• So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!

    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
Yes, I'd say it looks all good now. XD I'll add you to the accepted list.

THIS MEANS THAT I NEED TO WRITE A SUMMARY FOR YOU. Hoo boy. I almost forgot about that.

In the meantime, you should read the "general summary" that's listed on the OP.
Yes, summary. Definitely appreciate it. I'll go look at the general summary right now.


Should I make this my new avatar?

~vote now on your phones~
What is this?

20 minutes into Bealtes Albums and chill, and he gives you this look?

Beatle Rape Face?
It amuses me for some reason.
  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: Kagayours
What is this?

20 minutes into Bealtes Albums and chill, and he gives you this look?

Beatle Rape Face?
It amuses me for some reason.
XD Yeah, it's from the Beatles cartoon. I burst out laughing when I saw it, but that's probably at least partially because of the awkward cut to that still image (in case I still needed to list all the ways the editing in the show is awful).

In any case, I just knew I had to get a screencap of it, and immediately considered making it my avatar. XD Although I suppose it's not quite as amusing out-of-context...
Possible signature to match my hypothetical avatar??


I looked at the general summary and wow, dinosaurs. O_O I think I would've been completely lost without the general summary, though I still don't know where everyone is.
I looked at the general summary and wow, dinosaurs. O_O I think I would've been completely lost without the general summary, though I still don't know where everyone is.
Yeah, that's why I still need to write up a more specific summary. ^^" That might have to wait till tomorrow, though.

I'm sorry I've been so fixated on this dumb cartoon lately, BUT,


So here we have John, Paul, and George driving through the fog...

And then, walking on the road in front of them, there's Ringo, waving around a flashlight...



Do they

Do they not have functioning headlights...?

Because that is the only way that this scene would make any sense at all.

And even then,

not much.
Pffft, what cartoon is that?
The Beatles cartoon.

Now, I'm a huge fan of the Beatles, which I admit is probably the only reason why I'm even aware of this cartoon's existence, but... the cartoon is absolute shit.

I've been watching a lot of it recently due to that so-bad-it's-good effect as well as just morbid curiosity.... >_>

Huh, didn't know the the Beatles had their own cartoon series. Well it looks pretty old, and old stuff tend to have a bit more cheesy things in it.

Huh, didn't know the the Beatles had their own cartoon series. Well it looks pretty old, and old stuff tend to have a bit more cheesy things in it.
The cheesiness isn't the problem. I know that cartoons from this era were a lot more... campy. I've been trying to look past that.

That doesn't change the fact that the voice acting is awful, the animation is lazy, the writing makes zero sense, the jokes aren't any good (and most of them are super predictable), and the way they work in the songs is just... bizarre. Like, most of the songs already tell a story on their own. You'd think they could just write an episode around that. But no! They come up with these weirdly complex setups that are only marginally connected to the song at all.

Like, ok, there's a song called 'Honey Don't', which is a simple love song -- so they made it about Ringo getting involved in a rodeo of some kind and needing to ride a bull and so the bull's name was 'Honey'.

Then there's 'Baby's in Black', which is a surprisingly somber song about a girl mourning over her dead lover. So they made the cartoon segment about a vampire trying to force Paul to marry her (because she's a vampire and that gives her a good reason to wear black I guess???).

I'm not even sure what the song 'Long Tall Sally' is about. I think it's a love song? Anyway the cartoon bit is about John and Ringo putting on medieval armor that was apparently cursed and made them try to kill each other.

'Chains' is another love song. You know, using the idea of being chained up as a metaphor for being caught up in love? Anyway the cartoon made it about Ringo daydreaming about being the captain of a ship and then John, Paul, and George committed mutiny and eventually left Ringo chained up and LEFT HIM ALONE IN A SINKING SHIP TO DROWN AND THEN WALKED AWAY WITH CHEEKY GRINS ON THEIR FACES AS HE SCREAMED AND CRIED FOR HELP WHAT THE FUCK.

Oh and speaking of Ringo, they also made him into an idiot comic relief character. And that just seems... rude, you know, given that he's a real person and all that. >_> He deserves better...

Also, what does 'cheesiness' have to do with the screenshots I showed you? Because they don't even acknowledge the weirdness of what they're doing there. It just sort of... happens, much like all the other weird things in the show. And the only other thing they did with that segment was a joke about how the fog was so thick that Ringo couldn't even see his own nose, and that's how you know it's bad (GET IT BECAUSE RINGO'S NOSE IS BIG AHAHAHAHA- *cough**hack*)

And don't even get me started on how lazy the singalong segments are. Like, yes, ok, the singalongs are campy, but that's not my complaint about them.

My complaint is that they use it as an excuse to fill up a good 6-7 minutes per episode (given the fact that they play two songs back-to-back) and fill it with practically no animation whatsoever. It's mostly just still images, maybe a bit of really simple animation if you're lucky, with song lyrics stamped on top of it. And you know what singalong segments usually have some sort of icon or something bouncing on top of the words at the right time? Or at least shows the words being highlighted in time with the music? Well this one doesn't!! Because that would take effort, right? So instead, it just has the plain, unedited text, along with static, unanimated images. (And the images they put with the songs make about as much sense as the episode plots that they put with the real cartoon segments.)

I have honestly seen characters' body parts just straight up disappear during a frame of their animations. And they were looping animations so you just kept seeing the same mistake.

I can't even tell you how much recycled/reversed animation I've seen in this cartoon, even between episodes.

And now would probably be a good time to mention that the real Beatles aren't the voice actors. And the VA's that they do have sound nothing like the Beatles. They don't even sound like they're trying. And it makes the musical segments sound even clunkier when they edit them in, because it's just such a jarring transition into what is obviously the studio edit of a song sung by people who sound nothing like the VA's in the cartoon.

When the real John Lennon saw the character designs for this cartoon, he got so upset that he hid under a table. I honestly don't blame him.

Still, I would've expected Ringo to have a stronger reaction. He's by far the one who had it worst out of all of them in terms of these bastardized cartoon versions of them.

Also, I can't help but wonder who exactly the target audience was supposed to be for this cartoon. Because you'd think it would be aimed at all those young teen and pre-teen girls, you know, like, "oh those Beatlemaniacs will gobble up anything Beatles-related, so we don't have to put in any effort for them to watch!!" but the fangirls that chase these guys around are constantly portrayed as a nuisance at best and a legitimate threat to the boys' lives at worst. They're the closest thing the show has to a regular antagonist. And I just don't see why you would frame your target audience in that light. But if this show isn't for the head-over-heels fangirls, then who the hell else did they expect to watch it??

Point is this show is absolute garbage and the badness of it honestly astounds me even after how many episodes I've seen. Don't you tell me it's just 60's cheesiness. >:/
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The cheesiness isn't the problem. I know that cartoons from this era were a lot more... campy. I've been trying to look past that.

That doesn't change the fact that the voice acting is awful, the animation is lazy, the writing makes zero sense, the jokes aren't any good (and most of them are super predictable), and the way they work in the songs is just... bizarre. Like, most of the songs already tell a story on their own. You'd think they could just write an episode around that. But no! They come up with these weirdly complex setups that are only marginally connected to the song at all.

Like, ok, there's a song called 'Honey Don't', which is a simple love song -- so they made it about Ringo getting involved in a rodeo of some kind and needing to ride a bull and so the bull's name was 'Honey'.

Then there's 'Baby's in Black', which is a surprisingly somber song about a girl mourning over her dead lover. So they made the cartoon segment about a vampire trying to force Paul to marry her (because she's a vampire and that gives her a good reason to wear black I guess???).

I'm not even sure what the song 'Long Tall Sally' is about. I think it's a love song? Anyway the cartoon bit is about John and Ringo putting on medieval armor that was apparently cursed and made them try to kill each other.

'Chains' is another love song. You know, using the idea of being chained up as a metaphor for being caught up in love? Anyway the cartoon made it about Ringo daydreaming about being the captain of a ship and then John, Paul, and George committed mutiny and eventually left Ringo chained up and LEFT HIM ALONE IN A SINKING SHIP TO DROWN AND THEN WALKED AWAY WITH CHEEKY GRINS ON THEIR FACES AS HE SCREAMED AND CRIED FOR HELP WHAT THE FUCK.

Oh and speaking of Ringo, they also made him into an idiot comic relief character. And that just seems... rude, you know, given that he's a real person and all that. >_> He deserves better...

Also, what does 'cheesiness' have to do with the screenshots I showed you? Because they don't even acknowledge the weirdness of what they're doing there. It just sort of... happens, much like all the other weird things in the show. And the only other thing they did with that segment was a joke about how the fog was so thick that Ringo couldn't even see his own nose, and that's how you know it's bad (GET IT BECAUSE RINGO'S NOSE IS BIG AHAHAHAHA- *cough**hack*)

And don't even get me started on how lazy the singalong segments are. Like, yes, ok, the singalongs are campy, but that's not my complaint about them.

My complaint is that they use it as an excuse to fill up a good 6-7 minutes per episode (given the fact that they play two songs back-to-back) and fill it with practically no animation whatsoever. It's mostly just still images, maybe a bit of really simple animation if you're lucky, with song lyrics stamped on top of it. And you know what singalong segments usually have some sort of icon or something bouncing on top of the words at the right time? Or at least shows the words being highlighted in time with the music? Well this one doesn't!! Because that would take effort, right? So instead, it just has the plain, unedited text, along with static, unanimated images. (And the images they put with the songs make about as much sense as the episode plots that they put with the real cartoon segments.)

I have honestly seen characters' body parts just straight up disappear during a frame of their animations. And they were looping animations so you just kept seeing the same mistake.

I can't even tell you how much recycled/reversed animation I've seen in this cartoon, even between episodes.

And now would probably be a good time to mention that the real Beatles aren't the voice actors. And the VA's that they do have sound nothing like the Beatles. They don't even sound like they're trying. And it makes the musical segments sound even clunkier when they edit them in, because it's just such a jarring transition into what is obviously the studio edit of a song sung by people who sound nothing like the VA's in the cartoon.

I have also seen them apply lip synching animations to the wrong character during these segments (ie: making Paul's lips move when it's supposed to be John singing, etc).

When the real John Lennon saw the character designs for this cartoon, he got so upset that he hid under a table. I honestly don't blame him.

Still, I would've expected Ringo to have a stronger reaction. He's by far the one who had it worst out of all of them in terms of these bastardized cartoon versions of them.

Also, I can't help but wonder who exactly the target audience was supposed to be for this cartoon. Because you'd think it would be aimed at all those young teen and pre-teen girls, you know, like, "oh those Beatlemaniacs will gobble up anything Beatles-related, so we don't have to put in any effort for them to watch!!" but the fangirls that chase these guys around are constantly portrayed as a nuisance at best and a legitimate threat to the boys' lives at worst. They're the closest thing the show has to a regular antagonist. And I just don't see why you would frame your target audience in that light. But if this show isn't for the head-over-heels fangirls, then who the hell else did they expect to watch it??

Point is this show is absolute garbage and the badness of it honestly astounds me even after how many episodes I've seen. Don't you tell me it's just 60's cheesiness. >:/
...Oh my. That bad? O________O Welp, note to self, don't watch it ever. That's disrespectful if they're portrayed as worse than the originals.
...Oh my. That bad? O________O Welp, note to self, don't watch it ever.
I mean, if you're into that "so bad it's good" sort of thing, then I'd actually recommend i-

That's disrespectful if they're portrayed as worse than the originals.
... *narrows eyes* What's that supposed to mean?

fhdsklghdsklhg I'm not saying that the Beatles are a bad band. They're really good. It's just the way you worded their portrayal in the tv show that made me not want to watch it if they butcher the originals like that. Sorry if it sounded like that I was saying they were bad. OTL

fhdsklghdsklhg I'm not saying that the Beatles are a bad band. They're really good. It's just the way you worded their portrayal in the tv show that made me not want to watch it if they butcher the originals like that. Sorry if it sounded like that I was saying they were bad. OTL
Oh. Well, I mean, yeah, the cartoon is bad, but uh... the only band member they really 'butchered' was Ringo. Most of the rest of them don't have much of any personality at all. >_> Beyond that... yeah, the cartoon is shitty, but, it's not like you can really fuck up their music, right?

Oh wait I forgot about how awkward the editing is in some places ahahahaha.

BUT YEAH the shit they do to Ringo is honestly kind of cringe-worthy, so I can see what you mean.

ALSO, RACISM. But I guess that's just another product-of-the-times sort of thing... I don't expect very much political correctness from a cartoon made in the mid-60's.