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Magana grinned at his description of some metals, "Metals mimic our behaviors then," she chuckled, "Or perhaps we mimic theirs." She brushed down ehr pants and tugged on her thigh high boots before she gave him an odd look, "Friend Buras," she said in an oddly gentle voice for a Ferregard, "I have never met a more Lordly man in my life. I think you would be a very good choice. And I dare say, if you desire to be a rune lord, then you shall indeed become one. You have impressed me as the sort of person who achieves what they set out to do. Even turning a Ferregard into a magic user."

She started for the door, We should join the others before a search party is sent for us. I cannot even imagine what sort of a stir that would cause. May be worth the risk just to find out." There was a spark there in her eyes that would let him see that she had an impish streak about a mile wide, even though her kind were not readily known for such levity.

She paused at the door to the forge, "I will hope what you say is true," she said honestly, "Because otherwise I cannot believe my people in the far country will have any voice here at all. I am a Ferregard, but my people in the frozen far north are shunned and looked down upon by the stronger and more powerful of our kind to the south. They deserve a voice here and in the future."

@Beowulf Beowulf
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"Of course we're mimicking them, they are one of the oldest things on this realm. They existed long before the first mortal took their shaky steps. And I'm willing to bet that they'll be here long after the last mortal leaves." He said, wagging a knowing finger in the air. But that finger slowly lowered when she began flattering him. "Bah, nonsense." That was what he told her, but the way he was grooming his beard like a bird it's feathers said he was pleased by what she had said.

"If they do send a search party, I'm sure it wouldn't take them long to find us. I wouldn't be surprised if the first place they'd check would have been the forge. The whole of the Berkak delegation should know about me bringing my own forge, and my tools. I wouldn't be surprised of a good portion of the rest of the other delegates knew about my forge, it's not exactly hard to miss." He saw that look in her eyes, the look of a trickster. Oh he didn't mind her playing pranks, as long as they weren't played on him or while he was teaching. He'd quickly and firmly put an end to it if he had to.

"And don't you worry about your potential fool of a ruler, I'll make sure that all is fair. The rest of the delegation is here for a reason. And though the Ferkak may have been the enemy of the Berkak for years, this is an era of peace and good will. Good will I'm going to spread one way or another. You have my word, friend Maganna. Now come, we have a breakfast to attend." And with that, he held out an arm and a broad smile spread across his face as he was reminded of the dinner last night, and how they had walked into the room just like that previously.
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Meanwhile at the secret meeting of the cloaked and masked figures:

"Well now that my authority and rights are acknowledged," the man at the head of the table said with an icy air. "We ahve a few matters of business to attend to." He ran a long slender finger over the rim of a goblet, "There are people in the delegation that MUST be eliminated. They will surely bring about a revolution of peacefulness, which is the last thing we want. Peace is not profitable, as you ahve all been well aware. If you plan to continue this profitable agreement we all have, then we must see to these two men. One being Garrick Erickkson and the other being Kobar Aradove."

Another seated at the table balked, "Aradove?' he huffed, "How do you plan to kill a general?" he asked incredulously. "The man is practically royalty among the Jabari."

"He is a man," the figure at the head of the table said, "Easily killed my many and sundry means. Not to worry, I have my ways of dealing with people who will not cooperate with us. Once this is accomplished, then we can move forward with the plan. Each of you will make sure a very public and recognizable act of aggression takes place in every corner of the world, and has a very specific source. A Berkak will attack an Aedairin, a Jabari will attack a Laren, a Farregard will attack a Berkak, A Laren will attack a Vaelena, a Valena will attack a Ferregard, because it is vital that the old prejudices remain in force and active. hatred is our friend gentlemen. I don't care if these are single killings or mass murders, but they must be hate crimes and done in a ruthless manner."

He looked around the room, "Am I understood?"

His question was met with a round of nods from the cloaked figures gathered. "Then we are adjourned for the moment."
Torna was quite happy with how things were going, though he knew that peace would not last for long. That was just how life was. Assemble a group of people together, and there was bound to be something that was not desirable. There would always be disagreement. He took his notes, and waited for the next person to be crowned and chosen.
The Arbiter said, "I realize that the Ferragard Delegation does not have its complete group here, but we will start to find among them their Lord. Let the first Delegate Stand forward, and be tested by the ancients!"

He waited, the diadem in hand, and watched for the first Ferragard to stand forward.

Aylina was worried about the Arbiter, as she noticed a change within his behavior. He seemed, tired, as if not recovered from the previous attack. She did nod to Garrick, however, and take her seat beside him, glad for one friend among a whole room of strangers. She wondered, how the others were faring, and felt things weren't quite alright here. Something sinister was happening, though she didn't have a clue as to what direction it could be coming from. She was no psychic! She just trusted her instincts as best as she could. But there were many glances in Garrick's direction recently, not all of them friendly. She'd also been watching Maganna. Something about the woman struck her as... hostile. Strangely, she felt uneasy around many of the people here, though she masked her feelings, not wanting to cause any waves or suspicions, more than there already seemed to be, she'd never endanger Garrick like that. She hoped he understood she was quiet that moment, mostly due to being a natural observer, filtering through everything going on.
Renn watched things progress and unlike Aylina, felt things were going along rather well. He wasn't at all sure what was going to happen with the Ferregard if their leader, General Vlog was not accepted. He was curious to see how that particular delegation shook out. He was very glad for the crown though. It would relieve Mikael of responsibility for the Lord selections, and avoid any charges of favoritism or bias.

He could well imagine this becoming a riot, if such a thing were even suspected. The ancients were orchestrating this entire event, and for that he was very grateful He hadn't had a chance to discover what all of his dreams had indicated, or what some of the things the Arbiter had said to him meant, and he wanted time to do just that.
Kylessa watched from ehr seat next to General Aradove. her gaze would happen upon delegate Ames every so often, trying to read his intents and wishing she were a better judge of such things. His years of political experience would definitely be a help here. She did feel very ill-equipped for this task, but she was determined to do her best and work hard at resolving all issues fairly, without prejudice. Having spent time with the Laren and finding him to be reasonable and articulate was helping her to view everyone in a slightly different light.

She looked up and saw the Ferregard and the Berkak enter together once again, and was so glad for them. At least she was not the only one to make a scene by arriving with one not of her own delegation. She instantly felt ashamed of her thoughts, but they were there nonetheless. She happened to be looking at the ferregard delegation a few seconds later and noticed that one of the members of that group was casting a glance at the far end of the table. She followed his gaze and noticed that it was in the direction of the Berkak Garrick, and the Vaelena Aylina. Hmm...she lowered her eyes and turned to pull a pad and self filling quill from her bag. she jotted a few notes and observations into the pad, in ancient elvish so that it would not be easily read by another. Something was not quite right, but she could not put her finger on the exact source of her ill ease. She would ask General Aradove about it later.
Garrick too watched and like Renn, felt things were going very well. He liked all the selections the diadem had made thus far, and was happy to see that every delegation had thus far, put forth an acceptable candidate. He would be happy if any of those selected thus far would become Emperor.

He glanced over at Aylina and saw a slight cast of worry on her face, "Are you well my dear?" he asked reaching over to touch her hand, "You are not feeling ill are you?"

Aylina shook her head, forcing herself to smile. "No, I'm fine, thank you. Just a bit.. overwhelmed I suppose. So much going on, it's hard to keep up." She said, evasively. She would not voice her suspicious worries, not without cause. As there were none yet, she simply hoped her nerves were from the dream she'd had last night, and over-imagination. Sometimes she was doubtful of her own instincts and suspicions. She wanted to believe in everyone in the room, that most had honorable intentions... even though she knew that wasn't entirely the case. But why cause mistrust when it was unnecessary? She felt foolish, and forced herself to unwind.~
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Maganna entered once again with her hand on Buras' arm, and did so proudly and with a smile on her face. The whole of her delegation could bite her rear end for all she cared of their opinion. Not that she'd ever voice such a thing aloud, because someone may very well take her up on the offer. As before there were only two seats left and she took her place next to Buras, only to hear a loud 'EHEM!" from ehr delegation as they stood and were lined up by rank. General Vlog nodded his head to ehr and let her know she was expected to join their ranks as well.

"Excuse me Friend Buras," she said to him as she stood, "I am summoned."

Vlog looked a the Arbiter, "The Ferregard stand by ranks," he said to him and the group, "We do not elect leaders. Our leaders earn their positions through battle." General Vlog then knelt on one knee to receive the diadem upon his head, fully expecting to be accepted.

The Arbiter looked at the kneeling Ferregard and shrugged. "It is as I thought it would be." He put the diadem on to the Ferregard General's head, only to have it not only turn red, but propel itself off of Vlog's head and back into its wooden box. "It seems that the Ancients' Diadem does not stand on rank the same way that your people do, General. Let your next selection stand forth."
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Magana blinked at the way the crown shot off Vlog's head and ended up back in the box. She had to use every bit of her inner fortitude to control the laughter that was trying to force itself to her lips. Somehow she managed to just stand at attention as she was supposed to, it was a miracle to be sure.

The next Ferregard in line followed Vlog's example and took a knee. There were 5 of them as they had been requested to send. This was the one who had been casting glances toward Garrick and Aylina, Aruk Dureg. He had big plans for his time here, and for advancing in his true brotherhood the jade Legion, though none of his delegation knew of his true loyalties.

Again, the Arbiter put the diadem on a Ferregard head, and again, the diadem sailed off that head on its own. Something was strange, the Arbiter could see. It was evident to all in attendance that none of the Arbiter's magic was being used. Again, he said, "You are not accepted. Let the next candidate stand forward. No bowing, though. I may be an Ancient, but I am not your lord."
"I'll make sure to keep your seat safe." he replied with a smile, understanding that she had to do what was expected of her. In the meantime, though, he needed to think of lessons for her. The most important thing he should focus on first would be her magical talents and breaking any block that might be there. But that shouldn't be the only thing he should teach her. He needed to show her the proper ways of forging as well. Of course he'd teach her how to forge with magic, but that would have to come at a much later time when she has a firm grasp on both the rules of magic and of forging. He'll have her work on simple pieces people order then, though he doubted many would order from him right now. Well, he did have a couple that he needed to finish from previous customers, of course he'd check them and make them presentable before sending them, but she needed something to do. Oh, perhaps he should tell her how certain metals act? Yes, that one first then have her work.

His thoughts were interrupted as the diadem was placed on General Vlog's head, and immediately leap off it as if it were either extremely hot or rather filthy, possibly a combination of both. And because of that, he had to cough into his beard to mask a laugh and hold a hand over his mouth to cover his smile. That had certainly been unexpected. He had thought that the most the diadem would have done was turn red, not run away as if it had touched something dirty. He'd love have a look at it if he could to try and find out why and how it had done that.

But he needed to pass the time and wait for the Berkak delegation to be called up, and for him to be turned down for the position of Lord Delegate. Perhaps he could tell someone about his apprentice? Oh, that'd be excellent actually. Let him brag about their ability to use magic, and gloss over her lack of knowledge about it. But who to tell? Garrick or Torna, those two would probably appreciate it more. Now, where were they and how could he get to them without seeming rude to the Ferregard?
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Magana couldn't help but cast a look over at Buras, her wide eyes telling a story that he would understand from their previous conversation.

The next stepped forward and looked at the Arbiter. "Henkiz Surig," He said introducing himself.
The Arbiter nodded, and said, "Well met." He laid the Diadem on the Ferregard and instead of flying off, it turned white, then red. "You are denied the position of Lord Delegate, but are offered the position of Ambassador to the Arbiter. Will you accept, Henkiz Surig?"

Following the Ferregard's answer, he said, "Let your next selection stand forward."
Magana was shocked at the way this was going. Honestly and sincerely shocked, but hope was blooming as well. She was afraid to beleive that she might actually be selected, but she was feeling hope for the first time.

Henkig nodded, "I will accept," he said and stood back in line.

The fourth stood froward and his hard gaze met that of the Arbiter, "This crown does not dictate our worth within the Ferregard," he said as he waited, "I am Skrag Jakreg."
"The will of the Ancients is not measured by the worth you have of yourself, Ferregard." The diadem was placed on Skrag Jakreg's head, and like the first two selections, it flew off and landed in its box the instant the Arbiter's hand was removed. "You are denied. Let your next selection stand."
Henkig stepped back but his thoughts were there in the heat of his gaze
Magana stepped forward slowly. She was the last member of the delegation to be selected through battle, and she was now standing in a place to take authority over them all. She was elated and terrified.

She stepped forward and her gaze met the Arbiter's. "Magana Dreambreaker," she said softly. He would see the uncertainty there, but also the hope.
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