Kadic Academy

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Kyra let out a whistle. "Regeneration. That's impressive." She stood and stretched. "You'll have to let me know how handy those looks are in a fight." She smiled at him. Pulling her own phone out she checked the time and noticed she had no notifications. Ehhh. She put her phone away and turned to look at the forest. "Oh she's probably already back. But we won't see her tonight." She looked at Drew to see what the newest plans were. She'd probably avoid her room until she was about to crash. Might as well have company.
"Trust me, they are more handy than you know." Drew replied, smiling as he did so. Drew's smile turned to a frown, however, when she brought up that they wouldn't see Ellie again tonight, "Well, how about we catch some sleep, and we meet back her at the courtyard at 7 AM. That way we'll be ready for the tournament in the morning. We could probably even scope out the losers you're gonna have to beat." Drew's same playful smile came back. In truth, the 1st year was much more excited than he was letting on about the tournament. It still floored him that he couldn't participate, as he was certain he would be able to get decently far in it.
"OK 7 it is." She turned in the direction of the girls dorm. She hoped her roommate and all of the 'pets' were asleep by now. "Night." She waved at drew before heading to her room.
Upon entering her room she was pleased to find it decently quiet. Hopefully it stayed that way. After getting herself ready and crawling into bed Kyra realized that she was actually pretty nervous about tomorrow. She eventually tired her mind out and fell asleep. She knew the quiet was too good to be true. As soon as the sun started to peak through the window, which was around 545, the insects came to life. Kyra sat bolt upright in bed. She groaned seeing the time. But got up anyway to get ready. The sooner she got out of there the better. She snuck to the bathroom quietly, trying not to wake the other occupant. Although if she slept through the bugs Kyra was sure she wouldn't wake her. After getting ready Kyra decided to grab breakfast since it was only 630. Her athletic pink and black shorts and matching dry fit t-shirt was a good choice of clothing for the tournament today. And her hair having been braided already left her ready for whatever today would bring. She grabbed her phone and headed for food.
Drew was woken by the sound of his phone going off. It was 6:50. Groaning, moaning and making all kinds of suffering sounds, Drew check his phone. The bracket had been updated, as a match had already been fought. Rubbing his eyes, Drew took a closer look, seeing that Heavy Step had beaten Lily Franco. Quickly, Drew got dressed, and made his way to the courtyard, not bothering to really do any hygiene besides brushing his teeth. Moving quickly, Drew got at the courtyard at 6:58. It seemed he had beaten Kyra, and couldn't locate her. Still trying to wake himself up, Drew stretched slightly, and let out a huge yawn.
Having finished her breakfast and still having time to kill, Kyra began drawing. She of course lost track of time but had started a good picture of Ellie and herself jumping through themail trees. When most of the students began filing in she was reminded of the time. 7:01. Crap. Repacking her stuff she quickly hurried to the courtyard, which wasnt far. She spotted Drew looking half asleep and strolled over, keeping her eyes open for Ellie or cleric. "Hey" she said as she reached him. "You look like you just rolled out of bed."
"You're not too far off from the truth." Drew replied, adding another long stretch and yawn in after he spoke, "I wonder how long it is until your match." Drew added, as he finally started to fully wake up, "So, you ready for this?" Drew asked, giving a small smirk to Kyra, hoping to put her in a somewhat good mood. While Drew couldn't tell how Kyra felt about it, Drew knew he'd be slightly nervous, or even full blown excited, in her situation, and emotions would be running pretty high. He could only assume the same would happen with Kyra.

Walking through the courtyard, seemingly looking for the pair, or just Kyra, Cleric walked down one of the many paths of the courtyard before spotting the other two. In his own form, Cleric possessed the look of a man whom seemed he had not slept for the past 24 hours, the same as yesterday. Despite his tired attitude last night, it seemed like the man never actually slept. "Good morning, you two." Cleric spoke up, his tone actually sounding alert and as if he was wide awake. His sleeping issues didn't seem to bother him much, if at all, "You ready to fight?" Cleric asked, glancing over at Kyra.
She chuckled at his response. "As ready as I'm gonna be. But I have no idea on time or place. You'd think they'd keep contestants better informed." She shrugged.

As Cleric approached them. She said her hello as she studied the very sleep deprived appearance he had. "Well I guess. I don't know anything about Sunspot so I'm at a little bit of a loss. But I'm gonna do my best. You seen Ellie? I wanted to wish her good luck. And maybe watch her fight." Kyra hoped that Cleric had some insight that she didn't.
Cleric shook his head in response, "Nope. No sign of her. Although, her and I don't actually hang out that much. She's most likely just in the forest taking a chill." Cleric explained, which prompted an understanding nod from Drew, "Sunspot shouldn't be too difficult. He's a 3rd year student. He has decent strength, nothing close to super, though. His special power is heating up his body." Cleric went out, revealing just how much he knew about Kyra's future competitor, "Basically, from what I've seen, he gets his body at like 600 degrees, or something like that, and just punches the fuck out of people. So don't let him touch you." Cleric finished. Cleric's explanation caused a very worried look from Drew. While it seemed like a simple enough power, if Sunspot grabbed a hold of Kyra, she could be seriously hurt, "You don't have to fight, you know. You can forfeit." Drew pointed out, prompting a slight frown from Cleric, "Are you joking? She has a solid chance to actually win this thing." Cleric retorted, as he looked back over at Kyra, "I know you have a private life, but I know a decent amount of what you're capable of, at least what I think you're capable of, you can totally win this." Even though Kyra had never mentioned her powers to Cleric, it seemed as if Cleric had a clear knowledge of what they were.

At that moment, about on queue, Kyra's phone rung out with the telltale sound of a message received. In the message, it disclosed not only the location, but the time and other details;

"Kyra Lane and Sunspot will meet at Lake Lonchetta, 10 miles northwest of the campus, for their match. The match will start at 8:30 AM. If, for any reason, a contestant can not show up, they will forfeit the match.. Maps are available in the faculty offices if you can not find your way."
Kyra nodded at the information cleric was feeding her. She was glad he knew something about her opponent. When Drew suggest she forfeit she gave him a look like he had a few screws lose. "I don't want to forfeit. I don't know about winning the whole thing but I've got a chance to at least make it to the next round. Thanks for the vote of confidence though." She smiled at Cleric. She was curious about how he knew her powers but didn't want to go into it now. Especially since her phone had gone off. She pulled it out and opened the message. "Lake lonchetta. 830." She let out a breath. "You guys coming?"
"Wouldn't miss it for the world." Drew spoke up, eager smile on his face. Cleric glanced at his phone before looking back up at the two, "If we head there now, we'll be there early. I know the way, it's a short hike, but it's a pretty fun walk." Cleric added in, putting his phone away. Drew frowned slightly, he wasn't a fan of hiking, or the outdoors for that matter, but it seemed like the quickest and best way to just follow Cleric. Without wanting to hear anything from Kyra or Drew, Cleric already started off away from them, ready to lead them to the fight. It seemed as if Cleric was more excited, and eager, than a normal competitor would be, "Nervous?" Drew asked Kyra, casually, as he slowly started after Cleric.
She smiled at Drew. She hoped Ellie would come too. But who knew where she was. As they took off after Cleric, Kyra looked at Drew, "I am but I feel better knowing a little more about Sunspot. I'm stoked its by the lake. That will be good for me." Kyra knew the route to the lake and Cleric was right it was a fun hike. Drew looked a bit out of his element. She laughed silently at the odd group.
It didn't take long for the eager group to make their way off proper campus grounds and start the hike towards Lake Lonchetta. They were making good time, and even Drew seemed to enjoy the hike, despite still be somewhat sleepy and hating hiking normally. Before too long, after a few hills and a forested paths, Lonchetta came into view. It was about 8:00, meaning they had made excellent time. Despite that, however, there seemed to be a handful of people already at the edge of Lonchetta. As the trio got nearer, and nearer, the people in attendance appeared to be a few students, and two faculty members. Standing side-by-side on the edge of the lake was Ms. Allen, the Amethyst Tiger, and Ramiro Wong. Both smiled as the trio got closer and closer. Cleric looked back at Kyra, smiling, "Sunspot isn't here yet, so we have a chance to make sure you're ready." As the three of them got closer, Ramiro Wong stepped forward, a friendly smile on his face, "Glad you could make it, Miss Lane. I take it that you are prepared for the match?" Ramiro asked. The students in attendance didn't seem to be here on anyone's specific side, but seemed to just be normal attendees that were wanting to catch every fight they could.
The trek to the lake was easy for Kyra and it was good to get her blood flowing before the match. As they approached the lake she looked at the handful of students there to watch the fight. Kyra had been fighting for the last few years. She was prepared for hand to hand combat but that wasnt going to be an option today. She had only used her power was for actually fighting purposes a handful of times but she had good control over them. She could do this. She gave her self a pep talk as they got closer.
"Good morning Mr. Wong. I'm ready." She smiled at him as she continued to silently talk down any nerves she was feeling.
Ramiro Wong smiled, and nodded to her. The entire procession there was silent now, patiently waiting for Sunspot to come and show up for this fight. After a few moments of silence, Drew stepped next to Kyra, and gave her an encouraging smile, "You know, I was thinking. He's a guy who focuses on getting in close and superheating his body, right?" Drew whispered to Kyra, trying to make sure the rest of the people present did not hear what he was about to say, "Maybe you could dump a lot of water on him, and steam everything up to where he can't see you?" Drew suggested. After a small smile, and a pat on the back, Drew walked away and stood near the other contestants, out of the way of the line of fire.

It didn't take much long for Sunspot to show up. He could be seen in the distance, dressed in the school's blue and white leotard, but with the name 'SUNSPOT' emblazoned in orange, yellow, and red across his chest. The material, however, seemed to be made of some kind of conducting fiber. Something that would help with his powers. He was a small person, maybe 5'6'', and weighing no more than 120lbs. Multiple piercings adorned his face. His olive tanned skin, and his short cropped hair gave a rather imposing appearance to someone so small. Sunspot took up a spot about 50 feet away from Kyra, and did his own stretches. Ramiro Wong gave Sunspot the same friendly smile he gave Kyra, "Good to see you, Sunspot. I trust that you're ready?" Giving a simple nod Sunspot glanced over towards Kyra, "Ready?" Ramiro called out, waiting for both contestants go-aheads. After receiving them, Ramiro shouted out, "START!" Giving the fighters permission to start their fight.
Kyra ducked her head closer drew as he whispered. "Hey. Good idea. I'll keep that in mind" she smiled at him as he went to join the other patrons. Kyra rolled her shoulders and neck to Loosen up and shake some of the nerves away. She saw her opponent as he drew near. Letting out another breath she steadied her her racing heart as he did his stretches. Hearing the call for the start of the fight Kyra's instincts came to life. She was in her fighting mode and was ready to pull this off.

She moved slowly in a circle, as is always seen in a fight, assessing her competitor. She knew wondered how long it took him to get hot. But knew she couldn't just let him rush her in case is temp was already at max. So she decided to make the first move. Using her powers she pulled some packed balls of earth from the ground, 3 to be exact and launched them at Sunspot one right after the other. He was a smaller guy so his weight and movemental were harder to feel in connection to the ground. Especially with her shoes on. She'd have to remember to take them off next time.
Sunspot seemed to be somewhat surprised by the speed in which Kyra acted, and with the speed the balls of earth shot forward. Through his forearms up infront of his body, Sunspot took two of the earth balls to the body, and one to his forearms, each time making a very audible groan. The shots had hurt, but it looked like Sunspot was made out of sterner stuff, "My turn." Sunspot shouted out. The leotard bursted forth with an almost angelic light, as the heat from his body was conducted and magnified. Sunspot rushed straight towards Kyra, obviously not one for the nuisances of battlefield tactics. The last 15 feet, with his impressive, although still lacking in the superhuman department, Sunspot jumped forward. It was obvious he was bent on finishing the fight very quickly, but diving at Kyra and wrapping her up in a bear-like hug.
Having felt the pressure of his jump before he actually left the ground Kyra did a somersault roll to the left. She did graze a very hot something and it had left a burn on her thigh. Inhaling a quick intake of breath at the pain she quickly resumed her attack. She launched several more earth balls in his direction. Using those as a distraction she stomped her foot and made the upper layer of ground do the Wave. Kind of like when you shake a rug. She was hoping to knock him from his feet.
Sunspot slid across the ground, the grass around him flaring up, before dying in it's own spark. The heat he was emitting was getting hotter, and hotter, to the point it created a mirage around him. Sunspot barely had enough time to see the next incoming attack, rolling and dodging most, but felt two hit his shoulders. Grunting, Sunspot stood up, only to have a wave of earth shake under him, launching him into the air and knocking him on his back. The heat seemed to increase, possibly a reaction to the increasing anger coming from Sunspot. Growling, Sunspot gripped a rock, that was buried into the ground next to him, ripping it up from the earth. The rock was no bigger than a human head, but still big enough to do damage. The rock, in Sunspot's hands, started to melt, until is was almost gooey, but it still held together. Sunspot flung the rock towards Kyra, the gooey and soft superheated rock broke apart, leaving nothing but a spray of of hot material launching at Kyra. If even a drop of the superheat broken apart rock hit Kyra, it would burn through her clothing and leave more than a burn scar. It would be liable to leave a lower 3rd degree burn.
Kyra's attempt to knock sunspot off his feet was successful. Unfortunately, he had a trick up his sleeve and she wasn't able to finish off the planned attack. As the rock broke apart and the molten pieces came hurtling toward her,bKyra dropped to her knees and raised a wall in front of her. She hoped it would be thick enough to hold off the pieces. As she waited for the pieces to hit the wall she began to call on the water from the nearby lake. She could feel it responding to her but she had to be careful not to endanger the patrons. She created a water whip that ran up her right arm. She crouched behind the wall as she put her feet back underneath her. She didn't like this position. She was a sitting duck.
Sunspot charged forward as the wall went up. The molten pieces of rock were easily stopped by the wall of earth, but Sunspot wouldn't. His strength was still good enough, and his heat would soften the dirt as he bursted through it. Charging forward, and confident that Kyra could not see what he was doing, although he did not know she could sense him moving, Sunspot dove towards the wall of earth. In a shower of dirt and soil, the wall of earth broke and gave way to Sunspot. A clenched mouth, his lips pulled back in a snarl, Sunspot drove a fist towards Kyra. The hit would hurt, a lot, and possibly do serious damage to her jaw, his his heat would barely burn her in the second his fist would connect. The issue with the charge, and creating the hole through the wall of earth, however, was that if Sunspot missed or was countered, he was left wide open, with his back against the broken up wall of earth.

Drew gasped as Sunspot impressively broke through the wall of earth, worried for Kyra. He wanted to help somehow, but knew the rules of the tournament prevented him. He didn't want to see Kyra get hurt, but he also didn't want to see her get disqualified. She had lantded more than a few good hits on Sunspot, but it seemed that he kept trucking through it. Cleric, who stood next to the worried Drew, had a face of clenched anticipation. Cleric was completely confident that Kyra would win, she just had to separate and be relentless. Cleric could tell, from watching Sunspot, that he had grow more desperate with his maneuvers, and he was more fit for a brawl than a technical fight. Kyra just had to make the right moves, Cleric kept telling himself over and over
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