Neji Uchiha
Konohagakure Genin
Team 8

Neji heard the words of Hiraku and the girl that was with Sho. Hraku was right, he shouldn't be involving himself in this. The thing was Neji was not thinking straight. So many things just weighing on his mind that he kind of cracked. Sho was not making it any better as all he wanted to do was beat Neji up and belittle him. Sho had some sort of vendetta against the Uchiha and he felt like taking it out on Neji. Last time they fought at the churn exams Neji just got pushed into it out of no where. He thought back then that he could take this guy on and he wanted to show off his skills. This time was different. Neji didn't care about showing off his skills he didn't care about anything at this point. He was angry and he had finally snapped.

Sho was fast but Neji's sharingan eyes were still able to read his movements. Neji ducked back so he would miss the uppercut, he then put his arms up and blocked the kick coming for his gut. He then dropped his arms which dropped Sho's leg back to the ground. Neji counter attacked with a swift kick at Sho's legs hoping to make Sho unbalanced, if that would work he would take the opportunity to strike down on Sho.
[fieldbox= Hiraku Hyuuga]

Hiraku sighed, "I'm not trying to claim this place as mine, I'm trying to avoid problems for both of us." Insults from someone he barely knew didn't affect him so much as they might have, but they certainly got him a little unhappy. "What I'll do, is whatever necessary to reduce injury." He stepped back some, noting that Sho and Neji were starting to fight. He activated his communicator, speaking though it "Need help on the way back to the barracks. Two locals provoking and starting fight with Neji." He spoke as quickly as he could, expecting that one of the two might try to stop him.

[fieldbox="Looming woods - Part 2, green"]
A collab between Lilly, Alice, Nim, Oetje and Roran Hawkins
Blackroot woods

Team 7 finds the Blackroot and are escorted to one of the forts of the Blackroots. They learn that the Blackroot, although masters of their home, do not rule uncontested. Finally, they meet the Blackroot leader.
A long time passed and only two breaks were held during the long march. Then a few commands from the leader would break the silence of the Blackroots. The blindfolds that were applied on Team 7 were taken off, revealing a new area that they were in. It was a clearing in the vast forest, where a creek passed by. North of them was a large hill, which had an eerie presence to it. Most likely because of some broken stone statue next to what seemed to be an opening - though it was hard to spot it due to the falling darkness of the approaching night. "We camp here. Don't try to wander off or else you are on your own, or to make any fire. Don't want to attract any attention," the spokesman told the team. He shot them a wary look before turning around to walk towards the camp of the Blackroots were setting up.

'Growing out of time'? That must be a Blackroot saying, because Kensuke clearly always said 'Running out of time'. Then again, living inside a massive, eery forest probably did help grow such phrasings. He accepted the blindfold without complaint and a stern nod at the three girls was meant to order them to do the same. And then they were moving. He occasionally heard the voice of the man who had spoken to them and who clearly disliked their presence here. It was easy enough to tell he led this group, but as ever he was trying to detect internal dynamics of their escort. To no avail. Being blind literally robbed him of his primary detection method for such things, seeing body language.

He knew they'd entered a different area when he felt an unexpected yet welcome warm sensation on his skin. Sunlight. He could detect the change of light even despite the blindfold, and quickly the order came to take them off. Momentarily blinded by the setting sun in the distance he observed hus surroundings and locked eyes with the speaker.

"Understood." He said with a voice coarse from long silence, and turned towards the team, and shrugged. They had heard the man as well as he had. He put down his backpack and bedroll, sat down on top of them and starting chewing on some travelling rations as he took in the forest edge now it was still light.

Meilin blinked a few times. Upon seeing the clearing, she found herself staring at the eerie hill. Only upon hearing the Blackroot that was in charge speaking to them was her attention broken from the hill. A quick look in Kensuke's direction made it clear that he wasn't going to approach the Blackroot again, but it was starting to unsettle Meilin. Like before, she felt that they didn't really belong here. And what progress had she made on her own goals while being here?
Dropping her backpack on the ground she would crouch for a second, searching for something. Grabbing a small object from her backpack the teen rose up. Considering all the options she had, the current plan in her mind wasn't one with a large chance of success.
Straightening her back and turning to the camp of the Blackroot, Meilin walked towards them. Attempting to appear confident, she felt her nerves starting to play up. Causing her left hand to shake a bit.

"Meilin, give me a hand over here." He said while upending a large satchel that'd been tied under his backpack, revealing a sublty camouflaged piece of cloth. He eyed the teenager closely as he unfurled the tent, which in all honesty was just an excuse to learn what she was trying to do.

Hearing Kensuke, the genin threw a look in his direction. A frown displayed with the corners of her lips lowering for a moment.
"Perhaps Sen or Karma can help you? I will be back in a second," Meilin politely replied back, already turning around towards the Blackroot camp.

He looked at her go and sighed. Stubborn as a mule. "Sen, help me with this please." He then said on a tired tone, closely eyeing what Meilin was up to.

With Kensuke asking Sen, Meilin scoffed lightly. Furthering herself towards the Blackroot camp the teen was suspecting that the jounin asked the other Cho to pick up on what she would discuss with the Blackroots. Pushing herself to focus on the current situation on hand Meilin would slow her pace while closing in the distance.
Switching to speaking in Chonobi, Meilin wasn't entirely sure how to approach the Blackroots. In most stories, she had heard and the very, very few she had read about them, they were not really the kind of folk you wanted to approach in the dark of the night.
"Good evening," she started on a polite and soft tone, but not bowing towards any of them, "I hope I am not bothering any of you, but I have a favour to ask."
Raising her right hand, something would fall out of her palm. Only to halt at a few inches in the air, revealing it to be a simple necklace.

"Not too long ago, I lost my mother to the same people you all are fighting against. At least," she continued in a soft tone, her eyes lowering to the necklace she was holding, "That was what I have been told more or less. The point is that I still haven't found my father or other siblings. This isn't my home nor really my place to ask, but I was hoping that you have discovered any necklace that is similar to this one.."

A few of the Blackroots were taking up watch, which was cleary by the positions that they took. And then also a few of the group seemed to have gone missing, while the remaining set up a simple camp. Using their cloaks to sit on as well taking what seemed to be rations from their pouches. With Meilin approaching the group, one of the Blackroots rose up on his feet. His right hand went to the hilt of his sword, making it clear that he wasn't pleased about the teen coming this close to their own camp. The spokesman, however, muttered something, that caused the wary Blackroot to easen up a bit. With Meilin speaking, it seemed that most of them were interested the moment she spoke in Chonobi. Eventually as she was done talking, a silence followed her words.

The man who had seemed wary at first glanced back at their leader, whispering something softly. The spokesman stared only at Meilin, nodding a few seconds after his comrade's whispering. The Blackroot, who had whispered, would take a few steps towards Meilin. Once close to the teen the man would step aside and gesture to the camp of the masked men. Speaking that she was welcome to take her place among them, there was a certain sliver of pity as respect for Meilin from the man. As some of them made place, another spoke up. "Is that your team over there?" One of the man asked, slightly amused.

Her left hand still was shaken as her eyes widened for a moment. Being invited into their midst was what she had hoped for, but it was just something that she hadn't expected to happen. A sneer or short answer was what she had expected, but this was obviously much better. A bit shy Meilin shuffled forwards, taking a place among them. Even forgetting that she had a backpack of her own.
"Huh? Oh," throwing a sideways glance at the direction of Team 7, Meilin considered what she should say. "No, they aren't my team. Not to lead, if you meant that sir. Am just a member of the team." Flashing a smile, she was unsure how to proceed from here. "But did any of you found a similar necklace as this one?"
Meilin held it up towards the man to her right, allowing them to observe it if they desired so.

The man carefully took the necklace and observed it while some already shook their head. "We haven't discovered much on any victims. Nor did we really encounter any living cargo," the spokesman replied. He stared at Meilin for a moment after his words. "What's your team's objective? Cause I am not keen on guiding them to our homes. Outsiders need to stay outside, for a reason." Some of the Blackroots nodded and grumbled, agreeing with the statement regarding outsiders.

"Oh," Meilin lowered her eyes for a moment. Taking into consideration what this answer could mean for her. What it could mean for her family.
"To deliver some information on the enemy you're facing," Meilin replied, "That blonde one has the information. He is likely trying to listen now to us, with the aid of that girl."
Meilin locked her eyes on Kensuke for a moment, pausing during her stare. She thought of how she could now profit from the luck she had experienced to benefit their mission.
"Also, what is a boggart? Or that eery howling or screaming?"

The necklace passed around, but none of the men made it clear that they had seen a similar one before. The spokesman glanced towards Kensuke's direction upon Meilin's answer. "Huh, he is? How did that other girl learn Chonobi? Did you teach her that?" A clear displeased tone rang through the man's questions as another scoffed. "I can teach him a word or two if I would just be allowed to," A Blackroot said, after which his neighbour chuckled. The question of Meilin wasn't answered by the spokesman, but by the man who sat at her right, while the rest started to converse and snicker. "A boggart... well, it is almost three times the size of a man. Bulking and strong, they seem to be able to ignore pain. Almost as if they were made out of stone, some would say," the man explained, "There aren't many of them that we have encountered or fought. Most of them seem to reside in the darker areas of the forest, being near the old tombes and sites. Lately with the incurssion of the enemy we have seen them manage to collaberate with those other outsiders."

Listening to them, Meilin couldn't help but grin a bit. The teen couldn't help but wonder if Sen and Kensuke would be able to hear everything perfectly from their position, but it was clear that she was starting to win more ground with the present Blackroots. Receiving the necklace back, Meilin thought on how to answer the question of the spokesman back.
"She is a Cho too," was her answer, a short pause following, "And I know better. Am not her mother, after all." Meilin further said, scoffing lightly.
Listening, however, what a boggart was, Meilin questioned silently for a moment how she should imagine them. If they were the source of those unearthly screeching then it was clear that she wasn't eager to come across one or more of them.
"Did you manage to kill one or more?"

"Aha," the spokesman frowned as he would break off his stare in the direction of Kensuke and Sen. One of the Blackroots chuckled due to Meilin's words, shaking his head, "Good. Being so young and bringing your own child into dangerous places wouldn't do you much credit." The question on if they had managed to kill a boggart or more created a short silence. The spokesman answered, on a grim tone. "We have. They aren't easy. Due to their thick hide and strength, they won't go down easily. Some..." his voice trailed off as one of the Blackroots lowered his head, his body language betraying his growing anger and sorrow.

"Doubt that we will come across any soon. I will guide you lot over to the next patrol. They will decide upon if they will not carry over your... information," the last word being phrased with a certain emphasis that made it clear that the spokesman wasn't really happy with the reason of their presence, "While we will head back to join our kinsmen." The man that sat on the right of Meilin, throw a look at the group and frowned. "What about their lineage? Are you aware of theirs?"

Realising that the man who's body language shifted had likely lost kin and friends in the ongoing conflict, Meilin felt a certain sympathy towards him. The cloth that prohibited sight on the lower part of the man's face as the camouflage made it hard to guess his age, but the fact he had lost loved ones to the same enemy made her more determined to win back hers. Or, at least, take out as many of those bastards as she possibly could.
When the leader of the group made clear what they would do Meilin grew a bit worried. It was clear that the Zealots were at work and that there was still a chance that she could rescue some of her relatives. All that would be at risk if the next leader would decide against allowing them to help. Or in any manner allow or aid her to figure out where or had become of her family. Completely missing the question that the man to her right just had asked.
"Can I perhaps join your group then? I might not look like it, but I am able to fight," Meilin said, straightening her back, trying to look more confident, "I shed their blood before and have a proper reason to do so again."

Growing a bit desperate the teen glanced around at the group. "I won't be a burden, promised. Just allow me to join and I will make sure not even a dozen of those boggarts will hold me back."

The response of Meilin caused the group to stare at her. Some certainly with pity, while a few of them seemed to be surprised. Yet, others seemed to be quite happy about her words. "Aye, that's the spirit," one grumbled, nodding, "Probably wouldn't hurt, eh? Such attitude is good to have in times like these," yet another said upon more agreed. The spokesman remained quiet, however, frowning as his group voiced that they were acceptive towards Meilin joining them.


The short and stern answer made the group become silent. Some seemed disappointed, but nobody spoke against the decision or word of their leader. "You have a task to bring information with that team. This isn't yet your time nor the place to take up arms against the invaders," the man said, shaking his head lightly. "You're free to join our camp. As much I don't consider it wise to allow you join us, I respect and understand why you desire that. But we can't take you with us unless ordered, cause it won't be wise to drag you with us into the black of our woods unless you know them.

The fact that the majority seemed to be willing to take her with them made Meilin smile, even gain more hope. Already she wanted to hop on her feet to grab her gear, tell Kensuke the newest development and steel herself for anything she would need to face to get back her family. Only for their leader to bash in her newfound hope. Staring at the man Meilin wanted to argue. Wanting to say that she could learn. That she could be of use in the fight against their common enemy.
But he had a point. Her eyes lowered as she nodded. Rising up, Meilin would speak up.
"Thanks, I will take up on that offer, sir. Just going to grab my gear," Meilin said, turning to walk back to the direction of the other camp.

Her head lowered slightly Meilin would approach her backpack. Kneeling the teen would place back the necklace. While she was slightly happy that she had uncovered some more information and made some progress, the fact that she wasn't allowed to join and venture to find her family had made her feel defeated. Checking her backpack and gear Meilin thought about how it all had gone. She would go back to the Blackroot camp in a bit, but wanting to give everything she just had learned a place.

She was a little confused as to why Meilin had gone but didn't think she would want to be questioned about it. Sen went over to Kensuke and asked "yes sir, how can I help you?" She glanced back towards where the other girl went off to but kept most of her attention on Kensuke.

He raised an eyebrow at the question and looked at the girl, and then at the tent. And then at the girl again. "Help me set up this tent." He said patiently while he knelt down to screw the few poles that'd hold the thing up together. "And..." He said, after a brief pause, "Tell me what you can understand from what they're saying." He said, nudging his head at Meilin and the Blackroot men while removing a loose strand of hair from his face.

Nodding Sen would hold up the fabric the tent was made of so he could set the poles in their places. She now felt a little silly about asking what he needed help with. Hearing his second request after the brief pause she would give a slight nod like she understood. In a low voice she would say "Hmm..... the distance makes it hard to really make out their conversation.... From what I can make out," Sen said. The genin paused then said ".... she just asked if they had found a similar necklace to hers. Does that mean anything to you? Also, it sounds like she is asking to go with them on their patrols and wondering Meilin taught me Chonobi. It would also seem that what I read about boggarts from my readings seems to hold some truth as they are not human from what it sounds like." Sen paused again as she had an idea. "Might I suggest using this supposed understanding between the Blackroot and Meilin to our advantage? If they are more forthcoming with her than with the rest of us then we could get more information from their conversations they have."

"No." Kensuke said. "We won't." He added, and then continued working on the tent in silence. In truth, the task was done before a full minute passed, the damned thing was designed to be quick to set up and was barely more than a cover against rain and superficial detection anyways. "First, we need to get our package to their fort." He added a little bit late, and dismissed her with a nod to go chat with her teammates if she wanted to. He sat down by himself a little end off, thinking.

Not a moment later a bloodcurling cry would pierce through the night. Causing the Blackroots to get up and look for a second at the direction of where the shriek had came from. A moment of silence passed until the spokesman would sneer orders. The shrieking roared through the air once more, this time being much closer than the first time. The masked and cloaked Blackroots would start to make way towards the entrance of the hill, a few of them armed with longbows turning around. Nocking an arrow on their bows, they would unleash a few shots in the direction, at a target that wasn't yet appearing from the dark of the forest. A terrible pressure, however, would be noticed as sounds of something heavy stomping the ground while heading towards them.

"Into the opening, now!" Was the order of the spokesman, nocking an arrow on his longbow. Aiming for a moment, the man would unleash the arrow. Vanishing into the dark of the forest, a deep grunt would be heard just a moment later. Shouting more orders to his men, most of them were running into the opening that seemed to lead under the hill, just passing the old statue next to it. A few Blackroots would now and then fire an arrow before making their way towards the opening.

Then the bloodcurling roar was piercing through the night again as a large, bulking figure appeared on the edge of the small clearing. It was much taller, easily twice the size of the present Nimatsu jounin, and much broader. Two small eyes staring down at the people. Drool rolling down its jaw as dark yellow teeth were revealed in what seemed to be a morbid grin. Few arrows seemed to be stuck in its skin, notable its neck and shoulders while on the back of the large creature seemed to be some hard stone-looking material. Narrowing its eyes the creature would start to approach the group, its claws flexing while a terrifying killing intent radiated from the beast.

On his feet immediately he added his orders to the general chaos of the moving men. "Team 7, on me!" He yelled while drawing his blade and backing away towards the opening in the hillside, guarded by two ancient statues. The large, lumbering beast looked fearsome at least, but it mostly looked like a juicy target that would be all too easy to cut down with his chakra blade. Then again, if it was that easy the Blackroot wouldn't consider it such a threat. "Let's move!" He said, gesturing at the opening while he reached for a kunai. With a couple of handsigns like a parting message he sent it at the thing he assumed was a boggart with blinding speed, envelopped by an air bullet and coated in a cutting chakra coating.

As they retreated he tried finding the Blackroot in command when the killing intent hit him. He saw its impact as a ripple in the men surrounding them and when he felt it himself his reaction frightened him, but also made him feel a primal pride. Like one predator trying to intimidate another away from its prey, he unleashed his own killing intent right after his kunai, a promise of violence.

Meilin twisted half around, turning to face the direction of where the screech had come from. It was just as the night before. Her eyes widen as suddenly the peaceful night transformed. Morphing peace and quiet into chaos and confusion. Quickly picking up her backpack Meilin turned fully towards the direction. The heavy pressure made it harder to breath. Flowing the colour from her face as her hands started to shake.
Staring in the direction of the large creature that appeared Meilin's lips parted slightly, frozen. The shouting of Chonobi and Kensuke's order blurred out as she stared at the imposing creature. A cold shiver ran down her spine as Meilin blinked rapidly. Trying to regain control over her body the teen turned around, almost tripping over her own feet.
Cursing softly she tried to make way towards the opening where the majority of the Blackroot went, but then something hit her. Slowing down the raven-haired teen threw a look over her right shoulder. The creature fit the description of a boggart. And didn't she say that she would face one if she had to?
Turning once more around Meilin bite her lower lip. Reaching out for her blade she decided against running. Standing near the opening the genin would try to hold her ground until she was certain that everybody would be able to get away in time.

The sudden cry that came made her hair stand and shivers went up her spine. Karma looked towards the sounds that came from the deeper parts of the forest, and upon hearing the command to retreat, she looked around. Why would these men, who were so capable and professional, start to retreat?

Then she saw it. The giant creature, which clearly had very tough skin and was twice the height of Kensuke, came and started to move towards them, and as it flexed its claws, Karma froze momentirily. The thought of those claws striking anything was terrifying for her, but then she realized she couldn't freeze again. She would be of no help, and only burden her team if she froze again. She slapped her leg once to have the brief pain be sufficent distraction from the initial shock from the killing intent and looked to her side once more. Kensuke threw a couple of chakra-enhanced kunai, and Meilin went and stood next to the way into the opening. Moving to stand on the other side of the way into the opening from Meilin, she formed a few seals while watching the giant go towards them, and upon finishing them created a lightning bird from her bird seal, keeping it maintained while making the bird fly right towards the bulking figure, aiming to have it fly around its head and attempt to distract it, hoping that if it tries to slam it down then the bird will shock it slightly instead, though she was unsure if the lightning bird would be sufficent enough with that tough skin.

The girl would jump slightly at the sudden cry, temporary frozen before breaking free of the shock. It took all of herself control to not freeze up again and run despite the urge to do so. It was even harder once she saw what the cry came from and rushed to help her teammates as she took up the position on the other side of Meilin. Sen released her bow from what secured it and grabbed an arrow or two, knotching one of them. If the creature went for Karma's distraction she planned to use that as an openning to shoot it while it wasn't paying attention.

Another bloodcurling roar was unleashed as a few arrows hit the large beast together with the kunai. Oddly enough, the kunai didn't seem to plunge that much deeper than the arrows. As if the beast had discovered something much interesting the awful head turned towards Kensuke's direction. The small eyes widened as the beast started to first charge towards the jounin with a faster speed than before, only to release a deep growl when something else hit it, without any effect - the lightning bird of Karma. Just as the beast started to close in the distance there was another source of sound that would likely plunge the situation into a worse state. Without any warning or roar, another specimen of the same beast rushed out of the forest. It was slightly bigger and had more scars displayed on its arms and chest. While the first beast was attempting to close in on Kensuke, the other was taking another approach. Heading straight for the opening. The pressure of before became worse, making it even hard to breath or move as the killing intent of the two beasts seemed to grow and mix together.

"Fools, move back! Run!" The spokesman commanded as the other Blackroots managed to get inside of the opening, clearly not keen on sticking around with two of such dreadful creatures trying to get to them. "Don't use chakra, idiots! Run!" The spokesman once more yelled before vanishing into the dark of the opening of the hill.

As the words got through to him and he continued the mad dash for the opening something about what the man'd just said bugged him. When he threw a glance over his shoulder after a loud crashing sound announced the arrival of a second beast the understanding hit him almost like an arrow of the Blackroot men. They had encountered something like this before. Large, incredibly muscular, shape-shifting and most importantly, chakra-absorbing. Holding on to the thought he considered trying to obscure the retreating men from sight but ultimately decided it'd be a bad idea. Top priority was getting into a situation where they were not surrounded by literal hulking beasts. "Get inside, now!" He yelled through the intercom and into his surroundings both as he put his money where his mouth was.

Staring at the hulking monster just ran through what was thrown and shot at him, Meilin wasn't sure if this was real. The pressure started to weigh down on her, causing her hands to tremble and unable to take her eyes of the roaring and charging beast. She even forgot about her previous words, told to the Blackroots. Her frozen stance was broken as the leader of the Blackroot company yelled at them. Blinking rapidly, Meilin would sheathe her blade and turn around to run. Spotting another and similar threat coming from another side Meilin quickly scurried into the dark opening. Her heart was skipping beats and the dark interior didn't do anything to calm her down. Yet she would keep on moving as far as she could from the opening.

Karma's eyes widened as the beast moved into her lightning bird's path, and her technique did nothing to it but making it more annoyed at them as it kept moving towards them. The way her attack seemed to just vanish made her briefly think of the woman they encountered back in Keishi, but then the shouts of the spokesman, followed by Kensuke's order made her snap and realize there is a second beast. The sudden feel of the mixed Killing Intent from the two weighed on her, making her feel like it was starting to get hard to breath from the increased stress she felt. Even with that, she pushed herself to turn and move towards the opening, making her way there as quickly as she could while feeling incredibly out of breath, which only put more strain on her body. She wondered if her body would give in if another beast showed up as she passed through the opening, hoping she won't need to find out.

The beast went unphased by everything they had thrown at it thus far and the sharp commands of the Blackroots as well as their Sensei almost didn't register as the killing intent held her attention. Her hands trembled, her heart beat eratically and her breathing was panicky. The arrival of the second one as it roared out and started charging their way managed to break her out of its hold as both her team mates retreated through the opening. Sen turned and hurried through the opening after her team. Sen didn't stop moving through the opening she just slowed her pace to not go past the Blackroots and her team.

As everybody moved through the opening, a large hand shot into the darkness, following the retreating people. Two of the Blackroot who had their weapons drawn would lash out, quickly but also evidently trying to stay away from it. The sharp steel that moved through the air didn't more than to cut the skin lightly, not yet causing enough pain for the big creature to pull his hand back. The ground started to shake as both the hulking creatures outside were for some reason quite desperate in their attempt to capture them. "Move back! Now!" The spokesman ordered as his own people moved away. Leading team 7 with them, the pressure of the 'presence' of their attackers seemed to lower as the group was led deeper into the darkness.

A few exchanges in Chonobi were made between the leader and his men, followed shortly by a few torches lit on fire. The light of the torches would reveal that this wasn't just a cave as one could notice that it was too smooth for it. At both sides of the wall were markings in some strange language inscribed and at various points there were inscriptions of people and creatures. One of the men that stood close to Meilin mumbled something to the teen, "Now that were two boggarts," he uttered in Chonobi. Another scoffed and commented that the first one had been a juvenile while the second who hadn't betrayed that it had been sneaking upon them was an adult. The leader of the group, however, ordered them to be silent.

Marching for what seemed to be a hour long they would enter a spacious room. Dust, broken furniture, tools and all kind of matter that seemed to be decades old were laying around. Ordering his men, the Blackroot group started to split up. A few of them were heading back as yet another group was busy to inspect the room. Five men, however, continued and would advance ahead of them, disappearing eventually as they continued down one of the three paths that one could take from the room they had arrived in. "We have to wait now. Best to stay here and not try to disturb anything." The leader instructed them as he would join in with his men that were inspecting the room for a bit before taking positions at the entrances of the paths.

Moving along the dark alleyway he had a moment of deja vue of the underground complex he investigated together woth Kiyomi and her team, but he quickly shook it off. Although both'd been man-made hide-outs, this one didn't seem to be designed to look normal. He noticed some interaction along the way between Meilin and the Blackroot. They seemed accepting of her, and he made note of that. He also monitored the rest of his team and saw that all three girls of Team 7 looked shaken after that last encounter. He should do something about that, but it'd have to wait until they had a moment of pause.

Eventually, such a moment arrived when the leader began barking orders again after silencing his men. Right as he rounded the corridor he found himself in the same room, now lit by sputtering torchlight. It revealed old and broken furniture, dust, some cobwebs and even more dust. The first sign of comfort he'd seen in almost a week, and despite all his attention to discipline he could feel his shoulders relax. Especially now he knew that they'd lost the bloody tent.

He settled against the wall, propped up by his fortunately still thightly packed sleeping bag and eyed Team 7. "A bit of a close shave there, wasn't it?" He said, allowing a smile. "How are you guys holding up?"

"Oh, great," she said upon hearing what one of the men told her. And she had blurted out that she would face a boggart if she would need to fight one. Good job on that, she thought to herself as she mentally cringed. Remaining silent Meilin caught sight of the unfamiliar inscriptions that were made on the side of the wall. Glancing at both sides as they kept walking the teen wondered what it could mean as it wasn't Chonobi. The images, they had something familiar in style, but she wasn't certain if that just her mistaking it or some stupid coincide. Feeling the need to ask in what place they were in Meilin considered that the moment wasn't the best one, thus reserving the question to be used later on.

The question of Kensuke was met with a rather short answer of Meilin.
"Am okay, sir," she said, though the volume of her voice betrayed that she wasn't feeling too secure.
With the team now being in a large room and allowing to catch their breath, Meilin was tempted to drop her backpack and just sit down.
Spotting that Kensuke settled down Meilin would take a place near the jounin. Watching the Blackroots inspecting the room, she tried to conjure in her mind in what kind of place they had found themselves in now.

Throughout the march, Karma had constant worries that they were being followed. She kept telling herself it was only paranoia caused by the creatures' Killing Intent, but it barely helped as her heart kept racing. It was only when they came to a stop that she slightly started to calm down, figuring that if the Blackroots decided this area was secure enough for them to make a stop, then they most likely know what they are doing. Upon hearing the Blackroot leader instruction, she slightly nodded and without waiting dropped her sleeping bag to the ground next to her. She watched as Kensuke asked if they were okay, and Meilin gave a brief answer, though by her voice it was slightly difficult to be certain if she was actually okay or not.

As she dropped to seat by her sleeping bag, Karma slightly shook her head "I wasn't okay so far. This forest is starting to become overwhelming with the constant surprises it offers. But now that we have a chance to catch our breath, I might manage to calm down slightly." She replied to his question, being the first time she spoke in a very long time. Her throat actually felt a bit sore from using her voice after some time she did not use it. She made a mental note to use it more often as she laid her head back on the sleeping bag.

Sen followed silently behind them, catching what was said to Meilin about the boggarts and making sure to file that away in her head in case they were in that situation again. Their Sensei might not have wanted to take advantage of the Blackroots acceptance of Meilin but she wasn't so sure that was a wise idea in their case. The red headed genin thought back on their encounter with the boggarts and the beasts killing intent. Sen was afraid that if the situation occured again, she should find a way to not be so immobilized by their killing intent. The girl wasn't sure if she could manage to find a decent way or not but she would try, or at the very least ask their Sensei.

As they came to a slow stop in the hide out that seemed more like an abandoned home of sorts she would go over to where Karma had put her gear down. "I am alright I think. Sensei, do you know of a way to help reduce the effect of their killing intent on us? I wouldn't want to risk being unable to do much if we got into that situation again," Sen asked.

He nodded at their replies until a grin broke through. "Yes, Judging by what we've seen so far this mission probably is at least A or B ranked if the idea is to fight those things. Not something for the average genin team for sure." He said. "No need for worries though. So long we don't mess up a lot we'll be fine." He added, wisely neglecting to mention that failure would now mean death instead of just a bad day.

He looked at all three of them and saw that the hour of underground travel seemed to have calmed their nerves somewhat. There was an illusion of safety, although every shadow probably hid an undescribable beast. "There is no way to stop fear. You will always feel fear. If you don't I suggest looking for mental help." He replied to Sen's question with a general statement. "Your knees will shake, you will sweat, you might wet yourself or you might cry, every single time. All that changes is that you get used to it and learn to act when frightened."

He pulled off his protective gauntlets and armguards, grabbed another bar from his rations and started chewing. In between the bites he rolled up one sleeve up to his elbow revealing a scarred forearm. "See?" He said, pointing at his arm, where all his hairs stood upright. "I'm scared shitless too." He said with a faint smile.

Hearing the answers of the others Meilin's attention went briefly to Kensuke. When the jounin answered to the question of Sen, the attention of Meilin went to the Blackroots. Questions rose up and with that her curiosity. While she wanted to join them and see if she couldn't only be of help but also learn from them where they were Meilin decided against it. The bitter taste of fear and disapproval - for that she hadn't been able to show that she wasn't afraid - were still present on her lips.
Settling down next to Kensuke the teen remained silent for a moment. The light brown eyes briefly glanced at the scarred forearm of the teamleader. She wanted to say something but doubted that her kind of humour would be really appreciated at this moment. With nothing else to do Meilin decided to pick out a bit of her rations and start eating.
There was some desire to start talking, but she decided against it. The earlier attempts of interaction hadn't gone well and she felt she had already made herself look like a scared little fool in front of the Blackroots.

They will always fear. Kensuke was right, and the only thing they could do was try and push through the fear each time it shows itself, because otherwise it could mean bad news. She looked at each of her team members until she noticed Meilin's gaze towards the Blackroots. She wondered how did her teammate managed to get the Blackroots to talk to her without troubles, putting the shared language aside as they had a reputation of being unaccepting of others, after all. There was a chance of it being a wrong rumour, but she at the same time she knew that every rumour had some base of truth in them.

Watching as Sen sat down beside her, Meilin next to Kensuke and the latter two begun to eat, Karma pondered briefly if she should eat as well, but felt like her throat was dry, so instead she decided to settle on a bottle of water instead, at least to begin with. Looking in Meilin's direction, Karma finished taking a sip of water "Meilin, hope you don't mind me asking, but would you rather be with the Blackroots? Its not that I find it offending or anything, Its more that I'm being curious as to how you managed to create a connection with them." She asked her teammate, and upon realizing how intruding her question could be, she raised her hands slightly "You don't have to answer, of course." She quickly added.

Hearing her name the train of thoughts broke as Meilin shot a look in Karma's direction. Half chewing on a bite, the teen would clear her mouth as she considered an answer. While she wasn't too happy about the questions that Karma asked, because she rather kept the entire conversation to herself, it was already asked. Probably just from curiousity, Meilin concluded.
"By treating them as I would treat anybody, I guess," she first answered on how she had managed to create a connection, lightly shrugging, "Regardless if they are Blackroot or from Pinedale, Gwade or anywhere else, they are still Chonobi. I figured that they would have some similar... respects," the last word was spoken with some caution as Meilin felt already uneasy.
"And yes, I would rather be with the Blackroots," the teen stated in a softer tone as a sigh followed and she shrugged again, "But I am comfortable with various people, I guess."
Taking another bite she wondered briefly about something. But keeping the thought to herself Meilin decided to just try to look calm and casual.

Hearing Meilin's answers, Karma nodded as she laid her head back on the sleeping bag. She wondered if Meilin considered her to be someone she would be comfortable being around, but decided not to ask as she already felt she intruded too much with that question. Instead, she figured she could try and lighten the mood a bit "Kensuke, have you ever had a mission similair to this?" She asked, wondering if he had any interesting stories to share in order to pass the time.

He paid careful attention when Meilin spoke about how she had approached the Blackroot. He learned some interesting things and could not prevent a slight jab at her admission that she'd rather be with the Blackroot men, even though they were total strangers. She didn't have to like him he reminded himself. She had to learn from him. That was the most important part. Or so he kept telling himself. "Hmmm." He started, rubbing his chin as he thought of previous missions. "There was a mission I did with my previous genin team which ended up being far more dangerous than foreseen, but it was completely different in nature." He finally replied. Raising an eyebrow he then looked at Karma. "How so?"

Upon hearing Kensuke's answer Sen nodded and got a small ration in her pack to snack on as her stomach was beginning to feel uncomfortable from hunger. Sen was not exactly pleased with his answer. Yes, fear was always going to be there but there should be something to help minimize it so it wasn't so overwhelming. Experience, seemed to be the answer to a lot of questions she had and she hadn't much experience. The genin found it surprising that Meilin would rather be with the Blackroots than her own team making her wonder if there was a reason she prefered their company. Sen had to bite her tongue as to not comment on it and listened as Kensuke mentioned a mission of similar difficulty. "How did you and the previous team handle the turn of events?" Sen asked.

"We didn't!" He said with a vague smile, recalling the events. "We had to figure out a regional disturbance so we talked to some farmers and searched the woods. Eventually we found a giant cat, or rather, it found us." He explained. "Said beast had been reported before elsewhere and ANBU operatives were tracking it down, so they came along and captured it, taking the job out of our hands." He explained. Finished with snack he rubbed his hands clean on his pants and got up, looked at the leader of the Blackroot and hesitated for a moment.

"Meilin. Remember the guy you wanted us to interrogate back in Keishi?" He asked. "Seeing these 'boggarts' reminded me of him."

For a moment Meilin's eyebrows perked up as she heard her name from Kensuke. She hadn't really pay much attention to the talk between the members of Team 7 but instead focused on the Blackroots. She had different questions and interests, which probably the Blackroot could answer or help to find her an answer.
For a moment the teen wondered where the jounin wanted to go as he mentioned the chance that she had managed to create and get, on interrogating the man who shifted into something... inhuman. The chance that Kensuke had squandered in her opinion but this wasn't either the time or place to bring that up.
"Huh," the calm facial expression of the teen shifted into a clear confused one for a second, "I wouldn't really agree with that, sir. "
Briefly, Meilin pondered on something before speaking again.
"That guy was ugly but those things we just saw. Those boggarts. They are in a different league."

He nodded and rubbed his chin as he thought, unaware that it'd become a habit by now. "True. He was changing his shape though. Maybe his change of appearance was only partially complete, and killing him arrested it. Then again, it could just be that they're unrelated." He thought oud loud. "You've got a pretty good head yourself. Think on it for a while, and ask the Blackroot if they've ever withnessed something alike." Kensuke then said before pausing, and then looked as if he'd decided against saying any more. Instead he reached for his tankard and drank his thoughts off.

"Aha, so that is it?" Meilin thought to herself, growing a bit bitter. She did understand that she could provide information from communicating and interacting with the Blackroot. But yet for some reason, she felt a bit annoyed that it had to be her. Why didn't they just try to connect and talk to the Blackroots themselves? They were people, regardless of their reputation or culture. Focusing her gaze away from the team and back at the Blackroots Meilin couldn't help but feel growing angry. She wanted to just rise up and walk over and join the Blackroots, who hadn't asked any favour or service of her. Who, at least, spoke the tongue of her people.
"I will see what I can do, sir," Meilin answered on a polite and yet softer tone than before.
If anything the teen imagined that it would be better for her own personal ambitions to not do such a thing. She was in need for answers on her own questions. What had this team done to deserve the fruit of her small success? They would probably just use it for their own gain and not caring for her goals. Perhaps she should do the same?

After the conversation the Blackroots seemed to have found something. They didn't seem to excited as some of the men were looking over something and the leader dispatched a few orders as posititions were taken in the room. The men remained silent and didn't seem interested in their guests but an observant person could notice that their attention was split among the entrances and exits of the room. Only after what seemed to be a hour the others of the group returned. Reporting to their leader the Blackroot group was back to its original numbers but there was a different mood hanging around the masked and armed men. On the order and instructions of their leader they would round up together with Team 7 as they had before. Escorting the team in their midst down a dark hall there was no talking or interaction between the Blackroots. The dark hall they travelled through was much like the one that they had gone through before entering the room where they had held their break. Leaving the hallway for another room the group wouldn't take another break but continue on. This would repeat various times until the group stumbled upon entering a very spacious area. The torches of the Blackroots would drive away the dark but not enough to reveal the entirety of the space they were in now.

A command was given and three Blackroots would advance into the pitch black dark while the group would keep their current position. Only after two minutes did the three return and reported something to the leader, who would give the instruction that they should get moving. This time at a slightly faster pace. "Stay silent. Don't want to get stuck down here with them." The leader would state in a hushed and stern manner towards Kensuke's team. Travelling through the large area they would enter a hallway again. Only this time to spot some lights up ahead. Continuing in the fast pace the group would arrive in a room where there more Blackroots. There were two fires lit and the present men seemed to be taking it easy yet remaining silent. Most of them had their weapons already drawn out, just waiting or sitting in the room. One of the men in the room would walk quickly towards the group and engaged into a whispering conversation with the leader of the escorting group. After two minutes the two man seemed to come to an agreement. The man who seemed in charge of the group in the room hushed a few soft commands which saw that every Blackroot get up and ready.

"This is as far we will take you four. They," raising a thumb to point over his shoulder at the other group, "Will now bring you further." There seemed to be something that the man wanted to tell the team. His gaze lingered for a second on Meilin but the man just nodded and would direct his own men back into the dark. The soft sound of blades being pulled out of their scabbards and bows being readied would be the last thing that anybody heard of the previous group.

The still present Blackroot would use their fire to make a few torches and ready their formation. Their leader, the man who had spoken before with the spokesman of the first group, approached the team. "Please remain silent and stay with us. Don't want to be lost in this place. Slim chance that you will make out of it," the man said. Judging by his voice he was somewhat younger than the other leader and much politer. Gesturing to Kensuke's team to fill in the midst of the formation the new group would start to escort them through a series of hallways and various kind of rooms. The areas and hallways seemed to be carry the same inscriptions and strange language written on the wall. It would be another hour before the team would be escorted to what seemed to be the exit of the dark place they were in.

Once outside they were still in the woods. The current leader ordered several men to go on ahead as he eyed Kensuke and his team for a moment. Before he was able to say something a terrifying screech would emit from the place they had just left. It sounded distant but was enough for the leader to order a command. Ushering his own men and Kensuke's team to follow the group would move further into the woods. The sky had already turned slightly brighter, heralding that a new day was about to begin.

"We are nearly there. I assume you all are tired and in need of some proper rest but it is best to make haste to a safer place than just drop and camp anywhere," the leader said, almost in a cheerful manner. Marching for another long span of time the group would approach a clearing. Up ahead they could see stone walls and a few towers, given the idea of a small fortress. The group could notice various people on the battlements, armed with longbows and other weaponry holding watch and patrols. As the group approached the gate it would be opened from the inside out. Revealing a bustling activity inside the fortress. Various people were carrying materials, tools and gear towards one place as others were just busy with trying to sell their wares on what seemed to be a slightly chaotic marketplace. Various buildings seemed to be the homes of families as open windows and laundry was hanging out to dry.

Leading the group of Kensuke through the street towards the keep of the fortress there were people who threw a curious glance at the bypassing team. Various children would run up and while keeping at a small distance try to observe the people that didn't seem to be known with the place. Nearing the keep the group would be guided inside without any delay. There were enough guards to make it clear that the place was well guarded. Gesturing and ordering his men to deliver Kensuke's team to a place the leader would engage into a conversation with another Blackroot. One that seemed quite a bit older and sporting various scars and burns on his face and exposed forearms.

Being led through the keep the group would be brought to a place that was barred by a two door entrance, guarded by heavily armored and armed men. Seeing the group approaching two of the men would push both doors open to reveal a large room where various men and women were drinking at long tables. There was some music being played by a band but that all would come to silence upon the arrival of Kensuke's team. The Blackroots who had brought the team inside would take their leave as the doors behind them would close. A man with a short, dark brown, trimmed beard was standing at the head of the room, near a large chair on a small raised platform. The chair was decorated with symbols of both silver and some darker metal.

"The guests who came from the capital," the man near the chair spoke with a loud and displeased tone, though it was clear by the mere look he gave Kensuke and the others that he wasn't pleased with their presence. "Coming with an important message for Lord Blackroot." Once more the words dripped of a hostile tone as various men and women would frown towards the present team. The man raised his chin slightly while waiting for a response. He wore clothing that seemed to be of quite good quality linen as well a sword hanging in a scabbard at his left hip. A few scars could be spotted at his right cheek, going down his neck.

The pace increased over the night and while usually he would be the one driving his team at this pace, he now felt a drop of sympathy for them now he himself was not in control of the situation either. Regardless, the few weeks of regular physical training he had been able to provide for them should already have made a difference. After what felt like ages they encountered a new group who would lead them further with a polite and smiling man leading them on. Finally they found their ways to the forest floor again where the pace increased once more. By the time the sun was dawning somewhere invisible high over the treetops and some scarce light made its way into the dense woods they arrived at a well-conceiled fortress. There hadn't been much time or opportunity for conversation during the travel and as they entered the castle-town it looked like there wouldn't be a chance to do so any time soon either. He'd hoped to have learned a couple of things about the boggarts before meeting their leader, but it looked like they wouldn't get a chance for anything of the like.

Kensuke's first impression was one of overdone military display or desperance in the face of great danger. It almost didn't feel like a clan's home but a military outpost instead. Looks were unfriendly and unwelcoming, but that was nothing new. At least the children didn't stare at them with hate or open disgust but the innate curiosity of the young. He'd withnessed different situations. Led towards a, obscenely heavily guarded hall they were finally admitted inside, presented before the Blackroot's leader.

Who seemed to be an absolute prick. A smirk flashed across his lips. Being a prick seemed to be a trait common amongst clanleaders. He wore obvious scars and a sword suggesting he'd seen as much combat as his men. Kensuke liked that. But he didn't like the fake tone. In the past day and a half he'd taken the grumpy but capable officer as an example for what he would expect here, and he was disappointed their leader wasn't as gruff or to the point, and instead welcomed them with sarcasm.

Kensuke knelt down before the man as one would when reporting important information and subtly gestured his team to do the same, if they didn't do so already. He then produced the sealed scroll from his chest pocket and presented it to the man. "Indeed, Lord Blackroot. By delivering this scroll we have completed the first objective of our mission."

There was a certain desire boiling inside Meilin as she noticed that there was a shift going on. Turning to throw a look at the men who had escorted them before the question on her lip if she could join them was at the ready. Yet it wouldn't leave her lips as the leader looked for a second at her. Lowering her head the teen remained silent. She wondered what would become of the group as she threw a look over her shoulder. They went back and seemed to be ready for a fight, which made her only worried what they were going to do. Going to fight off against those two boggarts of before? It seemed that those creatures weren't the easiest to bring down so were they with enough? Turning half around Meilin wanted to just follow them and be of some help. Perhaps learning more of them but it was too late as they vanished into the pitch black darkness that they had come from. Resting her left hand on the handle of her sword Meilin would turn back forwards. The leader of the new escort group seemed to be younger and friendlier, which didn't really help Meilin's mood. Yet as they would start to get moving the teen would follow in. The constant walking was tiring her out and they hadn't taken much of a rest to recover from the events and experiences before. Trying to keep pushing herself Meilin wondered where they would be taken towards.

As they were taken outside Meilin didn't feel at ease or happy. If anything she wanted to run back into the darkness that they just had left to head back. Her words of before, that she would stand up to a dozen of boggarts, and then just fleeing from two in the face of the Blackroots that had opened up a little to her was still a source of shame. Knowing it was both too late and that she would be more of a nuisance than help Meilin would bite her lower lip.
Then a terrifying screech occurred which caused the hairs on Meilin's neck to rise up. Turning towards the exit with her right-hand shooting towards the handle of her blade she tried to steel herself for whatever would now rush out to attack them. The command was given, however, to make a move for it. Reluctantly Meilin decided to follow in.

Walking with the others Meilin was too tired to bother with being curious about the place. It had a certain allure but she wasn't certain what she should think of it. The looks and frowns they received made her feel so uneasy that she wondered if she couldn't stay back in the woods. Would she be able to change those looks with revealing that she could speak their language? Judging by the cold looks she doubted that it would change much.
Led into the keep of the place Meilin had to resist a yawn. Rubbing her eyes the teen wondered where they would sleep as they were brought into a hall. For a moment Meilin wondered if they would be allowed to take a seat as her feet and legs would certainly prefer that above standing.
A man spoke up in a less friendly manner and Meilin noticed that Kensuke would approach the man and kneel down, gesturing them to do the same.

Following Kensuke Meilin wouldn't, however, kneel down. Standing a pace behind Kensuke the teen would just stand and look up to the Blackroot. She frowned slightly but she had her reasons to stay standing. One of them being that she was certain that if she would kneel down that it would be difficult to get up again.

The genin frowned as Kensuke told them his previous team didn't handle the mysterious cat beast. If he left the cat beast to the ANBU then how were they to handle the Boggarts? Were they even capable of handling them if the Blackroots had called them fools to attempt fighting them? What if they all perished in this forsaken place? Sen knew very little of her team, her sensei seemed unsure at the moment. Karma seemed like she wasn't certain of her place on the team. Meilin was as distant as well... she didn't even know.

Sen took a deep breath. This was stress, not her common sense. Everything was going to work out somehow, one way or another. Sen was determined to be helpful and make sure her team was getting out of this mission, alive. She would then follow her team as the blackroots led them further, staying silent as they were advised to do. As they approached the said leader of the Blackroots and waited for instruction and kneeled out of respect.

The way through the caves seemed like it could last forever, especially with how long it took until they met the next group to lead them. The darkened atmosphere wasn't very comforting for Karma one bit, and she was somewhat happy that they were about to leave the caves, until the memory of the boggarts that attacked came back to her. The fact there was a chance that they will encounter those again made her shiver for a few moments. The next group to lead them seemed slightly more willing to lead them than the previous one, or at the very least, he had a nicer approach to talking to strangers, which was nice.

Upon reaching the forest, the pace increased, and Karma started to feel slight stinging in her right leg, the one that was previously broken. While it had mended properly by now, she still felt slight stings at the end of training sessions, which the doctors told her were of no concern and would pass with time as she excersized more and more. She figured the long walk, and now with a faster pace was simply starting to take its tool on her leg. She hoped they wouldn't need to walk much longer, but unfortunately to her, that would be the case. Little sunlight was striking them through the branches as they apparently arrived at their destination, which Karma couldn't help but look at with a bit of awe.

A rather large looking fortress, something that she was sure would've been known by everyone, and yet it was so carefully concealed, with many creatures surrounding, alongside the unknown quantities of guards that were concealed, and who knows what other surprises. While she didnt assume the boggarts were willing or trained to be defences, she figured those also provide a very decent protection against anyone who is not supposed to enter the forest, or even get close. They entered the fortress, and were led through the keep until they were brought in front of a man who was refered to as the leader of the Blackroots. A very respected position, considering how well trained those people were.

Seeing Kensuke and Sen go and kneel, Karma felt her right leg was aching, and she feared the trip might've put a bit too much pressure on it. Perhaps she was not ready for long constant treks by foot yet, she figured as she thought briefly if she should risk having trouble getting up after kneeling, which could end up appearing as if she did not kneel out of respect at all, but rather purely because she was tired. While she noticed Meilin did not kneel, and she did not know what reasons she had, Karma decided that if she did not kneel, she would at the very least give the man a deep bow, hoping that would be an acceptable substitute.

A silence dawned into the hall as the attention was fixated on Team 7 and the man near the ornated chair. The man slightly raised his chin while looking down at the team. Taking a step down the small steps that would lead to the platform the man would take the scroll of Kensuke but didn't open it. Stepping back the silence continued to plague the hall. "Lord Blackroot," he repeated in a neutral tone. Turning back to face the direction of the team and the hall the man's shoulders trembled slightly. Then the man erupted in laughter, followed by many others in the hall.

Spreading his arms out the man looked down at the team in front of him. Before he could speak up, clearly amused by the sight of the team the doors of the hall would be opened. A small group of guards, clad in dark grey armour and armed to the teeth entered the hall. Escorting an old man that walked straight to the front of the hall. The man of before, would lower his arms and step a bit to the side as the older man would say nothing but take a seat on the ornated chair.
The previous man would move and lean to the older man's side, whispering something softly. After a moment of silence the older man grumbled. Leaning a bit forward he eyed Kensuke and Sen who had knelt down and Karma who had made a deep bow. His gaze rested for some time on Meilin, his eyebrows slightly perking up before speaking out loud in a deep voice that made it clear that he wasn't pleased about something. "You must be the people that are send by Lord Hon? As you might have guessed, I am Lord Blackroot. Knvell Blackroot of the Blackroot Lineage, son of Hvner Blackroot. What are your names and lineages?" The man spoke in a strong accent, his eyebrows raised while his gaze was searching for who he could deem as the leader of the group.

Kensuke raised his head when he heard the man speak. He suspected a trap, but it was already too late. As the laughter began he found himself surprised that he was in complete control of himself. The last time such a thing had happened was at the depraved sphere of political games following the formation of the empire where clans vied for Kiyomi's attention. He pushed away the wry thought that life at court had thought him at least this much. Either way, to find these people who drew themselves to far from ordinary society stoop to this disappointed him. He rose from his kneeling position and looked around at the room with an expression of indifference. He towered over most individuals present and finally felt the flare of irritation he'd expected. It was easy to surpress.

The doors opened and the room went silent, forcing everyone present to face the elderly man as he entered the room surrounded by another troupe of soldiers. He slowly made his way to the throne at the end of the hall next to the sarcastic man whose appearance had silenced the room. So this was the actual lord of this place. When he spoke in a surprisingly strong voice he sounded remarkably displeased. It appeared the Blackroot were always displeased to Kensuke.

"My name is Nimatsu Kensuke, leader of the Nimatsu clan as my father Takeshi Nimatsu before me, and of this mission for the empire." He replied on a respectful tone that betrayed his annoyance.

Meilin remained silent. Spotting that Sen would kneel down and Karma made a deep bow brought Meilin to doubt her choice but she didn't want to shame herself. She wasn't certain if this was the lord of the Blackroots, after all. That and if it was true that they were closer in manners to the Hons than kneeling down wouldn't really be taken seriously. They were guests, which also added further to the list that Meilin wouldn't bend her knee. As it unfolded before them that it wasn't the leader of the Blackroots Meilin would release a soft sigh. She thought about how to speak to Kensuke without raising any suspicion or causing the jounin to feel only more tormented. Lowering her head a bit Meilin would take small step forwards.
"Sir, may I--"

The arrival of an escort with an older man silenced Meilin before she was able to speak up to her team leader. Turning around she was certain that this was the leader of the Blackroots. When he took a seat on his throne Meilin wouldn't still kneel as she figured out something. While he spoke up the teen would wait as Kensuke answered. Feeling a twinge of pity for the jounin as he would reveal himself as a clan leader - just after having knelt in front of a man he considered to be the leader and lord of this region - Meilin would take action.
Stepping slowly - to not raise any suspicion of the intimidating guards of Lord Blackroot - past Kensuke, her eyes fixated on the old Blackroot.
"Meilin Cho. Daughter of Kobo Cho and from the lineage of Nayami Cho. I am sorry for the wrong display, Lord Blackroot," Meilin spoke in Chonobi, "But Lord Nimatsu is adjusted to other norms and manners. He means nothing but respect. His people..."

Briefly Meilin glanced at her team leader, unsure how to explain how the Nimatsu didn't likely have a lineage or was aware that Knvell Blackroot was giving them some honour and respect - by stating his own lineage publicly, even thought it was likely a known one.
"His people don't have a lineage. I assure you, however, he means no disrespect."

Sen's expression would turn to one of confusion as the man laughed at them as did some others. It was then that she realized they had assumed wrong. The man in front of them was not the one they should be bowing to. Taking a deep breath, she got up from her kneeling position and turned as the doors opened revealing an assembly guards with an older man. The older man seemed one of importance and once confirmed he was Lord Blackroot rather than the one they had assumed, Sen bowed her head in some respect. If the Blackroots found their attempt at showing respect humorous then they needn't try again.

The genin was in some awe of Lord Blackroot, his title and lineage was very impressive. He carried himself as someone with such importance should and spoke like one should. Despite her parents being away most of the time, she did learn from them how to analyze such situations as they were diplomats after all. She listened as her Sensei and teammate introduced themselves with their lineages. Sen did want to know what Meilin knew of the Blackroots as she took it upon herself to be the liaison of the team. So far, no negative actions had came from her actions and communications.

"Sen Cho, daughter of Aya and Sato Cho from the Kimiko lineage," Sen said. Morphing her expression as to have a polite and patient smile on her face while still holding some respect.

Knvell raised his chin slightly while listening to Kensuke. The people at the long tables had returned to some talking and either playing some games, eating or drinking together. But Knvell had noticed that some of his people had frowned when the Nimatsu had continued. Realising something the man would lean a bit forward. He hadn't managed to pick up any lineage that the tall man had stated, which was further bringing down the man's mood down. Certainly after trying to give them both some respect and honour as guests by announcing his own! Just about when the man's lips parted and his eyes narrowed slightly one of the group would speak up.

Listening to Meilin's words the lord frowned slightly. Leaning back once more the mood of the man seemed to have turned a bit more pleasant. A subtle nod was given to the tall man. "Ah," the man just grumbled while he further listened as another person of the team in front of him would start to speak up. However, something did evidently irritated the lord. The fact that he had caught that they had knelt for the other man was something that had already plunged Knvell's mood down. But was this small one now trying to insult him more in front of his own people with just bowing her head to him? Narrowing his eyes the gaze of the man shot towards Kensuke, wondering if this was perhaps the doing of the leader of the pack in front of him. This time he would speak once more, a sliver of anger running through his tone. "I would like to hear what the last one of you has to say. I welcome you as guests and understand that some of you... have different manners," the man said, "But I must remind you that even while you are working for the realm that this is my land. By the laws and rules of the Akinian empire I am allowed to rule in the name of the empress. I hope that this won't result into any trouble cause I don't take kindly on troublemakers." Having spoken in Chonobi the man gestured that either Sen or Meilin should translate this for him to Kensuke, a light scoff following afterwards.

Relieved as there was a clear calming effect following her words Meilin would take a step back while lowering her head. Both as a sign of respect for the Lord Blackroot and Kensuke, knowing that the latter wasn't capable of following or knowing what she had done. When Sen would speak up Meilin was staring at her team member. Did she just bow her head towards the man while they had been caught kneeling to somebody that wasn't in charge of the Blackroots? Cringing slightly by also noticing that this didn't go unnoticed by the man in charge Meilin already felt the need to flee.
When the lord spoke up Meilin lowered her eyes. Her mind started to work at a rapid pace. How could they diffuse this situation without being sent back to just return to the capital? Perhaps they had angered the Blackroots to such an extent that they wouldn't receive a guiding escort this time. Thus being sentenced to a dreadful fate in the Blackroot Vale.
Upon the gesture of the lord Meilin would lean towards Kensuke, starting to translate everything quickly but she would add something to her whispers.

"Sir, not to trouble you but this is a very delicate situation. Might I suggest that we request some time to rest? So far they don't seem to be ill-willed towards us or this would have started out quite different," Meilin whispered hoping that the man would agree with her. They had already delivered the information so their primary objective was completed anyways.

It was clear that the Blackroot were a secluded clan and he began to understand part of the reason why he was sent here. Any other clanleader safe for those accustomed to dealing with these people would have been deeply insulted a million times over with their amazing pride, yet sending ordinary shinobi might have upset these men who seemed to value social position and rituals so much that Meilin specifically warned and advised him to request a pause. The man himself seemed to be in ever more of a foul mood than before and while he did not understand why exactly it was clear that Sen was the cause of the problem, although Kensuke did not blame her. The Blackroot seemed intent on exposing any existing cultural difference and using that to humilate them. It was as if they were trying to create an uproar for which they could blame the empire, so Kensuke's first reaction was to do the opposite. Which meant trusting Meilin. Why was he hesitating then? Did he still not trust her?

Trust went both ways.

"Lord Blackroot, we have been sent here on an important mission regarding this scroll I carry on my person. Yet, the perils that besiege your village have forced us to move throughout the night. I request that we are allowed to rest so we may more properly get acquainted at a later time. Please forgive us if we insulted you or your customs, it is merely the lack of sleep that is speaking." He said.

Everything that occured went by her like it was almost a dream. Not a good one, but a dream. Karma watched as the actual Blackroot leader came, was approached by Sen who spoke in Chonobi once more, rendering her and Kensuke unable to understand what was said, Kensuke greeting him, Sen slightly bowing her head towards him which made Karma feel scared, as such a bow is only befitting people who do not deserve respect. Looking at the Blackroot Leader confirmed her fear that he would be insulted, and quickly Meilin stepped up to try and make things right. Did she become the new team leader in the few moments she stood there in silence? Or the embassador between their team and the Blackroots? The way she behaved seemed odd to her.

Waiting for this Meilin to translate to Kensuke the lord remained silent, just observing them. Planting his elbow on one side of his throne, the fist would support the resting head of the old lord. As Kensuke seemed to be informed and would reply back the man next to the lord would lean to whisper something to his lord. Listening to the other man, the gaze of Knvell was focused on Kensuke and his team. Grumbling something underneath his breath the other man would walk away. "Village?" The man spoke back in the common language, not hiding his confusion. "But no. I won't mind you all heading to get some rest. Though I want to speak you four this evening. It is, after all, an insult to not offer guests some ale and a place at your table. Am looking forward to hear what kind of stories can come from a..." For a moment the man frowned as he tried to pronounce the name correctly, "Nimatsu was it? Though there is one companion of yours that hasn't 'graced' me yet with her name and lineage."

Upon hearing Lord Blackroot's remark that she did not grace him with her name and lineage, Karma became swallowed what little pride she had before. Even though she knew she would have a harder time standing up afterwards, she kneeled towards the Blackroot leader "Apologies, Lord Blackroot. My name is Karma Minami, Genin member of team 7 of Konohagakure. I do not possess any kind of lineage, as I do not belong to any clan, unlike the rest of my team." Karma stated in a tone showing nothing but respect towards the man, hoping this will make him somewhat more pleased following what occured with Sen. She had no idea how he would react to the fact she did not come from the chonobi clans, or any clan for that matter, and kept praying inside that her show of respect will prove to be sufficent.
Farewell, Sakamoto
The Funeral of the Drunken Old Senju
Konohagakure Public Graveyard

One Week Ago

A Flashback Collab between Aliceee, Gerontis, Lesli, Fieryfly and Nim

The Burial of Sakamoto Senju occurs.​


The sun was shining very brightly, but no sounds of cheers would be made. Where he was, there was nothing but the silence of all those who died. Sniffing slightly, Gakuro kept digging at the ground with a shovel, wanting to ensure his cousin won't have any trouble resting through manual labor and not rely on chakra based techniques. He wanted to make sure it feels right, and he was about to take another batch of dirt out as he felt a pat on his shoulder. One of his clan elders had come and told him it was time for the others to start arriving, so Gakuro got out and padded some of the dirt away from his clothes, and tried to clean his hands as best as he could.

At the entrance to the graveyard stood a young adult, wearing a wooden shoulder guard that had a flower hanging from it, aimed at the ground. He had two dozen shoulder guards next to him, hanging from a chair, and he was instructed to offer one to anyone who would come attend the funeral of Sakamoto Makoto Senju, though he was also told that even if everyone takes one, he should still be left with a few. It was going to be a rather small funeral, as despite Sakamoto's nature, he did not have many friends that were still alive, and his entire family, except for Gakuro, were dead.

All he needed to do now was to greet them in a proper manner. But how can you do that in this occasion, Gakuro couldn't help but think.

Heading towards the place where the funeral was being held, Kiyomi had a blank expression plastered on her face. Her hands folded in front of her stomach as the teen would be escorted by a dozen of Sworn Swords. As expected people noticed her and her retinue, but nobody would aim to bother Kiyomi more than just either a bow or a salute - which caused her to smile as they encountered a patrol along the way. Nearing the funeral Kiyomi felt the need to turn around and head back. She didn't want to acknowledge anything of this kind. But instead of doing so she would just continue. Arriving at the place she wouldn't say anything as half of the guard would take a position, at a respectful distance from the place, while the other half would stay close to her. She wasn't very well known with Senju funeral rites or traditions. There had never been any need to study or learn about them. Or an interest. Glancing slightly over her shoulder at the officer of the group, Kiyomi felt the need to ask if Iroh perhaps was better known with them. But she would probably just see how it would go.

His face was stoic, his pace was brisk and even though he knew Meisa was walking next to him he didn't look at her. He couldn't for he wasn't sure what he would see and somehow that scared him more than all the other things that could possibly happen these days. As much as he wanted to avoid today there was just no escaping it. Besides this image would be a good last image of the city, a good reminder of what they were going to do. In the distance he could see Kiyomi already standing near the newly made grave, her guards surrounding her. At least that was a thing now. Guards. Maybe somehow Kiyomi had understood why he was always so adamant about that.

As he walked through the entrance of the graveyard Hisoka made sure to pick up one of the wooden shoulder guards that the man at the entrance was handing out. Looking at Kiyomi once the man held out his hand for another one which he was promptly given. As he slung the thing over his shoulder he moved towards the Empress, still not looking at Meisa. Yet he could feel her presence there.

Kiyomi's guards gave him space to get near her and Hisoka shot her a stoic look before offering her the shoulder guard. "Tradition," he said only.

Turning her head to look at Hisoka as he stood there, offering her the shoulder guard, Kiyomi took it. Staying silent she eyed the man a second. While her facial expression didn't change, her eyes would showcase an emotion. Pity. Turning her gaze from Hisoka back at the grave, the teen would remain silent.

Much like everybody probably, Meisa wasn't looking forward for today. It was a small price that they, at least, could take their last goodbyes from Sakamoto. It could have turned out very different. Pushing the pessimistic thoughts away Meisa would throw a look at her side. Carrying a small bouquet of flowers Mayumi had a very serious expression. The woman doubted that the child was aware what today entitled, but wouldn't say anything. Looking ahead as she would continue to walk with Hisoka and Mayumi. Arriving at the open funeral Meisa would take a shoulder guard for herself. Then one for Mayumi. The small girl frowned at the shoulder guard and it was clearly too big for her, which further didn't make the child approve of the garment. Yet she remained silent, the serious expression 'enchanted' with a frown now. Taking place next to Hisoka with Mayumi in front of her, Meisa slightly raised her chin a bit up.

A brisk pace was taken as he walked alone down the road. The funeral wasn't an event that he wanted to attend. Not because that it would mark the death of Sakamoto, but because Hisoka was there. There was still something that made it impossible for him to approach his friend. Knowing very well what it was Zakito wouldn't acknowledge it. He wasn't even certain himself why he denied to accept that he was being difficult, but seeing that he hadn't received any message from his friend Zakito considered that Hisoka probably felt the same way. Arriving at the perimeter he noticed the Sworn Swords. Which meant that Kiyomi was there already. Spotting more people up ahead Zakito lowered his pace. Briefly he wondered if he couldn't have send a shadow clone, but that wasn't really respectful for his passed friend. Accepting a shoulder guard Zakito would wear it before joining the few people that were present.

After Zakito another person would arrive on the scene. Garbed in dark grey Hiron had his thumbs hooked behind his belt. He didn't look at the Sworn Swords when arriving, but just took a shoulder guard. There was a moment that he glanced at those who were present, before he would decide to stand next on the other side of Kiyomi. A soft pat on her shoulder was given, but no whisper of comforting words.

Watching as people arrived, Gakuro found himself unable to properly voice a greeting to any of them, instead only offering a slight nod, and a bow to the empress. As Sakamoto's closest friends arrived, Gakuro realized his cousin was lucky. Turning to look at the grave, he paused briefly as he suddenly heard a few coughs to his side.

The same elderly man from before that notified Gakuro of the time was now looking at the grave with a few people standing behind them, holding a large coffin between them. The elderly man moved to stand on the opposite side of the grave from everyone else while the men moved to hold the coffin above the open grave, waiting for a signal.

"Friends and Family of Sakamoto Makoto Senju, thank you all for coming. This is a truly sad day for all of us. Even if we experienced loss in the past, it will still hurt greatly to lose again. Per the request of Gakuro, Everyone here would be allowed to pray for who or what they believe in, in honor of Sakamoto's acceptance of all. For now, we will begin with the final words of the deceased. Mister Senju, do you have Sakamoto's final words on you?" The elderly man watched as Gakuro approached him and showed him the note. It was rather small in size. The man nodded "You may now speak your cousin's final words, or I shall do so myself if you so desire." He said, and Gakuro motioned that he will do it.

"Before I do say the final words, I want to thank you all for coming. I'm sure Sakamoto would've hugged each and every one here for doing so." He said before opening the note. He asked for someone else to give it to him, so he would not know what is written until the time came. He didn't want to know, but now he will learn of its context.

"Thank you all, for being a part of my life one way or another. I ask that you do not remember me as I was in the recent time, as since the loss of my arm I have been in pain. The Pain of knowing that if something happened, I would not be able to help. The Pain of not being capable to provide more than my knowledge, which is not much. I wish for everyone to remember me in my best, or at least in the best manner you can. I will always love and cherish you all."

Upon finishing, Gakuro started to tear up as he wanted to tear the note into many pieces and throw it into a fire. How could his cousin think that, how?

Kiyomi stayed silent. Only throwing a look sideways as Hiron patted her shoulder. Turning her attention to Gakuro the teen wondered briefly in what Sakamoto believed in. Where he would go to. Perhaps he would grow up to become a tree? The thought of what Shunso had told her made it slightly easier, but didn't numb the pain and other emotions completely. Lowering her head slightly, she wouldn't pray. Her clan and culture didn't have any prayers and she wasn't known with that of the Senju, just waiting in silence.

It was so hard to keep looking forward when Zakito appeared on the site. He knew Zakito was there and he wanted to talk to the man, but it was impossible. And that hurt. There had been moments in his life when Zakito and him hadn't been on one line. That would always happen with two different people, but this was different. This was different.

As Gakuro spoke Hisoka looked down to Mayumi who clearly had no idea what exactly was going on here. He opted to adjust her shoulder guard but decided against it. He hadn't told Sakamoto yet that his whole life with Mayumi had been a lie and before he would actually pretend he was Mayumi's father he would have to deal with telling Sakamoto the truth first. But not here and not now. Gakuro didn't have to know.

The man finished talking Hisoka didn't look up. It was hard to hear Sakamoto's written words, but at the same time he understood the feelings the man had apparently had. He had shared that pain. The idea that you were broken to the point that you couldn't help anyone anymore was not new. It was not something he could not understand. But somehow he had found a way to help out and he was sure that Sakamoto could have found such a way too. But that was too late now. Way too late.

Staring at the open grave Meisa didn't move. Didn't say. Just listened to what Gakuro said about his cousin. The man who people considered to be her lover and man, even if they weren't married. Her eyes half closed slowly, but no change would be shown. The dark thoughts and desires of the woman would remain caged, for now, with in her. In front of her Mayumi kept frowning, throwing several times a glance around. She didn't seem to be really certain what was happening, only that the adults were serious and silent. Not really a comforting atmosphere for the small child. Taking a step back, she ended up leaning against her mother, staring at the open grave was well - likely trying to understand what kind of purpose it was having.

It remained silent. While he listened to Gakuro, Zakito had hoped to hear something else. Or be able to whisper something, that could be caught on. Unsure if it is was pride or just pity that held his lips sealed behind his mask Zakito heard what Gakuro said. A prayer for Sakamoto? It made him think back to what he had done before. If the lord of the death, Akumu, was merciful and accepted more than just his kin and other Chonobi then he was certain that Sakamato would be somewhere. Somewhere at peace. Slowly the right eye of Zakito moved his gaze towards Mayumi. Perhaps somewhere he could understand and have peace. Hopefully.

After the final words of Sakamoto were spoken by Gakuro, the elderly man nodded "Now the lowering of the coffin into grave will commence, and as it is lowered, all of us shall point our heads to the sky, think about all the memories that we shared with Sakamoto, as in the Senju belief doing so will help reach the afterlife in a smoother and more peaceful manner. You can have your eyes open or closed, whichever you prefer." He said and motioned to the men carrying the coffin to get ready to begin lowering the coffin within a few seconds.

Gakuro wiped the tears away from his face as he turned his gaze up. Feeling the slight breeze of the wind, he was determined to keep his eyes open as he begun to think about all the years Sakamoto looked out for him ever since his mother died, and keeping the tears back became much harder to him once more.

Staring at the unfolding scene Kiyomi remained silent. The words of Gakuro passed her as she just saw how Sakamoto would be returned to the cold earth. Forever vanishing out of their life. There were no tears that moved over the cheeks of the young Empress nor any shift of expressions. The guilt and pain of the loss were present but Kiyomi wasn't sure what was a worse fate. Knowing that you had a limited amount of time left or dying while protecting a loved one. Did Sakamoto even know that Mayumi was safe? Did he perhaps entrust somebody else on safeguarding Mayumi? Lowering her head for a moment Kiyomi decided that she would do her best to make certain that Sakamoto hadn't die for nothing.

Hisoka wondered if they were supposed to send happy memories up into the air. To make Sakamoto's afterlife life... better so to say. He needed happy memories, but all he could think of was the fact that he hadn't spend that much time with his friend in the last few years. He had avoided him, avoided his house, his child. He had not given up caring, but he had been scared to confront what he had done because he knew that that knowledge might potentially break the man who had lost so much already. Hisoka's eyes stared blankly at the clouds above him. Then he closed them. He pushed the unhappy memories away. He had to put in an effort for Sakamoto. It was the last thing he could do for the man so he would do his best to send him on in the best way possible. He recalled how he had met the man. How they had laughed together, how they had fought together. He recalled peaceful days in Konoha during which Sakamoto would drink copious amounts of sake. He tried to remember all the time he had spend with the Senju whether it was work related or not. His hands formed fists, but he didn't cry.

Goodbye Sakamoto Senju, he thought. May the ancestors guide you on. But it sounded forced.

After the coffin was completely lowered, the old man conducting the funeral grabbed a bit of dirt and then let it go over the open grave "And with this, we have allowed the spirit of Sakamoto to go to the next world, where he will be able to meet all those he knew that also passed. We must remember that despite the loss of our friend and family member, he would not want us to dwell on what could've been. Only on what we can do in order to honor his memory." He said, and the four men who carried the coffin before gave everyone present a bow before departing.

"And with this, the burial part of the funeral has been concluded. The covering of the grave and the placement of the headstone will occur in the next two days, so in three days time you will be able to come and visit the grave, proper looking. Now then, I was told there was a matter of a will?" He turned to look at Gakuro, who nodded and moved to stand a bit closer to everyone else present "The will of Sakamoto states that he had a letter and something personal to him to give to every person here. While it is usually mandatory to accept the items in the Senju culture, I know he wouldn't want to force you to accept anything you are not ready to accept. So the item and letter for each of you will wait under my care, sealed and untouched. You have my word as leader of the Senju that nothing will disturb what was left for you from Sakamoto." He said, and then placed his hands together in front of his chest.

"Another request he had in his will was to give you all a special title, one that was only given to one other person in the past. The title of Uddoarī, or Wood Ally, which is the equivalent of 'Honorary Senju' in our traditions. Hisoka, your uncle would've been honored that you received this title, as he was the only other person in the past to receive it." Gakuro said, and at the last statement looked in Hisoka's direction, giving him a sharp look that showed immense honor towards the man "Thank you all, Uddoarī, for being present in my cousin, your friend and family member's funeral. Thank you!" He said and gave them all a deep bow.

After this, the funeral was concluded.

Gakuro departed, not feeling truly fulfilled with this, but he did feel a bit more at peace. Perhaps now, after this, Sakamoto could truly rest in peace.

[fieldbox="Here There Be Monsters, Orange"]Yamada Suzu "Rabbit" | Sworn Sword | Akinian Empire, Road to the River Province
Suzu is well on her way to the River capital to pick up a cadre of Sworn Sword recruits and make sure they make it safely back to the Capital, but local wildlife seem to prove more troublesome than anticipated.

Getting the horse was easy, just as Lee had assured her it would be. All she had to do was give them her name and they showed her right to it, a young horse named Taya, strong by the looks of it and fast if what the Inn-keep claimed was true, honestly it had been the simplest thing she had done in months to get the horse. Once they had shown her to the horse it had taken just under ten minutes to get what little she had brought with her strapped into the saddle and then she had left, set to make good time for the River capital having started early the following day of her meeting with Lee.

Perhaps not so easy was the ride to the River capital.

The rain had been coming down in steady sheets for hours, and Suzu had yet to find an Inn to lay up in for the night. She pulled the her cloak further over her head as she scoured the distance for any signs of shelter. Not seeing any lights off in the distance, Suzu took a look around the roadway and was not surprised to find nothing but the dense forest and the ever encroaching darkness of dusk swallowing her whole. Resigning to her fate to be stuck in the rain for the night she pulled herself closer to Taya, trying to soak up what little heat the poor horse had to offer.

Suzu jerked awake to Taya blowing all the air from her lungs out through her nostrils in a snort and her ears pricked forward. They had stopped dead in the road, the rain still beating down on them as relentless as before. 'How long..' she thought as Taya continued to make noises.All around them they were surrounded in darkness, the only true indication of where the road ended and the forest began was the deeper black that spoke of the forest, that very likely hid whatever animal had managed to spook Taya. Suzu sat herself up, exposing her face to the never ending rain of the day as she tried to get a better look into the forest around her. The cold rain was biting, causing Suzu to pull her hood a bit farther forward, obscuring a small fraction of her vision on her flanks.

Taya's ears pricked to her right and the horse quickly lurched to its left, trying to move closer to the opposite line of trees and away from whatever was in the forest to the right, throwing Suzu off balance for a moment and not affording her a chance to try and see exactly what it may have been that was tormenting the horse. What she couldn't see however was made up for by what she could hear, close on the right side of the road there was rustling, more than the heavy rain warranted followed by the soft padding of paws through mud and water. 'Great, wolves are all I need right now...' Suzu thought as she placed her left hand on the hilt of her uchigatana; Kaze; strapped to the side of Taya.

Closing her eyes in the rain, Suzu tried to decide if she was currently being hunted by a pack of wolves, or something... else... Opening her eyes after a few moments, Suzu was slightly confused to find that she couldn't sense anyone around her or anything for that matter. But Taya was still spooked, her ears constantly pointed off to their right, seeming to jump around from noise to noise every few seconds and the horse was now alternating between taking steps forward and back, making no progress whatsoever, like an animal that knows no matter which way it runs the predators are waiting to pounce.

Finding herself confused at the situation Suzu would release her grip on Kaze and instead pull ten kunai from the pouch behind her, forming chakra threads to link them to her. With the flick of her wrists she sent the kunai off into the darkness of the forest on both sides in an attempt to scare off whatever it was that was currently stalking them. After about a minute of blindly guiding the kunai through the forest she pulled them back to her, but Taya had not calmed down which meant that whatever was in the dark was not phased by her little show. She gathered up the kunai and placed them back in the pouch, quickly placing her hand back on Kaze's hilt she would give Taya a small pat on her side and lean in close, "I'll keep you safe girl, nothing will hurt you." she whispered into the horses ear before giving the animal a kick to its side.

In an instant Taya was off, Suzu nearly losing her grip as the horse went from its constant forward and back-peddling to a flat out gallop, the horse whining as they went. Righting herself as they took off, Suzu pushed her hood off and focused on the darkness of the woods around them, on the sound of the rain. That's when she heard it, the howl of the wolf to her left, to the side that Taya had not been afraid of.

Suzu barely pulled Kaze from it's sheath in time, the massive wolf springing forth from the forest on her left like an arrow loosed from its bow, its claws spread wide and its mouth gaping and aiming directly for her. She moved quickly, Kaze being brought out of its sheath in one fluid motion and passing directly through the tip of the wolfs snout and severing its front legs at the shoulder. Taya continued at a full gallop, centering herself once again in the road and not slowing, as the wolf yelped and died behind them.

Taya kept up her pace for the next twenty minutes, and Suzu didn't put Kaze back into its sheath for the following hour. Taya did begin to slow, although not to the meager pace of before, but slow enough that Suzu felt comfortable to allow herself time to think once more. The wolves had been stalking them, likely since long before she had awoken but that didn't explain why Taya had taken so long to sense the danger present around them, and it sure'y didn't explain how Suzu had been unable to sense their presence at all.

Recalling the wolf that leapt from the forest Suzu placed it's length at at least eight feet, and it's head was the size of a humans torso with jaws wide enough to swallow her head whole. "Dire wolves..." she said to herself as Taya trotted along, "Dire wolves." she said again, trying to convince herself of her guess at what she had just encountered. They were rare, perhaps even extinct depending on who you asked, but she couldn't bring herself to believe she had just been hunted by a pack of dire wolves. Slowly the thought became more normal as she rode along, piecing together the events and everything she had noticed as they unfolded. She stopped once more on the wolf, it's jaws spread wide and its claws reaching, aimed directly for her, the rider.

"No wolf aims for a rider... No, not even a dire wolf..." she said aloud to herself again, at the same time pulling Kaze back out from its sheath.
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[fieldbox=A social event, wheat]

Koike Hon,
Specialized Jounin | Konoha Team 6 | Lieutenant-Captain | Konohagakure, at the Royal Palace - feast.

He had lost Katsu, which wasn't so surprising as there were a lot of people and things going on. The calm music, the sweet aroma of the food and drinks and all the diverse people. For a moment Koike had realised that he likely had gone up into the crowd and that Katsu had lost him, but Koike reckoned that his friend would be doing fine. Recognising some people Koike wasn't, however, looking for a talk. He was trying to discover where people had managed to get all the delights and food from. Somehow he couldn't detect any tray or place where it was stalled out. Slightly frustrated Koike continued at a slow pace, walking around to try to discover the source of where he could get some food.

Then he noticed it. Coming to a halt he stared for a moment at a long table where there were servants helping guests with giving them the requested food. It was very well decorated and it made the food only appear more appealing on how it was set and done. "Finally..."

Taking a step forward Koike was determined to taste everything. To fill his stomach to the point he would have probably a hard time to walk back home. Just as he was about to take another step the young man could feel how a hand was placed on his right shoulder.

"Damn it. So close," Koike thought to himself as he turned half to look at who had held him back to enjoy and taste the food that he wanted to approach.

"Lieutenant, sir," a young man said with a smile on his lips. He was around the same age as Koike but slightly taller. Short, olive green coloured hair reached almost to his shoulders while his light brown eyes eyed Koike for a moment. "Me and some others weren't almost expecting you to come anymore. Want to join us?" The young man raised his right thumb over his shoulder to point at a small group of members of the Guardian unit.

It was Terusuke Kamei, who had been part of the drill and training that had transpired earlier today. A person who had a good record, even impressive in Koike's opinion. While he seemed just confident and a show-off, he was totally different on the field and battle. A cold and fierce combatant, not a fun one to face as he had the habit of being a sore loser. "Thanks, but was about to just eat and relax. Are there many of the unit around yet?"

"Most already arrived. Haven't yet seen the captain-commander or some of the other officers, but there are a lot of fancy people around here," Terusuke said, "Already noticed a few ladies who could perhaps use some compliments and attention. Perhaps," he grinned as he winked at Koike, "I could be your wingman, sir? I am not just good at the field of battle as a wingman but I promise you. No lady can resist this smile."

"Heh," Koike couldn't resist to smile and shook his head lightly. "Perhaps another time. Just make sure to not get into trouble. Tomorrow will be a busy and long day, remember that," Koike said. He couldn't help but feel somewhat happy and content by just the thought that the Guardians wasn't a unit filled with grim and determined operatives, but of actual people.

"Oh, I will try. Can't promise anything, lieutenant sir," Terusuke replied back, "After all, I bet that most of these highborn ladies haven't seen a real man wooing them their socks off. Or panties," for a moment Terusuke looked away as two ladies walked past them. They noticed him looking and winking, causing one of them to giggle. "See? Nobody can resist the honey-winks of mine! I swear, it is a curse at times."

"Terusuke," Koike said, trying to feign a stern tone but he wasn't just able to. "I am going to eat. Just make sure to not cause any trouble with any other guests."

"I will try. Besides," Terusuke leant slightly closer to Koike as his eyes trailed off to the right, "Seems that you're more in trouble. Somebody has been watching you for some time now. Don't worry, Lieutenant sir, I will watch your six."

Following the gaze of Terusuke, Koike noticed a familiar face staring at him. The other didn't turn away but continued to look at him. "Ah, yes. When I will be in need of your aid and reinforcement, I will signal you." Patting Terusuke on his shoulder the two parted. Koike heading towards the table where the food was stalled out as Terusuke would walk towards the previous two ladies who had caught his attention.

"Well, good evening ladies. I did know that we were blessed with the presence of an Empress, but didn't expect two princesses of such great beauty.~"

It was really good. Enjoying the food Koike stood at a stand-table alone. There was a spot where people danced, which was fun to look at. He had wondered if he shouldn't try to join them but had decided it was much safer to just stand by and watch. It had become more fun to try to recognise some faces in the crowd. Faces and names that he was starting to memorise because of the meetings, training and drills for the imminent campaign that they would go on. Faces and names that would, hopefully, go back with him. As he chewed on a bite Koike couldn't help but wonder how many of them would come back to celebrate. Or would they even then have a reason to celebrate?
The gloomy thoughts were driven away as a familiar voice spoke up, disturbing the train of thoughts.

"Hey there."

Glancing at his right he noticed that Haruka had joined him. She briefly glanced at the small plate Koike had managed to secure for himself with most of the food already gone. "Seems you hadn't eaten before getting here."

Quickly clearing his mouth Koike raised his right hand in front of his mouth as he coughed, leaning away into the other direction for a moment. "Yeah. Heh, was betting that there would be some good food. Actually nice to have to cook or prepare my own dinner once in a while."

"You can cook?" Haruka asked with a tone that revealed she wasn't believing him. "My, my. And what does a shinobi cook for himself then? Sounds like a great title for a cookbook," she further added while leaning with her elbows on the stand-table.

"I like to think that I can. Am still alive, after all," Koike answered with an amused tone, "And whatever I feel like. Perhaps you should visit tomorrow evening? Suppose I can make a dinner that will make you think twice before doubting my cooking skills."

"Tomorrow? At the evening?" Haruka's eyebrows slightly perked up, as did the corner of her lips. "That sounds really tempting, but I fear that I won't be able to. I need to head out tomorrow at the afternoon. Am going home for two to three weeks," she told him. At the end of her reply, her tone and body language shifted. Something that Koike was able to pick up with ease, but also caused him to grow a bit more disappointed. Perhaps he should've considered to ask her before, realising that he now didn't have the time to spend some more time with Haruka before he would be heading towards the east. The opposite direction of the River province where Haruka would be heading to.

"Ah, well," he began, "You should be able to fend for yourself. Heard you got an excellent teacher after all," Koike added as he feigned an over-confident smile and tone. Haruka softly laughed as she shook her head.

"Hey now, I like to think that I am not doing that bad. I have two students now," Koike said as he frowned slightly, turning more towards Haruka. It occurred to him now that they were talking for a bit and wasn't sure if that was proper. In the manners of his own clan and culture, it didn't matter how long two people were talking but he remembered that some cultures and clans had etiquettes for that.

"Mhmm. But is it proper to ask a student to come over at the evening?" Haruka asked, clearly enjoying herself with bringing up the morality of the situation, "It might be just as bad as leaving a lady at her home without properly wishing her good night, you know."

"You were drunk."

"I think that isn't fair to use as an argument. You were as well intoxicated," Haruka replied without missing a beat, "You thus owe me." Her comment caused Koike to frown. He couldn't help but find the demand quite amusing. "I don't recall that by bringing a lady at home that it would bring me in some debt. Whoever conjured that rule is a certainly cruel person."

"Must be, but come," grabbing one of Koike's wrist Haruka would already turn and start to pull the young man in tow, "Time to make up. And time to see if you are good in dancing as sword fighting." Surprised Koike wanted to object. He was fine and okay with talking, joking around and spending time with her at a stand table. Or even with others also being around. But dancing? That seemed as something he didn't consider wise. The music was something he could appreciate, but he didn't know how to dance to that.


"That was entertaining, wasn't it?" Haruka asked as they walked away together from the place where others were dancing. "You didn't even seem to be as inadequate at it as I was fearing you would be," she continued with an amused tone.

Throwing a sideways look at Haruka, Koike scoffed in an amused fashion. "Why thank you. I will try to make sure that I won't step on your feet next time," he replied. Haruka already had an answer at the ready. "Good. Those two times were kind of annoying, but I suppose that I should be nice. As well," she glanced at their right while coming to a slow halt. Koike followed her gaze subtly and noticed a few other young women looking in their direction for a moment. "Oh, yeah. Well, I..." His voice trailed off as his right hand dug into his pocket around a small box. It wasn't the right time to surprise her with what Hayate had crafted. But what other moment did he have? When he would be separated by an entire sea or just leaving it at some address whenever she would come back to Konohagakure? Or sending it, while he wouldn't be able to see if she would like the gesture? Chewing on his lower lip he wished that he could just give it to her without anybody seeing it.

"Hope to have another dance when I come back, Haruka," he said trying to not sound sad and disappointed, which seemed to work as Haruka flashed a smile back at him. "I would love that. Perhaps we can dance later, again this evening?"

"I would like that," he answered. Thinking about the options he had Koike realised something. Pulling the small box out of his pocket he would hold it up to Haruka. Her expression shifted into a surprised one as her eyes widened slightly. "It is something... well, it is small. Was hoping for a better timing, but am running out of time. So hope you will like it," Koike said as he felt how a faint red tint started to spread on his cheeks and neck.

Opening the small box Haruka's lips parted, but she didn't say anything. "Wow, it is beautiful Koike. Thanks, really," she said with a softer voice looking up at him. She wanted to say something but looked down at the gift she had gotten.

"Glad you like it. Well, am not really familiar with the entire kind of etiquettes, but---"
"Tonight, at two AM, meet me at the Yaraki fountain."

A few days ago,
The Gifts.

A collab between Chromehound and Gerontis.

Summary :
Koike and Hayate have a meeting, in which Koike also requests Hayate help with crafting and helping out to make two gifts he has on his mind. Hayate grows interested in the two projects as he even jokes and teases Koike about it.

Walking through the halls of Azumi, hands in his pockets, Hayate let out a slow sigh. This place was home for him, had been for a long time now. All too soon, however, he was going to have to leave it. And this time he didn't know if he'd be coming back. Stopping just outside the door to his office, Hayate sighed again, his hand resting on the handle. Pushing the door open, he entered the office and crossed over to his desk. Standing with his back towards the door, Hayate looked at the large map on the wall. Soon...

Walking through the halls everything and everyone seemed more tense with each passing day. Some seemed excited while others were nervous. He wouldn't be able to blame them but Koike hoped that the nerves wouldn't overwhelm the training and drills that the members of the unit had received. There was much that he wanted to arrange and more preparations that he wanted to make ready and happen. But their time was running out and he briefly wondered if there would be enough time to get everything he desired to be done on time. Probably it were his own nerves that caused the doubts. Making his way towards Hayate's office Koike knocked on the door a few times before entering.

"Hope I am not disturbing you," he began, "But most of the matters are done and ready. There are some supplies that we are waiting for but once those have arrived then it is time to head out." Reporting the other details such as the reports of the various colonels and their brigades that would be with them on this campaign Koike would take a second after delivering the report. Thinking of something he decided to speak up again. "Other than that everyone seems to be ready more or less. A few Guardians who seem a bit too nervous but can't likely get any better replacements for them. I was also wondering if I could ask for a favor, unless you're too busy of course."

Turning to see Koike enter, Hayate nodded his head. "You are not disturbing me Koike. It is good to see you." Listening as Koike provided his report, Hayate focused on the specifics, hoping it might calm his nerves. As Koike mentioned the Guardians and their preparedness, Hayate nodded again. "It is not, I can say, an easy thing to truly be ready for. But I have faith in them. I have faith in all of us." Curious as to what type of favour Koike might wish to ask for, Hayate scratched his chin. "I wish I could say I am never too busy to help a friend though recent times have beaten that back a bit... That being said, I would be happy to help Koike. What is it you need?"

A faint smile appeared on Koike's lips as he had a fitting and sarcastic reply at the answer but he would hold it back for himself. "Aye. I just wish that we could have more time to make ready. Can't say how much more time but it would comfort me to have a month or two more filled with drills, training and lectures. But there is little we can change about that," Koike replied back. He took a pause before he would bring out the favour. "Well, I wish that I could say it is a small one but it isn't really. I was considering to hire a blacksmith but I need somebody with the skill to help me craft for what I consider important." Producing a small scroll from a pouch he would take a few steps forward to Hayate's desk. Rolling the scroll out there were as a blueprint for something to be crafted into a weapon, a blade in particular.

"It took me some time and effort to wringle this loose but I want to have a sword with the ability that my own sword has. It is simple but hold a certain meaning. When chakra is being infused and moulded through the blade and steel the chakra won't become blue. Instead it will light up to a white which might sound fancy but serves some purpose. It is an old way of how some special swords were forged in my clan and I was hoping that you could help me craft a blade for... a student of mine."

Hearing that Koike was looking to hire a blacksmith, Hayate grew even more curious. Taking a step forward, he looked at the scroll that Koike unfolded on his desk. His brow furrowed slightly as he looked over the blueprints. "This is..." he started, his voice quiet. Looking back up at Koike, Hayate paused, a mix of concern, curiousity and excitement in his eyes. "What you are requesting... that sounds like the White Blade. I... I thought that was something kept within the Hon clan, I never thought I would have the opportunity to work on something like this."

Hayate could not keep the excitement from his tone as he looked back down at the blueprints, poring over them. What Koike was asking for, it was... it was an amazing opportunity and Hayate didn't really know what to say. For a long moment he was lost in his thoughts, studying the blueprints and wondering how to piece this together. A thought came to him and his head snapped back up. "Who is this for?" he asked, immensely curious.

"Heh, it is. It isn't exactly the same but can't lie that there are is a striking resemblance to it," Koike answered back to his friend, happy about the excitement of Hayate. Pointing out to various structures in the formula Koike would start to talk again, "Here and there are various different formulas. The original construction of the White Blade is, after all, actually lost. We have just various manners to replicate a sword that is similar but it isn't really popular as it is quite some work for just a small feature. But I suppose that it wouldn't be a problem for a qualified and experienced Hyuzu smith." The last sentence was followed by a grin.

"As for whom? Meilin Cho. She is more or less my first official student. I mean," shrugging lightly Koike would continue on, "I never saw Katsu as my student. Trained both with him and taught him some stuff but nothing that would make me consider myself as his mentor. Wanted to just pass on something to a student in... case that I wouldn't be able to continue on teaching. Surprisingly, I might start to like it."

Hearing Koike as he described the blade, Hayate chuckled. "I doubt I could hold a candle next to the quality of some of our actual smiths, but I truly appreciate your faith in me." His mind was still on the crafting of the blade and he almost missed the name that Koike dropped. Looking up at his friend once more, Hayate tilted his head to the side. "Meilin Cho?" Pausing, the young Hyuzu started laughing.

It wasn't that what Koike said was funny, it was more that he had already offered to make the girl a blade and she had turned him down. Despite everything going on, Hayate found the situation to be thoroughly funny, perhaps caused by his frayed nerves... Shaking his head, Hayate continued chuckling before finally nodding. "She had mentioned you started teaching her. Good work, they'll make an adult out of you yet." Grinning, Hayate folded his arms cross his chest.

Briefly Koike threw a glare sideways at his friend and commander. "And I will end you," he grumbled though he wasn't that bothered by Hayate's amusement. "But yeah. I guess that it would be nice to give her something as a parting gift for the fact she isn't a half-baked kind of student. Don't get any ideas though," he added, his eyebrows already perking up slightly while trying to resist a smile on his lips. "It isn't anything more than that. Though I wish to require more of you but it is only if you wish to help me with something. For somebody else, you bastard." Koike quickly added the last comment with an amused tone. "There is somebody who I want to give something special but... well, let's face it. I have no clue on what to really give. Have something in mind and know it is a cliché thing so it might be something that could work. But I will have to dig a bit into my purse as it will need both gold and silver, sadly enough."

Raising an eyebrow, Hayate at first wanted to make a cheeky comment towards his friend, but decided against it. Listening as Koike continued, Hayate paused, curious once more. "Well, the way you're speaking sounds like this something more than just a little bit special. Gold and silver I can get, might not be the cheapest, but I can get it. But, I must admit you have me very curious now. What exactly are you wanting to make with it?"

"I got something special for you," Koike grumbled as he would roll up the scroll. "I fear that this time my good friend that I can't let you pay a dime. It is a gift from me so I would like to pay you as I would have to pay any artisan for this commission. Perhaps you can save the money to celebrate it with me and the others that we made it back from the east?" Koike suggested on a light-hearted tone. "As for what I wish you to make it is really a lot more simple. I wanted to have a necklace with a small ring. I prefer the motifs and symbols of my clan but am not sure if the person would... share that preference so perhaps you could design it without any restrictions or boundries I would else place on it?"

Chuckling as Koike made his subtle threat, Hayate folded his hands together. "How can you pay me if you don't even know what it costs hmm?" Raising his eyebrow playfully, Hayate would let Koike finish explaining what it was that he wanted. "Interesting..." Hayate began, pondering for a long moment. Reaching up with one hand he scratched his chin. "So a necklace with a ring? Is there a specific style you are looking for? I can likely create it with an alloy that allows for easy altering after the fact. But, I would want to make sure that it's in line with what you were looking for."

"Not really. Am not that known with what style is usually being used for such gifts. That and I am sure that it won't be really cheap. At least, I suspect that the material will be a tad more expensive than the usual material that I would ask for," Koike replied back. He would scratch his right cheek for a second before speaking up again. "It is something small so don't feel the need to invest too much time on it or if you are too busy then I can try to see if I can't bother somebody else with it. Besides," Koike would slightly lift the small scroll of before up, "I suppose we could work on this first?"

Shrugging, Hayate continued pondering. Koike was being elusive and though Hayate had the desire to poke him for more information, it was not his place. His friend would tell him if and when he was ready. "It can be a little more expensive yes, though depending on how much is needed and, in which form it is used, it can be more cost effective." Thinking back to his time with Kiyomi in the Sea Country, where he had... borrowed... some gold from one of the merchants by leeching a bit from one of the necklaces he had for sale, Hayate smiled. While he felt a tad guilty for stealing from the man, it wasn't like he had taken enough to have lowered the price the merchant was asking. The small amount had still been enough for him to fashion a necklace for Kiyomi, one that he was still proud of today. Even if it maaaay have been made from stolen property...

Realizing he was a little lost in thought, Hayate snapped back to the present. "And nonsense, it is not a bother whatsoever. It is a small enough request and something that should not take a great deal of time for me to craft. If you do not need it immediately, I can likely even work on it while we are on the Eastern Continent. Might give me something to do to take my mind off things..." Looking back down at the small scroll, Hayate nodded. "Yes, perhaps this would be best to work on first. The main question is going to be finding out what combination of metals we need to use to create the unique colour upon chakra moulding." Pondering for a moment, Hayate looked up at Koike, his expression serious. "Would you be comfortable with me examining your current blade? I may be able to find out more from studying that. If I can deduce the compounds that were used in it, that will give us a very good starting point."

"True but I have saved up enough, I wager," he replied. He was somewhat confident that he was able to provide enough finance for the purchase of some small quantity of gold or any other requirment. Then again he wagered that it would take a good bite out from his savings but this was worth it, or so he convinced himself that it was. "I was hoping to gift it before we head away but I am comfortable whenever you would have the time. If you consider it better to be done at the east then it can wait," he told Hayate, understanding the reason for it all. Perhaps he should bring something to clear his mind when going on campaign? As Hayate began talking again Koike listened to his friend and commander. Briefly he frowned but knowing for what reason it would be used he nodded. "No, I am fine with that," was the answer as Koike would undo the belt at which the scabbard was attached to. Handing over the sheathed sword Koike grew curious how Hayate would be able to use his bloodline ability to get information from his sword.

As Koike mentioned he was hoping to have it ready for before they left, Hayate shook his head emphatically. "If you are hoping to have it by then, I will make sure it is ready by then. I am certain there will be enough going on in the East that I will be occupied enough." Thinking about everything he had left to do before they could leave, Hayate cringed inwardly. He would make it work. Somehow...

Taking the sheathed weapon from Koike with great care, Hayate slowly pulled the blade from its sheath. Placing the sheath on his desk, he held the sword in both hands. "This might take a few minutes, sorry." he said, glancing at Koike. Returning his attention to the weapon, Hayate studied it carefully. Turning the blade over in his hands, he admired the craftsmanship. "Beautiful..." he muttered. Looking back at Koike one last time, Hayate gripped the sword and closed his eyes. Beginning to mold his chakra, Hayate let it flow through the blade, his bloodline ability allowing him to feel the metal within. It was slow work, made slower by the fact that he was desperate to ensure he did not inadvertantly alter the weapon in any way.

As his chakra flowed through the weapon, Hayate began to make out distinctions within the metal. After several minutes, his eyes opened and he smiled at Koike. "I have to thank you for bringing me such an interesting project." His chakra receded from the weapon and Hayate placed it back in the sheath. Handing the weapon to Koike, Hayate spoke again. "How old did you say this thing was again? Your smiths must have been very skilled to have developed this!"

"Thanks, I would really appreciate it, Hayate," Koike said as he wanted to say more but decided against it. Offering payment or some extra coin would just bring up another pointless discussion between them. Hayate wouldn't accept it and it would just push himself to try to convince his superior and friend to accept it. As Hayate admired the sword Koike couldn't help but smile a bit. It was probably the best sword he had seen from his clan. Yet he remained silent as he didn't want to disturb Hayate's handiwork, even though it did make him slightly nervous. While he trusted Hayate with his life he wasn't sure if it was a good idea to use the Hyuzu bloodline ability on the sword. It wasn't just a heirloom of his clan but also a tool he used to survive with his profession. Waiting and watching Koike wondered what Hayate could detect and sense from the blade but after several minutes Hayate seemed ready.

Taking the sheathed weapon back Koike shook his head lightly. "I don't mind. Know all that well you're quick to be cheered up with such projects," he answered back while putting back on the belt with the attached scabbard. "This sword? Well, that is a funny thing," Koike said on a slight amused tone, "It is probably around fifty or forty years old. There have been numerous blades as these. The title White Blade is more aimed at the person who is granted such a blade and ... well, it is a long story on how and whats. I can tell you it another time if you would like to hear it. I think that my people did lose a blade such as this one against their struggle with the Hyuzu clan."

Listening as Koike explained the history of the White Blade, Hayate's curiosity only grew. It made sense that the same blade was not passed down generation after generation as it would have broken down the more it was used. Even so, Hayate was surprised and eager to learn more. Hearing that one such blade was lost during the conflict between the Hon and the Hyuzu made Hayate wonder about something. "My clan has a story, about the White Wolf and the Black Dragon... I never really thought about it before and to be honest, knowing my clan I can't say how much truth there is to it, but I must say I am even more curious now. So yes, I will definitely take you up on that offer."

Eager to begin the process of crafting already, Hayate fidgeted for a few moments, before grinning. "Well, shall we get started, hmm?"

"The Black Dragon? Sounds familiar to the Dark Flames. I assume that the name Black dragon isn't known within our clan, interesting," Koike thought about it. It was most likely that the iconic title of his clan could have met a similar position among the Hyuzu and had found its end. Somewhat it made him more eager to uphold their own rivalry - even though he wasn't fond of the idea of getting roasted by the fire of Hayate's dragon. "But if you wish we could get started now. I already took care of some work regarding the logistics arranged till we are on the eastern continent."

"I would very much like to start now," Hayate said, his smile widening. He was relieved that Koike had taken efforts to prepare certain matters. It would allow him to finish off the last things he had left before they traveled to the Eastern Continent. "Come on, let's get to the forge." Standing up, Hayate was out of the office in three steps, eager to begin. Not bothering to wait for Koike, Hayate knew his friend would catch up. Making his way towards the forge, Hayate's mind was a mess of thoughts. This was going to take some time, but he was looking forward to every minute of it. "Ready to get your hands dirty?" He called out over his shoulder, his tone full of amusement.


[fieldbox="New camp new abduction, #ff4d4d, solid"]

A collab between Frosted and Zane
Summary: Toshi is able to get Miu out of the medical tent with acknowledgement this time, They chat a bit before Miu convinces Toshi to give sparing a shot.

The nurse frowned at him, be it from some sense that Miu had to be cooped up in a tent to get better or due to his antics last time he showed up, he couldn't quite know for sure. "Look, if you don't let her leave now you already know I'll be back atleast three times in the next hour and I won't be asking anymore." Toshi said with a shrug, "If anything it's better now to allow her to go of your own accord because you can dictate the rule of her leaving. I'd beg to say that's better than her being broken out again." he said with the hint of a smile as he turned a bit away from the Nurse.

The Nurse let out a sigh before crossing both of her arms, "Fine, I'll allow her to leave. But my terms, deal?" she asked.

"I did just say that you could make the rules..." he stated before crossing his arms as well, "Hit me with 'em" he said the smile now plain on his face.

The Nurse straightened out a bit, attempting to add a bit more of a factor of authority to herself before speaking, "Two hours. That's all she gets, no running, no jumping, no training." she said as she began to tap her fingers on her forearm "She has to use her crutches, and if she feels ill you bring her back immediately." the Nurse said, the tone she used meaning there would be no negotiation of terms.

Toshi smiled before uncorssing his arms, "Sounds like a deal." he replied as he began to walk past her, stopping for a moment to say thanks before venturing farther into the medical tent toward were Miu was cooped up. There were less wounded than he remembered and all with rather minor looking injuries, 'That's either a good thing... Or a bad thing...' he thought as he continued through the tent.

"Miu! How's it been, hope you haven't missed me too much?" he said jokingly as he moved the curtain out of the way and stepped into her semi-private area, completely skipping any sort of advanced notice of his entry.

It was kind of a slap in the face when she thought about it, they moved their camp closer to the coast while they waited for reinforcements. So they moved all the wounded, and just when she thought she would get out of this stupid tent. They set it right back up and put her right back in, if it wasn't the nurses job she might have assaulted that woman. At least this time she could somewhat hear the sounds of the waves in the distance, only for that to be drowned out by a familiar tone asking if she hadn't missed him to much. Yet before she could so much as say enter he just pushed the curtain aside, which caused her to frown at him.

"I feel as those you have a felony in your records somewhere.... As for how it's been. I have been in this tent for a majority of my time here. So a bit cranky, but how are you? Hear you got sent off with that albino Hojo idiot." she would ask him kind of happy to have some form of conversation that wasn't a nurse yelling at her.

Giving Miu a smile as she spoke, Toshi took a seat at the foot of her bed and let out a laugh as she called Mizuchi an idiot, "Remind me not to get on your bad side yeah?" he said as he continued to laugh, "It wasn't anything special, we actually scouted this new area out before the camp made its move. Had to be sure there were no baddies hiding in the bushes or something..." he said feigning a bit of a naive tone. He looked around the room for a momemnt before spotting the crutches the nurse was talking about shoved into the corner.

Standing up from his place at the bed, Toshi moved over to the crutches, pulling them from their corner, "Nurse gave you the okay to leave for a few hours, so I figure we shouldn't waste what precious time you have to be free from here." he said as he made his way back to the bed, leaning the crutches upright against its side. "Come on then, I'll help you up but you're using the crutches this time. Nurses orders. That doesn't sound as good as 'Doctors Orders' though..." he said as he offer both his arms out to help Miu up.

She smiled a tad at his comment, "I don't know baker boy. You have technically kidnapped me, even if it was for a nice cause." she said in a sarcastic tone as he went on describing what the task was, "Yeah rather not have my leg actually cleaved off this time. You would be surprise at what adrenaline allows your senses to ignore."

Her gaze followed him as he made his way to her crutches which were to help her get back to walking, "What are you plotting now?" she asked as he would take them and proceed to tell her the nurse okayed her to leave for a couple hours. This shocked her a bit since the nurse was being nothing but a pain in her ass since she got here, all she did was break out of the tent a few times. He then offered both his arms to help her up which caused her to smile grabbing his arms and getting to a standing position. Grabbing her crutches and placing them under her arms, she would steady herself before moving away from her bed. She seemed hesitant as though that nurse was going to stop her, yet the nurse even looked at her and gave her an approving nod.

"Why do I feel as though you blackmailed her? Know what not questioning it, lets go." she stated proceeding to move further towards the exit, and with no one stopping her she made it outside. She took a deep inhale of the fresh air and exhaled with a smile on her face.

Giving the Nurse a smile as they passed Toshi followed Miu outside of the tent, "I really can't imagine what it's like to be cooped up in one place for so long like that, but now that you're actually allowed to leave it shouldn't be too bad right?" he said as he stopped along side her, allowing himself to smile at the fact that Miu seemed to alraedy be in a better mood just from stepping outside.

Letting Miu take in the outside for a little he finally began to talk, "Anywhere you want to go in particular? I'm not exactly used to the new camp layout, but it's mostly the same as before, just slightly off-set really." he asked as he looked down the row of tents to his right toward the drilling grounds, "We could watch soldiers--" he pretended to wield a sword and swing it in front of himself, "--as they drill with each other, but I have orders not to let you participate for reasons beyond my comprehension." he said, teasing Miu even after everything she'd been through. "Or we could stop by the smiths and see what's going on over there, probably nothing to interesting... Just Smiths doing... Smith things if I had to guess." Toshi said.

Taking in the bright scenery instead of the bland interior of a tent, Toshi would speak up asking where she wanted to go. Stating they could watch soldiers drill where she wasn't allowed to partake for reasons unknown to him. She rolled her eyes with a smile. "Gee I wouldn't know, maybe they think I will break easy?" she said joking back, as he also mentioned watching the smiths do their smith thing. "My father is a smith just so you know, It's actually a pretty grueling process. Know how most would stand away from a really hot fire? They have to stay near it at all times, and when they start to make your weapon they have to be careful just with hammering it. Otherwise you will have a metal sword that can be broken by a tree branch." Miu stated knowing a bit about smithing from her father, along with crafting from her mother. They were a typical Sanosuke household when you got down to it.

"Well I might not be able to drill with everyone, but I can still learn by watching them. So how about that for now?" Miu would ask him, figuring he liked that idea more since he swung an invisible sword around for effect.

A bit surprised as Miu began to defend the work of her father, Toshi let out a small sigh, 'I wasn't saying that Smiths have it easy...' he thought before opening his mouth to talk, "I wasn't saying that their jobs aren't difficult or boring, just that there likely isn't much going on at the moment with the smiths... If I had to guess they're probably just now firing up their furnaces after getting set up so it's not like there would be too much for us to do over there." he paused for a second, "But I'm not against it." he added quickly before pointing in the direction of the drilling grounds.

"Grounds are this way, it's only a short walk and then I guess we can watch the soldiers do their thing... I'm not much of a sword fighter, or really anything up close. I prefer distance if you didn't notice yet." he said as he lifted a flap of his jacket exposing the myriad of scrolls tucked into their pockets. "You seem to be the sword type though, form what I saw you had a shield and everything! I really don't get that appeal, especially for a shinobi... Is it a clan thing or just more common than I thought?" he asked as they walked along.

When he started saying he didn't disrespect what smiths do, while starting to give reasons as to why it might be slow to watch, she gave a teasing smile. "Relax you can think it's boring. In a way it is, you kind of need a passion for the skill considering how much time is also involved. I mostly just wanted to tease you a bit, think of it as payback for kidnapping me the first time." Miu stated with a smile as she would slowly begin moving towards the grounds.

Toshi would go on saying he was more of a range fighter than a sword fighter, while saying she seemed to be the sword type. Not getting the appeal considering they were shinobi and if it was a clan thing. "Not really a clan thing, its more of a clan thing to become a smith or craftsmith. Sure we have done fighting though, an example of that would be against the Hojo. As for being the type, well I grew up being near swords. So my father had to teach me about them, so I never tried grabbing one as a child. Yet even if I'm a shinobi, we can't always do things from far away. Comes a time when you run out options and have to engage in close quarters."

Laughing a bit as they walked Toshi had to stop himself from nudging Miu out of fear of toppling her over, "I feel rather calm, didn't think I was getting heated about smithing." he said as a sly grin crept over his face, before disappearing as she began to talk about her reasons for carrying a sword. He smiled a bit once more as he pointed a finger at Miu, "I thought it would be abduction for an adult, not kidnapping... Here I thought you weren't a child anymore." he teased for a moment, before moving on to the last bit of what she had said.

"I can respect that, I can't say I don't have anything in these scrolls for when things get close, because then I'd just be lying... But I still can't imagine a sword, I just don't think I've got the talent to wield one like most soldiers." he shrugged as they walked, "I've heard that your clan fought the Hojo, I mean I've spent my whole life surrounded by residential shops and people like me that weren't from any major clans and didn't really delve to deep into their pasts... Just business, it didn't really need a backstory. But now that your here, any chance I could get a brief synopsis on the whole feud?" he asked as they walked

"Who knows maybe you secretly have a passion for it baker boy." Miu would tease him slightly as they would continue towards the drilling grounds, a little at a time as she had to be careful not to bump into anyone while using her crutches. Least she needs to do is start a fight for accidentally tripping someone. She would flinch a bit at the random finger being pointed at her by Toshi when he stated it would be abduction for adult not kidnapping, stating he thought she wasn't a child no longer. Her response was a glare shot at him, "So lucky I'm injured. My foot would be soooo far up your ass by now." she would say although she was trying to hide the slight curl of her lips.

He would then proceed to say he doubted he would be capable of wielding a sword like most of the soldiers here, which caused a frown to appear on her face as she shook her head in disagreement. "No one can just wield a sword like a natural. You have to train just like everyone else. I'm by no means even considered a professional, and practice swords exist for this very reason." she told him as he then asked what the fued between the Hojo and Sanosuke was, which resulted in a somewhat amused laugh. "Honestly it's nothing major, just a lot of bloody conflicts with them in the Warring Clan period. I guess after so many years of fighting them, a grudge and wary attitude is an improvement. Yet my reason for disliking them is because I dislike their 'I'm the best thing to grace your eyes' attitude they have. They act like tough shit when really they aren't that grand."

Toshi couldn't help but to laugh a little at Miu's comment, however snarky it may be, "You're right, maybe I do have a talent for waving sharp pieces of metal in front of me. I'm pretty good at throwing them so it can't be too different." he joked as they went forward. He moved himself a bit farther from her side at her comment about where her foot would be if she weren't injured, "Seems like I'm quite blessed then." he said with a smile before Miu began to brush over the feud between the Hojo's and the Sanosuke's.

Nodding his head along as she spoke, 'Nothing major' he thought sarcastically as she went on about their bloody history. "I guess that's a rather good outlook on them as it stands now, last thing we need is another conflict to make all of this even more convoluted than it already is..." he said as he raised his arms slightly, motioning to the camp around them and the campaign and unrest in general. A few seconds later they made their way around a line of tents and into the drilling grounds. Before them lay clusters of make shift training dummies and pens meant for armed practice, all of which were occupied by the looks of it.

"So now that we've finally arrived, what would you like to do? I think we should watch one of the spars, maybe you could teach me some of the swordplay the soldiers are using as it happens?" he suggested as they continued walking.

"Pretty much the same thing, just you keep holding it and sometimes big swings can be both good and bad." she said and smirked slightly at him moving a bit further away from him saying he must be blessed. "Oh don't worry. I don't bite much." she would say before he went and said that her outlook was rather good on them and that they don't need another conflict to make it even more convoluted. "Maybe without me almost losing about thirty pounds in a split second."

Yet they would have arrived at their destination, where everything seemed right for getting some training in, he would proceed to ask what would she like to do. As he then offered the suggestion of watching one of the spars. While possibly teaching him some of the swordplay the soldiers are using. "First of all, wasn't that why we came here in the first place? Second of all, that will be a bit difficult. Everyone's swordplay style is different, some prefer aggressive giving the foe no time to think, some prefer being defensive and waiting for oppurtunities to present itself. Each person adds their own unique charm to how they fight. That being said I prefer being defensive, but as that one soldier said to me. When push came to shove, I went a bit wild in my approach. Why don't you try sparing yourself?" She suggested smiling at the idea of him sparing.

His face getting slightly flushed with embarassment at his lack of knowledge on swords Toshi searched for something to say before Miu suggested that he try sparring. "You can't be serious right? I mean me? I don't know the first thing about swords, hell I didn't even know there were so many different ways to use a sword..." he said as he waved his hands in front of him at the idea. "I think I'd lose to a training dummy in all honesty, it'd probably disarm me or something!" he said as he stepped a bit farther away from the training pen in front of them.

She gave a smile at him denying himself being any good at sparing. "No ones great right away. In large scale combat, you can do fairly well due to the fact your attention is split on multiple people. Single combat is much more difficult. Yet I think you can do well. You after all beat a man that defied all reason to live. You never know how you will do until you try. Besides if anything it's a perfect chance to improve yourself."

Digging his foot into the dirt as he weighed his options, Toshi couldn't help but feel he had made a grave mistake suggesting that they take a look at the training grounds, but his thought was cut short by Miu, "Look I'm not sure if you saw any of what happened with that... thing... but I barely did anything up close, the only thing I did up close was get myself full of senbon sized holes in my legs alright. Everthing I did was from a distance except for that, and if you count my clones." he sighed and took a look around, spotting a small, mostly empty, rack of training equipment with a few dull swords still waiting to be used, "But fine, I'll give it a go. Just promise not to make too much fun of me alright?" he said hesitantly as he took a sword from the rack.

As he spoke she looked down at his leg and raised an eyebrow. She kind of wanted to ask how he managed to achieve that, yet refrained from asking. "Nope didn't see a thing, was to busy almost dying." she said giving him a smile as he agreed to give it a go. "Why would I make fun of you for trying to better yourself? I'm proud that you are giving this a shot." she said to him as she looked around to see who wasn't already busy when suddenly a hand clamped her shoulder.

"Ah if it isn't little cub! As wild as ever, injured and you still come to training grounds!" The giant grizzled man said, the same one that kept her alive during the ambush. He would look over at Toshi who seemed very hesitant and looked at Miu. "That your friend little cub?" he would ask her to which she would nod at him.

"Yeah and since you are here, could I bother you for a favor Kayl?" she asked him to which he nodded. "Can you spar with him? Show him what it's like to fight up close? Just be careful he is new to this kind of combat." she asked the big man who scratched his beard and gave a grin. Miu would watch Kayl walk over to the rack and grab his own practice sword, then walk over to Toshi. He would size him up a bit before extending his hand out.

"Don't worry little man, I teach you how to handle minor problems no problem. Before I meet Miu seconds before we were beset. She didn't know how to use shield properly. Now she knows how to hold her shield with the best. I'll teach you how to fight like big man!" Kayl stated to the man with a grin, before whisking the shorter man away for some close quarters training[/fieldbox]
[fieldbox="Looming woods - Part 3, green"]
A collab between Lilly, Alice, Nim, Oetje and Roran Hawkins
Blackroot woods

As the team had their first meeting with the lord of the Blackroots, there is some interaction and talking going on between the members of Team 7. Eventually, there is some friction that results into the team splitting between Meilin with Karma and Kensuke with Sen. The first pair manage to land a better impression with lord Blackroot while Kensuke and Sen meet with the Seer. Eventually upon returning to the room the team has a small discussion going on, where team Meilin is made official!
Not that it needed to be official, cause it is always awesome.

Team 7 was led into a single large room that was more comfortable than it was luxurious. Despite the cramped looks of the fortress hidden under the canopy of leaves the room felt spacious, with several solid wooden beds framing the wall. If anything the place looked robust. All in all, exactly what he needed after a long night. But not the kind of reception he'd expected, much like the actual welcoming act just now. He placed his stuff next to a bed, claiming it for himself and stretched his arms and yawned.

"Go ahead and take a minute." He said to his team. He inspected them as they put down their stuff too. They all wore dark circles underneath their eyes. If there was any trace of the fear left it was now soaked in exhaustion, their thoughts still occupied by the encounter with Lord Blackroot. Or so he assumed. He undid the flak jacket and put it aside, keeping his sword at hand out of sheer habit. He felt relatively safe dropping his guard here. There were so many guards in this place it'd take an army to take the town, and if they'd intended to just kill them for some obscure reason the dark caverns which literally noone knew would've been a far better place to do so.

Setting her things down next to the bed across from Kensuke's, Karma grabbed a hold of her Naginata and a piece of cloth from her bag. She started going over the handle, feeling it was sticky from all the fear induced sweat from earlier, when they encountered the bear. As she went over it, smoothing it slowly and carefully, she brought her sight up towards Meilin. It took her a moment before she decided to ask a question "What do you think the Blackroots think of us, Meilin?" She asked "Seeing how so far you are the one who were the most in contact with them." Karma added.

Arriving in the room where they could take some rest Meilin would walk towards a bed. Without a word, she would get started on her gear. Unclipping and removing the belts from which her swords were sheathed in. First, the scabbard of her short sword was located on the bed in front of her. The second scabbard, which held her more recent and newest sword in, Light of Dawn, took a second longer. But that was likely due to the fact she found it essential to be careful with it. As if she would break it by just letting it fall on the bed.
Doing the same with her other gear Meilin wasn't worried that anybody in the fortress would attempt to take her weaponry or tools. The Blackroots had probably access to much better quality. Yet as she looked at her sheathed longsword Meilin couldn't help but wonder if she should keep it with her. Sitting down on her bed she briefly threw a glance around the room and the team. Leaning with her back against the wall as Kensuke told them to take a minute Meilin couldn't help but unsheath the longsword a bit, taking a look at the steel blade for a second. The memory of how she had acquired the blade was a happy one but she wondered if both Hayate and Koike were doing fine. If they were still in Konoha or already heading towards the eastern continent. The faint smile that had formed on Meilin's lips on checking if the blade was real had vanished. Somehow she wished that she could've gone with them. Who would she train or spend time with when being back in Konohagakure?
Lifting a hand to wipe aside a few strands of her hair Meilin would bite her lower lip.

Her thoughts were, however, disrupted as Karma spoke up and asked her question.
"Wouldn't really know," she shrugged lightly, "We still live so guess that it could have been worse."
That was a lie. She was pretty certain that their image was already as low as it could be. And Meilin wasn't really comfortable about how the first impression had been executed. Then again, she hoped that there would be a chance or moment to redeem herself.
"Oh, okay," she further added the comment that she had the most contact with the Blackroots. There was a half sneer at the ready that they could have tried to establish some connections at moments when it was a possibility but she decided to hold that for herself.

Sen took a deep breath as she put her stuff down on one of the beds and then looked to her team mates with somewhat of a tired look. "We shouldnt have assumed the first person we saw was Lord Blackroot.... It most likely hindered their ability to take us seriously," Sen said. The girl paused, sighed and continued with her thought process. "We should try to form a connection with them individually, in case something were to happen to Meilin and leave us without something solid to go on," she said. She would then take her bow and quiver off before continuing to inspect them for any damages as she would have done normally. It was also somewhat of a comfort to her.

"Don't blame yourselves for that. Some folks believe the Blackroot are just a scary tale. They'd be bad at their job if we knew the face of their leader." He said. A knock on the door announced a guard brining them a hearty breakfast with a curt nod which he placed on the table, already closing the door before any of them could have the chance of asking him anything. Kensuke shrugged and took a bite from a pear on the platter.

There was still something he wanted to talk about with Meilin, but he'd let that rest until after they'd had a chance to rest themselves too. Instead he sat down in silence before noticing Meilin's sword. He'd seen them before, but he hadn't paid too much attention to them yet. He'd seen the shorter blade before, the the longer one was new. The design of both interested him too. Long, straight and with an unusually large handguard, although he immediately saw several merits of that. He'd seen such swords before and recalled they usually has two edges instead of one, which his mind immediately linked to their origin. To be able to make swords with two edges with the same strength as a single-edged weapon like his own was a great skill, and required good iron. Perhaps something to do with the Hyuzu? They were renowned smiths after all, and he had been informed by his sister that the revenue from ore sales through the the Cho clan were- ... Of course.

"Who is teaching you to fight with swords?" He asked, noticing that he was staring at the weapons.

Listening to what Sen said, Meilin would first kick off her boots and then pull her knees up and wrap her arms around her legs on the bed. She wasn't sure if she could really agree with the other Cho. Yes, they had made a mistake and with emphasis on 'they'. She didn't consider herself as being in the same embarrassing situation as the rest of the team as she had managed to be more cautious and trying to be certain on who they were dealing with. Not to mention that she would be surprised if any Blackroot would kneel. But that could be just because she was going off on that the Blackroots were more in with the manners of the Hon clan.
For a moment Meilin would frown upon the words if she would go off or something happening to her. Well, that was a most assuring 'forecast' Meilin thought to herself. Resting her head against her knees Meilin would close her eyes while she kept listening.
Hearing what Kensuke said about the Blackroots the teen disagreed. If it wasn't their fault then who's fault was it? Not that she would just start to argue or throw that comment into the group. It had occurred to her just now that it seemed that they had found their tongue, which was better than the silence Meilin had considered somewhat awkward.
With food being brought in Meilin didn't feel that hungry. Or was it perhaps because she felt uneasy on how things had gone that she didn't want to eat? Probably.

"Hm?" Meilin looked up and would turn her head to the direction of Kensuke as she noticed that he was looking at her. Which meant that the question was obviously meant for her, right? Yet for some reason, she didn't feel comfortable about it. Which was odd as she had found it okay to disclose it to Hayate. But Hayate would have had a much easier time figuring it out, she wagered.
"A friend of mine," she answered. Wasn't a complete lie. She did consider him as a friend. Certainly after the gift he left her. For a moment she wanted to return why he asked that but decided against that.
"Wonder what they will be serving as dinner. What do you guys think?"

The genin finished inspecting her weapons, satisfied with their condition and turned her attention the breakfast that was brought. Sen would pick up the apple on it and sit on the bed as she listened to Kensuke. Fault was fault, in her opinion as it had to fall on someone. Assuming wrong fell onto her team and not knowing much about the Blackroots was not much of an excuse. "Hmm, I am not sure. I would guess some kind of meat or critters from the forest. They seem to have access to fruits so there could be more fruits," Sen said. She took another bite from her apple, closed her eyes and then sighed some.

Nodding as she listened to the brief response from Meilin, Karma wiped the handle of her Naginata some more before putting it on the bed. Looking at Sen and hearing her mark, Karma shrugged slightly. Before she could make a remark about it, she heard Kensuke's response and simply nodded in agreement. Seeing as Kensuke decided to put that topic aside and instead come up with a different thing to talk about, Karma turned to look at the swords as well. She didn't remember seeing one of them, but that could've been because of the way she acted in the previous mission. Looking at her Naginata for a moment, she turned to look at Sen, who was inspecting her bow "I thought you were a master swordsman Kensuke, wouldn't it be appropriate for you to teach her?" She asked getting up from the bed and going to the fruit platter Kensuke grabbed his pear from and took a a pear as well from it.

Hearing Meilin's very brief answer, Karma rose her eyebrows. She was about to ask if it is actually just a friend, but decided against it. Instead she sat down on her bed once more and took a bite from the pear, thinking about what possible dinners they may serve "I just hope they wont serve roasted boggarts. Even though the size of those things could feed a hundred people, something tells me it would be a pain just to make them taste good." She remarked, and took another bite from her pear "You know, I think I would like to try and spar against all of you. I don't think I would win, but I think it could be interesting. A good excercise as well as see how each of us fight, so it could help us understand better how to fight alongside each other." She said.

Once more a soothing thought. Something from the Blackroot Vale woods? The idea that they could be eating some of those monstrous and ugly boggarts was anything but tempting. In fact, Meilin was certain that she wasn't able to look at the hearty breakfast that had been delivered. Glad, however, that the topic wouldn't become about who was teaching her swords as Sen answered the question that served as a distraction the situation would hit the direction she wanted to steer away from.
Turning her attention to Karma as the latter started to speak Meilin wondered if it would be proper to sneer that she should stuff her mouth with an apple and remain quiet. The facial expression of the Cho remained calm and collected but she was hoping that the question wouldn't provoke Kensuke from inquiring on trying to train with her.
Then the suggestion of a spar made the right end of Meilin's lip lower by a bit.
"No thanks," she replied in a friendly tone, "Am not really fan of mock fights. Probably wouldn't last long enough to make it anywhere interesting to waste effort and time on, haha."

She could not help the laugh that came from her at Karma about eating the boggarts that attacked them. "Well, they seemed like they wanted to eat us," Sen said lightly. Briefly, the girl would wonder which of them would taste better. Shrugging that off and smiling slightly she would nod. "Seems like it would be a good idea to figure out how we can compliment each others strengths and weaknesses so we fight more effeciently," she added. She took another bite from her apple, glanced at Meilin who had yet to answer what Karma asked. [color]"That is certainly reasonable, having our sensei teach you when he is an esteemed swordsman."[/color]

Listening to her teammates responses, Karma wondered briefly if Meilin was purposefully trying to avoid any team activities. Keeping her thoughts to herself, Karma took another bite off the pear before looking at the others "Well, beyond this nice little breakfast, I'm feeling really tired. Anyone else feels like we should take as much time to rest as possible and get our strengths back? Unless you want to try and come up with as many different topics as possible to just pass the time until dinner and our meeting with Lord Blackroot. I highly doubt we would be able to start wondering around the place on our own, or start to chat with the guards. Unlike before, where they were escorting us, they most likely have either specific spots to be at, or patrols to follow, and cannot afford to lose attention due to outsiders." She said, thinking about it further.

Getting up from the bed, she went and placed the remainings of the pear in a trashcan and looked at the door. A brief thought passed in her head that they may be spying on them, to verify if they are actually a team from Konohagakure or not. But at the same time, being a secluded society in the middle of a dense forest with no method of communications with the outside world except for what they were doing meant they had no real way of verifying it except through mind techniques like the Yamanaka had, or to just trust them, something which she felt was slightly lacking in the team.

"Exactly. That's why I'm catching some sleep now." He said. and dropped on one of the beds, closing his eyes after discarding the pear in the trashcan. Being shinobi had its advantages. You didn't have to get up to get the pear in the garbage can. You just threw it.

What was this? She didn't doubt that Kensuke was competent with a sword but now Meilin felt like that they should take a step back.
"Then you both can grab your chance and profit from having an esteemed swordsman as your 'sensei'," the teen said with a slightly colder tone to make a few points clear. They probably didn't mean it like that but Meilin did feel anything but comfortable that they sounded as if she was obliged to just accept the man as her teacher. He wasn't perhaps a bad person but what did he know of her? How much interest had he really shown into teaching her? Keeping the questions to herself the teen would just hope that they wouldn't pursue the topic.
"I already have found an esteemed swordmaster and 'friend'," once more she laid a clear emphasis on that she had made her choice to the two other female members of the team, "Educating me and I think I'll stick to that."

As Kensuke spoke up Meilin just nodded. She was tired but sleep? She doubted that she would be able to get a good rest from everything that had occurred ever since they had entered the Blackroot Vale woods.

Hearing the sudden cold response from Meilin made Karma turn and look at her teammate. She knew that she hadn't been the best teammate, but she never said Meilin had to be taught by Kensuke, only that it would be appropriate. The fact she afterwards made a further emphasis on the word friend only made it clearer that she had no interest in even attempting to do anything with her team. They didn't need to become friends, but this was just being rude right now. Going back to her own bed, Karma laid with her back on it, and looked at the celling before closing her eyes.

"So. Meilin, what can you tell me about the Blackroot. Anything that'll help us get through the coming few hours, things we should know before moving on." Kensuke asked once everyone'd rested in some form or shape, and they were all preparing to meet Lord Blackroot once more. "I realise we should have had this conversation before, but the Blackroot are far more foreign than I had imagined."

After the rest, Meilin had attended to her gear. She had some material to think and ponder about. This wasn't, however, something she could continue as Kensuke would start talking and inquire information about the Blackroots. She wasn't really eager to provide information or what she knew as she doubted that she could really provide more information that they anticipated her having.
"I can tell you how they are the most menacing bunch of the Sarutobi factions. That they aren't something like a branch or how we aren't likely to even deep in their land," Meilin began in a casual tone while continue cleaning with a piece of cloth her longsword, "Or how they have been one of the most loyal allies of the Hon clan. Though, I also remember that they are the descendants that gave most trouble during the ancient conflict that once had occurred during the Sarutobi migration."
Pausing she wouldn't turn her eyes from the weapon she was cleaning in a cautious manner.
"I think that they aren't really foreign but that mistakes were made that could have been avoided if manners were applied that wouldn't... well, it is too late for that. At least," this time the teen would throw a sideways glance at the jounin, "For some of us but I can't be certain about them. I am not certain how similar they are to the manners and norms that the Chonobi culture upholds. Lord Blackroot did try to show some respect and honour us as his guests by revealing in public his lineage. Which was probably a known one, so it could have been a test. But I really doubt that. My best bet is to not consider them as Sarutobi," she said while knowing that it could sound strange to them but she had a reason for that, "Cause think about it. The only contacts that they likely uphold is with some of the other Sarutobi factions and the Hon clan. Their history is almost entwined with their northern neighbours, which might have influenced them to take up more manners and norms of the Hon clan. A clan that I am more known with."

Thinking about something she shot another look at Kensuke and also at Karma, this time.
"The only problem is that it won't be weird if I or Sen will behave or conform to the manners of how the Hons are. You two, however, aren't members of any Chonobi clans or cultures. If you don't want to piss off Lord Blackroot try to just be respectful but not try to kneel or make him look bad in the eyes of his people. Try to address him by his title and answer his questions in a respectful manner. That means that you look back at him when you're talking to him or when he speaks to you. Feel free to give compliments but don't look like you're attempting to kiss his ass. If they are like the Hons then I really doubt that they will approve of people kissing their ass. And one more thing,"

Meilin locked her eyes on Kensuke as she frowned slightly. "Offer your weapons to them. All of them. We are guests, something we all need to remember."

Listening to what Meilin explained, Karma bit her lower lip. So it was possible that by kneeling she made a mistake. Compliments, not over do them, respect, and to offer their weapon. She figured she could follow those guidelines "So, if we would be questioned regarding what do we think about them, we mustn't compare them to the remainder of the Sarutobi clan outside, and both Kensuke and I should not attempt to copy their behavior, or that of the Hon. Respect above all." She said in what she thought was a fair summary. Looking at her Naginata, she grabbed it and nodded "If it will benefit the way we look in their eyes, I'm more than willing to offer my weapons to them." She added, passing her gaze among the rest of the team.

"So, long story short, behave respectfully because their ways are too complicated to explain." He said, ignoring the looks Meilin had given him with adamant interest. "Sounds like what most clans say about themselves, but here it seems to be that way." He rubbed his chin as he overthought Meilin's words. If anything she seemed to insist that they were guests, not Konoha shinobi on duty. He felt a point needed to be made, but it could very well ruin their mission. He almost laughed aloud at the thought. He had a political opinion. The clanleader who did not lead his clan because he was never taught politics.

Glad that Karma seemed to understand it, judging from her words Meilin nodded. The faint optimism that she had gained from Karma was, however, crushed by Kensuke's words. Just why? Why did that have to happen?
"Perhaps too complicated for a simpleton," Meilin said in a calm tone while slightly raising her chin, "I can't judge the manners of a clan that I wasn't known Might I, however, remember that the Nimatsu would've been a forgotten name if more than just a small part of the Hon clan had been eager to wet their steel with your kin's blood."
Knowing who she was talking to Meilin couldn't help it. The whole comment just had made her frustration push her to this point. Besides, she realised in what kind of position she was. One where Kensuke's authority wasn't as pressing as the Blackroots. A people that she could communicate easier with than he could. With that in thought Meilin would buckle up her gear and rise from her bed, her left hand resting in a casual manner on the hilt of her longsword.
"Not sure how much attention you paid at the Academy or what caused you to be so blind while having those eyes but I would advise taking a different approach. Or else I might have to state to Lord Blackroot that you're not feeling well. Might save the possible steel on our throat when you are joining dinner."

Watching what was unfolding in front of her, Karma couldn't help but be an awe. She briefly wondered if there will be a mission where Meilin doesn't go and do things her own way, although she understood where she was coming from. Kensuke was pushing his luck with what he was saying, and if any of the Blackroots were to hear this, they would've either turned their heads into wall decorations, or just toss them out to the boggarts, or at least thats what she figured. The last thing they needed right now was to have any reason to make the Blackroots mad at them.

"If I may, before it starts getting too much to handle," Karma said, standing up while making sure the Naginata rested against her back in the proper way "I think all Meilin wants to do right now is ensure this doesn't go sidetrack in any way. We are in unfamilar territory, and among people who consider us to be strangers. Until we have any other reason to do so, we should do our best to make sure we don't get on their nerves in any way. That way not only do we not get kicked out of here, we also won't fail the mission we have, we won't get stranded in the middle of a forest with more dangers than we could handle and," She briefly looked at Meilin before looking back at Kensuke "We won't lose our chance to gain more information regarding the people we are trying to take down and save those they kidnapped. I already feel ashamed of what I did in the previous mission, and I don't have any intentions of letting that feeling become heavier on my shoulders." She finished speaking before taking a couple of steps away from both Kensuke and Meilin.

He nodded in response to Karma trying to defend her teammate. It was all he could in this moment. He didn't trust his voice to respond the way it should. Her words simply resonated in his head, their echoes starving away all other sound. They woke a primal fury of kinds he only remembered harbouring for Kajja and his brother. He had hated his father. He had loved his teacher. He had loved so many other people in his village. Friends and rivals but most importantly kin. He could not believe that Meilin who seemed to have made it her personal quest to find her lost family made jokes about his slaughtered family with such contempt. The anger was like a heavy woollen blanket, suffocating, omnipresent, draining away any idea of a rational response - and then it was gone. Ice seemed to withdraw from his veins, and he let out a deep, controlled sigh. Then he got up and began preparing himself for the dinner.

"Let's hope you'll be more diplomatic during dinner." He said with a voice that lacked any sort of sympathy.

Meilin felt the need rising to sneer more insulting remarks at the man. The person who had screwed a chance before to get information. Karma, however, would try to diffuse the situation but Meilin's patience was empty.
"The mission was to deliver the information to the Blackroots, Karma. Not to stick around longer if we weren't desired," she told her team member in a tone that was still calm, but slightly different from before. However, Meilin's head twisted in a rapid pace to look back at Kensuke as he had spoken up. A slight twitch could be noticed at Meilin's right eye as her right fist would slowly clench into a fist.

"Good advice," she said while walking towards the door. Opening the door she would come to a halt and throw a look over her shoulder.
"Might have been more of use to your clan before most of them got put six feet underground. That is if they were even considered worthy and not left for the carrion birds."
With that having said the genin would walk out and close the door in a calmest fashion behind her. Starting to walk she would bite back the frustration and disappointment.

Following what was being said, Karma couldn't help but wonder how it came down to this after earlier it seemed like things were getting better between Kensuke and Meilin. Hearing the soft opening and closing of the door alongside Meilin's remarks, Karma turned to look at Kensuke "Looks like all the progress you've made with her just went down the drain." She said in a very blunt tone before going to the door and opening it. She paused for a moment, wondering if she should make any further remarks but decided against it. The last thing she needed was to start listening to the same remarks Kensuke gave Meilin. Walking out and closing the door behind her,

She walked with a hastened pace, hoping to catch up to Meilin and see if there was anything she could say to try and calm things down between the two on Meilin's side. She felt like she owed Meilin more than Kensuke due to her lack of proper action in the last mission, and she more than wanted to make up for it. Seeing her teammate's back, she slowed down a bit to walk in the same pace as Meilin, just a bit behind her in case she got the word she did not want to hear from her "Meilin?" She called out to her teammate in a soft tone.

What a thick-headed idiot. The eyes of Meilin were narrowed as she couldn't believe how somebody that simple and insulting could manage to become a jounin. A sour taste was present in her mouth but she would push the negative thoughts from her mind. What mattered now was that she would make use of her own advantages to continue her own ambitions. The mission was done anyways and she doubted that the Blackroots would be eager to keep them around for much longer than it was needed.
Hearing her name, Meilin threw a look over her shoulder. Noticing Karma she would turn half around towards her team member.
"Yes?" she would just ask instead of making it clear that she wouldn't go back.

Seeing her teammate half turn towards her made her slightly glad that she appeared to be willing to listen, though it was clear going back to the room was out of the question. Stopping next to Meilin, Karma held her right arm with her left hand "I am not going to try and convince you to come back to the room. Not going to try and make excuses for Kensuke or anything like that. He was wrong to say what he said, especially in the tone he did." She said, glancing behind her briefly to make sure no one was following them, then looked at Meilin again "And I know I haven't been the best example of what a teammate should be. I apologize for that. I am more than aware that you are capable of defending yourself, you proved that to me in the last mission, but I do feel the need to make it up to you somehow."

Looking around, Karma had an idea "As long as we have the chance, and they don't seem to mind, how about we walk somewhere? No need to head back to mister 'Talk first, Think later'. I'm sure the Blackroots would find us when it is time to meet Lord Blackroot. She said.

Meilin kept her gaze locked on Karma but there wasn't either a reply coming nor a facial expression that made it clear what she was thinking or feeling. Just a blank look and silence.
"Don't," Meilin stated in a strict tone towards Karma, "If you want to help me then I am fine with that but not cause you feel obliged."
With that answer given the tone of Meilin became slightly milder while also starting to walk again.
"First, let's take a walk. Can think much better when I am walking. If the lord wishes to see us then he will find us and I will explain what happened when we will be asked for a reason. Though," she shot Karma a serious look, "You will need to be certain if you wish to stick with me. I am intending to stick around here as long as I can to continue my own objective. The primary mission is done. Now it is the question if we can continue a secondary objective, which does fall in line with what I want."

Seeing the way her teammate responded made Karma's gaze lower a bit. Beginning to walk alongside her, she listened as Meilin made it clear what her intentions were. Karma couldn't say she was surprised, she had made every indication there was to wanting to work alongside the Blackroots. The last mission also made it clear Meilin would be willing to go to any length to gain more knowledge about the whereabouts of her family.

"I'm not going to make the same mistakes twice. Last mission, I did not follow what you told me to do, and only thought of myself. This time, I am going to make sure to follow through with my words. I don't feel obliged to say that I want to help you. I will do my best to not upset the Blackroots in any manner, stand in your way, or interfere with your secondary objective." Karma said in a serious tone in response.

Meilin shrugged before replying back as well turning her gaze back in front of them.
"Can't blame you. You were a chuunin back then, weren't you? I wouldn't be keen to listen to a genin when having that rank. And very well, I could use some help after all."
While wanting to flash a smile Meilin would release a sigh. She hadn't completely worked out the idea on how she could manage to gain permission to work with the Blackroots in order to also gain information about her family but there had to be a way. Realising something Meilin thought of something.
"How good of a drinker are you?" Meilin asked, clearly thinking about something while waiting for Karma's answer.

Drinker? That was an interesting question. Last time she drank was a bit of time ago, and then she needed to help someone else get back home "I wouldn't call myself the heaviest of drinkers, but I think I can handle quite a few drinks. But then again, that also depends on what type of drink. Each drink has a different way of handling it, after all." Karma said, shrugging. That question still seemed a bit odd to her, and she thought about for a bit before raising her eyebrows "You are thinking that drinking with them would gain their respect? Or a drinking contest?" She asked, her voice revealing some intrigue in it. That would certainly be a fun way of gaining their respect, as long as they didn't go overboard.

"Not really but I have an idea," she would say, "I am not entirely sure yet if they are really having manners that fall in line with the Hons but if they do then we can try to see if we are allowed to drink with them. If they won't mind us then we can work out on the next step. The only problem is that I have no clue if they will allow or accept us and what we should do after that. A meeting with Lord BLackroot would be fruitful but I want to talk to him without Kensuke dashing in any hope for success. Already am worried that the Blackroots will have our heads once that idiot will start to talk."
Hearing something that seemed to be a mixture of laughing, singing and instrumental music Meilin would pick up her pace. Gesturing that Karma should follow her, Meilin recognised that they were back near the hall where they had met Knvell Blackroot.
"Okay, so you're ready for this? There will be guards in front of those doors and it would be a good impression on them alone if we hand over our weapons. Not much that we can do against a whole garrison of Blackroots anyways."

Meilin's plan sounded like a decent plan, and she understood her teammate not wanting to be in the meeting with Lord Blackroot and Kensuke. Following her, Karma wondered how ready was she really. The sound of music and laughter inside was nice, gave a bit more of a welcoming feeling, but that could entirely drop the moment they stepped foot in there. Taking a deep breath, she needed "I'm as ready as I'll ever be. And I remember your remark regarding the weapons. I have no issues with handing them my weapons." She said, placing one of her hands on the thin rope that allowed her to hang her Naginata on her back.
"Of course, unless you get them to talk in the basic language, you will be doing all the talking. I'll just remain quiet and try to react as properly as possible." Karma added, realizing that could serve as a bit of a problem.

"Doubt that I will be able to convince or coerce them to speak something else than Chonobi. I wonder if most of them are able to speak anything else than Chonobi but we will see."
Continuing walking they had to turn around a corner and could spot the various guards in front of the double door entrance to the hall where the festive sounds were coming from. Approaching the guards with a confident stride Meilin would speak up and request entrance while already starting to unbuckle her weapon belts to signify that she meant no harm or considered herself as anything else than a guest.

The guards seemed to be anything than pleased with being both on guard outside of the festive event that happened behind the thick doors and walls that they were guarding, but upon seeing Meilin and Karma their mood didn't brighten much. One of the guard raised his hand and replied that they had to wait. One of them was send inside and it would take a long moment before he would be back. The guards would already start to accept the weaponry from the two and check if they hadn't anything hidden weapon on person. As the guard who had went inside came out, it was told that Meilin and Karma could enter into the hall. One of the two doors was opened to provide them access which revealed a much brighter atmosphere than they had been exposed to these past days. A sweet and warm aroma greeted them while they would see people dancing, singing and drinking as eating. At the throne at the head of the hall was the Knvell Blackroot, holding a mug in one hand and gesturing to two of his guards to bring Meilin and Karma to him. The people inside didn't seem to mind or even notice Meilin and Karma while being escorted to the lord of the Blackroots.

As she handed her weapons to the guard that remained outside, she gave Meilin a reassuring look. If they didn't have a chance at going In, they wouldn't have even bothered to check. Upon the door opening and the warm aroma greeted them, Karma couldn't help but feel like she just entered an entirely different place than the colder fortress and forest she had spent her time in for the past couple of days. Seeing Lord Blackroot, sitting with a mug in his hand, gesture to bring them to him, Karma made sure to walk behind Meilin, wanting her to approach the Lord first, as she felt that if he was approached in Chonobi first it would leave a better impression on the man.

Wait, Lord Blackroot was here? Meilin cringed mentally as she even couldn't appreciate the much warmer atmosphere that they were present in. Being guided towards the throne upon where Knvell Blackroot was waiting for them Meilin noticed that Karma was behind her. For a moment Meilin wanted to rather hide behind Karma, but she wouldn't. It wouldn't do them much good if they would reveal that they were either scared or distrusting their host and his people.
Approaching the lord of the Blackroots, Meilin would look up to the man from her place.
"Greetings, Lord Blackroot. I hope that we aren't too early or disturbing you but we were hoping to talk to you. Just us two," Meilin said in Chonobi with trying to make herself sound confident.

Watching them approach him, the group of guards around the platform would allow the two unarmed kunoichi to approach closer. Knvell rubbed his beard with his free hand while eyeing the two. "Disturbing wouldn't be a word that I would use, no but I had expected that you and those other two would meet with the Seer," the man grumbled with his voice still audible enough for both Meilin and Karma. Surprisingly enough he didn't reply in Chonobi. "You both should now, however, drink with me. I have heard some things about a certain Cho that requested one of my captains to join their mission to get rid of some... local plagues."
Following the words of the lord the two kunoichi would be approached by a man who held up two mugs with ale. Knvell would raise his mug for a moment, waiting clearly for them to join him.

As they reached Lord Blackroot, and Meilin spoke to him in Chonobi, Karma waited. The guards she saw on the way were certainly in a good mood. That was a very nice change, compared to what she has seen before. When she heard Lord Blackroot's voice, she turned around with slight surprise upon realizing he was speaking in common language, not in Chonobi. Hearing him say they should drink with them and a man come with two more mugs to serve them, Karma accepted one of the mugs and moved to stand alongside Meilin.

"I'm honored that you let us drink with you, and speak in the language I can understand. Thank you." Karma said with a slight smile while also examining her mug. It was a very decent sized mug, and smelled like something very strong inside it. Looking back at Lord Blackroot, she gave him a firm look that showed much more respect towards the man than before. Someone so high ranking who was willing to speak a common tongue for a stranger to understand, that was a man worth honoring. She rose her mug in a manner similar to Lord Blackroot's.

Surprised at the answer of the Lord Blackroot being phrased in common language Meilin was, however, pleasantly surprised. Accepting the mug she would follow the lord's gesture by raising her own mug. She couldn't state that she was an experienced drinker or even confident that she would last long if they would indulge into much drinking but it wasn't respectful to deny the gesture of Knvell.
"That was me indeed, Lord Blackroot," Meilin said, "I suppose you have heard of my reasonings then as well?"

The man scoffed, but there was a ghost of a smile present on his face. Taking a swig of his drink the man would lower his mug and instruct that two chairs should be brought. Returning his attention to Karma and Meilin, Knvell would speak up again. "We respect our guests and even if we don't like it, we try to understand our guests. Unlike what my seer has managed to learn," the man told them, "He is right now speaking with your own captain and other team member. While I can use capable people neither I or my people are that shy or weak that we are desperate for outsiders to just stroll in and consider us..." the man grumbled as he would take another swig while two chairs were brought so that Meilin and Karma could sit at the man's side. "Sit! Drink! I doubt that you will be here long. At least, I won't be here for much longer! More!" Knvell ordered as he would empty drink and raise the emtpy mug to be refilled once more.

Karma took a swig from her mug when Lord Blackroot did, and she felt the drink was certainly strong. Listening to the man, she was slightly surprised he knew exactly what was going on with Kensuke and Sen, but at the same time she figured it made sense. They had ear coms in their use, it was more than likely the Blackroots had their own way of distant communication. Upon seeing the chairs be brought, Karma took her seat and took another swig from her drink.

Hearing his remark about them possibly not being around much longer made her lower her drink a bit. What was occurring in the other meeting? Was Kensuke messing up that big that whatever they do here won't influence their chance of staying? "Lord Blackroot, if it is possible we won't stay here much longer, then perhaps I could suggest we have a toast? In the name of all Blackroots, and the work they perform each day?" She asked, raising her mug alongside her suggestion.

Taking a swig, following in with Karma and Knvell. The drink was quite strong which caused her to feel a warm sensation rushing through her body. She hoped that they wouldn't need to continue to drinking like this or she doubted she would last for long.
With the chairs being brought so that they could sit at the side of Knvell himself, Meilin wavered. It was a gesture of much respect and she didn't feel that they had earned something like that. Yet rejecting it wouldn't bring much good. Settling on the other chair Meilin would take a sip of her drink.
Hearing that Karma wished to toast Meilin would take another sip of her drink. She assumed that Karma tried to just show the given respect back and wouldn't say much to disturb that. Her only worry was, however, the same as Karma's. If a decision was already made and the man was aware of where Kensuke and Sen were then done that mean that he had messed it up again? Feeling the anger boiling up, Meilin would empty her drink and raise her mug slightly.

A content grumble escaped Knvell as he heard what Karma stated. As his mug would be refilled the man would grumble something to the man who refilled his mug. The man would raise his voice and state something in Chonobi. It caused a brief moment in which the volume of the people in the hall to lower and erupt in a short cheer as mugs were raised in the air and the feast would continue. Taking a swig of his drink, Knvell would lean back in his seat. "I will grant you two a chance. Tomorrow a new troop will be dispatched to investigate some activities north from here. I am not really content on what my seer is informing me about the entire troop you all came with," Knvell would tell them with a stricter tone than before. While he continued the mug of Meilin would be refilled. "I will let you two make the decision if it is just you two or if you risk the other two to be given a chance. I don't know them as well as you two do and will thus refrain from taking a stricter approach."

Seeing Lord Blackroot grumble something to the man, Karma wondered briefly before the cheer across the room would catch her off guard. She smiled a much wider smile as she figured her suggestion was accepted. Taking a final swig from her drink after the others in the room, she looked at Knvell and listened to what he now had to say. Upon hearing his words, Karma made sure her expression would be one which should she is honored by his words, while inside she was happy for Meilin. They managed to accomplish what Meilin aimed to do.

When the other half of their team was mentioned, Karma looked briefly at Meilin. She was certain her teammate would not want them to join "I personally do not think our teammates could contribute much, but I will allow Meilin to have the final say, as she was the one who made the most effort in this." She said, turning to look at her.

Watching and hearing the entire hall release a cheer made Meilin smile, again. She wasn't sure if they were making much progress and was somewhat too afraid to ask if they could join the Blackroots in combating the Zealots and thus being able to pursue her goal. As her mug would be refilled she already was mentally bracing herself to be told that she would be escorted out of the Blackroot Vale by sunrise. That this would be likely the last time that she would be in the company of the Blackroots and in one of their halls. Instead, her eyes widened upon hearing the decision of the man.
For a moment the sounds of the surrounding fainted as she realised what just happened. A big smile would start to cover her lips as she could just for at the moment think that she had still a shot at it. Raising her mug before taking a big swig Meilin couldn't help but feel warmer and happier. Almost even forgetting what had occurred before between her and Kensuke.
"Thanks, Lord Blackroot! There is no phrase or word in any language that would be able to..." her cheeks blushed as she lowered her head towards the man. "Thanks."

With Karma mentioning that it was her choice Meilin did think about it. She rather didn't have Kensuke around her but perhaps she should give him another chance? Like how he had gifted her a second chance with the mission in Keishi?
"I will want to talk later with the other half of the team. If the choice is with me then I perhaps want to give them one shot to talk or else we will stay and they will go," Meilin said with a firm tone. She felt quite happy, confident and eager. Taking another swig of her drink she would raise her mug and shouting Karma's previous toast in Chonobi.

Once more the people in the hall would erupt in a cheer. Knvell would chuckle as he shook his head before take another swig of his drink. A satisified burp would be released afterwards. "Very well. I will have a small group at the ready in case that you decide that the other half will be send back. I will also inform my grandson that he should expect you two to meet up with him tomorrow morning. He is somewhere there," Knvell stated as he nodded in front of him, meaning that his grandson was somewhere in the hall, "Now, it is only custom that guests and host share stories. Have I ever told you about how I managed to catch a boar that became one of my best companions?"

Once he had regained his composure their poisonous remarks lost their bite. They glanced off of his personal armour as anything an opponent could say would have, his moment of weakness gone. Yet it had left an impression. When Karma left he said nothing and just watched her go. He considered throwing a tantrum and going after them and played with the possible outcomes of such a course of action to distract himself. When he finally rejected the idea he looked at Sen and raised an eyebrow. It was time.
"Ready to go?"

The girl had dozed off during the verbal sparring match and had woken up to Meilin walking out. Sen would leave her weapons and gear in the room as she gave a nod to her sensei, despite being asleep she could pick up on the tension. The genin gave somewhat of an apologetic smile for missing such an event with her team and then headed towards the door. "I'm sure this won't be as bad as in the other place, now we know who is in charge and can act accordingly," Sen said as she reached for the handle to open the door.

Just when Sen was reaching for the door handle, it would already be opened. The same captain that had led them to the place from their travel of the underground route stood there. Staring for a second at the two, the young man seemed confused about something. "Ah, you're expected," he told them with a polite tone while stepping aside so that they could leave the room. Closing the door behind them he briefly seemed to consider something but wouldn't do anything else but beckoning them to follow him, up the hall - opposite from Meilin and Karma's direction. "It isn't too far from here," the young man told them as he would continue to guide them. They passed various halls and rooms but eventually would approach a room that was guarded by probably two of the largest and meanest looking guards one could imagine. Not paying attention to the heavily armoured and armed men standing guard the young man would open the door for Kensuke and Sen. A nod would signal that they were expected to enter in. The room that they had in front of them wasn't really spacious. It seemed to be a sort of study room, judging by the shelves filled with books and pots, filled with all kind of substances and material. An old man with short grey hair and a beard was sitting at one of the two tables, looking as if he had fallen asleep. Just before either Kensuke or Sen could enter the room a small sparrow would fly inside. Landing on the man's shoulder, it seemed that was enough to cause the senior to get awake. There wasn't any confusion, however, present when the man blinked with his eyes and turned his gaze at Kensuke and Sen.

"Ah yes, Lord Nimatsu and miss Cho," he spoke up without the accent that hinted he wasn't a Blackroot, "I was expecting you. Please, come inside," he gestured them while getting up to make his way to a small round table with a few chairs. "Food will be brought in a bit."

With a solemn nod he followed the man in his footsteps, Sen behind him. They went through winding corridors that reminded him of the fortress that had been his home as a child. The great number of guards was an ever-present sign of the threat outside of the fortress, and one that intruding here would be almost impossible. Eventually their younger guide held a door open instead of gonig ahead in front of them, indicating that they had arrived.

Kensuke stepped inside and found himself in a room that looked more like a library or a laboratory than what he had expected it would be, a dining room. It appeared that this was an informal meeting or a less official one. Or something else, Kensuke added as an afterthought. He didn't claim to understand their customs. Sitting inside a chair, currently asleep, was an older man that resembled Lord Blackroot quite a lot. Or had that been Lord Blackroot after all? Before he could open conversation what he presumed to be a messenger bird flew in and landed on his shoulders, causing the man to wake. The man appeared wholly unsurprised and began speaking to them without any trace of an accent.

"Greetings, ..." Kensuke began in return, raising an eyebrow and bowing his head. "I believe we have not been introduced. Or have we?"

The man would release a chuckle before answering. "Yes and no, Lord Nimatsu," the man answered while taking a seat for himself. The sparrow would stare at the two as the door would be closed behind Sen by the guards. "I fear that it is a bit complicated to explain it all but my... companion here sort of introduced us," the old man said while raising an index finger for the sparrow to hop on. Once the bird had hopped on to the finger, the man would lower his hand so that the avian could hop on to the table. "I almost forgot my manners. It isn't very often that I am... able to speak something else than Chonobi. My name is Yatori Yamanaka. I wouldn't mind to entertain you two with telling how I ended up here or well..." the voice of the man trailed off as he thought about something.

"My full name would technically be Yatori Sarutobi of the Yamanaka lineage and part of the Blackroots. It sure does raise questions but we have more important matters to discuss. Such as," lowering one of his hands Yatori would bring up the scroll that the team had delivered to Lord Blackroot and place it on the table, "Discussing on what you know about these Zealots? Cause that's why you're here, after all," he would tell them. Opening the scroll Yatori would reveal to them that there wasn't anything written on the papryus. It was empty.

The man's explanation could be true. It could be the so-manieth fake. He'd grown wary by now, but he also had no way to prove it or figure out who would be the actual leader. The fact that he had Kensuke's scroll before him convinced him however. Even if he was playing into a local faction's hands, he had to assume they were loyal to Konoha. Unless they were guinea pigs to find out if they weren't. Either way, too late to change things.

Kensuke scoffed at the scroll being empty, and then grew a smile. What a hideous ploy to spread information in secret. Undoubtedly Zakito was giggling right now, somewhere in Konoha.

"All the identity switching is part of the plot?" He asked with an amused tone. Then his face turned serious again. "We have faced these zealots before, in Keishi. They were abducting entire families and trafficking them somewhere. That's about how far we got before we were withdrawn." He said. "They were extremely well-organised and had sources and even men inside the shinobi corps, probably the local officials as well. They also had the aid of some unspecified creatures, capable of shapeshifting. Extremely dangerous, covered in chakra coating that absorbs chakra of all attacks." He said.

"Your 'boggarts' remind me of them. Could be related or even the same thing."

Listening to Kensuke's reply the man became silent. He just nodded now and then - thought it was almost as if he was falling asleep again. With the last comment Yatori clicked his tongue as he shook his head. "It would be a bad thing for a boggart to appear in a city. Though it is already more or less proven that they aren't as fond of us as of these Zealots. I must state that I am worried though," the man said as he threw a look at Sen, "I will not make it a secret of what I can do. With help of my little aid here I have already kept watch and intruded into your memories. I am grateful that you," Yatori switched his attention back at Kensuke, "Are honest with me. Makes it much easier to talk. Though I am glad that I requested this talk cause I fear that you wouldn't be... much of a prefered choice to meet with Lord Knvell. Or any of his kin, but that isn't the point."

The door would open as two women would enter the room with three plates. There was dry bread, some sliced fruit and three mugs as well a vase with water brought in. Waiting for them to deliver the simple food Yatori would wait until the women had left the room before speaking again. "As for the identity switching, I fear that wasn't any part of the plot. I am an adviser and seer to Lord Blackroot. In order to not cause you both to grow asleep, my duty is forth from the first Seer that was invited to stay among the Blackroots. It is a most interesting position," a faint smile crossed the man's lips as he would lift up his mug with both hands. "But now comes the question of what happens next? Your mission is completed and I doubt that Lord Blackroot would be keen on holding you long here as guests."

Sen sat in another chair facing Yatori and listened to their conversation, while keeping a polite smile on her face. She was however confused on one thing. "Forgive me for interupting, but what Zealots?" Sen asked. Making sure to sit up straighter and glancing between Kensuke and Yatori; Sen was beginnig to feel like she was only getting a part of the picture rather than the whole.

Gleamed information from his mind? He was a Yamanaka of course, but the name alone didn't necessarily imply the ability. When Sen asked her question Kensuke rubbed his chin, thinking of an answer. "During the mission before you joined this team we fought religious zealots abducting people, as I've explained. They seem to be a rising threat, but I'd like you to keep that to yourself for now." He quickly explained. Then he turned to Yatori.

"Given that we have managed to slay one of these things resembling boggarts mid-transformation with a ninkenjutsu attack, our secondary objective was to offer our help. If, Lord Blackroot would accept it of course. My superiors believe that if we work together in the field our combined experience may facilitate further discoveries concerning their nature and weaknesses." He told the seer.

Taking a sip of his drink the old man would allow Kensuke to answer the question. The bird chirped three times causing Yatori to glance at the avian. "I think that you're quite wrong, Lord Nimatsu. That wasn't a boggart," the old man replied as he would lift his gaze up and frowned slightly for a moment. A pause followed his comment as he seemed to consider how he would explain it all. "If I manage to see it correctly from your... past viewpoint then you faced something else. Boggarts are... native to these woods and hills. That what you killed wasn't one. Believe me," the old man chuckled but would quickly afterwards end up in a coughing fit. "If you met a boggart in a small, cramped space then I doubt you would compare them to anything really. Ah," the man smiled as he seemed to stare absently at Kensuke.

"Don't mind me snooping a bit around. Was wondering what Konoha was like. It seems so peaceful. Warm. Welcoming," the man mumbled softly as he would settle his gaze for a second on Sen. Looking at the Cho for a long moment he would nod before speaking again. "Shame that I am not able to yet read the entire of your team. But back to business. I will try to stop reading you both now. It is a bad habit of mine but I hope you understand that it is quite tempting to do so." A smile crossed the man's lips once more before he would continue. "The problem that is present is that you seem to be incompetent treating with the Blackroots. Somebody who can fight well could be used, there is no point in denying that fact but I am not so certain if you would be a good asset with your team. That is," the man continued on a polite tone, "If you still can hold your team together at this point." Ending his answer Yatori would take another sip of his drink.

Looking at the man over his nose Kensuke sighed and let go of his frown. "That would be appreciated." He said in response to the man when he announced he'd stop reading their minds. As the man went on with the same smug politeness about the cohesion of Team 7 Kensuke was master enough of himself to not blush. "As you say." Was all he said.

"Is there anything else you wish to know that you haven't already spied from our memories? He then asked.

She waited for Kensuke to finish what he was saying before she would speak up. "Konoha is as you have said, I hope you get to experience it for yourself," Sen said warmly. The girl felt a little exposed at his intrigues into their minds but if that made him more comfortable to share what he knew then it was slightly more acceptable. The remark on their teams current status made her eyes widen enough to show shock, for a moment she wondered how he knew but then realized how. Recovering, she looked to Yatori with that polite smile she had once displayed.

Lowering his mug Yatori would think about the question of Kensuke. "Not really. I am just curious to what I can delve and discover more on my own. It is a bit sad that chance is big that you tomorrow will be send back, but nobody can risk it that you will insult anybody with your... manners," the man said in the genuine tone and manner he kept talking in, "Which is a shame." As Sen spoke up and mentioned that she was hoping that he would get to experience Konoha himself the man would snicker for a moment. "I doubt that I will be able to travel that far. That and I have found my place here. If I perhaps had managed to learn how Konoha was I would be more tempted to make the journey. But thanks, child." Flashing a smile Yatori would take another sip of his drink.

"In a moment you'll learn if you can or can't stay. I won't continue to read your minds and memory but I would love to hear more about Konohagakure. We don't get much travellers, you see."

Sen nodded in response to what Yatori said, glad that he was able to find some hope in going to Konoha. "If you don't mind me asking, but if you could share the Blackroots mannerisms and customs we might be less of a risk of insulting anyone here. There are few sources of information to go on about the Blackroots and hearing first hand is often more true than other sources," Sen said. She thought back to her first mission that had taken her around Konoha, picking out what was acceptable to share and then taking a small sip of the beverage. "Konoha is… filled with a variety of people with different trades. Of course, there are the merchants who would talk your ear off to get you to purchase their crafts. It is quite a colorful place," she said in hopes that by sharing he would want to share as well.

The question was met with Yatori slightly shaking his head. "I wouldn't mind trying, but we would be here for hours. At least, I assume that you hold a small advantage with being able to speak and understand Chonobi, miss Cho. Yet you both need to be really willing to try to understand the Blackroot instead of writing them off as being complicated," the man continued. He didn't seem at all offended, however. "The best advice I can give you is that they are humans too. With their own source of pride, happiness and emotions. If you wish to understand them better then I can only advise trying your own hand without any prejudice." A pause followed the man's words as he thought about something. "I understand that this might sound easy for me as I have grown up among the Blackroots and know how they can be. Some of them have a temper while others are more tolerant towards those who aren't used to them. Much as I figure Konohagakure would be filled with people of different cultures. Do I assume that correctly?"

"Yes sir, myself and one of my teammates are at a slight advantage because we share in being able to speak and understand Chonobi. Unfortunately, we might have left Lord Blackroot feeling insulted and disrespected when we first met," Sen said in earnest. Their slight advantage might be over powered by their first impression and she wished to change that. "You do assume correctly, there are a variety of clans that reside in Konoha. The Cho, Sarutobi, Hon, Uchiha, Hyuuga, Yamanaka and I'm sure much more I haven't the pleasure of learning about. How did one such as yourself find a place among the Blackroots? Must have taken a great deal of patience and having an open mind to their culture to be accepted."

"Lord Blackroot was quite... discontent, hehehe," the man chuckled as he couldn't help but find it funny. "I am sure now that none of you had any ill-intention or desire to cause him to grow moody. The man has a fierce temper, but he knows what is good for his people. Not to worry, though. Lord Blackroot might consider second chances to be a thing granted to people outside his own clan," the man said. He then seemed to be drifting off in his own memories for a moment due to Sen's question. "Ah, my place among the Blackroots. For a start, I was born in the capital of the Blackroots, which is named the same as the region. My father was born among them and so has his father. Can't honestly recall where it first started when the first Seer was invited a place among the Blackroots. I guess it was, at first, just temporary and then a permanent place was offered. As for patience," Yatori couldn't help but softly laugh for a moment, "I suppose I am a patient man. Some of the Blackroots tend to hold a temper as I stated before. But they mean it quite well. But," he said while slightly raising his mug again to near his lips, "What about yourself? If I had read it correctly, the other miss Cho wasn't happy with certain comments and statements of Lord Nimatsu. May I ask how you would perhaps try to attend to the situation at hand if you could do something about it?"

She had always been one that found learning to be quite enjoyable and beneficial, so she allowed herself to portray some awe in her expression. Intrigued by the man's ancestry and history with the Blackroots the girl would smile more genuinely and take a sip from the mug. "I am quite glad that you are a patient man else wise you might have sent us back to the room with our heads low," Sen said a little lightly. "I do imagine that everyone has a temper if someone were to say all the wrong things and act so rudely towards them. I am new to the team and have not had much experience with either Kensuke or Meilin… but, I think if it were me I would have been more patient and taken care to portray that I am trustworthy so that my teammates feel more at ease around me. Meilin is guarded and seems uninterested in being apart of the team but that might be due to us not showing interest in her which is our fault. I might also try to find some sort of connection with my team to make myself relatable, but that is all I can think to do with my experience with this team thus far," she stated.

"I could still do so, but it is quite refreshing to not speak in Chonobi. But I don't enjoy sending people away. Certainly when I can try to learn from them," Yatori replied, "Aha," he further mumbled as Sen continued with her answer. He considered her answer for a moment before replying back, "That does sounds problematic, indeed," Yatori pondered about something, "Well, there is still time. A friendly and patient approach usually seems to work with most people. Sometimes people just need time and space to adjust in order to feel comfortable, but that might just be age talking." The man said, his tone changing to a light hearted one at the end of the sentence. "Is there perhaps anything you wish to ask about boggarts? I assume that they don't seem to appear elsewhere. Then again, I haven't been able to throughly read both your memories and experiences."

Nodding her head in response to what he said, she was glad he didn't enjoy it as it made their conversation much easier. She took his advice on their time to heart and would simply allow Meilin to adjust to their team on her own terms. [color]"I do believe that with age comes wisdom and a great many discoveries. Have you ever considered writing down what you gleam from others minds? Keeping records and writing your own tale seems like something you might enjoy if you don't get many travelers,"[/color] Sen said. It was her own personal ambition to contribute to her clans library one day with all her experience and adventures. "Hmm, is there any attack that does work against them? Where do you believe they come from?"

Yatori chuckled at the comment of age coming with wisdom. "Now and then, yes. As for keeping records and writings, I doubt, however, if there is anybody willing to read my story. It isn't one that I think will bring more joy into the world. You're free to share it and spread it, but I find other matters more interesting than my life." The man then listened to her questions regarding the boggarts on what attack worked against them and where he believed they come from. "I am not a warrior, miss Cho. There have been various reports and statements made by various Blackroots on taking down a boggart or more. I suppose that the best strategy is to run away and don't use any chakra. They tend to go into a beserking rage when somebody uses ninjutsu around them. They are hulking and cumbersome beasts and can only sprint for a short distance before getting fatigued," pausing for a second so that his words could sink in Yatori would continue, "As for what I believe where they come from? Hmmm, not sure. The older and more dangerous boggarts seem keen on wandering, patrolling even, some of the darker and more obscure parts of the region. The Blackroots have their own tale on the origin of the boggarts. They claim that boggarts are the damned souls of old. Perhaps even those who constructed the underground tombs and passages that can be found in the region. Those who weren't able to pass on to the hall of Lord Akumu to receive judgement. Some stories even depict them as escaped convicts and guards of the Black Picts. Now doomed to wander the world of the living, seeking to feed themselves, but unable to do that well. For they don't belong in the world of the living and thus that is the explination why their vision is troubled. Making them suffer a constant hunger and always close to starvation."

Getting up from his seat Yatori would walk to one of the shelves filled with books. Picking out a small dark leather book Yatori would walk back to the table. "Ah, here it is. It is written in Chonobi by a seer long before my grandfather's grandfather. It is stated that the boggarts don't see the world with their eyes such as we do. They are constantly plagued with seeing and viewing the world in a way we wouldn't understand nor wish to. They see swirling forms of chakra and are considered thus to rely on their other senses to try to catch their prey. Only small critters don't have enough chakra to attract much attention for a boggart. A human, however," Yatori looked up to Kensuke and Sen, "Usually tends to have plenty chakra to make them sweetmeats for boggarts. Certainly when chakra is being moulded and used the boggart will start to use their own ability to inspire dread and fear into their foes to create a chance to closer in an attempt to silence their hunger and greed. With their great strenght and endurance they are tough foes who can seem to shake off many attacks while the pressure that they seem to exert will only grow worse. The Blackroots do claim that the most fearsome ability of the boggarts is that they do devour the soul of their victims, denying them passage to the hall of Lord Akumu and doom possibly others into becoming boggarts if enough time is given. There have been various attempts made to hide from boggarts, such as hidding your chakra. Which hasn't worked for they can still detect the fluxations of chakra and will still be drawn to the person who attempts such a move."

Waiting a moment to let this sink in Yatori would close the small book and throw a look at both of them. "There have been various occassions that we did, however, found a torn apart body of a boggart. Likely young ones that were victim to a pack of direwolves or something worse. If you are allowed to stay and desire to help the Blackroots against those... Zealots, then you have more to fear than just boggarts, dire wolves and hostile men."

When the man began making jabs at his abilities as a team leader Kensuke didn't feel the need to reply to them. The man could read his mind if he wanted to know what he thought about it. Instead, he just listened, for the other man clearly liked to hear his own voice. Perhaps his appointment as a seer amongst a people that would never quite be his own was a lonely one? The man's story intruiged him, and as the man continued chatting with Sen Kensuke thought and thought. And he might've eaten an apple. Or even two. As soon as he remembered he had his own way to read people he tried using his dojutsu to figure out the seer's composure, but ultimately learned little more than he already knew. He was having a friendly, relaxed conversation. Alternatively, the man read Kensuke's mind and figured out beforehand that he had this ability, taking steps to protect himself from it, somehow.

When the man began speaking of the boggarts Kensuke's attention sharpened visibly, and he did not care to show as much. He needed the information. The more he learned of the boggarts the more he recognised similarities between them and the things he'd fought. But the longer he listened the more it became obvious Yatori was right. The boggarts were not intelligent enough. The boggarts also did not seem to have any shapeshifting abilities, nor one to read the mind upon touch. When the man came to a conclusion in his monologue, a disconcerting thought spawned from the description he was given and the memory of a certain dark mission not too long ago.

"If you read my mind right now I insist that you forget what you see. You know everything I know about these creatures my team encountered in Keishi at this point. Are there any chances this might be a ... derivative of the boggarts? They share too many abilities to be a mere coincidence." Kensuke asked with a sharp tone, trying to remember more of the things he had seen in that underground laboratory.

The man looked with a surprised expression as Kensuke began to speak. "I can't lie that it is tempting to still try to read the minds of both you and miss Cho, Lord Nimatsu," Yatori said on a tone was still polite, but he seemed genuinely surprised that the Nimatsu was considering him to continue that. "But I already stopped that when I told you both that I wouldn't indulge further. In my vocation information is very valuable. In a much different light than it is for you both, of course, but can't just upset people with my abilities. Wouldn't rather upset anybody," Yatori replied back. The question of Kensuke made him frown and think for a moment. "So far that I am aware off there aren't any derivations walking around. Then again, we aren't very certain and knowledgable about boggarts. We still don't know how they reproduce and other vital information to understand them better. If you would be willing to share some information then I may perhaps try to see if there is any relation between what you can consider a derivation of a boggart."

Kensuke considered sharing the information, he really did. It was top-secret information from a highly-dangerous mission, and it most definitely was a risk to tell this seer whose job was information. "I cannot give you details. Given the nature of your tasks I have no doubt you'll figure out why." He said. He looked at Sen for a long moment and then sighed. Trust went both ways. "Could you give me your guesses on the possibility that my creature is related to your boggart, if theoretically it were possible for someone to ... mix traits from beings. Like humans and boggarts for example." He then said.

Yatori waited, clearly patient, thus allowing Kensuke to consider the suggestion. The answer didn't do anything but make the old man seem a bit saddened. "I understand your decision, Lord Nimatsu. Everybody is, after all, entitled to their secrets. A phrase my father was quite fond of using to remind me." The last comment of Kensuke made Yatori once more ponder, however. He would get up and place the previous book he had picked out of his shelves back. Searching for something the man was mumbling some words underneath his breath. The serious expression and frown made him look troubled the more he thought and considered it a possible theory. "A boggart and man. I rather not consider it anywhere possible," Yatori muttered, audible enough for Kensuke and Sen, "Mixing traits... Mixing traits..."

Searching for a few minutes the man would join the two once more at the table, but no book drawn from his shelves. "I would say that would be quite unlikely. The mere thought of somebody able to tame a boggart is both unwise and unlikely, so the idea of mixing traits of humans and those creatures is something I deem unlikely as well. Then again," Yatori couldn't stop frowning as he tried to delve for an answer in his own memory and knowledge of the dangerous creatures, "There might be matters that we haven't yet discovered. If there is, however, a way that boggarts and humans can be... mixed," the tone had shifted to one that made it evident that the mere thought was disgusting and repulsive for Yatori, "Then that knowledge and manners of how to make that happen must be destroyed. Still, very unlikely. Could you perhaps describe more about your creature?"

He'd just have to get over it. Secrets existed for a reason, especially when the secret was not even his own. The seer seemed to take his words seriously though and after a brief period during which he searched some books he returned, appearing slightly less upset than when the meaning of his words had struck. Kensuke agreed wholeheartedly that this knowledge should not be kept, but there was little they could do about that. When Yatori asked a more detailed description of the creatures he'd fought Kensuke groaned in frustration. The best way to tell him would be to... "Can you get in my head? The best way to explain to you is if you look at the memories specifically. There aren't many, but take a good clear look, I'll help in any way I can." He said, his expression making clear how much he objected to the idea. He took a deep breath, closed his eyes and looked at the man with a concentrated gaze.

"Don't trail in my thoughts."

A faint smile appeared on Yatori's lips. "That would help. I must add that I can't really seperate thoughts at the memories' time. Those are stuck together, in a way. But just focus on remembering the time and place that you encountered your creature and I will do my part," the seer instructed. He would wait for a moment before his facial expression shifted a bit. He seemed at first intrigued, curious and wary. As the seconds ticked past the man frowned more and more. "Dear gods..." the man mumbled, the frowned expression turning into one of pure disgust as he would try to continue.

"That was certainly not anything like a boggart," the man muttered as he would lower his head for a moment, using his right hand as support. Silence followed his statement before he would continue. "No, that was something else. Boggarts aren't capable of such feats. Or are they?" Confused the man wanted to get up as he already threw a look at his collection of books, scrolls and tomes. Information that had likely been preserved and built upon by his predecessors. A source of pride, joy as safety for the seer. Unable to help him at the moment. "No, what that seemed to be was a leech. It has to be," getting up once more from his place the man seemed more fragile - as if the memory had aged him much more than it already had. Walking to one of the shelves he started to search for something in what could be describe as a hasty, worried and almost frightened manner.

Walking back to the table he brought a book with him. Opening it the man showed another expression of disgust as he would start to search for what he wanted to read again. "Leechers. That is what you likely encountered. But leeches aren't immune to... how..." Yatori seemed lost and frightened as he would throw a look at Kensuke. As if the jounin could provide him with the answers he wanted to know now. Yatori would turn once more to his book, searching for information while already sharing what he could about leeches, "My best guess is that you encountered a leech at the time. Vile, dreadful people who have the natural ability to absorb the chakra of others upon touch to make it their own. Murderers, liars and pale skinned men and women. It is said that they have... urges. While they are still humans, they will be doomed to feel urges they can't control to draw chakra from other creatures. Dreadful encounters, though few in number, have been reported. Ah!"

The man seemed excited for a moment as he placed his right indexfinger on a part of text. "Around two hundred years ago there was a man named Vifil. He had a normal childhood, but had anger issues. Often got into trouble with other people and seemed just incapable at times to control his temper that it eventually led to the murder of his father and a sister. Upon inspection of the murder it turned out that the chakra from the victims was missing. Something that caused confusion as their bodies hadn't even cooled down. A search happened and upon finding Vifil, the struggle was described as morbid. Upon physical touch the culprit was capable of absorbing and weakening the strength of those who were sent to chase and bring him back. Five men died eventually before Vifil was taken down by three arrows at the chest."

Tapping once more on the page Yatori looked up. "Vifil is a known case of a leecher. The chance that a leecher is born is small but they are a grave danger for everybody and even for themselves. The only problem is that what you showed me didn't seem to entirely match that of Vifils. There isn't much known about other leechers cases, but I imagine that there must be more cases that are noted and recorded about them. Very disturbing indeed! "

Kensuke observed the man's distress with a pang of regret. Perhaps he should have said something about the memories coming from a life and death encounter where he cut down multiple individuals. He did not dare interfere however, for it looked like the man was on to something. He seemed to be able to rule out any involvement of the boggarts relatively quickly, but then went off on a tangent. Silently waiting until the man would figure out what exactly he was trying to find or remember, when the answer finally came it was far from what he had feared it would be. It also surprised him that it appeared to be a monstrosity of some old tale, if Yatori was indeed correct.

"Thank you for your time." Kensuke said with newfound appreciation for the man and bowed politely. "If I had a way of contacting you I would keep you up to date with future developments I make on this topic. The zealots have been confirmed working together with these 'leeches', so your friends might encounter these too out there." He said. "Now, I have given you a lot to think on and I do not wish to outstay my welcome. I shall be awaiting your lord's decision in my chambers." He said and got up, bowing once more and heading for the door.

"Thank you both for spending some time with me. It was most interesting, yes interesting," Yatori replied, managing to find back his polite tone. "I will warn Lord Blackroot of what I learned today. But I will advise you on future encounters with leeches. It might be best to rest out for whatever my lord will decide, tomorrow will be a long day. I think no seer is needed to predict that. Perhaps..." Yatori got up as he would pick up his book. It was clear that he was already back in thoughts, muttering softly, as he was looking through his collection for any possible answers. Clearly distracted with his newfound curiousity to figure out what Kensuke had just 'shared' with him.

The girl listened carefully to everything they said, noting the history and encounters of the boggarts. She also noted the leeches he spoke about, and sitting back further in the chair. Sen took notice of Yatori's distress and worry over what he found out through them and as Kensuke got up to leave. "Thank you for your time," Sen said and followed Kensuke to the door.

It'd been at least an hour or more since they had gotten back from their discussion with Yatori when Kensuke heard a sound at the door. Turning around from the desk where he had been working on something with fire chakra should they encounter another of the boggarts he turned to see whether it was the girls or a Blackroot messenger bringing more news.

After a brief knock at the door, Karma opened it and saw Kensuke and Sen. She walked inside, taking slightly slower steps than usual and gave them both a nod with her head "Kensuke, Sen." She called to them in a calm but clear manner, to make sure Meilin heard her and knew they were already in the room. Walking to her bed and sitting on it, she placed her Naginata on its side "Have you already finished your talk with the Seer? Deliver the scroll from the Jounin-Commander?" She asked briefly. The only thing she knew was that the Seer was talking to them. Following that and sharing stories, Karma hasn't heard anything regarding them. Removing her footwear, Karma looked in Meilin's direction, wondering how her teammate was going to decide on what she needed to decide, and if she should've shared the burden of the decision instead of letting her carry it alone.

Meilin would follow Karma, closing the door behind her. There was a light red tint on her cheeks, likely accompanied by the aroma of the ale that she and Karma had enjoyed with the food that they had eaten. While it had been a most pleasant and fun experience Meilin's frustration and anger quickly shoved away the previous pleasant mood she had been in with entering the room. A blank expression was shown as she walked towards her bed. She would start to unsheath her own weapons once more and place them on her bed. Deciding to just consider and weight her words, the teen also decided that she would just see if the Nimatsu or Sen was willing to make a step first.

Both girls entered the room as if they lived here and were just coming back from a girl's night out. It was so unexpected that Kensuke just watched for a moment, a single eyebrow raised to express complete and total surprise. Then Karma spoke up, another surprise. Usually she followed others instead of doing things herself. He had calmed over the past hours. Steeled himself. Thought of reprimanding speeches. But most of all he had thought about what went wrong, and what he could do to improve things. His conclusions, if they made any sense at all, were sobering.

"Yes, we have completed our mission. Might I ask what you two have been up to?" He asked on a completely neutral tone. Watching them as they went, his dojutsu informed him of several cues he was not entirely capable of placing correctly. Were they drugged in some way?

Sen turned her attention to her teammate as they walked into the room. "Nice to see you two again. We were able to get some information about the boggarts from the Seer so that we are more prepared next time we see one," Sen said. She wasn't sure where they had gotten off too or if they had found anything I'd use to them in that time but that wasn't a reason to withhold information. Sen sighed and closed her eyes as she laid back on the bed, conversing wasn't all that tiring but she felt a little drained nonetheless.

They completed the mission and gained information regarding the boggarts. That was something, Karma thought to herself, and pondered if she should let them know what really occurred. Thinking about Meilin, she decided she will tell them most of what happened "We went to the hall where the Blackroots were now drinking and enjoying themselves. We decided to try and see if we can connect to them further. We ended up having a few drinks and a nice time with them, so I think it is safe to say we managed to connect with the on some level." She said. She had no intention of apologizing for missing the meeting with the Seer, which Kensuke appeared to not even realize that they knew despite the fact it was previously stated they were supposed to meet Lord Blackroot over there.

The question of Kensuke instantly brought up a sneer on the tip of Meilin's tongue. She decided against to just shoot it into the jounin's direction, knowing that she shouldn't give into her frustration and disdain for the man's previous behaviour and attitude. Continuing her almost-ritual manner of unsheathing her weapons Meilin would listen to what was being said. It occured to her that Kensuke didn't even question how Karma knew that they that they had met the seer. Was he perhaps stuck in a thick-headed due to some random reason? Her disappointment only grew but she still remained silent.
Sen's question caused Meilin to consider something. There was a sarcastic reply at the ready - likely being conjured by her negative emotions swelling - that she and Kensuke perhaps wouldn't even need to meet, let alone combat, a boggart. Instead, however, Meilin would keep herself silent as she decided to let Karma answer first.
Hearing the answer of Karma, Meilin decided to wait a bit longer - thus still remaining silent. Kicking her boots off she would get on top of the bed, starting to check her pouches as if the routine was demanding more attention than the ongoing conversation at the moment.

He'd been putting the finishing hand on the thing he'd been making when Karma casually dropped they had in fact just partied all this time. You know, with the Blackroot, these seclusive and dangerous people about whom scary bedtime stories were told. He did not want to show them how relieved he was that they had actually returned or had not run off and done something stupid, but the knowledge that they had been drinking instead was not exactly what he'd been hoping for. On the other hand, at least they'd proven to actual Blackroot members they were trustworthy, funny, or very influencable. He turned his chair around and put away the metal object on the desk and leaned on the backrest, making his flak jacket fall off the side.

"Let me get this straight." He said on the same neutral tone. "You went ahead, walked into his room and had a party with Lord Blackroot?" He continued, tone rising in disbelief and skepticism as he did. "Well, that's not what I expected you would say." He then said with a smile.

"Did you really?" He then asked with a broad grin.

The two had been around the Blackroots and came back seemingly unharmed? Interesting, she thought but it could also be troublesome. In some book she had once borrowed she read that such drinks can make one do unusual things..... Shaking her head, she listened to the rest of what Karma had said and then almost laughing at the disbelief in Kensuke's question. It did seem a bit unbelievable that the Blackroots would share drinks with outsiders. "Wonderful, at least you two can do something with them," Sen said lightly. She might have decided to share her information at the start but now she was more interested in what they learned, if they learned anything from their party.

Staring at Kensuke with the same blank expression, Meilin wouldn't answer right away. With Sen speaking up Meilin would just nod towards the other Cho before settling her gaze back on the jounin.

"In a way, yes," Meilin said with a calm tone while she narrowed her eyes at Kensuke, "And while we drank and spoke to a true leader, he also decided on what will happen with the team."
Letting a pause follow her answer Meilin would revel briefly in that that she was in the position to make the decisions now. A genin commanding a jounin? How many would laugh about this once word would spread out? A commoner commanding a clan leader? She could go on, which she would if it weren't for the fact she wouldn't want to hear anything that could ruin her silent joy.
"His decision is that I have been appointed to decide whatever will happen. You two will either go back to Konohagakure or," her right eyebrow perked up as she would speak in a stricter tone, "You have to follow my rules and commands. Either way, I am going to do what I can to help the Blackroots here and combat the zealots. It is just the question if you can behave and follow. Which means, that I call the shots. I say what will happen regarding this team and I take the lead. Last time in Keishi you already cost me some source of information that could've been used better. This time, you will listen once more or else you can go back to the imperial capital and try to explain why you got send back."

Listening to the way Kensuke and Sen reacted made Karma shake her head slightly. They didn't believe them, and the jokes they made were rather bad. Instead of trying to think of any kind of comeback, she turned to look at Meilin, who quickly gave her own comeback. The way she said it was very strict, but without anything to back her up, she doubted the Jounin and other teammate would believe her. Moving to sit in a more proper manner, she looked at Kensuke "She isn't lying. We were told by Lord Blackroot that you weren't making the best impression on the Seer. I assume you are also well aware they had some kind of communication between them? Lord Blackroot and the Seer?" She asked, her gaze turning sharp.

"You didn't even stop to think about the fact we knew you did not meet with Lord Blackroot, but rather a Seer? The only way we could've known that is if, in fact, we knew exactly where Lord Blackroot actually was. And he was with us, making toasts in honor of the Blackroots and the work they have done." Karma said, her tone starting to reveal that she was irritated at the lack of respect her team leader and teammate showed "So, for once in your life, think Kensuke. We already got Lord Blackroot's word that we can serve alongside them. Do you really want to be escorted out, go back to Konoha and explain why there is only half of your team present?" She finished speaking and kept her eyes on the Jounin, waiting to see what possible comeback he may have.

Kensuke's smile froze on his lips and turned into a blank expression of contained anger. So the cat was out of the bag then. He had missed the remark about them knowing they were talking to the seer given that they straight-up said they'd gone to a party. He should have paid attention to that, but, tired and frustrated as he was, he felt that it was impossible to pay attention at all times. They rubbed in the fact that he had somehow made a bad impression on Lord Blackroot and that he was a bad teamleader for being pushed into difficult circumstances as these, and he let it go past. Somewhere deep inside a dark beast accepted it as fuel for a fire it was building, undermining these same defences. Instead of replying immediately as his frustrations told him, to yell back and to enforce his position, he took a breath and counted to ten.

He then looked at Karma as if dealing with a troublesome child. "Are you done? Good." Then he turned to Meilin again, who was awaiting any sort of response. "And what makes you think you'll do a better job at keeping the four of us safe in these woods than I did? Convince me or find someone who will. Yelling that Lord Blackroot gave you command over this team isn't getting us anywhere."

He opened his mouth, and then closed it again, taking another breath. "If you really think I'm that bad of a leader you don't need to threaten me to leave this team. Fill in a form and hand it over at the Jounin Commander's office, that simple."

The girl sighed, this was turning into a verbal sparring match again. Sadly, she didn't know who to side with and who not to side with. It was clear to her that there was some undesired history between Meilin and Kensuke, which made her question Kensuke as well as Meilin's ability to be in a team setting. Remembering what the Seer had told her about this particular situation, and allowing Meilin time to adjust she would only shrug at what was said. "Maybe, if we all said what our problems were with each other and talk about them we might not be having such issues within our team?" she asked.

Taking a deep breath, she would then turn to Meilin. "I don't have a problem with you being in charge due to your current standing with the Blackroot but you could share ideas with Kensuke, he does have more experience with other matters," Sen said.

It did her some good as she noticed that Kensuke's smile vanished. It wouldn't surprise her if Kensuke was now frustrated, angry or feeling bad in any way. Perhaps he would now go through what she had experienced when he had taken the life of the man that had information she had working towards. The information she could have if he hadn't decided to just go for a killing blow. As Kensuke started to speak up Meilin would just sit on the bed with her back against the wall while her eyebrows slightly perked up, her eyes half closed which made it clear that she wasn't troubled or evident by the words spoken by Kensuke. A soft whisper in the back of her tried to remind her of what Hideki had said about the man, but she decided to ignore it for now. Sen then spoke, but Meilin kept her half-closed eyes locked on Kensuke.
"I am not going to do that. Am glad that you have no problem with me and I don't have one with you, but this is a bit more complicated than just trying to solve with bringing up all the problems. If you want to know what I have planned, because I," a clear emphasis on the last word, "Have indeed thought about how and what's. I am not as experienced as Kensuke but that isn't why I said what I did a moment ago."

She then decided to reply back to Kensuke, her attitude and posture not changing the tone of her voice were calm and as before, on a normal level of volume.
"With that, I listen better. I am not yelling or raising my volume at all," Meilin would say at first, "Second, having you in command so far hasn't gotten us much further at all. The Blackroots led us here. Thirdly, I don't just judge over the Blackroots and just write them off as too complicated nor managing to make myself look like a fool."
Taking a second of pause the teen would continue.
"And, indeed. I don't. Guess that you're, however, missing the entire clue of what I am trying to state. Never said that you were a bad leader. You make rash decisions and have been a pain now and then. Thick-headed and quite bad at making jokes," Meilin's facial expression shifted into one that clearly showed her disdain for a moment, "But I am not going to fill in a form now. I am not going to whine at the Lord Commander or anybody. I am going to finish what I started. Nothing more and nothing less. I thus will say it one more time. You either can join and listen to me or I have to send you back. Alternatively, you can try your luck at Lord Blackroot. A person, whose culture was just rubbed off as complicated by you," Meilin's voice shifted slightly to a lighter tone, "Try to remember that when you're talking to the man, who even after felt insulted tried to honour and respect you as a guest."

Waiting and listening to everything that was being said, she felt slight irritation as the fact Kensuke chose to talk to her as if she was a child. But instead of planning another outburst, she waited patiently, hearing what was being said. While what Sen suggested could prove useful, something told her that in this case it was futile to suggest it, and seeing Meilin's reaction only confirmed it.

She took a deep breath and shook her head slightly "Kensuke, you have moments where you actually think things through, but you have a lot more moments where you just jump into action. It may be a part of your personality, slice first and ask questions later, but this isn't what we need now. We were told by Lord Blackroot that we would be allowed to join them in investigating further. And if I recall correctly, it was you who said that we don't want to be sent away, that we want to help them crush the Zealot cell that operates in the forest. Meilin and I managed to achieve that. We got to have them accept us in further investigations. What Meilin is asking is simply that you follow what she says. If that is too hard for you to handle, then we won't force you to stay. But remember it was you who first told us we should aim to help the Blackroots as much as possible." Karma said, speaking slightly slower while putting emphasis on what he told them at the entrance to the forest.

He patiently listened to what they both had to say, or tried to at least. When Meilin was done speaking he felt like asking why she was so disrespectful towards him when his apparent lack of respect towards the Blackroot was her main issue here. Complicated? Many clans were complicated. Sometimes there just was no shortcut and in this case there wasn't. If anything the fact that Meilin felt the need to state she was not yelling and that his jokes were bad brought a pang of amusement however. When Karma spoke he looked at her with a newfound respect. He had dismissed her points just now, and even now she made wrong conclusions, but she spoke with reason now. And she seemed genuinely trying to fix the situation, unlike Meilin who sounded obsessed with commanding him around. At least he could tell at this point that all she really wanted was to get on with finding the zealots, and her family. If acting behind his back and blackmailing him was part of that, she'd do it.

Suddenly he was back in the Hokage's office, pulling a brave face against a man he respected immensely, declaring he'd rather go rogue than abandon Matsuri. He now understood the difficulties of Hisoka's position more than he ever did. He leaned forwards, elbows propped on his knees and thought. And thought. A long silence fell.

"Very well. I will do as you say." He said with a calm and collected voice, finally giving ground. "My pride is not worth denying you a shot at finding your family. It's my fault in part anyways." He said.

He then got up and walked out the door, stopping at the frame. "Meilin. Let's hope I won't regret this." He said, and went to take a breath of fresh air.

"We all want the same thing here," Sen said once they had all finished talking. Rather or not they all got along wasn't important at the moment. Sen would then get up and stretch, she had been sitting for long periods of time and it was making her a little stiff. The girl didn't need to know what happened with Meilin's family to feel more accepting of Meilin. Losing your family was something that she imagined would bring upon distrust with others and thus would explain some of the tension between them. Sen wouldn't try to pry out information about what happened to her family, she didn't feel the other Cho would appreciate that. Perhaps Kensuke had been too quick to judge Meilin despite the discontent.

As Kensuke walked out of the room, she took a deep breath. "You mentioned the previous mission and losing a source of information. Would information did you get before it was lost? The Seer was almost certain that the creature you guys faced was a leech, something that consumes chakra from others and its possible origin. What are you thinking for a plan?" she asked.

Her attention was still fixated at Kensuke, following him as he would go to the door. His words caused her to narrow her eyes for a moment. She wanted to say something, her lips already parting slightly. Instead, the teen would close her mouth and remain silent for a moment. Letting the man walk out of the room she would just lean with the back of her head against the wall while closing her eyes. Deciding that she could consider this some sort of progress she hadn't expected him to say that it was partly his fault that her family had gone missing. What was really a surprise was that she was somehow bothered that he had admitted that. Somewhere she felt it had been his fault, but knew better. He had done his job and did what he had considered being right as much as she did. It was thus a slight frustration and confusing topic on why she had felt the need to tell him that he hadn't anything to do with that.
Opening her left eye slightly while straightening her neck Meilin threw a glance at Sen. "I guess we do," she said, while she said so in a calm tone it was in her own manner away that she couldn't hide her own surprise and confusion. At least, both Sen and Kensuke had decided to admit to going with the change. It would undoubtedly be something she could get punished for, once back in Konohagakure, but even if it meant she would be dishonourably discharged from service it was more than ever worth the chance.

As Sen inquired about the previous mission Meilin would lean once more with the back of her head against the wall and close her left eye. "Kensuke killed a Zealot that had information on how to uncover the traffic that they were using to transport kidnapped people," Meilin answered, "The... man changed and surprised me and Hideki, but instead of trying to disable our target he went for a killing blow."
The mentioning of a leech caused Meilin to straighten herself and throw a confused look at Sen.
"Leech? I never faced a leech. I doubt that they are even real," she replied, "As for my plan? First step is to take a rest. Tomorrow we will join one of the Blackroot's troop and head out."

"That's because you were already on your own when Hideki, Kensuke and I encountered the Leech. And you can trust me and Hideki, it is very much real. It tracked us down after we uncovered one of their base of operations, the one you've also seen. It attacked us with many more men, not even caring and blowing up the celling of a room in the Keishi Police station to get to us. The leech was disguised as a woman, but what Hideki described to us afterwards," Karma shivered at the mere thought alone. The last thing she wanted to do was encounter that leech again, especially considering how nothing seemed to work against it "According to Hideki, when he looked at it with his Byakugan, it actually had rotten flesh, could absorb any type of chakra based attack, and regenerate at an accelerated rate so that any damage we did was equal to nothing." She finished explaining, putting her hand on her left leg, feeling slight stings as she thought about that leech a bit longer.

"But if you two desire any further explanations of our encounter with her in the last mission, I can give you it after we rest, tomorrow. I think letting the Blackroots hear it too would only be beneficial." She said, moving to lay on her side "Hope you have a decent rest. We will need our strength for tomorrow." Karma said, and with that finished speaking.

Sitting on top of a decorative roof edge Kensuke watched his breath form clouds in the frigid night air. It'd be at least another few minutes before a Blackroot would find him, or so he guessed, and he needed the air to, literally, cool his nerves. In his thoughts he sat around a table with Zakito, Matsuri and Team 4, shrugging at the current situation. Ryo smacked him over the head. Tsubasa explained what he was doing wrong with her trademark calmness, Katsuko played with his knuckle-dusters, pretending not to care. Zakito just sat there like an asshole with that stupid smile on his face, and said something about 'this is what leading a team is like'. More than ever he felt broken however. In a way that he just didn't seem to function socially. Matsuri gave him a hopeful smile and he cut his imagined conversation at that point. He didn't need to relive them all disappearing again. As he did however a man stood in the doorway of the place he'd thought about meeting his team. His father, with his usual disdainful frown.

Kensuke spat and went back to the room.
Meilin Cho
Genin of Konoha Team 7/ Team Meilin,
Konohagakure, in the Blackroot Vale, exact location not certain.

Peaceful rest.

With the team agreeing that she would take the lead Meilin would first attend to her gear. It was perhaps because she was slightly nervous. Not to lead them. What would she do to lead them other than to make it clear what the Blackroot would order them tomorrow and possibly the time that they would be working with them? She wasn't afraid that Kensuke or the others wouldn't follow her. For all she cared, honestly, they could decide in the morning to be escorted outside of the woods. It was only crucial for her goal to make it happen that she could stay longer in the Blackroot Vale. It could very well be the last shot that she had at rescuing her own family. The mere thought of wasting this chance already caused a cold shiver to run down her spine.
Trying to calm herself a bit down Meilin would count the shuriken, kunai and other tools she had with her. Her pouches and weapons had been checked four times by now, but wasn't the saying that a prepared person counted for three? Was more encouraging, at least, than the doubts and fears she got in the back of her mind by just glancing at her team. Considering Kensuke's words of earlier, perhaps she should try to be assigned to another team? Wasn't like she had any kind of connection or sense of camaraderie going on with the team. Kensuke probably was getting done with her usurpation and own will. She had nothing with Sen and Karma? She had made it clear she only wanted to help for feeling guilty.

Or was it perhaps just pity?

Glancing down at her arranged pouches Meilin narrowed her eyes slightly. She didn't need anybody's pity. It wouldn't give her family back or help her get them back. If anything, it just made her angry by the mere thought of being pitied. Making ready to just head into bed Meilin felt suddenly alone. Just laying on her side she half closed her eyes, listening to the breathing of the team.
For a moment she wondered how her father and other siblings were feeling. They were still alive, there was no way she would acknowledge that they weren't until giving them a final rite. No way she was giving up on her goal just because it wouldn't be easy to achieve it. Or because others didn't consider it wise. In the dark, the eyes of Meilin would glance at the team.
What did they know of her loss anyways? One of them was a clan leader, so he probably had everything he wanted. And the other two probably still had their families, so they had nothing to say.
There was a certain temptation growing that she wanted to just sneer and curse at them, but even as she wanted her eyelids started to become heavier. Slowly Meilin would fall asleep.

The evening before Team 7 went on the mission.
Some help from Gerontis.

Summary :
How Meilin got 'Light of Dawn'.​

The 'training' with Jin had proven to be most... interesting. The man had taught her some more about the Uchiha clan. Not that she hadn't been interested but it was just that she had rather not gone to the compound of the Uchiha clan. The meeting with Shozo Uchiha hadn't really made her eager to pay the clan's compound a visit. But Jin did have a point, she couldn't deny that. It was fundamental to understand a clan's culture and history. More than it was taught at the Academy. It wouldn't just be somewhat useful in some combative situations, but also trying to interact with them. But did that mean Jin would also wish to teach her about all the other clans? The thought wasn't an entertaining one. It was a bothersome one, she thought with a frustrated expression. How many did try to understand the Cho clan?

"If everybody had that attitude, then our clan would have never been able to reach their current status. Sometimes it is quite beneficial to be understanding instead of having a judgment at the ready, child."

Opening the door of her room in Azumi, Meilin scoffed lightly. It annoyed her that he kept calling and referring to a child. Also that he had always a good point. Closing the door behind her, Meilin let out a sigh. Perhaps it would be good to listen to the man? He seemed to, at least, know what he was talking about. She had to grant him that.


With the sky turning darker, heralding the coming of the night approaching at a rapid pace, Meilin noticed something on her bed. Snapping her fingers near a candle the young woman would ignite the candle. With light being brought into the room she stared at a sheath of a sword. One longer than the sword she was used using. Taking a step towards the sheathed blade she recognised some motives of wolves and signs. Picking the weapon up she wasn't sure who had left this her. Or why.

Slowly unsheathing the sword she stared at the steel in the light of the candle behind her. Turning to get a better view of the weapon it was even for her easy to recognise the quality the weapon had. There was a word engraved just above the guard. It was in Chonobi, the word courage.

"Hope you like it."

Hearing the voice caused Meilin to turn towards the door, spotting Koike leaning against the doorpost. She blinked rapidly, first at Koike and then shifting her gaze to the blade. Only to return it back to Koike as she frowned. The question of why was at the tip of her tongue, but it wouldn't leave her mouth.

"I heard from Hayate that you refused him to forge you a blade yet. Don't know how much you have interacted with the captain-commander but he has a certain... dislike when people he deems having the potential not allowing him to help. Or when people want to pay him a proper price for his wares," Koike said, an amused tone in his voice as he looked at the longsword she was holding. "How is it? It is the same length as the training swords we use. Bit lighter, though."

Hayate had crafted this weapon? It would explain the quality, but did he know Chonobi? She wasn't sure what to think or suspect now as a light reddish tint crept on her cheeks.
"I-It isn't too heavy, no," she replied, "I really like it. But," sheathing the sword she shook her head. Turning towards Koike she held the sheathed weapon up towards him.
"This is too much, please. I can't accept this."

Frowning Koike didn't seem to plan to take the weapon back. His arms stayed crossed out front of his chest. "No," was the first word that left his lips. He now could imagine how Hayate probably felt several times. Not that he would change his opinion on the whole matter that he could just accept the tools, weapons or armour from Hayate. "I will be frank with you but I don't have many students. I have trained with somebody that I consider one of the very best. She gave me the knowledge and allowed me to gain experiences during a mission on how to become a capable shinobi. Yet," he continued, "I don't consider myself done with learning. While I have trained and worked with a small group of exceptional people, I have some way to go before I consider myself more or less done. Training you has been quite interesting and educative for me," a small pause followed as he wasn't sure if he was phrasing it all correctly, "So seeing that you're one of my first students I want to be certain that you have something to keep gaining experience with. Know for a fact that you're going on a mission tomorrow. Perks for the higher up in command of the Guardians," a small grin flowed on his lips, "Able to schedule trainings much easier. So yeah, you can keep it."

She was speechless. Staring once more down at the sheathed blade she wasn't sure what to do or say anymore. A thank you, just seemed hallow of how happy she was with being acknowledged as a student. Biting her lower lip she tried to fight back the tears. She wasn't sure what it caused. Actually, no, she was damn sure where the emotions were coming from. She just didn't want to acknowledge that it felt really good that somebody was genuinely happy with having her as a student. Her and not one of her siblings. Raising her right hand to rub her eyes quickly she tried to speak up.
"S-Sorry, something in my eyes. Need to clean up my room tomorrow... or well, once I get back, heh."

"Odd. This part of the rooms in this wing should've been cleaned today," Koike answered, clearly amused. He wouldn't question or talk about the tears she shed. Somehow it felt good to see that she was happy with it. Pressing his shoulder from the doorpost he wanted to wish her good night and all that. Only realising something.
"You know, some swords have names. Perhaps you should try to find a name for it?"

"Oh!" Her cheeks started to flare up as she turned half around. Placing the sheathed weapon on her bed she wasn't sure what to say or do once more. There was the idea to hug Koike, but then he would notice that she was still crying - of joy. Hearing what Koike suggested she nodded. But she would let the weapon remain in its sheath on the bed.
"And what name would you give it? Am not sure what a good name would be for a longsword, really."

Thinking about it, Koike realised something. "Light of Dawn. There is, after all, something special to this sword. I will let you figure that out in time. Will kind of spoiler it to just reveal it now, anyways." Thinking about it, he decided that he should let her be for now. "Anyways, good luck on your mission tomorrow. Not sure how long I ---"

Embracing him in a tight hug Meilin buried her face against his neck. Staying silent she would hold Koike hug, hiding her smile. Taking a step away she flashed a big smile as a certain glint was present in her eyes.
"Thanks, Koike."

Surprised Koike remained silent for a moment. As she thanked him, Koike smile back. "No problem. Good night, Meilin," that having said he would turn around and close the door behind him. On the hallway, he would take a few steps away but throw a look over his shoulder - at Meilin's door. Hopefully, he would be able to soon enough pick up their training.

Nodding as Koike left Meilin would turn around - facing her bed. Walking to the side she would pick the longsword up again. Unsheathing the weapon she marvelled at the weapon once again. This was hers? Somehow it was difficult to accept it as her own weapon.
"Light of Dawn?"
It was a great name, but she wondered how Koike had come to that suggestion. A smile played on her lips as she couldn't resist to test out a few short swings. It didn't feel that heavy in her hands as it was really well balanced.

It felt that she was now more than ready for whatever mission she would be going on tomorrow!​
[fieldbox="Midori Sato, yellowgreen"]
Team 13 | Sky Country

This person seemed very serious. She also kept calling her by a title which Midori found entirely unnecessary. It was not that she didn't understand why people used titles, she understood it very well and believed it to be very useful. Back with the clan she would get scrolded for real if she didn't address her elders with the respect and title they deserved. But the problem here was that Yumeji and her were basically at the same level. Sure, Midori might have a slightly higher rank, but that was only a formality. They should be equal because there were equal in age. They were both still teens.

The topic of Slayer was promptly ignored by Yumeji so Midori dropped that subject. If anyone would understand how to feel about a title it was her. The whole Savior thing had still not faded even though it should have. It was frustrating.

"Midori. Just Midori is fi-" she started as Yumeji walked past her to set up her tent only to be interrupted by:

Shall... I put my tent here, ma'am."

Midori swirled around to look at Kaya who had apparently just returned from a drill and decided to call her ma'am too now. What was up with these people? She was not an old woman! She was not even twenty yet. Calling her ma'am honestly made it feel like she was some forty year old bat who only did knitting as a hobby. Not that there was anything wrong with knitting, but it was awfully boring.

"Midori," she corrected Kaya. "Just Midori is fine! I don't really want any fancy titles or suffixes. We are basically all the same here anyway. And yes, you can put your tent here. Or anywhere you like really. You don't need to ask that. This is our new teammember by the way," she gestured to Yumeji who was busy setting up her own tent. "Yumeji Hojo."

She shot Kaya a look not sure what else to say. The whole previous incident had made their relationship different, but she wasn't sure how it was different. There was a strange tension between them now that wasn't hostility, but.... something else. She could'nt put her finger on it. "Are you okay?" she asked then.


[fieldbox="Isobu, cyan"]
Sanbi | In Reyna's Tummy

The turtle shifted in his everlasting slumber. The last days (were it days? He couldn't really tell. Maybe it had been months, maybe it were only hours. Who knew. Who cared. Time was an illusion for him 'cause it honestly didn't matter how much had passed, he would still be around anyway) had been interesting with the girl from Gyuki around. She refused to talk to him mostly, which he found increadibly rude. He had yelled at her some more, but she didn't yell back. Mostly she just sat there.


But then she had disappeared and Gyuki had reappeared which was slightly more fun. Now that Isobu had remembered how to actually make contact with his brothers and sisters it was much more intersting to be around. He could plague Gyuki with some of his many interesting statements.

Reyna though... Reyna had been extremely passive, which was boring too. She had been crying about something that Isobu didn't understand nor cared about. What was up with humars crying? The girl that had been in Gyuki's cage had also cried a lot which was really annoying when he had tuned in. It seemed like most of Reyna's life consisted of walking, sleeping and crying. She was sleeping now too.

A grin appeared on his face as he suddenly realized that perhaps he could create some fun. There was a new player around now. Some new girl or something. She needed to be inspected. So he took a deep breath and yelled:


And waited for the fun to begin.

[fieldbox='Reyna Azuma | Kumo Genin | Team 13, Aqua']
Rude Awakenings

Her dreams had started out peaceful. Happy...

Reyna had been visiting with her family back at home. They were all having a picnic out in the park. The sun was out, she could hear the birds calling, everything just felt right. Midori had come along, even Kaya had shown up. She had stayed off to the side, not really talking... but she was there! And Reyna could have sworn she had seen the girl smile once.

After awhile though, dark clouds moved across the sky, blocking out the sun. The birds stopped chirping altogether and then new birds began to call out. These ones sounding far more terrifying, their strange caws sending shivers down her spine. When she looked for her family, their smiles were gone, the laughter died out. Slowly, they began shifting their forms. Twisting into terrible creatures, horrifying monsters...

Reyna turned, trying to run. Midori stood in front of her and Reyna ran towards her friend, hoping for safety. Too late did she realize it wasn't Midori. Black ink began pouring from Midori's eyes, nose and mouth. Reeling back in fear, Reyna fell backwards, narrowly avoiding a sharp blade. Looking up, fear in her eyes, she saw Kaya leering at her. The girl took a step forwards, lashing out with her knives once more, the weapons appearing to be merged into her form. Instinct kicked in and Reyna rolled backwards, sending a jolt of lightning towards her teammate. The lightning only slowed Kaya down for a moment and she lunged forwards again, menace in her eyes.

Leaping to her feet, Reyna scrambled away, running for her life. She looked behind her to see everyone she knew, everyone that she loved, twisted into unrecognizable forms. Trying to gain some distance, she realized that she couldn't move her legs. Panic filled her mind and Reyna cried out, trying to get away. Slowly, she felt her legs responding, feeling as if she was trudging through thick sludge. Tears filled the girls eyes as the horror overwhelmed her.

Suddenly, a dark shadow blocked the sky, covering any light that was left. Looking up, Reyna could see only darkness. When she turned to look behind her, everyone was gone and she was no longer in the park. Instead, she was in a hall. An all too familiar hall... Her hands began to tremble as she felt the fear paralyzing her, holding her in place. Turning her head slowly, dreading what she knew she would find, Reyna tried to close her eyes but could not. As she stopped moving, facing forwards, she saw the cage. Darkness hiding all but the bars from her view. Her eyes traveled to the lock, realizing too late that the seal was no longer covering it. Slowly, the massive door swung open, the sound of creaking metal driving painfully into her head. Reyna could not move, she could not scream. She could only watch as the door opened fully, the darkness swirling at the edge of the cage. She wasn't certain, but it felt as if she could see movement beyond the veil of darkness.... a massive form beginning to move.

Without warning, the massive beast exploded from the cage lunging towards Reyna, glee in its eyes. Stopping mere centimeters from Reyna's face, a wave of smell washed over her and she felt nauseous. Slowly, she saw a grin spread across the massive turtle's face. A horrifying grin. Opening its mouth wide, the creature let out a bellow, the sound rattling her to her core.


A scream tore through Reyna and her eyes opened.

Too late did the poor girl realize that this had been a dream. She could not stop her lightning aura from kicking in, sending a surge of lightning through the ground, traveling for dozens of feet in all directions. The metal tent poles provided the perfect conductors as lightning would arc through the camp, shocking anyone who was too close.

Her scream cut out as she realized what she'd done. Leaping to her feet, Reyna looked around, hearing muttered curses throughout the camp as several soldiers received a nasty shock. Biting her lip, the girl buried her face in her hands.

Stupidstupidstupidstupidstupid! It was just a dream, just a bad bad dream!

"Sorry!" She called out, "So sorry, that was my fault, I am sorry!" Wincing, she wondered what fresh hatred this would bring on from the soldiers. Turning around she remembered her team. Her eyes widening, Reyna let out a panicked shriek. "OHMYGOD! Midori! Kaya! I am so sorry! Oh God, I did not mean to!"

As the girl ran in a panic towards her friends and teammates, she could swear she heard a deep rumbling laugh...
[fieldbox="A Talk After a Long Day, skyblue, solid, 10, Tahoma"]
A collab between Fiery and Jason

Summary: A talk between Ryu and Eiji, following a long day for the both of them! Ryu needs to stop picking things which Eiji knows little about to learn...

Wiping her sweat away with her forearm, Ryu took a step back from where she had been standing. Before her, the partially destroyed remnants of the house next door stood. Of course, they were in the process of rebuilding said house, so there were various areas that seemed less destroyed than others. Standing there after having helped move a support into place, the girl thought for a moment about what had happened five days ago. It was quite frightening, but she was happy that she managed to keep Sachi safe through it all. But you didn't keep Kei safe. Who knows what happened to her. She thought to herself, feeling more than a little guilty about that. Perhaps that was why she had volunteered to help rebuild the neighbor's house. To try to ease her guilty concisence. Either way, she had to get back to work.

Almost immditately after deciding to do just that, she noticed the others helping out starting to pack up, and get ready to head home for the day. Was it already that late? After confirming that they were heading home for the night, the girl turned to head back to Eiji's house herself. Just about ready to go pass out after a day's hard work.

As she turned she would find her road blocked by Eiji himself, who had just returned from his office after another rather exhausting day. Although there was still a lot to be done, Eiji had made it a point with the rest of his staff that he needed to be home at a respectable hour because he wished to spend time with his daughter. He knew that was selfish of him and maybe not proper during this time, but at the same time, what else was there to do for him at this moment that he couldn't do tomorrow? He could fill out extra forms, have extra meetings, all that could happen, but all that could also wait. If it was urgent the people at the office would call for him, that was the deal.

But now he found Ryu outside, looking like she had spend a full day running around. "Hey you," he said, flashing a smile as he stuffed his hands in his pockets like he always did. "You've been working hard I see."

Finding her road suddenly blocked, the girl frowned as she looked up at who was blocking it. Recgonizing the man immdiately, Ryu felt a small smile grow on her lips. "Hiya Sensei!" She said as she brushed a stray strand of hair from her face. "I've been helping with repairing the neighbor's house. After everything that happened, I wanted to help out in some way. I figured it was this or annoy you until I got something I could help with!" She said, looking towards Eiji to see if she'd get a reaction from the second comment.

"Well you are doing a great job, as far as I can tell." Eiji shot a look to the building behind his student. It was strange to think that his house had stayed mostly unaffected while his neighbours house got just wrecked. He praised himself lucky and yet... it made him feel strangely guilty. But that was water over the bridge, too late to think about that now.

When Ryu finished her second statement, Eiji raised his eyebrows ever so slightly and chuckled. "Annoy me until I'd give you something to do. That is going to take you forever. I don't give in to people and pressure that easily," he said. "Though I know we haven't been able to really be a team much as of late, I feel like depite that you have found a pretty good way to make yourself useful and get some new skills on top of that. Shall we go in and get some tea before I figure out what I am going to do for dinner today..."

Frowning slightly, Ryu thought for a moment. "Yeah but other people aren't as adorable as me! Well. Except Sachi, I can't compete there." She said happily before nodding at the mention of tea and dinner. "I'll take a moment to get cleaned up a bit, then I can help with dinner if you'd like!" she said, wanting already to get some of the dirt and stuff off of her. With that being said, she began heading back towards the house and looked back at Eiji. "I know you might want to spend time with Sachi tonight, but would it be alright if we talked for a bit, Sensei? I've got something I want to talk to you about. That, and I'd be lying if I didn't say I also didn't want to try to annoy you into letting me help out a little bit more in wake of all this!" She said, still heading towards the house. Though because of looking back at Eiji, Ryu left her blind spot open and never saw the black form that bounded up to her. Until she found herself pinned to the ground by Naomi, who was more than a little annoyed that Ryu hadn't stopped by to say hello.

Eiji shot her a look and shook his head. [colors=sandybrown]"It has nothing to do with adorableness though,"[/color] he said laughing. But he nodded at the rest of Ryu's requests. Help with dinner was always great, and he was never going to tell his students no if they wanted to talk about something. So together they walked to the house, but not before Naomi decided to possibly kill Ryu by jumping on top of her. Eiji shook his head again. "Come on, Naomi, we have things to do," he said as he gave the panther a push and walked past her to open the door of his house. He stepped inside and dumped the bag he was carrying on the ground before taking off his shoes. His jacket was dropped off on the coat rack as Eiji made his way to the living room.

When Eiji gave Naomi a slight push, Ryu took the chance to roll and shove the panther off. "Yeah, ya big dummy!" she said as she got to her feet and looked at the panther. "I've got tomorrow off from working, so I promise I'll come visit. In fact, I think I might go train or something, so you'll have to come with me. Behave and I'll even buy you something. Alright?" She said to the panther, who gave her a look that said something along the lines of I'm a panther and you're bribing me? To which Ryu smiled and scratched behind Naomi's ear. "Promise I'll see you tomorrow." She said before heading inside.

Once inside, Ryu also took off her shoes and made her way deeper into the house. When she saw Eiji in the living room, the girl said quickly. "I'm gonna go get cleaned up a bit so I'm not making a mess all over the furniture, Sensei." Before heading up to the room she was using and doing just that. Not long after she came back down wearing clean clothes, and looking alot less like she'd been running around all day. In her hand she clutched a small journal, but held the thing so it was just out of her sight. As if trying to ignore its existence for the moment. "Should I get some tea started? She asked, looking towards Eiji for a few moments.

"Way ahead of you," the man replied as he came out of the kitchen with a hot pot of tea in one hand and two ceramic cups in the other. He placed the objects gingerly down on the table before sitting down on the sofa. He leaned back and yawned. "Just need to wait a bit for it to set." He dragged his left hand through his hair which only made it look more messy.

"So," he said, looking over to Ryu, "what do you want to talk about?"

"Well now I feel dumb for asking about the tea..." Ryu mumbled as he brought out the tea. Moving to sit on the sofa, she remained silent for a moment before speaking up. "Well. A couple of things, actually. One of them being that I want to help out more around the city, if I can. I'm not overly fond of the fact that my home had something bad happen twice now, and I sat it out both times being useless." She said, using the eaiser of the topics first. "The second thing, is that I want to learn genjutsu. I'm not sure where to start, but I know where I can end up." she said, looking briefly at the journal before turning her attention back to Eiji.

"Might I remind you," Eiji said as he forced himself to sit up straight again, "that you have a fulltime job. Your studies? Technically you being a shinobi in training under my guidance means your days should be full enough with that as it is. Now I know that that is not the case at the moment due to circumstances, but you are already taking extra medical ninjutsu classes outside of your normal time. I am not against you wanted to help out the city, I am all for that initiative. Honestly wish more people had that, but remember that you are a student still. Also you are still young. Also you are not useless." He shot her a look that indicated that he wished no retort to that. He didn't like it when people described themselves as useless because he knew that it was basically the worst one could think about oneself, or at least in his eyes. "I cannot dictate what you do with your time outside of your duties to the city, but I can advise you to take your studies serious and see it as a way to help out the city in the long run. Long time investement so to say. As for genjutsu..." he paused for a moment.


Hearing him talk about her studies, Ryu certainly knew he had a point. That was a way to help out, and she very much so did take them seriously. It was just a tad difficult when everybody else seemed busy. "I do take my studies seriously! Its just... everybody is always busy with something, so its hard to get help." she said softly, then moved onto his question.

"I'm not terribly good at being a fighter, up close that is. We've seen plenty of proof to that one. Genjutsu might allow me to tip those scales, among other things. I might even find a way to use it to help others. That and..." she said before tossing the journal onto the table. "Maybe I can understand why Tadashi was so obssessed with it, to do those things." She said quietly, staring at the journal as if to make it combust from willpower alone. Which, granted, she wouldn't particularly complain about.

"I know and I am sorry about that," Eiji said in reply to her first response. "I wish I could be around more to teach you and the rest of the team more. Hopefully all of this gets cleared up soon because I am ready to go back to normal life." He sighed and watched her throw a journal on the table. He eyed it for a moment as he listened to her answer.

"Genjutsu is not an easy art. Next to medical ninjutsu it might actually be one of the most complicated and yet deceivingly easiest one. I never mastered it really hence why I stick to my explosions. What is it with you and wanting to learn skills that I hardly know anything about." He grinned as he said the last sentence, clearly indicating that he meant it as a joke. "Can I know what it is in the journal, or would you like to keep that to yourself?"

She laughed slightly at his joke, thinking briefly about how he had a point. "Well. They may both be difficult, but I'm not one to back down from a challenge. As for the journal," she said, looking briefly at it and taking a deep breath. She wasn't too fond about others seeing what was in there, but she supposed that she trusted Eiji enough. "Well. John's seen what is in there. Not exactly by my choice. If I can trust him, I can trust you. It's Tadashi's journal. He was looking into some powerful genjutsu, and wrote down the results of his... experiments in there. Its not pleasant to look through." She said, looking towards Eiji for a long moment.

"I figured that if I learn genjutsu, learn about the technique he was so obssesed with, then maybe I can finally understand why he did it. Maybe find some closure on that topic." she said, trying to explain her reasoning to Eiji.

Tadashi's journal, why was Eiji not surprised. He had half a mind to pick up the thing now and set it ablaze. Nothing good could come from what that man wrote regardless of Ryu intensions with it. He wanted nothing to do with any of the Uchiha's words. But it was not his call to make in this instance. This was probably the only thing she honestly had from her father, though Eiji wasn't sure if that was a good thing. Forgetting all about him, that would be a good thing. Making him stop dictating what she did in her life, that would be another one. But she probably wouldn't take it so well if he told her flat out no. So he didn't. Instead he picked up the journal and placed it on his lap. He didn't open it.

"There is not going to be a good enough reason to explain it, regardless if you learn genjutsu or not," he said. "There will never be a good enough reason. What he did was wrong and it will always remain wrong." He wanted her to understand that. He didn't want her to feel compassion for anything her father ever did. "With that said, if you still want to go ahead and learn genjutsu I am afraid I can't be of much help. I know the basics and have worked on how to expell it, but that is as far as I go."

Nodding in agreement, Ryu understood Eiji's point. "I don't want to come to terms with what he did. I want to know why he did it. It is wrong, and I can't forgive him for that. However, I think I would benefit from Genjutsu." She said, then gave a small smile towards Eiji. "Besides. Maybe if I understand Genjutsu well enough, I can find other uses. Genjutsu affects the mind, and I think that if used correctly it can also reveal much about somebody. Perhaps in combination with the medicial ninjutsu I'm learning, I could figure out how to help people like me. People who've suffered traumatic events. Its far off, and I know I intend to use genjutsu in other manners than just that, but I think it might be a worthwhile goal." She said, looking towards Eiji as if asking for validation on that point.

"Well. Maybe I could learn some of the basics from you, and how to expell it? That seems like a good place to start from. Techniques like the one detailed in that journal, they might be hard to resist. So it might be good to learn to expell them starting out. But do you know anybody who might be of help learning past that? Else I might be on my own..." she said, somewhat thinking aloud as she spoke.

Eiji considered Ryu's words carefully. Her perspective on the use of genjutsu was interesting, that was for sure. He wasn't really certain if it could work that way, mostly because he himself had never spend more than two thoughts in Genjutsu. Not because it was not useful, it really was. That fight with Aiko had proven that quite well to him. It was just that he had never been really invited to learn much about it and what he had been taught had been minimal. His sixteen year old self hadn't been very impressed. Explosions, that was where it was at.

"I could definitely get you started on the basics. And I will also make sure that if we get past that stage I will have someone who can take over for me. There are plenty of genjutsu users around so surely one of them should be able to find the time to help you out," he said finally. "But let's start with the basics, 'cause those are difficult enough already. Genjutsu are tough. Weirdly so really, but I guess that is what you get when you mess around with someone's brains."

She smiled happily when he said he could get her started on the basics. "Really? Thank you, Sensei!" She said before he continued on about them being tough. She nodded, because from what she had read, they didn't seem like an easy thing to learn. "Right. It makes sense they'd be difficult, since in a way you're forcing them to believe a false truth. Kind of like lying but on a bigger scale, right?" She asked, before falling silent for a few moments as something else occured to her. "But, Sensei, you're busy lately. Will you still have time to train with me?" she asked, not wanting to be the cause of him ignoring more important duties.

"I'll find time," Eiji replied instantly. "I hear they are selling some extra at the grocery store." He winked at her and poured himself a cup of the already half forgotten tea. After pouring Ryu a cup as well he leaned back again and took a sip of the already slightly cooled down liquid. "I guess you could compare it to lying, except that lying doesn't let the brain of the target observe the world differently. Genjutsu can make it seem like their ears have stopped working or that they have become blind. A lie can't do any of that. Though it can leave different scars I guess."

"They'll be sold out after you go through!" Ryu countered to his comment about selling time at the grocery store. Accepting the cup of tea from Eiji with a polite 'Thank you', she took a sip, and found it had already cooled slightly. Though that was probably partially her fault for distracting Eiji. "But on a basic level, genjutsu is convincing somebody to believe somethat is not true, right? Kind of like a lie. Although the genjutsu can definitely do more. That is how it seems to me at least, but I'm a genin. I might be completely wrong." She said, then fell silent to see what else Eiji had on the topic.

"On a very basic level, yes. And just like lying someone can believe it or not. If it is a convincing lie it is harder to not believe in it. If it is a good Genjutsu it is really difficult to figure out you are even in one. You might just believe that you have become blind or that your nightmares have turned into reality and there is no way for you to escape. Sometimes people get this idea that it is easy to dispell a Genjutsu since technically you only need one seal for it, but it is not the dispelling that is hard, it is recognizing you are caught in a one. Just like it is difficult sometimes to tell if you are lied to or not. Some people will be more adapt at it than others, but it is never easy if done properly," Eiji replied.

"That makes sense. Just like I suppose a Genjutsu woven to be more believable is harder to break. Like if they saw me standing in front of them, but I was to the side. As opposed to seeing a pink elephant." She said, looking towards Eiji to see if she was perhaps right on that front. "I imagine re-adapting to what is going on around you might also take some work after breaking a genjutsu. Since people could be in different places and whatnot." She said, hoping she wasn't making a total fool of herself.

"Yes, convincing people that there would suddenly be a pink elephant in the room would be more difficult. Then again, I'm sure there are people who can pull it off. That is the tricky part with Genjutsu. Real adapt users will make you believe all you see, regardless of what it is. But yes, the theory is right. And yes, after the Genjutsu is broken you can end up disoriented. I once fought Miss Hon-Cho for a festive reason and she is a very adapt user. The genjutsu she placed on me was very simple. I just stopped hearing anything. Now first I thought it was normal, I figured one of my explosions detonated too closely to my own ears. That had happened before, but as it kept going it certainly didn't help the situation. Yet when it was taken away it was just as strange."

Listening intently whenever Eiji spoke about his fight with Miss Hon-Cho, Ryu thought about how clever a move had been pulled. A small genjutsu that probably had a big effect. "I know I've heard some tales about her, but I wonder what it must've been like to fight her. Did you win? I also bet she'd know alot about Genjutsu that I could learn..." She said, getting a little off track and realizing it as her face flushed. "Sorry! Got off track! How hard was it to concentrate? It seems like such a small technique to use..." Ryu said, trying to figure out some of the details.

Eiji shook his head. "Can't say I really won. We ended up in a draw. Pretty sure though that I got some lucky shots in because of the mines..." He thought about it for a moment. He was not one to put himself down and say that he wasn't a capable fighter, because that was just a lie. He did know how to fight and he was pretty good at it. But Aiko had been on a different level. They had differed so much in use of techniques that it was hard to tell who was better than the other. "Small but effective. It became real strange real fast. Though I suppose the poison and such didn't help either in that fight. She really is a devious fighter..." he trailed off for a moment.

"I can see how being deaf might impact the fight. I wonder how she did it though? Like... the actually making the genjutsu work. I imagine the timing of when she caused it as well is important." Ryu said, thinking about how if she ahd caused the deafness before any explosions went off, then it likely would've been easier to catch onto. "Did you ever catch onto her trick?" she asked, a bit curious about how it had gone.

Eiji shook his head. "Never figured it out. I don't know when exactly she started it, don't know how. Just know that she stopped it at some point and that it was super strange." He shrugged. "She is obviously not going to tell me either, so it will probably remain a mystery forever."

"I'd be willing to bet that it happened some time around one of your explosions, Sensei. Otherwise it would seem out of place, right?" She asked him, quite enjoying the talk now actually. As she already felt she might have learned a few things from the talk they had already.

"Yes, that is most likely, but since I use so many of them it is impossible to tell exactly when she did it. Especially since I didn't really think about it at first considering it a side effect of my own techniques," he replied. "And since I didn't know it was a genjutsu at all there was no way that I thought of dispelling it. That is how a good genjutsu should work."

She nodded in agreement, thinking about what she had learned so far. "I suppose it might be bad if the opponent after can figure out exactly when everything happened. Might be able to exploit it later." She said, before being interuppted by a loud growl from her stomach. Face turning red, Ryu looked towards Eiji. "Perhaps we should get dinner going..." She said softly, quite embarrassed from just a few seconds ago.

Eiji laughed and put his now empty cup on the table again. "True shinobi never tell their secrets. Or that is what they say. And yes, we should get started. Don't want Sachi to eat to late or she will never sleep ever." He pushed himself off the couch and stretched. "Now we have to figure out what..."
Team 14,
In the valley of Kirigakure - small hamlet

Summary :
Aya and Shin were ordered to head into the hamlet to try to gather some information - but not to trouble or stir any more tension or unrest in the hamlet - while Mika and Taishiro are trying to find and be on the look-out for tracks or evidence that somebody was raising the dead.

Shin nodded as Aya answered his questions. After all the shit they had dealt with between each of their new partners and such, Shin trusted Aya to have the village's best interests in mind, so he accepted her answer. "Yeah, alright... Can't blame me for checking." He stretched slightly as he approached the first person. "Hey, we're here to help out with something, but we've heard some weird rumors. Has anything weird been happening lately?" He wasn't a master of careful, but he tried to be for the sake of the mission, folding his fingers behind the back of his head and using it to hold his head up from the back.

Aya would follow along with her teammate, not bothering to reply back to his comment. It would serve no good purpose in the end anyway, besides he would probably follow it up with a certain catchphrase of his. Yet as they continued on he would walk up to this older man and would just blurt out if anything weird has been going on. Aya resisted the urge to smack him upside the head for his comment. Was he not listening to sensei and her orders of be cautious in your approach? Asking if any weird shit happened recently is way off the cautious road. Rubbing her forehead she looked at the man with a apologetic look at her friends blunt question. Aya simply took a few steps back though in case this man did decide to swing at Shin, which she couldn't blame him for doing.

The man who Shin approached stared at the genin. The question caused the man to frown and scratch his chin for a second. Shifting his look at Aya for a moment, before looking back at Shin. Managing to regain his composure the man replied back. "I think something weird is happening right now. Who are you guys even? What are you doing here?" The man asked back, clearly feeling less comfortable and becoming more wary. It seemed as if the man was ready to call the watch, taking a step back from the two.

Shin frowned, scratching the back of his head. "Isn't it obvious? We're shinobi... Here to help someone with a request they made for the village. But while we're here, we want to see if the rumors are real, and make sure everyone's safe." Shin raised an eyebrow, knowing they weren't absolutely obviously shinobi of kirigakure, but maybe the man would realize that they are anyway. He doubted it, but at the very least he could hopefully reassure the man that he wasn't there to hurt anyone.

Well that was about the right reaction from the man, after all after that blunt opening who could blame the man for thinking THEY were the weird event going on right now. Well maybe Shin could save this conversation, just some carefully planned words could maybe save this situati- "Isn't it obvious? We're shinobi... Here to help someone with a request they made for the village. But while we're here, we want to see if the rumors are real, and make sure everyone's safe." Aya didn't even waste time to stare at Shin she just turned around and started walking away. She wasn't here, she can't get hung from a tree, she can't get attacked by an old man. Nope she was now going to ask her own questions, and Shin wouldn't be any the wiser. So while Shin was dealing with his time bomb, she would approach a young woman maybe in her twenties with a smile and a wave. "Excuse me miss, sorry to disturb you. Yet I'm currently visiting and before I set out again, would like to know if there was any decent places you might know of to eat at, while maybe getting some word on how the roads are?"

"Shinobi?" The man didn't seem convinced in the slightest. "What village? Rumours..." Taking another step backwards it was becoming clear that he wasn't going to buy the story of just two random appearing teens, proclaiming just that they were in service of the Republican military. Seeing the girl walking away really made the man break out in sweat, turning on his heels and running away. Calling for the watch, the situation wouldn't gone unnoticed by other locals who just saw how the man ran away from the proclaimed shinobi. This also meant the woman who was busy with working at her stand. Her frowned expression shifted into a surprised one as Aya approached her. "Good places to eat, eh?" She eyed Aya for a moment, clearly uncertain what was going on. "You're clearly not from here, but I could advise Tiho's tavern," the woman replied as well raising her right thumb to point Aya the direction, "Usually there is where people from outside head to," the woman added. She wanted to say something, but decided against it as she continued her work.

Meanwhile, at Taishiro and Mika.

As the team splitted up Mika would lead the way to the surrounding of the place. There were some woods, but not an awful lot. Starting the first hour with a simple search around for tracks and traces that would fall out of place she had to give pointers on what they were looking for to Taishiro. If it were the dead that were walking around then they should find traces of footsteps or perhaps some digging or anything that pointed out that somebody had managed to get the bodies out of the ground. Only the following hour did Mika decide that they should adapt their search and priority, for they hadn't found anything that could prove that somebody was digging up the deceased to bother the locals. And with the last mission, where Aya had discovered a corpse in a box, Mika started to wonder if it was possible that the corpses were smuggled out of Kirigakure into the countryside. Only it bothered her as she couldn't fathom why somebody would do that. There wasn't any trade or lucrative side to smuggle corpses into the capital of the Republic and then into the countryside. Unless the bodies had valuable data or material to them. There were many ways, after all, on how one could hide something of value in a human body. Not to mention that some people with particular bloodline abilities were sought after, even if dead, for their genetical abilities.

Eventually Mika's patience started to ran out. Not to mention that they were running out of time as she had instructed before they had split up that they would meet within two hours at centre of the hamlet. Perhaps she should have ordered that they would regroup at a later date, but that would be unwise as she had left two genin one their own. "Taishiro," Mika called out with a strict tone, "Time is running up, so try to search for some more tracks or finish what you're doing. We will need to head back soon."

Taishiro had been searching alongside Hayashi-Sensei since they had departed from the other two. Their search had mostly been in silence, apart from the pointers he had periodically been given. Yet it seemed not to yield much, as neither of two found much of anything that could have been linked to their objective. The boy, was currently making his way near some foliage, figuring the walking dead wouldn't be the most graceful. Perhaps there was some evidence by way of disturbed foliage to give away the enemies? Occasionally he would find something unnatural, only to investigate and figure out it was likely some roaming animal, and once, his own tracks. Hope I'm not disappointing her by not finding anything... The genin thought to himself as he continued looking along the foliage. He paused briefly when Mika spoke to him, giving a basic 'Yes Ma'am' and going back to his search. He only had a little bit of area left before he had finished the small area he decided to search. Taishiro doubted he'd find anything as he approached the small bushes surrounding a large tree.

Still, couldn't hurt to look, could it?

Waiting for a moment Mika thought more on how they would be able to progress the mission. It still didn't match up on why anybody would be smuggling corpses into the countryside. Was there some base or location where they were stored for further use? Was it to increase the tension in both the capital and the country? Glancing at her left, the direction back at the hamlet Mika noticed that there was a fog upcoming. Which wasn't entirely out of place but there was something about it. "Taishiro," Mika spoke up again, frowning as the light fog was spreading low over the ground, "Round up your search. We're going to head back." Still waiting for the genin to come back at her the woman thought she had heard something. Turning her head to the right she couldn't detect anything. Which was odd, cause she was certain that she had heard something.

Taishiro had already been on his way back towards Mika when she told him to round up the search. As he got closer to his Sensei, the boy definitely heard something nearby. Immediately the genin froze and looked around, but was unable to find the source. As he looked towards Mika, she seemed to be looking around as well. Taishiro moved closer, and once he was close enough whispered to the woman. "Sensei, I heard something just now but didn't see any source. Should I investigate it?" He said quickly, hoping he didn't sound completely stupid for not noticing a source or being worried about it. The genin was just confident enough that he would've been able to find a source if it had been an animal or something. So the lack of one bothered him a bit.

"No," Mika answered as she remained silent for a moment. There was no other sign of activity or sound of anything. Not even any critters, such as birds or insects, making any sound. Narrowing her eyes Mika made a decision. "We're going to regroup with the others." The jounin would turn around and start to walk towards the small village where Aya and Shin, hopefully, had been able to gather some information. Or, at least, staying out of trouble. There was already more to this mission than they were told, but it was annoying Mika that she wasn't able to figure out yet who was behind it all.
[fieldbox=Shocking, lightsalmon]

Kaya Irozaki

| Genin | Kumogakure Team 13 | War camp, at the training field |

Kaya's lips parted as she wanted to state that they weren't the same. Not in a bad way, but she had realised who had been wrong. Who had been unfair. Yet the teen found herself unable to say something like that. Certainly not with other people around. As Midori introduced a new member to the team, Kaya didn't feel more confident than before. Rubbing her left arm she threw a glance at the newcomer, Yumeji Hojo. A Hojo? Kaya had nothing against them, but she was a bit known what kind of clan the Hojo were. Or what kind of reputation that they had. The newcomer sure seemed confident and perhaps with good reason?

"Hm?" Turning her head to face back at Midori, Kaya was surprised for a moment. Confused on what Midori asked for, only for it to dawn a second later. "Oh, yeah. Am a bit tired, I guess. What happens after a drill," Kaya answered, trying to just sound calm and collected. She did avoid looking Midori in the eyes. "Guess I should just set up the tent and get some rest. Even though it seems we might be here for some time," the genin said, still attempting to seem and sound casual, basing her conclusion on that there was still work ongoing in the camp.

Hesitating a bit Kaya wasn't sure how to proceed now. Was Midori's question meant to start a talk or just wondering? Just as the genin wanted to take a step forward, deciding it was perhaps for the better to keep herself silent and setting up her tent the eyes of the genin would widen. As she was about to turn her head to face the direction of Reyna, who suddenly screamed - causing Kaya's heart to skip a beat. But as her body was trying to face what was going on a painful shock moved through her body, causing Kaya to drop on a knee as she was caught by surprise. Trying to move or fight against it didn't seem to go well as the burning pain and her limbs suffering a shocking effect made it only harder. With Reyna gaining control and allowing the electricity to calm down Kaya grunted softly.

Trying to get up she felt horrible in a physical manner. It was all fine and nice to shock an opponent herself but the experience of being shocked wasn't so great. Throwing a glance at Reyna, Kaya wanted to sneer something but would keep her lips tight on each other. As if she was trying to not acknowledge what just had happened.

[fieldbox=Oh by the ancestors! Is this for real? Come on!, violet]

Aiko Cho-Hon

Cho Clan leader | Civic council member | Team 8 jounin |Amegakure, the office of the Amekage

With the talk done with Eiji, Aiko didn't waste any time to start to make work. Contacting the assigned ANBU she held a small meeting with the masked operatives. It was kind of refreshing to work with people who didn't ask much questions or seemed to be lacking discipline. They just asked some questions that were aimed to understand the situation better and in what kind of manner Aiko wanted the sweep to be done. Not who gave her the command or who she was. Some of them probably were aware or else they knew that they were still following Eiji's orders. In any way, it was great and within an hour the ANBU were already busy to prepare to perform the sweep that Aiko requested. With her own experience, setting up a quick manner of contact and sharing information was a matter of minutes. The whole dealing with the ANBU made the woman feel so much better. She hadn't forgotten how her team had performed so far and how it had both annoyed and disappointed her. This formation had proven to be more of a disaster than the time that Yukara and Katsu weren't suddenly capable of working together. Somehow she found herself longing back to just working together with Koike and Katsu. It wasn't perhaps fair to other formations, seeing the quantity of time and missions she had managed to do with the two, but they had been the most pleasant team she had been working with. Orders that were followed to the point, no lack of discipline or willpower. She wondered how they were.

"Need help on the way back to the barracks. Two locals provoking and starting fight with Neji."

Slowly coming to a halt Aiko had been on her way to the barracks. There was no need to stay and trouble Eiji by staying at his place with Kei being brought to Konohagakure. The thoughts and questions that rang through the back of her mind came to a halt as she heard the voice going over the earphone communicator. Her eyes would slowly close as she lowered her head by a bit. She had her earphone communicator on in order to be able to receive any new message from the unknown party. She was quite sure that it were the Zealots or the Insurgents, cause who else would deliver such a message? But now she just heard Hiraku talking over the communicator, while the instruction had been to not use them. She had a very, very good reason for it.

And now the chuunin of her team decided to break the order.

Slowly bringing her right hand to her face, Aiko felt how slowly the mood of before would be pushed away by anger, frustation and disappointment. It went together with the need to punch somebody hard in the face. How was it even...

Turning around she would pick up a rapid pace. Climbing up on to the rooftops she used the height advantage to scan the area for anything that could point out a fight. Finally finding the place where Neji and Hiraku were at, Aiko would watch from a rooftop. She was in time to see how Neji engaged another in combat. Somebody that seemed familiar. It took her a moment before realising where she had seen this other boy before.

It was the guy who had kicked Katsu in the face during his chuunin exam match.

"Great. Disobeying an order and having a street fight. What is next? They better not have tried to intimidate or... why am I even hoping now?" Aiko thought, becoming disgusted as she kept watching the scene. Watching how Hiraku just stood there she wanted to just descend upon the chuunin and beat him right there and now, regardless of how many people would see or hear it. Instead, the jounin would keep watching from above. She had her reasons to not break up the fight.
One, the police would soon arrest them and she was more than okay with that.
Two, it was perhaps their own fault and now their own responsibility to sweat and suffer somewhat.
Three, Hiraku's distress signal could have alerted and lured perhaps some enemies. Could be better to not reveal herself to ambush any zealot or insurgent. The trade-off seemed a bit risky, but she couldn't really set herself to care if Neji or Hiraku would be beaten up or end up being arrested.
Four, where was Kazumo?

Frowning the last reason made her wonder if the missing teen had been wiser and stayed away from the conflict. A sigh escaped Aiko as she would lean against a chimney, able to stay out of sight with her dark raincoat and her surrounding.

She really was missing the team formation with Koike and Katsu.
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[fieldbox="Is Amegakure Always this Violent?, magenta, dashed, 10, Tahoma"]
Tomiko | Team 2 Genin | Amegakure

Tomiko had been walking ahead of the others, the news that the other two teammates she had come with were missing had shocked her into silence. Opting instead to be alone, and heading back towards the barracks the girl felt quite scared. Not of the rioters, or zealots, but of her own weakness. Perhaps, somehow, it was her fault that Tatsuya and Sayuri were gone now. Maybe if she'd thought to check on them and make sure the other two were coming. She could feel the doubt creeping up on her, the terrible feeling that maybe she wasn't good enough for any of this. It wasn't fair that her teammates had to suffer, or go missing. She wanted to find them but didn't know where to start. For now, she figured heading back to the barracks to get her emotions back under control might be the best option.

"Need help on the way back to the barracks. Two locals provoking and starting fight with Neji."

Pausing in the street as she heard the voice coming through the communicator, Tomiko couldn't help but frown in confusion. She could've sworn Aiko had ordered them not to use the communicators. After had happened earlier. Tomiko thought for a few long moments before turning and heading back along the way she had come. Neji and Hiraku were bound to be here somewhere. Sure enough, it wasn't long before she found a small crowd gathered around, blocking her sight of what she only guessed could be the fight mentioned over the communicator. Having no desire to shove through the onlookers, Tomiko elected to make her way to the rooftops and get an idea of the situation.

Soon after, the genin found herself looking down on some red-haired boy fighting Neji. A fight that Tomiko could personally care less about the outcome. Although the girl certainly began to wonder how he managed to pull this off. After their lecture already about following orders, then he got into a fight? Wonderful. She also noticed Hiraku standing off, opposite another girl who Tomiko assumed was allied with the one fighting Neji. Shaking her head, Tomiko wondered why Hiraku had felt it necessary to use the communicator. She had done something similar during the riots, but from what she could see there wasn't any immediate threat to Neji's life. What was her brother thinking, knowing the communication links were compromised? It just... wasn't smart.

Looking up for a moment, Tomiko spotted a familiar figure standing on a nearby rooftop. Why is she just watching? Tomiko thought to herself, figuring there was only one way to find out. Making her way quickly over to the other rooftop, Tomiko approached Aiko and spoke up softly. "Ma'am? Should we do something about them?" The genin asked, figuring that if anybody here had an idea of what to do, it would be Aiko. She then cast a look towards the fight, wondering if Amegakure were always this violent, with riots and street fights.​
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[fieldbox="Sho Deshuga, lightblue"]
Team Some Number Chuunin | On the Streets

The Uchiha was fighting back properly now. Finally. Sho felt the grin on his face grow. This was what he had needed after the whole losing his job thing. A good fight in which he kicked ass. Because of course, he would win. There was no doubt in Sho's mind that he would pulversize his opponent. But not after a little bit of running around and teasing the Uchiha some more. He had to get his fun in some way now that he has lost half of his income. Luckily his mom found some way to pay for rent, he honestly didn't want to know how, by doing various jobs at which she sucked because she got fired all the time. What was up with that anyway?

Sho's leg fell back to the ground and it was time to dodge Neji's attack now. The boy was swiping at his leg, supposedly trying to get Sho on the ground. So Sho responded by darting backwards for a just moment, dodging the blow before immediately charging forward again. He would not give this Uchiha time to breath, so he went for a full on dive towards his opponent's stomach in the hope of knocking him and his opponent to the ground. A full out fist fight on the ground sounded just fine. It was muddy, it was rainy, it would be messy but he was a-okay with that. In fact that was how most brawls went in the back streets of Amegakure. You could always very clearly see who had been the combatants from the amount of mud they were covered in.

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Neji Uchiha
Konohagakure Genin
On the Streets of Amegakure

Neji had lost all control. At this point he did not care what happened to him. He was pissed about everything. Everything he thought that would happen for him when he became a shinobi hasn't. All that has happened to him is that he had seemed to mess up at every turn. No matter what he did it was not the right choice and he couldn't seem to make the right choice. This right here was probably another wrong choice by him. But at this point he did not care. Neji was not sure if he would win this fight. He remembered what happened last time, he got absolutely pulverized by Sho. Neji landed one punch and that was it. Neji didn't care though at this point he just didn't care.

Neji watched as Sho jumped backwards to dodge his kick, Neji quickly got up as he saw Sho running towards him. Neji quickly rolled to the side out of the way. Some mud from the ground getting on his clothes. As Sho ran past him, Neji quickly got up and sent a kick towards the back of Sho.
Reunion and surprises,

A collab between Lesli and Alice.

Summary :
Saki and Kiyomi meet at the feast at the Royal Palace in Konohagakure. The two briefly talk about what had happened in the last attempt of Kiyomi's quest to find information about the attacker of Team 9, only to be surprised at something that just occurred after their talk on that topic.

It was quite the thing. She wasn't sure how to put it. At least, it was something positive but also daunting. Arriving at the feast with Hideki, the latter had been more or less pulled away from her. Which was fine as Saki was glad to see that Hideki was becoming closer and more known with the members of the Guardian Unit. Not to mention that she was glad about this moment of being alone, so far one could be alone at an event such as they were now. After managing to secure herself a drink Saki was wondering where Hideki was. Deciding to just walk around in hope to spot or encounter him she also briefly wondered if Hiroshi Hon was present. There was still some doubt that she would be able to lead a unit from the Tiger Claws, but it was too late to question or request a change. The plans had been made and soon enough, if not already, they would be executed.

As Saki was about to shift her gaze and attention she would come to a halt. Blinking twice in a rapid fashion she was caught by surprised by the person who stood in front of her. "Your gr---"

"No, wait," Kiyomi said with a firm tone as she raised her right hand up to halt Saki from speaking further. Frowning for a moment at the Yamanaka, Kiyomi would speak a moment later. "Soon you and the others are going to the east. Doubt we will have much contact. Probably just as much as we had during the time with Shoji and all that... happening," Kiyomi gestured - which showcased her frustration somewhat. "Just want you to know to not feel guilty about what happened during the search for information on Hiron's attacker. I was a bit... angry, so to say. And let myself drag you and those genin with me into danger. I should know better, much better. Guess that I still have a lot to learn," Kiyomi hoped that the phrasing wasn't too bitter. She felt quite bitter about it all together, but she shook her head as she would continue. "Anyways, I might not have liked it for one bit what you did but I understand it and am now happy about it. Feels good to know that you're still trying to watch my back. So, I guess that I hope that you will write me every time you can once you're away."

Staring at Kiyomi, Saki didn't see the young empress. The bold, young ruler who usually managed to win respect and awe from her subjects by either her actions or tales of her exploits. The person who was more than ready to always face dangers without a second thought and proving herself better against more experienced and skilled opponents with the use of her wit. Saki just saw the young girl who all those years ago joined Team 6, trying to fit in and to learn from her and Kaname. A smile would move on Saki's lips as she let out a soft sigh. "I guess that I will have to then," she said trying to mask her emotions by feigning irritation, "Somebody needs to remember you, after all, that you can't just charge alone into danger. Or trying to tackle problems that are much larger than you are. Which, of course," winking Saki tried to suppress a laugh, "Isn't hard with your length."

Kiyomi's eyes widened as she heard what Saki said. There was a faint red tint growing on Kiyomi's cheeks as a glint in her eyes. "Watch it now, 'witch'. I still can kick your ass if I want it now. You just better watch yourself not getting beaten up. That right is mine alone, got that?" Trying to hide a smile Kiyomi felt somewhat relieved. "Besides, you also have to watch over Hayate and the others. Which is going to be quite the task, I imagine."

Saki nodded as she released another sigh. "Yeah almost forgot that. It will be a pain to make sure that everybody will stay out of trouble. Not to forget to not go anywhere too dangerous eh?" She said, actually wishing that she wouldn't have to go. While it seemed that Kiyomi had no desire to head out Saki knew better. "So, what you will be planning soon?" Saki asked as she quickly conjured up a telepathic bond between them.

Kiyomi just frowned as she remained silent. "Depends on if you want to know any specific. I have a lot of things planned, after all," was Kiyomi's reply. "Nothing too dangerous, of course."

"Heh, sure," Saki said as she couldn't help but feel tempted to investigate further into the whole cryptic answering of Kiyomi. Recognising, however, when Kiyomi wanted to keep something to herself Saki wouldn't push further. "So, saw many of the group already?"

Kiyomi released a soft sigh. "Not really, no. Am being approached by all kind of people. I bet that as soon as you're going that three will step up to have a moment to talk with me. It sounds perhaps amusing, but it is really getting on my nerves. Not always, though," she said trying to find the words to describe how she was experiencing the event so far, "Sometimes it is a bit fun to see people compete for my attention. Make them look like some genin that wants to have more approval of their jounin-sensei."

"That is a most interesting analogy. I can remember a genin that was quite eager to earn the approval of jounin," Saki spoke back in an amused tone, "Can't, however, say that I envy you. Am not that much fan of interacting with high-born ladies and lords. From what I have gathered, too much of the whole etiquette." Just as she finished her sentence Saki caught sight of something happening up ahead. "Isn't that Koike?"

"I am willing to bet you'll do just fine. Just don't mind some of the pride that some of those lords and ladies tend to have," the question of Saki caused Kiyomi to turn half around. With her sharp vision, she was able to quickly deduce that it was indeed Koike. "Yeah, that is K--" her voice suddenly halted as she could catch a glimpse of what was being given to the young woman near Koike, "Wauw, you got to be kidding me," she muttered softly.

"What? What is happening?" Saki asked on a soft volume as she tried to also catch sight of what was going on. But as her eyes weren't blessed with some enhancing sharpness she couldn't notice what made Kiyomi react like that.

"He is giving her a ... pretty necklace with a ring to it," Kiyomi said, sounding quite surprised. It was pretty sweet and the young woman seemed familiar. But where had she seen her before? "Seems that you need to watch the guys a bit closer now, heh."

Koike gave somebody a necklace with a ring? For a moment it almost sounded like a proposal for a wedding, but she couldn't really imagine Koike doing that. Not after how his last few relationships had ended. "Yeah, seems so," she muttered back, quite surprised as well. Seemed the evening was full of surprises, after all.
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[fieldbox=GM post - regarding the street brawl in Amegakure]

@Fieryfly , @Oetje , @timv999 , @rusty4297

A sharp whistle would ring through the air, causing most of the crowd to step aside as several members of the watch and police would appear on the scene. A familiar face for Sho wouldn't take much time to appear later than the people who had been tasked to keep order in the city.

"Alright, kids... And Sho," Jugo said as he had his hands shoved into the pockets of his raincoat, "I have to request you all to drop any arms, pouches and spread your hands and arms. No need to make this situation worse than it is," the man said in a calm tone. He briefly looked at the crowd who was being diverted away from the scene by other police corps members. Other members would approach Hiraku, Sho and Neji with being ready to arrest them. Either in a calm and less painful manner, but would quickly result into subduing if any of the teens would dare to resist to being arrested.

"You lot should very well know that you broke the order and peace by engaging in a fight. Not to mention using ninjutsu," Jugo calmly explained as the police officers would arrest the three. He briefly glanced at Yone, but the sensor officer hadn't reported that the girl had used any kind of ninjutsu. Neji and Sho had used more than everybody else and the 'proclaimed' leader of the Hyuuga had activated his dojutsu. Didn't any of these teens think through? The riots had just ended and they considered it wise to have some kind of stand-off and using ninjutsu? Disappointing, that was he would use as the word to describe how he thought about these teens. Never the less he would continue to talk to them on a collected and calm manner. "We are going to take you three back to the station. You will be investigated if our field sensor wasn't wrong with the use of ninjutsu. If not, the fine won't be as high. If so, then the fine will be according to the rules and laws. So once more," this time the tone of the man became stricter, "Let's get this over quick with and not make a bigger drama out of it than it already is."
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[fieldbox=Making a decision, violet]

Aiko Cho-Hon

Cho Clan leader | Civic council member | Team 8 jounin |Amegakure, the office of the Amekage

Watching how the scene would develop further Aiko's attention was focused on the redhaired teenager that was attacking Neji. If she remembered it correctly, he was also on that team that had fought against a formation of Team 8 during the Ironblood tournament. Hadn't he tried to force the team out with sprouting water balls over the field? Not something she would do, but it wasn't because of that a bad tactic.

Her attention briefly diverted to somebody who was heading her way, causing Aiko's right hand to slip towards her kunai pouch. Recognising Tomiko quickly Aiko turned her gaze back to the ongoing fight between Neji and Sho, while Hiraku was just watching. Probably expecting somebody to just help him, even though he called help in a way she had made clear was forbidden. The question of Tomiko on if they should do something about them didn't receive an answer right away.


The word was spoken with a calm and almost uncaring tone as Aiko crossed her arms out front of her chest. "Your brother is an idiot for ignoring a protocol that I instructed because the enemy already has an edge on us. So unless we want to give away that the majority of us are all here, ready to be ambushed will not be worth it. Honestly," her eyebrows slightly moved up as she kept watching the commotion down on the street, "I am half a mind to just aim to disable him or Neji to make them more attractive to any possible zealot or insurgent nearby. At this moment it does seem like a nice tradeoff. Or a way to get rid of my source of irritation," the woman briefly paused as she threw a sideways glance at her.

"But we won't do anything. Besides," before Aiko could continue on, sharp whistles would resonate through the area as the police stepped in. A man ordered the fighting teenagers to step down as Aiko let out a soft sigh. "That was to be expected. Morons, fighting just after the bloody riots. Serves them right," Aiko mumbled, though audible for Tomiko to hear her. Turning around she wouldn't watch the scene any further or move in to provide help. The doubt that the majority of her team would listen to her commands or instructions was a bit too big to risk her own neck for them. Heading towards the barracks she forced herself to think about other and more pressing matters. Where was Kazumo actually? Deciding that she would check the barracks, she hoped that the Sarutobi genin wouldn't like Hiraku and Neji cause her headache to grow worse.