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True North

Internal Compass
Original poster
Posting Speed
  1. 1-3 posts per week
  2. One post per week
Writing Levels
  1. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. No Preferences
Fantasy, Horror, Scifi, Magical
[fieldbox="Ke'oa Island, hotpink, dotted, 10, Trebuchent MS"] Arughhhh. A far off, rumbling howl reverberates through the endless sectors of an inky dimesion filled with otherworldly organisms and feral beasts foreign to man. Piercing through the blackness of the alternate reality, a light begins to shine and a portal slowly peeks open which leads to the Pokémon world. On the other side, the manifestation of a wormhole above a beach with rosy sands and luminescent waters is witnessed by an entity unseen within the dimness of an early morning.

Behind the trunk of a leaning palm tree, a darkened silhouette of an eerie clown lurks silent and watching. A malformed and fiendish smile cracks ever so slowly across the clown's white painted lips with draping bangs covering his lustful look of anticipation. Something vile would escape the supernatural portal.

Near the other side of the island of Ke'oa on a different beach, a wee little boy with golden hair fumbles upon the back of a wild Crustle and nearly topples off the sedimentary shell upon the unsuspecting crab's back. "I did it." Squeaked the child with a titter, as his ocean blue eyes closed to form that of upside down smiles. Once not getting any sort of reply, he searched around anxiously to see where his sister had gone.

"Freeze, Lyle. Be back in a jiffy!" A noticeably handsome girl with moon grey hair requested in a hurried tone, as she swiftly ascended the steps toward a dainty tree hut above.

"..Nessa?" The teeny fellow known as Lyle questioned, as he slipped from atop the Crustle who had begun slowly trudging along. "Ohh no." Lyle peeped after the fall, and he attempted to scuffle upon the towering crustacean once more. After some failed attempts, Lyle crossed his arms and gave a slight pout. He quickly realized that he was alone, and scrambled up the stairs to the tree house.

"Right here, pal. Told you not to move." Sighed Nessa, as she met him at the opening of their hut. Lyle just hugged her leg with a relieved expression. Nessa turned away to pocket a bottle that rattled with pills, and took Lyle's hand to lead him out. "C'mon, midget. We might be late." She told her baby brother with a striking grin.

Shortly after their departure, the siblings arrived to an intricately designed academy that was lit up for a special occasion. A new arrival of students were there to celebrate with the staff and some other notable figures on Kealu. Lyle tottled on ahead to greet some of the newly enrolled trainers, while Nessa took in the sights.

Upon the shores, fire flared above the smooth sands which spewed from a fire breathing dancer. Also lighting up the vicinity, were swirls of flames from a twirling staff during the fire performance. At the front of five performers, Nessa recognized a certain flirty girl who stole the spotlight with her magnificent fire skills.

The spirited girl had strawberry blond hair that she pinned up in an exotic fashion, and wore a tan sarong skirt with a flowery top. She twirled two lit staffs at her side while spinning effortlessly and while seductively batting her eyelashes at the crowd. That was Lealah, no doubt... a trial captain who was entrusted with a z-ring by island Kahuna Mialee.

Stepping onto the sands, was the mellow Kahuna herself. Mialee's frosty colored eyes contrasted well with her dark blue hair that she had twisted in a bun. Lying across her shoulders is a thin, fuschia scarf which blended well with the rest of her attire.

Beside the recognizable Kahuna, was a man in his late thirties with blond curls and a steel grey lab coat and blue framed shades atop his head. Showing beneath the coat, was a caramel tanned diver's build and black shorts with a blue waist band. The man was Prof. Lewie, the head professor of the region.


Walking up beside Lewie, was a familiar pokémon with a shelder latched onto its head. The wise creature was Prof. Lewie's assisstant, Slow King, who aided him around his lab. When the trio arrived, the fire performance ended, and Lealah joined Nessa who made her way to stand in a line to the side of Prof. Lewie.

Joining Nessa and Lealah in the line, was a slightly younger boy and a guy their age.

The younger kid struck a dramatic pose, with a hand resting on his waste and the other raised (palm facing him), and held it there until he would be announced. It was really only something Quilliam would do, and then he'd strike an after pose when introduced. He wore a magenta, button up shirt with cream colored shorts and a necklace made of white flowers. Quilliams hair was a dark chocolate and his eyes a shade of red.

The guy their age was Tyroc (Visual), and despite his intense appearance, he was quite friendly. He flashed a big smile toward Lealah and Nessa before looking ahead for the Professor's announcement.

"Kulaa'e! Young trainers, wuzzup? We welcome you to our academy. I am Lewie, a Professor of Kealu and the Principal on campus. The office is located on the east wing of the school, and my lab is up top." The Professor told them.

Slow King gave a polite nod, and the Professor continued, "Slow King is my helper, along with my other pokémon. They'll be wandering around here or near where I am."

Lewie lifted his hand to his left side in front of the Kahuna and began again, "Mialee is your new appointed teacher, who will give you assignments that will be helpful to you."

"Kulaa'e. Should be fun." Said Mialee, who pleasantly beamed at her new students.

"To the right of me is Kealu's Trial captains. A colorful bunch. You may try their trials when the time comes. We encourage you to get to know them while they're here to visit."

At the news of this, Quilliam struck his finishing pose as suspected and the others waved with friendly faces (and a few winks from Lealah at any cute new trainers) Tyroc gave a respectful bow rather than a wave. Nessa just gave a grin which felt cheesy, but she just went with it accompanied by a slow wave.

"Ehy, now come find me when you must, and claim a pokémon whom will aid you on your tours throughout Kealu." With this, Lewie flashed the inside of his coat which had rows upon rows of shrunken pokéballs attached on the inside. He then exited the scene with Slow King and left the others to mingle before class would start.

Interaction: Everyone Location: Kealu Region GMPCs & NPCs: Lyle & Nessa, The Professor, Kahuna Mialee, & Trial Captains [/fieldbox]​
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It was early morning, with dawn soon to crack the darkened skies. The warm, soothing weather filled the island with its gentle appearance. The wind quietly blew a nice breeze, moving the environment with its calm and beautiful voice. The town was wide awake, preparing for the opening ceremony for the new students at the academy. There was one girl who was about to start her new journey in the academy. The young girl, who goes by Lavender. Lavender, an undercover agent for the Twilight Lotus was awoke from her alarm and with a quick reaction, hit the snooze button. Waking up from her deep slumber, she yawned as tiredness escapes from her dreary mouth.​

[BCOLOR=transparent]The tall, slender girl got out of bed, still weary eyed from the lack of sleep for staying up all night, keeping a close tab on the town's habitants. She got out of her warm, cozy bed and got ready for one of the big days in her life. Her adopted mother enrolled her into an academy where she would learn more about the island's lore and how to become an efficient Pokemon Trainer. She had doubts about the school, knowing some of the vital informations of the island and the pokemon in general, but her mother convinced her that it would really. She put on a white t-shirt, blue shorts and white shoes.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Lavender went downstairs into the living room, where her mother was cooking up a nice meal for her. Pancakes in the shape of a Pidgey and some Grumpig Bacon followed by a orange juice. Lavender could smell the delicious food her mother was making and got a craving for the wonderful meal she loved.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]"Morning!" Lavender sat down in her seat, exercising her neck a little bit just to get rid of the stiffness in her neck. Her mother turned around to see her adopted daughter sitting there, all prepared to get a good meal for the start of her exciting new adventure.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]"Good morning dear." The mother smiled. Putting her food in her plate. "Did you get a good night's rest for today?" She carried her plate and drink to Lavender as Lavender picked up her fork and knife and cut up the pieces of her pancake to make it into smaller bits.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]"A little, had some trouble sleeping." Lavender put syrup on her pancakes and took a bite out of one of the pieces. She enjoyed the sweet taste of the pancakes in her mouth and gently chewed up the pieces in her mouth,[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]"You're too excited Lavender, it's fine to be excited for your first day in the academy. I used to be so anxious when I first attended the academy as a teen. You'll get used to the place. The teachers there are nice and very helpful in their teachings. You'll have a blast." The mother passed on her information to Lavender, who was busying eating up her delicious pancakes. Lavender wiped the food crumbs and syrup from her mouth and took a bite out of her bacon.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]"I hope so." She looked down at her food. Her mother took noticed of her saddened face and walked over to her to comfort her.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]"I understand you're not one to be so talkative. Just be yourself and have fun. I'm sure you'll change your mind once you get used to the setting." She patted her shoulders and left. Lavender looked back at her mom and gave a dissatisfied look.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]I'm glad you think so mom. Lavender thought to herself as her mother packed her stuff in a backpack. As she finished the meal, a strange, berry like pokemon jumps up to Lavender and gives her a surprise attack.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]BOOOOOUN!!!" The Bounsweet happily exclaimed as it went to hug Lavender on her chest. Lavender petted the Bonusweet on it's top and smiled.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]"How are you BonBon?" Lavender smiled as she calmly petted the ecstatic pokemon on her chest. The pokemon enjoyed having its top petted and purred. The mother watched in happiness as Lavender and Bonusweet bonded together.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]After they finished having fun, Lavender picked up her backpack from her mother's hand and started to head out the door with Bounsweet following her. "I'm off mother! I'll see you later." Lavender waved as she headed out the door.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]"Bye sweetie! Have a wonderful first day at the academy." Her mother waved back with excitement as she watched her adopted daughter go on her first journey with Bounsweet and perhaps her other friends. Lavender opens the door outside and heads outside in the dark into her journey.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Lavender followed the instructions of the map towards the academy and shortly reached the area of destination in about a few minutes. Looking at the academy, she noticed how huge the area was and looked rather disinterested in it. Of course she also took notice that it was close to the shore too, which was nice. She noticed other students entering in the academy, some are happy, others and chatting among each other, and some that just don't care. With a sigh, Lavender entered the academy and stood near the stage in the shores where she could see the performance from the wonderful dancers.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]She watched as the fire dancers performed their dance in such an elegant and stylish way. Lavender was quite impressed with the performance that she clapped for them when they finished and Bounsweet jumped around on Lavender's arms in excitement of the performance she watched. She noticed that one of them stood off the rest. Lavender recognized her as one of the trial captains that she has heard of. She was pretty good trial captain too from what she has heard from other people.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]She watched as the professor came up on to the stage as well as the trial captains and the kahunas. The professor gave a short opening about where the facilities are at and that one of the Kahuna would be their teachers, which didn't really surprised Lavender that much. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]A Kahuna as a teacher? Can't say i'm surprised by this. Lavender thought to herself. The professor then introduced the trial captains to the new students, including the flirty dancer, the graceful man, the poser, and the girl, who seemed to be trying her hardest to stand out. Boy she's a charmer. She started at the girl for a bit before moving her attention back to the professor.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]After he finished his opening speech, he flashed his coat, showing the amount of pokeballs inside. Lavender wondered what kind of pokemon he had on them. While Lavender looked down at Bonbon since it was her first pokemon, it wasn't a capable fighter and more of a mascot if any. Lavender started to walk up to the professor before something stopped her. Since she would be possibly working with students in field assignments, she would need to make friends. She walked up to one of the trial captains and gave a gentle smile to them, enough to make them fall in love with her cute smile.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]"Umm...hello. It's nice to meet you." She shook her head as she awaited a reply from one of the trial captains.[/BCOLOR]
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The sun shone through the window of a certain house in Leiluahu Town. A teenager was snoozing in his bed, having forgotten about the important things to happen that morning. A door opened to his room, and a smaller teenager poked his head into the room. "Hey brother, it's time to get up and go to school." He opened the door much wider, was about to yell at his brother to wake up, when a lone Pikipek flew through an open window. It gave a look to the younger teenager that seemed to say "Don't worry, I've got this.". Suddenly the Pikipek flew into the air, and gave the sleeping man a great big tackle!

"Agh muck choy! What in the?" the man woke up, startled by the sudden force. "Quinn," the younger male said "You're going to be late for the School at this rate, now come on and eat!". Quinn groggily woke up and trudged down the stairs, darn his brother Mason, he was trying all night to forget this whole school nonsense. Why his parents insisted he go there at this age instead of solving crimes for the town was beyond him. It's not like there was going to be anything interesting there after all. Sadly, despite spending most of yesterday protesting the decision, his parents were adamant that the experience would help him grow. What was he, a Pokemon?

Breakfast was a simple meal of cereal and juice that day, standard fare for a Monday. Pikipek was over in the corner, eating her favorite brand of bird seed. Pikipek was, after all, a Pokemon, one that had been in the family for almost six years now. Quinn's younger brother, Mason, talked to him about school, teasing him for much of the conversation. Their mother had left a note on the kitchen table:


Took Jacob out shopping in Yekueze City, as I forgot a few things during our last trip. Will not be back until late tonight. Sorry I had to miss your school outing. Have fun there, and meet new people!

"I see...couldn't I just lie and tell Mother that I went to school today? I'm sure nobody will mind if I skip one day of school..." Quinn said.
Mason retorted with "Yeah right, stop trying to get out of this and have some fun. I'm sure there will be a lot of mysteries to solve at the school."
Quinn just sighed and said "And how am I supposed to solve them while strapped to a table listening to teachers drone on for six hours? It'll be just like those dumb school anime, but without anything actually interesting happening."
Mason shrugged and said "Either way, you've gotta go there today, it starts in ten minutes, shall we walk down there?"
As if on cue, Pikipek flew onto Quinn's shoulder and chirped happily, she was going to go on an adventure after all! Quinn stood up, put on his hat and said "Very well, let's get this over with."

The two walked down the boulevard to get to the school, at the door, Mason waved goodbye as Quinn entered the courtyard, where things were about to begin. Happy with being free to explore around, Pikipek jumped off Quinn's shoulder and lodged itself on a tree branch to see the festivities as they happened. It looked like there was a meeting of the kahunas and trial captains, something of a meet and greet. Quinn was familiar with all of them, having at least heard of them during his time on Ke'au. Surprisingly, the kahuna, Mialee, was to be their tutor. "Huh," he said to himself and Pikipek "This might not end up so bad after all. If Mialee is teaching we may go on field trips. And field trips mean a chance at solving mysteries and getting into the heart of danger. How exciting!"

It was a few moments later that he heard a voice just behind him, "Umm...hello. It's nice to meet you.". Quinn turned around, and saw a dark haired girl right behind him (Lavender). He was however, completely oblivious that he had walked in front of the trial captains that the girl was trying to speak to. Pikipek, perhaps sensing this, flew down to intervene, but before he reached the trainers Quinn had already started talking to her. "Yes, it is nice to meet you too? Name's Kingston, Quinn Kingston, private investigator extraordinaire." Quinn was about to continue talking about himself before Pikipek playfully pecked his head, telling him to move on. "Ah yes. What is your name?"
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The bird pokemon chirped and sunlight stretched over from the horizon, shedding brilliant rays of light over the town. However, Apollo was already wide awake. He had been hunched over at his kitchen table for quite some time, busily working on lyrics and such. Even though he was on a hiatus, he wanted his musical arsenal to be chock full of material when he returned. His lillipup, Alti, was curled up by his feet, resting up for the big day ahead of them. Apollo made sure that the small canine pokemon had gone to sleep early. Alti would need all the sleep she could get. Who knew what the day had in store for them?

The coffee pot busily brewed some fresh coffee, beeping when it had finished. The jarring noise snapped Apollo from his thoughts. A wide smile spread across his handsome features. Today was the day. In all honesty, he had never liked school. But this would be different. He would be learning about pokemon, and training pokemon. Hopefully, by the end of the semester, he could withdraw and go on a journey of his own across the region. He got up from his seat and poured himself a cup of joe. He took it black, which surprised most around him. Who knew that such a flamboyant and uppity young man would enjoy the bitterest drink imaginable?

Alti barked from below the table, having woken up.

"Don't worry, snookums, I'll feed you." Apollo cooed, hurrying to grab a bag of food for his canine companion.

Soon enough, he was munching on eggs and toast while Alti busily gnawed at her own food. He downed his coffee quickly, before putting the rest of the brewed liquid into a travel mug, which would keep it hot even while he was at school. The redhead busily scrambled around the house, getting ready and putting his bag together.

Alti jumped onto his shoulders, and he grabbed his shoulder bag. He walked towards the door, opening it, and stepping out into the bright sunlight. The world was truly their oyster now!

Thankfully, the walk to the school wasn't that horrible. Just down the street. The redhead tenderly sipped at his coffee, entering the courtyard, where a vast amount of people had gathered. Even the trial captains had come for the event! A wide smile spread across Apollo's lips. This was more high brow than he thought it would be! Even the kahuna was here. He half-listened to the short opening, only truly paying attention when the kahuna mentioned starter pokemon. Interesting. As the speech came to a close, Apollo moved his gaze across the crowd of new trainers, hoping to find someone to talk to.

Should he make a beeline for the professor? That way, he could hopefully get a starter before anyone else. However, the thought of that didn't appeal to him as much as flaunting to others. The closest pair was an oddly-dressed man who resembled a detective, and a pretty young woman with dark hair.

Without hesitation, the red-haired youth walked up to the two, wearing a bright, abet crooked grin.

"Hey ya'll!" Apollo chimed in immediately, before the dark-haired girl could even respond. "Nice day, ain't it?" He chimed. "I hope the starter pokemon I get is almost as gorgeous as I am." He said smoothly, before remembering his manners. "My name is Apollo. Nice to meet ya'll."
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Cleo's room was dark, as she laid in her warm bed sleeping away. A soft glow came from across the room as her Charmander, Chara, woke up from his slumber at the sound of knocking on the door, yawning as he rose to his feet. Chara smacked his lips, scratching his stomach the small lizard Pokemon walked over to his trainer's bed, tugging on the cocoon of covers she incased herself in.

"Mmmn, Gio stahp. Few more minutes." she grumbled. She had only been in town for a short while, her brother accompanying her to make sure she had a safe journey and to settle in in a small home in Leiluahu Town before she would head off to school and start her journey.

"Cleo, get up, you're going to be late!" Giovanni called, sounding exasperated as he waited outside of his sister's room. Cleo groaned as she finally woke up, though as she checked the time on her clock she jumped out of bed and rushed to get ready for the day.

"Why didn't you try harder Gio?! I'll barely have time to-gyah!" she yelped as she tripped over herself getting dressed. After rushing through the rest while trying not to trip over her starter in the process. Afterwards she rushed out of her room and to the bathroom, nearly knocking her brother over in the process. Once she finally finished getting ready, she put her hair into it's signature pigtails and headed downstairs to grab breakfast, which consisted of a simple poptart while Chara happily ate his own breakfast. Afterwards Cleo gave her brother a hasty farewell and a quick hug before heading out into the world with Chara in tow. It didn't take too long to get to the courtyard of the school, though she was out of breath and a bit tired once she got there she was pretty okay.

She made it just in time to catch most of the Professor's speech, though mised a portion of it from the beginning.

"Hope I didn't miss much." she sighed, straightening herself out and placing her hands on her hips. Chara gave a low growl as he rubbed his cheek against her leg before noticing a Pikipek suddenly swoop down to peck a young man on the head, causing the fire type to give off an amused snort.
"Morning of orientation day. Ke'oa island in the Kealu region. From here on in I shoot without a script. Uh... Let's hope something good comes of it. I actually want this to be watchable later on." Gabriel laughed to himself although what he said may not have actually been all that funny. He turned the camera away from his face, and turned it to face Luvan, the man who had taken him in. He was sitting at the dining room table, eating his breakfast. The kitchen and dining room attached to the living room, which doubled as Gabriel's bedroom, since the house only had one actual bedroom.

"Close up on Lulu, finishing up his breakfast: Magikarp and veggies." Gabriel pretended to gag behind the camera. He was never a big fan of fish, but tolerated it enough to be able to survive in this house, where it was a staple food source. Especially for breakfast. He would never understand it.

Luvan hid a grin behind a mouthful of food. "You know, fish is really good for you. Perfect for your first day at the Pokémon Academy. And don't call me Lulu."

Gabriel turned off his camera and set it down on the coffee table beside him. "Good for me or not, I'm not really a fan. No offense."

"No offense to who?"

"I mean no offense to you or the fish."

"I speak for both of us when I say none taken."

"Not too sure you're the one to speak for the fish."

"Whatever." Luvan stood up now to take his dishes to the sink. He was a greying old man now, although his build suggested that he had once been quite sturdy. He wore jeans and a button down shirt with short sleeves; a very simple outfit. "Do you have your bag packed yet?"

"Uh... I don't need a bag. Notes? Nah. I'll just record lessons with my camera." Gabriel stood up and picked up the camera in question, gesturing to it as he walked to the kitchen. He leaned on the counter. As far as he was concerned, there was no need to waste a bunch of paper on notes on Pokémon training. It seemed to be more of an experience based thing.

"You'll need it for your supplies, Gabe. Pokeballs. Food. Those sorts of things. Besides, I'm sure not everyone appreciates having a camera shoved into their face all the time."

"Uh... Yeah, fair enough. I'll do that." Gabriel spun on the ball of his foot and went back to the living room, opening a crate that was against the wall. He pulled out a bag and hung it across his shoulder. Inside, he put in what he considered to be essential, the went on over to the kitchen to grab a snack. Tossing that into his back, he turned to Luvan, ready to get out of the house. "Done. I should be on my way now. Don't want to be late."

"Alright, alright. Get going. Remember not everyone is there to star in your film. Make some friends. You know, all that."

"Right. See you later. Tell Tiah I said good morning when she gets back." Gabriel turned and left the house, following the road to the Pokémon Academy. He had mapped the route out in his head over the past few days, occasionally heading out to make sure he had it set out correctly. But today was the day he'd get to begin attending, and the day he'd begin his film project. As he walked he pulled out his camera, taking shots of the sky and the houses he passed. Soon enough, the front entrance of the school came into view. He tried to get a good shot of it, but was swept up in a crowd of students that led him to the shores where the fire dancers were performing.

Gabriel watched the fire dancers perform in awe. Although it was something he knew he'd never be able to do himself, he'd always really appreciated how much effort dancer put into their performances. He tried to find a good viewpoint before he began recording a bit of the performance, putting away the camera as the performance ended and the Professor began speaking. He listened carefully, taking mental note of the information he felt was important. At the end, everyone dispersed, going to meet various people who had been introduced during the speech. Gabriel was a bit lost. On one hand, he'd love to meet up with the Kahuna and all the Trial Captains, so he could get a feel for what kind of people they were. On the other hand, he wanted to try and get his starter as soon as possible.

In the end, he decided that he'd meet up with the Trial Captains first, since he'd probably not have a chance to meet them again until he got to their island. There was already a small crowd of people in front of the captains, so he waited around the back, waiting for a chance to talk to one of the captains.
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[fieldbox="Welcoming Ceremony, hotpink, dotted, 10, Trebuchent MS"]Just after the professor withdrew from the area, Nessa spotted an alluring brunette treading over to the line of Trial captains. Her heart nearly missed a beat as the stunning student came up close to her.

"D'uh-" The unready Nessa attempted to get a word out in response to the girls greeting, and almost froze up as her face began to burst into a bright red color.

Instantly blocking her view was some random dude in a trench coat, and Nessa almost wanted to slide him out of the way. The unobservant guy walked right in the middle of them and turned just in time to think the gorgeous girl was talking to him instead.

Nessa's eyes narrowed in slight annoyance as he continued talking in front of her, but then she lightened up when the guy's Pikipek gave him a jab on the noggin. She couldn't even say anything when another person spoke out within the same instance.

Tyroc had sniggered at the sight of Nessa's blushing and kept quiet to see how long it'd take for Trench coat to realize his mistake. Quilliam wasn't so modest, however, and a hoot of laughter escaped him in amusement at the scene.

Diverting their attention away from the stunner, was a male student who greeted everyone. Lealah had caught notice of Nessa's interruption and let a giggle slip before hearing the guy with red ribbony hair. He was clearly quite fond of himself, but she could somewhat relate and she thought it was fun seeing someone else who admired themselves like she did.

"Whassup? Yeah, it's awesome out." Nessa was the first to answer Apollo with a confident smile, after popping her head around the other guy. The morning breeze was growing warmer, and it was the perfect temp to her. "Likewise, call me Nessa."

Lealah was next, "Kulaa'e! Lealah is my name as you may know. Pleased to meet you Apollo. It does feel delightful today..." Lealah chirped with an enticing beam at him. "Kulaa'e to you as well." She added nicely to the beauty and the clueless fellow.

"How fares thee? I am your nimble Trial Captain, Quilliam." Declared the drama kid while placing a hand at the center of his chest, and lifting his chin in a proud manner. He gave those around a slight smirk, and kept his chin high in entitlement.

"Tyroc." The humble islander introduced his own name in response to Apollo. He wasn't impressed by the red head's conceited nature, but he'd tolerate as much as he could. "Morning Classmates." Said Tyroc with a heavy island accent and a big smile to everyone.

"Hiii." Came a tiny voice that took everyone by surprise. Nessa felt something touch the back of her leg and looked down to see Lyle who stood behind her leg shyly after delivering a greeting to the trainers. Her heart warmed at his cute presence and she gave him a wide grin.

"My little bro, Lyle." She explained to them, and patted him on the head.

Interaction: Everyone Location: Pokémon Academy GMPCs & NPCs: Trial Captains & Siblings [/fieldbox]​
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Meanwhile, very, very far from the events that are currently taking place...

"Shzzzz?" a little Tynamo buzzes.

"What? Yes, of course I'm running away from home, buddy. This place... just isn't... me. Everyone uses the same type, the same battle style - you know, I want to see the outside world. A world where I can really shine..."

"Bzzz bzzz!" the Tynamo replies.

"Shrrrrr!" an Inkay adds.

"I need to become stronger than mother," the maiden says, "Tynamo, you'll face to face Quagsire one of these days in tip top shape. Inkay, I don't want you to get oneshotted by Golisopod's First Impression for the umpteenth time. And as for Dhelmise, he... I'll make sure he works again."

Proceeding that, the young maiden slams her entire body into the water, with her Tynamo and Inkay following after. This maiden had been swimming her whole life, so drowning was out of the question. With her thin frame, you wouldn't expect her to last long, but alas - she was swimming at speeds beyond speeds towards nowhere.

She vanished into the mists that obscured her Archipelago, alongside her two little accomplices. Her adventure has just begun...

... but to where?
Lavender slowly walked up to the trial captains in order to get to know them. Making friends in this academy would be important if she were to be partnered with someone. After speaking out to them, she fidgeted a little bit, showing her shyness quite a bit to the trial captain. Lavender wanted to be honest to herself that she was scared of trying to get to know people like the trial captains in a school setting like this.

Little did she know that the she actually got the attention of a well dressed man that was in between both Lavender and the trial captains. And it seems he got the idea that she was talking to him.

Oh shoot, I accidentally got the attention of the wrong person. Lavender gasped to herself. Lavender wanted to tell him that she was talking to the trial captains instead, but it seems it was too late to inform him about the misunderstanding and the boy responded back to her. The boy she accidently talked to was named Quinn Kingston, and he was a private investigator. That would explain the brown long coat he was wearing. While the boy seemed rather nice, it was kinda strange that a private investigator is going to an academy to learn more about Kealu and pokémon in general. She was going to respond back to the boy before a red-haired man approached them and spoke out to them before she could say something. And it turns out the red-haired man, Apollo, is somewhat of a narcissist. Joy. Lavender was going to have a hard time getting to be friends with him.

"Umm...it's nice to meet you Quinn and Apollo, my name is Lavender Ristelle." She introduced herself to the young investigator and the narcissist. Bonbon laughed at Quinn as the Pikipek pecked his head in a playful manner. "It seems Bonbon seems to enjoy having your head pecked on Quinn. It's kinda funny." She giggled a little bit. She was definitely having fun talking to Quinn and she looked forward to making more friends.

A investigator and an narcissist. Wasn't expecting my first friends here to be a bunch of odd people in this school. She thought about the situation she was in. She also noticed a young girl and her Charmander that was close to Quinn, with the fire lizard giving an amused snort.

The trial captains introduced themselves to the group. First off was Nessa, who popped up out of nowhere behind Quinn. She seemed rather cheery, there was something about her that Lavender feels like they'd be close friends should they ever had the chance to talk.

Next up was the fiery redhead herself, Lealah. She seemed rather nice and sweet too. She also felt a bit embarrassed when Lealah said Kulaa'e to her after Apollo. "Kulaa'e to you too Lealah." She shyly said to her with a small embarrassed smile.

Next came Quilliam, who seemed like some kind of stuck up trial captain. Lavender stood there and watched him just do his weird pose.

And lastly was Tyroc. The guy seemed rather quiet as he didn't speak as much as the other trial captains. She noticed a bit of disgust when he saw Apollo, maybe he's also in the same boat at Lavender.

Lavender was kinda impressed with the trial captains, especially Tyroc and Lealah, but she wasn't sure about Quilliam just yet and she'll have to get to know more about Nessa before she could give a final impression to her. Until she noticed her younger brother beside her. Is she taking care of her all by herself? There was so many questions she wanted to ask Nessa the next time she got a chance to talk to her. Lavender was about to ask another question to the whole group in general until...

"Yo yo!" A voice rang out not too far from the group. From the voice that rang out, Lavender pretty much knew who that voice belongs to. It was none other than her friend and employee, Sonia. (Appearance) The girl was fully dressed up like some kind of street punk and she was always doing those weird impressions with her hands. Trying to be rather hipster about things.

"Lavish! It's good to see you again." Sonia went to hug Lavender with a tight hug, which kinda squeezed and hurt Lavender a bit. Lavender never did like being called Lavish. It was a name that felt too...familiar with her.

"Yeah, good to see you too Sonia." Lavender weakly spoke out as Sonia continued to hug her. After a little bit of hugging, Sonia let go of Lavender and looked at her.

"Still looking like the same old byoooooutiful you Lavish. No wonder people find you so attracting all the time." Sonia gave a small chuckle as she moved her hands in the air and made it look like she was pushing up something. Lavender turned around to her group of diverse acquaintances as they were probably wondering who this girl is.

"Guys, this is Sonia, she works delivering mail and package all around Kealu." She gave a quick and summarized introduction to her friend and employee. While Sonia does help delivery mail to residents all around the island, Sonia is also part of the Twilight Lotus alongside Lavender, Sonia plays the part of being a messenger to the other Twilight Lotus members when Raven wants her to delivery missions to the other members.

"Yo yo! Nice to meet you ya'll. The academy is going to be a great thing for you guys. Getting to know the basics of exploring the islands and the lore behind it will be extremely lit. I hope you guys have fun." She ended her speech with two peace signs from both her hand. She then turned around to Lavender and pulled out a envelope. "I came here to give you a letter. It's from a friend in another region." She smiled as Lavender received the envelope. The letter Lavender received is actually a mission from their leader, Raven, a very strict and straightforward person who expects to carry out the mission and perform it with no issues. When you get an order from Raven or her commander, you better follow it until the mission is done, or if the objective changes.

"Thank you." Lavender bowed her head slightly and hide the envelope in her backpack, hoping to read it when she gets home from school.

"Well, i've got more deliveries to hand out in this island so i'll catch you later Lavish!" Sonia gave a quick wave to Lavender and her friends as she runs off into the long distance. Lavender gave a quick wave and a "bye" to Sonia as she goes back to work. Lavender noticed a bright light stunning her from the side. It seems she didn't know that the sun has risen up now that the sky has changed from the black, darkened skies to a light blue sky. Lavender was able to see the whole area now that the darkened area from before was lit from the sun.

Lavender thought about the professor, she remembered him saying he would let trainers claim their own pokemon when they find them. The young girl wondered what kind of traditional starter pokemon some of her friends were keeping an eye on. "So...what kind of starter pokémon are you guys looking to get from the professor?" She asked the group in general in order to get to know them more. Lavender wasn't too sure which pokémon she wanted to get, there were plenty of traditional pokémon starters out there for her to choose, but she didn't know which one she wanted more.
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Quinn hid his embarrassment from the rest of the group. Thanks to Pikipek's...well, peck, he was apparently the laughing stock of the rest of the campus. He even heard a snort from somebody's Charmander. Even worse was that he had somehow wandered in front of the trial captains, apparently interrupting them, and causing some of the other trial captains to laugh their socks off. Still, an investigator had to stay calm, even under the weirdest of circumstances, so Quinn kept a cool head. Wouldn't want anyone to think I'm incompetent. he thought.

To try and save face a little bit, he turned towards the Trial Captains and let out a "Kulaa'e Captains! It is good to finally meet all of you." He then turned towards the kahuna, Mialee, and asked "So what sort of things are we going to be doing here? Admittedly I only skimmed the brochure, heh." He put his left hand behind his head, gave a goofy smile, and tilted his head a bit, a common sign that he had not thought things through.

Just then, the trio were interrupted by some sort of messenger. He paid little attention to her, aside from a quick greeting, though Pikipek made a inquisitive glance at the girl, Sonia, before resuming her curious trek through the courtyard. He then turned towards the group of students, and answered "I...haven't really thought about starter Pokemon. I've known Pikipek here for years now. I would be great to have another partner in justice though! What about yourself?" The he gave a look to Apollo. He couldn't figure out why, but something seemed a bit...off about him. His mannerisms were perhaps a bit too...fake? Quinn shook his head, nothing bad had happened yet, so there was no reason to start investigating anything yet. "Nice to meet you too Apollo." he said.

The bird, having become a bit too inquisitive for her own good, then started poking around a certain man's camera equipment...
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[fieldbox="Apollo, firebrick"]

The entire scene was unique, he'd give it that. The mix of pokemon and people was turning out to be more interesting than anticipated. Alti stirred on his shoulders, having been asleep before all the commotion occurred. He waved at the trial captains and his fellow students, feeling a rush of energy surge through him as they greeted him back. At Quinn's absentminded demeanor, he gave a small chuckle.

"Never thought all of my classmates would be so cute." commented. His drawl was almost as though he were gossiping. "This place is already better than Johto--less rainy, too." Soon enough, the talk of starters began. He already had an idea of what he wanted, but he had no clue what the professor would even be offering. "It depends on what's offered." The redhead said, expression thoughtful as he pondered over it. "I can't really go wrong with a dog pokemon, though."

Alti had gone back to sleep, clinging onto his shoulders. He made sure to not make any sudden movements so the pooch didn't slip off.

"I haven't made a solid decision, but I'm just hoping that at least one of the starters will match my beauty." As he spoke, his southern accent grew a bit deeper? As much as he loved talking, and being in the spotlight, he guessed that he would need to listen to what the other people thought, too. He wouldn't make any friends by talking incessantly, no matter how much he wanted to.
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Gabriel approached the group just as one of the Captains began laughing at something. Cackling as if he had just been told one of the greatest jokes he had ever heard in his life. Maybe he had missed the joke, which was a real shame. All he really saw was a guy in a trench coat standing in front of the Captains, while a Pikipek poked at his head. He seemed rather cool about it.

A red headed man introduced himself, and all of the Trial Captains followed this up by introducing themselves, giving Gabriel a good chance to get a better understanding of what kind of people they were. Nessa went first. She seemed quite nice, although one would probably have to spend more time with her to get a better impression of her. Of course, that's typically how first impressions work.

After Nessa went Leelah. She was one of the fire dancers from earlier, and Gabriel was very excited to realize that she was a Trial Captain. She seemed very sweet.

Quilliam went next, and it was rather easy to tell that this Captain had a flair for the dramatic. He was pretty easy to read, and maybe that was how he wanted it. He'd probably love to be on camera... wait.

Gabriel pinched the bridge of his nose in annoyance as he realized that this probably would have been a good recording opportunity. Well, at this point not so much. He had his camera out and everything, although it wasn't on. Maybe it was better to wait, and then ask if they'd mind if he recorded them introducing themselves.

Having decided that's what he would do, he listened to Tyroc introduce himself. While not a grand introduction, it revealed some of the basics. He was quiet, but he seemed like he'd be friendly. Gabriel liked him.

Just when Gabriel thought the introductions were over, a very small greeting came from behind Nessa. It turned out to be her younger brother Lyle, and while that raised some questions, he felt that it wasn't really his place to ask them.

"Kulaa'e Captains! And Lyle!" He added, a bit more quietly, so that the kid wouldn't feel ignored. "I'm glad we get to meet you all!"

Shortly after the Captains' introductions, the ... was pierced by a loud "YO". He turned to the source of the greeting, who turned out to be here for her friend, the brunette girl who was closest to the Captains. The situation didn't really pertain to him, so he mostly kept out of it, except to listen when either girl was addressing the group.

As the delivery girl walked away, Lavender asked the students gathered around what starters they were hoping to get. Although he wasn't too sure, he had a few he was keeping an eye out for. Mostly fire types. He was distracted by the sound of something tapping against plastic. More specifically, a Pikipek poking at the camcorder he was holding in his hands.

"Ah! Hey! Be careful with that!" He carefully snatched the camera away from the Pikipek, bringing it closer to him. He wasn't too concerned about the Pikipek doing any harm;however, the camera itself was pretty old, and he worried that it could be damaged rather easily if he wasn't careful enough.
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As could be expected, Kaiten's morning was spent with his nose in a book and Abra on his head and shoulders. Brushing his teeth, pulling on his clothes, eating the breakfast at the Pokemon Center and through it all Abra was still sleeping, the bubble from it's nose barely missing the redhead's hair with every exhale. For those that had seen the pair the previous day, they could see that Abra was in the same position as before but that Kaiten's shirt had changed, leaving many wondering what was going on and if Abra had really been on Kaiten's head while the boy slept. Only Kaiten's roommate knew the answer to that. Or he would if he hadn't been snoring when Kaiten turned in for the night and still snoring when Kaiten got up.

Of course, the questions that their relationship raised were secondary to the fact that the book Kaiten was reading was floating in front of him and the pages were turning themselves. Some of the more learned among them assumed it was Abra; the rest suffered whiplash from the double and triple take. Kaiten was used to such things though; it was something shared by psychic pokemon and psychic humans - the rest always seemed confused when they did something out of the ordinary. Or at least that's what Espeon back home told him.

A stranger in a strange place, he was completely unfamiliar with the area but that was exactly how he liked it. Pulling out a sheaf of paper from an inner pocket of his hoodie, he unfolded it to reveal a map of the area, sketched out as he went around it the past few days. With the usual thanks to Nurse Joy for the bed and breakfast, he headed out, the map spread out in the air in front of him with his eyes peering over the top edge.

K: Isn't today supposed to be orientation for the trainer school?

The unspoken words traversed the distance between himself and Abra and the sleeping pokemon replied just as silently.

A: Supposed to be.

K: Why wouldn't it?

A: Someone messed up?

K: Wouldn't be the first time.

The telepathic conversation continued as Kaiten walked, towards the trainer's school. As the gates rose up in front of him, he folded the map back up and tucked it away. Trainer's school seemed like such a waste for him; when you were the son of an Elite Four member, you tended to know everything a trainer's school could teach before you were old enough to attend. However, it couldn't be denied that Kealu may have differences specific to itself and that the trainer's school would be a good place to learn them. That and it was fully possible that there were new species of pokemon on the island chain and this could be mentioned in lectures.

He arrived to find a fire dancing performance in progress, something that intrigued him for different reasons. Sure, it took skills and talent, but couldn't it be done with psychic powers to a greater extent? That was what he really wanted to learn. For now though, it was beyond him, if it was even to be grasped by him. He remained toward the back of the audience as Lewie made his opening announcements, though it left little impact on the youth beyond the promise of a pokemon from the myriad of choices. After leaving them alone, he watched other students go up to the trail captains and introduce themselves. There had been a little on the trial captains in what Kaiten had read but not enough for him to glean more than the fact that there was a significant difference between them and a typical gym battle.

Either unfortunately for him or for the others, he remained in the back, letting them go through their pleasantries as he pulled out the book he was in the middle of reading and continued reading the heavy tome. For all his adventurous nature, he was social introvert, tending to not take part in social occasions unless he actually wanted to.

K: So, what kind of pokemon do you think we should try to get.

A: Not another fox.

K: So no Fennekin.

A: Penguins are silly. So are plants.

K: And no grass types or Piplup. You're so picky.

A: I'm the only fox and you want to be taken seriously. Hard to do that with a penguin or a plant.

K: Fair enough. What about a fire type? Chimchar looks like a good option.

A: It's a monkey with a flame on its butt. We'll get burned.

K: It's the same with a Charmander and maybe a Cyndaquil.

A: It might be better than soaking wet.

K: Yeah... I don't want to be wet. It's bad for the books.

A: So Torchic? Tepig? Litten?

K: They have Litten?

A: He just gave one to a student. No doubt he has more.

K: Let's do it! A warm cat to cuddle with.

A: What about me?

K: No offense but you don't come with your own heater.

A: It's not like we're in Snowpoint City and have to worry about the cold.

K: True but what about underground in a cave? We could use the light and warmth.

A: I think you want a pokemon to remind you of Espeon.

K: Shhh... I like cats and foxes. What's wrong with that?

A: I didn't say anything of the sort.

K: Good. Then we're going to get an adorable Litten.

A: I'm still going to sleep on your head.

K: Then Litten can sleep in my hood or in the front. Satisfied?

An audible snore of agreement came from Abra.
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[fieldbox="Pokémon Academy, hotpink, dotted, 10, Trebuchent MS"]Introductions seemed to be going nicely aside from the single mishap. Lealah gave an encouraging smile to Lavender who seemed to have been slightly embarrassed by what she assumed to be the incident with Quinn. Before Apollo could speak again, the oblivious Quinn greeted her and all of the captains nicely before walking away right after to speak with the Kahuna.

"Glad to meet you all too!" Lealah answered in response to a voice she heard from the back, and then became tickled by Apollo's statement about the cute students. "I can agree on that..." She gave a flirtatious beam at Apollo and the others.

Lyle had given a small smile to Gabriel's salutation and then hid his face into Nessa's thigh. Tyroc kept a sizable smile and was pleased to hear the nice responses. His glad gesture didn't last long though after Apollo gave a stroke to his own ego, and the exotic Trial Captain just gave his head a shake. Quilliam's smirk slightly widened and then faded as his thoughts began to wander.

Just as more words would be exchanged from the group, a voice popped out of nowhere and brought forth with it a new visitor. Nessa watched as the angel known as Lavender spoke with the delivery woman, and it sparked her curiosity. Lovely and Mysterious... Fine combo. Wonder what that letter's about? Thought Nessa, as she observed the scene.

The other captains must've assumed the delivery chick, Sonia, was a regular around Ke'oa, but Nessa was pretty sure she hadn't seen her before. Perhaps she was new. Regardless, Nessa liked Sonia, she seemed friendly enough... and cute. What's with me? Nessa thought, as she tried to remind herself that she wasn't usually into girls... guess she was now.

The subject of starter pokémon was brought up, and Nessa had four in mind to choose out of: the monkey, the penguin, the otter, or the seal. She'd let Lyle decide on which he'd like best. She looked around to see that most had a pokémon already which came with them, and she and maybe one other were the only ones who didn't have any present.

Can't forget about this.Thought Nessa, as she slipped a rough textured fossil with a pointed feather on its surface from out of her back pocket. It was a lucky find of hers that she scored at the dig site near the canyons about a week ago. She had it cleaned up by the Paleontologist there and he encouraged her to have it restored into a pokémon when able at the Fossil Restoration Camp.

The captains grew respectfully quiet as the Kahuna came forward with her silk scarf swaying behind her as she approached with Trench coat. "Quinn asked a good question. I'd like to answer it for all of you to hear." Said Mialee with her crisp voice.

"Here at the academy you have the opportunity to learn about various subjects that you'd like to explore. I am well versed, so I can happily teach you about nearly anything that you'd like to know about Kealu and Pokémon." The relaxed Kahuna began again, "As mentioned by the Professor, I am also offering assignments that will help prepare you for the island trials and for the journey ahead."

"The academy provides a living quarters for students to sleep and serveral amentities such as an indoor pool and activity courses. I urge you to get a pokémon from Professor Lewie that may assist you on your first assignment." Mialee said carefully, "It will be to clear away an infestation currently occuring at the cove. The beach near the Academy is flooded with pesky Pyukumuku and it needs to be dealt with." She paused to look over her bright looking group of students before continuing.

"I will partner you up at random. This will test your teamwork abilities." Her frosty blue eyes searched the class and stopped upon Lavender. "Lavender, I take it?" Mialee had overheard the introductions. "You and Apollo will be partners." She began to search again and made up her mind. "You two-" She referred to Cleo and Kaiten whom she did not yet know the names of. "-Partners."

Mialee then looked beside her at Quinn. "Quinn, I'd like for you to accompany Nessa-"

Awh no. Nessa thought, Trench coat? Nessa tried to hide her disappointment. Maybe he wasn't so bad, but he definitely didn't leave a very good first impression on her. Guess I should go to level up my new pokémon. She tried to force a grin at Quinn, but it wasn't that convincing.

"And you," She took a good look at the kid with the camcorder. "I'll have you work with someone already there. She'll be waiting for you at the cove." Mialee finished and then lastly said to everyone, "I will go myself to watch your progress. See you soon." She walked away toward the cove which was a short walk down a sandy path toward the white sanded beach.

"Good luck you guys!" Lealah wished them a farewell on their assignment and gave a fast whirl of her unlit fire staff.
"Take care." Tyroc followed up with a goodbye of his own and looked to the sun rise with a content smirk.
"Until our paths cross once more, if fate deems it well..." Quilliam said finally with a dramatic step back. He lifted a wooden sword that was snug in his his belt and cris crossed a quick slice in the air. His love of live action role-play made clear.

"C'mon pal. Let's go get us a pokémon." Nessa told Lyle after waving to the other captains. Lyle's little face lit up and he tugged on her wrist to lead the way.

The Pokémon Academy awaited them where the Professor would be found inside. Visible in the foyer was a beautiful aquarium where a star pokémon swirled inside the water forming little bubbles that rose to the top. A red and blue piranha-like pokémon took a chomp at the nearest trainer from behind the glass, and a rock masked fish swam leisurely at the bottom of the tank. The three belonged to the Professor.

Professor Lewie was busy in the lab releasing Rotom from their pokéballs to be fused with the latest Pokédex for the students. His lab was located above his office in a rather large loft space. As the students would enter the office, they'd be greeted by the croaks of the Professor's toucan who sat perched on its bird stand beside the Professor's desk. Near the desk, was a familiar pokémon who was shuffling some papers.

Up in the lab, a manmade pokémon drifted near Lewie which complemented his Realm Analyst profession. On the Professor's shoulder, an octopus squirmed comfortably around it's masters neck and clicking happily. "Wuzzup? Welcome to the lab," he'd say. "Which pokémon will you claim?" Holograms of the selectable pokémon appear on a table at the center of the room which display their information as well.

Interaction: Everyone Location: Courtyard & Lab GMPCs & NPCs: Trial Captains & Kahuna[/fieldbox]
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[fieldbox=Apollo, firebrick]

At least Lealah seemed to appreciate him. Apollo shot the trial captain an appreciative smile as she responded positively to his comment. Thankfully, all of these introductions were going smoothly. Not that he had expected anyone to be hostile. He spotted Tyroc shake his head, but didn't remark on it. He would save the bantering for when the crowds were thinner. Although he was definitely a social butterfly, he wouldn't accomplish anything by hogging the spotlight, here.

The crowd grew quiet when the kahuna approached. Apollo leaned back on his heels, hands shoved into his pockets as he waited to hear what she had to say. Fortunately, the kahuna seemed relaxed and patient, which was good for someone with her kind of power.

Apollo hadn't of expected to be given an assignment so early on. But he wasn't against it. This would be his time to shine! The mention of partners caught his attention even more, and he eagerly waited to see who he would be saddled with. The name Lavender hit his ears and he immediately grinned, recognizing her as the pretty, long-haired girl he had introduced himself to earlier. He gave the girl an enthusiastic wave, winking at her.

When the others started to head into the Pokemon Academy, he pranced ahead, swiftly entering through the double doors and down to the lab.

"Hey, professor! How ya doing?" The flamboyant redhead greeted enthusiastically. "I'm Apollo, pleasure to meet ya." He walked over, marveling at the lab, and the various pokemon inside of it. "I gotta thank ya for giving us pokemon. It's not everyday that such a handsome man gives me such a good present." Apollo then coughed awkwardly.
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Quinn heard some yelling in the back, and turned around to see what it was. When he noticed Pikipek trying to get at a poor guy's camera, he whistled. Pikipek instantly stopped what it was doing and came to Quinn's side, perching in his fedora. "For the last time Pikipek my fedora is not a nest...ugh." he said, knowing it was useless to argue the situation with his Pikipek. He then looked over to the cameraman [Gabriel] and said "Sorry about that, my Pikipek's an inquisitive sort. Ah yes...what is your name?" While looking over there, he noticed another person who had come in. One [Kaiten] seemed to be a bookish type...was that his book...floating? Nah, surely he was just imagining things. Overall it seemed like an interesting group of students to be working with.

Speaking of working with, Mialee decided to answer his question by starting them on an assignment almost immediately. Quinn had been paired up with Nessa, who seemed oddly annoyed at the idea. Nessa was an interesting sort, from what Quinn knew she had a fascination with the night sky, though she was also known to attract trouble. Quinn didn't mind that, he needed something interesting to do and having a trouble magnet would work wonders for his boredom. He took a look at some of the other trial captains. There was Lealah, a talented fire-dancer whom Quinn had the pleasure of seeing a few performances of; a graceful dancer if ever he saw one. Quilliam was there too, a known lover of theatre, though his personality struck Quinn as a bit obnoxious, especially when he started laughing for no apparent reason. Finally, there was Tyroc, a known naturalist, one who tended to be a bit too extreme in his passion for nature at times, though a swell guy otherwise. The kahuna was Mialee, of whom all Quinn knew about was that she was well respected on the island, as were all kahunas.

When Mialee was finished, the group was led inside the foyer, and the trial captains gave their goodbyes. As they headed in, Quinn noticed Nessa's little brother Lyle with him. Quinn knew about Lyle mostly from his baby brother Jacob, who was about the same age and would occasionally hang out with Lyle. From the looks of things Lyle was set to get his first Pokemon today, which caused Quinn to smile. He looked at the child and said "So I guess you'll be tagging along eh?" Quinn felt a bit of concern come up, sure the classes were safe as can be, but the field trips were another matter entirely. With this in mind, he looked to Pikipek and instructed "Keep an eye on him, don't want any trouble happening on my watch." Pikipek chirped to acknowledge the command. Inside the building, there was a wide foyer, accented by an aquarium with several Pokemon in it. Quinn stopped and smiled at the Pokemon for a few moments, before the group was led into the east wing where the lab was located.

When the group was led into the lab, the professor, one Professor Lewie, seemed to be working on some Pokedexes for the group. Lewie was a bit of an oddball in the community in Quinn's eyes, he seemed rather scatterbrained, even for a Professor. Still, he was a good enough chap, and it seemed that he was the one that was going to give everyone a starter Pokemon, a fact that probably should have excited Quinn more than it did. Perhaps he was just too used to having only one Pokemon around the house. If Lewie was offering it though, then he may as well see how an extra companion goes, one that can help with investigations would help immensely.

Quinn started taking some mental notes about the starters on offer. Hmm, so the first assignment is about taking care of Pyukumuku eh? That's a Bug type yes? That would mean Fire would take care of it pretty handily. he thought. However, most of the fire types he knew of would not be that helpful, after all, if you're on fire all the time, perpetrators would easily spot you. Besides, there were bound to be more assignments than this, which would not look favorably upon the fire type. Upon another look at the list, he then saw a crocodile like Pokemon. Totodile huh? It is a Water type...but I have Pikipek for the Pyukumuku anyways. I heard somewhere that they can move blindingly fast when needed. They're also amphibious. That could be quite useful... He turned towards Pikipek and said "What do you think partner, Totodile sound good?" Pikipek tilted her head a little bit, then seemed to give some approval nodding up and down. "All right, we will go with that then. One Totodile please professor." Quinn said with a look of satisfaction.
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My Assignment Partner is Apollo?!
Lavender was glad that everyone was getting along with one another. From the trial captains having some fun to Quinn's Pikipek curiously pecking on the young man's camera. Lavender was kinda enjoying the scenery between these wonderful people. And it seems some of the others were on the same boat as her in terms of picking their own traditional starter pokémon.

It didn't take long before the Kahuna came forward and answered Quinn's question. She explained the academy and what it has in store for its students. Lavender didn't expect the academy to be filled with all kinds of facilities. An indoor pool, lodging for students and various assignments for the course. Wasn't expecting it to be that big of a school. Lavender has heard of the various amount of schools all around the world, but most of them just have classrooms, cafeteria and a gym for various activities. This academy was nothing compared to the lower level schools around the area. Lavender was quite impressed that they had the money to pay for all of this.

Her attention slowly came back as she explained the first assignment to the class. Apparently a group of Pyukumuku have infested the beach around the academy and they're having students take care of the issues? Since this is a teamwork based assignment, it would make sense for an assignment to work together to take care a group of enemies. And it looks like the Kahuna will be pairing up the students by for this assignment.

The Kahuna looked at Lavender first and called for her name, for which Lavender shook her head yes. It seems she was first to be paired up, and since there was a few others around her, she had a good chance to be with someone who was new and was a decent person that would be willing to work together to pass the first assignment.

The excitement turned to disappointment when she learned out that her partner is none other than that narcissist himself, Apollo.

Oh God why? Out of all the people she had to be paired up with, why does it gotta be him? Lavender cringed at the thought of being alone with the crazy guy himself, who probably won't be afraid to go all out flirting on her with no one around. She only got more worried over the situation in her head. Bonbon looked at Lavender and gave a soft saddened cry. She watched as Apollo gave her a wave and a wink. Lavender only sighed a bit. Keep it cool Lavender. She thought to herself. Maybe he's just a good guy who's a team player on the inside. She looked back and started at Apollo for a while, wondering what his next move was now that he was paired up with the most beautiful girl in the class, which she considered to be some kind of curse.

After the briefing was done, Lavender headed towards the academy, where the professor would be waiting with a whole slew of pokemon to be chosen. Bonbon was really excited as she gave out a happy cry as the berry pokemon followed Lavender to potentially meet her new friend. As she entered with the students, the professor gave a warm welcome to all the students as they come to find their starter pokemon. And her partner decided to respond back, even flirting with him. Yeah...Lavender was feeling more and more nausea each time he did something.

Lavender looked around the lab where the holograms of the pokemon are shown. There were a few pokemon that caught her eye when she saw them on the hologram, such as Torchic, the fire type chicken pokemon, Chikorita, the green leaf pokemon, and Squirtle, the blue shelled turtle pokemon. A lot of good choices here. She thought about the three pokemon that caught her attention the most, she liked all three of them a very equally. She was torned between the decision.

However she decided to take one more look around the area in case she missed any pokemon she might have overlooked and she found a pokemon that really caught her interest.


Grass Quill Pokémon
This wary Pokémon uses photosynthesis to store up energy during the day, while becoming active at night.
Brave Personality
Grass Type

The cute little owl pokemon made Lavender amazed at its design and how cute it is. Plus the pokedex entry shows that it photosynthesis in order to store up energy during the day and become active during the night. This would make a good vigilant pokemon in the future once Lavender trains it up to be a deadly pokemon. The more she looked at the hologram, the more she wanted that pokemon, plus the little bow tie it has is sooo cute to have around.

"What do you think Bonbon?" Lavender said to the Bounsweet as it happily responses with a exciting cheery cry. You can tell that it was excited as it jumped up and down with a huge smile on her face. Lavender gave a smile too. "I think so too. Come on! Let's go meet our new friend. Lavender said as she made her decision.​

(There'll be more edits later on, but for now, that should be it in terms of lengths.)
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Gabriel looked up from the bird as the guy in the trench coat approached. Oh, so it was his Pikipek. Probably should have figured that out earlier. He straightened up, nodding at the detective's apology. "It's fine. I'm probably worrying too much. Sorry if I was yelling at your Pokemon." It wasn't really his place to do so. "My name's Gabriel. Nice to meet you Quinn."

The Kahuna then approached to talk to the group about the academy.

Lots of stuff available on campus, huh? There were dorms available, too, which would probably be a good idea for him to consider, given his current living situation. Not that it was bad, but this way he'd be able to let Luvan and Tiah have their living room back again. All he'd have to do was discuss it with them, and move his stuff out (not to say there was a lot of it to begin with).

Nice, a project this early in the year? And it isn't even too hard. Pyukumuku weren't extremely difficult to find. Whenever he tossed them back out to the ocean, he always worried that maybe they'd end up on their backs or something, though. He waited eagerly to hear who is partner would be… Until he noticed that everyone except for himself had already been assigned a partner.

He looked to the Kuhuna to ask why, but her stare silenced him, and she told him that he'd be working with someone already at the cove. An older student, maybe? Someone who's been going here longer? He didn't have much time to ponder it or ask any questions before the Kahuna was dismissing the students to go get their starters before meeting up on the beach to deal with the Pyukumuku.

Once the entered the Professor's lab, Gabriel took a moment to observe the room before looking at the starters. There was a lot of activity, mostly involving Pokemon that seemed to be helping the Professor out with his work. The Rotom fusing with the Pokedexes was pretty interesting, too. It'd almost be like having an extra Pokemon, although it wouldn't be able to fight. He took a quick glance around at all of the holograms of the available starter Pokemon. None of them really caught his eye immediately, so he went ahead and took a second look around, this time going by and reading all of their descriptions. He wanted something that wouldn't get into too much trouble. Preferably it wouldn't get too big or rowdy in its later evolutions.

"Hm…" Other students already seemed to be picking out their starter Pokemon, and he was still debating. Until he passed by a hologram of a shrew-like Pokemon.


Fire Mouse Pokémon
Cyndaquil protects itself by flaring up the flames on its back. The flames are vigorous if the Pokémon is angry. However, if it is tired, the flames sputter fitfully with incomplete combustion.

Fire Type



Carefu Nature



It was actually kind of cute, not to mention that it was a fire type. Not to say that other types of Pokemon were bad, but he felt that it'd be nice to have a fire type Pokemon on his team.

With his mind made up, he went to Professor Lewie. "Sorry to bother you Prof. I'd like to have Cyndaquil as my starter, please? Oh! Also, do you mind if I film a bit in here?" He held his camcorder up for the Professor to see."I'm doing a small film project, and I think this would be cool to see."
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[fieldbox="The Lab, hotpink, dotted, 10, Trebuchent MS"] Nessa was nearly inside the school doors, until she witnessed a certain red head prancing passed her giddily. Dude's more eager than Lyle. She thought, as she entered inside with her baby brother pulling her along. As they made their way to the Principal's office, Trench coat had kept with their pace and even spoke to Lyle. Lyle looked back with a tiny smile and then to Nessa.

"You can help. Just stay beside me." Said Nessa to her little bro. Lyle's face brightened and he turned back to quicken his speed. The woodpecker was asked to protect Lyle by Trench Coat and Nessa was beginning to ease up about the guy.

"At first he's shy, then he's not." Nessa informed Quinn with a grin to herself. She meant to thank him for looking out for her bro, but a wretched cough stopped her. Awh. Not now. Thought Nessa, as she suppressed another cough with all her energy.

Meanwhile, back in the lab, Professor Lewie's attention was captured by Apollo who asked him how he was and thanked him while complimenting his appearance. "Kulaa'e, Apollo. I am well. I am happy to gift my students a pokémon for their travels." He said with a hint of his own island accent, and gave a striking smile to Apollo.

Next to approach Lewie was a young man who dressed as some sort of detective. "Totodile is yours." He chose the correct pokéball from his coat and offered it to him. "Train him well."

After, the Professor noticed a brunette who wanted Rowlet as her starter. "Rowlet is yours." He retrieved the pokéball from the rows of them in his lab coat and held the ball out for Lavender to take. "Be good to Rowlet, and make him strong. He will return the favor."

A boy with a camcorder requested Cyndaquil and the Professor gave a nod while handing it's pokéball over to it's new master. "Bond with Cyndaquil and you will grow together." Gabriel asked to film in the lab and Lewie responded positively, "Ehy. Yes, it will be good."

Zzzt! A living Pokédex spiraled over to Lewie and the Professor explained for all to hear, "Data is gathered on pokémon you encounter with Rotom Dex. Snap photos of wild pokémon with the Poké Finder feature, and locate pokémon you wish to catch with the Island scan. Island maps are accessible on the dex with GPS functionality."

The trio entered the lab, and the powerful croaks of Lewie's Toucannon caused Nessa to fail at resisting yet another cough. Lyle was too busy searching the place in excitement to notice and he reached up to try and pet the toucan. Toucannon adjusted on it's perch and responded with another piercing croak which caused Lyle to end his attempt.

After giving a fast wave to Slow King, Lyle hurried to the open elevator. Once in the lab, Nessa made her way over to Lyle who was already staring at the hologram table in wonder. Nessa smiled at the sight, and took a look herself. She set her eyes on the first option which was Chimchar. The small fire monkey was springing up while spitting fire from it's mouth, and tail blazing.

Nessa imagined that Infernape would make a superb acrobat. Lyle didn't seem too interested though as he kept moving to see the other selections. Then there was Piplup who blasted a stream of water from its beak and jumped up with a flap of it's featherless wings. Empoleon was always awesome looking to Nessa, and she was highly considering Piplup because of it.

Lyle did stop to give Piplup another look with nearly a giggle, but then another pokémon caught his eye. He skipped straight passed Oshawott and froze at Popplio with a gaze of adoration. The seal bounced from self-produced bubbles and spun nose first into the air. Nessa was unsure about it's dorky apperance, yet she kinda wanted to put the seal into a bathtub and teach it cute tricks.

"How bout we see which one you like better?" Nessa suggested, as she still had Piplup on her mind. Lyle followed Nessa to the Professor and she asked him, "Can we see Piplup and Popplio outside of their pokéballs?" The Professor nodded while choosing the two pokéballs from inside his lab coat and released the pokémon from his hands.

Bursting sounds were heard as a glimmering light spilled from the balls and soon revealed the pokémon. A short penguin sat in a snooze while the petite seal looked around cutely. "POPPIO!" Cried Lyle, as he scooped her into a hug which almost made him topple over. He completely disregarded Piplup at first, but startled it awake by accident.

Nessa gave Lyle a chuckle as she was in the process of picking up the surprised Penguin. "It's Pop-leo. What about this guy?" She asked him, but his eyes remained shut in a gleeful expression while clutching the seal tightly. Popplio just gave a blink and then gave a happy bwark, Popp! Lyle took out a hibiscus flower from his pocket and placed it between Popplio's ear which caused a contagious giggle.


"Don't forget about Piplup..." Nessa held the penguin out in front of her, but it was clear that Lyle had made his choice. "Wow, look how cute." Nessa tried to tempt Lyle with no luck as she looked down at the penguin who gazed back at her blankly.

"I luv you Poppio." Said Lyle sweetly, and he gave her a kiss on the head.

"It's Pop-leeee-oh.." Nessa stopped with a sigh, but then felt her heart melting at the adorable sight.

Interaction: Everyone Location: Principal's office GMPCs & NPCs: Lyle & Nessa and Prof. Lewie[/fieldbox]
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Cleo had been tiredly spaced out, not even those few extra minutes of sleep that morning helped with that. She almost missed what the Kahuna was saying, but Chara had her covered. The fire type tugged on her black leggings, causing her to snap out of it and blink. She glanced at the Kahuna and listened, and when she gave her her partner, she nodded.

"Alright." she replied, yawning lightly shortly afterwards.

Once the group made their way to the professor's lab she giggled softly at seeing a certain redhead prance ahead. Chara rolled his eyes at this.

The Charmander glanced at the many Pokemon in the lab, stopping at the blue and red Piranha like water type, making a chomping motion back at it teasingly before smiling widely and returning to his trainer's side as she looked at the Pokemon present, or well, their holograms. They all looked pretty cute.

Chara snickered a bit when Lyle startled the Piplup and Cleo resisted the urge to aw at how cute he and Popplio were, returning to the task of choosing a Pokemon. But which one?

"Hey Professor, you wouldn't happen to have a Pikachu would you?" she asked after a moment of thought. If not, she hoped he had her next choice in mind.
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