time he ate? Eugh, probably best not to think about it.

He did notice that Ghostface had taken off their mask... Well, specifically her mask. So it seems that there was someone human underneath that costume, hell, man or woman, zombie or human... Anyone who could put up a decent fight was alright in his book, but he had to wonder about Tarman. He seemed a little... Brain hungry, David realized he might have to be carefull around that one, granted he did take a hit for Ghostface, so perhaps he was alright after all?

At any rate, when Ghostface asked for a plan, he had to stop and think about it for a moment.

"... Lighter. Might still have it on me..." He muttered.

Hmm, with that in mind, David attempted to shake free his lighter from one of his inner pockets, if it was even still there in the first place. With any luck, he'd be able to catch that lighter in his hands, presuming that he had it in the first place.

If he didn't have his lighter on him anymore, he'd simply crawl over to the dirty journal on the floor in an attempt to see if he could read anything in it. At least that would be a start, right?​
It didn't take long for Clarith to recover from her abrupt fainting, but she apparently wasn't taking any of this too well. It just felt terrible to be put into this situation yet again... a constant reminder that she wasn't of much use to anybody...


"If only you were here at this very moment..."

Speaking to no one in particular, Clarith felt quite disconnected from the others present, because she didn't have many familiar faces to refer back to. A longing to return to what she saw to be familiar was eating away in her mind, and while there were many unsavory things to come back to at her home... she only wanted to see a certain individual again...

Her only friend...

@Chewy Rabbits @Ringmaster @Michale CS @C.T. @Crimson Spartan @Takumi @Kaykay @york @Hana @ppl​


"Depends if they're the ones to get us outta this deep shit..."

A new voice broke into the room as the figure cloaked in a duster spoke up. His voice sounded slightly demonic with a hint of a Southern twang to it as he rose up to his full height. Not as tall as Pumpkinhead but still taller than Michael and Jason. Course he'd been around longer than all three of them. As far back as biblical times a matter of fact. He had plenty of times since then but the one that stuck the most?

The Creeper.

Nobody knew where he came from or how he ended up in his current state. But one thing was for sure, he was as pissed off as the rest about it. He'd been captured before, strung up like some kind of morbid attraction. Now, he traded being hung on a wall to sharing a cell with a bunch of strangers. Though, suppose it could have been worse. He could have been decomposing like the handcuffs that bound him.

"What about you, Cap'n?" The Creeper asked the man who seemed to be veiled in shadows as he stood next to Yurick. This figure was none other than Captain Blake! An illustrious pirate who hailed from what would eventually become California but who had met his end due to the greed of others. Now, it was thanks to Bonesaw's interest in the Book of the Dead that his spirit had risen up and had found himself locked up with all the rest...


@Takumi @Crimson Spartan

"That would be nice wouldn't it... Frankly i'm pretty sure once I find a door I can kick it down... It's these damn cuffs that are the issue..." Mercury spoke up in response to Creeper ... He glanced around seeming to notice Eleven chewing on her cuffs.


"On second thought... The cuffs aren't much of an issue." Mercury spoke seeming disgusted with the thought of chewing on his own cuffs. Well he did prefer to kick things rather than punch them. Slowly Mercury began looking for any sort of door, Given that it was pretty dark he took it slow and used the wall as his guide.

@Chewy Rabbits @Ringmaster @Michale CS @C.T. @Gummi Bunnies @Takumi @Kaykay @york @Hana


If Ash was intimidated by Dimaria yelling at him, he certainly didn't let it show. Not that he could really make out her face in this darkness anyway. But he did make sure to take a few steps back in case she tried going for the strike zone again.

"Yeah, I'm listening and you wanna know what I'm hearing? I hear a whole lot of yapping and not a lot of happening! I know for a fact that you could take me over your knee and snap me in two like a moldy Kit-Kat bar. But I'm not here to measure schlong sizes. I'm here to say that unless you wanna sit on your ass and collect dust while these freaks run rampant then be my guest. But I'm not going to sit by and mope around. I'm gonna get the hell out of here and when I do? I'm going to shove my boomstick right up the ass of any of those patchwork things."

Ash began to tear into his handcuffs and immediately coughed up a bit of bile and blood. Yeah no he'd almost seen it all. From literally having his head shoved up an ass, Ash still wasn't prepared to dig right into nasty-smelling flesh.

"Besides, you said you're some kind of war maiden right? You're one of the resident badasses here. I could barely keep up with what you and Blondie were doing. Yeah, I'm old, I'm perverted, and I'm a fool. But I've been dealing with this evil since I was a we behind the ears college student. Now I'm a fossil but I still haven't given up. You've got your whole life ahead of you and I reckon you can use some of that time to help us..." Ash gestured to the others...Wherever they may have been standing.


"Course I, hell I doubt anyone here but Blondie could force you to do anything you don't wanna do. So if you're set with the way things are then you keep doing that." Ash murmured before digging into his handcuffs once more before the sound of him spitting off in the distance could have been heard."This tastes fucking awful!"

@C.T. @Kaykay
"Whoever you are. Get away from us." Or else. Meeting DIO's eyes directly, Kanade was surprised to hear a note of hardness in her usually emotionless voice, her usually soft words sounding almost harsh. If she was unnerved at all with how he threatened her and Charlie, at least she wasn't showing any of it. As weak as she felt now, she wasn't going to back down either. Because Charlie had helped her out, she felt like she owed him that much. So returning his stare with a blank one of her own, a perfect poker face that betrayed nothing even from her eyes, Kanade didn't break eye contact as she put a hand on Charlie's back. They were going to go up against this together. Even if she didn't have much power now.

Oh? Well, looks like the angel still had some pep in her step. Enough to stand before the great DIO! He had to admit that while he originally came over here to drain the girl's blood, he was thinking of going after the boy. The blood from him likely wouldn't give as much of a boost as DIO would have liked. But perhaps it'd help him to fight back against whatever currently seemed to be hampering his abilities.

"Whoever I am, eh? You'd best bite your tongue girl. Titles may not mean much to you mortals. But I'm no mere pest you can simply brush aside with some tough talk. This place has had quite the strange effect, not just on me but all of us I'd imagine. I've grown weaker and in turn I hunger. For one who goes by the title of Angel, I had assumed that your blood would have been more than sufficient."

DIO took another step forward as Charlie narrowed his eyes. DIO didn't seem like any kind of vampire that he had faced before.

Which given he had only faced a vampire and the vamp's zombie bodyguard, he had a track record of about one vampire. But even if DIO was somehow immune to crosses and the like, Charlie wouldn't give up! However, it was at that moment that Charlie noticed the hand that had been bitten by the deadite starting to act up again. The hand wriggled around and continued to clench up. Noticing the hand, DIO smirked.

"Ah, it seems someone's already attempted to make you their meal, boy. Perhaps one of those demon creatures we were facing earlier? Given how that old buffoon's car turned against him, who's to say the same couldn't have happened to your hand? Perhaps it'd be best if we removed it now, save all of us the trouble.."

"No! Stay back! M-My hand's fine...I just got a cramp is all."



Chun Li scowled, her attempts at ridding herself of her chains lowering her spirits, in addition to all these spooky folks. No offense and she was sure they were very pleasant people people outside of work. She was just certain a lot of their work involved turning people into lampshades and that was seriously putting her off her zen. Not that a few of them weren't just as/and or weird.

For example, the little girl seemed to have decided that the best idea was to chew through the metal.

Hahahaha- No.

It seemed like a major set up and considering their enemy had a habit of mutating folks, what if the cuffs were poisonous or similar? So they could wait for now.

She was curious about a door though and went along exploring with Mercury as well. A beat passed before she spoke.

"So what are you in for?"

@Kaykay @Crimson Spartan @Chewy Rabbits

Oh? Well, looks like the angel still had some pep in her step. Enough to stand before the great DIO! He had to admit that while he originally came over here to drain the girl's blood, he was thinking of going after the boy. The blood from him likely wouldn't give as much of a boost as DIO would have liked. But perhaps it'd help him to fight back against whatever currently seemed to be hampering his abilities.

"Whoever I am, eh? You'd best bite your tongue girl. Titles may not mean much to you mortals. But I'm no mere pest you can simply brush aside with some tough talk. This place has had quite the strange effect, not just on me but all of us I'd imagine. I've grown weaker and in turn I hunger. For one who goes by the title of Angel, I had assumed that your blood would have been more than sufficient."

DIO took another step forward as Charlie narrowed his eyes. DIO didn't seem like any kind of vampire that he had faced before.

Which given he had only faced a vampire and the vamp's zombie bodyguard, he had a track record of about one vampire. But even if DIO was somehow immune to crosses and the like, Charlie wouldn't give up! However, it was at that moment that Charlie noticed the hand that had been bitten by the deadite starting to act up again. The hand wriggled around and continued to clench up. Noticing the hand, DIO smirked.

"Ah, it seems someone's already attempted to make you their meal, boy. Perhaps one of those demon creatures we were facing earlier? Given how that old buffoon's car turned against him, who's to say the same couldn't have happened to your hand? Perhaps it'd be best if we removed it now, save all of us the trouble.."

"No! Stay back! M-My hand's fine...I just got a cramp is all."


... Her blood? The revelation that this person was after her blood - quite literally from the looks of it - was a bit offputting. Wasn't this man also supposed to be a tentative ally, according to that female leader figure from the Protectorate earlier? Staring at him blankly, Kanade wondered at what to say. She was never very good with words. "I'm dead. My blood isn't the same as living people's." Considering how strange bodies from the Afterlife acted, there was probably some truth to those words.

Still. She glanced down at the bandage wrapped around her leg, stemming the flow from further worsening. To people who looked at her, she walked, breathed, ate, and bled just as much as any other living human. It was the reason why Charlie was trying so hard to protect her, most likely. And the reason he just 'treated' her injury.

And what was this about Charlie's hand? He had been... Bitten earlier? Her eyes followed DIO's gaze down to the teenage boy's hand. It looked bad, convulsively clenching and unclenching, twitching at his side. Why was it like that? What had that deadite's bite done to his hand? She eyed Charlie's paled face, before stepping forward, using his arm as support just as DIO spoke up.

"Stop. I don't care who or what you are, Laughing Man with the ugly laughter. But if you hurt us, other people here will notice a traitor." It was delivered with the same blankness as earlier, Kanade's expression empty as she looked straght at DIO.

@Chewy Rabbits @york @Ringmaster @Crimson Spartan @Takumi @Michale CS @C.T.


If Ash was intimidated by Dimaria yelling at him, he certainly didn't let it show. Not that he could really make out her face in this darkness anyway. But he did make sure to take a few steps back in case she tried going for the strike zone again.

"Yeah, I'm listening and you wanna know what I'm hearing? I hear a whole lot of yapping and not a lot of happening! I know for a fact that you could take me over your knee and snap me in two like a moldy Kit-Kat bar. But I'm not here to measure schlong sizes. I'm here to say that unless you wanna sit on your ass and collect dust while these freaks run rampant then be my guest. But I'm not going to sit by and mope around. I'm gonna get the hell out of here and when I do? I'm going to shove my boomstick right up the ass of any of those patchwork things."

Ash began to tear into his handcuffs and immediately coughed up a bit of bile and blood. Yeah no he'd almost seen it all. From literally having his head shoved up an ass, Ash still wasn't prepared to dig right into nasty-smelling flesh.

"Besides, you said you're some kind of war maiden right? You're one of the resident badasses here. I could barely keep up with what you and Blondie were doing. Yeah, I'm old, I'm perverted, and I'm a fool. But I've been dealing with this evil since I was a we behind the ears college student. Now I'm a fossil but I still haven't given up. You've got your whole life ahead of you and I reckon you can use some of that time to help us..." Ash gestured to the others...Wherever they may have been standing.


"Course I, hell I doubt anyone here but Blondie could force you to do anything you don't wanna do. So if you're set with the way things are then you keep doing that." Ash murmured before digging into his handcuffs once more before the sound of him spitting off in the distance could have been heard."This tastes fucking awful!"
"Then go."

Dimaria shook her head. "You do that. Play the hero, try to get out of here as best you can. Yes, I could break you easily...just as whoever that was hit me like a train. I'd invite you to look at me, were it not so dark. If the wounds look as bad as they feel...not a pretty sight. So go then. Do your thing, whatever you feel you have to do. Just know that when you inevitably die..."

Her eyes lifted up, glaring into the gloomy darkness approximately where his voice seemed to come from.

"I won't be mourning you."

@Chewy Rabbits
She shrugged. It was worth a try. So, without a word to anyone, she set to chewing on the bonds that held her down, to see if she could get through them that way.


A voice cried out just too late, as Eleven would find they tasted quite awful. It was like tearing into steak that had been left outside for a few days, a very tough steak at that. To the point it hurt the teeth to bite at, and they didn't really give whatsoever. Ash would suffer the same fate when he tried.

"Man, you actually took that advice? C'mon, who'd make handcuffs that you can eat through? It was just supposed to be a joke..."

Suddenly inside the cell, everyone would be able to see a young black girl scratching her cheek with a bit of an "Oh well" look on her face. A streak of her hair had been bleached, and then dyed with a streak of purple. She looked like she was around 15 or so, though she had a trashy style of dress that undermined her feminine features. Unlike the others, her hands were unbound

"Well, whatever. Too late. Call me Imp. Who're you sorry bunch?"
Yurick had gotten to his feet by now, watching the rest cautiously from where he stood, silently sizing them up to the best of his ability due to the low lighting. For some reason The Creeper made Yurick a bit uncomfortable. Like, on the level if uncomfortable as bats made him. He ignored it though as he gave a small click of his tounge in distaste. Someone was chewing through their binds which would probably be a smart idea though Yurick really didn't want to test it out himself.

When the word Captain was brought up the male frowned ad it reminded him of his life before meeting Zael and the rest of their band of misfits and eventually this band of misfits. He thought of his parents and that worn journal sitting back home.

No time to reflect on those things at the moment. Turning his head once again to face the Pirate, Yurick wasn't put off by the other's silence. Though he may have been looking for something-a form of guidance, hell, something to stare at than their new cellmates-anything to get his mind off of what was his current train of thought.

Dimaria's outburst barely got a reaction from Yurick other than a glance over his shoulder. He had no words to help her and he really didn't feel the need to speak at the moment. He had nothing to say that would be useful, only snarky comments to strangers he did not know. And Mercury, who's smirk was slightly pissing the white haired young man off.

@Chewy Rabbits @Kaykay @Crimson Spartan @C.T.
Yurick's scanning about might have alerted him to either the journal Eleven was reading, the defunct radio, or the sudden appearance of another girl in the cell.
David Hoover

@Chewy Rabbits @The Wanderer

With the environment yielding him very little help, it was only a matter of time before he was captured along with the others... He was only human, and couldn't exactly compete with Siberian that well. From the looks of it, the others in the protectorate didn't fare much better, save for one, but by then, Bonesaw herself had taken the group somewhere... At some point, be must have lost consciousness, because everything had gone completely dark.

When he finally awoke, he realized that he was handcuffed with something... Meaty, rotting, and oh god that smell. If it weren't for his experiences with the Crooked man, and his reasonably strong stomach, he probably would have lost his lunch. Well, whatever was left of it anyways, when was the last time he ate? Eugh, probably best not to think about it.

He did notice that Ghostface had taken off their mask... Well, specifically her mask. So it seems that there was someone human underneath that costume, hell, man or woman, zombie or human... Anyone who could put up a decent fight was alright in his book, but he had to wonder about Tarman. He seemed a little... Brain hungry, David realized he might have to be carefull around that one, granted he did take a hit for Ghostface, so perhaps he was alright after all?

At any rate, when Ghostface asked for a plan, he had to stop and think about it for a moment.

"... Lighter. Might still have it on me..." He muttered.

Hmm, with that in mind, David attempted to shake free his lighter from one of his inner pockets, if it was even still there in the first place. With any luck, he'd be able to catch that lighter in his hands, presuming that he had it in the first place.

If he didn't have his lighter on him anymore, he'd simply crawl over to the dirty journal on the floor in an attempt to see if he could read anything in it. At least that would be a start, right?​
David would find he managed to shake his lighter free, but it landed on the ground instead of his hands. Oops. He could probably still lean over and pick it up though, and do whatever he wanted to try.

He'd find trying to burn the handcuffs off would be futile, though. If he still wanted to look at the journal, it contained disturbingly detailed information on the brain, as well as information on Bonesaw's mechanical spiders.

@Michale CS @Takumi @york

A voice cried out just too late, as Eleven would find they tasted quite awful. It was like tearing into steak that had been left outside for a few days, a very tough steak at that. To the point it hurt the teeth to bite at, and they didn't really give whatsoever. Ash would suffer the same fate when he tried.

"Man, you actually took that advice? C'mon, who'd make handcuffs that you can eat through? It was just supposed to be a joke..."

She shrugged and looked at the defunct radio. She concentrated, and tried very hard to use her powers to try to get the radio to play the last voice that spoke near it before they arrived here. Eleven wasn't used to solving much without her powers and hadn't fully grasped the fact that she might not have access to them anymore.

@Kaykay @Chewy Rabbits @ whomever

A voice cried out just too late, as Eleven would find they tasted quite awful. It was like tearing into steak that had been left outside for a few days, a very tough steak at that. To the point it hurt the teeth to bite at, and they didn't really give whatsoever. Ash would suffer the same fate when he tried.

"Man, you actually took that advice? C'mon, who'd make handcuffs that you can eat through? It was just supposed to be a joke..."

Suddenly inside the cell, everyone would be able to see a young black girl scratching her cheek with a bit of an "Oh well" look on her face. A streak of her hair had been bleached, and then dyed with a streak of purple. She looked like she was around 15 or so, though she had a trashy style of dress that undermined her feminine features. Unlike the others, her hands were unbound

"Well, whatever. Too late. Call me Imp. Who're you sorry bunch?"

Yurick's scanning about might have alerted him to either the journal Eleven was reading, the defunct radio, or the sudden appearance of another girl in the cell.

David would find he managed to shake his lighter free, but it landed on the ground instead of his hands. Oops. He could probably still lean over and pick it up though, and do whatever he wanted to try.

He'd find trying to burn the handcuffs off would be futile, though. If he still wanted to look at the journal, it contained disturbingly detailed information on the brain, as well as information on Bonesaw's mechanical spiders.

@Michale CS @Takumi @york

Yurick gave the girl a wary look before speaking to her.

"Imp, was it? How and when did you get in here?" he asked, the slight accent in his voice didn't make him sound like the young man he was and a bit more like a teen on the verge of 18. He didn't trust her, for the most part. Single blue eye cold and indifferent as it landed on their sudden company.

@Kaykay @Crimson Spartan @C.T. @Chewy Rabbits @Ringmaster @Hana @Michale CS @Anybody I missed

Chun Li scowled, her attempts at ridding herself of her chains lowering her spirits, in addition to all these spooky folks. No offense and she was sure they were very pleasant people people outside of work. She was just certain a lot of their work involved turning people into lampshades and that was seriously putting her off her zen. Not that a few of them weren't just as/and or weird.

For example, the little girl seemed to have decided that the best idea was to chew through the metal.

Hahahaha- No.

It seemed like a major set up and considering their enemy had a habit of mutating folks, what if the cuffs were poisonous or similar? So they could wait for now.

She was curious about a door though and went along exploring with Mercury as well. A beat passed before she spoke.

"So what are you in for?"

@Kaykay @Crimson Spartan @Chewy Rabbits
"Murder... I would add theft to that but that's more of my partner's thing....and no I don't mean tall, dark, and ugly over there..." Mercury simply replied to Chun Li while still on his search for a door. He seemed to show no remorse as he spoke implying that he didn't really care to reveal this.

A voice cried out just too late, as Eleven would find they tasted quite awful. It was like tearing into steak that had been left outside for a few days, a very tough steak at that. To the point it hurt the teeth to bite at, and they didn't really give whatsoever. Ash would suffer the same fate when he tried.

"Man, you actually took that advice? C'mon, who'd make handcuffs that you can eat through? It was just supposed to be a joke..."

Suddenly inside the cell, everyone would be able to see a young black girl scratching her cheek with a bit of an "Oh well" look on her face. A streak of her hair had been bleached, and then dyed with a streak of purple. She looked like she was around 15 or so, though she had a trashy style of dress that undermined her feminine features. Unlike the others, her hands were unbound

"Well, whatever. Too late. Call me Imp. Who're you sorry bunch?"

Yurick's scanning about might have alerted him to either the journal Eleven was reading, the defunct radio, or the sudden appearance of another girl in the cell.

David would find he managed to shake his lighter free, but it landed on the ground instead of his hands. Oops. He could probably still lean over and pick it up though, and do whatever he wanted to try.

He'd find trying to burn the handcuffs off would be futile, though. If he still wanted to look at the journal, it contained disturbingly detailed information on the brain, as well as information on Bonesaw's mechanical spiders.

@Michale CS @Takumi @york

"A happy band of misfits and horror rejects..." Sarcastic remark toward Imp aside Mercury went back to his search.

@Chewy Rabbits @york @Ringmaster @Kaykay @Takumi @Michale CS @C.T. @Hana @Gummi Bunnies

A voice cried out just too late, as Eleven would find they tasted quite awful. It was like tearing into steak that had been left outside for a few days, a very tough steak at that. To the point it hurt the teeth to bite at, and they didn't really give whatsoever. Ash would suffer the same fate when he tried.

"Man, you actually took that advice? C'mon, who'd make handcuffs that you can eat through? It was just supposed to be a joke..."

Suddenly inside the cell, everyone would be able to see a young black girl scratching her cheek with a bit of an "Oh well" look on her face. A streak of her hair had been bleached, and then dyed with a streak of purple. She looked like she was around 15 or so, though she had a trashy style of dress that undermined her feminine features. Unlike the others, her hands were unbound

"Well, whatever. Too late. Call me Imp. Who're you sorry bunch?"

Yurick's scanning about might have alerted him to either the journal Eleven was reading, the defunct radio, or the sudden appearance of another girl in the cell.

David would find he managed to shake his lighter free, but it landed on the ground instead of his hands. Oops. He could probably still lean over and pick it up though, and do whatever he wanted to try.

He'd find trying to burn the handcuffs off would be futile, though. If he still wanted to look at the journal, it contained disturbingly detailed information on the brain, as well as information on Bonesaw's mechanical spiders.

@Michale CS @Takumi @york
David Hoover
@Michale CS @Takumi @Kaykay @Chewy Rabbits @Others?

David grunted, looking a little upset when he realized the lighter wasn't working.

"... Gotta... Be a weakness..." He said stubbornly, between gritted teeth as he kept struggling against the fleshy handcuffs.

All the same, he did end up checking out that journal after a few moments of struggling, deciding to try and focus his attention on the information about Bonesaw's mechanical spiders. Though he wasn't sure if it would reveal much about how to break free from these accursed handcuffs, there must be something usefull about those mechanical spiders at least...

She shrugged and looked at the defunct radio. She concentrated, and tried very hard to use her powers to try to get the radio to play the last voice that spoke near it before they arrived here. Eleven wasn't used to solving much without her powers and hadn't fully grasped the fact that she might not have access to them anymore.

@Kaykay @Chewy Rabbits @ whomever
Unfortunately for Eleven, it seemed that her powers were still not functioning as intended, and the radio remained silent. It seemed the girl named Imp however noticed what the girl was doing, and wasn't particularly pleased that she'd been ignored.

"What, you just gonna ignore me cause of a stupid prank? Fine, I ain't telling you nothing, then."
Yurick gave the girl a wary look before speaking to her.

"Imp, was it? How and when did you get in here?" he asked, the slight accent in his voice didn't make him sound like the young man he was and a bit more like a teen on the verge of 18. He didn't trust her, for the most part. Single blue eye cold and indifferent as it landed on their sudden company.

@Kaykay @Crimson Spartan @C.T. @Chewy Rabbits @Ringmaster @Hana @Michale CS @Anybody I missed
Imp completely shrugged off Yurick's distrustful gaze, smiling as impishly as her name might have suggested. "I've been here longer than you guys have. I got captured and thrown in here is all. Been here for...a few days, or something like that."

She seemed rather nonchalant for being a captive. Perhaps that was just her attitude towards everything, though.
"Murder... I would add theft to that but that's more of my partner's thing....and no I don't mean tall, dark, and ugly over there..." Mercury simply replied to Chun Li while still on his search for a door. He seemed to show no remorse as he spoke implying that he didn't really care to reveal this.


"A happy band of misfits and horror rejects..." Sarcastic remark toward Imp aside Mercury went back to his search.

@Chewy Rabbits @york @Ringmaster @Kaykay @Takumi @Michale CS @C.T. @Hana @Gummi Bunnies
Mercury would find the door easily enough, it wasn't hidden or anything aside from the general darkness of the room. It seemed to be made of flesh and meat as well upon inspection, though no amount of force the group could exert would be able to pierce it. It also wasn't flammable if David chose to try that.

"Aren't we all." Imp replied.
David Hoover
@Michale CS @Takumi @Kaykay @Chewy Rabbits @Others?

David grunted, looking a little upset when he realized the lighter wasn't working.

"... Gotta... Be a weakness..." He said stubbornly, between gritted teeth as he kept struggling against the fleshy handcuffs.

All the same, he did end up checking out that journal after a few moments of struggling, deciding to try and focus his attention on the information about Bonesaw's mechanical spiders. Though he wasn't sure if it would reveal much about how to break free from these accursed handcuffs, there must be something usefull about those mechanical spiders at least...

David would find that the spiders were outfitted with various medical tools, from scalpels to circular saws to things like stethoscopes. Despite their use as combatants in the previous fight, it seemed they were more suited to being medical assistants than actual fighters.

Apparently they'd been completely designed by the author of the journal as well, the every bit of their construction written out inside. They didn't seem to possess any particular weaknesses, though. They had computers based on the design of a brain, which would potentially make them much more intelligent than one would expect just by appearances.

On the back he would see the prank that Imp had written in there. Hopefully David wouldn't try eating the cuffs as well.

@york @Crimson Spartan @Takumi @Michale CS
Unfortunately for Eleven, it seemed that her powers were still not functioning as intended, and the radio remained silent. It seemed the girl named Imp however noticed what the girl was doing, and wasn't particularly pleased that she'd been ignored.

"What, you just gonna ignore me cause of a stupid prank? Fine, I ain't telling you nothing, then."
She looked at Imp and cocked her head. "If you knew a way out of here you wouldn't be here. Do you have anything useful to say?"

@york @Crimson Spartan @Takumi @Kaykay @Crimson Spartan @C.T. @Chewy Rabbits @Ringmaster @Hana
Jacket would stumble to his dufflebag. Before opening it. With great difficulty of coarse.

Inside, he gazed over the SMG and the sawed off shotgun inside with their respective ammunition boxes next to them. He also checked the laptop he used to program lines into his tape recorder.

He soon inspected the masks. Or at least tried to.

He would've pulled out his tape recorder, but he didn't want to end up dropping it and breaking the only form of communication he had.

He'd rummage for a knife, if things had been left alone.
@Kaykay @Chewy Rabbits @Ringmaster @york @Michale CS @Others?​
David would find that the spiders were outfitted with various medical tools, from scalpels to circular saws to things like stethoscopes. Despite their use as combatants in the previous fight, it seemed they were more suited to being medical assistants than actual fighters.

Apparently they'd been completely designed by the author of the journal as well, the every bit of their construction written out inside. They didn't seem to possess any particular weaknesses, though. They had computers based on the design of a brain, which would potentially make them much more intelligent than one would expect just by appearances.

On the back he would see the prank that Imp had written in there. Hopefully David wouldn't try eating the cuffs as well.

@york @Crimson Spartan @Takumi @Michale CS
David Hoover
@Kaykay @Crimson Spartan @Takumi @Michale CS

Hmm, that was an interesting feature about those spider things... David wondered if he could use this to his advantage later, but it was uncertain how long it would take until he encountered another swarm of those things. Apparently though, they were more intelligent than they appeared, which meant that he might have to get creative with fighting them next time... Think outside the box.

Glancing back down at his handcuffs upon reading Imp's little prank, he recoiled, scrunching his nose at the thought of even trying to eat those cuffs. Hell no! If his lighter didn't work, he doubted his teeth, regardless of how sharp they were, were gonna be of any better use.

"What a fix." He griped.

Though, David couldn't just sit still, he didn't have it in him, so instead... He (stubbornly) tried to search for a weakness in his cuffs, granted he had a sinking feeling that he probably won't be finding a usefull weakness in those things, it was still worth a shot.​
She looked at Imp and cocked her head. "If you knew a way out of here you wouldn't be here. Do you have anything useful to say?"

@york @Crimson Spartan @Takumi @Kaykay @Crimson Spartan @C.T. @Chewy Rabbits @Ringmaster @Hana
Imp frowned and crossed her arms gruffly. Yeah, this little girl was right. But not completely. "What, you're not even gonna apologize?" She seemed a bit moody about the whole being ignored thing.
Jacket would stumble to his dufflebag. Before opening it. With great difficulty of coarse.

Inside, he gazed over the SMG and the sawed off shotgun inside with their respective ammunition boxes next to them. He also checked the laptop he used to program lines into his tape recorder.

He soon inspected the masks. Or at least tried to.

He would've pulled out his tape recorder, but he didn't want to end up dropping it and breaking the only form of communication he had.

He'd rummage for a knife, if things had been left alone.
@Kaykay @Chewy Rabbits @Ringmaster @york @Michale CS @Others?​

He'd find the knife had been left alone. If he were to use it on his restraints despite his hands being cuffed, however, he'd find little luck in that department.
David Hoover
@Kaykay @Crimson Spartan @Takumi @Michale CS

Hmm, that was an interesting feature about those spider things... David wondered if he could use this to his advantage later, but it was uncertain how long it would take until he encountered another swarm of those things. Apparently though, they were more intelligent than they appeared, which meant that he might have to get creative with fighting them next time... Think outside the box.

Glancing back down at his handcuffs upon reading Imp's little prank, he recoiled, scrunching his nose at the thought of even trying to eat those cuffs. Hell no! If his lighter didn't work, he doubted his teeth, regardless of how sharp they were, were gonna be of any better use.

"What a fix." He griped.

Though, David couldn't just sit still, he didn't have it in him, so instead... He (stubbornly) tried to search for a weakness in his cuffs, granted he had a sinking feeling that he probably won't be finding a usefull weakness in those things, it was still worth a shot.​
Simply looking at the cuffs wouldn't really reveal anything. Perhaps he ought to look elsewhere or speak with someone?

@Michale CS @york @The Wanderer @everyone really