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Once the key was used to unlock the mansion doors finally, it seemed to be clean and well-maintained, despite it's more reserved and simple decor as compared to the main mansion that Beatrice had control over.


"It looks like someone's been here lately. I don't think we're alone..."

Lion didn't say this much more than an uneasy whisper. As this was a smaller mansion, there was still places to check out, and it made you wonder if Beatrice had hidden herself away in this mansion.

Dining Room
Master Bedroom

@CrunchyCHEEZIT @Jeremi@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Cromartie Sarkissian @ShiroKiyoshi @The Tactician

Gordon would warily enter the home, glancing between various spots of the house and his own companions. Of course, it seemed this Beatrice person was the target here-- Gordon wanted to have a little "chat" with her. With that being said, Gordon would draw his crowbar and begin stalking off towards the Dining Room. It seems like this crowbar is the only weapon he has until he can find a gun-- truthfully, though, its the only weapon he needs.

@Gummi Bunnies @Jeremi @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Cromartie Sarkissian @ShiroKiyoshi @The Tactician
DIO smiled and gave an agreeing nod towards Pucci's words.
"The young need to be put in their place." He smirked as he jumped down effortlessly, grinning as he saw the blue-haired girl helped up the boy.
By the time he landed, Pucci was introducing him to the holy warrior, to which DIO only responded with a knowing smile as he looked down at Yuna. Once her eyes met his piercing glare, he gave a single nod as he placed his hands back on his hips


Once the random girl was spotted, DIO watched Pucci go and was impressed at his methods of...convincing.
He then turned back towards Yuna, his presence being overwhelming to the normal person.
"I have heard much about you, warrior of Heaven. Would you share your name?" He asked graciously, his smooth voice sliding out from him like silvery wine, floating in a ship, in which gravity was all nonsense.

After he presented his request, DIO turned towards the direction of Chrono eerily, as if he knew where everyone in the area was just from his scan of the area from atop the tree. His golden eyes met Chrono's for only a second before turning back to Yuna, but in that second, it would feel as if DIO was staring right into the depths of Chrono's soul, seeing everything about him from that single exchange.
@Verite @Kaykay @DapperDogman @Lizzy @york @The Silver Paladin

Lucina wasn't sure she liked this DIO man much, there was just something about him...



"See him in a new light?" What was this young man talking about, Pucci wondered? Registering the rest of Izayoi's words, the man would give something of an intrigued look at the mention of what the young man would claim to be "the power of God" in the name of destroying great evils. And to all that, he would probably just give a resounding "Okay" in response. After all, combating evil was something every human should strive towards in their day to day life. It would be more uncommon to actively worship such evil anyway.

One thing that Pucci found that separated Izayoi from Yuna was... something he could not describe in one word. Both claimed to wield the power of God to vanquish evil, but even so, it felt different. Yuna proclaimed herself to be a hero blessed by the power of Heaven, and Pucci believed her from her words, her actions. Like a saint. In the man's eyes, Izayoi, in comparison, seemed much more self-serving. Too full of himself. Greed and pride were two deadly sins. Three if Pucci would decide to count envy, if the young man was so insistent on having Pucci recognize his abilities like that of God and praise him, like he did Yuna and DIO.

But one slip of the tongue, intentional or not, can change anything for an unstable man like Enrico Pucci. Ignoring the comment about DIO and the presence behind them that Izayoi could say, Pucci would do something unexpected of a "normal" person.



In the blink of an eye, Pucci would suddenly grab Izayoi with stiff hands and bring the boy's face into his knee, before shoving him forward, away from himself. With an (irrationally) angry look upon his face, Pucci began to speak loudly, pointing a stern finger at him.

"Power wielded by the Gods?! There is but only one God that watches over us! And he would surely never give it to such a wicked, self-concerned, insolent youth!" The man exclaimed, "If you are to claim that you were blessed by Heaven itself, then you must demonstrate it like so through your actions and--" He continued, before an interruption would stop him.

Before Jason punched Izayoi away.

Oh, okay.

A normal priest would be against such displays of violence, but as proven time and time again, Enrico Pucci was no ordinary priest. With that being said, ignoring Jason further for the time being, Pucci would turn towards Herbert.

"God is far more than a concept. That, you must have faith in, man of science. For all you squander for evidence, the only evidence you require is faith. If you choose to believe in him, he will therefore exist in your heart, just as he will always exist, watching over us all in Heaven," he said. Comparatively, he was more calm, but one could still see the... irritation in his eyes.

But then he would calm down as he would face DIO again. It was all good.

@Kaykay @The Silver Paladin @TheSpringwoodSlasher @DBZ7 @york @Lizzy @DapperDogman @Archmage Jeremiah @BarrenThin

Lucina's hand Parallel Falchion's hilt tightly and she narrowed her eyes at both Herbert and Pucci.


"Let him believe what he wants. Not everyone believes in one God." She said to Pucci.

"And as for you, sir...you're not very tolerable yourself." She said in a low tone, deciding to defend Izayoi for the fact that so far out of the group she's with he was the only one she trusted.

@Verite @The Silver Paladin @Kaykay @BarrenThin @DapperDogman @Archmage Jeremiah @TheSpringwoodSlasher @DBZ7
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DIO generously offered Chrono a quick nod before turning his full attention towards the Warrior of Heaven. He gave a nod and his usual, knowing grin.
"And I, DIO, know how important you are as well, Yuna." He replied, his words flowing out smoothly as DIO thought of his plans and his book.

DIO did not even notice the brat speaking to him, but definitely noticed Pucci and the large, masked man deliver a tag team assault on the insect.


He cackled and bellowed with laughter as Pucci lectured the worm on his blasphemy.
"My friend! How much you have matured since your youth!"

DIO then turned to the blue-haired girl and patted Yuna's shoulder once before moving past her.
"I assure you, there is a Heaven, and within it, the one God." He smirked knowingly, the boy already gone from his mind.
@Verite @Kaykay @DapperDogman @Lizzy @TheSpringwoodSlasher

Once the key was used to unlock the mansion doors finally, it seemed to be clean and well-maintained, despite it's more reserved and simple decor as compared to the main mansion that Beatrice had control over.


"It looks like someone's been here lately. I don't think we're alone..."

Lion didn't say this much more than an uneasy whisper. As this was a smaller mansion, there was still places to check out, and it made you wonder if Beatrice had hidden herself away in this mansion.

Dining Room
Master Bedroom

@CrunchyCHEEZIT @Jeremi@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Cromartie Sarkissian @ShiroKiyoshi @The Tactician

"Well then, I guess it's time for us to figure out who's here with us and how to beat up Beato when we figure out that it's her! To the library!"

Morgan certainly wasn't just going to the library to satisfy her own love for books. Nope, never, she's always focused on the case, especially when it comes to books.​

Kyle could have sworn he'd done something like this before.

"Well, this should be easy to repair." Electrical tape would probably work better, but Kyle believed he had this. He knew how to work well with his hands.


Grabbing the wire forceps, Kyle moved toward the cut wires, but found himself distracted by the talking between Chrom and Deedee. The kid wasn't doing much better. Kyle knew he was hardly the guy who should be providing anyone with moral support, so he left the pair to themselves.

Working quickly, Kyle tied the broken ends of the wire and laid them onto a strip of duct tape. Wrapping the tape around the wires tightly, he made sure to cover up all the wire. With a nod, Kyle gave the wire a tug to make sure it was secured. "The lift might work now," he said.

@Hospes @Mari @Crimson Spartan @Hazel-rah @The Tactician @Bomb @Shattered♦Secrets™

Chrom seemed to notice that despite the girl's nod she looked broken. "Breaking is one of easiest things to do. It's pulling yourself back together that's difficult. Believe me i've felt that pain before....


So allow me to help you through this. I swear on Falchion that i'll do everything in my power to keep us safe..."

"And i'll help too. After all this game might be fun but with innocent people dying I can't stand for it. I may look like a raging psychopath but i'm a raging psychopath with a heart. I can't stand to see the blood of innocents."

So Henry wasn't completely psychopathic after all.

@Hospes @Bomb @Hazel-rah @The Tactician @Mari
"Excellent work, Mr. Hyde," Robin commended as he walked over to observe the man's work. It seemed functional and safe now, something that set his heart at ease given how often nothing in these games had either of those two qualities. "Though if I may impose, may I have that," he pointed out the roll of duct tape, his eyes focused intensely on it, "My partner... She use tape like that very often, and if my suspicions of us approaching her are true... It's probably best if I return it and you not be asked a million questions on how you found it. She really likes her tape for some reason."

@Hospes @Mari @Crimson Spartan @Hazel-rah @Atomyk @Bomb @Shattered♦Secrets™

"Don't forget... I'm here tooooooo!" Plutia said towards Henry and Deedee.

Anyways the lift is now functional, but it looks like it can only go down to the basement floor.

Go down?

@Hospes @Mari @Crimson Spartan @Hazel-rah @The Tactician @Atomyk @Shattered♦Secrets™
Heather didn't have much to say, as everything just went on around her. She didn't really need to say much, she just watched as everyone talked and fixed things. When she finally noticed that the lift would only go down, she paused for a second. "Guys? Do we go down or stay up?" Heather wanted to GO DOWN, since nothing else here would do them any good.

@Bomb @Hospes @Mari @Crimson Spartan @Hazel-rah @The Tactician @Atomyk
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Reactions: Mari
With their combined efforts, the ferocious feline enemy that were faced against them were turned into nothingness, leaving them be for now. However, it was unknown when another wave of them would appear due to the man mentioning something about a "master" to these cats.

"You say that, King of Heroes, but if I did not make an appearance, those cats would've made all of you it's dinner," the man didn't hesitate in pointing out the possibility of him not coming to help them in time. Sounded like the man knew about the two by now, even though this would be their first meeting.

"I bet you both have a ton of questions for me, but before we even begin that, let's change the scenery. I'm pretty sure we're being watched this very moment..."

The man swung his sword in multiple directions, tearing through the fabric of space around them as his blade was still embedded with his Red Truth's power. Once enough of that was done, a sharp crack rung throughout the world, and the reality soon shattered apart to unveil a new place.

This lone room gave off the same essence as Beatrice's Golden Land, the purple mist that lingered from the windows acted like a countermeasure to ensure that no one like the Golden Witch would sneak her way into this secluded space. In one of the desks, they would see a girl that bore a similar outfit to the man's, and yet the girl didn't seem much older than a middle school student...


"Any word from Ange?"


"Not YET. She is still working on retrieving the other eliminated player from the GAME. ... I take it that these are the two that were eliminated from the Witch's Game as WELL."

The young girl would shift her emotionless gaze over at the two Servants, her speech having a robotic tone to it. At least with the change of locations, they could finally get their answers from these two.

@Gen. Gwazi Senpai
"Hmph! All I need was to unleash the right weapon on them!" Gilgamesh then proclaimed in response. It seemed even in death (again) he was just as arrogant as ever.
Iskander however more modestly responded "Please don't mind him, my men and I see a losing battle when one faces us. Your Assistance is most honoured".

Then once the two made the change of scenery Iskander nodded at the question saying "Indeed, we were just killed for a Murder we didn't commit... Shame that, now we got a Karma point against us".
Gilgamesh eyes darting about the room taking in the surroundings to get a grasp on their location then chipped in "I don't mind. If anything we now don't need to bother ourselves with all those Mongrels. And can investigate not only in peace, but where others cannot", then eyes moving to face the two robed figured he continued "Which brings me to you two, what exactly is this place? And why was it where we came to?".

@Gummi Bunnies

Gordon would warily enter the home, glancing between various spots of the house and his own companions. Of course, it seemed this Beatrice person was the target here-- Gordon wanted to have a little "chat" with her. With that being said, Gordon would draw his crowbar and begin stalking off towards the Dining Room. It seems like this crowbar is the only weapon he has until he can find a gun-- truthfully, though, its the only weapon he needs.

@Gummi Bunnies @Jeremi @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Cromartie Sarkissian @ShiroKiyoshi @The Tactician

The dining room looked set up for the coming of guests, by the looks of it. Well, not that having guests come to a hidden mansion in the middle of a forest sounded like a good idea, but it looked that way nonetheless. Though, Gordon could've sworn that he saw something... or rather someone move a bit under the dining room table.

"Well then, I guess it's time for us to figure out who's here with us and how to beat up Beato when we figure out that it's her! To the library!"

Morgan certainly wasn't just going to the library to satisfy her own love for books. Nope, never, she's always focused on the case, especially when it comes to books.​

The library, while not as filled to the brim of books like the main mansion's library, seemed to be the best place to read up on the things happening here. Well, but all that they would find here would be a ton of books talking about black magic practicies, and specifically magic that would be used to revive someone. Guess someone who lived in this quaint mansion wanted to revive a deceased loved one that badly.

Off to the side, the work desk in the library happened to have a few papers lying there, and for some reason, the Sakutarou plush seemed to twitch a bit over to the direction of those papers. What was that all about?

@Gummi Bunnies @Jeremi @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Cromartie Sarkissian @ShiroKiyoshi @The Tactician

The dining room looked set up for the coming of guests, by the looks of it. Well, not that having guests come to a hidden mansion in the middle of a forest sounded like a good idea, but it looked that way nonetheless. Though, Gordon could've sworn that he saw something... or rather someone move a bit under the dining room table.

The library, while not as filled to the brim of books like the main mansion's library, seemed to be the best place to read up on the things happening here. Well, but all that they would find here would be a ton of books talking about black magic practicies, and specifically magic that would be used to revive someone. Guess someone who lived in this quaint mansion wanted to revive a deceased loved one that badly.

Off to the side, the work desk in the library happened to have a few papers lying there, and for some reason, the Sakutarou plush seemed to twitch a bit over to the direction of those papers. What was that all about?

@Gummi Bunnies @Jeremi @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Cromartie Sarkissian @ShiroKiyoshi @The Tactician

Morgan cocked her head to the side as she felt Sakutarou twitch towards the papers, "The papers, Saku-kun? Is that what we need?" Maybe it was a bad idea to trust a magical lion doll, but hey, nobody said it would be a bad idea to sneak into the Witch's Game, right? At least, they didn't say it to the tactician's face.

Without a second thought, Morgan picked up the papers and began to quickly leaf through them, trying to find any useful information in them.

@Gummi Bunnies @Jeremi @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Cromartie Sarkissian @ShiroKiyoshi @Gummi Bunnies

The dining room looked set up for the coming of guests, by the looks of it. Well, not that having guests come to a hidden mansion in the middle of a forest sounded like a good idea, but it looked that way nonetheless. Though, Gordon could've sworn that he saw something... or rather someone move a bit under the dining room table.

The library, while not as filled to the brim of books like the main mansion's library, seemed to be the best place to read up on the things happening here. Well, but all that they would find here would be a ton of books talking about black magic practicies, and specifically magic that would be used to revive someone. Guess someone who lived in this quaint mansion wanted to revive a deceased loved one that badly.

Off to the side, the work desk in the library happened to have a few papers lying there, and for some reason, the Sakutarou plush seemed to twitch a bit over to the direction of those papers. What was that all about?

@Gummi Bunnies @Jeremi @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Cromartie Sarkissian @ShiroKiyoshi @The Tactician
Notto disu shittu agen.

Gordon had been fooled many times by this trick, both by his own allies and his enemies. Zombies suddenly returning to life, Headcrabs bursting from vents, Vortigaunts teleporting from thin air (and from atop of ladders), it was an old and song and dance that Gordon could never predict. Not today, no, Freeman was a smart man.

Without a second thought, Gordon immediately readied his crowbar and began sternly walking towards the dining table-- ready to smash any hostile that may appear.

@Gummi Bunnies @Other dining peeps

The kick collided with Jason's face and probably would have done some more damage had Jason not been wearing his hockey mask. As this was not the case, Jason's feet merely slid back along the ground and the zombie managed to stay up on his own two feet.

Hazama could do whatever he thought he could to Jason. He'd just shrug that stuff off and rip Hazama a new one. But if he were to go after a child, one who's only means of defense seemed to be those strange creatures then no doubt if Jason hadn't stepped in, the child would have been murdered and that'd have been another death that Jason could have prevented had he only known about HK earlier.

But before he could move any further, a green glo\w could have been seen coming from his exposed spine. Looking over his shoulder, he'd see Herbert sighing as he pushed up his glasses.

"I'll keep Jason under control. I suggest you...Get whatever hate you have of felines out of your system. Heaven knows I can't stand the damn things but attacking a child with the features of ones seems to cross the boundary. As for you.." Herbert turned his attention to Izayoi who seemed to be going on about God this and that.

"Jason." Gesturing towards Izayoi, Jason's arm seemed to shake as he reared back to try and punch Izayoi.

Whether or not it was succesful, Herbert scoffed at the sheer notion of this boy possessing God's power. "We barely know if God truly exists as more than a concept. Yet here you are proclaming you have their power in your hands. Please child, refrain from the delusions of grandeur. It'd do wonders in making you tolerable. To what extent I'm afraid I can't really say."

@Kaykay @Verite @DBZ7 @DapperDogman @The Silver Paladin
Izayoi quirks a brow as Pucci grips him, bringing his head down and pushing him back, he wipes his nose slightly "I nearly felt that" he mutters, before slamming his fist into the male's stomach with blinding speed
All at once Pucci would feel himself detatch from Whitesnake, only for a matter of seconds, but it certainly happened
"I thought I had met a like-minded individual, such a shame I was wrong" he mutters, giving the male a passing wave "I assure you, there is likely a great god above all, but below him are gods of lesser things, like water, air, things of that nature"

And then Jason tried his luck

Jason's hand would be caught in a near vice like grip "Try to lay a hand on me again, you won't get it back" he says simply, twisting to past the point of snapping, leaving the hand on the wrong way
He didn't even turn toward Jason as he did it, and he hardly seemed like he cared about what he'd done
"I've no issues with science, I quite enjoy it myself, and I'll say it's remarkable what you've done with corpses, I'm quite interested in reading your research notes, if I'm honest..."
"But there's no way of denying the existance of gods. Not for me...I've already fought one"

"DIO, you want to give it a go? I mean, since we're all trying to kill me, surely you'd be interested, yes? I'm curious what power you hold"

He places a hand on Lucina's shoulder and gives her a reassuring smile "I'll be fine, trust me. I appreciate the concern though...Remember, I'm here to make sure you're safe, not the other way around" he moves her aside and looks to DIO expectantly, awaiting an answer to his question, while he doubted the man would want a fight, he was sure he could handle whatever he could throw at him

Boy, all this because he was born with the God's eraser? Jeez, you guys need to calm down

@TheSpringwoodSlasher @Verite @DBZ7 @Lizzy @york @The Silver Paladin
"Hmph! All I need was to unleash the right weapon on them!" Gilgamesh then proclaimed in response. It seemed even in death (again) he was just as arrogant as ever.
Iskander however more modestly responded "Please don't mind him, my men and I see a losing battle when one faces us. Your Assistance is most honoured".

Then once the two made the change of scenery Iskander nodded at the question saying "Indeed, we were just killed for a Murder we didn't commit... Shame that, now we got a Karma point against us".
Gilgamesh eyes darting about the room taking in the surroundings to get a grasp on their location then chipped in "I don't mind. If anything we now don't need to bother ourselves with all those Mongrels. And can investigate not only in peace, but where others cannot", then eyes moving to face the two robed figured he continued "Which brings me to you two, what exactly is this place? And why was it where we came to?".

@Gummi Bunnies
The man and the girl took a moment to look at each other before it turn out that the man would answer.


"First off, my name is Willard H. Wright, the former Inquisitor of the SSVD. The girl here is named Dlanor A. Knox, the Inquisitor of the Eiserne Jungfrau. Both of us are working with the Witch of Resurrection, Ange Ushiromiya, and the Creator Witch, Featherine Augustus Aurora, to end the Witch's Game with the loss of Beatrice the Golden Witch. If you didn't know, the Game was taking place within the Gameboard, a plane of reality that takes place within the Metaworld, and from there, all individuals within the Gameboard are considered the Game Pieces. With you two "dead" in the Gameboard, you were thrown into oblivion where you would've succumbed to the demons that lurk in that void realm if I didn't come along."

Letting that sink in for several moments, Willard would turn his attention over to Dlanor, subtly passing the task of explaining their work over to the Death Inquisitor.

"How about you continue from here, Dlanor? I'm not that familiar to the terms of a Murder Game as you are, you did say that you were involved in one in the past."

The small girl only placed her papers over to the side as she stood up, seeing that it wasn't that proper to be speaking to their new recruits and working on her business at the same time.


"That's CORRECT. I was involved in a Murder Game before, alongside Lady ERIKA. Miss Ange had informed myself and Willard about the possibility that this Game was rigged, that instead of Beatrice pulling the strings, it's that the "Beatrice" of this game is the Witch of Miracles, Bernkastel... Ange had reported to overhear from Erika that Bernkastel had been involved in a Murder Game during her absence from the METAWORLD. It's only safe to assume that this Witch's Game being turned into a Murder Game is Bernkastel's DOING. So instead of just leaving you two to be ripped to shreds by the cats that belong to the Witch of Miracles, we brought you here in order to gain the assistance needed to stop Bernkastel's corruption over this GAME."

That was a lot to take in, but of course, it seemed like this Game was being manipulated by someone other than Beatrice...

@Gen. Gwazi Senpai

Morgan cocked her head to the side as she felt Sakutarou twitch towards the papers, "The papers, Saku-kun? Is that what we need?" Maybe it was a bad idea to trust a magical lion doll, but hey, nobody said it would be a bad idea to sneak into the Witch's Game, right? At least, they didn't say it to the tactician's face.

Without a second thought, Morgan picked up the papers and began to quickly leaf through them, trying to find any useful information in them.

@Gummi Bunnies @Jeremi @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Cromartie Sarkissian @ShiroKiyoshi @Gummi Bunnies
The papers turned out to be more pages that were missing from Maria's diary, as there was the key signature that had the girl's name on it. Not to mention that Sakutarou had a deep connection with the girl for some reason. There were two diary entries here, and the first one read:

October 5, 1984

Following the directions that Sachiko gave me for that charm, the "Sachiko Ever After" charm, I was really excited to have everyone in my family, even the servants, to do it with me! Though, Sakutarou didn't seem so fond of this, and would tell me to not do the charm. I told him that it'll be fine, because Beatrice and Sachiko were my friends too. Friends wouldn't do bad things to each other, so why not? After telling Sakutarou that, I couldn't find him anymore, but I knew that he would come back too since we were the best of friends~!

Would Morgan continue reading?
Notto disu shittu agen.

Gordon had been fooled many times by this trick, both by his own allies and his enemies. Zombies suddenly returning to life, Headcrabs bursting from vents, Vortigaunts teleporting from thin air (and from atop of ladders), it was an old and song and dance that Gordon could never predict. Not today, no, Freeman was a smart man.

Without a second thought, Gordon immediately readied his crowbar and began sternly walking towards the dining table-- ready to smash any hostile that may appear.

@Gummi Bunnies @Other dining peeps

Approaching the dining table, what he would find would prompt him not to do any smashing with that crowbar.


"Oh... hello there mister... are you playing hide and seek with me and Maria-san?"

The young girl would peek her head out from under the dining table to look up at Gordon. Just what was a child like her doing in a mansion like this during a typhoon?


"... now now, what's a young child like you doing in a place like this? I don't believe you have any relatives here..."

Lion knew the ins and outs of this remote island estate, and was pretty sure that someone like this little girl was out of place here.

@CrunchyCHEEZIT @Jeremi @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Cromartie Sarkissian @ShiroKiyoshi @The Tactician

Once the key was used to unlock the mansion doors finally, it seemed to be clean and well-maintained, despite it's more reserved and simple decor as compared to the main mansion that Beatrice had control over.


"It looks like someone's been here lately. I don't think we're alone..."

Lion didn't say this much more than an uneasy whisper. As this was a smaller mansion, there was still places to check out, and it made you wonder if Beatrice had hidden herself away in this mansion.

Dining Room
Master Bedroom

@CrunchyCHEEZIT @Jeremi@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Cromartie Sarkissian @ShiroKiyoshi @The Tactician

Undyne would've headed towards the library to see if they had any good manga laying about.

Notto disu shittu agen.

Gordon had been fooled many times by this trick, both by his own allies and his enemies. Zombies suddenly returning to life, Headcrabs bursting from vents, Vortigaunts teleporting from thin air (and from atop of ladders), it was an old and song and dance that Gordon could never predict. Not today, no, Freeman was a smart man.

Without a second thought, Gordon immediately readied his crowbar and began sternly walking towards the dining table-- ready to smash any hostile that may appear.

@Gummi Bunnies @Other dining peeps

Freeman would hear guns cocking behind him. "You got ten seconds to get out here or bullets start flying, you hear me?!" Zombina had followed him into the dining room and now had her guns fixed at the table. It seemed she was quite serious about the shooting as well.

The papers turned out to be more pages that were missing from Maria's diary, as there was the key signature that had the girl's name on it. Not to mention that Sakutarou had a deep connection with the girl for some reason. There were two diary entries here, and the first one read:

October 5, 1984

Following the directions that Sachiko gave me for that charm, the "Sachiko Ever After" charm, I was really excited to have everyone in my family, even the servants, to do it with me! Though, Sakutarou didn't seem so fond of this, and would tell me to not do the charm. I told him that it'll be fine, because Beatrice and Sachiko were my friends too. Friends wouldn't do bad things to each other, so why not? After telling Sakutarou that, I couldn't find him anymore, but I knew that he would come back too since we were the best of friends~!

Would Morgan continue reading?

Approaching the dining table, what he would find would prompt him not to do any smashing with that crowbar.


"Oh... hello there mister... are you playing hide and seek with me and Maria-san?"

The young girl would peek her head out from under the dining table to look up at Gordon. Just what was a child like her doing in a mansion like this during a typhoon?


"... now now, what's a young child like you doing in a place like this? I don't believe you have any relatives here..."

Lion knew the ins and outs of this remote island estate, and was pretty sure that someone like this little girl was out of place here.

@CrunchyCHEEZIT @Jeremi @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Cromartie Sarkissian @ShiroKiyoshi @The Tactician

Oh it was a little girl... "Heh...sorry I wasn't really going to shoot you..."
Izayoi quirks a brow as Pucci grips him, bringing his head down and pushing him back, he wipes his nose slightly "I nearly felt that" he mutters, before slamming his fist into the male's stomach with blinding speed
All at once Pucci would feel himself detatch from Whitesnake, only for a matter of seconds, but it certainly happened
"I thought I had met a like-minded individual, such a shame I was wrong" he mutters, giving the male a passing wave "I assure you, there is likely a great god above all, but below him are gods of lesser things, like water, air, things of that nature"

And then Jason tried his luck

Jason's hand would be caught in a near vice like grip "Try to lay a hand on me again, you won't get it back" he says simply, twisting to past the point of snapping, leaving the hand on the wrong way
He didn't even turn toward Jason as he did it, and he hardly seemed like he cared about what he'd done
"I've no issues with science, I quite enjoy it myself, and I'll say it's remarkable what you've done with corpses, I'm quite interested in reading your research notes, if I'm honest..."
"But there's no way of denying the existance of gods. Not for me...I've already fought one"

"DIO, you want to give it a go? I mean, since we're all trying to kill me, surely you'd be interested, yes? I'm curious what power you hold"

He places a hand on Lucina's shoulder and gives her a reassuring smile "I'll be fine, trust me. I appreciate the concern though...Remember, I'm here to make sure you're safe, not the other way around" he moves her aside and looks to DIO expectantly, awaiting an answer to his question, while he doubted the man would want a fight, he was sure he could handle whatever he could throw at him

Boy, all this because he was born with the God's eraser? Jeez, you guys need to calm down

@TheSpringwoodSlasher @Verite @DBZ7 @Lizzy @york @The Silver Paladin

Lucina was going to give DIO a retort when Izayoi placed a hand on her shoulder. At his words she nodded, then relaxed her stance, putting her blade away for now.

"It's in my nature to help others...especially those i have some form of trust in, but as long as you are fine, then I'll stand aside for now." Lucina said to him.

She then looked to DIO once more.

"That may be true, but I have to agree with Izayoi that there are also gods of lesser things as well...though, everyone is entitled to their own opinions on the concept in my eyes." She replied to the strange man known as DIO, even though she thought that Herbert and Pucci's violent reactions were rather uncalled for.

@Verite @The Silver Paladin @Kaykay @BarrenThin @DapperDogman @Archmage Jeremiah @TheSpringwoodSlasher @DBZ7
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The papers turned out to be more pages that were missing from Maria's diary, as there was the key signature that had the girl's name on it. Not to mention that Sakutarou had a deep connection with the girl for some reason. There were two diary entries here, and the first one read:

October 5, 1984

Following the directions that Sachiko gave me for that charm, the "Sachiko Ever After" charm, I was really excited to have everyone in my family, even the servants, to do it with me! Though, Sakutarou didn't seem so fond of this, and would tell me to not do the charm. I told him that it'll be fine, because Beatrice and Sachiko were my friends too. Friends wouldn't do bad things to each other, so why not? After telling Sakutarou that, I couldn't find him anymore, but I knew that he would come back too since we were the best of friends~!

Would Morgan continue reading?

Approaching the dining table, what he would find would prompt him not to do any smashing with that crowbar.


"Oh... hello there mister... are you playing hide and seek with me and Maria-san?"

The young girl would peek her head out from under the dining table to look up at Gordon. Just what was a child like her doing in a mansion like this during a typhoon?


"... now now, what's a young child like you doing in a place like this? I don't believe you have any relatives here..."

Lion knew the ins and outs of this remote island estate, and was pretty sure that someone like this little girl was out of place here.

@CrunchyCHEEZIT @Jeremi @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Cromartie Sarkissian @ShiroKiyoshi @The Tactician

Gordon would pause his striking stance as he made eye contact with the child. The man gave a sigh of relief, loosening his stance and putting the weapon away. Freeman would kneel down and give a small smile to the child, listening to her talk. He shook his head at her first question, but when she mentioned Maria-san, Gordon would turn his head to look at Lion.

He gave Lion a confused look, obviously not knowing who Maria-san is.

@Gummi Bunnies @Jeremi @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Cromartie Sarkissian @ShiroKiyoshi @The Tactician
The man and the girl took a moment to look at each other before it turn out that the man would answer.


"First off, my name is Willard H. Wright, the former Inquisitor of the SSVD. The girl here is named Dlanor A. Knox, the Inquisitor of the Eiserne Jungfrau. Both of us are working with the Witch of Resurrection, Ange Ushiromiya, and the Creator Witch, Featherine Augustus Aurora, to end the Witch's Game with the loss of Beatrice the Golden Witch. If you didn't know, the Game was taking place within the Gameboard, a plane of reality that takes place within the Metaworld, and from there, all individuals within the Gameboard are considered the Game Pieces. With you two "dead" in the Gameboard, you were thrown into oblivion where you would've succumbed to the demons that lurk in that void realm if I didn't come along."

Letting that sink in for several moments, Willard would turn his attention over to Dlanor, subtly passing the task of explaining their work over to the Death Inquisitor.

"How about you continue from here, Dlanor? I'm not that familiar to the terms of a Murder Game as you are, you did say that you were involved in one in the past."

The small girl only placed her papers over to the side as she stood up, seeing that it wasn't that proper to be speaking to their new recruits and working on her business at the same time.


"That's CORRECT. I was involved in a Murder Game before, alongside Lady ERIKA. Miss Ange had informed myself and Willard about the possibility that this Game was rigged, that instead of Beatrice pulling the strings, it's that the "Beatrice" of this game is the Witch of Miracles, Bernkastel... Ange had reported to overhear from Erika that Bernkastel had been involved in a Murder Game during her absence from the METAWORLD. It's only safe to assume that this Witch's Game being turned into a Murder Game is Bernkastel's DOING. So instead of just leaving you two to be ripped to shreds by the cats that belong to the Witch of Miracles, we brought you here in order to gain the assistance needed to stop Bernkastel's corruption over this GAME."

That was a lot to take in, but of course, it seemed like this Game was being manipulated by someone other than Beatrice...

@Gen. Gwazi Senpai

Upon hearing the suggestion that Beatrice wasn't the mastermind of this game Gilgamesh could only erupt in laughter for a second before saying "It's Fiamma all over again! The big bad is just an insect for a better Mastermind!". Then after a second the laughing ceased and he continued calmly "So. The host of this game is becoming too much to handle, and our aid is required to stop it? Do you currently have a plan as to how to do that?". He didn't bother in asking about Erika quite yet, he could only assume that she was either already involved in this plan or that part of the plan would involve finding her.

Meanwhile Iskander was pondering this over and simply stated "So. If this is a Game Board then it had to be designed beforehand correct? Usually when games are made they are tested beforehand... So unless if we're the test run is there anyone else we can seek out with past experience?".

@Gummi Bunnies
The papers turned out to be more pages that were missing from Maria's diary, as there was the key signature that had the girl's name on it. Not to mention that Sakutarou had a deep connection with the girl for some reason. There were two diary entries here, and the first one read:

October 5, 1984

Following the directions that Sachiko gave me for that charm, the "Sachiko Ever After" charm, I was really excited to have everyone in my family, even the servants, to do it with me! Though, Sakutarou didn't seem so fond of this, and would tell me to not do the charm. I told him that it'll be fine, because Beatrice and Sachiko were my friends too. Friends wouldn't do bad things to each other, so why not? After telling Sakutarou that, I couldn't find him anymore, but I knew that he would come back too since we were the best of friends~!

Would Morgan continue reading?

Approaching the dining table, what he would find would prompt him not to do any smashing with that crowbar.


"Oh... hello there mister... are you playing hide and seek with me and Maria-san?"

The young girl would peek her head out from under the dining table to look up at Gordon. Just what was a child like her doing in a mansion like this during a typhoon?


"... now now, what's a young child like you doing in a place like this? I don't believe you have any relatives here..."

Lion knew the ins and outs of this remote island estate, and was pretty sure that someone like this little girl was out of place here.

@CrunchyCHEEZIT @Jeremi @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Cromartie Sarkissian @ShiroKiyoshi @The Tactician
Undyne would've headed towards the library to see if they had any good manga laying about.

Freeman would hear guns cocking behind him. "You got ten seconds to get out here or bullets start flying, you hear me?!" Zombina had followed him into the dining room and now had her guns fixed at the table. It seemed she was quite serious about the shooting as well.

Oh it was a little girl... "Heh...sorry I wasn't really going to shoot you..."

So Saku-kun's friend was betrayed by Beatrice as well...? But who's this Sachiko...? They never mentioned her back in the future... Morgan continued reading, too focused to notice Undyne approaching.

@Gummi Bunnies @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Cromartie Sarkissian @ShiroKiyoshi @Jeremi
Hazama was quite upset that his kick seemed largely ineffective. Everything seemed to be ineffective at getting a response from Jason pain-wise, but that didn't make it any less obnoxious. He was definitely of the mind to use some of his real weapon to take Jason down, permanently. However, the Witch's threat stayed in his mind, and so the snake wouldn't bare its fangs...for now.

"Oh, yes, I suppose you're right. It seems we both just need to try harder, Mister West. Children who don't watch their toys often end up with them missing, or broken, you know?"

With nothing more than that, Hazama turned away, wanting nothing more to do with the cat child. He'd let the others handle that abomination.

And it was convenient that they'd fight among themselves. If everyone died, would he win by default? That'd be interesting, and probably the best way to win.

Yuna, in the meantime, was a bit put-off by the sudden violence.


"Ah, wait, guys! We don't need to fight each other, right? The Witch is the enemy, not each other!"

She got out her phone in case it escalated and she needed to transform, but hopefully it wouldn't go any further than it already had, right?

@Verite @The Silver Paladin @Lizzy @BarrenThin @DapperDogman @Archmage Jeremiah @TheSpringwoodSlasher @DBZ7
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