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ALSO, apparently Ringo recently tweeted about going to a Who concert and he ended the tweet with something along the lines of "what an amazing drummer", and I saw a lot of people on Tumblr laughing at that part in particular, which made me think I was missing something. So then I thought -- who is their current drummer, anyway? I mean I know the Who's original drummer was Keith Moon, but he's dead now so they must have someone else.

So I looked it up.

It's Zak Starkey. ...Ringo's son.

Yes, I... I see why everyone else was amused, now. XD


In other news, throughout the course of this game, I have successfully captured five different legendary Pokemon that I already owned. ... :I
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O_o What happened to the Paul McCartney theme thing?
O_o What happened to the Paul McCartney theme thing?
o_o I watched the newest SU episode (according to US airdates, anyway, since I refuse to let France win), and I decided that Lapis' facial expressions were amazing and I needed one as my avatar. I then spent quite a long time trying to figure out which one to go with. Then I also spent a long time trying to get the gif in my signature to animate properly, since apparently I fucked something up when I tried to resize it.

I didn't realize Paulie would be missed so much. o_o I didn't think anyone else would care.

Edit: BUT UM, my user title is a John Lennon lyric, if that means anything. I haven't completely lost it. o_o
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I would just like to announce that Bernie Sanders challenged Donald Trump to a presidential debate. And Trump agreed. And they want to use this event to raise money for charity. Weirdest part: the charity thing was Trump's idea.

Also, Bernie was super salty about the questions he wanted to ask, like, "Yeah I'm just going to ask him basic things, like his thoughts on minimum wage, and why he thinks it's a good idea to divide the country and pit us against each other"

And neither of them have any reason for this...? I mean, if anything, Trump's the only one with anything to gain, here. So I'm not sure why Sanders wanted this.

Hillary has already gone on record in stating that she thinks this is ridiculous. And I can't really blame her for that.

Is it just... like... was he thinking "if I can't win, I can at least stop Trump from winning", but instead of doing that by supporting Hillary he just decided to go straight for the target in a very unconventional stunt...?

Also, I have definitely noticed that both Trump and Sanders, in their respective parties' primaries, have been very influential regarding the, uh... etiquette of their debates. Sanders made the democratic debates very respectful and very focused on the real issues. Trump made the Republican debates downright ludicrous and merely a collection of personal attacks. This feels like it's an unstoppable force meeting an immovable object and I just don't know what's going to happen.
Uhm, guys? I think I broke something O_o .


That Achievement message you see in the top left? You're supposed to get it for beating one of the local Superbosses. Not for blasting your own character so that he revives at low HP and will do more damage... Unless the game is trying to tell me that Auron is the Nemesis? *shrugs*
Ok... so... good news: Gwazi was active on Facebook yesterday (which is an improvement over the previous situation of seeing no activity from him since, like, last Tuesday or whatever). So, at least we know he isn't without internet or something like that.

Bad news: He did not respond to any of my messages. So, I still have no idea why he's being so silent and why he's disappeared from Iwaku for more than a week. If anything, the fact that he was online and active for a period of time, saw my posts, and didn't respond to them is even more concerning... it's like he's avoiding me for some reason, though that seems very unlike him.

Ugly news: This post makes me sound like a fucking stalker wtf. >_>
Update: I didn't notice this post from him:
For those wondering where I've been... Turns out the secret police were right. The terrorists got me.
...It sure would be nice to get a serious answer. >_>
>controversy spreading around Tumblr that's annoying for 1001 reasons

*long sigh*
*cracks knuckles*


There. It's done. I ain't getting involved in this shit.

Also I had to use google to make sure I was even spelling his name right and the very first search result was also about said controversy so that's great.

Whatever. It's not worth screaming into the blue, uncaring void.
>controversy spreading around Tumblr that's annoying for 1001 reasons

*long sigh*
*cracks knuckles*


There. It's done. I ain't getting involved in this shit.

Also I had to use google to make sure I was even spelling his name right and the very first search result was also about said controversy so that's great.

Whatever. It's not worth screaming into the blue, uncaring void.
Rooster teeth and Gravity falls?
Rooster teeth and Gravity falls?
Rooster Teeth is a fandom that I am not in but I have friends who post about it a lot, so I blacklisted it so that it wouldn't clutter my dash as much.

Gravity Falls is a show that I like, but that I have yet to actually finish (I planned on quickly watching the last handful of episodes on Netflix once the semester ended, since it's really only the last few episodes that I haven't seen, buuuut then the TV broke, sooo...). Anyway, I blacklisted it to avoid spoilers.

...Johnny Depp was really the focus of that screenshot.

Edit: I suppose it makes sense that you'd think the other two are new, though, since I temporarily removed them from the list when I made that other screenshot in order to make my point more clear. ...And I didn't feel like doing that with all of them this time.
ALSO! I'll try to get a post for Touhou out tomorrow >_<.
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She hums her theme song (or any of the different Pokemon themes depending on what she feels like humming though she usually sings the origional) and dances in her kitchen when she thinks no one's looking.
Now I just really want to know who exactly it is that's spying on her in the privacy of her own home.


I had a song that I wanted to link to as a follow-up to that comment, but all I could find was this Japanese cover of it that leaves all the lyrics in English and now I can't stop laughing at their pronunciation. XD

Here are the lyrics by themselves if you wanted to figure out where I was going with that.

Anyway!! The CS looks good to me. I'll add you to the accepted list in a second. ^^

And now all I need to do is get you a summary of where everyone is which is so much easier now that I have a "general summary" on the OP. OwO So uh... you can start by reading that to get up-to-speed. XD
Now I just really want to know who exactly it is that's spying on her in the privacy of her own home.


I had a song that I wanted to link to as a follow-up to that comment, but all I could find was this Japanese cover of it that leaves all the lyrics in English and now I can't stop laughing at their pronunciation. XD

Here are the lyrics by themselves if you wanted to figure out where I was going with that.

Anyway!! The CS looks good to me. I'll add you to the accepted list in a second. ^^

And now all I need to do is get you a summary of where everyone is which is so much easier now that I have a "general summary" on the OP. OwO So uh... you can start by reading that to get up-to-speed. XD

Lol, okay.

Many of her Pokemon would just find it amusing to randomly walk into the kitchen to see if she'll feed them and just happen to see her dancing.