"Papa's not eating? That's dumb. Like, is that really his solution to this? To not eat? To fucking starve himself--"

"Why would you care? You wanted to kill us all. Why does Papa's not eating concern you?" Muttered Ember, refusing to show as much consideration as Cassy was. Predictably, Cassy was giving in and falling for Mark's apologetic expression, which Ember knew was probably false. No way was Mark apologetic after all he'd done, and all he didn't have the chance to do. "Cass, fucking-- get away from him, would you? He's not sorry, he doesn't care. Fuck Star, too. Hear that? I want you to, like, die. You're sort of to blame for the way my brother turned out, so if you're really sick, that's a good thing."
Shivering, she glared at him, coughing into her hand. "F-Fuck off." She hissed bitterly.

Cassy grimaced and moved to hold Mark's hand. "...He...He still loves us." He mumbled and squeezed his hand. "Don't...Don't be mean to him, this is our brother...Marky...Marky I'll help you."
"I don't need help, not really. Like-- just get medicine for Star, and a blanket and... and anything she wants. I'm fine without any little luxuries, Cassy. You helping Star is the only thing I really want," admitted the older brother as he sat back against the wall, resting his head back to stare at the spiders making webs in the corners of the cell. Everything was a mess right now, but he was hardly regretful of anything he'd done, nor was he looking to repent for his behaviour.

The only thing he was sorry for was Star getting mixed up in all this business. He'd heard what she'd done, learnt that she'd been ready to die without giving Marco any information, and he wished that she had. Honestly, he'd rather be dead and know Star was enjoying a life in Hell with her family than have her be in the cell, all because of her loyalty and love to Mark.

But he liked that she'd stayed true to him, even if it risked her life. That surely showed all their doubters that she wasn't just with him for the money or power.

"...Hey, maybe bring her some wine? She deserves a glass of wine after everything I've dragged her through."
"...It'll be hard to smuggle wine in here, but I'll try." Cassy whispered, his voice quietening down when hearing his footsteps from a guard. "Mark, I'll...I'll help you...Promise." He whispered, his eyes watering with tears again. This was all his fault...If he had just stayed out of his brother's love life, or listen to EMber when he said Star was no good...His brother would be at home. They would be having a huge meal that Papa worked hard on. They would be opening presents together, and just be happy as a family.

Wiping his tears with a whimper, he nodded before backing away from the bars. "...Me and Em should go. I'll be back Marky."
"No you won't. Cass, he doesn't give a shit, look at him. I came to see if he was genuinely repentant and sorry, but look, he doesn't regret a thing!" Hissed Ember, shooting a glare at both his brother and at Star, who he didn't think regretted much of what she'd done to his family either. The only thing the two regretted was probably being caught, and thus, Ember wanted a relationship with neither of them.

The fact Cassy was falling for it all and blaming himself was ridiculous.

"He wanted to kill Angelica. What if that Wren guy hadn't had a conscience? What then? Would you still be crying over Mark if our baby sister had her heart ripped out of her?!"
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