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"It's going... fine, I guess. It's fine. Cassy, I don't gush like you do, yeah? You go gooey-eyed and tell everyone who listens. I... don't. Don't get me wrong, I love him lots, I just... I can't gush about it like you do," shrugged Ember casually, scratching at his arms while smirking to his father, Oscar having rolled his eyes lightly at his teenager son's alternative appearance. As said, there really was nothing he could do about it, so he just let Ember do what he wanted these days.

"Murdo was sleeping. I mean, he wanted to come but we-- look, we had sex and it got a bit rough and he's resting up, alright? If you gotta know, there you are. The truth. Isn't it better if I just said he was sick-- but that sounds like a terrible excuse, so-- whatever. He's resting and he'll come down later for a few minutes. I can't have him down here too long or he'll explode into flames or something," laughed the dragon with an affectionate, purely loving glint in his eye. "Earth, huh? Now, Cassy, that's dumb. Earth's fucking huge. We ain't gonna bump into Mark on a street, are we?"
"I wasn't going to look for him. I meant go to Murdo's place for drinks, douche." He grumbled, smacking his arm with red cheeks. "And telling me he was sick would be a lot better than the truth! I don't wanna hear about my brother's sex life!" Whined the blonde, before huffing. Hands on his hips, he glanced up at him before smiling. "Why don't we go, hmm? We can go to Murdo's place and have drinks, and it'll be fun~!"
"...I mean, sure, that sounds good but... aren't you, like, supposed to be celebrating down here?" He challenged, trying his best to put him off the idea of heading to Murdo's. Now, he loved him a lot and wanted to spend as much time with him as he possibly could-- but he hadn't been lying when he said that Murdo needed to rest. Hell, Murdo was the dominant one when they made love, and yet he was the one needing to rest while Ember was up and ready to go without so much as a sore hip.

"I just-- fine. Let's go. Murdo will have to fucking man up and deal with it," he decided after a moment, grinning to his brother suddenly. "And don't you go fucking lusting after him, yeah? It's been a while since you saw him and he's-- he's fucking hotter than he ever was before, I'm pretty lucky-- but ain't you dating that kid from college? Trey or something? Or has that ended?"
"No, we're still together." He smiled brightly, and happily. This too had been his longest relationship, two months. Yeah, that was his longest because usually, he was already in love with someone else at this point. "We're pretty happy right now~" He gushed happily. "He's such a cutie, and he's so nice, and he gave me a foot rub the other day~" Giggled the teen as he followed his brother.

Meanwhile, back at the apartment, Murdo was waking up, yawning. Glancing at his side, he saw his boyfriend had left, and he finally remembered the party. "Shit." He mumbled realizing he was probably missing it. Getting out of bed, he went to take a shower happily, the thoughts of their sex still fresh on his mind. After a fifteen minute shower, he got out and got dressed, walking to the living room and seeing the brothers sitting together having a beer. "Ah, babe, Cassy." He smiled, greeting them as he went to the fridge grabbing himself a beer.

"Hi Murdo!" He happily greeted, blinking at how...Gorgeous the man really was. Ember was right, he got hotter.
"I wasn't going to invite him around, he sort of insisted we hang out with a few drinks. I know you needed to rest because you're really old and stuff," teased and taunted the dragon as he winked over at his boyfriend. Murdo was a Viking, from centuries ago - Ember delighted in reminding him of that whenever he could. If Murdo could tease him about being a dragon, he felt he ought to be able to tease him about his age.

Their relationship was so comfortable that teasing like this was more fun and cute than anything else.
"Huh, well you love my old man self, you weirdo dragon." Laughed the man sitting down on the couch, propping his feet up on the coffee table as he drank his beer. "Well, I just woke up, so what do ya guys wanna do?...Cassy, did you ditch your own party?"

"Yeah, I...It's was depressing there. Home's been super depressing lately." Whined the teen, looking away. "Which is why I stay with my boyfriend a lot."
"He's missing Mark. He's actually missing the brother who abandoned us for a materialistic, money-loving slut. Can you believe that?" Grunted Ember with a sarcastic roll of his eyes. Murdo, inevitably, knew the situation inside-out at this point. Ember was his father's son, after all. Like Oscar, he rather liked gossip, so everything he heard down in Hell about Star, he passed onto Murdo to just grimace and bitch about the woman, and voice his astonishment that she apparently had Mark wrapped around her little finger.

That's what he believed, after all: that Mark was manipulated and brainwashed into staying with her, doing all those horrific things. He really had no idea that Mark not only stood up for himself against her, but loved what he did with her; that he was the one to mostly suggest things. Mark had always been a gentle, kind older brother - Ember hardly believed that he could have changed so much without a little manipulation from Star being involved.

"Mark's not coming back," continued the teen as he sipped at his beer. "He's probably married that bitch by now, he's so manipulated by her."
"Probably. Hey, look, Cassy, I know you two were close but...It's just better to focus on your life. I mean...He's out focusing on his life. It wouldn't be fair to make you sit out here and just...Wait for his return. Move on with life. And you should really focus on you. You graduated, that's great! You should go to college, maybe move in with your boyfriend if you two are serious."

"...Yeah.." He mumbled looking away guiltily. There was something he hadn't told anyone about his boyfriend. His boyfriend had a girlfriend, and they just had a baby together. Which was why they were living together. He wasn't exactly out about his sexuality. But he did promise Cassy he would come out soon...Hopefully.
"Why don't you give him a ring, invite him around?" Suggested Ember suddenly, thinking that he wanted to really meet this guy his brother was apparently deadly serious about. Two months, for Cassy, was unheard of in a relationship. He normally lasted two weeks at the most before something went wrong and he ended up curled up on the couch, sobbing his heart out to Oscar with ice cream. Two months with someone must mean it was incredibly serious, so of course Ember was curious and wanted to meet the guy that had apparently captured his brother's heart.

"He can't live far from here if our school is just around the corner and stuff-- invite him. We have plenty of beer, Murdo can order some pizza. It'll be fun, yeah?"

Fun. That... wasn't really how Cassy's boyfriend would have characterised it when he eventually turned up, mostly because he was petrified about his sexuality coming out. Hanging out with more people carried the risk of that secret being released-- but he had still turned up, apparently comforted by the knowledge that he was coming to hang out with people Cassy was sure wouldn't go blabbing about him. He had had to leave his girlfriend and his newborn baby to hang out with Cassy-- but he didn't mind too much, not if it was for an hour or two. He loved Cassy. It was difficult to be with him, and be open with how he felt, so he was going to take any chance he could.

"...Thanks for the invite I guess," grinned Trey, the boy arriving through in from the cold as he promptly dropped his backpack and offered Cassy a quick kiss on the forehead. "I mean, better late than never, yeah?"

Cassy purred from the kiss, before throwing his arms around his boyfriend with an excited smile. He didn't get to spend a lot of time with him, because of the baby and all, so when he did get to spend time with him, Cassy was the happiest man alive. Pecking his lips quickly, he glanced at his brother, before introducing the two. "Trey this is my brother Ember, and this is his boyfriend Murdo." He giggled softly.

Murdo waved to the man, smiling a bit. "Hey, I have beers in the fridge, would you like one?"
Before Trey even had a chance to accept the offer, or even take off his coat, he froze-- or rather, he was frozen. He stopped like that, frozen in time, as did Murdo. The only humans in the room stopped dead in their tracks and while the reason for that initially seemed confusing, it made sense when, just a literal second later, Mark appeared. The eldest brother had clearly... changed over the last few months. He'd clearly learned how to freeze people in their tracks like that, admittedly only with humans, but it came in handy now ad then-- like when he wanted to pay his brothers a visit and didn't want any irritating little humans interrupting him.

But he'd changed aesthetically too. Mark had never taken much care of himself. He'd always worn the same casual, boring clothes and let his hair go unstyled. He'd always been handsome, but... it took a lot to see that in the past with how little he cared to care for himself. But Star had evidently helped, because the way Mark was now was... insanely impressive. His hair was dyed blonde, he'd lost a little weight and bulked up a bit more, and his clothes were of the highest standard. Simply, he was gorgeous-- even if some of his shirt was worryingly splattered with blood.

"Happy graduation day, little brother," he beamed after a moment, settling casually on the couch as though he hadn't disappeared for months without a trace. After adjusting his collar, he shot his brothers another slow, lazy smirk. "I wasn't going to miss saying it to you. Star complained that I shouldn't, but I wanted to. Good thing I was able to track you down, hm?"

Cassy was frozen as well when he saw Mark. He was shocked. Mark had...Changed so much. But...But it was still Mark. Tears in his eyes dropped to his cheeks before he threw himself over Mark, hugging him tightly with a happy laugh. "Marky-poo! You're back!" He grinned, nuzzling his cheek as he squeezed him. While he came to the human world to escape the reminders of his brother, he was glad to have seen him.

Star walked into the apartment behind him, grimacing at how average it was. Obviously, she was angry. he promised he wouldn't see his family until they accepted her. And she highly doubted any of them accepted her yet. Glaring at the frozen humans, she crossed her arms before gagging at the sight of Cassy. "....Don't you think it's disgusting how much your brother loves you, Marky-poo? And tell him he can't call you that, only I can."

Cassy looked up, grimacing a bit as he wiping his eyes. "...It's not disgusting he's my brother...And...And I made that nickname, so I can call him it all I want."
"You should tone down calling me that, Cass. She's my wife now. I gotta listen to my wife, you know? Or she's going to kick me out of bed and I'm gonna have to sleep on the couch again--"

"Again?" Murmured Ember slowly, hoping that things between the couple were... strained. Hearing they were married didn't shock him. He'd predicted that months ago, assuming that they'd had a quick wedding somewhere and celebrated by killing a few innocent women and stealing their jewels. Unfortunately, that wasn't shocking behaviour from them these days. "Aw, are things tough? I won't pretend to be sad."

"Huh? Nah, things are great. We're perfect," purred Mark as he pulled Star down abruptly onto his lap, his muscled arms wrapping around her waist with a romantic kiss to the side of her neck. "She just complains that I take up the whole bed-- but she comes and whines later that she misses me and we make up, it's nothing-- we're fucking solid, Ember, shut your fucking mouth, okay?"
Cassy grimaced at him when he was told to stop using the nickname that...He made up. Marky-poo was...His thing...Now his stupid 'wife' wanted to use it?

Star smirked at the sad look on his face. Wrapping her arms around his neck, she kissed her husband happily. "I don't want to be here love...That one looks too much like your annoying, bitchy father, you know the angel one."

"H-Hey, he's not annoying or bitchy! Don't talk about my Papa that way!" He hissed, glaring at her angrily.

"Fine, I'll talk about that beastly looking one. It shouldn't matter, he isn't even your real father."

"Yes...Yes, he is! Blood doesn't matter he still raised us!" Cassy viciously snapped, threatening to switch forms. He knew he should switch forms in here because this was Murdo's apartment, his boyfriend was still here, and he was on Earth. He had to stay calm.
"Keep calm, Cassy. Don't want to go switching and accidentally burning your boyfriend alive, do you? And please mind your manners when you're talking to my wife. You're my brother but I won't hesitate to wring you by your fucking neck if you raise your goddamn voice to her again. Is that understood?" He sweetly smiled, despite the statements heavily laced with unsubtle, violent threats. Star came first to him, really. He would honestly do anything for her-- and he had. Over those months, there wasn't one thing he hadn't been prepared to do for her and vice versa.

Were they dangerous? Definitely.

Were they a little insane? Probably.

But they were deeply in love and he wasn't going to ever allow her to be verbally attacked or talked down to by anyone, even his own brother he'd always been close to.

"You need to be happy for me," he decided after a moment, beginning to lightly trail his fingers in his wife's hair. "I'm happy. I've got a great wife, we're fucking happy. Why's that so hard to accept?"
"....I w-was happy until...You chose her over us...You...You left home! She's...She's talking bad about Papa and Daddy! Don't you care?! She's being mean! And you just...You threatened me, Mark! Don't you care?!" Screeched the teen, pushing his brother harshly in the chest, actually able to move him. There was one thing about Cassy. In his dragon form? He was huge. Like, really big. But he barely switched forms because well...He found himself to be ugly in that form. But his dragon strength was easily slipping through.

Star grimaced, before pushing Cassy away from her husband. "Don't touch him, scum! Ugh, baby, I don't want to stay here with this scum! He's suh a doche, I told you this was a bad idea."
"I didn't know he was going to act like a dick, did I?" Responded Mark as casually as he could manage, allowing himself to be pushed without attempting to defend himself. If he wanted to, of course, he could let some of his own strength slip through and end up fighting with Cassy-- but he didn't really have the energy to get into a huge fight.

"I care about my wife. The one you all gossiped about and didn't accept and made feel like trash," he replied with a simple glare, readjusting his collar. "You know, she's not a fucking stone-cold bitch. Being insulted and called a slut did hurt her-- it fucking hurt me. And you didn't speak up, did you? You didn't run over and defend her-- and you set us fucking up! So nah, I don't care. This was a mistake, really."
"I did stick up for her! You can even ask Ember! I was the main one saying don't judge her because everyone judged Daddy when he got with Papa! You idiot, you left and you didn't even care about your family! It was a mistake, a mistake for you to ever have been born you stupid, dumbhead!" Cassy childishly yelled, pushing Mark again. It was true though, he stuck up for Star because his brother was in love, but that was a mistake.
"A mistake for me to even be born? How much more dramatic can you be, Cassy? Go on, let's try. It's hilarious," grinned Mark, taking all the hits and the pushes without making too much of a fuss about it. Did it piss him off? Definitely-- but he'd rather let Cassy do that to him rather than turn his anger to Star. If he was preventing her from this treatment, he was glad to take it all by himself.

"You know, just because I've been away doesn't mean I haven't kept watch over you guys. I know all about your boyfriend," he began, his expression suddenly taking on a much darker smile. Mark... wasn't like they knew him, not now. He was much darker and more dangerous than he'd ever really been before. "It'd be a real shame if he was exposed to his girlfriend, you know? So don't fucking test me, Cassy. I'll do that if you continue hitting me so I recommend you fucking stop."
He froze hearing this, before looking up at him with tears in his eyes. He looked back at Ember, before at Mark. "...Sh-....Shut up! You...You don't know anything! So shut up!" He yelled smacking him across the face. "You dick! How.....Just go! Leave!....Papa always said you looked the most liked Sebastion...You're probably just like him." He evilly hissed. Sebastion, their biological father was rather evil. He abused Oscar. And he used to hit him in front of the kids. And while Cassy and Mark were incredibly young at the time, the memories of Oscar being beaten in front of him were burned into his memory.

Star glared at the dragon, crossing her arms. "...You know what babe...Why don't e expose Cassy and his little boyfriend hmm? Expose his boyfriend to his girlfriend, who if you didn't know this Cassy baby, he's still fucking. Yeah, he may have told you he didn't love her, but...He's still very much so intimate with her when you're not around." Smirked the woman.

Cassy glared at her, tears in his eyes. "...Just...Fucking....Leave." He whispered, visibly shaking.