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Lucas grabbed her hand and shook his head."Just forget about it." He had enough experience to know it was useless. They were all irritated and needed someone to blame. And, he was the best candidate, he always was. So, there wasn't much he could do or say. He was more worried about the teacher's opinions than the students.

"Let's just go, I can't afford to miss any more classes." He offered a smile.

"I don't even now why they let you attend this school when you're so obviously mental."

"Yeah, I mean, he killed his own brother."

That was enough to make him snap. His eye twitched and then he turned on the jock. He didn't care if the guy had an inch or two on him and was thicker. He glared at him with so much ferocity it made him take a step back in shock and even a little fear. The psycho was not just angry, he was furious.

"Watch. Your. Fucking. Mouth." Lucas breathed with his fist clenched tightly and were tremoring.

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Lucas's hand clenched down on Claudia's and she had to stifle a cry of pain. This was easy, as the pain meant nothing to her in that moment.

She had never seen this side of Lucas. It was close to what everyone described him to be -- dangerous, frightening. But Claudia didn't care. Everyone got angry, and she wasn't afraid. She just wanted to help him.

Claudia gently put her hand on his shoulder. "Come on, he's not worth it."

The terrified crowd parted as Claudia ushered Lucas out. She didn't stop until they were back in the woods, where he could scream or do whatever he needed to do to calm himself down.

"Are you okay?"
"No,no, no I'm not." Lucas kept his voice low. More than anything he wanted scream it, but he wouldn't do so at Claudia. He refused to. But he could not suppress his anger any longer, it would not do him any good, and he had been pushing down so much of it lately.

He dropped her hand and moved past her to kick the rotten base of a tree repeatedly to release his aggression."Fine, fine! They can talk about me, I'm used to it. But they can not say anything about my parents, you, or...or..." Or Newton, his brother. He couldn't bring himself to finish to say it, or it more like his train of thoughts had been cut short by multiple other thoughts, multiple other voices.

He let out an anguished cry and plopped down on his behind in front of the tree."It's not fair. It's not my fault I'm the only one he sees these things , who hear the them talking, even now. I wish it would all go away more than anyone else." He banged his forehead against the bark of the tree, hoping the pain would quiet the storm in his mind. But to no avail.

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It physically hurt Claudia to see Lucas this distraught, this upset. She hated this town, she hated the school and she hated everyone who had ever caused him pain. She hated his illness and she hated herself for not being able to help him.

When he hit his head against the tree, Claudia gasped and rushed forward. She sat down beside him and hugged him tightly, preventing him from hurting herself any further. She wouldn't tolerate Lucas hurting himself. It hurt her to see him do so.

Claudia didn't know what to do. She didn't know how to help him, but he was freaking out, and she needed to do something. Anything.

Almost subconsciously, Claudia leaned in and kissed him. It was gentle; her lips barely touched hers but there was love and passion there. "Please, don't hurt yourself," she begged in a whisper, afraid to open her eyes. "I'm here."
Lucas stilled, shocked and unsure about what had happened. What she had done. He hadn't even noticed, or paid any heed to the disappearances of voices. That they had vanished so suddenly, as soon as she...kissed him? It was light, almost a brush of the lips, but it was there and it had happened.

He stared at Claudia, it was as if all things were silent and just as still as him, around them. He was unsure of what to do or say next. His more mind was more focused on the fact that she had, well, what did it mean exactly? Did she like him, even in the midst of his mental breakdown?

"Claudia?" He called her name barely above a whisper, wanting her to open her eyes. It made him pinch his lips at that thought he might have scared her.

Lucas raised a hand to hold his head, he felt a headache coming on from his own personal abuse. Obviously, now that he was feeling better, it seemed like a stupid thing to do. But, he had done worse to himself, much worse. He was simply glad that hadn't anything of the things he would have done in the past in front of her. And all he had was a bruise and a few scratches on his forehead.​
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Claudia could hardly believe that she had kissed him. What on earth had possessed her to do that? Why had she kissed him, without permission, out of absolutely nowhere when there were a million other, much more sensible, plausible methods she could have used to calm him down and stop him from hurting himself?

And why didn't she regret it?

She opened her eyes and looked up at him. Biting her lip, she rested her head in the crook of his shoulder so he couldn't see her blush, keeping her slender arms around his shoulders. She wanted to know what he was thinking. Had he liked the kiss? Was he mad at her? Had he calmed down?

"I ..." Claudia searched for the right words. She didn't know what to say in this situation. The only person she had ever kissed before was her ex, and that hadn't had anywhere near the emotional value this minute, fleet kiss with Lucas did. Because her ex had meant nothing to her, but Lucas was her whole world.

"I love you."
Grammatically speaking, those were simply three words that formed an average sentence. But by society's standards, it meant so much more. Those three words carried a lot of meaning and weight. And he just couldn't believe that she had said that to him, that she felt that way about him. The only people who ever said that to Lucas were his parents, but it was a given, an obligation to love your child. And this, this was not just a feeling, but a choice.

What was he to say in reply to that? That he felt the same way? Because he did. There was no other person in this world that he cared, felt about and cherished like her. He had never, never felt that way about anyone before. And though the feeling was foreign he knew what it was. Love.

"Can you say that once more?" Lucas swallowed hard and stilled frigidly after a pause. It was in his nature, to take these things with a grain of salt. He needed to be sure, and he wanted to be sure before he revealed his own mutual feelings. On the inside, and you could see it in his eyes, he knew she meant what she said. It was Claudia after all.

"I want to see your face." He added, the shakiness seeping into his voice. He was nervous and did his best not to shake let his voice shake.

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Claudia didn't want to look up. She didn't want him to see how clearly nervous she was, but she did it anyway, because he had asked him to. She would probably do anything Lucas asked him to. Claudia looked up, her mouth closed and her sparkly blue eyes wide with nerves. What if he didn't feel the same way?

Claudia would probably die. She had never loved anyone before. Not like this, anyway -- not in the sense that Lucas's presence warmed her heat and gave her the reason to exist she hadn't known she had lacked. Sure, she loved her family, but that was blood, a necessity, a given. She had thought she had loved her ex-boyfriend, but the feelings she had held for Ryan had been nothing but infatuation throughout the course of their relationship.

"I love you," she repeated, more firmly this time. She looked him directly in the eyes as she said so to let him know that she meant it. She had never been so sure of anything in her entire life.​
Lucas hadn't realized he'd been holding his breath whe stared him in the eyes and repeated those words again. Starring her back in the eyes, he searched her face for any signs of uncertainty or faslehood, even if it was just a little. Needless to say, there was none, of course there wasn't. She wouldn't lie to him and he knew it. And now he knew her true, genuine feelings for him.

His heart skipped a beat. He didn't even know that was possible, he always thought it was just a saying. But it waspossilbe and it was real. Just as this moment was, real, and he wasn't hallunating or dreaming it. That was by far, the most magnificent part. Lucas had never felt more elated than in this moment, he was so incredibly full of joy that he couldn't move.

"I..." He began, breaking the long silence that had filled in the space after her confession. But his words fell short, why? Well, there was no real exact reason, except his own nerves."I-I feel the same way about you..." He flushed and cleared his throat, he wanted, no needed to be just as straght with her as she was with him.

Placing his forehead against her's, he looked down into her eyes, carrying all of his sincerity and feelings in his eyes and voice."I love you too, Claudia." He breathed and asked."Is that okay? Is it okay for someone like me to love someome...like you?"
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When Lucas confessed his feelings and reciprocated hers, Claudia's heart filled with elation. This was the happiest she had ever been, and she couldn't help but smile. It was a wide, genuine, gleeful smile, the kind that crinkled the corners of your eyes and portrayed the purest feeling of joy.

"That's more than okay," she whispered, afraid to break this perfect moment with any loud noises. They were so close, she would just have to tilt her head a little to kiss him again. "That's absolutely perfect, Lucas Remington-Brooks."

Claudia cupped the side of his face with her slender hand and kissed him again. This time, she was firmer, her lips locking with his and channeling the passion she felt for him. Slowly, her arms laced around his neck, holding him to her as though she was afraid to ever release him and let him go.​
Though Lucas hesitated to kiss her back at first, he did. This was his first real kiss, but he didn't dare think about how inexperienced he was or whether or not he may be bad at it. He just closed his eyes and retuned the kiss, requiting all of her passion. Steadily,practically instinctively, he wrapped his arms around her back, pulling her closer, if that was possible to do so more.

He couldn't helo but feel light-headed, but he was too busy just feeling. His insideswere burning, but in a pleasant, addictive, way. There was no way he could explain it in words. That didn't matter, anyway, he wanted to hold her like this for as long he could, if forever was a possibility he'd take it.

The only reason he pulled back, reluctlantly, was for a gulp of air. His fluttered open and his gaze fall upon her once again. "So, what now?" He asked, smiling yet he was having a rather difficult time not grinning like an idiot.

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Claudia was absolutely elated when he kissed her back. He loved her. He felt the same way that she felt about him, and they could be together now that her father had basically cleared Lucas and told Tate to go fuck himself. Everything was perfect and nothing could bring Claudia down from the cloud she stood upon.

She took a deep breath when he pulled away, unable to keep herself from smiling. She was so happy that, in this moment, a nuclear war could ensue and she wouldn't be fazed at all.

"What now?" she asked breathlessly. She didn't know what to do in that moment, besides kiss him again, but she didn't do that. She wanted to be Lucas's girlfriend, but until they agreed upon that, she wouldn't go around with that label.

"What are we?" she asked in a near-silent whisper, looking up at him hopefully.​
Lucas raised both his eyebrows at her question. Wasn't it supposed to be obvious, or was it not? He was slightly confused. Or maybe she simply wanted him to say it. It didn't matter either way because he was just going to go for it. After all, they had already admitted their feelings for one another and even kissed.

"I mean..." He started and offered a more nervous, crooked smile."What do you mean by that? Isn't it obvious by now?"

As much as he was nervous, he was still fueled by his own joy. "Aren't we supposed to be a couple now?" He asked, genuinely a bit confused."It only makes sense. I'll be your boyfriend and you'll be my girlfriend, right? Of course, we'll have to go on dates. But I mean, we're still a thing and so..." He rambled on.​
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His rambling was so adorable. Claudia could listen to him forever. She fiddled with the collar of his shirt as he spoke, smiling both because she loved him, and because he made her feel so loved.

"I'd like that," Claudia said softly, looking up to meet the eyes of her new boyfriend. She kissed him again, but softer this time, and only for a fleeting moment before she pulled back to look at him again.

"I'd like that very much."
"I'm glad to hear that. Very glad." Lucas beamed. Glad wasn't a big nor vast enough word to describe how felt about it. It would simply have to do, otherwise he'd space out and search for the right word, and who knew how long something like that would take. Right now, he justed wanted to focus on Claudia and bathe in this feeling for as long as time would let them.

He pulled one arm out from her back and used that free hand to brush back her blonde strands of her from her face.
"I've never felt more happy and content than in this one moment." He sighed, practically dreamily."I don't want to go anywhere. But, I don't think we can afford missing anymore classes." Ad Much as that saddened him, it wasn't enough to dampen his mood.

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Claudia frowned, but stood up and helped him up anyway. He was right, they couldn't miss anymore classes, and if they left right then they would make it back to school for period two.

Claudia made sure to hold his hand as they walked back to school. She ran her fingers over his as though she couldn't believe she was allowed to touch them.

"Tate's gonna be pissed," she said, almost to herself.
"That's given." Lucas sighed, it was tiresome just thinking about. Tate was already angry with him from last night with no real reason. And now that he shared an official relationship with Claudia it was like adding a cherry on top. He'd be fuming.

But the Remington-Brooks child just didn't give a fuck. And why should he? He was walking on air and their father had told Tate off anyway. He would never come to regret being with her. If anything happened between them it would be on air their own terms.

"But when is he never not mad at anything that includes me?" Lucas gave her hand a light squeeze to comfort and reassure her it would fine.
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Claudia returned the squeeze to his hand and kissed him on the cheek as they broke out of the woods and across the football field. "It'll be alright," she assured him. "Brogen's on my side now."

And it was true. Brogen was on Claudia's side but he would never truly be on Lucas's. But if Claudia was with Lucas, Brogen would side with him.
"That's good. As long as they leave us alone." Lucas shrugged a shoulder. He still didn't particularly like Brogen much, but he didn't hate him, the same was for Tate. The only one of Claudia's siblings that he could say he liked was Quentin. It was because he wasn't quick to judge nor pester him.

He was still glad that Claudia had been able to make up with Brogen, he was her twin, they were close. And Lucas knew how important siblings were. "I think I'll stop by the nurse office before going to class."
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"Okay." Claudia and Lucas had now reached the school and they were still holding hands, but now that Claudia could finally call Lucas his, she didn't plan on letting him go anytime soon. There were eyes on them, of course, but that was to be expected and honestly was the norm for the two. With Lucas's psychotic status and Claudia's feud with Crystal, they were basically celebrities.

But the kind of celebrity no one likes, like Donald Trump, or Kanye West.

"Do you want me to come with you?" Claudia asked Lucas as they made their way to the nurse's office. She knew he was a big boy and probably didn't need her help, but she wanted to make sure he was okay. Besides, class would be boring without him.​