Kore Wa Resutoran Desu ka?! (Is this a restaurant!?) OOC-Signup

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Guess I'll work on a post, not sure what to do with it given the spotty activity however. Could mix things up, could conclude this part of the day honestly.
Well, you could do that. Perhaps a new day will start with the restaurant open and such. I can cause some trouble through Akira, being a "delinquent" and all.
Well I'm open for suggestions on the current one before I post anything. Otherwise will roll in to closing time, people can do their own daily things, well those with any to do.
Well I'm open for suggestions on the current one before I post anything. Otherwise will roll in to closing time, people can do their own daily things, well those with any to do.
Well, I posted but I literally got zero reaction from ANYONE. Not that I really care but that was just.. Ignored?..

Anyhow, do as you see fit. I am game either way. I've just been quite busy the past week so thats why I haven't gotten the time to post..
I'm okay with anything too. I actually think that starting a new day wouldn't help much, though, unless everyone is online to RP.
@Akashi was hoping someone would have replied to you, my two were occupied. But hmm..I'll see if I can work you in if I go with the day. If I end it for the evening well you could follow one of the PC's or NPC's around..though was going to be another PC intro'd.

After reading don't see anything my pc's can do within that post, can have him pestered if you wish, waiting to hear from emp on steam before I make an choices or posts.
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@Akashi Sorry about that, but my guy was literally running for his life. xD I'm probably going to have the sister come in after the baseball team. She'll probably cling to him and use him as a shield from Yoriko's fury, along with anyone else between the two.
I'll just skip to "closing hour" when clean up and the like is being done in that case.
@Akashi was hoping someone would have replied to you, my two were occupied. But hmm..I'll see if I can work you in if I go with the day. If I end it for the evening well you could follow one of the PC's or NPC's around..though was going to be another PC intro'd.

After reading don't see anything my pc's can do within that post, can have him pestered if you wish, waiting to hear from emp on steam before I make an choices or posts.
Well when I posted Akira was practically infront of everyone who was around Yoriko.. Yet.. He got ignored.

But if we're going to skip then what do you have planned?
I'm going to post in a bit, will probably include Kazama and Hayate in some way.
The boss was focused on her kill at that time. Though I think I'll have her take notice this time, @Akashi I'll include some of the others who are there like con, and anyone else in ooc..on what I can say you won't be getting beaten but thats about it.
Setting up a bit of a situation using my two people for those I observed on, then I'll skip, sorry its taking so long, getting a bit burnt out maybe.
As a heads up, I might reply later today if enough activity warrents, but I otherwise am taking a break from Iwaku for the day.
I think I'm gonna have to drop out. I've been pretty burnt out lately and it's keeping me from enjoying RPing, much less reaching deadlines. I'm sorry for being such a non-committal member of this RP and I hope I don't mess things up by leaving.

Feel free to use my char as an NPC, and I hope you guys have fun.
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No problem I understand, and I actually @Grothnor thank you for saying so. Too many rp's I'm in atm are at a standstill because of factors like this. People who lose interest, post every three days, yet are active in the "I'm bored" type games..its rather off putting for me, in regards to all of Iwaku honestly.

Not saying you do that mind you, just that I have seen others doing that. @Yzmeal @EmperorsChosen Waiting on you two to respond to @Astros or to the current on going activity. though I may just go ahead and post myself to get this moving, I'll give it a couple hours.
Hmm fair enough.
Decided I would tell those of you that are here what will be happening.

On the "next day" after work you'll be introduced to the npc's of the other faction.

For now its a multi-ethnic street gang, stros as he's taking over the cook might not make the spy, or I might, dunno. Anyways they don't know who Yoriko is and most of you will be attacked to "Encourage" you not to go to work, which in turn provokes more violence that night from Yoriko.

In between we'll do various plots, Yz will be central to a couple of those, or rather some NPC's/PC's he has to intronduce, and I would like any side plots you guys have in between the battles or evenings to show up. In some cases we might skip days at a time for IC Progress. Like tomorrow is day 2, then its day 15 and you see Yoriko planning to wreck the supply trucks.

During this the Yakuza group that protects the gang will be forced to act, which will lead to a series of drama type events, and eventually the boss will make peace with them at a scarifice to herself, don't worry not death.

Anyways now just to wait on @Yzmael though I may just post.
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Just a heads up, I'm going to be posting soon, unless someone is working one a post, please let me know if soon, will give 1-2 hours. During the after work hours its on you what your characters do, and yz if you want to rp with the others I can send Yoriko to get the kid herself, actually I might do that given the arrival of her sister. Hibari will be doing her own thing, with the normal boy likely running into her. Other than that the gang from across the street will be show tomorrow, unless some of you want to be jumped today.

That is all.
@conman2163 there is a reason I mentioned the boy in the post, and Hibari being up there alone, both IC and OOC..

This was going to wrap up with a small incident and Astros charcter having a bit of blackmail, and was to play out in other events during the day. But now I'll need to plan around it.

Anyways given the lack of activity I'm still playing my day out though not to the extent I wished. And I'm getting a bit tired of how this site runs.

This is a notice to all RPers in this RP who have not been active.

If you do not post within 12-24 hours either IC with some form of post, or here in OOC with a request for the next day or to be caught up in some event, YOU WILL BE removed from the Cast list, I am serious with my rules. If either is too much, then please voice a lack of interest so that I can kill this or change its format. That is all.

I'll wait to see if @Yzmael is going to post before I make mine, so I know if I should bring the sister back early or not..or screw it I'll post, go about my plans.
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