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Noctis the Devious

Of Lies and Stories
Original poster
Posting Speed
  1. Multiple posts per week
  2. 1-3 posts per week
  3. One post per week
  4. Slow As Molasses
Online Availability
Sporadically, Though out the Day
Writing Levels
  1. Give-No-Fucks
  2. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. No Preferences
- Modern/Magical/High Fantasy
- Paranormal
- Romance-ish
- Supernatural
- Original
- Fandom
- Action
- Adventure
- Espionage
- Apocalyptic
- Alternative Reality
- Genre-Bent Reality
- Steampunk
- Cyberpunk
- Dieselpunk
- Magipunk
- Sci-fi
- Superhuman
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This the General Chat thread! This is where questions, comments, and concerns will be posted as well as out of character chatter.​

ROUND 2: June 24th - July 24th

Should have mentioned this earlier but I had a tiring day yesterday and when I was available, it was only to talk and answer questions. Anyway, because of Wicked's schedule eating 'em alive, I've decided to archive Lou until Wicked decides to return. I've also decided to conclude round 1. What does this mean for the current scene? We'll time skip to the next day and I'll let Namora decide if Cerise is still captured or not. If so, Zelda and Angelica could have returned to the girl's cave with the news of her capture during the night and we'll pick up again with the girls planning a rescue mission. This could be the opportunity for both sides to meet. The time skip will also allow for a smoother migration for the newest members and open up new opportunities for character interaction.

I'll start up round 2 later today/tonight and tomorrow I'll do what I had planned to do yesterday and work on updating/reworking the OOC thread again since I'm still getting questions about things that are already written out. I didn't have a clear idea on how long I should keep each round open for but swing as the first round managed to drag on for months I'm setting the closing date exactly thirty days after the initial opening, which means round 2 is opening today, June 24th, and closing July 24th.

Happy roleplaying and may the muse be with you :)

[Warning=red]From now on, you want to have a creature attack, you run it by me first.[/warning]

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Hey I'm still alive, been busy dealing with life and such and school starts back Thursday so I need to get ready for that too. But I am alive. I'm just gonna be a little slower at replying to all my roleplays
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[warning=red] I Am About to take my Mid terms because of High School, I Might not be able to be on as much as I want to. I will be studying and doing home work. In two weeks approximate will my mid terms start, so for the next month I'm going to be on and off, but more off than on.[/warning]
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blue All character statuses have been updated! I also included a character archive listing all characters that used to belong to Caster's Challenge.

With that said, @Blue Jay has one more day to reply with her standing before her character is archived.
Before I post, would @Everyoneintheboysgroup mind if I make it so we arrive at the river by the end of my post? Or should I wait for the next GM post for us to arrive at the river; I'm easy either way.
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Before I post, would @Everyoneintheboysgroup mind if I make it so we arrive at the river by the end of my post? Or should I wait for the next GM post for us to arrive at the river; I'm easy either way.
Well Mala is currently not moving, due to his ankle, but I could work with that. I will try to get a post up today:P
Don't forget Trent healed most of Mally's injury :P Hey may still be sore but he should at least be able to walk.
Don't forget Trent healed most of Mally's injury :P
No, I did not forget that. But they still have not moved from the place he stumbled. That was really sweet btw XD
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I'm pretty sure Trent got his ankle out of the hole, otherwise he wouldn't have been able to do it :3 Though I kept that part vague since I didn't want to completely GM your character >.>;

I know, right =^.^=

And in the midst of the chaos Louis was completely forgotten xD
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I'm pretty sure Trent got his ankle out of the whole, otherwise he wouldn't have been able to do it :3 Though I kept that part vague since I didn't want to completely GM your character >.>;

I know, right =^.^=

And in the midst of the chaos Louis was completely forgotten xD
I am okay with things like that. I always use the rule as long as it would be possible in real life I am fine with it. (like picking up a character and running away with it, if a big person does that to a little person I think it would be okay. Since my friends do this constantly to me. As long as there is given room for the other character to protest I don't see anything wrong with it) I am so bad at explaining shit XD

YES I felt sorry for Louis...

Also working on a post right now!
And posted. Sorry for the wait. I changed the layout of my post ^^ Hope you all like it :P
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Fancy post is fancy :3

Huh, I reread my post because I swear I had Raina throw a fit about not doing nothing and trudged ahead but apparently she only mentioned shelters. Weird.

Just a reminder, and to make sure everyone is on the same about the whether, the forecast for the week is posted in the Round 1 update along with the Fauna and Foliage o.o
Fancy post is fancy :3

Huh, I reread my post because I swear I had Raina throw a fit about not doing nothing and trudged ahead but apparently she only mentioned shelters. Weird.

Just a reminder, and to make sure everyone is on the same about the whether, the forecast for the week is posted in the Round 1 update along with the Fauna and Foliage o.o
Nope... not for as far as I read at least...

Anyway I TOTALLY KNEW THAT not but like I said she is no weather expert. And it is here often that the clouds get thicker/heavier/darker but just pass away without anything happening? XD
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Yeah so how my post got cut off and I'm just now realizing it o.o

That or some on/off flurries :3 Having somewhat unpredictable weather isn't too far out of the question.
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Made it so the river is audible (so it's pretty close by), but not quite visible yet - so y'all can describe it any way you like~. Also, excuse the long post if it bothers you; that damned Trap talks way too much for his own good.
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Made it so the river is audible (so it's pretty close by), but not quite visible yet - so y'all can describe it any way you like~. Also, excuse the long post if it bothers you; that damned Trap talks way too much for his own good.
Oh my god he sure keeps on rambling and rambling on. I love it! Mala might be a little less impressed by it, but he shall smile and be polite and listen to the other XD
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Aww Trap is so adorable x3
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@Blue Jay's character has been archived.
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@Cybermoon, do you want to get in a post before me? I won't be able to reply until the end of the week anyway but if you want to reply first I can hold off untill the weekend?
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