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Mark had teased him before he left about how much affection and attention he'd receive from girls when he entered the human school, but it was something Wren had refused to really take seriously. As cute as he was, he'd never been one to get the attention of girls his age in his kingdom. He wasn't an accomplished soldier yet, like others his age. They were the cool boys who got the girls' attention; they could wield a sword with their eyes shut, while Wren would drop it and cut his own foot. That had happened dozens of times just this year.

It was weird for him, then, to be receiving all this attention, and he didn't know how to deal with it-- but he also didn't want to sit by Angelica immediately and rush something that needed to take time.

But if he didn't take the seat now and get to know her, he'd just continue to avoid it.

"I... I don't... I prefer sitting near the radiator. I... If I get too cold, I get really sick," he awkwardly explained, motioning over to the seat next to the radiator; a seat just beside Angelica. "I'll sit there."
Jessica looked at him in shock. He...refused to sit next to her to sit with the school's biggest weirdo? Angelica's head lifted up a bit, looking at Wren with a grimace. She didn't want to sit by anyone. She liked being alone, left to herself.

"Huh...Well then, you can sit back there, that's no problem! Right, Angelica?" Mr. Heath asked, knowing Angelica was one who preferred to work alone.

"Mr. Heath...Angelica's a bit rude, don't you think Wren should be welcomed to this school with someone welcoming?" Asked Jessica a bit annoyed.

"Miss. Jessica, you've heard the man. He needs to be warm, go take your seat Wren, so we can get started on today's lesson."

When Wren came to sit by her, Angelica grimaced, pulling her stuff away from him, as she sketched down in her textbook. Her drawings weren't amazing. They just looked like little doodles from a comic book.
Okay, so making this girl fall in love with him wasn't going to be easy. Not at all.

He tried to offer a smile to her when he headed across, and was immediately shut down when she turned her body away from him. There was nothing he could really do but respect that and let his eyes fall to his notebook. He could talk to her, of course, but he wasn't really prepared to anger her-- and he also wasn't sure what to say. He didn't like eye contact and he really didn't like talking to demons, other than perhaps Star, who he accepted as his Queen and didn't dislike at all. Angelica wasn't just a demon; she was the daughter within the royal family that all the dragons disliked. The rivalry had gone on for years between their kinds, and while Wren was just a teenager, the stories had been passed down and he was full of the same hatred his ancestors had developed and felt.

But he had to try and get to know this girl, even if he wasn't going to try doing that right now. He would wait for her to talk to him first, however long that took. War wasn't going to start until Angelica was dead, so he didn't... need to rush. If it took weeks, it took weeks. He couldn't rush this or risk returning in failure and losing the faith of the royal couple he wanted so badly to impress.
And weeks it took. Every day was the same. She refused to acknowledge, hissed at him if he got too close, glared at him if he even dared smiled at him. She sat in the back, just not paying attention to the class drawing, but somehow she passed with all great grades. She ignored him like she ignored anyone else. But just because she ignored him, didn't mean everyone else in the school did.

Wren was the coolest kid without even trying. All the guys welcomed him with open arms, all the girls wanted to date him and often flirted with him. He was the it guy at school, which made Angelica more reluctant to even speak to him. Everyone talked about her. Said she was too weird, too distant.

However, one raining morning, in Mr. Heath's class, everyone had to partner up with the person next to them for a project. So, Angelic had to talk to him. Today, she was wearing a rainbow-striped shirt, with yellow colored jeans, and a bright orange hoodie. Her choppy blonde was all messy like she just rolled out of bed. She was chewing on her pencil as she glanced at Wren when they were told to partner up. Grimacing, she removed her pencil from her mouth. "....Hey..."
How long had it been again? Six weeks? Seven? However long it had been, it hadn't felt like much time had passed. He was away from his family, missing out on valuable training with Lana and the rest of his fellow troops, and wasn't in his kingdom, around his kind, but around humans, who continued to amaze him with how idiotic they were.

But the boy couldn't lie and say he hated his time here. He loved it. He had his own place and he had taken in all the human things, growing to love them. He adored human food and watching human TV shows. He went to this amazing place called a gym, which was where he tried to keep in shape and continue some aspect of training. He loved walking around the town, feeling the sunk on his skin for once because, back in his kingdom, the sun barely shone. In short, he loved it so much that he forgot the plan he had to execute, mostly because Angelica hadn't spoken a word to him and he wanted to wait for her to do that.

He forgot the plan though, so when she did speak, he almost jerked in shock, glancing to his side to examine her and make sure she was talking to him, his green eyes wide in amazement.

Okay... this was it, then.

"Uh, hi? I mean-- wow, you're speaking to me? That's... nice. Cool, really. I was starting to think you didn't have a tongue in there, y'know? It happens. There's this woman in, like... somewhere up north. She cut out her own tongue so she didn't have to talk to the police or something," he babbled weirdly, his smile growing by the second. He was weird, that much was true, especially now he was experiencing all these human things and learning more about the world-- but people at this school didn't seem to mind how quirky and often clumsy he was. "I... thought perhaps you cut your tongue out, so-- so hey, I'm glad you didn't!"
The look on her face obviously meant she regretted speaking to him. Scrunching up her nose in distaste, she turned away from him again, and it appeared she was going to give him the silent treatment again. Drumming her fingers on the table, she sighed, before saying again, "...The project. We have to work together. Otherwise, I wouldn't be speaking to you." Clear dislike was coated on her words. Her own sage green eyes glanced over at him, studying him.

"...I don't get bad grades, so I have to work with you to get a good grade. Anyway...I'm Angelica. What's your name?" She had to be kidding right? She had been sitting next to this guy for almost two months and didn't even remember his name. But no, she didn't know his name, and she didn't expect him to know hers. They never spoke to each other.
He thought she was kooky and he liked how she presented herself, but he really didn't like her that much. He was prepared to try and continue to win her around, but god, he had discovered in those few months that he really wasn't a fan of her. She was unnecessarily rude to people. He'd expressed clear delight in her speaking to him, and she reacted like he'd insulted her and her whole family.

Really, he didn't need to make her fall in love with him. He could just murder her, bring back her heart and lie. It had been two months. He could say they fell in love and end this whole thing-- but he wasn't prepared to lie to his King and Queen. Others would, but not Wren. He wanted to do what they told him to and win their trust. Lying to them wasn't a good thing to do, so however much he disliked Angelica, he wanted to get her to love him.

Even though his annoyance with her was starting to bubble over.

"Good thing for you I'm smart then, isn't it?" He quipped sharply, suddenly sighing and turning away from her to focus instead on his scribbles from a previous class. "Just-- Let's not talk, okay? You hate me, I think you're a bitter witch, so let's not talk."
Her drumming fingers froze, she turned to him with an angry glare. "...I...I don't hate you...But whatever." She grimaced and turned away, looking down at herself angry. Did she really hate him? No, not at all. In fact, she didn't hate anyone. She was much like her father Seven. Seven was...Socially awkward, and many would think his evil looking glares would mean he hated them. Honestly, she was just protecting herself from others. She was bullied a while ago. Mark cleared it up for her, but...She always remembered what he told her. She should just keep to herself, and avoid bullies, and if anyone threatened her glare.

So...She just reacted that way because she was paranoid. So socially awkward and paranoia wasn't the best mixes. Nervously drumming her fingers again, she mulled over his words. He called her a witch...That was so mean. He was so rude...Just like all of the jocks. Of course, he wasn't truly but...In her perspective he was.
"You don't hate me? Yeah, I believe that. You know, I've been nice to you. I... I thought you were cool, but you treat me like I don't exist, so why would I talk to you? So I can get glared at? You don't want to talk to me, so don't. That's fine. It's... I'm not good at talking to people. I hate eye contact, I hate conversations because I feel I have to impress people and that stresses me out. I hate public speaking, I hate presentations-- I'm not great at it either, but I also know I'll get really lonely if I shut myself off from it," he shrugged, beginning to absently doodle along the page. He wasn't trying to give her some life lesson or little pep-talk. Frankly, he wasn't trying to influence her to speak to him in any way, because talking to her just made him feel like shit, so he'd rather not talk to her.

Even if he wasn't going to win her around any day soon by doing so, he was quite happy to shut down and ignore her like she did with him every day. He figured she'd be quite happy with that too.
She didn't answer, she just nervously drummed her fingers on the desk, becoming more reluctant to speak with him, like he wanted. Nervously, she chewed on her full bottom lip, wishing Mark was here. He could help her. She was obviously unaware that he was the one who sent this man to kill her.

Later that night, Star called Wren, along with Mark. Obviously, they wanted to know the progress. It had been nearly two months, so surely they had to have been friends by now yeah? "So, how's it going? Is she in love yet?"
Currently sprawled on his bed, surrounded by books, this was perhaps a downside to school. At least, it would be if Wren didn't love it so much. He loved schoolwork, as crazy as that may sound. He was learning so much about the world he himself was from. Living in the dragon kingdom excluded him from the world he was born into. He only realised how naive he was to everything until he came to school and learned-- and he valued it more than anything else.

What he didn't value was losing the respect of his King and Queen, and he felt like he was letting them down right now, with Angelica no closer to even liking him.

"I... It's... going slowly," he answered, muting the TV with a grimace. "I mean, she's... very... stubborn?"
"Ugh, I figured she would do this." Groaned the woman. "Okay, I need you to...To really throw out the big guns. Baby, didn't you say she was like really socially awkward. She likes video games. Talk about games, babe. She would love it. And also, tell her she looks pretty. Even if she looks like she hates it, she'll love being called pretty. All girls do." She smiled, kissing her husband.
"But I... I don't like her, ma'am--"

"So you don't find my baby sister pretty? I mean, she hardly helps herself with the way she dresses, but she's pretty," murmured Mark in the background, snorting loudly. "You think she's pretty. Tell her that. Not many boys do. She'll appreciate that."

"She... She's pretty, of course, but she doesn't-- she doesn't like me. I can't explain to you how deeply she dislikes me, it's just-- I don't like her. I don't like games! She'll hate me more when she discovers I know nothing about video games, ma'am."
"I'm hearing a lot of no's. I'm your Queen, so respect that." Hissed Star, crossing her arms. "Don't make me regret sending you out there, Wren. Jeez, do this right okay? Call her pretty, research a game and talk about how much you like it. I don't care if you hate her, she'll fall for you in no time, alright? Do what we say." She smirked, before hanging up.

And so, the next day at school, Angelica sat in class. Of course, she was dressed outrageously again. And of course, her choppy blonde hair wasn't done. She sat in the back of the class, biting the inside of her cheek as she doodled in her notebook. She didn't know how they would pass this class because they didn't even talk about the project yesterday, they just sat in the back, ignoring each other.
Wren had spent the whole night researching popular video games to talk about, going as far as to test himself on characters and video landscapes, right down to details like the music that was composed. The fact he'd made his Queen angry at him petrified him. All he wanted was their respect, hoping that he could earn his way up to becoming a General for them one day, and doing this would definitely put him on the right path.

So he'd exhausted himself, barely got an hour's sleep, but it would hopefully all be worth it now he came prepared to at least win her attention today.

"...Wren. My name's Wren," he began after a second of silence, answering her question from the day before with a faint, friendly smile. "We... got off on the wrong foot yesterday. I was exhausted, you know? That new Mario game was out, I was up all night playing it, I was crabby and moody and-- I apologise, really."
And as expected, her mood instantly perked up. She glanced over at him. Her green eyes wide, and had a little sparkle in it. "...Mario? You...You play Super Mario?" She asked excitedly, her voice quickening as she spoke. Blinking a bit, she tried to calm herself down, before glancing away. "I...I um...I like that game a lot." She mumbled. "My...My favorite character is Waluigi. I know he's like the bad guy but...I like em." She smiled. Her smile was crooked, but it was dimpled and pretty. Angie was a really pretty girl. If only she...Didn't have terrible fashion, bad hair and was rude to everyone.

He should have thought of this sooner, because it would have saved a lot of unused time and energy. Besides, he would have liked her sooner if he brought up games, because she was strangely adorable when she was gushing about them, and her beauty really did shine when she passionately exclaimed her love for them. Wren really wasn't a bad guy, and two months of awkwardness evaporated for him instantly when she began to talk like this. He could forgive easily, especially when knowing he had a plan to execute.

"Waluigi? Really? Nah. Yoshi all the way, right? He's adorable," the dragon laughed, his head tilted a little as he took in just how green her eyes seemed to become when they lit up excitedly. "I didn't know you liked that game, I mean-- I would have mentioned it months ago if I knew. Nobody else here plays it. It's ridiculous that I'm only now finding out you do."
"S-Same!" She excitedly grinned, obviously happy she found someone who liked the games she liked. "I mean Yoshi is cute, who could resist such a cute face?" She giggled happily. It worked like a charm. Games were her heart really, she loved games, so if you brought one up, she would warm up really quick.

If he had tried this approach two months ago, she would have probably been on the verge of falling for him. "Wren was it? Aren't those the name of those little birds right?" She asked with a smile, seeming much...Younger in the face. When she glared she looked older, but now she had the cherubic softness in her face.
"I... yeah. My mom wanted a girl. Wren's more of a girl's name, isn't it? But I don't mind too much. I think I can pull this name off," he laughed to himself, resting his head on his hand as he watched the girl's face light up. She was much more appealing when she actually smiled. He didn't want her to rearrange her whole personality just to make a friend, but she was definitely far more likeable when she was like this.

"So, do you have the new Mario Kart game? I was going to go out today and buy it after school. It's probably gonna cost a lot, but I... I save up. Most guys my age spend money on sports stuff, and I'd rather just go out and buy games," he smiled quietly, stretching his arms out a little. "But... maybe we ought to actually work on this project? I'm not a bad guy. I'll work on this before I play games, I want us to get that A. I could do with the grades."
"I....I love Mario Kart, I actually have it." She smiled before looking away from him with a small smile. "...But we should work on the project my...My Papa would be cross if I didn't get an A."She mumbled nervously drumming her fingers, unable to really stop talking about games, but she had to. They had work that needs to be done.

Glancing over at him, she offered cleared her throat before pulling out her notes, sliding them to him. "I...I was thinking we should do how does microwave radiation affect different organisms. Wouldn't that be...Cool?" She asked nervously before her eyes caught sight of Jessica glaring at her.

Angelica instantly looked away, turning away from Wren. Jessica stood up, walking over with a smile as she sat on the edge of their table. "Hey Wren~ I was wondering if you wanted to come to my house later. A lot of us are going to be there, just hanging out and drinking."