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"I see. I suppose that kind of answer is exactly what I'd expect from you," Ayaka mused upon listening to Kuro's response. Even though she lived with a guardian, it probably said something about her relationship with that guy that she could almost relate to Kuro's words a little. Not that she disliked her guardian, but she just felt little about him, though that man had an obligation to take care of her. After all, he had promised Ayaka's brother before he...

Well, anyway.

To be honest, the place was indeed cleaner than what Ayaka had expected, though to be fair, she didn't expect very many people to be any sort of tidy about their surroundings. At this point, it was a habit for her to have low expectations of others. It was better to be pleasantly surprised when your low expectations were surpassed, rather than be disappointed that your high expectations weren't met... Not that her low expectations (low in her eyes, at least) were often met, but she digressed.

Having been in the middle of examining the place, Ayaka would blink upon being addressed to again. Hmph. For once he had sounded apprehensive in asking that question, in contrast to his cooler tone. This had to be important, huh?

"Well... With all that I've asked from you, I suppose it wouldn't be fair if I were to refuse,"
she said with a sigh, before crossing her arms behind her back, "What do you have in mind?"

"Phew, thanks," he muttered, letting out a sigh of his own as he'd apparently been holding his breath. "Have you heard anything about a girl named Mutsuki Kohi? ...Some girl with white hair, and red eyes like mine. Guess she's a bit albino lookin' or somethin'."

While that certainly wasn't the most informative run-down, fortunately not too many people would fit that kind of physical description. He didn't mention, nor really plan to mention, why he wanted to hear about her, but it wasn't like Ayaka would likely care anyway. Probably just answer his question then be on her way to bed. 'Sides, since it wasn't gang-related he didn't exactly have high hopes, but since she spoke with other gangs as well apparently...

Kuro took out two more cans of coffee from his bag before dropping it to the floor. He held one out to her, silently offering it.

"Figured you're the most informed outta the bunch, so I'd ask ya directly. And I won't owe you anything for askin' since I'm lettin' you stay here and all, so there's that too."


"Mutsuki... Kohi," She repeated to herself, attempting to think to herself if she found that name familiar or not, though with the kind of description that Kuro gave, this Kohi girl seemed like the kind of person that Ayaka would certainly remember seeing or hearing about, so it was likely a safe bet to say...

"Sorry, I don't think I've heard anyone like that before," Ayaka responded, taking the can of coffee, though instead of opening and drinking it, she'd simply put it in her bag, which she would then in turn place onto the floor, "If you want to call it even here, even if I unfortunately don't know anything about that person, then... Well, that's your call, I suppose."

Ayaka briefly pondered to herself who this girl might be to Kuro. Was she... a relative? Hmm, hard to say. Ayaka couldn't even remember Kuro's last name, though to be fair, she didn't remember most of the members' last names either, aside from Natsume's of course. Maybe just a friend? Heh, a lover even? The thought of this guy developing a deep interest in something other than these accursed beverages almost made her giggle a bit.

But Ayaka didn't really smile so.

"I'd suggest asking the other information gatherers when you have the chance, though I have a feeling that this is the sort of topic that you'd rather not share with everyone, hmm?"

[fieldbox=Vince, purple, solid]

Vince felt his heart leap out of his chest upon seeing Suishou's smile. The world around him stopped and he saw her sparkle. His eyes widened as the delusional sight set in, and while he knew it wasn't real, he couldn't help but have his breath be taken away. For a moment, it felt like Suishou would be taken away by the stars, back to the heavens where she came from. Reaching out, Vince wrapped Suishou in a hug. He hadn't even realized he'd done it until he felt her presence locked in his embrace. His cheeks flushed red, however he couldn't bring himself to let her go. Like if he did, she'd fly away. Closing his eyes, Vince slightly tightened his grip on her. Tell her! The voice in his head rang loudly in Vince's ears, and he opened his eyes. Vince rested his forehead on Suishou's shoulder and allowed his arms to fall to his sides. "What am I going to do?" He whispered, smiling to himself. "Suishou, I'm sorry. I've fallen deeply and truly in love with you." He did it. He confessed his feelings that he had kept inside for years, out. With a great weight off his chest came the stillness, that moment between the confession and the answer. All his nervousness and worry built up in his chest, making him unable to breath. Bracing himself for her answer, Vince tensed his body and closed his eyes tightly in anticipation.

» Location «
South End Beach

» Apparel «
HEAD - Black Snap Back
TORSO - Dark Blue Denim Shirt & Black Varsity Jacket

LEGS - Dark Blue Jeans
FEET - Skytop Skate Shoes
ACCESSORIES - Men's Compass Pendent


» Interactions «
@Nano - Suishou



Remi | August 24 | Nighttime | Home

Remi wasn't expecting Leon to place his hand over her hair to move it away. At that moment she questioned why he was even doing it in the first place until his lips went to her forehead and he kissed it. Then, he said that he would be at the HQ, gave her his drink then started running off. She looked down at the drink for a moment, then back up at him while he disappeared into the darkness. It almost seemed like a faint blush came over her cheeks.

Suddenly, her phone rang causing her to jump out of her own thoughts and pick it up. "Oh! Sure! I know a guy!" Remi said over the phone. "I can get you all that by tonight. Hey…why would someone kiss your forehead? Never mind, it's no big deal!" Then, she hung up. Afterwards, she headed for her door and went inside.

"I'm home!" Mad Prism shouted out loud, knowing that her parents were there. But, all she did after that was take a sip from the drink that Leon gave her and then run up to her room. Eventually, after she was finished with the drink and doing a few other things that a strange girl like Remi usually does, the girl went to bed so that she would be prepared for the next day ahead and the meeting that would probably be very important.


August 25 | Morning | Home → Heading for HQ

When morning came around Remi awoke and got herself ready to head for the headquarters. She put on her Mad Prism uniform that her parents always tried to get her out of but that never would happen very often. Of course, she had a lot of them. It wasn't like she was always wearing the same one, she had multiple costumes, ones that were exactly the same and a few others that had slight differences.

Once she was done with dressing, she went down to get something to eat. Her breakfast always consisted of something that had sugar in it; it was one of her favorite things after all. Though, it was probably evident to mostly everyone that the girl really didn't need any sugar in her diet but her parents usually gave in to her on a lot of things. Then, she went off to walk for the headquarters.


`·. Suishou Purei Konuka ♥

August 24th - Evening - @XxDreamingxX

The blonde female paused for a moment, and waved her hand in front of Vince for a bit. It was as though he completely froze in place there, like he either was spooked by a ghost, or something amazing happened and she didn't see it. Based off how speechless he was, it was probably the latter. "Earth to Vince?" She asked, waving her hand in front of him again. She was caught off guard when he quickly reached out and pulled her in for a hug, and okay, even these things could leave her speechless sometimes. Her face was unconsciously turning a tint of red, but she didn't try to pull away or resist the hug either. It's usually this time where she would pull out a snarky comment, but for starters, it wasn't the time for that, and secondly, she wouldn't be able to do that. Hell, she was speechless as well, and THAT'S rare. She was still pretty frozen in place even after he rested his forehead on her shoulder, and then some words that she had heard far too often, but not from him, would surface.

"Suishou, I'm sorry. I've fallen deeply and truly in love with you."

She was speechless, again. She would answer, she would love to answer, and she hated to leave the guy hanging. Taking a deep breath, she let out a large exhale, and spoke up to Vince. "I've heard those words.. From a lot of other guys you know?" She paused for a moment, before mentally hitting her head. She really wasn't good with these things when she was getting emotional, but she had to be able to speak about these things. She was known as the player of the gang, but she was never good with her own, genuine emotions. "But.. Never have I been this speechless, okay? I.. Honestly don't know how to respond. To be honest, I really like you too." And she said it, she confessed as well. Personally, she much rather hang out with him rather than the other guys that she is assigned to, and usually may or may not have texted him while on 'dates' with other guys. Sure, she could have texted her other friends, but she gradually noticed how she pulled out his contact the most often.

"Though.. There's only one problem." She mumbled, and she did NOT look happy with it. "You know.. The whole thing with me being a player to get information... If we made our relationship public- if we end up having one, -then it would.. really take a toll on the both of us. Plus.. I don't want you to.. You know.. Be upset if I'm with another guy because of my role." She sheepishly admitted. The girl's face was so red that you could mistaken it for a tomato, and it was usually her making the guys do that, not a guy making her do that. "We can hang out at the gang's hq.. But no one in school can know.. Is that alright with you?" If anything, Suishou wanted to make sure that, that was okay with Vince. She didn't want to make him.. insecure, or worse, hate her. She was fidgeting a bit while awaiting a response. She couldn't stop doing her job, mainly because then, she wouldn't be able to help the gang out, and they were like family to her.


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[fieldbox=Vince, purple, solid]

Vince felt a small anger in his heart when Suishou said she had heard other guys confess to her. He knew that, and it had always pissed him off. Secretly, he'd always wanted to punch those guys in the face, but that would ruin her job as well as his image. Though, he always did enjoy messing with them in the shadows. He closed his eyes, a feeling of what her answer would be rising up in his chest. But her was wrong. Hearing that she liked him caused Vince's eyes to open wide in surprise. Sure he had been confessed to, but Suishou had always been the one he wanted. Hearing those words were like music in his ears, and he couldn't help but smile. As she continued talking, Vince listened carefully. He had always known there would be such worries, but love could overcome anything. They were sitting on the beach together after all, and no one knew. So there must be a chance, right? Vince was caught off guard though when Suishou admitted he worries, and he chuckled. As she continued speaking, Vince stayed where he was, his eyes gentle and a smile of pure happiness never leaving. When he knew she had finished and could feel her fidgeting, Vince raised his head and looked her dead in the eye. "As long as I'm with you, I can do anything. I love you to much to ever let you go, no matter what may come our way." He said, leaning forward and touching her forehead with his. Looking into her eyes, Vince saw a light that shone like stars, and it made him feel complete. "I love you, Suishou." He said, wishing time could stop. He didn't ever want to leave Suishou and right now, in that moment, he felt overwhelmingly happy. And people said true love didn't exist. What lies.

» Location «
South End Beach

» Apparel «
HEAD - Black Snap Back
TORSO - Dark Blue Denim Shirt & Black Varsity Jacket

LEGS - Dark Blue Jeans
FEET - Skytop Skate Shoes
ACCESSORIES - Men's Compass Pendent


» Interactions «
@Nano - Suishou

`·. Suishou Purei Konuka ♥

August 24th - Evening - @XxDreamingxX

Suishou Was pretty flustered when he spoke, which, again, was a rarity. "Jeez.. You never run out of cheesy pick up lines, do you?" She teased, poking his forehead gently. She was surprised when he leaned in so that their foreheads were touching though, and they were just inches away from each other, face to face. Other guys, can totally pull off being shy. Vince, she was struggling not to shy away for real. "Really now.. I love you too." She replied, smiling. She wouldn't mind staying there, but her phone began to vibrate under her hand. At first, she would pay no mind to it, but it rang out.. An eerily similar ring-tone, one where she set it so that she could tell it apart from the others. "... Oh. It's from home." She pulled back for a moment, and tilted her head to the side. She really didn't want to move away, but they would think that something's up if she didn't reply to it. "Um.. May I?"

She slowly moved away, and seemed irritated at the call. ".. Yes? This is Suishou." She answered, trying her best not to sound annoyed. "Yes? Yes? Now? But I said that I would be--... Fine." The female hung up her phone, looking rather irritated by the looks of it. "My house called, and they told me I have to go home. My parents decided to come home early tonight, and they want to talk to me. I would much rather stay with you here... But since I can't.. Can you walk me home?" A sly smile crept up on her face. Just because she couldn't stay with him here, it didn't mean that she could walk home alone. "Very dark now, and what type of girl should be walking alone?"


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"Hmph, figures," he sighed, hiding the disappointment in his voice. No sign of her at all, huh? He thought about dumping more information in an attempt to get something, anything, but it was getting late so he figured he'd refrain for now. Besides, it wasn't like she was going anywhere anytime soon.

"We'll call it even if you tell me if you do ever hear anything, I guess. Snooping around ain't my strong suit."

Ask the others, huh? He'd do that, as soon as he found an excuse to talk to one of them anyway. Given Ayaka's reaction to the question, people probably didn't think much of a question like that overall. Though Ayaka wasn't exactly a social butterfly herself, so maybe she wasn't the best person to base that kind of stuff on. Ah, whatever. He'd think about it later.

"Guess I'll ask around some more or somethin', but yeah. I'm trying to find her without her knowing I'm trying to find her, y'know? 'Long as you don't blab about it, not that I'd have to worry about that with you, ask me whatever ya think might help with it. All I got goin' for me is my coffee, a manhunt is a lil' outside my skillset."

Cracking open his own can, Kuro quickly downed it like the one he drank outside. A bit late for coffee one might think, but oh well. He began to walk over to the kitchen, dropping the empty can in the trash can as he did.

"So you wanna sleep on the couch, or should I drag one of the beds outta my room? Or maybe the kitchen floor's more your style?"



[bg=#000000]"Oh my gooooooooood! I can come home with Mari-chaan?!" Natsumi skipped, laughing and smiling like an idiot as she hugged Mari tightly. "Alright, then let's go, let's gooo!" She beamed as she pulled Mari along with her. It didn't take long with Natsumi's I'm-crazy-happy-right-now speed to get to Mari's house. When they were inside, they spent a good long time fooling around like they usually did, making fools of themselves while cooking their dinners. It was quite late when they were finally relaxed in Mari's bedroom. Natsumi, having not brought anything with her for a sleepover, was in one of Mari's larger t-shirts (after all, she could not fit in anything else of Mari's, given their difference in size), and sitting on Mari's bed, reading the news on her phone when Mari came into the room.

She yawned as she pulled Mari by the wrist onto the bed. Natsumi's hair was braided into a side braid, held by one of the two ribbons she had been wearing earlier, making it easier for her to roll around more freely. She caught hold of the blanket, pulling it over them as she, grinning, hugged Mari close to her body.

"Hey Mari-chaaaan ~ Be my pillowww ~" Mari was probably really shy with her right now, but Natsumi didn't mind as she clung to her best friend - or crush, well, it didn't matter right now. Just getting to do this with Mari was way more than making up for the whole thing. She was happy to just stay close to Mari like this, feeling much like it was going to be a relaxing, gentle night for the both of them.

ღ ღ ღ ღ ღ ღ ღ M O R N I N G ღ ღ ღ ღ ღ ღ ღ

Natsumi woke together with the first rays of sunlight, to find a mumbling Mari at her side. For a moment, she just propped herself up on her arm, glancing down at the peacefully sleeping girl. They were still cuddled together just like yesterday, and it made her feel happy and calm. Like this, she felt as if she had a very private, nice moment with Mari. She knew that nothing would take this moment away from them. That's when her initial calm was shattered, replaced by some heavy blushing.

"N..nn... Natsumiii..." It ws Mari's voice. Just hearing her saying it like that, and in her sleep, too, was making Natsumi all confused. "Love... love you..." Mari's face seemed to redden; she was still sleeping. Natsumi gulped. It's... just a dream... right? I mean... it's not like she... ahh... oh no... She was so confused, everything was running in circles in her head. She was probably really tired. She really shouldn't be thinking about all of these confusing things. She brushed a lock of hair from her face as she looked at Mari, her whole body screaming at her to stop this nonsense.

"Well.... if it's just this once... maybe it's not... so bad..." She was muttering to herself, knowing that no one would hear her words. She leaned in over Mari's body, still observing her sleeping face, as she moved in a little bit closer. What am I saying, this is bad, bad! I can't just... do this... But she wasn't stopping for one second, simply getting closer and closer to Mari. She was rather surprised that Mari had not woken yet to this. She felt like her heart was making enough noise to wake an elephant.

But Mari kept on sleeping, even as their lips connected for a gentle kiss. The softness through Natsumi off, and when she shot back, surprised, and hit her head against the wall behind the bed, Mari finally seemed to wake up. Natsumi didn't even have the courage or the time to get herself back to normal, simply sitting there on the bed, gaping, with a completely red face.

She composed herself as quick as she could, fumbling on the bedside table for her phone, desperate to change the subject, just to anything else than what she was thinking about right now. She grinned awkwardly as she pointed at her phone.

"A-actually, I've been thinking! Why don't we try calling up vice rep? She's aaalways so uptight, I thought we could take her somewhere and get her to open up a little ~ Besides just look at heeer! She has a petite body, ahh, I bet she's a total tsundere, I wanna dress her up so bad!" When she got into her groove, she completely forgot about any and all embarrassing things. "Heey, Mariiii, let's take her shoppinggg ~"[/bg]

Time: Friday, August 25th, morning | Location: Mari's home | Mood: Calm, longing | With: Mari-Anne @Kitsune


[bg=#000000]Avery had known exhaustion before, and the recently passed night was no different. She was sighing to herself now, as she lay there in her bed, tossing around at god-knows-what-o'clock. She groaned as she rolled out of bed. Her apartment was nothing special, some pictures here, a bit of personal effects there, she also had some decoration... but otherwise, she didn't really care what her house looked like. Practical, useful. That was all that really mattered. She wasn't rather attached to the place, as the hideout was starting to feel more and more like the real home she should be in right now. She groaned as she ruffled up in her hair, feeling much like she was carrying a heavy burden on her.

She really was god damn tired. But she also really couldn't sleep any longer... so she decided to go to the hideout, even if it was still early. She got up from her bed begrudgingly, going for a hot morning shower. There was no better feeling than that of waking up with a good shower. When she was dressed and ready, she left the house. A stray cat was sitting outside on the railing, looking expectantly at her. She gave just the slightest of smiles as she reached her hand out, offering the cat a treat. Surprisingly, it ate straight from her hand, calmly, without even hissing at her once. She nuzzled it behind the ears before she took off to the hideout.

When she got there, it was eerily quiet. She honestly wasn't expecting anyone to be there. She locked the door and headed straight for the office. She was surprised to actually find that the place wasn't completely occupied. Slumped over the desk, sleeping like she hadn't done so for months, was Natsume. Seeing their leader sleeping was something quite different for most, but Avery was used to it. She smiled as she walked over to the couch, taking a blanket with her to drape around Natsume's shoulders.

"You'll get sick like this, Boss..." She muttered, hoping that she didn't wake the other girl. As she was walking downstairs to cook, she suddenly felt her phone buzz in her pocket. When she saw the contents, she blushed, grumbled, and then groaned.

"There's no helping it, then..." She called the number of the person who had sent the text, all the while writing a note for Natsume.

Time: Friday, August 25th, morning | Location: Avery's home | Mood: Tired, tranquil | With: None


[bg=#000000]"Oh will you SHUT UP!!" Luca yelled, slamming his hand on the table. No, he wasn't yelling at his boyfriend (surprisingly) but at the alarm clock that he had just nearly broken. He stared down at the monstrous thing for a moment before looking over at Cas, who was looking at him with that smug, way too attractive "good morning there, sexy" face that Luca just couldn't stand, but also couldn't resist. He grumbled as he hit his boyfriend over the head, for no particular reason. He just needed to do that right now. He pouted slightly.

"You're the biggest idiot! Urgh, setting an alarm, are you fucking Satan..." He fell down against Cas again, feeling kinda cold. He was only in his underpants, after all... well, Cas was too anyway, but Cas was warm, Luca wasn't. He snuggled against his boyfriend, hugging him close as they moved under the blankets again. Yeah, he was just going to stay like this for a little while. He sighed as Cas patted his head.

"Hey can we just stay here forever? I don't want to get up..." He complained. It was too cold. Fuck that, fuck putting on clothes. He just wanted to stay like this forever. It was always like this with Luca in the mornings, and Cas had to practically drag him (even if Cas also wanted to sleep himself) to even get him to get out of bed. Eventually, Cas had just gotten used to it and made a game out of trying to find embarrassing ways to get Luca out of bed.

Today it was the bride-style carry. Again. "C-Caaas! You just did this last night, can you please not?!" But Cas wasn't listening, and Luca was struggling, and it looked incredibly weird for the two guys to stand there, Luca in Cas' arms, while he struggled, both of them in their underwear. They looked incredibly hilarious. Eventually Luca complied, and they emigrated to the living room, where Cas cooked them up some breakfast, and they sat hurdled together under blankets on the couch while watching TV. Mornings for the two of them were surprisingly calm, as opposed to all other aspects of their relationship.

Really, what a roller coaster it was to mix someone like Cas with someone like Luca. It was an explosive combo, but not only in the negative way. Another thing blown out of measure was their love for each other. Just sitting like this was making Luca feel like the most privileged guy in the world, and he sighed happily, this sound not escaping Cas. If he could just jump Cas right now...

But all he got was a kiss, which just made him pout and blush in anticipation. Well, no time for lying around doing nothing... he sighed as he finally managed to get up, shivering all the way to the shower. While he was in there, he realized he had forgotten his clothes, but as usual, Cas just waltzed right in and put it on the counter. When Luca was out, severely flustered that Cas had interrupted his bath time again again again, he cleaned up in Cas' room, making the bed and whatnot. What the heck am I doing? I feel strangely like a housewife right now... urgh, Cas!! Putting weird thoughts in my head!!![/bg]

Time: Friday, August 25th, morning | Location: Cas' home | Mood: Loving, flustered | With: Cassius @Kitsune

(NOTE: I write the time stamp at the end of the posts to signal that anything in a different time is a flashback :3)(WAIT WE AGREED THAT IT WAS FRIDAY RIGHT)

Time: Thursday, August 24th / Day 1 of Kimura's Arrival (Evening)
Location: Ryuuichi Hanayuki's Flower Shop --> Police Station
With: Ryuuichi Hanayuki (@oreo)

"Thank you for these delicate flowers. I hope they'll like them."

Kimura, having commemorated his "reunion" with his friend Ryuuichi Hanayuki, had purchased two Wisteria Flower Crowns; one for Telsa and one for Fujiko. The two always loved wearing flower crowns on top of their head, with the latter making Wisteria Flowers as her flora favorite. Navigating his way to the exit of the flower shop, Kimura made a waving gesture and spoke.

"Thanks for the Jasmine as well."

Outside, Kimura had placed the purchased flower crowns beside a bag of food supplies at the seat of his police car. He glanced up in the quickly-changing sky as it turned from bright to dark. "It's getting late, huh...?" Kimura pondered his thoughts as he chewed his surroundings before entering the car and drove.

It was already nighttime when Kimura arrived at HQ. Exiting the car, Kimura was met by salutes of several policemen that were on patrol.

"Any trouble that stirred while I was away?"

"No, sir! Surprisingly, we haven't found any suspicious activities throughout the area. It's either they were afraid of us, or are acting in secret."

"I see. The slimy bastards won't make their move. Not on our watch, anyways. Where's the lieutenant?"

"Lieutenant Anise went to hit the hay early, sir. She said she was exhausted."

"Heh. That girl only had fun all day long. So much for patrolling... You guys take your break as well. Inform the others that were on standby today to make their area patrol tomorrow."

"Sir!" The policeman gave another salute.

"Also, I'll be out of duty tomorrow. I have some things to attend to in this town. Lieutenant Anise will be in charge while I'm gone."

"Where will you be heading, captain?"

"...Just going to make amends with my past, I guess."


Time: Friday, August 25th / Day 2 of Kimura's arrival (Morning)
Location: Police Station --> Tanaka Gang HQ
With: ??? (whoever gets to answer the door :P)

It was the second day of their campaign in Rosedale Town. The sky lit and the sun rose as Kimura woke up from his slumber. He knew what he was going to do today. Getting up from his military-stile comfort bed, he cleaned and prepared himself. Kimura wasn't going to bring any weapon, at all. He's not out for a fight. It was going to be a little visit.

It was late morning, before he exited HQ and returned to his police car. The lieutenant was still asleep, being a heavy sleeper and all. He didn't want to bother waking her up, so he left without informing her on where he was going. She knew anyways, so it wouldn't have mattered. With a stern and serious look on his face, he eyed the road as he drove towards the still familiar road leading to his previous home; the HQ of the Tanaka Gang.


A seemingly abandoned home isolated from the rest of the town, and in it secretly resides the strongest gang in town, the "Tanaka Gang".

Kimura had stopped his police car in the area near said home, not wanting to attract any attention. He was alone, of course, as no one from the Military Police but him knows of their hiding place. Slowly exiting the car, he viewed the surrounding area. Yep, it was an isolated area alright. No people around. Pulling out the supplies that he had brought and taking them with him, he slowly approached the "abandoned" household.

It was quiet... too quiet.

Despite this, he wasn't nervous at all. Kimura was certain that they already knew of his arrival in town, and that they were prepared for him. But one thing's for sure. He wouldn't start trouble, and they wouldn't start trouble. Placing the supplies down and raising his hand, Kimura slowly knocked on the door. This was it. When that door opens, that would be the beginning of it all, yet again. As it did open, he flashed a smile and a greeting.

"Hello there... It's been a long while."
Scooby Doo. A classic, and one of Ryder's personal favorite cartoons. He didn't really like the new movies/series of today's generation, save for Scooby Doo Mystery Incorporated. They at least tried to maintain a story, not saying it lacked one. But, things did feel connected. And he liked that a bit, but today's stuff couldn't hold a candle to the cartoons from old.

Although, one does tend to get bored with it. Very quick. After watching fifteen episodes, he grew tired of it. But, he couldn't do anything that he'd normally do. Seeing as Kimura was back, and he'd only tick off Natsume and those who had helped him to the hospital if he was injured once more. Afterall, how'd one feel about someone they helped get all healed up, said person injuries themselves or worse? Not great.....Although....His radio did work, but his bike was most likely in a junkyard or somewhere in lockup. He'd have to ask Natsume.....But, she was most likely still asleep. Needless to say, he felt like it'd be a dick move to wake someone who had probably gone to sleep late at night. Evident to how he and a rare few felt sometimes when they had passed out at HQ.

On a few occasions, some people who had just been suddenly woken up were a bit...."Moody." He could confirm that himself.

But, alas. No matter the thought, he was always left with the same result. Nothing to do. Well, nothing to do aside form watching TV or listening to music.....Or reading a book.

His thoughts were dashed as there was a knock at the door.

'Who'd be here at this hour? Someone in the gang? Perhaps.' He thought to himself....May as well answer the door. He walked to said door and opened it.

"Hello there... It's been a long while."

Oh dear.

Kimura. The One Person leading the forces.

Ryder stood there, his motorcycle helmet hiding his surprise. Said surprise turned into caution. For this meant a ambush....But, there wasn't any S.W.A.T members behind Kimura. Then again, they could sneaking in.....But, Kimura would be in danger. One shot, and everything is over....So that is unlikely....But still, Ryder tensed a bit, waiting to see if there was going to be a surprise.

Or hear what Kimura had to say. Whichever.




Time: Friday, August 25th
Location: HQ Gardens, Hallway

With: Siegdrake and The Outsider
It was a lovely day at the garden as Fujiko finished up her pancakes and leisurely sipping her tea as her eyes scanned around the area. The bold and saucy tea roses, immediately caught her attention. Its soft red petals dancing in the air and its spiky green leaves waiting to be noticed. Next is the lilacs and daffodils, fluttering their petals as if in silent laughter at the secrets whispered to them by fluttering butterflies. The chorus line of pansies, garbed in gentle yellows and gold, add a hint of whimsy to the magnificent garden.

Hummingbirds dart among the the flowers sipping the sweet nectar. Bees buzz the heathers and collecting pollen from one flower to the others. Geraniums glistened with morning dew and Fujiko couldn't resist to smile towards it and admire its beauty.

In the centre of the garden, there was a pond as large as a small lake with flowering lily pads and a wooden bridge that showcases the beautiful koi carps swimming on the crystal clear water. The garden is one of her sanctuary where she can find peace and tranquility but as she finished her tea and gently placed the cup down on her table, the beautiful china suddenly cracked for some odd reason.

Now Fujiko doesn't believe much in superstitions but an ominous feeling quickly shrouds her heart. She suddenly felt nervous and scared, but most of all, she felt sicker than before. With shaky hands, the blue haired girl took a deep breath to calm down her nerves before leaving the comfort of her garden to place her cracked teacup in the kitchen.She just couldn't shake off the ominous feeling as she entered the house and waked down the hallway. Something is wrong and she felt like there's a great disturbance in the peace of the universe.

"Hello there... It's been a long while."

Fujiko stopped dead in her tracks like a deer caught in the headlights. There, standing at the front door is no other than her "big brother", Kimura. he looked exactly the same as she remembered him, only a tad bit older. After all these years, she can't believe she's hearing his voice and seeing him standing there in the front door with Ryder. I must be terribly sick she thought to herself. I feel like I'm going crazy. Its impossible right? Its impossible for him to comeback..

The tea cup she was holding left her fingers and shattered loudly against the hard wooden floor, snapping her out of her trance.

"Stop it. He's just my imagination" she mumbled placing a hand on her forehead and began rubbing her temples. "I should have taken my meds with me. First that odd feeling and now, hallucination." she muttered under her breath before crouching down and picking up the shards, not bothering to take a second glance at Kimura.

"Ryder, can you close the door? I'm hallucinating again. Also, I forgot to take my medicine so I was wondering if you can accompany me back to the apartment. I also need to show you an experiment of mine. It could help you 'clean' faster"

Ayaka shrugged briefly, seemingly thinking rather little of the person Kuro wanted to look for. It was none of her business, right? After all, if he wanted to say more, then he would, and if he didn't... Well, it didn't take Sherlocks to find the answer to that.

In any case, if that was over with, then...

"I'll take the couch. I suppose I've troubled you enough, so I won't ask you to get out another bed, though I suppose a blanket would do," she responded, letting out a breath as she would look for and sit down on said couch.

Was that last comment an attempt at being cute? She wondered to herself somewhat grumpily, idly looking up at the ceiling. Man, being at a boy's home... Huh. Ayaka was almost disappointed for some reason, though of course, that sensation would stop when she would realize she didn't exactly know why she felt a little disappointed, and she wasn't about to even entertain the notion of attempting to find out.




Natsume | August 24 | Morning | HQ

Sometime through the night, Natsume had found herself beginning to dose off. But, she had more important things to do then sleeping. At some point, late, the girl couldn't hold back the sleep anymore and she found herself drifting away into slumber.

It wasn't until morning when she awoke, feeling something fall on top of her. It wasn't that Avery was being loud; it was that Natsume was always ready for something to happen. She slowly opened her eyes while Avery was working on writing a letter apparently to her. "Avery…" Natsume mumbled, a bit sleepily. Natsume reached out her hand and gently touched Avery's arm, giving the young woman a small smile. It was Natsume's way of saying thanks for the blanket to her good friend. She and Avery were close, most likely closer than the other members in the gang. Yes, Natsume cared about all of them, but they saw her as the leader while Avery saw her as also a friend.

Natsume was about to speak more when the sound of some commotion near the door. There was also a familiar voice that Natsume at first believed she might be hearing because she was still half asleep. That voice was of Kimura. "Avery…I swear I just heard Kimura…never mind, that would be impossible. I see you're writing a note, most likely to me. Go ahead and so whatever you plan to do." After that Natsume got up, hearing other voices as well and decided to go check.

"Ryder, Fujiko, don't keep the door open," Natsume spoke as she was walking to it, not really paying attention to the fact that someone else was standing there.




Remi | August 25 | Morning | HQ

Remi rushed to the HQ, not taking long to get there. In fact, she was trying to get there so fast that when she arrived she went right passed Fujiko and Kimura, running inside. "Oh Ryder!" She shouted out when she entered the door. "Boy does Remi have a surprise for you. Go ahead and look outside in the garage. I bet you'll find your bike there again, courtesy of Natsume, Remi and a few friends of ours. I got a call last night about getting parts because our oh-so-wonderful and caring gang leader gave a friend a call to pick up your bike and get it fixed. She made him do it quickly because she knows how much you care about that thing. Though don't go riding it until your all better!"

The girl seemed as cheerful as ever, even when she realized there was someone else there who shouldn't be. She turned to look at him, noticing Kimura. "Stare…" she mumbled as she did just that to him. "Natsume! The mean veggie feeder Kimura is here!"

It was then that Natsume realized as well that Kimura was standing at the door and shockingly Natsume showed surprise. "Kimura…" It came out only lightly while she stared at the man in the doorway. It took her a moment; the girl almost seemed to be lost in thought or too much in shock even though she knew he would show up at one point. Perhaps even she wasn't ready for it yet. But, she was everyone leader and she needed to be a role model, the leader to them.

"Kimura," she spoke up. "I suppose you're going to want to come in. Then, like I said, don't keep the door open." She had to be their leader; she had to hide what she was feeling in front of them. She had to be calm and take control of the situation, even if it was Kimura that was standing at the doorway.

Vincent Yamaoka
Time: Morning | August 25
Mood: Fuck off, I just woke up.

Missing his alarm on his phone and instead knocking the phone further away from him, Vincent sat up and uttered several curses as he grabbed his phone and nearly pitched it at the wall. Instead he just tapped the 'dismiss' button... In an unhappy way. His bedroom was a pretty good size. had a nice comfortable bed, it was always clean in his room (which came as a surprise to most), it was also where it was the warmest. But Vincent was on his couch. Again. Sometimes he'd walk in to his apartment and just throw himself on the couch. It was closer, and... uh... That was a bout all the excuses he could give. After he finally stood up, he had the same shitty routine. Occasionally shaving, because that's just how it went. He ended up setting his alarm about an hour early for when he'd usually wake up. He did this so he could Work on his music. He took a guitar off a stand and just started playing a few riffs before he actually sat down and recorded. He had been working on one song for months, frankly he didn't want to stop working on it. He was continually getting better at playing and was constantly remaking different parts of the song. Besides, it was his way of venting. Sure he got some noise complaints, but he didn't give a fuck. After about half an hour of recording, Vincent slung the scabbard which housed his Tsurugi over his shoulder and adjusted it to sit properly on his back and shoulder. He gave his hair a quick ruffle and left for the gang's hideout.

On his way down the stairs to the ground floor, he saw some stray cat. He'd seen this cat before. It was okay, Vincent didn't hate it, but he didn't like it. He often would just give it a quick pet and keep moving. Which was exactly what he did. There was a few people on the ground floor, no one Vincent wanted to talk to, so he just continued out the front doors of the apartment building humming a bitter sweet tune. The day was perfect for the tune he was humming. With the sun high enough to just provide uncoloured light and an almost clear sky. Vincent sniffed after admiring the weather and started walking to the 'HQ'. He got a few looks for carrying a sheathed weapon on his back, but he just kept walking, what were they going to do? Stare him to death? Vincent hadn't really thought out his day, he just wanted to go to the HQ and just be there. It was a hell of a lot more interesting than rotting at home all day. Maybe he'd get to bust a few heads today. That'd be great- but not likely. Vincent slid his hands into his pockets and had a small smile on his face. He felt good... For once. Vincent finally arrived at the HQ after stopping to get himself a coffee. Some punk was standing at the door, Ryder being on the inside. He just kept walking, bumping his shoulder into the punk at the door. He got a few steps in the door before seeing that there was an obvious shock over who was at the door. Vincent thought he'd amuse himself, so he turned around while taking a drink.

He should've skipped the drink, because he was choking on it now. He had to take a second and give thumbs up to let those who actually cared know that he was fine. He set the rest of the drink down and returned his attention to Kimura-- the punk at the door. There wasn't much talking for a few seconds, Natsume chimed in and invited Kimura in... Of all things. If he tried anything, he wouldn't get far. Ryder was here with Vincent, so if Kimura truly wanted to start something he would have by now. Vincent was being uncharacteristically quiet. He cracked his knuckles and thought he'd change that. "So, how are you, you son of a bitch?" Vincent said this with a rather cheery tone to it. He didn't swear if he didn't like someone. He still respected Kimura, and frankly he hoped that the kid kept his sense of humor about him.
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Time: August 25th / Day 2 of Kimura's Arrival (Morning)
Location: Tanaka Gang HQ
With: Natsume, Remi, Ryder, Vincent and Fujiko (@ScarletNova @TheOutsider @DANAsaur @TwistedPainter)

The first person to open the door shall receive Kimura's unannounced greeting and smile...

And that person was Ryder Rowe. The man still had his helmet on, but it was clear from the moment of silence that spanned overtime that he was surprised to see him. He was seemingly weak and limp, with visible injuries on his person. Kimura wasn't shocked though, as he knew that being a "cleaner" wasn't an easy job.


Kimura uttered the name that he had called the helmet-clad male a long time ago. Their short stare-off was immediately interrupted at the sound of shattering glass. His eyes widened as he eyed the female behind Ryder; Fujiko Tachibana, a female member of the gang that he thought of as a legitimate "little sister". He saw her face in complete shock, which was evident by her action of suddenly dropping the tea cup that she was holding; hence the shattered glass.


"Ryder, can you close the door? I'm hallucinating again. Also, I forgot to take my medicine so I was wondering if you can accompany me back to the apartment. I also need to show you an experiment of mine. It could help you 'clean' faster."

Kimura's heart suddenly felt heavy as Fujiko ignored him and turned around, not bothering to look back. In retrospect, Kimura knew this was coming. He expected exactly that kind of reaction from her. He didn't say goodbye to her when he left the gang, and Kimura always felt bad for her and angry at himself for that ever since. But still, for him to actually feel that reaction from his "little sister", it pained him slightly. Kimura could only reply by giving a wry smile, indicating that he was a bit upset yet he needed to maintain a positive demeanor.

"Oh Ryder!"


The awkwardness of that moment intensified when Kimura heard taps of feet and tiptoes behind him. Turning around and glancing, Kimura saw a figure quickly waltzing past him. Blonde hair, unusual clothing, and an childishly unusual tone of speech for a teenage girl. The next person that Kimura would meet is Remi Yamada. She spoke to Ryder, yet she didn't seem to have noticed Kimura himself.

"Boy does Remi have a surprise for you. Go ahead and look outside in the garage. I bet you'll find your bike there again, courtesy of Natsume, Remi and a few friends of ours. I got a call last night about getting parts because our oh-so-wonderful and caring gang leader gave a friend a call to pick up your bike and get it fixed. She made him do it quickly because she knows how much you care about that thing. Though don't go riding it until your all better!"

It wasn't until that moment when Remi turned around, looking up at Kimura. She took the time to stare at him from head-to-toe, in an unusual manner. Remi mumbled as he scanned him.


"Hello, Remi." Kimura gave her a pat on the head, before she raised her voice in exclamation. At the same time, a faint voice came from behind Fujiko.

"Ryder, Fujiko, don't keep the door open--"

"Natsume! The mean veggie feeder is here!"

Kimura glanced over to the source of the faint voice. It's her.


There was another brief moment of silence, with the people present trading stares and glances at each other. It was apparent that uneasiness was stirring throughout that house at that moment. They expected Kimura to arrive in town, but not something as unexpected as this.



The silence had to be broken some time. And it did, with Natsume finally speaking to him for the first time in a very long while.

"Kimura... I suppose you're going to want to come in. Then, like I said, don't keep the door open."

Kimura looked at Natsume as he slowly nodded.

"If you'll pardon my intrusion... I actually bought curry that I can make for everyone."

Picking up the groceries, Kimura bowed down with seeming courtesy as he entered the humble abode of the Tanaka Gang. As he entered, another figure appeared in front of them. It was Vincent Yamaoka, a delinquent-looking man that was acquainted with Kimura before. His appearance hasn't changed that much, just like the other members of the gang.

"So, how are you, you son of a bitch?"

Yep, he hasn't changed at all. He was still mildly rude and prone to letting out profanity from his voice. Though it seemed to be mixed with surprise and cheerfulness, which was surprising considering his brash nature that Kimura knew and was aware of.

"You haven't changed at all, Yama-kun. I'm glad to see most of you haven't, as well. I like that. I've been fine... as you can see."

Kimura slowly approached the female who was frozen in place ever since she saw him; Fujiko. The young girl wasn't moving a muscle; she just had her back turned. Apparently yet unsurprisingly, Fujiko was that shell-shocked at finally seeing his face again. Kimura pulled out the Wisteria flower crown that he had purchased yesterday and placed it on top of her head; exactly like a princess wearing a crown indeed.

"... I'm back, Fu-chan."

With that said and done, Kimura smiled and turned around. Facing the other members of the gang that he was supposed to "eradicate", Kimura spoke to Natsume.

"Natsu-chan... can you please try to gather all of them? We need to talk about something."
Ryder continued to stare at Kimura. Even as Remi informed him of his bike's return. For as he closed the door almost mindlessly. For being called "Scar-Kun" sent him through a flashback. The old days when he had just joined up....Man, those were the days. He wore this old leather jacket that had the name 'Lone Wolf' with a wolf head on the back. Damn, that was lame. Then again, he was just in highschool and things like that seemed cool to him. Which is why his DJ source called him "Wolf." Back in the day, that is. Thank goodness the deity of fashion caught up with him and gladly taught him right from wrong. He had that thing stashed in a chest full of old trinkets every one in the gang buried in the backyard. "Hey, let's make a time capsule. So that someone in the future can see how bad Ryder's fashion sense is!" Someone said. He forgot who. He wondered if it was still back there, it probably was......Before long the flashbacks hurried along to that fire....Needless to say, he would've burned alive had it not been for Natsume.

That sent him back to the present.

Seeing as Kimura was there with.....Supplies to make curry. Someone was messing with him. Was he being pranked? Like, where was the police squad that was no doubt going to shove pies in his face/helmet?

It was something that he couldn't comprehend.

Well, he could. But....Ah, screw it. He leaned against the wall. Tape recorder in hand. You never know, there could a few moments where some quotes could be used. Cough-Let's get ready to rumble-Cough.

He was curious, as to see if his DJ source had anything planned....He'd have to ask when this "meeting" was over. It'd finally give him a reason to use that 'coupon' for that German tailor. The same one he saved from becoming the new paint job of a semi-truck.
Zuri Xael Varion
˙·٠•●♥ Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ ♥●•٠·˙
August 25th - Morning - HQ - Anything BUT happy
When Zuri woke up, she was greeted by the singing birds and the light entering through from the window. Today was going to be a good day. The girl quickly dressed up in her sailor uniform, grabbed her white cap, and pulled on her dark blue, knee high socks. She quickly picked up a rat, bird, and cat/dog whistle, and ran right out of her room to close the door. Zuri was usually one for waking up early, so she tried her best to sneak down to the kitchen to make herself a meal, and maybe some food for the others as well. She was gently humming to herself, and eventually finished making herself a nice stack of pancakes, just enough for everyone. Wow that took a while. She was usually the one who cooked for Tatsu in the morning, if you count leaving the food on the table and returning back to her room for him to just come down and eat as cooking, at least. This time, she made a stack of three pancakes for everyone, with some syrup. Not to forget the milk, afterall. She wasn't too great of a cook, so she ended up using the pre-made batter (Like just mixing it with water) and etc. Hey, it worked. She didn't burn anything.

Not too long after, she heard Natsume and Fujiko, along with Ryder, all get up. She ran out of the kitchen, and decided to let them all know that she had already made breakfast. "Um.. I've made breakfast already, so if you want to eat, you can just grab it from the kitchen or dining room." she informed them, smiling as though she accomplished something. Just then, there was a knock on the door. Maybe it was Suishou? The Monroe siblings? Oh well, she could be making more pancakes for them too, she had enough. When Fujiko opened the door, she was probably the first one (Next to Ryder) to freeze up. Zuri knew that face, that voice, anywhere. Rather than panicking, she just tipped her hat down, and scurried off into the guest room that Lysander was in, to wake him up. This was a pretty big deal.

Of course, there was a visible glare from under the girl's cap.

She slowly crept up on Lysander, gently shaking him back and forth in an attempt to wake him up... Okay, it was more of quick pokes. "Lysander...? There is something you better check out at the front door..."

@JinxMonster @Siegdrake @ScarletNova @Kaykay @DANAsaur @The Outsider


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"Alex go away." Lysander groaned before turning over to look at who he thought was his sister trying to wake him. His light green eyes slowly focused, noticing it was Zuri and not Alex the hacker quickly sat up. "Zuri? Sorry I thought you were Alex." Lysander rubbed his eyes then stood up to stretch. Noticing that he had only slept in a pair of pajama pants and was shirtless. Lysander walked around Zuri and grabbed his white hoodie and slipped it on. "What's going on now? Did you need something?" Lysander asked as he looked around the bed for his cell phone. He had wanted to see if Alex had texted him, letting him know she had got home ok. Surprisingly he found his phone plugged up on the desk that was in the room. After further inspection he found a bag of clothes and snacks as well. Alex must of stopped by and dropped this off while he was sleeping. He wonder if his sister was still in the HQ.

"Lysander...? There is something you better check out at the front door..."
The front door? Lysander was confused, but from the look Zuri was giving him it had to be something important. "Zuri what's wrong?" Lysander asked, but didn't get the chance to get a reply before he heard someone running passed the spare room they were in. He was able to look back just in time to see a glimpse of blonde hair going by. Alex? Lys moved over to the doorway, he was able to catch sight of his sister running down the stairs. "Alex!" What was going on? Not liking the feeling Lysander was getting, he grabbed Zuri's hand and chased after his sister.


After staying up till early in the morning going over the files Alexandra had made her way to one of the spare rooms to get a few hours of sleep. Being the morning person that she always had, it didn't matter what time she feel asleep she always awoke earlier then most. Once awake she decided to take a shower before heading to wake Lysander up. It didn't matter how long her brother got to sleep, if someone didn't wake him up the male could sleep well into the afternoon.

Alex had been walking down the hall heading to the spare room that Lysander was in when she heard a knock at the front door. Since she could hear the TV was on downstairs and movement, Alex decided to let someone else get the door. Just as Alex was passing the top of the steps a voice she hadn't been expecting was heard.
"Hello there... It's been a long while."

Alex froze, she turned slowly to see none other than Kimura standing at the door with Ryder. Alex stood there just looking at the man she once use to see as her brother. The same man that once had her trust but was so quick to betray her...to betray their whole gang. There was the sound of something breaking before Alex heard Fujiko. Before Alex had the chance to focus on what the girl had said Remi burst in and Vincent came following in not to long after. Everyone seemed to be shocked at Kimura's return, but no one was doing anything. Why wasn't anyone doing anything?

Alex didn't have much time to think about it, she quickly moved away from the top of the steps and hide to the side when someone started to make their way up the stairs. Alex watched as Zuri passed her, not noticing her leaning against the wall. Once Zuri was out of Alex's sight she turned around and headed back to the room that her bag was in. This couldn't be happening? Had Kimura really just up and walked up to their HQ after basically declaring war against them the other day? Alex quickly dumped the bag out and pushed the clothes around before her eyes landed on what she was looking for.

Alex looked down at the handgun that she carried in case of emergencies. Alex had always preferred hand to hand combat but when most gangs now a days handle guns. It was only natural that she had to adapt, Alex remembered how Lysander almost had a heart attack the first time he saw her with it. But none of that mattered right now. The only thing that mattered was Alex wanted answers and she planed on getting them.

Turning and leaving the room, Alex quickly made her way down the hall. She ran passed Lysander's room, not bothering to stop and see if he was awake. Though when she heard her name being called she knew he was. This didn't stop her though, Alex wasn't going to stand around shocked like the others.She was pissed and wanted answers. Making her way down the stairs, Alex turned to see everyone still standing in the hall. Moving passed the small group, Alex stopped once she had clear sight of Kimura.
"What are you doing here Kimura?"

@Nano @Siegdrake @ScarletNova @TwistedPainter @The Outsider @DANAsaur

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