• So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!
Yeah for that reason I'm abandoning the chapter format. It worked in theory but it made progression way too slow. Great times, it would probably still be running if not for my life stuff.
Haha I actually meant the Rohad (I think it was called?) RP :D But yeah, I guess Rothendust was a little the same... It still holds a place in my heart.

Well I'm with you and le RP all the way!

*turns off the sap*
Haha I actually meant the Rohad (I think it was called?) RP :D But yeah, I guess Rothendust was a little the same... It still holds a place in my heart.

Well I'm with you and le RP all the way!

*turns off the sap*
Oh yeah, and I used Mateus! Was fun while it lasted. I had a lot of plans that never got to happen...
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Oh yeah, and I used Mateus! Was fun while it lasted. I had a lot of plans that never got to happen...
I loved that guy. O.o whatever little I saw of him, he was pretty swell!
I prefer this one

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Lol you two, very pirate sounding...

Kind of partial to the veggie tales "pirates who don't do anything" song...grins~
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Lol to be honest, when I'm in a seafaring mood, I listen to sea shanties. :D

Some metal does help me write though. Tengger Cavalry, to be precise.
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I am a sappy music kind of person, but when I'm writing I don't usually listen to anything. I just listen to the character and try to see my environment. I'm a weirdball though, I'm well aware.
Oh I love sappy music :D Mostly when I write, I have instrumental stuff on to get the brain working. Nothing with words though.
Oh my gosh yes! I'm so excited (I had already started the character sheet in case huehuehue). I simply love pirate role plays there is so much room for your own story on the open ocean surrounded by unknown and known land masses!
I'm looking forward to this! Put your character sheet up and I'm sure our Mr. Squee will read it and let your know his thoughts.
Position: Mercenary/Thief for hire
This is not a position available on the ship, pirates would be very unlikely to want to pay someone to do something most would do for free, especially when payment enough is protection from the crew. If you mean you'd do this for the crew, this means you would offer no services at sea which is unacceptable on any crew; every hand pulls its weight. Open positions are; Helmsman, Carpenter, and Gunner.
Your wish: To disappear without leaving any memory of her existence.
Edgy as fuck
Mentions of family will usually make her very uncomfortable she may start tapping her fingers restlessly and have the itching to grab one of her daggers. Of course this is a side of her that she does not like to show and will usually break out in violence if brought up.
This seems very contradictory to me. She tries to hide that she wants to grab one of her daggers by breaking out into violence? Surely if she were trying to hide it she'd consciously suppress this desire.
2 dual daggers one has a dark black handle with an opal in the middle of it. The second has a white handle with an onyx gem in it.
How long are the blades? Straight blade or curved? Single or double edged? Hard or soft blade?
She will almost always have throwing daggers on her as well as needles.
How many throwing daggers of what size/weight? How many needles of what length? Needles don't need an exact measurement, but is this a pouch, pocket, pack, or just a few pinned in her clothing to act as a secret hide-able weapon?
For me...Please remove the capslock. Also, in terms of poisons, the word you're looking for is Antidote. Don't mean to nitpick, but nitpicking anyway.
Being a thief she may quickly graze by you and poke you with a poison coated needle, it can range anywhere from a drug for sleep or a fatal dosage of poison.
Just remember, a mere poke with a needle on a Dragoon? Not gonna break their tough scales. On a berserker? They're Berserkers, it takes a bit more than a bit of poison to take out their intense durability, especially with their natural resistance. Poisons and toxins don't work on Espers. This makes this particular bit useful on less than 50% of the worlds population. This is fine especially considering her home origins, just making sure you're informed.
Seeing Eyes
Due to her interest in poisons and medicines she ended up with a power that determines effects of plants and what would work best on an illness. This also has the ability to show poisonous plants and the suitable uses for them.
Passive or active?
She tends to be able to hit the spots you don't want people to hit usually making people really angry at her.
She is very capable to notice when a situation turns and how to get out of the situation in front of her. She also tends to map out where she is to memorize a good escape route.
You could condense this down to "Observational"
This is the part I hate criticizing. The writing in this section is lacking a lot of punctuation and a lot of grammatical errors can be found throughout the story. Some sentences have very awkward phrasings and choices of words. With no spacing between paragraphs and no indentations, it can be really hard to see where 1 paragraph ends and the other begins. Overall it looks like a massive wall of text. It's an easy fix, and I'm willing to work with you on this but I do need to point it out. This thread is tagged as "Posting Expectations: Adept" which is one step above intermediate. Intermediate reads as follows;

At this level, you should exhibit a distinct writing voice and style. All players must be familiar with common grammar and punctuation and write clearly legible posts with varied sentence structure. You will be expected to have more fleshed-out characters and adhere to the setting.
The character clearly has some thought, but as we are one step above intermediate this means I'm going to demand better use of your punctuation and word placements. As I said, I'm not immediately hanging you up and I am willing to work with you, but I do need you to be aware that right now the level of writing I desire is not yet met. You're new to the site so I desperately don't want to leave you under the impression that this is what the community here is like, but I still do need to make a stand here.
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Hi guys, I'm back from a big existential crisis triggered by my family saying that my dreams has no potential in life and my future would be insignificant no matter what.
I'm okay though, I thought I was used to it but I guess not yet. This kind of seems like me attention whoring but I need an adaquent reason for my recent absence even while on school break.
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Hiya! I've been watching and giving little ratings for things that make me smile here.

I hope you're doing okay @Cresion Breezes !! I know how a hard that can. Really. I hope you'll be okay. Glad you're back!!

I did finally update Jasper's sword with both agility and light. So that's finally done. I hope that's okay and that it will finish her sheet. (: I loovveee Kindred and can't wait to have fun with all the wonderful races you have made!! As you might be able to tell, Jasper is obsessed with Esper's and think that's partially because I love them too! Haha!

Also. I apologize for any typos. My phone and autocoreect HATTE Iwaku. And it does the stupidest stuff. But I really needed to go to bed but I had to finish the sword info while it was on my head!!

And now that it's been updated I feel like I can give sassy responses and communicate more with everyone. I feel guilty posting when I should be fixing a CS. XD

Oh my god. I curled up into bed and then immediately thought "I NEED TO ADD SOMETHING ABOUT HER SWORD. I FORGOT SOMETHING AND I'M TOTALLY GONNA BE CALLED OUT." So I edited again. My life is hard. I just want sleep. Lol.
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