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Hideki Hyuuga

Noru, the Possessed

A drip of sweat trickling down his cheek, Hideki sat on the porch of Azumi, the sky a diaspora of sunlight-framed clouds above. He wrapped the gauze bandages tenderly around his right arm, the singed skin smarting slightly at the touch — not enough, however, for any significant pain; those torturous days had passed. The bandages fastened and nicely enfolded, he stretched out on the wooden planks, the projected roof shielding his eye from the sunlight.

He'd spent all morning training, and the morning before, and the morning before that. He had little else to do in the meantime — before they, the Guardians, were employed in truth. A storm brewed on the horizon. Down by Wolf Country, making its way across the world, dispersing like sugar in water. What ever happened to those spies he and Saki caught in Keishi? Down the torture chamber? He shuddered. He wasn't so cruel as to wish torment and suffering onto others, no matter their crimes, and especially not after his experiences in Wave Country. Lanky had been a pain in his side like no other. And now off mingling with maggots and rodents. Was that what they called karma?

A few Guardian recruits stumbled up the porch, paying Hideki little heed as they whispered among themselves, shaking the planks some before disappearing into the lounge. Pretty young, by the looks of them — twelve to fourteen, maybe? Genin, most definitely. Since Team Kensuke had returned to the village, the majority of Guardians, and especially the Proteges, had been gossiping endlessly about the operation and a certain someone's speech — a mixture of excitement and trepidation in their voices, even though most would stay in the village.

Hideki worried too — not so much for his life as for what would transpire. The downtown Keishi reports had been gruesome and more than a little frightening. Fortunately, with the years, the Guardians had been training and regimenting themselves and overall shaping up to be a proper military unit, which their autonomous position in the army corroborated. It was nice to see. Hideki had been a member for quite a while, after all.

Rummaging in his backpack, he took out a black-bound book — another of Masaki's. This one, humorously enough, fiction (what nutjob had published it?) But on the contrary, it might allow Hideki to peek inside the man's mind and understand him— his motives better. He still got headaches thinking about him and his strange actions. Letting out a small sigh, he flipped open the book and began reading — Rats Abound, it was called, with a swarming black tide of what must be rats (as made sense) for cover art. As he began reading, however, he found his mind drifting to another matter. Namely, Noru.

Sometimes, lately, the cat had been ambling around the apartment with extreme care and caution, hesitating before each step and not at all with the grace and agility expected of a cat — a stray cat. Had he fallen sick? A troubling thought. And the way he'd stop and look at Hideki from time to time, as if taunting his owner, with strangely humanoid expressions. Almost as if the cat gone and been possessed by something. Hideki snorted at the thought and returned to the pages, unable, however, to completely plug the thought. Stop being silly now...
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Things Left Unsaid...
Kiyomi Homura and Hayate Hyuzu
A collab between Alice and Chrome

Summary: Hayate visits Kiyomi in the palace and tries to reach out to her. Both of them are too stubborn for their own good and they leave a lot unspoken between them.

Approaching the palace, Hayate moved quickly, ignoring everyone in his path. The news had hit him hard, and he could only imagine how it had affected Kiyomi. His fists clenched tightly in his pockets as he stormed ahead. Entering the palace itself, Hayate was too focused to notice the increased guard's presence. He continued on his way, heading towards Kiyomi's chambers. Before he could travel any further however, a large shadow stepped in front of him.

Saying nothing, the figure was clad in armor and quite armed. The Sworn Sword said nothing to the young man, standing in the way. Shaking his head lightly, the member of the royal guard would keep standing in place. Others were standing in the shadow of the hall, with their backs to the walls as suits of armor. Possible looking devoid of life as the candles in the hall wouldn't shed enough light to illuminate the covered faces by the darkblue scarfs and helmets.

Stopping in place, Hayate paused before looking up. "I need to see her."

The man remained standing silent in the way of the Hayate. His right hand casually resting on the handle of his weapon, his eyes locked on Hayate. However a voice behind Hayate spoke up. "Let him through." The short command was almost followed instantly as the Sworn Sword in front of Hayate would turn sideways and step backwards, standing back on his previous place. Another Sworn Sword was approaching the scene as he nodded simply to Hayate.

Hayate stood his ground, unsure of his next move if the Sworn Sword would try to keep him away. When the voice called out, a wave of relief flushed through him. Nodding his thanks to the soldier who had stepped aside, Hayate turned his head towards the one who had spoken. "Thank you." His tone was respectful, but strained.

Taking a moment to stare at the Sworn Sword who had spoken, Hayate tried to remember the name... "Iroh... was it? How... how is she?"

The Sworn Sword that Hayate spoke to remained silent for a moment. "She is safe." Was the man's answer. It was said on a calm tone and the body language didn't reveal much. Though the glance in his eyes did reflect the pain that the man couldn't say something else. Gesturing to the door, the man spoke again. "You're free to pass." He mentioned on a softer tone.

The words were enough to chill Hayate to his core. The fact that Iroh, one of the Sworn Swords of whom Kiyomi spoken to him about most highly, was unwilling to say more... it spoke volumes. Bowing his head, Hayate struggled to keep his voice under control. "Thank you Iroh. Thank you for keeping her safe." With that, Hayate turned and continued on his way, not looking back.

It took him a short time to get to Kiyomi's chambers, and there were more Sworn Swords posted at her door. Wondering for a moment if he was going to be stopped again, Hayate approached the door and knocked.

No answer came, but the door would however be opened. Two more Sworn Swords were standing on a post on the other side of the door. The one who opened the door, glanced at Hayate, but remained silent. In the distance, a few rooms away muffled sounds could be heard. Close to something rasping.

Holding his breath as the door opened, Hayate hesitated as he didn't see Kiyomi right away. Taking a step into the room, he nodded slightly towards the Sworn Swords who had allowed him into the room. And then he heard the sound. Hayate had to stop himself from running, and instead forced himself to approach the sounds at a steady pace. He could feel his body beginning to tremble, but he fought past it. Coming to a stop outside the room where he could hear the noise, Hayate hesitated. Reaching out, he knocked quietly. Dreading what he would find inside.

Moving the sharpening stone again past the edge of the blade, Kiyomi only stopped to raise her eyes to the door. Sitting on her bed, the pale looking teen continued again with the constant slow movement. Sitting in a meditation sit, she focused again on sharpening the blade. Not caring much if she was in the process of ruining the sheet on which she sat.

Hearing no response, Hayate gritted his teeth and pushed the door open. Taking a step into the room, he paused. "Kiyomi..."

Hearing his voice, Kiyomi glanced up. First surprise, but then the expression ebbed away. A more neutral expression moved over her features. She did stop sharpening the blade with the stone. Staying silent for a second, she would frown as she eyed him. "Yes?" She said, trying to make her tone somewhat more resolute, though she was horribly failing at it.

Closing the door behind him, Hayate took another step into the room. "I..." Seeing her like this brought him pain, and Hayate wanted to do nothing more than fix it. Taking another step towards her, the concern was clear in his voice. "What can I do?"

She was prepared for it. Pity, anger or the usual. It angered her, but she could understand it. Somewhere it did feel good, but it was also frustrating. When Hayate, however, asked his question, Kiyomi's frown vanished as she blinked twice rapidly. It took her a second before she gave a reply back. "I'm fine." She lied. "Its going to be fine..." She mumbled, glancing briefly at the blade she was still holding.

Approaching her so that he was only a step or two away, Hayate looked down at her, shaking his head slowly. "Please... don't. Kiyomi, I... you and I both know that you're not fine." Lowering himself so that he was now crouching and his eyes were level with hers. Hayate reached out slowly and put his hand on the hand she was holding the blade in. "I need to know how I can help, Kiyomi."

Her lower lip trembled as she looked back. The grip on the handle of the weapon tightened as she wanted to say again that she was fine. "I'm not the one with a broken arm or in the hospital." She mumbled back. Her grip on the handle of the blade loosened as she let out a frustrated sigh. "It's unfair." Kiyomi said.

Pulling the blade from her hand gently, Hayate set it aside and resumed holding her hands in his. "What happened to Hiron... to both of you, it is more than unfair. It is inexcusable." His voice was still soft, but a little anger crept in as he spoke again. "Whoever did this, we will make them pay. That is a promise. Right now, I need to know what I can do for you. I have Guardians posted outside Hiron's room, keeping watch on him 24/7. Nobody else will get near him."

Her face moved into a grimace. "You..." She whispered. "It's my fault. It is." She said, narrowing her eyes. "Back in Nanporo I had an encounter with a foe that had the same abilities as Hiron's attacker. If I had been--"

"Stop." Hayate said, cutting her off. Closing his eyes, Hayate lowered his head. "We were both in Nanporo Kiyomi. If I had been there to help you then maybe we both could have stopped that bastard. Don't put that on yourself. I let you down there and I do not intend to do so again."

Biting her lower lip, she felt only more terrible. Why weren't things going well anymore? It had all going fine for some time. Only to turn from one problem and only leading to more. "You're not going after him." She said. "How many Guardians ... are stationed at the hospital?" Was her question instead of giving the reason for her previous comment.

Opening his eyes, Hayate looked back up. Gritting his teeth as she told him he wouldn't be going after him, Hayate resisted the urge to argue back. Now was not the time. "There are two senior members posted immediately outside his door. They rotate regularly to avoid anyone growing too relaxed. I also have four stationed around the hospital in civilian clothing. They are keeping an eye on anyone suspicious. If you would like me to assign more just say the word."

Spotting that he wasn't content with her 'instruction', Kiyomi already readied arguments. Instead however he surprised her again with not arguing back. Selfishly she had secretly hoped he would do so, perhaps offering some minor distraction. "I want double. The more you and the Guardians can spare, the better." Kiyomi replied. "I... also want you to remain cautious. You... well..."

Nodding his head briefly, Hayate responded. "Consider it done. I will send word shortly." When she asked him to remain cautious, Hayate paused. Meeting her gaze, he reached up with one hand gently and rested it against her cheek. "I'm not going anywhere. Despite my wishes, there have been Guardians assigned to watch me as well."

"Good." She said. Though she wanted to say more, she wasn't sure what. Only matters she was sure off were a few and none of them were what she really wanted to talk about. "You should go. I'll be okay." She told him, locking her eyes with his to come over a bit more convincing than before.

Searching her eyes, Hayate let out a quiet sigh. "No."

Frowning, her tone slightly shifted. "Hayate..."

"I'm not leaving you alone right now Kiyomi. This..." Pausing, he looked away to regain his composure before looking back at her. "This isn't just for you. I... I need to know you're okay. I can't do that when I'm stuck on the outside. Please..."

Pulling her hand back, Kiyomi threw a glare in his direction before glancing at the door. "I don't want company now." She stated to him. "Besides, I am being barred from leaving. If you want to be here as well, cause you're also afraid that I am plotting something then just join the rest." Kiyomi stated, crossing her arms out front of her chest.

When she pulled away, Hayate looked down, confused and upset. Clenching his fists as she accused him of being like the rest, Hayate looked up with fire in his eyes. "Do you honestly think I want to keep you here? That I would want to stop you?" His tone was a mix of hurt and anger. "Kiyomi, if you were planning something, I wouldn't want to stop you, I would want to bloody join you! I want to keep you safe, but I can understand what you are going through, and keeping you cooped up in here really isn't going to help that!"

"As if!" She half sneered back. "You would just join to prevent me..." Realizing that she was snapping almost at somebody that hadn't done anything bad, Kiyomi grew more frustrated. "Stop being stubborn! Hiron is alive. Keiko and Aimi will be alive. Things will be turn out all good. Just let me be and things will be fine." Kiyomi said, managing to keep her tone calm.

Shaking his head, Hayate snorted. "I may be stubborn Kiyomi, but I learned from the best." Sighing again, the young Hyuzu frowned. "When are you going to learn that I am here to help you, not to stop you?" For a moment, he felt a flare of frustrated anger, but stifled it quickly. He was used to people not understanding his intentions. It was something he could live with.

"Oh shut up." She said, though not really amused by his first comment. His second comment was met with a glare. "Oh, yes cause you didn't attempt to do that before. Now, I'll be okay. I just need some time for myself." Kiyomi replied back. "It's not like I'll be able to go somewhere without being tailed or guarded."

"I wasn't trying to stop you before!" Hayate snapped, instantly regretting it. Rubbing his temples, he took a deep breath. "You don't have to carry the world by yourself all the time. One of these days I hope you'll learn that." Getting slowly to his feet, Hayate paused.

Blinking several times as he snapped, she was about to sneer back. Only holding herself back as she knew that letting her anger getting the better of herself would make matters worse."Maybe. However for today I'll be okay." She replied back. "You've likely more pressing matters to take care of. Tell Mimi... I'm sorry that I've not yet visited her this week." A pause followed as she wanted to thank him, but somewhere felt the need to not do so. He would likely know already what she wanted to say anyways.

Sighing, Hayate nodded his head slowly. "She knows." He said after a moment, locking his gaze with Kiyomi's and trying to offer a slight smile. "I may have promised you'd make it up to her by treating her to some ice cream though." His tone lightened slightly, trying one last time to cheer her up, even just a little.

No smile graced Kiyomi's lips as she just nodded. "Okay." Remaining silent, her eyes moved back to the blade of before. "If that would be all." She said softly, her eyes half closing. Though she wanted to say more, Kiyomi didn't want to say anything that would be hurtful towards Hayate. Not to mention she wanted to be alone with her thoughts on present matters.

Nodding his head again, Hayate glanced back at the door behind him with a sad look in his eyes. Turning back, he bit his lower lip. Taking a step forwards quickly, Hayate embraced Kiyomi in a quick hug. Holding her for a moment, he wished he could say something, anything to make her better. Nothing would fix this though, and Hayate pulled away regretfully. Giving her a weak smile, he turned and made his way out of the room.

It was weird. She was both taken by surprise by the hug and had still somehow expected him to do that. It wouldn't last for long and Kiyomi was confused if she disliked or like that. Remaining silent, she glanced back to the blade of before that she had been sharpening. Now that she was alone again, the teen would just turn around. Laying on her stomach, she would burry her face into the pillows. Not wanting to risk anybody to see her as her shoulders trembled and shook lightly.
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[fieldbox=Painful Jabs, maroon]
Hiron Hon

Jounin | Konoha Team 9 | Konohagakure, hospital

A soft groan escaped Hiron. Frowning at the bandages, the man remained further silent as he sat on the bed. The wounds had been patched as good as they could have been. There were a few stitches and Hiron was well aware that a few of the wounds he had suffered would result into scars. Not that he had any problem with them. No, the problem was something entirely different.

While there had been a sense of relief and joy that none of his students had been badly injured, the news of his family had felt like a hot knife being stabbed in his back. Though he wanted to head out and get to work Hiron knew better. In his current condition he needed to rest. Which was actually in his opinion a laughable ironic situation. Rarely had he felt the desire to pick up his gear and head out and kill somebody. However he doubted he would be capable of killing the person who had ambushed their team.

With the use of a dark brown wooden cane, he managed to keep himself supported. The pace of walking already frustrated the man, wishing he wouldn't need a cane. Yet not a complaint or curse would originate from the Hon as he would make his way out. He didn't even glance at the Guardians who had been assigned to watch over him. At the moment nobody really cared other than his family. And the only close family he now wanted close was unreachable. The thought of heading to the Royal Palace and demanding to see Kiyomi, to be sure she was at least safe and sound - as well making sure she wasn't off on what he wanted to do himself - was still present in the back of Hiron's head.

Heading home, Hiron knew that he just had to trust on the higher ups on keeping Kiyomi from picking up the sword and heading out on her own. As he would reach his home, Hiron's pace slowed down. Standing in front of the house, the man's lower lip trembled as his right hand grip on the cane's top tightened. Entering his house, he felt another painful jab. Nobody was inside. No laughter, talking or indication that he wasn't going to be all alone this day. Closing the door behind him, Hiron decided to stop holding the tears back.

Nobody could see him. Though at this point,

he couldn't care less if somebody did...​

[fieldbox= The Wounded Wolf and His Pupil, Plum]

A collab done between @Unyielding and @Gerontis.

Summary :
Though needing to take it easy, Hiron decides to use his time to train one of his students. After the results of the last fight, the Hon has decided that Violet could use some mentoring in both taijutsu and tactical play.



Grunting, Hiron used the cane in his right hand to support himself. With his left arm bandaged and held up by some contraption, Hiron still didn't have it easy as he headed to the training field. With all that had happened, the man wasn't going to sit at home and doing nothing. Perhaps he couldn't take a mission for a short time anymore - cause even medical ninjutsu had its limits - but that did that mean he was going to sit idle at home. No, he wouldn't. A message had been send to Violet as the man was going to 'reward' his pupil for what he had seen in the field. Though he would deny any claim that he could see talent or a good future shinobi and soldier, he could remember several time that he had seen genin that had such spirit and yet thought about others before themselves.

Arriving at the training field, Hiron squinted his eyes for a second. The bandage around his forehead was itching as he was still wearing his bandanna and even flak jacket. If it wasn't for the cane and the held up broken left arm that was all bandaged, one would think it was a shinobi that had some trouble walking.

Violet arrived at the training field in her usual fall training outfit. This consisted of a loose fitted hoodie with loose fitting pants. She brought her gauntlets in-case the training would involve weapons. She also brought 2 lunch boxes because her mom made her. She tried her hand at making lunch for her self but her mom did not supervise and figure she did not cook it well. Violet did not care. She trusted in her own cooking skills (even though it was her first time) and was going to be happy with her rice balls and steamed veggies with soy sauce.

When she saw Hiron, intense guilt fell over her. Yeah she was just a genin and did not have a huge variety of tricks to throw at the enemy but she still felt responsible for not being as useful as everyone else. After all, she was suppose to be the master of the ultimate Taijutsu who could protect everyone like she promised Kyomi, but look at her teacher and Neji. She wanted to visit them in the hospital but was told by the doctors and her team multiple times that she couldn't.

Now that Hiron was out, and wanted to 'reward' Violet. Would this be a reward reward, or a punishment reward. Or maybe be it would be a reward that was rewarding but still felt like punishment. Her eyes darted up at her hair before looking back in Hiron's direction. "Sensei..." she said quietly, as the guilt choked her words. When she looked up at his face, she could tell he was not in the best of moods. So she quickly shook away the guilt, for a second, and bowed, giving her sensei the proper greeting he deserved.

"Good Morning, Hiron-Sensei!"

Hiron was frowning in her direction. For a moment, silence was all that followed the respectful bow and greeting of Violet. Normally, Hiron would've scoffed and told her that she shouldn't bow. But this time, the man remained simply silent. The frown vanished as the man slightly nodded in return. "You came in time. Good. Today, we will train taijutsu and tactics." He said, his voice still firm in contrast with how he looked like. "I want you to do thirty push ups. Then three laps around the field and then proceed to do a handstand for a minute." The man ordered her. His lips parted as he wanted to say more, but he started to cough. Slightly able to raise his left hand as he lowered his head, the man lifted the cane up a bit and gestured that she should get going with the given instructions.

Violet's eyes lit up when Hiron said Taijutsu but when he added tactics, she tilted her head to the left. "Tactics" she repeated under her breath. Was there tactics to taijutsu. Well, she did have a strategy for her super killer ultimate combo attack. Thinking this was the case, she smiled, knowing she had both areas already fully developed. This was going to be the time to show off her stuff. "That e..." She stopped her self mid sentence, remembering the last time she boasted about something being easy. (the next day she could not move) "I mean... Mission ACCEPTED!" She pound her fist into her hand and then started her warm up exercises.

She did 10 seconds of air boxing, high knees, running in place, and finally hit the ground. She knocked out those 30 4push ups effortlessly and then took off to run 3 laps. Then she she sprinted back to the Hiron and tumbled into a hand stand. "Sensei, so what do you want me to do next?" She had trouble keeping her balance while holding her handstand so every few seconds, you would see her wobble or readjust the placement of her hands.

While Violet did the warming up, Hiron leaned back on his cane as he subdued his coughing. With the genin asking what he wanted her to do next, he would give a reply in return. "Tactics." He said the sole word as if she should've seen it coming. The Hon let out a sigh as he would allow her to continue to do the handstand. Not saying if she was doing it right or wrong, his gaze averted for some time. "I want you to think of one tactic one can do with taijutsu."

Violet's harms wobbled a little after he said tactic but she quickly regain her balance. "Tactics with Taijutsu, uhhh." For a few seconds she achieved true balance. Then her legs started leaning forward because she was in deep thought about a good tactic she had with her Taijutsu. "Well I can punch you on one side, then punch you on the other side with my Technique. I call it my Pinccccccerrr." Violet lost her balance and fell on her back. "Ouch..." While laying in the grass she pounded the ground with both hands and sat up. "Sorry... Hand stands are not my strong suit..." She got up and brushed off her clothes, and stretched her arms. "I did it once in the academy, and the boy was sent to the hospital..." Her speech started to slowdown as she finished her story. It was one of the few times she got in big trouble.

The man frowned as another silence flowed over the field. "And the boy was send into the hospital." Hiron repeated slowly, as if he wanted Violet to think again about those words. "We're not fighting little boys. What I am going to teach you is how to think ahead while fighting in close ranged. After all, when you fight a person, you're focused on them. Trying to coordinate your attack, defense and movement. All in order to make sure you win with as less damage as you can get. Something everybody tries to achieve." The last sentence was spoken with a bitter tone as Hiron would grumble for a second.

"So, I want you to think again. How do you focus on fighting and trying to adapt tactics into it them?" Hiron asked again.

Violet flinched after Hiron corrected her. "Fighting and using tatics?" Violet pondered on it and reached for her pigtail but yet again she relearned that it was not long enough. She sigh and balled her fist infront of her mouth. "Well... when ever I fight... I try to mix up when I use Echo and when I just use normal punches. Then when the opponet fails to predict one of my echos, I go for a weak spot... does that count?" She never really thought about using tatics when fighting. Then she jumped on her hands as she wanted to try and do the hand stand again.

Shaking his head lightly, the man answered. "It is in a way yes, but that isn't what I am trying to teach you." Though the phrasing made it seem that Hiron got a bit irritated, it was clear he wasn't by how he sounded. "What I mean is that you need to think of tactics on when to fight and how in what kind of scenario's. Some foes don't like it to tangle close ranged and will prevent that from happening at the best of their ability. You to think on how to play it tactical against such foes... like..."

Thinking on how to be clear on what he meant, Hiron paused for a few seconds. "Me. Assuming that I am capable of fighting back. How would you approach an enemy that is superior in experience and rank than you are?"

Violet fell back on the ground after loosing her balance. She accepted the fact that it was too hard to think and do something difficult like a hand stand. She rolled on her back and sat up to think about the question. She started drawing in the dirt as she build her idea. "Well... most people in the academy would fall for a taunt... but for those that didn't. I found that throwing things worked. In fact," Violet stood up and grabbed a rock and applied her echo to it. Then she threw it in the air. "I found that when things move in weird ways, people over worry." As the rock flew up, she held up her hand to catch it but she over estimated the time of the delay and the rock flew back down to her earlier then she expected, do to the denotation of the echo charge, and pelted her in the head. "Ouch... stupid rock..." She rubbed her head before remembering she was in front of her teacher. While rubbing her head she tried to redeem herself. "I mean, yeah that is my tactic, distract them by applying my echo to the things I throw, then while they are confuse I run up and K.O them." She finished with a cynical smile while cracking her knuckles.

"Some people in the Academy would believe that the people with a sharingan have a demon residing in them." Hiron said, though he didn't sound that amused. "And its true. People often are thrown off by manners that don't apply to what they consider to be common. That is in a way a tactic." Pausing, the man would let the words sink in.

"What I was aiming for was to help you understand how to craft manners on how to combat a foe whom's abilities are unknown to you. How do you do fight against a person who perhaps fight in a way new to you? Throwing you thus off guard."

Violet's face went red when Hiron mentioned that stupid rumor she fell for. "Senseiiiii... not funny"

When he reworded his question, Violet moved her hand to her mouth. "I go punch them in the face or something..." she then smiled innocently and gave her sensei a thumbs up. Knowing her sensei would not let that fly, she pondered a little more. She folded her arms and looked up at the sky. "Seriously though, I guess it depends on how they throw me off. Like if it was with genjustu then I would have to break it and not get caught again. If it was with ninjustu then I would have to examine it and then try to avoid it. If it was taijutsu," she paused and smiled as if she had a dirty thought, "Then I would use less committed strikes and opp for feints till I felt I understood the move or style and then go for their weak spot." She almost song her statement as she imagined seeing a new technique that she did not know.

He was about to reply, but a coughing fit caught him off guard. Heavily coughing, Hiron squeezed his eyes close as a sharp pain moved through his body. Managing to recover from the coughing, Hiron gritted his teeth for a second. As he spoke back, Hiron would take a few steps back. "Fair enough, then enough talk." The man said. He would look for a place to sit down. Spotting a log, likely used often as it seemed to be just placed at the edge, Hiron walked to the log. "The objective will be easy. You're going against an opponent that is heavier, bigger, stronger and more experienced." Pausing as he would sit down, the man took a moment to prepare for something. Bringing his thumb to his mouth, he wouldn't cringe as pain shot through his hand as he bite through the skin. Bringing his hand closer to his other, the speed of which he weaved hand signals was slow. Yet he would just keep on weaving the required signals before he would place his hand on the ground. A soft groan escaping him as he felt pain shooting through his body again.

Black lines would crawl over the ground in a rapid speed, forming a summoning formula on the dirt. Only to then summon a large white smoke cloud. Of which the majority would be blown backwards by a gust, originating from a large creature's nostrils.

"Well, go ahead. Hope your feints will work."

A large bear laid on his stomach. Staring with narrowed eyes at Violet. The upper lip of the animal moved up, showing ferocious teeth that could do more than just take on berries. The size of the creature was much larger than an ordinary bear, being at least four or five times the size of a large grizzly. The white fur slowly would get up as the black spots hide some of the visible scars, likely gained from previous skirmishes.

As the smoke cleared, Violet just about pissed her pants. Sweat ran down her head as she backed up slowly away from the beast. It was easily 5-6 times her size and probably much heavier then her. Translation, her delay fist would not even be half as effective. "Haha, you are funny sensei, you can cancel the genjutsu now. Please... I really don't like genjutsu..." She quickly equipped her gauntlets and put her hands together to make the sign for release. Then she kept repeating the words release and closed her eyes. She opened her eyes to see the bear was still there. She repeated the actions again a few times thinking she did not perform it correctly. "Please go away, please go away, please go away!" She opened her eyes one more time to see if the bear was there...

Hiron remained silent as Violet requested him to cancel genjutsu. The bear narrowed his eyes further. Raising his right claw, the animal let out a deep menacing growl. Opening the claw, the sharp nails were better visible. As if the animal was considering if it wanted to sweep or crush the small girl, it froze for a second. Only to then let his claw come down in a sweeping manner towards Violet in attempt to grab the genin.

Violet watched as the bear choose his move. As it went for a sweeping motion with it's claws, Violet flipped over the attack. As she landed she planted an echo charge into the ground through her feet, using the force from her landed for the power and set the delay for 5 seconds. Then she jumped back and reached for her ninja tools, however she did not equip them. She bit her lip and looked around for something she could throw. There was a few pebbles around. An idea hit her. All she had to do was avoid the next attack.

The bear pulled his claw back after his miss. Getting slowly up, the animal snorted. It watched Violet with still narrowed eyes. There would be another growl as the upper lip of the beast would slightly be raised before it would attempt to do another sweep at Violet.

Violet sucked her teeth because the bear did not fall into her trap. Still, it would not be completely useless. The 5 seconds were up a thump echoed from the ground as if the wind had stomped on the spot where she originally landed. Dust and dirt flew everywhere between her and the bear.

Violet quickly started running to the left while picking up all the rocks she could find, managing to obtain 6 of them. They were not very big with the biggest one being half the size of her hand. Still they would get the job done. It would not be long before the dust cleared and she had to be ready in case the bear decided to blindly run through the dust cloud.

"Oh." Hiron looked a bit surprised by the sudden dust cloud. The bear's nostrils widened as it would snort, but not head into the cloud. For a moment the animal seemed to be readying himself to charge in, but then deciding not to, letting out a snarl to the annoying dust cloud. It was trying to spot Violet, staring at the dust cloud and waiting to either catch the scent of the girl or spot any movement. Hiron rubbed his chin as he so far couldn't say he was disapproving in any way how Violet was holding her ground.

The dust was starting to clear and Violet could tell that the bear did not move, though she could not see what it was doing. Not wanting to give the bear time to adjust she pocketed 4 of her 6 rocks and held one of the smaller rocks in both hands.

Violet's plan was to throw both rocks and use the echo to further increase their velocity. One rock she would throw directly at the bear with a 1 second delay and the other she would throw above the bear with a 3 second delay. When the second rock's echo went off, she expected it to fly down at the bear. Hopefully it would confuse the bear and give her a window the strike the bear in a weak spot.

Violet, at 4 meters away, started running around the dust cloud and slowly close the gap. Then she clenched both hands, applying the echo charge to the rocks, and threw the first one. Then she arced the second one high into the air. She kept her eyes on The center of the dust cloud where she believe the bear's location was.

The large animal let out a pained growl. Though the rocks weren't perhaps the most dangerous objects or that lethal, that didn't stop the bear from cringing in pain as they hit his nose. Taking a step back, the animal used his right claw to sweep around in front of him as the beast lowered his head for a moment. Judging from the sounds, it was likely going to be more pissed off than before.

After the bear's attack, the dust cleared giving Violet a clear view of it. Because of the creature's size, she knew she could not rely on powering it with Echo. For this fight, she would have to use her strongest attack, Amp but she would have to find a good place to plant one. She had to find a weak spot. Now could not be better to do so as she was on the side of it and in the perfect position for a flank. She ran up to the bear and clenched her fist. She jumped into the air and made an attempt to deck it in the face.

The large animal glanced forward and produced a low growl again. As Violet made her move, the animal's eyes flashed to the side. Moving its head higher, the right claw, that had been used to sweep around before, would be used to try to intercept and catch the brave genin as it flashed its dangerous and large fangs.

As the bear turned and around and swung its claw, Violet put up her free hand to guard at the last minute. She was already in the air so she could not dodge and could only prepare for the heavy it. She attempted to parry the attack but the bear was much stronger then her. She ended up bouncing off the bear's claws a hit the ground, landing on her butt.

A stinging sensation ran down her right arm as blood dripped on the ground. Violet grabbed it while making her fist. She was relieved to see that her arm was not broken but those claws were dangerously sharp.

The animal was about to move forwards, likely attempting to slam the girl down and keep her pinned. "And that's enough." The large animal halted and would back away. Though the upper lip of the beast trembled, flashing some of its teeth, it stayed back. Getting up, Hiron would throw a glance at the bear before at Violet. "Admirable. Most genin tend to just charge at larger targets or think throwing a whole bunch of ninjutsu will work out in their advantage." Hiron stated, though not approaching the genin or asking how she was doing.

Violet lowered her guard after Hiron stopped the bear from potentially mauling her face off. She knew it. He was about to to punish her for messing up again. She first she could not make a good tactic and now she could not keep up with a bear with Taijutsu. She closed her eyes and braced for that scolding but what came out was something different. A complement...

... Or at least something close to it. She got up and blushed while rolling her index fingers around each other. Sure he did not directly say she was doing good but not doing some bad things was just as good right. some more blood dripped on the ground but she happiness she felt from not being deem a failure despite not taking down the bear was overriding any sense of pain she had... Then she realized something.

She turned to Hiron, "Wait... I still did not win. The bear beat me in one hit. How can I be a good Kunochi like this!" Then she lowered her head and grabbed her right arm to rub the areas where the bear scratched her. Her right hand made a fist and shook with anger.

The man frowned briefly at the genin. "No indeed, you lost. with one hit, you were already on your back. Thus you're not a good kunoichi." The jounin replied back casually. He would glance at her arm and paused. "After all, what makes a good kunoichi? Battle prowess? Skills? Experience?" He took a few steps towards the genin. "Is it the amount of deadly techniques and traits that one needs to have?" Hiron paused.

"What is a kunoichi?"

Violet puffed her cheeks as her sensei joked about her worries. She got up and stomped. "A kunoichi is someone who can protect her village. She is not weak. She is strong and reliable through her own talents. People can entrust their lives with her... and stuff like that..." She forgot about the stinging sensation in her arm as she pulled her hands closer to her heart. "Like Kyomi-sama."

Already his lips parted as he was about to reply back, but his last comment caused him to stay silent for a moment. Glancing for a second away, he nodded subtly. "State. Not village or city." Hiron grumbled. Looking back at Violet, he shook his head. "But I assume that its a better answer than most can come up with. Now, second try..." That having said, Hiron would already turn around and walk away. The bear growled as it slammed its right claw on the ground. Glaring at the genin, it would flash its teeth again. Readying itself for an attack.

Violet turned to the bear and laughs quietly as if she was about to regret this fight. She entered her stance and slowly backed away. That bear clearly had some sort of enhance sensory given how fast it reacted to her before. "Nice bear... Nice bear... How about we just talk about this like gentle... uhh.. bears." She was not scared. Ok, she probably would be pissing her pants but she could not back down. She would not turn her back on the creature. She was an honorable fighter ready to match brute strength.

The animal didn't seem to be on the same line of talking it out. It took another step towards Violet. Its claws dug into the ground as its hair rose. Hiron was observing the situation as he had done before. The bear didn't seem to go on the offensive instead revealing fangs which resembling a wicked grin. A loud snort followed, but their was no attack from the large animal.

Violet jumped back a few meters after the creature dug its claw into the ground. What was it planing? What could it do? She knew it was stronger then her. She also knew that it would be much harder to pull off a sneak attack. She could not just hit it from any location because of its size. She also had no range abilities except for the 4 rocks in her pocket.

No matter what happens, she had to get in close and because the bear hasn't really committed to coming after her, she was going to have to be the one to close the gap.

Suddenly an idea hit her. It would be risky but it was her only shot. She pulled out the 4 rocks and threw them at the bear without applying echo to them. After throwing the rocks she proceed to run at the bear.

The rocks distracted the bear briefly. The creature clearly did not liking the action of the genin throwing the rocks at him. Using his right claw, the bear ignored the pesky action of Violet. It intended to slash and sweep the girl. Hiron frowned, not having expected Violet to charge right in. Slightly amused, he couldn't hide his worry and a frown appeared on his face. Hopefully the girl knew what she was doing.

When Violet was a foot out of the bears reach, she attempted to stop. Using the force from the sudden stop, she planted a amp charge in the ground. She looked the bear in the face as she slid into its range. A cloud of dust floated over the line in the ground from her slide. "Too close, too close." With her arms up she prepared to react to the next attack.

The bear was about to lash out again, but halted its attack. "And that is enough." Hiron stated. The bear growled softly as it moved a bit back. "Think that was enough for today." The jounin stated, causing the bear to poof away in a large cloud of white smoke. "What was your plan? " He asked her, briefly glancing at the spot where she had been hit before.

Violet quickly turned around after her sensei ordered them to stop. She was a little bummed about not being able to do her plan. She did not know if it would work, but she would have been able to show off her new technique. Still orders where orders.

"Well... I wanted to lure the bear forward. After it was close enough, I was going to create a huge dust cloud and blind the bear. Then I was going to strike it down"

Then she slammed her fist into her hand and grinned. A sharp pain ran up her right arm causer her to dropped the grin and grab her arm. "Ouch.. ouch, stupid bear with claws."

Hiron slightly nodded upon hearing her plan. He was about to ask a question, but paused as Violet felt the pain at her arm again. Waiting for a few moments, he would speak up. "A decent plan. But how will you strike an opponent down that has better senses than you do? You're both blinded by the dust. But a bear has a keen sense of smell. Not to mention that the moment you attack him, he will know where you are and though you got a nasty punch..." Hiron's voice trailed off as he leaned on his cane to support himself. His point was likely clear off why he had little trust to see her plan being successful.

"You see what I mean now? Sometimes it comes down to skill and approach, but sometimes in cases like these you need a tactic. If I were you and had to use such an approach, I would've used smoke. You're smaller and harder to hit. Smoke will disable the bear's sense of smell and perhaps allow you land a hit or two. Then fall back and repeat. This will infuriate any kind of opponent and angry opponents make more mistakes than calm ones."

Violet nodded though she did not agree with her sensei. Unlike the first encounter where she just made a bunch of dust fly everywhere, this time she was going to use her Wave to push it at the bear. Still, her sensei would not know that. Thus, there would be no point in trying to argue with the man.

"Yes sensei. I think I understand tactics a little bit more." One thing she did like was the smoke idea. She was never really one for smoke bombs but this experience showed how useful they could be.

"Good." Hiron said. He was about to speak again, but a coughing fit forced him to pause. Managing to recover his composure, Hiron would grumble softly. "I suppose I'll let you now have the day for yourself." He said, a calm facial expression moving on the man's face. Though his right hand trembled briefly as he could feel a shot of pain moving through his body after the coughs. "If you have no questions, you're dismissed."

"Thank you sensei! I won't let you down," she bowed to her teacher and then packed up her things. Though she did not win against the bear, she now had some ideas on how to further improve her fighting and next time...

She will protect her friends![/spoili]

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[fieldbox="New Chapter, magenta, dashed, 10, Tahoma"]

Tomiko | Team 2 Genin | Konohagakure

"...if you don't want to be a Hyuuga, then don't be one. Be Tomiko."

Those words echoed through the girl's mind for the hundredth time in the days since she had talked to the Empress, catching her whenever she was unprepared. Hayate-Sensei had said something very similar not long after, and now the thought wouldn't leave her mind. The message was something that Tomiko had poured over several times and couldn't seem to find an answer to. Now she lay here, staring up at the ceiling of her small room in Azumi the place that had become her home in recent times, and still couldn't seem to get past the thought. She knew she didn't want to be a Hyuuga anymore, but yet... she couldn't seem to figure out just how to be Tomiko. For that matter, the girl wasn't even sure who Tomiko even was. She only knew about the scared little Tomiko who obeyed the customs of a clan she disliked. The coward who refused to stand up like her brother, and simply tried to hide from the world. A girl like that, how could anybody even tolerate her? More so, how could Tomiko even tolerate herself for living like that? Being the girl that everybody pushed around then forgot about, being weak. That girl... afraid of the world and allowing herself to be pushed around, is that who Tomiko is?

No. That is not who I am. Tomiko thought briefly, narrowing her eyes in annoyance at the previous line of thought. She was offered a new chance here, a clean slate. That Tomiko was wiped away when the people she thought she was making proud turned their backs on her. She died in the freezing rain on that dreadful night, and in her place a new girl stood. One who would make an identity for herself beyond just 'some other Hyuuga brat'. The only issue being that this girl wasn't even sure who she was, or how to be her own person. She only knew how to hide from the world.

With that thought, the girl's thoughts fell silent briefly as she laid on her bed and stared up at the ceiling. Slowly, a new thought made its way to the forefront of her troubled mind. Perhaps hiding was the issue, rather, perhaps at some level she was still holding onto that old girl. The one who hid from the world, and from herself. Maybe it was time she broke that shell, and shed what little remained of the coward she used to be.

Motivated by these thoughts, Tomiko sat up before swinging her legs off the bed and onto the cold floor. Pushing herself up, the girl crossed the room to reach a small dresser with a mirror over it. Staring at the girl in the mirror, mask and all, the girl couldn't help but feel a bit of disgust. That was what remained of the girl that she couldn't be proud of... the girl who isn't Tomiko. In a slow movement, the girl reached up and gripped the soft material of the mask. Hesitating for a moment as she thought about what it was, a way to hide herself from the world... to hide from herself. But, she would never find out what the real Tomiko was if she continued to hide. In a single, swift, movement she pulled the mask down and off her face. Studying the material, she then opened a drawer on her dresser that was otherwise empty and placed the mask inside. No longer would she hide from the world. With that, the girl closed the drawer in a movement to close off that bad part of her life. Reaching for some other tools, the girl decided that if she was going to cut away the past then she might as well change some other things. Severe the tie completely.

After a few hours, Tomiko once again turned her attention to the mirror. Admiring the changes, she gave the girl in the mirror a small smile. So much had changed, yet so little. With her new appearance, Tomiko felt like she had finally shed what little link she had to her former self. Something that felt... good if she was to be honest.
"Now, lets find out who Tomiko is."
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[fieldbox=Growing Strong, violet]

Aiko Cho-Hom


| Jounin | Konohagakure Team 8 | Colonel of the Hell's Raiders, 3rd Division battalion | Cho Clan Leader | Civic Council member |

This lengthy post is about Aiko preparing for a feast that will be hosted in the Cho compound. The reason for it? It is elaborated in the post. Furthermore, she does some administrative work for the battalion she is responsible for as well sending some letters to various contacts as she is starting to work on a plan.

Indirectly :
- Shozo Uchiha (@Fieryfly)
- Hyuzu clan/Jora (@ChromeHound)
- Koike Hon (@Gerontis)

It was really, really weird. Good, but weird. Aiko had the first few hours a hard time believing that it was true. The news of Koike accepting an arranged marriage wasn't something that had surprised her. Remembering the time that Shozo had suggested it, as well what had happened afterwards, was still fresh in Aiko's memory. The whole ordeal with Korina had certainly not made it better. If anything, it had made more people curious to see if they couldn't else establish a suggestion that would align with the taste of her husband and of course Koike himself. It made Aiko wonder though how things would be now if Korina was still around, instead of heading back 'home'. Deciding to spend her time to think about other matters and being more productive, she glanced back at the lists she had been working on.

The idea for the wedding was for the Sarutobi, Cho and Hon clan to celebrate the new union with a large festival in each compound. Not that the compounds were that ridiciously close to one another, but each clan had their own reasons to celebrate this. For the Hons it was that the line of the White Blade would continue. Not to mention that the Sarutobi and Hon had a long history together and after the 'incidents' at the Clan Meeting in Keishi many prefered this match than the previous one. Aiko could understand the reasons why, though wondered if things couldn't have gone better. The reasons why the Cho decided to celebrate this new union was fairly simply as well. Though Koike wasn't any of Aiko's blood, he was close to her. Not just on a personal base, but seeing her marriage with Zakito, it did had some impact that some of the Hons close to Aiko were viewed with more interest by the Cho's. Certainly when they had a good ancestory.

The reason for the Sarutobi clan was quite easy to grasp. Yet it made Aiko wonder how much this new union would change things. It wasn't a rare occurrence that Sarutobi and Hon married with each other. Hiron's parents were an example, if she remembered it at least correctly. "Hmmm." Aiko frowned as she checked the list again. The festival in the Cho compound would be one of great splendor. Musicians were hired to play traditional Cho music. The stands would build for traditional Cho games and food. Not everything would be specifically be old traditional Cho. Aiko was interested to request some people from other clans to assist with the festival. If there was something really traditional with the Cho clan, it was cold hard coin from the clan that hired others to do something with or for them. At least, it was correct in a most crude manner.

Considering the expenses, Aiko did ponder on helping with paying for it. Writing something down, Aiko decided she would. Most would anyways conclude that the Chonobi cultures were attempting to impress people with hosting large festivals. Seeing that there was no avoiding it, Aiko decided that she thus wouldn't shun away from trying to make people think differently. Writing a letter to the Hyuzu clan, Aiko had a plan in mind. She wasn't sure if it would truly be a great idea, but it was better than nothing. Next letter would be aimed at Shozo Uchiha. While Aiko was aware that Zakito had politely informed the Uchiha that his suggestion wouldn't be taken, Aiko decided to write a letter on her own. She doubted it was needed. However it was more than just a friendly gesture in return as Aiko did believe that Shozo hadn't made his suggestion just for personal gain. Wasn't it normal that leaders or even just people wanting the best for their relatives? Koike hadn't been a specifically aimed target to insult or annoy Korina. Aiko highly doubted that Shozo had aimed for that. It was easier to do that in a more simple manner that wouldn't cost a minute before the insult would be catched on.

No. The woman was convinced that Shozo had simply made the suggestion as she would've done the same thing in his place. The fact it was Koike was a pure coincidence as Shozo had after all named the match by the title, not the name. If anything it had thus been a proposal to mend old wounds and ensuring that his relative wouldn't fall in disgrace or his clan would lose face. The letter was aimed to invite Shozo for the festivals. Perhaps helping to organise a small part with her, as a token of friendship and good intensions.

Finishing the letters, Aiko would focus on other paperwork. Recently the Hell Raiders battalion had undergo through some changes. Once it had been a cavalry battalion, Aiko had been informed that it would now serve as an infantry battalion. Not that the serving soldiers and shinobi would forsake their training on horseback. No, it was more that Aiko and some of the officers in the battalion were assigned to train and lead a new battalion. Judging from the reports a mix of veterans and recruits. Frankly, she didn't mind it. Her work to lead and manage the battalion was still the same.

Though it required more reading and considering some decisions, Aiko wasn't needed to write a letter. There was nothing to argue against after all. Done with that too, Aiko let out a sigh of relief. Only for the door of the study room to be opened.

"Mama! Look at my drawing!"

Turning around, Aiko spotted Akimoto holding up a drawing. She could spot vaguely a tree and what she thought to be people. A smile touched her lips as she shook her head lightly. "It looks great." Getting up, she would pick the child up as she winked at him. "Let's get some tea and ---" "Cookies!"

Wrong Thoughts
Yonbi and Kuni

~Collab with Gerontis~

Kuni attempts to approach Son Goku and speak to him once more. The result is confusion, frustration and a promise.

"Good evening, Son-Goku!" Kuni said before she had even opened her eyes. Getting up, she stretched out her arms and then opened her eyes "I hope you rested well. I'm here to talk." She said, nearly adding a 'if you don't mind', but quickly realising that could easily irritate the beast, seeing how it didn't have much of an option. Son could choose not to respond, but both of them knew that did not mean Kuni would leave.

Just when he was considering the debate he had that time ago with the wise monk of the desert. What was his name again? Son couldn't remember, but just when he was about to delve back into the memories of that interesting debate if it was possible that the desert could be slowly transformed into a more comfortable place to live in, 'she' just had to blurt out. The beast laid as usual on his stomach, his eyes closed. "What do you want?" Was the grumbling reply as Son couldn't fanthom what the girl would likely be able to talk about that wasn't more interesting than a man who had dedicated his life in order to understand nature.

Moving a bit closer to the cage so she could see him a bit better, Kuni gave him a gentle smile "Lately I started to feel like I was being a bit selfish. Sure, we do these little question exchanges, but that could easily mean you are a mere source of information and nothing more. And I know thats not the case. You aren't just a source of information, just like you are not some kind of a powerful weapon to be used by anyone. So" She said and tapped once on the cage "I want to do something different than a question exchange. I want to do a story exchange."

Listening to her - as he didn't have much other choice but to just talk and let his booming voice overrule her voice - Son frowned as he would open his left eye half. "So I am not a source of information nor a powerful weapon to be used. If you wouldn't mind to indulge this non-informative weapon of use, what am I then?" The beast simply asked back, a subtle threat present in the booming voice.

The way he presented it made it sound like she had completely underestimated him and everything he was, which wasn't what she tried to show. As the smile on her face faded away, Kuni sighed "I didn't mean it like that. What I meant was that what you possess shouldn't just be used by others. And Unfortunately, I did use your knowledge in a rather selfish manner, just like the one I was trying to avoid." She then turned around and took a couple of steps away from the cage "I mean, you should be capable of choosing if to allow others if you help them or ignore, just like you had until you got sealed. And I want to make it true again." She then turned on the spot to face the cage again "I want us to do story exchanges from now on. No more questions. Stories, which we tell from our point of views, and from them we could also judge one another. I think that stories are probably the best way of judging someone, as it can show if someone is being humble or arrogant, and so on, from the way we tell the stories. I won't ask for anything else, not advices, not power. I will let you judge me from my stories and decide for yourself." She said.

Hearing the monologue, Son's eyebrows perked up slightly. "So you state that I, a knowledgeable and powerful being, that is however not a source of information or some powerful entity for use is willing to share stories and let another judge them. " He summed up, scoffing loudly afterwards. "To clear it out, I don't see any problem with people finding me a source of information. Its a way to clariffy that I know much more than them. As for powerful being for use? It means in a way that I'm rightfully feared and yet sought after. While I shouldn't care for the opinions of others, these are facts." The beast continued to grumble back towards her. The subtle threatening tone changed into a sarcastic mocking one this time. "Knowledge or information is to be used. Whatever its for selfish reasons or not, its to be used. What else is the good for it? To have it, but not use it?" The beast asked in return, frowning more. "Humans, they surely are one weird bunch", the beast thought to himself.

"I..." Kuni became a bit stumped. Now he told her that if people used him for what he has meant that he was above them all "Information needs to be used, I agree there. It needs to be taught, passed on, so that it can be used by others." She opened her mouth to keep talking but stopped herself. She did not wish for this to become a loud talk that would bring about no use, and at this rate, Son-Goku would most likely just go back to sleep soon and ignore her, which wasn't what she aimed for. She looked down at her feet.

"What I was aiming at was simple. That we would get to know each other a bit better. I know that just asking questions doesn't lead anywhere, so I thought that if we shared stories it might lead to something more. Because stories are a representation of how a person perceived an event, which can often lead to questions about different things in said event. If someone knows another side of the event, then they can question parts which they felt were wrong or inaccurate. Someone who only first heard of it may wish to hear certain parts over and then question those. Many things can come from stories, so I wanted us to share stories. Would you mind if we exchange stories to get to know each other better?" She asked, still not raising her sight from her feet.

"Assuming that I would like to know you better?" Son asked back, still frowning. "Have you considered that I am not interested in you? What do you have to offer me? I know that I am already a source of information and potential power source. But what do you offer in return?" The beast paused for a second. "Besides, what is the difference between a question that leads to a debate than a story that can do the same?"

Raising her sight to the cage, Kuni remembered the first time he has told her that he was not interested in her. Back then she did not know what to say to that, but now she decided to try to answer "I may not be as old or wise as you, but I do have stories to offer. And even if you sleep here all the time, I'm certain you could use a change. I don't intend to speak on your behalf, but I would probably lose my sanity if I had all the freedom in the world and then suddenly locked in a cage with no option except for sleep." She said, then realised she could've phrased it better "As for the difference between a question and a story. A question can be answered with mere facts and wont show anything about the person answering it. A story that is told from a certain side will always show it, regardless of how hard someone can try. Even if you tell me a story about 200 years ago, when people fought and you watched from the side, it will still be your story. It may be a fact, but a fact that you are telling from your prespective."

"As to what I have to offer to you... Well, aside from the stories I have, probably nothing. You are wiser than I am, and more powerful than I will most likely ever be, so the only thing I could possibly offer you is the stories I experienced. But if you think that such puny events are most likely meaningless, then I'll tell you this: Every story we remember had some kind of effect on us. If we simply remember it, then it means that there is a reason behind why we remember it, which makes the story interesting already. At least, to me." Kuni said, hoping he understood what she was trying to say.

Hearing her out, the beast couldn't push himself to be more interested. As usual she spoke again in a large monologue, which made him wonder why he should get more piqued to hear what she had to suggest. How long did a human life again? 60 or 80 years? What was that for a being that lived for centuries and doomed to continue to live over and over again? Then again to just wait for her to drop weak and dead, so that he could break out, was again a major pain. "You're one annoying blabbering little human." He grumbled, slowly opening his eyes as he would sit up right. While he didn't agree with her, he doubt it would help to debate about that. Humans, arrogant beings. "We'll have it your way. Seeing that I have apparently nothing to do than to sleep, if we go with your assumption." The beast grumbled. "Go ahead. Fascinate me."

Well, it was a start. From what he called her it was clear he wasn't pleased with it, but Kuni hoped she might manage to catch his attention "Alright." She said, sat down on the ground and closed her eyes.

"My story is as follow: It occured several months ago. The village was in its usual state, raining but rather peaceful. It seemed like it would be another average day for me, just spend a bit of time medidating, perhaps training. It did go well at first, but suddenly shouts begun. Many of the village's shinobi were called to aid in something, and I was confused. I was told to help within the village at first, bring people to safety. I begun doing my duty when I saw a sudden burst of lava come from above one of the village walls. It struck a part of the village, setting it ablaze while melting some of the buildings. There were many screams, of pain, horror and agony. I wanted to go help those who could use still be helped, but suddenly a couple of jounins came to take me. I was confused, why take me? I'm a nobody, no one who could help in any kind of deal like this." Taking a deep breath, Kuni looked at him.

"Apparently I was chosen for something. I did not understand clearly at first, but I was brought to the pond outside of the village. Thats when I first saw him. Big, red, several tails and appearing majestic, except for the fact it was attacking the village's shinobi. I did not know why it was doing it, but I felt like there had to be a proper reason behind it, because no creature, aside for humanity, would attack just out of the blue and without a reason. There was a reason, I just didn't know what it was. But then I was brought to the ground, laying against it, and being told by Hoshi that everything will be fine. I managed to spot Eiji-sensei, the man I care about the most, fighting the large beast, and I want to scream to him, but I cannot. Shortly afterward, a weird sensation came onto me and I blacked out, only to find myself in a large space, a cage in the middle of it and the large, red and majestic creature within it. I was confused as to how come only the beast and I were there. But after a very brief talk, I discovered I had actually remained in the exact same spot, that I was seeing the beast within myself. I was unsure what to think of it, but I knew one thing. I will do everything in my power, which is not a whole lot, to try and understand this beast that is now locked within me, as we were put together without a choice, and to ensure that the beast is comfortable with having me around."

Kuni turned sideways "Unfortunately, it appears as if the beast is anything but comfortable with having me around, and all I wanted to do, was to have a proper talk that we will both enjoy." She said and then turned her sight to her feet once more.

The beast did listen, but he wasn't showing interest. Cause after hearing the story, he didn't learn anything of use. Nothing that really piqued his interest. Just the event that he had attacked the city, but so what? Those humans had provoked him and he had decided to gave in the chase. Somewhere it had felt great. A primal desire to kill those who he considered inferior. Scratching his chin, the beast frowned at Kuni. "You sure are then quite stupid. You're talking about a traumatic experience and expect a proper talk. If you hope to hear my apologies, I won't give them. Your kind had it coming, one way or another." The beast casually told her. No matter how you make it sound or look, you're just the same as them. In case you hadn't notice, there is something as a paper tag. If you wish me to be free that much or set matters right, then with all means. Pull it off. Humor me.""

"And to think you already once told me that I don't get what you mean." Kuni said and shook her head slightly "Funny how it goes both ways. If you had listened carefully, you would've noticed that it is not a story of horror. That is merely the beginning. I do not want an apology, as I know I don't have the right to ask for one. You did nothing wrong. Just as wild animals protect themselves when being hunted, so did you. That much I already got from back then. What my story is about was the wonder as to what would cause you to attack. What move against you was made. Have you been merely roaming, resting, or even learning something new when it whatever move occured against you?" Looking at him, She did not expect him to answer her, nor would she give him time to answer straight away.

"You did not listen to what I I was saying, which means we both have much to learn. You consider all humans to be stupid, foolish, annoying and pests. But, you also told me you had conversations with humans in the past, which makes the previous statement odd, why would you converse with stupid, annoying pests? You are a great and majestic creation of nature, who stands above all! Surely you do not have a need to talk to mere humans, or even react to puny attempts of attack from humans. You already know that they are beneath you, and you are well aware they know of it too. So, what made you react and retaliate? What made you, a majestic, brilliant, powerful and all mighty beast decide that it will not stand humans attacking you?" Kuni asked, hoping she was pushing all the wrong buttons. She wanted to get a real reaction out of him. Not a bored, uninterested reaction. But a powerful reaction.

The bijuu first blinked twice rapidly. Was this girl for real? Resorting for something he considered a desperate attempt, the four tailed beast started to stare at Kuni. Locking his eyes on the human, he would focus all his being on what he hoped would work. Just intensely staring at her. After an awkward long moment, nothing seemed to happen. Why not? Scratching his chin, he started to think again about her words. He wasn't sure what was even her purpose anymore as he decided to shake his head lightly. Of course this was to be expected as she couldn't possibly understand a being of higher might. Laying down on his stomach, the beast would turn his back to her.

Blinking twice, Kuni felt stumped. That was the reaction it had gotten from the beast, turning its back on her? Looking up at the seal on the gate, she knew very well why it was there, and why she shouldn't pull it off. But at the same time she wanted to kick his face for giving her such a reaction "You keep acting high and mighty, when in fact you are nothing but a scared little monkey, turning its back on things when you fail to understand them. I was wrong. You aren't high, majestic or brilliant. You are one of the dumbest creatures in all of existance. I'm not saying I'm any wiser, but at least I don't stop trying to understand others."

"Easy to say when you're being guarded by bars." The beast replied in a bored tone. Scratching his side, he would release a yawn as he would try to get back to sleep. So far this wasn't going anywhere. Though it did start to amuse him that she was trying to provoke him. As if he, a bijuu, would be offended by a mere worm that didn't know left from right.

"I would say the same to anyone else I know. I would say the same if I was behind bars. I would say the same even if we were opposite of each other. It may not be today, but you can be sure I'll open this seal one day. And then I'll show you how much I want to understand you." Kuni said, staring intensly at his back as if that would make a difference.

"Aha, so empty are your words that you can't bring yourself thus to do it now?" The beast replied back. "You just literally stated you would say the same, but," he would flip on his stomach and shot her a mocking look. "There you are. Nothing better than the average of your kind. A lying little shit. Stating you want to understand me, to tear that sealing tag down one day. Yet what holds you back now? Fear? The fact you're a liar? Or is it perhaps that you're not as caring as you're stating to people.... I pity that Eiji now. Must be tough to endure such a liar around."

"You ask me what holds me back, yet you kept saying it yourself. You already know well what holds me back. My lack of experience. As for calling me a liar, you can keep calling me that, but as long as I did not die and take you with me, then I am not a liar. Because a lie is not doing what you said you will do. And I can open the seal any day until I die. So, until my very last day, I am not a liar." Kuni said, staring him directly in the eyes "But I guess I finally managed to make you stoop to my level. All this time, you did not try to trick me into opening the seal once. Only humans try to trick one another. Which means you went as low as a human." Smiling, she stuck her tongue out at him.

"That... made no sense...." The beast mumbled as he frowned at her. "And how did I trick you? You stated you wanted to open the seal one day. Yet I merely called out that you wouldn't do it. Cause what experience is there needed to tear down some paper... oh, unless that Eiji never was any good at teaching." The beast slowly nodded as he closed his eyes. Turning his back to her, he would release another yawn.

"It doesn't take much experience to tear down a piece of paper. But it takes a lot of experience to stand up to a tailed beast alone and expect to leave as a winner." She said after he turned his back to her. The yawn made it clear that he wasn't interested in continuing with this confusing talk, which Kuni figured was going somewhere, she just wasn't sure where. "As for how you attempted to trick me, well, you attempted to push me towards doing something I am not prepared for just yet. That is tricking someone, with the results being clearly in your favor. But seeing how you are dying to go back to sleep and get me out of your hair, I guess I'll just stop talking now." She said, sitting down in the spot and staying there, staring at his back.

"Behind bars." He mumbled as she stated it took a lot of experience to stand up to a tailed beast and expect to leave as a victor. Well, he wouldn't deny her the victory she desired. Perhaps she wanted to inspire somebody or 'exchange stories' on how she had managed to beat a tailed beast that was held back behind gigantic and immensely strong bars. Staying silent as he wagered that replying back wouldn't help her understand what kind of situation she made this into, the beast would just close his eyes and focus on what was most important : sleep.

"Standing up to a tailed beast without bars. Not like this." Kuni would calmly respond, though a shiver ran down her spine at the thought that now she has to do. She wanted to kick herself hard for putting herself in that kind of promise "Sleep tight, Son-Goku." She said as she closed her eyes.
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[fieldbox=Surprise? - Part I , chocolate]

Saki Yamanaka


Yes, shameless advertising Sketcher's work. Check it out!

| Spc. Jounin | Konohagakure Team 6 | Captain Major of the Guardians | Second-in-command of the Tiger Claws |

After some training Saki spend some time in the teahouse of Azumi while reading a book as gathering some thoughts to fomulate a plan. After that, she decides to head out for some shopping and trying to surprise a person. Only to be surprised herself.

Even with the cold Saki had enjoyed her training. The first part had existed out of working on her stamina. Not that it really needed work, but it was in her opinion better to be certain that it would remain at a good level. The warming up and running exercises would be followed by accuracy training. Today that mostly involved throwing her knives and get a better feeling with throwing her knives. Pulling a knife from the scabbard and throwing it in a fluid motion wasn't a skill, just gained from one day training. Nor was it going to be easy to keep doing that with sufficient speed and accuracy to make it a handy skill in combat if she wouldn't train frequently for it.

Once she had trained that for an hour, Saki had switched to what she considered quite vital as well: acrobatics. While it brought back some memories of training agility with with Kiyomi and Kaname, Saki did enjoy doing it on herself. Doing handstands, cartwheels and more Saki enjoyed the silence in the morning in the training Dojo of Azumi. Once she was done, Saki had cleaned the dojo as cooling down. Not to mention that it would be the proper thing to do after using it for her own use. Getting a shower as well changed, Saki had then headed to the teahouse. It was surprising and in her opinion an amusing sight to see that the cold temperature didn't scare many seniors from paying a visit to the establishment.

Though tempted as she was to strike a conversation with some seniors, Saki had taken the time to sit down. Ordering some lemon tea and a light breakfast, she wondered what next. The rest of the day was she more or less free to pursue what she wanted. In theory, she wasn't truly free as there was of course the preparation she was needed to make. Cleaning and sharping her weapons. Making sure that her gear was in top condition. And not to mention to head early to bed for tomorrow. Though tempted as she was to strike a conversation with some seniors, Saki had taken the time to sit down. Ordering some lemon tea and a light breakfast, she wondered what next. The rest of the day was she more or less free to pursue what she wanted. In theory, she wasn't truly free as there was of course the preparation she was needed to make. Cleaning and sharping her weapons. Making sure that her gear was in top condition. And not to mention to head early to bed for tomorrow.

Putting her mug with warm lemon tea down, Saki would dig in. Her breakfast consisted out of warm white rice - with a bit of salt and pepper to add more flavour-, a banana and natto (fermented soybeans). In the meanwhile she was reading a book. While she had been interested in reading a new novel, Saki had decided to go for something else. The book was titled 'The Birds of War'. An odd title if she had to judge herself. The content, however? Written by an eyewitness, the author had experienced both the Great War as the short war between the Wind against the alliance of the Fire and Lightning country years ago. What made it really interesting was that the man hadn't fought in any kind of manner. He had been the witness to several battles near his home town as well lending several times his messenger birds to aid the forces of the Fire country. The River country, now a province of the Empire, had been the vassal of the Fire country at that time. His writing wasn't the most fluid or flowered kind, but it was interesting. Certainly when he wrote about the short conflict that followed almost a decade after the Great War. At least, that was her opinion. Enjoying her breakfast with reading, Saki would afterwards switch to something else. Her first thoughts went to training and helping the Guardians getting ready. Then again, Hayate had all the help he needed. Koike was after all somebody Saki regarded much better with leading others. Not to mention that she didn't want to give anybody the idea that she was now some sort of expert thanks to her position within the Tiger Claws.

Paying for the breakfast, Saki would head first at home. On her way she decided to pay a visit to the town afterwards. Knowing very well that the time was drawing near that she would leave for the campaign in the east for an unknown length of time, Saki wanted to buy something nice for Sira. The last conversation with the girl stating she didn't like it that Saki had been long away made Saki feel guilty.

Not to forget that she had not paid that much attention to her relatives. The first thought that followed was that she had it busy. However, what was just a hour or three spending time with her relatives? Besides she had the idea that Sira was looking up to her. Where it would only frustrate Saki that people regarded her highly, Sira was of course different. She was family.

It didn't take too long. There was nobody home. For a few moments Saki did wonder where Hideki was and what he was up to. Probably just keeping himself occupied. Deciding to just leave Hideki have the day for himself as she was planning to keep this day for herself Saki wondered about something. She hadn't interacted for quite some time with Kensuke. Ever since the fast defeat of Team seven at the Ironblood tournament, where Kensuke had been taken down after his initial charge, she hadn't spoken with him. Would he perhaps be a bit slighted on how he had been defeated? Pondering about it, Saki felt a bit sorry. Remembering Koari, the Yamanaka wished that the other wasn't dead.

Pushing those thoughts away, Saki tried to whistle the tune that Zakito usually whistled. Though she remembered parts of the tune, she was aware that she wasn't doing it as good as her old mentor. Reminding herself why she was heading into town, a snicker escaped Saki. What would Sira like? At first Saki thought of something sweet. The girl was after all a big sweet tooth. Then again, it would be way nice to give her something that would last longer than a day or two.

Then again, nothing too 'much'. Saki wasn't eager to be dragged into a spiral where she would later need to buy something back for Sira cause the girl had decided to make or buy Saki something cause the gift she got was too good. Frowning as she looked around, Saki did spot several clothing shops. Only if she knew Sira's measures, then she could buy her perhaps a pair of boots for the coming winter. Maybe a nice scarf? However, Saki was afraid that it would be a bit too dull. Not being disillusioned about the fact that she could perhaps never come back home, being quite calm about it, Saki decided that the gift should be something nicer. Continuing to walk down the street, Saki spotted a shop that caught her attention. A jewelry store. Slowly coming to a stop the young woman chewed on her lower lip. She didn't want to go for something too cliche. Would it hurt though to just take a look around?

Coming to the conclusion in a second that it would not hurt to take a look Saki would head to the store. Entering, it was small and seemed to be manned by just an old lady. "Good afternoon, miss!" The old lady greeted Saki with a broad smile. Flashing a polite smile back as she closed the door behind her Saki nodded simply. "Are you just looking around? Or anything specific?" The old lady asked. Saki flashed another polite smile before giving a reply. "Just looking around." The old lady in response mouthed an 'o'. Aware that the old lady was watching her, which did irritate Saki slightly, the young woman continued to look around. She knew that Sira liked flowers and butterflies. Perhaps she could find something fitting that matched one of the two.

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[fieldbox=Seek the Shadows]

Kirigakure, Jounin Commander's Office.
A meeting between Mika Hayashi and Takeshi Shun.
(written between Chromehound and Aliceee)

Summary :
Mika is summoned for a visit with the new jounin commander of the Republic of the Water country. The two discuss about finding out who was behind the murder of Hiro Akiyama as Mika then heads out for the first source of information for this task.


Heading the Jounin's commander office, Mika had pulled up the hoodie to cover her facial features. Ever since the news of the 'murder' of Hiro Akiyama, Mika had wondered what had been the cause. She hadn't ever been fond of Hiro. In her taste, a miserable failure of a father. However she couldn't argue on him being a good shinobi and military thinker for the state. At least, so far she knew and had experienced. Not lingering much on the thoughts or on the street as she wanted to see what mission she would get, Mika would walk a tad faster.

It wouldn't take too long for her to arrive. After going through the regular procedure she was guided by a young man to the door that would lead her to the office of Takeshi Shun. Making her wonder briefly on how she should approach her 'current' superior. Knocking on the door, Mika would wait for a reply back.

"Come in," came the voice of Takeshi as he sat tiredly behind his desk. Pushing his paperwork aside, the jounin commander let out a sigh and waited for the person to enter.

Opening the door, Mika would enter with a respectful bow. Closing the door behind her, the woman quickly eyed the present day jounin commander. "Lord Commander, sir." Saying the title with respect, Mika found it slightly odd and yet fitting. Keeping her thoughts for herself, she would remain silent until she knew she could speak again.

"Hello Mika," Takeshi said with a quick smile as the woman entered. "Please don't call me that... feels weird, especially coming from you." Reaching up, Takeshi scratched the back of his neck. "How are you?"

Straightening her back, the facial features of Mika didn't betray any emotion. Instead her first response would be a simple salute and a firm nod. Followed by a response, spoken in a rather mocking fashion. "I'm doing fine, for now. And why is it when [i[I[/i] say it?" She inquired, frowning at the end of the question. "Besides, you are what you are. The Jounin commander. The Lord Commander. He who leads.~"

Shaking his head, Takeshi sighed. "Because frankly I've always found you to be the one who is more fitting to be in charge. Despite your... violent outbreaks." His features twisted into a slight grin before Takeshi sighed again. "Besides, getting a promotion when the last dude was murdered hardly feels like a compliment..."

"Oh, violent outbreaks? Are we going to discuss about my flaws?" Mika huffed as she would take a nearby chair to sit down. Crossing her legs, her frown remained present on her brow. "At least I can say that I keep people awake. That and I suppose it is true. Not the best way to gain promotion. Then again, Hiro had resigned before. He might have found some peace now." Mika casually said, lightly shrugging.

Raising a single eyebrow, Takeshi made a show of folding his hands together. "I'm afraid we do not have quite enough time to go over your flaws Mika, though I am sure that is something we can save for another time." His tone was a little lighter than before, teasing her slightly. "I will say though that I am glad you are out. Not that I may have had much to do with getting you out of that cell, but you are far more useful outside of prison than within."

Already a most fitting 'reply' had been formulated, but Mika wouldn't say it as Takeshi mentioned he was glad that she wasn't locked inside a cell anymore. "That might be the case, but sadly the cell did provide some comfort. Odd comfort and peace, but never the less some of it. Anyhow, I doubt that this is going to be a chat without a purpose. Else I have forgotten about my picnic basket."

Chuckling, Takeshi shook his head. "I suppose you raise a good point. I wish I could just be calling you here for a simple chat, but unfortunately now really isn't the time for such simple pleasures. As you may know, we are facing a very strange enemy. One that strikes from the shadows in an almost more effective manner than we do ourselves... I need your help with this Mika. I need your experience, your leadership and your skills."

Letting out a sigh, Mika looked away for a moment as she crossed her arms. "You know, this is why our jobs suck. First were the clans the major issue. The Warring Clans is a period with just bloodshed. Then stuff doesn't improve when the countries are formed as we had to suffer through idiotic Mizukages, which each valued him or herself much better than those before. And when we finally get rid of them, we're now dealing with some other shit that's striking from the shadows? What ever happened to the infamous intelligence force of the Mist? You would figure that we would have at least a few tracks on whoever is shedding blood right underneath our noses."

"Believe me when I say that I could not agree with you more." Takeshi said, looking a little weary. "This place has suffered a lot, and lost a lot of what once made it a force to be reckoned with. We had leadership that only served to lead us to ruin. Not something i would like to see repeated and, judging by your past actions, not something you would like to see either." Raising another eyebrow, Takeshi smiled slightly. "I think a part of the problem with this cursed village is that we have lost any form of trust. Shinobi killing shinobi has become far too common within this place, and it makes it difficult for anyone to actually build off anything. I... I would like to see that change, but I admit, I am not even certain who I should trust myself."

"Then we're having another problem. If you're not certain who you should trust, why should any of us in the military be certain of who can be trusted?" Mika asked, though she didn't ask it to be a smartass. "Right now, what do we know about this new threat? They targeted a jounin commander. Obviously, they aren't small fish that just try to do something. More people got hurt from what I heard. Perhaps an old feud between the Akiyama clan and some other clan?"

Thinking to himself for a moment, Takeshi realized the validity in her statement. Sighing once more, he nodded. "It is true. Unfortunately we don't have enough information right now, so I cannot provide any more answers than you likely already know." Chewing his lower lip, Takeshi glanced away before turning back and meeting Mika's gaze. "We are facing a threat that appears to be larger than anything else we have faced in the past. You... I... I trust you Mika, and I need your help."

Remaining silent, Mika just looked back at Takeshi. Only after fifteen seconds after Takeshi had spoken did Mika reply back. "You're an annoying milk-drinking jerk." The phrase was spoken with a clear tone. "You first request me to come over here. Then say you're not sure who to trust. Then bloody state that you trust me. That's just..." Narrowing her eyes, Mika remained silent for another five seconds. "People have been killed for less, but suppose I can't scold you nor throw even a pebble at your head after you said that. Very well, I suppose you want me to look for these folks and see what I can figure out?"

Cocking his head to the side, Takeshi had to surpress the smile that threatened to spread across his face. "Thank you Mika. And yes. It may feel a little like I am throwing you to the wolves, but there are not many others that I actually trust. It is something I hope to change moving forward, but at the moment..." Shrugging his shoulders, Takeshi slid a dossier across the desk towards Mika."This file contains everything we know so far. Well... at least as much as our intelligence division is comfortable telling us. I want you to see what more you can find. What are they after? Who are they? What is causing them to do this? I want you to report directly to me, not to Kimi. Not that I think she would keep information from me but, let's be honest here... it is kind of her job..."

Glancing at the dossier before picking it up, Mika nodded. Though she had another comment at the ready on what he mentioned about throwing her to the wolves, Mika decided that this wasn't the time nor the place to say matters that could be counted as 'too early'. "I understand. Problem is however if I encounter some of the Intelligence Division. I hope that you got me covered, cause I assume that if the Intelligence Division catches me snooping around that I will end up in a cell under their supervision. Don't hear many great reviews of those who experienced those cells." Mika said. "As well of course the question how far I'm allowed to go? Everybody free game or are there a few rules I have to follow with this operation?"

Pulling out a sealed envelope, Takeshi handed it to her. "If, for some reason, you run into any of Kimi's people, this letter should guarantee your freedom. Due to the nature of this mission, you may go as far as you deem necessary. I want to know the extent of what these people are up to. What resources they have, what their plan is, and how they intend to carry it out."

Taking the envelope Mika scoffed lightly as she eyed the envelope. "Freedom. Odd word if you think about it." She mumbled. "But understood. I'll then soon begin. Think I got an idea with who I can start with. Then again, the problems aren't yet solved. Cause what are you going to do about yourself? If they had enough guts to come after one jounin commander, why stop at only one? Not to mention that soon enough isn't the Republic ought to join the Joint Strike Force Operation?" Thinking about it, Mika found it odd. "Whatever those scum are, they sure have a great timing, huh?"

Shrugging his shoulders lightly, Takeshi knew she had a point. "The Republic may join the JSF shortly yes. However, we need to be careful. If we do not have enough to offer, the JSF may decide to walk all over us, and they may take the opportunity to gain a foothold here. Which, I likely don't need to explain, is the last thing we need right now."

"No, indeed. Though then again," Mika said, "I fear that neither the Lightning country nor the Empire have gone through the same civil troubles as we have. Perhaps we could learn something from those dogs." The woman paused for a second. "I suppose I should get going then. Don't get into trouble, Lord Commander, sir."

Smiling, Takeshi nodded his head. "We could likely learn more than a few things. But yes, please take care Mika. If you need anything, you know where to find me. And stop calling me sir! And Lord Commander..." Shuddering, Takeshi let out a sigh.

Getting up, a small grin played on Mika's lips for a second. "I shall. And sorry, but you are what you are." As she would already turn to walk to the door, Mika would stop before just leaving. "Sir." She said, turning around as well making a bow before taking her leave, Mika already thought about her first informative source.


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[fieldbox="Checking Out, skyblue, dashed, 10, Tahoma"]

Ryu Uchiha | Team 11 Genin | Amegakure

Standing in the lobby, Ryu studied the the small envelope in her hands, desperately wanting to open it and exam the contents. However, Doctor Tsubaki had specifically told her that she was to deliver that straight to Eiji Emiya. She doubted he would know if she took a peek on the way, but the girl didn't want to risk anything. Afterall, Doctor Tsubaki had promised to teach her something really cool during their next training if she did this for him! So, the girl tucked the envelope into the leather jacket she had on. The one she had "Borrowed" from John, and that he was never going to get back. With that out of the way, she waved goodbye to the kind receptionist and walked out the door. Instantly, she was greeted by a cold breeze and rain. Good to see that nothing had changed in the village, life moved on. Perhaps time would heal her wounds one day.

Zipping the jacket up, Ryu shivered slightly in the cold air. Bumping into somebody, Ryu apologized quickly and was given an odd look. The girl's cheeks heated up slightly before she hurried along the road. Ryu could've sworn that the person had been further ahead of her. Taking a deep sigh, Ryu wondered if this what Doctor Tsubaki had meant when he told her that her 'depth perception' was going to be off and she would need to adjust. Continuing on her path, the girl clutched the small teddy bear to her chest. One of the few things she still had, beyond what was stored in the small shoulder bag that Naomi had gone to retrieve on that terrible day.

Eventually, the girl saw her destination in the distance a bit. Eiji-Sensei's home. The girl hoped that the man would be home at the moment, as she wanted to give him the letter from Doctor Tsubaki before heading off to see what she could do about finding a place to stay tonight. The genin allowed to her mind to wander as she considered what she could do. Her money had all been lost in the fire, perhaps she could see if somebody around town would be willing to let her have a room if she did work for them? Who knew. Either way, take things one step at a time. Ryu nodded as if she were confirming something to another, but instead was just answering herself. Running a few more steps, Ryu approached her teacher's door and got ready to knock. Wondering whether or not he was home at the time, and what she would do if he wasn't.

Ryu shrugged and supposed she'd find out soon enough. Stepping up to the door, Ryu knocked lightly a couple of times. Then the girl took a step back and awaited an answer. Meanwhile, Naomi hid around the corner from the little whisker-pulling devil that lived here. A truly brave display from the fearsome predator.​
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[fieldbox="Hisoka Uchiha, olive"]

Governor of the Akinian Empire | Somewhere in the Akinian Empire

Part 1
Part 2

People said that coming back to the place of your origin did something with you. They said that to traverse the streets your ancestors had walked changed a man in one way or another. A feeling of home coming, a feeling of returning to one's roots, to the place where one truly belonged.

Hisoka felt none of these feelings as he entered the town that had belonged to his ancestors of so many years past. It was the second village he had visited so far that resided in the area that had once solely belonged to the Uchiha clan. Located in a province southeast of the Land of Rain the village was neatly situated between fields and fields of rice paddies where most of the locals probably made their money. The land was rich here, Hisoka knew. Fertile ground, good rain seasons and enough sun. There was a reason the Uchiha had trived besides their expertise in the military field. Next to strength they had the money and resources to back themselves up in times of hardship, to trade with neighbours who might be less fortunate and to manufacture luxury goods to show to the world. There was no doubt in Hisoka's mind that these lands had played a large part in the success of his clan. It would be strange to think what would have happened if this land had never belonged to them. Maybe they would have been forgotten, maybe they would have gone down in history as a mercenary army. It was impossible to tell.

As he walked the main street of the village, Hisoka found himself looking around. There was plenty of indication that the Uchiha were still popular in this area. He noted the clan symbol several times above doors of certain establishments. Hisoka was pretty sure that his father still invested in this area just like his father had done before him and his father before him. It were their roots after all and if the Uchiha did anything it was to make sure that they didn't forget their roots.

Or so it seemed. The thought of never forgetting one's roots didn't seem to hold up anymore ever since he had discovered that names were missing from the archive. For a clan that based itself on pride they seemed to have forgotten the pride they had before Konohagakure was founded. It made sense in a way. No doubt Konoha was one of the Uchiha's biggest accomplishments. It was the basis of the current Empire after all and it because of the Uchiha that the city had become reality. Without them the Senju no doubt would have found it much more difficult to create such a place in the world.

Hisoka asked some of the towns people for their local archive. The name Takakura Kuchiri burned in his mind. Somehow the feeling that this man would be the key to his searches grew with every passing day. When he had come back from the secret library he had searched through Daisuke's library for a clue as to who this unknown man was. But his identity had remained shrouded in mystery. He had considered asking Harumi for help, but refrained from it. It would be no good for both of them to spend more time together. She hated him enough as it was. He also hadn't bothered Meisa with his research. Her agenda was already so busy that anything else added to it would just weight down her shoulders even more. Same went for Zakito.

The locals directed him to a small house in the middle of the town. Upon entering he declared his intentions to read through some local material to the curator, an older woman with jet black hair which she had tried up in a neat fashion. When he stated his name she was more than glad to offer him anything he might want and need. Being the governor of the Empire had certain benifits though he wondered if it was because of that title or because he was an Uchiha. Both were equally viable.

The woman led him to the main room of the archive where the shelves and shelves of books and other material was carefully kept. There was no dust in this room. Hisoka thanked her and she made a deep bow before retreating from the room, but not after assuring him once again that he only had to call if he needed anything.

Slowly Hisoka walked over to the sole table and placed his coat over one of the chairs as he looked through the room. He stretched for a moment and his eyes glaced through the window to the blue sky outside. Was this the sky his ancestors had gazed at too? Had they pondered at the same clouds about their lifes in this world and the future they were moving towards. The matters they must have been dealing with seemed lighter than the ones Hisoka had now, but he knew that that was not true. Different times were marked by different problems and the period of Warring Clans could not have been easy on anyone be it farmer, warrior or leader.

Hisoka spent the next few hours going making a selection of the documents that were available to him. He set books aside that he thought could be necessary while ignoring books that covered topics that was not adhering to his current interest. At some point the woman showed up again to offer him tea and lunch. He had not asked for the refreshments, but he didn't decline them either. Instead he gratefully accepted.

"What is your name?" he asked as the woman bowed again and was about to take her leave.

She refrained from looking up though Hisoka could see the surprise in her posture. "Shizaki Shömu," she uttered softly.

Hisoka nodded. "Thank you Miss Shömu," he said before returning to his work. She left the room as quiet as she had entered it.

Miss Shömu brought him tea two more times during that day as Hisoka grew more and more worried that this was another dead end. So far he had gathered absolutely nothing. There was no mention of Takakura, of the Kuchiru, of any clan that had lived here besides the Uchiha. Sure there were other names in these documents but they were either from clans that had worked for the Uchiha or from clans that had cropped up after the foundation of Konogakure which was too late in the timeline. In bitter frustration Hisoka had pulled out the letter he had found in the secret library. The name Takakura Kuchiru stared back at him from the top of the page. Truly the name was there, he hadn't made it up. This was not one of his many bad dreams, though if it had been it was rather peaceful.

"Anything I can be of assistance with?" Miss Shöma asked once more when she dropped tea of for a second time and seemed to have noticed his distress.

Hisoka pulled the ceramic cup closer towards him and picked it up, blowing the steam away from his face. "I am looking for a particular man who is said to have lived here int he past. Possibly along with his clan," he said not taking a sip of the drink. He stared into the green liquid as if an answer might appear in the murky water. But nothing manifested itself.

"We have a record of all the villagers that have lived in this town, sir," Miss Shöma said, raising her head and walking over to one of the main shelves.

"I am aware," Hisoka said, stopping her in her tracks. He placed his hand on one of the books before him. It was the first thing he had checked out. Villages tended to keep records of their citizens so it only made sense to look there. "The name is not in there."

Miss Shöma nodded. "If I may ask, sir, what name are you looking for? Maybe I could direct you to some more specific books."

Hisoka was quite sure he had worked the most books about the history that were available here, but maybe he had indeed looked past something. "Takakura Kuchiru," he stated. The name still sounded unfamiliar on his tongue.

Miss Shöma frowned. Her left hand found its way on her left hip as she raised her right hand to her mouth. Hisoka could almost see texts flying past her eyes and knew she was recalling the information she was guarding here. He expected her to continue her walk to the shelves and check several of the documents, but she didn't. Instead she just shook her head.

"We do not have any mention of that name in this library," she said.

Hisoka raised an eyebrow at that definitive statement. "I do not wish to question you statement, Miss Shöma, but how can one be sure?" he asked tentively.

She turned back to him, her eyes cast down again. "I remember every text in this place, sir. So far I have proven myself to be incapable of forgetting any words within this room. I have tested myself multiple times, but I am capable for reproducing entire books that I have read. I know that one page six of those records you have there the name Rei Fujiwara can be found on the fourth line."

Hisoka shot a quick look down to the mentioned page and indeed found said name. Impressed he looked up again. She rattled of a couple of mour examples from different books until Hisoka felt he had to believe her.

"I have never in any of these texts encountered the name Takakura Kuchiru, sir. You will have to continue your search some place else for I fear you are wasting your time here," she continued.

Hisoka nodded slowly. Another dead end. Would this be the case in any of the other villages he could visit. Maybe the name was dead. Maybe it was a fake name, maybe the whole quest was just pointless. He sighed and closed the book before him. Miss Shöma was already there to put it back for him. He watched her for a moment as she placed the books on the shelves exactly on the place where he had retreived them. How strange it must be to have such a talent. He had heard about people with it before, but had never met someone who was actually capable of recalling everything in such a fashion. He wondered if it was something someone should be happy with or something someone should curse. He sure as hell wished that his mind would just let things go for a change. There were already enough memories there. What if he had this power and would never forget anything that happened. That would be a living hell.

None of these thoughts were voiced. Instead Hisoka gathered his belongings and got up. "Thank you for your help," he said as he pushed the chair back against the table.

"The pleasure was all mine, sir. It was an honor to meet you," Miss Shöma assured him. She bowed once more. If Hisoka didn't know better he would have told her that she could raise her head, that it was fine. He was here not as governor but as Uchiha. But it would be impolite to disrespect the gestures she was making. So he inclined his head as well, ever so slightly and left the room.

Twilight had settled over the village and Hisoka searched himself a place where he could get food and spend the night. No doubt any villager here would be willing to offer his/her own bed if he so desired, but he didn't. So instead he searched for a small establishment where the locals enjoyed their meals and ordered a simple dish of rice and salmon.

Afterwards he found himself walking around the town again. As he gazed through the streets as the darkness settled over them he found himself once again returning to his ancestors who had walked these streets as well. No feeling of belonging came over him. These streets were strange to him. It strengthened what his mind already knew, he belonged in Konoha, not in these streets.

* *​

When the next day came around after a fretful night Hisoka rose early and left the inn before breakfast had been served. In a fit of nostalgia he decided to walk through the village one more time. As he walked he looked over the houses and suddenly halted. Yesterday when he arrived he had been interested to see the Uchiha symbol on several establishments. Too much caught up with the thought of going to the archive he hadn't paid attention to other symbols that were present and as he gazed around now he found a particular symbol visible on the doors of several houses.

Now Hisoka didn't consider himself an expert on symbolism at all. He knew the ones that were common in the Empire. Each clan had their own symbol after all and as governor he was supposed to be aware of the clans living in the Empire. He could make the distinction between the Senju and the Yamanaka, between the Nara and the Hyuuga. It was not that complicated. Of course there were many more symbols going around, but the one visible on the doors surrounding him wasn't one he had encountered before.

He moved closer to one of the doors and examined the symbol. Two swirls standing side by side, one spiraling left way the other right. The symbols were placed on the same place as the Uchiha symbols had been on other doors. It was the general palce for a clan symbol. Hisoka's fingers moved over the unknown sign. No clan came to mind that used these swirls.

He looked around and quickly walked over to one of the locals that were on the street at this early hour.

"Excuse me," he said to a rather tall and lean man with dark hair and a slight goatee. "That symbol," he pointed to the door behind him, "what does it stand for?"

The man shot a look past him and then shrugged. "They are just there. Most of these houses are quite old and things haven't changed much here for the past decades. No one really remembers what that thing means despite many of the houses having it. We just guess it is a religious thing."

"Religious thing?" Hisoka asked.

The man nodded. "Yeah, you see them at the shrine in the forest to the north. It is this old thing People still go there on occassion and it is well kept. The symbol is there too."

Suddenly excited Hisoka asked: "Can you direct me towards this shrine?"

Another shrug. "Sure, follow the road up north. All the way out of the village into the woods. There is a sign that will point you towards it."

After a quick thanks Hisoka brushed past the man, glad that he didn't have to resort to formalities. He followed the road up north out of the village and soon found himself between the tranquility of the trees. He pressed on as the road narrowed until it was nothing more than a small forest path. In the early morning there hung a strange silence here as it was too early for the birds to sing and too late for creatures of the night to make their way through the trees. In this quietness his footsteps seemed almost too loud and Hisoka resisted the urge to cover his steps with chakra. The desire to stay hidden was almost second nature after so many years of being a shinobi. Making noise could mean death after all when you were on a sensitive mission.

It didn't take long for Hisoka to reach a clearing. The trees fell away to give the small stone building some space. Beside it stood a large tree that was surrounded by the traditional rope and white charms. This was definitely the shrine. And there was definitely his symbol, displayed on the pillars that stood to the side of the entrance. Slowly he approached the building and performed the rituals as was required from him, washing his hands by the small basin of water that stood before the shrine. After some internal debating he walked over to the bell, fished a coin out of his pocket, tossed it towards it, rang the bell and clapped his hand twice. He stood silent with his hands clasped and eyes closed as the sound faded away. Maybe there was someone out there who could provide some answers.

But nothing came and Hisoka opened his eyes again. Slowly he walked up towards the tree and then past it towards the backside of the shrine. Several smaller trees were lined up here and their branches were covered in white papers. Prayers. Hopes. Dreams. Promises. He watched them dangle in the wind for a moment. The papers looked old and considering what he knew about this place he would say these prayers had belonged to people that were no longer on this earth. Because of the thick folliage the papers had been spared most of the rain and snow that must have covered these lands. He wondered what people then had hoped for.

Suddenly he spotted the same symbol again on a couple of the papers and he halted. He had his hand already reached out when he realized how wrong it would be to read prayers from another man or woman. He retracted his hand and instead just stared to the moving paper. Maybe he should look around first and keep this as a last resort. Desecrating the dead was not something he wished to do unless it was absolutely necessary.

But the shrine itself didn't give him many answers. In fact it hardly gave him anything. The symbol was there again a couple of times, but the shrine itself was clean and empty. There was a small stack of paper available to write prayers on as well as a pencil, but that was it. So against his better judgement Hisoka returned to the trees. This was against most things he had learned in life, but then again it was also in line with what he had learned. If anything shinobi were dishonorable people. They lied, they stole, they killed. And no one was going to stop him from reading these words of dead people.

Without allowing himself to think more Hisoka reached out and removed the first paper from teh tree branch. He read it with hesitation. A question to the god, a wish for a good marriage. It was not so much the message as it was the name that stood below it. Nanami Kuchiru had written this so many years ago.

He grabbed another one and another one. And slowly a story started to spring up from the words of the dead. They were all written by Kuchiru members and while some were small personal hopes and dreams other were more related to the political climate. Hisoka started to truly get interested when he started to find prayers that included the name Uchiha. Apparently there had been a marriage agreement between the two at some point and several people wished the couple good fortune. One of them however, a certain Enomoto Kuchiru, expressed his desire for a good treaty in relation to the marriage which let Hisoka to believe that there was more behind this than just an average marriage. And indeed gathering more and more prayers it seemed that more people were wishing that the treaty would bring peace to their homeland.

Which implied that the Kuchiru considered this their homeland. Which implied that the Uchiha had come into this land after the Kuchiru. Which implied that what Hisoka knew about his clan owning this land since the beginning of time was apparently wrong.

That was a disconcerning thought by itself which became even more disconcerning when the sudden flow of prayers coming from the Kuchiru clan came to a stop right after the mention of the upcoming treaty. Frantically Hisoka searched the next branches for some more Kuchiru members, even resorting to opening other prayers to find any information, but somehow they seemed to have just disappeared. Until he finally found another one in the next tree, hidden between the leaves.

It was a curse.

A curse directed towards the Uchiha family, who had murdered this man's family. His siblings. His wife. His sons and daughters. His grandparents, his uncles and his cousins. He cursed the Uchiha for betraying them, for dishonoring the treaty.

He cursed them for destroying his life and everything he loved.

Hisoka stared to the words on the paper for a long time before carefully hanging it back in the tree on the exact same position as he found it. His thoughts about the situations seemed strangely detached and unfocussed. It was not that the whole story shocked him - little actually shocked him these days - but it was more the idea that lies again seemed to be at the core of his being. As he looked around he saw that there were no other Kuchiru notes anywhere in these branches and he realized that he now knew why.

There hadn't been anyone else left to write another prayer.
[fieldbox=Sailing West, plum]
Asami Sanosuke

Raikage Assistant | Sailing from the Sky country, westwards

It had taken a few days before she had reached the port. It was quite busy as Asami could spot several ships from the horizon sailing towards the port as well. Though she was more than happy to leave the Sky country and the whole damned eastern continent for a diplomatic mission to the Akinian Empire, Asami wondered. Walking through the port towards the ship she would be boarding the woman saw soldiers disembarking from the ships. Of course, it wasn't surprising her that much, but she wondered how much more would be sent and stationed in the Sky country.

Knowing of the host that was sent to march south, needing to secure a beach head for the other two participating parties of the Joint Strike Force operation, Asami considered the thoughts about it as she walked. Why wouldn't they just take the Wolf country for their own? It wasn't like she could think of anybody in the Lightning country and her vassal's states to be anywhere near sympathetic to the southern Republic. If anything, they had proven that they were nothing but some disorganized backstabbing rats. They didn't even shun from stabbing each other in the back after all, why would they thus not stab others as easily in the back? Spitting on the ground as she continued walking, Asami was actually for the Republic not to join the operation. That way the Lightning country could just proclaim the Wolf country as her new vassal. If anything the people in the Wolf country would then not need to deal with a government that was as weak as that of the Republic.

Passing by some soldiers and shinobi, who were assigned to her as her guards for this diplomatic mission, Asami threw only a brief glance in their direction. They didn't seem to be new recruits that were so green that they would shit and piss grass. Thinking about the genin she had under her wing for a brief amount of time, Asami didn't fancy herself much as a mentor. As the ship would start to sail away, with two others following, Asami did wonder about Reyna. The girl had, after all, approached her on a volunteering basis. Wanting to become stronger. Scoffing, Asami shook her head lightly. She shouldn't think about others as she had her own problems soon to content with.
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[Fieldbox=An easy day, green]
Harumi Uchiha,

ANBU | Akinian Empire | Konohagakure, Uchiha compound - at home

It was quiet.

Not that she minded it being quiet. No, she actually preferred it being this quiet. Normally Harumi would've sat outside while enjoying some warm green tea. The cold temperature and the gloomy dark grey clouds, however, prevented her from doing so. Sitting near a window, Harumi threw another look outside. It wouldn't be soon before the weather would turn even colder. Perhaps bringing some snow, covering the surrounding in white. A nice foresight for children who would play in the snow. Throwing snowballs, making snow figures and angels. A dreadful sight for mothers who would have to tell their children to be properly dressed to avoid a cold. A good time for pharmacists who could sell better when many would fall ill because of the cold temperature. Taking another sip of her tea, Harumi hoped that Katsu was doing fine. It had been somewhat of a long time since she had seen or heard of him.

Though no news could be received as good news. Meaning that he was still out there and doing his thing. While she just continues sit inside. Waiting for a new mission or her husband's return. Harumi's eyes half closed as she would raise the mug with the damping liquid to her lips.

Hopefully, it would snow heavily early. Would be such a shame if Hisoka would be prevented to come 'home' early. Knowing fully well that she shouldn't fixate her frustration and anger on the man, who else could she blame? Bluntly stated, her parents were dead thus they weren't capable of being her aim of anger. Then there was, of course, Shozo Uchiha. Oh, she would love to give him a piece of her mind. And perhaps a punch or two. Yet, that wouldn't do her any good. Not on a long term situation at least. Glancing at her tea, Harumi took another sip of it. As she was about to empty it, something moved in the garden.

The quiet had been disturbed.
And she didn't mind it.​

The Grand Opening!
The Raining Tea Library Opens its Doors!

~With Fieryfly's Help~

Kuni's business opens up.

Looking around, Kuni held a paper and a pen as she kept checking points on the piece of paper. Once she was satisfied with all the things in the kitchen, she moved out and begun checking more things as she looked around the main area. The Host and kitchen employee she hired stood there, talking among themselves. She approached them with a big smile "Hey Yuri, Deli, I'd like to thank you again for agreeing to work here." She said and gave them a small bow. The two looked at each other before Yuri tapped her shoulder "Don't worry. You seem like a nice employer so hopefully the place will go well." He said.

Deli let out a small cough "So, Yuri is the kitchen employee, I'm the host, and mister friendly outside is the entry guard. That means you are the waitress on your own?" The older looking girl asked and Kuni nodded quickly "I chose to take the role that requires the most running around because I naturally have lots of energy, and I have stable hands. While I might be friendly, I think the customers might not welcome the over friendliness that I usually come with."

Following her explanation, Deli merely shrugged "Well, whatever floats your boat. I better go get ready, an Yuri should get ready as well. So, good luck to all of us." After this, Deli gave them both a nod and a smile before moving to the small stand next to the door. Yuri put on his hair a net and ensured it was all fine before heading to the kitchen, giving Kuni a thumb up as he went there.

After making sure everything was set inside, Kuni went to the door and opened it. Looking to the side, she gave the young man a smile "Ready for the first night, big shot? I'm counting on you to kick any trouble maker so hard that they will forget what they tried to do in the first place." She said, moving to stand beside him and inspecting how he appeared.

Sho hadn't bothered wearing another different from his usual attire except that he wasn't carrying around all his shinobi tools that he would use on a mission. No scrolls attached to his belt this time. It felt almost strange. He shot Kuni a look as she appeared next to him "Yes, and yes I know that is why you hired me," he said turning his head back to the street. "I'll block people with stones. I am not repairing anything else here again, too much work."

Nodding, Kuni looked at the street briefly "Understandable. I hope nothing breaks tonight, and if anything breaks, then I hope it will only be the record for most amount of people that will come to the grand opening of a new place!" She said, gave Sho another smile and then opened the door "We are open in 2 minutes. If anyone arrives, let them know politely that someone will come to help them then." She said before going back inside.

Sho rolled his eyes. Politely. Not exactly his stronge forte. He pushed himself away from the wall and removed his hands from his pockets. Folding his eyes, he gave her a nod. "Whatever you say," he said. Maybe he would try to be polite for a change. He smirked at the though. And maybe not.

Being back inside, she gave Deli a nod and then went to the kitchen counter, as she wondered how much work they were going to have.

The Following Morning

Sitting next to the bed with several different papers. She had been up since an early hour, being unsure if even Eiji woke up, and reviewed the numbers from the last evening. They kept the place open until rather late, and then she paid everyone before they headed off. Doing the numbers now, Kuni was a bit worried. While they did manage to do a small profit, it was a rather small one. It was worrisome because it was possible that was only like that due to it being the opening night.

She needed to advertise the place further if she wanted to keep it going, as she couldn't count on the same people coming every single night. That would be very unrealistic, even for her. Putting all the papers in the bag, Kuni got up and kneeled, putting her hand beneath the bed and pulling out a small, locked box. Opening it with the key, she placed the small profit in there and locked the box before putting it under the bed again, knowing that even if Sachi finds it, she wont be capable of getting to the money. Deciding to look at the small profit in a positive way, she went out, intent on making this a good day.
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[fieldbox=Surprise? - Part II , chocolate]

Saki Yamanaka


Yes, shameless advertising Sketcher's work. Check it out!

| Spc. Jounin | Konohagakure Team 6 | Captain-Major of the Guardians | Second-in-command of the Tiger Claws |

After some training, Saki spends some time in the teahouse of Azumi while reading a book as gathering some thoughts to formulate a plan. After that, she decides to head out for some shopping and trying to surprise a person. Only to be surprised herself.

Part I


It was harder than she had anticipated. More than thirty minutes had she been spending on looking around. Trying to find something she could give to Sira. Yet, it seemed that she wasn't having any luck. The old lady several times offered her help, but Saki kept stating she was just looking around. After ten more minutes, Saki gave up. The old lady seemed to be quite happy about Saki's decision. With the old lady's help, Saki finally left the shop with a small wrapped box, containing Sira's gift.

Walking towards the Yamanaka compound, Saki looked around. It felt odd. She had been up north-west, in the Earth country. It hadn't felt like home, obviously. Neither had the Water country felt like home. Thinking about the first time ever coming back, Saki didn't feel like Konoha was home either. Of course, it was where her home was. She knew that as she walked down the street. There was, however, a difference in the home, knowing where you belong, and home. A place that was in your mind before drawing last breath. A place that you kept in mind during times of troubles while being abroad. Throwing a look around her as she kept walking she knew why it wasn't feeling as home anymore. While Konoha was growing under the banner of Akino and the leadership of the Empire's higher ups it didn't have the people that she had grown up with. Leiko Nara was dead. Kaname Souchi-Hon was dead. Kiyomi Homura, the First Empress of the Akinian realm, reigned in her palace. She could continue with her list.

A soft sigh escaped her lips.

It wasn't thought that she hadn't changed. Other than the obvious matters, such as age and experience, she was now the second-in-command of the Tiger Claws. Captain-Major of the Guardians and a specialised jounin ranked kunoichi. Yet, Saki wished for the more simple times. The time that she could just train in the morning and then not worry afterwards about preparing for this or that. No need to worry about planning for equipment, supplies and other matters for troops. Just training and knowing what she needed to know. Perhaps spending more time with friends, family and Hideki. For a moment, Saki lost herself in those thoughts. On how life could have been if she had just been a chuunin. A nobody.

Sadly it seemed that fate kept spinning cruel twists for her future. Not that she did really mind, but she couldn't either help but to feel a bit lost in the city that should be her home. Perhaps it was just a phase? A home could, after all, be built. All it took was patient, effort and a bit of luck. Heading further on her way, Saki started to whistle. She should really try to find somebody to teach those old war tunes. For some reason, she couldn't get it out of her head when she wasn't in the mood to hear them. Yet, when she wanted to whistle, she couldn't remember them. Not late afterwards did Saki found the house she was looking for. Knocking on the front door, the blond woman waited. She did hear some sounds resonate from the other side of the door a few moments later. As the door opened and Saki flashed a friendly smile, no words would be exchanged. A silence plagued the surrounding as the pale blue eyes of Saki stared into the light green eyes of another young woman. The smile slowly withered away as the morning fog from the warm rays of the sun.

"What do you want?" Omiro sneered as her eyes narrowed. Saki's face remained blank while she would 'fire' a reply back. "A lot. A lifetime of peace. Sadly, that can't happen with meeting you from time to time." The answer made Omiro scoff as she crossed her arms out front of her chest.

"Then go away if my face doesn't appeal to your desires. I'm not stopping you." Saki's cousin replied, amused and mocking. A reply wouldn't let Omiro waiting. Saki placed a hand on her hip as she slightly tilted her head. "Oh, but it isn't just your face that doesn't meet my desires. I can go on and on, but my mother taught me to be silent if I can't say anything nice."

The air itself seemed to grow heavier as neither of the two stepped away nor looked away. The pale coloured eyes were locked and for a moment, it would seem that the exchange of words would be replaced by an exchange of fists as both clenched their hands slowly.

"Just go." Omiro then said, stepping aside as she looked away. While Saki felt as if she had achieved a small victory, the glare she noticed as she passed Omiro made it clear. Today she had 'won', but tomorrow would be another and uncertain story if they would meet. The oddest thing was that they had spoken in Yakimara. The language of the Yamakana, Nara and Akimichi clan as the three clans had sort of the same roots. Not in a literal sense, but their bond and cooperation through time said enough how much each of them trusted each other and held the others in high regards. To any bypasser that wasn't introduced into the friendly and cheerful language would seem as if Saki and Omiro just had a friendly chat. Some 'outsiders' had before claimed that the language sounded more like a person singing than anything else. In a way that perfectly fitted the more diplomatic natured people of the three clans. Neither the Yamanaka nor the Nara or the Akimichi clans was orientated on bringing forth courageous warriors or shinobi to rival that of other clans.

Entering the home, Saki heard somebody calling out her name. Only to be a moment struggling to remain balanced on her feet. "Gotcha!" Sira cheerfully exclaimed as she had her arms wrapped around Saki's waist. Ruffling her niece's hair, Saki made sure she wouldn't fall. "I yield."

"Good! That makes you my servant now." Sira stated as she would look up, a playful grin present on her lips. "Now you got to spend all day here with me! No, all week!" The girl stated as if Saki truly had nothing to say anymore. Gently Saki would, however, push the girl backwards as she would bend through her legs to get on the same height as Sira. "I wish that I could. But perhaps a few hours will be enough for now?"

Sira frowned and then huffed, crossing her arms. "I suppose I shall be merciful and not tickle you to death for suggesting something like that!" Turning half around as she raised her chin, Saki found it amazing how the young girl could make Yakimara sound that friendly and exciting. "Then do forgive me, Lady Yamanaka. I didn't wish to offend you as I'm just a humble person in the presence of somebody that noble and..." Saki's voice trailed off as she was thinking about what more she should say. Sideways glancing at Saki, Sira frowned once more.

"I'm thinking."
"Ah, that is what I thus hear! But I didn't say you had to stop!"

Saki couldn't help but smile as she made a small bow with her head as she continued. "Oh,please forgive me, Lady Yamanaka, the stupendous! Neither had you asked me to continue." Was Saki's reply. Sira turned back to Saki as she tilted her head slightly. "Did you just call me stupid? That is very mean, Saki!"

Blinking as she straightened her back, Saki shook her head lightly. "Stupendous doesn't mean stupid. It means... amazing. Something or somebody that great, that it is just amazing. Unable to properly address it or the person." This seemed to make Sira understand it as she smiled. "Now that is more like it!"

"Of course. I know how to talk with nobility. Here, I almost forgot!" Holding the small wrapped gift up, Saki flashed an apologetic smile. "I tried to look for something really original. Hope you still like it. I've one too, so you know..." Saki's voice trailed off as Sira's eyes widened as she accepted the wrapped gift. Starting to unwrap it, cautious as if she would else destroy the present inside. A small box was now present in the left hand of Sira. The girl quickly eyed the small box, which still prevented the girl from spotting the gift. Opening it, Sira's lips parted slightly. Careful and slowly the young girl raised a bracelet, forged from what seemed to be a mix of silver and gold.

"But why?" Sira asked, blinking rapidly. Saki slowly raised her left hand as she pulled the sleeve to reveal an identic wristband. "So that you have something of me always with you. I will be soon gone for some time. I thought it would be a nice thing to do." The young woman replied, smiling. Glad about that her niece liked it, Saki's smile slowly vanished. Sira stared at the wristband. The girl wasn't smiling. If anything she seemed rather sad than happy.


Confused, Saki frowned. "No?" The girl shook her head lightly. "What's wrong Sira?" Leaning slightly forward, Saki reached out to her niece with her right hand. Sira slapped Saki's hand away as she glared at her cousin. "No! Go away!"

"Wait, what? Why?" Saki asked, shocked and confused. The little girl turned her back to Saki. "Go. Seems that is all you keep doing. Just go." Still confused, Saki rose up as she placed a hand on Sira's shoulder. "Sira, this isn't a fun game to pla---"

"You think I'm pretending? Playing?!"

Turning around as she clenched her hands, Sira locked her eyes with Saki's. Her lower lip trembled as a red taint spread over the young Yamanaka's cheeks."You were gone for two years! I heard nothing for two years! You weren't there at my first day at the Academy! You weren't there when I needed help with throwing shuriken! You weren't there when.... he died!" Slowly the girl's voice gained more volume. Each word felt like a hot knife piercing her stomach, causing Saki to just stare silently at her niece.

"You've always been my example! My idol! Yet, you're never around for me! Now you come back and give me... a present as if you're saying goodbye!" Out of anger, Sira threw the bracelet at Saki. Baffled, surprised and confused did Saki register it too late as the bracelet hit her left shoulder. Luckly for her did Sira not possess the same expertise with aiming and throwing. "Here you have mine goodbye! Bye Saki Yamanaka! You're no relative of mine! You're no longer my idol! Good. Bye!"

Though Saki opened her mouth, wanting to reply, she couldn't. Staring for a moment at Sira, the young woman looked away. Turning around, she would walk away. In a quick pace, she would leave the house. Intending to leave the compound and go home. Her head lowered as the warm salty tears flowed over her cheeks.

[fieldbox=A (poor?) choice! , lightsalmon]


| Genin | Kumogakure Team 13 | Sky country, near the border with the Wolf Country |

Kaya tried to look confident. Happy, to be sent on a task and being useful. Yet she couldn't push the wary thought and feelings away as she followed Midori. If the Beast was truly in control, what of Midori now then? Could the latter see and hear them through her own eyes, even as the Eight-Tails had control over her body? These questions were kept in her mind as Kaya didn't consider it being a topic that anybody would like to cross. And it wasn't the right time and place as they had a job to do.

Keeping up with the pace, Kaya wished that they weren't travelling alone, though. Couldn't a few more shinobi or soldiers accompany them on this scouting task? Surely there were a lot more experienced trackers and scouts present in the large host. Still keeping all these questions and thoughts to herself, Kaya almost had lost her focus. Managing to force herself to pay attention, she wondered what she just had heard. Listening, Kaya's eyes widened. For the past hour, everything had seemed to be alright. Yet, she had heard that shout. A cry for help. Reaching for her weapons, Kaya glanced at Midori. Seeing the signal to follow her, Kaya remained silent. Her trench knives already clenched in her hands, ready to strike and defend.

Staying low, Kaya could feel her heart skipping beats. She wasn't looking forward to a fight. Not in these conditions or in a land where they were strangers. Foreigners. Unknown to those who lived here. As Midori, no the Eight-Tails led them to a spot where they could spot a woman running, Kaya blinked rapidly a few times. The woman was clearly distressed, but Kaya couldn't spot any attackers. As she was about to run forwards, to the aid of the woman, the command to wait was given. Kaya frowned at Midori as she was about to point at the woman and state that they should help her. Only to hear howling in the distance. Staying silent, Kaya frowned. "Wolves?" She thought to herself. Staying low for a moment, she couldn't help it.

Sprinting forwards, Kaya intended to run to the woman. There was no way that she would just wait and see a woman being torn apart by a pack of wolves! That Eight-Tailed beast could shove a rock inside its mouth for all she cared, she wouldn't just remain idle. "Over here! Hello! Here!" Kaya shouted as she waved with her left hand, hoping to catch the attention of the woman.[/fieldbox]
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Training Day
A flashback collab
Characters: Tomiko Hyuuga, Hayate Hyuzu and the unstoppable Mimi

A collab between Jason and Chrome aaaaand the intruder Alice

Summary: Hayate runs into Tomiko attempting to practice her kenjutsu. He decides to stop and train her for awhile. Unbeknownst to either of them, a dangerous predator watches from the sidelines, waiting for its moment to strike.

The training field outside of Azumi was mostly silent in the morning, calm as the cool morning breeze blew across the field. This calm was soon cut by the sound of a soft yell. "Aiyah!" cut the morning calm as Tomiko swung her small Ninjato in a beautiful arc. After the execution of the move, the girl slid her weapon back into its sheath as she took a step back. Leaning down, the girl would scoop up the book that was sitting in the grass and study the pages. Well, one down. The girl thought to herself, a small feeling of pride over the proper execution of the basic Kata. As she prepared to go through the Kata again, Tomiko lifted a hand to brush brown bangs from her eyes, taking a moment to study the new color of her hair. Part of the new changes the girl had gone through, trying to figure out who she was... and honestly Tomiko was happy with the new color.
With that, the girl drew her Ninjato and beagn going through the Kata again.

Walking onto the training field, Hayate took a breath, enjoying the crisp air. He spotted a figure in the distance practicing what appeared to be some form of swordplay. Curious, Hayate wandered a little closer, the figure becoming a little more familiar as he approached. Stopping nearby, he raised an eyebrow curiously. While the girl's appearance had changed, he could still recognize Tomiko.

"Good morning Tomiko," Hayate called out, inclining his head slightly in a greeting.

Tomiko had been in the middle of the strike whenever Hayate called out to her. So when he spoke, the girl had a bit of a surprise, and messed up the next move. Looking at how she was in the improper position, Tomiko sighed as she sheath the weapon and turned towards the person who had arrived on the field after her.

"Oh, Good Morning Hayate-Sensei!" The girl called in a friendly tone before adding. "Were you planning on using the field for training? I can step off if you need, I simply hadn't expected anybody else to be awake yet." THe girl said with a slight tilt of her head.

Smiling, Hayate shook his head. "I think there is more than enough room for both of us out here," he said chuckling. "I see you've gotten rid of the mask. How does it feel?"

Tomiko giggled a little bit as well, before answered his question. "It is a little bit odd. I can't exactly hide behind it anymore. I think it was the right move, I needed to grow up and stop hiding from the world. Although I do find it funny, Sensei, that out of everything I change... you notice the mask missing!" She said with a grin across her face, that was another thing Tomiko had decided; she was done with being upset and feeling bad. It was high time she found who she was, and she wasn't going to be a sad person.

Shrugging his shoulders, Hayate glanced away for a moment. "The mask is quite frankly the most important change. Without it, you are opening yourself up, something I find to be a nice change. The hair and such are different as well, of course, but those are more personal tastes than anything. The mask though, I find it to be more of a statement. That is all." Turning back, Hayate nodded politely. "Is it helping with what we had talked about before?"

Tomiko nodded, Hayate had a good of reason as any when he explained why he didn't point out the other changes. "Ah, well, it is helping with what we talked about earlier. I decided that I was never going to find out who I am if I were hiding behind a mask all the time. Better to stick myself out there and see what happens, no?" She said happily, before thinking for a little while. "So, Hayate, what brings you out here so early?" The girl asked, curious about why he seemed to be the only other one who bothered to be up so early.

Scratching the back of his neck, Hayate smiled. "I wanted to come out and train a little. Have to prepare for things ahead. Morning is usually quieter and easier for me."

The girl nodded as Hayate gave his reason. "Ah, well I probably shouldn't hold you up then. You've probably got important things coming... Also, the Morning is definitely quieter around here. I usually am up and about before the sun even rises, I guess its a small side effect of being an insomniac." The girl said as she scratched the back of her neck as well.

Shrugging, Hayate reached back and pulled out his staff. "Perhaps you'd like an actual sparring partner to help you? Learning the moves is all well and good, but it doesn't help much if your opponent moves around more than an invisible target." Grinning, Hayate cocked his head to the side and waited to see what Tomiko would say.

"Well... I was learning the Kata with the Ninjato first, like Miss Saki said she did. I would like to spar, but I am going to warn you now that I am pretty terrible with this thing still. Also... er... is there a way to temporalily dull the edges so I'm not like... cutting my friend, and Sensei, open?" The girl added with a nervous laugh, looking at Hayate's staff carefully. She briefly wanted to ask the boy about his weapon, and felt a strong urge to get one herself. Okay, so apaprenrtly Tomiko is part weapon nerd... cool! the girl thought to herself.

Reaching out with one hand, Hayate looked at Tomiko. "May I see it for a moment?"

Tomiko looked at Hayate, then nodded. The girl held the sword out to Hayate, ensuring to present it so he could grab it without cutting his hand on the blade.

Taking the weapon in his hands, Hayate studied it for a moment. Turning it over, he placed one hand on the blade and focused his chakra. Sending some of his chakra into the blade of the weapon, Hayate concentrated for a moment before pulling his hand back and observing his work. Running a finger along the edge of the now-dulled blade, he smiled. "That should take care of it. As for you being terrible, I will be the judge of that. And hey, everybody has to start somewhere right?"

Tomiko allowed herself a small laugh at his comment. "You'll be judging me after this, that much is for sure." She said, thinking about how poor her skills with the weapon were. The girl held her hand out to have the weapon back, pleased that it was now dulled. "Now we just have to hope I remember to have you re-sharpen blade before we go on any missions... otherwise that would be awkward." She added with a laugh.

Chuckling, Hayate nodded. "If nothing else, at least you could beat your enemies over the head with it." Handing the weapon back, the young Hyuzu took a step backwards. "Why don't you show me what you have learned first, and then you can try against me defending?"

Tomiko nodded as Hayate spoke, and then the girl gripped the weapon in her right hand. After she found her grip again, Tomiko began to go through the basic Kata she had been practicing previously. The few arcs and cuts that the girl made were rather smooth, but were only the basics of handling the weapon. After finishing off her Kata, Tomiko sheathed the sword and looked at Hayate as she waited for a response.

Watching carfeully as Tomiko went through the motions, Hayate observed how she moved and how she used the weapon. Remaining silent for quite awhile, Hayate rubbed his chin thoughtfully. "What made you want to start using a sword in place of your bow?"

"I still have my bow, and I intend to use it. It's just, a bow is useless at close range. Hideki-San and Miss Saki both said I should use some sort of weapon, because my Taijutsu is absolutely horrible." Tomiko explained, as the weapon was for close quarters. The girl tilted her head slightly to the right as she awaited Hayate's response.

Nodding slowly, Hayate accepted the explanation, at least partly. "And what if someone disarms you of your weapon?"

"Keep a bolt loaded in the wristbow." Tomiko said, lifting her arm to show the small crossbow mounted beneath it. She said with a small smile, followed by a shrug. "Though I should work on some basic Taijutsu. Nothing special like Gentle Fist, but still."

"Hmm," Hayate mused, nodding again. "It is certainly important to know the basics. After all, when caught by surprise, if you have nothing to fall back on you may find yourself in a very bad position." Shrugging he smiled. "However, you came to learn how to use a blade, so I shall try to help you with that. Does that sound fair?"

"It does sound fair, yes. So, what are we doing? A spar or some exercises?" Tomiko asked with a plesant expression as she spun the Ninjato around in her hand, looking at Hayate carefully.

Looking from Tomiko's Ninjato to his staff, Hayate raised his own weapon in front of him. Focusing his chakra into the metal, Hayate shrank the weapon down to the size of a sword. He did not focus too much on making it look pretty, but the weapon was functional. "I figure a spar would not be very beneficial until you have had more time to practice and more experience. So perhaps some training exercises would be better?"

"Sure thing! What did you have in mind? Also... that is totally awesome what you can do!" Tomiko said, admiteddly a bit distracted by the way Hayate's staff just shrunk down. Perhaps this was what Hayate had meant when he said his KG helped him in the forge.

Glancing at the crude weapon he had formed, Hayate shrugged slightly. "It can be quite useful sometimes, but took me a long time to master." Getting a feel for the shortened weapon, Hayate swung it around a couple of times before smiling. "And simple. You will try to land a blow on me, and I will defend myself."

"Shall we start things off offically?" Tomiko asked and raised her left hand to form the seal of confrontation. Remember, Saki's lessons about conditions. The girl thought to herself.

Raising an eyebrow, Hayate formed the seal of confrontation as well. "After you," he said, grinning.

With a small smile Tomiko nodded in return. "Small disclaimer, I might have been stalling." The girl said, as she had been using the chance to build up her chakra, in case she needed it. Then took a step forward to ready her blade.

Keeping his sword held loosely in front of him, Hayate simply stood, waiting.

As the girl took another step forward, closing the distance and making as if to strike; she dropped a hand into her pouch to grab something.

Waiting until the girl was just about to strike, Hayate's foot would suddenly lash out and connect with Tomiko's chest, pushing her back and likely knocking her off balance unless she was able to steady herself.

As the girl stumbled backwards, she drew her hand from the pouch and released the two smoke bombs she had grasped beforehand. Upon their detonation, Tomiko allowed her Byakugan to activate. Keeping her attention on Hayate.

Sighing, Hayate disappeared below the earth. He would still be visible to her Byakugan, and she would see him moving further and further away from her. Rising above the earth away from the smoke cloud, Hayate stood casually. "What now?"

"Not bad." The girl said as she looked at Hayate, approaching again and got ready to try for another attack. Ensuring to go into the smoke cloud temporarily before heading out of the cloud.

Backing up slowly, Hayate put some more distance between himself and the Hyuuga.

Tomiko noticed as the boy started to put more distance in between the two, and the girl stopped where she was. Baiting me, no doubt. Just like Koike-San. The girl thought as she looked around the field. Unfortunately, nothing she could use to her advantage.

Cocking his head to the side, Hayate rested his weapon against his shoulder. "I think you may have misunderstood what I meant." Standing still, he stared at Tomiko. "I was initially under the impression that this was supposed to be an exercise in using your Ninjato, not a full spar." His tone was slightly teasing, and Hayate waited to see how she would respond.

Raising an eyebrow, Tomiko spoke in response. "Of course, but isn't using a smoke bomb to block visuals of your enemy effective?" Tomiko said as she approached the boy again. Getting ready to attack this time.

"A smoke bomb is a double edged sword. Sure your Byakuugan gives you an advantage when your vision is blocked, but it requires you to waste chakra just to gain a slight advantage. But is it worth it when that advantage can so easily be negated by someone exiting the smoke?" Seeing Tomiko as she approached him again, Hayate sighed. "And that also won't help you to actually learn how to use your weapon. Surprises are all well and good, but if you don't have the skills to back yourself up, then you're going to find yourself in trouble."

"I was trying to show off a little bit, I admit." Tomiko said with a small smile as she approached the boy. "Just gotta hit you, right Hayate-Sensei?" She said softly. Conditions, what are they Tomiko? He's obviously much faster than you. Watch out for that, and likely he knows a thing or two about how to defend against attacks. The girl thought to herself as she watched Hayate carefully.

Nodding his head, Hayate brought his weapon out in front of him, watching Tomiko.

Tomiko lunged forward, swinging her weapon in a low arc at the boy's leg. Ensuring to keep a watch for any kicks this time, as it seems Hayate-Sensei liked to block with a kick.

Leaping to the side, Hayate evaded the incoming attack with relative ease due to its low trajectory. Keeping his weapon in front of him, he still made no move to attack.

Watching as Hayate lept to the side, Tomiko continued her movements in a fluid manner. As if in the middle of a dance, the girl spun around quickly and launched an attack at his left side now.

Using his own weapon to knock Tomiko's aside, Hayate once again moved to the side, forcing Tomiko to keep moving if she wanted to keep up with him.

Letting out a sigh of frustration, Tomiko came in with a downward strike. This time aimed towards the hand holding the weapon. He's forcing me to keep moving, won't be able to be as effective. The girl thought, wondering what she could do.

Pulling backwards at the last second so that Tomiko's attack would miss him and continue past where his hand was, Hayate swung his own weapon in a vicious arc towards the girl's wrist, aiming to make her drop her weapon.

Tomiko yelped in pain as his weapon slammed into her wrist. Unable to keep her grasp on the weapon, the girl felt herself cringe as the weapon fell to the ground. She had lost, great, hopefully Miss Saki had some advice on using the weapon.

Stepping away, Hayate held his weapon down in front of him. "And now what would you do if your opponent has disarmed you?" He asked, remembering her response from the first time.

Tomiko looked at the man, knowing that he was likely expecting her to fire a bolt at him. However, she was low on options at the moment. The girl looked at Hayate, knowing she was defeated and took a step backwards. "You would've dodged it anyways." The girl said calmly.

Staring for a moment, Hayate finally nodded. Holding his sword downwards, the Hyuzu sighed. "Now do you see why taijutsu can be such an important tool?" He asked quietly.

Tomiko nodded in response to his question. "Yes Sensei, I do." She said, moving to pick up her weapon from where it had fallen. "Are there any other exercises we could do?" She asked politely, hoping to get a bit more practice in.

"Of course," he said, smiling. "But first it would be helpful for me to know exactly how much experience you have had with a blade?"

"Beyond the basics of how to use a Kunai, this is the first bladed weapon I've ever had. Miss Saki told me that she would teach me how to weild it, so hopefully I can learn something there." Tomiko said, looking at the weapon briefly before sliding it into its sheath.

Nodding, Hayate smiled, amused. "Putting your weapon away already? And here I thought you wanted to train further." Teasing her slightly, Hayate cocked his head to the side. "Saki is a good teacher and an excellent kunoichi. You are lucky to have her training you."

"I do want to train more! It is just ann- You were teasing me, weren't you?" Tomiko said in response, having thought he was serious at first. Whenever Hayate mentioned Saki, Tomiko smiled a little bit. "I'm just happy that she agreed to train me. I've learned alot from Miss Saki and am very grateful." The girl added.

Chuckling, Hayate shrugged. "That is good. Listen to her well and I am sure she will teach you a lot."

"Will do, Sensei!" Tomiko said happily as she studied Hayate. "So, what sort of exercises did you have in mind that we could do?" The girl asked, always eager to push herself harder in order to get better.

Pondering the question for a moment, Hayate scratched his chin. "The steps you were taking when I got here are good for teaching yourself the basic maneuvers, but those you are more than likely capable of doing on your own. Perhaps instead, we could switch up a bit from what was done before. I will attempt to strike you, and you can defend yourself. How does that sound?"

Tomiko nodded, although she wasn't exactly expecting to do very well against the boy. "Reversal of roles, that'll be useful. Sure thing!" The genin said in a happy tone as she drew her weapon. All she had to do was defend against Hayate-Sensei... time to see how good she is.

Raising an eyebrow, Hayate chuckled. "This is not going to be a full combat scenario, all I want you to focus on is using your sword to defend yourself from my attacks. I will not be going full speed or strength as that would not help you right now." Raising his own blade in front of himself, Hayate cracked his neck and got into a prepared stance. Charging forwards, the young Hyuzu started with a relatively straight-forward horizontal slash.

As Hayate came in towards Tomiko, the girl hopped backwards to avoid the horizontal slash, and kept her eyes on her teacher. She expected that much more complicated moves were coming. After her hop, the girl got herself in a ready stance to prepare for his next attack.

Continuing to charge forwards, Hayate followed up his slash with a brief combo. His weapon moved first in a diagonal upwards slash, before continuing with a downward strike and another horizontal blow. All the while continuing to move forwards, preventing her from simply backing away.

Tomiko started off by hopping back and to the right, away from the blade, as he came in with the upwards cut. Seeing Hayate bring his blade back down for another strike, Tomiko instead stepped into the strike and brought her own sword up in a move to stop his blade. At the point of impact, Tomiko used both hands to support her blade, one on the dull side while the other remained on the hilt.

As Tomiko stopped his downward attack, Hayate simply nodded. Pivoting his hands while still keeping pressure on Tomiko's blade, Hayate shifted until his hands were underneath Tomiko's. Pressing up now, he attempted to push her back.

Tomiko took a step backwards and to the side, preparing herself for Hayate's next attack. The girl raised her sword in preparation to execute a quick block.

Reacting to Tomiko's step backwards, Hayate spun, bringing his blade in low for a sweep that was designed to take her out at the knees.

"Rude!" Tomiko said as she brought her sword in a low arc to deflect Hayate's strike. As the two metals crashed, the girl would take a step back and to the right in order to step out of his range.

Barely giving her time to recover, Hayate moved with her. Launching a flurry of blows towards the girl, Hayate picked up the speed just a notch.

Tomiko was barely able to keep up with the flurry of attacks coming from Hayate. She continued to block his attacks, but as she was barely able to keep up and began making small mistakes.

Noticing Tomiko struggling to keep up with his attacks, Hayate pressed the advantage. Throwing in a sudden feint, Hayate's weapon would switch direction suddenly and head towards Tomiko's side.

As she was already rushed by the flurry of the attacks, Tomiko bought the feint and swung towatds the weapon before it switched directions. Seconds later, the Genin yelped out as she took the impact to the side. Breathing a little heavy, Tomiko said "I could barely keep up!" She said with a small grin.

Pulling back after his weapon made contact, Hayate nodded. Lifting the blade to his shoulder, he smiled politely. "You did well enough for your first real time. How did it feel?"

"It hurts a little, but it was interesting to see how well I stood up. Although, I think it would be better if I learned more about Taijutsu. Because you were saying earlier it is useful in this situation.... Could you help me, Hayate-Sensei?" The girl asked, thinking about what he said.

Chuckling, Hayate shook his head slightly. "I meant how did it feel using your sword for the first time. I can imagine that the hit was probably pretty painful." Using his chakra to reform the crude sword back into a staff, Hayate placed it back on his back. "So you would like to learn taijutsu after all hmm?" He asked with a smile.

"It felt good, it felt like the weapon fit me... an extension of my body. However, I think learning Taijutsu would be helpful, afterall both you and Miss Saki have mentioned it to me. So... could you help me?" The girl said softly, sheathing the sword and watching Hayate.

Nodding, Hayate stretched out his muscles a bit. "That is good. Becoming one with your weapon is an important step." Pondering something for a moment, Hayate glanced away. "I do not mind helping, but what are you looking for? From what it sounds like, you have not had a lot of practice at all at close quarters combat, is that correct?"

Tomiko nodded in response before speaking up. "I am not sure what I would be looking for, I don't know much about close quarters in general. What would you suggest, Hayate-Sensei?" She explained, hoping that Hayate had something in mind.

"Hmm..." Hayate mused, wondering how to start. Teaching someone taijutsu from scratch was not something he had done before. Most people he had trained with were at least well versed in the basics, so Hayate took a moment to consider where to start. "Has Saki taught you anything so far?" He asked after a moment, deciding to at least see if there was some ground to work with.

"She had me spar Katsu. I learned a little bit about protecting myself. But... I am still not terribly great with the basics of Taijutsu." The girl explained and frowned a bit as she looked frustrated.

Taking in the information, Hayate remained silent for quite some time. After a long moment, the young Hyuzu finally spoke. "Taijutsu itself has many forms, which makes it difficult to teach on a universal level. That being said, there are some core techniques that you can develop to get you started." Chewing his lower lip thoughtfully, Hayate began pacing back and forth. "Those are things you can likely work on on your own. Things like the katas you were practicing for kenjutsu, only this time you would learn and practice the basic taijutsu katas. For more advanced training, we would need to find our where your strengths lay. You mentioned before that you like to dance, and that was a little evident during our brief exercise with the swords. Perhaps you would suit a more fluid fighting style rather than some of the others, but, in the end I suppose that is up to you."

With a small tilt of her head, Tomiko considered what Hayate had to say. "I think a more fluid fighting style would work, as I noticed that when I attempted a rather... choppy style on my sword I didn't do terribly well." The said, agreeing with Hayate's observation. Reaching up to mess with some of her hair, the girl continued to speak. "So, is there anything we can work on to get me started? I'll gladly do it!"

Nodding, Hayate stopped pacing and folded his arms across his chest. "You said that you'd practiced defending against Katsu, that is a good start. He is a talented shinobi. But you have yet to try attacking, am I right?" Cocking his head to the side, Hayate pondered something briefly. "If that is the case, we could start with some basic exercises for attacking an opponent. Nothing crazy, as you should take the time to study the basics before you learn anything that would compromise that. With that being said, most of what I can teach you today will be instinctual rather than technical or practical."

"Miss Saki first had me try to hit Katsu first, while he just defended against me. Then Katsu and I had to do some sort of sparing thing, I lost." Tomiko said, aiming to give Hayate a full picture of what happened, just in case it changed what sort of exercise they would be doing.

She had been planning this. Laying low in the dark of the vegetation, the huntress was laying in wait. Her prey was with another and that did annoy her to no end. Who was this new hinderance? Probably had her prey forseen the day that she would show him what an amazing fighter she was. Narrowing her eyes, the huntress bit down on her lower lip. It took a lot of self-control to not charge and make use of the moments when her prey and the other had been occupied with each other. But let them tire each other out. They would then be easier for her to handle. Not that she needed that, she could take them both on.

With her left hand, she would adjust the helmet she had 'borrowed' from the armory. It was slightly too large for her, but that wasn't much of a problem. Yet, her prey was a cunning one. Even when tired, he had always thwarted her attempts to beat him. But today would be different. Her weapon of choice was a 'borrowed' wooden spoon from the kitchens. They could miss it, she wagered. Creeping closer to the edge of the vegetation, the huntress could feel her heart pounding in her chest. Skipping beats as she focused on her target. Then she made her move as his back was turned towards her!

Throwing the spoon as distraction, the girl charged. "MIMI ATTACK!" The girl said as she was intending to lunge forward, attempting to ram him over with going in head first.

She really needs to work on her 'stealthy' approaches, Hayate thought to himself, sighing inwardly. He had heard the girl's approach from behind them, and for a moment wondered if he could attribute that to all of the past times needing to be prepared for the orphan girl's sudden surprise attacks, or whether his senses were actually getting sharpened. Either way, Hayate would simply step to the side, allowing both the wooden spoon and the charging Mimi to fly past him. Realizing that Tomiko would now be in the path of both attacks, Hayate wondered how the girl would react.

As Hayate stepped aside suddenly, and a girl seemed to yell out, Tomiko would find herself very confused. Less than a second after Hayate stepped aside, Tomiko felt something hard hit her head, causing a brief yelp to escape. Before she had time to discern what exactly had hit her, the genin noticed the small girl barrelling towards her as well. Tomiko deicded to take a page from Hayate's book and stepped over to the side so she was once again in front of Hayate. Then the girl would shoot Hayate a very, very confused look about the entire situation.

Wait, why hadn't she charged him over? Coming to a halt, Mimi looked around before she realized what had happened. He had cheated! Turning around, the girl raised her right fist as she shook it towards the Hyuzu. "Mimi says Silly Face isn't allowed to cheat! Mimi wants rematch, now!" She briefly glanced at Tomiko with a frown, but focused her attention back on the cheating Hyuzu.

Hearing the little girl's words, Tomiko cast another look towards Hayate. "Silly Face?" The girl asked.

Suppressing a smile as Mimi charged past him, Hayate folded his arms across his chest. Turning towards Tomiko as she repeated the name, Hayate's expression had turned cold. "It would be best if you never call me that again." He said to Tomiko quietly, his voice deadly serious. Turning back to Mimi, Hayate raised an eyebrow. "Who said I cheated, hmm?" He asked the young girl, his expression turning back to one of amusement. "Mimi, this is Tomiko. Tomiko, this is Mimi."

The kid wasn't obviously entertained for a single moment as she did hear them. This other person, with white eyes? How did that happen? Were her eyes something weird? Was she human? This train of questions in the girl's mind did manage to distract her from throwing a hissy fit, as she normally would when she would have the slightest idea somebody was making fun of her. Hearing the question of Hayate, Mimi frowned as she pointed at him. "Mimi says you did! Mimi is sure you did. Mimi's plan was the best plan. Mimi had it all figured out..." She mumbled the last sentence as Hayate introduced her to Tomiko. At first, Mimi want to ask about the eyes of this Tomiko. What's wrong with them? Remembering her manners,Mimi quickly placed her feet close together as her arms close to herself. Turning to Tomiko, she made a rather stiff short bow towards the other. Though she didn't say anything as she was too afraid that she would blurt out her questions and get send away.

Listening to Hayate's tone, Tomiko made a mental note to never call Hayate 'Silly Face' again, as it seemed to bother her friend. After the introductions, Tomiko turned to face Mimi and offered a more elegant bow in return. When she came back up, Tomiko wore a friendly smile and waved to the little girl. "It is nice to meet you, Mimi." She said softly.

"You still have a lot to learn Mimi. Announcing yourself before an attack is one way to give your opponent time to react. Perhaps that is something you could think about next time." Smiling, Hayate shook his head and chuckled. Reaching over and kneeling slightly, he tapped her gently on the helmet, raising an eyebrow. "Sneaking around in the armory again were we?" Glancing back over at Tomiko, Hayate wondered about something for a moment.

"Mimi knows that." The young girl told Tomiko, her fists planted on her hips. Of course it was nice to meet her. Why wouldn't it be? As Hayate tapped the helmet, the eyes of the young girl narrowed as she threw a feigned glare at Hayate. "Mimi will do that as people fear blighters." The girl said, not realizing her slight error in her phrasing. "Mimi know of no such thing. Mimi found this helmet, somewhere!"

"Mmmhhmm," Hayate mused. Standing back to his full height, the young Hyuzu folded his arms across his chest. "Perhaps now that you are here, you might like to join us in some training?" Hayate asked, looking down at the younger girl. "That is, if it is alright with you?" He asked, glancing back towards Tomiko.

Giving Hayate a quick look as he invited the other girl to join their training, Miko breifly wondered if Mimi was close to Hayate or something. "Well, this wasn't a scheduled training anyways, so I don't really see a reason why she can't." The girl said softly, not exactly eager to seem disrespectful and demand otherwise.

Frowning the girl glanced back and forth between the two. "Mimi says no." Pointing to Tomiko, she kept frowning at Hayate. "Mimi needs a real challenge. Mimi doesn't need easy peasy. Mimi needs challenges!" She bluntly stated, still pointing at Tomiko as she stomped with her left foot on the ground.

His eyes narrowing slightly, Hayate turned back towards Mimi. "What Mimi needs is some proper manners and a little respect." His tone had grown serious and Hayate folded his arms across his chest. "Tomiko may not be a master of close quarters combat, but then again, neither are you. You two would be a little more evenly matched than you think Mimi." Lowering himself slightly, the young Hyuzu locked his gaze with the troublesome little girl. "And if you continue to speak to others like that, you can forget about getting ice cream later."

The small girl frowned as she was about to reply back, that she would else show Hayate who was boss. But the reminder that if she would continue on like as she had would result into not getting ice cream was more than efficient enough to shut Mimi up. Still frowning, the girl huffed as she shot a look at Tomiko. In Mimi's opinion, she considered the other as what she had refered to as 'easy peasy'. Perhaps this was all but a trick to make her tired so she would get on time to bed? Clever silly face, but she would play along to see if she would get any ice cream. "Mimi will do as Silly Face wants then." She mumbled, eyeing Tomiko before taking steps backwards.

Leaning over to Hayate with a small smile, Tomiko spoke softly. "You know, Hayate-Sensei, Hiraku used that same threat on me all the time when I was much younger. Its rather effective." she added with a small laugh before falling silent once again. With that, she waited to see what Hayate-Sensei had in mind for them to do today. The girl did want to ask more about Mimi and how Hayate knew her, but figured now was not the time for such questions.

Glancing back at Tomiko as she spoke, he nodded his head slightly before taking a step backwards himself. "Now. You both have a lot to learn about taijutsu. As such, I will do my best to teach you both. With that said, you will be sparring against each other and I shall watch and provide instructions and pointers as you proceed." Folding his arms across his chest, Hayate looked at the two girls. "This is not a moment to prove yourself better than the other. I simply want you to try your best and I will offer input where I see instruction needed."

[fieldbox=The Young Wolf and Raven]

Taijutsu Lessons!!

A collab by Alice and Inzane

Summary: Kazumo request more Taijutsu lessons from his niece Kiyomi, it derails into taunts at first, and some sly technique she avoided answering about. Then the actual lessons begin. Oh Kazumo also almost broke his nose and jaw.
Walking outside to the private training field, after he of course told a Sworn Sword member where he would be heading to. He had a happy smile on his face as Kiyomi agreed to further train with him in Taijutsu, while in reality it was just fighting as dirty as you can while keeping your stamina up and reducing your body movement. It was really quite something for someone as young as her to be skilled in. She really was a spectacular woman to follow, and his training with Aiko only furthered him to not hesitate. He wasn't going to allow his niece to die because of something he failed to do, it was something he would never let happen not at any cost.

Arriving at the field he would look around seeing he was the first here, that he could see anyway. So since he arrived early he might as well start up that exercise she showed him. So holding out his arms as he shook his hips, it was still uncomfortable to do yet it certainly paid out in the long run. His core did always feel much more flexible and overall better after this exercise, so as weird as it was he would keep on using it.

Jogging to the field, Kiyomi hoped he hadn't been waiting for too long. She had to change into different clothes as she couldn't of course train taijutsu and close ranged combat in a dress. Upon arriving on the perimeter of the field, her sharp eyes caught Kazumo. Just as she was about to raise her right hand up, she caught sight of what he was doing. Coming to a halt, Kiyomi couldn't help it. She started to laugh out loud.

He jumped a bit at the sudden laughter and turned around to see Kiyomi just laughing away which caused him to frown. "You know... you were the one that taught me this. I can't be blamed for what the exercise looks like." He stated before smiling and walking over to her, yet as he got closer he became more silent. Tears looked as they were appearing in his eyes, yet he quickly rubbed them away. "So how is my favorite niece today?"

She tried to stop laughing, which wasn't really working out. Managing to finally regain her composure, she would answer back. "Sorry, but that was quite... unexpected." She took a moment to breath in, unable to catch the earlier tears that had been present in his eyes. "I'm doing okay. Hadn't expected to do any training with somebody else today. So I made a shadow clone to over watch some of my other affairs while we train." She answered. "How have you been? Managing to adjust to the place?"

"Well what did you expect? If its the best exercise for the core then I will do it, no matter how funny I look. Yet glad you are able to enjoy yourself at my expense." She then stated she made a clone deal with her other affairs as she wasn't expecting to do more taining. She then proceed to ask him how he was and how he has been adjusting. "If you were busy, we could have done this another day you know? I'm also fine, for the most part anyway. Adjusting is still happening, but I know how to get to my room and to other places by myself. Although the place is still massive."

She could only snicker on his question what she had expect. "Heh." Hearing his further reply, Kiyomi shook her head as well slightly raising her hands as to protest already. "No, its fine. If I couldn't I wouldn't have agreed on training." She replied back. "And its quite huge, but am glad that you're doing fine. Now. You wanted to do some taijutsu training, correct?"

Fair point, she was a leader for a reason. So he was certain she knew when some affairs were more important than others. Yet getting to the point he would nod at her. "Indeed I did. I still need to learn as much as I can to be of any realy help to you or the people. So I need to improve on whatever I can. So shall we start with the exercise? Or will you laugh as we do it?"

"No, no I won't." She said, though a playful smile remained on her lips. Placing her hands on her hips, she would stand next to him. Of course with a bit of a distance between them so that they wouldn't bump each other over. Though that idea almost made her laugh out loud again. Starting the movements, shaking her hips slowly sideways, Kiyomi decided to keep her gaze in front of her. "But what kind taijutsu training were you thinking about? Tactical play? Practicing how to block, evade or strike back? Countering?" Kiyomi decided to ask.

"Good, cause naughty leaders don't get candy for laughing at their uncles." He said smirking as they would start the exercise, as it always felt weirder knowing his family was right there, and was also the one who taught him it. She then popped the question to which he chuckled at. "Well you taught me a bit on how to evade already, so blocking might help in case I can't evade. Countering is always helpful. And what kind of striking are you thinking of? In reality, I just need help altogether with my Taijutsu. I can't really rely on always trying to fight dirty. Eventually my tricks will be learned. "

Snorting, Kiyomi would continue with the exercise. "That is true. I will help you some tricks then. Can't teach you everything in one go, but we can expand the basics." Starting to shift from making her hips swing sideways, she would start to move them back and forth. Humming softly, she just tried to not glance at him. Already she was well aware that it would likely cause her to erupt back in laughter.

"Sounds like a plan, just... try not to blind me this time." He said chuckling a bit as the exercise would go on before he halted at her moving her hips back and forth now. He knew she was trying so hard not to laugh, if sideways made her burst out laughing this would make her roll on the ground. He grumbled a bit to himself before he followed her movements though. As wrong as it looked to be doing this, it certainly helped. The price of embarrassment was worth the results.

"I have other tricks. Don't worry." Kiyomi stated cheerfully. She would briefly remain in silence, focusing on the exercise. It was actually hard to not glance briefly sideways, just to spot if he was doing alright. Reasoning silently with herself that the exercise wasn't that difficult, Kiyomi would resort back to humming as they continued with the warming up. After a good ten minutes, she decided that they had enough. Stretching her arms, Kiyomi would glance at Kazumo. "So, lets see. We can do this in a relaxed pace or just make a mock spar out of it. With only taijutsu. Every time I however spot an opening, we stop and I help you how to work on to block some attacks better as well how to counter some attacks."

Was that suppose to encourage or worry him? Were other tricks other ways to blind him? Well that just put him into guard mode already, but they would continue the exercise for what seemed like longer than the first phase. Yet they would finish and she would suggest two ways to go about it. A relaxed pace or mock spar, but would work really, but it seemed the mock spar would help him faster as she would stop him whenever an opening was available. "I'll choose the Mock Spar, seems better on picking up on where I mess up."

Taking a few steps back, Kiyomi grinned. "Fair enough." Raising her left hand, she would form the Seal of confrontation. Formality was still something to be followed after all. Taking a light stance, just basically lifting her hands up and spreading out her feet, Kiyomi nodded. "Ready when you are."

Also taking a few steps back also raising his left hand, he would take his own stance which was more or less the same as hers. With her stating that she was ready when he was. To which he smiled and laughed. "I'm ready, but you know what they say. Ladies first."

"Implying I am a lady?" Kiyomi replied back, not making any movement to close in the distance. "Besides, if ladies go first, why aren't you going ahead then?" She friendly asked back, lowering her hands by a bit as she even did so.

"Ooooh that's how were gonna go about this? But I'm proud of you admitting your male gender, very noble of you. It takes a big man to do such a thing. Yet I want you to go first because equality! And If I want it, then guys should also be allowed to go first. So really, after you sir." He retorted back with a smile, so far this seemed like a who would break first contest.

Kiyomi frowned, just staring back at Kazumo. "Well, granted." Lowering her hands, she even placed them back on her hips as she leaned a bit forwards. "If I indeed would do such a thing, it would make sense, not?" Slowly she would do a pelvic thrust as she winked to him. "At least I got more guts than you. So really, m'lady. If you want to play it like this, then I wouldn't mind to see you taking the first steps."

He snickered a bit before smiling at her. "Ouch. Yet for a big man you don't seem to have a lot of balls to come kick my ass. Yet like the typical man you are. Too busy thinking with this." He said before doing his own pelvic thrust. "I do hope your children inherit their mothers courage, and not your own. Yet its very mean to ignore a ladies request. Really I insist after you."

Scoffing, Kiyomi slightly raised her chin. "Perhaps I just don't like to dirty my hands by somebody with those horrible looks?" Wiggling her hips, she would continue with her taunt. "After all, perhaps that is just what you want? A beating. I am not just going to grant you what you desire. I thought that you just said after all that ladies go first."

Were they really doing this? So far he only learned that Kiyomi likes to taunt before fights. "Then why did you agree to fight me then? Hmmmm? I know all your blood rushed down there, but do think with your head and not your other head." He would shrug and smirk at her. "Who knows, I could be a masochist, or you could just be a coward? The world may never know. Yet you show what you choose to listen to. I also said I want equality and as such, I can only prove that by letting you go first sir."

"Ugh, you sound like a fish wife." Kiyomi said, feigning a disgusted look. "I agreed cause I decided this would be a fun way to pass time. As you said, I didn't clearly think that well about it." Tilting her head slightly to the right, she scoffed. Starting to walk in a slow pace, Kiyomi raised her right eyebrow. "But seeing I doubt you can come up with anything better, what now? Huh?"

He smiled and gave a shrug at her fish wife comment. "Sorry going to have to explain that too me, like most women I not as smart as you males are." He said shrugging again as he watched her walk in a slow pace. "Oh are you admitting defeat and will attack? I thought the great emperor didn't know the words of surrender! Yet who knows what now. I'm still waiting left bored after you thought you were a big shot."

Kiyomi kept walking towards him, not even lifting her hands up or making any signal that she was going to attack him. "What?" Slowly she spread her arms as she smiled friendly. "This is what you wanted, wasn't it? You wanted me to take the first steps and now I am doing it. Is this just cause you're nervous? That is fine. You're just being a scaredy cat. Come on." She would stop near him.

"Try me.~"

He just kept his position as she moved closer. Nodding his head in agreement. "See? Not that hard to just agree with ladies right? All you have to do is listen and you will make the girl happy. Yet after waiting so long, standing in place is rather hard. So know what? I'm going to stretch my muscles a bit. You don't mind right?" He asked as he began to sway his hips sideways in front of her.

"Don't worry. I won't be more than a minute, just like you won't last more than a minute."

She would lower her arms, yet didn't say a word. Remaining standing still on her position, Kiyomi would place her left hand on her hip. A mocking expression flowed over her features before she would say something. "Its fine. I will just wait until you have some guts to try the first strike." A snicker escaped her. "Know what? I will let the first one even connect. If you're not afraid to show me what you got at least."

He pounded his chest almost as if that meant something as he feigned a touched emotion. Yet she said she would give him the first shot and let it connect which made him sigh. "So touching, I guess if it will get the event underway. I will be the biggest one of the two and accept. Just remember you said you would take it." he said as he shook his shoulders a bit and would bend down extending his arms out and would proceed in a attempt to pants his niece, to which if it worked. He would swing his leg around to sweep her legs out.

It seemed it did work as Kiyomi didn't move away. As the blow made her body move, soon enough the movements of Kazumo would phase through her as it was an afterimage. "Slowpoke." Kiyomi said. She had managed to evade the attack with her own taijutsu technique, hopping her weight from one foot to another as a boxer. "Come on, try again, if you can keep up.~"

Wait what? He blinked confused as he jumped back looking at her with a grin on his face. "Haha! Amazing!" He said before moving in towards her swinging his right leg in to kick at her own legs. He didn't want to risk her grabbing his leg with any fancy high kicks now.

For a moment it seemed that she would fall flat on her face with his foot connecting, only for the afterimage to fade away. A soft punch would be connecting to his back. "Come on! You move too slow! Don't let me predict your movements that easy!" Kiyomi whined as she would raise her hands up, waiting for another attempt of his.

Seriously what was this technique? He wouldn't have much time to ask as she softly punched his back startling him to the point he turned around to try and tackle her to the ground with this attempt. Yet that technique was interesting, how was she pulling it off without any sort of gestures? Was it just a sudden burst of speed? Was that why she was saying he was too slow?

It seemed he had finally caught her, only to be an afterimage again. "You know," her voice sounded from behind him. Her hands placed on her hips as she frowned. "This is what I meant the first time. Speed is paramount. You can try to punch metal all you want, but if you can't hit the bloody target, you end up with your arse facing the opponent."

Well he crashed into the ground causing him to frown when she started speaking. He grumbled a bit as he stood up, those words were easier said then done when someone wasn't using a technique to make him hit nothing. "Right.. Tell me how I'm not suppose to hit after images exactly? Cause so far slow and fast didn't exactly work out that well."

"Don't make it too easy for me to follow your movements. The trick is to not make it easy for your opponent. Which is of course easier said than done." Kiyomi answered, snickering for a moment. "The problem you're facing now is that you're fighting hand to hand with somebody that has more advantage over you. Much sharper eyes, more tricks and experience. You need a way to topple that. A way is to try to use feigns, but they are risky." Pausing, Kiyomi raised her hands up slightly. "I'll teach you a good trick that can topple down many confident fish-faced jerks. Just try another swing at me."

Don't make the movements too easy to follow? Feigns were a way to topple a more experienced user in hand to hand? "Okay, that explains besting but not how I don't hit after images..." He stated thinking she was trying to dodge that part of the question. Yet told him to take a swing at her, which cause skepticism, yet only one way to learn. So he would take a step in and throw a right hook towards her, while bracing himself for pain.

She only winked with her right eye as he stated that it didn't explain how he was hitting afterimages. As he moved in with a punch, Kiyomi lowered herself as she stepped aside. Moving with his movement, she would just tap his leg. "There." She said as she would straighten her back. "The thing is that most people step in when they attack. While its hard to push them over when you're standing in front of them, its easy to lower yourself and bring them to your level by hooking away that leg. Certainly useful with a weapon that has a good reach, cause you have an extra pull and easier reach."

He stopped moving she she tapped his leg, as she then explained it. While it was harder to push people over when stepping in, it was easier to hook their leg away. Props to you if you had a weapon with reach to help with that. This was indeed good advice, however she knew damn well she was explaining the big issue here, and while he was thankful for the advice he just stared at her frowning. "Does this help hit afterimages? Cause that seems to be a new issue Im having."

"Perhaps." Was all that Kiyomi stated. She would take a fighting stance. "Want to give it a try? Just remember to lower yourself at the right moment and strike fast. If you do this right, you can turn the fight into your advantage as an opponent on their back will be less dangerous. At least, in most situations." Kiyomi said.

Well clearly she wasn't going to explain what she was doing at all, so he was goign to stop asking about it. Thinking about it though, is another story. "..... I guess I do, but no funny tricks right? Youa int leading me into this just to hit nothing and then proceed to be behind me and taunt me with. "Man you are sloooooow." Are you? If not then lets proceed."

"No, no. Just first start with a tap. Aim it here," she replied as she would turn half around and point at the spot. Just at the height of the knee, but then at the back of the leg. "When somebody step forward, hit and pull back hard. But for now, just tap when I move in okay?" She would take the stance again, raising her hands by a bit.

Just tap those spots? Well seemed easy enough and what was the worst to happen? Him getting rammed in the face by her knee? Actually that would be worse, upon thinking about it. Yet he would nod to show he understood, and would raise his own hands himself. Even if he wasn't the one punching this time, it was always good to have your guard up. Mostly with Kiyomi.

Stepping forward, Kiyomi would do a simple punch forwards. Though not lacking back in speed as she seemed to be seriously aiming for his face as her fist shot forwards.

While he did prepare himself for her attack, he didn't quite predict she would go as fast as she would, so by the time she was getting close and he started to lower himself. He felt a solid force connecting with his forehead. Which in turn sent him sprawling to his back, he blinked and stared blankly up at the sky, wondering for a split second just where on earth he was. Then came the rush of pain, causing him to rub his forehead while groaning as he stood back up. "Okay..... lets try that again..... Yeah again..."

Bit surprised as she was, Kiyomi didn't halt her punch. Lowering her hands as she saw how he fell on his back, Kiyomi frowned. "Good." Her frown soon made place for a grin as she raised her hands again. Somewhere she had expected him to ask her to go slower or perhaps softher. Deciding to step forwards as lashing out again without a warning, Kiyomi would try to keep track of his movements with her eyes.

He managed to get his guard up as soon as she just lashed right out of the gate, causing him to flinch a bit. He lowered himself faster than before and would proceed to tap her knee and back of her leg. Really was no hesitation in this, mostly when they were as fast as her. Well on the brightside of things, he didn't break his nose.... yet.

Suprised again, Kiyomi snickered. "Good. Now, lets try it for real!" She stated. However she decided to make a shadow clone as she would step backwards. The shadow clone of Kiyomi took a fighting stance, raising her hands up again. "This time try to work the clone with that move to the ground. Ready?" Without a warning or waiting for Kazumo to answer back, the shadow clone stepped forward as she was intending to throw a punch towards Kazumo's right cheek.

He sighed in relief only to have that relief smashed apart when she mentioned trying it for real. What was her definition of real exactly? That punch felt very real, to the point he was certain he was knocked out for a couple of seconds. She would make a shadow clone to which this time he was to take her down, instead of just tapping. So pretty much his questions would need to wait since the shadow clone was already coming at him. So he would lean down avoiding the punch, with this time he would try and throw a left straight at her knee and would try to quickly follow it up by pulling on the back of her leg with his right arm.

Only to be hit by the knee. "Got to be a tad quicker." The real Kiyomi said as the shadow clone would take a step back and take the previous stance again. "Remember. Try to lean away and sidestep. Avoiding the attack is the highest priority. Its an interesting thing, but did you know that it takes a moment for somebody's brain to register what happens? That is why sometimes people seem slow or afrraid in combat. But usually its the fact that they haven't progressed what happens and by the time they react, they are stabbed or getting a knee in the face. This is why I told you before, speed is paramount. Let the knuckleheads punch iron all they want. Not going to help them against a move like this."

Huh that knee seemed far closer than it should be. That was Kazumo's penalty for not sidetepping or leaning away, and it would connect with his face, causing him to fall on his side, most certainly dazed as he felt around the ground for a bit. He could hear her talking but responding was seemingly another challenge. Getting to his feet he was a bit dazed as he swipe at his upper lip, to see a minimal of blood. He would try his best to shrug it off and motion for her to try again.

Crossing her arms out front of her chest, Kiyomi eyed how her shadow clone stepped forwards. As before, the shadow clone lashed out. This time aimed at Kazumo's nose with the fist. The real Kiyomi's focus would shift to Kazumo, wondering how it would go this time.

As the clone took off, he would wait a second before stepping to the side and leaning down, trying his attack again from last failure, a left straight to the knee then yank the leg out from behind with the right arm. If he failed, at least his nose wouldn't be broken.

The Shadow clone clearly saw what he was doing, but by the time the clone's arms and legs would move Kazumo pulled the move with success. With a hard landing the clone landed on her back, a soft groan escaping the shadow clone. "Told you. It is a quick and easy move to pull off. No need to be anything, but fast." Kiyomi gestured to her shadow clone. "By the time that the victim is up or able to react back, you can already pin them down. Land an attack or put a blade against their throat. It is quite easy to make another move once you pulled this off."

This time was a success, with him possibly cheering inside his mind that his body wasn't going to be in further pain. Well for now anyway, yet he would give her two thumbs up before sitting down. "Good to know, now that the adrenaline is wearing down a bit. I'm just going to be sitting for a minute, while my brain stop trying to rip my skull open. While I do this though, what is next on the agenda in Kiyomi's mind?"

The shadow clone poofed away as Kiyomi nodded. "Sorry. However you know, if I would've held back then you wouldn't learn it in a correct fashion." She told him. Deciding to sit near him, Kiyomi placed her hands a bit at her back, leaning slightly backwards. "And next? Hmmm, depends. I can try to help you understand the theory about countering more. It is not that complicated as many make it. All that needs is just to practice them as well making sure you're fast on your feet and knowing how to estatimate your enemy punches and kicks."

He nodded to show he knew that, hence him not asking her to tone it down. Besides broken noses healed eventually, so its not like it was a permanent failure. So as she sat down and explained what they could do next he would nod. "That sounds good too me. So While my head rests, whats going on in your huge world Kiyomi?"

"Huge? Psh." The teen shrugged lightly. "Wouldn't call it huge to be honest. Just the usual. Waiting for Hiron to come back home and see if he will have time to spend time together. Spend time with friends and doing my tasks. Training of course and studying." She glanced briefly at the sky as she paused. "Nothing really out of the ordinary."

"Ah is that so? I think being an empress would make your world pretty large, but who am I to deny what an empress says. Yet when Hiron does come back, you should let me know. I feel me and him should get to know each other better, than just having the cousins label attached too us." Yet when she mentioned studying, a gleam in his eye arose, and seemingly jumped on the mention of the word. "What are you studying? Combat techniques? Diplomacy ways?"

"The palace is big, but it is not that big as being send out on a mission. Traveling and seeing new places." Kiyomi answered back. "And you're perhaps not in the position or rank to do so, but that doesn't mean I don't mind people's opinion. As for Hiron, you don't know him that well, do you?" It was more of a question at first, but Kiyomi forgot a little fact. "Not too surprising. He's more on his own, you know? As for what I am studying..." She briefly thought about it, but couldn't help it. It was after all fun to talk to somebody about it. "It is really annoying, but I am right now trying to uncover the origin of a very ancient text. Or at least, I think its very ancient. Can't say where I found it, but it is in nowhere anything that resembles any present day's language or written form. Seeing that I've tried to look for similarities with other languages and alphabets and more over the past four hundred years, it must be something very old."

He chuckled slightly at him not being of position or rank to really question her mindset. Yet she was humble and appreciated what others thought from time to time. "Yeah as I mentioned, I spent a lot of my life in the woods. We never traversed into town or met any relatives often. I think I might have met him once when I was like three or four." He stated as she spoke about trying to decipher an ancient text which all but caused the gleam to become full sparkles. "That old? I understand about not saying where you found it. Classified is classified, but a text so ancient that none of the languages and alphabets you've looked at come close to resembalance? Is it possible a unknow language only know to a certain culture or clan? Like Chonobi for example?"

"Well, it isn't that classified. I can easily say that it is that old that I'm sure that Uncle Z-- I mean, the Lord Commander won't know the origin." Kiyomi said. "I've gone all through the libray at the palace and no. It bears no resemblance at all to Chonobi. I've even thought to consider to write an example to Magnhild, Ardara or Dayi's Keep. To see if somebody else can make sense out of it. The problem is that I just can't find any clue to it. As if it is nothing but a made up language that already died out or just something that doesn't want to be found."

As she started speaking, she cut herself off upon starting to say Uncle Z, this resulted in a confused look, as he didnt remember having any cousins that started with a Z. Wait Lord Commander? Zakito? Ahhh it was just a really close bond between the two, that or he had some really high up cousins. She mentioned comparing it to chonobi finding no results though, while it might have just been a made up language. "Hmm, maybe its a language back before common knowledge? Are they symbols? or are they close to actual letters?"

"It are more symbols. The oddest thing is that that there is no match and it is complicated to break the 'code'. Some symbols that are supposed to mean the same thing vary with subtle differences, making a phrase different. I'm not sure if I am reading it wrong or that there is some grammar that I need to uncover to understand the language." Kiyomi replied. She decided to not include who was teaching her the old language, figuring that it would only raise more questions. "But in time I'll uncover it. Or perhaps somebody else will. Or perhaps it will never be uncovered. At least it is fun to indulge into it."

It certainly seemed like she and whatever help she had had, had their hands full for sure. A language that had symbols close to other symbols, yet subtle enought difference to make a new sentence altogether. "Well you got the time to research it and figure out what it says right? So keep that attitude! After all a project is much more fun if you think of the benefits behind it.... Wow that sounded a bit greedy." Kazumo spoke rising to his feet, no longer feeling like his head was throbbing constantly. "Ready to start again if you are.""

"It does, but let's be honest. I'm not doing it for the advantage of others, but for my own 'greed'." Kiyomi said in a friendly manner. Getting up she would eye him briefly before making a shadow clone. "Same as before. Try to use the move in order to topple my shadow clone. Watch your face though." The teen said, taking some steps aside as the shadow clone readied herself to lash out.

He couldn't help but chuckle at that response, I guess it was fine for the empress to be a bit greedy, mostly when it was for knowledge after all. Well his smile and chuckle went away when she told him to watch his face after making the clone, stating it would be the same as before. "Haha funny Kiyomi." Yet contrary to what he said, he wasn't smiling at the comment. He readied himself, expecting the clone to go just a bit faster now, knowing that he knew what he was suppose to do.

The shadow clone spread her footwork by a bit, ready to lash out. Yet, she seemed to be waiting as her eyes were locked on his. Without a warning the shadow clone took a step forwards, right hand clenched into a fist as the clone aimed the strike to go for his face. The real Kiyomi just watched, keeping her sharp eyes focused on Kazumo and how he would react.

At first it seemed to be a more tensed situation on when the clone would strike, seemingly as it bid it's time. Yet when the clone took a step forward, he saw the right hand clench, he proceeded to towards the left to avoid the incoming punch. He then launched downward to place his left hand behind it's left knee, and if that worked in his favor, he would push his right hand against it's stomach and yank with his left to send it to the ground.

Though the shadow clone tried to move with his movement, trying to lift its knee up to slam into Kazumo's face, the clone would fall hard on her back. "Seems you got it... down. Heh." Kiyomi said, nodding in approval before the shadow clone would poof away. "It is easier to carry this out with a weapon. Just hook it behind the enemy's knee and topple them."

With the clone poofing, Kiyomi would talk to which he sighed in relief a bit. "Well I rather not have to tell doctors that my nose is broken cause a clone kicked my face in. As for the weapon, well.... Ill try to practice that with my mother's weapon. that way I still have some range."

"I imagine it won't be any surprise. Many people often train and accidents happen." Kiyomi replied. "Good. When you do use a weapon, know that speed is still off the essence. The goal is to topple the opponent and while they recover, with their back on the ground, you should be ready to lash out again."

"So when you topple them, be quick to strike again. Well I shall practice that on a clone of mine, when I have some time. Although getting it to wrap around them will be the challenging part. Any other advise on toppling people?" Kazumo would ask his niece, which was amusing in a way to him. He always thought if he did have a niece it would be him teaching them, and not the other way around.

Kiyomi thought for a second. "Weight. Sometimes it is easy to topple a person in this manner. In case you fear that it won't work, but you already are trying it then just use your own weight. When you lean and move through your legs to avoid an attack, push yourself forward when you hook the opponent. Just ram your shoulder into their stomach and with the momentum and weight of your movement as well suprise, I suppose you can topple down a lot of foes. Though, don't use it too many times on the same person. Surprisingly enough, some people do learn and don't fall for the same trick twice."

He made a mental note of her advice although he wasn't sure if his weight would be very effective. Well I guess with enough speed and force anything would work really. He laughed at the not using it soo much on the same person as she made a small joke about people do surprisingly learn. "Damn! Human aptitude strikes again! Making life harder for us! Well hopefully I won't have to use it soo much on allies, it would be preferable to use it more on enemies. Granted if they don't have a sharp object in their hands when I try."

"Or know of this move as well. Always a possibility. Any questions? Though I can say that I can't give advise on how to use this when you have no arms or such. You need at least one arm for it. I figure at least." For a moment she considered if an one-armed person could pull this technique off. Probably. "But I am sure that with enough practice that you'll get the hang of it."

"That too. Not really any questions though. You gave me much to practice. Yet I will keep that in mind, should I ever lose both my arms. Although if I do, I doubt I'm going to be able to continue my whole job thing. Well I think I kept you from your daily routine long enough, thank you Kiyomi for the lesson. I hope I do learn with time." He said before wondering if a hug was still too weird and would opt for bowing before walking away.[/spoili][/fieldbox]
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[fieldbox="Learning through pain..., magenta, solid, 10, Tahoma"]

A collab between Lesli and Jason.

Summary: Tomiko is practicing her Kenjutsu once more as she waits for Saki to arrive for their training session. After arriving, Saki decides to show Tomiko why she should learn Taijutsu first... and Tomiko becomes acquainted with pain.

Already alone in the training field outside of Azumi, Tomiko stood in the cool air and seemed to be getting ready to attack. What? The air, as the girl was practicing her Kata for the Ninjato she had picked up. In a flurry of movements, the girl began to move the Kata in a fluid manner. The cuts and blocks flowing together like some form of majestic dance. As she finished the Kata, the girl let out a loud "Aiyah!" to accompany the finishing strike. A few seconds afterwards, the girl slid the weapon into its sheath and picked up the book that had been laying next to her, studying the pages breifly before grumbling to herself. "Could have done that better..." The girl said softly.

Approaching the field, Saki had a little shoulderbag with her. There were several borrowed content that belonged to the Tiger Claws. While she wasn't still sure about her new position at the elite unit, it had certainly its perks. As she was approaching the field, wanting to be early to prepare the training, Saki came to a halt at the end of the field. Under the cover of a tree's shadow, she saw Tomiko sitting on the field with a book. Her right eyebrow perked up as she would then approach the genin. "And good morning. You're early. What are you reading?" Saki asked, dropping the shoulder bag as she glanced at the book.

The girl jumped a little bit whenever Saki approached, as she had been enthralled in her book. Jumping up, the girl gave Saki a quick bow before straightening up and offering a friendly wave. "Goodmorning Miss Saki! I figured that I would just wake up at my usual time and get some practice in with my sword." The grl explained by way of why she was early. "Afterall, I usually wake up early so I can practice before I have to work! As for the book, it covers some of the basic Kata of Kenjutsu. So I figured I would try to learn some in my spare time!" The girl said, obviously pleased with herself.

"Kenjutsu, huh?" Saki thought about it for a second. "That is mighty interesting, but do you remember what I said before?" Saki asked as she would crouch down to briefly inspect the content of the shoulder bag she had brought with her, deciding that she would come to that later. Straightening her back, Saki would place her left had on her hip waiting for an answer.

"About needing to know the basics of Taijutsu first?" The girl asked, recalling the pervious lesson where she had become very well acquainted with the ground. "I believe that is what we talked about last time. How it is important to know Taijutsu before endeavouring into weapons. Hayate-Sensei also told me something along those lines." The girl said as she tried to sneak a peak of the shoulder bag's contents.

"Indeed. And well, I can show you. Come." Gesturing, Saki would take some steps back to create some distance between them. "Taijutsu is quite vital for close combat. But lets make it into an exercise." Moving her hands together, she would weave a streak of handsignals. Only for at the end nothing to happen. "Try to laund a blow with your sword." Saki instructed on a calm tone.

"Land a blow? I'll try." Tomiko said, knowing that she was likely going to fail in this endeavour. The girl approached Saki slowly, still not drawing her sword. She kept a careful eye on the surroundings, recalling the way Saki favored not playing by the rules. As Tomiko came closer, she dipped a hand into her pocket while the other grabbed for the sword's handle.

Waiting, Saki kept staring with a blank look. It was slightly surprising to spot Tomiko approaching her slowly and sliding a hand into her pocket as her other hand moved to the sword's handle. Simply, Saki would just step to the side - following the hand of Tomiko that slided into her pocket. Saki's hands weren't even raised nor did she seem to seriously consider to do anything at the moment to prepare for a counter.

Her handsigns, what was she making them for? The girl thought to herself. She already knew that Saki was much faster and more skilled than she. So she had to play it smart. Upon getting close enough to strike, Tomiko unsheath the weapon and brought it into a vicious downward arc from her right to left. Moving forward as she did so to try to keep Saki from simply stepping back to avoid it.

The pale blue eyes would follow the motion as Saki's body would react to it. With being already on the side that would force Tomiko to turn, Saki would quickly step backwards as she would initate her counter. Her right hand would shot up to grab Tomiko by her shoulder as her other hand would attempt to catch the wrist of the genin.

As her shoulder was grabbed Tomiko's other hand came free from her pocket, brandishing a Kunai knife and striking out towards the arm that was on her shoulder. As she made this movement, Tomiko also started to bring her sword up towards the arm going after her wrist. Hoping to deter the idea of grabbing her wirst.

"Stupid." Saki mumbled as she would simply step aside and press her weight on the arm, twisting it to force Tomiko to turn while moving thus her own hands out of arms way. Keeping her grip tight, Saki frowned. "First key is?" She asked, twisting the arm further. Fully aware that this wasn't likely in any way comfortable, Saki would keep the girl in this position.

Tomiko let out a loud gasp of pain as she was forced into this odd position, her arm twisted behind her back. "Remember your conditions, Miss Saki." Miko grunted as she drove her free arm, still wielding the Kunai straight backwards and Towards Saki's stomach.

"No, information." Saki calmly corrected Tomiko, further twisting the arm. To the point it was really getting painful. "First key was information. Conditions are last. Now, do you understand why taijutsu is needed before we jump to practice any form of weaponry?" Saki asked, playing with an idea. The fact that the girl was attempting to bring the kunai to Saki's stomach was greeted with Saki taking a step back. Allowing her to have the decent amount of space to use her right foot being able to find its way against Tomiko's right ankle.

"Yes, Miss Saki!" The girl yelped out in pain and dropped the knife as the second pressure point was hit. The girl stayed frozen in place, knowing that she was beaten and not terribly eager to find out what would happen if she continued to struggle. "Taijutsu is nessecary at close quarters where weapons may not be feasible, such as against an opponent who knows how to disarm." The girl said, struggling to get the words out without yelping anymore from the pain.

Remaining silent, Saki just waited. Letting a silence plague the field after Tomiko's answer. "Against an opponent that knows how to disarm." Saki tilted her head to the right. Another moment of silence followed before she would let it be disturbed. In a rapid movement, Saki made a decision. Twisting the arm further as she pushed it into a quick motion, she wasn't sure if she could hear the sound of the shoulder being dislocated. "Bite a bit on the pain. We're going to take it to the next step." Saki said, her tone still calm. "Now try it again."

Tomiko let out of a scream of a pain as her shoulder was dislocated. After she was let go, the girl tried to move her arm and was met instead with a violent pain shooting up the arm. With small tears welling up in her eyes, and Tomiko trying her hardest to hold them back, the girl turned to face Saki again. "It'll just be the same result. You'll have an even easier time countering given that I can't use an arm now." The girl said, switching her sword to her good arm.

"If this was a real fight, I wouldn't even give you a real chance." Saki said, the words repeated what had been told to her when she had undergo almost the same kind of training. "You need to learn from your errors and pain is a good thing. It helps you remember the lessons better. Now, if you want me to help relocate your shoulder, you got to give that second try quickly."

"Got it." Tomiko responded, although she wasn't sure if she shared Saki's views on pain being a good thing. This time, the girl tried to circle around a little bit, before darting towards Saki. she started to bring her sword up in a feint towards Saki's right side.

Moving to the right, thus Tomiko's left, Saki would simply raise her hands in anticipation for the imminent attack of the Hyuuga genin.

As Saki dodged to the left, Miko crouched down to attempt a sweep at the woman's legs. During this attack, the girl would try to lean back a bit in order to avoid getting grabbed again.

Spotting the attempt, Saki would simply hop up. Bringing her right foot up as she would twist her body a bit to attempt to deliver in a rapid motion a kick to the head of Tomiko during the hop.

Tomiko let out another yelp as she was kicked in the head, and subsequently slammed her head into the ground as she fell. The result was that the genin lost conciousness rather quickly given the two attacks to her head. As such, the genin fell limp on the ground, unable to do much else.

Landing back on her feet, Saki looked down on the genin. Waiting for five seconds, Saki would then crouch next to Tomiko. Moving the girl on her back with one hand, she would use her other hand to move the sword away. Placing the arm of the shoulder she had dislocated, Saki would make sure that it was held in a roughly 90 degrees upwards. It was still waiting for Tomiko to regain her conciousness as Saki doubted that her kick would knock the girl that long out.

As the girl came about, she felt her entire head pounding. As if somebody were sitting there and just hitting the back of her head repeatedly. The next thing the girl noticed was that she was on the ground, and her arm was lifted straight up in the air. Her dislocated arm, to be precise. "M-miss Saki?" The girl asked, a bit confused as to what was going on at the moment.

"Good morning. Now, you're probably a bit drowsy, but this is going to hurt." Saki would place a foot on Tomiko's chest. Not with her full weight as she squeezed softly in the girl's arm that she held up. "We're going to pop this shoulder back in. I can try to do it myself, but its better if you help a bit out." Pausing, Saki tilted her head slightly to the side. "What we will do is that I will slowly pull your arm. This is going to hurt, a lot. But if you remain on your back and still, we can pop it right back into place. Ready?"

The girl's eyes went a bit wide as she heard Saki tell her what was going to happen, but there was probably no avoiding it if she wanted to use her arm again anytime soon. Tomiko bit her lip slightly before taking a deep breath to answer. "Yes, Miss Saki." The girl said, determined not to cry out even thought it would hurt.

Pulling the arm slowly back, it would soon however relocate. Reducing the pain actually instead of increasing it. "Wouldn't use it a lot. Likely would be a clever idea to give it a rest and let somebody check it." Saki calmly stated afterwards. Pausing for a second, she raised her right eyebrow slightly. "So, about taijutsu... see how handy it is? No weapon and yet taking out an opponent with just using their own body against them."

The girl made a few grunts while they were relocating her arm, but avoided crying out and managed to keep her tears at bay. A minor victory for Tomiko, and one the girl was proud of despite the fact ti was rather insignificant. After the procedure, the girl raised herself to be sitting up and facing Saki. She nodded along with what Saki said. "Yes Miss Saki. I had been working with Hayate-Sensei a bit on Taijutsu, but I still fear I am not very good at it. I guess I was a bit overeager to start working with the new weapon I got." The girl admitted, looking up at Saki to hear what else the woman had to say.

"Hayate, huh?" Making a mental note, Saki would turn her attention back on Tomiko. "Good." Lowering herself through her legs, Saki's tone became more serious. "I wouldn't dare say I am the best teacher. Likely already just proven that, but if you want to learn from me, you got to follow instructions. Else we're both just wasting time. And not sure how many have heard, but I don't have much time left. Okay?" She paused for a second. "We will get to armed combat, but the problem is that if you can't defend yourself without them, you're not going to be more capable. More often than not you'll be around without any weapon drawn. Meaning if you don't know how to fight efficiently without a weapon, you're not going to be able to defend yourself. Meaning others will need to. And I am sure you can reason how much of a risk it can be if another has to put aside their own safety for you during a fight."

"Oh. Okay." Tomiko said in response to Saki telling her she didn't have much time. The girl knew that the woman probably had work to do, but she was a bit disappointed that she didn't get to know Saki much better. The woman was interesting to Tomiko, and the girl kind of looked up to her. "Yes Miss Saki, I definitely wouldn't want anybody risking their lives for me. I'd feel terrible if they got hurt for my sake." The girl said as she fell silent for a little bit, seeming to think about something that caused her cheeks to color slightly. Then she turned her attention back to Saki. "So... what is next for training? I'll need to start working if I hope to get any better before you leave then!" The girl said, seeming slightly more determined than before.

Straightening her legs and back, Saki placed her hands at the back of her head as she looked down. She had been wondering if Tomiko wouldn't find the manner of training harsh or bit too much. But clearly that wasn't the case. Which was good, cause Saki didn't think she would go harsher than dislocating a shoulder. The moment that the cheeks of Tomiko were tainted by a reddish taint, Saki didn't comment or ask why. "Taking it easy. Dislocating a shoulder isn't just something easily fixed. You got to take it easy for two or three weeks if you don't let a medical nin look at it. Think somebody can likely use medical ninjutsu to repair the potential riptures and damage done." Saki wondered for a moment why she never went into medical ninjutsu. The idea of repairing such small damage in a quick time was quite alluring, yet she remembered that Kaname had been more of a medical freak than she ever had been. "The next training will again be taijutsu. Probably will need to learn what kind of lessons Hayate gives you. Don't want to make things messed up, you know. Though it might be handy to observe others. Plently of times other people train taijutsu on the fields. And nobody said that observing is something wrong."

"So... does that mean we are done for the day? If there is some form of training I can still do, I will be happy to do it!" Tomiko said, as she got up and waited for an answer. The girl was always eager to learn more to improve herself. Admitedly the girl was a little sad about the development, as she enjoyed her trainings with Saki. As she waited for the answer, the girl moved her previously dislocated arm a bit to try to figure out exactly what hurt, and what didn't.

"No. We can do a bit of theory before we can call it a day." Saki said, glancing briefly at the shoulderbag. It would've to wait for later. "Besides, you need to take it easy with that arm. Doubt that I pulled it that hard that it did serious damage, lets not test it." Saki advised Tomiko again. To make it clear that they wouldn't do anything physical, Saki would sit down as she briefly glanced around. "Seeing that I already taught you on how important taijutsu is and I doubt you will forget that," there was a stern undertone present in Saki's voice as she spoke calmly. Pausing, she would switch to a more calm one. "Lets simply talk about something you want to learn. Can't promise that I have an answer for everything, but a good kunoichi does know a thing or two. At least, that is what I was told when I was your rank"

"About something I want to learn?" Tomiko mused as she sat back down, trying to figure out which topic to ask about. "If I am to be honest, Miss Saki, I would like to learn a little bit more about you to begin. If you're feeling up to sharing of course." The girl said, figuring that this probably wasn't what Saki had in mind for the moment, but it was a starting place.

Saki briefly glanced at her right, remaining silent for a long moment. "Well, what is there to tell. I'm a Yamanaka. Grew up in Konohagakure. Have no siblings, at least from what I know. Hmmm..." Thinking about what she would and wouldn't share caused Saki to grow silent for another moment. "Had a pretty average youth. Nothing really weird or extrodinary that happened. Other than perhap that I signed up and followed through the Academy to become a kunoichi. Can't really even remember why, but for some reason am still a kunoichi. And alive, so guess I am doing something right." She told Tomiko, glancing at the girl.

"Was part of Team 6 ever since I graduated. Saw quite some people come and go. Eventually I was transfered to another team, but not much later being transfered back to team 6. Can happen at times that the admistration decides to put you in a different team for various reasons. I had shitty sensei, so had to learn and do things mostly myself. That and Kaname. Kaname Souchi." Growing silent, Saki would lean a bit back as she placed her hands a bit behind her.

"She was a medical nin. Adopted daughter of the Third, but died some time ago. Its was the team where I met and worked with Kiyomi before I joined the northern part of the border patrols. Stayed there for some time before requesting to be reassigned to a shinobi team." Saki decided that it would be a fitting end to the crafted end of the summary.

Tomiko remained silent for a little bit after Saki stopped talking, processing all of what was said. After a little bit of silence, the girl in an ever so elegant manner responded with "Oh." in a soft tone. She had not expected that one of Saki's teammates had died, and Tomiko hoped that Saki wasn't too torn up about it. She seemed fine, but Tomiko knew all about hiding your emotions inside. "I see,,, well, thank you for sharing that with me. If I may ask, and this is completely changing topics here, but what do you think about me?" She asked, as she was really wondering what her mentor actually thought about her. She wasn't looking for reassurance as much as... Tomiko wasn't exactly sure why she had asked. Only knew that she wanted to know the answer.

"What I think about you?" Saki repeated amused as she threw a frown towards Tomiko. "If I thought anything bad, I wouldn't have agreed to train or continue training with you. But I don't know you yet that while that I can conclude a full opinion about you. Its a bit too soon for that." Was her answer to the question of Tomiko.

"Ah, I see. Fair enough, I probably should have waited a bit longer before asking that question." Tomiko said as she thought a bit, mulling over what topic she wanted to ask about in particular. "What is it like? Being out on a mission and actually seeing the world? I've never actually been on a mission... seeing as I got switched to Team 2 just before I was supposed to leave on a mission with my previous team." The girl asked, as she briefly wondered how she would fare whenever it was her time to step up and go on a mission.

"Depends on where you have to go. Most of the time there is no time to gaze and explore around. You're send to go somewhere, do your job and head back. And in some cases else need to stay somewhere to do a task that takes more time." Saki replied, though she thought about any nice places she had been to "Of course I've seen some interesting sites while going on missions. I've been to the old capital of the Rice country. To some regions around in the fire province. Such as the Hon Estate, the Tohiko hills and villages like Nanporo. Also Keishi, even in the old Daimyo's palace."

"Is it scary being on a mission?" The girl said, as she thought about the small amount of anxiety that built up in her stomach at the thought of fighting against an enemy. "If you run into the enemy that is... I imagine a quiet mission isn't that scary." The girl said, wanting to learn about the enviornment that she would likely find herself in at some point in the future.

Saki shook her head lightly. "Depends on the team you're with and what kind of mission. I rather have a mission where I know I can expect hostile contact than something that has been dubbed quiet." She replied back. "If you know that you're going to face enemies, you got time to prepare for that. When the briefing doesn't include any warning, you'll still be caught off guard. Even if you try to prepare yourself for it."

"Ah, that makes sense I suppose. Is it normal to be nervous about going on your first mission?" The girl asked, hoping that she wasn't just some scared little brat compared to everybody else.

"Yes." She answered in return. Saki could understand that question, but as she thought of how to explain that, it was hard to do so. Not really something that Tomiko had to experience on her own. Next to that, Hayate was her team leader, so she doubted that the girl would really need to worry. "Just follow orders and do you best. All is to it."

"Oh, okay. I'll keep that in mind. Thank you, Miss Saki." She said softly and thought for a little while. "So, I know the importance of Taijutsu now... if it is so important, where does the usage of weapons play into all of this?" She asked, wanting to figure out where weapons played into the situation.

Saki wanted to say that it was odd to thank the person who without any remorse just dislocated a shoulder. With Tomiko however asking the question of where the usage of weapons came into play, Saki frowned again. "Simple. With taijtusu there is a focus put on knowing how to make your body into a weapon. Knowing how to move and strike. Weapons are an extension of you. If you however aren't capable of attacking and fighting well with your body, why would you be capable of pulling it off what is supposed to be an extension of your arms?"

Tomiko nodded as Saki explained it, and proceeded to feel stupid for not thinking of this on her own. "Right, that makes sense. I... should have thought of that on my own." The girl said, hoping she didn't look that stupid in front of Saki. As she thought for a little bit about what else to ask, Tomiko realized something. "Earlier... when you were talking about my arm. How much am I able to actually do with it over the next few weeks? Because I might have to work in that time.."

"Visit the hospital, explain your arm got dislocated during a training and I am sure a medical nin can patch you up. Will shorten the duration from two weeks to perhaps just a day or two." Saki answered. "I wouldn't do something and get the Lord Commander scolding me." Thinking of it, she had never seen him scolding anybody. Was it possible to even get him to be really angry? Possibly. She decided that it wouldn't be something she would try to find out how that would go.

Tomiko nodded as she listened to Saki. "Yes Miss Saki, I will do that later today. Thankfully I do not have to work later today! It'd be awkward to show up and have to explain the dislocated arm." The girl said with a small smile. Then fell silent before asking a small question that was likely irrelevant. "Do you have anything you want to know about me?"

Saki thought about a question. It was tempting to not just use one of her techniques, but remembered something. Raising her left hand to form the Seal of Confrontation, she would dismiss her earlier technique before answering back. "Not really no. I rather learn about a person during interactions. I could else always request your document, but doubt that will make me help to understand you better." She did wonder where Tomiko had work, but it wasn't that unusual for genin and chuunin to have a small side-job to gain a bit more income.

Thinking about her reply, Tomiko nodded. However, the girl wasn't particularly thinking about the reply as she had noticed that Saki fored the Seal of Confrontation. "Miss Saki? Why did you form the Seal? I thought we were finished with the physical part of training for the day." The girl said politely, more than a bit confused as to what her mentor had been doing just now.

"Mhm. Just needing to end a technique. Nothing to be concerned about." Saki replied back, in a casual tone. "I rather not want to end up wasting chakra." She further stated, though would fall back into silence, crossing her legs as she would wait to see if the girl had any other questions while enjoying the fact she wasn't needed to do anything at the moment.

"You had a technique active that entire time?" The girl asked, a little bit surprised. Although that fell away quick enough as Tomiko thought about Saki's words and actions at the session about tactics. "Could we do a small review of the tactics theory? I want to be sure I understood everything!" Tomiko said, figuring that right now would be as good a time as any.

"Yes sure. You know the keys of tactic?" Saki asked in return to Tomiko. She would straighten her back as she would wait for the answer on the question.

"Knowledge, Information, and Conditions." Tomiko said, a proud expression on her face over remembering the keys. She had studied all three, along with what made each category up after that meeting.

"And your own limitations." Saki added to the list. There was an amused expression on her face as she wondered if she shouldn't add a punishment to each flawed answer. Then again, that was more in Naoki's direction. And she did hate how the puppeteer jounin had led team 6. "So, limitations. What about them?"

"Right, limitations. Well... you have to know your own limitations! Because it simply wouldn't do if you overdid yourself taking out a single enemy. Then you'd be a burden on your teammates until you recover. Right?" The girl said, pondering whther or not she had forgotten anything else.

"Correct. Though its also about knowing what you can and can't beat. Its a pain to fight against somebody with a weapon such as a spear or other pollarm while you are just armed with knives." Saki answered in return. "Then what about conditions?" She asked.

"Know the conditions of the situation. Pay attention to them, such as the weather, enemy count, enemy ability if that is known, enemy ability. Things like that, as well as the same for your allies. Then consider how they can apply to you. Can be positive or negative impacts on the situation!" The exclaimed happily, a small smile on her lips as she figured that she nailed that one in particular.

"Mhm. Correct." Saki replied. She would consider her next question. "Well, think you got the basics memorized. So got anymore questions?" Would be the following question as Saki wondered if she should ask if Tomiko would need to be asked how vital taijutsu was in close ranged fights.

"No more questions that I can think of, thank you for going back through the tactics with me! " The girl said with a slight bow of her head towards Saki. Then she fell silent as she waited to see if Saki had anything else today.

"That's fine. Hmm, probably should head to the hospital to let your shoulder be checked and fixed with medical ninjutsu." Saki said. "Wouldn't like to hear Hayate growing angry on me for disabling his student not capable of training or going on any mission any time soon." Briefly Saki wondered how much the Hyuzu would be disagreeing with her methods. Then again, what were his methods actually?

"He's capable of being angry? He seems so nice and paitent... I find it hard to see him being angry!" Tomiko commented as she got up, not even bothering to use her hands. "So is that it for today?" The girl asked with a slight tilt of her head.

"Everybody is. Just push them long and good enough and they might be quite sick of it." Saki answered, slight amused by the response of the naivity of the girl. "And yes, if there aren't any questions about today's session then I consider that his is a good ending. Next time we will do the taijutsu training I had in mind. Now, best to let your shoulder be checked."

"Well, I wish you a nice day! If you ever stop by the Tea House at Azumi, I'll be sure to say hi!" She said with a small smile before turning to head in the direction of the hospital. The girl paused after a few steps and turned to wave goodbye before heading out.
[fieldbox=A Heart Of Broken Glass, White]
Masami Hyuuga
Konohagakure Chuunin
Team 9

Whispers in the air ...

" ... tell the tale of a life ... a life that's gone ... ", Masami thought for herself. She was sitting atop the Hokage monument, staring over the village. Despite the feeling of warmth on her skin from the sun, she felt cold. Every now and then, she shuddered. The wind blowing on top of the monument was biting at her skin and freezing her face, a far cry from the gentle breeze she remembered. The village itself, always a friendly maze of people seemed abandoned to her. Even her friends and family felt like strangers, persons she never met before in her life. Her eyes, red from the tears she already shed and lack of sleep could not bear the sun, yet she was staring towards it.

" Desolation ... devastation ... "

How could all of this happen so fast? How could it happen at all? She could not grasp the reality she was now in, it just could not be true. Hiron Sensei injured - all because of her and her poor performance on their mission. Will she be able to look him in the eyes again? Even if she will be able, what will she see? Is there a way he could ever forgive her? Masami knew that the answer to all of those questions would mean nothing, could mean nothing because of the answer to another questi.Will I be able to forgive myself?, she thought to herself, shuddering again. That is the most important question.

" What a mess I made ... where did it all went wrong ... "

And then, the death of The Head of the Main Branch. The young girl never felt more conflicted in her life. She held no great love towards the Main Branch for their treatment of her, but held no hard feelings against them. She always hoped to change the Hyuuga. She knew her goal was still reachable, but it felt as if she was asked to walk to the Moon. Seemingly impossible. She pulled her knees to her chest and continued to stare at the village. She shuddered every now and then, her mind desperately trying to escape the situation. But ... how? Then after a few minutes, she suddenly stood up and started to run towards the village.

She had to find him!​