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Roan ducked and covered himself quickly on instinct, he felt one balloon hit him while the other whizzed over his head... He too began running towards another hiding place, quickly locating another tree to hide behind.
Roan ducked and covered himself quickly on instinct, he felt one balloon hit him while the other whizzed over his head... He too began running towards another hiding place, quickly locating another tree to hide behind.
Sia looked between the trees trying to look out for Roan, but it was so dark outside she couldn't see him at all only the moonlight shined through, so she tried something different she got down crawled across the trees and bushes looking for him, after long she bumped into Roan's legs by mistake , she looked up at him slowly " hehe hi... hehe your kinda closer than I thought hehe " Sia tried to get up as fast as she could ,but she figured she was already caught when she started to drop her balloons when trying to get up .
Rather than throwing a balloon at Sia when he got the chance, he decided to hand a few of his own to her "Don't worry about it, just be more careful next time." He told her before running off again, looking for another place to hide at...
Rather than throwing a balloon at Sia when he got the chance, he decided to hand a few of his own to her "Don't worry about it, just be more careful next time." He told her before running off again, looking for another place to hide at...
" hey wait a minute I found you, I've gotta finish what I started !" She laughed as she ran after him .
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Roan ducked behind a rock this time, he wondered if Sia saw him.
Roan ducked behind a rock this time, he wondered if Sia saw him.
" where'd he go ?" she thought out loud looking around, not realizing she was out in the open.
With a little laugh Roam pops out from behind the rock and tosses a water balloon at her before ducking behind another rock nearby.
With a little laugh Roam pops out from behind the rock and tosses a water balloon at her before ducking behind another rock nearby.
Sia threw four balloons near the big rocks, then she ran back towards the house with a sneaky look on her face.
Roan felt a little splash of water as one of the balloons hit the rock he was hiding behind right before he heard her footsteps pattering away. He stood up and looked around, just barely catching a glimpse of her running towards the house.
Roan felt a little splash of water as one of the balloons hit the rock he was hiding behind right before he heard her footsteps pattering away. He stood up and looked around, just barely catching a glimpse of her running towards the house.

'' Roan I've got something for you'' she said quietly
"Uh oh..." Roan thought when he heard Sia's whisper, he decided he would risk getting hit this time and sprinted after Sia, running in a zig-zag pattern.
"Uh oh..." Roan thought when he heard Sia's whisper, he decided he would risk getting hit this time and sprinted after Sia, running in a zig-zag pattern.
sSia was standing in the doorway with a water hose holding the water back," freez!" she let go of the water that was trapped in and pointed it toward him.
"Hey! No fair!" Roan said with a laugh, he quickly behind one of the house walls to take cover, but not before some water got on him... He peeked out from the wall for a brief moment to lob a water balloon at Sia before sneaking around, trying to come up behind her.
"Hey! No fair!" Roan said with a laugh, he quickly behind one of the house walls to take cover, but not before some water got on him... He peeked out from the wall for a brief moment to lob a water balloon at Sia before sneaking around, trying to come up behind her.
" it's very useful!" Sia felt the water splash against her side" aaah hey!" Sia looked around to see were he went.
Roan managed to get behind Sia after carefully sneaking around the house for a bit and rather than throwing the few water balloons he had remaining, he carefully put them down far off to their side and glomped her. (glomp = hug attack, it's an anime thing :P) They both ended up falling backwards onto the grass before Roan looked up at the horizon spotting the sun peeking up. "Oh! I think it's day-time now... I completely forgot we were just passing time." He said looking a little guilty.
Roan managed to get behind Sia after carefully sneaking around the house for a bit and rather than throwing the few water balloons he had remaining, he carefully put them down far off to their side and glomped her. (glomp = hug attack, it's an anime thing :P) They both ended up falling backwards onto the grass before Roan looked up at the horizon spotting the sun peeking up. "Oh! I think it's day-time now... I completely forgot we were just passing time." He said looking a little guilty.
" so did I how long were we doing this" Sia looked at the sky abit shocked she wasn't even tired," hey how'd you get behind me"
"I just circled around the house... It took a little time, heh." Roan explains "As for how long we've been doing this, I'm not entirely sure myself." He adds witha nervous laugh.
"I just circled around the house... It took a little time, heh." Roan explains "As for how long we've been doing this, I'm not entirely sure myself." He adds witha nervous laugh.
" I guess you win , that was fun " Sia tillted her head back looking up at Roan" we have other things to do today don't we?"she asked forgetting all about yesterday.
"I think we both win!" Roan told Sia with a wink before he thought about the question she asked. "Well, I think we were gonna go visit a doctor or something." Roan said with a thoughtful look on his face, he had been so caught up with the water balloon fight that it almost slipped his mind.
"I think we both win!" Roan told Sia with a wink before he thought about the question she asked. "Well, I think we were gonna go visit a doctor or something." Roan said with a thoughtful look on his face, he had been so caught up with the water balloon fight that it almost slipped his mind.
" do we have to go" Sia didn't want to get up every time she stopped playing a problem came, at least thats what it seemed like," I feel fine you see" she said as she turned to her front, putting her fingers at the corners of her mouth making a smile, winking at him.
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