Kadic Academy

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Kyra didn't bother to reply to kilo. She just left the area. As she pushed her way through the bushes and trees she battled with pride and fear. Kyra could be a prideful person and listening to someone pity her and tell her she can't made her want to do it all the more. But in reality there was a ninety-some percent chance she'd get hurt. And that's where the fear came in. It was lunch time now so she headed for the cafeteria. Hopefully she'd find Drew. And maybe cleric. As much as she didn't want to see his face, she needed to talk to him. She didnt even give a second thought to the fact that she looked like hel ll, as she entered the building. She knew she was battered and dirty but her first order of business was to get food. She was starving. And could use some water to wash the taste of blood out of her mouth.
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