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"Just Carol," she said to McCree, crossing her arms and tucking the radio under them, "and you'll have to tell me about some of those train-robbing adventures on our down time. Sounds exciting."


Carol then noticed two of the stranger-looking members of the group descended on her to take the radio. She retreated from the pair with a flinch, giving them a perplexed look. "Hey now," she said in a slightly scolding manner, "keep in mind your manners. It might not be a good idea to have two many hands pawing at the radio right now." She softened her tone and shot Owlman and Skyla a shy smile. Carol knew how to utilize her motherly side when she needed to. "I promise you two will be the first I come to if I need some help, got it?"

Of course, that was until Ellis made his entrance, butting into the group with a rather sudden story. Carol turned to stare at the boy, unable to hide her confused expression. When the boy, Ellis, finished and addressed her, an amused smirk broke out on Carol's face. "Well, then. That was an interesting story." She meant it in a nice way, at least. She wasn't sure how she felt about Ellis' offer, considering a refusal of an actual mechanic's help would no doubt seem pretty odd of her.

"A mechanic? Well... Thank you so much for your help, then. Come on."

Carol then directed Ellis to a nearby bench and sat down upon it.

@Krieg @Raven @Jeremi @LuckycoolHawk9 @Lissamel @BarrenThin @Minerva @york @Josh M
76, after taking a quick coffee break, would focus his mind on the objective. Turning around and walking over to Carol (whom McCree was occupied talking with) to check up on the progress with the radio. "How is it coming? Yeah, sorry for sending the flock your way, I was..."

"...carried away" 76 grumbled under his breath, trying to beat back the cold feeling scratching on his mind. "It's Carol, right?" The soldier asked, the intent of his question masked by the robotic filter on his voice. He seemed to be near the same age as Carol, but the whole yelling fiasco probably made the soldier seem like a war-mongering lunatic then a hero.

...Truth is, Soldier: 76 couldn't tell which one he was himself, sighing as he kept tabs on each of the figures in the room.

@Krieg @Raven @Jeremi @LuckycoolHawk9 @Lissamel @BarrenThin @Minerva @york @Josh M

"Oh, good, a septon. That explains you ever so pious attitude...and ignorance. Perhaps you were too busy punching men in pubs to grasp your books or even your followers." Tywin commented, a hand on the hilt of his longsword, looking unfazed at the preacher as he moved his jaw lightly. Taking one step closer, the strategist beamed down at the young pastor, holding little sympathy for such altruist ideals. Ironically enough, a rejection of such altruist ideals formed the basis of the society of Rapture, a coincidence that was but that. "I have not been a holy man, I will admit. Gods make men weak, they make men not serve their families, their name, but the chance of something above. But, that is another debate for another day, isn't it ser?" the Lannister remarked, his patience beginning to run slightly thin.

"I am not a butcher unless it is needed, ser." Tywin remarked, looking about him, spotting that same, strange-suited soldier barking orders and coming off more aggressive than even himself. "If a man or woman or even child cannot support themselves, then they are of no use to us." Tywin started to explain, putting his hands behind his back, the elderly man walking past the pastor, glancing over at Soldier 76. Despite all of his flashy attire and odd weaponry, Tywin saw a soldier, something quite like himself in his younger days, although the tactician preferred commanding rather than fighting. After all, his son was the greatest swordsman in Westeros, let the men brag about their martial prowess, only the mind and bronze combined wins in the end.

Turning around, he spoke once more, keeping relatively calm yet his faint English accent holding little sympathy in his voice.

"Look at where we are at, where your so-called flock is at. You think this place cares about your morals, your ethics? No. Call me a monster or gramps how much you want...but we both know that, eventually, we would both do the same thing. Whether by my hands or yours, one life is not worth ten or twenty. I am not a monster, Ser Jesse," Tywin remarked, his facial expression looking bemused at this conversation.

"I am just ahead of the race."

With that, Tywin looked about, scanning the pillars warily, taking in the others beginning to awake and arise. "Luckily for you, Ser Jesse, and this pompous soldier over here," Tywin remarked, nudging his head at the blaring, grizzly man barking orders like some man-at-arms which caused the strategist great headache. "It seems everyone is just fine and dandy. How fortunate." he remarked with a roll of his eyes, spotting a small group of people working over at a radio of sorts.

"As much as I find the brigand strange, he is right. Let the ones not fit to fight work on the radio, the ones who are fit protect the area. If this all goes well this will be my last war...if there is a war, that is." Tywin remarked with both confusion and hesitation, slightly bemused at what could lie beyond this metallic chamber. Judging by the state of decay, rust, death, and debris...

Tywin didn't want to know.

@Raven @Jeremi @LuckycoolHawk9 @Lissamel @BarrenThin @Minerva @york @Josh M @Atomyk @The Tactician @york @CrunchyCHEEZIT @BarrenThin @Any others I missed
@Atomyk @Ellya @DapperDogman @Others basically


Owlman had to stop to consider his options; it was probably a little too easy for him to just straight up beat the old woman in front of him until she let go of the radio, but then... Why should he? From the glimpse he caught of the radio, it looked to be in working order... So the natural conclusion was that the woman currently holding onto the radio just had no clue how to operate it correctly.

"It doesn't matter." He grumbled.

Then, with a sudden turn, he headed straight back to the glass window, gazing out at the view it presented to him once more... ... What was the name of this strange city anyways? And more importantly, where were it's residents? Was this just some abandoned Billionaire's project? Or was this something more?​
Unsurprisingly, this shouting match was bringing a bigger crowd... including a fellow Preacher who was speaking some sense. Shepherd returned the nod in respect before continuing "As others some seem also be advising, now is not a time for violence but for understanding of our situation... and those we are to escape with. You may call me Derrial, or Shepherd if you prefer. It is good to meet you Pastor and Helena".

@Cromartie Sarkissian @CrunchyCHEEZIT @C.T. @The Tactician @OrlandoBloomers
"No need for the fork, miss... well, just yet," Jesse commented with a slight smile, "And nice to meet you, Helena, and you, Pastor Shepherd. Name's Jesse Custer."

The pallid wielder of the fork seemed content to circle around the fringes of the confrontation, such as it were, table fork now dangling harmlessly between her lips as though she was a child bored at dinnertime as she held a gentle grip to keep it in place with one hand. "Jesse Custard. Maybe later I will find... deep-sea buffet table. I will save fork for this."


"You are both priests?"
It was also why, the illusion of him appearing seemingly out of nowhere worked so well, as he stepped out of a shadow, directly on Custers left with his group.

He had seen everything he needed to ascertain their personality.

Now to approach directly and fixing his collar, he tilted his western preachers hat up to fix the group, with a disconcerting red-eyed stare. But his tone was courteous as he spoke.

"Good day ladies and gentlemen. My name is Lucifer and I was hoping we could talk about our shared experience getting here. My weapons and equipment are all but stripped, all of us have been dropped in the same place and someone, left us a radio."

Letting that sink in, he added lightly.

"I'm not really one for coincidence. Are you?"

"Who is stripped?"

She replied to Lucifer, feigning complete coy ignorance to his actual question and making no attempt to conceal it, moving to the opposite edge of the people cluster almost automatically in response to his sudden appearance. The fork fell away from her mouth to be reverse gripped by its handle as she paced, tinted eyes on the vampiric preacher with something of a sarcastic sneer on her face.

"I would like to see this stripped person."

"...I think we're going to get along great."

For this, at least, she nodded her agreement, shrugging in admittance, arching an eyebrow and giving Gwen a brief appraising once-over.

"The way you dress is close to... marshmallow. This I like."

@The Tactician @C.T. @Ringmaster @Gwazi Magnum
Carol turned her attention away from Ellis for a moment to look up at Soldier 76, the radio clasped in her hand. "Ahhh..." She wasn't sure exactly what to say to the man's question, for she knew fully well the radio was just working fine. She figured the others would be preoccupied with securing the location, but it seemed no one took well to the soldier's orders and now they were loitering about. It wasn't an impressive sight, but Carol wasn't in a position to do much about it. No harm for now, as information seemed scarce for the moment.

"... Ellis is a mechanic, so he's agreed to take a look at it for now," Carol said, passing the radio off to Ellis. She smiled up at the soldier. "No harm done, I understand you were just trying to take control of the situation. Times like these... someone's got to step up and do what has to be done." Carol broke her gaze with the soldier and looked off to the side for the moment. She rubbed nervously at her arm before nodding to Tywin nearby. "He's... headstrong, but I can tell he's been a leader before. He said he was a lord, right? I sort of... fall into these roles, myself. Ah, just, not a leader I mean. A follower, I guess. I have to rely on others." Carol looked back to the soldier and shrugged.


"I can't do too much, but I'll assist best I can. You're right, by the way, it's Carol."

@Krieg @Raven @Jeremi @LuckycoolHawk9 @Lissamel @BarrenThin @Josh M
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He touched the brim of his hat in salute and held out his hand to shake. His grip was firm, no contests of strength here. And when it was over, he respected personal space.

"I watched you all for a bit. A lot of.... Diverse personalities." He said diplomatically. Which was a hell of a lot more better then saying batshit crazy. No pun or offense intended. Mostly, people seemed to gravitate towards base personalities and methods. Nurturing, protective, sacrificial. ... An interesting of questionable group.

So what were they doing here?

Red eyes flicked across the room to meet silver, Lucifer giving the briefest of nods. Everything was fine.

So far.

It wasn't the first time he got that reaction to his name. It wouldn't be the last. To Shepard he gave a mild look of worry. Seemed to be a lot of techs around it, none too friendly if his observations were to be believed.

Back to Custer and co., he spoke.

"I was on a mission with my partner, worlds away before I woke up here."

Gwen Poole was listened to with half an ear, as Lucifer mentally gleaned her works of fiction to build up a mental profile. You could tell a persons character by their personal taste.

And then there were those who wore their methods like shields. They made no apologies and expected none for how they worked. He remembered his words from before and quietly, he resolved to watch this one.

Very closely.
@The Tactician @CrunchyCHEEZIT @OrlandoBloomers @BarrenThin @Takumi @Atomyk @Gwazi Magnum @Cromartie Sarkissian @C.T. @T.O.M. @Kaykay @Krieg @Chris Lang @All y'all
Jesse didn't bother with Tywin again. The old man was the real Odin here, unwilling to compromise of his methods and belief in the name of success. People were only numbers to him, numbers he would use to control whatever he wished to control and obtain whatever power he wished to obtain. There wasn't any point in talking to a man like him, because all he desired was his own survival.

Instead, he simply focused on shaking his fellow pastor's hand with a smile, "Yeah, well... It's just who a lot of us are, Lucifer... Actually, you ever think about the irony of a name like that with your profession?"

@The Tactician @CrunchyCHEEZIT @OrlandoBloomers @BarrenThin @Takumi @Atomyk @Gwazi Magnum @Cromartie Sarkissian @C.T. @T.O.M. @Kaykay @Krieg @Chris Lang @All y'all
"I was on a mission with my partner, worlds away before I woke up here."
"I am assuming like myself you remember nothing as to how you got here? That is assuming the 'how' took long enough for us to see it in the first place".
"You are both priests?"
"Not in the traditional sense. I try to spread the word where I travel, but I do not have a Church that I attend and preach at if that's what you're asking".

@The Tactician @CrunchyCHEEZIT @OrlandoBloomers @BarrenThin @Takumi @Atomyk @Ringmaster @Cromartie Sarkissian @C.T. @T.O.M. @Kaykay @Krieg @Chris Lang @All y'al

"R- Reality...? Of course it's real, what else could it be?" Mirei was making it sounds as if her home was some sort of fake, or a setting from a storybook. It was a bit mean of her to suggest such a thing. On the other hand, she was using those funny words that was nonsensical to Kana again. It was easy to zone out, the place was starting to get really loud, in particular a woman in pink and a man wearing a funny suit.

"What are they being so loud about?"

@Crow @Crimson Spartan @C.T @CrunchyCHEEZIT
"Them... Well the soldier guy is trying to get people to fix..... Whatever that is and the others.... I think they're just weird..." Keaton idly commented as he glanced around at all the crazy people. Even this girl Kana was talking to was a little weird as well but then again someone like himself would seem weird to her...

"The look and smell of this place might be awesome and all but I think we need to find a way out..." Keaton comments for the moment choosing not to respond to Kana quietly mentioning his furball collection. He wasn't going to be much help with directions given his bad sense of direction but hey... Even after getting lost so many times he did always make it home.

@Crow @Sen @C.T. @CrunchyCHEEZIT

The pallid wielder of the fork seemed content to circle around the fringes of the confrontation, such as it were, table fork now dangling harmlessly between her lips as though she was a child bored at dinnertime as she held a gentle grip to keep it in place with one hand. "Jesse Custard. Maybe later I will find... deep-sea buffet table. I will save fork for this."


"You are both priests?"

"Who is stripped?"

She replied to Lucifer, feigning complete coy ignorance to his actual question and making no attempt to conceal it, moving to the opposite edge of the people cluster almost automatically in response to his sudden appearance. The fork fell away from her mouth to be reverse gripped by its handle as she paced, tinted eyes on the vampiric preacher with something of a sarcastic sneer on her face.

"I would like to see this stripped person."

For this, at least, she nodded her agreement, shrugging in admittance, arching an eyebrow and giving Gwen a brief appraising once-over.

"The way you dress is close to... marshmallow. This I like."

@The Tactician @C.T. @Ringmaster @Gwazi Magnum
"I am assuming like myself you remember nothing as to how you got here? That is assuming the 'how' took long enough for us to see it in the first place".

"Not in the traditional sense. I try to spread the word where I travel, but I do not have a Church that I attend and preach at if that's what you're asking".

@The Tactician @CrunchyCHEEZIT @OrlandoBloomers @BarrenThin @Takumi @Atomyk @Ringmaster @Cromartie Sarkissian @C.T. @T.O.M. @Kaykay @Krieg @Chris Lang @All y'al
"Uh... Yes, Helena, yes I am," He tried to ignore the mispronunciation of his name and instead focused on her question, "All Saints' Congregational in Annsville down in Texas, United States. Guessing you've never been around there based on that accent of yours, miss?"

"... right."

It felt strange, almost like the time he met Kainé near the Aerie. As Kainé gave him strange feelings the first time he ran into her, Ayano gave off a similar feeling, and with that small hint of a monotone voice from her words... Nier couldn't help but think that something was amiss. But yet, that wasn't his highest concern and priority at the moment, so he brushed that curious thought aside. The conversation had drifted over to a different topic by then.


"Unless you can handle a weapon of any sorts that we can find, I don't mind lending a hand on the defense. Plenty of experience from hunting animals and fending off the Shades... wielding swords have become second nature to me..."

Idly pulling out his Nameless Blade, Nier would do a practice swing at the air before sheathing the blade. Not only that, but they would clearly see that he had this sword and a much larger greatsword sheathed, that greatsword being the Beastlord.

"Well, the dark does offer things that we don't even see coming... and I hope to the gods above that we don't have a case of rogue Shades running about..."

@Nater Taters @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @A Tiny Fool

"Well," Ayano began, touching her chin thoughtfully. "I can't say I have all that much experience using a weapon. After all, I'm just a normal high school girl. Where would I find the time to practice with a weapon?" she asked with a shrug.

But I do have weapons on me. I think I'll keep that a secret for now. If they ever ask why I never said anything, I'll just explain that I didn't consider my items as weapons. After all, my they are pretty common objects.

"But if I need to defend myself for some reason I-I guess I'll try my best! Otherwise, I'll be counting on all of you to help me!"

@Nater Taters @Gummi Bunnies @A Tiny Fool
For this, at least, she nodded her agreement, shrugging in admittance, arching an eyebrow and giving Gwen a brief appraising once-over.

"The way you dress is close to... marshmallow. This I like."
"..........................So I'm a ghetto marshmallow."

Before the glass wall, Lord Tywin stared into the deep blue, truly in fascination and awe at the marvel of both engineering and the display of true power. Stories and myths existed of the Valyrians influence and power, how they conquered both the land, the sky, and even the sea. Yet, even with all of that in mind, Tywin had never seen something quite like this before- a holding nestled completely underground. Thoughts ran wild in the strategist's mind of how crops would be made, resources mined, and how armies would be levied. All-in-all, the old man felt a smile almost creep on his lips, but as they say throughout the Seven Kingdoms- Tywin Lannister never smiles.

Turning his attention towards a young man, husky and fit, the old general sneered, shaking his head as he continued to stare off into the waters. With his hands behind his back, he slowly spoke, his face always appearing very battle-hardened. "Look at this pile of power, once, a lord lived here. Can you believe it?" he commented, shaking his head as he looked about and analyzed the city. Stations and railways connected it, like some bridges fashioned purely out of steel and iron. "It reminds me of Harrenhall, one of the greatest, most impregnable fortress ever made...do you know what happened to Harrenhall, boy?" Tywin mumbled, pausing, realizing the weight, or rather lack of, his words.

"Of course not, you aren't from Westeros, you probably aren't from Essos either." the Lannister commented, turning away from the glass wall. Walking slowly, he unsheathed his longsword, having rested the weapon to truly take into the detail the world they found themselves in. "I am Lord Tywin Lannister, current ruler and guardian of Casterly Rock and the Westerlands and I intend to keep as the current ruler and guardian. Let me point something out to you." Tywin remarked, adjusting his right gloved hand and pointed at a multiple set of pillars within the station.

"Do you see that, boy? Those are support pillars. A Street of Silk whore can tell you that is what keeps a room up. Now look at what state they are in." Tywin remarked once more, his expression tightening and his voice becoming more solemn. "Do you honestly expect me to believe we should take it slow when half of these beams look like they are about to collapse? We need to move, now. Otherwise the only name you'll know by the end of this is mine."

The Lion of the Rock was about to give a certain gimp-suited teenager a death-stare before, shockingly, a man around his age sporting odd attire and odd weaponry came to yell at the imbecile of a young adult.


@york @The Tactician @Verite @CrunchyCHEEZIT @BarrenThin @Anyothers

"Hm, yeah, figures." 76 said, scratching his head. Truth be told, he...never really was one for the technology approach.

"Better you than me, McCree" 76 retorted, letting out a low, grizzled chuckle underneath his breath. "I got it.."



76's voice suddenly barked over the room, loud and aged, filled with experienced.



@A Tiny Fool @Arcadium @Archmage Jeremiah @Atomyk @BarrenThin @Bomb @Chris Lang @Crimson Spartan @Cromartie Sarkissian @Crow @C.T. @DapperDogman @DBZ7 @Ellya @Forrest @Gummi Bunnies @Gwazi Magnum @Hana @Josh M @Kaykay @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Krieg @Lissamel @LuckycoolHawk9 @Mighty Roman @Minerva @Nater Taters @OrlandoBloomers @Raven @Ringmaster @Ryu Keiko @Schnee Corp Lawyer @ScreamingWillows @Sen @Sir Ni!-ck @T.O.M. @Takumi @The Tactician @Verite @Xx420BLAZEITxX @Yang Lee @Yata @york @Yun Lee

"Oh, good, a septon. That explains you ever so pious attitude...and ignorance. Perhaps you were too busy punching men in pubs to grasp your books or even your followers." Tywin commented, a hand on the hilt of his longsword, looking unfazed at the preacher as he moved his jaw lightly. Taking one step closer, the strategist beamed down at the young pastor, holding little sympathy for such altruist ideals. Ironically enough, a rejection of such altruist ideals formed the basis of the society of Rapture, a coincidence that was but that. "I have not been a holy man, I will admit. Gods make men weak, they make men not serve their families, their name, but the chance of something above. But, that is another debate for another day, isn't it ser?" the Lannister remarked, his patience beginning to run slightly thin.

"I am not a butcher unless it is needed, ser." Tywin remarked, looking about him, spotting that same, strange-suited soldier barking orders and coming off more aggressive than even himself. "If a man or woman or even child cannot support themselves, then they are of no use to us." Tywin started to explain, putting his hands behind his back, the elderly man walking past the pastor, glancing over at Soldier 76. Despite all of his flashy attire and odd weaponry, Tywin saw a soldier, something quite like himself in his younger days, although the tactician preferred commanding rather than fighting. After all, his son was the greatest swordsman in Westeros, let the men brag about their martial prowess, only the mind and bronze combined wins in the end.

Turning around, he spoke once more, keeping relatively calm yet his faint English accent holding little sympathy in his voice.

"Look at where we are at, where your so-called flock is at. You think this place cares about your morals, your ethics? No. Call me a monster or gramps how much you want...but we both know that, eventually, we would both do the same thing. Whether by my hands or yours, one life is not worth ten or twenty. I am not a monster, Ser Jesse," Tywin remarked, his facial expression looking bemused at this conversation.

"I am just ahead of the race."

With that, Tywin looked about, scanning the pillars warily, taking in the others beginning to awake and arise. "Luckily for you, Ser Jesse, and this pompous soldier over here," Tywin remarked, nudging his head at the blaring, grizzly man barking orders like some man-at-arms which caused the strategist great headache. "It seems everyone is just fine and dandy. How fortunate." he remarked with a roll of his eyes, spotting a small group of people working over at a radio of sorts.

"As much as I find the brigand strange, he is right. Let the ones not fit to fight work on the radio, the ones who are fit protect the area. If this all goes well this will be my last war...if there is a war, that is." Tywin remarked with both confusion and hesitation, slightly bemused at what could lie beyond this metallic chamber. Judging by the state of decay, rust, death, and debris...

Tywin didn't want to know.

@Raven @Jeremi @LuckycoolHawk9 @Lissamel @BarrenThin @Minerva @york @Josh M @Atomyk @The Tactician @york @CrunchyCHEEZIT @BarrenThin @Any others I missed
Mystique turned her attention toward Tywin Lannister. Though he was not from her world, she knew of him. She had, in her spare time, seen a certain series on HBO. Judging from his behavior, this man came from a world where the characters and events of the series were not a work of fiction after all. This was not the actor who played him in the series - this was Tywin Lannister.

"Tywin Lannister, lord of Casterly Rock." Mystique began. "Your reputation precedes you. As does the reputation of your family. For what it's worth, I believe Jamie Lannister was right to slay the Mad King. I would have done the same in that situation."

She paused. "You are right in that we should move forward. But not until we get to know as much as we can about the people keeping us company. You of all people should know the importance of knowing everything about those around you."

@Krieg @C.T. @Verite @Minerva @Everyone
"Them... Well the soldier guy is trying to get people to fix..... Whatever that is and the others.... I think they're just weird..." Keaton idly commented as he glanced around at all the crazy people. Even this girl Kana was talking to was a little weird as well but then again someone like himself would seem weird to her...

"The look and smell of this place might be awesome and all but I think we need to find a way out..." Keaton comments for the moment choosing not to respond to Kana quietly mentioning his furball collection. He wasn't going to be much help with directions given his bad sense of direction but hey... Even after getting lost so many times he did always make it home.

@Crow @Sen @C.T. @CrunchyCHEEZIT

She blinked at the strange item being tossed around. Did they call it... a radio? What was that? It had a lot of buttons and it had something sticking out of it, it stank like the rest of their surroundings. "That button box looks like something you would collect, Keaton!" she stated, matter-of-factly. He did like odd things, it was amusing to the flower-picking Kana. "Maybe we should go see what is happening? Maybe someone over there knows where we are!"

Kana also spotted what looked like a woman... holding a fork. "Why does she have a fork? Is there something to eat here?"

@Crow @Crimson Spartan @C.T. @CrunchyCHEEZIT @OrlandoBloomers
"..........................So I'm a ghetto marshmallow."
"And what of you ... Gwen Poole, was it?" Mystique asked.

"Did I hear you correctly? Did you claim to be from another world where Spider-Man is a fictional character? Does this mean you know who I am as well?" She stared at the strange young woman cautiously. For all she knew, the girl's behavior could be an elaborate act.

@C.T. @Everyone
Mystique turned her attention toward Tywin Lannister. Though he was not from her world, she knew of him. She had, in her spare time, seen a certain series on HBO. Judging from his behavior, this man came from a world where the characters and events of the series were not a work of fiction after all. This was not the actor who played him in the series - this was Tywin Lannister.

"Tywin Lannister, lord of Casterly Rock." Mystique began. "Your reputation precedes you. As does the reputation of your family. For what it's worth, I believe Jamie Lannister was right to slay the Mad King. I would have done the same in that situation."

She paused. "You are right in that we should move forward. But not until we get to know as much as we can about the people keeping us company. You of all people should know the importance of knowing everything about those around you."

@Krieg @C.T. @Verite @Minerva @Everyone
"And what of you ... Gwen Poole, was it?" Mystique asked.

"Did I hear you correctly? Did you claim to be from another world where Spider-Man is a fictional character? Does this mean you know who I am as well?" She stared at the strange young woman cautiously. For all she knew, the girl's behavior could be an elaborate act.

@C.T. @Everyone


"HOLY CRAP IT IS MYSTIQUE TALKING TO ME! SHE KNOWS MY NAME NOW AND COULD POSE AS ANYONE TRYING TO KILL ME! AND AFTER OWLMAN TOO, NOW WE GOT THE BLUE MUTANT EXTREMIST SLASH TERRORIST, WHO ELSE COULD POSSIBLY BE COMING NEXT--wait. Comic Mystique or Movie Mystique? I'm thinking comic from that outfit...and that Spider Man namedrop since your two continuities aren't allowed to cross because film companies suck dicks but it doesn't hurt to be sure. Yoooooooooo blue lady of unquestioned morality. Are you or are you not childhood friends with Charles Xavier ever since he caught you stealing in his house?"

@Chris Lang
"..........................So I'm a ghetto marshmallow."
"And what of you ... Gwen Poole, was it?" Mystique asked.

"Did I hear you correctly? Did you claim to be from another world where Spider-Man is a fictional character? Does this mean you know who I am as well?" She stared at the strange young woman cautiously. For all she knew, the girl's behavior could be an elaborate act.

@C.T. @Everyone
And then suddenly another piece of news seemed to be discussed. One, which was far more pressing than discussing the specifics of religious service. "Do you mean to suggest that we are from different worlds all together? One's where some of us are fiction to others?" that was a rather difficult thought for Shepherd to comprehend. But if it was true, it added all new meaning to the scriptures he tried to live his life by "If that is true... Then what sort of power short of God himself could have transcended those lines and brought us here?

@The Tactician @CrunchyCHEEZIT @OrlandoBloomers @BarrenThin @Takumi @Atomyk @Ringmaster @Cromartie Sarkissian @C.T. @T.O.M. @Kaykay @Krieg @Chris Lang

"Well," Ayano began, touching her chin thoughtfully. "I can't say I have all that much experience using a weapon. After all, I'm just a normal high school girl. Where would I find the time to practice with a weapon?" she asked with a shrug.

But I do have weapons on me. I think I'll keep that a secret for now. If they ever ask why I never said anything, I'll just explain that I didn't consider my items as weapons. After all, my they are pretty common objects.

"But if I need to defend myself for some reason I-I guess I'll try my best! Otherwise, I'll be counting on all of you to help me!"

@Nater Taters @Gummi Bunnies @A Tiny Fool
"We'll help you the best we can, but you'll need to learn to fight on your own, if we get separated, you will not have me or Nier there to help you." Niko said matter of factly. He pulled out his Glock 17 handgun, checking it for damage, it seemed fine. He was tempted to fire it, but decided against it, probably not the smartest idea to fire a gun in a room with a ton of glass windows holding back the ocean.

"Nier, I sure hope you know how to handle those blades, whenever we get out of here, we may encounter some threats." He said to Nier

@Gummi Bunnies
@A Tiny Fool
@Klutzy Ninja Kitty
From what she heard, the radio was working, they just couldn't get the information they needed with how people were going about it. From the looks of it, it seemed that an elderly woman was taking care of it.

He touched the brim of his hat in salute and held out his hand to shake. His grip was firm, no contests of strength here. And when it was over, he respected personal space.

"I watched you all for a bit. A lot of.... Diverse personalities." He said diplomatically. Which was a hell of a lot more better then saying batshit crazy. No pun or offense intended. Mostly, people seemed to gravitate towards base personalities and methods. Nurturing, protective, sacrificial. ... An interesting of questionable group.

So what were they doing here?

Red eyes flicked across the room to meet silver, Lucifer giving the briefest of nods. Everything was fine.

So far.

It wasn't the first time he got that reaction to his name. It wouldn't be the last. To Shepard he gave a mild look of worry. Seemed to be a lot of techs around it, none too friendly if his observations were to be believed.

Back to Custer and co., he spoke.

"I was on a mission with my partner, worlds away before I woke up here."

Gwen Poole was listened to with half an ear, as Lucifer mentally gleaned her works of fiction to build up a mental profile. You could tell a persons character by their personal taste.

And then there were those who wore their methods like shields. They made no apologies and expected none for how they worked. He remembered his words from before and quietly, he resolved to watch this one.

Very closely.
@The Tactician @CrunchyCHEEZIT @OrlandoBloomers @BarrenThin @Takumi @Atomyk @Gwazi Magnum @Cromartie Sarkissian @C.T. @T.O.M. @Kaykay @Krieg @Chris Lang @All y'all

So far things were okay. That was good. But she kept an eye on those she felt weary about as well.

Carol turned her attention away from Ellis for a moment to look up at Soldier 76, the radio clasped in her hand. "Uhhh..." She wasn't sure exactly what to say to the man's question, for she knew fully well the radio was just working fine. She figured the others would be preoccupied with securing the location, but it seemed no one took well to the soldier's orders and now they were loitering about. It wasn't an impressive sight, but Carol wasn't in a position to do much about it. No harm for now, as information seemed scarce for the moment.

"... Ellis is a mechanic, so he's agreed to take a look at it for now," Carol said, passing the radio off to Ellis. She smiled up at the soldier. "No harm done, I understand you were just trying to take control of the situation. Times like these... someone's got to step up and do what has to be done." Carol broke her gaze with the soldier and looked off to the side for the moment. She rubbed nervously at her arm before nodding to Tywin nearby. "He's... headstrong, but I can tell he's been a leader before. He said he was a lord, right? I sort of... fall into these roles, myself. Ah, just, not a leader I mean. A follower, I guess. I have to rely on others." Carol looked back to the soldier and shrugged.


"I can't do too much, but I'll assist best I can. You're right, by the way, it's Carol."

@Krieg @Raven @Jeremi @LuckycoolHawk9 @Lissamel @BarrenThin @Josh M

This woman said that someone was looking at the radio so Clare had that to look forward to. She approached and with a light cough into her fist, the Claymore would speak to her in her usual somewhat straightforward way of speaking.

"Excuse me ma'am, but do you know how long it will take for the...radio to work? You seem rather knowledgeable." she didn't want to come off as intimidating towards the woman-Clare knew that sometimes when you scared the elderly suddenly it could end badly.

@Ringmaster @Jeremi @Atomyk @Minerva @Lissamel @anybodyI'm missing

"Well," Ayano began, touching her chin thoughtfully. "I can't say I have all that much experience using a weapon. After all, I'm just a normal high school girl. Where would I find the time to practice with a weapon?" she asked with a shrug.

But I do have weapons on me. I think I'll keep that a secret for now. If they ever ask why I never said anything, I'll just explain that I didn't consider my items as weapons. After all, my they are pretty common objects.

"But if I need to defend myself for some reason I-I guess I'll try my best! Otherwise, I'll be counting on all of you to help me!"

@Nater Taters @Gummi Bunnies @A Tiny Fool

"Well, I have my binding rod with me, and I've had this thing for pretty much my entire life!" she said, patting the weapon she had hanging against her lower back.


"If we are to get into any trouble, I'll be sure to fight with all I've got. So, don't worry."

Fight... that's what she'd done for most of her life. After all, she had lived in Gran Pulse. In Gran Pulse, there were various types of creatures - many of them hostile towards other living things. She had to fight in order to survive among everything and everyone in the world below Cocoon. She disliked having to resort to violence, but if she had to, she would do whatever she could in order to survive wherever she was.

She was going back home... no matter what.

She'd fought so hard to protect the future of Cocoon and Gran Pulse.

So, she had to see what it was like back there.


@Nater Taters @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Gummi Bunnies @otherslol​
Carol turned her attention away from Ellis for a moment to look up at Soldier 76, the radio clasped in her hand. "Uhhh..." She wasn't sure exactly what to say to the man's question, for she knew fully well the radio was just working fine. She figured the others would be preoccupied with securing the location, but it seemed no one took well to the soldier's orders and now they were loitering about. It wasn't an impressive sight, but Carol wasn't in a position to do much about it. No harm for now, as information seemed scarce for the moment.

"... Ellis is a mechanic, so he's agreed to take a look at it for now," Carol said, passing the radio off to Ellis. She smiled up at the soldier. "No harm done, I understand you were just trying to take control of the situation. Times like these... someone's got to step up and do what has to be done." Carol broke her gaze with the soldier and looked off to the side for the moment. She rubbed nervously at her arm before nodding to Tywin nearby. "He's... headstrong, but I can tell he's been a leader before. He said he was a lord, right? I sort of... fall into these roles, myself. Ah, just, not a leader I mean. A follower, I guess. I have to rely on others." Carol looked back to the soldier and shrugged.


"I can't do too much, but I'll assist best I can. You're right, by the way, it's Carol."

@Krieg @Raven @Jeremi @LuckycoolHawk9 @Lissamel @BarrenThin @Josh M

Soldier: 76 looked up at Carol, listening to her speak. The old man chuckled, probably smiling for once underneath that cold, bitter mask. "I'm just doing my job. What used to be my job, anyway." was all he had to say on the matter, thinking about what really was his 'job'. The world gave him a job, and then they took it away from him like that. Maby he was too good at being a leader...well, he certainly lost that trait now.

He looked up as Carol spoke about her role as a "follower".


"Yeah, well, we all have our part to play. I'm just trying to find out whats my part is...because, I hate standing on the sidelines."

Even after years, when the world turned grey in his eyes and his life into a personal war that nobody cared about, Solder: 76 never liked sitting on the sidelines and watching everything unfold. A civilian will stand and stare at injustice, following behind and waiting for the day to be saved. A hero will stand and keep standing in the face of injustice, leading everyone behind them.

That fragment of the Strike Commander still holds with him, even now. It's what keeps him tied to the Earth, it seems.​

"HOLY CRAP IT IS MYSTIQUE TALKING TO ME! SHE KNOWS MY NAME NOW AND COULD POSE AS ANYONE TRYING TO KILL ME! AND AFTER OWLMAN TOO, NOW WE GOT THE BLUE MUTANT EXTREMIST SLASH TERRORIST, WHO ELSE COULD POSSIBLY BE COMING NEXT--wait. Comic Mystique or Movie Mystique? I'm thinking comic from that outfit...and that Spider Man namedrop since your two continuities aren't allowed to cross because film companies suck dicks but it doesn't hurt to be sure. Yoooooooooo blue lady of unquestioned morality. Are you or are you not childhood friends with Charles Xavier ever since he caught you stealing in his house?"

76 would wince as Gwen shouted out once more. Of course, he can't get mad about it, considering the fiasco he pulled just a couple minutes ago.

"Kid, how the hell do you know all these people anyway?"

@C.T. @Atomyk @BarrenThin @The Tactician @Whoever​


"HOLY CRAP IT IS MYSTIQUE TALKING TO ME! SHE KNOWS MY NAME NOW AND COULD POSE AS ANYONE TRYING TO KILL ME! AND AFTER OWLMAN TOO, NOW WE GOT THE BLUE MUTANT EXTREMIST SLASH TERRORIST, WHO ELSE COULD POSSIBLY BE COMING NEXT--wait. Comic Mystique or Movie Mystique? I'm thinking comic from that outfit...and that Spider Man namedrop since your two continuities aren't allowed to cross because film companies suck dicks but it doesn't hurt to be sure. Yoooooooooo blue lady of unquestioned morality. Are you or are you not childhood friends with Charles Xavier ever since he caught you stealing in his house?"

@Chris Lang

Mystique stared at the girl carefully. It appeared her clueless behavior was genuine, and not just a pose. Mystique considered herself a good judge of character, and from what she had observed so far, this Gwen Poole was clearly out of her league.

"My relationship with Charles Xavier is a complicated one. Not that it's any of your business." Mystique replied. "He has been my enemy. But he is also someone I know that I can trust on some issues."

"As for the rest of what you said ... I have no idea what you're talking about. Your babbling about continuities not being allowed to cross over makes no sense at all to me."


At one moment Shepherd was trying to fix a damaged and 'corrected' Bible to the best of his ability, the next he found himself in a strange place. Could this be God? Bringing him to a new land so suddenly for a quest? No, he doesn't work such a direct fashion. It couldn't have been the Alliance either, they lack such advanced technology. In fact Shepherd could think of no real reason as to how or why he was suddenly dragged into this place so suddenly, and without warning.

However, his time to reflect on this was cut short, as it didn't take too long for others in the area to start screaming at one another. And if he were to assume the others here were like him, all people suddenly pulled into a brand new world, all lost and confused, anger among one another was the last thing needed, especially when talk of guns were happening. So which left him little option but to get involved and try to dissolve whatever was starting to erupt.

"Excuse me, I'd hate to interrupt but I couldn't help but ask. Do you even know where we are? Because if not, are you sure you want to rush to being armed? One of the gravest sins man can do is to shoot at something before they understand it".

@Cromartie Sarkissian @CrunchyCHEEZIT @C.T.
"Ah! A holy man!" Scaramanga cried, turning to face the Shepard. He had been a catholic once; it had seemed like a life time ago. He had been so full of hope, so joyful and youthful. A little circus boy trying to make ends meet as a quick-shot, polishing his pointed boots with his own spit every Sunday. But now? With the benefit of hindsight, Francisco had noticed his own nativity. Did God help him with his shows? Did God save his prized Elephant from being gunned down by a drunkard handler? No, God did nothing for him- not then, not now, not ever.

The life of the Man with the Golden Gun did not have any space in it for such lies anymore

"Understanding, you say? Understanding wont save you from a bullet, Holy Man. You have to shoot first, take lessons later"
"Fancy ass gun, you got there, mi amigo. Too bad it'll be useless when you fire that bullet of yours."

Jesse wasn't an easy guy to impress. Shiny watches and cars? Nothing from him. Millions of dollars in your bank account? A man of the lord had no need for such things. The skill to shoot a gun and kill something with it? He had been taught that when he was eight, by the man who had killed his father. It didn't mean anything to him.

It especially didn't mean jack shit when it was with some ricky-dink golden gun that could be put together like a children's puzzle.


"And to kill with a gun? That's not impressive at all. You can shoot a man from afar, never get to know him and never feel any guilt about it."

He stepped between 76 and the Spaniard, not at all afraid of the man who twirled a gun like it somehow made him threatening, "You know what's impressive? Knowin' a man from your church, knowin' his whole life story and how his marriage is. Knowin' what a piece of shit he really is, how he beats his wife repeatedly unless he's at the local Klan meetin', how his son asks you to take care of him because you're the only person that boy trusts to get the job done. What's impressive is knowing all of that and bein' disgusted by it, and still holdin' back from killin' the son of a bitch when you get a chance to."

"You had best back down and stop waving that .22 around, because I'm tellin' you, amigo, it won't end well for you if you shoot someone in this situation."

"Or as my fellow pastor kindly put it, best you don't fire too soon. Thank you, preacher," Jesse gave the man a nod of respect.

@Cromartie Sarkissian @CrunchyCHEEZIT @C.T. @BarrenThin @Gwazi Magnum
"You act is if guilt is a reward" The Golden Gun would meet Jesse's chest, tapping twice against his heart. "If it is so, it is one I do not have time for. I have killed colleagues, friends, family, secret agents and politicians a like, some from distance, some within inches of their faces" A sinister grin crawled across his face "And I have enjoyed each and everyone. The more challenging the more fulfilling. If you think that I would hesitate for a moment, out of guilt or otherwise, you are all too mistake"

"I could kill you with fork..."

Helena offered sincerely, eyebrows raised as she held the eating utensil up with one hand. This man had a strange definition of art.

@C.T. @CrunchyCHEEZIT @BarrenThin @The Tactician @Chris Lang @Cromartie Sarkissian @Gwazi Magnum @PEOPLE OF RAPTURE @I AM EASILY OVERWHELMED

"And what would you gain? Would you feel fulfilled?" The Gun rotated towards Helena, its butt parallel with her face. The barrel faced the ceiling, just like all of those old western movies both Gwen and himself seemed oh so fond of "If you would no be, then there's is simply no point in killing- that is my simple philosophy. If you would, then maybe we have more in common than you would first believe" His smile fades, shifting back to his bitter glare "That is the only reason you, my dear, are still alive"

To say Winslow was disappointed with Jesse's reaction was an understatement. The composer's arms fell to his side as he stared down the preacher with his one good eye. How could he have been so blind with two eyes when Winslow could see so clearly with just one? Perhaps Winslow might have believed she was a normal little girl if she had simply walked into his room rather than suddenly appearing. Perhaps she was just a child with a bit of a knack for flair. But Winslow knew better. If the girl said she was an angel then Winslow had no reason not to believe her!

"But, I'm telling the truth Jesse! You saw how she took me down! No mere child can...Can...Fine, fine."

Winslow wished he could have opened Jesse's eyes to see what he saw. To believe what he believed. But it seemed like he'd only be making himself look like more of a nutjob if he did. Still, he supposed it didn't really matter what others thought of Samael at the moment. Winslow knew the truth and the truth would help him bring his wretched life to a close once they were out of this undersea tomb and back on dry land.


This man seemed to radiate the same sort of 'upper-class' attitude that Winslow had loathed in a monster like Swan. Given that this man also seemed to accept that Samael was an angel of death without too much complaint normally would have came as a relief to Winslow. But given what he seemed to want to do with that gun, it only angered him instead. Reaching down to the sheath he kept near his boot, Winslow pulled out his hunting knife and hissed in the gun wielding man's direction.

"I'll make sure it's a question you never get the answer to!"

While the others may have been protective of Samael due to her child-like appearance, it certainly wasn't the case for Winslow. Samael had agreed to assist him if she worked up the desire to do so. If death really was her business than that meant she had the best chance of disposing of Swan than anyone else that Winslow could think of. Jesse seemed to have it under control for the moment however. Something he'd have to thank the preacher for afterwards. Seeing how the situation had apparently defused itself, Winslow sheathed his knife before letting out another hiss in the would be assailant's direction. It was almost a shame.

The one person who could tell what Samael actually was. Someone Winslow could have possibly confided in. And he was the same one who wanted her dead while Winslow needed her alive.

Such was the tragic life of Winslow Leach.

But in one regard he supposed he was disappointed that the expected reaction came. Would Samael have simply ignored the man and went on her way or would she have shown what she was capable of? What she could do to Swan. What surprised Winslow more however was the look upon Samael's face.

SHe almost looked disappointed?

@Kaykay @The Tactician @Cromartie Sarkissian @OrlandoBloomers

A knife? Now, that was just plain embarrassing! Francisco was no mad gunman- he was The Man with the Golden Gun- A title no man could gain without reaching total perfection of hand. He had placed himself against the best of the best: other assassins, mob bossed, even a ninja or two in the past. Such foes were wiser, stronger and altogether more intimidating that the Winslow, each fight pushing him beyond his limits; for anyone to assume Scaramanga to be some Honorable Cowboy would be a fool. He was a killer, through and through, and he would dive, roll, fall and slide his way to victory time and time again.

A knife would be no more threatening that the fork Helena held

He aimed in a heart beat, lowering his pistol to his hip and firing towards the knife's hilt. Would it destroy the blade? Nay. Would it blow his fingers off? Nay. But it would take a health chunk out of his index-- he would not be able to hold the knife for much longer

"I'll will not fire any more warning shots- you only live by my grace, and for the lack of satisfaction killing you would bring"
A second bullet clicked into the back of his gun. The bullet was not even worth firing-- self defense was such an embarrassing waste of his time

(Mobile Post! Sorry for anyone I missed-- @Kaykay @The Tactician @Cromartie Sarkissian @OrlandoBloomers)
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