Murder Series Award Show III [Non-Canon]

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One could only imagine on how Hideo was doing at the backstage right now, but with the awards on hold, someone had to step up and finish the job for them. Quite unexpectedly, another pair walked onto the stage.


"Let's... get this over... with."

Sounded like Elesis's idea.


"And why should we?"

Mastermind didn't like this idea. Though, he reconsidered once he saw that signature death stare on Elesis's face. You can't say no to that, especially when she could murder him at any given second.

"Fine, guess it's just reading these off and giving the awards to the winners. I hope it does not take long."

Giving off a rather bored tone of voice, he went to look at the first envelope that was left on the stage.

"An award for the Best Friendship? Who would need an award like that? Nevertheless, some people here would like to be affirmed of their friendship, it seems."

Bolin / Edmond Honda / Wanda Maximoff (Monokuma's Awakening) - Carol / Ellis (Restless in Rapture) - Clark Kent / Lucio / Riesbyfe Stridberg (Genesis) - Ilona / Shiki (Civil War)

"And the winner of being friends is Bolin, Edmond Honda, and Wanda Maximoff. Congrats."


@Yang Lee @Yun Lee @Josh M

These three bonded real fast in the beginning of Monokuma's Awakening, wish there was more of this since... well, Bolin died somewhere in the middle. D:

"Next... Most Unusual Friends..."

"Okay, so are we just awarding all types of friends here? Quite redundant if you ask me."

Elesis glared right at Mastermind's direction with a tinge of annoyance.

"What are you staring at me for? Just read the nominees."

Bane / Steve Cortez (The War of the Universe) - Ilona / Zidane Tribal (Civil War) - Genji Shimada / Wanda Maximoff / Poison (Monokuma's Awakening) - Lucifer Morningstar / Penny (Genesis)

"Unusual Friends winner... Lucifer Morningstar and Penny."

"Something tells me that I should be reading these more than you, Elesis."


@LuckycoolHawk9 @Darkseide

There were some weird interactions that led to Penny and Lucifer to friend up. Not much else to say here lol.

"Well, we're out of the friendship phase, something different is good. Hm... Best Rivalry. Interesting type of award. If I announce the winner of this award, I would like to see what type of rivalry this is..."

Mastermind is interested... very interested. Probably not for good causes, most likely.

Bane vs Skeletor (The War of the Universe) - Cagliostro vs Clark (Genesis) - Monokuma vs Wanda (Monokuma's Awakening) - Add vs Shizuo (The War of the Universe / Civil War)

Mastermind rubbed his eyes multiple times, as if he couldn't really fathom this type of rivalry actually grabbing the attention of other votes. However, this was on paper, written as proof that the award should call to certain winners.

"I can't believe I'm saying this... but the winners for best rivalry go to Add and Shizuo..."

"... Add?"

"Not me, Elesis, the idiotic time traveler variant of myself. I've already seen enough of their fights to get a sense of their stupidity."

Good thing Esper was occupied with Kofuku to not hear that comment from Mastermind.


@The Myrmidon

Ah, truly the greatest rivalry which has been going on since... Metamorphose Sickness? You know what this means. We need more Esper and Shizuo content. We need more fights. >:3

"So we have Best Alliance next. That could mean a lot of things. Such as best in strategic terms, social terms..."

"Sounds... like us."

"Close enough, Elesis. Anyways, more on the nominees..."

Alucard / Hakuei / Road (Genesis) - Clark / Lucio / Riesbyfe (Genesis) - Makoto / Ritsuko (Civil War) - ODMA Alliance (Civil War / Time Squad)

Ignoring the awkward air brought up by Elesis, Mastermind went along with announcing the winner of this award.

"Ah... Clark, Lucio, and Riesbyfe make the best alliance? I wonder how so."


@Josh M @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Verite

This alliance went through it all in Genesis, and it all weighed out perfectly amongst the three of them. Rip on the fact that Riesbyfe lost her memories of the even tho.

Steadily getting bored from those awards, Mastermind goes over to see that they were getting into something different now.

"This may prove to be something else than the other awards so far. An award for the Best Hero. A topic of worth this time around."

Edmond Honda (Monokuma's Awakening) - Shiki Tohno (Civil War) - Soldier: 76 (Restless in Rapture) - Wanda Maximoff (Monokuma's Awakening / Civil War)

"Winner... Edmond Honda."

Mastermind was only startled by how Elesis was suddenly on point with one glance at the envelope and announcing the winner.


@Yun Lee

Oh man oh man, where do I begin on your Honda, Yun? There's just too much great that I can list off, and I don't know what else to say other than that. Haha. ^^

"And on the contrary, we have the Best Villain award. The foil to the hero, opposite sides on the same coin."

As Mastermind read through this, Elesis felt a bit weirded out on why this was an award in the first place.

Albert Wesker (Genesis) - Bane (The War of the Universe) - Revolver Ocelot (Civil War) - Solas (Civil War)

"So the best of all these possible villains is Albert Wesker. ... no Elesis, don't even think on trying something like that at an award show. Maybe later, but not now."

Mastermind had to go and make sure that Elesis wouldn't go on a manhunt for the person that won the best villain award.



Your Wesker felt pretty intimidating towards the other characters in Genesis, and it works out great as always with your stuff, Atom. ^^

Just as Mastermind would go on with this tedious task, a certain someone would come out of nowhere and push him aside with the help of some mechanical weapons.


"Don't mind me, it's just that the way you two are running this show is pretty boring... Let me take the reigns for you guys~"

Esper would use his Dynamos to push Mastermind and Elesis off the stage and then keeping them away with the help of Particle Prism. Excited to start things on his own terms, Esper skimmed through the next award's details.

"Best Male Character Overall award, huh? Ha! That could mean a lot of things!"

Alucard (Genesis) - Lucio (Genesis) - Makoto Naegi (Civil War) - Twisted Fate (Genesis)

"Hm, there's lots of people on here from Genesis? Isn't that the prequel event? Won't hurt to time travel back there and take a peek!"

Realizing that he was slightly getting off-topic here, Esper quickly corrected himself on what he should be saying.

"But aside from that, the winner of this award is Makoto Naegi! Quite a lot happened in Civil War, and I would know because I was around for that event."



Makoto had so many aspects in him through the Murder Series canon, making him an enjoyable character to read! You definitely deserve this award, Atom! ^^

"Just a few more to go, kekeke~ Going from the male, to the Best Female Character Overall."

Kyoko Kirigiri (Monokuma's Awakening / Civil War) - Mabel Pines (Welcome to the Falls) - Road Kamelot (Genesis) - She-Hulk (Welcome to the Falls)

Speeding through the last sets of awards, Esper immediately goes to announce the winner.

"Ah, Kyoko Kirigiri is the winner for this award. Strange that her and Makoto get this one, amirite? Kekekek..."



Oh boy oh boy, Kyoko has gone places in both Monokuma's Awakening and Civil War, just feeling right in your hands, haha. Congrats on the well-deserved award!

"Oh how broad we're getting here, but a very very decisive award nonetheless! The Best Character Overall award!"

Carol (Restless in Rapture) - Edmond Honda (Monokuma's Awakening) - Ilona (Civil War) - Shiki Tohno (Civil War)

"What a surprise, it appears that Ilona has won this award! I could've sworn that I've seen her a bit in that Civil War incident... guess I didn't get much time to speak with her or else I would remember her a bit better. Then again... most others didn't really like my presence back there. Oh weeeell..."


@Klutzy Ninja Kitty

Ilona has grown up ever since those days back in the Right Hand of the Crimson Moon MG. Going from an adorable little girl to a capable woman, holy shit, the stuff you can do with her after Time Squad. Keep it up! :D

"Hm... shouldn't this be with the rest of the romance awards? No matters, I'll go along with this script and announce the winner of the Character Romance That Should Happen award."

Clark x Riesbyfe (Genesis) - Genji x Wanda (Monokuma's Awakening / Civil War) - Keaton x Wadanohara (Restless in Rapture) - Nier x Vanille (Restless in Rapture)

"... one of these definitely doesn't match with the others, but other than that, the winner here is Clark x Riesbyfe!"


@Josh M @Verite

This should definitely be a thing. Like seriously. They seem so perfect together, huehue. I wish they mingled more in Genesis, but that can happen more soon elsewhere, right? owo

"Finally, the last of these awards for this category. The sooner I get this done, the sooner I can cuddle with Kofuku-chan... I-I mean with the kitties... I mean... Augh, let's just keep going! The Best Cast award, here we go!"

Genesis - Monokuma's Awakening - Restless in Rapture - Welcome to the Falls

"Out of nowhere, here comes Monokuma's Awakening as the winner! I'm not sure who was around for that, but I'll figure that out soon because I won't need to be on the stage anymore!"



The variety of characters we had for this one, including all dem NPCs for the trials, it's like one of the big things that made that game super super enjoyable. Heheh, congrats on another well-deserved award win! They just keep on coming! ^^

With the General Character awards over and done with, Esper would exit the stage by entering a time rift, and soon enough reappear to wherever Kofuku was. Well, at least the show is continuing to go on from here.​
But suddenly, Zim appeared on the stage and snatched the microphone. This couldn't be good.

"ATTENTION FILTHIES AND INFERIOR BEINGS!! As you know, there have been these so called 'awards' being handed out tonight. I am here to inform you that these awards are wrong!! I, Zim, should be getting all the awards! Who has been there for you when you needed a helping hand?!" Suddenly, pictures of Zim helping people out appeared behind him. They were obviously faked, however, with Gir usually dressed as whoever he was helping out. "And who has been there to stop such filthies from harming our beautiful and non filthy ecosystem, whilst also purifying our gene pool?!" Several more pictures would appear behind him, this time pictures of Zim causing physical assault to Dib in some way shape or form. Either him kicking Dib right between the legs, or him unleashing thousands of microorganisms all over Dib, or him simply throwing a blueberry muffin at his face. "You are right! It has been no other than your lord and master for all of eternity, Zim!!!" One final picture came up behind him.


"What you are seeing behind me is no joke!! I, Zim, formally announce that I will be running for president! It will surely be the doomiest, gloomiest, most horrible four years of your pathetic and meaningless lives!! MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!"

"Oh, and there's free cake and punch for everyone who votes. And now a word from my campaign manager." As he said this, the Irken invader made his way off the stage whilst Gir made his way onto it. The tiny robot, whom was no longer disguised as the dog, now held the microphone in his tiny hand and began to smile.




  • Nice Execution!
Reactions: Midnight Maiden

"....Mrow, I'm boreddddddddd," a certain attendee muttered to herself, flipping around and switching through all sorts of varying positions in her chair, seeming unable to settle on any particular one and remain happy with it. That said, this attendee groaned loudly, ears twitching as, after a few moments, she gave up on getting comfortable and instead decided to hop out of her chair. And after that, to do the thing that came to her first, as a cat-- which, we all know are renowned for their curiosity --; explore. So, with a blank, bored expression, the Absolute Angel did just that. She wandered the place, tail flicking back and fourth occasionally with curiosity as her golden-eyed gaze wandered about.
But man. No matter how much she wandered, observed the stupid people or stupid surroundings, or listened to the stupid music? She still felt bored as all hell. And hungry, too. Dammit, where was that fuckboy Sojiro- or even Jack -when she needed him? She didn't know about Jack, but Sojiro made the best cake ever. And right now, she could really go for one of those cakes. But no dice, unfortunately, and as though that unfortune wasn't enough? She totally failed to see the concession stands, too, wandering right into the auditorium with dragging feet. Ughhhhh, where was the amusement in this-- Huh?
Suddenly, Tarlotte's ears perked upwards, head tilting with confusion. As opposed to coming in the audience entrance to the auditorium, she had managed to find the backdoor pass onto the stage-- and was surprised to see a stack of papers lying on the floor. "...Meow?" she muttered, curiously waltzing over and poking the stack, tail swishing back and forth with interest as she slowly picked the things up. One of her ears wiggled side to side as she tried to decipher the things, curiosity admittedly piqued as she tried to sound the things out.... Despite having no idea how to read.
Maybe this was her pass for entertainment!

Once again despite having no idea how to read, the catgirl suddenly looked up and outward towards the audience with a now wide smile, looking as though finally satisfied with a way to entertain herself. Bounding- or perhaps flouncing, even -right up to the mic on the center stage, Tarlotte spoke loud and clear to the audience with the same smile, tail wiggling about as she used her award-free hand to tap a seeming star pointer wand against a podium positioned just before her. "Meowlright everyone, listen up, meow! The awards are starting now, and you better listen, and listen real good, meow!!!" she proclaimed, smiling still before looking to the awards again, squinting at them with her tail and ears continuing to wiggle... As she did so, a commotion likely audible offstage, consisting of two figures seeming distraught over the fact that some random catgirl had merely walked up and started without security's notice. Of course, when one man walked on stage, tapping her in the middle of a sentence she'd just started... "Alright, I guess this stupid RPers category is first, so--" Cut off by the contact, Tarlotte's concentrated expression shifted, darkening as she turned to glare at the man who'd interrupted her.

"Mmmmmmmmmmmmeow're interrupting!! I HATE WHEN PEOPLE INTERRUPT ME! MEOW! MEOW! MEOWWWWWWWW!!!!" the green-haired Absolute Angel hissed, suddenly beginning to glow as a large, metal red-and-gold mech appeared behind her, following her movements as she leapt into the air towards the unfortunate security guard and punted him offstage. After this action was complete, the mech vanished and Tarlotte's glow faded, said female continuing to glare in the direction she had kicked the man for a few moments longer.... Before her smile from before returned. "--Alright, first up is..."
"Best RPing Duo!"
Sticking out her tongue briefly as she tried to read the list, Tarlotte cleared her throat. "Nomeownations are....
Atomyk/Jeremi - Atomyk/Verite - Hana/Sen - Klutzy Ninja Kitty/Gummi Bunnies
..What's that last one supposed to mean, huh?! Is that a cat joke?! I swear I'll-- ...ahem, sorry, meow.... The winner is.... Ummm..... Uhh.... Hana and Sen!"
Obligatory note-- I and the my co-hosts will be doing commentary on all/most of the awards like this, so now you know, those of ya who are new to these! Plus, we'll be presenting the awards I made like the one below, so now ya know. Which means we can get this train rolling!

'ohohoho this is totally a surprise, who even voted this'-- Yeah, no, this is definitely no surprise. You two always freaking blow me out of the water with every post and interaction you make, so it's no shocker that you two worked your way to the top and earned this award! You're like french fries and milkshakes-- sweet and salty, and just make a great combo.
--Ahem, anyways-- Congrats, guys!!!
@Sen @Hana
"...Meowlright, that's out of the way," the catgirl muttered flipping the now-announced award to the side carelessly. Oops, looks like she had no idea what she was doing. Surprise, surprise. "Next is... Funniest RPer! ...Hmph. As though any of you are funny. Stupid humans," she muttered under her breath before shaking it off and continuing. "Nomeownations are...
Atomyk - Bomb - DBZ7 - Midnight Maiden
...what's an... atomyk... bomb?" she muttered once again, squinting hard at the parchment. "...Ugh, mew humans make no sense!! --Whatever!! The winner is... Midnight Maiden!"

Yeah, not really sure what to say on this one, aside from thank all of you. I'm glad that you all find me funny! Better than being seen as miss serious all the time, or something. I like making people laugh. :') So thank you all!
"...Meowving on, umm..." Tarlotte muttered, once again flipping the award aside and trying to decipher the next award. "...Most Originality! Looks like... Uhhh....
Atomyk - Gummi Bunnies - Jeremi - Klutzy Ninja Kitty
...with the winner being Gummi Bunnies!" There was a pause, before the girl pouted, gritting her teeth. "Rrrrrr dammit, now I'm more hungry!! Stupid awards, I'm gonna crush whatever idiot human goes by that stupid name, meow, meow, meo--"

Also not much of a shocker, what with your insanely unique and complex ideas and characters, Jules. Like, really, some ideas you have, I have no idea where you get them at all. YOU CRAY CRAY, SADISTIC YANDERE, KEEP IT UP
@Gummi Bunnies
Doing her best to ignore her hungry stomach, Tarlotte groaned as she threw yet another award aside, grumbling as she attempted to read the next one. Man, it was hard to have fun doing this when she was so hungry... uuuuuughhhhh. "Nnn... Meowst Improved RPer is the next award, and the nomeownations are...
CrunchyCHEEZIT - Josh M - Mason Moretti - Takumi
....DAMMIT. WHO THE HELL CHOSE CRUNCHYCHEEZIT AS A NAME, HUH?!?! I'M GONNA CRUSH ALL THESE STUPID HUMANS TRYING TO MAKE MEOW HUNGRY, MEOWWWWW!" she howled, kicking the podium- that had been screwed into the stage -harshly, breaking it's base and sending it flying. But, then, the girl seemed to calm herself and resume as though nothing had happened. "...And the winner is Mason Meowretti."

This was actually a verryyyyy close one between Crunchy and Mason, so I'd like to give a little shoutout to @CrunchyCHEEZIT just as well here. Props on all of the amazing improvement you've made along this crazy run we've got, man. It's so freaking cool to see all the progress you've made!
And the same can be said for you, @Mason Moretti . Like, jeez, you haven't even been here that long and yet, clearly, you've made a heck ton of improvement, and this award is proof of that. I can't even begin to imagine how much more you'll improve as time goes on, and I'm super proud of you for that! Looking forward to seeing more of it in the future, so keep up the good work!
Seeming much more mellow and composed than before, Tarlotte continued with slightly more concentration, her tail actually remaining still as she read with a bit more confidence. "And next's the Meowst Underrated RPer award... So listen close to the nomeownations!
Jeremi - Kaykay - penguin055 - york
Yay, no food this time... Ahm, winner is... York! ...." Briefly pausing, Tarlotte visibly gritted her teeth as someone just off and backstage called out something about yorks being a type of candy. The girl's ears flattened with aggravation, and with a low growl, hands clenching tightly around the awards she had yet to call out, she roared, "....rrrrrrrrrrRRRRRRRR I'M GONNA KILL MEWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!! MEOW! MEOW! MEOWWWWWWWW!!!" And so, with that proclamation, remaining awards still in hand, Tarlotte darted off, looking fully prepared to execute her threat... And the faint screams of terror likely meant the ones she had threatened thought she would, too.
Rest in pieces.

Yeah, I'd say this one is pretty accurate, too. I feel there are a handful of people in the group that don't get the attention they deserve, and id certainly say you're one of them with your detailed and well executed posts, @york -- though I'd definitely say Kay, penguin and Jeremi could be counted among that handful as well. Here's hoping your grand writing talents get more spotlight in the future, as you certainly earn it with your elaborate and engaging posts. Congrats!
....Those that won awards could probably go up and grab them off the stage, considering they were carelessly strewn about.​
Having eventually returned from her fetching of a snack and assault on the security guards- who's bodies now laid unconscious out in the hall on the floor -Tarlotte could only give Add an incredulous look. "....Mwhat a weirdo."
Shaking it off, the rather petite female puffed out her cheeks and chest and straightened up, finally taking the time to glance down at the awards again now that she had gotten her goal of beating the shit out of those stupid guys out of the way. Once again, there seemed to be a drastic shift in her attitude as she spoke into the mic, seeming much more bright, cheerful, and adorable than usual as she shined a bright and surprisingly sincere smile, for what was typically a small ball of absolute rage and offense for the majority of the time. Buttttt even so.

"Meow then~" she purred, tail once again flicking as she read. "Meow that those stupid mean humans are outta the way and I got a sameowich, time to resume. Next is Meowst Impressive Lurker! Nomeownations areeeeee...
Chris Lang - DBZ7 - Hazel-rah - Krieg
With the winner being Krieg! ...Hmph. That's a weird name."

Yes, the demiboi among men, the author beyond writing, thE PUSH TO THE POP-- Krieg, everyone. The absolute madman who's off in freaking college making things out of his life, and still managing to lurk and pop by with mad skill even through it. Crazy props and I hope you become less lurker, more common sight as the opportunity arises for you!
"...Meow, I dunno what a lurker is, but it sounds stupid. What's next, anyways?" Tarlotte muttered to herself, evidently displeased. But whatever. "Hmph. Next is Sir/Meowdam Posts-A-Lot... Whatever that means. Nomeownations are...."
Atomyk - LuckycoolHawk9 - Verite - Josh M
...with LuckycoolHawk9 being the winner. ....Who would even want to be a hawk, anyways, meow??? Hawks are stupid! Birds are almost as dumb as humans, meow!!"

Woah, Lucky won this??? It's almost like he replies crazy fast to virtually everything and-- oh, wait, he does. Seriously, I don't know how you do it, man. LEND ME YOUR AMAZING POSTING SPEED SO I CAN ACTUALLY GET EVERYTHING DONE THAT I NEED TO! ...But no, keep up the good work and you'll be the next Hermes. Good job, and congrats!
Sighing with disappointment at the choice of a bird, Tarlotte shook her head, once again flipping the awards away, Teresa having snuck away from Josh for a bit to grab dat funniest rper award because Sav's other chars were busy, momentarily looking less amused until she found the next award needing announced. "And... Sir/Meowdam Posts-R.... Umm... P-posts r..... ela.... elibora..... elevator...." she fumbled, tripping over the words as she miserably failed to read them off. "--Elaborate! Sir/Madam Posts-R-Elaborate! Nomeownations are,
Atomyk - Azuremoon - Klutzy Ninja Kitty - Verite,
and the winner is Klutzy Ninja Kitty! ...Nnn, this person again?? I can't stand it, is she meowcking cats?! Meow!!!"

Seven words, including these ones: Hella. Deserved. I mean, everyone on the list deserved it, but it's no shame that this one was received by you, @Klutzy Ninja Kitty , and you wholeheartedly deserve it. You always flesh out your posts with great detail, leading them to be extremely engaging and always a fun read. It's hard to skip your posts, both due to their length, and due to the obvious detail and effort and just all-around greatness you put into them. It's clear you always execute your characters and writings and everything else you do in this group with great care, so all I can say is keep up the great work!
"Boring... Ugghhhhh... Hm?" Amidst her complaining, Tarlotte found her curiosity piqued by the next award. "Sir/Madam Posts-R-Weird? Ha!" she suddenly exclaimed, actually snickering. "Hahaha, I bet that weird girl with the stupid haircut and red eyes gets this one!!" she exclaimed, totally oblivious to the fact that Zinnia was totally aware of her presentation. But then, even if she knew that, she wouldn't have cared. "Nomeownations are...
Archwar - Bomb - Crow - Gwazi Magnum
...and the winner is... Bomb?" A pause. "What kind of name is Bomb???"

Do I even have to say anything on this one? @Bomb himself said he steals the show on this one, and I totally agree. It doesn't get much weirder than 'bad dumpers', sadist neps, and hipster Pokemon. I guess all I can say is, as a weird person myself, be proud of your weirdness. Embrace it. But please don't get toooooo carried away. : |

Silently, Tarlotte wondered if this 'Bomb' guy was the one who played that annoying old hag Zinnia. She was pretty sure they did and, with that satisfying thought in mind, she continued with her previous bright smile. "Meow, meow... Alright, next is Sir/Meowdam Posts-N-Vain! Meow, meow~!" she cheered, contentedly. "Nominations are...
Atomyk - Jeremi - Verite - york
And the winner is York! Congratmewlations, meowwww~"

Once again, not terribly surprising, as you don't get too much attention for how great your posts are, @york . All I can really say is keep up the good work and hopefully the spotlight comes soon!
"Hmm... Boring, boring...-- Ooh. RPer Most Missed, huh? Looks like nominations are... uhhh..."
BarrenThin - CCC Kouhai - Krieg -Mari
...bare and thin? That's stupid, too! But it looks like that's the winner... BarrenThin."

I personally miss all of these guys aghhhhhhhh. But I can see why @BarrenThin is the one that won this. Definitely a great guy and fun to write with. I know last he checked in, he was doing great, so here's hoping that's still the case and things are going well! If you're reading this, we miss ya, buddy!
With those last couple of awards not thrown aside, but reorganized in her hands, Tarlotte was surprised to find she already only had two remaining awards left unread in her hands, her ears twitching with mild astonishment. "...Huh. Mew left. I guess that leaves Best New RPer up next. Nominations, meow!
Kaide` - Mason Moretti - Otto - Yun Lee
with Yun Lee being the winner! Congratmewlationssss~"

G-g-g-good-- thats some--- th-thats some g-g-g-good sh-shiieeeettttt--- yeahhhhhhh---
Memes aside, I'd be a liar if I said this wasn't well-earned. Like, extremely well earned. I wish I'd been as good a writer as you when I started out, or even now, @Yun Lee . The fact you got this award just proves how great a writer you are, and I couldn't be happier to have you in the group. I so look forward to writing with and seeing more of you in the future!
Instead of actually throwing the last few awards aside, Tarlotte appeared to have been rearranging them in her hands as she read, leaving only one remaining unread in her pile of four held in her hands. "Alright, and finallyyyyy.... The Best RPer award, meow!" she exclaimed with cheer, tail waggling as she squinted at the award. "Nominations....
Atomyk - Gummi Bunnies - Klutzy Ninja Kitty - Verite
And the winner is... Atomyk!"

I think everyone saw this one coming, haha. How could they not? No matter what you might think, @Atomyk , I'm quite confident-- and this award only goes to further prove --that everyone enjoys you very much, both in and out of character. Your writing is incredible, sure, but it doesn't hold a candle to how wonderful you are when you're just being you as, well, you, and not some character. Put simply, you're a pleasure both in and out of character and I hope to see more of you again soon! Keep up the amazing work!
With that out of the way, Tarlotte went silent, merely staring down at the now-read-off awards in her hands.. Surprisingly still smiling as she did so. It remained like this for a long few moments, before suddenly, with a loud and hearty laugh, she threw the awards in her hands up in the air, striking a playful pose.

"Ahahaha, thanks everyone, nyaaaa~ Congratmewlations to those that one, and thanks for listening, meowww~!" she cheered, for once looking sincerely happy and genuine and pleased as she stood there adorably, laughing cheerfully, and--...
That voice....
Instantly, all joy from moments ago vanished, Tarlotte's expression going deathly serious as golden eyes narrowed and scanned the admittedly massive room, a sense of dangerousness and sharpness suddenly about her. When her eyes landed on the source of what she had thought she'd heard, she suddenly let out a sharp growl, arching her back like a cat, actively on all fours to do so. "Rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr not mew again!!!! What the hell are you doing here?!" she hissed, obviously absolutely seething, the look in her golden eyes alone enough to tell that much. "I'm gonna make you pay, you dumb, ugly human!!!! MEOWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!" she exclaimed, suddenly leaping out into the audience with surprising grace, considering how blinded by rage she seemed by the sight of Zinnia alone.​


Dense as Shiki Tohno could have been, he was capable of at least taking a hint. Well, most of the time anyway. Initially more surprised by the sudden rise in volume from Ilona rather than what she actually said, the young man couldn't help but blink and step back for a moment, before taking in what she really had to say about his comments.

"U-Uhm, M-Miss Ilona, I..." The bespectacled boy stammered, clearly taken aback, "That's not--"


And before anything could be made of it, Kyoko Kirigiri appeared, hextress in tow, and evidently unaware of the situation at hand. "Ultimate Detective" indeed.


"Hey. It's time," Kyoko said to Shiki briefly upon appearing before the group, ignoring Tharja continuing to latch on to her, just as she also ignored Anna, still latched to the boy.

"H-Huh? Oh, right... Guess that's my cue then. E-Excuse me really quick, would you all?" Shiki said to the others, eyeing Ilona apologetically in a flash, before giving Kyoko a nod and following the young woman up to the stage in front once she'd turned around and walked up there, the two of them taking to the microphone, which Shiki tapped on it briefly.

And yes, Tharja and Anna were both also on the stage as well, continuing to cling to Kyoko and Shiki respectively, though they seemed too predisposed with other matters to even say anything, let alone realize where they were or care.

"H-Hello, is this thing on? Ah, splendid! Now, with the RPers Awards all done, now we're moving onto... General Games / Events! Will you do the honors of starting us off, Ms. Kirigiri?"

"Please don't yell into the microphone when talking to me."

"Well, I mean, it was also for the audience to hear."

"Why do they need to hear it?"


"Anyway, yes, I shall," Kyoko said brusquely, producing some envelopes from inside her jacket and handing some of them to Shiki.

"This first one is for Best Setting. The nominees are as follows."

Bright Falls - Monokuma's Awakening
Coalition Headquarters / Silent Earth Illusion - Civil War
Columbia / Rapture - Restless in Rapture
Gravity Falls - Welcome to the Falls

And with that, Kyoko opened the envelope and read off the certificate for a moment, before finally announcing the winner.

"And the award goes to... Coalition Headquarters / Silent Earth Illusion, as depicted in Civil War," she spoke.


"Hey, that's the big one that we were in!" Shiki exclaimed cheerfully.

"For better or for worse."

Before long, Shiki proceeded to peek over Kyoko's shoulder on a whim to take a look at the certificate, difficult as that task seemed to be with Tharja and Anna in the way, before he raised an eyebrow.

"Wait, but... It just says Silent Earth Illusion."

"I know. We were just in Coalition Headquarters longer so I added that in."

"Did the audience vote for that too or was it only specifically the Silent Earth Illusion?"

"Why are you asking me? Also, everyone can hear you, y'know."


"Yay, our event," Shiki sighed flatly.



Anyway uh, yes, I'm glad that people seemed to like the setting for Civil War a good amount, especially all things considered, huh. @Atomyk and I thought it would have been a unique change of pace relatively if we had most of it be set within the Coalition Headquarters, though then again, perhaps that setting was simply reached organically because of how tied we made the event as a whole to the series lore anyway, but it is what it is.

Fun fact, the Silent Earth Illusion idea was implemented fairly late, initially not even supposed to be an illusion at all but rather the real Silent Earth (and yes, Shiki would have still single-handedly destroyed Silent Earth by himself if that were the case), but we decided against it. In any case, yeah, thanks all again. Woo woo.

Clearing his throat and adjusting his glasses, Shiki opened up his envelope, being the one to present the next award. "Anyway, let's see what's next... Aha, here we go. Best Twist. What a twist. The nominees are..."

Diablo was the Arch Demon - Genesis
Lalonde revealed to be possessed by Bill Cipher / Bill is the mastermind - Welcome to the Falls
Monomi revealed as the true killer of Wanda - Monokuma's Awakening
Ocelot's revelation as a triple agent / The Revanchist's infiltration of the Coalition - Civil War

"And the winner is... Hold your applause, it's Diablo's transformation into the Arch Demon, as seen in Genesis!"

"That in itself is a twist. I didn't expect that to win."

"No more surprising than how the Civil War turned out and what transpired in it."


"Let's not talk about that."



Oh hey, another award. I guess that's the perks of bein' a GM pretty often.

I'm actually personally surprised this was even nominated, let alone the winner, considering how we kept Diablo's very existence a secret (aside from some side mentions every now and then that we thought flew over people's heads) until the end for the most part, but hey, I guess it wouldn't be a real retro MG without something to do with the Arch Demon. Of course, @Atomyk and I can't take all the credit for it, because in another plot twist in of itself, the one who originally conceived the rough idea was @Jeremi.

We mostly came up with it just as a final way of sealing the coffin and the lore by retroactively retconning it so that the Arch Demon was always just, in fact, Diablo. Or rather, in other words, just another fandom villain, because of reasons. Reasons that I'm sure people can at least guess, eh? But hey, nice. People actually read my addendum.

"So what's next on the list then, Kirigiri-san?"

"Best Afterlife, evidently," Kyoko said, deciding not to beat around the bush, already on her way to opening the next envelope and reading off it, "The nominees are as follows."

The War of the Universe - Welcome to the Falls - Restless in Rapture - Genesis

"And the winner is... Welcome to the Falls."

"What? Space Jam didn't even get nominated?" Shiki laughed jokingly, though Kyoko only gave a glare.

"I'll kill you."

"S-Sorry. Again."


While I don't have a personal account of how the afterlife went since ol' Koyomi and Shinobu weren't murdered, I suppose it's only natural with an all-star GM like @Atomyk handling the reigns, and those helping him. Congrats.

Without missing a beat, as though having already gotten a hang of it, Shiki pulled out the next envelope following Kyoko. "Alright, this next one goes out to... Best Game! Oh, boy, the big one now. The nominees are...!"

Welcome to the Falls - Monokuma's Awakening - Civil War - Genesis

"And the winner is... Genesis!"


>mfw @Atomyk was involved with every one of the nominated games


>mfw I was involved with half alongside him and one of which was the winner


No but seriously, uh, phew. Genesis was something else. Probably more in a good way than a bad way.

See, not that I probably made much of an effort to hide it, but Civil War proved to be quite draining, and both of us wondered if we were up to GMing another MG right after it, but hey, we figured what the hell. Maybe the community would like it if we returned to the most basic formula that the Murder Games started with, especially after every event since Rapture doing something to shake up the formula and experiment. After all, experiments are fun and all, but the fundamentals are the fundamentals. Or something like that.

In any case, we were right. Simple turned out to be better. And yet for some reason, I personally found myself a little surprised, but hey, I'll take it. Of course, in the end, Atom and I were left deader than ever once Genesis was over, but at least some good came out of it.

... I think.

At least I'm done GMing. For now. For not very long probably. Duty calls, after all.

"Shame there isn't a category for Best Tale this time around."

"Yes. What a shame indeed," Kyoko said sarcastically, before taking a sigh and opening the next envelope, "This next award is for... Best Ending. The nominations go to..."

Welcome to the Falls - Restless in Rapture - Civil War - Genesis

"And the winner of this award is... Genesis, once again."

"Huh. Guess people really liked that one."

"Well, I mean, you are just about the only person that Civil War ended well for, if that's what you were implying."

"... That's true."


I can't hold all these awards.

Ah, yeah. I got nothing new to add. Just glad Genesis ended up well-received as it was. I suppose we did put rather a lot of work into the ending of Genesis, what with the sizable final chapter - epilogue and all the addendums that we had to write up, all of which I'm surprised people even read at all, but hey, niiice.

Also I guess it's not like anything can beat an ending where Alice Twilight becomes a farmer.

Still waiting for that epilogue, @Yun Lee.

"I still think we really ought to get a new mascot for the Murder Series to put on the certificates."

"What, you don't like the bear?"

"I really don't like the bear."


"A-Anyway, next up! Best Chapter! Let's see what this one is!" Shiki exclaimed awkwardly with a cough, before reading out the letter, "Nominees in question are...!"

School Daze - Monokuma's Awakening, First Chapter
Fire Walk With Me - Monokuma's Awakening, Third Chapter
Self-Realization - Civil War, Fourth Chapter
Divided We Stand - Civil War, Final Chapter

"And the winner for Best Chapter is... Self-Realization, as seen in Civil War!"



I always personally thought this chapter, at least the beginning, was a little bit of a mess, especially since the idea was mostly mine that I wanted to shove in, but I still really wanted to do it, while Atomyk was a little more ambivalent to the idea lol. I know it's become practically a cliche in the Murder Series now with the "find yourself and be all existential and shit" tropes also being done in Fusion and The Ultimate Game, but I always love a good excuse to make introspection moments and really take a look inside the characters' heads.

Of course, I suppose the second half of the chapter isn't anything to scoff at either, with the group having to take back the Coalition Headquarters from Umbrella. Obligatory cameo from Spider-Gwen was fun to do too, and finally wrapping up the Umbrella Arc that had been sorta unresolved ever since The Ties That Bind was sorta refreshing too. Wonder if that's the last of Resident Evil that we'll see in the MGs though.

"Next up, on the other hand, Weirdest Chapter. Nominees are..."

A Whole New World - Welcome to the Falls, Chapter 3
Beautiful Nightmares - Welcome to the Falls, Chapter 4
Self-Realization - Civil War, Chapter 4
United We Fall - Civil War, Chapter 5

"And the winner is... Beautiful Nightmares, as seen in Welcome to the Falls."


I personally don't remember much about this chapter since I was busy being dead for the event evidently, according to my post count in the event which was apparently not as big as my post count in other events, but I'm sure it was a grand ol' time. Congrats, @Midnight Maiden.

"And for the last category before we have a small little intermission, and in turn before presenting the rest of the General Games Awards, we have... Best Game Prologue!" Shiki announced, before clearing his throat, "The nominees are..."

Welcome to the Falls - Monokuma's Awakening - Civil War - Genesis

"I'm starting to sense a pattern here."

"Well, you are the detective. And the winner is... Civil War!"

"Now that, I'm admittedly surprised by."

"I guess people prefer their lore in smaller / initial doses."



Yeah, nothing new to add here. Thankies for the award and all as always.

Taking a bow, Shiki cleared his throat. "Thank you very much! Please stand by, and we'll get around to presenting the final set of Games General Awards after this intermission! In the meantime, winners, please pick up your awards!"



"Oh yeah. I guess most of the awards go to us by proxy."

"I'll get the Best Afterlife one to Ms. Lalonde."

With Kyoko also taking a bow, the two of them momentarily stepped off the stage, Shiki notably letting out a drawn out sigh as he pursed his lips upon laying his eyes on Ilona again.​


"And we're back, everyone! Please settle down as we present the remainder of the General Games awards!" Shiki announced once he stepped onto the stage again alongside Kyoko, the two of them holding a number of envelopes like before, "Shall we get started then, Kirigiri-san?"

"Mhm," Kyoko simply nodded, before clearing her throat, "Now then, to start things off, leaving off from the Best Prologue, we have the Best Game Epilogue following up immediately, with the nominations going to..."

The War of the Universe - Restless in Rapture - Monokuma's Awakening - Genesis

Kyoko opened the envelope and quickly scanned her eyes over the certificate, before speaking again into the microphone.

"And the winner is... Genesis. Again."


I always wondered what the difference was supposed to be between "Best Ending" and "Best Game Epilogue." Maybe we should think about taking that out next time if it seems redundant to people.

"Didn't we just present that award?"

"That was Best Ending you're thinking of."

"Great. In any case, next up is Best Traitor Kill Overall! The nominees are..."

Max Caulfield's Drowning - Welcome to the Falls
Saber's Magic Show - Welcome to the Falls
Alice Twilight and Scott Lang Double-Kill - Genesis
Azura and Cullen Double-Kill - Genesis

"And the winner for this goes to... Max Caulfield's Drowning, as seen in Welcome to the Falls! ... Ah, who did that again?"

"Who knows?"

"Aren't you the detective here? Shouldn't you at least figure it out?"

"Sherlock Holmes only picked cases that interested him."



I could pull a Kanye right now but I won't.

Not yet, anyway.

"Moving on, then. Next up is the Best Death Overall, at least, the non-Traitor-kills, that is. The nominees are..."

Nier's Very Strange Death - Restless in Rapture
Bolin's Accidental Death - Monokuma's Awakening

Ilona's Explosion - Civil War
Travis Touchdown's Rocket Murder - Genesis

"And the award goes to... Bolin's Accidental Death, as seen in Monokuma's Awakening. Go figure, I was there for half of these nominations."

"Well, there are only four."


Yeah, that was something else indeed. Monokuma's Awakening was full of all sorts of crazy and memorable moments, one of which of course being Bolin's death.

Congrats, @Yang Lee!

"Ahem. Anyway, next up is Funniest Moment!" Shiki exclaimed when Kyoko didn't seem to feel the need to respond to him earlier. Story of his life.

"The nominations are as follows..."

Sans / Garnet / Joestar Final Attacks on Elliot - The War of the Universe
Honk honk - Monokuma's Awakening
Tarlotte's Tantrum - Monokuma's Awakening
Eating the magic food - Valen-Not-Fine

"... The heck is honk honk?"


"Don't ask," Kyoko said firmly with a scowl that almost seemed to come out of nowhere, the young woman vibrating a tad. Shiki pursed his lips and gulped, his curiosity only heightened, but he decided not to say any more on that matter.

"U-Uh... Sorry then. Anyway, the winner is... the Sans / Garnet / Joestar Final Attacks on Elliot, as seen in the climax of The War of the Universe!"


Sono chi no sadame and all that.

I'd also like to give a shoutout to @DBZ7 since he did some of the Joestar collab with me, notably the Jonathan and Johnny parts, but not to the point where I'm not gonna pretend I didn't end up deciding to just write up the rest of the latter half of the post myself eventually.

Lazy bastard.

"I'm just glad that won and not... something else," Kyoko grunted.

"Like... uh... that other thing?"

"Anyway," Kyoko said, clearing her throat as she ignored Shiki, "Our next award is, in stark contrast, for the Saddest Moment. The nominees are..."

Carol killing the Little Sister - Restless in Rapture
Wanda's Death and Proceeding Trial - Monokuma's Awakening
Ilona leaving to train with ODMA - Civil War

Aftermath of the Final Battle - Genesis

"... And the winner is the Aftermath of the Final Battle in Genesis."

"Really? Huh. Didn't seem that sad. On the contrary, seems like one of the happier moments if anything."

"Maybe it's referring to when everyone was on the verge of death at the hands of Diablo, if you're maybe thinking of the pod scene."

"I still would have thought--"

"You thought wrong."

"Right... Women are always right, after all."


It's getting really hard trying to find ways to comment on my own event, but uh, yeah, thanks again.

"Ahem. Anyway, next up, we have the Sweetest Moment. The nominees are..."

Pool Party - Monokuma's Awakening
Kyoko's Sacrifice by typing in her own name - Monokuma's Awakening
Shiki's Exchanges with Ilona - Civil War
Alukei Kiss - Genesis

"And the winner is... the Alukei Kiss in Genesis. Huh, would ya look at that? The one nomination that neither of us were in at all and it won."

"A natural part of life."


You two really are the trademark romance duo at this point, huh. Congrats, @Sen and @Hana.

Fun fact, in Monokuma's Awakening, during the Pool Party, after Kyoko was playfully dragged into the pool by Wanda, I was prepared to make a post where she gets mad and splashes Wanda and a little splash fight ensues, but then the update happened, I think.

Or maybe I was too lazy to get it out in time.

"In any case, up next, we have Weirdest Moment. The nominations go to..."

Final Fight against Elliot and Bane - The War of the Universe
Rant kidnapping Tomoko - Monokuma's Awakening
Monokuma Army in the Final Battle - Civil War
Disregard for Human Life - General

"The heck does Disregard for Human Life mean?" Shiki asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Maybe it's the part where not a lot of people reacted to the deaths since it's all become humdrum. Or the Civil War deaths. Or both," Kyoko shrugged, before clearing her throat, "In any case, the winner is Rant kidnapping Tomoko."


Well. I guess that scene was pretty weird. Here you go then, @ShiroKiyoshi and I suppose @Nater Taters as well.

"And with that, we come to our final award for the General Games category! It's... the Best Action Sequence! The nominations are as follows!"

Battle with Bill Cipher - Welcome to the Falls
Battle between Rapture and Columbia - Restless in Rapture
Battle to defeat Mother and save Junko - Civil War
Fight with the Avengers - Genesis

"And the award goes to... the Fight with the Avengers, as seen in the beginning of Genesis! ... Huh, I woulda thought the fight against Diablo would have at least gotten nominated first."

"Maybe they really liked Ant-Man."


I really did not expect that to win, but hey, that was still something @Atomyk and I GM'd so I'll take it. Nice.

Looking back, I probably should have used Falcon instead of Ant-Man since that would have made more sense within the context of the MCU, but I mean, if we were using Wanda and yet also putting in Ultron as a villain that was still around, I guess anything goes.

Of course, "anything goes" is pretty much standard fare for the Murder Series in general, I'll bet.

"And that, ladies and gentlemen, is that for the General Games awards! Please take this moment to let the winners claim their certificates, and stay tuned for the next batch of awards, which will be the General Characters! Thank you so much for your time!"

Charismatic with that "normal boy" routine as always. Just like Makoto... Guess these protagonist types really are all the same.

And with that, the two representatives stepped down, letting the winners claim their prizes in the meantime.​

For what felt like a whole good fifteen minutes since the last set of awards were presented, the auditorium stage was quite silent for a time. Well... that couldn't be the end of the award show, right? Of course, someone would have to present the next set of awards, but who would... ?


Booming from the speaker system, an excited voice of a young girl echoed out. Mere moments after that, a surge of electricity sparked out of the speakers, forming into the allegedly well-known computer virus.


"HEEELLLOOO! Wiruko is here to hijack this award show, and reap of its awards for Wiruko herself! With Wiruko's expertise in hacking, the awards are now under mi..."

For a moment, she opened the countless envelopes that she had in her grasp, but then realizing... she couldn't exactly hack into paper. Paper wasn't computer data. ;(

"Actually, change of plans! Wiruko can't seem to hack into the awards, but Wiruko can present these awards for the category of General Characters, since no one else is gonna do it! Be happy that Wiruko is going to present the super awesome awards to you all!"

With a confident-like puff to her chest, Wiruko went through the envelopes again, making sure that they were in the order that she found them in, cleared her voice, and began to read them off.

"Alrighty... let's see, Wiruko is going to read through the nominees for... Most Badass Character now. Hm... does that mean that the people here have a bad ass? Wiruko doesn't exactly understand... so she'll save that term to search up later!"

Kyoko Kirigiri (Monokuma's Awakening / Civil War) - Riesbyfe Stridberg (Genesis) - Skeletor (The War of the Universe) - Soldier: 76 (Restless in Rapture)

Reading off the names, the virus's eyes drifted over to the bottom of the paper.

"Aaaaand the winner for having a bad ass is... Soldier: 76! Wait, does that mean there's 75 more of this person? That sounds delightful for Wiruko's conquest to take over the internet!"



Oh man, your 76 was just all over the place in terms of badassery in Rapture! When it came to the action scenes, he was all ready to get down and fight. Woot woot! Congrats Crunchy! ^^

"Oh, the next one's for the Most Angsty Character."

Wiruko would pause, and then yell out towards Hideo, who was in a drunken fight somewhere here.

"MASTER, IF YOU WIN THIS ONE, WIRUKO WILL FEEL DISAPPOINTED IN YOU! Ahem... anyways, Wiruko will read off the other possible angsty subjects now!"

Alucard (Genesis) - Blake Dormi (Genesis) - Makoto Naegi (Civil War) - Nier (Restless in Rapture)

"Oh, Master isn't even on the nominee list... that's good. So our super angsty winner is... Nier? What kind of name is that? He must be really nier angsty then!"


I think I'm getting that reputation of creating angsty and feelsy characters again. Maybe I should... er, continue doing this then? Guess that means more Drakengard/Nier content for you guys. Haha

"Aha! Now this is something that Wiruko was looking for! The Weirdest Character award! Surely something that Wiruko can fulfill!"

Apparently so proud to call herself weird, she took a glance into the nominations and read them out.

Rant T. Mouse (Monokuma's Awakening) - Strong-Heart Ali (Genesis) - Tomoko Kuroki (Monokuma's Awakening) - Zwei (Civil War)

"Sad that Wiruko is not on this list, but this means that whoever wins shall be looked for by the great Wiruko virus! And that lucky winner is Rant T. Mouse! ... Mice are cool too."



A taste of weird isn't that bad. Rant was that taste of weird in Awakening. When you see this, Shiro, just know that we haven't forgotten ya. Heheh... ^^

"What's next what's next... Aha! Funniest Character! Who will be the one to give some good laughs to Wiruko? Who will be the laughs provider for Wiruko?"

Meira Franz (Monokuma's Awakening / Civil War) - Rant T. Mouse (Monokuma's Awakening) - Tarlotte (Monokuma's Awakening) - Zinnia (Welcome to the Falls / Monokuma's Awakening)

"Hm... and the winner is... wait a minute... There's TWO winners! Wiruko reads that the winners are Tarlotte and Zinnia! Now, amuse me you amusing subjects!"


@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Midnight Maiden

What's great than having two winners tying this award? Oh, the fact that there's an interesting the two characters interacting with each other bring out the funniest moments, and that it's all done by these two amazing gals. Keep it up Kimmy and Savvy! ^^

"Okay, did we enter a RPG now? Because the next award is for Best NPC Overall. Maybe Wiruko can hack into this NPC and find out what their secrets are on being so great!"

Bullet (Monokuma's Awakening) - Handsome Jack (Restless in Rapture) - Junko Enoshima (War of the Universe / Welcome to the Falls / Civil War) - Mom Lalonde (Welcome to the Falls / Civil War / Genesis)

"And the lucky winner that's going to be hacked by Wiruko is Mom Lalonde! Alrighty, keeping tabs on the best NPC here, Wiruko must hack into her to learn her secrets! ... wait a minute, Wiruko can't hack into this person! Why noooot?!"



Lalonde is just amazing. Her role within all of the games with her in there intertwines so well. I can't stress this enough. Hopefully you see this, because you're great Atom ^^

"Oh, with a best, there's a worst! Worst NPC Overall time! Guess that means the lucky person that won't be hacked by Wiruko!"

Jamie Wright (Monokuma's Awakening) - Jason Voorhees (Monokuma's Awakening) - Mike Dawson (Monokuma's Awakening) - Principal Klim (Monokuma's Awakening)

"And the baddest of them all is... Jamie Wright. Guess that sounds right? Wiruko is great with puns!"



I don't really remember much about that one trial that involved Jamie, but Imma guess that Jamie was one of them asshole characters. Lol


"Alrighty, come and retrieve your awards from your gracious virus overlord! There's still lots and lots to come from the great Wiruko virus!"

Wiruko waves her hands around to beckon the first wave of winners onto the stage to receive their awards. Well, at least she got that done without much problem.​

Going along with the show, Wiruko smiles in glee once she glances over the next few nominations. Just something about it made her giddy for some reason...


"Without any more waiting time, Wiruko is going to start reading and announcing more winners! So listen up!"

Clapping her hands together, the virus doesn't waste time to grab over the envelope for the next award. Around this time, Hideo happened to stumble onto the stage, the back of his head slightly bleeding from the fact that it was struck hard by a glass bottle. Strange that he was still conscious, but thankfully he was sober now...


"... just what the hell are you doing? I don't remember you signing up to announce awards..."

"Oh Master, Wiruko didn't! She was trying to hack into the award show to get the awards all for herself, but since these are paper awards... Wiruko can't hack into them sadly. But that doesn't mean we can do a little favor and give away these awards~"

As the virus cheered on, she unfolded the envelope that would have the list of nominations for the next award. Right as she would start...


"Wait, what do you mean by we?"

Unfortunately for him, his question fell upon deaf ears, and so began the award announcing again.

"Ooooo~ Wiruko likes this award! It's for the Sweetest RP Romance! Wiruko can smell the scent of love in the air~ Wiruko wonders on who these lovely love birds are!"

Wiruko's eyes would comically form into hearts at the thought of that, which would... put Hideo off a bit.

Alucard x Hakuei (Genesis) - Blake x Senna (Genesis) - Genji x Wanda (Monokuma's Awakening / Civil War) - Nier x Vanille (Restless in Rapture)

As Wiruko read off the nominees for this award, it was almost by chance that a certain someone who couldn't speak about love felt weird about this.

"Aaaand the loveliest love bird duo around is Alucard x Hakuei! Pucker up and kiss each other for Wiruko now!"

"... you don't just ask people to make out for your amusement, Wiruko."


@Hana @Sen

Omigod omigod. This was one of the many ships to come out of Genesis. I just found the whole interaction between them to be so adorable and sweet, and boy that epilogue. Make more ships for us shippers now~

Getting the dreading feeling that Wiruko was going to go out of hand at some point with these award, Hideo would snatch the next award envelope away from Wiruko without much warning.

"Heeeey! Master! Wiruko wants to give away this one too!"

"You said that we're doing this together, so we're going to alternate from here on."

Making that clear despite Wiruko's whining, Hideo cleared his throat and read off from the paper.

"... Strangest RP Romance? What could be strange as a romance pairing anyways?"

Ilona x Zidane (Civil War) - Nier x Vanille (Restless in Rapture) - Samurai Jack x Zinnia (Welcome to the Falls / Monokuma's Awakening) - Setsuna x Shirou (Genesis)

Well, nothing seemed too odd here, or maybe it was just Hideo's perspective on this.

"And the winner is Samurai Jack x Zinnia. I don't really see you two being a strange romance, but hey, you guys got an award."

Even with how he wasn't really great with words, Hideo supposed he would share a bit of his thoughts on it anyways.


@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @The Myrmidon

In a way, it's a strange romance that came up between Jack and Zinnia, but it works out so well that it isn't really all that strange at all. I still need to read that sidestory 1x1 you guys have, because I actually can't get enough of the fluff between the two. >w<

Just like Hideo had proposed mere minutes again, Wiruko would go and take her shot at the next one. Thankfully that was the last of the romance awards for this category...

"Huh... that's a weird one. Wiruko will say the nominations for the Most Mentally Tortured Character award!"

"... that doesn't even sound like an award at all, if you ask me."

Despite Hideo's obvious observation, Wiruko's mood was still uplifting and rather energetic. She probably had no idea what it meant to be mentally tortured.

Clark Kent (Genesis) - Ilona (Civil War) - Makoto Naegi (Civil War) - Nier (Restless in Rapture)

"Aha! So Ilona is the most mentally tortured character! Wiruko would like to congratulate the girl!"

"Wiruko, don't be like this now."


@Klutzy Ninja Kitty

Poor Ilona during the majority of Civil War. There was just so many parts that I felt so bad for her, but I guess that's the whole gist of creating feels. You've learned well, Kimmy. >:)

"Best Traitor? I don't really like the sound of this, but I guess these traitors aren't really traitors anymore? This award show is pretty weird."

Hideo scratched the back of his head as he went about with this next award. He could already tell that this was some weird meta award show...

Clark Kent (Genesis) - Hideo Kawamura / Wiruko (Welcome to the Falls) - Lucifer Morningstar (Genesis) - Roman Torchwick (Welcome to the Falls)

"AHHHH!! Master! We're on here~! This means that people here can know of our teamwork! Right?!"

"Uh, not to rain on your parade, Wiruko, but Roman Torchwick won this one. Then again... we did kinda help the guy, so it kinda counts?"

As Hideo pointed that out, Wiruko calmed down and didn't show much signs of disappointment. Guess his talking worked out this time around.



Classic Roman. Being a traitor just felt like a perfect role for him, and not to mention that he did become a crucial character in the later parts of the afterlife. Hope to see more of your Roman ^^

Disappointed that they didn't get the Best Traitor award, Wiruko perks up a bit with the next award.

"There's more Traitor awards, this one for the Most Ruthless Traitor! Let's see let's see..."

Bane (War of the Universe) - Clark Kent (Genesis) - Hideo Kawamura / Wiruko (Welcome to the Falls) - Principal Klim (Monokuma's Awakening)

Her eyes lit up with glee once she read off their names again, hoping that they would win this one. Eventually she would see that that wasn't the case, but that didn't bring down her mood.

"And the winner for being so ruthless is Clark Kent! Wiruko would like to learn how to be ruthless, ehehehe~"

Cue a finger flick at Wiruko's forehead by Hideo.


@Josh M

Every round, we would always consider Clark as one of the traitors, considering that many of the kills could've been done by him. And boy, those kills have no restraint, especially the murder of both Blake and Senna. Great stuff with Clark, Josh! ^^

"I guess this is a light-noted award, going for the Kindest Traitor."

Hideo scratched his head at the thought of that. In a way, he was sorta one, but that was because Wiruko slightly manipulated him with her virus powers... It was weird. Though, it was a bit relieving to see an award that didn't exactly celebrate the bad undertones of the traitors in past games...

Azura (Genesis) - Clark Kent (Genesis) - Monomi (Monokuma's Awakening) - Stephen Holder (Monokuma's Awakening)

"Hm... and it appears that the winner here is Azura."

"Looks like Wiruko can learn how to be a kind traitor from Azura!"

"... I'm not sure if that's a good thing or bad thing, coming from you Wiruko."



Azura was just one of those characters that we weren't expecting to be the traitor in Genesis, so in a way, she was too kind that we didn't really suspect her until brought up. Just an interesting twist and reveal that she was a traitor to begin with. ^^

"Wiruko sees that the next award is going to someone that Wiruko would see to train for better results as a traitor! Most Ineffective Traitor award is up next!"

Hideo only sighed as Wiruko would go on and do the duties of reading off the nominees. Hopefully this doesn't get steadily worse with her way of speech.

Azura (Genesis) - Broly (The War of the Universe) - Gilgamesh (Welcome to the Falls) - Niles (Valen-Not-Fine)

"And the most incapable and ineffective traitor around is Gilgamesh!"

"... Isn't he one of the blackmailers other than us that helped out the main traitors?"

"Goes to show that Wiruko did all of the planning of the fake evidence!"

"You're not even listening."

Hideo was slowly suffering inside.


@Gwazi Magnum

Well, guess that's what happens when you're mostly inactive until the end of the game. But anyways, Gilgamesh didn't exactly factor until the end with that Saber kill came around, and that worked out well for that one specific fake evidence. ;3

"Hey Wiruko, I'm getting a bit... light-headed. Not sure why, but we should take a break after this one award."

Hideo was unaware that he was still gradually bleeding from the back of his head from that brief drunken bar fight earlier. Even Wiruko didn't notice that, that didn't mean that they couldn't take a break after.

"Okay, but we still have lots to do, Master! Wiruko will take the ropes for this one since you're nothing feeling well. This next award is for the Best Traitor Group! Wiruko is super excited for this one."

"I'm sure you are."

Genesis - The War of the Universe - Welcome to the Falls

"And the best of the best is the Genesis traitor group! Congratulations!"

"... so many Genesis-related awards."


@Josh M @Takumi @LuckycoolHawk9

This traitor group got us stumped with whodunnit on most of the traitor kills in Genesis. All sorts of things were happening with the kills, and made the suspense of the game go all sorts of places. Congrats you three ^^

"Oh... Oh god... everything feels... all peachy."

Hideo would mumble this out before fainting, still bleeding out from the back of his head. This made Wiruko panic from the sudden happening of this. Of course, they were handling an award show sorta, so they couldn't really make a scene here.

"A-AH! Um... Wiruko and her Master will be back to give out more awards, so stay tuned!"

Forcing a happy smile, Wiruko would struggle to drag her unconscious Master out of the stage and somewhere to check up on him. Well... that happened.​
One could only imagine on how Hideo was doing at the backstage right now, but with the awards on hold, someone had to step up and finish the job for them. Quite unexpectedly, another pair walked onto the stage.


"Let's... get this over... with."

Sounded like Elesis's idea.


"And why should we?"

Mastermind didn't like this idea. Though, he reconsidered once he saw that signature death stare on Elesis's face. You can't say no to that, especially when she could murder him at any given second.

"Fine, guess it's just reading these off and giving the awards to the winners. I hope it does not take long."

Giving off a rather bored tone of voice, he went to look at the first envelope that was left on the stage.

"An award for the Best Friendship? Who would need an award like that? Nevertheless, some people here would like to be affirmed of their friendship, it seems."

Bolin / Edmond Honda / Wanda Maximoff (Monokuma's Awakening) - Carol / Ellis (Restless in Rapture) - Clark Kent / Lucio / Riesbyfe Stridberg (Genesis) - Ilona / Shiki (Civil War)

"And the winner of being friends is Bolin, Edmond Honda, and Wanda Maximoff. Congrats."


@Yang Lee @Yun Lee @Josh M

These three bonded real fast in the beginning of Monokuma's Awakening, wish there was more of this since... well, Bolin died somewhere in the middle. D:

"Next... Most Unusual Friends..."

"Okay, so are we just awarding all types of friends here? Quite redundant if you ask me."

Elesis glared right at Mastermind's direction with a tinge of annoyance.

"What are you staring at me for? Just read the nominees."

Bane / Steve Cortez (The War of the Universe) - Ilona / Zidane Tribal (Civil War) - Genji Shimada / Wanda Maximoff / Poison (Monokuma's Awakening) - Lucifer Morningstar / Penny (Genesis)

"Unusual Friends winner... Lucifer Morningstar and Penny."

"Something tells me that I should be reading these more than you, Elesis."


@LuckycoolHawk9 @Darkseide

There were some weird interactions that led to Penny and Lucifer to friend up. Not much else to say here lol.

"Well, we're out of the friendship phase, something different is good. Hm... Best Rivalry. Interesting type of award. If I announce the winner of this award, I would like to see what type of rivalry this is..."

Mastermind is interested... very interested. Probably not for good causes, most likely.

Bane vs Skeletor (The War of the Universe) - Cagliostro vs Clark (Genesis) - Monokuma vs Wanda (Monokuma's Awakening) - Add vs Shizuo (The War of the Universe / Civil War)

Mastermind rubbed his eyes multiple times, as if he couldn't really fathom this type of rivalry actually grabbing the attention of other votes. However, this was on paper, written as proof that the award should call to certain winners.

"I can't believe I'm saying this... but the winners for best rivalry go to Add and Shizuo..."

"... Add?"

"Not me, Elesis, the idiotic time traveler variant of myself. I've already seen enough of their fights to get a sense of their stupidity."

Good thing Esper was occupied with Kofuku to not hear that comment from Mastermind.


@The Myrmidon

Ah, truly the greatest rivalry which has been going on since... Metamorphose Sickness? You know what this means. We need more Esper and Shizuo content. We need more fights. >:3

"So we have Best Alliance next. That could mean a lot of things. Such as best in strategic terms, social terms..."

"Sounds... like us."

"Close enough, Elesis. Anyways, more on the nominees..."

Alucard / Hakuei / Road (Genesis) - Clark / Lucio / Riesbyfe (Genesis) - Makoto / Ritsuko (Civil War) - ODMA Alliance (Civil War / Time Squad)

Ignoring the awkward air brought up by Elesis, Mastermind went along with announcing the winner of this award.

"Ah... Clark, Lucio, and Riesbyfe make the best alliance? I wonder how so."


@Josh M @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Verite

This alliance went through it all in Genesis, and it all weighed out perfectly amongst the three of them. Rip on the fact that Riesbyfe lost her memories of the even tho.

Steadily getting bored from those awards, Mastermind goes over to see that they were getting into something different now.

"This may prove to be something else than the other awards so far. An award for the Best Hero. A topic of worth this time around."

Edmond Honda (Monokuma's Awakening) - Shiki Tohno (Civil War) - Soldier: 76 (Restless in Rapture) - Wanda Maximoff (Monokuma's Awakening / Civil War)

"Winner... Edmond Honda."

Mastermind was only startled by how Elesis was suddenly on point with one glance at the envelope and announcing the winner.


@Yun Lee

Oh man oh man, where do I begin on your Honda, Yun? There's just too much great that I can list off, and I don't know what else to say other than that. Haha. ^^

"And on the contrary, we have the Best Villain award. The foil to the hero, opposite sides on the same coin."

As Mastermind read through this, Elesis felt a bit weirded out on why this was an award in the first place.

Albert Wesker (Genesis) - Bane (The War of the Universe) - Revolver Ocelot (Civil War) - Solas (Civil War)

"So the best of all these possible villains is Albert Wesker. ... no Elesis, don't even think on trying something like that at an award show. Maybe later, but not now."

Mastermind had to go and make sure that Elesis wouldn't go on a manhunt for the person that won the best villain award.



Your Wesker felt pretty intimidating towards the other characters in Genesis, and it works out great as always with your stuff, Atom. ^^

Just as Mastermind would go on with this tedious task, a certain someone would come out of nowhere and push him aside with the help of some mechanical weapons.


"Don't mind me, it's just that the way you two are running this show is pretty boring... Let me take the reigns for you guys~"

Esper would use his Dynamos to push Mastermind and Elesis off the stage and then keeping them away with the help of Particle Prism. Excited to start things on his own terms, Esper skimmed through the next award's details.

"Best Male Character Overall award, huh? Ha! That could mean a lot of things!"

Alucard (Genesis) - Lucio (Genesis) - Makoto Naegi (Civil War) - Twisted Fate (Genesis)

"Hm, there's lots of people on here from Genesis? Isn't that the prequel event? Won't hurt to time travel back there and take a peek!"

Realizing that he was slightly getting off-topic here, Esper quickly corrected himself on what he should be saying.

"But aside from that, the winner of this award is Makoto Naegi! Quite a lot happened in Civil War, and I would know because I was around for that event."



Makoto had so many aspects in him through the Murder Series canon, making him an enjoyable character to read! You definitely deserve this award, Atom! ^^

"Just a few more to go, kekeke~ Going from the male, to the Best Female Character Overall."

Kyoko Kirigiri (Monokuma's Awakening / Civil War) - Mabel Pines (Welcome to the Falls) - Road Kamelot (Genesis) - She-Hulk (Welcome to the Falls)

Speeding through the last sets of awards, Esper immediately goes to announce the winner.

"Ah, Kyoko Kirigiri is the winner for this award. Strange that her and Makoto get this one, amirite? Kekekek..."



Oh boy oh boy, Kyoko has gone places in both Monokuma's Awakening and Civil War, just feeling right in your hands, haha. Congrats on the well-deserved award!

"Oh how broad we're getting here, but a very very decisive award nonetheless! The Best Character Overall award!"

Carol (Restless in Rapture) - Edmond Honda (Monokuma's Awakening) - Ilona (Civil War) - Shiki Tohno (Civil War)

"What a surprise, it appears that Ilona has won this award! I could've sworn that I've seen her a bit in that Civil War incident... guess I didn't get much time to speak with her or else I would remember her a bit better. Then again... most others didn't really like my presence back there. Oh weeeell..."


@Klutzy Ninja Kitty

Ilona has grown up ever since those days back in the Right Hand of the Crimson Moon MG. Going from an adorable little girl to a capable woman, holy shit, the stuff you can do with her after Time Squad. Keep it up! :D

"Hm... shouldn't this be with the rest of the romance awards? No matters, I'll go along with this script and announce the winner of the Character Romance That Should Happen award."

Clark x Riesbyfe (Genesis) - Genji x Wanda (Monokuma's Awakening / Civil War) - Keaton x Wadanohara (Restless in Rapture) - Nier x Vanille (Restless in Rapture)

"... one of these definitely doesn't match with the others, but other than that, the winner here is Clark x Riesbyfe!"


@Josh M @Verite

This should definitely be a thing. Like seriously. They seem so perfect together, huehue. I wish they mingled more in Genesis, but that can happen more soon elsewhere, right? owo

"Finally, the last of these awards for this category. The sooner I get this done, the sooner I can cuddle with Kofuku-chan... I-I mean with the kitties... I mean... Augh, let's just keep going! The Best Cast award, here we go!"

Genesis - Monokuma's Awakening - Restless in Rapture - Welcome to the Falls

"Out of nowhere, here comes Monokuma's Awakening as the winner! I'm not sure who was around for that, but I'll figure that out soon because I won't need to be on the stage anymore!"



The variety of characters we had for this one, including all dem NPCs for the trials, it's like one of the big things that made that game super super enjoyable. Heheh, congrats on another well-deserved award win! They just keep on coming! ^^

With the General Character awards over and done with, Esper would exit the stage by entering a time rift, and soon enough reappear to wherever Kofuku was. Well, at least the show is continuing to go on from here.​
It seemed that there were a few late arrivals to this awards show of sorts, appearing to have arrived just in time not to miss the Awards Show. However, interestingly enough, despite their late arrival, it seemed that one of them had already split off from the others and... Vanished, how odd... What's more was that not too long after, some awards that Tarlotte had dropped earlier had also disappeared from the floor they were once sitting at.

Ruby Rose
Interacting with: Weiss

Amongst the new arrivals was Ruby, who was wearing a backpack that seemed to be... Wiggling a little on occasion, but well, considering the young huntress in training's usual shennanigans, perhaps this wasn't out of the ordinary.

It didn't take long for her to start running around the area, seeming to be looking for someone, but as her searching grew more and more desperate, she finally gave up being quiet about this, and began calling out.


"Weiss? Weeeeeiss! Where aaaare you.....?!" She yelled, her voice echoing throughout the room.

Despite the sheer volume of noise permeating the room, it seemed that Ruby was hopefull that somehow, she would be able to get her friend's attention... Who she could have sworn had left for this Awards Show a while before she did; Ruby had opted to stay behind a little longer, since she had a little more... Packing do to...

Interacting with: Anyone Really


Elsewhere in the room, it seemed that a familiar pair of cat ears happened to be poking out from behind one of the tables, not too far off from a certain white haired guy with a cane, actually. There was a soft, rustling sound coming from there, as if papers were being shuffled or something, barely heard through the noise in the room... And considering the missing couple of awards that had been laying around earlier, apparently awarded to someone named "York", one might be inclined to believe that whoever under that table might have taken them, for one reason or another...
Welp, the presense of a certain character was also an excuse for me to pop in some OOC comments I suppose regarding my awards >.< first of all... Uh, thanks for those who voted for me! xD I must say I didn't quite expect to get Most Underrated twice in a row, in addition to the Posts N Vain thing, but well... I can't argue I suppose, even though alot of my posts end up being duds for one reason or another. Despite how long I've been in this group, I guess I still need to figure out how to properly fluff out my writing/typings without it going in circles and stuff, but yeah...

Er, I guess I'll try and see if I can't reach out more with my posts in the future! Ooor not... Since I guess I can always try and maintain winning these sortsa awards, but we'll see I guess o.o

Jack Frost
Interacting with: Tarlotte

It appeared that Jack Frost had arrived at the award show too... Except he didn't make his presense immediately known, and instead, chose to blend in with the crowd, wandering around, rather aimlessly for the most part, that is until the sounds of commotion somewhere near him caught his attention.

At first, his eyes darted towards a strange, brown pair of cat ears poking out from a nearby table, before his gaze found a scene nearby, where it would seem that some chaos was ensuing... With someone he instantly seemed to recognize...


"What... The..." He started, trailing off a little.

It looked like he wasn't quite sure if he was seeing straight, until he blinked a few times, rubbing his eyes before he peered towards the scene of the commotion again, the realization finally hitting him. That familiar meowing, and shouting, and hissing... And yeesh, even clawing, there was only one person he remembered that was as crazy as this!

"Tarlotte? Is that you?" He asked, excitement peaking in his voice.

While he already seemed to know the answer, it was almost like he just needed the tiniest bit of affirmation to make sure he wasn't just dreaming this up... Or this wasn't just some other, moody... Cat-person that just happened to act like Tarlotte or something, because hey, consideirng the nature of htis Award Show, anything could happen, right?

Interacting with: Ilona, and others at the bar

Arriving a little later than the others, save for Ruby Rose maybe, Sophie, much like Jack Frost, seemed to have taken the backseat to things, also wandering around the area... Except unlike Jack, her wanderings eventually lead her to the bar by chance, where she settled down with a light drink, not intending to get too wild at the moment.

She had intended to lose herself in her thoughts for a while here, but, her plans were quickly dashed when a rather beautifull song rang through the room. It was odd though, she hadn't seen any speakers around, and this one didn't seem to have any instruments playing in the background, just some vocals.

Though, even them alone sounded quite good, actually! In fact... Whoever was singing had a voice she found eerily familiar, one that almost reminded her of Elsa when she sang, but... With a different... Glow to it... One that gave her this incessant urge to get up, and approach the source of this music that was playing... But huh... Something didn't seem quite right about that train of thought...

Wait a minute... That wasn't just music playing, that was someone singing!

Upon that realization, Sophie finally looked up from her drink, towards where the singing was coming from, and just as the song came to an end to spot that it was none other than... ...

"Ilona!" She blurted out suddenly, before she covered her mouth with both of her hands, flushing a little red.

Of all the things she could have said, it would seem that in that sudden moment of excitement, she only ended up with Ilona's name, rather than... Well, literally anything else.

Quickly attempting to improvise, Sophie uncovered her mouth, letting her hands rest in her lap as she tried to think of something else to say, before the situation got too awkward, but... It would seem that she was drawing blanks for the time being... Oh dear...

@Midnight Maiden @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Mason Moretti @Others?​
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It seemed that there were a few late arrivals to this awards show of sorts, appearing to have arrived just in time not to miss the Awards Show. However, interestingly enough, despite their late arrival, it seemed that one of them had already split off from the others and... Vanished, how odd... What's more was that not too long after, some awards that Tarlotte had dropped earlier had also disappeared from the floor they were once sitting at.

Ruby Rose
Interacting with: Weiss

Amongst the new arrivals was Ruby, who was wearing a backpack that seemed to be... Wiggling a little on occasion, but well, considering the young huntress in training's usual shennanigans, perhaps this wasn't out of the ordinary.

It didn't take long for her to start running around the area, seeming to be looking for someone, but as her searching grew more and more desperate, she finally gave up being quiet about this, and began calling out.


"Weiss? Weeeeeiss! Where aaaare you.....?!" She yelled, her voice echoing throughout the room.

Despite the sheer volume of noise permeating the room, it seemed that Ruby was hopefull that somehow, she would be able to get her friend's attention... Who she could have sworn had left for this Awards Show a while before she did; Ruby had opted to stay behind a little longer, since she had a little more... Packing do to...

Trevor had been standing right next to this girl who's name was "Ruby" whenever she yelled for some other girl named "Weiss." What weird fucking names.

Trevor yelled this to the teenager. Uncle T doesn't have the time or the patience for your high pitched annoying bullshit.

Mason began stuttering and stammering incoherently, just as he had done previously with Cheza and Ryan. Fortunately, his fairy companion was gracious enough to give him an out. She hovered in the air in front of Ilona and quickly supplied information.

"Sir Mason, please let me take over here. What I think Mason is trying to say is that these video games were a source of hope and passion for him. He wants to expose you to a new kind of art so that you can find the beauty and light in it. He is showing his friendship by being willing to give you something extremely important to him if it means that you will feel better. He's not trying to compare your life to a video game, he's just trying to compare the storybooks you mentioned to video games. And he's showing you one with a happy ending."

As Oracle spoke, Mason took his glass and downed a second helping of hard soda. With newfound "courage" from his drink, he disregarded Oracle's warnings. "No, I'm g sure my life is a video game. If I'm not some kind of fictional character, I'll be surprised. In fact, I'm pretty sure I've met fictional characters. I think I know that one there from a game," he said, pointing to Azura, "HEY AZURA, IS THAT YOU?"

Oracle sighed and put her tiny head in her tinier hands. If her patience were a rope, it would be frayed to a single string. "I apologize, Lady Ilona. Mason is also a lightweight and really can't hold his alcohol. He's really drunk right now and can't be blamed for what he says. Please find it in your heart to to give him."
@Klutzy Ninja Kitty

As Oracle spoke, Mason found a distraction in the form of a living virus. "HEY, get AWAY! I have half the Zelda series stored on this 3DS! You're not stealing my data!" He formed a protective barrier around his console, but unfortunately left a few game cards just lying on the countertop. Unguarded.
@Gummi Bunnies

Meanwhile, Macy bursted into a fit of giggles. Through her fit, she said, "I think you're starting to get it, Flower Girl. You understand how sweet Mason is for you. Well, I won't get between your love. If you'll claim him, so let it be."

She tried to step forward with a congratulatory hug, but unfortunately her heels, and the force of gravity, now betrayed her. Did... Did this happen already? In any case, she fell, grabbing onto Ryan. "Whoops! Stupid shoes. Making me fall." She reached down and removed the offending footwear, tossing them to the side. The sparkling blue heels landed somewhere in the vicinity of Alucard, whether or not this seems feasibly possible.

"You're a nice catch, Ryan. Thank you for holding me," she said, standing up, "Why don't we be friends? Being friends sounds great to me. Why, we could be the forever kind of friends. The people who are friends no matter what goes on. Infinity friends. Would you like that?"

Despite becoming inebriated, Macy understood that for Ryan to understand the idea of love and relationships, she would either have to be as straightforward as possible or even sneakier. Ryan clearly never flirted a day in her life. Therefore, our sweet sinnamon roll Macy decided to use some sneakier tactics.

"Pinky promise we'll be friends forever?"

Ah. The pinky promise. The multiverse' s most stable and unbreakable contract.

Her words came with another for of giggles, which she excused, "I'm so sorry. I'm just thinking of all the fun things we can do as friends. Forgive me."
@Midnight Maiden @Takumi[/hr]

Azura gave Mason a blank look. She had no clue who this guy was or how he knew her, but she could tell he was drunk from the distance they were at.

"Is there something you require?" she asked.

When Ilona had been nominated for best character and asked Toboe to take care of Mason and watch over him he nodded, grinning once more.

"Don't worry Ilona! I have his back, and congratulations too." he replied.

Hatchin looked up at Mable and sighed.

"Is all you got grape juice?" she asked, mostly out of curiosity and boredom.

@Midnight Maiden @Mason Moretti @Ringmaster @C.T. @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @LuckycoolHawk9 @Gummi Bunnies @Bar peeps

Cheza smiled when Macy asked to be friends with both her and Ryan, and participated in the pinky promise even if she didn't really get what a pinky promise was.

"Let us all be good friends from here on out, yes?" she replied. Then Macy brought up getting water and the Flower Maiden nodded.

"This one hasn't had water in a while." she spoke. She did need it to survive after all.

@Mason Moretti @Midnight Maiden


But suddenly, Zim appeared on the stage and snatched the microphone. This couldn't be good.

"ATTENTION FILTHIES AND INFERIOR BEINGS!! As you know, there have been these so called 'awards' being handed out tonight. I am here to inform you that these awards are wrong!! I, Zim, should be getting all the awards! Who has been there for you when you needed a helping hand?!" Suddenly, pictures of Zim helping people out appeared behind him. They were obviously faked, however, with Gir usually dressed as whoever he was helping out. "And who has been there to stop such filthies from harming our beautiful and non filthy ecosystem, whilst also purifying our gene pool?!" Several more pictures would appear behind him, this time pictures of Zim causing physical assault to Dib in some way shape or form. Either him kicking Dib right between the legs, or him unleashing thousands of microorganisms all over Dib, or him simply throwing a blueberry muffin at his face. "You are right! It has been no other than your lord and master for all of eternity, Zim!!!" One final picture came up behind him.


"What you are seeing behind me is no joke!! I, Zim, formally announce that I will be running for president! It will surely be the doomiest, gloomiest, most horrible four years of your pathetic and meaningless lives!! MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!"

"Oh, and there's free cake and punch for everyone who votes. And now a word from my campaign manager." As he said this, the Irken invader made his way off the stage whilst Gir made his way onto it. The tiny robot, whom was no longer disguised as the dog, now held the microphone in his tiny hand and began to smile.




Michiko got up from the bar and made her way towards the stage just as Zim was walking off. What exactly did she plan to do? Well, to try and kick the annoying alien into Gir, that's what.

There was a possibility she was PMSing (or just slightly drunk since she actually had some booze before coming here) but that's for the viewer to decide if they so well pleased.

"Hm... shouldn't this be with the rest of the romance awards? No matters, I'll go along with this script and announce the winner of the Character Romance That Should Happen award."

Clark x Riesbyfe (Genesis) - Genji x Wanda (Monokuma's Awakening / Civil War) - Keaton x Wadanohara (Restless in Rapture) - Nier x Vanille (Restless in Rapture)

"Eh? Did I just hear my name being called for the 'award show'? A... nomination?"


"Oh, and it's with Keaton... Isn't that nice?"

Then the award they got nominated for caught up to her.





"W-w-wait, what?"

@Crimson Spartan @Sen @Crow


She wasn't going to say bless you.



"...Ahh, nothing quite akin to the sweet, sweet scent of alcohol-induced teenage angst. Ehehehe~"

Purely for the sake of her own amusement, the Gleeful gleefully refilled Mason's cup once again. Bottoms up, bitch.

@Mason Moretti @Ringmaster @C.T. @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Takumi @LuckycoolHawk9 @Bar​
"You don't even say bless you? How rude," Joshua snorted, shaking his head afterwards. "Anyhow, Teresa, asking you to bring me a drink was a joke for the most part. Can't a man have any fun at a place like this? I'm rather bored, to be honest." Huffing, Joshua glanced down at one of his hands, flexing his fingers.

"If you're not going to entertain me, how about I make things more interesting around here? It appears I have access to some of my powers here. Maybe I should... spice things up a little bit~"

He smirked.


"Tell me, Teresa dear, do you like art?"

With a wave of his hands, the walls of the room would change, suddenly covered in random pictures that apparently came from another multiverse.

"I'm not sure exactly what my powers just spawned in, but shall we take a look? It's better than sitting around here doing nothing," he said with a shrug.

@Midnight Maiden @Gummi Bunnies @Others​
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  • Love
Reactions: Midnight Maiden
Character Romance That Should Happen

Keaton x Wadanohara

"Eh? Did I just hear my name being called for the 'award show'? A... nomination?"


"Oh, and it's with Keaton... Isn't that nice?"

Then the award they got nominated for caught up to her.





"W-w-wait, what?"

@Crimson Spartan @Sen @Crow


"Romance that should happen..?"



"Wait a sec! That means....that means whoever created this....thinks...."

Keaton simply left it at that completely embarrassed at the thought that this was apparently a thing. While he had no ill feelings towards Wadanohara but she was still a kid after all! Well the air around the group was definitely awkward now...

@Hana @Sen @Crow
  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: Hana


"Romance that should happen..?"



"Wait a sec! That means....that means whoever created this....thinks...."

Keaton simply left it at that completely embarrassed at the thought that this was apparently a thing. While he had no ill feelings towards Wadanohara but she was still a kid after all! Well the air around the group was definitely awkward now...

@Hana @Sen @Crow
Somewhere in the Blue Sea, in an unknown time line...

A certain tsundere shark twitched as he felt the sudden urge to hit something.


"Goddammit where the hell did Wadanohara go?! Why am I suddenly feeling as if I should go bite someone near her?"

Too bad for Samekichi, he has never appeared officially in a Murder Game or Tale before, though Keaton might have been very fortunate not to meet a jealous shark.



"Ehhh? EHHHHH??? But I like Same-"

The witch suddenly sneezed, covering her face with both hands.


Wadanohara stared at Keaton.

"I'm sure you'll make a girl very happy one day, Keaton!"

But that girl wasn't Wadda...

@Sen @Crow @Crimson Spartan
One could only imagine on how Hideo was doing at the backstage right now, but with the awards on hold, someone had to step up and finish the job for them. Quite unexpectedly, another pair walked onto the stage.


"Let's... get this over... with."

Sounded like Elesis's idea.


"And why should we?"

Mastermind didn't like this idea. Though, he reconsidered once he saw that signature death stare on Elesis's face. You can't say no to that, especially when she could murder him at any given second.

"Fine, guess it's just reading these off and giving the awards to the winners. I hope it does not take long."

Giving off a rather bored tone of voice, he went to look at the first envelope that was left on the stage.

"An award for the Best Friendship? Who would need an award like that? Nevertheless, some people here would like to be affirmed of their friendship, it seems."

Bolin / Edmond Honda / Wanda Maximoff (Monokuma's Awakening) - Carol / Ellis (Restless in Rapture) - Clark Kent / Lucio / Riesbyfe Stridberg (Genesis) - Ilona / Shiki (Civil War)

"And the winner of being friends is Bolin, Edmond Honda, and Wanda Maximoff. Congrats."


@Yang Lee @Yun Lee @Josh M

These three bonded real fast in the beginning of Monokuma's Awakening, wish there was more of this since... well, Bolin died somewhere in the middle. D:

"Next... Most Unusual Friends..."

"Okay, so are we just awarding all types of friends here? Quite redundant if you ask me."

Elesis glared right at Mastermind's direction with a tinge of annoyance.

"What are you staring at me for? Just read the nominees."

Bane / Steve Cortez (The War of the Universe) - Ilona / Zidane Tribal (Civil War) - Genji Shimada / Wanda Maximoff / Poison (Monokuma's Awakening) - Lucifer Morningstar / Penny (Genesis)

"Unusual Friends winner... Lucifer Morningstar and Penny."

"Something tells me that I should be reading these more than you, Elesis."


@LuckycoolHawk9 @Darkseide

There were some weird interactions that led to Penny and Lucifer to friend up. Not much else to say here lol.

"Well, we're out of the friendship phase, something different is good. Hm... Best Rivalry. Interesting type of award. If I announce the winner of this award, I would like to see what type of rivalry this is..."

Mastermind is interested... very interested. Probably not for good causes, most likely.

Bane vs Skeletor (The War of the Universe) - Cagliostro vs Clark (Genesis) - Monokuma vs Wanda (Monokuma's Awakening) - Add vs Shizuo (The War of the Universe / Civil War)

Mastermind rubbed his eyes multiple times, as if he couldn't really fathom this type of rivalry actually grabbing the attention of other votes. However, this was on paper, written as proof that the award should call to certain winners.

"I can't believe I'm saying this... but the winners for best rivalry go to Add and Shizuo..."

"... Add?"

"Not me, Elesis, the idiotic time traveler variant of myself. I've already seen enough of their fights to get a sense of their stupidity."

Good thing Esper was occupied with Kofuku to not hear that comment from Mastermind.


@The Myrmidon

Ah, truly the greatest rivalry which has been going on since... Metamorphose Sickness? You know what this means. We need more Esper and Shizuo content. We need more fights. >:3

"So we have Best Alliance next. That could mean a lot of things. Such as best in strategic terms, social terms..."

"Sounds... like us."

"Close enough, Elesis. Anyways, more on the nominees..."

Alucard / Hakuei / Road (Genesis) - Clark / Lucio / Riesbyfe (Genesis) - Makoto / Ritsuko (Civil War) - ODMA Alliance (Civil War / Time Squad)

Ignoring the awkward air brought up by Elesis, Mastermind went along with announcing the winner of this award.

"Ah... Clark, Lucio, and Riesbyfe make the best alliance? I wonder how so."


@Josh M @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Verite

This alliance went through it all in Genesis, and it all weighed out perfectly amongst the three of them. Rip on the fact that Riesbyfe lost her memories of the even tho.

Steadily getting bored from those awards, Mastermind goes over to see that they were getting into something different now.

"This may prove to be something else than the other awards so far. An award for the Best Hero. A topic of worth this time around."

Edmond Honda (Monokuma's Awakening) - Shiki Tohno (Civil War) - Soldier: 76 (Restless in Rapture) - Wanda Maximoff (Monokuma's Awakening / Civil War)

"Winner... Edmond Honda."

Mastermind was only startled by how Elesis was suddenly on point with one glance at the envelope and announcing the winner.


@Yun Lee

Oh man oh man, where do I begin on your Honda, Yun? There's just too much great that I can list off, and I don't know what else to say other than that. Haha. ^^

"And on the contrary, we have the Best Villain award. The foil to the hero, opposite sides on the same coin."

As Mastermind read through this, Elesis felt a bit weirded out on why this was an award in the first place.

Albert Wesker (Genesis) - Bane (The War of the Universe) - Revolver Ocelot (Civil War) - Solas (Civil War)

"So the best of all these possible villains is Albert Wesker. ... no Elesis, don't even think on trying something like that at an award show. Maybe later, but not now."

Mastermind had to go and make sure that Elesis wouldn't go on a manhunt for the person that won the best villain award.



Your Wesker felt pretty intimidating towards the other characters in Genesis, and it works out great as always with your stuff, Atom. ^^

Just as Mastermind would go on with this tedious task, a certain someone would come out of nowhere and push him aside with the help of some mechanical weapons.


"Don't mind me, it's just that the way you two are running this show is pretty boring... Let me take the reigns for you guys~"

Esper would use his Dynamos to push Mastermind and Elesis off the stage and then keeping them away with the help of Particle Prism. Excited to start things on his own terms, Esper skimmed through the next award's details.

"Best Male Character Overall award, huh? Ha! That could mean a lot of things!"

Alucard (Genesis) - Lucio (Genesis) - Makoto Naegi (Civil War) - Twisted Fate (Genesis)

"Hm, there's lots of people on here from Genesis? Isn't that the prequel event? Won't hurt to time travel back there and take a peek!"

Realizing that he was slightly getting off-topic here, Esper quickly corrected himself on what he should be saying.

"But aside from that, the winner of this award is Makoto Naegi! Quite a lot happened in Civil War, and I would know because I was around for that event."



Makoto had so many aspects in him through the Murder Series canon, making him an enjoyable character to read! You definitely deserve this award, Atom! ^^

"Just a few more to go, kekeke~ Going from the male, to the Best Female Character Overall."

Kyoko Kirigiri (Monokuma's Awakening / Civil War) - Mabel Pines (Welcome to the Falls) - Road Kamelot (Genesis) - She-Hulk (Welcome to the Falls)

Speeding through the last sets of awards, Esper immediately goes to announce the winner.

"Ah, Kyoko Kirigiri is the winner for this award. Strange that her and Makoto get this one, amirite? Kekekek..."



Oh boy oh boy, Kyoko has gone places in both Monokuma's Awakening and Civil War, just feeling right in your hands, haha. Congrats on the well-deserved award!

"Oh how broad we're getting here, but a very very decisive award nonetheless! The Best Character Overall award!"

Carol (Restless in Rapture) - Edmond Honda (Monokuma's Awakening) - Ilona (Civil War) - Shiki Tohno (Civil War)

"What a surprise, it appears that Ilona has won this award! I could've sworn that I've seen her a bit in that Civil War incident... guess I didn't get much time to speak with her or else I would remember her a bit better. Then again... most others didn't really like my presence back there. Oh weeeell..."


@Klutzy Ninja Kitty

Ilona has grown up ever since those days back in the Right Hand of the Crimson Moon MG. Going from an adorable little girl to a capable woman, holy shit, the stuff you can do with her after Time Squad. Keep it up! :D

"Hm... shouldn't this be with the rest of the romance awards? No matters, I'll go along with this script and announce the winner of the Character Romance That Should Happen award."

Clark x Riesbyfe (Genesis) - Genji x Wanda (Monokuma's Awakening / Civil War) - Keaton x Wadanohara (Restless in Rapture) - Nier x Vanille (Restless in Rapture)

"... one of these definitely doesn't match with the others, but other than that, the winner here is Clark x Riesbyfe!"


@Josh M @Verite

This should definitely be a thing. Like seriously. They seem so perfect together, huehue. I wish they mingled more in Genesis, but that can happen more soon elsewhere, right? owo

"Finally, the last of these awards for this category. The sooner I get this done, the sooner I can cuddle with Kofuku-chan... I-I mean with the kitties... I mean... Augh, let's just keep going! The Best Cast award, here we go!"

Genesis - Monokuma's Awakening - Restless in Rapture - Welcome to the Falls

"Out of nowhere, here comes Monokuma's Awakening as the winner! I'm not sure who was around for that, but I'll figure that out soon because I won't need to be on the stage anymore!"



The variety of characters we had for this one, including all dem NPCs for the trials, it's like one of the big things that made that game super super enjoyable. Heheh, congrats on another well-deserved award win! They just keep on coming! ^^

With the General Character awards over and done with, Esper would exit the stage by entering a time rift, and soon enough reappear to wherever Kofuku was. Well, at least the show is continuing to go on from here.​
Simultaneously, two party-goers piped up at this new development, looking oddly similar to each other in appearance.


"Oh my gosh! I got nominated for best female character?!" they exclaimed, completely in sync, both following their words with similar squeals of excitement.

They both died, along with their writer, of happiness because it was so fucking flattering people actually voted them best female and awwwww erjnsafkjwkjn

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"Eh? Did I just hear my name being called for the 'award show'? A... nomination?"


"Oh, and it's with Keaton... Isn't that nice?"

Then the award they got nominated for caught up to her.





"W-w-wait, what?"

@Crimson Spartan @Sen @Crow


"Romance that should happen..?"



"Wait a sec! That means....that means whoever created this....thinks...."

Keaton simply left it at that completely embarrassed at the thought that this was apparently a thing. While he had no ill feelings towards Wadanohara but she was still a kid after all! Well the air around the group was definitely awkward now...

@Hana @Sen @Crow
Somewhere in the Blue Sea, in an unknown time line...

A certain tsundere shark twitched as he felt the sudden urge to hit something.


"Goddammit where the hell did Wadanohara go?! Why am I suddenly feeling as if I should go bite someone near her?"

Too bad for Samekichi, he has never appeared officially in a Murder Game or Tale before, though Keaton might have been very fortunate not to meet a jealous shark.



"Ehhh? EHHHHH??? But I like Same-"

The witch suddenly sneezed, covering her face with both hands.


Wadanohara stared at Keaton.

"I'm sure you'll make a girl very happy one day, Keaton!"

But that girl wasn't Wadda...

@Sen @Crow @Crimson Spartan


"Well, this is a little bit awkward..." the mysterious stranger with two eyes commented. "Do you two need some time alone?"

The stranger was silently thinking of how the children would look.

"She definitely has to have a red hood, go with the Little Red Riding Hood motif... maybe a Little Mermaid motif, however that works..." the stranger utters under her breath.

@Sen @Hana @Crimson Spartan
  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: Hana

"Romance that should happen..?"



"Wait a sec! That means....that means whoever created this....thinks...."

Keaton simply left it at that completely embarrassed at the thought that this was apparently a thing. While he had no ill feelings towards Wadanohara but she was still a kid after all! Well the air around the group was definitely awkward now...

@Hana @Sen @Crow

Somewhere in the Blue Sea, in an unknown time line...

A certain tsundere shark twitched as he felt the sudden urge to hit something.


"Goddammit where the hell did Wadanohara go?! Why am I suddenly feeling as if I should go bite someone near her?"

Too bad for Samekichi, he has never appeared officially in a Murder Game or Tale before, though Keaton might have been very fortunate not to meet a jealous shark.



"Ehhh? EHHHHH??? But I like Same-"

The witch suddenly sneezed, covering her face with both hands.


Wadanohara stared at Keaton.

"I'm sure you'll make a girl very happy one day, Keaton!"

But that girl wasn't Wadda...

@Sen @Crow @Crimson Spartan

"Bless you." Clare responded, not having much of a reaction or response to the two's nomination other than a thumbs up.


"Well, this is a little bit awkward..." the mysterious stranger with two eyes commented. "Do you two need some time alone?"

The stranger was silently thinking of how the children would look.

"She definitely has to have a red hood, go with the Little Red Riding Hood motif... maybe a Little Mermaid motif, however that works..." the stranger utters under her breath.

@Sen @Hana @Crimson Spartan

"....Mirei? Did you say something?" she asked, catching the other's scent before glancing over at her.

@Crimson Spartan @Hana @Sen @Crow
  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: Hana
Somewhere in the Blue Sea, in an unknown time line...

A certain tsundere shark twitched as he felt the sudden urge to hit something.


"Goddammit where the hell did Wadanohara go?! Why am I suddenly feeling as if I should go bite someone near her?"

Too bad for Samekichi, he has never appeared officially in a Murder Game or Tale before, though Keaton might have been very fortunate not to meet a jealous shark.



"Ehhh? EHHHHH??? But I like Same-"

The witch suddenly sneezed, covering her face with both hands.


Wadanohara stared at Keaton.

"I'm sure you'll make a girl very happy one day, Keaton!"

But that girl wasn't Wadda...

@Sen @Crow @Crimson Spartan

"Well, this is a little bit awkward..." the mysterious stranger with two eyes commented. "Do you two need some time alone?"

The stranger was silently thinking of how the children would look.

"She definitely has to have a red hood, go with the Little Red Riding Hood motif... maybe a Little Mermaid motif, however that works..." the stranger utters under her breath.

@Sen @Hana @Crimson Spartan

"I already have!.... er...I hope at least. Since i'm already happily married and I have a daughter!..." It would make things worse to mention that said daughter was technically older then Wadanohara at this point in time.

@Sen @Hana @Crow
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  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: Takumi and Hana
@Gummi Bunnies @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Takumi
"I see," Ilona replied when Mason's fairy would try to explain what he meant. She smiled softy. "That is... kind of him to try and cheer me up. Thank you, Sir Mason. However, I am a bit set in my ways so I fear it will take more than a video game to change my mind." Ilona chuckled. "But it's all right; I'll be fine. I'm used to the way my life is."

Ilona stood up, giving Mason a gentle pat on his back. "I think I shall go try and find Miss Ryan. I've spent time with Sir Shiki and yourself so far, but I've neglected to give her my company. Try not to drink too much more. Sir Toboe, please watch over him for me. Farewell, friends."

Moving to leave them, Ilona would freeze in place after hearing one of the awards that were presented.


"N-Nani?!" she squeaked, as if she were a cute, Japanese schoolgirl.

Cute, yes, Japanese, not so much.

Nevertheless, Ilona found herself rather shocked she had won an award for Best Character. What made her better than anyone else? Especially considering she had been nominated alongside Shiki and he had been her competition. She didn't know the others but surely they were wonderful too. Why her?

Ah well, either way she was rather flattered that enough people thought highly of her to give her a nice award like that.

I should thank them somehow. But how?

A thought popping into her head, Ilona quickly moved to head backstage where she was out of sight from the others. She looked around attentively, trying to find costume dresses and possibly a changing room. When she would find one dress she was satisfied with, Ilona would move into the changing room and change into the dress. Afterwards, she would remove her goggles and tap the side of them, causing the goggles to shape shift into a simple mauve colored hair ribbon that would match her dress. She would then untie her hair from the two hair ties she used to hold it in place and began to wrap it into a bun instead. The girl purposely tried to dress up, changing her appearance a bit. When she accepted the award, she wanted the others to know that she really was grateful.


Once she had changed, the girl would walk out, moving to the stage to actually accept this award. Unlike the award for most mentally tortured character, this one actually made her feel good. With the award in hand, she would gracefully bow to everyone.

"Thank you, friends," she told them with a charming smile. "As a token of my gratitude, I'd like to sing for all of you, if I may." And so, Ilona began to sing Elsa's award show song. : |

Just kidding.

Go ahead and picture her voice sounds sort of like the singer of this cover. ^_^

Ilona took a mic and began to sing a gentle, yet passionate tune. She sang for nobody but herself and put her heart and soul into it. This evening had been full of ups and downs. Right now, she just needed a moment for herself. THIS was her moment.

All I have to say is wow. You guys have no idea how much this award means to me. Ilona won best character? Best character? Out of all the amazing characters we've seen over the past year in our crazy Murder Games, for some reason all of you liked her enough to vote her as the best one. I want to cry I'm so happy.

As some of you may or may not know, my heart and soul has gone into this character. I've spent hours making icons and pictures of her to use in roleplays, I've written side-stories with her, played her in 3 Murder Games, I had a plushie made of her, I've commissioned 10+ pieces of art of her, and even commissioned actual vision novel sprites of her to use in roleplays now. Ilona is the product of two very special characters from the very first Murder Game, and was named by a former member of Murder. She is so special, and she means so much to me. I put 110% into every single post I make with her, even in non-canon events. I mean, it was just the other night I wrote this post and spent a good solid 3 hours on it. lol.

Despite all of the work I put into her, I've had my doubts before. I've written large, heartfelt posts with her in the past and haven't seen so much as a single rating on them. I've tried so hard to make her into a good, developed character, but still worried about her becoming a Mary Sue. I'm so glad that's not the case, and I'm thrilled you guys like her as much as I do.

So, from the bottom of my heart, thank you everyone. Thank you so much. You haven't seen the last of her either. I still have side-stories planned with her, and of course she's still alive and well in Time Squad. Hell, I even have ideas that could be used for her after Time Squad if all goes well. So I hope you guys continue to follow her stories / support her in the future. Thanks again. <3

Zidane was surprised to hear Ilona sing, since he didn't expect Ilona o be such a great singer. maybe on par with Garnet? : |

"Congratulations, Ilona!" Zidane exclaimed as he clapped.

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Takumi @Mason Moretti @whoever i missed

Meanwhile, a line of USB drives seem to be scattered about, but it seems to be arranged in a way that it leads somewhere...

@Gummi Bunnies

"Well, this is a little bit awkward..." the mysterious stranger with two eyes commented. "Do you two need some time alone?"

The stranger was silently thinking of how the children would look.

"She definitely has to have a red hood, go with the Little Red Riding Hood motif... maybe a Little Mermaid motif, however that works..." the stranger utters under her breath.

@Sen @Hana @Crimson Spartan
"Bless you." Clare responded, not having much of a reaction or response to the two's nomination other than a thumbs up.

"....Mirei? Did you say something?" she asked, catching the other's scent before glancing over at her.

@Crimson Spartan @Hana @Sen @Crow

"I already have!.... er...I hope at least. Since i'm already happily married and I have a daughter!..." It would make things worse to mention that said daughter was technically older then Wadanohara at this point in time.

@Sen @Hana @Crow

"Oh my, we never knew that! How long have you been married and what's your family like?"

Wadanohara was more or less happy to move away from the... Nomination. At least they didn't win an award, that would have been even more awkward.


Hearing Clare and Mirei's words, the witch blanched a bit.

"Why are you giving us your blessings?"

Oh wait.


"You look different without your eyepatch, Mirei."

The mystery of what was under the eyepatch was answered for those who wanted to know, it seemed like.

"You're pretty with or without it, though!"

@Sen @Crow @Crimson Spartan @Takumi
Honda couldn't believe it. Best Hero? A HERO?!?!?! Oh man, oh man...

Going back onstage, Honda accepted his award, and went ahead and grabbed the one for Wanda and Bolin. Best Friendship...The Sumo Wrestler took a deep sigh, a smile on his face. Then he remembered: he'a onstage. "Oh!'s everyone tonight?! I'm doing just fine!" He walked up to the microphone, tapping it-a little too loudly.

"Hey. So...guess it's customary to say a few words, right? Well, I wanna thank everyone who voted-you all are great! This means a ton! Lemme tell ya, a lot of blood, sweat and tears went into my time in Bright Falls, and!" He held up his award proudly. "Thanks, all of you! This'll be framed up in my room, you better believe it!" He then looked at the second award. "Thanks for this one, too! It's an honor that Wanda, Bolin, and I were good enough friends to get recognized like this! This goes out to the two that made it happen-Wanda and Bolin...wherever he may be."

Guess that was it. Always needed to go out with a bang, right? "Well, don't think this is the last you've seen of me! Keep your eyes peeled and your food delicious, because Edmond Honda will be back! Gahahahaha!!!"



Gosh, I honestly consider E. Honda as my greatest accomplishment in an RP ever, let alone MG. Which is funny, since between you and me, I really didn't expect him to be so damn cool! But all the positive feedback I've received and getting nominated for all these awards and even best character (congrats again btw @Klutzy Ninja Kitty Ilona was amazing and you should be proud!!!) But winning Best Hero and Best Friendship, on top of Best New RPer...damn.

I've really found a place here in the Murder group, and honestly it means a lot. Before this, my best friend @Yang Lee and I were part of a forum that was...really bad. I would honestly go so far as to say it was downright abusive, as I'm still getting over stuff that happened there eight months later. To be accepted here so warmly and with my one year anniversary of joining coming up on the 21st, wow, I didn't expect the award show to make me so emotional, and yet ;;

So, thank you, guys. All of you. I love you guys, and I'm looking forward to being a part of Murder for a looong time ♡

"Bless you." Clare responded, not having much of a reaction or response to the two's nomination other than a thumbs up.

"....Mirei? Did you say something?" she asked, catching the other's scent before glancing over at her.

@Crimson Spartan @Hana @Sen @Crow


"I already have!.... er...I hope at least. Since i'm already happily married and I have a daughter!..." It would make things worse to mention that said daughter was technically older then Wadanohara at this point in time.

@Sen @Hana @Crow


"N- nothing!" the stranger, revealed to be 'Mirei' blurted in response to Clare's words. "I said nothing!"

Based on some things, Mirei was unawate that her eyepatch was off.

Mirei then turns to Keaton, who mentioned that he had gotten a wife and child over time. Kana's gotten taller, Keaton has a wife and kids, and Mirei was still the same thanks to the laws of her worlds preventing her from aging no matter how many years have passed. Status quo, as they call it.

"You had a daughter? What's her name? Does she like wearing a red hood?"​


"Oh my, we never knew that! How long have you been married and what's your family like?"

Wadanohara was more or less happy to move away from the... Nomination. At least they didn't win an award, that would have been even more awkward.


Hearing Clare and Mirei's words, the witch blanched a bit.

"Why are you giving us your blessings?"

Oh wait.


"You look different without your eyepatch, Mirei."

The mystery of what was under the eyepatch was answered for those who wanted to know, it seemed like.

"You're pretty with or without it, though!"

@Sen @Crow @Crimson Spartan @Takumi


"Wha- wha- wha- wha-"

Mirei swiftly put it back on.

"I didn't realise it was off... how embarassing... I... I guess it's OK if it's just you four who saw it..."


"Make it six, Mirei..." a draggy voice said.

"Nono! Shouko! What're you two doing here!"

"Kyoko is busy giving the awards, so Morikubo and Shouko decided to join you, Mirei," the one known as 'Nono' said.

@Sen @Hana @Crimson Spartan @Takumi
Another giggle came from Macy. "I have some ideas, but they'd have to wait until after this party. Right now, it seems like Mason got distracted and hasn't gotten you two anything to drink."

Now lighter on her feet, unbuttoned by her heels, she rushes over to the bar and right up to Rev Mabel. As she reached the bar, she nearly vaulted up, getting within boop-level proximity to Mabel's face. "Three glasses of 'water,'" she said with a knowing wink, "and my brother over there with the red-white coat and carrot top will be paying. He's good for the bill."

As soon as she received the drinks, she would hurry as fast as she could, without spilling, to pass drinks out amongst herself, Ryan, and Cheza.
@Midnight Maiden @Takumi

"Oh, um... Alright!" Ryan replied, a little surprised by Macy's sudden dash away from herself and Cheza, looking slightly dazed. Even so, she tried to dismiss it, instead looking to Cheza with a renewed smile. "So, you're a flower, right? What sort of magic gave you a human form?" she asked, curiously.


Wordlessly, Macy was given two rather large glasses allegedly containing 'water', that were in truth, rather strong alcohol. Go forth, child. Release the chaos and incompetence that is natural of the human race....

Ahem. Anyways.

Back with Ryan and Cheza, the former only smiled as she was passed a drink, giving a grateful nod as she accepted it. "Thank you, Macy. I appreciate it," she hummed, gratefully taking a graceful sip. But, much to her surprise, the contents hardly tasted like water. In fact, they burned going down her throat, making her shudder slightly and nearly wince. But for the sake of being polite, she tried to keep her smile up, already feeling slightly lightheaded from the beverage. This wasn't going to end well.

@Mason Moretti @Takumi @Klutzy Ninja Kitty

"Oh my, we never knew that! How long have you been married and what's your family like?"

Wadanohara was more or less happy to move away from the... Nomination. At least they didn't win an award, that would have been even more awkward.


Hearing Clare and Mirei's words, the witch blanched a bit.

"Why are you giving us your blessings?"

Oh wait.


"You look different without your eyepatch, Mirei."

The mystery of what was under the eyepatch was answered for those who wanted to know, it seemed like.

"You're pretty with or without it, though!"

@Sen @Crow @Crimson Spartan @Takumi

"You sneezed. The proper response is to say bless you, is it not?" Clare explained.


"N- nothing!" the stranger, revealed to be 'Mirei' blurted in response to Clare's words. "I said nothing!"

Based on some things, Mirei was unawate that her eyepatch was off.

Mirei then turns to Keaton, who mentioned that he had gotten a wife and child over time. Kana's gotten taller, Keaton has a wife and kids, and Mirei was still the same thanks to the laws of her worlds preventing her from aging no matter how many years have passed. Status quo, as they call it.

"You had a daughter? What's her name? Does she like wearing a red hood?"​


"Wha- wha- wha- wha-"

Mirei swiftly put it back on.

"I didn't realise it was off... how embarassing... I... I guess it's OK if it's just you four who saw it..."


"Make it six, Mirei..." a draggy voice said.

"Nono! Shouko! What're you two doing here!"

"Kyoko is busy giving the awards, so Morikubo and Shouko decided to join you, Mirei," the one known as 'Nono' said.

@Sen @Hana @Crimson Spartan @Takumi

"Oh, alright." she blinked. Mirei was as strange as ever, but she wasn't at all bothered. It was refreshing and amusing.

@Crimson Spartan @Hana @Sen @Crow


"Oh, um... Alright!" Ryan replied, a little surprised by Macy's sudden dash away from herself and Cheza, looking slightly dazed. Even so, she tried to dismiss it, instead looking to Cheza with a renewed smile. "So, you're a flower, right? What sort of magic gave you a human form?" she asked, curiously.


Wordlessly, Macy was given two rather large glasses allegedly containing 'water', that were in truth, rather strong alcohol. Go forth, child. Release the chaos and incompetence that is natural of the human race....

Ahem. Anyways.

Back with Ryan and Cheza, the former only smiled as she was passed a drink, giving a grateful nod as she accepted it. "Thank you, Macy. I appreciate it," she hummed, gratefully taking a graceful sip. But, much to her surprise, the contents hardly tasted like water. In fact, they burned going down her throat, making her shudder slightly and nearly wince. But for the sake of being polite, she tried to keep her smile up, already feeling slightly lightheaded from the beverage. This wasn't going to end well.

@Mason Moretti @Takumi @Klutzy Ninja Kitty

"This one only remembers waking up in a lab, where there were many more like This One. This one was also chosen to take wolves, which were nearly extinct, to a place called Paradise once the end times came, but something interfered and that didn't happen, so Paradise is currently...lost, for now." she replied to Ryan, probably dumping more information than necessary.

Taking a sip from the cup brought back to her she cringed away, a grimace placed on her face at the foreign taste that definitely wasn't water.

"This is strange." she muttered, staring at the liquid like it was something new to her.

@Mason Moretti @Midnight Maiden

"I already have!.... er...I hope at least. Since i'm already happily married and I have a daughter!..." It would make things worse to mention that said daughter was technically older then Wadanohara at this point in time.

@Sen @Hana @Crow

"Oh my, we never knew that! How long have you been married and what's your family like?"

Wadanohara was more or less happy to move away from the... Nomination. At least they didn't win an award, that would have been even more awkward.


Hearing Clare and Mirei's words, the witch blanched a bit.

"Why are you giving us your blessings?"

Oh wait.


"You look different without your eyepatch, Mirei."

The mystery of what was under the eyepatch was answered for those who wanted to know, it seemed like.

"You're pretty with or without it, though!"

@Sen @Crow @Crimson Spartan @Takumi

"N- nothing!" the stranger, revealed to be 'Mirei' blurted in response to Clare's words. "I said nothing!"

Based on some things, Mirei was unawate that her eyepatch was off.

Mirei then turns to Keaton, who mentioned that he had gotten a wife and child over time. Kana's gotten taller, Keaton has a wife and kids, and Mirei was still the same thanks to the laws of her worlds preventing her from aging no matter how many years have passed. Status quo, as they call it.

"You had a daughter? What's her name? Does she like wearing a red hood?"​


"Wha- wha- wha- wha-"

Mirei swiftly put it back on.

"I didn't realise it was off... how embarassing... I... I guess it's OK if it's just you four who saw it..."


"Make it six, Mirei..." a draggy voice said.

"Nono! Shouko! What're you two doing here!"

"Kyoko is busy giving the awards, so Morikubo and Shouko decided to join you, Mirei," the one known as 'Nono' said.

@Sen @Hana @Crimson Spartan @Takumi

In response to the award, the little girl gave a great big laugh, as if it was the funniest thing she had heard all day. She wiped a tear from under her eye, before looking at Wadanohara and Keaton's embarrassed expressions and bursting into laughter again. "But you two would look so cute together!" she giggled, though she knew that wasn't going to be possible.
"But then Velouria will be super sad... so maybe not~"



"Yeah, Velouria will be reaaaaal sad. And we don't want that, right, Keaton?"

Kana thought she could get real spooky sometimes - well, she was a Wolfskin child.


"Yeah! Velouria has a little red hood! Like Little Red Riding Hood! It's funny because she's a Wolfskin and she's really powerful - way more powerful than me!" She commented, a little astonished that Mirei had been able to guess her attire despite having never met the Wolfskin child. What a coincidence! Was it that obvious!
"By the way..."


"You look super cute without the eyepatch too!"

@Crow @Hana @Crimson Spartan


"Oh my, we never knew that! How long have you been married and what's your family like?"

Wadanohara was more or less happy to move away from the... Nomination. At least they didn't win an award, that would have been even more awkward.


Hearing Clare and Mirei's words, the witch blanched a bit.

"Why are you giving us your blessings?"

Oh wait.


"You look different without your eyepatch, Mirei."

The mystery of what was under the eyepatch was answered for those who wanted to know, it seemed like.

"You're pretty with or without it, though!"

@Sen @Crow @Crimson Spartan @Takumi

"N- nothing!" the stranger, revealed to be 'Mirei' blurted in response to Clare's words. "I said nothing!"

Based on some things, Mirei was unawate that her eyepatch was off.

Mirei then turns to Keaton, who mentioned that he had gotten a wife and child over time. Kana's gotten taller, Keaton has a wife and kids, and Mirei was still the same thanks to the laws of her worlds preventing her from aging no matter how many years have passed. Status quo, as they call it.

"You had a daughter? What's her name? Does she like wearing a red hood?"​


"Wha- wha- wha- wha-"

Mirei swiftly put it back on.

"I didn't realise it was off... how embarassing... I... I guess it's OK if it's just you four who saw it..."


"Make it six, Mirei..." a draggy voice said.

"Nono! Shouko! What're you two doing here!"

"Kyoko is busy giving the awards, so Morikubo and Shouko decided to join you, Mirei," the one known as 'Nono' said.

@Sen @Hana @Crimson Spartan @Takumi

"Oh! I've been married for close to a year now...and my family...? Well....."


"They're super great! My wife is the sweetest girl you'll ever meet!! Sure, she's a little clumsy....well....really clumsy but that's not the point! She's the greatest person to have ever walked into my life!..."

Small pause as the Wolfskin considered his next words.

"My daughter can be...really clingy at times but that's mostly because I wasn't able to be around for much of her life so far.


"We had to put her in a deeprealm for awhile because of the war. It was for her safety but the deeprealm sort of works on a different time flow then our world so she...grew up really fast...well for me and my wife she did but for her it was normal. Eventually she got old enough to join us and boy is she strong..."


"She's about as strong as I am! If not stronger!... Now that the war is over we can all live peacefully together like a real family!..."

Keaton would speak explaining a bit about his family before stopping to listen to Kana.

In response to the award, the little girl gave a great big laugh, as if it was the funniest thing she had heard all day. She wiped a tear from under her eye, before looking at Wadanohara and Keaton's embarrassed expressions and bursting into laughter again. "But you two would look so cute together!" she giggled, though she knew that wasn't going to be possible.
"But then Velouria will be super sad... so maybe not~"



"Yeah, Velouria will be reaaaaal sad. And we don't want that, right, Keaton?"

Kana thought she could get real spooky sometimes - well, she was a Wolfskin child.


"Yeah! Velouria has a little red hood! Like Little Red Riding Hood! It's funny because she's a Wolfskin and she's really powerful - way more powerful than me!" She commented, a little astonished that Mirei had been able to guess her attire despite having never met the Wolfskin child. What a coincidence! Was it that obvious!
"By the way..."


"You look super cute without the eyepatch too!"

@Crow @Hana @Crimson Spartan


"Yeah, We wouldn't wanna make her sad. I hate seeing her sad but then again I hate seeing anyone I care for be sad..." Keaton knew better then most how Velouria can be at times.

@Sen @Hana @Crow @Takumi
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