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Noctis the Devious

Of Lies and Stories
Original poster
Posting Speed
  1. Multiple posts per week
  2. 1-3 posts per week
  3. One post per week
  4. Slow As Molasses
Online Availability
Sporadically, Though out the Day
Writing Levels
  1. Give-No-Fucks
  2. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. No Preferences
- Modern/Magical/High Fantasy
- Paranormal
- Romance-ish
- Supernatural
- Original
- Fandom
- Action
- Adventure
- Espionage
- Apocalyptic
- Alternative Reality
- Genre-Bent Reality
- Steampunk
- Cyberpunk
- Dieselpunk
- Magipunk
- Sci-fi
- Superhuman
GenChat || Sign-ups || IC

This the General Chat thread! This is where questions, comments, and concerns will be posted as well as out of character chatter.​

ROUND 2: June 24th - July 24th

Should have mentioned this earlier but I had a tiring day yesterday and when I was available, it was only to talk and answer questions. Anyway, because of Wicked's schedule eating 'em alive, I've decided to archive Lou until Wicked decides to return. I've also decided to conclude round 1. What does this mean for the current scene? We'll time skip to the next day and I'll let Namora decide if Cerise is still captured or not. If so, Zelda and Angelica could have returned to the girl's cave with the news of her capture during the night and we'll pick up again with the girls planning a rescue mission. This could be the opportunity for both sides to meet. The time skip will also allow for a smoother migration for the newest members and open up new opportunities for character interaction.

I'll start up round 2 later today/tonight and tomorrow I'll do what I had planned to do yesterday and work on updating/reworking the OOC thread again since I'm still getting questions about things that are already written out. I didn't have a clear idea on how long I should keep each round open for but swing as the first round managed to drag on for months I'm setting the closing date exactly thirty days after the initial opening, which means round 2 is opening today, June 24th, and closing July 24th.

Happy roleplaying and may the muse be with you :)

[Warning=red]From now on, you want to have a creature attack, you run it by me first.[/warning]

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@die_Sprachkenntnisse, I'm not understanding where you're character is fitting in with the story .-. You all started from the same spot, the drop off point, and before that rode the same bus, how is your character ahead of them? Even if he did walk ahead of them, he wouldn't gave been that far ahead; they were pretty quick to take action once they figured everything out. I know you weren't here from the beginning but I can't stress this enough: your character has to be a part of the solution, not the solution. Not to mention none of the characters have been the mountain long enough to do the things you had James do. Can you please redo your post? Maybe he lagged behind because he had to apply the ointment to his skin or got side tracked during their little hike because he was gathering plants (all of which are listed in the second update)? Or just gave him react to Trap hearing the water o.o Something that tells me your character is actually apart of the story.
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I still don't understand how he got their first and he wouldn't have been able to sense the water because that's a water caster ability .-. An element can't interfere with another element, and for some reason I assumed your character's environmental empathy applied strictly to animals and their effects on their surroundings (i.e. marking plants, leaving tracks or carving a game trail, etc.) and not to the environment in general since that would cross over three different elements. Secondly, if he lagged behind he wouldn't have gotten there first. If anything, he would passed them since Malachai would have most likely lead them down the fastest route to the wate sincer he can sense it. Why not have James meet them halfway? It wouldn't be unnatural at all for him to catch up if he lagged behind. If anything, what you're trying to do now is kind of out of place.

EDIT: Once everything gets situated I'll finally get a post up. @Zackymas, would you like to post before or after me?
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I see o,o well, I tried my best. I apologize for all the troubles I have caused to everyone in my course of sorting out things with my character and post. I didn't think things would turn out to be so complicated, I'm going to go ahead and remove my post and CS, no hurt feelings ^^U but I guess I need more time before I get into an RP as I had suspected, so I'm dropping out.

Anyhow Thank you Noctis for having me for the short time I was here, and thanks to everyone who was kind to me during my short stay. ^^ Please don't take any of it personal, I just need to sort things out for myself. I really like this RP concept so I might lurk around and keep up with the story ^.^

again my apologies for any troubles from my part!

I wish you all the best in the challenge!!

I'll still root for the boys!! :3

Go boys!! \(^0^)/
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I'm sorry to see you go and if you want to resubmit an application in the future, feel free to do so :)
So.... does that mean there's a male spot free? Still got a lovely lightning ability to show off that I didn't get to use earlier :P
Yeah, go head :)
Yes, but the male spot would be spirit caster!
Yes, but the male spot would be spirit caster!
Why? The male electricity is still open and the last spirit caster was never actually introduced to the other characters, so it's not like they were talking to a spirit guy before now.
@DarkiusHeavenstein, there are at least two other male powers open ^.^ There's more powers then there are open roles for a reason :3
Why? The male electricity is still open and the last spirit caster was never actually introduced to the other characters, so it's not like they were talking to a spirit guy before now.
Oh, I thought because of the timing I was confusing things xD because the male electricity male was free all along then. XD
Light, Spirit, and Lightning :)
This ability was originally designed for a female, so I don't have a character at the moment that it'll fit. I'll spend today coming up with one. Reading @Misaou 's CS, looks like our interpretations of electricity are VASTLY different :D

→ Name: [Name from Birth]
→ Age: [17-19]
→ Grade: Senior
→ Sex: [Gender from Birth]
→ Gender: [Gender from Identity]
→ Sexual Orientation: [Partner Preference if Applicable]
→ Appearance: [Image and Physical Description]
→ Apparel & Gear: [Clothes they wore to the challenge and what they brought to prepare for the challenge.]

→ Element: Lightning
→ Familiar: [Magical Companion]
→ Strengths: [Caster's Strong Suits]
→ Weakness: [Caster's Not-so Strong Suits]
→ Ambitions: [Caster's Hope to Achieve]
→ Likes: [Caster's Personal Preference]
→ Dislikes: [Caster's Not-so Personal Preference]

→ Other: [Character] perceives 'electricity' as simply the movement and energy of electrons, so to an untrained eye, it may look like he is able to actually conjure electricity. This is not the case - he's simply pulling the energy from the electron fields of atoms in the environment. He can only do this for Meltdown and Induced Magnetism, though; his other spells will only work with access to a source of power, including his general non-personal spells.

(some of these abilities may interfere a tiny bit with the Light element, but that's unavoidable since 'light' is actually just a side effect of electricity. I tried to reduce as much as possible how much this branched into light, but traces still remain - ie, Meltdown's beam produces light.)

→ Personal Spells:

Meltdown - A single spell, but with 4 'quick' power settings. When he designed this spell, he included clauses which allow him to modify the power of the spell with a single variable, rather than altering the magnitude every time he casts it. This does mean, however, that he can only cast it at one of the four strengths, and nowhere in-between, above or below them. Meltdown relies on the fact that electrons are in a state of superposition[1]​, and focuses them into a single location before firing them as a beam with a maximum range of 10 meters per level of power (making setting 4 have a range of 40 meters, and making level 1 annoyingly weak - I hadn't expected it to be that low :D). The beam itself moves instantly, however, there is a charge time (1 second per level) and before it fires, the target location heats up - you'd certainly know it was coming. The beam does damage by disintegration, and the level 3 and 4 beams are strong enough to melt through certain obstacles in their path. Whether it can melt through something is based on its density. A light object such as a pillow will be penetrated, but a heavy block of metal wouldn't be. In order to block a beam with a piece of metal, you'd need about 2cm thickness per level, depending on density. Lead, for example, will block more efficiently than Sodium, which is very light. These beams are still electricity, however, and their trajectory can be bent with a well placed magnetic field.

Induced Magnetism - By forcing electrons in molecules to spin in a certain way, [Character] can create or enhance a magnetic field. This can even induce a magnetism in objects that aren't typically magnetic, such as a house cat (discovered by an experiment on a particularly slow day. Turns out a cat covered in spoons is hilarious). Weak fields don't take much strain to use, but a field strong enough to shift something the size of a person can cause a significant headache. The field lasts as long as it is held, in that if concentration is lost, the magnetic field will return to normal.

Repulse Barrier - By creating an area of dense electricity, [Character] can repel or deflect attacks of an electromagnetic nature. If the attack is striking at an angle, it can be deflected relatively easily, however, a head on attack can only be repelled (think reflection of light - if you shine the torch perpendicular to the mirror, it will reflect perfectly - if you shine it at an angle, it will reflect at the opposite angle). Repelling an attack requires an electric density equal to or greater than the magnitude of the incoming attack, making it potentially quite tiring to use.
So, just saying, but the cast list mentions a lot more players than there seem to be currently active... maybe a roll call should be done to see who's still actually here?
A role cal has already been conducted and everyone is here. Just not everyone is active OOC.
This ability was originally designed for a female, so I don't have a character at the moment that it'll fit. I'll spend today coming up with one. Reading @Misaou 's CS, looks like our interpretations of electricity are VASTLY different :D
That's what makes things interesting then xD Different interpretations from different people makes things more exciting no? xD
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