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"I can confirm that. Not many people could be so precise with a weapon. We are talking about someone with abundant skill indeed. Someone with natural talent or honed their skill on the glorious battlefield. That much I am sure about. But as to identity? So far there seems to be quite a few who can fit that criterion. Gilgamesh, Iskander and even myself are skilled warriors in our own right...and there might be others who don't wish to reveal themselves. A difficult decision." Diarmuid interjected, stepping forward to address this group.​

Lancer frowned, listening in to the other in respect. Both of them are certainly capable, true. He admitted in his thoughts. Still, I doubt them. Gilgamesh's arrogance...he would surely make his kills known instead of hiding in the shadows. He's Archer-Class, not Assassin-Class. Rider's boastful nature as well...unless the power behind this game sublimated their personalities for their own agenda. He didn't place a vote just yet.

@Atomyk @Lizzy @Crimson Spartan @Mari

Lucina glanced to the man that pretty much agreed and added on to what she said. Though after a second or two she felt as if her heart rate sped up ever so slightly and a light, fluttering sensation was happening in the pit of her stomach. Heck, even her cheeks became a bit pink.

'Did I suddenly become ill?' She thought as she looked away quickly. She was confused by the new feelings suddenly arising in her. She did find Lancer rather dashing though...wait, what?

Oh boy.

"Oh... Hi new person." Was all Henry had to say regaining his once lost smile.

"I know that it's just.... All i'm trying to say is give the guy a break. He's harmless unless we find a traitor or someone kills an animal in front of him." Chrom spoke trying to find the right words for this.

You're hand came off..... That's so cool! Almost like a piece of a puzzle your hand is..." Great way to introduce yourself Henry.

"Well.... Guess it's a good thing none of us did it. Even with you and Chrom having blade I know neither of you would do this.." Henry commented thinking over it.

@Lizzy @Atomyk @Mari @Jeremi

"Thank you, Henry." Lucina said, her own smile still in place as she tried to ignore the sudden rush of emotions she felt just from glancing at someone.

'Oh dear, am I under some strange hex?' She then thought curiously.

@Atomyk @Crimson Spartan @Mari @C.T. @Everyone else/anybody wanting to interact with Luci
  • Bucket of Rainbows
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Lucina glanced to the man that pretty much agreed and added on to what she said. Though after a second or two she felt as if her heart rate sped up ever so slightly and a light, fluttering sensation was happening in the pit of her stomach. Heck, even her cheeks became a bit pink.

'Did I suddenly become ill?' She thought as she looked away quickly. She was confused by the new feelings suddenly arising in her. She did find Lancer rather dashing though...wait, what?

Oh boy.

"Thank you, Henry." Lucina said, her own smile still in place as she tried to ignore the sudden rush of emotions she felt just from glancing at someone.

'Oh dear, am I under some strange hex?' She then thought curiously.

@Atomyk @Crimson Spartan @Mari @C.T. @Everyone else/anybody wanting to interact with Luci
He did not miss the blushing, even more so with the swift abrupt look away. "Oh no." He exclaimed quietly, pinching the bride of his nose. It was likely going to happen sooner or later, damnable curse. Still didn't stop a man from hoping it wouldn't affect anyone here. Not now. He didn't want this in the slightest. The last time with sweet Grainne...it went so wrong. There was little to do than try to ignore it's effects.

Zombina just waved him off. "It's fine, it's fine! I got into some trouble in the last MON operation and I guess I didn't set everything on right. You don't have to fuss over me like that, I'm not a baby after all!"

HP? Did this guy think they were in a videogame or something? "Nah, I'm good. The good Doctor's going to help me out. And besides...don't you know healing spells hurt zombies?" She replied with a grin towards the man.

Undyne meanwhile was pondering their options as far as killers went.


"Like all muscles I work the brain a whole lot and my brain's telling me to go for the guy in the golden armor and the big tall human! I totally got this!"

@Crimson Spartan @Lizzy @TheSpringwoodSlasher @CCC Kouhai @Gen. Gwazi Senpai @Atomyk @C.T.

"If you didn't have someone to 'fuss' over you as you put it, I imagine you'd end up in an even more degraded state. While I'm still alive, for however long that may be, I'm going to do my best to keep you in one piece." He'd say without missing a beat as he continued to work on mending Zombina's hand. He'd stitched together an entire corpse to reanimate as a bride for his assistant. Putting a hand back on was child's play compared to that.
Kyle couldn't help but grimace at Undyne. "That's all right," he muttered, rubbing at the back of his neck. "This business has caused me to lose my appetite." As for Zombina, her world seemed... interesting. The idea of a society where other humanoid creatures existed alongside humans was not an easy concept for Kyle to wrap his head around. He wasn't sure he would have even been able to come up with half of this were he seriously going crazy right now.

Kyle wasn't sure if that made the situation better or worse.

As Herbert had given his name, Kyle obliged with his own, speaking not only to him but the others nearby. "Name's Kyle Hyde. Like I said, I'm not a detective, so don't go getting the wrong idea. Just think of me as a guy trying to work through this like the rest of you." He observed Herbert as he fussed over Zombina's hand, an eyebrow raising in wonder. "... That doesn't seem off to you? That she's talking and everything?" He blinked, not really caring if Zombina took offense to the question. "I mean, your friend there can't do that."

Regarding Lucina and the others for a moment, Kyle nodded along with her assessment, even though it was really just a rehash of before. I guess I'm here because of my work history, but the others...? Something tells me it has to do with their attitudes. Kyle went ahead and put away his notebook for now, feeling as if there was no more use for it at the moment. "... That's right, and so our main suspects seem to be the guy with the golden armor and his friend. Can't say their the perp for sure, but there's not much else to go off of."


Kyle decided to write down Iskander and Gilgamesh for his vote.

@Lizzy @TheSpringwoodSlasher @Jeremi @Hazel-rah @Gummi Bunnies

"My interest with reviving the dead is not a recent phenomenon, Mr. Hyde. I've been at it for quite a while and there have been undead that were just as wicked as they were in life. Capable of speech, thought, free-will and more than eager to strike out on their own. Though who would take a floating head seriously I had my doubts. But that's neither here nor there. To be quite honest I'm unsure of what separates Jason from Zombina. Obviously apart from the severe differences in level of decomposition given that you can see Mister Voorhee's spine through the back of his jacket and other various bones poking through to the surface. While Zombina looks like any other person. With the exception that she's dead and has stitches scattered all across her person." He'd muse before looking over his shoulder at Jason.

"The police reports said Jason never really spoke much to any of his victims according to witness testimony. Even when he was alive he was silent the entire rampage. I suppose it was a personal choice on his part. To skip the talking for what use would it have served as it wouldn't have changed his mind and only dragged things out. Now, that he's been dead and decomposed to such a degree I imagine that apart from the ragged breaths we hear from him every now and again, he won't be speaking much if at all anymore. Not that it bothers him any. Does it Jason?" He'd ask the zombie who Kyle would have been able to hear the series of deep but frequent breaths emitting from the undead serial killer as his single green eye stared West, Zombina, and the rest of them down with an almost child-like level of curiosity.

"What does makes me curious about him is the strength that he possesses. While he's certainly too slow and lumbering to have performed a kill that would require such finesse and speed like this, I wonder how a corpse held together by rotten viscera and sinew can have as much strength as he does. How strong may he have been in life? I suppose only he truly knows and as I said, I doubt he'll be up to hold a friendly chat about it."

Jason's strength was certainly something to be noted and perhaps feared. Even when he was a scrawny hermit living the woods with a potato sack over his head, he still possessed strength that one might state as being stronger than the average human being. He even survived a wound that might have been considered fatal to anyone other than him like a machete cleaving through his shoulder.

But what made him so strong? The answer was that even he did not know. He always took his strength for granted and when it came time to use it on a sinner, then he'd crush some heads/break some necks. However, even his strength had it's limits. Like when he fought an opponent of an equal durability as him such as Freddy Krueger or Leatherface.

But Jason had done enough standing around, having been frozen in the spot where West had injected him. Glancing down at Aya, he'd began to make his way over to the small girl. The girl who'd spoke up for him and regrettably West as well. He wasn't sure if his choice to vote was the right one but no matter what, he'd keep the child safe.

@Atomyk @Crimson Spartan @CCC Kouhai @Jeremi
Bo watched Illona run to the dead scent. Intrigued by her he followed, but did not bother to run. He just walked on with his hands on his head. The smell became more pungent as he neared the crime scene and soon he would take a breath and a moment to calm down. "Ooh... That doesn't look too comfortable..."

Bo waltzed over to Illona's sighed and whispered to her. "The guy clad in the same color armor as his hair..."

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty


"No, it doesn't look comfortable at all," Ilona replied, looking on the bodies with pity. "So you think it's Gilgamesh who killed them, then?" she questioned, trying to remember who fit his description. "Why might you think that, if I may ask?" Of course, the man did carry a bladed weapon, but Ilona did as well. Just because anyone carried a bladed weapon, it didn't make them a traitor...



"No, it doesn't look comfortable at all," Ilona replied, looking on the bodies with pity. "So you think it's Gilgamesh who killed them, then?" she questioned, trying to remember who fit his description. "Why might you think that, if I may ask?" Of course, the man did carry a bladed weapon, but Ilona did as well. Just because anyone carried a bladed weapon, it didn't make them a traitor...


Being as HK was the first to accuse the servant, he felt obligated to pipe up. "Explanation: Just having a blade isn't the only thing to consider. Gilgamesh can likely produce a blade capable of such an unnaturally perfect injury, and even possesses things like teleportation that would make killing the 'victims' by surprise quite easy. To put it simply? He's the only one here capable of both. Likely the only one capable of the first criteria at all."

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty


"No, it doesn't look comfortable at all," Ilona replied, looking on the bodies with pity. "So you think it's Gilgamesh who killed them, then?" she questioned, trying to remember who fit his description. "Why might you think that, if I may ask?" Of course, the man did carry a bladed weapon, but Ilona did as well. Just because anyone carried a bladed weapon, it didn't make them a traitor...

Being as HK was the first to accuse the servant, he felt obligated to pipe up. "Explanation: Just having a blade isn't the only thing to consider. Gilgamesh can likely produce a blade capable of such an unnaturally perfect injury, and even possesses things like teleportation that would make killing the 'victims' by surprise quite easy. To put it simply? He's the only one here capable of both. Likely the only one capable of the first criteria at all."

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty
Bo was about to answer when the robot started speaking. He shut his eyes in annoyance when he heard the bot start and kept them shut until his finish. "Thanks for the explanation tin can, but many of the people here have been pitting their votes on them. I don't know why, but if you have been in these things before you'd know it's not as simple as it looks, so for now, going off the obvious, it would seem that he is the best, but I think it's the fish lady. Imma place my bet on fish gal." Taking out the envelope he wrote Fish Lady(Undyne). Bo then looked at the robot and started to stare. Catching himself he broke away and stared at the bodies. "...I would bless them, but I don't know if they believed in games or not. Meh."
Bo was about to answer when the robot started speaking. He shut his eyes in annoyance when he heard the bot start and kept them shut until his finish. "Thanks for the explanation tin can, but many of the people here have been pitting their votes on them. I don't know why, but if you have been in these things before you'd know it's not as simple as it looks, so for now, going off the obvious, it would seem that he is the best, but I think it's the fish lady. Imma place my bet on fish gal." Taking out the envelope he wrote Fish Lady(Undyne). Bo then looked at the robot and started to stare. Catching himself he broke away and stared at the bodies. "...I would bless them, but I don't know if they believed in games or not. Meh."

"Statement: Believe that if you want, meatbag, but a spear isn't taking off a jaw like that."

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty
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"I wouldn't say I'm guiding it," Kyle said in response to Guillo, eyes darting to the blades running up and down the hooded being's arms. Kyle had to admit they were right. No matter how fantastical the world around him had become, all of this was familiar territory. It wasn't just about the homicide-- that hadn't even been Kyle's field for the majority of his time on the force. No, what it came down to was keeping a level head in the face of unknown odds. Mysteries were mysteries, in the end. "Maybe this is something familiar to me. Keeping me focused. But that info's not very relevant, is it?" An involuntary flash of disgust appeared on Kyle's face at the mention of eating people. Something told Kyle this thing was joking, but he couldn't be sure. All the more reason to stay on their good side.

As West went on about the differences between both Zombina and Jason, Kyle felt as if his eyes were glazing over. Frankly, he didn't really want anything to with either of them. Well, except for the fact it might be in my best interest to keep them close. As West said, his undead friend is likely to dissuade possible attackers. Keeping that in mind, Kyle tried to look interested as he simply said, "Interesting."


It was with irritation that he then turned back to Chrom. Kyle looked calm going over the details of the crime, but that facade was starting to break. "Give him a break? He's got it easy. He's not the poor bastard laying dead before us. I'm not suggesting he had anything to do with it, so I think you need to back off instead of trying to make me like your friend. I don't need the attitude." Whether or not Chrom had intended what Kyle was saying, the gruff ex-detective was choosing to take it like that. His even stare seemed to be either challenging Chrom to talk back or back off as suggested.

@Hazel-rah @Crimson Spartan @TheSpringwoodSlasher @Lizzy
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"Statement: Believe that if you want, meatbag, but a spear isn't taking off a Jaw like that."

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty
"You're a very rude robot you know that. And what if she found something in this mansion while we were unconscious? Or by her own force? Do you know her limits? We also have gotten our powers back to some extent. Do you know exactly what she does? What is there is something she is hiding? What if someone aided her and we just don't know? Perhaps she stole a weapon or ability from one of us and then returned it cleaned? The scene tends to be too vague sometimes, but maybe they didn't make that CPU big enough to comprehend the possibilities? Does anyone even know exactly how long we were out?"

Bo didn't raise his voice, but asked the questions in a calm yet extremely fast voice.

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty
Being as HK was the first to accuse the servant, he felt obligated to pipe up. "Explanation: Just having a blade isn't the only thing to consider. Gilgamesh can likely produce a blade capable of such an unnaturally perfect injury, and even possesses things like teleportation that would make killing the 'victims' by surprise quite easy. To put it simply? He's the only one here capable of both. Likely the only one capable of the first criteria at all."

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty
Bo was about to answer when the robot started speaking. He shut his eyes in annoyance when he heard the bot start and kept them shut until his finish. "Thanks for the explanation tin can, but many of the people here have been pitting their votes on them. I don't know why, but if you have been in these things before you'd know it's not as simple as it looks, so for now, going off the obvious, it would seem that he is the best, but I think it's the fish lady. Imma place my bet on fish gal." Taking out the envelope he wrote Fish Lady(Undyne). Bo then looked at the robot and started to stare. Catching himself he broke away and stared at the bodies. "...I would bless them, but I don't know if they believed in games or not. Meh."
"Statement: Believe that if you want, meatbag, but a spear isn't taking off a Jaw like that."

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty

"You do have a point there," Ilona replied to HK. "And I agree; I don't think a spear could take off a jaw. Someone would need more than that. Gilgamesh could indeed using something of the like, according to what you're saying." Ilona glanced over her shoulder to look at the sword on her back. "But, perfect injury or not, anyone with a blade could've done this. I want to think this over carefully before voting. A wise vote would be a patient, well-thought vote."

"But anyhow, let us not argue over the vote. I believe we should remain firm and calm in our discussion," she stated, hoping that the two wouldn't start arguing.

@BarrenThin @ShiroKiryoshi​
"You're a very rude robot you know that. And what if she found something in this mansion while we were unconscious? Or by her own force? Do you know her limits? We also have gotten our powers back to some extent. Do you know exactly what she does? What is there is something she is hiding? What if someone aided her and we just don't know? Perhaps she stole a weapon or ability from one of us and then returned it cleaned? The scene tends to be too vague sometimes, but maybe they didn't make that CPU big enough to comprehend the possibilities? Does anyone even know exactly how long we were out?"

Bo didn't raise his voice, but asked the questions in a calm yet extremely fast voice.

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty

"Statement: Let's not assume anyone's weapons were stolen. It's a hypothetical what if not supported by, well, anything. If we were to head down that road, I could easily ask 'what if it was someone outside our group?', but that's, well..." The sound of Kyle clearing his throat. "If it's not supported by evidence, it's not something we should pursue." A perfect recording of Kyle's voice came through the Droid in response. Admittedly, it might be a little unsettling.

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty

"Madam Beatrice tells everything to us two, being her most trusted servants. Shannon, however, revolves herself in her fantasies too much, and is usually unsuspecting of tragedies such as this until she sees it with her own eyes."

It sounded like Kanon was used to this occurring, the Games and all.

@Archmage Jeremiah
Mettaton huffed, folding his arms as he turned to eye up the other guests again, noticing the majority of them turning on Gilgamesh. Another warrior, with an assortment of blades at his disposal. Not very reserved, either. The longer he pondered on it, the higher and higher he climbed the ladder of likely culprits. "Ah...tries to live an ideal life, even if it means ignoring the truth." he grunted, "You know what they say about ignorance..."

@Gummi Bunnies
He did not miss the blushing, even more so with the swift abrupt look away. "Oh no." He exclaimed quietly, pinching the bride of his nose. It was likely going to happen sooner or later, damnable curse. Still didn't stop a man from hoping it wouldn't affect anyone here. Not now. He didn't want this in the slightest. The last time with sweet Grainne...it went so wrong. There was little to do than try to ignore it's effects.

She heard him mutter something, and glanced towards him again. This only caused her heart to suddenly try to leap out of her chest. She didn't hear what was said though.

"I wouldn't say I'm guiding it," Kyle said in response to Guillo, eyes darting to the blades running up and down the hooded being's arms. Kyle had to admit they were right. No matter how fantastical the world around him had become, all of this was familiar territory. It wasn't just about the homicide-- that hadn't even been Kyle's field for the majority of his time on the force. No, what it came down to was keeping a level head in the face of unknown odds. Mysteries were mysteries, in the end. "Maybe this is something familiar to me. Keeping me focused. But that info's not very relevant, is it?" An involuntary flash of disgust appeared on Kyle's face at the mention of eating people. Something told Kyle this thing was joking, but he couldn't be sure. All the more reason to stay on their good side.

As West went on about the differences between both Zombina and Jason, Kyle felt as if his eyes were glazing over. Frankly, he didn't really want anything to with either of them. Well, except for the fact it might be in my best interest to keep them close. As West said, his undead friend is likely to dissuade possible attackers. Keeping that in mind, Kyle tried to look interested as he simply said, "Interesting."


It was with irritation that he then turned back to Chrom. Kyle looked calm going over the details of the crime, but that was starting to break "Give him a break? He's got it easy. He's not the poor bastard laying dead before us. I'm not suggesting he had anything to do with it, so I think you need to back off instead of trying to make me like your friend. I don't need the attitude." Whether or not Chrom had intended what Kyle was saying, the gruff ex-detective was choosing to take it like that. His even stare seemed to be either challenging Chrom to talk back or back off as suggested.

@Hazel-rah @Crimson Spartan @TheSpringwoodSlasher @Lizzy

"My father wasn't trying to give you any form of attitude, sir. He was just merely explaining how Henry sees things...usually. So, I would appreciate it if you did not assume such things when all he is doing is trying to help out a friend." Lucina suddenly bit back to Kyle, quick to defend her father despite the fact her cheeks were still slightly flushed. To her, the last thing Chrom needed was someone taking his words the wrong way.

@Atomyk @Crimson Spartan @Mari @C.T. @Everyone else/anybody wanting to interact with Luci
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Mettaton huffed, folding his arms as he turned to eye up the other guests again, noticing the majority of them turning on Gilgamesh. Another warrior, with an assortment of blades at his disposal. Not very reserved, either. The longer he pondered on it, the higher and higher he climbed the ladder of likely culprits. "Ah...tries to live an ideal life, even if it means ignoring the truth." he grunted, "You know what they say about ignorance..."

@Gummi Bunnies

"Regardless if it's a delusion or a reality, people will be hit by the strongest brunts of life. My sister has yet to realize that."

Seeing that there wasn't much need to his presence here, Kanon turned around and began to head towards another hallway, though... he paused for a moment to mention one more thing.

"On another note, I am unsure when this will occur, but I heard news from the mainland before the Game begun that a typhoon may pass through this island. Now, I have to go and check on the status of Shannon and Madam Beatrice. Good luck with your investigation."

Without another word, the young butler left the room immediately after his last sentence ended.​
"Statement: Let's not assume anyone's weapons were stolen. It's a hypothetical what if not supported by, well, anything. If we were to head down that road, I could easily ask 'what if it was someone outside our group?', but that's, well..." The sound of Kyle clearing his throat. "If it's not supported by evidence, it's not something we should pursue." A perfect recording of Kyle's voice came through the Droid in response. Admittedly, it might be a little unsettling.

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty

"You do have a point there," Ilona replied to HK. "And I agree; I don't think a spear could take off a jaw. Someone would need more than that. Gilgamesh could indeed using something of the like, according to what you're saying." Ilona glanced over her shoulder to look at the sword on her back. "But, perfect injury or not, anyone with a blade could've done this. I want to think this over carefully before voting. A wise vote would be a patient, well-thought vote."

"But anyhow, let us not argue over the vote. I believe we should remain firm and calm in our discussion," she stated, hoping that the two wouldn't start arguing.

@BarrenThin @ShiroKiryoshi​
"Firm and calm, eh? You got the wrong guy." Bo summoned a glass of milk and began to poke at the bodies. "This is why I hate mystery games."
"Firm and calm, eh? You got the wrong guy." Bo summoned a glass of milk and began to poke at the bodies. "This is why I hate mystery games."


"I'm not the most calm person myself; I get easily excited, but I've been trying harder to control it because of how dangerous these situations can be. And, well, this isn't really a game. It's a life or death problem." Ilona sighed. "I hate the title Witches Game or Murder Game. This isn't a game, not to us. This is real."

"Um, but what's with the glass of milk?" she asked, her eyes widening.

@BarrenThin @ShiroKiyoshi

"I'm not the most calm person myself; I get easily excited, but I've been trying harder to control it because of how dangerous these situations can be. And, well, this isn't really a game. It's a life or death problem." Ilona sighed. "I hate the title Witches Game or Murder Game. This isn't a game, not to us. This is real."

"Um, but what's with the glass of milk?" she asked, her eyes widening.

@BarrenThin @ShiroKiyoshi
Bo ignored everything she said prior to; "Um, but what's with the glass of milk?", leaving himself for a moment he looked to the girl then back at his milk jar. He examined it and tossed it around a bit. "It was a gift from a farmer in the Murder Games I was thrown into a bit ago, it makes me feel energized whenever I drink it. Want some?" Bo summoned another bottle and lifted it to her.
Bo ignored everything she said prior to; "Um, but what's with the glass of milk?", leaving himself for a moment he looked to the girl then back at his milk jar. He examined it and tossed it around a bit. "It was a gift from a farmer in the Murder Games I was thrown into a bit ago, it makes me feel energized whenever I drink it. Want some?" Bo summoned another bottle and lifted it to her.


Being a bit more inserted in the Murder Games segment of their conversation, Ilona targeted that part of his reply first. "Wait, you were in a Murder game before? Goodness me, how dreadful. I've been in one before as well," she admitted. It had been a terrible experience, but if she never would've been dragged into one she likely never would've met some of the kind friends she had made. Ilona greatly despised the games, but in the end they had made her stronger.

"Ah, I suppose I could try some of the milk if you really think it's that good." Ilona wasn't really sure what to think of it, and questioned how he had summoned it, but being the adventurous person she was the princess didn't mind trying new things. "Oh, and by the way, what might be your name? I believe we haven't spoken at all before now..."


"Not relevant? Were you brained by a rock cat when I wasn't looking? If you've got experience gathering information like this, that's certainly relevant to me. It means we might be able to get to the bottom of all this faster."

The puppet turned to face Lucina and her apparent companions.

"That being said... if you don't think this person had anything to do with this, I'm not sure getting into a standoff with his friend and girlfriend is the best course of action right now."

@Atomyk @Crimson Spartan @TheSpringwoodSlasher @Lizzy
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Being a bit more inserted in the Murder Games segment of their conversation, Ilona targeted that part of his reply first. "Wait, you were in a Murder game before? Goodness me, how dreadful. I've been in one before as well," she admitted. It had been a terrible experience, but if she never would've been dragged into one she likely never would've met some of the kind friends she had made. Ilona greatly despised the games, but in the end they had made her stronger.

"Ah, I suppose I could try some of the milk if you really think it's that good." Ilona wasn't really sure what to think of it, and questioned how he had summoned it, but being the adventurous person she was the princess didn't mind trying new things. "Oh, and by the way, what might be your name? I believe we haven't spoken at all before now..."

Bo listened to her speak setting down the milk for the duration of her first comment and tuning her out to poke the bodies. "It's so weird..." When she started to speak again Bo's arm was faster than her lips and he handed the milk to her. "Name's Bo. The God of Games at your service... nah. Yeah, just my job. I have to oversee that every game is followed and doesn't break its own rules. Including ones like these. Probably explains my getting the letter... stupid job." Bo continued to poke the bodies. He stopped for a second and remained quiet before standing up and facing Ilona. "Sucks for you guys though, when I die I just return to my throne room. Most of you however are done-zo, not coming back, gone for good! Dead."

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty
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