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Holly paused for a moment before speaking. He could have actually followed up right after his captain but had opted to wait as others moved in, giving their opinions more readily. Since Kairi had spoken up, he supposed that he ought to. However, he didn't particularly like the way things were going with it. This probably wasn't exactly the greatest place to comfortably disagree with others but he was going to do it.

"With all due respect, I think we have to consider whether we're looking at this the wrong way. We shouldn't just be thinking about the situation militarily. While we don't need to neglect the possibility of conflict, the fact is that as we've all observed, these hollows or arrancar are capable of rational thought. Even if there are bad ones, it isn't as though bad shinigami don't exist either. The arrancar I met was Alexander Cirilo, the 6th. I approached him because he didn't seem particularly hostile, neglecting to destroy anything as he went or hurt anyone that wasn't coming to him. In fact, it almost seemed like he was scoping us out as if to decide whether he wanted to fight or not. We had a short conversation but he seemed unwilling to act as an aggressor towards us unprovoked. I asked the Captain Commander to send out a request that he not be aggressively engaged. The best battle won is the battle not fought. We will likely have to fight some of them but we should avoid fighting the ones who don't really wish for conflict. These are not like the mindless hollows that just kill and eat. We shouldn't treat them as merely threats," Holly said, stepping forwards. Well, he supposed he'd said it. Thinking better of it, he added something else, "Nor should we be taking pop shots at each other for whatever reason. If anyone believes there was something handled irresponsibly, there are proper venues to go through."
Alicia Fullburn Las Noches

Humming to herself the maddening screams of the other Arrancar could be heard as his own energy attack of some sort curiously impacted into himself.

"Oh Mi Lady, he's reached the room! And in such time! My am I impressed!" The one with the Top hat says with a smile and a slight skip as a slightly mad eye with a matching smile meets the gaze of his master.

Giving a curt nod in acknowledgment she begins singing a song of sorts beginning to mix the powder and eggs. With her own underlings watching the new guys progress.

"That sir which serves and seeks for gain,
And follows but for form,
Will pack when it begins to rain
And leave thee in the storm.

But I will tarry. The fool will stay.
And let the wise man fly.
The knave turns fool that runs away;
The fool, no knave, perdy."

Stopping momentarily the batter was mixed, while she normally would have a servant handle this task, she had told the girl she would make a gift for her. Implying she personally would do so. Alicia was not the most trust worthy of people, or rather she was the most. She would keep her word when it was given, but because of this it was rarely given. For only a fool would hand out their word if it was kept.

Pressing the cake into the oven she had enough mix to make two, after all there would be need of a celebration of sorts with the newest addition to her private tea party...speaking of. "Angor, I would like for some tea. On the double if you do please. The rest of you clear the view. For I would like the seat I am due." With that the three others, a maid, a bard, and a plain suited man all clear to give the Segunda a bit of viewing room, for now her task was done she had an interest in seeing this all unfold. The poor man, he hadn't figured the pattern, though at least now her unit would be lopsided..that annoyed her a bit, two males and two females was even, now it was three and two. Though the full tea set could be used.

As time passes and the cakes are maid, the hatted one named Angor prepares another batch of tea at his mistress's command. "Oh. He Finally Made it, and in time for some cake. I shall go greet him. For now he is reborn to see as we do." In general the strange maze like room could be something of a breaking point for some if they didn't see the solution. So far only two had, but they were already somewhat mad. Angor and Silvia the Maid, she considered them her left and right hands and treated them well, after all losing her head did leave something of a small impression on her in the next life.

Opening the door on the far end of the room, it seemed the straight line path from the two was short. The Hatch to the door, but of course the paths and turns between made it not so. "Ah. Tell me what have you seen. What awaits the end of us all. What is the hangman's beam. What is it thats at the fall?" Her one surely open eye narrows at him, her smirk widing, expecting an answer this time, she waits to see if he learned correctly.

With a Frenzied look he immediately bows before Alicia with a crazed look to his eye that was not there before, and somehow seemed magnified by her presence..yet a unshakable resolve or sureness was to him, as if he knew. Knew what who could tell, but his words quickly answer.

"I'm smarter because I know cats can be bats can be rats can be hats can be gnats can be thats can be thises. And that doors can be boars can be snores can be floors can be roars can be spores can be yours can be mine. I must be smart, for the interconnective system is very clear to me. Death is what awaits. The Abyss, that is answer to it all...turns and twists..all end the same."

Pleased with his answer, the Segunda extends her long slender hand helping to his feet. "You shall be the fool, for it is the fool that can see when he did not. And did not when he could. Now you may join our lovely little party." Now able to join in with the strange conversations, the Segunda was a bit disappointed, she had hoped he would be more...fun..or hands on in being broke in. As the group sit around having tea and relating on goings in the human world the remainder of time passes rather peacefully.

Regardless now was time for the meeting, collecting her cake she had a promise to keep. Making way for the meeting hall she overhears a conversation on of all things Family. That girl..well no..that woman truly among the oldest she had meet, if her assumptions were correct, was simply too naive..if she kept that train of thought, someone would seen knock her from Three...if not from this life. That was part of why she gave no answers or rebuffed her colleges advances. To put it simply she would do what suited her, but she didn't trust them to not turn on her if it proved good for them.

"Ah Illea, I see you are well. My what a long silence you have dispelled." Walking through the doors as she says this with her left on the cake container, and her right on the handle. Laughing at the remark on the so called strongest, she smiles thinly. "The Young man can lift the most, the young woman can run the fastest, the woman with the hat is a smooth talker. And the Old man is wise. Who among them is the Strongest, and what is it that makes one strong? He was the strongest in his barbarism no doubt. But the strongest of them all? My he'll take quite the fall." Unlike the rest of the oens who had spoken so far, she had very little respect for bavardo or her enemies ability to stand there with a city to his back, he was strong yes, but he was also weak in several that she seen.

Putting her right hand up to her mouth as her fashion, letting the door close behind her Alica grins. "Ohohoho!" Advancing quickly towards Illea, Alica wasn't as prideful as the self proclaimed noble, and with her manipulative nature she had no problems lowering herself as it were. Squatting to meet Illea eye to eye the Segunda smiles, not as creepy so much as an attempt to be kind.

"It is not very special, or of need to you or any of us, but I do think this will be of..a special spot for you." Setting the Container on the meeting table before Illea she rather doubted anyone would be upset, and if they were...well she hadn't gotten to harm anyone today...

"Its a cinnamon Cake with a hint of Ginger and Maple Syrup coating, and hints of cherry a delicacy once upon a time." She doesn't bother adding that time, her fellow Espada would likely see the significance in it. Never mind the emotions it would bring up when she had it. Depending on how the girls reactions were and feeling of need, the Segunda could perhaps secure one of her Flanks..that would leave one more, tiny issue.. Her grin shifts at this thought, as she stands to her feet, bowing to Vaham slightly.

"I am not the first nor the last, but I bid you welcome as I pass." Heading for her own seat, she purposefully circles the table to pass the leader, taking her seat she hums to herself. These meetings were dreadfully boring.

Oka Ogasawara Soul Society

Oka for her part listens to the reports as her turn nears she notices that most of them are beating on Oda in a manner. The Kenpachi did some foolish things it was true, but was this really time for this? Clearing her throat as her turn comes around and the others have given their side of events, the Wolf Captain snarls slightly as if to gain attention, a deep rumbling growl.

"Eh..heheh ehh..sorry. I for one would like to offer the barracks of the 10th to be shared with Captain Seighardt Oda and the survivors of his Squad until they can rebuild..we'll of course split our barracks to avoid unneeded confrontation, though some of my men could improve their combat skills. Regardless of why the Kenpachi did what he did, while his mens graves are still warm shows poorly for us to speak of him like this here and now..if there are complaints they should be addressed, but its not the focus of why we are here...which why are we here?"

Pausing as if searching for the words to use next, her glance lingers on the mentioned Captain. "While I understand where he is coming from, we need more information. The Soul Society can win any War regardless of our foe, but the cost in corpses may be more than the trouble is worth." Bowing her head lightly she then begins her own retelling of events.

"Its my belief in numbers or targeting a few of them we can likely bring...a transition in their ranks to accept a peace prospect, that is if peace is possible..we don't know of their nature, and theirs of us are likely from that man...his aura was so rotten.." Not wanting to go into more detail on her sure animalistic desire he must be killed no matter what. "I wonder if he did anything here, or other events happened minus our battle...but ah!" As if struck by why she originally spoke up her right hand clenches into a fist and index finger, pointing nowhere of note.

"The one I fought seemed to not trust why she was here, she was very honorable named Kurono Akitachi, she was 5th in her own..I might could have beaten her but it would result in me being heavily wounded at the least..so there is variation in the power positioning, given while I can physically match Captain Oda, he is more experienced, the 2nd I also briefly seen but she left upon my arrival.. "

"Other than the mutual respect, there seems to be internal issues on their side..the one I fought was a speed user and skilled in hand to hand..regarding that and the respect I have for her, I would rather not engage her again. Other than that, we did minor damage to both and agreed to a mutual ceasefire. As it was a pointless battle for either. I caution us doing anything to Unify them..maybe Special Operations has thoughts on this. That is all for my report."

Bowing Oka is finished, awaiting the next speaker.

Voicing some support for the Kenpachi she did feel a bit sorry for the situation he was in. While all the Shinigami in this room had long fought, very few of them knew War as well as she did, though there was little mistaking this was a declaration..though she had a feeling more was happening that meets the eyes..what she had no idea, nor was she sure on how to voice it.
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Seighardt Oda
He kind of figured his suggestion to outright attack them would be not very favored among his fellow captains. That was more so his own anger talking there, yet as reports started being given his anger would only rise. First was Zion who said he could vouch for him and that they both had to use their bankai's against their opponents. He couldn't help but frown at that, he didn't require his bankai at all Illea simply proved to amuse him enough to be granted death by it. Yet the boy was young, he still had much to learn about using it cause you have too, and because you just want too. Yet his report wasn't what made his veins start popping on his forehead. What Nene followed after it was what caused his anger to rise. Barter for his life? Excuse fucking him for being given a disease and then blown the fuck up. How dare he not stand up after being givena disease that was slowly killing him to top it off with being engulfed by a suicide bomb. He knew the blind little rat said that on purpose too, as she was smiling and everything.

He tried to cool himself but not even the captain but the mother fucker who stabbed him spoke up. Why was that little old asshole even here in the first place? Shouldn't someone of authority be healing the injured instead of taking shot at him? Did this old man really think he forgot about being stabbed by the asshole? As Ci finished his report, a low growl was coming from Seig plus some killing intent as he gazed at the lieutenant. Then Natsuko spoke up she didn't really take a shot at him in the report, but he damn sure remembered what she said before they all assembled. Did no one pay attention to what Illea even did? Seriously do these guys go through diseases like its nothing? Well send him the memo cause he must have fucking lost it. Oh these people... if only burning your allies alive on purpose wasn't a crime. Some lieutenants would give their reports followed by the other captains, then Oka's turn came along. He half expected the woman to join the bandwagon, yet she was quite the opposite. Much more polite and even offering her barracks for him and his men while his barracks were being repaired. He gave the female a slight smile and nod of thanks before his turn came along.

"My turn? Okay then first off. Melaura! Keep your yap dog silent before I snap his jaw open and rip out his tongue, for my stomach still hurts where he fucking stabbed it. I should also add without releasing his shikai! So he straight up just stabbed me. Next of note, Illea the rank number three. You know the one I was felled by as some of you kindly put, has the power to inflict you with her disease. Now I don't know how many diseases some of you go through in a day, but when its purpose is to kill you from the inside, then I think some should shut up or face her yourselves. Now I admit my error in rushing in without thinking about her abilities. Yet do know, now that I know what she is capable of, she really isn't a threat to me anymore as she is to you guys. Yet because I'm nice, I will tell you about her. she gives you her disease through blood or various other means. I believe I contracted it from this dust she sprinkled on me as I ripped my sword out of that Garganta in the sky. Shes fast and when she starts leaking blood, physical contact is almost dangerous as you risk the blood touching you and giving you her disease. She also is capable of blowing herself up with a cero. So a cero bomb. So really if it wasn't for the fact she was physically weak and fragile. She could very well be ranked one among them. She also mentioned a Vaham. I assume their leader, didn't go much into detail on him. Take it for what you will, and thank you Captain Oka for the offer. I shall accept." Seig would conclude his report before awaiting most likely Heizo's report to nail the coffin in his already very angered state.
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[BCOLOR=#800000]Zuo Ci[/BCOLOR]​

Zuo Ci struggled to maintain himself as active and involved for his former captain as much as possible, though the meeting was dragging on him. Yes, they'd pretty much noted everything of relevance, save King Meathead added a name to the list: 'Vaham'. Was that the guy who had blasted near everyone to the ground with nothing more than his Reiatsu? Ci had even hurt himself a bit on the fall. Oh, and it had stopped him from actually healing Sieghart, and soured his feelings toward Ci. Speaking of which... Ci's self control was utterly wasted at the King's remarks. With a face of stone, Ci look across the room at him.

Everyone ended up at Squad 4 sooner or later. What reason would he ever have to go near Seighart, except when his captain was near him?
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Character: Kha Reau, Espada 8.
Location: Las Noches

Not long after the Segunda entered the meeting hall, Kha Reau, the 8th Espada, slipped into the room, her purple hair swaying gently across her face as she walked. While her fellow Espada had gone on Vaham's mission, Kha had stayed back to oversee Hueco Mundo and ensure there were no surprises while everyone else was gone. It had been a thoroughly uneventful time, which Kha spent hunting after other Hollows, something she did when she was bored. It had kept her occupied for awhile, but she soon grew tired of it. There wasn't a single Hollow that was fast enough to provide a decent challenge. After a couple more kills, she had spent the rest of her time sitting alone in her room silently.

As the Octava approached her seat, she stopped for a moment, bowing slightly to Vaham. "Lord Vaham...it was..an uneventful time here.." she reported. With nothing else noteworthy to say, and not wanting to waste Vaham's time, she quickly raised her head and turned away, slipping into her chair silently. Looking around, the Octava wondered about the purpose of this meeting. She had noticed the absence of Kayano when she had entered the room, and wondered if the Septima had simply not arrived yet, or if something else had happened. Either way, it didn't really affect her. As long as Lord Vaham allowed her to continue being the maniacal hunter she was, Kha couldn't care less about the fates of her fellow Espada. Closing her eyes, she leaned back in her chair, her nails tapping the table as she waited.

Vaham was seated while his eyes met with Guerra's. The Primera seemed concerned with something in particular which the Jōkyaku caught easily. Before he could give a respond, the rest of the Arrancars arrived shortly after. Whereas Belladonna and Illea herself wanted it to rather be public instead of private. The request Guerra made that is, to speak under four eyes. A smile crept up beneath his mask, before he decided to speak up.

"I suppose it would be wise for you to express your thoughts here and now, Guerra. Unless you have a reason for it to actually be in private?" The Jōkyaku's eyes squinted ever so slightly as he never looked away from Guerra. However, judging by how Illea wanted it to rather not be private, he knew that the Primera did speak to Tercera and the little Arrancar may or may not have an idea in regards of what it is that the man wants to talk about. "I believe the rest of the Arrancars that are under your supervision, or at least some would want you to share it here, in the open.."

That's also when the Octava, Kha Rheau appeared. The only Espada among the ten who was left behind to oversee Las Noches. Not that it was neccessary. Moving his attention away from Guerra for a moment, he responded to the newly arrived Espada. "Regardless, you've done well Kha Rheau. Dont you worry either, there will be plenty of things that'll be eventful enough." A genuine compliment, despite how boring it may have been to stay behind.

"Primera. What is on your mind?" He asked. It was for the rest who were at the meeting, or otherwise, Vaham was ready to talk in private as well, but right now, trust was important amongst the Espada, so the decision Guerra would make next may come back to bite him in the ass. A few moments later, Vaham noticed the last remaining Arrancar to arrive, Xenethis. As the latter took his respective seat, the meeting could get on its way after the matter with Guerra was settled.

Vaham was indeed all too curious to see what Guerra had to say.

@Merlin @Dakota K5 @QuakeUPSB @Everyone
[fieldbox=No Juro, maroon]Juro's eyes cracked open, he was sitting inside the meeting room. In his seat, thankfully. Vaham kind of woke him up, or maybe it was the fact the meeting was getting ready to start and that is what woke him up instead. Either way, he was up now and ready to 'listen' to the meeting and try not to fall asleep in the middle of it. Vaham better make the meeting interesting to keep this man awake.

It was also cruel that Vaham allowed the Eight Espada to stay behind, Juro was the one that wanted to stay behind because he wanted to stay home and sleep all day. Vaham chose Number 8 instead, how cruel of him. Juro actually had to fight someone! Well, to a degree. He used a cero and the fight was pretty much over it was so pathetic. How did Illea get so injured from those pathetic Shinigami, Juro would never know. He would be asleep if she tried to explain it.

Vaham then asked Guerra to share with everyone instead of Private. This was a bit interesting, and Juro's eyes opened up all the way. "I agree with Vaham, Guerra. We are one big Family, surely you can trust your Family and speak your mind." Juro ignored the fact that Kha was praised for staying behind and doing nothing. Juro could of done that with his eyes closed! That is what he would of done anyways.

[fieldbox=Kon Benkei, royalblue]Kon stood in his spot, listening to every Captain's report down the line. Seig and Oka spoke about their opponents, and others spoke. Natsuko had her own opponent, and Kon was busy during the fight helping the Shinigami leave the Barracks before going to help his fellow Captains. He was too late to help anyways, and his Lieutenant was burned and hurt badly. In Kon's opinion, even if his Lieutenant said it was fine.

"I was helping the others escape the Barracks after the first attack, when my Division was safe, I sent out to help Captain Natsuko. I was a bit too late to help, and I have nothing else to report on. My Lieutenant had fought one of them and ended up being burned." He didn't question his Lt. too much on the fight because he had sent him away to go to the medical division and get fixed up. Jati would have to give his report on the Arrancar he fought, who was named 'No.'

Oka had arrived to help Natusko as well, but that wasn't his report either. Kon's report was rather small because he had spent most of his time during the invasion helping other Shinigami out of the barracks and into safety. Protecting them in case an Arrancar decided to attack the innocent and defenseless. [/fieldbox]
Interaction: Vaham.
"I figured it wouldn't be of that much importance but if all those present wish for me to speak here in this public forum of our meeting then so be it." Guerra spoke as he stood up so that his voice would reach all the Espada in attendance. "What I wanted to speak about was this path you are sending us down, at the beginning of this day you ordered eight of us to enter soul society and show them our strength." He walked along the table while speaking finding himself unable to stand still at this moment as he drew his fellow Espada's attention. "But as out incursion progressed and then ended I noticed something that I had not given much thought to when we arrived back, you never gave a order to attack any specific area or target specific shinigami while we were there. Now that leads me to my next point, we hit them hard and caused damage and injuries we probably even caused many deaths but not the deaths of any key players so now we have all but one of the captains of the shinigami in play all of whom could arrive here to hit us as they are now aware of us and the threat we pose to them." He was leaning on the opposite end of the table from Vaham as he looked at their leader. "I assume you used us as a distraction to go after what ever your main goal of the battle was after all if the captains and lieutenants were focused on we eight it would give you free reign to do whatever you like. I wish to know if our attack was a farce that did nothing but rattle a hornet's nest or if we struck a decisive blow to our enemy?"
He ran a hand through his hair while he waited as he had more to say. "Now that was what I was going to bring up during the meeting but as you so graciously gave me the chance to speak first I figured I would bring it up now though I am sure you as well as the others in the room are wondering why I wanted to speak to you in private. I had a plan in mind to help with this war, if we were able to somehow convince the shinigami that we had some sort of internal "conflict" and one of us somehow ended up reported "dead" but say that Espada was "found" in soul society with "no" memory then the shingami would detain that espada and when they aren't able to get any intel out of them they would be detained." He paused to breath before continuing to speak. "The reason I wanted to pitch this plan in private was so that only the two of us would know of the lie, I was going to volunteer myself as the story of the Primera attempting to take power and being defeated by you Vaham would of been believable to both the other Espada and the shinigami. You would then have myself somewhere in soul society for the next attack ready to destroy from the inside while the rest destroyed from outside." He finally stopped talking and went to sit down in his seat again before looking at Vaham one more time. "I figured that if we went with that only the two of us knowing would keep the shinigami from finding out somehow but that's no longer possible. I just figured that I would try and help with this little war effort we find ourselves in." Guerra finished with sigh.
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Alicia Fullburn Las Noches

At first the Segunda Smiles at the mans realization. He openly suspected, though he was foolish to expect an honest answer, and he had the right of it. If not for that one Shinigami, and of course Illea outright attacking them, she was really planning to go shopping during this fools farce. There was no point in battle if you didn't gain something. Was there?

Oh not so stupid after all are we my dear Guerra.

Giggling lightly as he finished however she reaches a conclusion, he was as stupid as ever. More so with this plan. Busting out laughing at the point, this was why she never took this Family business seriously. Blood was thicker than water, and as a result it drowned people fare more better than not. It was too much, too amusing, she KNEW to a degree the truth of his claims. In Fact Vaham HAD been there, and she had sensed some life being snuffed out around him. She would always be on guard of him, but what would be the fun in offering information that wasn't needed to be given.

And yet the Primera was far too blind of things. No, listening to his plan maybe he was blind. Covering her mouth in her typical Noble Fashion, this was indeed too much. "Ohohohoho! Mayhap I name my new man wrong. For you sing quite the most daft of songs." With a Razor sharp smile and one narrowed eye, Alicea begins to explain the flaws in his plan.

"You who purposely antagonized, villianized and humiliated a few of them from what I gathered, want to pretend to be their friend? Why what possiblly could go wrong!" Laughing again this was really too rich in a manner, more so when he ignored there was a real traitor among them, or if not a traitor someone chasing her own goal.

"Never mind your grasp of family seems to be as narrow as your pride. Look around the table you fool. One of our number is missing, I rather doubt she fell. You speak of conflicts or internal problems, why make up what is real? We all have our own reason to be at this table, and few of them match. Forgive me my Dear Guerra, but did you and that foolish Kenpachi switch brains during your leaving?"

Chuckling this was amusing after all. "But perhaps you wish to cross over for information of your own, not that I blame you for such, but please make a better story, or send a better agent in your place. For you cannot make a case. Though if what I assume to be the truth is correct then you are to be commended, if not for the tale, for having the ability to think for yourself." Raising her eyebrow as if to look down upon him, or maybe to size him up, Alicia chuckles.

"Then again maybe you want to fight all the Shinigami in a so called war, once they start to torture you likely. While they might not a weaker one, the Number One among us, oh yes, lets take pity on he who can slit our throats...though maybe the beating could be made so you really do forget." Smiling while liking the corner of her exposed left lip the Segunda given the fact she wasn't Rhyming and was in fact being quite direct with her words showed her other side was leaking through.

"The Shinigami likely have all the information they need." She didn't bother to add her other thoughts on a war being impossible to win with the balance of power. Nor of the fact the cracks in the family set up by a self serving master were always there. Not that she would be displeased with Vaham about that. Not many thought as the family minded ones did...of course many of them played at it however.
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Belladona Kiosa - Las Nochas

Guerra seemed to not be hesitant to speak on what he originally intended to be for Lord Vaham ears only. The large Arrancar stood and proudly announced his concerns. He pointed out what Belladona had actualed failed to notice. They were never told to launch a attack on any specific person or spot but just be to show power. They were just there to make there presence known which cost them the element of surprise. The Shinigami now knew of them and could attack at any moment if they somehow knew where Las Nochas was located. Bella looked around the room and notice someone was still absent...Kayano. She faced palmed at this realization of her absence and the fact she was last seen in the the Seireitei. Bella hoped she was just pulling a No Juro and napping somewhere.

She pushed here worries down and continued to listen to Guerra's little speech. Belladona found herself agreeing with Guerra for once in her life. She was told they where going to avenge Arrancar and strike back against the Shinigami by Vaham. Belladona never cared about what the Shinigami did to her kind and vice versa. She only joined the Espada because of how powerful they were and how they could help her. She now had a actually interested in Vaham's plans, His true motivation and how the Espada played into them. She didn't like being used, It should be the other way around. Bella now wanted to know more about there Mysterious leader and what his true goals are.

Once Guerra finish speaking Belladona heard the laugh of Alicia. This took her mind off Vaham for the moment. She knew what was coming as it caused her to smile and lick her lips in excitement. Alica had started to shoot holes into Guerra's ridiculous plan. She pointed out how foolish he was for thinking such a plot would actually succeed. He had humiliated and demonized them and no way they would they trust him unless the Shinigami were run by idiots. He would probably in up being tortured and being pushed so far beyond his limit he might go berserk...No will go berserk. Bella found herself giggling too and imagining his rampage across the Seireitei. Alicia had just embarrassed Guerra in front of everyone at this table and Bella would personally spread this around Las Nochas. It would have been best to had kept this conversation private but to late now. She now waited for Guerra response to her which she imagine to be good one. She loved drama and this time she didn't have to be the reason behind it. All Belladona really needed now was some popcorn or candy.
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Interaction: Alicia Fullburn
Mentioned: Vaham

He turned to face the Segunda. "For someone who's power is so insignificant to mine you always seek conflict with me, I wonder why that is? Maybe it is because you know I won't do anything to you? Or you seem to think you are able to over power me if we did trade blows? In any case I find it most amusing as do you apparently from your roundabout way of throwing out insults but I wonder, would it be just as amusing or more so if I broke your neck and left the body for our kin that have yet to reach out level as it would rid me of a major annoyance you pathetic worm." He had his arms crossed as he paused for a short second.
"I speak of you all as family as my connections to you all keeps me from being the monster that I could so easily become do to my use of the rage I felt when I died but the more you speak the more I think it as a mistake. Alas you still live to speak like a child among adults and I must live with regret of your existence in my heart and mind, for as long as our leader Vaham needs us I can't and won't lay a hand on you Fullburn and it saddens me everyday to know this as the very fact that I must look at you is a anathema to my mind and a offense to all that I know." Guerra finished as his blade had the red glow around it that usually indicated Guerra was about to attack or was agitated.
Alicia Fullburn Las Noches

"Ohoho Power insignificant? My Dear Guerra. It is better to seem than to be seen. And of me what have you seen? Little and Less." Narrowing her one eye, there was still more in his rant to be addressed. Though she wouldn't bother addressing his remark on power, conflict in such a manner was not her way. The game must be played.

"Oh? You would collect my head with the rest? I think you'll find that to be a test." Glaring at him, in principle she didn't want his spot, not as she lacked the will or belief she could take it but as she did not want it. Most of the Arrancar that felt bold would decide to go for First place rather than second when given an option between the two, and the Segunda often kept to her own area of the fortress, or in the human world as time allowed.

"Oh a Child Among adults? Yet I see none coming forward to your defense with nary towards me an insult. Your plan was a fools notion, but by all means if it is your death you seek, put it in motion. Be it far from me to stop you. I'll give my blessing and wish you Adieu." Crossing her own arms and leaning back in her Chair Alicia wasn't in the least bit concerned with his display of power. Then he went on about his rage, using them as a balance to his nature, then a few more puzzling words.

"As the humans would say, if you have an issue, here is a tissue. But I have found your outburst enlightening. But I think with so much stress you should take up Gardening. At least I am honest with what I flaunt. Though I am curious, how many other heads in this room would you want? Vaham's? Belladona's? Maybe us all should we not play house. But yes my dear Father, let me be silent as a mouse." Glancing around the room with a turn of her head, the Atmosphere seemed to be getting fairly tense, though Belladona seemed to enjoy it. Likeling having forgotten after Alicia her own head was likely next in line to be lopped off if the man could do as he wished.

"There are others here you barely tolerate, I doubt that is hardly up for debate. And judging by your past friends, more heads you would liberate." Lowering her own hand for her cleaver should it come to blows she would waste no time fighting him on a uneven footing, though this was not the time nor place. Spinning his words against him, she found it effective to use the truth of what he spoke and how it would act against him. She really did wonder who else in this room he would kill, or had worked into unions for his own advantage..to build his perfect little family.

"I find your concept of family repulsive, you are like an abusive father, and so very possessive. And if so prone to rage, then that makes your plans all the more questionable. Rather than seeking to crush me, you should think on why I insulted thee. Even now you ignore these child's words. So quick to pick up your sword."

Never mind his assumption if they were no longer needed he could deal with her. If they were no longer needed, why would the man that helped make them simply leave them be? More importantly knowing how life and death seemed...well Death for a second time seemed to rest on his whims and personal opinion, who in their right mind would follow this dictator in the wings.. While Alicia was indeed insane, she had enough of perspective to carry out her goal, Guerra's anger was as often getting the better of him. And as equally as always, the Segunda was content with watching him walk towards the cliffs and pitfalls he could not see.

However with his outburst aimed at her, and the seeds of paranoia it sewn against him inside of her...perhaps the wheel of change would need a spin...sooner than she expected. He was in the long run dangerous to her if not others..he was a man that kept the heads of cursed dead and spoke of loving others..from a point of view that unpredictability that depended solely on his mood was even more dangerous than the Segunda that simply wanted to end all things at some point, or rather to observe it happen.

Standing up from her own seat with the thought of seeing if the cards would allow for her superiors end, she looks toward Vaham with a bow. "Given I seemed to have pulled on the Grenade, you would rather I leave this Serenade? I can watch from another room, with less chance of a Boom. I apolgize to you my Lord, I did not mean so to take your floor. Please continue your meeting for my antics can be ignored." Having disrupted the meeting slightly the Segunda was as civil if cutting with her words as ever, left hand on her cleaver just incase.
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Alexander Cirillo Las Noches - Espada Meeting Room

"That is enough! Please!" Alexander finally spoke up, standing from his own seat with aggravation evident on his face. "If Xenethis and I can remain more civil than two of our seniors, then I believe there to be a very serious issue."

More or less pointing out that the two highest ranks should be ashamed that they're bickering more than the Cuatro and Sexta, Alexander was rather tired with the day's excitement. In all honesty, they should be ashamed. Xenethis and Alexander had been at each other's throats since day one, and even they knew when to cool it. He still was confused regarding what to do or think about the Shinigami. To be forced to listen to Guerra and, worse of all, Alicia in an argument—It was more of a back-and-forth roasting, and Alexander didn't want to listen to it while he was still trying to make sense of his own thoughts. They both were partially in the wrong, too. Though, the Sexta would attempt to calm the two down, and would likely succeed—if Alicia didn't speak any more. Was she civil? Yes. Well-spoken? Absolutely. However, she, like an arrogant noblewoman, had the ability to conceal knives in her words and that didn't help anything.

"Guerra, I must partially agree with Alicia in that this plan has an extremely low success rate," He began, but then turning to narrow his eyes at the Segunda. "And Alicia, if you're going to give criticism, give it constructively. You mince your words too much to lead to aggravation."

Sighing as he'd spoken his mind, the Sexta sat back in his seat before speaking up again. "Guerra, what I believe Alicia meant with calling your plan foolish is that you've already shown them your power, and they'd be daft not to be wary or frightened of it. Even were you to be completely honest in wishing to defect, and they wished to believe you, they wouldn't be able to. You're too much of a risk, and they know that." Leaning back in his seat, hopefully that would be enough to calm the two down. "If we were to commit to such a plan, we would have to use some kind of a blank slate, or close to it; an arrancar with no negative interactions with the Shinigami so they actually stop and consider whether they can trust them."

Interacted: @Dakota K5 @RedArmyShogun

Mentioned: @Akashi
The crimson haired Arrancar did not care at all about what both the Segunda and the Primera discussed, argued or whatever. He was actually just bored to death. As they both were trading blows through a conversation. It was a dull moment in his mind. If they were just going to talk back and forth, threaten eachother, whereas some would do it through rhymes, he almost wanted to ignore them. Unfortunately, he couldn't, not when they were all assembled in the same wide room. 'If you're so eager to threaten eachother, then go right ahead and get to the point.' The thought ran through his mind, yet the Cuatro was just hoping for Vaham to interfere and get on with the damn meeting.

'Ugh..' Not so long after, no one else but the saintly Arrancar, Alexander spoke up. Not only did the Espada try to calm things down between Alicia and Guerra, but expressed his own opinion, referring to Xenethis himself. The Cuatro almost glared at the man, but instead, smirked towards him. "Alexander. If I and you were to truly bicker, there'd be no trace of you." The Arrancar calmly added.

"And seniors? Ha!" He glanced over at both the Segunda and Guerra. "When was the psycho and the noble dog over there ever our seniors? They're certainly not mine. I'm sure at least some here would agree to that." His golden eyes peered around the table, before he moved his attention back at the Sexta.

"Besides, if Guerra wants to die then so be it. Throw him to the Shinigami. Throw him a bone while you're at it. You're okay with that, right Mr. Primera-kun?." Xenethis softly laughed, albeit mockingly, before he glanced over at Vaham.

Xenethis sighed heavily, as if to brush this entire useless yet trivial matter away. Stretching his arms in the process. He just wanted this to be over.
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The questions that came from Guerra was not surprising. Vaham actually expects everyone to ask the very same questions. Why were they there? What was the purpose? What is actually going on? It was all amusing to him. Honestly, his yellow eyes from beneath the mask were concentrated on Guerra and his suggestion, or the plan he wanted to put in motion. It was a valiant effort, something the Jōkyaku had to mentally compliment the Primera for.

It did not take long for someone to disagree. It was even better that way. Now, Vaham did not have to utterly decline his suggestion. Besides, if they were ever going to infiltrate in such a manner, Guerra would not be the one. As the Segunda mentioned, he had already revealed his cards to the Shinigami. A reason for why the leader of the Espada was actually disappointed in Guerra. The man was noble yet easily consumed by his rage, yet he was also supervising and leading the Espada. He was after all, the Primera of the Espada. "Hmm.."

Vaham merely hummed his curious thoughts. They were still bickering, threatening one another. It was only a matter of time that they'd go at one anothers throat, however they were sullying the meeting with their own arguements. It did not take long before the Sexta, Alexander to interrupt the two of them to end their little charade. Nor did it take long for the Cuatro to butt in and make matters worse. Before the Jōkyaku could actually address the meeting and tend to the suggestion Guerra made, he was gone.

The leader of the Espada disappeared from his throne chair. With his arms and hands crossed behind his back, he was standing right behind Xenethis. No one would have noticed him until he used the back of his hand to slap the Arrancar seated before him to kingdom come. Xenethis was merely able to notice Vaham's presence, and was able to use his right arm to defend his head, yet at the same time, the pressure released by their leader made cracks all around the long table surrounded by the Espada, and crushing Xenethis' chair in the process. With a flick, Xenethis slid across the room and right into a wall.

The Cuatro did not crash into it, he merely bumped in it, yet with the back of his hand, and the small pressure that released, was enough to have smoke billow from the barely crater that was made behind Xenethis. The Arrancar had his arm diagonally before his face. One could only see the smoke dissipating and his one eye that was not covered by the very arm he used to defend himself in the nick of time. His white jacket was slightly torn, yet the man with an incredible hierro, was bleeding. The Jōkyaku did not give him the time to activate such an ability to begin with. You could see Xenethis glaring right back at their supposed leader with contempt.

Vaham merely looked at the Cuatro for a moment, before his attention moved over to Guerra and Alicia. "You're only adding more fuel to the fire, Xenethis." He made his point, yet he was not looking at the said Arrancar. Crossing his arms behind his back again, he slowly walked towards his own throne chair. The shattered chair the Cuatro was seated at was eventually replicated. A new chair was were Xenethis was seated.

"Are you both done?" Referring to both Guerra and Alicia, you could see his yellow eyes piercing towards them from beneath the mask as he slightly tilted his face towards their direction. Their next move was dependant on what Vaham would do next. As silence echoed throughout the entire room, they were all understanding with their leader. "Good."

The Jōkyaku took his seat, and addressed what Guerra said. "You're not suited for such a task, Primera. We dont need an insider in Soul Society. Besides, some of you have done enough damage already." He pointed out, looking ever so slightly at Illea, and eventually Xenethis. "Tch!..." The Arrancar was annoyed, wiping the dust off of his clothes, before he activated his specific healing abilty to mend his wound, placing his left hand over his right forearm.

"If we did not make the first move, the Shinigami would have made it instead. They've only seen a fraction of our power, while some were eager to show them more. One has to be wise while facing the Shinigami. The many Arrancars before you have perished at their hands. This is something I want to prevent."

"The reason why I did not mention a specific target Guerra... Was because the Shinigami in general is the target. The reason I wanted you to demonstrate what you were capable of doing, was because they've never met any Arrancars like you. It was because sooner or later, another war will be waged, and that alone will determine who will be victorious. Once and for all."

"As for the element of surprise. There will be enough surprises for our dear Shinigami. Don't you worry about that." The Jōkyaku added. "However, do I sense some fear in you.. Guerra?" The leader of the Espada referred quite clearly to the mention of hornets nest.
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[fieldbox=No Juro, maroon]So many events were unfolding in front of Juro, it was hard to keep track with his sleep fuzzed brain, but he forced himself wide awake so he could watch and listen to everything that was happening. More Espada joined in on the comment of Guerra's plan, one of them being the Segunda and then Alexander and Xenethis. Vaham decided to end the little squabble by displaying his power on Xenethis, who was sent across the floor and to the wall. Juro let out a laugh after the smoke settle and Vaham took a seat back at the throne.

"Hey Guerra. That could of been you instead of Xenethis, but you are lucky Xenethis doesn't know when to shut his mouth." Juro was aware that Vaham may try to attack Juro, but Juro was having too much fun poking at everyone that he could. It was his little enjoyment in life that didn't entail sleeping all day.

"You also don't seem to trust our Great Lord Vaham" Juro put emphasis on 'Great Lord' on purpose, but continued to speak before Vaham wanted him silenced. "Yet, even when you don't trust Vaham's motives, you trust his decision and ruling on our numbers. Perhaps Vaham made a mistake when naming you Primera..." Juro squinted his eyes before letting out a yawn.

"Maybe you are the strongest Arrancar, but maybe you aren't. Whatever you are Guerra...throwing your number around means very little." Juro didn't care about being an Espada, and Juro never threw his number around to anyone. Not even the Fraccion's that served the Espada. Relying on a number instead of ones own power was quite stupid.

"I will be silent now, I rather not end up like poor old Xenethis over there. I quite like my chair." Juro let out a laugh before it turned into a yawn. Juro hasn't been this talkative around anyone in...well ever. They shouldn't get use to it though, he was just trying to stir the pot some more.[/fieldbox]
Interaction: Vaham, Alicia Fullburn, No Juro
"No Juro I really don't need to hear your mouth also right now and it has little to do with trusting or not trusting Vaham." He spoke to him before turning his attention to Fullburn again and pointing to Vaham. "See he disagreed as simple as that, I never said we needed to infiltrate soul society i'm just trying to be proactive as we are now in what we call a state of war and any advantage over the enemy is good." But Guerra wasn't able to just let it go as he had one more comment. "I speak of all of us as a family for the simple fact that if we all tried it would be able to happen but maybe i've been to idealistic it that regard."
He turned his attention to Vaham. "Now i'm done with that, as for the plan that's fine. It was always your choice I just made the suggestion and as for all of the shinigami being targets it just seems like it would of made more sense to target say a specific pair of seated shingami to weaken them fro the next time though with Illea's blow dealt that was in some ways accomplished." He ran a hand through the hair on his head before he addressed his next comment about his fear. "My fear is that the shinigami will organize themselves and set themselves on war footing before bringing their whole force to our glorious desert this also leads to why I made my suggestion, if we had gone along with it then the likely outcome was whoever was sent would die but an attack from the inside would disrupt any plans they had forming long enough for a second strike. I won't lie to you Vaham it gains me nothing, I do fear the war that is starting anyone with a rational mind be they shinigami or Arrancar would as war is never something that should be taken on lightly." He finally sat in his seat again, the agitation from earlier had gone as his blade no longer had the red glow to it. "I have nothing left to say unless you have more to say to me Vaham."
Kha Reau had stayed silent the entire time, watching and listening to Vaham and her fellow Espada. She didn't particularly agree with either of their opinions, but seeing as she hadn't seen any action lately, she secretly hoped the Shinigami would attack Hueco Mundo. That would mean an all out battle, something she could easily get behind, especially on her own turf. Either way, the Octava couldn't help but feel bored. As the Espada argued and bickered amongst each other, Kha sighed, continuing to tap her fingers silently on the cold meeting table. Even when Xenethis was sent flying across the room, Kha hardly reacted. The Cuatro had spoken out of turn, and had contributed nothing to the meeting but irritation and disrespect, so it was no surprise to Kha to see her fellow Espada soaring across the meeting hall moments later. Turning back to the group, she continued to sit in silence, waiting to see where the meeting would go...
Hueco Mundo

Kurono Akitachi - Quinto Espada

Having witnessed all that had occurred so far in the meeting, Kurono had nothing else to add in seeing the others had already done so for her, granted in different ways that she would have. Remaining silent for now, it was until the others quieted down that her attention returned to Vaham when he responded to it all. Honestly, she was surprised that it was only Xenethis that had taken a physical blow, granted in a way that was not a surprise at the same time. Shaking her head a bit, No Juro then started up, taking a tone that easily asked for retaliation whether he wanted to avoid that or not. Everyone seemed to have something to be on edge for, and while this meeting was to give answers to their questions among other things, something else was on Kurono's mind. It was about Kha, their Octava. It was a small feeling but knowing nothing had caused any trouble from their absence somewhat concerned her. Power struggles were a constant in some cases, newborn arrancar or old alike always tried stepping up here and there, and with the majority of the Espada gone, it seemed like it was a wasted opportunity that Kha had no real trouble with anything it had seemed. It was almost as if something in the air was disturbing her, distracting her from the meeting.

Soul Society

Shizune Kurenai - 12th Division Captain

When it came about to be Captain Kurenai's time to speak, she had her arms folded inside the sleeves of her shihakusho and haori, speaking up clearly for her report, "As a Senior Captain of the Gotei 13 I had failed to be present during this undesirable endeavor. Even as the head of Research and Development, it is still unacceptable that I was unable to provide assistance to this matter. If I were able to, perhaps the casualties could have been lessened to a degree. However, there's no true way to know of that. We cannot dwell on the past and it is something I do not want to see a repeat of... 13th Lieutenant Azuha had accompanied me in my studies within the Dangai while this incursion took place, completely unaware of this digression until it was too late." A very small pause ensued before Shizune continued, shifting her view to the other half of the meeting's company, "While I have no input on how it went, I will be making personal investigations on some of the casualties we've received, particularly the ones involved within our Academy. The fact our academy of learning Shinigami was targeted is alarming enough, the events that transpired there raise much too many questions for me to ignore. With that said, my main focus has turned to this supposed 'Lìder' of theirs as well, this.. Vaham..."

After the lengthy spell she had spoken, she moved a hand out of her sleeves and adjusted her glasses, a glint of light shining off the lenses and blocking her eyes for a moment before she began again, "These Arrancar as Captain Commander has mentioned to be an occurrence before, as I tell you all this.. The abilities and nuances of these hollows that I've perused, it raises some concerning questions of my own, mostly personal for the sake of attaining more information.. Some that concern me more than it possibly should..." With a gentle sigh, her eyes dart directly to the Captain Commander and she nods gently, "With your permission, sir.. I wish to speak to you in private afterwards concerning these matters. They are not of concern for us all, but something your ears should carry for your own input for any actions I may take... With that, my report is finished.."
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With expectant eyes centering on him, Heizo promptly began his report by stepping forward and addressing Captain Kurenai. "I hope my lieutenant didn't give you too much trouble Captain Kurenai. He can be very disrespectful at times." he said, with a smirk and turn of his head toward Sakoto. An attempt to lighten the mood of the meeting, like hot air on a cold day the affects evaporated as soon as they'd appeared. His own smile followed suit as he pressed forward. "I don't have much to add that hasn't already been said." he said, briefly looking from row to row. "But, I have some details on the intruder's shrouded leader. Vaham was it?" Looking to the Kenpachi at this. The man seemed busy attempting to set lieutenant Zueo Ci on fire with his eyes. After a few seconds, recognition sparked and he turned to Heizo with a nod of confirmation.

"It's nice to have your full attention Captain Oda." he remarked before continuing. "Captain Ogasawara. As you guessed Vaham was busy while the rest of us fought. He targeted the Academy as Kurenai mentioned, singling out a student and killing him along with his instructors. His identity is still unknown as is his motive, but my lieutenant has more details." Extending his arm out, he pointed toward Sakoto before lowering it and addressing the Captain Commander. "From what I've heard it concerns you the most Captain. But before we get to that. I'd like to discuss a few things that have been said." Moving to the center of the room, Heizo stood near to their guest before facing third seat Callahan. " Third seat Callahan..."

"I can understand where you're coming from. These... arrancar, are very human." Looking to their guest, he aimed to draw the room's attention to her. "They have appearances and personalities akin to our own. But that doesn't change much. No matter what shape or personality they take, their nature remains as hollow. The same as those who feast on the souls of the living, without regard for their destruction. And who we fight and die to, as is our duty being balancers." Shifting his gaze, it soon fell on Callahan once more.

"We'll continue to clash with them and their kind, so a lasting peace is likely to crumble. A fleeting truce much the same. Depending on their nature, they may seek revenge after the war is over. With free access to the Seireitei they could attack any moment and with a larger force than before. Making it a matter of when, not how or why. Unless we can contain or monitor them I believe peace should come second. Seeking it going into battle is a sign of weakness and frail resolve. Both of which only welcome defeat." Face growing stern, it stressed the final point. Looking to the hollow again, Heizo made use of her as an example.

"And while you may think opposite. To me, an intelligent hollow is merely more worrisome than a base one. It can devise and follow advance plans. Pinpoint and attack weaknesses. Take advantage of goodwill and deceive. Anything a human opponent is capable of. It's like playing an advanced opponent in Shogi. To neglect the threat they pose is dangerous." Taking his eyes off her, Heizo began to ease into his usual self. "But, I don't fault you for your compassion Callahan. At times it's very important it, but with war, it can lead to ruin." Shaking his head in slight downcast he seemed to move on as he turned his back to the hollow and third seat Callahan. Having collected the room's attention and likely spurred its thoughts, it was a good opportunity for him to address his other concern.

"Captain Oda, and Captain Furenji. The issue with you two, I feel needs to be addressed now instead of later. It's already causing trouble between us and that's something we should avoid if we're to fight side by side." he said, looking between the two. Walking over to face the Kenpachi, Heizo closes his eyes before bowing. "I truly regret the deaths of your squad Captain Oda and mean them no disrespect nor any of those who died." he said, regaining his posture. "But, I believe you're guilty just as much as the Espada are for your actions. You recklessly fought an intruder without assessment, had no caution for your line of attack and endangered the rest of your fellow captains by nearly dying and being taken hostage." Sternness returning, Heizo turned away, briefly scanning the room's reactions.

"By becoming a liability in the field, you hampered us and gave the intruders the advantage. Imagine, if the Espada demanded us not to fight back in exchange for your life. While many I hope would not agree to such terms it would only take one or two in order to severally weaken us. In the end, you would be dead, and we'd be down a captain, or more." Turning back to the Kenpachi, Heizo's voice shifted to that of earlier when assuring Callahan "I understand your love for battle Kenpachi as do the rest of us. But there comes a time and place for restraint. The Seireitei is one of those." he said, before beginning to address the others.

"Now, you've both been honorable in admitting your faults. But we've yet to see any acts of atonement. Captains are no different from other Shinigami, we're not above disciplinary action. If you won't take it upon yourselves then I feel we as your peers should do so, as is our duty..."

"Removal from the seat of Captain is fit for me. If you won't uphold the tenets of captain then you don't deserve the honor. You'd only serve to tarnish it and those before you. Though I know some may find that too harsh, so those of you who oppose speak, and suggest an alternative." With that Heizo remained standing in the center of the room, awaiting any and all opinions on the matter.

@ Anyone
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