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Mark took note of Deedee's confused expression. Something he'd said wasn't adding up in her mind. Despite the grave situation, the embrace, and Deedee's light squeeze, was helping. Following her pointed finger, he sees the envelope, abandoned, lying on the floor. Using one arm to keep Deede hoisted up, Mark bends down a bit, scooping the note off the floor and using his thumb to tear the top open.

Well, it's contents are enlightening, to say the least. A sick feeling slowly wells up in Mark's stomach, and he drops the torn envelope to the floor. What the hell kind of game was this 'witch' talking about? And....how did she bring him, and all the others, here? He was on the verge of dying, mere seconds from it, when this Beatrice somehow transported him here....he didn't know what kind of powers that would take.

Awkwardly coughing and trying to keep his reassuring smile, Mark looks back to Deedee.

"Well, nothing to worry about right now....don't ya worry, Deedee, we'll get out of this."

He says, before abruptly squeezing his eyes shut and grunting, his grip on Deedee faltering enough that he has to set her down.

Well... At least Mark was calming down a little, in any case. That was nice. Deedee, herself, felt just a tad better after the embrace, even if it wasn't blatantly obvious. Mark had been around her more than any of the others, so if anyone could pick up on it, it was probably him. She watched Mark's face as he opened the envelope and read the letter, curious as to just what it's contents were, considering she had never had the chance to learn to read before the majority of the world's paper got destroyed and all.

She was slightly dismayed that Mark didn't read the note aloud, but she didn't voice that. She just slowly nodded when Mark spoke to her, even though she was a little uncertain whether he was right or not. But, then again... This was Mark. Mark, who had saved her so many times, and gotten her out of situations she had been certain she'd die in. So, she felt a little reassured, and let her friend set her back down without a complaint. But, even then, she reached a hand out to take one of his hands, before using her free hand to pick up her envelope to tuck it away.

Then, she just observed the odd scene with the cat quietly, unsure what to make of it..

@Forrest @The Tactician @Mighty Roman @Kaykay @Cromartie Sarkissian @Gummi Bunnies @Bomb @Whoever​
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Gordon would be walking in circles, trying to compute how to get out this area and where he exactly is. Due to the fact that he has not choked yet, there is breathable air in this dimension. The HEV suit didnt seem to pick up any hazardous changes in the environment, no radiation..no EMP..nothing. It could be Earth, but such a well-kempt room in modern Earth? Alternate universe, perhaps, Freeman had to run through string theory in his head to get a grip on this situation

While those jackasses in the physics department were writing Newtons laws up on their board like they were in high school. Mm, well, they are all dead now...unfortunately, of course. Unforseen consequences and the like. Gordon glanced at the black cat and shuddered

He still has those nightmares.

Gordons attention shifted from the cat to the group of people that included Deedee-- he noticed her holding an envelope. Gordon would shuffle in the side containments of his suit, before he felt..paper. He pulled out a similar looking envelope, signed by Dr. Gordon Freeman; of course, he had no recollection of signing it. Then again, Dr. Freeman was a busy man, phone calls and contract signings were always difficult.

@Hospes @Forrest @Everybody​

Well... At least Mark was calming down a little, in any case. That was nice. Deedee, herself, felt just a tad better after the embrace, even if it wasn't blatantly obvious. Mark had been around her more than any of the others, so if anyone could pick up on it, it was probably him. She watched Mark's face as he opened the envelope and read the letter, curious as to just what it's contents were, considering she had never had the chance to learn to read before the majority of the world's paper got destroyed and all.

She was slightly dismayed that Mark didn't read the note aloud, but she didn't voice that. She just slowly nodded when Mark spoke to her, even though she was a little uncertain whether he was right or not. But, then again... This was Mark. Mark, who had saved her so many times, and gotten her out of situations she had been certain she'd die in. So, she felt a little reassured, and let her friend set her back down without a complaint. But, even then, she reached a hand out to take one of his hands, before using her free hand to pick up her envelope to tuck it away.

Then, she just observed the odd scene with the cat quietly, unsure what to make of it..

@Forrest @The Tactician @Mighty Roman @Kaykay @Cromartie Sarkissian @Gummi Bunnies @Bomb @Whoever​
Mark holds Deedee's hand, trying to keep it together as best he can. His head wasn't at its best right now, but, to be completely honest, it'd been a lot worse before he'd gotten here. He saw her take the envelope, and silently hoped she wouldn't read it and worry even more...

After these short thoughts, he joins Deedee in watching the group's antics with the cat, disinterestedly staring with nothing better to do.

"...Artoria is here too? The king of knights?" Diarmuid turned his attention away from the golden one, glancing through the assemblage to see if he could spot Saber. "I'd have thought she would have revealed herself first thing, as a true knight should."

"Is that right? So like the Holy Grail War, except there are innocents involved as well. Not everyone is out to kill each other. Is there a point to this game? Otherwise, the distaste I already feel on my tongue for this idea of a game would be replaced with outright hate. Slaughter of innocents for no reason save a game? Despicable."

"...Oh." He rubbed his chin after that exposition, unsure if he should be displeased that a honorable combatant as mighty as Saber was so easily twisted into a mockery of herself...or displeased more at the fact that he had not been there to stop that madness right then and there. It would have been a mercy for the true Saber. "I think that if the game is like that, I will be sorely displeased. A twisting of honor, ideals and even allegiance...that is not how conflict should go."

"...However, this perhaps seems to not be the case. A witch's game? Are you a magus, if I may ask?"

@Gen. Gwazi Senpai @Gummi Bunnies
Gilgamesh only shook his head before flat out stating "No, Artoria was in the last Murder Game. She isn't here now from what I can tell".

He could onyl shrug at Diamuids opinion on the Murder Games however before replying "It seems we agree, these games lack any sort of honour. And need to ended as soon as possible, so that we can return to wars that actually have honour in them".

But then picking up on now questioning it in favor of the witch's game Gilgamesh simply refuted it by claiming "Same game, different title! We know more of these would be coming, and so far our current situation set's it up perfectly!".


Well... At least Mark was calming down a little, in any case. That was nice. Deedee, herself, felt just a tad better after the embrace, even if it wasn't blatantly obvious. Mark had been around her more than any of the others, so if anyone could pick up on it, it was probably him. She watched Mark's face as he opened the envelope and read the letter, curious as to just what it's contents were, considering she had never had the chance to learn to read before the majority of the world's paper got destroyed and all.

She was slightly dismayed that Mark didn't read the note aloud, but she didn't voice that. She just slowly nodded when Mark spoke to her, even though she was a little uncertain whether he was right or not. But, then again... This was Mark. Mark, who had saved her so many times, and gotten her out of situations she had been certain she'd die in. So, she felt a little reassured, and let her friend set her back down without a complaint. But, even then, she reached a hand out to take one of his hands, before using her free hand to pick up her envelope to tuck it away.

Then, she just observed the odd scene with the cat quietly, unsure what to make of it..

@Forrest @The Tactician @Mighty Roman @Kaykay @Cromartie Sarkissian @Gummi Bunnies @Bomb @Whoever​
Well, Iskander wasn't sure of the specifics but it seemed obvious this Girl was being taken back by most others... But whoever this man was had some sort of history with her, or just a strong gift with children.
Regardless he seemed to have this handled, so deciding he was better used elsewhere Iskander stood back up and said "It seems everything is fine here now, now if you don't excuse me I shall be on my..."
My god, so much people after the kitty.

Anyways, this kitty cat got flung around by some rough hits back and forth, it fell to the ground with the ribbon intact with that key still. Hey! You could totally catch that cat now! Well, looks like Ange had the complete aim for the cat, so she dived down to latch onto the cat.

The chase would've been over then...

... except if the cat didn't disappear into a cluster of blue butterflies.



As Ange got herself back onto her feet, the blue butterflies rushed past the crowd, and a few of those blue butterflies went over to force the window of the guest room open. Majority of the other blue butterflies formed together into that same black cat again, the cat itself running away from the crowds once more and it's intent was to leap out of the opened window!

@The Tactician @ShatteredSecrets @TheSpringwoodSlasher @Bomb @Verite @BarrenThin @Archmage Jeremiah @Kaykay
Only for Iskander to get cut off noticing the commotion going on with the cat.
Noticing the key on her tail and crowds insistence to grab it he decided to go at it, but instead of simply chasing the cat he chose to try to block the cat's access to the window by standing infront of the window it was aiming for.
"Come on kitty! I'm faced more fearsome beasts!" he would exclaim seeming to get excited by this sudden change of events.

Gilgamesh meanwhile attempted to open a Gate of Babylon to fire something at the creature... But nothing showed. Right, his mana was completely gone in this one.
Well, Gilgamesh wasn't one to get his hands dirty himself so he simply sat back and observed.
Iskander seemed to be handling himself fine any ways.
Last edited:
Gordon would be walking in circles, trying to compute how to get out this area and where he exactly is. Due to the fact that he has not choked yet, there is breathable air in this dimension. The HEV suit didnt seem to pick up any hazardous changes in the environment, no radiation..no EMP..nothing. It could be Earth, but such a well-kempt room in modern Earth? Alternate universe, perhaps, Freeman had to run through string theory in his head to get a grip on this situation

While those jackasses in the physics department were writing Newtons laws up on their board like they were in high school. Mm, well, they are all dead now...unfortunately, of course. Unforseen consequences and the like. Gordon glanced at the black cat and shuddered

He still has those nightmares.

Gordons attention shifted from the cat to the group of people that included Deedee-- he noticed her holding an envelope. Gordon would shuffle in the side containments of his suit, before he felt..paper. He pulled out a similar looking envelope, signed by Dr. Gordon Freeman; of course, he had no recollection of signing it. Then again, Dr. Freeman was a busy man, phone calls and contract signings were always difficult.

@Hospes @Forrest @Everybody​
Mark holds Deedee's hand, trying to keep it together as best he can. His head wasn't at its best right now, but, to be completely honest, it'd been a lot worse before he'd gotten here. He saw her take the envelope, and silently hoped she wouldn't read it and worry even more...

After these short thoughts, he joins Deedee in watching the group's antics with the cat, disinterestedly staring with nothing better to do.


Deedee noticed the look that she had gotten from Gordon, and was a little unsure what to think. The man had a rather odd appearance, wearing what Deedee failed to realize was probably armor. But, in any case, she was at least glad that he wasn't wearing one of those green suits like the men that had shot her and her family with those dreadful darts that killed her parents and so many others in her village. That was good, at least. But, she didn't approach the man, just eyed him curiously as he produced an envelope of his own. So... She hadn't been the only one to get one of the odd things, it seemed.

Eventually, she broke the stare to look back at where the cat had been.. Only to find herself shocked when the creature dispersed into a group of butterflies when HK had tried to kick it. Her eyes widened, and she tensed up, unable to comprehend what she'd just seen.

...Yeah. The kid had had a lot to learn about her own world pre-sun flares as it was. It would be hell to try to catch up with this one, as well...

@Forrest @Mighty Roman @Gen. Gwazi Senpai @Kaykay @The Tactician @Gummi Bunnies @Bomb @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Whoever​
Leah and Io were just watching the cat chase of the century happen. They were too disoriented to participate.

@Anyone @woo, confused shitpost!


Deedee noticed the look that she had gotten from Gordon, and was a little unsure what to think. The man had a rather odd appearance, wearing what Deedee failed to realize was probably armor. But, in any case, she was at least glad that he wasn't wearing one of those green suits like the men that had shot her and her family with those dreadful darts that killed her parents and so many others in her village. That was good, at least. But, she didn't approach the man, just eyed him curiously as he produced an envelope of his own. So... She hadn't been the only one to get one of the odd things, it seemed.

Eventually, she broke the stare to look back at where the cat had been.. Only to find herself shocked when the creature dispersed into a group of butterflies when HK had tried to kick it. Her eyes widened, and she tensed up, unable to comprehend what she'd just seen.

...Yeah. The kid had had a lot to learn about her own world pre-sun flares as it was. It would be hell to try to catch up with this one, as well...

@Forrest @Mighty Roman @Gen. Gwazi Senpai @Kaykay @The Tactician @Gummi Bunnies @Bomb @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Whoever​
Mark found himself subconsciously pulling Deedee a little closer as the man with the glasses and strange suit looked at her. Noticing his own instinctive action, he looks down towards Deedee, a solemn expression on his face as he thinks.

She's the last friend I have. And...she could be the only chance our world has. I'm gonna protect her, no matter what it takes.

He's so deep in thought, he barely notices the cat transform into a cloud of butterflies, but seeing Deedee's confused stare causes him to glance over and realize what's happening. Well. That was new, to say the least.

  • Bucket of Rainbows
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Sarah continued to observe the others. Such a weird combination of people, and non people, she thought. She relaxed a little, but kept her focus on HK... it did not respond to her question, perhaps for a reason. She was not too surprised by that... it could very well be an older Terminator sent by Skynet, but she chose not to address it any more at this time.

Conserve your energy, you are not a machine Sarah Connor. She sat down on her bed, and controlled her breathing, attempting to meditate and relax herself. This would likely be a very long process, whatever this was, and she needed to be able to survive, outlast, whatever it would take to figure out what this place was and how to return to Los Angeles.

Sarah continued to observe the others. Such a weird combination of people, and non people, she thought. She relaxed a little, but kept her focus on HK... it did not respond to her question, perhaps for a reason. She was not too surprised by that... it could very well be an older Terminator sent by Skynet, but she chose not to address it any more at this time.

Conserve your energy, you are not a machine Sarah Connor. She sat down on her bed, and controlled her breathing, attempting to meditate and relax herself. This would likely be a very long process, whatever this was, and she needed to be able to survive, outlast, whatever it would take to figure out what this place was and how to return to Los Angeles.


HK-47 returned the stare wordlessly.


Morgan spotted the strategy that the cat was taking and instantly knew how to win this game. She charged forward and in front of the window, her arms ready to catch the feline in a trap, "Come here, kitty~!"

@ShatteredSecrets @TheSpringwoodSlasher @Bomb @Verite @BarrenThin @Archmage Jeremiah @Kaykay @Gummi Bunnies
With her leg still hurting, Heather couldn't possibly help the group with the chase. She did however see the cat turn into butterflies. What was that about. She watched as the girl who had opened the closet chased after the butterflies. She noticed that it was going over to the window... she was about to use her hypnotic voice to calm the cat, which she should have done before all of this... but nothing would come out. "Great... my magic is gone in this world, freaking FANtastic." She instead, banged on the floor. "Hey! It's going towards the window... close the window!" She noticed a girl going in front of the window... hopefully the cat wouldn't get by her.

@TheSpringwoodSlasher @The Tactician @Gummi Bunnies @Archmage Jeremiah @BarrenThin @The Chasers

"Hey, Ms. kitty, that's cheating!" Plutia exclaimed as she tried to lunge for the cat.

*we bout to have a huddle group at the window tho*

@The Tactician @ShatteredSecrets @TheSpringwoodSlasher @Gummi Bunnies @Verite @BarrenThin @Archmage Jeremiah @Kaykay
Gilgamesh only shook his head before flat out stating "No, Artoria was in the last Murder Game. She isn't here now from what I can tell".

He could onyl shrug at Diamuids opinion on the Murder Games however before replying "It seems we agree, these games lack any sort of honour. And need to ended as soon as possible, so that we can return to wars that actually have honour in them".

But then picking up on now questioning it in favor of the witch's game Gilgamesh simply refuted it by claiming "Same game, different title! We know more of these would be coming, and so far our current situation set's it up perfectly!".


Well, Iskander wasn't sure of the specifics but it seemed obvious this Girl was being taken back by most others... But whoever this man was had some sort of history with her, or just a strong gift with children.
Regardless he seemed to have this handled, so deciding he was better used elsewhere Iskander stood back up and said "It seems everything is fine here now, now if you don't excuse me I shall be on my..."

Only for Iskander to get cut off noticing the commotion going on the cat.
Noticing the key on her tail and crowds insistence to grab it he decided to go at it, but instead of simply chasing the cat he chose to try to block the cat's access to the window by standing infront of the window it was aiming for.
"Come on kitty! I'm faced more fearsome beasts!" he would exclaim seeming to get excited by this sudden change of events.

Gilgamesh meanwhile attempted to open a Gate of Babylon to fire something at the creature... But nothing showed. Right, his mana was completely gone in this one.
Well, Gilgamesh wasn't one to get his hands dirty himself so he simply sat back and observed.
Iskander seemed to be handling himself fine any ways.
"Buu chase kitty! Buu chase kitty!"
@theold peeps
Mobile post
In back now
@Gummi Bunnies
So much effort to catch a little cat, and little did that they know that the cat was going to do another cheapshot again. With some of those butterflies holding the window open, the cat broke apart into the butterflies again to slip by the bunch of people trying to cut it's path off. Once those butterflies were outside at the garden, the cat shifted back to normal and continued to scamper away.


"Out of the way!"

Seemingly that devoted to catch the cat presumably for the key it had on its tail, Ange pushed the people out of the way towards the window. Regardless if people tried to stop her, the girl also took a risk and literally leapt out of the window. Though, as if she were doing some magic of her own, she flicked her wrist downwards as she was in the air and falling, shutting the window completely closed behind her. It wasn't clear why she didn't want others following her, but people near the window could see that she made a perfect landing on the ground, even if it were from the 2nd floor for crying out loud. The chase continued outside until both Ange and the cat ran into the forest beyond, obscuring to the others on what they could see.

For now... it was back to dreadful waiting... waiting to see what this Witch's Game was all about.​
Mark found himself subconsciously pulling Deedee a little closer as the man with the glasses and strange suit looked at her. Noticing his own instinctive action, he looks down towards Deedee, a solemn expression on his face as he thinks.

She's the last friend I have. And...she could be the only chance our world has. I'm gonna protect her, no matter what it takes.

He's so deep in thought, he barely notices the cat transform into a cloud of butterflies, but seeing Deedee's confused stare causes him to glance over and realize what's happening. Well. That was new, to say the least.

Shazam quickly pulled his hands back as DeeDee winced.

"Um..sorry. I sometimes forget my strength when I'm like this."
The presence of the scars disturbed him. It reminded him of Erin, that scared young girl he'd rescued from that abusive home.

He looked down at Mark and pointed a thumb at DeeDee, whispering. "Jeez, what's her problem? What happened to her?"
@Forrest @Hospes
Shazam quickly pulled his hands back as DeeDee winced.

"Um..sorry. I sometimes forget my strength when I'm like this."
The presence of the scars disturbed him. It reminded him of Erin, that scared young girl he'd rescued from that abusive home.

He looked down at Mark and pointed a thumb at DeeDee, whispering. "Jeez, what's her problem? What happened to her?"
@Forrest @Hospes
The words Shazam was uttering set something within Mark off. What's wrong with her?! A scared, hurt little girl, wincing after some guy pokes a big cut on her shoulder, and he has the nerve, the gall, to fucking insult her?! Placing his hands over Deedee's ears gently, Mark gives Shazam a look that could kill.

"What's her problem?! The hell's your problem, asshole?"

He hisses, backing up with Deedee.

So much effort to catch a little cat, and little did that they know that the cat was going to do another cheapshot again. With some of those butterflies holding the window open, the cat broke apart into the butterflies again to slip by the bunch of people trying to cut it's path off. Once those butterflies were outside at the garden, the cat shifted back to normal and continued to scamper away.


"Out of the way!"

Seemingly that devoted to catch the cat presumably for the key it had on its tail, Ange pushed the people out of the way towards the window. Regardless if people tried to stop her, the girl also took a risk and literally leapt out of the window. Though, as if she were doing some magic of her own, she flicked her wrist downwards as she was in the air and falling, shutting the window completely closed behind her. It wasn't clear why she didn't want others following her, but people near the window could see that she made a perfect landing on the ground, even if it were from the 2nd floor for crying out loud. The chase continued outside until both Ange and the cat ran into the forest beyond, obscuring to the others on what they could see.

For now... it was back to dreadful waiting... waiting to see what this Witch's Game was all about.​
Iskander simply stared out the window in confusion for a second "Uh... Ok..." was all he muttered scratching his head.
If she really wanted the cat alone then so be it... Turning around to then see who else was in the room was went he noticed him.

"Diarmuid!" Iskander exclaiming, charging right up behind him and slapping him on the back forcefully but playfully "You're here too!? Before you know it the whole Gang will be here again!".
Then quickly glancing across the room "Say uh... Blue Beard didn't follow you here right? Cause that would be bad..." he then asked in a much more hushed manner, as if he didn't want anyone other than the three of them to hear.

Gilgamesh then watching the two simply said "It seems Iskander is eager to be reacquainted. Meanwhile I shall continue seeing what I can find" giving the two a nod before walking off.


One of the first things to catch Gilgamesh's attention was some sort of stare off between a woman and some kind of robot. Intrigued he approached the two, standing right next to their state off quietly for a second before chiming in "I can't tell if you're two love birds admiring each other, or if your harnessing utter hatred at the other".

@BarrenThin @Mari
Shazam took a step back. Ah, he hadn't meant it that way. He could throw cars, but he could rarely maneouver his way through a conversation without offending someone or starting an argument. He'd accidentally made Darla cry on the day they first met.

He raised his hands awkwardly.

"Whoah, sorry, didn't mean it like that. I swear. I mean, what made her...like that? All quiet and teary, 'cos that's nothow most kids act.

Who hurt her like that?"
It was almost funny to see the costumed giant backing away from the teenage boy, his hands held up nervously like that.
@Forrest @Hospes
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Shazam quickly pulled his hands back as DeeDee winced.

"Um..sorry. I sometimes forget my strength when I'm like this."
The presence of the scars disturbed him. It reminded him of Erin, that scared young girl he'd rescued from that abusive home.

He looked down at Mark and pointed a thumb at DeeDee, whispering. "Jeez, what's her problem? What happened to her?"
@Forrest @Hospes
The words Shazam was uttering set something within Mark off. What's wrong with her?! A scared, hurt little girl, wincing after some guy pokes a big cut on her shoulder, and he has the nerve, the gall, to fucking insult her?! Placing his hands over Deedee's ears gently, Mark gives Shazam a look that could kill.

"What's her problem?! The hell's your problem, asshole?"

He hisses, backing up with Deedee.


"Ah, wait!" Yuna cried, deciding to step between the two. "He didn't mean it in a mean way! He just wants to help her, right?"
Shazam took a step back. Ah, he hadn't meant it that way. He could throw cars, but he could rarely maneouver his way through a conversation without offending someone or starting an argument. He'd accidentally made Darla cry on the day they first met.

He raised his hands awkwardly.

"Whoah, sorry, didn't mean it like that. I swear. I mean, what made her...like that? All quiet and teary, 'cos that's nothow most kids act. "
It was almost funny to see the costumed giant backing away from the teenage boy, his hands held up nervously like that.
@Forrest @Hospes
And there was her affirmation. The little hero let out a relieved sigh.

@Mighty Roman @Forrest @Hospes


"I appreciate your willingness. You're doing a great service."

To whom Herbert would not specify for that was not the point. He didn't particularly care about helping anyone in particular. But he simply wished to push the boundaries of what was possible and breaking the limits and achieving what many considered an impossibility surmised that goal perfectly. To defeat death was to do what even God himself could not bring himself to do, if he even existed. Herbert didn't have time to waste on nonsense such as that. Watching as Zombina shot herself, Herbert drew one of his syringes and knelt down while propping a hand on Zombina's side.

"This will certainly aid the dead, wherever they may call home." Pulling up as much blood as the syringe would hold, Herbert tapped the tip of it before pulling out a small vial filled with Reagent. If Zombina's words rang true and her blood was what allowed her to be such an ideal specimen, then he'd just have to replicate it the best way he knew how. With his Reagent, for he had managed to bring back Jason Voorhees and keep him under his control. To a certain degree in any case. The options for what he could do with an improved version of the Reagent with Zombina's blood mixed in seemed limitless.

Jabbing the tip of the syringe into the lid of the vial, the blood began to drip into the glowing liquid that was Herbert's Reagent. While he was not aware of the acidic properties that Zombina's blood had, the Reagent would have taken care of that by helping to dilute it and make it easier to use on his subjects. Once the last drop of blood mixed in with the Reagent, Herbert smirked and re-filled his syringe with the new Reagent and making his way back towards Jason, he reached towards the zombie's neck with the syringe only for Jason to lash out and grab his hand. At which point Jason could have likely ripped it off or at the very least shattered the hand with little to no effort on his part.

Clearly surprised by how much free will Jason retained despite the heavy dose of Reagent, Herbert winced. He knew that someone as merciless as Jason wouldn't care about appearances if he were to try and slaughter him right then and now. But while he'd welcome the possible addition of new specimens, he wasn't keen on being among the dead. So dropping the syringe, he'd quickly grab it in his other hand and jabbed it into Jason's neck before he could react. The grip on Herbert's wrist grew tighter and if Jason didn't let go soon, the hand would have fractured. "Let...Go!" He ordered and Jason's hand trembled but he slowly let go of Herbert's hand. What had this small man done to him now? He had injected him with another dose of that green liquid but this one felt more powerful. Every inch of Jason's willpower was fighting against this foreign influence and his hazel green eye glared daggers at Herbert through the hole on his mask.

"I ..I imagined that you' would not be an easy person to manipulate, let alone control effortlessly. But with the addition of this blood I'll be able to keep tabs on you for just a little while longer. Until I have a better understanding of just where we've ended up.." Turning his back to Jason even in this state would be a mistake that Herbert would end up regretting. As Jason backhanded Herbert which was enough to knock the doctor onto the ground. Didn't take his head off like Jason had intended but it was a start.

Picking up his glasses from where they'd been knocked off, Herbert dusted them off before placing them back atop his face. "So even now you still retain some degree of self-control. Certainly more resillent that I originally estimated. I wonder how long that'll last.." He pondered before rising up and brushing off his coat as well. "It'd be unwise to let you roam and interact of your own accord. So, why don't you accompany me?" He asked but Jason's mind seemed to be focused on something else at the moment.


Sounding out West's voice as best as he could, Jason took note of one of the room's occupants. He wasn't aware of where his machete had gone but what that man seemed to be holding seemed like it'd be a suitable replacement. At least until he found his machete. Making his way over to the man, Jason looked down at Gordon and more importantly the crowbar he was carrying with him.


@Jeremi @CrunchyCHEEZIT

Oh...he had a syringe. Well I guess his clothes should've given him away. "Hey no prob!" Then the big guy acted up again before West injected him with something. "Wait a sec...are you controlling him?" This did not feel right at all. Whoever this big guy had been when he was alive didn't mean he should be turned into a slave in death.

Before she could pry further West had kind of just vanished on her. "Hey! Where did he go!"


"I... really, really couldn't tell you." He looked the... fish girl up and down, pretty confident now that he actually had consumed too much whiskey the night previous. Something that seemingly defied his every expectation about the world stood before him. It left Kyle feeling numb, his rational mind grasping for an answer to the enigma standing before him. Get a hold of yourself, Hyde. Someone's playing you for a fool. Kyle's hand lifted unconsciously toward Undyne, stopping mid-way between them as if he was going to grasp at this strange woman. Kyle looked down for a moment, his gaze lingering on his outstretched hand.

"... Nice costume. Mind taking it off and telling me what's going on here?"

She honestly didn't hear that one so often.


"Ha! As if I someone could make a mask of me! I'm the genuine article! Call me Undyne, human!"


"And I heard someone say Witches Game or whatever. Not that I know what that is but still!"

"Yes, you have that right. But I'm also free to to tell you that your use of it at this very moment is both unnecessary and annoying. I suggest you save it for a more appropriate time." Herbert snapped back only to wince as he saw Jason shove Heather to the ground. Making his way over to her, he glared down the way at Jason who was continuing to pursue the cat.

"I don't think he particularly cares about whether or not his actions are uncalled for. As for who he is, I'm not sure what other hulking brutes that identify themselves as Jason you may know. But I know only one and his name is Jason Voorhees."

As for Jason himself he paid no mind to Heather's cry of pain. She was just an obstacle in his path that needed to be removed in order to help him catch the cat quicker. In his stride however, he accidentally bumped into what seemed to be a young child. Pausing, he slowly turned and tilted his head at Aya. This meant the cat had a much higher chance of getting away but he couldn't go without addressing the child he'd knocked down. If only to make sure that she hadn't been harmed in his task to try and capture the cat and possibly retrieve his machete.

For the fish-woman and the man standing near her, all they got was his willful ignorance. At least for the moment.


@The Tactician @ShatteredSecrets @Bomb @Gummi Bunnies @Verite @BarrenThin @Archmage Jeremiah @Kaykay @Atomyk @CCC Kouhai

Oh there he was! "Hey West! What's the big idea controlling the big guy, huh? Is he your slave or something? 'Cause that's against the peace treaty between humans and monsters!"


Aya barely saw the bump coming as she was not prepared for it at all. She would have been closed to falling on the ground if it weren't for the male who prevented it. As soon as she recovered, she looked at the person who bumped into her.

"Eeek!" Aya would have left Kyle's grasp, hiding behind the male once more as she peeked from his side to get a view. "I-I don't know who that is... B-But I hope he doesn't do anything to us..." It was hard for Aya to find the motives of the menacing-looking man as she had no idea that he was trying to make sure she was alright from the small bump. She tried to calm herself down, taking a deep breath as she thanked Kyle for helping her. "Did you also get a strange invitation?..."

@Atomyk @TheSpringwoodSlasher @Jeremi

Oh Undyne totally didn't notice the human girl talking to them. "Yeah kid! Well...actually me and Zombina picked one up and the next thing we were here. Pretty weird, right!"

@The Tactician @ShatteredSecrets @Bomb @Gummi Bunnies @Verite @BarrenThin @Archmage Jeremiah @Kaykay @Atomyk @CCC Kouhai
Shazam took a step back. Ah, he hadn't meant it that way. He could throw cars, but he could rarely maneouver his way through a conversation without offending someone or starting an argument. He'd accidentally made Darla cry on the day they first met.

He raised his hands awkwardly.

"Whoah, sorry, didn't mean it like that. I swear. I mean, what made her...like that? All quiet and teary, 'cos that's nothow most kids act.

Who hurt her like that?"
It was almost funny to see the costumed giant backing away from the teenage boy, his hands held up nervously like that.
@Forrest @Hospes
Wow. Some people just can't take hints, can they? Mark's eyes would seem more appropriate on the face of a serial killer as he glared at Shazam harder than he'd ever glared before, his hands still covering Deedee's ears. Ungritting his teeth to form a few words, Mark slowly makes his feelings known as best as he can.

"Go. Away."


"Ah, wait!" Yuna cried, deciding to step between the two. "He didn't mean it in a mean way! He just wants to help her, right?"

And there was her affirmation. The little hero let out a relieved sigh.

@Mighty Roman @Forrest @Hospes

Shazam laid his hands flat and pointed at Yuna. "Thank you! That's exactly what I meant." He looked so relieved. He decided to stand next to Yuna instead, but before he did:
'I'm watching you, man. I'm going to find out what's going on, and if it carries on, they'll have me to deal with."
He pointed at his fist.
He then instantly changed moods, smiling a boyish smile at Yuna. 'Hey, my name's Shazam! What's your name?'

@Kaykay @Forrest @Hospes

HK-47 returned the stare wordlessly.


Sarah looked over her shoulder to find the HK looking at her now. The moments that she would have feared it was a Terminator, an Agent of Skynet, was long past by now. If it were, it would have went straight to her by now, not taking the chance of losing the golden opportunity of wiping out Sarah Connor, the mother of the Leader of the Resistance against the Machines.


"Name and make, machine?", she asked.


One of the first things to catch Gilgamesh's attention was some sort of stare off between a woman and some kind of robot. Intrigued he approached the two, standing right next to their state off quietly for a second before chiming in "I can't tell if you're two love birds admiring each other, or if your harnessing utter hatred at the other".

@BarrenThin @Mari
Sarah wasn't amused. Growing up under the constant threat of being killed, there was rarely ever a chance to breath easy, much less to make jokes. Especially with someone she did not know, someone she did not trust. "You'll want to stay on my good side", she said, not showing any emotion as she spoke.

"If you want to live".

@Gen. Gwazi Senpai
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