Bloomfield High ~ An Academy for Girls

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Yuki: Oooook, i'm just going to stare at the headmistresss's bottom as she walks past. *ends up spilling coffee all over her lap due to the distraction*
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Yuki: Oooook, i'm just going to stare at the headmistresss's bottom as she walks past. *ends up spilling coffee all over her lap due to the distraction*
Rosemary: "Classy... real classy. I can so fix that for you." *Pulls out pink glitter and scissors* xD
Yuki: Huh? Yeah, sure.

*comes back to her senses*

Yuki: Why is my lap wet, pink and missing most of the skirt?
Yuki: Huh? Yeah, sure.

*comes back to her senses*

Yuki: Why is my lap wet, pink and missing most of the skirt?
Rosemary: "Darling what do you mean? You look fabulous! Now be quiet and let me fix your hair." *Takes out more glitter and hair dye*
Yuki@ At least, wait untill we're back in our dorm! Now, everyone can see my undies!
  • Bucket of Rainbows
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Oh. Just letting everyone know you're free to post, after I begin a new day the posting limit resets. Nifty huh? :D
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Working on Rosemary's post now^^.
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Lmao @ Yuki laying eggs.
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It was funny. I laughed loud.
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  • Bucket of Rainbows
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Working on a post right now, though I probably won't finish, but just a few questions so there isn't confusion [on my end at least]. The Houses are clearly differentiated by the symbol in the lawn bordering the dorm house, with the name of it under as well. That parts clear, and super fancy, yay.

While it may be a little obvious: does all the houses have the same sign-in desk system going on? Are we receiving only our keys, or are we also getting our schedules to go along with that as well? [I'm pretty sure I remember that the schedule handing out either already happened, or was going to happen on the moving in day sometime @ _ @]

I see there's no dorm number thing going on, but does that mean that whoever posts first between the pair of roommates gets to decide what floor their room is on? If that's the case, are we all going to be on floor two as your character has outlined, or is there a max/min we are allowed to choose from?
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Reactions: envogue
Working on a post right now, though I probably won't finish, but just a few questions so there isn't confusion [on my end at least]. The Houses are clearly differentiated by the symbol in the lawn bordering the dorm house, with the name of it under as well. That parts clear, and super fancy, yay.

While it may be a little obvious: does all the houses have the same sign-in desk system going on? Are we receiving only our keys, or are we also getting our schedules to go along with that as well? [I'm pretty sure I remember that the schedule handing out either already happened, or was going to happen on the moving in day sometime @ _ @]

I see there's no dorm number thing going on, but does that mean that whoever posts first between the pair of roommates gets to decide what floor their room is on? If that's the case, are we all going to be on floor two as your character has outlined, or is there a max/min we are allowed to choose from?
The desk system is going to hand out all the stuff, I actually meant to edit that in, but forgot so I'll do that right meow. Sorry about that. And there's 3 floors. :)
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And yes, whoever posts first between you and your roommate gets to decide what floor their room is on.
The desk system is going to hand out all the stuff, I actually meant to edit that in, but forgot so I'll do that right meow. Sorry about that. And there's 3 floors. :)
Taokaka, go bother Ragna!
But seriously, I gotta ask: are you familiar with BlazBlue?
TO THE DOVAHCENTREROOMWHEREICANPOSTAPOSTMOBILE! What? If Batman can have Batmobiles, Batvans, i see why i can't have Dovah named stuff!
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