Murder Series Award Show III [Non-Canon]

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"....Mrow, I'm boreddddddddd," a certain attendee muttered to herself, flipping around and switching through all sorts of varying positions in her chair, seeming unable to settle on any particular one and remain happy with it. That said, this attendee groaned loudly, ears twitching as, after a few moments, she gave up on getting comfortable and instead decided to hop out of her chair. And after that, to do the thing that came to her first, as a cat-- which, we all know are renowned for their curiosity --; explore. So, with a blank, bored expression, the Absolute Angel did just that. She wandered the place, tail flicking back and fourth occasionally with curiosity as her golden-eyed gaze wandered about.

But man. No matter how much she wandered, observed the stupid people or stupid surroundings, or listened to the stupid music? She still felt bored as all hell. And hungry, too. Dammit, where was that fuckboy Sojiro- or even Jack -when she needed him? She didn't know about Jack, but Sojiro made the best cake ever. And right now, she could really go for one of those cakes. But no dice, unfortunately, and as though that unfortune wasn't enough? She totally failed to see the concession stands, too, wandering right into the auditorium with dragging feet. Ughhhhh, where was the amusement in this-- Huh?

Suddenly, Tarlotte's ears perked upwards, head tilting with confusion. As opposed to coming in the audience entrance to the auditorium, she had managed to find the backdoor pass onto the stage-- and was surprised to see a stack of papers lying on the floor. "...Meow?" she muttered, curiously waltzing over and poking the stack, tail swishing back and forth with interest as she slowly picked the things up. One of her ears wiggled side to side as she tried to decipher the things, curiosity admittedly piqued as she tried to sound the things out.... Despite having no idea how to read.

Maybe this was her pass for entertainment!


Once again despite having no idea how to read, the catgirl suddenly looked up and outward towards the audience with a now wide smile, looking as though finally satisfied with a way to entertain herself. Bounding- or perhaps flouncing, even -right up to the mic on the center stage, Tarlotte spoke loud and clear to the audience with the same smile, tail wiggling about as she used her award-free hand to tap a seeming star pointer wand against a podium positioned just before her. "Meowlright everyone, listen up, meow! The awards are starting now, and you better listen, and listen real good, meow!!!" she proclaimed, smiling still before looking to the awards again, squinting at them with her tail and ears continuing to wiggle... As she did so, a commotion likely audible offstage, consisting of two figures seeming distraught over the fact that some random catgirl had merely walked up and started without security's notice. Of course, when one man walked on stage, tapping her in the middle of a sentence she'd just started... "Alright, I guess this stupid RPers category is first, so--" Cut off by the contact, Tarlotte's concentrated expression shifted, darkening as she turned to glare at the man who'd interrupted her.


"Mmmmmmmmmmmmeow're interrupting!! I HATE WHEN PEOPLE INTERRUPT ME! MEOW! MEOW! MEOWWWWWWWW!!!!" the green-haired Absolute Angel hissed, suddenly beginning to glow as a large, metal red-and-gold mech appeared behind her, following her movements as she leapt into the air towards the unfortunate security guard and punted him offstage. After this action was complete, the mech vanished and Tarlotte's glow faded, said female continuing to glare in the direction she had kicked the man for a few moments longer.... Before her smile from before returned. "--Alright, first up is..."

"Best RPing Duo!"

Sticking out her tongue briefly as she tried to read the list, Tarlotte cleared her throat. "Nomeownations are....

Atomyk/Jeremi - Atomyk/Verite - Hana/Sen - Klutzy Ninja Kitty/Gummi Bunnies

..What's that last one supposed to mean, huh?! Is that a cat joke?! I swear I'll-- ...ahem, sorry, meow.... The winner is.... Ummm..... Uhh.... Hana and Sen!"

Obligatory note-- I and the my co-hosts will be doing commentary on all/most of the awards like this, so now you know, those of ya who are new to these! Plus, we'll be presenting the awards I made like the one below, so now ya know. Which means we can get this train rolling!


'ohohoho this is totally a surprise, who even voted this'-- Yeah, no, this is definitely no surprise. You two always freaking blow me out of the water with every post and interaction you make, so it's no shocker that you two worked your way to the top and earned this award! You're like french fries and milkshakes-- sweet and salty, and just make a great combo.


--Ahem, anyways-- Congrats, guys!!!

@Sen @Hana

"...Meowlright, that's out of the way," the catgirl muttered flipping the now-announced award to the side carelessly. Oops, looks like she had no idea what she was doing. Surprise, surprise. "Next is... Funniest RPer! ...Hmph. As though any of you are funny. Stupid humans," she muttered under her breath before shaking it off and continuing. "Nomeownations are...

Atomyk - Bomb - DBZ7 - Midnight Maiden

...what's an... atomyk... bomb?" she muttered once again, squinting hard at the parchment. "...Ugh, mew humans make no sense!! --Whatever!! The winner is... Midnight Maiden!"


Yeah, not really sure what to say on this one, aside from thank all of you. I'm glad that you all find me funny! Better than being seen as miss serious all the time, or something. I like making people laugh. :') So thank you all!

"...Meowving on, umm..." Tarlotte muttered, once again flipping the award aside and trying to decipher the next award. "...Most Originality! Looks like... Uhhh....

Atomyk - Gummi Bunnies - Jeremi - Klutzy Ninja Kitty

...with the winner being Gummi Bunnies!" There was a pause, before the girl pouted, gritting her teeth. "Rrrrrr dammit, now I'm more hungry!! Stupid awards, I'm gonna crush whatever idiot human goes by that stupid name, meow, meow, meo--"


Also not much of a shocker, what with your insanely unique and complex ideas and characters, Jules. Like, really, some ideas you have, I have no idea where you get them at all. YOU CRAY CRAY, SADISTIC YANDERE, KEEP IT UP

@Gummi Bunnies

Doing her best to ignore her hungry stomach, Tarlotte groaned as she threw yet another award aside, grumbling as she attempted to read the next one. Man, it was hard to have fun doing this when she was so hungry... uuuuuughhhhh. "Nnn... Meowst Improved RPer is the next award, and the nomeownations are...

CrunchyCHEEZIT - Josh M - Mason Moretti - Takumi

....DAMMIT. WHO THE HELL CHOSE CRUNCHYCHEEZIT AS A NAME, HUH?!?! I'M GONNA CRUSH ALL THESE STUPID HUMANS TRYING TO MAKE MEOW HUNGRY, MEOWWWWW!" she howled, kicking the podium- that had been screwed into the stage -harshly, breaking it's base and sending it flying. But, then, the girl seemed to calm herself and resume as though nothing had happened. "...And the winner is Mason Meowretti."


This was actually a verryyyyy close one between Crunchy and Mason, so I'd like to give a little shoutout to @CrunchyCHEEZIT just as well here. Props on all of the amazing improvement you've made along this crazy run we've got, man. It's so freaking cool to see all the progress you've made!

And the same can be said for you, @Mason Moretti . Like, jeez, you haven't even been here that long and yet, clearly, you've made a heck ton of improvement, and this award is proof of that. I can't even begin to imagine how much more you'll improve as time goes on, and I'm super proud of you for that! Looking forward to seeing more of it in the future, so keep up the good work!

Seeming much more mellow and composed than before, Tarlotte continued with slightly more concentration, her tail actually remaining still as she read with a bit more confidence. "And next's the Meowst Underrated RPer award... So listen close to the nomeownations!

Jeremi - Kaykay - penguin055 - york

Yay, no food this time... Ahm, winner is... York! ...." Briefly pausing, Tarlotte visibly gritted her teeth as someone just off and backstage called out something about yorks being a type of candy. The girl's ears flattened with aggravation, and with a low growl, hands clenching tightly around the awards she had yet to call out, she roared, "....rrrrrrrrrrRRRRRRRR I'M GONNA KILL MEWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!! MEOW! MEOW! MEOWWWWWWWW!!!" And so, with that proclamation, remaining awards still in hand, Tarlotte darted off, looking fully prepared to execute her threat... And the faint screams of terror likely meant the ones she had threatened thought she would, too.

Rest in pieces.


Yeah, I'd say this one is pretty accurate, too. I feel there are a handful of people in the group that don't get the attention they deserve, and id certainly say you're one of them with your detailed and well executed posts, @york -- though I'd definitely say Kay, penguin and Jeremi could be counted among that handful as well. Here's hoping your grand writing talents get more spotlight in the future, as you certainly earn it with your elaborate and engaging posts. Congrats!

....Those that won awards could probably go up and grab them off the stage, considering they were carelessly strewn about.​
At first it appeared as if whoever was going to pick up the award for "Gummi Bunnies" individual, but out of nowhere despite the fact that he was occupied with someone else.


"Hiya! I see you got a nice little award for my good o' friend of mine!"

Esper would appear from a time rift right above Tarlotte all upside down and stuff, snickering in the same manner that he's usually in. Before the girl could say anything else, Esper would snatch the award into his arms.


"I'll be back for you, kitty kitty cat~ I just need to drop this off to rightful owner and all!"

Esper gave a rather devious look towards Tarlotte before disappearing into that closing time rift.

@Midnight Maiden

There's way too much stuff that I'm doing with my characters at this rate. Oh boy oh boy. Imma go do what I do still. Thanks everybody! ^^
  • Nice Execution!
Reactions: Midnight Maiden
Ilona couldn't help but allow a charming giggle to escape her lips after seeing Weiss would become flustered at her words. "Well, if she doesn't know how to dance, surely a sophisticated lady such as yourself could teach her? I think it would be a lovely sight to see the two of you dancing!" Ilona spaced out for a moment, clearly picturing it in her mind. The thought would only fade from her mind when she would return her focus to the blonde stranger.

Uncertain, the blonde would continue to puzzle over the identity of this mysterious stranger before her. It was as if Ryan's face were a complex math equation just waiting to be solved. She began to gaze at the other young woman from head to toe, furrowing her brows thoughtfully. The comfortable sense of familiarity was already more than enough to clue in the young time traveler that this was indeed a person from her past...

...but who exactly was she?

Catching the attention of Ilona's blue eyes, she would at last spot something on Ryan's person that would jog her memories: a small wilted flower. The sight would cause her heart to skip a beat.


"Can it be... are you--?"

Just as she had about entirely processed who this person was, the sight of a different colored flower caught her gaze. Or flowers to be more precise.

Before even laying eyes on Shiki, Ilona would spot the sunflowers--her attention dragged away while Ryan would stare at her in silence. The blonde's blue eyes would slowly move from the flowers to Shiki, her mouth dropping open and cheeks quickly flushing. Even in the presence of a childhood friend Ilona hadn't seen in over a decade, the girl's attention fell firmly on the boy for a good several seconds. Although she most certainly wanted to give Ryan the attention she deserved, Ilona was only human. And, let's face it, if a person whom you whole-heartedly admired suddenly appeared before you, dressed in a suit, looking handsome to boot, and holding your favorite flowers, it'd probably be a bit difficult to turn a blind eye to him. Hell, even if the Sun God had appeared before her in that moment, glowing in all his brilliance directly behind the boy, Ilona wouldn't have been able to shake her gaze away from Shiki.

When she would finally be able to move again, Ilona would press a hand against her mouth to hide the blush on her cheeks. With her other hand, she would reach out to stroke one of the petals of the sunflowers in his bouquet.


"Wow, you look-- These flowers are for me? I-I don't know what to say."

Floundering, and before Ilona could give him a proper response, a very thirsty snake slithered over. She set her sights on the suit-clad male, in the process, interrupting Shiki interrupting Ryan. The girl frowned, seeming a bit displeased this woman had butt in. Couldn't she get one second alone with Shiki where other girls weren't trying to crawl all over him? #HaremStruggles

While she didn't stand up for what she wanted very often, Ilona made a rare move to actually say something. "Um, please let him go. I don't think he likes that."

Not very aggressive in these kind of situations, however, Ilona stepped back as the woman would grab Shiki in ways that made her a tad uncomfortable to watch. She awkwardly glanced away, just in time to meet Ryan's gaze when the young woman would rush at Ilona for a big hug. Because of the tizzy she was in, Ilona wouldn't hug her back at first. Instead, she blinked several times, as if waking from a daze. It would take her a moment again before realizing who this person was and why she was hugging her. Although the hug from Ryan had ended, Ilona initated one this time, putting her entire heart and soul into it.

"R-Ryan!" Ilona exclaimed, wrapping her arms as tightly around her childhood friend as she could. She broke into sobs, nearly collapsing into the girl's arms. "Oh dear Sun, it's you! It's really you! I remember! I remember! I thought I'd never see you again! Oh dear Sun, I can't believe you're here!"

Unable to help herself, Ilona would hug Ryan as hard as she possibly could, tears streaming down her cheeks. "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry I forgot. I-I forgot what you looked like. It's been ages since I've seen you," Ilona said, pulling back to finally take another look at the girl. "This is real, right? You're really here? This isn't a dream?" Ilona questioned, blinking back tears.

Practically all of Ilona's dreams had come true in one small, awkward, and somewhat embarrassing moment.

Too bad for her, this is a non-canon award show. : |

@Midnight Maiden @Verite @Mason Moretti @DBZ7
The first calling of Mason's name drew his eyes and ears towards the podium on stage. His gaze remained locked as the podium flew in a parabolic arc towards where he stood. In an attempt at defense, he raised his left arm. In a flash of light, a shield appeared on his arm.

His eyes remained trained on the airborne podium and he trained his focus as tight as it would go. Carefully, he made a plan. With a swing of his arm, he used the aura shield to deflect the podium away.

Unfortunately, his timing was a bit... off.


The force of the flying podium met flush with his face, and he flew backwards into a nearby wall. Spots flashed into his vision and thoughts. He had no mystical grace to protect him now.

He had enough strength to push the podium off of his body and ask. "Ilona... Cheza... Shiki... Can one of you go grab my award?" before passing out.

Hopefully there's a doctor in the building to help him.
@Takumi @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Midnight Maiden @Verite @DBZ7

"I-I..." the heiress stumbled over her words, averting her eyes as though it would distract from her blush. "Of course I could! But it'd take ages, and I'm extremely busy with my studies, so I don't have time for such trivial things!" she insisted, though obviously, considering she was here, she did indeed have some bit of time. Nonetheless, she persisted.

And all the while, Ryan seemed to brighten, as her identity seemed as though it may have clicked with Ilona, judging by her question. But, before she could say anything, the bespectacled male had offered her long lost friend flowers, leading Ryan to silence herself and briefly lower her gaze. "Ahh, sorry, I suppose I'm interrupting..." she murmured, briefly scuffling her foot on the floor. She vaguely recalled this male, too, actually... But she didn't care for interrupting. Besides, if she had seen him before, it had been fleeting, and clearly Ilona knew him much better. But even so, by the time Ryan had sheepishly brought her green-eyed gaze upward again, she found herself caught in an embrace of Ilona's own initiating.

Something that made the tears she had wiped from her eyes come right back, her smile doing the same, as she felt Ilona's own tears hit her shoulders. Without hesitation, she returned the embrace with surprising passion, considering neither of them had recognized each other moments ago.


"It's me," she repeated through the tears, letting out a short laugh of delight. "And it's you! Oh my gosh, it's really, really you..." she added with what couldn't be described as anything less than pure, wholehearted delight and joy. "Lona, I can't believe it. I can't believe it's you. I'm so glad you're here and okay, I...-"

There was a pause as her friend pulled away, and Ryan more intently scrubbed her tears away, smile everpresent. "...Yes. it's real. It has to be. You can pinch me if you don't believe it," she laughed lightly, eyes still shining where tears had remained before. "...And it's alright, don't worry. I didn't recognize you at first, either. You're so much taller! And you look so nice, too! I mean, you were just as pretty back then, but--"


Well, that was enough to immediately pull Ryan's attention away, widened green eyes landing on the knocked aside form of Mason. "Ah! H-hang on!" she called to him just before he began to lose consciousness, scrambling over herself to get to the boy's side, momentarily panicking... Only because, since seeing so many people die, she was much less strict about when she would heal others. Any injury could lead to something else, and she couldn't live with herself if more people died.

So, kneeling by Mason's unconscious form so quickly the skirt momentarily was puffed upwards, the thaumaturge was quick to place practiced, gentle hands on Mason's chest, evidently focusing very intently. Briefly closing her eyes with furrowed brows, she took a deep breath as healing energy flowed from her nimble fingertips into Mason, undoubtedly healing his injury. Hopefully enough for him to regain consciousness....

@Mason Moretti @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Verite @DBZ7

Meanwhile, Hideo cracked a drunken smile before taking notice that both men were coming right at him. Surely anyone that knew him was aware that Hideo is horrible at fighting, but should also know that his streak of luck was something else completely.

With a punch and headbutt coming his way, Hideo thought about throwing a punch too. So he did. However, he threw this punch of his with too much force, sending tumbling off of loose footing forwards, and mere moments from falling right on top of Trevor.

@Yun Lee @thatguyinthestore

Trevor didn't see Hideo stumbling towards him until it was too late. So, Hideo ended up falling right on top of Trevor, sending them both towards the ground.

"Gah! GET-" Trevor quickly grabbed an empty beer bottle that was within reach. "-OFF ME!!" Without a moment's hesitation, Trevor took the empty bottle and attempted to strike it over Hideo's head.

@Gummi Bunnies @Yun Lee

Elesis continued drinking out of her soda cup. She had no idea what she could do, especially with the offhand chance that Esper and Mastermind were arguing again.

"... b... ored."

@others lol​


You really didn't think that the Koopa King himself wouldn't be attending the Awards Show, did you? Bowser was fashionably late, though when he showed up every step he took could he heard as he stomped through the room.

"Nice place! I might just steal this place and turn it into my next castle!" He said before letting out a loud laugh. "BWAHAHAHAHAHA!" He exclaimed before making his way over to Eleisis. "Man, that soda sure does look good..." Bowser thought to himself.




Bowser took the soda from her and began to chug it down. Fuck your rules, fuck your manners, and fuck your awards. Bowser is thirsty.


@Gummi Bunnies

"....Mrow, I'm boreddddddddd," a certain attendee muttered to herself, flipping around and switching through all sorts of varying positions in her chair, seeming unable to settle on any particular one and remain happy with it. That said, this attendee groaned loudly, ears twitching as, after a few moments, she gave up on getting comfortable and instead decided to hop out of her chair. And after that, to do the thing that came to her first, as a cat-- which, we all know are renowned for their curiosity --; explore. So, with a blank, bored expression, the Absolute Angel did just that. She wandered the place, tail flicking back and fourth occasionally with curiosity as her golden-eyed gaze wandered about.

But man. No matter how much she wandered, observed the stupid people or stupid surroundings, or listened to the stupid music? She still felt bored as all hell. And hungry, too. Dammit, where was that fuckboy Sojiro- or even Jack -when she needed him? She didn't know about Jack, but Sojiro made the best cake ever. And right now, she could really go for one of those cakes. But no dice, unfortunately, and as though that unfortune wasn't enough? She totally failed to see the concession stands, too, wandering right into the auditorium with dragging feet. Ughhhhh, where was the amusement in this-- Huh?

Suddenly, Tarlotte's ears perked upwards, head tilting with confusion. As opposed to coming in the audience entrance to the auditorium, she had managed to find the backdoor pass onto the stage-- and was surprised to see a stack of papers lying on the floor. "...Meow?" she muttered, curiously waltzing over and poking the stack, tail swishing back and forth with interest as she slowly picked the things up. One of her ears wiggled side to side as she tried to decipher the things, curiosity admittedly piqued as she tried to sound the things out.... Despite having no idea how to read.

Maybe this was her pass for entertainment!


Once again despite having no idea how to read, the catgirl suddenly looked up and outward towards the audience with a now wide smile, looking as though finally satisfied with a way to entertain herself. Bounding- or perhaps flouncing, even -right up to the mic on the center stage, Tarlotte spoke loud and clear to the audience with the same smile, tail wiggling about as she used her award-free hand to tap a seeming star pointer wand against a podium positioned just before her. "Meowlright everyone, listen up, meow! The awards are starting now, and you better listen, and listen real good, meow!!!" she proclaimed, smiling still before looking to the awards again, squinting at them with her tail and ears continuing to wiggle... As she did so, a commotion likely audible offstage, consisting of two figures seeming distraught over the fact that some random catgirl had merely walked up and started without security's notice. Of course, when one man walked on stage, tapping her in the middle of a sentence she'd just started... "Alright, I guess this stupid RPers category is first, so--" Cut off by the contact, Tarlotte's concentrated expression shifted, darkening as she turned to glare at the man who'd interrupted her.


"Mmmmmmmmmmmmeow're interrupting!! I HATE WHEN PEOPLE INTERRUPT ME! MEOW! MEOW! MEOWWWWWWWW!!!!" the green-haired Absolute Angel hissed, suddenly beginning to glow as a large, metal red-and-gold mech appeared behind her, following her movements as she leapt into the air towards the unfortunate security guard and punted him offstage. After this action was complete, the mech vanished and Tarlotte's glow faded, said female continuing to glare in the direction she had kicked the man for a few moments longer.... Before her smile from before returned. "--Alright, first up is..."

"Best RPing Duo!"

Sticking out her tongue briefly as she tried to read the list, Tarlotte cleared her throat. "Nomeownations are....

Atomyk/Jeremi - Atomyk/Verite - Hana/Sen - Klutzy Ninja Kitty/Gummi Bunnies

..What's that last one supposed to mean, huh?! Is that a cat joke?! I swear I'll-- ...ahem, sorry, meow.... The winner is.... Ummm..... Uhh.... Hana and Sen!"

Obligatory note-- I and the my co-hosts will be doing commentary on all/most of the awards like this, so now you know, those of ya who are new to these! Plus, we'll be presenting the awards I made like the one below, so now ya know. Which means we can get this train rolling!


'ohohoho this is totally a surprise, who even voted this'-- Yeah, no, this is definitely no surprise. You two always freaking blow me out of the water with every post and interaction you make, so it's no shocker that you two worked your way to the top and earned this award! You're like french fries and milkshakes-- sweet and salty, and just make a great combo.


--Ahem, anyways-- Congrats, guys!!!

@Sen @Hana

"...Meowlright, that's out of the way," the catgirl muttered flipping the now-announced award to the side carelessly. Oops, looks like she had no idea what she was doing. Surprise, surprise. "Next is... Funniest RPer! ...Hmph. As though any of you are funny. Stupid humans," she muttered under her breath before shaking it off and continuing. "Nomeownations are...

Atomyk - Bomb - DBZ7 - Midnight Maiden

...what's an... atomyk... bomb?" she muttered once again, squinting hard at the parchment. "...Ugh, mew humans make no sense!! --Whatever!! The winner is... Midnight Maiden!"


Yeah, not really sure what to say on this one, aside from thank all of you. I'm glad that you all find me funny! Better than being seen as miss serious all the time, or something. I like making people laugh. :') So thank you all!

"...Meowving on, umm..." Tarlotte muttered, once again flipping the award aside and trying to decipher the next award. "...Most Originality! Looks like... Uhhh....

Atomyk - Gummi Bunnies - Jeremi - Klutzy Ninja Kitty

...with the winner being Gummi Bunnies!" There was a pause, before the girl pouted, gritting her teeth. "Rrrrrr dammit, now I'm more hungry!! Stupid awards, I'm gonna crush whatever idiot human goes by that stupid name, meow, meow, meo--"


Also not much of a shocker, what with your insanely unique and complex ideas and characters, Jules. Like, really, some ideas you have, I have no idea where you get them at all. YOU CRAY CRAY, SADISTIC YANDERE, KEEP IT UP

@Gummi Bunnies

Doing her best to ignore her hungry stomach, Tarlotte groaned as she threw yet another award aside, grumbling as she attempted to read the next one. Man, it was hard to have fun doing this when she was so hungry... uuuuuughhhhh. "Nnn... Meowst Improved RPer is the next award, and the nomeownations are...

CrunchyCHEEZIT - Josh M - Mason Moretti - Takumi

....DAMMIT. WHO THE HELL CHOSE CRUNCHYCHEEZIT AS A NAME, HUH?!?! I'M GONNA CRUSH ALL THESE STUPID HUMANS TRYING TO MAKE MEOW HUNGRY, MEOWWWWW!" she howled, kicking the podium- that had been screwed into the stage -harshly, breaking it's base and sending it flying. But, then, the girl seemed to calm herself and resume as though nothing had happened. "...And the winner is Mason Meowretti."


This was actually a verryyyyy close one between Crunchy and Mason, so I'd like to give a little shoutout to @CrunchyCHEEZIT just as well here. Props on all of the amazing improvement you've made along this crazy run we've got, man. It's so freaking cool to see all the progress you've made!

And the same can be said for you, @Mason Moretti . Like, jeez, you haven't even been here that long and yet, clearly, you've made a heck ton of improvement, and this award is proof of that. I can't even begin to imagine how much more you'll improve as time goes on, and I'm super proud of you for that! Looking forward to seeing more of it in the future, so keep up the good work!

Seeming much more mellow and composed than before, Tarlotte continued with slightly more concentration, her tail actually remaining still as she read with a bit more confidence. "And next's the Meowst Underrated RPer award... So listen close to the nomeownations!

Jeremi - Kaykay - penguin055 - york

Yay, no food this time... Ahm, winner is... York! ...." Briefly pausing, Tarlotte visibly gritted her teeth as someone just off and backstage called out something about yorks being a type of candy. The girl's ears flattened with aggravation, and with a low growl, hands clenching tightly around the awards she had yet to call out, she roared, "....rrrrrrrrrrRRRRRRRR I'M GONNA KILL MEWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!! MEOW! MEOW! MEOWWWWWWWW!!!" And so, with that proclamation, remaining awards still in hand, Tarlotte darted off, looking fully prepared to execute her threat... And the faint screams of terror likely meant the ones she had threatened thought she would, too.

Rest in pieces.


Yeah, I'd say this one is pretty accurate, too. I feel there are a handful of people in the group that don't get the attention they deserve, and id certainly say you're one of them with your detailed and well executed posts, @york -- though I'd definitely say Kay, penguin and Jeremi could be counted among that handful as well. Here's hoping your grand writing talents get more spotlight in the future, as you certainly earn it with your elaborate and engaging posts. Congrats!

....Those that won awards could probably go up and grab them off the stage, considering they were carelessly strewn about.​
Having lost track of the situation with Zim for quite some time now, Zinna found herself kicked back with her feet upon a table while she chilled and watched some of the others. A lot of somewhat amusing situations we're going on, but the lorekeeper wasn't exactly amused when she would see Tarlotte present some of the awards. Visibly cringing, Ilona would give the cat girl a thumbs down.


"What the heck are you doing here? Talk about annoying," Zinnia called out, her red eyes glaring at her rival. "This place isn't big enough for the two of us. Heh. Why don't you go choke on a bag of catnip?"

@Midnight Maiden
  • Nice Execution!
Reactions: Midnight Maiden

Twisted Fate couldn't help but notice that there was something odd about the way Mabel talked to him and Jason. She seemed... friendly. Too friendly. He thought that she might be seducing the two of them, but he didn't comment because he was uncertain. After a while, however, it became much more obvious that she was.

"Are you... tryin' to seduce us? It ain't workin' if you haven't noticed..."

He glanced over at Jason before looking back at Mabel.

"Jason is so drunk, I doubt he even knows what you're gettin' at."


He shifted uncomfortably in his chair as he looked into her eyes. There was something about her that didn't seem right. She gave off an aura of malice, which contradicted her otherwise friendly appearance. Instead of seeing a seductive hostess, he now saw a sadistic murderer. He became apprehensive when he remembered her telekinetic power. Who knew what kind of destruction she was capable of?

He put on a poker face in an attempt to conceal his thoughts. Afterward, he introduced himself.

"Oh and uh, I forgot to mention, the name's Twisted Fate."

If Twisted Fate was ever right about something, it was that Jason had no idea what Mabel was doing. Normally Jason would have caught on by now, but the Knight was so plastered that he could barely remember where he was at this point.

"I'm not drunk..." Jason said with the obvious slur in his voice. "I-if anything.... you're the one who's drunk." A small but audible chuckle would emit out of Jason's lips before he turned back around. "Sorry about that..." Jason said whilst he turned his head back to Reverse Mabel with a small grin.

@Otto @Midnight Maiden
Michiko took her drink and took a sip, though gave the glass given to Hatchin a side glance of suspicion. This chick didn't sit well with her. Hatchin also got drunk off of juice the last time they were at a bar and honestly she didn't want a repeat.

Hatchin stared into the cup momentarily. She took a small sip, but stopped afterwards.

"I'm getting a churro." she announced, setting the cup down and hopping off of the stool.

"Get me one too!" Michiko exclaimed, earning a wave over the shoulder from Hatchin. Turning back to the bartender she caught the last of her words and it finally clicked.

"Now I remember you! You mother fu-" she was suddenly hit with a small mysterious coughing fit for the sake of any children nearby but it didn't last long.

"Why the hell are you here? Last I remembered you and your brother liked to have your fun at other people's expense, and wouldn't have expected you bartending of all things." she grumbled, then glanced to the drink given to Hatchin. Something was definitely up, and it pissed her off.


"That ain't grape juice right? The fuck is it then?" she glared at Reverse Mabel. Well, she was in such a good mood earlier about booze, now she was ready to punch someone if needed.

@Midnight Maiden @Otto @thatguyinthestore


There was a pause from Mabel, who looked at Twisted Fate for a long few moments before letting out a giggle, doing her best to stifle it with her hand. "...Seduce you?" she repeated, almost disbelieving as she regarded them both from her perch on the countertop. "I assure you, my intentions are no such thing.. if they were? I'd have already done so before your little minds could fully comprehend," she spoke, probably jokingly. "Something you'll discover quickly, boys... Is that I always attain what I desire."

That out of the way, she merely continued as normal, not seeming to have a care in the world. "Hm. A pleasure, Twisted Fate. An intriguing name, indeed.." she replied, pursing her lips. "As for you, dear," she added to Jason. "No need for apologies. So long as you refrain from disturbing the peace in this establishment, you'll be fine~"

As though she were one to talk.

And Mitchiko finally seemed to recognize that, pointing out she recognized her. This earned a wry grin from Mabel, who merely laughed briefly. "Oh, don't get your undergarments in a twist. What's wrong with a bit of fun?" she mused, flicking a stray strand of brown hair out of her face with finesse. "Besides, I assure you, I've done nothing unsavory here. If you do not believe me, why don't you pass me the drink you have suspicions upon, hmm? I'd happily prove your doubts wrong. After all, I value my customers' feelings of safety and comfort." Of course, Mabel could've just levitated the drink over to herself, but she didn't feel like showing off just yet.

@thatguyinthestore @Otto @C.T. @Takumi @LuckycoolHawk9 @bar bois​
Marco didn't exactly find the joke "funny" per say, and had to end up forcing himself to laugh.

"Ahah I get it..." The teen said in a totally unconvincing tone. "Well then what are you made of? I mean I'm made of flesh and bones..." Marco said as he began to twiddle his thumbs around awkwardly.

Some people had no sense of humor.

RGB pulled his sleeves down again. Made of? A good question, certainly. "...Well, as with anything else, I'm made of...Stuff." That was a non-committing answer if there ever was one (and his tone very much showed that), but he wasn't sure how to formulate a proper answer. "Mmm, partially electricity, partially a telly," He tapped the side of his head, "Not to mention concepts and ideas, in a somewhat literal and somewhat metaphorical sense. I'm me, so much as you are you. If I'm the same me as when I began, well now, that's another question entirely..."

He was rambling. RGB was a very good rambler. He also decided to avoid the truth that he, himself, had died a long while back. Not vital information, and he really didn't want to distress the boy. That'd just be in poor manners. He probably would have continued prattling on in such away, musing about exactly what he was made of to have nothingness under the clothing and yet still a defined form, if he wasn't distracted by what was happening up at the podium.


"Hm, fancy that. Giving out awards at this awards show. I'd just about mistaken this for a regular 'ole soiree and assumed I'd gotten the wrong invite. ...Don't suppose you're being awarded for anything, are you?"

[ @thatguyinthestore ]

View attachment 133577

"I-I..." the heiress stumbled over her words, averting her eyes as though it would distract from her blush. "Of course I could! But it'd take ages, and I'm extremely busy with my studies, so I don't have time for such trivial things!" she insisted, though obviously, considering she was here, she did indeed have some bit of time. Nonetheless, she persisted.

And all the while, Ryan seemed to brighten, as her identity seemed as though it may have clicked with Ilona, judging by her question. But, before she could say anything, the bespectacled male had offered her long lost friend flowers, leading Ryan to silence herself and briefly lower her gaze. "Ahh, sorry, I suppose I'm interrupting..." she murmured, briefly scuffling her foot on the floor. She vaguely recalled this male, too, actually... But she didn't care for interrupting. Besides, if she had seen him before, it had been fleeting, and clearly Ilona knew him much better. But even so, by the time Ryan had sheepishly brought her green-eyed gaze upward again, she found herself caught in an embrace of Ilona's own initiating.

Something that made the tears she had wiped from her eyes come right back, her smile doing the same, as she felt Ilona's own tears hit her shoulders. Without hesitation, she returned the embrace with surprising passion, considering neither of them had recognized each other moments ago.


"It's me," she repeated through the tears, letting out a short laugh of delight. "And it's you! Oh my gosh, it's really, really you..." she added with what couldn't be described as anything less than pure, wholehearted delight and joy. "Lona, I can't believe it. I can't believe it's you. I'm so glad you're here and okay, I...-"

There was a pause as her friend pulled away, and Ryan more intently scrubbed her tears away, smile everpresent. "...Yes. it's real. It has to be. You can pinch me if you don't believe it," she laughed lightly, eyes still shining where tears had remained before. "...And it's alright, don't worry. I didn't recognize you at first, either. You're so much taller! And you look so nice, too! I mean, you were just as pretty back then, but--"


Well, that was enough to immediately pull Ryan's attention away, widened green eyes landing on the knocked aside form of Mason. "Ah! H-hang on!" she called to him just before he began to lose consciousness, scrambling over herself to get to the boy's side, momentarily panicking... Only because, since seeing so many people die, she was much less strict about when she would heal others. Any injury could lead to something else, and she couldn't live with herself if more people died.

So, kneeling by Mason's unconscious form so quickly the skirt momentarily was puffed upwards, the thaumaturge was quick to place practiced, gentle hands on Mason's chest, evidently focusing very intently. Briefly closing her eyes with furrowed brows, she took a deep breath as healing energy flowed from her nimble fingertips into Mason, undoubtedly healing his injury. Hopefully enough for him to regain consciousness....

@Mason Moretti @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Verite @DBZ7

The slow creak of a machine starting up from years of being unused escaped from Mason's lips. His muscles twitched and tightened. A breath of hot, life-filled air passed in and out of his lungs as he struggled to sit upright.

Keeping his eyes closed and setting a hand on where a piece of the podium impacted his head, Mason said, "If dying feels anything like that, I really don't want it." His head swam, but his stream of consciousness was returning to its rightful flow.

"Remind me where we are again? I can't remember everything. I think I was supposed to meet up with Cheza... And then I met..." Mason looked towards the girl who had kindly healed his injuries. "Um... Reyn? Ran? Ryu? Ryan? Something with an R, I'm sure. Thank you... Your aura is what healed me, right? Thanks..."

Mason's face becomes puzzled as he studies Ryan's face carefully. He asks, "Have we met before today? Something seems familiar about you. Perhaps it's just coincidence."

He offers a hand to Ryan. "I'm Mason. Mason Moretti. I'm one of Ilona's friends. Mind helping me up?" His gaze shifts around the room, searching for Cheza. "And possibly helping me find a certain someone?"
@Takumi @Midnight Maiden @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Verite @DBZ7
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You really didn't think that the Koopa King himself wouldn't be attending the Awards Show, did you? Bowser was fashionably late, though when he showed up every step he took could he heard as he stomped through the room.

"Nice place! I might just steal this place and turn it into my next castle!" He said before letting out a loud laugh. "BWAHAHAHAHAHA!" He exclaimed before making his way over to Eleisis. "Man, that soda sure does look good..." Bowser thought to himself.




Bowser took the soda from her and began to chug it down. Fuck your rules, fuck your manners, and fuck your awards. Bowser is thirsty.


@Gummi Bunnies

"... that was mine."

Elesis grumbled a bit as her emotionless eyes stared straight at Bowser. It was hard to tell if she was truly annoyed by this, but knowing her usual demeanor... it was probably the case.


There was a pause from Mabel, who looked at Twisted Fate for a long few moments before letting out a giggle, doing her best to stifle it with her hand. "...Seduce you?" she repeated, almost disbelieving as she regarded them both from her perch on the countertop. "I assure you, my intentions are no such thing.. if they were? I'd have already done so before your little minds could fully comprehend," she spoke, probably jokingly. "Something you'll discover quickly, boys... Is that I always attain what I desire."

That out of the way, she merely continued as normal, not seeming to have a care in the world. "Hm. A pleasure, Twisted Fate. An intriguing name, indeed.." she replied, pursing her lips. "As for you, dear," she added to Jason. "No need for apologies. So long as you refrain from disturbing the peace in this establishment, you'll be fine~"

As though she were one to talk.

And Mitchiko finally seemed to recognize that, pointing out she recognized her. This earned a wry grin from Mabel, who merely laughed briefly. "Oh, don't get your undergarments in a twist. What's wrong with a bit of fun?" she mused, flicking a stray strand of brown hair out of her face with finesse. "Besides, I assure you, I've done nothing unsavory here. If you do not believe me, why don't you pass me the drink you have suspicions upon, hmm? I'd happily prove your doubts wrong. After all, I value my customers' feelings of safety and comfort." Of course, Mabel could've just levitated the drink over to herself, but she didn't feel like showing off just yet.

@thatguyinthestore @Otto @C.T. @Takumi @LuckycoolHawk9 @bar bois​

Michiko didn't like this girl's face. Scowling she chugged the rest of her drink before grabbing Hatchin's, but didn't hand it to her right away.

"You can always get it yourself." she huffed before sliding it over.

"Another of your strong ones to while you're at it, eh?" she grumbled as she reached into her jacket pocket for a pack of cigarettes and a lighter.

Hatchin eventually returned with the churros. Everything seemed to be okay, no thrown stools or glass cups and bottles and Michiko didn't seem like she was going to pick a fight just yet. At least the process didn't take to long or she may have worried.

@Midnight Maiden @Otto @thatguyinthestore @C.T. @LuckycoolHawk9 @bar peeps

"... that was mine."

Elesis grumbled a bit as her emotionless eyes stared straight at Bowser. It was hard to tell if she was truly annoyed by this, but knowing her usual demeanor... it was probably the case.

Bowser finished drinking the beverage as he wiped his mouth and tossed the cup behind him.

"Man that soda was the biz!" The koopa exclaimed with a grin. He then heard a feminine voice speak to him, to which Bowser looked down at Elesis and made a sad face.

"Oh geez, was it? I'm so sorry.... NOT! HAHAHA!!!! Next time keep your drinks safer guarded, chump!"


@Gummi Bunnies
  • Nice Execution!
Reactions: Klutzy Ninja Kitty
Some people had no sense of humor.
RGB pulled his sleeves down again. Made of? A good question, certainly. "...Well, as with anything else, I'm made of...Stuff." That was a non-committing answer if there ever was one (and his tone very much showed that), but he wasn't sure how to formulate a proper answer. "Mmm, partially electricity, partially a telly," He tapped the side of his head, "Not to mention concepts and ideas, in a somewhat literal and somewhat metaphorical sense. I'm me, so much as you are you. If I'm the same me as when I began, well now, that's another question entirely..."
He was rambling. RGB was a very good rambler. He also decided to avoid the truth that he, himself, had died a long while back. Not vital information, and he really didn't want to distress the boy. That'd just be in poor manners. He probably would have continued prattling on in such away, musing about exactly what he was made of to have nothingness under the clothing and yet still a defined form, if he wasn't distracted by what was happening up at the podium.

"Hm, fancy that. Giving out awards at this awards show. I'd just about mistaken this for a regular 'ole soiree and assumed I'd gotten the wrong invite. ...Don't suppose you're being awarded for anything, are you?"
[ @thatguyinthestore ]​

"Ok then..." Marco said, rather befuddled by this strange talking television set. He wasn't going to question any further though. He didn't want to be nosy. Instead Marco just sat back and watched the first few awards get presented by some strange cat lady? Cat girl? Whatever it was, Marco didn't exactly know.

When Marco was asked if he was being awarded anything, he wasn't entirely sure if RGB was being sarcastic or not. Marco decided to answer the question anyways just for the sake of keeping their little conversation flowing (and to avoid being rude). "Probably not." Diaz said with a shrug. "Last time I checked I wasn't nominated for anything. Heck, the last time I won something was when I got my red belt for karate. What about you? You think that you won anything?"


This nerd came in.

Go nuts.​
Bowser made his way over to the nerd and punched him with all of his force. He then made his way back over to Elesis like nothing had happened.

The slow creak of a machine starting up from years of being unused escaped from Mason's lips. His muscles twitched and tightened. A breath of hot, life-filled air passed in and out of his lungs as he struggled to sit upright.

Keeping his eyes closed and setting a hand on where a piece of the podium impacted his head, Mason said, "If dying feels anything like that, I really don't want it." His head swam, but his stream of consciousness was returning to its rightful flow.

"Remind me where we are again? I can't remember everything. I think I was supposed to meet up with Cheza... And then I met..." Mason looked towards the girl who had kindly healed his injuries. "Um... Reyn? Ran? Ryu? Ryan? Something with an R, I'm sure. Thank you... Your aura is what healed me, right? Thanks..."

Mason's face becomes puzzled as he studies Ryan's face carefully. He asks, "Have we met before today? Something seems familiar about you. Perhaps it's just coincidence."

He offers a hand to Ryan. "I'm Mason. Mason Moretti. I'm one of Ilona's friends. Mind helping me up?" His gaze shifts around the room, searching for Cheza. "And possibly helping me find a certain someone?"
@Takumi @Midnight Maiden @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Verite @DBZ7

Immediately as Mason began to show signs of coming to, Ryan felt immense relief crash into her like a tsunami, making her shoulders sag with relief as her stunningly bright smile returned. "Thank goodness you're okay!" she exclaimed, letting out a breath she'd been unaware that she'd been holding. Her hands removed themselves from his chest, and she scanned him, looking less concerned than before, but still worried. "Can I get you anything? You took that hit really hard..." she murmured, gently. His question about how she'd healed him was unexpected, but earned only a shake of her head. "Don't worry about that right now. Just take it easy, and..."


A pause was earned from the young woman that appeared to be no more than eighteen, her eyebrows furrowing thoughtfully as she tilted her head slightly to the side in consideration. A confused, half-sheepish smile crossed her lips as she did, which slowly parted to form words. "...I'm sorry, but I can't say I recall meeting you before," she admitted, almost shamefully. "But, oh, I'm sorry if I have and I just don't recall! A lot's happened over so many years and it's just hard to recognize every face when I see them," she admitted, only to suddenly realize something as she reached to shake his hand. "Oh, sorry, where are my manners? Yeah, my name's Ryan. Or, well, you can call me Aurelia, if you want. It's a bit... Complicated--"

Wait. Shoot. He still was on the ground! With mild embarrassment, she nodded hurriedly, carefully moving to help him up. "It's okay if you need to lean on me. Just take it easy..." she eased, biting her lip. She desperately did want to talk with Ilona, but this needed to come first. She had to make sure this boy was okay. "Oh, but it's great you're one of Ilona's friends! It's so neat to meet someone else who is! Oh, and sure, I don't mind helping. Who are you looking for?"

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Verite @Mason Moretti
  • Nice Execution!
Reactions: Mason Moretti
Lucifer was quiet as he took a sip of the drink after Mabel was done preparing it. He decided that for now, he was going to remain quiet. There wasn't much for him to say.

@thatguyinthestore @Otto @Midnight Maiden @C.T. @Takumi

Lincoln looked over at the first half of the award show and then saw Mason get hit by the podium. He rushed over to the man and saw that someone else had gotten to him. " I think you may have a slight concussion from all of that."

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Midnight Maiden @Verite @Mason Moretti

Asher, the son of Lucifer and Linda looked around for his dad and spotted him at the bar and decided to leave him alone... for now. He accidently teleported near Clark and tilted his head at the man. He felt like his father had mentioned someone matching his description having a hard life, slightly due to him. He wasn't sure if it was the same person, but either way, he gave him a hug attack... the softest hug and went for wrapping around his legs, if he was successful that was. Hey, maybe Clark would notice the similiarity between Lucifer, Linda and Asher.

@Josh M

Scott, who knew how to find trouble saw Bowser steal the drink and frowned. " Hey, that wasn't very nice, I think you should return that."

Lucifer was quiet as he took a sip of the drink after Mabel was done preparing it. He decided that for now, he was going to remain quiet. There wasn't much for him to say.

@thatguyinthestore @Otto @Midnight Maiden @C.T. @Takumi

Lincoln looked over at the first half of the award show and then saw Mason get hit by the podium. He rushed over to the man and saw that someone else had gotten to him. " I think you may have a slight concussion from all of that."

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Midnight Maiden @Verite @Mason Moretti

Asher, the son of Lucifer and Linda looked around for his dad and spotted him at the bar and decided to leave him alone... for now. He accidently teleported near Clark and tilted his head at the man. He felt like his father had mentioned someone matching his description having a hard life, slightly due to him. He wasn't sure if it was the same person, but either way, he gave him a hug attack... the softest hug and went for wrapping around his legs, if he was successful that was. Hey, maybe Clark would notice the similiarity between Lucifer, Linda and Asher.

@Josh M

Scott, who knew how to find trouble saw Bowser steal the drink and frowned. " Hey, that wasn't very nice, I think you should return that."

Bowser looked down to Scott and cocked a brow.

"You dense? I already drank all that soda." The turtle said before pointing to the discarded cup that was laying on the ground.

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If Twisted Fate was ever right about something, it was that Jason had no idea what Mabel was doing. Normally Jason would have caught on by now, but the Knight was so plastered that he could barely remember where he was at this point.
"I'm not drunk..." Jason said with the obvious slur in his voice. "I-if anything.... you're the one who's drunk." A small but audible chuckle would emit out of Jason's lips before he turned back around. "Sorry about that..." Jason said whilst he turned his head back to Reverse Mabel with a small grin.

Twisted Fate was slightly irritated by Jason's drunk remark.

"That alcohol is gettin' to your wits, Jason. Do you really need me to prove that you're drunk?"

The Card Master flicked his wrist and a king of spades suddenly appeared in his hand. He held it up in front of the Arkham Knight's face. In order to prove that Jason had too much to drink, he would have him describe the card. If Jason was sober, he would be able to see that the card was a king of spades. Of course, because he was drunk, he wouldn't be able to do that.

"What card am I holdin' up?"
Turning back to the bartender she caught the last of her words and it finally clicked.
"Now I remember you! You mother fu-" she was suddenly hit with a small mysterious coughing fit for the sake of any children nearby but it didn't last long.
"Why the hell are you here? Last I remembered you and your brother liked to have your fun at other people's expense, and wouldn't have expected you bartending of all things." she grumbled, then glanced to the drink given to Hatchin. Something was definitely up, and it pissed her off.
"That ain't grape juice right? The fuck is it then?" she glared at Reverse Mabel. Well, she was in such a good mood earlier about booze, now she was ready to punch someone if needed.
Twisted Fate looked on with a raised eyebrow as Mitchiko spoke.​

"No need for apologies. So long as you refrain from disturbing the peace in this establishment, you'll be fine~"
As though she were one to talk.
And Mitchiko finally seemed to recognize that, pointing out she recognized her. This earned a wry grin from Mabel, who merely laughed briefly. "Oh, don't get your undergarments in a twist. What's wrong with a bit of fun?" she mused, flicking a stray strand of brown hair out of her face with finesse. "Besides, I assure you, I've done nothing unsavory here. If you do not believe me, why don't you pass me the drink you have suspicions upon, hmm? I'd happily prove your doubts wrong. After all, I value my customers' feelings of safety and comfort." Of course, Mabel could've just levitated the drink over to herself, but she didn't feel like showing off just yet.​
Twisted Fate had hoped that his suspicions about Mabel weren't true, but judging by Mitchiko's outburst, they might be true after all. He spoke to the bartender.

"...What's this about havin' fun at other people's expense? What's that supposed to mean?"

Mitchiko seemed to know much more about Mabel than he did.

"You're hidin' a lot of things from me. Who are you, exactly? You ain't a full-time bartender, considerin' your magical prowess."

Interrogation mode activated.
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Twisted Fate was slightly irritated by Jason's drunk remark.

"That alcohol is gettin' to your wits, Jason. Do you really need me to prove that you're drunk?"

The Card Master flicked his wrist and a king of spades suddenly appeared in his hand. He held it up in front of the Arkham Knight's face. In order to prove that Jason had too much to drink, he would have him describe the card. If Jason was sober, he would be able to see that the card was a king of spades. Of course, because he was drunk, he wouldn't be able to do that.

"What card am I holdin' up?"

Twisted Fate looked on with a raised eyebrow as Mitchiko spoke.​

Twisted Fate had hoped that his suspicions about Mabel weren't true, but judging by Mitchiko's outburst, they might be true after all.

"...What's this about havin' fun at other people's expense? What's that supposed to mean?"

Mitchiko seemed to know much more about Mabel than he did.

"You're hidin' a lot of things from me. Who are you, exactly? You ain't a full-time bartender, considerin' your magical prowess."
Jason narrowed his eyes and examined the card thoroughly. He glanced up, down, left, right and every single corner so he could prove to this man that he wasn't entirely wasted.

"It's obviously a four of clubs." Jason said, sounding pretty damn certain. Well as certain as you could sound when you had such a noticeable slur in your voice.

@Otto @Midnight Maiden @C.T. @Takumi
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