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In other news, FLCL is one hell of an anime.

In other news, FLCL is one hell of an anime.
that one's on my list of things to watch. how's it going so far?

@neobullseye I GOT THAT VII REFERENCE i mean it's not really surprising with the way that news has been circulating BUT I STILL GOT THAT
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Hm, fandoms I'd like to see...

Lord of the Rings is definitely one
I'd like to see Assassin's Creed come back
and Portal while we're at it
Creepypasta/Marble Hornets
Star Wars
How To Train Your Dragon

Maybe some modern bandoms but idk which ones
oh wait, fandoms we want to see?

Adventure Time
Code Geass
Teen Titans
Les Miserables
Star Trek

is there a Shakespeare fandom because yes
probably more, but that's all I can think of right now
that one's on my list of things to watch. how's it going so far?

It's... strange. I had heard people compare it to Yellow Submarine before I started watching it, and now I can see why. Except, Yellow Submarine, despite clearly being an acid trip, was still generally pretty upbeat and just gave you a good feeling the whole way through, whereas this is... unsettling. Like, it has some really over-the-top moments that I can't quite always tell whether they're being played for laughs or they're supposed to be taken seriously, and then it also has these moments where the entire thing just seems to start tripping out and suddenly you get sucked into some sort of weird nightmare, only to get pulled out of it as the climatic fight scene of the episode begins with whatever strange creature is going to come out of the protagonist's head this time around.

Also it's really hard to follow sometimes but I feel like I just... don't care? Like... it's just an interesting experience and I sort of don't mind if I can't catch every plot point.

Also there are parts were I just feel like it's trying to say something deep but I just can't figure out what...? Like, the main character always seems to get punished with all this weird shit happening to him whenever he sees "something dirty" (apparently this has to do with some sort of curse...? I think...?), but, I'm starting to notice, he's actually incredibly closed off most of the time and really doesn't want anything to do with all the sexual stuff going on around him, and it's everyone else who's perverted, but he gets smacked with this curse whenever he so much as accidentally walks in on what other people are doing, so... I dunno, just something I noticed.

And if you want an idea of the more ridiculous stuff that goes on...

Imagine a satellite falling out of orbit, causing the sky to light up all the colors of LSD as it enters the atmosphere, and the only way to blow the thing up is for this kid to deflect some sort of satellite-destroying missile at it -- except the missile looks a lot like a giant baseball, and this kid has to use a guitar (which was retrieved from the inside of his head, by the way) as a bat to hit the thing and send it back at the satellite.

And that's the only ending I've seen thus far that didn't involve a bunch of fighting robots -- robots that came out of people's heads, mind you. So like... yeah. This anime is weird, and weird in a different way than most weird animes, but I... really enjoy it for that? It's hard to put into words.

Also, despite it only being six episodes long, I've kind of been taking my time getting through it just because I need a good chunk of time to process each episode...

OH, and the music's pretty good, too. The ending theme I find especially catchy.
The Who (because we totally need another classic rock fandom from the 60's who would have almost the exact same suit and haircut as the Beatles… right?)
Not to mention having two fandoms with almost identical names, which totally isn't going to confuse aynone :P
  • Bucket of Rainbows
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I think I'll probably have Dragon Age be near the air ship crash site...
In line with that...Post should be up tomorrow.

Sleep is such a nuisance.
Meanwhile, a certain person has just found... 'access' to Samurai Pizza Cats again. Why is this show so freaking hilarious? XD
Meanwhile, a certain person has just found... 'access' to Samurai Pizza Cats again. Why is this show so freaking hilarious? XD

Samurai Pizza Cats?
Samurai Pizza Cats?
Imagine the following scenario: A group has to make a translation for an anime combination of Power Rangers and TMNT, but with, well, Samurai Pizza Cats. However, the original script was either lost, unreadable or simply too Japanese, depending on who you ask. So instead of bothering to properly translate it, they made it into what's essentially an Abridged version chock-full of hilarious references and meta-jokes. The end result is a Gag dub that's more famous than the original XD.
I'm watching the Russian 2018 worldcup preliminary draw (football) and by god is it the definition of cringe.

The crowd is bored, two of the most corrupt people on earth are standing right next to each other.

And instead of actually doing the qualification draws...its smooth jazz and naked people on horses.

I don't....even
I'm watching the Russian 2018 worldcup preliminary draw (football) and by god is it the definition of cringe.

The crowd is bored, two of the most corrupt people on earth are standing right next to each other.

And instead of actually doing the qualification draws...its smooth jazz and naked people on horses.

I don't....even

Personally I think I'd get more enjoyment out of smooth jazz and naked people on horses than I would out of a sports game but I mean that's just me.
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Personally I think I'd get more enjoyment out of smooth jazz and naked people on horses than I would out of a sports game but I mean that's just me.

The woman presenter (whose like a supermodel or something) changes her dress every break....which is every twenty minutes.

Like....Seriously, how can she do it so fast!?

But, eh...I'm happy cause my country got a good enough group, so I don't really care.
Also, posted for Megaman, because that was overdue too.
After a short moment of thinking, the RPG fandom shrugged and just headed off in a random direction. He was bound to run into someone sooner or later. He just hoped that it wouldn't be one of those Tricksters...

*looks at Cephalo's latest post* ...Damn you, fate! D: