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Anders watched Eden head to the restroom with a an impassive face and turned back to Claudia to answer her question before. "She'll be fine, she just needs some time. Jen gets them all the time." He shrugged his shoulders as if his twin going through crazed bouts was nothing to be worried about.

On the contrary, he looked out the window on his side to try and catch a glimpse of her and Lucas both, but they were nowhere in his line of sight. He was worried a little, it was his sister no matter if the dilemma occurred often or not. "As long as she doesn't hurt herself ... Or Lucas." He mumbled.

"So, what other pieces have you mastered?"
Anders leaned over the table just a little as a small smile returned to his face.
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"Mostly classical pieces," Claudia replied in a somewhat distant voice, mainly because she was worried for Lucas and even more worried for Jenna. "Clair de Lune, Fur Elise, The Maid with the Flaxen Hair ..."

She trailed off and glanced away from the window because she knew she wouldn't be able to see anything through it. It was too frosted.

"A couple of Beautiful Pain songs."

She reached for the salt shaker and accidentally brushed her hand against Anderson's. "Sorry."

"It's fine,"
Anders whispered with an absent mind. His eyes fell onto his hand where her skin had made contact with his, leaving a cool tingling sensation. A very delightful feeling.

He balled up his fist and stared back to Claudia. She was pretty, very pretty. Beautiful even. Her eyes, her nose, her lips her hair, practically everything about her. She was also nice, and what he could tell, smart. By the car she drove them in, he was able to confirm she came from a wealthy family and background.

And it confused him as hell.

"I don't really understand." He was no longer talking about anything regarding the piano anymore. "Why would someone like you date someone like Lucas? And even invite us out? We're not exactly... Normal."

Anders was struggling to find the right word without being offensive to himself and the others. But he was aware of their issues.
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Claudia frowned at Anderson. "Just because you ... have issues, doesn't mean you deserve to be treated any differently," she said firmly to the boy opposite her.

"I don't see Lucas as someone defined by his illnesses. I see a bright, caring, loving, intelligent person who loves me for who I am and not because I'm popular, or hot." She said the words like they left a bitter taste in her mouth.

"And I don't see you or Eden or your sister as people defined by issues. I see you as interesting, friendly people who really got the raw end of the stick."

Anders reached his hand over and plucked a fry from her dish and pondered her words over carefully, staring her in the face. It wasn't hard to tell she was being honest, speaking from the heart. However, it didn't change everything surrounding them."Not everyone thinks the same."

He popped the sweet potato fry into his mouth. "You must have been picked on a lot after leaving your spot."

"Have you ever been sick?" He asked casually. He couldn't see any open sign that showed it. But with people, you never knew what they hid underneath the faces they made.
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Claudia didn't protest Anders stealing a fry from her, she really didn't mind. She popped one of her own into her mouth. "Yeah, it wasn't pleasant," she said in reference to being bullied after leaving the popular kids. Fucking Crystal and her fucking bullshit. Claudia wanted to punch her.

At Anderson's question, Claudia paused. "Yeah, I had bulimia," she said, scratching the side of her nose. She figured there was no harm in telling Anderson that since the entire school knew, and she was healed now. She didn't have that illness anymore.

But ... should she mention the other thing?

"And ... I spent a couple of weeks in the psych ward last year." Her voice was barely above a whisper. She wanted to be honest with Anders, but it was hard to tell him this, since only Lucas, Tate and her mother even knew.
"Bulimia?" Anders repeated after her quietly. He knew how painful that could be. Anders, himself, had never experienced or went through it, but his twin had - no, she still was. And he could practically feel Jenna's pain everyday.

Yet, he could relate to the fact she had been a ward. He raised an eyebrow when the word 'ward' escaped her mouth. "Really? You're disorder must have been severe. It must have helped a lot." A small smile crept onto his face as he placed his chin in the palm if his hand, leaning over, but not too closely.

She certainly had more depth than he fave her credit for

"I personally hated that place. It was too confining for my taste."
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"Yeah, I didn't like it all that much, either." Claudia grimaced at the memories. She hated the feeling of institution, of the unnatural cleanliness and the feeling that she was weak. She hated feeling weak.

"I didn't really have a disorder," she told Anderson, leaning her head on her hand and pushing the aioli in her dish around with one of the fries. "I was just ... traumatised, I guess. I wasn't in for the bulimia, I'd already been treated for that."

Another thing she had absolutely detested. Therapy. Being reminded of what had happened to her. Seeing her own blood in her mind whenever she closed her eyes.
"Traumatized?" Anders was slightly confused and a frown made it's way on his face. There was a part to the stoty he was missing, or many to be precise.

"What were you traumatized by?" He wasn't stupid. And he could tell that she must have left it out on purpose, but he was a curious fellow who lacked tact. If he wanted to know something he'd ask despite how rude it may be.

Truth be told, he saw nothing wrong with his way. He was very open himself. Always answering any question frankly.

"And how did you become bulimic?"
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Claudia could feel her heart beating rapidly in her chest. Did she tell Anders the truth? Should she keep her secrets for longer? It had taken her ages to work up to telling Lucas. Could she tell Anders?

"I ... um ..."

Thankfully Eden came back, sliding in beside Claudia.

"Hey, kids, what're we talking about?"

"The infinite capacity of a cell's nucleus," Claudia replied smoothly, just to make a nerd joke.

"The fuck?"

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"What the fuck took you so long anyway?" Anders began, stealing a couple of note fried from Claudia's plate casually. By now, her plate was more than half done thanks to the tall teen.

"Me and Claudia were having a heart to heart conversation here. She was about to tell me - "

Before he could go on and explain , the doner door opened with it's ringing bell, alerting them of newcomers. Well, they weren't new, they were returning.

Lucas and Jenna walked back to their booth, yet the blonde boy was holding his nose securely with one hand. Thin streams of blood was slipping through his fingers. And Jenna looked awful guilty and apologetic.

"Wow, Jen. Good job."

"It was an accident."
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Claudia's eyes widened upon seeing the blood on Lucas's face. She practically kicked Eden out of the booth to free some space for Lucas.

"Shit -- here," she said, grabbing some napkins and holding them up to Lucas's nose. "Tilt your head back ..."

She glanced at Jenna out of the corner of her eye. She knew it was an accident but she couldn't help but feel slightly angry at the other girl.

"What happened?" Eden asked, still eating despite the blood.

"Are you okay?" Claudia asked Lucas.
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"I'm fine." Lucas insisted through a nasally voice and followed her instructions by leaning his head back. He only winced a little when he released his hold on his nose.

"He snuck up on me." Jenna mumbled as an answer, still standing with her arms crossed.

Lucas took a napkin appreciatively from Claudia's hands to clean his his bloody mess. "I didn't sneak up on you. You were just...dazed."

"You were lost in your fucking delusions." Anders clarified with a snort.

"Yeah. But, it doesn't hurt a lot, so it's okay. You guys didn't order desert yet, did you?"
Asked Lucas no longer wanting to discuss how he had earned his bloody nose.

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"Wow, Lucas, you got beaten up by a girl."

Claudia scowled at Eden but didn't do or say anything since she wasn't going to pick a fight with him or anyone else. She quickly finished her food and leaned her head against Lucas's shoulder as she waited for the others to finish so they could order dessert.

Claudia closed her eyes for a moment, then reached into her pocket and pulled out a sheet of migraine tablets. She felt sick from seeing the blood and mentally exhausted from having almost confessed to her past to Anderson. How could she have nearly let her guard down like that?

She threw back the pills and sighed through her nose.

Lucas rolled his eyes at Eden's comment. Girl or not, Jenna was strong. He suspected that she had a lot of hidden strength and that she wasn't all bark and no bite. She was obviously very much bite.

His attention was drawn away from the others and his food to Claudia. He watched her take the tablets and frowned slightly in concern for her. "Are you okay?" Asked the dark blonde quietly.

Putting his arm around her, h rubbed her side soothingly, holding her closely. "Do you wanna go back? We can just skip desert."
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"I'm fine," said Claudia. She didn't want to spoil everyone's night and she certainly didn't want to spoil Lucas's.

Soon they had both pie and ice cream, served in two large bowls and everyone had individual plates to serve themselves with. Eden easily claimed a quarter of each dish for himself; Claudia only took a small slice of pie and one scoop of ice cream.

Admitting to Anders her bulimia had caused her to remember what the disorder had been like. Remember what it had been like to bend over a toilet bowl and vomit up food and blood. Remember the cuts and the scars and the tears and Tate and Ryan and Crystal and everything.

She felt sick. But she ate, just to fight it.
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Lucas watched as the other three served themselves. Eden, Claudia then Anders and as usual Jenna refrained from the sugary and fattening food. He himself thought about skipping out on it as well, but Claudia had stayed out despite feeling unwell.

So, he gorged himself on a slice of the hot pie with a large scoop of ice cream to settle on top. And he enjoyed it a lot, it left him satisfied when they were all done and finished. And when the bill came, he and Jenna helped pitched in.

"This was fun." Said Anders, stretching his arms out and into the air. "We should do this again very soon. I like you, you've got character." The brunette winked Claudia's way.

"Claudia is a naturally lovable person." Lucas shrugged a shoulder, keeping his arm around her.

"I know, but I like even more now that I know she isn't it too different from us at all."

Lucas frowned at that, but Anders went on to have a bickering conversation with his twin. He looked to his girlfriend for an answer instead and even Eden. They were the only three around when he had left.
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"I'll tell you later," Claudia murmured to Lucas.

She drove Eden to his house on the richer side of town and the twins to theirs on the opposite end, before making her way to the middle-class district with only Lucas left in her car.

She parked it in front of his house but grabbed his hand before he could leave.

"I told Anderson I was bulimic," she whispered, staring at her tired reflection in the rear vision mirror. "And that I was in the psych ward. I don't know why -- he just, got it out of me, I guess."
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Lucas blinked, evidently surprised to hear her explanation. It had took her a while to reveal her bulimia to him and she had only just told him about her stay at the ward earlier in the day. How?

Though, if it was Anders, he knew that it was a definitely possible. When they first met he had gotten Lucas to open up about his reasoning for being in the ward. And somehow persuaded him into getting involved in his troubling schemes.

Still, he wondered what exactly the Hickory twin had said to her. He would have asked that, but honestly overall, he only truly cared about one thing.

"Are you okay?"
Lucas asked, cradling her tired face. He didn't feel comfortable letting her go home by herself in her state. She didn't look well at all.

"Do you want to come inside? Maybe stay over?"
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Claudia couldn't understand why she was so tired. Was it the feeling of insecurity she got by almost spilling her darkest secrets to a relative stranger? Or was she just coming down from a sugar high?

Both, probably.

"Okay," she said regarding his offer for staying. She pulled her phone out of her pocket and informed her dad where she would be staying, before getting out of the vehicle and following him inside.

Claudia smiled at Amalie and waved a tiny hello. She sat on the edge of Lucas's bed and rubbed the sleep out of her eyes.

"Do you have a shirt I could borrow?" she asked him softly.
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