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Michale CS

Ignorance of grammar is not an excuse.
Original poster
Invitation Status
Posting Speed
  1. Multiple posts per day
  2. 1-3 posts per day
Online Availability
Evenings, Pacific Time
Writing Levels
  1. Intermediate
  2. Adept
  3. Advanced
  4. Prestige
  5. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female
  3. Primarily Prefer Female
Urban Fantasy, Sci-Fi, Modern, Horror, Magical... pretty flexible.
Body Parts
yellow Power Level: Talented Human to Enhanced (@Ringmaster @Gands Sections BUT if you have any questions on using a particular character, send a PM to @Ringmaster regarding the bulk of this event!),

red Enhanced to Superhuman ( LIMITED @Michale CS sections, your mileage may vary, and it will be a SMALL role in the overall plot, just to include those who are outside the range but whose PCs are in the area IC )

Look/Feel: [ Mob War/Riot - Marvel's Netflix MCU level ] No player cap!

This is an invite-only RP, but everyone in Epic Crossover is already considered invited! Note this is a major event with THREE GMS, @Gands @Michale CS and @Ringmaster. All collaboration to be handled in an Iwaku Conversation or on Discord.

'Nuff Said!

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For some reason, for such an innocuous gesture it was impossible not to look over at that, Wilson blinking at Cain's battletorn smile and proud posture for a moment or two before she turned her shoulder with a clenched jaw.

"She's been in the thick of it all night. From the very beginning. Better than I have been."

Was that a compliment of sorts? That--
"Ah, Miss Cain. I think you'll find this to your liking-- pardon me, I took the liberty of selecting one that'd give me less a fit as I fixed it up for you," Alfred Pennyworth uttered aloud toward the young Orphan.

In his hand, extended for her to see, and to take, was a costume in the fashion he'd requested (pic for details):

"Do be quick, you've little time to waste!"
Ah ha.

"Thanks." Orphan quickly swiped the oufit and stepped off to a more secluded area to rapidly change. Once done, she stepped back into view and approached Bruce himself as he surveyed the screen before him. "I won't fail this time." She promised...and then added: "Just...get better."

With that, she turned to Dick and Rose. "Ready."

@Indolent @Ringmaster @OrlandoBloomers
Grady Murtaugh - Corvus

Grady watched Nosferatu very carefully. The young potential hero had been training himself the last few months. He didn't initially have to move as quickly to block, using the cudgel in his left hand moving upwards to do so, the dodging out of the way on the second kick, moving the cudgel to sweep the legs out from under Nosferatu. Elements of Pilipino stick fighting and kickboxing could be spotted in the maneuvers if the watcher were attentive.

" Personally, I think you are being a fool, but hey, that's your prerogative".
Nosferatu's mask prevented any tell-tale signs that another martial artist might have gleaned clues from, the posture somewhat lazily relaxed when Grady stepped out of the way of his kick. When he came back in to attempt to strike at his leg though, it just meant one thing to the scientist.

That Grady had moved back into range.

The arm came for his solitary leg he balanced on.

His other leg came down to attempt to intercept and crush Grady's arm mid-swing, preventing his attack and stomping hard enough to break bone as Nosferatu said simply.

"Says the man who comes, dressed like some bondage model and for what? To join the crowd? Be another mask, another idiot in a costume? What a joke."

His knees bent and he leaped up, turning his next move into an overhead axe kick, spinning and bringing down his heel in an attempt to slap down into Grady's shoulder as he continued.

"And all the while, as you wage your little private wars, everyone has to pick up the pieces and rebuild. Or worst? They get ideas to join. Like you."


"Good lord...." Harper muttered when the man began to speak. Why does every villain have to have this dark, raspy voice?

Whatever. Harper turned to Argent and pointed to the north section.
"Here's the plan. I'll get the north section and you get the south. If that still doesn't work, then you take east and I'all take west." Assuming she agreed, Harper took off sprinting to the north section to try and find the key.

@Ringmaster @york @Gands
The Sentinel had been trained her whole life to keep a cool head no matter the situation... And perhaps this was what gave her a special sort of resilience to this crawling sensation in the room, but nonetheless, it took effect... Just slower than one may expect thanks to her ability to keep her cool, unfortunately though... She was still only human, and as such, she had to work fast.

Considering that they were evidently not alone in the room, she kept her guard up as she crept towards the center, intending to check the boiler first for the key. There were a few other places to go, but she figured she'd start with the one closest to her; there was that chance that the key out of here was more or less hidden in plain sight, in a manner of speaking anyways.
Harper felt her limbs grow heavy as she moved. Her vision misted up briefly, and then....

She was back in the batwing.

She had unleashed the sonic emitter and the entire riot happened just as before.

Except now, Cullen was lying on the ground, a victim of what had happened. His body crushed and pale, his corpse turned to look at her, reaching out.

"...Why? What did I ever do to you?"

Sentinel on the other hand, was feeling strange...Not so much as Harper due to her enhanced body, enough to let her see Harper suddenly cry out and fall to her knees.

Right before her fathers voice rang out and her body seized up, as though entrapped in an invisible straightjacket as her father stared out from across the distance in front of her, a sneer on his face.

"You can't do anything right..."

@york @thatguyinthestore

"Matones. They never change." She whisked through the air high above both the cops and the criminals firing off against each other. Anya relinquished her strand of web, beginning her sharp descent down towards the lawless directly underneath her. The only forewarning to her landing was rapidfire multiple shots of webbing onto their faces, aiming to blind them all.

Split-seconds later, she landed on the street right in the midst of all the criminal attackers with a smile.


"Hola." Then she was moving with incredible speed and remarkable grace, throwing punches and kicks for quick KOs before she would move on into City Hall proper.
Thomas had soon pulled up to the area in front of City Hall after the Spidergirl showed up. Once he saw her, he rolled down the window snapped his fingers before pointing at her, prompting Butch to exit the vehicle tug out an AK-47 and fire at her rapidly. "Spider girl! The revolution has already started! It's too late to join!" Thomas yelled over a microphone, still wearing the mask from earlier.

As Butch and Anya were fighting, Thomas began to talk over the mic some more. "Ladies and gentlemen of Gotham City! Tonight is the night where we take our city back! For too long, so called heroes such as Batman have sworn to protect this city have only made it worse. Look at The Joker. Would he even exist if not for Batman? Luckily, we have men like Harvey Dent who will clean up this God forsaken city. And tonight he will be here in City Hall for his very first campaign speech. Stay tuned!"
Within from a window, the former District Attorney of Gotham City stared out, in two minds about the unexpected help.

"Cobblepot. It has to be him."

"Only loser shameless enough to wear a bird mask here."

"We have to stop this. Its getting out of hand, people are dying-."

"-They get a chance like everyone else does." Growled the lower tone.

Again and again all the while, a two-headed coin would flip over and over, around the fingers of the massive figure. Harvey Dent was always a large man. In his persona as Two-Face, that only added to his intimidating nature. The scarred, blackened side of his face growling quietly in its fixed snarl, in comparison to the handsome features of the unblemished side. A beat later, he said reluctantly.

"...Do we deploy the suits? Get them out and attacking?"

"No! Black Mask wants all eyes here! For now? We keep em rooted to us." The coin was flipped and snatched with the ease of long experience, a glance given before he spoke.

"Coin says make the announcement." He turned to the only figure left in the office.

The mayor of Gotham City, captured and in bonds as Two Face stepped forward and pulled out a gun, pushing an intercom mic to him.

"Do it."

Barely ten seconds later, the voice of the mayor rang out to the battlefield.

"I...This is Mayor Hill speaking! I wish it to be put on record, that...The city blames the Batman. The escalation, the attacks- All are done in response to these so-called 'superheroes'. Our budget bleeds dry, attempting to heal the wounds...Our people are hurt in the crossfire. And our prisons flood with more freaks, every day. So to our brave men and women in blue...As an order from our Mayor? Take them all in....EVERY costumed punk you see out there!"

The intercom shut down.

And then a rocket launcher from Penguin's group blew up a police car. The choice was hers...Go in and help the cops, or go into City Hall and retrieve the mayor.

@thatguyinthestore @C.T.

he glass was likely bullet proof, but speakers needed to be exposed. "Let's turn your Hatemobile into a fishbowl..."

Taskmaster stalked around the area, keeping to the shadows on nearby rooftops as he located the speakers. A few explosive arrows later, that issue should have been dealt with.

Followed by a couple of arrows that simply had neon paint as payload - usually used for marking things for others to see. This time it was to obscure the view. He had to draw LMD out.

He still had one trick left - an EMP arrow but he was saving that.
"This is cap speaking. Rioters are retreating from the barricade in the Narrows. Looks like this was another LMD. Taskmaster, seems like you got the real deal."

Came Captain America over the intercom.

In response to the systematic attack, the protective bodyguards around Hate Monger's podium-mobile began to whip out their special rifles, blasting indiscriminately in all directions.

Which was not a good thing for the rioting civilians and victims around, though they mostly aimed wildly upward.

@Michale CS @C.T.


Hard to believe this was the same kid who once sought Slades approval so hard, she sliced her own eye. From plucky teenager to relatively balanced young woman, the only thing she didn't seem to grow out of was her crush on him. Except this time, there was little in the way of awkward attempts to flirt. If he had to compare before, her wild punches had evolved into something more akin to her martial arts. Selective, powerful and concentrated with a twist of sass.

He liked to think that last was due to his influence, Slade wouldn't know sass if it danced naked before him, with a tea cozy on its head.

To Bruce, he nodded and downed his drink, moving off to the Batsuit and heading off to get changed.

In private and he checked first before going in. The suit itself...Well, it was made for him in particular, a little memory from the Battle for the Cowl making him grimace. The Cowl of the Batman was heavy and not just in the usual sense. What it stood for, the trust it meant...He vowed to do right by it and it started here.

On the cowl came and when he stepped out, the transformation was complete. Nightwing was gone.

Only the Batman remained.

"Lets go." He growled in an approximation of Bruce's Batman voice.

And then he finished his cocoa, leaving a chocolate stache that was licked away as he headed for the Batmobile.

"Everyone in the car!"

@OrlandoBloomers @C.T. @Indolent @Schnee Corp Lawyer
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  • Bucket of Rainbows
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Nosferatu's mask prevented any tell-tale signs that another martial artist might have gleaned clues from, the posture somewhat lazily relaxed when Grady stepped out of the way of his kick. When he came back in to attempt to strike at his leg though, it just meant one thing to the scientist.

That Grady had moved back into range.

The arm came for his solitary leg he balanced on.

His other leg came down to attempt to intercept and crush Grady's arm mid-swing, preventing his attack and stomping hard enough to break bone as Nosferatu said simply.

"Says the man who comes, dressed like some bondage model and for what? To join the crowd? Be another mask, another idiot in a costume? What a joke."

His knees bent and he leaped up, turning his next move into an overhead axe kick, spinning and bringing down his heel in an attempt to slap down into Grady's shoulder as he continued.

"And all the while, as you wage your little private wars, everyone has to pick up the pieces and rebuild. Or worst? They get ideas to join. Like you."



Harper felt her limbs grow heavy as she moved. Her vision misted up briefly, and then....

She was back in the batwing.

She had unleashed the sonic emitter and the entire riot happened just as before.

Except now, Cullen was lying on the ground, a victim of what had happened. His body crushed and pale, his corpse turned to look at her, reaching out.

"...Why? What did I ever do to you?"
Harper looked around when she suddenly appeared in the Batwing.

"What the hell?" She asked aloud, looking around for a moment. Then she saw him. Cullen. Harper was in utter shock. At this point she didn't even remember, or care, about Riddler. All she cared about was him. Harper immediately landed the Batwing on the ground before rushing over to Cullen, literally pushing and fighting to get through the angry riot and see her little brother.

Eventually she made her way to the teenager, who turned to look at Harper before he said those final words before that final dying breath escaped his lungs and he laid there motionless.

Harper was now uncontrollably crying, tears literally pouring out of her eyeballs and the cries that escaped her mouth as she held her little brother in her arms.

"I'm sorry! This is my fault! Please forgive me! I'm so sorry!" She cried out, holding her brother close to him and rocking back and forth with no other thoughts in her mind aside from how this was her fault. She fucked up. No one else. And now because of it, Cullen, her sweet little brother, was lying dead because of her actions.

@Ringmaster @york @Gands
"This is cap speaking. Rioters are retreating from the barricade in the Narrows. Looks like this was another LMD. Taskmaster, seems like you got the real deal."

Came Captain America over the intercom.

In response to the systematic attack, the protective bodyguards around Hate Monger's podium-mobile began to whip out their special rifles, blasting indiscriminately in all directions.

Which was not a good thing for the rioting civilians and victims around, though they mostly aimed wildly upward.
"That's great. I'm alone here and there's no way I can totally prevent civilian casualties but I'll try to minimize it." He told Cap over the comm. Wasn't much to do for it. He was good, but he was one man. Too many targets, too many possible victims. The best he could do was cover the escape for the civilians as best he could. He tossed a smoke grenade, and then fired a standard arrow at a nearby car, one as clear of the rioters as possible, setting off the car alarm, to give the thugs a definite direction to fire in.

Meanwhile, he wheeled around to flank the situation on the glider, switching on the rebreather in his mask just in case. After landing, he used the remote to send it away but nearby. He was done messing around. Out came the sword and shield and he waded into the smoke, engaging anyone that was carrying one of those rifles, targeting elbows and shoulders with practiced strikes intended to hamstring.


[fieldbox="Riddick, blue, dotted"] Having no current target, due to his unsure erstwhile employer, Riddick had decided to tag along and see what Taskmaster was up to. When he saw the man engage the group, he chuckled. "This outta be fun." Once the smoke screen was up, Riddick charged in - trusting his fighting skill and the shine, armed with a pair of knife blades able to cut through almost anything this planet had to offer.. But unlike his counterpart, he didn't strike to disable. He didn't do mercy. He did dead.[/fieldbox]
Thomas had soon pulled up to the area in front of City Hall after the Spidergirl showed up. Once he saw her, he rolled down the window snapped his fingers before pointing at her, prompting Butch to exit the vehicle tug out an AK-47 and fire at her rapidly. "Spider girl! The revolution has already started! It's too late to join!" Thomas yelled over a microphone, still wearing the mask from earlier.

As Butch and Anya were fighting, Thomas began to talk over the mic some more. "Ladies and gentlemen of Gotham City! Tonight is the night where we take our city back! For too long, so called heroes such as Batman have sworn to protect this city have only made it worse. Look at The Joker. Would he even exist if not for Batman? Luckily, we have men like Harvey Dent who will clean up this God forsaken city. And tonight he will be here in City Hall for his very first campaign speech. Stay tuned!"
"Fat chance!" She retorted right back, the combination of her senses forewarning her and her own not too shabby speed allowing her to weave through the onslaught of AK-47 bullets with almost casual ease until the magazine emptied with an audible *clack*

At which point she fired back with a webshot to smother his gun hand and leave him stuck to the vehicle...and another shot to try and web Thomas's annoyingly yapping mouth shut.​

"Do it."

Barely ten seconds later, the voice of the mayor rang out to the battlefield.

"I...This is Mayor Hill speaking! I wish it to be put on record, that...The city blames the Batman. The escalation, the attacks- All are done in response to these so-called 'superheroes'. Our budget bleeds dry, attempting to heal the wounds...Our people are hurt in the crossfire. And our prisons flood with more freaks, every day. So to our brave men and women in blue...As an order from our Mayor? Take them all in....EVERY costumed punk you see out there!"

The intercom shut down.

And then a rocket launcher from Penguin's group blew up a police car. The choice was hers...Go in and help the cops, or go into City Hall and retrieve the mayor.​
"Ahora si." She remarked. That trembling voice plus all this stuff going on outside, it was obvious. That much was said under duress. Most likely at gunpoint. With a quick look over at the cops, she decided. They signed on for this job, had the training and knew the risks. She had faith they would hold on for a while, give as good as they got.

A mayor threatened, however...not so much.

Which was why a few moments later, she swung up to one of the higher floors of City Hall and kicked a window in, simultaneously calling out for the Mayor. "Mayor Hill! Dumb bad guys with him! Where are you?"

@Ringmaster @thatguyinthestore
Grady Murtaugh - Corvus

When fighting someone as fast and as skilled as Nosferatu, subtle movements are sometimes the best you can offer. Grady pulled back the arm so that the stomp hit the unbreakable cane instead of flesh. As Nos leapt up to strike again Grady dove under and behind the talented scientist, rolling back up to a standing position, facing him.

" Criticism from a man who himself wears a mask. A man who cares only for himself, who'd rather work for killers of innocent people than do the right thing. "

" I forgive you the money Nosferatu, it cant buy lives back. Will getting your life back whitewash the damage to your soul ? "

@Ringmaster @Michale CS @york @thatguyinthestore

Destruction had been wreaking havoc on this city as of late. The city where you moved along with the crowd lest you get swallowed up by the abyss of degenerates and filth that permeated Gotham. Such as people like the Hatemonger, that pyromaniac who had recently been taken down and the damned clown. But while the citizens of Gotham often slept with one eye open to look out for whatever madman of the week was going to threaten their well-being, heroes stood up to protect those who couldn't defend themselves.

Some of them came and they went. But there was one constant as far as Bane was concerned.

That of course was none other than the Batman.

Many who simply looked at Bane expected him to be nothing more than dumb muscle. Simply a brute to be ordered around and to destroy whatever got in his way. Bane was quick to correct these kinds of assumptions however. He was nobody's savage. He was a man who built himself from the ground up and decided that it would be he who finally brought the dreaded Bat to his knees.

So after some planning here and there, Bane finally did what no other man or woman could manage to do.


He had broken the bat. Bane reveled in his victory. Every lowlife in Gotham had learned to be afraid when they saw that familiar shadow lurking into the alleyways where they did business. But Bane wasn't frightened and he would not be as easily cowed as some thug off the streets. But despite Bane's success, even he had his limits as the successor to Batman, Jean Paul Valley had found Bane and beaten him to within an inch of his life.

Yet Bane survived and he would continue to do so. No matter what had been thrown at him, even from a young age, he would always endure and continue on. Which is why as Bane lifted his weights while within one of the warehouses he had claimed for his own, he set it off to the side as he sat up. He hadn't seen hide nor tail of Batman. The one who had gained Bane's respect. His children and other 'heroes' had been fighting the good fight however.

It's likely enough that Bane could have ended up working with people like Penguin or the Shredder but Bane had no such intentions. The Penguin was a squawking worm that Bane had little interest in joining up with. Though the people he kept around him like that woman with the flamingo was certainly...Interesting to say the least.

As for the Foot Clan and their ilk, Bane admitted that to command such loyalty was respectable in it's own right. But this was not their city to wage war in. He would have no part in aiding their endeavors. No, if they wished to destroy this city then he would stand in their way all the while. Rising to his feet, Bane cracked his neck from side to side. Until he showed up to help fight back the scourge containing his city and so Bane would have another chance to feel his spine crumble in his hands once more, Bane would remove these pests however he saw fit.


"Tú, dame un teléfono!"

The poor grunt who had been assigned to stand guard while Bane worked yelped. It wasn't often that his boss was quite so vocal about something he wanted! But quickly pulling out his cell-phone, he tossed it over to Bane who quickly caught it.

"W-Who might you be calling, boss?"

Reclining into a chair, Bane began to input a number. One that brought back so many memories for the man. Some of them painful, some of them joyful. No matter what kind of memories they were he would never forget them. Least of all this person in particular. Once he finished the number, Bane slowly turned his head towards his frightened minion.

"An old comrade of mine. Leave me."

Not wanting to incite his employer's wrath, the mook quickly made himself scarce and left Bane with his thoughts. Holding the phone to his ear, Bane tapped his foot upon the ground.


"Hello? Yes, you are Liana correct? I am looking for Scandal. Tell her Mr. Bane wishes to have a word with her..."

@nobody @Juuust puttin this out there.

Not wanting to incite his employer's wrath, the mook quickly made himself scarce and left Bane with his thoughts. Holding the phone to his ear, Bane tapped his foot upon the ground.


"Hello? Yes, you are Liana correct? I am looking for Scandal. Tell her Mr. Bane wishes to have a word with her..."
"I'm afraid that Scandal is unavailable at this time... could I take a message?" A snarky sounding distinctively male voice came from the other end of the line. "With whom do I have the pleasure of speaking?"

Snart moved over and took a seat. Scandal was nearby, of course. She'd agreed to help the others on their quest to stop her father's plans. Part of that agreement was that she cut herself off from her previous ties. Of course they would still answer the phone calls, every attempt to contact Scandal was a possible attempt by Vandal, which could provide useful information in tracking him down.

But it had to be played cool. And Captain Cold was really good at that.

@Chewy Rabbits
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Nosferatu's mask prevented any tell-tale signs that another martial artist might have gleaned clues from, the posture somewhat lazily relaxed when Grady stepped out of the way of his kick. When he came back in to attempt to strike at his leg though, it just meant one thing to the scientist.

That Grady had moved back into range.

The arm came for his solitary leg he balanced on.

His other leg came down to attempt to intercept and crush Grady's arm mid-swing, preventing his attack and stomping hard enough to break bone as Nosferatu said simply.

"Says the man who comes, dressed like some bondage model and for what? To join the crowd? Be another mask, another idiot in a costume? What a joke."

His knees bent and he leaped up, turning his next move into an overhead axe kick, spinning and bringing down his heel in an attempt to slap down into Grady's shoulder as he continued.

"And all the while, as you wage your little private wars, everyone has to pick up the pieces and rebuild. Or worst? They get ideas to join. Like you."



Harper felt her limbs grow heavy as she moved. Her vision misted up briefly, and then....

She was back in the batwing.

She had unleashed the sonic emitter and the entire riot happened just as before.

Except now, Cullen was lying on the ground, a victim of what had happened. His body crushed and pale, his corpse turned to look at her, reaching out.

"...Why? What did I ever do to you?"

Sentinel on the other hand, was feeling strange...Not so much as Harper due to her enhanced body, enough to let her see Harper suddenly cry out and fall to her knees.

Right before her fathers voice rang out and her body seized up, as though entrapped in an invisible straightjacket as her father stared out from across the distance in front of her, a sneer on his face.

"You can't do anything right..."

@york @thatguyinthestore
Harper looked around when she suddenly appeared in the Batwing.

"What the hell?" She asked aloud, looking around for a moment. Then she saw him. Cullen. Harper was in utter shock. At this point she didn't even remember, or care, about Riddler. All she cared about was him. Harper immediately landed the Batwing on the ground before rushing over to Cullen, literally pushing and fighting to get through the angry riot and see her little brother.

Eventually she made her way to the teenager, who turned to look at Harper before he said those final words before that final dying breath escaped his lungs and he laid there motionless.

Harper was now uncontrollably crying, tears literally pouring out of her eyeballs and the cries that escaped her mouth as she held her little brother in her arms.

"I'm sorry! This is my fault! Please forgive me! I'm so sorry!" She cried out, holding her brother close to him and rocking back and forth with no other thoughts in her mind aside from how this was her fault. She fucked up. No one else. And now because of it, Cullen, her sweet little brother, was lying dead because of her actions.

@Ringmaster @york @Gands
Grady Murtaugh - Corvus

When fighting someone as fast and as skilled as Nosferatu, subtle movements are sometimes the best you can offer. Grady pulled back the arm so that the stomp hit the unbreakable cane instead of flesh. As Nos leapt up to strike again Grady dove under and behind the talented scientist, rolling back up to a standing position, facing him.

" Criticism from a man who himself wears a mask. A man who cares only for himself, who'd rather work for killers of innocent people than do the right thing. "

" I forgive you the money Nosferatu, it cant buy lives back. Will getting your life back whitewash the damage to your soul ? "

@Ringmaster @Michale CS @york @thatguyinthestore
The Argent Sentinel (Lilly Briant)
@Ringmaster @thatguyinthestore @Gands

The Sentinel was able to hold out just long enough to see Harper suddenly cry out and fall to her knees, and that's when it started to dawn on her. It wasn't just a feeling she had; there was something in the air, something messing with her mind, and no matter how hard she fought, it seemed that it eventually took its toll.

It started with a... Restrained feeling, like someone had somehow slipped a straight jacket over her body, locking up her limbs. Then, her father's wretched voice, as he... Stared at her from across the distance in front of her.

Though she would die before admitting it, she did feel somewhat guilty about what had happened to her father; he had never been a good man... Much less a figure she could even bring herself to look up to, but yet... She somehow, felt guilty seeing that report that marked his death.

Yet, here he was... Like it hadn't ever happened, sneering up at her.

The Sentinel couldn't deny that for the first time in ages, she truly began to feel fear, for the first time in ages... She was neither Lilly Briant, nor the Sentinel; she was... Clara Castro again, the girl who couldn't even bring herself to look at her father.

However, even then, she seemed to refuse to give in, she refused to succumb to this feeling, and looking up at her father in front of her... That sneering face, that leering grin. A fierce feeling welled up inside her, clashing with the fear that had been coming into play as she struggled to free herself of her bonds. Even with her enhancements and training, that feeling of being completely immobilized was as real as it could be... But that didn't stop her from trying to fight it.

Perhaps if she had spent more time fighting the likes of the Scarecrow, she might have realized exactly what she was dealing with... Though as is, she was still holding her own, for now.​

Cue the Batman blatantly ignoring Rose's words.​

"Thanks," the Bat uttered suddenly out of the blue, from the left field, from the Andromeda galaxy. Seizing the moment so not as to lose it amid potential confusion, Wayne continued on.

"Circumstances are sketchy; things could've gone differently. Regardless, you helped Orphan. So, thanks."

At that, he peered over the shoulder towards Rose, allowing a second's worth of silence.

"I trust you'll continue to help her."

And that was all, with him returning to surveying the numerous portents aligned across the monitor in front.​

"Ah, Miss Cain. I think you'll find this to your liking-- pardon me, I took the liberty of selecting one that'd give me less a fit as I fixed it up for you," Alfred Pennyworth uttered aloud toward the young Orphan.

In his hand, extended for her to see, and to take, was a costume in the fashion he'd requested (pic for details):

"Do be quick, you've little time to waste!"

@C.T. @OrlandoBloomers @Ringmaster

Was that a compliment of sorts? That--

Ah ha.

"Thanks." Orphan quickly swiped the oufit and stepped off to a more secluded area to rapidly change. Once done, she stepped back into view and approached Bruce himself as he surveyed the screen before him. "I won't fail this time." She promised...and then added: "Just...get better."

With that, she turned to Dick and Rose. "Ready."

@Indolent @Ringmaster @OrlandoBloomers
Hard to believe this was the same kid who once sought Slades approval so hard, she sliced her own eye. From plucky teenager to relatively balanced young woman, the only thing she didn't seem to grow out of was her crush on him. Except this time, there was little in the way of awkward attempts to flirt. If he had to compare before, her wild punches had evolved into something more akin to her martial arts. Selective, powerful and concentrated with a twist of sass.

He liked to think that last was due to his influence, Slade wouldn't know sass if it danced naked before him, with a tea cozy on its head.

To Bruce, he nodded and downed his drink, moving off to the Batsuit and heading off to get changed.

In private and he checked first before going in. The suit itself...Well, it was made for him in particular, a little memory from the Battle for the Cowl making him grimace. The Cowl of the Batman was heavy and not just in the usual sense. What it stood for, the trust it meant...He vowed to do right by it and it started here.

On the cowl came and when he stepped out, the transformation was complete. Nightwing was gone.

Only the Batman remained.

"Lets go." He growled in an approximation of Bruce's Batman voice.

And then he finished his cocoa, leaving a chocolate stache that was licked away as he headed for the Batmobile.

"Everyone in the car!"

@OrlandoBloomers @C.T. @Indolent @Schnee Corp Lawyer
"Sure thing, but you should know most of those injuries she has are from me."

And then, having tempted fate, she walked away from Bruce, leaving him to his shadowy machinations at the cave supercomputer while she went on not caring. Hell with his approval anyway. He wasn't the overboss of everyone with a mask and tights for her like he was so many others, and she wasn't about to start cozying up to doing things his way so she could get a pat on the head and scratch behind the ear from him. She'd leave things like that to Cain.

Speaking of whom, she glanced over the newly-outfitted Cassandra passingly as she walked over and didn't seem to react much except for curling her mouth downward and flexing her nose with a shrug of the shoulders.

"I don't get it. Time to go?"

And so the dynamic trio dashed for the car.

And Rose dashed past the car, denying it wholeheartedly and instead hopping on the motorcycle Dick drove in on earlier, the keys somehow in her hand instead of wherever he had left them.

"Last one there's a rotten corpse."



She tore off for the amusement park.

@C.T. @Indolent @Ringmaster @Michale CS @Sir Kaltao
"Sure thing, but you should know most of those injuries she has are from me."

And then, having tempted fate, she walked away from Bruce, leaving him to his shadowy machinations at the cave supercomputer while she went on not caring. Hell with his approval anyway. He wasn't the overboss of everyone with a mask and tights for her like he was so many others, and she wasn't about to start cozying up to doing things his way so she could get a pat on the head and scratch behind the ear from him. She'd leave things like that to Cain.

Speaking of whom, she glanced over the newly-outfitted Cassandra passingly as she walked over and didn't seem to react much except for curling her mouth downward and flexing her nose with a shrug of the shoulders.

"I don't get it. Time to go?"

And so the dynamic trio dashed for the car.

And Rose dashed past the car, denying it wholeheartedly and instead hopping on the motorcycle Dick drove in on earlier, the keys somehow in her hand instead of wherever he had left them.

"Last one there's a rotten corpse."



She tore off for the amusement park.

@C.T. @Indolent @Ringmaster @Michale CS @Sir Kaltao

"...Advise not losing to your own bike."

"Thanks." Orphan quickly swiped the oufit and stepped off to a more secluded area to rapidly change. Once done, she stepped back into view and approached Bruce himself as he surveyed the screen before him. "I won't fail this time." She promised...and then added: "Just...get better."

With that, she turned to Dick and Rose. "Ready."

@Indolent @Ringmaster @OrlandoBloomers
"It suits you," Batman said. Without looking.

He then added: "Harper contacted earlier; she said 'hey'. Take care of yourself out there."
"Sure thing, but you should know most of those injuries she has are from me."

And then, having tempted fate, she walked away from Bruce, leaving him to his shadowy machinations at the cave supercomputer while she went on not caring. Hell with his approval anyway. He wasn't the overboss of everyone with a mask and tights for her like he was so many others, and she wasn't about to start cozying up to doing things his way so she could get a pat on the head and scratch behind the ear from him. She'd leave things like that to Cain.


Fortunately, fate had altogether a different direction in mind for Bruce Wayne, as his brows furrowed in deep contemplation, lasting well after the others had left. It hadn't even occurred to him that grand theft motorcycle had just transpired within his own Batcave. After about nigh twenty minutes of their departure, Bruce Wayne peered across and over his right shoulder.

There stood Alfred Pennyworth, perhaps one of the few men in the world that could begin to comprehend the Bat's thoughts and predict his behavior. He had guesstimated his Master's words with some degree of accuracy.

"Call together an emergency press conference. Wayne Enterprises. The people of Gotham need to know that one of its elites stand tall. They need to know we can't give in fear."

A pause as he relaxed, sighing out deeply as he nodded. He abhorred the persona that was Bruce Wayne, playing along in the grand act that showcased the billionaire playboy at its center to draw everyone's attention away from his vigilante side-business. At the very least, it conferred a boon twofold: it'd be easier on his recovery and further separate suspicions, if any, of the elusive Bruce Wayne being the Batman now that Dick had stepped into the role.

"And Alfred? I'll need a suit."

"Very good, sir."

@C.T. @OrlandoBloomers @Ringmaster
"I'm afraid that Scandal is unavailable at this time... could I take a message?" A snarky sounding distinctively male voice came from the other end of the line. "With whom do I have the pleasure of speaking?"
Bane could understand and relate to the idea of cutting off ties. After his last group-up with the Secret Six ended in defeat, Bane had left them behind. They may have been comrades in arms and some like Scandal felt like family to Bane. But this new voice irked him for some reason. Still, Bane was not one to lose his temper so quickly. Which is why after a brief pause, he responded.

"...Unavailable? If she is harmed in any way, I assure you. This call will be anything but a pleasure." Bane's blood boiled at the thought of this stranger over the phone having done something to Scandal. "You are speaking to Bane. Who are you?"

@Michale CS.
Grady Murtaugh - Corvus

When fighting someone as fast and as skilled as Nosferatu, subtle movements are sometimes the best you can offer. Grady pulled back the arm so that the stomp hit the unbreakable cane instead of flesh. As Nos leapt up to strike again Grady dove under and behind the talented scientist, rolling back up to a standing position, facing him.

" Criticism from a man who himself wears a mask. A man who cares only for himself, who'd rather work for killers of innocent people than do the right thing. "

" I forgive you the money Nosferatu, it cant buy lives back. Will getting your life back whitewash the damage to your soul ? "
The ground cracked beneath his heel as the kick came down. Nosferatu slowly, swiveled on his heel, leaning slightly back as he lifted his leg, hands clasped behind his back at the ready.

"You know nothing of my reasons for the mask...Or the money. You think if I wanted, I couldn't just hit any bank in town and get what I want? Do you THINK I look or act anything like those moronic volunteers, in their masochistic rituals of self-gratification?!" His eyes flashed dangerously and for the first time, there was a snarl in his tone as he lowered his head like a bull about to charge. A fact he realized as he made a visible effort to calm, grabbing his right bicep with an unseen scowl, as though stung.

".....I was a respected scientist. I want my life back. And at this point, after all these years?"

He grasped the mask, crushing it in hand and letting it drop to the ground.

"I FINALLY can taste it. And no mafioso punk with delusions of grandeur, who made his mark with crime and thinks to lecture me about it, is going to stop me."

Nosferatu charged, leaping forward in a spin kick as he let his momentum sail him forward.


((I just wanted to use this gif, lol.))


Harper looked around when she suddenly appeared in the Batwing.

"What the hell?" She asked aloud, looking around for a moment. Then she saw him. Cullen. Harper was in utter shock. At this point she didn't even remember, or care, about Riddler. All she cared about was him. Harper immediately landed the Batwing on the ground before rushing over to Cullen, literally pushing and fighting to get through the angry riot and see her little brother.

Eventually she made her way to the teenager, who turned to look at Harper before he said those final words before that final dying breath escaped his lungs and he laid there motionless.

Harper was now uncontrollably crying, tears literally pouring out of her eyeballs and the cries that escaped her mouth as she held her little brother in her arms.

"I'm sorry! This is my fault! Please forgive me! I'm so sorry!" She cried out, holding her brother close to him and rocking back and forth with no other thoughts in her mind aside from how this was her fault. She fucked up. No one else. And now because of it, Cullen, her sweet little brother, was lying dead because of her actions.
The Sentinel was able to hold out just long enough to see Harper suddenly cry out and fall to her knees, and that's when it started to dawn on her. It wasn't just a feeling she had; there was something in the air, something messing with her mind, and no matter how hard she fought, it seemed that it eventually took its toll.

It started with a... Restrained feeling, like someone had somehow slipped a straight jacket over her body, locking up her limbs. Then, her father's wretched voice, as he... Stared at her from across the distance in front of her.

Though she would die before admitting it, she did feel somewhat guilty about what had happened to her father; he had never been a good man... Much less a figure she could even bring herself to look up to, but yet... She somehow, felt guilty seeing that report that marked his death.

Yet, here he was... Like it hadn't ever happened, sneering up at her.

The Sentinel couldn't deny that for the first time in ages, she truly began to feel fear, for the first time in ages... She was neither Lilly Briant, nor the Sentinel; she was... Clara Castro again, the girl who couldn't even bring herself to look at her father.

However, even then, she seemed to refuse to give in, she refused to succumb to this feeling, and looking up at her father in front of her... That sneering face, that leering grin. A fierce feeling welled up inside her, clashing with the fear that had been coming into play as she struggled to free herself of her bonds. Even with her enhancements and training, that feeling of being completely immobilized was as real as it could be... But that didn't stop her from trying to fight it.

Perhaps if she had spent more time fighting the likes of the Scarecrow, she might have realized exactly what she was dealing with... Though as is, she was still holding her own, for now.
There was no clawed, burn-victim demonic force here....But the fear gas and the presence of Riddlers secondary psycho still made this a deadly death trap indeed.


"Another tally mark! What fun!"

Harper was crying....Too easy. This one though....Slowly, he approached the Sentinel.

Knife upward, even as in her point of view she saw her father approaching.

Though in a brief moment of clarity, brought on by the lack of strong fear toxin in the air, they would sense something wasn't quite right...Giving them strength enough to move at least.

If their fear would let them.

@york @thatguyinthestore

"That's great. I'm alone here and there's no way I can totally prevent civilian casualties but I'll try to minimize it." He told Cap over the comm. Wasn't much to do for it. He was good, but he was one man. Too many targets, too many possible victims. The best he could do was cover the escape for the civilians as best he could. He tossed a smoke grenade, and then fired a standard arrow at a nearby car, one as clear of the rioters as possible, setting off the car alarm, to give the thugs a definite direction to fire in.

Meanwhile, he wheeled around to flank the situation on the glider, switching on the rebreather in his mask just in case. After landing, he used the remote to send it away but nearby. He was done messing around. Out came the sword and shield and he waded into the smoke, engaging anyone that was carrying one of those rifles, targeting elbows and shoulders with practiced strikes intended to hamstring.


Riddick Having no current target, due to his unsure erstwhile employer, Riddick had decided to tag along and see what Taskmaster was up to. When he saw the man engage the group, he chuckled. "This outta be fun." Once the smoke screen was up, Riddick charged in - trusting his fighting skill and the shine, armed with a pair of knife blades able to cut through almost anything this planet had to offer.. But unlike his counterpart, he didn't strike to disable. He didn't do mercy. He did dead.
"Fat chance!" She retorted right back, the combination of her senses forewarning her and her own not too shabby speed allowing her to weave through the onslaught of AK-47 bullets with almost casual ease until the magazine emptied with an audible *clack*

At which point she fired back with a webshot to smother his gun hand and leave him stuck to the vehicle...and another shot to try and web Thomas's annoyingly yapping mouth shut.
"Ahora si." She remarked. That trembling voice plus all this stuff going on outside, it was obvious. That much was said under duress. Most likely at gunpoint. With a quick look over at the cops, she decided. They signed on for this job, had the training and knew the risks. She had faith they would hold on for a while, give as good as they got.

A mayor threatened, however...not so much.

Which was why a few moments later, she swung up to one of the higher floors of City Hall and kicked a window in, simultaneously calling out for the Mayor. "Mayor Hill! Dumb bad guys with him! Where are you?"

"I was hoping for a bat or even a little birdie. Instead, we get a spider, so far from home. Fine."

He snapped his fingers and through the walls, something smashed through to slam into Spidergirl, sending her flying through a wall and out into the main hall.


Military, that was for sure. The outfit seemed less advanced then the Iron Man exosuit or most that were private sector, but if anything? This looked like an attempt to catch up, eschewing the majority in favor of the bare bones.

And then in flew two more, with one flying out through the hole Spider Girl made to open fire on the police.

@C.T. @thatguyinthestore


Meanwhile, with the Taskmaster and Riddick, they managed to take out the remaining thugs easily enough. The Hate Monger seething within his safe container before snarling.

"You've no idea what's coming...And just how far we've come. My new partners have plans and Gotham is just the tip of the iceberg."

@Michale CS
"I don't get it. Time to go?"

And so the dynamic trio dashed for the car.

And Rose dashed past the car, denying it wholeheartedly and instead hopping on the motorcycle Dick drove in on earlier, the keys somehow in her hand instead of wherever he had left them.

"Last one there's a rotten corpse."



She tore off for the amusement park.
"...Advise not losing to your own bike."
And the Batmobile followed like an honor guard.

@C.T. @Indolent @OrlandoBloomers @Michale CS @Sir Kaltao @Ms.Ezra

"I was hoping for a bat or even a little birdie. Instead, we get a spider, so far from home. Fine."

He snapped his fingers and through the walls, something smashed through to slam into Spidergirl, sending her flying through a wall and out into the main hall.


Military, that was for sure. The outfit seemed less advanced then the Iron Man exosuit or most that were private sector, but if anything? This looked like an attempt to catch up, eschewing the majority in favor of the bare bones.

And then in flew two more, with one flying out through the hole Spider Girl made to open fire on the police.​
"..." She recoiled in disgust at the sight, clearly ill at ease but sure enough, there was the swift retort. "Hey. Don't sound so disappointed, fryface. Save that for when you're being carted away--" Her head snapped to the side as her sense went off...and she was struck, slammed bodily through one of the walls and skidding along her feet to a halt in the main hall.

Anya studied the suit for a moment before tilting her head. "Alright then. Discount power suits. Pálidas imitaciones." And in a blur of motion, she lunged forward to deliver an acrobatic double kick right for his sizable helmet and put whoever was inside down through the floor. Body shifting in mid-air, a strand of webbing launched for the one flying outside and she pulled with considerable strength, aiming to swing the guy right into the third one.

@Ringmaster @thatguyinthestore
Grady Murtaugh. -. Corvus.

"Then don't do it professor, don't help them !. We'll get you back to your life, I swear I'll do everything I can. "

Even then Grady was doing everything he could to dodge & block Nosferatu. Occasionally a hit would slip in, but Corvus proved to be quite tough.

"Professor, please help me, people are getting killed out there. They are bombing hospitals for God's sake. I admit, I am a rookie. I am out here pretending I have some idea what I'm doing on the off chance I can help before they take me out."

"You admitted it yourself, you were just another guy once, can you remember what it was to be terrified ?

@Ringmaster @thatguyinthestore @york @Michale CS

Meanwhile, with the Taskmaster and Riddick, they managed to take out the remaining thugs easily enough. The Hate Monger seething within his safe container before snarling.

"You've no idea what's coming...And just how far we've come. My new partners have plans and Gotham is just the

"Let's see... This can't be entirely self contained... Ah. There we go."
Taskmaster located the ventilation system for the vehicle, and after disabling the ignition on the Hate-mobile, backed another nearby car up and left it running.

"So, while this is a far more merciful death than you deserve, unless you have an amazing filtration system that doesn't depend on electricity to run... It's the one you get. But... I'm not unreasonable. Enlighten me. Tell me these grandiose plans and I will let some of my colleagues who have, for whatever reason, a reluctance to kill men like you, know where you are when I leave you here to suck carbon monoxide. And on top of that..."

He pointed to Riddick, "...that man won't kill you if you try to leave your little fishbowl. I mean, tonight is already a PR nightmare. I might change my mind and just lose a couple of frag grenades under the car. But do hurry up. This has been a long night and I'm losing my patience."

There was no clawed, burn-victim demonic force here....But the fear gas and the presence of Riddlers secondary psycho still made this a deadly death trap indeed.


"Another tally mark! What fun!"

Harper was crying....Too easy. This one though....Slowly, he approached the Sentinel.

Knife upward, even as in her point of view she saw her father approaching.

Though in a brief moment of clarity, brought on by the lack of strong fear toxin in the air, they would sense something wasn't quite right...Giving them strength enough to move at least.

If their fear would let them.

@york @thatguyinthestore
The Argent Sentinel (Lilly Briant)
@Ringmaster @thatguyinthestore

The Sentinel felt fear... At the same time, her father slowly began walking towards her, getting closer... And closer, but even then, she refused to yield.

Naturally, she was aware something wasn't right, but that wasn't what spurred her on to move; it was anger. Seeing her father in front of her, with a glint of a blade stirred up much older emotions... Emotions that had driven her to rebel against her father, and would serve to drive her on, even now.

Within her, the fear was all consuming, and rather intent on restricting her every move, but the Sentinel still stubbornly refused to give in. Through the few moments of lucidity she had, she could begin to feel her gun still in her hands, she had no time or strength to draw her knife, so she'd have to make a point blank shot.

With a slow, but steady movement, she aimed towards the man in front of her, who still looked like her father for her, before attempting to shoot him in the foot.

All this time, she continued to fight the fear, intending to re-establish complete control over her body again... From there, she hoped to be able to finish what she started.
red I am working on a massive update for all the characters involved in the Body Parts RP. Included are (and it helps if you read it in the announcer's voice from the original Batman live action series, or the Narrator from the Rocky and Bullwinkle cartoons):
  • Riddler's Tower of Terror
  • Joker's Amusement Park of... hey you stole my line, you sorry excuse for punctuation!
  • Taskmaster and Riddick's scene with the Hate Monger
  • Where in Gotham is the Scarecrow? or... "The Crane, boss! The Crane!"
  • Surprises for GizmoGal and Invader Zim?
So stay tuned, and check back as always, the same bat-time, on the same bat-channel!
( Honestly though this may take me a couple days )

@Ringmaster @york @Gands @Schnee Corp Lawyer @C.T. @OrlandoBloomers @thatguyinthestore @Sir Kaltao @Ms.Ezra @Indolent
  • Nice Execution!
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