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Well, Valor's 4'7" :P Tiny suit of armor is tiny. They're probably gonna designate Jasper as the person who'll keep their armor when they die since only she can fit. Perhaps the beginning of a small statured friendship.

That's waaayyy to cute for my little heart to handle. <3

Can our flag please be two frying pans and a pancake? Horrifying and tasty. I can't imagine anything better.
  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: Cresion Breezes
Your captain deems this... Adequate. Though I have always been more of a waffle man myself.

It's funny you mention that, that same exact video was suggested to me too in my youtube feed. But I have not been watching any pirate stuff. Who knows~
  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: Greenie

This RP looks amaaaaaazing!! ;D Soooo... like if you are looking for a Dragoon Helmslady I'd like to drop off an appie!! Let me know if you are still accepting k? :]
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@Boo Girlie BoomBoom

You came at a great time, that is the last spot Squee wanted to fill. :D Now, I'm in no way in charge of the rp, but I imagine he would be cool with you joining. I believe Squee is busy with family matters currently, not too sure... But it would not hurt to toss up a profile for review when he gets back.
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This RP looks amaaaaaazing!! ;D Soooo... like if you are looking for a Dragoon Helmslady I'd like to drop off an appie!! Let me know if you are still accepting k? :]
Oh hey I've seen you before :P. Glad to have you for the RP, love your writing style.
(Pls don't expose me for using the same names for my characters over and over again I'm bad with names :P)
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@Boo Girlie BoomBoom

You came at a great time, that is the last spot Squee wanted to fill. :D Now, I'm in no way in charge of the rp, but I imagine he would be cool with you joining. I believe Squee is busy with family matters currently, not too sure... But it would not hurt to toss up a profile for review when he gets back.
Awesomes yeah~yeah I read that they were gunna make a Dragoon Helmsperson so like I had an idea for one so thought I'd ask fo'sho!! :D Will postie up an appie tmrw cuz I'm out today, whole day! AGAIN!! :3333

Oh hey I've seen you before :P. Glad to have you for the RP, love your writing style.
(Pls don't expose me for using the same names for my characters over and over again I'm bad with names :P)
Hiiiiiiiii~~!! Yeah, thought I recognized the awesomes artista work of the awesomes artista ;D But ooooooh thanks ya soooooo much for your kind words! And its alllll good. I recycle charries like crazy meself sooooo yeah! All good :]
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Is it just me or does the pattern thing in the pan looks kinda like a face...probably just me lol.
It was meant to look like you were bashing faces in so it eventually dented it.
I feel Rin will be the kinda girl who will bonk someone over the head with a pan heehee. And be pretty damn happy about it too. Multi purpose tool.

Teehee @Squee , you played Fable, right? You ever get that augmented frying pan? X'D so tempted to have Rin carry that around. I won't, lol, but sooo tempted.
I always got it when it did 1 HP and hit people with it, then apologizing to the guards and being forgiven for hitting people with pans.
@Cresion Breezes

With ya there, does look like a face.

On a second note, just wanted to say I am very pleased with how this rp is looking thus far. @Squee You've done an amazing job with the lore and research, Love it when a story writer does their research and puts in effort.

Everyone's profiles look great, I love the characters so far. Each one is different and unique, can't wait to see how they will all interact.

Gotta say, it will be a pleasure venturing the open seas with you all. Also hope you all have a great new year, better and more prosperous then the last.
Haha, thanks, my RP universe has had about 7 or so years of thought into it...just not all of it is written down.
That's waaayyy to cute for my little heart to handle. <3

Can our flag please be two frying pans and a pancake? Horrifying and tasty. I can't imagine anything better.
You know, wearing a living Esper is a thing that can happen. It's just dangerous...for the person wearing it.

This RP looks amaaaaaazing!! ;D Soooo... like if you are looking for a Dragoon Helmslady I'd like to drop off an appie!! Let me know if you are still accepting k? :]
Basically everything @Sanctus said, and it doesn't need to be a Dragoon if you don't want to play as one, though I would love to see one on our roster

@Cresion Breezes You know, Valor is an Esper...Espers don't need Oxygen. Espers can stand underwater indefinitely and most can't swim, especially not an open bodied Esper. You can literally walk along the sea floor like "sup, dudes?"

@Greenie Your name is red now! Congrats I think!
I always got it when it did 1 HP and hit people with it, then apologizing to the guards and being forgiven for hitting people with pans.
Heehee xD good times. His sorries don't even sound sincere, at least to me!

Also thanks ^_^ although green suits me better :P buuut I quite like the red too!
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Hey, anyone up for idle banter :P
I've been playing assassin's Creed :P good thing Rin isn't the captain.. she'd crash the ship.
Ah, Assassins Creed...I've only played Brotherhood, and the whatever they were called before that one.
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Ah, Assassins Creed...I've only played Brotherhood, and the whatever they were called before that one.
This is actually my first one to play! A fellow pirate lover suggested it and I could only say aye aye captain! It's called Black Flags and it's pretty awesome so far lol. I mean... I can pet a cat. How cool is that?
I haven't played since Brotherhood because before that it was my dad who got me the games and he's not around anymore after that.
Also I forgot to mention your in you signature is my nickname :P. My last name is the Chinese character 苗, which is literally pronounced Meow.
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I haven't played since Brotherhood because before that it was my dad who got me the games and he's not around anymore after that.
Also I forgot to mention your in you signature is my nickname :P. My last name is the Chinese character 苗, which is literally pronounced Meow.
Haha seriously? XD That's cute!

It's actually a link to my youtube Channel. I upload a vid of me playing Prince of Persia every week. ^^ No voice, but I put in lots of annotations (in non-annoying places)
I'm actually starting to make a YouTube channel, it's just not going to go official anytime soon since I'm making all the channel art and intros and layout graphics all alone XP
Wanna seem professional but it probably,won't work.
  • Love
Reactions: Greenie
I'm actually starting to make a YouTube channel, it's just not going to go official anytime soon since I'm making all the channel art and intros and layout graphics all alone XP
Wanna seem professional but it probably,won't work.
When you do, make sure to send me a link! I love supporting people I know ^_^
  • Thank You
Reactions: Cresion Breezes
You need to play Black Flags. Really, you do. It is necessary to live a full and healthy life.
You need to play Black Flags. Really, you do. It is necessary to live a full and healthy life.
So far I find it very enriching XD

But the controls have to be gotten used to, that's what I'm having some trouble in atm.
Mooooney problems, my dad use to be able to get the games pretty much for free so I played, now I'm just some broke high school kid.