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Michale CS

Ignorance of grammar is not an excuse.
Original poster
Invitation Status
Posting Speed
  1. Multiple posts per day
  2. 1-3 posts per day
Online Availability
Evenings, Pacific Time
Writing Levels
  1. Intermediate
  2. Adept
  3. Advanced
  4. Prestige
  5. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female
  3. Primarily Prefer Female
Urban Fantasy, Sci-Fi, Modern, Horror, Magical... pretty flexible.
Title: Monkey See, Monkey Do.
Power level: Enhanced to Global
Look/Feel: [Mastermind's Machievellian Plot ]

Mission Full


Los Angeles. one of the Crown Jewels of the West coast, as coined by CatCo Worldwide Media, along with National City, San Diego, San Francisco, and Coast City.
Crime is no stranger to Los Angeles with one of the highest crime rates of cities in California. But, crime, after a fashion was somewhat predictable. People choose a life of crime, and recidivism in criminals is high.

What is strange is a rash of burglaries, armed robberies and other type of theft from people who had never committed crimes before. Even more strange - none of them remember committing these crimes, even under polygraph. They simply don't remember. Most of the thefts were from law abiding citizens who had never even had so much as a traffic ticket. Those who weren't caught during the act dumped their ill gotten gains somewhere that they cannot remember, even with trained psychologists aiding them.

This sounds like a job for...

You, maybe?​
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Before the man left, however, Jason approached the car and tapped on his window as he was about to pull out. "Sir, do you have a minute?" Jason asks in a pretty damn convincing concerned sounding tone.
Jesus left the truck idling and rolled down the window. "Perhaps. What's up?" The man looked suspicious - I mean he'd been carjacked just a week ago, so he wasn't about to take any more chances.

Jesus left the truck idling and rolled down the window. "Perhaps. What's up?" The man looked suspicious - I mean he'd been carjacked just a week ago, so he wasn't about to take any more chances.

Jason nodded and looked at the man. "Yes, I need to ask you some questions about the carjacking that happened last week. Me and some other people are trying to catch the 'man' behind this." Jason said, using the term "man" lightly.
Jason nodded and looked at the man. "Yes, I need to ask you some questions about the carjacking that happened last week. Me and some other people are trying to catch the 'man' behind this." Jason said, using the term "man" lightly.
"I told the cops everything. I don't know you. Listen, I got a run to make. I gotta be in Branson by six. Sorry, I got better things to do than talk with a dude who stalked me halfway across the nation-" He suddenly gunned the truck then and since the rig was empty, it had some serious pickup, and before Jason could do more than even raise a hand to try to stop him, the truck was pulling out and accelerating.

"911 what is the nature of the emergency?"

"I'm being carjacked! I'm on I-80 heading north in a SAIA 18-wheeler."

"I told the cops everything. I don't know you. Listen, I got a run to make. I gotta be in Branson by six. Sorry, I got better things to do than talk with a dude who stalked me halfway across the nation-" He suddenly gunned the truck then and since the rig was empty, it had some serious pickup, and before Jason could do more than even raise a hand to try to stop him, the truck was pulling out and accelerating.

"911 what is the nature of the emergency?"

"I'm being carjacked! I'm on I-80 heading north in a SAIA 18-wheeler."

Jason somehow knew that this was going to happen, as it always did. He quickly lowered his visor so the cops couldn't have his identity, not that it mattered in the grand scheme of things since this world's Jason Todd was already presumed dead a while ago at the hands of The Joker himself. Guess some things never change.

Anyways, Jason quickly got in his car and chased after Jesus, being able to catch up to the truck quickly. Jason then rolled down his window and yelled to the man. "I ain't gonna steal your car! But if you don't call off those cops and let me have a civil conversation with you, I'll shoot out your damn tires!" Jason yelled, his voice now being masked by his visor.
Anyways, Jason quickly got in his car and chased after Jesus, being able to catch up to the truck quickly. Jason then rolled down his window and yelled to the man. "I ain't gonna steal your car! But if you don't call off those cops and let me have a civil conversation with you, I'll shoot out your damn tires!" Jason yelled, his voice now being masked by his visor.
So, apparently Jason was somehow monitoring the phone conversation he couldn't have possibly heard due to it being connected after Jesus pulled away. By the time Jason caught up to Jesus he had rolled up his window and just saw Jason yelling at him. So, impulsively, he swerved. This happened so quickly that Jason had to yank his steering wheel hard to avoid being slammed into by a car a dozen or more times heavier than his rental vehicle, causing him to spin out.

It was recoverable, but Jesus was already getting up to 80 miles an hour and headed directly toward the city of Little Rock. He'd dropped his phone by his feet and was yelling. "The guy is yelling at me, something about my tires! Help me before he kills me!"

So, apparently Jason was somehow monitoring the phone conversation he couldn't have possibly heard due to it being connected after Jesus pulled away. By the time Jason caught up to Jesus he had rolled up his window and just saw Jason yelling at him. So, impulsively, he swerved. This happened so quickly that Jason had to yank his steering wheel hard to avoid being slammed into by a car a dozen or more times heavier than his rental vehicle, causing him to spin out.

It was recoverable, but Jesus was already getting up to 80 miles an hour and headed directly toward the city of Little Rock. He'd dropped his phone by his feet and was yelling. "The guy is yelling at me, something about my tires! Help me before he kills me!"

"Damn it!" Jason yelled as he swerved out. At this point, Jason was pissed. He had spent the last day of his life tracking this guy down, and he wasn't allowed to let him get away from him without any answers. Jason quickly slammed his foot down on the pedal and sped toward the truck, managing to get a few feet behind it at the best. Frustrated, Jason tried an extremely risky move that he only saw Bruce do once when they were chasing down Two Face in some armored truck.

Todd pulled out a device called a Zip-Kick, which acted almost exactly like a grapnel gun except it could attach to things such as metal. Jason then put the car on cruise control, which is something that he's lucky it had since it was a rental car, and placed an item that was heavy enough to push the gas pedal down. Todd kicked open the door and took aim at the back of the truck, firing at the back of the truck and allowing the Zip-Kick to attach. He was then quickly thrown toward the back of said truck and out of his rental car, readying his feet so he could land it good enough to where he could climb in the back of the truck.
Todd kicked open the door and took aim at the back of the truck, firing at the back of the truck and allowing the Zip-Kick to attach. He was then quickly thrown toward the back of said truck and out of his rental car, readying his feet so he could land it good enough to where he could climb in the back of the truck.
He ended up standing on the rear bumper of the truck, and after a few moments managed to get the rear door open despite it being latched and closed. He then stood inside the trailer of the 18 wheeler. It was empty except for the forklift at the opposite end of the trailer, which was strapped in heavily to keep it from coming loose during transit. Certainly there was no other door other than the back ones, and no windows either. It was just a delivery trailer.

Behind him, Jason's unmanned car swerved and clipped a minivan where Moira Briggs and her family were headed the opposite direction of Jason and Jesus. Moira's car rolled, injuring her and her two daughters, one critically.

In the distance, he heard sirens.

He ended up standing on the rear bumper of the truck, and after a few moments managed to get the rear door open despite it being latched and closed. He then stood inside the trailer of the 18 wheeler. It was empty except for the forklift at the opposite end of the trailer, which was strapped in heavily to keep it from coming loose during transit. Certainly there was no other door other than the back ones, and no windows either. It was just a delivery trailer.

Behind him, Jason's unmanned car swerved and clipped a minivan where Moira Briggs and her family were headed the opposite direction of Jason and Jesus. Moira's car rolled, injuring her and her two daughters, one critically.

In the distance, he heard sirens.

Jason winced as he saw Moira's car roll over, though he couldn't see exactly who was inside of it. He could tell that there were two kids in the back, though, which only made him feel worse. The mourning was cut short, however, as Jason heard the police sirens in the background.

Jason was now in the trailer, which was a good first step. Jason then jumped up and grabbed the top of the trailer before climbing up and on top of it. He then tugged out his Zip-Kick yet again before firing it downwards and allowing it to attach to the trailer so he could hold on and not fall off. Jason then slowly but surely made his way to the front of the trailer and tugged out his pistol. Once Todd made it to the cab, he pistol whipped it several times and allowed it to break. Then, he quickly put his pistol away and continued to hold onto the zip kick. Lastly, Jason reached into the broken window and unlocked the door before taking his hand out, reaching down and opening the door just so he could quickly release the zipkick from it's grasp do what might just be one of the dumbest things he's ever done. Probably a close second to trying to take on The Joker by himself. Jason stood up and quickly ran and jumped off the trailer before turning around mid air and firing the Zip-Kick inside of the cab at a seat so he could get inside the cab safely.
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Jason winced as he saw Moira's car roll over, though he couldn't see exactly who was inside of it. He could tell that there were two kids in the back, though, which only made him feel worse. The mourning was cut short, however, as Jason heard the police sirens in the background.

Jason quietly sneaked up behind Jesus before tapping Jesus on the shoulder and placing the barrel of the pistol against his skull. "Think about your next move very carefully." Jason said in a tone that could even let a toddler know that he was in a very bad mood.
[[ How did Jason Teleport through a solid wall. Do you not know what a Trailer and Cab are for an 18 wheeler? Allow me to illustrate


Jason is in the back of the TRAILER. I said in my previous post there were NO other ways out of that trailer than the big double doors that he entered. How did he get past the solid metal wall, after climbing over a forklift strapped to the wall nearest the cab, to "walk up" to him. You're not paying attention, sir.

It was empty except for the forklift at the opposite end of the trailer, which was strapped in heavily to keep it from coming loose during transit. Certainly there was no other door other than the back ones, and no windows either. It was just a delivery trailer.
[[ How did Jason Teleport through a solid wall. Do you not know what a Trailer and Cab are for an 18 wheeler? Allow me to illustrate


Jason is in the back of the TRAILER. I said in my previous post there were NO other ways out of that trailer than the big double doors that he entered. How did he get past the solid metal wall, after climbing over a forklift strapped to the wall nearest the cab, to "walk up" to him. You're not paying attention, sir.

My bad, I was thinking of a different truck for some reason. Lemme edit that last paragraph.]]
Jason was now in the trailer, which was a good first step. Jason then jumped up and grabbed the top of the trailer before climbing up and on top of it. He then tugged out his Zip-Kick yet again before firing it downwards and allowing it to attach to the trailer so he could hold on and not fall off. Jason then slowly but surely made his way to the front of the trailer and tugged out his pistol. Once Todd made it to the cab, he pistol whipped it several times and allowed it to break.
The police were in sight now, but, well... he had other problems...

The next thing he knew he was tied up to a telephone pole along the side of the road by his own Zip-Kick, with a teenager in a yellow and red outfit standing in front of him, grinning.

"Aw Man, I thought you were the Winter Soldier! You don't even have a metal arm! How am I going to build up my rep as a superhero if I can't catch anyone with an evil rep." Suddenly the kid was right in his face. "You don't have an evil rep do you? Name's Kid Flash by the way. Don't try to get away, I mean, the name says it all."

The police were in sight now, but, well... he had other problems...

The next thing he knew he was tied up to a telephone pole along the side of the road by his own Zip-Kick, with a teenager in a yellow and red outfit standing in front of him, grinning.

"Aw Man, I thought you were the Winter Soldier! You don't even have a metal arm! How am I going to build up my rep as a superhero if I can't catch anyone with an evil rep." Suddenly the kid was right in his face. "You don't have an evil rep do you? Name's Kid Flash by the way. Don't try to get away, I mean, the name says it all."

Jason was baffled by the fact that he was on top of a trailer at one point and tied to a telephone pole the next. He looked up and rolled his eyes behind his visor and stared at the Kid Flash. "I'm The Arkham Knight. Now, if you untie me then I can actually tell you why I was on there in the first place. The guy overreacted and I needed to ask him some questions that can help us catch a guy who's been using people to rob various stores and other places. One of 'em even tried to rob me. You heard of Gorilla Grodd?"

He then transformed into smoke and flowed through the hole, reforming on the other side with pistol in hand as he snickered and moved off, tracking the scent of the man who had been here.

@york @Michale CS
He followed as best he could, but since the first time he even got a scent of the man was after the hole was blown open - there was no trace of his scent in the lab they were in at all - it wasn't the best trail to follow.

Tepes got to the street and took a look around. Once on the sidewalk, there was no particular trail to follow. He could have been on a bus, picked up by another car, or got into one of his own.

@york @Ringmaster
Eisley Cloud
@Ringmaster @Michale CS

In a blur, Eisley followed Tepes... She wasn't going fast enough to outright break the sound barrier, but she certainly had a speed advantage over the average human. Though she had a little more difficulty climbing through the whole, she quickly picked up speed immediately after, as she tried to catch up with Tepes. However, apparently he was stopped around the street, where she stopped too, pausing a little as she looked around.

"Hmm... Wonder if he left something for us..." She muttered.

She tried to scan for any chemical, or substance trails she might be able to follow, though it may be hard to follow a tire trail, she just might be able to pick up a recent exhaust trail with her suits scanning systems. Though it would be an uncertain trail, it was probably better than nothing... On the other hand, if this failed, she could always duck back in that place, see if she could find any leads there, though if there were any, they would probably be hidden from plain sight.

Eisley Cloud
@Ringmaster @Michale CS

In a blur, Eisley followed Tepes... She wasn't going fast enough to outright break the sound barrier, but she certainly had a speed advantage over the average human. Though she had a little more difficulty climbing through the whole, she quickly picked up speed immediately after, as she tried to catch up with Tepes. However, apparently he was stopped around the street, where she stopped too, pausing a little as she looked around.

"Hmm... Wonder if he left something for us..." She muttered.

She tried to scan for any chemical, or substance trails she might be able to follow, though it may be hard to follow a tire trail, she just might be able to pick up a recent exhaust trail with her suits scanning systems. Though it would be an uncertain trail, it was probably better than nothing... On the other hand, if this failed, she could always duck back in that place, see if she could find any leads there, though if there were any, they would probably be hidden from plain sight.

"Ain't nothing you gonna find out here. I don't know much 'bout technology, but I know a trail. Still!"

He gestured up at the traffic cameras as they went back inside.

"Think those would have any idea?"

@york @Michale CS
That's is a good point. We will have to check that out.

I have a feeling mister super gorilla wouldn't need a human to do the talking.
Then there is also the baboon.

Interesting though, she is the first one to remember Monkees on her own.

Lucifer looked at him and was incredibly silent for a moment. " Yes, that is indeed a very interesting thing to note that she remembers a baboon and monkies. I wonder if she was affected by the same thing, or perhaps she remembers more. Should we continue questioning to see?" He asked.

@Michale CS @Gands
You could try and press the issue, but use your charm. If what they have done is weaker with her, perhaps you can break through more ?
Lucifer walked over to her and took a moment. This was going to hurt like hell. " Miss. Redfern, could you try to remember anything else that you can about the period you are missing? If you must, try to pry away the darkness that surrounds it," he said. After this, he had a feeling he would only be able to get one or possibly two more manipulations. That large scale operation had taken almost all his powers.

@Michale CS @Gands
Jason was baffled by the fact that he was on top of a trailer at one point and tied to a telephone pole the next. He looked up and rolled his eyes behind his visor and stared at the Kid Flash. "I'm The Arkham Knight. Now, if you untie me then I can actually tell you why I was on there in the first place. The guy overreacted and I needed to ask him some questions that can help us catch a guy who's been using people to rob various stores and other places. One of 'em even tried to rob me. You heard of Gorilla Grodd?"
"Cool Story Bro. Selfie!" He turned and leaned in and took a picture with his phone. "Did I come out blurry? I always come out blurry. Oh cool. It's awesome. This is gonna look so cool on the front page. I'm Instagramming this one. The Arkham Knight, Checkmate! Aaannd sent. Don't suppose I could convince you to stay here until the cops come, huh? On three... one... two.. th-"

Several super sonic punches later...

"...man. This is the boring part. Babysitting the villain so that he doesn't come to, break free of his bonds and wreak havok once again." Flash said as Todd came around in the back of a SHIELD van, with two agents sitting there covering him as well. "Heh... not that you guys are bad at your jobs, it's just that like named bad guys kinda have a track record of doing stuff like that. Soo... you said you were working with Gorilla Grodd? That explains the kinda mindless behavior and that glazed look in your eye, unless you're just coming around from me punchin you out. I didn't break anything did I? I just wanted to box your temples enough to black you out. I've been working on my precision Hya! Hya!" Kid Flash did a couple of shadow punches in the air, subsonic but enough to cause a bit of wind.

Eisley Cloud
@Ringmaster @Michale CS

In a blur, Eisley followed Tepes... She wasn't going fast enough to outright break the sound barrier, but she certainly had a speed advantage over the average human. Though she had a little more difficulty climbing through the whole, she quickly picked up speed immediately after, as she tried to catch up with Tepes. However, apparently he was stopped around the street, where she stopped too, pausing a little as she looked around.

"Hmm... Wonder if he left something for us..." She muttered.

She tried to scan for any chemical, or substance trails she might be able to follow, though it may be hard to follow a tire trail, she just might be able to pick up a recent exhaust trail with her suits scanning systems. Though it would be an uncertain trail, it was probably better than nothing... On the other hand, if this failed, she could always duck back in that place, see if she could find any leads there, though if there were any, they would probably be hidden from plain sight.

"Ain't nothing you gonna find out here. I don't know much 'bout technology, but I know a trail. Still!"

He gestured up at the traffic cameras as they went back inside.

"Think those would have any idea?"

@york @Michale CS
Chemicals, not really. There was a trace of... well a lot of stuff in the air, it would take awhile to puzzle out just what was in Hollywood's air. Cause, though it's close to the Walk of Fame? Well... plenty of transients sleep right on top of those stars.

The traffic cams, however... they weren't HD, and were mainly as much of a tourist attraction as those fake tours around Hollywood, well... they were on 24/7. And while there was no hard drive with days and days of footage saved, between what was buffered and sites whose whole job was to preserve previous versions of web pages... there was possibility of putting together a couple days of timeline at least for a spot about a block away from the address. Probably close enough for a clever enough person to figure out patterns of who arrived when?

It would have to be worked out to find out...

@york @Ringmaster
Lucifer walked over to her and took a moment. This was going to hurt like hell. " Miss. Redfern, could you try to remember anything else that you can about the period you are missing? If you must, try to pry away the darkness that surrounds it," he said. After this, he had a feeling he would only be able to get one or possibly two more manipulations. That large scale operation had taken almost all his powers.

@Michale CS @Gands
This seemed to work, and right away. Tears began flowing down her cheeks and she shook horribly.
"The... the painted face monkey had me feeling that I was in heaven then the big gorilla... I'm sorry, he locked me inside my own mind, or something. I know I was there... but, I couldn't see, or hear or feel, anything. At the time I thought I was dead. For a long time. Then... well it was two months later. I wish I could tell you more but I spent two months like that guy in that old Metallica song?"

@LuckycoolHawk9 @Gands
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