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Speaking of coincidence, because this is one, I found out that Douglas Adams, ( creator of the t.v, radio and novels for Hitchhikers guide to the galaxy.) was also the writer for three stories for Doctor Who; he also served as script editor for the show's seventeenth season in 1979.
So would doctor who and Hitchhike already kinda know each other? Besides having the same writer for a period of time, there were also alot of references to the Hitchhike universe in the recent Doctor Who.
Speaking of coincidence, because this is one, I found out that Douglas Adams, ( creator of the t.v, radio and novels for Hitchhikers guide to the galaxy.) was also the writer for three stories for Doctor Who; he also served as script editor for the show's seventeenth season in 1979.
So would doctor who and Hitchhike already kinda know each other? Besides having the same writer for a period of time, there were also alot of references to the Hitchhike universe in the recent Doctor Who.
Yeah, I remember hearing something about Douglas Adams in Doctor Who. I think I even recall seeing his name in the credits or something. Did he write for New Who or Classic Who?

Either way, yeah, seems plausible that they'd know each other. Even if Douglas Adams wasn't involved, there's still the fact that they're two incredibly popular sci-fi series. (In fact, all this RP needs now is Star Trek and Firefly and we'd pretty much have all the sci-fi essentials.) And they're both fairly old, so they'd probably know each other from years and years back, even... So yeah, that makes perfect sense to me. XD
Yeah, I remember hearing something about Douglas Adams in Doctor Who. I think I even recall seeing his name in the credits or something. Did he write for New Who or Classic Who?

Either way, yeah, seems plausible that they'd know each other. Even if Douglas Adams wasn't involved, there's still the fact that they're two incredibly popular sci-fi series. (In fact, all this RP needs now is Star Trek and Firefly and we'd pretty much have all the sci-fi essentials.) And they're both fairly old, so they'd probably know each other from years and years back, even... So yeah, that makes perfect sense to me. XD

Old Who. He died in 2001, so, he may have had some influence on New Who, he would have written for Old Who.
There, a post has been made for Megaman. Touhou and FF should follow tomorrow, if all goes well.
....You know.

Other fandoms are allowed to know what Star Wars is.

It's sort of like the Beatles -- you can't not know that name.

There's nothing wrong with fandoms recognizing a light saber for what it is. XD
ALSO @Rowdybull Out of curiosity, I tried looking up which episodes of Doctor Who exactly Douglas Adams worked on.

One of them is an infamously lost episode (although it's "lost" in a completely different way than most of the Doctor Who "lost episodes" are), and one of them... well, I was going to say that I never saw it on account of Netflix rentals not having it, but then I realized that now they do! Because the DVD rental part of Netflix actually has a decent amount of Classic Who, and they actually bother to stock up on episodes that they're missing every once in a while. Unlike that other service that Netflix is much more well-known for, which has an absolutely pitiful "collection" of Classic Who episodes, and doesn't have nearly as much content in general.

But, of course, no one ever considers that there might actually be advantages to ordering physical DVD's from Netflix. Noooo, any time I mention that I get DVD rentals instead of streaming, people's first question is almost always "why". Well, this is one of the reasons why.

...So uh, anyway, thank you for reminding me to check Netflix for new Classic Who additions! XD
Oh! Your welcome!
Also just watched a few snippets where the tenth doctor says he had met arthur dent, or that his actions were 'very arthur dent' or something like that.
Arthur Dent is the main character of Hitchhike.
Yeah, what a coinky-dink
Oh! Your welcome!
Also just watched a few snippets where the tenth doctor says he had met arthur dent, or that his actions were 'very arthur dent' or something like that.
Arthur Dent is the main character of Hitchhike.
Yeah, what a coinky-dink
Yeah, the Doctor has a habit of name-dropping.

Maybe tomorrow I'll look through my Who-ology book (that is an actual book that I own...) and see if I can find any other tidbits like that.

Actually, now that I think about it, I'm pretty sure there's an entire section about HGTTG in there, so... XD
Yeah, the Doctor has a habit of name-dropping.

Maybe tomorrow I'll look through my Who-ology book (that is an actual book that I own...) and see if I can find any other tidbits like that.

Actually, now that I think about it, I'm pretty sure there's an entire section about HGTTG in there, so... XD

In 'Rings of Akhaten', the Doctor mentions the HooLooVoo, which is a race from Hitchhiker's Guide.

'Life, the Universe, and Everything' was originally a Doctor Who story, actually.
Also, before I forget and let this image sit on my desktop for the next week:


I am just... really baffled by Netflix's search algorithm sometimes.

I should probably clarify that the Doctor Who search result that you're seeing here isn't even what I was looking for, because, as you might've noticed, it only includes New Who. And the Classic Who episodes, instead of being organized into a neat little list like every other TV show on Netflix, have to be searched for individually based on the title of each arc... which is... kind of annoying.

But, even if that wasn't the case... I just... have no idea why Avengers would turn up so high on this list.

I'm used to getting really far-off search results at this point, but, usually, said results have at least one word in common with the title or something, so I can at least understand how it got there, but, in this case, I just... yeah.

OH, AND ON THE TOPIC OF NETFLIX BEING WEIRD, it isn't just the Classic episodes that have to be searched for individually by title like that -- because they do the same thing with those David Tennant specials that land between season 4 and The End of Time (even on their streaming service!), which apparently leads to a lot of people accidentally skipping those episodes due to not even realizing that they exist... so... yeah.

In 'Rings of Akhaten', the Doctor mentions the HooLooVoo, which is a race from Hitchhiker's Guide.

'Life, the Universe, and Everything' was originally a Doctor Who story, actually.

...That's about all I got off the top of my head in regards to Doctor Who referencing other popular sci-fi.

ALSO, WHILE WE'RE RAMBLING ABOUT WEIRD DOCTOR WHO TIDBITS, there was one episode in the Classic series (and I mean late Classic series, to clarify -- like, an episode that aired in the late 80's) that was set in 1963, and, as you can imagine, they had a lot of fun making a bunch of references to Hartnell's era and all that, and a lot of it was pretty clever and fun to see. ...But there was this one scene, where there's a TV on in the background, tuned to BBC -- which wasn't too surprising, as the Classic series had already made it clear quite a few times by this point that the BBC was still a thing that existed in-canon (usually only by referencing its existence as a news organization, though). But then, just before the scene ends, the camera just sort of lingers on this TV for a second as you hear them say something about, "the premiere of our new science fiction series, Doc-" and it cuts off right there as it transitions to the next scene.

...I believe that was the point where I had to stop watching for the night and decided I would continue the next day, as I just couldn't get over what I just saw and had to go sleep it off.

...Doctor Who is a weird show. XD
I once saw something that was like, "imagine being one of the first people to see the first Doctor regenerate. You'd be like 'Did he just... Die?' And then be extremely confused when a new guy began to play him."
I once saw something that was like, "imagine being one of the first people to see the first Doctor regenerate. You'd be like 'Did he just... Die?' And then be extremely confused when a new guy began to play him."

You'd have to wait for the first 2nd Doctor episode for any explanation of what happened there, and even then, I feel like it would come off as really bizarre and out-of-nowhere, seeing as this was not an established part of the show at the time. The writers and producers of the show literally thought this up at practically the last minute just so that they could replace William Hartnell (who was becoming too old and sickly to act, and they'd have to cancel the show if they couldn't replace him), and even they knew what an incredibly risky and experimental choice this was. @_@ I can only imagine what a deus ex machina it must've looked like at the time...

Thankfully though, the Doctor's first regeneration actually happened mid-season, so, at least it wouldn't have been too long of a wait before things were explained. XD
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You'd have to wait for the first 2nd Doctor episode for any explanation of what happened there, and even then, I feel like it would come off as really bizarre and out-of-nowhere, seeing as this was not an established part of the show at the time. The writers and producers of the show literally thought this up at practically the last minute just so that they could replace William Hartnell (who was becoming too old and sickly to act, and they'd have to cancel the show if they couldn't replace him), and even they knew what an incredibly risky and experimental choice this was. @_@ I can only imagine what a deus ex machina it must've looked like at the time...

Thankfully though, the Doctor's first regeneration actually happened mid-season, so, at least it wouldn't have been too long of a wait before things were explained. XD

"Well, that was a short series. They cancelled it at the half-season!"

*Goes off to do generic 60's things*

must sleeeeeeeppppppp so i can wake up in time for it. and also for a doctor's appointment....
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I literally just realized I didn't have this on watch and I also posted in the present tense for some bizarre reason in my last post. Say no to finals, kiddos...
@Gen. Magic Senpai




This is beautiful! <3

@Rowdybull , @Soulless , @Gen. Magic Senpai , what do you think? Is the currently forming group getting too big and I should have ADR go to Mass Effect, or is there room for one more with the current group? Or I could do both and have him approach the first group before heading off to find Mass Effect. His compass could take him to the first group, then to Mass Effect.

And speaking of which, Gen, would ADR have already been acquainted with Star Wars and/or Mass Effect. Like I said before, I wouldn't expect such large fandoms as yours to know such a small fandom as mine, but it's possible that he could have run into either of them in the past because of his wandering around.

I suggest spreading out your characters.
In other words going with Mass Effect.

And honestly, me as a player knows too little about your fandoms for me to accurate have Star Wars recognize then I think. :/
I suggest spreading out your characters.
In other words going with Mass Effect.

And honestly, me as a player knows too little about your fandoms for me to accurate have Star Wars recognize then I think. :/
Just because Star Wars isn't acquainted with smaller fandoms doesn't mean they wouldn't recognize him, though, if that's what @AquaTheLita was asking about.

Beatles and Doctor Who are two good examples of more widely-recognized fandoms that most people seem to recognize at first even if he doesn't recognize them.

...One of these days, some smaller fandom is going to act like they know Doctor Who a bit too well, and he's going to start to think that they met out-of-order like a River Song thing.

Remember when I said something about finally downloading Steam so that I could play Undertale? (@Gen. Magic Senpai probably remembers).

Anyway, I really only just wanted Undertale, so, I've pretty much been ignoring just about every other Steam-related thing on my computer (and I'm actually kind of annoyed by the fact that it automatically opens up every time I turn on my computer, and I can't find a way to make it not do that...), because I just don't care about all this other gaming stuff, I don't want to spend more money, and I could just do without all the clutter.

Now, Undertale, if I may ramble about it... is a really good game. And, I think what makes it so good is the way that you don't have to kill any of your enemies. And, when you do kill your enemies, there's just so much more of an emotional weight to it, especially where it concerns main characters and really anything more than a random encounter. It's... hard to explain how exactly they pull it off so well, but, they just do. And, when you kill a character, they die, and they don't come back. And you keep being reminded of their death as you go on, because there are all these little things in the game that are different because of it -- their house is still there, but it's empty, and there are other characters that knew them who, even if they don't know that they're dead, will probably at least notice the fact that said character suddenly "disappeared" or whatever, and maybe at one point you'll just be chatting it up with some NPC who's talking about her son and then you'll realize that the person she's describing is an underling that you killed -- because these people have lives and then you go and destroy them and... yeah. And I think it really helps that you don't have to kill any of these characters. It's possible to get through the game without killing anyone, but, you know, sometimes it's really difficult to work things out non-violently, especially if you're being attacked, and especially if you're being fucked over by earlier decisions that you made because every little thing comes back to bite you in this game, I swear, and sometimes you might be fighting a character who's sort of impossible to reason with because of how angry they are at you for things that you did earlier, so... yeah. But because you know you could've progressed without killing anyone, it just makes it feel so much more... real when you're reminded of a character that you killed, knowing that it didn't have to be this way. (Conversely, sometimes it just feels weird to see a character that you didn't kill become a friend of yours or something, and it's just so weird to think that you could've killed them. Even if you wouldn't want to, it's just... yeah.)

And, I haven't been a perfect pacifist in my playthrough so far. The remorse that comes with killing creatures in this game is certainly a deterrent, but, there are plenty of aggressive underlings that I didn't feel moved enough to spare, and, there are even a few major characters that I felt really bad about killing, but, it just felt like I didn't have a choice at the time... >.<

So... remember what I said about Steam starting up automatically every time I turn on my computer? Well, this morning I saw Steam telling me that I had "two new items" or something, which... confused me, because I had no idea what it could possibly be referring to, having only used Steam to purchase Undertale and absolutely nothing else.

So I looked at what it was referring to... and I saw this:


And I was just... no, no, noooooo....


These... these are practically trophies.

Trophies for the characters THAT I FEEL AWFUL ABOUT KILLING. ;_;

No no no no I did not ask for this! I did not in any way ask for this!!!

And I even have the option of selling these for real money! I mean, not very much, but, still! Real money! And that just feels like an even more callous thing to do... DX I don't even have the heart to use that pie that Toriel baked for me (which is supposed to be an HP-restoring item) because I feel so completely awful about what I did and now that pie slice is all I have left of her and Steam decides to do this to me.




Wow, this was a long rant...
Now, Undertale, if I may ramble about it... is a really good game. And, I think what makes it so good is the way that you don't have to kill any of your enemies. And, when you do kill your enemies, there's just so much more of an emotional weight to it, especially where it concerns main characters and really anything more than a random encounter. It's... hard to explain how exactly they pull it off so well, but, they just do. And, when you kill a character, they die, and they don't come back. And you keep being reminded of their death as you go on, because there are all these little things in the game that are different because of it -- their house is still there, but it's empty, and there are other characters that knew them who, even if they don't know that they're dead, will probably at least notice the fact that said character suddenly "disappeared" or whatever, and maybe at one point you'll just be chatting it up with some NPC who's talking about her son and then you'll realize that the person she's describing is an underling that you killed -- because these people have lives and then you go and destroy them and... yeah. And I think it really helps that you don't have to kill any of these characters. It's possible to get through the game without killing anyone, but, you know, sometimes it's really difficult to work things out non-violently, especially if you're being attacked, and especially if you're being fucked over by earlier decisions that you made because every little thing comes back to bite you in this game, I swear, and sometimes you might be fighting a character who's sort of impossible to reason with because of how angry they are at you for things that you did earlier, so... yeah. But because you know you could've progressed without killing anyone, it just makes it feel so much more... real when you're reminded of a character that you killed, knowing that it didn't have to be this way. (Conversely, sometimes it just feels weird to see a character that you didn't kill become a friend of yours or something, and it's just so weird to think that you could've killed them. Even if you wouldn't want to, it's just... yeah.)

And, I haven't been a perfect pacifist in my playthrough so far. The remorse that comes with killing creatures in this game is certainly a deterrent, but, there are plenty of aggressive underlings that I didn't feel moved enough to spare, and, there are even a few major characters that I felt really bad about killing, but, it just felt like I didn't have a choice at the time... >.<
Ok... This alone makes me really want to get the game myself.
These... these are practically trophies.

Trophies for the characters THAT I FEEL AWFUL ABOUT KILLING. ;_;

No no no no I did not ask for this! I did not in any way ask for this!!!

And I even have the option of selling these for real money! I mean, not very much, but, still! Real money! And that just feels like an even more callous thing to do... DX I don't even have the heart to use that pie that Toriel baked for me (which is supposed to be an HP-restoring item) because I feel so completely awful about what I did and now that pie slice is all I have left of her and Steam decides to do this to me.




Wow, this was a long rant...
They weren't given to you for specific actions.
They're timed, each game with those cards gives you four of them once you've played for long enough.

I made about 10-15 dollars so far from all the cards I've sold.