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@Krieg @The Tactician
Semyon headed outside first, looking around really carefully before hand... Slavya seemed a bit more hesitant, but, eventually grabbed Hajime's hand.

"I hope we don't run into... That again..." Slavya said, seeming to relax a little as she tightened her grip on Hajime's hand... As they all stepped out of the room, they'd notice they had been in one of the housing rooms in the hospital, though, it looked a little more "retro" than one would expect.

Perhaps there was something to be found here? But, who knows...​

"Don't worry, Slavya. We'll get out of here soon," Hajime tried to comfort her as he gave her hand a reassuring squeeze as well. Looking around the room, he nodded and let go of her, "Lets stay in here and look around. Maybe there's something to be found."

@Krieg @york
@Everyone Headed For The Old Camp Building
@Gummi Bunnies @Atomyk @TheSpringwoodSlasher @Unlimited RP Works @DapperDogman @The Silver Paladin @Any others

Olga lead everyone that followed through a path in the trees, they had to make their way around to gates to get there, but, it was clear that the old building wasn't that far of a walk from this particular path... As the treck continued, Electronik was busy talking about some legend the Old Camp had; about it's Camp Leader who had once lived here, falling in love with one of the Pioneers, but, she was rejected, and, as a result, performed the "Hari-kari" on herself... Or, well, supposedly that's what Ulyana described it as. It is rumored that her ghost wanders the building to this day, but... Who knows... It was probably just a rumor.

The old camp building loomed in front of the group, the faint moon-light just barely lighting the place up... A distinct fog rolled in from the tree-line, and, one could swear they saw things move amongst it, though it was most likely a trick of the eyes... It happens alot in conditions such as this. The building looked to have been build nearly 40 years ago, with it's windows barely intact, and the playground long rusted over... A place like this certainly couldn't hold as many Pioneers as the present day camp location, but, it was still a good number, for the time period it must have been built in anyways.

There were many places Shurik might be at, but, one had to pick a general location first:

A) The Playground, one couldn't see the area too well due to the poor lighting conditions, but, Shurik may be hiding (or sleeping) or something amongst the tall grass or the rusted playing equipment laying around.

B) The Ground Floor, maybe Shurik had went inside, and is hanging around the ground floor of the Old Camp Building for some reason? It's highly plausible, and, well, it would seem like a logical thing to do if he decided to make the treck here in the first place.

C) The Second Floor, well, since this is indeed a two story building, there's a chance that Shurik may have ventures up into the second floor and is poking (or laying) around in there... It is also a highly plausible thing for him to do if he had already arrived here...

Remember to bold and underline your choices!
Almost immediately after reaching the Camp, Speirs and Luz were much more careful and silent, they both appeared to be using hand signals the entire time. Through the signals, Speirs gave a simple order
'On Point, second floor.'
And with that, Speirs kept himself On the first floor to look around for Shurik. Both the heavy jump boots of Luz and Speirs could be heard making slow but deep echoes in the building.

Luz took the order as is, a quick thumbs up going on as he walked up to the second floor to look around for Shurik, Carbine held tightly and pointed forward in case of incident.

The walk toward the old camp was no-doubt creepy, but it didn't dissuade Karol's gung-ho attitude about being a detective. Despite this, a growing look of unease grew on the kid's face. He stared up at the moon like it was some ill omen. "G-Ghosts can't hurt us... if we're strong," Karol muttered, mostly to himself. Ghosts were real, he'd encountered them before. The ghost ship had been the worst of them, the captain of the ship having been a particularly powerful foe... but Karol and his friends had taken him out, so Karol knew he could still take any ghosts that appeared.

That didn't stop them from being super freaky, though.


"O-Okay... it looks like the others are checking out the building... so we should check out the yard." Karol still wore the moustache and pipe. It gave him strength in the face of these creepy surroundings. Putting on a brave face, Karol led Gaara and Marcone to the playground.

@york @Unlimited RP Works @TheSpringwoodSlasher
@Everyone Headed For The Old Camp Building
@Gummi Bunnies @Atomyk @TheSpringwoodSlasher @Unlimited RP Works @DapperDogman @The Silver Paladin @Any others

Olga lead everyone that followed through a path in the trees, they had to make their way around to gates to get there, but, it was clear that the old building wasn't that far of a walk from this particular path... As the treck continued, Electronik was busy talking about some legend the Old Camp had; about it's Camp Leader who had once lived here, falling in love with one of the Pioneers, but, she was rejected, and, as a result, performed the "Hari-kari" on herself... Or, well, supposedly that's what Ulyana described it as. It is rumored that her ghost wanders the building to this day, but... Who knows... It was probably just a rumor.

The old camp building loomed in front of the group, the faint moon-light just barely lighting the place up... A distinct fog rolled in from the tree-line, and, one could swear they saw things move amongst it, though it was most likely a trick of the eyes... It happens alot in conditions such as this. The building looked to have been build nearly 40 years ago, with it's windows barely intact, and the playground long rusted over... A place like this certainly couldn't hold as many Pioneers as the present day camp location, but, it was still a good number, for the time period it must have been built in anyways.

There were many places Shurik might be at, but, one had to pick a general location first:

A) The Playground, one couldn't see the area too well due to the poor lighting conditions, but, Shurik may be hiding (or sleeping) or something amongst the tall grass or the rusted playing equipment laying around.

B) The Ground Floor, maybe Shurik had went inside, and is hanging around the ground floor of the Old Camp Building for some reason? It's highly plausible, and, well, it would seem like a logical thing to do if he decided to make the treck here in the first place.

C) The Second Floor, well, since this is indeed a two story building, there's a chance that Shurik may have ventures up into the second floor and is poking (or laying) around in there... It is also a highly plausible thing for him to do if he had already arrived here...

Remember to bold and underline your choices!

Orie had followed the group heading to the old camp building, as they walked they she was still wondering who she was going to vote for. Would she trust the boy named Hank on voting for Shiki, or should she vote for someone else? As she was pondering this they would have gotten to their destination.

The walk toward the old camp was no-doubt creepy, but it didn't dissuade Karol's gung-ho attitude about being a detective. Despite this, a growing look of unease grew on the kid's face. He stared up at the moon like it was some ill omen. "G-Ghosts can't hurt us... if we're strong," Karol muttered, mostly to himself. Ghosts were real, he'd encountered them before. The ghost ship had been the worst of them, the captain of the ship having been a particularly powerful foe... but Karol and his friends had taken him out, so Karol knew he could still take any ghosts that appeared.

That didn't stop them from being super freaky, though.


"O-Okay... it looks like the others are checking out the building... so we should check out the yard." Karol still wore the moustache and pipe. It gave him strength in the face of these creepy surroundings. Putting on a brave face, Karol led Gaara and Marcone to the playground.

@york @Unlimited RP Works @TheSpringwoodSlasher

Orie would follow some of them to the playground area to see what they could find.

Well, Neo was going to check around the first floor. That's something at least.

@york @ppl going to check out the first floor of the old camp building.​

"Don't worry, Slavya. We'll get out of here soon," Hajime tried to comfort her as he gave her hand a reassuring squeeze as well. Looking around the room, he nodded and let go of her, "Lets stay in here and look around. Maybe there's something to be found."

@Krieg @york

Slavya seemed to calm down a little "Well... You're probably right... Let's see what we can find..." she said, starting to look around... Semyon seemed to be thinking the same thing as he had already started digging around in the cabinets surrounding them.​
Cecil thought for a moment, and tapped Gaara as the traitor. He then went back to reading.

@york @anybody
Bill had illuminated the surrounding with his glowing prescense. Canada was eerily creeped out by his surroundings. Why the hell did you even bring me here... Muttered the nation to Bill. So you could stop being such a wuss. Grow a pair and man up. Answered Bill coldly while they headed to the first floor of the old cabin.
Well, Neo was going to check around the first floor. That's something at least.

@york @ppl going to check out the first floor of the old camp building.
@Gummi Bunnies @Infinatis @ResistingTheEnlightened @The others
The first floor appeared to be stable for the most part, though, there was no immediate sign of Shurik in the hallways... However, there were 3 locations to visit from here, the others appeared to be either shut off, or just collapsed entirely;
The Canteen, The Kitchen and a storage closet of some sort... Which one would the venturers explore first?​
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Slavya seemed to calm down a little "Well... You're probably right... Let's see what we can find..." she said, starting to look around... Semyon seemed to be thinking the same thing as he had already started digging around in the cabinets surrounding them.​

Hajime joined Semyon at the cabinets, shuffling the contents about and checking for anything that could tell them where they were or help them escape the hospital, "Slavya, check under the beds. There might be something hidden under them."​
The first floor appeared to be stable for the most part, though, there was no immediate sign of Shurik in the hallways... However, there were 3 locations to visit from here, the others appeared to be either shut off, or just collapsed entirely;
The Canteen, The Kitchen and a storage closet of some sort... Which one would the venturers explore first?​

Canada and Bill Cipher both agreed to go to the storage closet of some sort as it would be easier to look in and because it creeped Canada more out of the others.

The first floor appeared to be stable for the most part, though, there was no immediate sign of Shurik in the hallways... However, there were 3 locations to visit from here, the others appeared to be either shut off, or just collapsed entirely;
The Canteen, The Kitchen and a storage closet of some sort... Which one would the venturers explore first?​
Speirs pointed his Thompson at the door and decided to look at the storage closet


Almost immediately after reaching the Camp, Speirs and Luz were much more careful and silent, they both appeared to be using hand signals the entire time. Through the signals, Speirs gave a simple order
'On Point, second floor.'
And with that, Speirs kept himself On the first floor to look around for Shurik. Both the heavy jump boots of Luz and Speirs could be heard making slow but deep echoes in the building.

Luz took the order as is, a quick thumbs up going on as he walked up to the second floor to look around for Shurik, Carbine held tightly and pointed forward in case of incident.

@ResistingTheEnlightened @People Checking Out the 2nd floor

There were about 3 places to check out here... The bedrooms, The attic, and The toilets, the rest of the locations were either locked shut or outright have collapsed at some point...​
Speirs pointed his Thompson at the door and decided to look at the storage closet



Hey look! Its soldia boy! Stop pointing your gun. Its not like somethings gonna pop out and munch your face off. Chuckled Bill as they entered the closet.
Back at the canteen, Yukio thought about the murder suspects. "I think there must be something to this person," she said as she voted for Jinx. "That girl got the second most votes the last time we voted, and it still seems like the second murder of the camper was in line with her." She decided to get something light to eat at the canteen, getting an apple and an orange, and some water to drink.

She looked to Yato and Yukine as she ate. "Who will you two vote for?", she asked.

@Lizzy @york
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@ResistingTheEnlightened @People Checking Out the 2nd floor

There were about 3 places to check out here... The bedrooms, The attic, and The toilets, the rest of the locations were either locked shut or outright have collapsed at some point...​
Bell head up to check the attic

"I hope it's not too spooky" he mutters to himself, unsure of what may be lying in store

The walk toward the old camp was no-doubt creepy, but it didn't dissuade Karol's gung-ho attitude about being a detective. Despite this, a growing look of unease grew on the kid's face. He stared up at the moon like it was some ill omen. "G-Ghosts can't hurt us... if we're strong," Karol muttered, mostly to himself. Ghosts were real, he'd encountered them before. The ghost ship had been the worst of them, the captain of the ship having been a particularly powerful foe... but Karol and his friends had taken him out, so Karol knew he could still take any ghosts that appeared.

That didn't stop them from being super freaky, though.


"O-Okay... it looks like the others are checking out the building... so we should check out the yard." Karol still wore the moustache and pipe. It gave him strength in the face of these creepy surroundings. Putting on a brave face, Karol led Gaara and Marcone to the playground.

@york @Unlimited RP Works @TheSpringwoodSlasher
Orie had followed the group heading to the old camp building, as they walked they she was still wondering who she was going to vote for. Would she trust the boy named Hank on voting for Shiki, or should she vote for someone else? As she was pondering this they would have gotten to their destination.

Orie would follow some of them to the playground area to see what they could find.

@Atomyk @Unlimited RP Works @TheSpringwoodSlasher @Jeremi @People Headed Towards The Playground

The grass really did grow wild here... Shurik wasn't immediately around, but, there was a Rusty Merry-Go around, an slightly less over-grown sandbox, and a very aged slide with a broke see-saw next to it.
@Everyone Headed For The Old Camp Building
@Gummi Bunnies @Atomyk @TheSpringwoodSlasher @Unlimited RP Works @DapperDogman @The Silver Paladin @Any others

Olga lead everyone that followed through a path in the trees, they had to make their way around to gates to get there, but, it was clear that the old building wasn't that far of a walk from this particular path... As the treck continued, Electronik was busy talking about some legend the Old Camp had; about it's Camp Leader who had once lived here, falling in love with one of the Pioneers, but, she was rejected, and, as a result, performed the "Hari-kari" on herself... Or, well, supposedly that's what Ulyana described it as. It is rumored that her ghost wanders the building to this day, but... Who knows... It was probably just a rumor.

The old camp building loomed in front of the group, the faint moon-light just barely lighting the place up... A distinct fog rolled in from the tree-line, and, one could swear they saw things move amongst it, though it was most likely a trick of the eyes... It happens alot in conditions such as this. The building looked to have been build nearly 40 years ago, with it's windows barely intact, and the playground long rusted over... A place like this certainly couldn't hold as many Pioneers as the present day camp location, but, it was still a good number, for the time period it must have been built in anyways.

There were many places Shurik might be at, but, one had to pick a general location first:

A) The Playground, one couldn't see the area too well due to the poor lighting conditions, but, Shurik may be hiding (or sleeping) or something amongst the tall grass or the rusted playing equipment laying around.

B) The Ground Floor, maybe Shurik had went inside, and is hanging around the ground floor of the Old Camp Building for some reason? It's highly plausible, and, well, it would seem like a logical thing to do if he decided to make the treck here in the first place.

C) The Second Floor, well, since this is indeed a two story building, there's a chance that Shurik may have ventures up into the second floor and is poking (or laying) around in there... It is also a highly plausible thing for him to do if he had already arrived here...

Remember to bold and underline your choices!

Yellow decided to go to the ground floor as it seemed to be where Shurik would be.​
Yellow decided to go to the ground floor as it seemed to be where Shurik would be.​
Well, there was the canteen, and kitchen available, but, it seemed that the two exploring this area were investigating the storage closet.
Well, there was the canteen, and kitchen available, but, it seemed that the two exploring this area were investigating the storage closet.

She decided to head towards the kitchen for now.​
Speirs pointed his Thompson at the door and decided to look at the storage closet


Canada and Bill Cipher both agreed to go to the storage closet of some sort as it would be easier to look in and because it creeped Canada more out of the others.

The storage closet was filled with many odds and ends, various rusted tools lay scattering about, but, it appeared one of them was missing... Out of the two rusted machetes hanging next to some equally rusty hedge-trimmers, there was a space where a third machete probably should have been...
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