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And then suddenly another piece of news seemed to be discussed. One, which was far more pressing than discussing the specifics of religious service. "Do you mean to suggest that we are from different worlds all together? One's where some of us are fiction to others?" that was a rather difficult thought for Shepherd to comprehend. But if it was true, it added all new meaning to the scriptures he tried to live his life by "If that is true... Then what sort of power short of God himself could have transcended those lines and brought us here?

@The Tactician @CrunchyCHEEZIT @OrlandoBloomers @BarrenThin @Takumi @Atomyk @Ringmaster @Cromartie Sarkissian @C.T. @T.O.M. @Kaykay @Krieg @Chris Lang
Mystique paused. "I hear reports of many 'godlike' beings. The Beyonder, for one. The one that instigated the so-called 'Secret Wars'. He seemed mostly like a bored child, making up things as he went along."

"Then there are others. The Avengers have, from what I have heard, run across a being known as the Grandmaster. He places people in dangerous games of his own devising."

She then turned to Gwen. "I suppose next you'll be telling me that I probably shouldn't be familiar with the Avengers because of 'film studios'?"

@Gwazi Magnum @C.T. @Everyone

"Well," Ayano began, touching her chin thoughtfully. "I can't say I have all that much experience using a weapon. After all, I'm just a normal high school girl. Where would I find the time to practice with a weapon?" she asked with a shrug.

But I do have weapons on me. I think I'll keep that a secret for now. If they ever ask why I never said anything, I'll just explain that I didn't consider my items as weapons. After all, my they are pretty common objects.

"But if I need to defend myself for some reason I-I guess I'll try my best! Otherwise, I'll be counting on all of you to help me!"

@Nater Taters @Gummi Bunnies @A Tiny Fool
"We'll help you the best we can, but you'll need to learn to fight on your own, if we get separated, you will not have me or Nier there to help you." Niko said matter of factly. He pulled out his Glock 17 handgun, checking it for damage, it seemed fine. He was tempted to fire it, but decided against it, probably not the smartest idea to fire a gun in a room with a ton of glass windows holding back the ocean.

"Nier, I sure hope you know how to handle those blades, whenever we get out of here, we may encounter some threats." He said to Nier

@Gummi Bunnies
@A Tiny Fool
@Klutzy Ninja Kitty

"Well, I have my binding rod with me, and I've had this thing for pretty much my entire life!" she said, patting the weapon she had hanging against her lower back.


"If we are to get into any trouble, I'll be sure to fight with all I've got. So, don't worry."

Fight... that's what she'd done for most of her life. After all, she had lived in Gran Pulse. In Gran Pulse, there were various types of creatures - many of them hostile towards other living things. She had to fight in order to survive among everything and everyone in the world below Cocoon. She disliked having to resort to violence, but if she had to, she would do whatever she could in order to survive wherever she was.

She was going back home... no matter what.

She'd fought so hard to protect the future of Cocoon and Gran Pulse.

So, she had to see what it was like back there.


@Nater Taters @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Gummi Bunnies @otherslol​

"Well, just like Niko said, it might be handy for you to learn how to fend for yourself... in the rare occasion that we get split up. Not to say that there won't be others going to look after you, but it's better to be safe than sorry. Even then, I somewhat doubt that we'll get split up much."

All of this began to remind Nier of how nearly seven years ago, he was to learn how to fight and how to hunt by his father. He didn't seem to take onto this new concept that fast when he first started, but two years into this type of training and with the disappearance of his father and the death of his mother, Nier took this skill he had gotten through experience seriously, and now, he was well prepared for any harm that came their way.


"Just rest assured that I can handle using these blades enough for combat... Like I said, my experience with hunting and fighting has brought me far with these swords, and they'll prove well enough once we see the first signs of potential harm to us and the others present."

Looking over to his side, he would take notice that Vanille had her own weapon with her, and that alone shows that she had some sort of experience with fighting as well. That meant well for them, in the case of an emergency encounter...


"Good, that's good, Vanille. The more the better, in this case."

While he ensured them that his swordsmanship would be well enough on his end, Nier felt rather incomplete without Grimoire Weiss around. It's been quite some time since he first acquainted the magic book, and from that, Nier became used to having such powerful magic at his whims and ends. It's just that now, Nier realized that he would be somewhat uncomfortable without the usage of Weiss's magic, but he had to remember that he can still fight well enough without magic.

@A Tiny Fool @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Nater Taters

"R- Reality...? Of course it's real, what else could it be?" Mirei was making it sounds as if her home was some sort of fake, or a setting from a storybook. It was a bit mean of her to suggest such a thing. On the other hand, she was using those funny words that was nonsensical to Kana again. It was easy to zone out, the place was starting to get really loud, in particular a woman in pink and a man wearing a funny suit.

"What are they being so loud about?"

@Crow @Crimson Spartan @C.T. @CrunchyCHEEZIT
"Them... Well the soldier guy is trying to get people to fix..... Whatever that is and the others.... I think they're just weird..." Keaton idly commented as he glanced around at all the crazy people. Even this girl Kana was talking to was a little weird as well but then again someone like himself would seem weird to her...

"The look and smell of this place might be awesome and all but I think we need to find a way out..." Keaton comments for the moment choosing not to respond to Kana quietly mentioning his furball collection. He wasn't going to be much help with directions given his bad sense of direction but hey... Even after getting lost so many times he did always make it home.

@Crow @Sen @C.T. @CrunchyCHEEZIT

She blinked at the strange item being tossed around. Did they call it... a radio? What was that? It had a lot of buttons and it had something sticking out of it, it stank like the rest of their surroundings. "That button box looks like something you would collect, Keaton!" she stated, matter-of-factly. He did like odd things, it was amusing to the flower-picking Kana. "Maybe we should go see what is happening? Maybe someone over there knows where we are!"

Kana also spotted what looked like a woman... holding a fork. "Why does she have a fork? Is there something to eat here?"

@Crow @Crimson Spartan @C.T. @CrunchyCHEEZIT @OrlandoBloomers


"If only Producer or Akiha were here. I can't fix any radios or machinery. But looks like those other guys have got that covered," Mirei sighs. "So your world hasn't invented radios yet, huh? They're a little hard to explain in such a case, but... just don't be shocked to hear a voice from it when it finally starts working. They broadcast news and music and all that, and something tells me that we'll mostly be hearing news."

Kana was curious about those forks.


"Well Kana, I've seen people attempt to bend spoons as a pasttime. Maybe people bend forks, too. Or use them as weapons like one of those movies."

Mirei then ponders for a bit.


"Let's see how the others are holding up. I- I'm certainly not scared of some of these guys..."

Mirei warily approaches a blonde, snaky lass. I doubt this hat is hers... but...


"Wa- waa!" Mirei was intimidated by the crowd surrounding the snaky angel, especially the man with the demonic, avian mask.


@Sen @Hana @Crimson Spartan

@Kaykay @T.O.M.

@C.T. @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Minerva

76 would wince as Gwen shouted out once more. Of course, he can't get mad about it, considering the fiasco he pulled just a couple minutes ago.

"Kid, how the hell do you know all these people anyway?"

@C.T. @Atomyk @BarrenThin @The Tactician @Whoever​
"I read and watch and play a lot of things and many of these people are in those things."


Mystique stared at the girl carefully. It appeared her clueless behavior was genuine, and not just a pose. Mystique considered herself a good judge of character, and from what she had observed so far, this Gwen Poole was clearly out of her league.

"My relationship with Charles Xavier is a complicated one. Not that it's any of your business." Mystique replied. "He has been my enemy. But he is also someone I know that I can trust on some issues."

"As for the rest of what you said ... I have no idea what you're talking about. Your babbling about continuities not being allowed to cross over makes no sense at all to me."

"Oh right okay comic it is, please don't hurt me I'm a huge supporter of mutant rights. So like where in the timeline are you from, like does the name Irene Adler mean anything to you? Or is Wolverine dead when and where you happen to be from and I mean the OG Wolverine, Logan and the reverse mohawk and the 3 claws on each hand, not Laura although she's cool too."
Mystique paused. "I hear reports of many 'godlike' beings. The Beyonder, for one. The one that instigated the so-called 'Secret Wars'. He seemed mostly like a bored child, making up things as he went along."

"Then there are others. The Avengers have, from what I have heard, run across a being known as the Grandmaster. He places people in dangerous games of his own devising."

She then turned to Gwen. "I suppose next you'll be telling me that I probably shouldn't be familiar with the Avengers because of 'film studios'?"

@Gwazi Magnum @C.T. @Everyone
"No but if I had to hazard a guess, your Captain America isn't brown haired/your Bruce Banner is a pale white guy as opposed to more tan/your Falcon is not a military PTSD counselor/Vision doesn't have the Mind Gem/Helmut Zemo isn't a colonel in Sokovian Spec Ops/Aunt May is not really young and hot. Am I close?"
"Ah! A holy man!" Scaramanga cried, turning to face the Shepard. He had been a catholic once; it had seemed like a life time ago. He had been so full of hope, so joyful and youthful. A little circus boy trying to make ends meet as a quick-shot, polishing his pointed boots with his own spit every Sunday. But now? With the benefit of hindsight, Francisco had noticed his own nativity. Did God help him with his shows? Did God save his prized Elephant from being gunned down by a drunkard handler? No, God did nothing for him- not then, not now, not ever.

The life of the Man with the Golden Gun did not have any space in it for such lies anymore

"Understanding, you say? Understanding wont save you from a bullet, Holy Man. You have to shoot first, take lessons later"

"You act is if guilt is a reward" The Golden Gun would meet Jesse's chest, tapping twice against his heart. "If it is so, it is one I do not have time for. I have killed colleagues, friends, family, secret agents and politicians a like, some from distance, some within inches of their faces" A sinister grin crawled across his face "And I have enjoyed each and everyone. The more challenging the more fulfilling. If you think that I would hesitate for a moment, out of guilt or otherwise, you are all too mistake"

"And what would you gain? Would you feel fulfilled?" The Gun rotated towards Helena, its butt parallel with her face. The barrel faced the ceiling, just like all of those old western movies both Gwen and himself seemed oh so fond of "If you would no be, then there's is simply no point in killing- that is my simple philosophy. If you would, then maybe we have more in common than you would first believe" His smile fades, shifting back to his bitter glare "That is the only reason you, my dear, are still alive"

A knife? Now, that was just plain embarrassing! Francisco was no mad gunman- he was The Man with the Golden Gun- A title no man could gain without reaching total perfection of hand. He had placed himself against the best of the best: other assassins, mob bossed, even a ninja or two in the past. Such foes were wiser, stronger and altogether more intimidating that the Winslow, each fight pushing him beyond his limits; for anyone to assume Scaramanga to be some Honorable Cowboy would be a fool. He was a killer, through and through, and he would dive, roll, fall and slide his way to victory time and time again.

A knife would be no more threatening that the fork Helena held

He aimed in a heart beat, lowering his pistol to his hip and firing towards the knife's hilt. Would it destroy the blade? Nay. Would it blow his fingers off? Nay. But it would take a health chunk out of his index-- he would not be able to hold the knife for much longer

"I'll will not fire any more warning shots- you only live by my grace, and for the lack of satisfaction killing you would bring"
A second bullet clicked into the back of his gun. The bullet was not even worth firing-- self defense was such an embarrassing waste of his time

(Mobile Post! Sorry for anyone I missed-- @Kaykay @The Tactician @Cromartie Sarkissian @OrlandoBloomers)
Before Jesse could respond to the madman, the gun went off and the gunslinger's fate was sealed. The animal they were talking to wasn't going to reason with them, and so, the preacher was done with talking and ready for doing what he did best. Putting animals like this man down.


Without a word of warning to the gunman, Jesse's fist lashed out in a haymaker straight for the Spaniard's cheek while the other hand lashed out to grab the wrist of his shooting hand. One way or another, he was getting that gun away from him, and he was going to do it with a smile.

(Mobile Post! Sorry for anyone I missed-- @Kaykay @The Tactician @Cromartie Sarkissian @OrlandoBloomers)
Mystique paused. "I hear reports of many 'godlike' beings. The Beyonder, for one. The one that instigated the so-called 'Secret Wars'. He seemed mostly like a bored child, making up things as he went along."

"Then there are others. The Avengers have, from what I have heard, run across a being known as the Grandmaster. He places people in dangerous games of his own devising."

She then turned to Gwen. "I suppose next you'll be telling me that I probably shouldn't be familiar with the Avengers because of 'film studios'?"

@Gwazi Magnum @C.T. @Everyone
"So, God's in your world like to interfere with the worlds of others? I suppose concept of whose 'world' is not so clear for someone so high up... But whoever this 'Grandmaster' is, he does not sound like my God. Regardless though, if what you say is true then we are clearly dealing with someone of power. Someone whose power is so far above us he might as well be God to someone". Shepherd began to get tense as he spoke, the idea of dealing with other Gods, and that those God's were simply playing with them, it both challenged his faith and meant they were in a very dangerous, very mortal situation.​
"I read and watch and play a lot of things and many of these people are in those things."

"Oh right okay comic it is, please don't hurt me I'm a huge supporter of mutant rights. So like where in the timeline are you from, like does the name Irene Adler mean anything to you? Or is Wolverine dead when and where you happen to be from and I mean the OG Wolverine, Logan and the reverse mohawk and the 3 claws on each hand, not Laura although she's cool too."

"No but if I had to hazard a guess, your Captain America isn't brown haired/your Bruce Banner is a pale white guy as opposed to more tan/your Falcon is not a military PTSD counselor/Vision doesn't have the Mind Gem/Helmut Zemo isn't a colonel in Sokovian Spec Ops/Aunt May is not really young and hot. Am I close?"
Turning his attention then back to the others, if for nothing more than to distract himself from such disturbing thoughts he asked "You seem to know quite a lot about other peoples worlds... How is it you can to possess such knowledge?".

@Chirs Lang @C.T.

"If only Producer or Akiha were here. I can't fix any radios or machinery. But looks like those other guys have got that covered," Mirei sighs. "So your world hasn't invented radios yet, huh? They're a little hard to explain in such a case, but... just don't be shocked to hear a voice from it when it finally starts working. They broadcast news and music and all that, and something tells me that we'll mostly be hearing news."

Kana was curious about those forks.


"Well Kana, I've seen people attempt to bend spoons as a pasttime. Maybe people bend forks, too. Or use them as weapons like one of those movies."

Mirei then ponders for a bit.


"Let's see how the others are holding up. I- I'm certainly not scared of some of these guys..."

Mirei warily approaches a blonde, snaky lass. I doubt this hat is hers... but...


"Wa- waa!" Mirei was intimidated by the crowd surrounding the snaky angel, especially the man with the demonic, avian mask.


@Sen @Hana @Crimson Spartan

@Kaykay @T.O.M.

@C.T. @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Minerva

"A talking button box? Wow!" She had never dreamt of such a thing before. Would her mother like it if she brought one of them home? Maybe after a good cleaning though, Kaden was good at cleaning. And Keaton was always there to take in funny things.


"B- Bend forks? Why? You eat with forks, not play with them." Mother always made sure Kana didn't play with her food, she rarely ever did because she always had good food to eat. Plus, it wasn't a lot of fun to play with an apple. Hide and seek was much better.

Not wanting to be left alone, not in this dark and dank place, she shuffled after Mirei, hoping Keaton would be right behind her just in case anything scary happened.

There was a small crowd, which made Kana nervous. She wasn't sure if she should be scared of them or be friendly. Her eyes fell on a blonde girl who was saying she was an 'angel', and an odd man with a sharp mask.

"U- Um... are you an Oni Chiefain...?" she quietly asked the masked man, remembering the tough people she had to fight once with their muscles, their beads and their powerful clubs.


@Crow @Crimson Spartan @Kaykay @T.O.M. @C.T. @CrunchyCHEEZIT @OrlandoBloomers
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Before Jesse could respond to the madman, the gun went off and the gunslinger's fate was sealed. The animal they were talking to wasn't going to reason with them, and so, the preacher was done with talking and ready for doing what he did best. Putting animals like this man down.


Without a word of warning to the gunman, Jesse's fist lashed out in a haymaker straight for the Spaniard's cheek while the other hand lashed out to grab the wrist of his shooting hand. One way or another, he was getting that gun away from him, and he was going to do it with a smile.

(Mobile Post! Sorry for anyone I missed-- @Kaykay @The Tactician @Cromartie Sarkissian @OrlandoBloomers)
And as Shephered originally feared, panic soon arose. Quickly moving to prevent violence he positioned himself between the Golden Gun and Jesse, using one arm to push each of them apart before stateing "Brother Jesse! As much as I may be bothered by what he has to say, this is not the time to be resorting to violence! We need to be keeping a clear head if we hope to get out of here!". Then changing his attention to the Gunman "That being said, you get antagonise the situation. I'm afraid in order to keep the peace here I must ask you to surrender your guns. We can disagree on shooting vs learning as much as you wish. But certainly you understand the futility in using a Gun when dealing with potential Gods?".
@Cromartie Sarkissian @The Tactician

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While Kwangsoo was looking around for potential allies, he notices the commotion at the other group involving a gun, and it startled him.


*ignore subtitles*

"무슨 일이야?" Kwangsoo said, implying that he doesn't know what happened.

@Yata @others cuz mobile
"Ah! A holy man!" Scaramanga cried, turning to face the Shepard. He had been a catholic once; it had seemed like a life time ago. He had been so full of hope, so joyful and youthful. A little circus boy trying to make ends meet as a quick-shot, polishing his pointed boots with his own spit every Sunday. But now? With the benefit of hindsight, Francisco had noticed his own nativity. Did God help him with his shows? Did God save his prized Elephant from being gunned down by a drunkard handler? No, God did nothing for him- not then, not now, not ever.

The life of the Man with the Golden Gun did not have any space in it for such lies anymore

"Understanding, you say? Understanding wont save you from a bullet, Holy Man. You have to shoot first, take lessons later"

"You act is if guilt is a reward" The Golden Gun would meet Jesse's chest, tapping twice against his heart. "If it is so, it is one I do not have time for. I have killed colleagues, friends, family, secret agents and politicians a like, some from distance, some within inches of their faces" A sinister grin crawled across his face "And I have enjoyed each and everyone. The more challenging the more fulfilling. If you think that I would hesitate for a moment, out of guilt or otherwise, you are all too mistake"

"And what would you gain? Would you feel fulfilled?" The Gun rotated towards Helena, its butt parallel with her face. The barrel faced the ceiling, just like all of those old western movies both Gwen and himself seemed oh so fond of "If you would no be, then there's is simply no point in killing- that is my simple philosophy. If you would, then maybe we have more in common than you would first believe" His smile fades, shifting back to his bitter glare "That is the only reason you, my dear, are still alive"

A knife? Now, that was just plain embarrassing! Francisco was no mad gunman- he was The Man with the Golden Gun- A title no man could gain without reaching total perfection of hand. He had placed himself against the best of the best: other assassins, mob bossed, even a ninja or two in the past. Such foes were wiser, stronger and altogether more intimidating that the Winslow, each fight pushing him beyond his limits; for anyone to assume Scaramanga to be some Honorable Cowboy would be a fool. He was a killer, through and through, and he would dive, roll, fall and slide his way to victory time and time again.

A knife would be no more threatening that the fork Helena held

He aimed in a heart beat, lowering his pistol to his hip and firing towards the knife's hilt. Would it destroy the blade? Nay. Would it blow his fingers off? Nay. But it would take a health chunk out of his index-- he would not be able to hold the knife for much longer

"I'll will not fire any more warning shots- you only live by my grace, and for the lack of satisfaction killing you would bring"
A second bullet clicked into the back of his gun. The bullet was not even worth firing-- self defense was such an embarrassing waste of his time

(Mobile Post! Sorry for anyone I missed-- @Kaykay @The Tactician @Cromartie Sarkissian @OrlandoBloomers)
Soldier: 76 was already moving at the sound of a gunshot.

Scaramanga was clearly a man who had no remorse for his actions-- a sociopath who believed himself a killer through and through. He killed everyone on his own terms, free from the petty realm of payment that so-called "hitmen" prided themselves in. Free as a bird, who took enjoyment in causing death to those who opposed him...and, just anyone he felt like pointing the Golden Gun at.

Just as 76 saw his young self in Jesse Custer, the bright preacher who breathed hoped into the lost and the astray...76 saw the twisted, deranged 'Reaper' that almost killed him and comrade and probably caused all of this.
Before Jesse could respond to the madman, the gun went off and the gunslinger's fate was sealed. The animal they were talking to wasn't going to reason with them, and so, the preacher was done with talking and ready for doing what he did best. Putting animals like this man down.


Without a word of warning to the gunman, Jesse's fist lashed out in a haymaker straight for the Spaniard's cheek while the other hand lashed out to grab the wrist of his shooting hand. One way or another, he was getting that gun away from him, and he was going to do it with a smile.

(Mobile Post! Sorry for anyone I missed-- @Kaykay @The Tactician @Cromartie Sarkissian @OrlandoBloomers)

Leading up behind Jesse, Soldier: 76 would point his Heavy Pulse Rifle straight at the assassins head, the tactical visor giving his a combat HUD. The weapon he carried was far more advanced then anything this piece of shit had up his sleeve. If he tried to make a move on Jesse, Soldier: 76 would have delivered a swift, genetically-enhanced fist towards Sacramangas gut.

If he didn't, the Soldier kept his rifle trained on the assassin.


"Stand down."

@Cromartie Sarkissian @The Tactician @OrlandoBloomers @Kaykay @BarrenThin

  • Bucket of Rainbows
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"I read and watch and play a lot of things and many of these people are in those things."

"Oh right okay comic it is, please don't hurt me I'm a huge supporter of mutant rights. So like where in the timeline are you from, like does the name Irene Adler mean anything to you? Or is Wolverine dead when and where you happen to be from and I mean the OG Wolverine, Logan and the reverse mohawk and the 3 claws on each hand, not Laura although she's cool too."

"No but if I had to hazard a guess, your Captain America isn't brown haired/your Bruce Banner is a pale white guy as opposed to more tan/your Falcon is not a military PTSD counselor/Vision doesn't have the Mind Gem/Helmut Zemo isn't a colonel in Sokovian Spec Ops/Aunt May is not really young and hot. Am I close?"
Mystique looked Gwen in the eye. "You had best be telling the truth about being a huge supporter of mutant rights. If you are, then you have nothing to fear from me."

"The name Irene Adler means a great deal to me. She and I are close. And before you ask, her parents were fans of the Sherlock Holmes stories by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle."

She paused. Gwen's question about Wolverine was a painful reminder of a recent loss. "Wolverine ... is dead, along with many of his teammates. They died in Dallas saving the world from an 'Adversary'. With them died a girl who was in many ways my daughter."

She moved on, not wanting to linger on this subject any further. "I don't know who this Laura is. As for the others you speak of, it's difficult for even one such as I to keep track of them all the time, though of course I will update my information when I have to deal with them at any point. The Avengers' active membership is constantly changing, after all. The Vision and the Scarlet Witch were active with the West Coast Avengers last I heard."

"Does this answer your question about my 'timeline'?"

@C.T. @Everyone
"Who is stripped?"

She replied to Lucifer, feigning complete coy ignorance to his actual question and making no attempt to conceal it, moving to the opposite edge of the people cluster almost automatically in response to his sudden appearance. The fork fell away from her mouth to be reverse gripped by its handle as she paced, tinted eyes on the vampiric preacher with something of a sarcastic sneer on her face.

"I would like to see this stripped person."
He turned his full attention to the speaker, noting her actions as well as the harmonics to her words. He thought about how she moved when he appeared, circling around to put people between her and him. That told him she thought of him as a threat or possible threat.

He glanced at the way she held the fork, in the style most used for knife fighting. He thought of her prior statement, the matter-of-fact way she said she could kill with a fork.

Finally, he looked at her eyes and inhuman as his were, there was nothing but thoughtfulness.... And empathy. He had a pretty good theory, all things considered what she was.

So with a courteous nod of his head to her, he responded to her question with utmost sincerity. "That might violate a few decency laws miss, in the context of your request."

And then because he was a truthful man by nature, he added the following.

"Depending on who you ask."
"Yeah, well... It's just who a lot of us are, Lucifer... Actually, you ever think about the irony of a name like that with your profession?"
"I am assuming like myself you remember nothing as to how you got here? That is assuming the 'how' took long enough for us to see it in the first place".
"Uh... Yes, Helena, yes I am," He tried to ignore the mispronunciation of his name and instead focused on her question, "All Saints' Congregational in Annsville down in Texas, United States. Guessing you've never been around there based on that accent of yours, miss?"
"Every day. Its a reminder that even angels fall and to live life in a way you aren't ashamed of what you do, with the humility to ask for help when you need it."

He nodded at Shepard then before Custers next words seized his attention and he smiled broadly, relaxing his speech and letting his childhood drawl back in.

"I was a ranch boy myself. Best state in all the U-S of A."

And then, suddenly chaos. A gun went off, a fist was swung.

A figure tried to break it up.

Lucifer decided to wait for a moment, throwing a quick glance at the reactions of everyone else to the fighting.

Way he saw it, the assassin was being piled on as it was. If there was a danger of loss of life, then he would move in.

He could only hope Clare was having a better time of it.

@OrlandoBloomers @Takumi @C.T. @Chris Lang @Cromartie Sarkissian @ChrunchyCHEEZIT @T.O.M. @Kaykay @Jeremi @Indolent @The Tactician @Gwazi Magnum @Whoever else
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While Kwangsoo was looking around for potential allies, he notices the commotion at the other group involving a gun, and it startled him.


*ignore subtitles*

"무슨 일이야?" Kwangsoo said, implying that he doesn't know what happened.

@Yata @others cuz mobile


"Say, anyone notice how this guy's been speaking Korean while we're all speaking Japanese?"​


"A talking button box? Wow!" She had never dreamt of such a thing before. Would her mother like it if she brought one of them home? Maybe after a good cleaning though, Kaden was good at cleaning. And Keaton was always there to take in funny things.
"B- Bend forks? Why? You eat with forks, not play with them." Mother always made sure Kana didn't play with her food, she rarely ever did because she always had good food to eat. Plus, it wasn't a lot of fun to play with an apple. Hide and seek was much better.

Not wanting to be left alone, not in this dark and dank place, she shuffled after Mirei, hoping Keaton would be right behind her just in case anything scary happened.

There was a small crowd, which made Kana nervous. She wasn't sure if she should be scared of them or be friendly. Her eyes fell on a blonde girl who was saying she was an 'angel', and an odd man with a sharp mask.

"U- Um... are you an Oni Chiefain...?" she quietly asked the masked man, remembering the tough people she had to fight once with their muscles, their beads and their powerful clubs.

"Oni?" Mirei was a little astonished. She noticed that Kana was flinching. "Say Kana, how are oni like back where you come from?"

Mirei's fright caused her to take a step or two backwards. "I don't see any horns on that guy. You sure he's an Oni?"


@Sen @Hana @Crimson Spartan @Bomb @Yata

@Kaykay @T.O.M. @C.T.

The woman approaching Carol was certainly one of the stranger appearing individuals here. However, she seemed polite enough, and Carol almost chuckled at the woman's question, but instead she just gave a shrug. "Not that knowledgeable, really. I just thought it was something I could help with. Can't say for sure how long it will take, shouldn't be too long now?" She looked to Ellis, who was probably quickly discovering the radio was just fine. If he were to ask how she didn't know that, she could just feign innocence, after all. She's perused through the channels quickly, but hadn't been able to come up with much useful. Perhaps when given a longer opportunity, she'd find someone to talk to.

She then turned back to Soldier: 76, who seemed to have taken a blow to his mood. Her blue eyes narrowed slightly, and she felt a little uncomfortable that the man's expression was obscured by his visor and helmet. She stared at him in silence for a few moments before asking, "and what job is that? A soldier? Why do you use the name Soldier: 76?"

Maybe she was being too intrusive now, but they were questions Carol was curious about. She felt unnerved being around someone who seemed to be such a mystery. Watching others only informed one so much, and sometimes some lines of inquiry had to be followed.

However, it was then that a fight broke out and Soldier: 76 was on the move. Carol stood up out of surprise, staring at the sight with disappointment. Of course fights would break out, but already someone had taken out a gun. Carol was more angry than anything, but she managed to look fearful as she stared upon the fighting. She shook her head slowly at the sight.


"He's right, everyone. Please... Please stop."

@Krieg @Raven @Jeremi @LuckycoolHawk9 @Lissamel @BarrenThin @Josh M @Takumi @Cromartie Sarkissian @The Tactician @Kaykay
Last edited:
"Ah! A holy man!" Scaramanga cried, turning to face the Shepard. He had been a catholic once; it had seemed like a life time ago. He had been so full of hope, so joyful and youthful. A little circus boy trying to make ends meet as a quick-shot, polishing his pointed boots with his own spit every Sunday. But now? With the benefit of hindsight, Francisco had noticed his own nativity. Did God help him with his shows? Did God save his prized Elephant from being gunned down by a drunkard handler? No, God did nothing for him- not then, not now, not ever.

The life of the Man with the Golden Gun did not have any space in it for such lies anymore

"Understanding, you say? Understanding wont save you from a bullet, Holy Man. You have to shoot first, take lessons later"

"You act is if guilt is a reward" The Golden Gun would meet Jesse's chest, tapping twice against his heart. "If it is so, it is one I do not have time for. I have killed colleagues, friends, family, secret agents and politicians a like, some from distance, some within inches of their faces" A sinister grin crawled across his face "And I have enjoyed each and everyone. The more challenging the more fulfilling. If you think that I would hesitate for a moment, out of guilt or otherwise, you are all too mistake"

"And what would you gain? Would you feel fulfilled?" The Gun rotated towards Helena, its butt parallel with her face. The barrel faced the ceiling, just like all of those old western movies both Gwen and himself seemed oh so fond of "If you would no be, then there's is simply no point in killing- that is my simple philosophy. If you would, then maybe we have more in common than you would first believe" His smile fades, shifting back to his bitter glare "That is the only reason you, my dear, are still alive"

A knife? Now, that was just plain embarrassing! Francisco was no mad gunman- he was The Man with the Golden Gun- A title no man could gain without reaching total perfection of hand. He had placed himself against the best of the best: other assassins, mob bossed, even a ninja or two in the past. Such foes were wiser, stronger and altogether more intimidating that the Winslow, each fight pushing him beyond his limits; for anyone to assume Scaramanga to be some Honorable Cowboy would be a fool. He was a killer, through and through, and he would dive, roll, fall and slide his way to victory time and time again.

A knife would be no more threatening that the fork Helena held

He aimed in a heart beat, lowering his pistol to his hip and firing towards the knife's hilt. Would it destroy the blade? Nay. Would it blow his fingers off? Nay. But it would take a health chunk out of his index-- he would not be able to hold the knife for much longer

"I'll will not fire any more warning shots- you only live by my grace, and for the lack of satisfaction killing you would bring"
A second bullet clicked into the back of his gun. The bullet was not even worth firing-- self defense was such an embarrassing waste of his time

(Mobile Post! Sorry for anyone I missed-- @Kaykay @The Tactician @Cromartie Sarkissian @OrlandoBloomers)
Before Jesse could respond to the madman, the gun went off and the gunslinger's fate was sealed. The animal they were talking to wasn't going to reason with them, and so, the preacher was done with talking and ready for doing what he did best. Putting animals like this man down.


Without a word of warning to the gunman, Jesse's fist lashed out in a haymaker straight for the Spaniard's cheek while the other hand lashed out to grab the wrist of his shooting hand. One way or another, he was getting that gun away from him, and he was going to do it with a smile.

(Mobile Post! Sorry for anyone I missed-- @Kaykay @The Tactician @Cromartie Sarkissian @OrlandoBloomers)


"Hey, you shouldn't take my job so casually. You said you envy my position, right? Why don't you try shooting me?...If you can after that punch, anyway."

Samael seemed more intrigued than anything else by his firing of the gun. Had he hoped to intimidate the entire room with that display? She wasn't one to think far ahead, but even she wouldn't have tried something like that without a greater purpose.

Yet she didn't feel like "losing" by doing nothing as the strange masked man was shot at.

Summoning venom to her hand, Samael held her hand out to stop the bullet, the venom capable of melting just about anything. Including the round of a gun.

It wasn't really to save Winslow. Had her mood been different, she might've simply watched the bullet zip by. But the Man with the Golden Gun's attitude and the fact everyone around her was taking action just kind of made her feel like doing something herself too.
Mirei warily approaches a blonde, snaky lass. I doubt this hat is hers... but...


"Wa- waa!" Mirei was intimidated by the crowd surrounding the snaky angel, especially the man with the demonic, avian mask.
Letting the venom dissipate, she faced the seemingly scared girl.


"You have a nice scared face~"

@T.O.M. @The Tactician @Crow @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Cromartie Sarkissian @everyone I guess​
Leading up behind Jesse, Soldier: 76 would point his Heavy Pulse Rifle straight at the assassins head, the tactical visor giving his a combat HUD. The weapon he carried was far more advanced then anything this piece of shit had up his sleeve. If he tried to make a move on Jesse, Soldier: 76 would have delivered a swift, genetically-enhanced fist towards Sacramangas gut.

If he didn't, the Soldier kept his rifle trained on the assassin.


"Stand down."

"Say, anyone notice how this guy's been speaking Korean while we're all speaking Japanese?"​

"Oni?" Mirei was a little astonished. She noticed that Kana was flinching. "Say Kana, how are oni like back where you come from?"

Mirei's fright caused her to take a step or two backwards. "I don't see any horns on that guy. You sure he's an Oni?"


@Sen @Hana @Crimson Spartan @Bomb @Yata

@Kaykay @T.O.M. @C.T.


Kana could only stare at what had happened close by. There was a loud bang sound, loud enough for her ears to hurt, before there were shouts and the weird suit man moved to the noise. She had no idea what was going on, but she was scared. The girl clung onto herself, stepping a little closer to her newfound - albeit strange companion.

She shook her had at Mirei. "Um, he isn't really an oni. They are really, really big guys that wear scary masks just like him! They are really strong and... a little bit scary..."

@Crow @Kaykay @T.O.M. @Crimson Spartan @CrunchyCHEEZIT
The woman approaching Carol was certainly one of the stranger appearing individuals here. However, she seemed polite enough, and Carol almost chuckled at the woman's question, but instead she just gave a shrug. "Not that knowledgeable, really. I just thought it was something I could help with. Can't say for sure how long it will take, shouldn't be too long now?" She looked to Ellis, who was probably quickly discovering the radio was just fine. If he were to ask how she didn't know that, she could just feign innocence, after all. She's perused through the channels quickly, but hadn't been able to come up with much useful. Perhaps when given a longer opportunity, she'd find someone to talk to.

She then turned back to Soldier: 76, who seemed to have taken a blow to his mood. Her blue eyes narrowed slightly, and she felt a little uncomfortable that the man's expression was obscured by his visor and helmet. She stared at him in silence for a few moments before asking, "and what job is that? A soldier? Why do you use the name Soldier: 76?"

Maybe she was being too intrusive now, but they were questions Carol was curious about. She felt unnerved being around someone who seemed to be such a mystery. Watching others only informed one so much, and sometimes some lines of inquiry had to be followed.

However, it was then that a fight broke out and Soldier: 76 was on the move. Carol stood up out of surprise, staring at the sight with disappointment. Of course fights would break out, but already someone had taken out a gun. Carol was more angry than anything, but she managed to look fearful as she stared upon the fighting. She shook her head slowly at the sight.


"He's right, everyone. Please... Please stop."

@Krieg @Raven @Jeremi @LuckycoolHawk9 @Lissamel @BarrenThin @Josh M @Takumi @Cromartie Sarkissian @The Tactician @Kaykay

"That is good to know and keep in mind. Thank you, ma'am." Clare replied before the woman went to speak to someone else. Clare decided to wait and see if anything useful could come from the radio when a gunshot went off and the sounds of fighting could be heard. Looking in the direction it was coming from, the Claymore would take in the sight and make sure no humans or some of these strange breeds of creatures (plus that strange rabbit) weren't seriously wounded. Also making sure to check on Lucifer she was glad he was fine.

@Ringmaster @Jeremi @Atomyk @Minerva @Lissamel @anybodyI'm missing
Kana could only stare at what had happened close by. There was a loud bang sound, loud enough for her ears to hurt, before there were shouts and the weird suit man moved to the noise. She had no idea what was going on, but she was scared. The girl clung onto herself, stepping a little closer to her newfound - albeit strange companion.

She shook her had at Mirei. "Um, he isn't really an oni. They are really, really big guys that wear scary masks just like him! They are really strong and... a little bit scary..."
All thoughts of fights and interfering fled in that moment. It was a passing thing, something hardly anyone would have noticed. Really, who would have in this excitement? Regardless, the fact was that even if they were empowered in some way unknown? Many of the participants were children. Scared, confused and separated.

He left his group without a word, his duster sweeping behind him as he paused and knelt to eye level to Kana. Removing his hat in a gesture of western respect, he smiled kindly as possible.

"Hello there. My name is Father Lucifer. I've no idea why we're here, nor whats going on....But if you like, I'd like to help you. Until we find a way to get you back home. Whats your name?"

To the other, he glanced at the maid looking figure who managed that strange substance on her hand to intercept the bullet as he asked her.

"Are there anymore children around here, like her that you've noticed?"

@Kaykay @Sen @Takumi

"Hey, you shouldn't take my job so casually. You said you envy my position, right? Why don't you try shooting me?...If you can after that punch, anyway."

Samael seemed more intrigued than anything else by his firing of the gun. Had he hoped to intimidate the entire room with that display? She wasn't one to think far ahead, but even she wouldn't have tried something like that without a greater purpose.

Yet she didn't feel like "losing" by doing nothing as the strange masked man was shot at.

Summoning venom to her hand, Samael held her hand out to stop the bullet, the venom capable of melting just about anything. Including the round of a gun.

It wasn't really to save Winslow. Had her mood been different, she might've simply watched the bullet zip by. But the Man with the Golden Gun's attitude and the fact everyone around her was taking action just kind of made her feel like doing something herself too.

Letting the venom dissipate, she faced the seemingly scared girl.


"You have a nice scared face~"

@T.O.M. @The Tactician @Crow @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Cromartie Sarkissian @everyone I guess​


"Hya!" Mirei, a little jittery, let out a brief screech. She was still unnerved by the nearby masked dude. This self-proclaimed angel kind of looked like that girl from that one mobile game Mirei keeps hearing about, but that wasn't something Mirei would just blurt out.

"So uh..." Mirei attempts to converse with the heavenly serpent woman, "t- tough crowd, huh?"​


Kana could only stare at what had happened close by. There was a loud bang sound, loud enough for her ears to hurt, before there were shouts and the weird suit man moved to the noise. She had no idea what was going on, but she was scared. The girl clung onto herself, stepping a little closer to her newfound - albeit strange companion.

She shook her had at Mirei. "Um, he isn't really an oni. They are really, really big guys that wear scary masks just like him! They are really strong and... a little bit scary..."

@Crow @Kaykay @T.O.M. @Crimson Spartan @CrunchyCHEEZIT

Mirei's face retained its frightened appearance.

"Just regular people huh? T- tell me about the Oni. W- why do they wear the mask?"


@Sen @Hana @Crimson Spartan @Kaykay @T.O.M.
"Not in the traditional sense. I try to spread the word where I travel, but I do not have a Church that I attend and preach at if that's what you're asking".
"Uh... Yes, Helena, yes I am," He tried to ignore the mispronunciation of his name and instead focused on her question, "All Saints' Congregational in Annsville down in Texas, United States. Guessing you've never been around there based on that accent of yours, miss?"

She listened to the men of God observantly with eyes trained on each of them as they spoke in turn, once again slipping the fork into her mouth as though it were coated in sugar rather than simply cold metal. When the time came for her to reply once more she did so around the piece of cutlery, twirling it around by its handle as she slouched and leaned her head to one side contemplatively with a craned neck.

"...What accent."

She said this in just about the flattest, most monotonous, yet still very much Ukrainian-tinged tone imaginable, then gave a knowing smile. Humor aside, she inhaled through the nose and looked back at him more impassively, wringing her hands in front of her idly.

"I have been through Texas before. Once wore cowboy hat and won poker money. But, I never stayed. Never went to congre-gational," She drew the unfamiliar word out in the same manner Jesse pronounced it, enunciating each syllable heavily past the fork and rolling her eyes. "In Ukraine, however, was raised in monastery. Can say many Hail Marys without taking breath."
"If that is true... Then what sort of power short of God himself could have transcended those lines and brought us here?

"The devil?"

She offered, widening her eyes and gasping just slightly too earnestly to be sincere.

"Be thankful I have eating fork, Shepherd Derrial. I will kill devil and save our souls."
So with a courteous nod of his head to her, he responded to her question with utmost sincerity. "That might violate a few decency laws miss, in the context of your request."

And then because he was a truthful man by nature, he added the following.

"Depending on who you ask."

"So I do not ask."

That was all she said in reply, more than comfortable being ambiguous as she met his gaze with a lingering one of her own that went for as long as his did. Finally, just as they were ready to part, after having kept a look of neutrality all throughout the exchange up until this point... She smirked. The smirk of someone who understood full well the game that was being played.

Just as a gunshot rang out.
"Ah! A holy man!" Scaramanga cried, turning to face the Shepard. He had been a catholic once; it had seemed like a life time ago. He had been so full of hope, so joyful and youthful. A little circus boy trying to make ends meet as a quick-shot, polishing his pointed boots with his own spit every Sunday. But now? With the benefit of hindsight, Francisco had noticed his own nativity. Did God help him with his shows? Did God save his prized Elephant from being gunned down by a drunkard handler? No, God did nothing for him- not then, not now, not ever.

The life of the Man with the Golden Gun did not have any space in it for such lies anymore

"Understanding, you say? Understanding wont save you from a bullet, Holy Man. You have to shoot first, take lessons later"

"You act is if guilt is a reward" The Golden Gun would meet Jesse's chest, tapping twice against his heart. "If it is so, it is one I do not have time for. I have killed colleagues, friends, family, secret agents and politicians a like, some from distance, some within inches of their faces" A sinister grin crawled across his face "And I have enjoyed each and everyone. The more challenging the more fulfilling. If you think that I would hesitate for a moment, out of guilt or otherwise, you are all too mistake"

"And what would you gain? Would you feel fulfilled?" The Gun rotated towards Helena, its butt parallel with her face. The barrel faced the ceiling, just like all of those old western movies both Gwen and himself seemed oh so fond of "If you would no be, then there's is simply no point in killing- that is my simple philosophy. If you would, then maybe we have more in common than you would first believe" His smile fades, shifting back to his bitter glare "That is the only reason you, my dear, are still alive"

A knife? Now, that was just plain embarrassing! Francisco was no mad gunman- he was The Man with the Golden Gun- A title no man could gain without reaching total perfection of hand. He had placed himself against the best of the best: other assassins, mob bossed, even a ninja or two in the past. Such foes were wiser, stronger and altogether more intimidating that the Winslow, each fight pushing him beyond his limits; for anyone to assume Scaramanga to be some Honorable Cowboy would be a fool. He was a killer, through and through, and he would dive, roll, fall and slide his way to victory time and time again.

A knife would be no more threatening that the fork Helena held

He aimed in a heart beat, lowering his pistol to his hip and firing towards the knife's hilt. Would it destroy the blade? Nay. Would it blow his fingers off? Nay. But it would take a health chunk out of his index-- he would not be able to hold the knife for much longer

"I'll will not fire any more warning shots- you only live by my grace, and for the lack of satisfaction killing you would bring"
A second bullet clicked into the back of his gun. The bullet was not even worth firing-- self defense was such an embarrassing waste of his time

(Mobile Post! Sorry for anyone I missed-- @Kaykay @The Tactician @Cromartie Sarkissian @OrlandoBloomers)
Before Jesse could respond to the madman, the gun went off and the gunslinger's fate was sealed. The animal they were talking to wasn't going to reason with them, and so, the preacher was done with talking and ready for doing what he did best. Putting animals like this man down.


Without a word of warning to the gunman, Jesse's fist lashed out in a haymaker straight for the Spaniard's cheek while the other hand lashed out to grab the wrist of his shooting hand. One way or another, he was getting that gun away from him, and he was going to do it with a smile.

(Mobile Post! Sorry for anyone I missed-- @Kaykay @The Tactician @Cromartie Sarkissian @OrlandoBloomers)
Soldier: 76 was already moving at the sound of a gunshot.

Scaramanga was clearly a man who had no remorse for his actions-- a sociopath who believed himself a killer through and through. He killed everyone on his own terms, free from the petty realm of payment that so-called "hitmen" prided themselves in. Free as a bird, who took enjoyment in causing death to those who opposed him...and, just anyone he felt like pointing the Golden Gun at.

Just as 76 saw his young self in Jesse Custer, the bright preacher who breathed hoped into the lost and the astray...76 saw the twisted, deranged 'Reaper' that almost killed him and comrade and probably caused all of this.

Leading up behind Jesse, Soldier: 76 would point his Heavy Pulse Rifle straight at the assassins head, the tactical visor giving his a combat HUD. The weapon he carried was far more advanced then anything this piece of shit had up his sleeve. If he tried to make a move on Jesse, Soldier: 76 would have delivered a swift, genetically-enhanced fist towards Sacramangas gut.

If he didn't, the Soldier kept his rifle trained on the assassin.


"Stand down."

@Cromartie Sarkissian @The Tactician @OrlandoBloomers @Kaykay @BarrenThin

All conversation erupted in chaos, the reasonable reaction to a gunshot going off in a confined space. And Helena, for her part, simply sat back on a railing, crossed her legs at the calves and smiled, watching the man be brought low by his own arrogance, eyes skimming over the group of people already mobilizing to both detain and admonish him. Young and old, preacher and sinner, this moment would define the man with the golden gun in the eyes of every single person gathered here. Good. He was a bad man. Now, after inciting his arrogant temper, he would be leashed. No more threatening children for him.

She never even had to use her fork.

@The Tactician @Gwazi Magnum @Ringmaster @Cromartie Sarkessian @CrunchyCHEEZIT @C.T. @and co.​
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